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THE BEACON Volume 66 Issue 5
Wednesday, February 10th 2016
Valentine’s Day Musings
specific day out of the year to do that. We celebrate every day in the little things: random ‘I love you’ “Love is in the air—get out your gas masks if texts, surprising each other with some small token, you don’t want to be infected.” a stolen kiss when no one is looking, a soft gaze and loving smile, and countless other tiny displays. Two years ago I was just about ready to proudly hold to this mantra. From the outside, it can He doesn’t need to spend $80 on a bracelet, $40 on be a little overwhelming, if not discouraging, to see so a bouquet of roses, or $20 on a box of chocolates for me to know that he loves me. If he wants to, many twitter-pated girls running around telling that’s fine—but can we please stop pressuring our everyone everything that their significant other men to meet some sort of material standard of bought or did for them; the stories seeming to get affection on some arbitrarily designated day? more and more fantastic with every passing year. I There is nothing wrong with Valentine’s Day (aside could play it off like it was no big deal. I could laugh from the over-priced candy and flowers), but we about “Singles’ Awareness Day” and criticize the shouldn’t judge our relationships based on how commercialization of love without batting an eye— th it’s easy to just write it off—but, secretly, I longed for much our men spoil us on February 14 . and wondered whether I would ever have a chance to In Feb. 14, 2014 I was single, 2015 I was experience Valentine’s Day with a significant other at two months into a relationship, in 2016 I am three my side. months away from my wedding, and 2017 will be And now that I have that significant other, I realize how silly it was of me to get so caught up in wishing I had someone to share the Valentine’s Day experience with. I’ve come to learn that relationships have absolutely nothing to do with Valentine’s Day. It’s nice, yes, to have a day to celebrate how much we care about each other, but we don’t NEED to have a
in my first year of marriage to a wonderful man with whom I celebrate love every day. Valentine’s Day to me is everything we already do, plus an excuse to wear a nice dress. Kathy Holmes is in her first year of the education program, after graduating with her BA in English. She loves chicken wings more than the average individual.
Campus Concepts Well, it’s that time of the year again: when we get Canada at its most essentially Canadian. There’s snow and grey and sometimes you forget what the sun looks like and then you walk out the door one day and think the world is ending because there’s this giant ball of fire in the sky. Or you step outside and your eyes start to water and your nose starts to run and every inch of exposed skin starts to freeze. Honestly, the amount spent on tissues alone could probably pay to refurbish that weight room people are always complaining about. A very respectable reaction to this time of year is, of course, just to not go outside at all ever, and then fall prey to that age-old traditional Canadian ailment of cabin fever and start kicking chunks out of your walls and alarming your podmates with your wild eyes and gold rush prospector-esque beard. Please remain aware that you will still be required to pay fines for any damage done to your living space. This is also the point where, speaking of podmates, some start developing elaborate schemes for subtly or not so subtly, getting rid of...a few people. The general mentality tends to be something like, “Ah, yes. These people. Nice people. In fact, there’s only one thing I can think of that would make them nicer. Not darn well living right next to me.” Or, you know, “These people are just the worst and have no redeeming qualities,” is also a solid, if slightly extreme, option. Crandall University Administration, and specifically our benevolent dictator Sheldon Macleod, would like it made known that it does not condone murder plots, kidnappings, or the hiring of trained assassins with or without semi-illegal weapons. These are just a lot of paperwork. As an alternative to any of the above options, I’d recommend a lot of hot chocolate, a plant for your dorm room because hey, there are still green things in the world (promise), investing in at least seventeen blankets, and some good healthy ranting about that one person who won’t clean the bathroom to someone who won’t take you too seriously. Also, though, try really hard to get regular hours of sleep, actually go to class, eat stuff that classifies as actual food, go for a walk on the rare day when you won’t get hypothermia within 0.7 seconds of stepping out the door, and put up with those...people who God loves. You can make it. So treat yourself, but don’t be stupid about it. The author of this article would like to point out that Crandall does have some sort of arrangement with a counsellor and Crandall will cover at least some of the cost of that, depending on who your insurance is with. Talk to your RA for someone who knows slightly more than I do, or at least can find out your options. - Danielle Reimer
Charger Athletics Question: What do you get when a basketball veteran, all-star, and a silky smooth point guard walks onto a basketball court? Answer: You get the Crandall Boys basketball team. If you have not already guessed the charger boys are doing extremely well this year, there is no doubt they are heading for a playoff position. That being said just as much attention should be geared towards our female basketball team, both teams having impressive wins over the last couple of weeks. Leading me to my main point, at the end of February both teams have the most important game of the season against our rival Holland College. In my opinion this is the battle of the titans, even if this game does not change the ACAA standings. After a very competitive loss to Hurricanes the last match both charger teams will be looking to prove a point. We are looking to you guys to come out and cheer on our teams. On that note I wish you all the best, stay classy! -
Nathaniel Burlock
