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THE BEACON Volume 68, Issue 5
January 26th, 2018
Critic’s Corner Avengers: Infinity Wars Official Trailer Review *spoil alert in effect* -Deney: Dang, Franiel! Back at it again with the Marvel review! -Frannie: We tried to find content that would appeal to those who are interested in something other than Marvel movies and sci-fi, but we just couldn’t do it. So, for those of you who like Marvel (and actually read this column) you’re welcome! -And for those of you who don’t like Marvel, or even science fiction in general, we sincerely apologize. I know. It’s terrible. Where is Matt Damon? However, despite our overflowing guilt, the reviews must go on! After hours of perusing the internet for trailers, I’d like to welcome you to Critic’s Corner. I hope you enjoy our third Marvel review. -Avengers: Infinity War begins the way many trailers do: with a voiceover. Several of the Avengers are detailing the overarching plans for the assembly of their heroic group. They had goals and dreams to make the world a better place, but, as you’d know if you’ve seen previous Avengers movies, things have fallen apart. Members of the team are depicted as broken, grieving their past failures. In the midst of this turmoil, Scarlett Witch and Vision are seen sharing a tender moment, causing my heart to explode. I ship Scarlett Vision so hard. -Ah, yes. Scarlett Vision. I have yet to be sucked into the oddly satisfying misery of shipping those two, but, admittedly, I can see the appeal. Shortly after this scene, we catch our first glimpse of Spider-man riding a school bus. The camera zooms in on his arm and the hair stands straight up as he is suddenly alerted to some immediate danger lurking nearby. This had me cackling in delight because the only thing I could think of was “my Spidey senses are tingling.” -The cause of Peter Parker’s Spidey senses acting up seems to be,
once again, some sort of impending doom from above, likely in the form of aliens. Considering the Avengers have “been there, done that,” I am a tad confused as to why they all look up to the sky in horror and astonishment. Tony Stark even snatches his sunglasses off of his face dramatically, you’d think they’d be expecting the worst to happen, but alas, this is show business, not realism. -Loki, my boy, is making an appearance too! Unfortunately, it seems like he may be summoning Thanos through a portal of death… After Ragnarok, I was really hoping he’d have a change of heart, but apparently that’s too much to ask from the god of mischief. Sad days. I’m holding out for you, Loki. Please don’t disappoint. -Why does Marvel feel the need to make all of their big villains CGI? First Apocalypse, and now this purple guy who looks like something I could shape out of playdoh if given an hour and more artistic ability. Are they saying that a person can’t be calculating or threatening enough to be the villain of the story? Cause WRONG. #deep. Anyway, it’s coming out April 25th, 2018. We’re a bit early, but we wanted to give you enough time to prepare yourselves for viewing this movie, it’s going to be action packed! And physically packed with every superhero you can imagine. Deney Taylor is a second-year business student focusing in accounting. She is an antisocial recluse who rarely emerges from the depths of the internet, but when she does it’s most likely because she has to pretend to be a responsible adult (ugh). Frannie Branswell is a second year business major who isn’t playing basketball this year, I know right?! She loves making art, watching movies, and sleeping, all of which she sacrifices for school and good grades.
A Note from the Editor It’s Research Paper Season! Our Peer Tutors provide writing help, assistance with formatting, and citations. They will help you find resources and learn to proofread your own writing. Bring your draft copy and your syllabus at least a week prior to the due date. Did I mention these services are free for Crandall students? That’s correct! Contact Debbie for an appointment.
Have you ever wanted to get involved with the Beacon, but without the whole commitment thing? Is answering the poll just not enough for you anymore? Well, you’re in luck! Taking a stab at following through on our plans of making the Beacon your Beacon, I want to see some more of your faces on these pages. Over the next few weeks, as Stress Season™ crashes over us like an avalanche after an ill-timed yodeling session, make sure to document your existential crises with photographic proof! Send us in your (consensual) pictures of students crashing in the library, dying over papers, or stressfully Netflixing over an open textbook. Make them as funny or creative as you want. and we’ll put ‘em all together in something special. Thanks in advance— and good luck! With love from your friendly neighborhood editor, Kira Smith
Hey guys! We’ve heard a lot of feedback about how much you love Soma, which is awesome! We’re so glad it’s a place you want to be on Friday nights. That being said, we’ve also noticed how Soma is very similar to chapel and campus worship. We don’t want to take away from any of these experiences, so we’re brainstorming how we can go in a different direction to better suit the spiritual needs of the students. We have some fun trial runs in store, so make sure you come out to participate and then give us your feedback!
