66 4 reprint

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Digital edition available at facebook.com/thebeacononline


Volume 66 Issue 4, REPRINT

Wednesday, December 2nd 2015

Christmas Study Tips

Debbie MacPhail, Coordinator of Student Learning Services It’s time to hit the books!

Christmas carols are playing at the mall, trees are being decorated on campus, some people are even dreaming of a white Christmas, especially after the weather teaser this week! Thoughts of being reunited with family and friends during the Christmas holidays may provide warm fuzzies for some who can’t wait to get home, but anxiety for others who have settled in to a more independent way of life at university. In the midst of anticipation for the Christmas season, the reality of end-of-semester deadlines hangs like an opaque netting over our campus. Freedom from this academic stress is out there somewhere, we just can’t see it yet! Some students will systematically attack their “to do” list, others will procrastinate, joining in the chorus of students through the ages who claim that they “work best under pressure.” Having been part of that chorus at times, the melody is very familiar to me. However, it is late November and the bottom line is the same for all students, regardless of their GPA or personal study habits, it’s time to hit the books! If you are a student who has had strong study habits during the semester, keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve got this figured out. Good for you! If you are a student who might be looking for some advice on what to do during the last few days of the semester, fasten your seatbelt!

It’s late to get into the game now for this semester, but it’s never too late to seriously commit to doing your best

In This Issue Upcoming Events | pg. 2 An Interview with Dr. Sam Reimer | pg. 4 Poetry Contest Results | pg. 7

and make choices to change habits that are not helpful to you as a student. Decisions you make now will affect how you approach your course requirements for next semester. If you want to improve as a student, start now. Proverbs 13:20 says, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Make some changes - you can do this! Start now. So, Chargers, take charge of your life! 1. Attend your classes: show up with your books, take notes, and engage in class conversations, review your notes regularly. Talk to your professors about course work you don’t understand. 2. Study: make sure you have all the notes and review materials, join a study group, set up a time to meet with a Peer Tutor in the SSC or someone in the class who is a good student and can assist you. Find a quiet place away from things that distract you, put your phone away while you study, give yourself regular breaks to move around while you study (5 or 10 minutes for every hour of studying), set yourself up to succeed when you study 3. Drink water, get enough sleep, and eat good food at regular times. Keeping your body hydrated, rested, and nourished will help you concentrate and stay healthy. Those who want to discuss further how to make some adjustments toward developing healthy study habits are welcome to talk to me about this. As well, your Faculty Advisor may offer help in this area. Wishing you all the best as you finish this semester and write your exams! Merry Christmas! 1

Upcoming Events


07 - Last Day of Classes


02 - Res Bible Study 9:00pm

08 - Reading Day

09 - Reading Day

03 - Psychology Society Christmas Event 6:30pm Student Center

04 - English Society Christmas Party 6:30pm SH252 - Science Society Christmas Party 7:00pm - Christmas Coffee House Student Center 7:00pm


10 - Exams begin

Have an event you’d like to include? Contact us at: crandallbeacon@gmail.com

*Dates and times may be subject to change

Charger Athletics Nathaniel Burlock

Hello fellow Chargers, in the sports world Crandall has had a very exciting week. The male Chargers have a record of 4 wins and 2 losses, while the lady Chargers have a record of 2 wins and 3 losses. Both Charger teams had a grueling two day two game series against the highly prestigious Holland Hurricanes. The boys held the Hurricanes to a miniscule 3 point victory at home, while the lady Chargers lost in an exciting overtime game in PEI. On a separate note, intramurals are firing up with a record attendance of 25 people at the last handball day. The typical time for intramurals is 6 PM on Fridays, for more information refer to Washed Up Athletes 2.0 (Facebook group). Good luck with exams and have a great Christmas break, until next time, stay classy.


Exam Schedule: Please accept our apologies for the initial misprint. The details were entered wrong and were not caught in the editing process. Classes ED3123, CH2113, SO1013, PS2233, and RS 2033 have been corrected and the corrections have been printed in bold. Thank you to Marybeth Clements who brought the error to our attention. We promise to be more diligent in the future to keep everyone from future confusion. Date Thursday, December 10th

Friday, December 11th

Saturday, December 12th

Monday, December 14th

Tuesday, December 15th

Wednesday, December 16th

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

1:30pm – 4:30pm

6:00pm – 9:00pm

BI2113 – SH177/127 CH1013 – MH240 HI1113 (Tutorials 1,3,5,7) – SH117/127 HI113 (Tutorials 2,4,6,8) – SH177 SO3603 – SH117/127