Crandall men’s and women’s basketball schedules are available at
Devotional Thought I strive for success. No matter what I do, I want to do it well. I feed off of the positive energy that comes from receiving an A on a paper or through praise from people. For years, I have done my best to build a persona of who I am: Mariah. A follower of Christ. A woman who exhibits compassion and immense strength. A straight-A student. A future teacher. But this is not who I am. Just recently I went against the entire image that I described above and took a full week off from classes. I had finally decided that I was tired of always pushing through the tough circumstances of life in order to maintain my image of being “strong.” Going home, I anticipated some care-free days with my family and a lot of sleep to replace all of those 8:30 classes – I was excited for some much needed R&R. My expectations did not reflect the week I actually experienced. In fact, I think I slept less than I would have being here attending classes. I decided I wanted to treat this week as a “retreat” with my Heavenly Father. Once I got away from homework, music, television, and anything else that I had on the go, I was finally able to spend some time in complete solitude – finally hearing the still whisper of my Saviour. I was hit with some difficult and harsh realities about myself that turned my relaxing week into days of examining parts of my soul that I had been ignoring for so long. Through these challenging and even heart-wrenching times spent with God, I was exposed to the misconception I held of who I really am.
The truth is that my identity is not made up of what I say, do, or even what others say about me. My identity is found in the simple fact that I am a beloved Child of God – not because I deserve to be, but because He chooses to love me. He doesn’t love me because he has to, but because he wants to. In Brennan Manning’s book, Abba’s Child, Robert Crosby states this: "Make the Lord and his immense love for you constitutive of your personal worth. Define yourself radically as one beloved by God; God’s love for you and his choice of you constitute your worth. Accept that, and let it become the most important thing in your life” (33). After years of being a Christian, I have finally begun to grasp an understanding of what it means to find my identity and worth in Christ. No matter how successful I may become, how strong people think I am, or even how much others love and respect me, the love that my Heavenly Father has for me will never change. You and I were created for union with God – being beloved by Him is our identity and the core of our existence. I no longer have to live in fear of not being admired by others – I can finally face each day knowing that no matter what I do or who accepts me, my identity is found in Christ, which is all that truly that matters. Ephesians 2:8 – “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Mariah Cummings is a concurrent English and Education student. She can always be found with a warm caffeinated beverage in her hand.
Staff Interview with Dr. Chabot Growing up in a Protestant family and attending school in a mainly Catholic town, I always thought of Lent as a very Catholic tradition. Every Easter my few Protestant peers and I would look on with pity as our Catholic friends ‘gave up’ chocolate, coke, or complaining for Lent. While living in England last year during my semester at Oxford, I (Larissa) found that the practice of celebrating Lent was much more common in the Protestant churches in England than it was back here in Canada. The village I was living in acknowledged Lent with free community lunches and academic lectures on church fathers and mothers. Both the Baptist church and the Forest church I was attending both put emphasis on fasting and penitence during Lent. Last year was the first time I fasted from something for Lent. I found that it helped me to be mindful of the days leading up to Easter. Coming back to Canada for my last year of school, I have been doing a lot of thinking about Lent. I passed on some of my questions to Dr. Chabot and I thought I would share our discussion with you. What is Lent? What is Ash Wednesday? Lent is the season immediately preceding Easter, the central Christian celebration of the year. On Ash Wednesday many Christians receive the sign of the cross in ashes on their forehead and are reminded: “Dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return” (Genesis 3:19). Lenten fasting lasts for 40 days (not including Sundays, which remain days of rest and celebration of the resurrection). This reflects the 40 days Christ spent in the desert (Matthew 4:2) before beginning the public ministry that culminates in his passion, death, and resurrection. The word Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon words lencten, meaning “Spring,” and lenctentid, means not only “Springtide” but also “March.” Early springtime is often mucky and smelly, as dead vegetation thaws and begins to decompose once again, but it is this very decay that leads to a resurgence of new life. It is the same with Lent. Prayer is identification with the will of God, and fasting is prayer of the body. God wants to trim us like a vine and to turn those decaying trimmings into spiritual fertilizer for our sanctification. Lent, then, is a time when we are called to become one with Christ – in body, mind and soul – in his passion and death, so that we may become one with him in his resurrection. Though we, like Simon of Cyrene (Mark 15:21) might help carry the cross along the road to Golgotha, it is ultimately Christ who lifts us up and transforms us through his Cross. Why is the practice of fasting important for Christians? We are not souls trapped in bodies. Rather we are body and soul united. Fasting is prayer of the body, but it has no value if it does not begin and end in fasting of the soul. Fasting should not make others suffer, but should help us grow in charity and refine our character and habits. Ultimately, fasting is training that enables us to share in the intense joy that comes from living Christ’s new commandment, that we should love one another has He has loved us.
