2013 God of Carnage - House Programme

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God of Carnage


By Yasmina Reza Translated by Christopher Hampton March 12 - April 7, 2013

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quality in every bite Enjoy farm-to-table freshness We pick only the best produce, grown with the highest quality standards. Taste the difference!

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Welcome Great stories don’t require everyone in the audience to have had the same personal experience in order to appreciate the story being told. When I saw this play on Broadway, I wasn’t a father. But thanks to Yasmina Reza’s marvelous ability to write plays with uncommon insight and appeal, I was able to join with all the parents in the audience and go on a ride of unexpected hilarity. I walked out of the theatre knowing we’d produce this play at Theatre Calgary. Now that I am a father I am more deeply aware of the brilliance and urgency of this story. In this politically correct world we have created for ourselves, there is little room for the freedom of children to just be children. Certainly as parents we are also challenged to be outstanding in the profession of parenthood. It’s become a competitive game where we are in a fight to raise perfect families with perfect children. Outrageous, but true. Many months ago at the day-home my daughter attends— she’s only three—I overheard a nasty comment by a mother about my child’s behavior that day. I saw the look on her face: that judgment from hell that I was not fit to be standing there pushing that stroller. To this very day, I give that woman the evil eye. How will I be when my child goes to school? Help. Oh, and welcome.

DeNNIs GaRNHuM artistic Director

god of carnage DIRECTOR'S NOTES I admit to having been pretty out of the loop when my colleagues began to take notice of a Broadway hit called God of Carnage, by Yasmina Reza. It took me a while to catch up to what all the fuss was about. I frequently heard it described as a real “actor’s piece.” It’s not about huge moving sets, or sweeping soundscapes, or mesmerizing lighting effects; the success of the play rests with the interpretation of the actors. When Dennis Garnhum plunked Reza’s script in front of me, I was excited at the prospect of undertaking an acting role, having heard what a feast it would be to dig into. and then he said, “I don’t want you to be in it.” It took a moment or two to realize he was inviting me to direct this production and once I regained consciousness, I blubbered that this opportunity would be a dream realized. and it has been an absolute dream to work with these actors and stage managers, this designer, this theatre and to do it all for this audience. God of Carnage tells the story of two sets of parents who meet to discuss a fight between their children, but whose attempts to remain civil crumble under the strain of conflicting parenting styles, marital issues, and professional priorities until finally they are reduced to behaving like children themselves. Of her own writing, Reza says, “What motivates me most is writing about people who are well brought up and yet, underneath that veneer, they break down. Their nerves break down. It's when you hold yourself well until you just can't any more, until your instinct takes over." she holds up a mirror to what passes for polite society, with all its self-deceptions and absurdities, and with the deft hand of a born satirist she tears the pretense away and detours these characters into the worst day of their lives.

photo by david cooper

I hope it will be one of the best nights of your lives at the theatre, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy what all the fuss was about. JaN alexaNDRa sMITH Director

Up Next Canada’s favourite girl, Anne of Green Gables, comes to our stage next. We’re deeply honoured to be presenting this wonderful musical. Bring your family and feel the warmth of an island—Prince edward Island—the heart of the world.

“If in wine there is truth, in rum there are monsters.” - Andrea Braun


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CAnAdA’s Most BeLoved MusICAL WILL CAPtuRe youR heARt

Anne of Green Gables the Musical

A PR I L 23 to j u n e 2

FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Book by Donald Harron, Music by Norman Campbell, Lyrics by Donald Harron, Norman Campbell, Elaine Campbell, and Mavor Moore, Creative Consultants Brian Robertson and Kelley Harron, Based upon the novel Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Directed by Dennis Garnhum.

This much beloved classic Canadian tale has sold more than 50 million books worldwide and we are thrilled to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this family friendly musical one year early with a stunning new stage production. “Theatre Calgary spares no expense to bring in the top designers, directors, musicians, choreographers and performers...reminding us once again anything they can do in London, Toronto, Stratford or on Broadway, we can do – just as well if not better – right here in Calgary.”

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Louis B. Hobson, The Calgary Sun


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Max Bell Theatre in the EPCOR Centre for the Performing Arts

dennis garnhum, artistic director

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general information cameras and audio / visual recording devices are not permitted in the theatre. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.

beeping cellular phones, pagers and watches intrude on other patrons’ enjoyment of the play. Please ensure that these items cannot sound during a performance. Alternatively, you may leave them with our staff at the coat check.

good theatre etiquette benefits everyone. Please do not talk or unwrap candies during the performance. At the end of the performance, remain in your seat until the curtain call is finished and the house lights have been turned on.

babies are not permitted in the theatre. assistive listening devices for the hard of hearing are available at the coat check of the Max Bell Theatre. For first aid assistance, see the house manager or the nearest usher.

TheATre CAlgAry presents


rezA TrAnslATed By ChrisToPher hAMPTon t he c as t ryAn lUhning

Alan raleigh

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Michael novak

helen TAylor

Veronica novak

dAnielA VlAsKAliC

Annette raleigh

JAn AleXAndrA sMiTh PATriCK dU Wors

director set & Costume design

AllAn sTiChBUry & PAPhAVee (Poe) liMKUl

Theatre Calgary is a professional non-profit company that performs in the Max Bell Theatre. It is a member of the Professional association of Canadian Theatres, and operates within the jurisdiction of The Canadian Theatre agreement. Theatre Calgary employs technicians under a collective agreement with the I.a.T.s.e.

i n a lp ha b e t i c a l o r d e r

sTAFFord Perry

lighting design Fight director

riCK rinder

stage Manager

AilsA Birnie

Assistant stage Manager

CAThArine BeVAns Chris JACKo ron siegMUnd Ben Wilson AdAM sChrAder sAM hindle

head of lighting head of sound Wig & hairstylist, Wardrobe Master head stage Carpenter Assistant head stage Carpenter Assistant head of sound

God of CarnaGe is performed without an intermission. Theatre Calgary gratefully acknowledges the support provided from the alberta lottery Fund, by the Government of alberta through The alberta Foundation for the arts, the City of Calgary through Calgary arts Development, the Community spirit Donation Grant Program, the Government of Canada through the Canada Council and Canadian Heritage and all corporate and private contributors.

God of CarnaGe was produced on Broadway by robert Fox, david Pugh & dafydd rogers, stuart Thompson, scott rudin, Jon B. Platt, The Weinstein Company, and The shubert organization. God of CarnaGe is presented by special arrangement with dramatists Play service, inc., new york

Advertising Enquiries, please call: Savage Publishing, (403) 933-5711, savagepublishing@telus.net Front cover art direction by Punch & Judy Inc.


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13-03-06 11:38 AM

WHERE ENERGY MEETS TALENT We understand the importance of art and the impact it has on our communities. Enbridge is proud to be a partner of the National Theatre School. The school provides talented students a chance to explore their creativity, hone their craft, and showcase their talents. The experience is one of the very best in Canada, and propels many students toward flourishing careers. Enbridge delivers more than the energy you count on. We deliver on our promise to make communities better places to live. It’s part of the reason we were named one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. Find Out MOre enbridge.com/inYourCommunity

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11:53 AM

the company and Juliet, Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, Two Gentleman of Verona, Free Will Players; Twelfth Night, Strawberries in January, The Red Priest, Globe Theatre. awards: Daniela has received numerous awards for both her acting and playwriting.

