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Volume 67, Issue 3
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Boxing Comes to Crandall After returning to Crandall as Vice President, Dr. Jon Ohlhauser decided to use his skills as a boxer to start up the boxing club this Fall. For those who do not know much about boxing, like me, the first things that may come to mind are boxers such as Muhammed Ali and the violence of knocking your opponent out. After talking to Dr. Ohlhauser, I realized there is much more to the sport than I thought. Boxing is more than knocking someone out; it is also a form of exercise. Athletes like Michael Phelps use boxing because it is a great workout that involves the whole body. A boxer uses their arms to hit and block. At the same time a boxer’s feet are in constant motion as they get into a rhythmic movement. To my surprise I learned those who have taken dance lessons can find it easier to pick up boxing than others. This is because they are able to pick up the rhythm and movement involved in boxing more easily. While boxing is a very physical sport, it is also a mental sport. A boxer has to constantly be on their toes anticipating where the next hit will come from, deciding how to block, and planning their first line of action. It is also a great emotional outlet as students get to spend time together and have fun outside of schoolwork. As a form of fitness, it helps keep students healthy physically, builds better cardio capacity, and keeps the mind sharp. It can also be a source of competition. Competition can be a great form of motivation to stay active because it sets a goal to work towards. After a few students showed interest in competing in boxing, Dr. Ohlhauser is looking for ways Crandall can get involved competitively in boxing. The boxing club is open to anyone who would like to try it out. So far this semester, forty-five students have participated in total. There have been students who consider themselves athletic and those who have not done physical activities for years involved and all have enjoyed the sport. Even though the semester is half over, anyone can still pick up boxing. The boxing club meets Saturday morning at 10 in the gym for anyone who would like to come out and try boxing for the first time. Shauna Albinet is a fourth-year History/Education major. She loves doodling, sewing, sports, traveling, and needs her coffee first thing in the morning.
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Dystopia Now Perfect Little Cherubs Not long ago, I had a conversation with my mother about grade school. She told me that I used to act up a lot and that she and my father had often endured long parent-teacher meetings where I was lambasted for my bad behavior. However, it appeared that in grade six the complaints suddenly stopped. This, my mother hypothesized, was because in grade six I was assigned my first male teacher. For those who might not be aware, young boys are a handful. They are a torrent of perpetual energy, wild opinions, and unbridled emotion. For educators, this behavior can be stressful. Yet, the issue I take with my former teachers is that they clearly regarded me, a lively little boy, as nothing more than a problem child. As I recall, none of my shenanigans were born of spite or malice, yet my teachers consistently found things to complain about. Some of the most popular grievances included: “Christian is too loud”; “Christian is a class-clown; he jokes around too much”; and the infamous “Christian writes with a pencil gripped in his fist; it is unprofessional and problematic.” Apparently, this behavior was too severe for my female teachers and I imagine that they wanted to put me on Concerta, Ritalin, or Adderall like countless other students in our school system. However, despite the boohooing of these teachers, my parents understood that I would soon grow out of these tendencies, addressing my misconduct accordingly. In reflection, my mother had admitted that my teachers didn’t mean to upset anyone; they were simply acting more like mothers than educators, and I understand how that could offend my parents. But, as I write these passages, I can’t help but wonder why my behaviour improved once I was assigned a male teacher. My conclusion is that students require guidance when they attend school and—since there is a lack of men teaching at the elementary level—for boys it can be difficult to relate to female teachers who know nothing of the male experience. To be clear, women also play an important role within the school system, but it is also true that girls need male role models as well. The fact of the matter is that, presently, students have very few strong, male figures in their lives. It is true that this issue extends beyond the school system, but it is blatantly obvious that the youth of today are in desperate need of male guidance and that boys, in particular, are suffering at the hands of this absence. Christian Arsenault is a third-year English/Education major. He can usually be found playing Runescape on World 72 near the Barbarian Village.