Why are Lent and Ash Wednesday not mentioned in the bible? Lent, like many other Christian devotional practices and prayers, is not mentioned explicitly in the Bible, but is nonetheless rooted in Scripture. Fasting and penance are mentioned in the Bible, and the association of ashes with penance is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21. The number “40” has long had special spiritual significance in relation to preparation; Christ’s 40 days in the desert is the most important of many examples. Moses stays with the Lord on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, “without eating any food or drinking any water,” before receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34:28). Elijah walks “40 days and 40 nights” to the mountain of the Lord (1 Kings 19:8). The Israelites spend 40 years in the desert, doing penance for their disobedience of God (Joshua 5:6). When was Lent first celebrated? Evidence of some kind of Lenten preparation for Easter is ancient. In AD 203 Irenaeus referred to variances in the fast preceding Easter as follows: “Such variation in the observance did not originate in our own day, but very much earlier, in the time of our forefathers” (referring to the time of the apostles). The Council of Nicea (AD 325) referred to “the 40 days of Lent.” Which church denominations continue to celebrate Lent today? Lent is observed in some form by Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Eastern Churches. Does practicing Lent lead to a deeper understanding (or appreciation) of Easter? If so, how? Practicing Lent helps us appreciate the depth of the love that led Christ to death, even death on a cross. It helps us appreciate the sorrow felt by the disciples on the road to Emmaus and the joy that surpassed it when they recognized the risen Christ among them. What is the best way to celebrate Lent if I’ve never done it before? One step to begin celebrating Lent might be to first learn a little more about it, and I should note here that some of my answers are drawn from Rev. William Saunders’ “History of Lent,” published in the Arlington Catholic Herald (2002). Most importantly, however, one should look at Lent as an opportunity to rekindle and renew one’s spiritual life and one’s response to Christ’s new commandment. If a habit of daily prayer and reading of scripture has weakened, one can begin by renewing it so as to accompany Christ more closely day by day. Then one can look for ways of fasting that are of service to others: helping out an elderly neighbor, tutoring a fellow student, leaving the best dessert for someone else, etc. Larissa Rose is the editor of the The Beacon. She loves learning more about high church traditions. Dr. Chabot is a History Prof at Crandall University. 4
#CrandallParkingProblems I think it's time for us to ask ourselves a serious question. When did we become so entitled that we felt it was okay to park in a handicap spot without a handicap sticker? Just because you have a parking permit that allows you to park in the lower parking lot does not mean that you are entitled to a handicap spot. If those are the only spots left then just park in the upper lot. It's not that far to walk. The inconvenience you might feel walking across campus is nothing compared to the inconvenience you are causing someone who may need that spot. I know that this winter has been ridiculously cold and hypothermia is real, but I'm pretty sure the walk from Stultz Hall to either Colburne House or Mitton Court isn't going to cause any serious health problems. In fact, the last time I checked, the majority of studies show that walking is good for your health. I think that it's time for the facilities team to step up and tow the next vehicle found in a handicap spot. They've been handing out warnings for several weeks and nothing has changed. The time for warnings has come and gone. Tow the next car there and maybe people will stop acting so entitled - Jon Schut
Crandall Poll: What New Gym Equipment Should the CSA Purchase? Well it’s no secret; the Crandall gym could use some love! So the Crandall Student Association has generously decided to throw some money in our gym (not literally). Now, before we analyze what exactly the Crandall students would like to see in the gym, we have to realize that the issues won’t be fixed overnight. Thankfully, the CSA is taking initiative, and we hope that the University will follow suit and help the cause (the Student Association and the University are not the same thing). What seems to be the most important equipment in the gym is the cardio machines such as treadmills, bikes, elliptical, stair steppers, etc. Crandall currently has two treadmills that have a “mind of their own,” one decent bike, and some sort of stair stepper. We as students have noticed that this is not enough, considering that this sort of equipment yielded the most responses. Secondly was a leg machine. For someone working legs in the gym here at Crandall, there is literally no way to exercise your hamstrings with a machine. Other high responses were free weights and cable machines, both of which could use some improvement. From this, I would suggest that the CSA do one of three things with the money they have to use:
1. Buy some cardio equipment, 2. Buy a hamstring curl machine, or 3. Buy a cable machine that allows a student to train multiple muscle groups at once! Number three is a personal favorite, see the photo below. One large machine can help solve a lot of problems because there is so much that can be done with this “jungle gym” type machine. It’s safe to say that we are in need, and I’m sure that the CSA knows that and will make a great decision on what to purchase, based on what the students want. -
Curtis Hoyt
Mitton Court Cookbook: Whole-Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes You will need: ¾ cup of quick oats 1.75 cups of milk ¾ cup of whole wheat flour 1.5 tsp baking powder ¾ tsp baking soda ½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ tsp salt 1 large egg 2 tbsp butter 1 tbsp brown sugar
3. Melt the butter and then whisk it, along with the egg and brown sugar, into the buttermilk and oats. Whisk until the ingredients are smooth and evenly combined. 4. Pour the bowl of dry ingredients and stir just until everything is combined. 5. Heat an oiled skillet or griddle over medium heat. (I find the oil is usually not necessary, but it depends on the type of pan you are using.) When the pan is fully heated, drop the batter onto the surface (about ¼ cup per pancake) and cook until it puffs up and bubbles start to rise through the batter. Turn the pancake over and continue to cook until it is golden brown on the second side. Serve immediately.
Directions: 1. Soak the oats in the milk for 10 minutes. 2. While the oats are soaking, stir together the whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in a separate bowl. Stir until the dry ingredients are evenly combined.
These pancakes are awesome with some butter and maple syrup on top, but are even better with combinations of banana, Nutella, chocolate chips, peanut butter or anything else you think might be tasty on top! Also, if you do choose to make these for Valentine’s Day, try making them in a heart shape! Get creative and enjoy! – Lianne MacKinnon
Dear Cranny Granny, Dear Cranny Granny, So I’ve been dating my significant other (aka likely soulmate) for like three weeks now. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and I want it to be memorable, as it is the first time I can celebrate Valentine’s Day (I have been waiting patiently for these past 19 years for God to bring me “the one”). What’s a gift I can give that would be appropriate for this stage in our relationship? I don’t want to come on too strong so… a spot secured at next year’s Christmas Banquet? A promise ring? My parking spot near res (assuming nobody parks there without a pass?). Thanks for your advice, Scheming in Stultz Dear Scheming,
Dear Scheming, Ah, the first Valentine’s Day. I remember my first Valentine’s Day, over 40 years ago back when men used to take you on proper dates and you’d have to have a chaperone to keep away the devil! Regardless, the first Valentine’s Day can make or break your relationship. You don’t want to go too minimalist (the ladies can tell when the chocolate is from the Dollar Store) but if you get down on one knee with a ring – even a promise ring – you’re going to drive them away fast and far to some place like Kingswood University
where someone else will slap a promise ring on her before you can get her back! No, I would say if you’ve been dating around a month there are a few romantic yet low-key options. The classic dinner date is always a crowd pleaser – just make sure to book in advance as restaurants tend to book up quick on this special day. If you’re a budding writer, nothing beats a hand-written note or even a poem (no, that’s not too cheesy – it’s Valentine’s Day!). If you love to give gifts, break out the chocolate, flowers, candies, stuffed animals, and collectables from their favourite Netflix Series. I think the most important thing is that you spend time together and let them know how much you care about them. If the feeling is genuine, you can’t go wrong! Also, remember this year Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday – don’t do anything too crazy the night before. Jesus knows when you’re not in church on Sunday and he WILL frown on your relationship for the rest of eternity. :) Yours, Cranny Granny
Letter to the Editor To the Editor, I was delighted by the recent satirical article entitled Pets in Mitton Court; this response is written in the same manner in which that article was presented. Indeed we were impressed with the puppy rooms and their positive impact on students during exams. Certainly the puppy rooms were far more popular than their predecessors: the stray cat room, the poorly attended spider room, and the unfortunate incidents surrounding the ravenous wolves room that was inexplicably located next door to the defenceless bunnies room. Accordingly it was a small leap for administration to see the value of allowing pets on campus, at least of the nonaggressive kind. We are pleased to announce that, after some limited trials, we have approved the Benadryl reimbursement program. Housing Don, MaryBeth Clements, has already been involved in the early stages of the process whereby pets were hidden in various parts of Mitton Court to see if people’s allergies are real or imagined, as this will be used in the allergy medications reimbursement process. She noted that most people had noticed nothing problematic, apart from a minor issue with fleas on one floor and people complaining of “sad howling” on another. All of the animals have now been successfully removed. On a completely unrelated note, we remind residents to be attentive for scratching noises in the middle of the night.