R YA N LU H N I N G Alan Raleigh for theatre calgary: A Christmas Carol (2012), Holiday, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Romeo and Juliet, Death of a Salesman, The Philadelphia Story, Macbeth. elsewhere: Race, A Behanding in Spokane, SpeedThe-Plow, The Lieutenant of Inishmore, CockTales, The Pillowman, GZT/H&M; 12 Angry Men, I’ll Be Back Before Midnight, Strangers On a Train, Vertigo; Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Popcorn, aTP; Boy Gets Girl, The Optimists, Theatre Junction. awards: Nominated for six Betty Mitchell awards; Betty Mitchell award for Outstanding Performance by an actor in a lead Role – The Pillowman; Calgary Theatre Critics award for Best actor in a Play – Race. Ryan is the artistic Director of Ground Zero Theatre and lives in Calgary with his wife Carolyn and two daughters, Grace and Peyton.

H E L E N TAY LO R Veronica Novak for theatre calgary: You Never Can Tell. elsewhere: Calendar Girls, Grand Theatre; Dating by the Book, lighthouse Festival Theatre; Blithe Spirit, Blue Bridge Rep.; Serious Money, The Plough and the Stars, An Ideal Husband, shaw Festival; Hana’s Suitcase, Young People’s Theatre; Dead Guilty, Glorious Geometry in Venice, Festival antigonish; The Good Egg, The Myth of Summer, Mick Unplugged, aTP; Kingfisher Days, Thousand Islands Playhouse; And All For Love, NaC; Dial M for Murder, Theatre aquarius; Twelfth Night, Citadel; As You Like It, Bard on the Beach; The Two Gentlemen of Verona, stratford Festival. film/ television: The Colony, This is Wonderland, Earth: Final Conflict. awards: Dora Mavor Moore award for Best Performance – Wrecked, Roseneath Theatre. Helen is a graduate of the National Theatre school of Canada.


JAN ALEXANDRA SMITH Director for theatre calgary: actor – Lost - A Memoir, Betrayal, An Ideal Husband. elsewhere: Director – The Mousetrap, Capitol Theatre; Dangerous Corner, Murder on the Nile, Vertigo. Director and Choreographer – Nunsense II, Thousand Islands Playhouse; Fascinating Ladies, lunchbox; The Buddy Holly Story, stage West; Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Mayfield Inn. actor (selected) – Bloodless, Theatre 20; Forests, Tarragon; How Do I Love Thee?, Tyland, aTP playRites ‘10; Falsettos, How I Learned to Drive, aTP; An Inspector Calls, Spider’s Web, Vertigo; Pride and Prejudice, Rope’s End, MTC; An Ideal Husband, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, You Never Can Tell, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seagull, shaw Festival; Shakespeare’s Will, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Popcorn, Beauty Queen of Leenane, My Fair Lady, Citadel; The Dining Room, A Christmas Carol, Grand Theatre; One For the Pot, Les Miserables, Royal alexandra Theatre. awards: Betty Mitchell award for Best actress in a Comedy or Musical – An Ideal Husband; elizabeth sterling Haynes award for Best supporting actress – Popcorn; elizabeth sterling Haynes nominations for Shakespeare’s Will, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes; Betty Mitchell award nomination for Falsettos and The Buddy Holly Story.

Michael Novak for theatre calgary: A Christmas Carol (8 productions), Enron, The Drowsy Chaperone, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Cripple of Inishmaan, Saint Joan, Evita (2003, 1993), Cabaret, Rough Crossing, Berlin to Broadway, Little Shop of Horrors, Into the Woods, Anne of Green Gables, Hamlet. elsewhere: Footloose, Rainbow stage; The Full Monty, Urinetown, GZT/H&M; Little Mercy’s First Murder, Vertigo/GZT; DOOM 2012, X-Ray, The Alan Parkinson’s Project, Ghost River; The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime, Vertigo; Arcadia, The Optimists, Glengarry Glen Ross, Theatre Junction; Toad of Toad Hall, Amadeus, Treasure Island, Candide, aTP; Pinocchio, The Ice King, Old Trouts; A Tribute to Vaudeville, Grand Theatre; Requiem for a Lost Girl, New York Musical Theatre Festival. awards: Betty Mitchell award for Outstanding Performance – The Alan Parkinson’s Project, Greg Bond award for Musical Theatre. Doug’s company, Dandi Productions, has presented concerts from Manchester to the Hollywood Bowl, and this year will travel to singapore, Malaysia and australia.

DANIELA VLASKALIC Annette Raleigh for theatre calgary: The Cripple of Inishmaan. elsewhere: That Summer, Theatre North West; The Exquisite Hour, Theatre Department; Drama, (playRites ’12), Hippies and Bolsheviks, Picking up Chekhov, (playRites ’06) aTP; Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure, Theatre aquarius; How the Other Half Loves, Drayton entertainment; Doubt, Canadian stage; The Drowning Girls, Tarragon / Theatre Gateway / Belfy / Persephone / Citadel / MTC; All’s Well That Ends Well, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, stratford Festival; Vimy, Equus, Einstein’s Gift, Citadel; Arms and the Man, NaC/Citadel/ Vancouver Playhouse; The Blue Light, Firehall arts Centre; A Doll’s House, Persephone Theatre; At the Zenith of the Empire, Teatro la Quindicina; Apple, Workshop West Theatre; Love’s Labour’s Lost, Romeo

“no matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I’m not talking about the kids” - Bill Cosby 7

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What's NoW. What's NeW. What's Next.

“Rothko was known to be a man of fierce opinions and didactic conversation, attributes that Mr. Logan latches onto gratefully and fruitfully.”

- The New York Times

APRIL 30 - MAY 18, 2013

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Set & Costume Design

Stage Manager

Theatre Calgary debut. elsewhere: set & Costume – Little Shop of Horrors, Fire, A Streetcar Named Desire, As You Like it, Blue Bridge Rep; Metamorphosis, Globe; Last Five Years, Grand Theatre; Bird Brain, YPT; Betrayal, Theatre & Co.; Chasing the Moment, arcola (london, uK); A Number, Belfry. set – Death of A Salesman, Blue Bridge Rep. Costume – Hush, Tarragon; Where’s My Money, alley Co-op. set & lighting – Dead Man’s Cell Phone, Persephone; Turn of the Screw, Belfry. assistant Design Credits include – Royal shakespeare Company (RsC) Complete Works Festival season: Dirty Dancing, Cabaret, london West-end; Netherlands Opera; Norwegian National Opera; Royal Opera Covent Garden. upcoming: Patrick will be designing Falsettos for acting up stage Co. and My Fair Lady for Blue Bridge Rep. Patrick is a member of the associated Designers of Canada.

PA P H A V E E ( P O E ) L I M K U L Lighting Design Theatre Calgary debut. elsewhere: selected credits include - assistant lighting Design, The Pirates of Penzance, stratford Festival; assistant lighting Design - Banff summer Dance Festival 2012; lighting Design - Top Gun the Musical, lower Ossington Theatre; Deceived, Teatron Toronto Jewish Theatre; Yellow Face, Hart House Theatre in partnership with fu-GeN asian Canadian Theatre Company; The Shadow of a Boy, Royal Porcupine Productions. set and lighting Design - Damned Girl, Impulse Theatre; Wreckage, La Ronde, Phoenix Theatre (university of Victoria); Geez!, saTCO. set Design – Showdown 2.0, DISS, Mixed Company Theatre; A Hamburger in a Pita, Teatron Toronto Jewish Theatre. awards: Dora award nomination for DISS (Best Production and Best Performance, 2011), nomination from Monday Magazine for La Ronde (Best lighting Designer, 2009). Poe is a Theatre Design Professor at Bangkok university, Thailand and a member of associated Designers of Canada.

for theatre calgary: God of Carnage marks Rick’s 43nd show at Theatre Calgary. His first was Homage to Chagall (with TC’s stagecoach Players) in 1980 and his most recent was Next to Normal earlier this season. elsewhere: stage Manager – Centaur Theatre, NaC, Canadian stage, Toronto Free Theatre, MTC, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Citadel, DJD, Banff Centre, arts Club (where he has also directed), Vancouver Playhouse, Belfry Theatre. Rick lives in Maple Ridge, BC, with the amazing Nadine, close to two year-old granddaughter, elizabeth, who will become a big sister in July.

