The Beacon - Sept. 27, 2017

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THE BEACON Volume 68, Issue 1

September 27, 2017

A Word from our Benevolent Dictator: There are many types of transformation. Businesses and organizations can be transformed by practices or culture. People can transform their appearances. Caterpillars transform into butterflies: “To become a butterfly, a caterpillar first digests itself. But certain groups of cells survive, turning the soup into eyes, wings, antennae and other adult structures” 1 …Gross… but a great illustration nonetheless…University is also transformational, with varying amounts of self-digestion needed. Education and experience are meant to change us as we develop our minds, hearts, and skills – graduating from a post-secondary institution exactly as you entered should prove to be difficult. Crandall University seeks to provide a transformative experience that encourages academic excellence, promotes personal growth and development, builds belonging, and offers a true sense of community. The mission of the University is: “Transforming lives through quality university education firmly rooted in the Christian faith”. Providing opportunities for that transformation is something we are excited about; it drives who we are and why we are at Crandall. This year, we’ve embarked on a spiritual transformation project to develop Transformation meaningful outcomes for all students in a Crandall program. We’ve been conducttrans·for·ma·tion / noun / ing significant research as part of our process: interviewing North America’s best træns.fəˈmeɪ.ʃən researchers and practitioners, a significant review of the literature, and hearing what -an act, process, or instance of people on our own campus say: faculty, staff, and students. transforming or being transformed; Indeed, hearing from our students is an essential component to develop transformative opportunities in the lives of students. Students are the reason that the Uni- -a complete change in the appearance or character of something or versity exists. We want to hear your thoughts on what the transformative nature of someone, especially so that that your time in university could look like. thing or person is improved; As we move through this process we’re looking at wider transformation outcomes: -a change or alteration, especially a  Transformation cannot be limited to one area of our lives. Sadly, we don’t radical one; leave our problems at home when we go to class or our illness at home -a marked change in form, nature, or when we go to a movie. Wherever we go, there we are. appearance;  Transformation also includes understanding and becoming our best selves. -the thing that Autobots and DecepRegardless of our faith or understanding, it is likely fair to say that we all ticons do while making that cool want to find fullness and depth as a person. noise.  Transformation is inherently relational. We are called to love God and to love others, and that is our best starting point. Transformation seeks to connect us with God first and then with the world around us. There must be more to life than simply an excellent education and a good job. We want to hear your voice as we explore that together. We’ll be asking you to join us at one or more of our discussions times. Each session will include a brief presentation (5 minutes) followed by discussion on what transformation can look like at Crandall. This is your opportunity to discuss outcomes and experience both in broad and specific terms. After the meetings, students will be given a link to a short on-line survey to insure their individual voice is heard. Watch for dates and times to be communicated through social media, email, Community Boards, departments, and classes. We’re providing multiple opportunities for your feedback, and we look forward to hearing from you as we seek to make the transformative experience of Crandall a meaningful one for every student. If you have questions or would like to begin a conversation, or have questions, please connect with me. - Sheldon J. Sheldon MacLeod is the Assistant Vice-President for Student Success & Transformation at Crandall University. 1

Ferris, J. (2012). How Does a Caterpillar Turn into a Butterfly? Scientific American. Retrieved September 19, 2017 from

Crandall Poll: One day you will wake up, and everything will have changed. The sounds of TV news anchors will echo through the halls, accentuated by pings and beeps as cell phones are bombarded with notifications. “What’s going on?” You will think, “it can’t be—” but alas, it is. Each TV will echo the same message: “Moncton university professor takes over world!” But who is it? Who could commit such a deed? According to Crandall students, the culprit can be none other than Dr. Keith Bodner himself. But how can we be sure? According to one student, “He's already started to infect the masses without trying via the Bodner Fan Page. His charisma is admired by many and his intellect reaches beyond the borders of common mortals.” Another insider explained that “only one as swole as Dr. Bodner could lead Man's Utopia.” Convincing arguments, if you ask me. However, there was some apparent competition revealed in the polls: competition in the form of a Dr. John G. Stackhouse, Jr. One student predicted that he would materialize in a meeting of the United Nations and seize power over each country after they inevitably forgot to pass in their homework on time. Nevertheless, it would seem that Professor Stackhouse’s plans are not so easily guessed. When we caught up with Professor Stackhouse after news of Dr. Bodner’s plans for a global coup had broken out, he had some intriguing words to share with us. “This actually is part of my evil plan… because my scheme is actually to run Bodner as a puppet,” said Stackhouse, with a calculated yet distinctly maniacal look crossing his face. “He’s younger, he’s better-looking, he’s stronger, so he makes a good front-man. Unfortunately, he’s not very AND ALSO bright, but that’s okay. I just tell him what to say, and he says it. That way I can manipulate him and the rest of the THIS GUY: world.” So, there you have it, kids. Dr. Bodner may be the one you chose to lead us into a brighter future, but it would seem as though he is but another pawn in Professor Stackhouse’s game, intended to pacify and lull us into a false sense of freedom. Despite these intriguing developments, the award for most logical and succinct argument goes to whoever voted for Sheldon MacLeod. “He is our benevolent dictator, after all,” wrote the inspired student. “First step, Crandall University students, second step, the global population. Who can resist the charisma of a man with a gnome homie and a no-drama llama?” I am inclined to agree, anonymous student. I am inclined to agree.