Keeping Up With the CSA Come on out to the annual Crandall Christmas Banquet. This year it will be held at Moncton Golf & Country Club, 212 Coverdale Rd, Riverview. Tickets can be purchased in the Crandall University Bookstore. Early-bird rate is $10 a ticket, and then 1 for $15 or 2 for $25 starting November 8th. Cash only. On Halloween night, Crandall Students went door to door in their costumes collecting food for our local food bank. The total amount of food collected was 862lbs! We want to help relieve your stress! On October 26th, the CSA provided free Starbucks coffee. Stay tuned for more stress relievers like this coming soon. The CSA is searching for a willing Crandall student to hire as our Student Center cleaner. If you are interested, contact Kristen Reay (VP Student Services) for more information. Robynn MacCallum is a second year Psychology student. She enjoys serving on the CSA as the VP Internal, good 2 food, cuddling her cat, and spending time with family and friends.
Interview with Dale Stairs
Q: Do you have any interesting hobbies? A: Chainsaws. I have a wood lot and I play in my wood lot with chainsaws and my saw mill. I cut firewood, mill lumber, and I build things. I’m not like some dangerous Q: Can you give the abbreviated version of your academic guy with a hockey mask and a chainsaw; I just like cutting down trees and sawing things up. It’s just fun. history? A: I studied here, at what was then ABC, then at Acadia Divinity College. When I graduated, I became a youth pastor. I thought I would do that the rest of my life—just loved it— until God pointed me in a slightly different direction. I became the director of Youth and Family Ministries for the Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Again, I absolutely loved it. Working with people across the country and actually around the world in youth ministry initiatives was fabulous. I was there for eight years. While I was doing that, I started doing a little bit of teaching at Acadia Divinity College in the area of youth ministry. I immediately fell in love with teaching. I started teaching one, maybe two, courses in the area of youth ministry. That lead me to think about furthering my education—something I never thought I’d do. When I finished my Masters I figured that I was done with school forever; then I started working on my PhD and I’m currently still working on that. I’m over half way through the dissertation now. I’m doing it through the Free University of Amsterdam—which, despite the name, is not free—in the area of youth discipleship.
Q: What advice do have to any students thinking of taking one of your classes? A: My classes are really, really practical in nature. To be successful in my classes you have to come with an attitude that is ready to serve and be ready to close the books and to think about how you’re going to open your heart to God. Q: What class would you take if you could? A: This year I would want to take the Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. That would be a great course.
Q: How has your intellect given you a richer faith? A: It certainly has. I think my intellect has given me a broader faith and a deeper appreciation for a wide diversity of beliefs. It sometimes makes me uncomfortable at first, but it usually helps me to realize how big and how broad the family of God is and how diverse we are. Q: What does it look like to live as an intelligent Christian? Q: Would you rather have an ant head or an ant body? A: Definitely an ant body. Yeah. The strength of ant would be A: It means that we need to have minds that are open to incredible. I have a small head anyway so I don’t want an ant interacting with all knowledge and all theories that come head. The things you could do with an ant body, the work you our way. Never closing our minds because something might appear threatening or something might be outside could get done... the box of what we think is orthodoxy. We need to Q: Within your field what exactly is it that interests you? engage with that and be stretched a little bit in the process. A: It’s a historical study that I hope has some current application. I’m looking at youth discipleship within Baptists in Atlantic Canada from the end of World War II to 2010. In Interview conducted by Austin Jones. 4th year honours in layman’s terms, I’m asking what works and what has worked. English. Enjoys mountains, writing, and tomfoolery. Known to overuse sarcasm. Youth ministry has changed so much and we do so many different things, so I’m trying to see if there are any constants, 3 any things that have worked in a multitude of different contexts. I think it’s a much more interesting topic than most people choose for their PhDs.
