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THE BEACON Volume 68, Issue 3
November 8th, 2017
Crandall Poll: Unconventional Sports Ever since humanity took those first wobbling steps as a race, human interaction has been characterized by competition with one another; Cain won his competition by killing his brother Abel, while Nicki Minaj asserted her dominance with a wellaimed, “What’s good, Miley?” For us common folk, however, it’s no longer appropriate to prove your superiority by bashing in your brother’s skull or calling out a rival at the VMAs. Instead, we’ve developed a socially acceptable method of proving we’re better than others without drawing blood (usually): sports. The sports scene here at Crandall is a happening place. But forget hockey or soccer or whatever sport the kids are into these days—Crandall needs some diversity, amirite? Apparently I am, because when we asked for your input, you guys were more than willing to give it. Coming in as the student body’s top choice for a new sports team is competitive laser tag. You may be asking, “why is competitive laser tag so important to Crandall students?” Well, the answer, according to poll respondents, obviously is that we must train for alien invasion. And what better way to do that than to pit students against one another in a relentless battle of life and death, using harmless replicas of what will undoubtedly be the weapon of the future? Take notes, whoever is in charge of new sports team creation, take notes. Coming in as a close second is Quidditch. For the civilized human, this needs no justification. One student went above the call of duty, offering the suggestion of combining these top two results. “Voice activated laser guns that shoot when a spell is declared!” suggested the student. “Throw in brooms and an ironing board [as in Extreme Ironing—look it up], and you have a voluntary nerdy sweat shop!” There was one answer this month that had both the most practical application and the most benefits to the Crandall student body as a whole. If you’re reading this, Sheldon MacLeod, this is really how we can improve the lives of students at Crandall: “Instead of late penalties, students without an excuse should be able to receive an extension by defeating their professor in a joust.” You, anonymous student, may just be the brightest mind of our generation—you certainly have my vote. Kira Smith is a first-year theology and English student with an affinity for chickenless chicken nuggets, subversive political ideologies, and Doctor Who. She is an avid supporter of year-round Christmas decorations.
Spicy Crandall Memes
Interview with Dr. Seth Crowell What is the abbreviated version of your academic history? Straight out of high school, I came to Atlantic Baptist College for two years. Back in those days, all ABC was, was something called a junior college. So, I was there for two years, initially only to play sports; after those two years I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I went to work, got married; [eventually] I said, “No, I think I’ll go back to school.” Because I was into sports, I toyed with the idea of doing a phys. Ed or recreation degree. I went to the president of ABC at the time and I said, “Do you see yourself ever needing to hire an athletic director?” And he was a real straight-shooter; he said, “Seth, I can’t see that happening in my lifetime”. So, I went to plan B, went to Acadia and I did the final two years of my undergrad there. I was taking some sociology courses at night so I could play sports at the school while I was working. Then I went on to UNB to do my master’s. There was a pause in my education when I came back to work at ABC as a professor, but while I was there, guess what else I did? I became the athletic director! I did all the sports. It was meant to be temporary, but a new president came on and asked if I would stay and be the registrar. Then, in a conversation years later with a student, we were talking about lifelong learning and I decided that I should be practicing what I was preaching, so that’s when I went back to do my PhD. I worked on that for the next 5 years while I was working and finished it in 1996.
pretty much wanted to do sports all the way once I got past my polar bear stage. If you could be any other professor at Crandall, who would you be, and why? One guy that I have always appreciated almost since the moment I met him and has proven his loyalty and faithfulness to the place since the moment he came; I was never sure if he would only stay for a year or a lifetime, but that would be Sam Reimer. Sam has demonstrated that if we can keep hiring people like him as professors we can sustain all kinds of ups and downs, because students will feel empowered, appreciated, and challenged, and they’ll feel recognized and connected as well.