Kira Smith is a first-year theology and English student with an affinity for chickenless chicken nuggets, subversive political ideologies, and Doctor Who. She is an avid supporter of year-round Christmas decorations.

What’s on Your Mind? The Reality of Fear

CSA Report:

The Crandall Student Association didn’t have much to discuss during September University can be so many wonderful things: a time of excitement, adventures, and th 20 , 2017 CSA meeting. She mentioned pleasant surprises. As fun and exciting as university is, however, it can also provoke that the total cost for this year’s Welcome within us a number of anxieties and fears as we learn how to meet increased academic demands, manage personal finances, navigate relational conflicts, and discover an outlet Week was $5,167.06. However, the CSA collected $840.00 from students participatfor our talents and passions. In university, the opportunities to excel and explore are ing in the mystery bus tour. In other words, endless, and yet, so are the opportunities to worry and fear. Here’s the reality about fear: it is the constant companion of new opportunities. the expenses for Welcome Week were In his book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat, John Ort- $4,347.06. That’s nearly half of what it was berg discusses the natural relationship between fear and opportunity, as well as the dan- last year! The CSA is in the process of ger of remaining too long in our comfort zone. In Ortberg’s opening chapters, one of his planning events and activities, which should surface before the end of the semesfoundational concepts is this: “The decision to grow always involves a choice between 1 ter. risk and comfort.” Anytime we step out of our comfort zone, tackle fresh challenges, Speaking of events, the societies and assume greater responsibilities, or initiate new relationships, we will inevitably encounclubs that have completed and returned ter fear, because fear is an inherent part of growth. This realization can either be disheartening or motivating, depending on the mentality you adopt. You have two options: their Club/Society Application/Update Form to the CSA have been unanimously you can either choose to spend your life in the comfortable realm of familiar circumvoted in. The CSA still awaits the English, stances, or you can step boldly into the unknown to experience all that awaits you. University is a time for taking chances, my friends, a time to carpe diem. Let us Science, and Psychology forms and are also not impede ourselves from experiencing all the opportunities available to us simply be- looking for an off-campus liaison, arts senacause to do so means to encounter fear. The fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear tor, and a social science senator. of loss—what are these compared to all that could be gained from our ventures? Deanna Gallant is a 4th year English Major, Psych minor, and is in the Youth Leadership Allana Walker is a third year psychology major with aspirations of becoming a counsel- Certificate program. She naps a concerning amount and loves puns, Netflix, and peanut butling therapist. She is addicted to dark chocolate, loves big words, and is always in the ter pie. mood for a good pun.

Interview with Professor Dan Cooper Can you give me the abbreviated version of your academic history? I came [to Crandall] in 2006, I did a BA in Biblical studies, finished here and started an online master’s degree through Liberty University. I finished that up then went to Liberty residentially to do an academic MDiv because it was around that time I knew what God’s calling was on my life, to be a professor. Finished up at Liberty, then went off to Hamilton to McMaster Divinity College, where I am still a student working on my PhD in the Old Testament. What is your home life like? Just me and my wife and our one-year-old baby. So, chaotic and fun, but it’s pretty great. How long have you been at Crandall? I was here for 4 years as a student and then I was hard to get rid of. I stuck around, had a lot of friends who were here as well. I frequently visited them for the next two years while I was doing my online masters, then I was away for 5 years, and now I’ve been back since August. What was it that brought you back to Crandall? It was a job that was offered to me. I was not actively looking for any positions, but I came here to visit Keith Bodner last year and he just kinda offered it to me out of the blue. What led you to your respective field? A few things – the mentorship of Dr Dempster and Dr Bodner were very influential. My own devotional journeys in high school, struggling with depression and mental health issues, reading through the Psalms was very influential and very important for my survival. By the time I was done here I was pretty solidly obsessed with the Old Testament and I’ve been pursuing it ever since. Within your field, what is it that you’re interested in? Mostly Psalms, and biblical poetry in general. It takes me in a lot of different directions, and it depends on how loose your definition of poetry is. But it lands me in the prophetic material, the Psalms... When you were younger, who did you want to grow up to be? Probably the Green Power Ranger. After that, my dad. Do you have any interesting hobbies? It depends on how broadly you define interesting. I think they’re interesting, that I make chainmail and play Dungeons and Dragons. Most people would say that’s nerdy and boring; I say it’s interesting. If you could be any other professor at Crandall, who would you be, and why? If I could have the wisdom and love of Dr Dempster, but with Graeme Ching’s wit and sarcasm, and Keith Bodner’s charisma, I think I would do pretty well as a professor. Are you currently researching anything? If so, what? Currently, I’ve sworn off researching. I want to focus on teaching this semester. I’m making a conscious effort not to touch my dissertation. As much as it’s burning away in the back of my brain, I promised myself I wouldn’t touch it this semester. If I was allowing myself to do