AILSA BIRNIE Assistant Stage Manager

ALLAN STICHBURY Lighting Design for theatre calgary: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, The Wars, Of Mice and Men (set), The Cocktail Hour (set and Costumes), Farther West, The Real Thing (lighting), Quartermaine’s Terms, Mass Appeal, Wrong for Each Other (set, Costumes and lighting). elsewhere: Recent Productions include Communion (set and lighting), aTP; The Flying Dutchman (set), The Rakes Progress (set), Pacific Opera Victoria; Barber of Seville (set), The Vancouver Opera; Miracle Worker (set), Vancouver Playhouse; Mail Order Bride (set), Blyth Festival. allan has designed for theatres all across Canada. Internationally he designed the lighting on Broadway for Mr. Lincoln, and the set for Hanuman the Mighty at the Royal Theatre, Bangkok Thailand, as well as numerous other productions. allan is a member of associated Designers of Canada and a Professor at the university of Victoria in the Theatre Department.

S TA F F O R D P E R R Y Fight Director for theatre calgary: actor - Enron, A Christmas Carol (2011, 2012), Enchanted April, Timothy Findley’s The Wars (Vancouver Playhouse co-pro), Much Ado About Nothing (Fuse ’07). elsewhere: Romeo and Juliet, Neptune; As You Like It, Pride and Prejudice, Citadel; Double Indemnity, Rope, The Mousetrap, And Then There Where None, Vertigo; Stray, Workshop West; With Bells On, lunchbox; The Clink, The Cherry Orchard, Double Inconstancy, studio Theatre; Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Two Gentleman of Verona, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, shakespeare in the Park. stafford is a graduate of the university of alberta BFa in acting program and was a part of the Banff/Citadel Professional Theatre Training Program for two seasons.

for theatre calgary: stage Manager – Pride and Prejudice (NaC co-pro), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (MTC co-pro), Betrayal, Jake and the Kid. assistant stage Manager – Shirley Valentine, Tosca Cafe (Vancouver Playhouse co-pro), The Drowsy Chaperone (MTC co-pro), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, An Ideal Husband, Beauty and the Beast (Citadel co-pro), Timothy Findley’s The Wars (Vancouver Playhouse co-pro), The Cripple of Inishmaan, Glorious! (Canadian stage co-pro), Guys & Dolls (Citadel/ MTC co-pro), Wingfield’s Inferno, Sherlock Holmes. elsewhere: stage Manager – Gaslight, When Girls Collide, Vertigo; Passion Play (2008 – 2013), Canadian Badlands Passion Play society; With Bells On, Under the Bright Sun, This Is A Play, Petro Canada Stage One 2006, lunchbox Theatre; Gilgamesh La-Z-Boy, Doing Leonard Cohen, Sylvia Plath Must Not Die, OYR. up next for ailsa is Red at aTP.


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join us for a


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Theatre Calgary presents A Soulpepper Production

KIM’S CONVenIENCE By i NS CHOi Directed by Weyni mengesha, Featuring ins Choi, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, esther Jun, Andre Sills and Jean Yoon SeP t e m Ber 3 to 29

AWA r D W i N N i Ng CA NA Di A N COm eDY

“Everybody know this store, they know me. This store my story.” For many years Korean immigrant mr. Kim has worked hard to support his wife and children with his toronto convenience store. Now, as he nears retirement, will anyone keep the doors open? You’ll laugh out loud at this fractured and loving family as they face the future and confront the past. timely insights, charming characters and a story about people you will recognize. A top-10 hit of toronto’s 2012 theatre season, this award winning production is now embarking on a national tour.

THE GREAT GATSBY By F. Scott Fitzgerald, Adapted for the stage by Simon Levy, Directed by Kim Collier OC tOBer 15 to NOv e m Ber 10

gL A mOu r , DeCA DeNCe , OBSe S SiON

“I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.” For mysterious and wealthy Jay gatsby, a seemingly perfect life of lavish parties and privilege hides a darker world of obsession. His quest to win back his first love threatens to shatter many lives and change more than one American dream. experience the glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age and one of the most unforgettable stories of the twentieth century. We’ve had huge success bringing great novels to life on our stage. This adaptation is a thrilling ride through a very sexy and complicated time in history. One of the hottest and most innovative Canadian theatre artists, Kim Collier, directs this production— for our eyes only. - Dennis

We are fortunate and honoured to be hosting this hilarious and touching Canadian play! 여러분을 킴스 편의점으로 초대합니다! i invite all of you to Kim’s Convenience! - Dennis

Renew Your Subscription Call 403-294-7447 today Kathryn aKin and John Ullyatt in Next to Normal, photo by trUdie lee


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By Charles Dickens. Adapted and Directed by Dennis garnhum, Associate Director Simon mallett, Starring Stephen Hair as ebenezer Scrooge

By george Bernard Shaw, Directed by Dennis garnhum, Starring Dean Paul gibson.

NOv e m Ber 28 to DeCe m Ber 24

F eBruA rY 11 to m A rCH 9

27 Years of Spirited Tradition

SH AW ’S SH A r Pe S t SOCi A L COm eDY

Calgary’s favourite Christmas tradition is back! Don’t miss the event the Calgary Herald says “never fails to move its audience” and “feels like the collective start of the holiday season.” Playing to sold-out houses every year, get your tickets early to be part of the magic.

in Co-Production with the American Conservatory Theater (San Francisco)

“I am a Millionaire. That is my religion.” Young major Barbara of the Salvation Army is dedicated to saving souls. When she is reunited with her father, a millionaire weapons manufacturer, it seems the two are destined to see the world through very different eyes. in this battle of good versus evil, finding a winning side is never as simple

Come out this year as Stephen Hair proudly

as it seems. Smart, funny and delightfully relevant.

celebrates 20 remarkable years being

in this clever comedy, Shaw divides a family

Calgary’s holiday curmudgeon, ebenezer

between two very powerful subjects: war and

Scrooge. The holidays just wouldn’t be the

poverty. You’ll be dazzled by the ideas. We partner

same in our city without A Christmas Carol

with a.c.t. in San Francisco, presenting Americans

would it? - Dennis

and Canadians together in this very British play.

As this play is not a part of our 5 play subscription

international, indeed! - Dennis

series subscribers enjoy a 20% discount on single ticket purchases to A Christmas Carol. tickets must be booked before December 13. Limit 10 tickets per household.

celebrating the 20th Anniversary of stephen hair as ebenezer scrooge

Shannon taylor and tyrell CrewS in Pride aNd Prejudice, photo by trUdie lee


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THE join us for a MOUNTAINTOP MARY POPPINS The Theatre Calgary Production of Disney’s and Cameron mackintosh’s

By Katori Hall

m A rCH 25 to A Pr i L 20 m A rt i N Lu t H er K i Ng J r . i N H iS mOm eN t OF t ru t H

“You just a man, baby. You’re not God, though some folk’ll say you got mighty close.” The night before his assassination, martin Luther King Jr. retires to room 306 in the now famous Lorraine motel in memphis. When a feisty young maid visits him to deliver a cup of coffee, King is forced to confront

A musical based on the stories of P.L. travers, and the Walt Disney Film, Original music and Lyrics by richard m. Sherman and robert B. Sherman, Book by Julian Fellowes, New Songs and Additional music and Lyrics by george Stiles and Anthony Drewe, Co-Created by Cameron mackintosh in Co-Production with the Citadel Theatre. m AY 6 to J u N e 22 t H e Pr AC t iCA L LY Per F eC t muSiCA L


his life, his legacy and the future of his people. A truly

Things haven’t been going well for the Banks family.

original and unexpected look at what it means to feel

The children are out of control and a new nanny is

human in a fight for humanity.

required to put things in order. When a mysterious

Theatre gives you the opportunity to tell stories in surprising ways. This play contains laughter and spirituality with a stunning dose of magic. See a hero in an astounding and deeply stirring way. england

young woman appears on their doorstep, the family finds that she’s the answer to their prayers, but in the most peculiar way. A Broadway musical spectacular for the whole family.

awarded this the Olivier Award for Best New Play

This brand new Theatre Calgary production of

in 2010. - Dennis

the much-loved classic will burst onto our stage.

