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Wednesday, September 30th 2015
Volume 66 Issue 1
CSA Update
Micah Knowles, VP External
Hi everybody, on behalf of the CSA I would like to welcome everyone here for the 2015-2016 school year! The CSA has been hard at work planning events for you all as we get going in this new semester! This year’s orientation week coffee house, mystery bus tour and movie night are only the beginning! The executive will be made up of the following members: Jonathan Schut – President Micah Knowles – VP External Christie MacPhee – VP Internal Kristen Reay – VP Student Services Jeff Bandy – VP Finance The Senate will be divided into a few different categories with Jasmine Wong, Sabryna Schurman, and Luca Stetson sitting as Social Science Senators. Allyson Caldwell will be sitting as an Arts Senator, with Emily Weaver as the Education Senator. Curtis Hoyt is going to be representing the Science Department and Angela Richard will be the Athletics Liaison. There are a couple things we want to make known to you as we polish off the month of September. Elections are coming up! There are three CSA positions we need filled and they are: On Campus Liaison: Represents the students who live on campus Off Campus Liaison: Represents the students who live off campus Chapel Liaison: Works as a representative between the CSA and Dean of the Chapel Nomination forms will be available Monday October 5th. We hope you are as excited as we are. We know that God has amazing plans for us this year.
In This Issue Upcoming Events | pg. 2 Mikolaski Chair filled by Dr. Stackhouse
| pg. 4
An Interview with Dr. John Stackhouse | pg. 5
Upcoming Events
28 - Res Worship 10pm 2nd floor Colburne House
29 -Grad Photos -Student Ambassador Info night 7pm
30 -Grad Photos - Soccer vs. UNBSJ @ Crandall 6pm & 8pm - Lunch and Learn With Acadia 12:15 SH 253
02 - Soma Church 7:30pm Brinton Auditorium - Crandall Christian Movie Night 8pm MH 231
04 - Soccer vs. STU @ Crandall 2pm & 4pm 11
05 - Res Worship 10pm 2nd floor Colburne House 12 - Res Worship 10pm 2nd floor Colburne House
14 - Soccer @ Holland College 6pm & 8pm - Soma Church 7:30pm Brinton Auditorium
09 - Crandall Christian Movie Night 8pm MH 231 16 - Crandall Christian Movie Night 8pm MH 231
18 Soccer vs. Dal AC @ Crandall 1pm & 3pm
19 - Res Worship 10pm 2nd floor Colburne House
21 - Soma Church 7:30pm Brinton Auditorium
03 - Soccer @ Dal AC 2pm & 4pm - Cross Country @ Mount A 12pm & 1pm - Baseball @ St. FX 1pm & 3pm 10
17 - Cross Country @ Holland College 12pm & 1pm
Charger Athletics Nathaniel Burlock
In the past two and a half weeks, our sports teams have been busy shedding blood, sweat, and tears. With a cumulative 16 games between our three active teams, the chargers have displayed heart, spirit. A shout out to the boy’s baseball; after a year of absence they are back on the field. This being a developing year the boys are not discouraged by the tough competition they receive by CIS level schools, instead they are CHARGING the competition head first. Another shout out to the soccer teams for their games against UNBSJ, the boys having a moral boosting 3-0 victory and the girls having an admirable 1-0 loss. A few reminders for upcoming Chargers action, the basketball teams are firing up their season soon and we are looking towards our fellow Chargers to come and support their team. Also, look out 2for intramural sports coming up soon for those of you who are interested. These include but are not limited to: volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, and European Handball. Until next time Chargers, keep your eyes on the prize.
Campus Concepts Danielle Reimer
s And now for something that is near and dear to every university’s heart. Though depending on who you are, this item may come below or above Wi-Fi or caffeine on the list of absolute essentials. I’m talking, of course, about food. From the smell of popcorn when you walk in a wing lounge to the pile of dirty dishes that seems to have taken permanent residence in the second floor lounge sink, evidence of how very important food and food-like substances are to our students is everywhere. While some students are either economically stable (ha) or just far enough in debt to own a (semi)working vehicle, and can therefore venture out into the wild yonder of the great Moncton area to purchase essentials like Mr Noodle packages (under a dollar at Super Store, which also gives 10% off your purchase on Tuesdays if you show your student ID card), the rest of us have to make do with what we can scrounge up around campus. Thanks to the benevolent Sheldon Macleod, as well as some other people, like the president of this university probably, we now have a snack machine in the lobby of Colburne. There is also the cafe in Stultz which offers lovely things like hot dogs, cinnamon rolls, and coffee (buy 5, get 1 free). If you’ve got a sweet tooth, the bookstore also has an assortment of chocolate and sugary things, though they don’t seem to have prices on them which strikes me as a bit suspicious. There are also two vending machines in Crandall proper, one by the library in Murray and the other hiding in a little alcove by the microwaves in Stultz. A warning that the one in Stultz is probably an artifact from the Paleozoic Era, so it only takes coins. Last but not least, the cafeteria. It’s there. You probably already paid for it. Unfortunately, the food doesn’t seem to have greatly improved from last year, but it will be okay. Kathy’s pizza is there for you. There are vegetables for those of you who like that sort of thing. Just avoid any particularly suspicious-looking meat-like things and figure out which of the recurring menu items you do and do not like and you’ll be fine.
