The Avion Issue 1 Spring 2024

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“Do you know who your student senators are?” The Student Senate is a branch of the SGA which serves as a bridge between the student body and the administration of the university. The Avion asked a group of 25 students a more general question: “Do you know what the Student Government Association does?” While The Avion understands that this is a small polling number, there is still a need to better inform the student body about what the SGA does overall. Most students gave vague answers, but no one was 100% certain. This somewhat proved that there is this disconnect between the SGA and the student body. What is the SGA though? The SGA is a group of student leaders who take on tasks relating to news, entertainment, medical care, finances, legalities and so much more. Nearly the entirety of the SGA is housed in the Student Leadership Suite (SLS) on the second floor of the Student Union.

When you want to appeal your parking tickets, the SGA handles that. When you want to get funding for your Registered Student Organization (RSO) the SGA does that too. What happens though when the SGA is not all on the same page? Without the umbrella that is the SGA, the student body would fall apart. For example, there would not be a shuttle service to take you back to your apartment. More importantly, you wouldn’t have a place to go to when you wanted to make positive change. That is what the Student Senate helps to accomplish. After further investigation, The Avion learned that In addition, articles of impeachment were filed in late November. During the December hearing, a verdict of “not responsible” was reached. The Avion acknowledges that these two events are not directly related. As of Jan. 18, College of Aviation senator, Ander Turueno Garcia has been appointed as the new vice president of the SGA. Your next question might be, “What does the vice president even do?” The SGA Campus Groups website says that the VP is the chair of the Student Senate and sits on the SGA Executive Board, which consists of various leadership positions within the SGA. Nonetheless, the VP’s main role is to ensure that the Student Senate continually reaches out to the student body. In the past, senators have worked on projects that allow them to connect with students. An example is the fifth-floor study space in the College of Arts and Sciences. These projects aim to educate the students on how to reach out if they notice any areas of improvement with their respective colleges or how to get involved in Student Government if they are still determining where to start.

Meet the new VP!

Ander Turueno Garcia

WHO AM I? Hi, I’m Ander! I am a student at Embry-Riddle because of my love and passion for aviation. Mexico City was the place where I was born and raised until I moved to Daytona for college. I am graduating with a B.S. in Aeronautical Science with minors in Air Traffic Control and Airline Operations. My experience with the SGA Senate takes me back to 2021, and I have served in the SGA ever since as COA Senator. My leadership experience outside of the classroom and the SGA is being the President of the ALPA ACE Club, President of the Flight Professional Conduct Board, Co-Chair of the COA Dean’s Student Advisory Board, and more. I love to fly for lunch, ride, skydive, and explore new places during my free time. A fun fact about me is that I don’t like spicy food.

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