The MounTainTop conTains sTrong language and adulT conTenT.

rediscover the gorgeous songs, loveable children and that magical woman. As mary would say: it’s practically perfect! - Dennis



photo of CaSt of the Kite ruNNer by trUdie lee


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SubScriberS See five playS for the price of four –it’S like getting one play free! 403-294-7447


kim’S convenience awa r d w i n n i ng ca na di a n com e dy Se p t e m ber 3 to 29

by ins choi, directed by weyni mengesha, Featuring ins choi, paul Sun-Hyung Lee, esther Jun, andre Sills and Jean yoon, a Soulpepper Theatre company production (toronto)

“Everybody know this store, they know me. This store my story.”

the great gatSby gL a mou r , deca de nce obSe S Sion o c tober 15 to nov e m ber 10

by F. Scott Fitzgerald, adapted for the stage by Simon Levy, directed by Kim collier

“I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.”

a chriStmaS carol nov e m ber 28 to dece m ber 24

by charles dickens. adapted and directed by dennis garnhum, associate director Simon mallett, Starring Stephen Hair as ebenezer Scrooge

27 Years of Spirited Tradition

maJor barbara

SH aw ’S SH a r pe S t Soci a L com e dy F e brua ry 11 to m a rcH 9

by george bernard Shaw, directed by dennis garnhum, Starring dean paul gibson, in co-production with the american conservatory Theater (San Francisco)

“I am a Millionaire. That is my religion.”

the mountaintop m a rt i n Lu t H er K i ng i n H i S mom e n t oF t ru t H m a rcH 1 to a pr i L 20

by Katori Hall

“You just a man, baby. You’re not God, though some folk’ll say you got mighty close.” The Theatre calgary production of disney’s and cameron mackintosh’s

mary poppinS t H e pr ac t ica L Ly per F ec t m uSica L! m ay 6 to J u n e 22

a musical based on the stories of p.L. travers, and the walt disney Film, original music and Lyrics by richard m. Sherman and robert b. Sherman, book by Julian Fellowes, new Songs and additional music and Lyrics by george Stiles and anthony drewe, co-created by cameron mackintosh, in co-production with the citadel Theatre.

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for times and dates visit theatrecalgary.com


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in the wings

By Zach Moull, Assistant Dramaturg, and Shari Wattling, Artistic Associate.


gym. I like to work with the language. I like to find the best ways of expressing what the author wanted to say.”

French playwright Yasmina Reza has described her plays as “theatre of nerves.” In a 2012 interview with the Guardian, she explained: “What motivates me most is writing about people who are well brought up and yet, underneath that veneer, they break down. Their nerves break down. It’s when you hold yourself well until you just can’t any more, until your instinct takes over. It’s physiological.”

christopher hampton. (photo credit: tom Keller)

Yasmina Reza. (photo credit: pascal Victor)

Reza’s spark of inspiration for God of Carnage came from the real-life experience of one of her son’s classmates, who broke a tooth in a playground fight with another boy. The victim’s mother complained to Reza that the other boy’s parents hadn’t even called to apologize. “I immediately thought that there was an interesting theme there,” Reza told the Los Angeles Times. That absent apology gave her a keen starting point. If the fraught conversation had taken place, how long could the veneer of politesse have been maintained? The caustic and often hilarious social commentary of Reza’s plays has led to international success. ‘Art’, written in 1994 and translated two years later, won an unprecedented hat-trick of awards: the Molière in Paris, the Olivier in london, and the Tony in New York. That play pits three friends against each other as they debate the merits of an expensive—and entirely white— painting that one of them has bought. God of Carnage, written in 2006 and translated two years later, won her the Olivier and the Tony again. When God of Carnage won the 2009 Tony award for Best Play, Reza shared the award with her “dearest Christopher”— Christopher Hampton, the english translator of most of her plays. Hampton is a tremendously successful writer in his own right, and the author of several plays including his stage adaptation of Les Liaisons Dangereuses, which later became the Oscar-winning screenplay for the film Dangerous Liaisons. aside from Reza, Hampton has also translated esteemed playwrights such as Molière and Chekhov. “Translation,” he told France magazine, “uses different muscles than those you use when writing your own plays. I sometimes say it’s like going to the

Hampton first translated both ‘Art’ and God of Carnage into British english for the london stage and then, with the help of the original Broadway casts, created versions in North american vernacular. For God of Carnage, he went one step further, transporting the action of the play from Paris to Brooklyn. During the first days of rehearsal in New York, he explained to France magazine, “we put in all the local references, so the flower shop at Mouton-Duvernet becomes a Korean deli. Instead of Parc Montsouris, we have Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill Park and Walt Whitman Park. Instead of the Métro, there is the el, and so on.” The core of Reza’s play translates easily to other locations—whether in Paris or london, New York or Calgary, we recognize the ridiculous spectacle of adults behaving badly.

THE ART OF TRANSLATION Yasmina Reza on Christopher Hampton (from the Guardian): “I don’t trust him at all! No, I adore him, he’s a great friend, but I’m not blindly trusting. I remember the first time we met, he had translated ‘Art’ into english and I called him up and said, ‘I received your first draft.’ He said, ‘What do you mean, my first draft? It’s the play. It’s the translation. It’s not a draft.’ I said, ‘Yes it is. There’s work to be done.’ up to that point, Christopher had only translated dead people. This was the first time he’d had someone alive, on the phone to him. We reworked and reworked it and I know I was annoying him and he was saying to people, ‘she’s giving me such a hard time and she barely speaks english!’ Now my english is much better.” Christopher Hampton on Yasmina Reza (from the Los Angeles Times): “Yasmina is very exacting. With ‘Art’, she didn’t really speak english. But she speaks it now. I told her that she taught herself english to make my life a misery!”


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13-03-06 11:39 AM

arrange the apples and pears in a greased 9-inch glass baking dish or pie plate. Pour the batter over the fruit. Bake for 1 hour, or until the clafouti is lightly browned and a fork plunged into its centre comes out clean. serve warm or at room temperature.

WHO’S WHO ON THE COFFEE TABLE? Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992), an Irish painter, is known for his disturbing and subversive images of terror. For example, his “screaming Pope” paintings distort and disfigure a famous Renaissance portrait of Pope Innocent x.

CLAFOUTI À LA CARNAGE Clafouti, a flan-like dessert made from fresh fruit baked in sweet batter, hails from the Limousin region of southwest France. It is traditionally made with ripe dark cherries—pits left in. But there are also variations using seasonal fruits such as apples, pears, plums, and berries. This recipe for Veronica’s apple and pear clafouti has been adapted from Julia Child’s Mastering the art of French Cooking to match the dish described in God of Carnage. 1 crisp apple, peeled, cored, and cut into very thin slices (1/8 inch thick) 1 ripe pear, peeled, cored, and cut into thicker slices (1/4- to 1/2-inch thick) 1/4 cup cognac or sweet white wine 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 cup milk 1/3 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 Tb vanilla extract 1/8 tsp salt 1/2 cup sifted flour 1/4 cup fine gingerbread or ginger snap crumbs Combine the cognac or wine, 1/3 cup sugar, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl. add the apples and pears and let stand for 1 hour. Remove the fruit with a slotted spoon and set aside. Reserve the resulting liquid. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place the remaining ingredients in a blender or food processor. add the liquid from the mixing bowl. Blend at top speed for 1 minute until the mixture forms a smooth batter. If you have no blender, mix ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon, then strain the batter through a sieve.