Wild Crandall Memes
Much Ado About Nothing The internet is a wonderful place of heartwarming cat videos and irrefutable facts. The internet has given us the Trinity of all knowledge: the Google, the Siri, and the Holy Wikipedia. The knowledge contained within these is basically gospel truth. The internet is a student’s best friend. It gives us the ability to mindlessly procrastinate for hours on end after class until you realize it’s time for supper in the cafeteria. And I shouldn’t just limit the procrastination to after class. During class is apparently a prime time for procrastination as well. (By the way, for those who think your profs don’t notice, oh they do.) Regardless of your areas of interest, there is a social media platform for you. Do you enjoy the sayings of Ghandi or Martin Luther King Jr.? You can put those on Twitter and cite them as your own deep and intellectual thoughts. Do you enjoy seeing your head as a piece of toast, a dog, or Hello Kitty? Snapchat’s only purpose is for such reasoning. Do you enjoy boosts of self-confidence from likes on posted selfies or seeing what other people eat? Instagram is your go-to. Where else on the internet can you go to find out how to use mason jars for cups or 101 ways to use chalk paint except for the brilliant mind of Pinterest? To be enlightened by today’s preeminent thinkers, who are always right, your destination is the all-powerful platform of Tumblr, where social justice issues are addressed with only the utmost respect for all views. Yes, the internet is wonderful place for procrastination. However, not only can you procrastinate with the internet, but if you feel like you don’t want to write a paper today, don’t worry. The internet already has one available to use. Just change a few words and you are set to go. It’s truly amazing what the internet has given to us, and hard to believe what people would do before they could watch the latest carpool karaoke, like reading books and interacting with people. I tell you, the nineties were a scary time to be alive. And so, my fellow indulgers of the electronic content, let us thank the wonderful people at the internet, the Holy Trinity of Knowledge, and our patron saint, our connection to the universe, Harambe. May Social Media have mercy upon thine legacy. (The Beacon would like to assure readers that this article is a work of satire and not to be taken seriously.) Noah Lohnes is a third year student in the Business and Bachelor of Theology programs. Fun fact: He can4quote the entirety of Veggietales: The Lord of the Beans.
Letter to the Editor: The US Election: When Corruption is Preferable to Political Incorrectness Would you rather vote for a jerk or a war criminal? One who frequently expresses his right to free speech or one who actively works to suppress yours? This is the choice that Americans have to make on November 8 th, and the choice is becoming more evident each day. Despite what the media tells you, Donald Trump is not an evil man for wanting to take a deeper look at the people coming into the country, for not wanting to give into the demands of those who ask for even more government benefits, and for saying rude things about individuals. I don’t know when the idea that someone making disparaging comments about a solitary person is racist or sexist began—regardless of whether it is a woman or a person of a different race—but it needs to stop. It is polluting the political discourse. It is a way of shutting down, and thereby refusing to engage in, serious conversations. So, when Trump says something unpleasant in reply to a woman who has been unkind to him in the past and your favourite media outlet calls him sexist for doing so, please think critically about the situation. Some have deemed this election “the debasing of American politics,” and in a way it is, but not in the way that you might think. Shocking things have come out about Hillary Clinton and are no longer speculation, like her deleted emails, and these criticisms, unlike calling Trump a jerk, don’t take away from core political issues. There is growing evidence, both through videos and leaked emails, that there is collusion in the Democratic Party to, essentially, make the election less democratic. I hesitate to use the word conspiracy because of its obvious negative connotations, but it is clear that this is the situation as it stands. A video has surfaced of a person connected with the Democratic Party verbally admitting that they have been rigging elections for years. Emails were leaked about the Democratic Party actively working against Bernie Sanders so he wouldn’t be their nominee. Public records show Clinton taking millions upon millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the leaders of major Wall Street banks and special interest groups. Not to mention another video shows people within her campaign admitting that she has paid people to cause violence at Trump rallies. This is apart from the emails that she deleted in relation to Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation that almost certainly prove that she is a traitor to her country, and the numerous people who are connected to her that have died under suspicious circumstances. Recently, it has been revealed that the FBI will be reopening their investigation into the Clinton Foundation in light of new emails previously thought to have been deleted. The FBI would not have reopened their investigation had serious, damning evidence come not