EC1013 – SH117/127 GG1013 – SH117/127 RS4403 – SH177 SO3213 – Take Home Due 3:00pm

BU2223 – SH177 BU4443 – SH177 ED3123 – SH117/127 RS3043 – SH117/127

BU/CO3433 – MH240 HI2123 – SH117/127 SO3013 – SH117/127

EN1013-1&3 – SH117/127 EN1013-2&4 – SH177

PS1013 – SH117/127 RS2003 – SH177

MT1203-1 – SH117/127 MT1203-2 – SH117/127 MT1253 – SH117/127

BU3213 – SH177 PS2033 – SH177 RS1403 – SH117/127 SO2133 – SH117/127

BI1013 – SH 117/127 BU1013 – SH117/127 BU3313 – SH117/127 CH2113 – 1 &2 – MH240 HB1013 – SH117/127 SO1013 – SH177

CO/LI2013 – SH117/127 CO3013 – SH252 FR1013 – MH240 (1:303:30PM) HI3413 – Take Home Due 3:00pm

BI4913 – MH240 ID4013 – Take Home Due Midnight MU1243 – SH117/127 PH1003 – SH177 PS3603 – Take Home Due Midnight RS1003 – SH117/127

BI3013 – MH240 BU2113 – SH117/127 BU3313 – SH117/127 PS2233 – SH117/127 RS2033 – SH177

BI3423 – SH117/127 BU1023 – SH117/127 EN2313 – SH117/127 HI3013 – Take Home Due 3:00pm

BU4113 – SH117/127 CO2723 – MH241 FR2513- MH240 (6:008:00pm)

CO4113 – SH252 EN3613 – Take Home Due 10:00am SO3043 – SH117/127

CO1013 – SH252


An Interview with Dr. Sam Reimer Austin Jones

I really have to write chapters as opposed to a book. I lean towards writing articles it’s quicker. Q: How long have you been at Crandall? A: This is my 20th year. I was hired along with Dr. Mel when we came to the new building in 1996. We’ve seen a lot change since then. Q: When you were younger what did you want to be? A: I wanted to be a carpenter. I’m glad I didn’t do that. I also took one of those aptitude tests in grade school. My test said I should be an undertaker or florist so I’m glad I didn’t do that either.

Q: What aspect of your discipline are you most passionate about? A: Helping students understand society so that they can Q: Where did you grow up? make it a better place. So I push students to live A: I grew up in Japan. I was the son of missionary parents. deliberately and make a positive difference. I stress that in I enjoyed my time there because it was like home because my classes. that was where I grew up. It was a very positive experience. I grew up near a missionary kid’s school, Q: What hobbies do you have? which was an American education so I speak fluent A: I’m a secret lumberjack American. Q: Would you please respond to the rumors that you are Q: What is your home life like? the secret Crandall lumberjack? A: I have a wife and three children: Danielle who is in her A: I would deny the fact that I’m a lumberjack. If you hear second year here; and two sons Aaron and Justin who are a chainsaw in the woods it isn’t me. in high school. We have a pet dog and a number of gerbils. Q: What should students know about you before taking Q: Tell us about your new book. one of your classes? A: The book is called A Culture of Faith and it is coA: Don’t listen to the rumors. I’m really an ‘easy’ grader. authored by Michael Wilkinson. It’s about evangelical churches in Canada. We got money to write it from the Q: What is your favorite class to teach? EFC (Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) so we A: Probably modern life and personal identity or Christian interviewed about 500 pastors across Canada. It’s the first spirituality. Both classes let me teach students how to live book I know of that deals with evangelical congregations deliberately. Those two classes, I think, have the greatest in Canada in a social scientific way. Once we got all this impact on students out of all the classes I teach. data we started writing. I did a fair bit of it and it took us about a year to write. Then we spent a year or so spinning Q: If you were a jelly bean what flavor would you be? off articles that were published online in Church and Faith A: Red because I hope jelly beans are like Smarties where trends which is an EFC online publication. Then it takes at you eat the red ones last. least a year to get through the publishing process. I enjoyed writing it but I usually write articles so I find that 4