Oscar Kokoschka (1886 – 1980), an austrian painter and writer, was one of the foremost expressionists of the 20th century. His portraits are famed for laying bare the inner lives of their subjects. a multi-talented artist, Kokoschka wrote poems, plays, and other literature, and also designed sets for theatre and opera. Tsuguharu Foujita (1886 – 1968), a Japanese painter and printmaker, lived in Paris for many years and was a friend of artists such as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse. Foujita worked with thin lines on porcelain-like white backgrounds, a delicate style influenced by Japanese traditions. He is best known for his paintings of nude women and cats. Peoples of the Tundra: Northern Siberians in the PostCommunist Transition (2002), by John P. Ziker, is a scholarly book about the native Dolgan and Nganasan peoples of Russia’s arctic.

TALKBACK TUESDAYS Enhance Your Evening at Theatre Calgary Immediately following the performance, join members of the cast as they return to the stage for an intimate and lively discussion and Q&a session about the play, the theatre and the acting process. This is a great opportunity to share your questions and get a behind-the-scenes perspective on the performance. You never know where the conversation will lead. Talkbacks are approximately 15 - 20 minutes in duration.

Talkback Tuesdays will take place during God of Carnage on March 19th and March 26th. 17

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The average person checks their cell phone 34 times per day.

• Video interviews with cast and creative teams • Downloadable Audience Enrichment Guides

theatrecalgary.com @theatrecalgary @sitpyyc Theatre Calgary Theatre Calgary

COMEDY OF MANNERS God of Carnage has been frequently described as a “comedy of manners without the manners.” Comedy of manners is a genre of play that satirizes the conduct and affectations of a particular social class or group. Typically, these plays ridicule the pretensions of characters (usually upper or middle class), and highlight their inability to live up to their own social standards. In so doing, comedies of this type poke fun at the manners and behaviour of the audience itself. The origins of this genre are found in the writings of the ancient Greek playwright Menander (c. 342-291 BC), who became known for his portrayal of realistic characters in comedic situations. It was during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that the comedy of manners truly flourished. French playwright Molière took aim at the hypocrisy of society in such plays as The School for Wives, The Misanthrope and Tartuffe. In england, the follies and foibles of the aristocracy were lampooned in popular Restoration comedies such as William Wycherley’s The Country Wife, William Congreve’s The Way of the World and later 18th century plays She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith, and The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinsley sheridan. The techniques of this genre continued into the late 19th and early 20th century with playwrights such as Oscar Wilde (The Importance of Being Earnest), Noël Coward (Hay Fever) and George Bernard shaw (Pygmalion). In fact, throughout the last century, the comedy of manners tradition has continued on our stages and expanded to our television sets and our movie theatres. One need only look at re-runs of Seinfeld or Friends to see the silliness of our manners, our social standards and our contemporary society reflected back at us, confirming the old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Roman fresco of the Greek dramatist menander located in pompeii.

engraving of a scene from molière’s Tartuffe, 1892, by J. Ballin.

sources “11 Incredible Mobile Marketing statistics,” Viralblog (May 16, 2012). Web (Feb 25, 2013). Julia Child, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, 1961. elizabeth Day, “Yasmina Reza,” Guardian (Jan 22, 2012). amanda Giguere, The Plays of Yasmina Reza on the English and American Stage, 2010. “Playwrights Yasmina Reza and Christopher Hampton discuss God of Carnage,” Los Angeles Times (May 2, 2011). sara Romano, interview with Christopher Hampton, France (Fall 2009). statistics Canada, “Residential Telephone service survey,” The Daily (Dec 2010). Web (Feb 25, 2013). Jane Turner, ed., The Dictionary of Art, 1996.


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theatre calgary staff TOM McCaBe President DeNNIs GaRNHuM artistic Director aDmINIstRatIoN & FINaNce KRIsTeN DION Controller

JaNe MaCFaRlaNe Resident Voice Coach

CRIsTINa BalaMBaN Development assistant

commUNIcatIoNs & maRKetING

RONalD PeTeRs Business Development

NaNCY CaMeRON Director of Marketing

BReNT FalK accountant

CHRIsTOPHeR lOaCH Director of Communications

TaMMIe RIZZO accounting assistant

JeNNIFeR KINCH Communications & Marketing associate

elIZaBeTH WellWOOD Receptionist


aRtIstIc lesleY MaCMIllaN Producer susaN McNaIR ReID Company Manager sHaRI WaTTlING artistic associate New Play Development ZaCH MOull assistant Dramaturg & assistant to the artistic Director

TeRRY ROBeRTs Director of Development sHIRleY YuRCHI-WeBeR Manager Individual & Planned Giving JeNNIFeR GaRDeN Development associate lauReN RODYCH Development & Communications assistant JeNessa KReBs Development assistant

ROseMaRIe JOHNsTON Bingo Volunteer Coordinator pRoDUctIoN

RON sIeGMuND Wardrobe Master, Resident Hair & Wig stylist BeN WIlsON Head stage Carpenter sales KaTe BeCK Director of sales

aaRON NeWBeRT Technical Director

VIRGINIa ReMPel Customer service supervisor

MaTT THOMPsON assistant Technical Director

TeRIsa KlasseN Group sales Coordinator

KaT FulleRTON Production assistant

TRYPHeNa FRIC sales & student education Coordinator

lOuIs BeauDOIN Head scenic artist CaTHaRINe BeVaNs Head of lighting GeRRY GeRlINsKY Head scenic Carpenter CHRIs JaCKO Head of sound MICHelle laTTa Head of Wardrobe

KaYe BOOTH sales & Customer service associate lauReN sTeYN sales & Customer service associate MaeVe ORlaDY sales & Customer service associate

FRoNt oF hoUse staFF

RIleY MIlJaN lead Welder

JOHN FORTuNKa Front of House Manager for Operations

aNDReW RaFuse Head Builder

NORMaN COOK Front of House Volunteer & Guest services Coordinator

lIllIaN MesseR Head of Props

BReTT DOWDell Bar & event Coordinator BaRBaRa BOOTH lee BOOTH PaT FReNCH NORMa HaNseN TaMsIN MIles KIM sIMMONs DeBORaH sYDORCHuK BUIlDeRs FoR God of CarnaGe set


CelINa BaHaRallY Props Builder paINteRs lOuIs BeauDOIN Head scenic artist WaRDRoBe MICHelle laTTa Head of Wardrobe elIZaBeTH suTHeRlaND Cutter CaRleY laINe POWell Wardrobe assistant

GeRRY GeRlINsKY Head scenic Carpenter sTeVe PIlON assistant Head scenic Carpenter

lIllIaN MesseR Head of Props


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HEALTHY COMMUNITIES YMCA Calgary encourages personal growth leading to well-rounded, healthy living. “When you are a part of YMCA, you are coming together with a diverse community of people committed to helping children, youth and families embrace fun, healthy habits that become a lifelong practice,” says YMCA Calgary President and CEO Helene Weir. Each year thousands of Calgarians are involved at YMCA through a variety of programs and services. The five health and wellness locations—Crowfoot, Eau Claire, Saddletowne, Shawnessy and YMCA in South Health Campus—offer programs and services that help people of all ages and abilities grow in spirit, mind and body. YMCA Calgary has operated Camp Chief Hector YMCA—a camping and outdoor education branch— for more than 80-years. Camp Chief Hector YMCA programs emphasize community and values-based education, participation, fair play, environmental stewardship, team spirit and leadership skills. Located 40-minutes west of Calgary, Camp Chief Hector YMCA offers programs for everyone through children and

youth summer camps, outdoor schools, weekend programs for adults and families, custom programs and facility rentals. YMCA Calgary is deeply involved in the community, offering critical hours programming to children and youth—including Aboriginal, immigrant, literacy, ESL and more. Leadership programs help young people develop good character traits, learn the value of community service, build healthy living habits and gain vital leadership skills. Programs and facilities are open to everyone; financial assistance is available. “One in four kids and youth at YMCA Calgary receive financial assistance,” Weir says. “Kids from all backgrounds and abilities are able to participate so they feel a sense of belonging, grow and thrive in a supportive environment and eventually become the confident and positive leaders needed for stronger communities.” For more information drop-by any YMCA Calgary location or visit YMCACalgary.org.