Spicy Crandall Memes
One major change we made is that Soma now starts at 7:45 instead of 7:30. Snacks and coffee now start 15 minutes later as well, at 7:15. We’re also planning to have tea available for you tea-lovers! Personally, I love having this time before the service to say hello to people and watch others connect. I’m a firm believer that people connect best over a meal (or snacks and drinks), so I think this is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. I’ll leave you with this: wherever you choose to worship, I pray that you would worship with your whole heart. Bring your pain and worries to the cross and let God take care of them, and may you be free to worship Him with your entire being. -Jessie (& the Soma Team)
Jessie Campbell is one of the co-runners of Sóma, along with Braxton Dearman.
Health and Wellness with Mir Alleviate anxiety, boost brainpower, sharpen your memory, improve your balance, spark creativity, and expel bodily toxins. Multiple studies have proven that physical activity can change a person’s wellbeing and life from a mental and emotional standpoint while the body gains strength. As an avid gym goer and active person, I personally think one of the most important components in achieving the above mental, emotional, and physical benefits of physical activity is finding a form of physical activity YOU love. In other words, your daily workout regime should bring you joy, excitement, and create a happy mental state of being. Personally, I LOVE weight lifting. It has taught me things about myself that I could not have learned anywhere else. I am strong for a woman of my small size, with aboveaverage strength. I have gained substantial strength mentally, emotionally, and, most evidently, physically – and honestly, I credit my learned wisdom, knowledge of my body, and gained mental strength to the workings of Christ. I have worked through difficult times in my life on the squat rack or with a weight in my hands. In the process, I am reaping the benefits mentioned above everyday I lift. Find the form of physical activity that brings you joy: yoga, swimming, running, boxing, gymnastics, long walks, etc. The list could go on! Moving your body does not just mean sweaty shredders in the gym or an intense weight lifting session. Everyday, I have learned to listen to my body and move in a way that feeds my physical AND emotional needs. The most important things to remember when being active are: work up a sweat, evaluate your goals (ask yourself the question, “what am I doing this to achieve?”), and ensure your mind, body, and spirit are aligned. Life is too short to dread your workouts and feel anxious about training. It is time we celebrate the bodies we were given and work WITH THEM. Our bodies were not created to be stagnant. What is the way you love to get active and move your body? Happy Love month to you, Mir
Miranda Roberts is a fourth year history major from Moncton, New Brunswick. She began her health and fitness journey a year and a half ago. She enjoys hiking, cooking, and weight lifting. She is an extroverted young adult who is looking forward to being a future archaeologist and professor.
Interview with Dr. Abram Steen What is a summary of your academic career, ultimately leading up to Crandall? I first studied English for my major at Calvin College, and did my BA there and loved it. I considered a few other options, and I tried my hands at a few other things. I tried doing some overseas work for a few summers, in things that were interesting to me— this was during my summers while I was doing my BA. I looked at doing some teaching/evangelizing in China, but my supervisor actually recommended I go to graduate school instead of doing mission work. She thought I was well intentioned and my heart was in the right place, but that my skills were better geared towards different kinds of teaching. And I was relieved at that because I was more interested in doing studying at that point in my life. So, I went to University of Illinois and did my Masters and PhD in English out of there, and defended my thesis just before I began teaching at Crandall. What led you into studying English? I suppose it started as my dad read stories to me growing up, like Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. I enjoyed reading and this led to a love of books. When I was in university I was taking a political science class and we were reading Demons by Dostoyevsky. The book has a lot to do with politics, but is also a great novel, and I felt I could understand ideas about politics but also could get interested in other aspects of life more easily through reading than through a course on political history. The book has the Bible in it, and politics in it, philosophy, theology, and it was great story with great characters. That was when I knew I wanted to study English and to keep reading and discover these kinds of writers. I never knew that it might lead to a career where I still get chances to read and teach those kinds of things.
If you were on a desert Island (with all the supplies you need, and a Bible), what 3 books would you pack for leisure reading? Oh, that’s a tough one. One would be Dostoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov which I haven’t read, and I have been looking forward to the day when I get time to read it, so it would take up a couple years to read it. I think I would also choose something like Dante’s Divine Comedy; something big, long, and you need some poetry to go along with my stay. I think the third would be the Lord of the Rings, the three-volume set. What did you want to grow up to be when you were younger?