Crandall Poll Curtis Hoyt
Nap time is dependent on a few factors. For a lot of people, one’s sleep cycle is a huge determinant for deciding when a nap is necessary. For myself, having classes at 8:30 am Monday – Thursday, getting some sleep during the week and sleeping in on the weekend is crucial. If I am in bed before midnight, I don’t need to nap the next day. But if a late night McDonalds run requires me to be out as late as 1 or 2 AM, a nap is a must the next day. So after my 8:30 and 10:00 classes, it is time to crash. But as the stats show, I am not a part of the majority. It seems that the best time to nap is in the early or late afternoon, after the “food coma” of lunch sets in. To a lot of university students, naps are essential. So find a time that works best for you and nap on! To be a part of the next poll be sure to visit our facebook page to vote.
Mikolaski Chair filled by Dr. Stackhouse Larissa Rose
In chapel on September 16th, 2015, Crandall University welcomed and installed Dr. John G. Stackhouse, Jr. as the inaugural Samuel J. Mikolaski Professor of Religious Studies. Dr. Stackhouse came to Crandall following his departure from Regent College in BC. He has written numerous books and articles and has lectured and taught all over the world. (To learn more about Dr. Stackhouse, check out Kathy Holmes’s interview with him). Dr. Sam Mikolaski served as the fourth president of Atlantic Baptist College – what would later become Atlantic Baptist University and then later Crandall University – from 1980-1982. He was born in Serbia in 1923 and immigrated with his family to Canada in 1927. Despite the fact that Dr. Mikolaski had to drop out of high school in order to help support his family, he worked hard pursuing his education and eventually made it to Oxford University where he received his doctorate degree in 1958. After being a pastor and teacher in different parts of the US and Canada, Dr. Mikolaski felt the call to move to Moncton and accept the position of president at ABC. According to James S. Beverley, “Sam’s academic pedigree helped to build institutional self-esteem and blunt the insecurity that came from our humble beginnings and modest achievements” (Faith and Education: A History of Crandall University, 97). One of the most significant things that Dr. Mikolaski was able to accomplish during his time at ABC was working with the New Brunswick Legislature in order to allow the school to become a degree granting institution. In the past few years, under the leadership of Dr. Bruce Fawcett, Crandall University has been making an effort to honour the past presidents of the school. The position of the Samuel J. Mikolaski Professor of Religious Studies is another example of how past presidents have been honoured.
When asked about his new role, Dr. Stackhouse explained, “My role as Mikolaski Professor does not vary at all from a regular professorship at Crandall: I teach the same number of courses as anyone else, and there are the same expectations regarding scholarly productivity and community service within the university e.g., committee work. The only difference is that the expectations are qualitatively higher for someone holding a chair. It is an honour for the university to link me with Dr. Mikolaski and so, as was articulated well by the President and the VicePresident for Academic Affairs at the installation service, the university expects me to perform at an exemplary level.”
Picture Credit
Dr. Stackhouse also took the time to expand upon his position as the Dean of Faculty Development: “My other role, as the new Dean of Faculty Development, is to encourage and equip my fellow faculty members in excellent teaching and also in what I call "public-ing" the results of their scholarship: publishing articles and books, of course, but also in preaching, seminar leading, consulting, journalism, and the many other ways in which professors can serve the public. I expect to work closely with Dr. Rusthoven, with the Faculty Development Committee of the faculty, and with individual faculty members to help Crandall go from strength to strength. Crandall is already a fine university and I am enthusiastic about seeing how God will bless us, and bless through us, in the 4 years to come.”
An Interview with Dr. John Stackhouse Kathy Holmes
Q: Where did you grow up? A: I was born in Ontario. After my second birthday we moved to Britain and I lived and started school in Plymouth. When I was 5, we came back to northern Picture Credit Ontario and I grew up and finished high school there.
mix at Crandall is fun. Second is my role as Dean of Faculty and Management—to encourage and equip my colleagues to thrive as scholars and teachers; to do whatever I can to help Crandall become even better at both educating students and contributing scholarships to multiple publics: church, Maritimes, Canada, scholarly guilds, and more. Q: What should students who take your classes know about you before going in? A: I’m really serious about academic commitment, and I have a low tolerance for people who aren’t serious about learning. I want us to have the best possible experience in class. At the same time, I don’t think ‘serious’ needs to be unpleasant. I like to have fun and I can’t lecture more than 5 minutes without cracking a joke. We need to take our studying seriously but it is also a joyful enterprise. Students, I hope, will not be confused that the guy who enjoys being funny is also the guy who has very high standards.