What advice do you have to any students thinking of taking one of your classes? Do you think that you are a hard marker? Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Don’t be afraid to challenge the prof. Hopefully I’m creating an environment where they can sense that. Don’t try to be something you’re not, but try to stretch yourself to where you are. Use the opHow long have you been at Crandall? portunity to engage your mind in a different way. I like to I’m working on my 39th year. It was meant to be a 2-year stint. think that taking one of my courses is like taking a trip around Over the years, I think I’ve done all the different jobs here ex- the world, or to the past, or taking you to meet someone cept for custodian and president. you’ve never met before; don’t just treat it as dry dusty theory, treat it as engagement with people and their world and their What led you to your respective field? lives. The field of sociology was sort of a long, long journey. I I was a hard marker, but I’ve mellowed over the years. I’d like wanted to be into sports. Gary LeBlanc, the coach of many of the sports that I was playing at ABC, showed me that you can to think that I’m firm but fair. Over the years I’ve started givbe academic as well as athletic. That’s how my interest in soci- ing students the benefit of the doubt, but letting them know that I’ve had to do that, and inviting them to come see me ology came about. Plus, the fact that it was different; I’ve alabout it. ways liked travelling along the uncharted pathway. Everyone else was picking psychology and I didn’t want to get lost in that What is your favourite class to teach? crowd. Sociology intrigued me in that alone, but also that I When I was VP I had the chance to start the degree compleloved that it lets you see the big picture of things. I’ve come to tion program that happens at night with young adults, middlereally appreciate the big picture, and sociology taught me that. age adults, and older adults who haven’t had a chance to finish their education and feel like it has been something that has When you were younger, who did you want to grow up to been a void within their life. I get the chance to teach their be? When I was 4, apparently (my mother tells me) I wanted to be a very first course when they make the decision to come back to school. They come in with fear and trepidation, but also with green polar bear. When I was in my teens, I wanted to be a short stop for the New York Yankees. When I figured out that an energy and anticipation and an “I hope I can do this” kind wasn’t going to happen, I wanted to be a Mountie because you of capacity that is unprecedented in all the other courses that I could drive fast. Then I wanted to be a sports broadcaster, be- teach. It’s because of that factor, as much as anything. cause I figured I could talk about the sports rather than play them. Then I had this epiphany with the sociology thing. So, I Jessie Campbell is in her fourth year of the BA in Biblical Studies program. She likes cross-stitching and playing Animal Crossing.
Keeping Up With the CSA: Hi Everyone, I hope that your semester is going well! My name is Katarena Blackett and I am the editor for the yearbook. YES! There is a yearbook this year if you have not heard already. As part of the CSA, I wanted to let you guys know that the yearbook is for all of you! This means that a lot of the pictures will be coming from you. So we need your help with this! If you have any pictures that you would like to be in the yearbook, please send them along to me. Here's what you do: 1. When you are at an event or are just having fun around campus, take some photos. 2. Type up a brief explanation of the photo or why it is important to you. 3. Send the photos and explanation to me, Katarena Blackett. My email is: (Please have a limit of 3 pictures per email). *Because of space, we will obviously not be able to use every photo, so if you select a couple of your very favourites, it helps ensure that the ones that really mean something to you are the ones we will consider for inclusion. **The brief explanation of the shot is requested so that we are able to include context to the photo when the yearbook is put together. You can send in more than one email, but again, make sure you are sending your favourites.
Hey guys! It’s officially the busy season. This is when everyone locks themselves in their rooms and works like crazy to get assignments done (at least that’s what I’ll be doing). But in the midst of your busyness, we still want you to come out to Soma. Here’s 3 reasons why: You need a break. It’s not healthy to stare at a computer screen for hours on end! You need prayer. This can be a hard time of year and we could all use a little encouragement. You need fun. We’re all stressed, and what better way to relieve that stress than to sing and worship God? Even if you really can’t make it out to Soma, we’re still praying for you as you write your final papers! You got this! God’s got you! “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31 Let’s worship God together! Jessie Jessie Campbell is one of the co-runners of Sóma, along with Braxton Dearman.
