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Wednesday, February 25th 2015
Volume 65 Issue 2
Student Report on Harvest House Tera-Mae Crossman
Harvest House has existed in the Moncton area since 1997. Initially created as a community drop-in center, it has evolved into a shelter and addictions recovery center. It now boasts many different facilities all across the Atlantic Provinces. Last year in Moncton they served meals to over 35, 000 individuals. That’s where we come in. Every week a team of students gives up an evening to make and serve a meal at Harvest House here in Moncton. While there, we also clean the emergency shelter, serve coffee, and get schooled at the pool table. While all these things are important I don’t think that they highlight the real reason to help out at harvest house.
individuals because it is through these actions that they will see Christ. If we show them mercy, then we can explain that God is merciful. If we show them we can be trusted, then we can explain that God is faithful. When we show them love, we have an opportunity to give them a tiny glimmer of who God is because they will see those things reflected in us.
Without making this sound too much like a sociology paper, we live in a society that marginalizes the poor and homeless. As a result, many of the individuals who come to Harvest House have little to no family support, and often times come with a chip on their shoulder. Trusting people does not come easily to them. So when someone is drawn in by the promise of a hot meal we have only a little bit of time to show them that this is a safe place, that this is a place of camaraderie, that we are people they can trust. That is when we can fulfill our real purpose, to show them Christ’s love.
That is what it means to be an ambassador, or representative, of Christ. It means that we let our actions speak louder than our words and let Christ shine through our lives. Ultimately, that is the goal, that through our actions they can see evidence of a God who loves them relentlessly. That is why it is so crucial to help out at organizations like Harvest House so that they can come to understand the love that we As Christians we should always be looking to speak have found in Christ. Plus, you have to get those community life into one another, but I believe that it is especially practicum hours. If you have never been to Harvest House I important to show love and compassion to these would encourage you to get involved. We head out every Tuesday night at 6:15 from the Commons in Stultz Hall.
In This Issue Integration of Faith in the Athletics Program | pg. 2 Report on Colburne House Survey | pg. 3 Excerpt from Cyrus by Hannah Lynn | pg. 7-8
Interview With Laurie Douthwright
Q: Give me a quick summary of your favourite book. A: Tuesdays with Morrie—It begins with life and friendship, and ends with death and friendship.
Kathy Holmes
Q: What is your middle name? A: Stanley
Q: Favourite childhood memory/activity with your brother Ivan? A: Either fighting over the TV or making blanket forts.
Q: Favourite colour? A: Bright green—Neon.
Q: Coke or Pepsi? A: Pepsi rules—very contrary to what Dennis Bustin would say. Q: Where is the furthest/most interesting place you have travelled to?
Q: If you were a dog, what breed would you be? A: I’m gonna go with the one the cops have—a German shepherd. They’re friendly, loyal—yet they can be protective and vicious if they have to.
A: Spain—Grade 11, class trip. It was a sponsored trip…There were seven of us, so I never could have afforded to go otherwise. But I did, and that was pretty cool.
Charger Athletics Nathaniel Burlock Crandall’s mission statement is to provide “quality university education firmly rooted in the Christian faith”, but it can be argued that Crandall strives to be rooted in the Christian faith in more than simply education. This is the underlining idea of integrating faith in everything we do, specifically in our sports teams. I asked Pat Havard how he integrates faith into coaching, which ultimately translates to the ideals of the Chargers basketball team. Pat states that as a coach he strives to teach though example the ideals of humility, passion, unity, thankfulness, and servant hood. This can be seen through reaching out to the community and showing sportsmanship on the court. The team also takes part in a personal reflection time occasionally with the Dean of Chapel Tim Milner and has made the commitment to taking a stand and playing only Christian music for their warm up. All in all, Crandall’s mission to be rooted in the Christian faith goes far beyond the education they offer. Congratulations go out to our men’s and women’s basketball teams for their 2 victories over UNB Saint John last Saturday. The women’s team won their game 59-29 and the men won 84-63.