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theatre calgary board of directors BoaRD execUtIVe

BoaRD memBeRs

elleN CHIDleY, Chair Consultant

MICHele BeITel President & CeO, The skoop

BaRRY R. KeNleY Director, Business Development Vision 2000 Corporate solutions

CHRIs lee, Past Chair Partner, Deloitte & Touche llP

MaRY e. COMeau Partner, Norton Rose Canada

BeTH leNNaRD President, lennard Corporation

MaRK THOMPsON, Vice Chair Director, IT Planning & Governance enbridge Inc.

DR. DaVID DOCHeRTY President, Mount Royal university

MICHael TuMBaCK, Ca, Vice President Audit & Finance Vice President Finance & Corporate services strike energy services Inc. CHaD NeWCOMBe, Board Secretary Kahane law Office ROB eassON, EPCOR Centre Board Representative senior Partner, Brand Insights Group MaRGO RaNDles, Chair Special Events active Community Volunteer JIM MCleOD, Co-Chair Fundraising Committee lead Building Management, Nexen Inc. GORD HaRRIs, Co-Chair Fundraising Committee VP, COO, One earth Oil & Gas MaGGIe sCHOFIelD, Chair HR Committee executive Director, Calgary Downtown association JOY alFORD, Chair Board Engagement Committee Consultant

GReGORY s. DRaPeR Partner, Investigative & Forensic services, Meyers Norris Penny llP

DR. llOYD MaYBauM RIaZ MaMDaNI CeO, strategic Group BReNDa MasON Consultant

JIM FlOYD President, PowerOn ltd.

JIM MCleOD lead Building Manager, Nexen Inc.

BRuCe GRaHaM President & CeO, Calgary economic Development

alex a. OsTeN Weight Watchers

BRaD HaRPeR Vice President, HR/Workforce solutions, Telus Communications

Paul POlsON Vice President, stuart Olson Construction

ROB HaTCH Canadian Tire

DR. NORMaN sCHaCHaR, M.D. Heritage Medical Research Centre, university of Calgary

BRIaN HOOK Investment advisor, BMO Nesbitt Burns

CRaIG D. seNYK Director of Portfolio Management, Mawer Investment Management ltd.

GuY HuNTINGFORD Publisher, Calgary Herald

ellaNOR VallaNCe-NuTIK senior Manager, Financial Reporting aTCO Group

DeBRa JOHNsTONe, CMC, CHRP Partner, Cenera

eDITH WeNZel President, International Results Group

theatRe calGaRY eNDoWmeNt FoUNDatIoN BoaRD oF DIRectoRs BoaRD execUtIVe nortonrose.com

CHRIs lee, Chair Partner, Deloitte & Touche llP

Norton Rose is a proud sponsor of Theatre Calgary On June 1, 2013, Norton Rose and Fulbright & Jaworski LLP are joining forces as Norton Rose Fulbright. Norton Rose Fulbright – Law around the world

BRIaN HOOK, Vice Chair, Vice President Audit & Finance Investment advisor, BMO Nesbitt Burns CHaD NeWCOMBe, Board Secretary Kahane law Office

BoaRD memBeRs IaN BeDDIs Former Director & Branch Manager (Retired) scotia Mcleod Inc. ROB eassON senior Partner Brand Insights Group GORD HaRRIs VP, COO, One earth Oil & Gas alaN MOON President, Crescent enterprises Inc.

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13-03-05 4:21 PM

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of the smash hit comedy, God of Carnage.



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Here’s Your Cue

Dave and Debbie Rodych, Adopt-a-Play Donors. Photo by Jeff Yee, Raindrop Images.


Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. A: I [Dave] am the Vice President of Retail

Operations for Alberta with Canada Safeway.


Q: Do you remember the first show you adopted?

A: West Side Story - that was the season [2004/05] the Adopt-a-Play program began. We thought Adopt-a-Play was a really neat idea. We’ve always donated, since we first became subscribers, but when the Adopt-a-Play program came along, we knew it was something we had to be a part of.

Be a Part of the Action Adopt-a-Play

Q: Why would you encourage others to become a Theatre Calgary Adopt-a-Play donor?



: We would encourage any of the readers here to get involved with the theatre in any way, shape, or form. We believe that when you adopt a play, there is pride of ownership. When you adopt a play, you feel like it’s yours and it seems to create a different viewing experience. You might feel more inclined to bring others - family or friends - and it’s just an all-around more personal experience.

Are we presenting one of your favourite shows this year? Adopting a play is a unique way to commemorate a play that’s near and dear to your heart. Adopt one for yourself, one for a friend, or perhaps one for that someone who has everything but their very own play.

I [Debbie] am an active volunteer in the Calgary community with a number of different organizations.

Q: Who do you think should be a

We have lived in Calgary since 1999 – we moved here from Vancouver, but we’ve lived in each of the Western provinces.

theatre that wants to become a little more involved, beyond just buying tickets. Anyone could be an Adopt-a-Play member!

This Season’s Adoptable Plays

Q: Do you remember when you were first introduced to Theatre Calgary?

Q: Why do you think donating to

Theatre Calgary is important?

A: In the fall of 1999, we went with two

A: The reason we donate, in particular

other couples; we all became season ticket holders at the same time. Theatre Calgary is a nice evening out. We’ve always had an interest and involvement with theatre - MTC in Winnipeg, and in Regina when we lived there. I [Debbie] used to volunteer for MTC. We just have a love for live theatre!

Q: How important do you think Theatre Calgary is to the Calgary community (including yourselves)? A: We believe the arts in general are vital to the community. We’ve been involved in a variety of local arts initiatives; we believe it’s the fabric of the community. We think everyone should be exposed to different forms of art, in order to be a well-rounded individual.

Q: What is the importance or significance of the Adopt-a-Play program for you? A: We were donors already, and Adopt-a-Play

A: Anyone and everyone who comes to the

for Theatre Calgary, is we know how expensive it is to put on a production. We think Theatre Calgary is doing a great job with the play selections! We know that even a full house doesn’t cover all the bills. We want arts and theatre to survive, but not just any theatre, good theatre, and that’s what Theatre Calgary provides - really good theatre. Theatre Calgary has the variety and quality of theatre we can appreciate. We know the price of the ticket does not cover all [only 60%] of what it takes to make it happen. Showing your support outside of the ticket cost is vital to the theatre and ensures that they can maintain the high quality of shows they offer.

Q: Is there anything else you want to share about Theatre Calgary or the Adopt-a-Play program?

A: The quality and variety in the last few

seasons has been amazing; it’s exciting to go to Theatre Calgary. We judge the quality of the play by how long we talk about it on the drive home. These days the plays are so good, it’s getting harder to choose which play to adopt!