Pre-order for $7, or the book store price is $10. If you have any further questions, you can send me an email or ask if you see me around the school! We really hope that you are excited for this yearbook! Thanks, Katarena Blackett The Issue of Perpetual Adolescence:
Dystopia Now
Spicy Crandall Memes
I think it’s fair to say that everybody, at least every now and then, wishes that they could be a kid again. With the never-ending workweeks, financial responsibilities, and academic demands that come with the life of a university student, it’s no wonder we get so hung up about our long-passed youth. Though it can be a miserable business, the harsh reality of adult life must be accepted. And really, it’s not so bad if you can get used to it. But something that I’ve really had to come to grips with is the fact that many people seem to rebel against the social pressure to “grow up,” and vow to remain adult children for the rest of their days. What I mean to say is that there are an increasing number of young people who simply refuse to acknowledge the world around them. There are countless people without serious aspirations, genuine convictions, or appreciation for the limited time we have in this motorcycle cage. I understand that this might sound lofty coming from a guy like me. I’m not some kind of golden boy. But I can plainly see that there’s an issue with our generation’s nihilistic outlook on life. Think about how many people waste their years smoking pot, watching cartoons, and browsing reddit. That’s insect behavior. And when life comes crashing down, bugs get squashed on the sidewalk. Christian Arsenault is a fourth-year English/Education major. He can usually be found playing Runescape on World 72 near the Barbarian Village.
What’s on Your Mind? Storylines “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” ~ C.S. Lewis. This particular quote of Lewis’ recently introduced itself to me during a time of personal and relational transition. When I was feeling frustrated, lonely, or defeated, it provided me with the courage I needed to keep moving forward—even when all I wanted to do was rewind the clock. Throughout the course of our lives, we all inevitably find ourselves facing bittersweet endings, which can bring us both blessing and sorrow. But at the close of each ending, no matter how painful or disappointing, comes the dawn of a new chapter, a time when we are granted the opportunity to redirect our narrative. Sometimes we may find ourselves wishing we could white -out our previous mistakes or reclaim moments from pages past, but wallowing in regret is like taking a dollar-store eraser to permanent marker stains—futile. Instead of constantly replaying old scenes in our minds, it is far better for us to focus on the present, allowing the past to inspire us as we progress towards a more beautiful ending. The power of our past lies in what we make of it in the moment at hand. If we are to re-write our endings, we must recognize the incredible freedom and capacity we have within us to become. We must take our past, recognize how we have been shaped by our experiences, and decide whether we shall continue in our current ways or choose a better direction. The more we claim this freedom, the more our stories will blossom into something splendid. So, dear friends, start where you are; take advantage of the freedom that lies within you and make the most of all that yet lies before you.
Allana Walker is a third year psychology major with aspirations of becoming a counselling therapist. She is addicted to dark chocolate, loves big words, and is always in the mood for a good pun.
Sweat it, Shred it, Best it: Learning How to Best Yourself Ensure that your nutrition is in line. I am a firm believer that it in order to see the fruits of your labour at the gym, it is 70% nutrition and 30% fitness. That 70% must be filled with proper micronutrients, good carbs, low preservatives and artificial sugars and sweeteners, and essential protein. When I began to refine my diet, I followed the following system by eating: 1. Mostly plants with every snack or meal consisting of zucchini, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, and lettuce, 2. Ample protein consisting of chicken, free-run organic eggs, lean ground beef, pork chops, turkey, and steak, 3. Carbs and fats according to my activity level consisting of sweet potato, quinoa, rice cakes, avocado, and potatoes, 4. Some fruit and nuts consisting of apples, oranges, grapes, raspberries and organic raw almonds, 5. And protein shakes and protein bars. Proper nutrition first begins with a commitment to goodness. What I mean by that is this: commit yourself to good food that is good for you! You are the product of what you eat, thus what you put into your body will be what you get out of it. Learning to stay in control of your choices is hard, yet I have learned that only YOU are capable of regulating your nutrition. Begin by planning ahead and meal prepping and keep healthy foods visible in your cupboard or fridge and eliminate foods that are perhaps a ‘weakness.’ Stay mindful of portion sizes and remember that your body will reward you for making a healthy choice. More tips and tricks will be coming in the next Beacon! Stay tuned! Miranda Roberts is a fourth year history major from Moncton, New Brunswick. She began her health and fitness journey a year and a half ago. She enjoys hiking, cooking, and weight lifting. She is an extroverted young adult who is looking forward to being a future archaeologist and professor.