Life in Colburne House Danielle Reimer
On the 16th of February, there was a meeting in the second floor lounge of Colburne House. It was a very important meeting, and would determine the outcome of many important things, including the fate of everyone who lives or will live on campus. The meeting was between Sheldon Macleod, our wonderful Assistant Vice-President and Registrar, Dr. Bruce Fawcett, the fantastic and wise president of our school, and everyone in res. The plan was to talk about the results from the campus survey that was given out last semester. There were probably more people squished in that lounge than there should have been, if only for the sake of the introverts and socially anxious among us. There was, however, juice boxes with pictures of Frozen characters on it, which were a sufficient distraction for a few minutes. Several ‘let it go’ jokes were made, most notably by the Assistant VP himself. The results from the survey seemed to be mostly positive. There were definitely a few problem areas however. The most heated topics were, of course, the two main needs of every university student: food and Wi-Fi. Though the Wi-Fi this year is at least twice as good as last year - this is an idea that I find terrifying. For those who lived on campus last year, I’m very sorry and also unsure of how you are still alive. Several complaints were made about the food. It was expressed quite pointedly that, while Kathy’s pizza is “divine,” the “square pizza needs to not.” One issue that was raised was especially important to me personally. My friend group is almost equally divided between guys and girls. This causes a bit of a problem after open dorm because the space is so limited that it is really hard to find a place to do anything in ever, especially around midterm and exam season. And if you want to have a private conversation, good luck. I think that this survey was definitely a step in the right direction, though. It opened up a clear channel of communication between the students and the administration, which I found to be very much lacking before. The fact that both the Assistant VP and the President came down specifically to talk to students was also extremely appreciated. The survey will be repeated at least every year, too.
Snow Days Continue
Brennan Dixon
Nothing strikes more fear into Maritimes right now than the thought of snow. New Brunswick in particular has been hit by an unprecedented amount during the month of February. Officials are calling it one of the most important snowfalls in the history of the province. The sheer amount has been the biggest challenge when moving the snow. Just as people dig themselves out, they find themselves staring at yet another pile. Meanwhile, snow removal services have been working around the clock to deal with all of it. All the while, people are faced with trying to get their vehicle out of the driveway before traveling on suspect roads. Others are struggling to get to their job on time, if they can get there at all. Students also have to judge the roads before traveling to class for the day, in case they get stuck at school. Commuters are even planning accommodations in case of unforeseen circumstances. Though some are refraining from driving, regardless of what they have going on that day. Usually snow days are welcomed, but not when those days turn into weeks. Frustration has mounted in response to the cancelations that have accumulated over the last few weeks. People know are tired of having to scratch events off their calendar and are figuring how to make up for it. Until then, people can only try to find the light at the end of their driveway. Here at Crandall there have already been several snow days and an ever growing heap of snow as University staff having been working long hours to make sure that it is cleared. This has not been an easy task; especially considering that the tractor used for clearing the snow broke down early in the season and has just recently been repaired. A special thank you goes out to everyone who has worked extra hard to help keep snow at bay. Thanks also goes out to the cafeteria kitchen staff who 3 brave the weather every day.
Crandall Launches Heritage Book Brennan Dixon Crandall’s staff and students recently gathered to celebrate the launch of Faith and Education: A History of Crandall University, a book commemorating the University’s 65th anniversary. The event featured a panel comprising of the authors and editors of the book, including Bruce Fawcett (Ph.D., President, 2012-present), Gilda Ryder (M.B.A., Director of Development and Alumni Relations, 1983-2014), Seth Crowell (Ph.D., Vice-President for Academic Affairs, 1980-2014), and Dennis Bustin (Ph.D., Associate Professor of History – Dept Coordinator, 1991-present). As Fawcett mentions at the onset of the book, “Our contributors each have firsthand personal experiences with the university. Their chapters tell the story of how God chose to develop the university over time and how this university has been used in the lives of three generations of students.” Seth Crowell recollected the succession of leadership amidst the establishment of the university, recalling how their guidance brought the university to where to where it is today. Andrew Hopper, who put his administrative experience to practice while serving as Interim President, provided detail of the work invested during the University’s most recent transition. Gilda Ryder illustrated the time and effort put forth during the shift from a private institution to a full-fledged university. Ryder devoted attention to those who invested in the University, both in labor and finances, over the course of its development. She emphasized their contributions as crucial to the sustainability of the institution.