Q: What was your childhood dream? A: I don’t recall having childhood dreams. I think that I enjoyed most of my life growing up. I liked a lot of things but didn’t extrapolate them into dreams. For example, I liked sports. I got better at sports when I got older, but was never under the illusion that I would ever be a star in anything. If anything I was more talented at music, but even at that I was a late bloomer. It wasn’t until I was 11 and took a guitar course at school that I found I enjoyed it. Within 5 years I had learned 8 more instruments. I didn’t aspire to being an academic. I thought I would be a pastor or an orchestra director. I only thought of becoming a professor in university. I enjoy learning and I wanted a job Q: Would you rather have an ant head, or an ant body? where the prep would be as fun as the performance. A: Definitely an ant body because of the wonderful strength that an ant has and the flexibility. Plus it would Q: What is your specific area of expertise? mean my body would actually go in between the thorax A: I used to have one when I was a doctoral student and the abdomen because, right now, it doesn’t. working on my dissertation—around 1984-85. After its publication and through the following decade, I became an expert in the recent history of evangelicalism in Canada— so expert, in fact, that my work was and is always cited on the subject. I believe since then I have been called by God to mostly interdisciplinary work: theology, philosophy, history, and ethics. I have a book or more in all those fields. This means that I am NOT a top expert, I would say, in anything. God has called me to much bigger and broader questions. Q: What brought you to Crandall University? A: I am interested in serving two main constituencies. First are the students. I became a professor mainly to teach. My writing is secondary to my love of interacting with students. I like teaching both Christians and nonChristians and have taught in both of those settings, so the
Q: Who is your favourite superhero, and why? A: I think Batman was because he didn’t have any superpowers. He was very bright and had lots of money, but no powers. He frankly didn’t seem terribly conflicted about what he was doing. He was a vigilante, and part of me thinks that’s a great thing to be in a world without law and order. Plus he had the best toys. Q: If you were ever to attend Hogwarts, what house would you be sorted into? A: I literally don’t know enough about Harry Potter to answer that. I haven’t read Harry Potter. The only two I know of are Slytherin and Gryffindor, and they are like light and dark. 5
Soma Church Nick Devine
Soma Church is a unique student run ministry here at Crandall University. It provides students and faculty empowerment to use the gifts that God gave them in a church-like setting. Soma is the Greek word for body; therefore, the emphasis of this church is to come together as a one body in Christ to worship God. This exciting ministry is not typically found in the traditional church because the system of empowerment is foreign. The need for giving future pastors the opportunity to speak, singers the opportunity to sing, and exhorters the opportunity to pray and encourage each other is crucial and we sought out to start something that did just that. Besides our typical services in Brinton Auditorium, it is our hope and prayer to bring Soma Church to other universities in the area. Also, new to this year, we have scheduled a Friday night service. This will provide the best time for other universities and other students with conflicting schedules to check out this unique worship experience. Our first soma church service of the year was a perfect start to our season. The teaching was focused around three boats that held huge significance in the life of Peter. The first boat (Luke 5) is the call to follow, where Peter neglects everything to follow Jesus. The second boat (Matthew 14:22-31) is the call of faith, shown by Peter when walking on water by faith alone. The last boat (John 21) is the call of God’s will, shown in Peter’s obedience to Jesus to do God’s will. Each person was challenged to personally reflect on what boat they were on. Furthermore, everyone was challenged to step out of their boat and look at what Jesus has done for them in their lives. Soma has held a tradition of relentless worship continuing well after the service has ended and we are looking to keep this tradition going throughout the year.