Support Our 2013/14 Season •

• •

Kim’s Convenience The Great Gatsby A Christmas Carol Major Barbara The Mountaintop Mary Poppins

Adoption rates: $400 per play, or $2,000 for the entire performance season

To adopt your favourite play Call 403-294-7440 ext. 1002 or email donations@theatrecalgary.com

Benefits include: - A framed show photo autographed by members of the cast for your play(s) - Complimentary “parent” tickets to your adopted play(s) - Charitable tax receipt (less value of benefits) - Acknowledgment in the Theatre Calgary house programmes For a complete list of benefits, visit www.theatrecalgary.com


just seemed like a more fun way of donating. We included the whole family for the adopt selections. Over the years, every family member has had the opportunity to pick a play. It’s a fun family thing for us to do. It also got the kids going to the theatre; once they picked a play, they were excited to see the show.

Theatre Calgary Adopt-a-Play donor?


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our donors DRESS CIRCLE memBeRs


anonymous Joy alford & Dan Magyar Robert armstrong & Phil Ivers Wilda & Janet arnold & Gayle Hayes louis & Carmie auger Diane M. auld Diane & Frank Babienko stantec Consulting Banff aspen lodge Baywest Homes ltd. Robin & Ian Beddis Clare Beers & J. Timothy Buehner Michele, Paul, Megan & Matt Beitel James Bergeron & aileen Delaney John & sherry Bicknell Rut Bjorkum-Mason Dave & Marilyn Bradley John Brogly Tom & Jeanne Bulger Burnswest Corporation Randi Busenius & Brain Chaisson Tom Byttynen & Janet McMaster a.s.l. & Wendy J. Campbell Colin & ann Card John & Margaret Carleton, Norton Rose Canada Celero solutions ellen & Bill Chidley Carlene & Bruce Chrumka Janice Clark Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada lois Cole Mary Comeau, Norton Rose Canada Roman Cooney & Debbie Bruckner K. Coutts Kathleen Cowick & Dave sorrensen, Norton Rose Canada Graham Cox & Marlene stewart, Norton Rose Canada lou Cusano Barbara & Tadeusz Dabrowski Deloitte evelyn Main & Jim Dinning Dr. David & Kris Docherty susan & Ross Douglas Greg & Tara Draper Gary & leslie Duchak David & Roxanne Dunlop Rob & Fracey easson

David eeles, Norton Rose Canada Pat elliott lisa evern F. Ferguson, Norton Rose Canada TransCanada Corporation Jim Floyd, PowerOn ltd. Brian French, Where Magazine John & audrey Fry Terry Gale, standard General Rob Geremia & Bonnie Kowaliuk Ricardo & Betti anne Giammarino Warren & Kristine Gieck Global Training Centre Bruce Graham, Calgary economic Development Donald & Joan Greenfield Grosvenor americas Charlie Guille, Cougar Contractors ltd. H & R Block Barb Haggis, Young & Haggis Insurance s. Hanlon, Gibson energy Inc. Brad Harper, Telus Communications Gord Harris & Nancy Dalton Kevin & Kathy Hildebrand Bernette Ho, Norton Rose Canada eva & Gord Hoffman Brian Hook Ryan & Kate Hoult Brian & Barbara Howes Clarke & adele Hunter, Norton Rose Canada Guy & Riina Huntingford Nicola & Gary Jacques Debra Johnstone & Gary agnew, Cenera Inc. Glenna Jones & Michael sherman The Kahanoff Foundation laurie & Barry Kenley Bill & elspeth Kirk Barb & Yukio Kitagawa Gregory Kurkowski elaine lam Bob & Mary lamond Dave & Kirsten lankester sharon & Gord larsen Tracy & Chris lee Beth lennard, First executive Centre Ray limbert & associates, BMO Nesbitt Burns Kerrie logan, Norton Rose Canada andrew & alison love Ray & Bernice Mack

Bruce & Kathy MacKenzie, Royal Bank of Canada Dr. Michael & Illa Maher Riaz Mamdani, strategic Group art Marche John J. Marshall, Norton Rose Canada Corinne & andy Martel Christine & Tim Martin Brenda & Mark Mason Tracey & Dr. lloyd Maybaum scott McGeachy Jim & Dorothy Mcleod Mauro & Brenda Meneghetti alan & Geri Moon stuart & Catherine Mugford Chuck Mulvenna, Canada safeway John & Karen Murphy Chad Newcombe Deborah Nickerson alan Norris, Brookfield Residential Properties alan & shelly Norris Neil Nutik & ellanor Vallance-Nutik Jock & Diana Osler Bob & Rhonda Osness, Osness Insurance ltd. alex Osten Donald & leslie Park Jay & Cheryl Park, Norton Rose Canada The Pennell Family Ron Plucer stuart Olson Construction Ted Poppitt Robert Rakochey, Norton Rose Canada Margo & Brant Randles sheila & Reno Redenbach RGO Office Products Partnership Bob & Jean-ann Rooney Dr. Wayne Rosen & Dr. laurie lemieux Vera Ross Juli & Paul sacco Norm & Kathy schachar Maggie schofield Craig senyk, Mawer Investment John & Grace shaddick Brent & Gail shervey Clarice siebens Roger & lorna smith stephen smith, strike energy services William smith Dr. shean & Tish stacey James M. stanford Curtis & shannon stange Dr. M. steele & Dr. a. Daly

Vera swanson O.C. lynn Tanner & Margaret Graw Harry & linda Taylor Mark Thompson & Kristina Hall TransCanada Corporation Bill & Cindy Tuer, Norton Rose Canada Michael & susan Tumback Randal & Pam Van De Mosselaer, Norton Rose Canada Jud Virtue, Norton Rose Canada alida Visbach & Paul Corbett Darren & lana Walters, Plumbing Plus Greg & lori Waslen Rob & Candace Waters edith & Cal Wenzel Western Management Consultants Ken & stephanie Wilson

ADOPT-A-PLAY God of CarnaGe sUppoRteRs Dave & Marilyn Bradley Brian & Yvonne Conway B.K. Milne stuart Olley & Mayra Diaz andrea & Robert sartor Joanne schaefer

2012/13 plaY sUppoRteRs anonymous John armstrong & Karyn leidal Roy & Roberta Barr al & linda Braun Don & Marlene Campbell ellen & Bill Chidley Robert D.D. Cormack Frances Coward Don & Karol Dabbs Demiantschuk lequier Burke & Hoffinger Marion Dobberthien Rob & Francey easson Jamie Furtner Don & lone Gardner Dr. Donald Gladman & Irene shewchuk David & anne Hills eva & Gord Hoffman Dr. Ted Jablonski Barbara & Yukio Kitagawa Howard & Janet Mclean alan & shelly Norris Carolyn s. Phillips In Memory of Barbara Quirk

Maria Rees & Michael Binnion Debbie & Dave Rodych Norm & Kathy schachar Ken & sharon schoor Dr. shean & Tish stacey James M. stanford unified Process Mentors, Mark & louise lines John & Peggy Van De Pol

INDIVIDUAL DONORS INVestoR aRC Financial Corporation John & Faye Fisher Nexen employee Matching Fund

sUstaINeR Richard & lois Haskayne Tom McCabe Barbara & Yukio Kitagawa Bruce & Janis Morrison

BeNeFactoR Dale & stacey Burstall Martha Cohen laura Daniels & Doug smith Roger & leslie McMechan Nexen Inc. Community Involvement Osten-Victor Fund at The Calgary Foundation Wanklyn Family Fund at The Calgary Foundation

assocIate anonymous Brent allardyce Diana & David Ballard Nolan & Carol Blades Gary & Tracey Boehm Ian & Gwen Burgess Cenovus employee Foundation Kirsten Cook-Zaba & Dwayne Zaba encana Corporation, Community Investment Matching Gifts lawrence & Berta Fisher Carolyn & larry Hursh Richard J. Kennedy Professional Corp. Corinne & andy Martel Brian Mills & susan Tyrrell Gareth Morgan leyton Morris David & Karen Morton Ken & lois Nelson Barbara Peddlesden Bernadette & Thomas Raedler


