the right to rule JODIE MESCHUK
Many parents are experiencing anxiety over potential back-to-school measures for the COVID-19 plandemic. Originating first with the CDC offering “guidelines” for the “safe” reopening of schools, many governors, mayors, and local school officials have taken it upon themselves to interpret these guidelines as law or mandates, which they are not. As parents, we trust that our school administrators will look at real-life science and real-life statistics versus what is being portrayed in the mainstream media. But the pressure to conform is powerful, and unfortunately, many of us are seeing the effects of the latter. In short, public servants have forgotten that they are to SERVE...not mandate.
SO WHERE DOES A PARENT GO FROM HERE? Well, very soon, we each must choose one of the following three options:
Send your child back to school regardless of what is decided. This means any combination of mask-wearing, social distancing, eating alone, no PE or recess, teachers wearing masks while teaching, arrows and dots, modified schedule, or all online and NO in-person schooling. This is the option of asking no questions and doing as you are told.
Taking matters into your own hands, also known as homeschooling. You might choose not to send your child back to school, and instead go all-in with homeschooling and perhaps enter a new chapter in your life. This would probably include altering your entire family routine, jumping into a steep learning curve for all involved, and purchasing an expensive curriculum and supplies.
This is the parent who doesn’t feel called to or is unable to homeschool, but who is not okay with extreme and emotionally destructive re-opening procedures being implemented by their district. This option will potentially require you to get very uncomfortable, but it will also send the strongest message to your school and state. Empowered parents can make a stand (this can be a silent stand as well) to potentially cause the swiftest change if parents do this in numbers, together. This option may also mean that if your school doesn’t respond to the voice of the parents, allowing for basic freedoms and parent choice regarding mask-wearing, etc., then you decide to remove your child from school with the purpose of denying the school the funding or tuition for your child as a measure of consequence. (It’s the same concept as a boycott.) I am not about to go with option #1. I considered option #2. I will be honest; this is on our radar as Plan B (dependent upon how my children’s school ends up presenting their plan for reopening). Since I have never homeschooled before, many of us are probably in the same boat. If worse comes to worse and many of us decide to go this route, here are my recommendations...
RESEARCH YOUR LOCAL AND STATE LAWS Do you have to register to homeschool, and how does one do it? Is it through your local school or a charter? Some private schools even offer a homeschooling option and can make it very easy for the first-time homeschooling parent. FIND A SUPPORT GROUP Nearly every city has a local homeschooling network that you can connect to as well as Facebook groups that you can search for. Talk to fellow moms as well; many of them will know how to get you connected. CHOOSE A CURRICULUM This is like opening Pandora’s box! There are so many to choose
from. Many are based on a particular learning style or faith. Again, ask around or on your Facebook page for advice. Annual homeschool conferences are a great place to connect with other parents and offer a massive amount of resources and training. Some of the most popular curricula I have found include Classical Conversations, Abeka, and Alpha Omega. There are many others!
WARRIOR, LOOK ME IN THE EYE IT’S TIME TO TAKE A STAND NOW Truly, the only way towards change is if parents like you and I dig our heels in and fight for what we believe is best for our children. We all know there is strength in numbers, and many parents saying the same things can take an issue far. But don’t ever underestimate the strength of your own voice, even if you feel like you’re the only one speaking out! (Trust me, you’re NOT alone!) Approaching your school administration and maybe even local government can feel like very scary territory, but you CAN do it. The main thing to remember, as you begin to have conversations with your school and fellow parents, is that the directives from the CDC are simply “guidelines.” Our government is in place to serve us, not control us. And we, the constituents of our elected officials, need to speak up. If we don’t speak now, we are one step closer to oppression and further loss of personal freedoms. We are complicit in our own suffering if we stay silent and simply comply. I know you’re as disturbed, angered, and baffled as I am about what is happening in our country right now. Here are a few things we can all do, together, to turn the tide of culture.
FOLLOW our community on Facebook and Instagram @jodiemeschuk for ongoing encouragement and tools. I’m working on major updates and exciting changes that you won’t want to miss. I also post videos on IGTV and Facebook regularly with language you can use and action steps you can take. SEND the letter below to your officials and school board members. It’s usually easy to find their email addresses on school district and city websites under a “Staff” or a “Contact us” link. SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list for exclusive downloads and updates, including my upcoming book release specials.
SHARE these resources with other concerned parents, teachers, and community leaders. Don’t forget, your voice matters!
Below are some resources you can print and provide your own school regarding research that does not support the use of masks as well as the massive emotional implications on children going back to school with anything but 100% normal conditions.
Mask-related Research
SCHOOL BOARD OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBER To whom it may concern, The entire point of the original shutdown was to flatten the curve. This is something that we did very well, without even getting close to maxxing our capacity of supplies and hospital beds. The county failed to act in a timely manner, and as a result, businesses lost their livelihood, small businesses were forced to close forever, and jobs and revenue were lost. There was no reason to shut down. Now you are being asked to vote on a mask ordinance when our death rate is sitting at close to zero, if not zero, most days, and hospitals are not even close to capacity. What are you hoping will improve? An ordinance will do nothing more than support the fear mongering, discouragement, depression, and plummeting community morale that is keeping people at home and out of businesses. It would also single out those who are medically unable to wear masks, which would be a clear violation of ADA. The facts cannot be denied; a large amount of research shows that masks may actually increase the incidence of respiratory infection by trapping particles and lowering the immune system. All of this research, as well as the research regarding herd immunity, hypoxia, and the general physiology of the immune system is being suppressed to keep fear alive. We now know that asymptomatic spread is unlikely. More testing is happening, but there are major discrepancies in reporting. Cases are being double counted, antibody tests are being added, and we know the tests aren’t 100% accurate. We already know the antibody test results could simply indicate presence of other types of coronavirus. If you want to retain the trust of your community, you must vote NO on a mask ordinance. Mandating masks is not only violating people's choice, but is an overreaction that is radically unnecessary, given the statistics. Let the vulnerable stay home if they are concerned about getting sick. And let individuals and businesses have the freedom to decide how to proceed with mask-wearing. Please don't discourage the community even more by this unnecessary and heavy-handed use of power. We don’t want a new normal, we simply want normal. Thank you,
(Your Name) P.S. If masks are mandated in schools, I'll be immediately pulling my child(ren) out, because they can learn better at home with a legitimate homeschool curriculum, without a mask on. Kids have a 0% death rate from Covid19. No one can well support an argument in favor of requiring children to wear masks. © 2020 Jodie Meschuk. All Rights Reserved.