Defending the Faith Cody Guitard
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 2:18 Many Christians express that they feel unprepared to defend their faith when conversing with non-believers, especially with the widely varying worldviews in our world. We are commanded in 1 Peter to “always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (3:15). This is the realm of Christian apologetics. The term ‘apologetics’ comes from the Greek word ἀπολογία (apología), meaning ‘defense.’ Therefore, when we talk about Christian apologetics, we are talking about making a reasoned defense of the Christian faith against objections while at the same time setting forth positive grounds for the faith. This is expressed in Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Keeping in mind what Peter said, we are to do so with gentleness and respect, and thus in love (Ephesians 4:15). Read the account of Paul addressing the Areopagus in Acts 17:22-34 to see a great example of the use of apologetics in evangelism. Studying apologetics not only helps Christians be more prepared for witnessing but also helps strengthen the faith of those who study it. After all, our Lord Jesus Christ commanded ‘Love the Lord your God... with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). Doing so will help Christians stand more firmly in their faith and keep them prepared for witnessing in the ‘intellectual society’ we live in. My hope in writing this column is to not only help provide some useful advice and witnessing tools for my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith, but also to hopefully promote some meaningful conversation amongst all students here at Crandall.
The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant and tasteful content. To submit and article or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon. 4
SHALLNOT Who We Are We pledge that: we shallnot withhold, we shallnot compromise, we shallnot surrender. In all that is done the main thrust of vision is that the artist remains true, our hearts pure and that the work that is started can come to its natural fulfillment in us. Shallnot to fulfill the vision as laid out will be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas through all forms of prose and poetry. Works will be edited only through conversation with the artist. Censorship will be based only on brevity and vision. -Austin Reid J.
Love Love. One. (noun) a strong feeling of affection Someone sat down at a desk somewhere and declared this definition I suppose there are words simply sentient minds can’t understand But love is the one the leaked out through holes in His hands Why do we have so much trouble putting one word in context And why is the second verse the same as the first but add “with sex”? Love if a force that should not be expendable
Considering its value is completely immeasurable In love we’ve been feckless More so reckless And no one would expect less Because it’s just one word right? Another fraction of language we sew so tight Well I dare anyone to try telling Jesus that While he hung by a pair of spikes The fact of the matter is love prompted Peter to put his sword on the ground Love that married Jesus to the church as He went down Three days severed from self and all he had was love There is something that way too loosely, we speak of Love is God saying respect me don’t test me Love is wrestling an angel and screaming “I won’t let go until you bless me” Love is being beaten down and turning the other cheek Love is making someone else strong by making yourself weak Love is acceptance even when we disagree Love knows what to say and what to be Love is walking with Jesus hand in hand And loving is not a one night stand Love is the messiah calling us daughters and sons And love is Jesus breathing “it is done” -Noah MacDonald
Roses Well, I know life for him has been a bed of roses but, trouble is, roses have thorns. And sometimes you get so that all you can see&feel are those thorns. You don’t smell&see the roses anymore.
And you see in his eyes the anger at the people who are trying to give him more of the thorns already piercing his skin. But they’re really trying to give him roses that he just can’t see.
His world has been thorns for so so long and he can’t even see&smell a rose when it’s right in front of his eyes. All he knows are the thorns.
And he pushes them away. And pushes back tears. And leaves you waiting. Waiting for the day
So when someone holds out a rose, even if it’s red and bright and the petals are so
when he won’t just see the thorns. Waiting for the day
soft they feel like a lover’s lips,
when he’ll see
he can’t see it.
the rose.
can’t smell it&can’t feel it. Because all he ever expects are thorns.
An Ode to Falling Snow As a passerby I did not seek thee Nor will I or can I forget thee.
And you try.
Gazing out with glassy eyes
You try to give him the roses.
A night drops gleeful surprise.
You try to give them back, to get him to touch the petals
I search thee seeking the profound.
and marvel at the colour,
Might I join thee, might I dance with thee?
but he won’t. Maybe he can’t.
How short your life must be. 6
From cloud top vast
And bid thee not for me to come in.
To white hills low, till you become Little less than snow.
Teach me as each ye fall
Yet with thee still the wind will blow
Each flake each thought, so small
And oh how you’ll go, you’ll go.
So small.
Oh to join thee there on the wind.
For now I listen, in silence I pray.
To be still one moment more.
What joy! What gift, to meet thee this way. Humbly now I wait
As you fall all that I see is
And watch.
You, me, and spaces between. Each drop of what might been rain Swaying freely to refrain.