with Random House Publishing and a series of books by Theodor Seuss Geisel. The true crowing jewel of the pets program will be the upcoming refurbishment of the current first floor study lounge. This room will be expanded, removing several apartments, to house a small zoo. However, while we will be eliminating apartments, due to the popular demand of Mitton Court we will not be reducing actual bed count. Several beds will be placed inside the zoo, where residents may enjoy all of the benefits of farm living. “It’s like a puppy room 24-7, but with emus and venomous snakes,” one excited resident noted. Ms. Rose, thank you for your excellent article and for sharing the good news of pets with our students. As a congratulatory gift for such an article, a special pet will be delivered to your apartment on campus, compliments of Student Services. Next week we present to you “Fluffy FrooFroo”, a beautiful 12 lb. striped skunk. As part of our commitment to the natural enjoyment of all of God’s creatures, we have left her glands intact. Enjoy. On a non-satirical note, I simply want to take a moment to thank the great residents and staff of both campus residences. You are awesome. Blessings, Sheldon MacLeod Assistant Vice-President for Enrolment & Student Services (and cat owner)
We are also pleased to announce that we have added both hedgehogs and hairless cats to the list of approved animals. We’ve also instituted a donation program called “Hats for Rats” whereby people can donate warm hats to cover the miserable little hairless creatures. We were also going to begin a “Socks for Fox” program but experienced legal issues The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant and tasteful content. 7 To submit and article or if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon.
SHALLNOT Who We Are Shallnot to fulfill the vision as laid out will be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas through all forms of prose and poetry. Works will be edited only through conversation with the artist. Censorship will be based only on brevity and vision. -Austin Jones.
Good Mourning
Black and White
I made it as far as the kitchen today; Passed your unruffled sheets And down the hall. I didn't even notice the absence Of your boots by the front door, Or the silence Normally broken by your snoring. No, I made it all the way to the cupboard this time Where I pulled out two cups for coffee, Before I remembered that I only need one. - Joey Melanson
Things are never just black and white, our love is always wrong and right. No matter where I turn, the lines are all a blur.
Me as My Own My heart is a shell of everlasting stone My mind is a hell, of that I made all my own. My body is my temple, or so the people say. But is that enough, to make them stay? Is it enough, to give my all to have no return, except a fall? I give to many, and seek not much Except to know that I am real. That I am valid, that I am worth All the time in the world, no matter what my birth.
You always say you don't feel a thing, but I catch you when your whole world's shaking. Crying and sobbing you say you're sorry, but darling the last thing I want is your tears. They fall like rain down a window, streaking the pale skin below your blank stare. Everytime I'm near your soul, you pull away as if scared to know. To know the love that you want so badly, but are scared because of past memories. Take a risk or a leap of faith, and hold on to me as we go on our way. -
A Haiku to Gangsters Yo yo yo yo yo Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo Yo yo yo yolo -
A Haiku on the Sped of Berries Slow slow slow slow slow Slow slow slow slow slow slow slow Slow slow slow slow sloe -
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students of all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say, be it through pictures, essays, stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art, please 8 contact with contributions. All content unless elsewise stated is the express content of the original author and was reproduced with permission.