Campus Concepts Danielle Reimer s

There is going to be a campus survey next semester. This is a glorious event that will provide res students with a chance to tell the all-powerful Administration what matters and what needs changing. A bit of democracy, if you will. Last year, when the first of these surveys occurred, one of the changes that resulted was longer open dorm hours. Originally, open dorm was from 5:30 to 10pm, with a few more precious hours on weekends when it was 2-10pm. We managed a switch to 2-10 “weekend hours” all week long. And there was great rejoicing. However, as of this year’s rule changes, the gains have been decreased. Because of the elimination of the 4-6 time block, we have gained, since before the changes last year, a grand total of 1.5 hours. Which is admittedly better than nothing, but not quite what was hoped. Additionally, despite the idea being put forward last year, and even mentioned by our benevolent dictator earlier this semester, the Student Center in the bottom floor of Stultz also still closes at 11, two hours before curfew. And Colburne House is more packed than ever, barely below full capacity. Colburne House itself has precious little genderneutral space. One only has to walk the halls after ten to realise how many people get stuck with no place to go. If you’re one of the lucky few who do manage to get a lounge, there are people peeking around the door every few minutes to see if the space is free. As exams are approaching, and with people stressing over papers, this is a recipe for a more cut-throat version of the Hunger Games. I have also yet to hear a good reason for open dorm hours not extending to the afternoon. Okay, I get it, having people of the opposite gender around when you’re showering is not ideal. That’s what the morning is for. As it is now, there are very few places during closed dorm for mixed groups to go to watch a movie, play video games, work on a project, or simply hang out. It can be difficult to concentrate when people are screaming over a sports game or there’s that couple in the corner making everyone else feel really uncomfortable.

Crandall Poll Curtis Hoyt

What is your favorite breakfast cereal? How valuable is your breakfast to you, Crandall students? We’ve decided to analyze this valuable part of the day to determine what breakfast cereal makes the best start to a day. When you roll out of bed at 8:15 and need to be to class at 8:30 there is only one quick option to satisfy the stomach before rushing off to class: cereal. It’s there in the good times and the bad, whenever you need it.

So we’ve asked Crandall students what breakfast cereal provides the most comfort to them. The winner is Cheerios, which is definitely a classic! Whether it’s honey nut or plain, we all know you can never go wrong with Cheerios. A very close second was Oatmeal Crisp (including Maple Nut Oatmeal Crisp). With these top two, there is a trend: sugar. It has been established that Crandall students appreciate some sort of sugary component on their cereal in the morning, which is exactly what is needed to quickly wake yourself up while you’re already 5 minutes late for class. Keep on munchin’ that sugary goodness Crandall students!

To be a part of the next poll be sure to visit our facebook page to vote.


Soma Church

shocking. It didn’t make sense. It was awe-inspiring. This was so far from ordinary. The thought of they too being able Over these past couple of months God has been to meet with God was so ridiculous it probably wasn’t showing me how absolutely insane prayer is. That we something they even hoped for! Fast forward a couple can freely, boldly come into His presence. He’s spoken thousand years, by the blood of the Son of God, we are free to me through a number of pastors, books, songs, but to boldly come into God’s presence, whenever we want! But particularly through a passage in Exodus. To us, prayer we rarely see this as being a privilege, it’s usually is normal. It’s a regular, ordinary thing that we’ve burdensome, or something we do to not feel guilty. I’ve become accustomed to. This hasn’t always been the been praying for God to really open the eyes of my heart to case. In Exodus 19 we see the Israelites at Mount Sinai, recognize how crazy blessed we are to have this holy and we see God make it very clear to Moses that He opportunity. To be able to go up the mountain. Me, a human wants the people to see that you don’t just “meet with being, able to come before the Creator of the Universe. God”, you really MEET with ME. It’s not just a figure of Jesus. That’s crazy. I pray that God will begin to show speech, no, it’s happening, right now! Seeing Moses go everyone at Crandall this. God loves you, and He wants to up on the mountain, watching God descend in a dense hear from you. No matter when, or where. He’s eagerly cloud, the ground shaking, thunder roaring- this was waiting.

Jeremy Vincent

Crossword Austin Jones



1 – Something you give 5 – Great delight 9 – Creates warmth 11 – The valley where David fought Goliath 13 – Used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something 15 – A traditional Christmas color 16 – A ___ of good cheer 17 – A classic phrase for Santa 18 – There was no room here for Mary and Joseph 20 – A single digit number 22 – A feminine name 23 – A pair or team 25 – In Chinese philosophy the absolute principle underlying the universe 26 – A place to go Christmas shopping 27 – Seize suddenly 29 – A tropical Asian plant 30 – A song to help babies sleep 31 – A shoe with a wooden sole 33 – To aid or encourage criminal activities 36 – Shortly 37 – Used to refer to one or some of a thing 39 – The night before a holiday 41 – Persistently bother or irritate a person 42 – A hot holiday beverage 44 – 2nd person singular present 45 – To feel blue 46 – Goal or intent 48 – Referring to oneself (51 down) 49 – A type of tree (3 down) 50 – Wander 52 – What stories are made of 53 – A Christmas ____ (4 down)