Such beauteous gift. Such wonder adore. I must beg leave, must grab a pen and For thee my yarn spen
But for to break away, to bid my leave Would cause dismay And so I stay, I stay And watch each speck like falling star. Each comet enter and each wish reach far. My soul to bless thee and in Silent prayer entreat great love to Stay with thee fair.
Oh to learn your ways. At dusk. The snow. To fly away and dance with thee so. Tis not but glass that stay the winds
-Austin Reid. J.
Excerpt from Cyrus Eve swam in the peaceful ocean she called home. Her blond hair flowed as she swam. Her green tail shimmered in the sun’s rays that penetrated the ocean surface that morning. Eve swam to the surface. She looked around. She was at the border of the Caribbean. Some English merchant ships and fishing boats were anchored not far from a dock. Eve swam to the bottom of the ocean to the lobster traps. She reached into the trap and pulled one out. Eve swam to the edge of the nearest fishing boat and peeked over the edge. A fat man sat on a crate, snoozing. Eve lay the angry lobster by the man’s rear. Then she waited. Snap! “What scallywag put a lobster on my rear?!” The fat man screamed. Eve ducked behind the edge of the boat giggling. The other men in the boat laughed. “You’re lucky we’re close to dock Mr. Gong. I would have you scrubbing the deck tonight.” The fat man snapped. “Honestly, sir we didn’t do it.” Mr. Gong said. Then Eve ducked under water. A dolphin lay in a net with the other fish. The 7
men started pulling the catch up. Eve swam back up to surface. She grabbed the fat mans knife from his belt, and swam back to the net. Eve cut the net and the dolphin and the fish swam away. “What was that?” Mr. Gong asked. “I don’t know, but I’m goanna kill it!” The fat man said grabbing a spear. He looked around in the water. Then he spotted Eve’s green tail. He threw the spear and just missed Eve. Eve grabbed the handle of the spear and threw it back. The spear stabbed into the side of the boat. The fat man pulled the spear out of the boat. “What is that?” “A shark doesn’t throw spears back do they?” Mr. Gong asked. “Of coarse not!” Fat man snapped. “Lower your nets on both sides. I wanna catch this monster!” Eve swam away with the dolphin and fish. Then she noticed she still had the knife. Eve swam back. She dodged the nets and put the knife in the boat. As she sank back down into the water, pain surged though her fin. “Men, I’ve got some’ tin! I’ve got some’ tin!” Another man hollered, reeling his fishing rod in. “What is it?” Mr. Gong asked. Eve swam harder. “I don know, but it don’t wanna come in.” The man said, yanking harder. Mr. Gong looked over the boat, Eve’s green fin flashed to the surface. “The monster!” Mr. Gong threw a lasso in the water. In the panic Eve didn’t see the rope and swam into it, the hook ripping her fin. The rope tightened around her waist. She tugged at the rope trying to get free. “Pull!” The fat man ordered. “Men, we need a net!” Mr. Gong
ordered pulling on the rope. Eve screamed in frustration trying to get free. Then the net wrapped around her. All the men pulled. Eve felt herself beginning to reach the surface. She swam harder, but she kept going up. Then she was thrown into the boat. The men gathered around to look at the monster. “I didn’t expect that.” The fat man said. “A mermaid.” One of the other men gasped. Eve flopped over onto her stomach and braced herself on her hands. She coughed as the surface air filled her lungs. “Do you men have no consideration?” Mr. Gong exclaimed. He threw a blanket onto Eve. “Cover yourself Miss. I’ll go and get you some salt water.” “Back to work!” The fat man ordered. The men scurried back to their nets. Eve threw the net off of her and wrapped herself in the blanket. She pulled the hook out of her fin. She looked at it. While she did, her vision failed and her head began to feel light. Then she fainted. Mr. Gong came back to her with a bucket of salt water, but she was lying on the deck. He ran to her and felt for a heartbeat, there was none. He listened for her breathing; he heard nothing. He felt her forehead. Cold, but was that normal? “What happened to her? What did you do to her!” Mr. Gong demanded. “We didn’t do nutin!” The fat man hollered. Mr. Gong looked back over at Eve. Toes poked out of the end of the blanket. Bewildered, Mr. Gong looked at Eve’s legs. Slowly the scales turned into skin, pale skin. “She’s not dead. She’s turning human.” - Hannah Lynn
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students of all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say, be it through pictures, essays, stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art, please contact with contributions. 8 All content unless elsewise stated is the express content of the original author and was reproduced with permission.