forward, incriminating enough so that FBI Director Comey had absolutely no choice but to reopen the investigation. So why is she still leading in the polls? Why is she still allowed to run for president? The answer clearly lies with the mainstream media. I will not be so bold to say that she has paid them for positive coverage or that they are colluding with her personally, though that may certainly be the case, but it is clear that almost every outlet has a pro-Clinton bias. For almost two weeks it was impossible to watch a news program without hearing about the Trump tape where he talks about women lusting after him. Yet, when actual political corruption is proven, when proof of voter fraud is released, the media is almost completely silent. The line between the second and fourth estate has never been so blurred and it seems that a scary time in America’s history has come where no one is bothered by it. With little hyperbole, the very core of democracy is rotting away and those who it is meant to benefit don’t care. I am not even saying you should vote or even consider voting for Donald Trump; he absolutely has his faults: his support of increasing NSA surveillance, inadequacies in addressing the gun issue, his plan to defeat ISIS, etc. I am writing this article for the others who roll their eyes when they hear Clinton accuse Trump of having other countries influence the election when she takes millions from other countries; when she claims to be for regulating Wall Street when she takes money from them and gives them personal speaking engagements; and when she claims to be against the Trans-Pacific Partnership when her numerous private speeches prove the opposite. Her history damns her, her corruption damns her, and her Party damns her. All I want is to not to be scared to turn the conversation away from Trump hurting someone’s feelings in order to have a serious discussion about Hillary 5 Clinton and the evidence damning her political career. -Kirk Middlemiss
Remember Them Always November 11 marked Remembrance Day, a day set apart to honour our brave heroes that have fallen in the line of service. In the beginning of November, we also recognize Veterans’ Week, where more events and services take place to honour and remember those who courageously have fought for country. While we have these significant times of the year set aside, it is important to remember our soldiers, veterans, and the ones we have lost every day of the year. Within the past year, steps have been taken towards creating a better quality of life for our veterans by the Government of Canada. By May 2017, nine Veterans Affairs offices across Canada that were shut down in 2013 will be re-opened and a new one will be created in Surrey, B.C. Veteran Affairs Canada has been working closer with veterans in the Territories as well to ensure that all those who need services are getting them. Canada’s Government Budget in 2016 took into account the restoration and development of services for veterans and families, giving them quicker and easier access to these services. The Department’s goal is to hire 400 more staff, and has already hired 184 of those. Extra case managers will be hired so none of them handle more than 25 clients, ensuring that their services to Veterans are provided speedily and with better quality. These are just first steps taken by our Government and, as citizens, we must make sure these promises are kept and followed through by being activists in this area. Every day, those who play a huge role in making Canada a great nation still struggle, not getting services they need quick enough or at all, and it is up to all of us to advocate for this. So as November comes to a close, let us not just remember, but also speak out. Join the conversation on the Canada Remembers Facebook page and learn more at Victoria Dempster is a 3rd year Sociology Major. She enjoys running, reading, and scenic drives. Her favourite author is Margaret Atwood and her favourite place to be is by the ocean.
Crandall Poll Superpowers on campus, can you imagine? Student life would be a lot different, that’s for sure! When Crandall students were asked about what superpower they would want to have, a variety of answers were given; this has led me to introduce “honourable mentions” for this week’s article: bring Harambe back to life, and the power to make all your assignments, tests, and papers write themselves. To you I say, Harambe was just a gorilla, and no assignments = no learning! I hope I didn’t lose any friends by saying that. The funniest answer I have ever heard to a question like this was “To be able to make soap taste as good as it smells.” That superpower would change the world! On to our top three. In first place, we have flying. This one speaks for itself; who doesn’t want to fly? In second place, we have invisibility. I think this would give our sports teams a huge advantage, but it would also be hard on your class attendance! Finally in third place, we have telekinesis. Now, this sounds great, as long as no one starts rearranging the desks in the middle of class! I hope this article spurs some creativity in your minds about what these different superpowers would mean on campus. Who knows, someday some of these may just be possible. 6 it Curtis Hoyt is a 4th year Biology major who recently discovered a type of cheese that doesn’t melt when you fry (Halloumi cheese). He recommends it to anyone who loves cheese and is not lactose intolerant.