Critic’s Corner Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Trailer Review *spoiler alert in effect* -Deney: Get out your lightsabers and put on your cloaks. That’s right, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is on its way to theatres this December! -Frannie: My sincerest apologies that I will not be making many jokes this time around. I take my Star Wars very seriously. I am also a bit of a critic considering my love for the originals is so vast that Disney’s newfangled series inflicts mixed emotions in my Star Wars-loving soul. -I grew up watching these films, but I’m not as big of a fanatic as you are. That being said, the responsibility for humour is going to fall on my shoulders… and that’s a hefty load to bear. -At the start of the trailer, Supreme Leader Snoke is providing a voiceover, referring to someone with ‘raw power’, which may be a reference to the Force. We are made to believe that he is speaking to Kylo Ren. However, I am theorizing that he may actually be talking to Rey. -After his little rant there, a montage of Rey training to hone her skills with Luke is shown. Here, we are getting a sneak peek into just how powerful this girl is. But with these overwhelming, boss -like skills, Rey is seriously questioning her place amidst the declining world of the Jedi. -Luke, beginning to understand what Rey is capable of, recalls someone from his past who was equally as powerful. He says that he wasn’t afraid of their power at the time, but, in hindsight, he should have been. The only person coming to mind is Anakin, aka Darth Vader, known from childhood for his extremely high “midi-chlorian count” (NEVER MENTIONED IN ANY
OTHER MOVIE) making him extremely powerful in the ways of the Force. -*cough* NERD *cough* -Next, we see Kylo Ren going all angsty-teen as he throws yet another temper tantrum and plots the death of his one remaining parent. Yes, I am a little salty because Han Solo was my favourite character. -And now he’s dead. LAWL. Sorry, that was harsh… Personally, I like Kylo Ren. I feel bad for the dude. As always, I empathize with severely damaged characters. With the progression of the series, I’m really hoping he’ll turn around, leaving the Dark side and entering into the Light. -And, lucky for you, that may very well happen. As the trailer concludes, there is a clip showing Rey and Kylo that hints at the possibility of one of them switching alliances. And, as we all know, Star Wars has a history of converting evil into good through relationships. Speaking of which, I hope Rey and Kylo aren’t cousins so they can be a couple… cause DANG do I ship it! The tension between the two is just so unbearable! -I agree one-hundred percent! Bring him to the Light, Rey! So, all you “Reylo” fans out there, and even those of you who are just hard-core into Star Wars in general, be sure to pre-order tickets for December 15th, 2017. You don’t want to miss the next installment of this series! Trust me. Deney Taylor is a second-year business student focusing in accounting. She is an antisocial recluse who rarely emerges from the depths of the internet, but when she does it’s most likely because she has to pretend to be a responsible adult (ugh). Frannie Branswell is a second year business major who isn’t playing basketball this year, I know right?! She loves making art, watching movies, and sleeping, all of which she sacrifices for school and good grades.
Take Heart “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 (ESV) Recently I started a gratitude journal. The idea is to write down 10 things every day that I am thankful for. The trick is that none of them are supposed to be “big things.” So not your family, your significant other, or your house. Instead you write down 10 of the little things you might otherwise not think of. Now I’m terrible at doing this regularly, but when I do remember, it is so great. To name a few things that have been on my list lately: The smell of freshly ground coffee. The sound of my roommate laughing so hard that she is in tears. The way the light comes through my living room window at 10 o’clock in the morning. To most, these things are kind of random, but to me they are all important. Each of these things makes me stop and appreciate the things in my life that are so good. You see friends, God has called us to be at peace. In my experience, the best way to find peace amongst the crazy is to pause and be thankful for the little things. As you go about your day and week, be on the lookout for the small things. Take a moment to be grateful to God for these things. Take a moment to breathe in peace and exhale gratitude. Much Love, Taylor Taylor Craig is a fourth-year Psych and BTh student. She is the founder of the devotional blog Take Heart Daughters.