I had this idea of being a marine biologist. I was really into sharks and watched a lot of documentaries on sharks If you were a student again, what class would you take and read a lot of books on them, and I loved underwater life. And I thought the idea of having a job where you put again? on scuba gear and a scuba mask and journeyed underwater I know this is an interesting choice considering my career, sounded fun, and sounded right for me. However, my career as a student in biology put an end to that dream. but I think I would take a first-year science course with Dr. Mel. I had a really bad experience with science in high Jonny Dejager is a 2nd year English major who grew up school and I would really like to blame it on “bad teachers”, and so if I had Dr. Mel, who is a good teacher, I may in Peru, and is thus unaware of Canadian social cues. He be able to gain some self-esteem, or realize I was the prob- also was most likely attacked by a baby puma. lem all along.
What’s on Your Mind? Do Less, Be More
What is the measure of a life well-lived? When it’s all said and done, are there great accolades and rousing applause in store for those who pass their days in a perpetual bustle, those who pour every last droplet of energy into commitment after commitment, fueled by pure ambition, adrenaline, and passion? Is this life merely a competition in which we must relentlessly chisel away at our personas until we have transformed ourselves into epitomes of influence and achievement through breath-taking juggling acts of impeccable time management, ambitious pursuits of excellence, and exemplary acts of innovative leadership? Uhhh…. no. Life is not solely about accomplishments. Our stories are not only about what we strive to achieve, but much more importantly, they are about what we strive to be. If you really want to leave a legacy or cultivate a positive influence, then: Be Present. Come alongside those whose journeys are lonely and difficult. Cry with those whose hearts are aching. Celebrate with those who revel in the joys of life. Take each moment as it comes. Be Compassionate. When someone approaches you with a weight on their heart, do not immediately try to “fix” their problems. What a hurting heart usually needs significantly more than advice is simply a listening ear, someone to quietly share in their sorrows and “suffer with” them (as the word compassion literally means). Be Still. Listen. Pay attention to those around you and their desire for connection. Quiet yourself before God and bask in His glory and love. Slow down and tune in to yourself, paying attention to the needs of your body, mind, and soul. To quote a song from one of my favourite movies, The Prince of Egypt, “How can you see what your life is worth or where your value lies? / You can never see through the eyes of man / You must look at your life, Look at your life through Heaven's eyes.” Allana Walker is a third year psychology major with aspirations of becoming a counselling therapist. She is addicted to dark chocolate, loves big words, and is always in the mood for a good pun.
A Letter to the Editor Do You Believe in Equality? That is Up For Debate.
If you think you believe in equality: think again. I might be able to prove to you otherwise. Before you scream, “No way!” just take a minute to hear what I have to say. Listening being the key word of course. I have noticed that in the classroom when certain students speak, other students take this as an immediate cue to start speaking. The question is why? And if you want to observe this a little more carefully, it is only when certain students speak, and not others. A survey was done across the country where participants were asked to rank over 220 occupations. Participants did this without any problem. Everyone ranked, classified and put other people’s occupation into a certain spot based on the importance they allotted to the occupation. Now, observe your classmates and observe yourself. Why is it when certain students are speaking you do not feel it is necessary to listen or you do not bother to give them the courtesy to listen? The cold hard truth? Because you don’t feel what they have to say is important. That is, you don’t feel that their ideas are worthy of your time, or worse you are judging your ideas and your thoughts to be more important. In summary, you feel superior to them. Is this sounding a little harsh? Well, stop and ask yourself why you do it? You might be compelled to listen when the professor is speaking because you are waiting to get something from them. For instance, a grade. Some may do so out of respect, some because they are genuinely interested in what the professor has to say, and still others may listen because they would not want to appear socially deviant in not doing so. These criteria do not apply, however when a student is speaking. So, check yourself. Why do you speak over or start speaking to the person beside you when a fellow classmate is speaking? If you search honestly for the answer, my guess is you may not like what you discover. If this is something you have never taken the time to think about then I urge you to take a minute and examine yourself. You may discover that you have categorized your classmates and established some kind of order of importance to each member. Your everyday actions speak louder than what it is you think you believe. If you believe in equality, then show some courtesy, and show everyone the same level of opportunity to speak and be heard. “For there is no respect of persons with God”— Romans 2:11 — Jocelyn Fraser