2 – A condition or supposition 3 – A type of tree (49 across) 4 – A Christmas ____ (54 Across) 5 – An excessively abundant supply of something 6 – To run around once 7 – Canadian slang 8 – Paid to clean houses 10 – To review and change 11 – A reverberated or repeated sound 12 – Another word for ‘Christmas’ in carols 14 – Comfortable, warm or otherwise cozy 17 – Circle of holiness 19 – Used to introduce a further negative statement 21 – A wreath of flowers and leaves worn on the head or hung as a decoration 22- To disfigure (47 down) 24 – Where a hairdresser might work 26 – Perhaps, possibly 28 – Bah, Hum___! 29 – To be announced 31 – What Santa gives to naughty children 32 – Goes in the fireplace 34 – Female name. Form of Eve 35 – A word or phrase used to describe a thing 36 – Fall from the sky 37 – To help 38 – Have a happy new ____ 40 – Another word for prophet 42 – These are put in envelopes and handed out during Christmas 43 – A violent disturbance by a crowd 45 – Respectful term for male in authority 47 – To disfigure (22 down) 51 – Referring to oneself (48 across)

The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant and tasteful content. To submit and article or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at crandallbeacon@gmail.com. All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon. 6

SHALLNOT Poetry Contest For the length of this semester we have been running a poetry contest. Aspiring poets had to write a poem in response to one or more seasons. After a lengthy process the results are in. Our winner is Hannah Steeves. Please enjoy her poem “Snow Hill” along with the other entries.

1st Place | Snow Hill I hear the laughter Of children from outside Playing in the snow hill Burrowing frigid tunnels Throwing ivory flakes Into the crisp air On a Sunday afternoon So happy you’d think They’d struck gold – White gold They play and shriek And build an empire Only stopped by darkness. Monday morning They ride a big yellow bus To school and learn math And biology And lessons about how Life is not fair

Meanwhile Four large dump trucks Roll in front of the snow hill They piled the white gold in back And the empire has vanished By the time the last bell rings. - Hannah Steeves

2nd Place | Too soon the summer has come Too soon has summer come to claim the sky And now in two is admiration spent, For gold and gold’s reflection wakes my eye, But in its waking takes what dreams had lent. So warmly did the blinking morning’s scene Invite me to the banquet of the day Where sight had only need to choose between The orange skies or dancing on the bay, Yet still I would the waves could catch the sun And drag him down beneath horizon’s veil, That but another moment could be won When sailors do not think of setting sail, For neither sun nor farthest reaching sea Could in all truth return your lie to me. - Joey Melanson

3rd Place | Their Loves His love was summer: Warm and wild and Full of empty promises T'ward forever. His love was winter: The endless anticipation Of warmer days, A fruitless endeavour. 7

When the stormiest solstice Of my life has begun

His love was spring: Short-lived and small And gone in a blink Of the eye he awoke.

But In last desperation Before I run dry I cry out to my saviour Whom for me did die

I hope your love is fall: Steady and reliable, Fulfilling all the promises The other seasons broke. - Luschka Van Aardt

Pyrrhic My God, My God lifted life from the landscape Craven trees bend beneath the gloom You can hear the longing in their leaves A silent song of remise Relentless rain, Lamenting from the skies - Christian Arsenault

Solstice Spring fades to summer Then summer to fall And yet this black shadow Consumes still my all I fight and I struggle Till I lose all my hope And as leaves fall around me I can't seem to cope And as fall turns to winter It's hard to feel set When every next day Is the darkest day yet

Then winter gives way For the blossoms of spring And in the tops of the trees The birds start to sing Every hour has it's shadow Every day it's own night So hold on to the summer When the Son shines most bright - Caleb Stairs

Seasons of the Ridge Trail Wiry maple with sleepy eyes, and weighty limbs Come shed your coat, snuggle into the wind Rest you many branches, dream of new spring Welcome sleep; weary roots, drowsy sapling Buried in snow blankets knit up with care Softness and stillness, fragile yet unaware Slumbering blissfully through all of the storms Burrowing deeper while still keeping warm Awake! Awake! Greet the spring flood Uncurl you offshoots, shake out your buds Down through your veins flows a sugary sap Ultimate delight follows a long winter nap. - L.M.R.

So my body is frozen And my mind has gone numb Shallnot exists to express the views of all students of all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say, be it through pictures, essays, stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art, please contact crandallbeacon@gmail.com with contributions. All content unless elsewise stated is the express content of the original author and was reproduced with permission. 8

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