CU Cooking: Ooey-Gooey Cookies
Ingredients: 1 large egg 1/2 cup of unsalted butter (we used margarine because we are too poor for real butter) 1/2 cup of light brown sugar, packed 1/4 cup of granulated sugar 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups of old-fashioned whole rolled oats (not instant or quick cook)
3/4 cup of all-purpose flour cinnamon (we just sprinkle some in, but about a tsp) 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda a pinch of salt 1 heaping cup of chocolate chips 1/2 cup of coconut flakes
Directions: Pre-heat oven to 350º Combine eggs, butter, sugars, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl using a mixer on med-high for a couple minutes Add in the oats, flour, cinnamon, baking soda, coconut flakes, and salt; mix again Add chocolate chips and combine slowly for a few seconds Spray cookie sheet with a non-stick spray, then place cookie dough on the sheet in whatever way you want to. I usually get about 9 cookies on the tray, then get one giant cookie on the second tray. I bake the trays separately for approximately 10 minutes each, or until the cookies are crispy on the edges but gooey in the center. Let the cookies cool on the tray for at least 5 minutes or else they will completely fall apart. Disclaimers: *The original recipe comes from, but we changed more than one thing; primarily we took out nasty raisins and put in coconut flakes. *You are supposed to chill the dough before baking them, but I (Taylor) typically don’t read all the instructions and missed that part, but they always turn out! *The cookies might not look totally done, but they will finish while they are cooling on the tray. *Seriously, don’t try and eat them right out of the oven – it will make a mess. Food Fans Forever, Taylor & Sam #CUCooking
Spicy Crandall Memes
Leah Eisener is a third-year English student who laughs at her own jokes and enjoys memes more than the company of others.
SHALLNOT Who We Are While “shall not” is usually used as a command to refrain, to withhold, or to compromise, Shallnot holds to the opposite: Thou shalt not be silenced. Shallnot is designed to be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas –Kira Smith Assistant Editor
When You Haven't Read the Text and There's an In-class Writing: A Haiku for Abram Steen Uni is stressful I have a lot of homework I don’t sleep enough — Leah Eisner
Parking: Parking on res can be awful
Every Life is a Tragedy:
The number of spots is unlawful
All lives are Shakespearian tragedies,
The lot is too far
Some are As You Like It, the elements of idyllic love,
To walk from my car
Some are Othello and include sinister themes of
At least now my legs are colossal
Rage and jealousy. Yet, others still, are filled with lust
— I.C. Plant
For power such as Macbeth, Hamlet, and Richard III. Every life is a Shakespearian tragedy, And nobody escapes the Et tu Brute’ ? Or the clichéd Juliet drinking the poison Charbon-
A Practical PSA:
neau. To Be or No to Be, Is not only the question but the answer For to live life is to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Fortune and cast oneself against a sea of troubles And by opposing them, end them. These seas of troubles flood into every single solitary life, No one escapes the Tempest,
— Daniel Maguire
The burdens and burrows of life visit all, Some will live and some will fall, Life is not a fairy tale but rather a long, wearisome slog, Where stellar moments turn into dusty diamonds, Juxtaposed with moments of clarity, Moments of clean carats of coal. Life is indeed a tragedy but it is yours or my tragedy. Each one of us plays the lead role. — Shane Dickie
I wrote a poem for the part of me he stole away I named it “Love” because I was bitter, Because it was a lie, a hoax Because I’d always been passive aggressive In both love and my rejection of it Because I had vowed to never hand myself over again, To never give someone that power again A month ago, I wrote a poem for the girl I was beginning to reclaim I named it “Love” because maybe I was wrong Because if the Greeks had so many words for love, Surely there was some kind out there
In middle school,
That wouldn’t make me feel like Icarus On a downward spiral
I wrote a poem for a boy in my class
I named it “Love” because it made sense,
I wrote a poem for someone greater
Because I was bright and unafraid,
I named it “Love” because I had finally found it
Because I was sure I loved him
Because I had found the one who loved me so much,
And maybe I did, in some way
He stretched out his arms to hold me
And that was okay
and let his hands be nailed to a cross
In high school,
In the beginning,
I wrote a poem for a boy with a mouth like fire
He wrote a poem for me
That made my blood burn in my veins
He named it “Love” because that’s what He is
In the best way possible
He drew it in the veins across my skin
I named it “Love” because surely this time
Instilled it in the blood pumping through my body
I had gotten something right
Hid it in the rises and falls of my voice
I realized too late
He called it “Love”
That if that was love,
And I called Him “Home”
I didn’t want it A year later,
— G. Eliot
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students from all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say—whether through pictures, essays, short stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art—please contact us at with submissions.