Entertainment Austin Jones
Across 1: Nothing but a dreamer (Gen 33) 4: How great thou ___ 7: Zero 10: Descendant of Cush who became a heroic warrior (Gen 10) 12: Greeting 13: Father of Omri, father of Ammithud, father of Uthai – whose family returned from exile. (1 Chron 9) 15: Negative response 16: Abbr. Genesis 19: Built a boat 21: Abraham’s response to the angel of the Lord (Gen 22) 22: Reigned over Israel for 7 days (1 Kings 16) 23: A ruler’s statement to Jesus “Come lay your hand on her, and she will ____” (Matt 9) 24: Apostle for the gentiles 25: Blessed are the eyes that… (Luke 10) 26: Son of Shem (Gen 10)
Down 2: Something that all have done (Romans 3) 3: One of Job’s friends (Job 32) 5: Ancient Egyptian sun god 6: This filled the temple in Isaiah’s vision (Isaiah 6) 8: The sixth plague (Exd 9) 9: Dominant problem in 1st and 2nd Kings 11: Built by Solomon after pharaoh’s daughter went up from the city of David (1 Kings 9) 14: 5 down 17: Him and his sister are greeted by Paul near the end of Romans (Romans 16) 18: Dwelling place 19: New International Version 20: King of Tyre who built David a house (2 Sam 5) 22: The second month of the Hebrew calendar (1 Kings 6) 27: Part of the body
The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant and tasteful content. To submit and article or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon. 6
There Are Days
I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen: A Chapel was built in the midst, Where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this Chapel were shut, And Thou shalt not writ over the door; So I turn'd to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore. And I saw it was filled with graves, And tomb-stones where flowers should be: And Priests in black gowns, were walking their rounds, And binding with briars, my joys & desires. -William Blake “Thou shall not writ over the door.� We therefore pledge that we: shallnot withhold, shallnot compromise, shallnot surrender. In all that is done the main thrust of vision is that the artist remains true, our hearts pure and that the work that is started can come to its natural fulfillment in us. Shallnot to fulfill the vision as laid out will be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas through all forms of prose and poetry. Works will be edited only through conversation with the artist. Censorship will be based only on brevity and vision. -Austin Jones.
There are days that the world is ecstasy, and we're perplexed by these, Its like we caught some amazing disease that allows us to see This world and what it's supposed to be, Beyond the charades and the hypocrisies Far beyond the veils and the wails and all the crashing and gnashing of teeth Those moments are golden, in which you wish you'd stay frozen Locked in slow motion like you were one of the few chosen Like when Moses parted the sea and the people heaved out a sigh of relief The moments when you feel your belief, that there may be victory over defeat And then there are those no sunshine days that take you the opposite way Spiraling down through the seven deadly gates of the inferno like Dante The days when love runs away and the rule of pain is set up in its place The days when you run to the saints but they all say get the hell away Those horrible "shoot me, get it over with" days when your hearts set ablaze And you're kicking and screaming away, trying to negotiate a stalemate "If you'd give me a chance I'd change my ways" but sorry man, it's too late You can kiss goodbye those pearly gates and the pretty face, this is justice for your wicked ways, Those days when just living is worse than riding laid back back seat in a hearse When you've lost all hunger and thirst and all you thought was a blessing turned into a curse 7
Those are the days called testing of faith, when a mirror gets shoved in front of our face And all we can do is gaze back at our gaze and seek a spark of clarity in the midst of the haze Yes its true, we're all dazed and confused, all battered and bruised, all messed up and shook up, all used and abused We're all broken and shattered, our souls left scattered in tatters, hearts busted and broke until we think none of this matters, But its moments like these that offer a glimpse of hope, we can let go or choose to hold onto the rope, We can hang on or hang ourselves til we choke, we can climb up or slide down that slippery slope We can choose the wide way or take the narrow road and the narrow road is the road that leads us home. Just remember: There was no beginning that didn't start off as weak, There was never a treasure found without having to seek There's always a chance even if the situation looks bleak So you can choose to live on your back or die on your feet You can choose to die fighting or live with defeat You can choose to die awake or live walking through life in your sleep In any case know that no matter how the story goes or how it unfolds I'll be here with an open hand, an open heart and a door never closed I'll be here standing and waiting, longing, anticipating until the world grows old. Every. Single. Word. To you, it was the truth that I told. - Y.W O’Turlough
Poet Words buzz in my brain and fly out my mouth Words crawl down my throat when I breathe Words beat with the blood in my veins My pulse pounds out iambic pentameter and And trochee trips off my tongue and If you ripped me apart I would bleed on the floor scarlet phrases And my paper-pale bones could be Made a jumbled poem. -R
Isolation I wrap myself in a wool blanket on a wet Cold winter’s day the isolation itself is Like a warm blanket- soothing, consoling Warming my weary bones down to the very Core of my being. - Shane Dickie
Upcoming Poetry Contest Thank you to everyone who has read the Shallnot. I want to let you know of something new that we are doing this year: poetry competitions! This issue kicks off the start of the first contest. There’s only a few simple rules. 1) Write a poem 2) incorporate a designated element – for this contest all poems must include something about 1 or more seasons. 3) Submit your poem to by October 21st. 4) 1 submission per person. Once submitted each poem will be judged by a panel of faculty and students. The winner will be announced and published in the November issue of the Shallnot. I’m hoping for a great turnout so sharpen your pencils and poise your pens and get ready to write some poetry! - Austin Jones
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students of all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say, be it through pictures, essays, stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art, please contact with contributions. All content unless elsewise stated is the express content of the original author and was reproduced with permission. 8