Crandall Poll: Netflix Habits Despite this generation’s iconic cynicism, we are the promulgators of a social phenomenon which future social scientists may spend many years analyzing and studying: TV show binge-watching. For about 50 or 60 years, the most popular method of watching TV shows was to sit down at a regular time on a particular day, watch one episode, and then rack one’s brain for an entire 7 days wondering how the nailbiting cliff-hanger would be resolved the following week. For many in today’s culture of instant gratification, this would be utter torture. Now, of course, there were DVDs and PVRs available before Netflix and other streaming services, but none of them hold a candle to the effect TV streaming has had on the way we watch TV, and none of them lent themselves nearly as much to binge-watching. With this overhaul of TV culture in mind, I wondered if the effect it had on the enjoyment people get out of watching shows was positive or negative. It seemed to me that reducing the amount of time one spends on a series would reduce the sentiment one receives, and thus the result would be negative. The sample I have received should be helpful in this respect, since about 96% of the respondents watch Netflix/ streaming service and about 79% of respondents said they do engage in binge-watching. So, this month’s poll asked respondents about their binge-watching habits, and in the second question, how they generally feel after finishing a show. The results were just about as grim as I expected, if not even more so. In both the “always binge-watch” and the “sometimes binge-watch” categories, only 3 respondents (38% and 30%, respectively) gave a positive or in between negative and positive response to the second question, and of the respondents who said they always binge-watch, only one respondent gave a positive response. In contrast, none of the respondents who said they almost never binge-watch gave a negative response. The responses were quite varied, but many of them said something along the lines of “sad that it’s over, what do I do now?... indifferent… it depends… went by too fast…fulfilled”. As usual, the outliers were my favourite and were a joy to read: One respondent described, in excruciating detail, their Netflix habits which consists of sitting in front of the TV for 60+ hours straight, eating what they find beneath the couch cushions, sleeping for 10 seconds between episodes, wearing a cloth diaper so they don’t have to take bathroom breaks, crying uncontrollably for 20 minutes, and hoping they don’t get expelled for missing 10 classes. Hmm… something tells me there just MIGHT have been a bit of embellishment in that story. Either way, that beast was 252 words of beauty, my friend. Another respondent said, “I solemnly walk to the highest mountain peak, and I yell "IS THERE ANOTHER SEASON?!" I'm usually joined by the fans of Sherlock” Yet another said, “To put it quite shortly, the experience I feel after experiencing a television program on netflix is that of pure elation. I feel accomplished, like I did something with my pathetic excuse of a life.” Well then… I’m uh, glad that you’ve found a form of entertainment that makes you feel… valued. One respondent took a poetic route and said that, when they finish a show, they, “[feel] kind of empty like I’ve lost a loved one.” Very relatable, respondent #10. Oftentimes, I measure my childhood by the shows I was watching at the time. It’s interesting how we humans have the ability to attach ourselves so deeply to things which can appear to be so trivial. But these shows almost seem to become part of us as we watch them, and perhaps this also has something to do with binge-watching. Although zero of the non-binge-watching respondents gave a negative response, only 1 gave a positive response. The rest were indifferent or bittersweet or something along those lines. So, while it would seem that the effects of binge-watching on TV consumption are negative, perhaps the more accurate conclusion is that people who binge-watch get more attached to the characters and plot, and thus have a stronger emotional response when it’s all over. Well, no matter what the true effects of this trend are, there’s one thing I can conclusively encourage you with: the next time you’re feeling like Billy Joe Armstrong when he crooned, “My generation is zero,” just remember the momentous impact this little invention of ours we call binge-watching has had on the TV culture, and will have for generations to come, for better or for worse. Christopher McCready is a second-year business student. He enjoys playing video games, browsing internet memes, listening to rock music, and trying to revive the Crandall original ping-pong variant, Loopit.
Spicy Crandall Memes
Leah Eisener is a third-year English student who laughs at her own jokes and enjoys memes more than the company of others.