If God is real what do you do about it? Last week, I was speaking at a youth event called Challenge in Nova Scotia. I was asked to share my testimony and preach a short message to about 350 youth. As I thought about this message, no question seemed more important to address than “If God is real what do you do about it?” No one really argues that Jesus walked this earth; historians, theologians, and scientists alike tend to agree that heand didscientists in fact live, teach, that Jesus walked this earth; historians, theologians, alike tend to and eventually die on a cross. However, itagree is a step acknowledge really isdie theon Son of God. That it is that further he did intofact live, teach,that and he eventually a cross. However, a step further to acknowledge that he really is the Son of God. That changes changes everything for everyone. for the everyone. This question that I’ve stated above iseverything the same for youth I spoke to, the pastors I meet, and every nonChristian in our world today. If we are Christians, and we know that we are saved, we don’t get to just sit on our salvation and coast from here on out. We need to take a good hard look at the fact that, if Jesus is real, then we need to do something serious about it. Not just go to church on Sundays, but earnestly seek to know him deeply, and through his Spirit seek to tell anyone we can about Him. If you are not a Christian the same question remains: “If God is real what do you do about it?” Everything in your life hangs in the balance of that question. Purpose, meaning, and understanding all find fulfillment in the realization that God is indeed real and is truly quite amazing. I would like to tell all of you today, whether you are a Christian or not, that your life can still be turned upside-down by God in all the most amazing ways imaginable and, as I keep finding out, in better ways then we could ever imagine. So, if God is real what are you going to do about it? Reminder: Check out Soma on November 18th at 7:00! This is YOUR on-campus church, led entirely by Crandall students, for everyone! And check out our Facebook page, “Soma Church,” to stay up to date on service times, hilarious videos, and awesome verses. Micah Knowles is a 4th year Communications student and Bachelor of Theology student. Micah loves Jesus, hunting/fishing, Emily, sports, Josh and Ben, and long walks on the beach. He once killed a chicken with a spear. If you want to talk to Micah about getting involved with Soma you can text or call him at 506-232-3319.
Wild Crandall Memes:
Leah Eisener is a second-year Interdisciplinary student who laughs at her own jokes and enjoys memes more than the company of others.
The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant,7and tasteful content. Please contact us at to submit an article or ask question. All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon.
SHALLNOT The distraction of peaceful dreams
But no choice has heaven given
She rides through the clouds on the wings of a bird,
To small children who cannot speak;
Nobody on earth could believe what she heard.
I've no words, no prayers but "ummy",
As she rode on its back with soft feathers in hand,
So heaven steals me as she weeps.
It took her away to a magical land.
Did the angel not hear me screaming,
The faces that met her held nothing but smiles
Or feel my struggle to break free
But familiar she saw not for thousands of miles.
From his arms that pulled me further
This dream that she’d had made her jolt up with fright,
Away from hers into the sea.
Believing that people smiled only to fight. Downstairs she heard screaming, a crash, and a bang. Her mother was yelling stuffing things in a bag. Her tears they were falling but stop she did not As she walked out the door with the ticket she’d bought. Daddy threw curses across empty rooms And yelled at the woman who abandoned her womb. The little girl looked but her vision it blurred As tears, hot and salty, fell on carps of fur.
How the angel sings so softly, As the waves break my tiny frame, His song bitter as I grow colder Her sweet vision from me fades. O far off heaven hear my heart cry As I sink down into these deeps, Though you stole me, do grant mercy To my mother, give her peace. -
She ran to her room with her teddy in hand
Yusuf William
And rode on the bird back to her magical land.
Imagine a three dimensional Cartesian plane.
Where smiles abundant on face after face
Imagine a glowing yellow leaf caught in an unrelenting
Left her sadness behind and replaced it with grace.
autumn wind.
Syrian Child’s Rebuke of Heaven from the Bottom of the Sea
Arbitrarily the leaf spirals down. The centre of this vortex is x=0. The lead falls from y=20 to y=10. X= -2 - 2
I heard heaven to me calling,
Z= -1 - 3
As your voice cried out to me;
Do not assume uniformity in the descent.
Mother had I choice in choosing,
My only heaven's at your feet.
X= -20
My two years have known no respite,
Ah! the poetry of it.
Thrown from home to barren place,
My walk continues.
Cruelty relentless is raging
There's a broom in the middle of the road.
My only comfort was her face.
Austin Jones
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students from all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say—whether through pictures, essays, short stories, cartoons, poetry or any other 8 form of art—please contact us at with submissions. All content unless otherwise stated is property of the original author and was reproduced with permission.