66 frosh

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Digital edition available at facebook.com/thebeacononline


Tuesday, September 8th 2015

Volume 66 Frosh Week Edition

CSA Frosh Week Schedule Date Tuesday September 8th

Event Grandma's Candy and Movie Night

Wednesday September 9th

Photo Car Rally

Thursday September 10th

Amazing Race

Friday September 11th

Coffee House

Saturday September 12th

Mystery Bus Tour

In This Issue Welcome | pg. 2 Volunteer Opportunities | pg. 2 Sports | pg. 3 1

Welcome to Crandall! Austin Jones

Welcome to Crandall. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first year or if you’re a savvy University veteran we are delighted to have you. It’s very likely that you have or will have some questions. The good news is that there are answers. One of those question might be “what is the Beacon?” The Beacon is the student newspaper and is under the supervision of the Crandall Student Association (CSA). Its job is to be the voice of the students and to keep the student body informed about events at Crandall. It is edited by Kirk Middlemiss and Austin Jones. This is a special issue of the Beacon designed specifically for frosh week. It tries to answer a lot of the common questions and provide preliminary information. In the next several articles you’ll find many ways to get involved at Crandall. One good way to get involved is to write for the Beacon. We currently have many positions that we are looking to fill. There are three permanent positions available along with countless opportunities to submit articles on a time to time basis. The Beacon also boasts a literature section called The Shallnot. If you or someone you know wants to get involved with the Beacon contact us at crandallbeacon@gmail.com or austinjon21@gmail.com. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here then don’t be afraid to ask any returning student. Some other key people who have lots of answers include the RA team: Nathan, Aiden, Micah, Brittany, Allyson and Melanie. Debbie Macphail and Crystal Knowles also have many answers.

Getting Involved Austin Jones

Crandall University prides itself on having many ways to plug yourself into the community. One of the premier faucets is the vast number of volunteer opportunities provided to students. Chris Quek often leads students in a variety of ministries such as helping out at the Briarlea: a nursing home just down the road. Another ministry is Harvest House. A returning student who regularly helped at the shelter describes their experience there. “We cleaned the upstairs shelter area, prepared meals and serve them and we engaged with everyone there.” Be sure to talk to Chris Quek if you want to get involved in either of these ministries. He also leads teams of students to Teen Challenge – a rehabilitation facility – and to various prisons. There are many other ways to get involved in in the Moncton area. Many students get involved with the various churches youth groups or other church activities. Crandall University offers a unique Youth Leadership Internship for students. This program is led by Dale Stairs. Gunningsville Baptist Church is also seeking volunteers to help with their youth group, to get involved at Gunningsville contact the Beacon Editor Austin Jones. For the musically and technically inclined people, Dean of Chapel Tim Milner may have many unique opportunities available. These are just some of the many ways to volunteer around the University. There are many more ways around Moncton to give back to the community. For instance, Crandall has an ongoing pledge to the local blood bank. 2

Student Success Center Austin Jones

The newly renovated Student Success Center (SSC) is located at the back of the Rawlyk Library in Murray Hall. Its main goal is to encourage and enable students in University. Every person at one time or another needs a bit of encouragement and guidance to meet their goals.

The SSC is a quiet area where you can receive one-to-one academic tutoring and attend study skills workshops or review sessions. It’s also a great spot to write papers or study. Bring a mug along when you visit and enjoy coffee or hot chocolate while you work.

Many returning students such as myself have used the SSC as a valuable resource that has a strong and positive influence on schoolwork.

Please contact Debbie MacPhail debbie.macphail@crandallu.ca for more information.

The SSC is open: Monday – Thursday 8:30am - 10pm Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm Saturday 9am – 5:00pm

Charger Athletics Austin Jones

Crandall has a strong athletics program that has boasted an increasing amount success each year. Although soccer tryouts have ended, baseball, cross country and other teams are still eager for new people. To cheer on our Chargers come on out to watch the games. Our men’s and women’s soccer teams take on Holland College on Sunday the 13th. The women start at 2pm and the men at 4pm. The baseball team’s roster is almost finalized and they start their season with a double header this Saturday. Basketball fans may have to wait a little while before the action begins as their first game is not until November 1st. 3

Move in Day Success Austin Jones

Monday September 7th was the official move in day for students living in the newly named Mitton Court – formerly known only as “the apartments” – and Colburne House. A vast portion of students living in Mitton Court already had moved in during the week leading up to the official move in day. However, only a handful of students had prematurely moved into Colburne House.

According to the RA team in Colburne House approximately 90 of the 107 people living on residence moved in on the 7th. The day ran very smoothly with the CSA and Student Ambassadors helping many new and returning students move in.

The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant and tasteful content. To submit and article or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at crandallbeacon@gmail.com. All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon. 4

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