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our donors (...continued) Fred l. scott Talisman energy Dave & Martha Taylor William & Colleen Tobman Willis Winter Robert Woodrow

FRIeND anonymous Doreen abugov larry adorjan sandeep & Donna aggarwal Marguerite & Rene amirault Margo & Paul ancel David & Bev andrews stephen a. arsenych eric arrata Frank Babienko Bernice Baher Carol Baker Don & Carol Baker Gwen Baker Barbara Beaton Benoit Beauchamp & lyne audet Corey & Jen Belanger Nancy Bell susan Belsher Thomas R. & Beverly Benson allison Bergen David Bernatchez Greg & Danielle Bertsch allan & Donna Black Barbara Black & Malcolm Turner Bev & Mike Blancher Blubrown Communications Inc. Peter & Jan Bolton Gerry Bowland Brian Brausen Jim Brewington Dr. Joan Meldrum & alan Brooks P.a. Brown Bruce & Heather Brunette Tina Buckthorp Helga Budwill sher & Richard Burk Marion Burrus David & sebina Butts Gordy & Brenda Cannady Kathy Carry Ray Caufield Marjorie Challand Donna Chapman Kaye & Irv Cherneski Jim & eleanor Chinnick Dr. Patricia Chow Margaret Churchill andrea Clark Bill & laurie Clay sandy & Neill Coad Ronald & Jane Collie Maureen Cook

Robert D.D. Cormack Greg Coupal Denis Couturier & Jo-ann de Repentigny Margaret Crichton K.W. Crowshaw Jean & Keith Curtis Barbara & Gerry Darichuk Glenn & Melody Davies Gloria Davis luigi & Joyce De somma linda Decker Nancy & Pete Desai David & Kris Docherty alexis Douglas Pat Drysdale Denis & Pat Duke Willa & Don Dumka Danielle & scott Durocher Dr. lori a. egger encana Cares Foundation Tom & Marion enta Michael ervin & Martina Maclean Dwayne & Rita ewanchuk David & Dawn Falk lynne Fawcett Jannette Helen Festival G.J. Filyk Mike & lorie Flynn elaine French Cathie Foote & art Frank Yolande & Denis Gagnon Guy & Maryann Gamberg Barb & Dan Giba alan Glover lenora & Nicholas Gnida Ron & Helen Goodman Karen & Jack Grant Don & Pauline Gray Peggy Gray J.G. Grier Pamela Grigg Ian Haddow Daniel Hall Glen & Nancy Hammerlindl Clive Hampton & shirley Novak Barbara R. Hay John C. & linda Heffer eugene & ellen Helfrich Kathy Helfrick Jane Hessdorfer laurie Hillis Tammy Hironaka Bruce & sherry Hnidan John & Gillian Hopkins Blair Howell & laura MacDonald Grant & Cathie Huber Geoff Hughes James Hughes John Humphrey & laura Mcleod larry & Carolyn Hursh

Perry Itzcovitch Gordon James Carrol Jaques & Bob loov Carol Jensen Barrie Johnson Glen & Joan Johnston suzy & andrew Judson Faisal Kassam evelyn J. Keddie Darlene & Brian Kelly Margaret Kho Diane & Kelly Kimmett Phyllis King Jim & Maureen Kirby sheila Kirkland Joyce Kneeland anne & allan Kostyniuk elanda Kowalchuk Helle Kraav Gerri Krienke Herb & Kathy Kroeker George & susannah Kurian Valerie Macleod & Frank Kurucz Marion laing stewart lang Molly larrigan Donald & Carolyn larsen lorne & Pat larson Roger & Diane leach Helen leblanc Mark & Brenda lenko Richard leslie P.eng. linda lesoway Tammy l.D. liddle Marion little l. & C. loomes Cathy & Greg loughlin Diane & larry lozinski lukacik Family Debbie MacDonald & John sojak Trisha MacKay Daryl Macleod Jean Macnab sylvia Madder Brian P. Mahoney Cheryl ann Manness art Marche evelyn Martens Blair Mason Dale & Norma Mastre Richard Matthews Patrick Mcadoo Marilyn Mcelheran Ronald & sylvia McIntosh Douglas & Glenda Mclean Doug & Cheryl ann Merchant annette Messer lorretta Miller David Mitchell Jennie Molloy Doug & Gail Monk Charles Moore

Peter & Jackie Morgan Barbara & Michael Morin Mona Muir stephen & laine Mulholland Wendy Mullane Nerds on site Calgary NGl supplies Keith & Kathleen Nicholson Nine One One Communications Carla G. Nixon Catherine Norman Dr. Barbara Nowinska Colleen O'Brien Karen Ormon John & Dianne O'Rourke C. Gordon Packer Bev Palko Karen & John Palmer Brad & Donalda Paton al Patterson Diana Patterson Robert Penner Mike & lorie Pesowski louella & Wayne Pethrick stacey Petropoulos & Chad Haase P & D accounting services ltd. Ross & Mary Phillips William Phillips Quentin Pittman & Jody Wood Frances Plaunt Ronald & Marjorie Potts Verna & Bryan Pryce Nancy e. Raines Wayne & susan Ramsden Del Rath Paul Raynor Rob Remmer Jayne Reynett & William Goudkuil Donna Riback Patricia Riggins Dixie Robbins steven T. Robertson Howard & Karen Roppel Dr. P.a. Roxburgh Craig Rubie Paul & Juli sacco Christine sargeant Jo-ann schwartzenberger Jana seibel David severson Cheryl sheppard Don sibbald Ian & susan simister Catherine & Peter sliwa Kelly smith & Dan Fichter Penny smith Peter & Gail snell John & Marian spring alyce & Red storey Harold stringer

lesley stuart Margaret sundstrom Dave & Darlene swanson Valerie & H. allen swanson Carolyn & David Tavender Jim & Roberta Taylor J.R. Thompson Owen & Dianne Thomson lynne J. Thornton lynn Topp Pamela & allan Twa Peter & Josephine Tymko Pieter Van Vliet evelyn Vandenhengel Irene Virtue andrew & Bina Wade David Walker & Brenda McClellan Patricia Walker alan & Bernie Warden Nomi Whalen Bob & Wendy Whyte Ken & Bev Wiens art Williamson & lynda McPhee Ruth ann Wilton George Woodings Terry & lora Wyman Norm & Jackie Zacharuk Donna & George Zahary Herrat Zahner Del & Marjorie Zingle

SENATORS William R. Blain, Q.C. Don Boyes Derek Bridges Martha Cohen Joyce Doolittle Kay Grieve David Haigh Harry Hartley Margaret Hess, Q.C. les Kimber Jan McCaghren Victor Mitchell Barbara Morin Gerry Nichol Fred scott lynne J. Thornton Derek Warren Nomi Whalen For more information on donating to Theatre Calgary, contact Shirley Yurchi-Weber at 403-294-7440 ext 1002 or donations@theatrecalgary.com


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god of carnage

sponsors & partners

god of carnage sponsors presentation partners

corporate sponsors

media partners

accessibility program partner

pay-what-you-can sponsor

student education series sponsors

fuse sponsor

exclusive dress circle sponsor

fuel / shakespeare in the park sponsors

seniors’ saturday sponsor

night with the stars sponsors Norm & Kathy Schachar

god of carnage opening night sponsors community partners


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The Calgary Herald is committed to supporting the arts in Calgary. A vibrant arts community enriches lives, expands horizons, promotes learning and improves quality of living. Our arts and culture community places Calgary on the world’s stage and inspires our city to grow and flourish.



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