Dystopia Now Bad News Bears Yogi Berra, all-star catcher for the New York Yankees, once said, “Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets.” Though his turns of phrase were known mostly for their humourous quality, what he said was often wise and to the point. Like many of us, I grew up playing sports. I was never a prodigy athlete but when I was a kid I enjoyed minor league baseball. You’d spend a lot of free time practicing. You’d play catch with your dad. It was a nice bonding sort of thing. And when you’d make a good play during a game it was one of the best feelings in the world. If you made a mistake, however, you were liable to be taunted by the spectators. I was lucky enough to have parents who didn’t treat me like a trophy kid, but I saw a lot of parents become unruly and have to be removed from the bleachers on account of their tantrum. At the time it was just something that players accepted. But looking back, I now realize the full repugnance of such behavior. Hockey is even worse, so I hear. I’ve never played it competitively, but the stereotypes attributed to Hockey Moms and Hockey Dads must surely exist for a reason. It is for this reason I tend to agree with Berra. Hobbies and pastimes are instrumental in the emotional development of children – a certain amount of competitiveness is healthy. But when competitiveness goes unchecked, it rears its head later in life through wild parents. Christian Arsenault is a fourth-year English/Education major. He can usually be found playing Runescape on World 72 near the Barbarian Village.
CU Cooking: Waffles Waffles/Pancakes Blend or sift together: 1 ½ cups of flour 2 tbsp sugar 3 tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt Combine: 2 beaten eggs 1 ½ cups milk ¼ cup melted butter or margarine Add liquids to dry ingredients. Beat just until smooth. Heat waffle iron. Pour batter into hot waffle iron. (About 1 cup of batter for a 9” square iron, about ½ cup for a 7” round iron.) Bake until the waffle stops steaming. Yields: 3 (9” waffles) or 6 (7” waffles). This recipe is from: The all new Purity cook book: a complete book of Canadian cooking. Whitecap Books, 2002. (Recipe 80)
We can also use this recipe for pancakes. Maintain all of the same ingredients, but instead of using a waffle iron, cook the batter on a griddle or frypan. No matter what you are making, remember to use a little bit of cooking spray or butter/oil/margarine to prevent the waffle/pancakes from sticking to the iron/pan. This recipe is also excellent if chocolate chips are added with a splash of vanilla. Forever Food Fans, Sam Williams & Taylor Craig Share your recipes with us using #CUCooking Sam Williams is a fourth-year science student. She’s very passionate about all things food, coffee, and penguins. Taylor Craig is a fourth-year psychology and BTh student. She’s a coffee addict, a food lover, and a nap advocate.
Take Heart “So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” Galatians 5:1 (NLT) I go to a young adults group once a week, and I love this time to get together with friends. We laugh, play too much Dutch Blitz, and eat too many taquitos, and we also talk about the Bible and Jesus. This week, we discussed chapter five of Galatians. This is a chapter that I have read countless times, but it is such a good chapter. As we discussed what stuck out to us and what we were thinking and feeling, someone said something that is still sticking with me. He said, “Sometimes I think of being a Christian as having this long list of things I can’t do. But really, being a Christian is a great privilege. Being a Christian is a freedom from doing those things.” What a wonderful truth that is. Friends, we are free from the long list of sinful, flesh-driven behaviors and thoughts when we live our lives walking with the Spirit. It isn’t about the law, friends; it is about the love and freedom we have in Christ. Don’t get me wrong here. We will still mess up, and we will still struggle. But we may also have freedom in Christ. “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NLT) Take heart, friends; rest in the knowledge that this freedom is given through grace and received through faith. Taylor Craig is a fourth-year Psych and BTh student. She is the founder of the devotional blog Take Heart Daughters.
Spicy Crandall Memes
While “shall not” is usually used as a command to refrain, to withhold, or to compromise, Shallnot holds to the opposite: Thou shalt not be silenced. Shallnot is designed to be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas –Dani Reimer, Assistant Editor
The Concert
Oh, desperate frenzied Argonauts Swallow you such senseless songs?
Is Jason’s blood and body lost, Forgotten in the throng? Do rhythmic strikes of wooden oars Keep chaos whittled down? The sailors say they aim to pray. It seems they’re here to drown.
Writing is Hard
- Vernon Noah MacDonald
Writing is hard
When you’re all alone in your little lone room And your coffee is cold and your feet are cold And your pen is cold on your fingers; And your mind is cold and can’t Respond, rev up, and roll out ideas Writing is hard When your words won’t come And your nib-nosed tongue won’t talk And nothing is worth noting or noticing
And all the world’s words are dull and dead Or trashy and tarnished or just plain wrong Writing is hard - Trochaic
See Moon
- Daniel Maguire
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students from all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say—whether through pictures, essays, short stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art—please contact us at with submissions.