Due to a miscommunication, we are unable to offer you a picture of Professor Cooper’s lovely face. Because of his variety of selfdeclared “nerdy” hobbies, we have chosen instead to personify him as a knight. We hope he will consider this a suitable replacement.

any research, I would either be researching my dissertation topic, which is on the intersection of Yahweh and darkness in the Old Testament, or I would be working on a paper that I would eventually like to have published on Psalm 137 and its interactions with metal subculture. Do you think that you are a hard marker? Depends on the course. For Themes, absolutely not. But I’m a stickler for grammar. That’s one thing that I will never bend on. Good grammar gets good grades. What class would you take if you could? One that’s currently being offered? I took literally every course that Dr Dempster offered, so I can’t take any of those. I took every course, with the exception of one, that Dr Bodner taught, but he’s not here so it doesn’t count. One big regret I have is never finishing my double major in English. I never finished it because English III terrified me so much in second year that I was too afraid to take English IV, so I dropped out of my double major, and I’ve regretted that ever since. How does your faith impact how you teach classes, and go about your job as a scholar? How do I condense that into a nice little packet? I think drawing from Jesus’ words in the book of John, it all boils down to love. Loving my students, first and foremost, in all things that I do, in my emails, in my lectures, in my marking, in the kinds of assignments that I give to them, and offering grace when they need it. I think that, for me, always has to take precedence. To what extent would you say faith and reason can work together? To every extent, down to its very core. Show me faith without reason. I think you can get by with a reasonless faith for a while, and I was talking with some students in the Christian Way about how you can have a faith or a theology that you take for granted, that isn’t rationalized in any way. And that is functionally okay, it’ll function for a while until you are criticized or until you are faced with a crisis of faith, at which point that faith or theology cannot function and you either are stuck with sticking your head in the sand and pretending the problems don’t exist, which is philosophically unsound, or you have to deal with the inconsistencies and you have to deal with the reason behind it. When faced with insurmountable suffering, you have to reason your way through: if God is good, and bad things happen, if God is all-powerful, how does that work? You have to reason those things through. I don’t think you can have a robust, healthy, lasting faith unless it is also a reasoned faith. Jessie Campbell is in her fourth year of the BA in Biblical Studies program. She likes cross-stitching and playing Animal Crossing. She’s seen every episode of The Office at least three times.

Health and Wellness with Mir Dear valued readers, To those of you starting your educational journey – welcome to Crandall! And to those returning for another (or final) year – welcome back! By way of a short introduction, my name is Miranda Roberts and I am a loud, outgoing, fourth-year History major with a passion for health, fitness, and wellness. A year ago I began a new chapter in my life, a journey towards bettering my health and achieving wellness spiritually, mentally, and physically. Not only have I achieved significant fitness goals, I have learned important truths and lessons along the way. From this journey, I have adopted a healthy lifestyle which has enhanced my ability to learn, my relationship with God and others around me, and my sense of self. I have had the wonderful opportunity to help friends and family begin the journey of making their health a priority. I have watched firsthand the powerful effects of an active body on developing a strong mind and a consistent work ethic. Physical health and wellness reaches across all areas of one’s life and has the ability to drastically alter one’s livelihood. To inspire such enthusiasm, I will be writing a monthly column on workout ideas, fitness motivation, and information on nutrition. As a fellow student, I understand the struggle of juggling schoolwork, a social life, family, friends, and a consistent fitness plan. I began my journey with little knowledge of fitness and the importance of maintaining an active body. Now I hope to encourage you all, my fellow students, with the knowledge I have gained. To begin, let me ask you one simple question: are you ready to make your health a priority? Your fitness pal, Miranda

Hey guys, We had an AWESOME start to the year. Our back-to-back services happened on September 15th and 16th with myself and Braxton speaking; the following Friday we heard Taylor Craig speak about authenticity. For those of you who don’t know, Sóma is a student-led, on-campus church. It was created 4 years ago by someone who wanted to give students opportunities to share what was on their hearts, lead other students in musical worship, and gain experience in tech ministries. It was named Sóma Church because Sóma, in Greek, means “body”. To us, this means coming together as the body of Christ to worship God. We are super excited to announce that we can officially give you community practicum hours for volunteering on our Sóma Crew! You can talk to Michael Gregory or Alex Pattison about that. We’d love to have you come and help set up/tear down, greet people, and even stick around to pray for people at the end of the service! If you’re interested in playing on the worship team or helping out in the tech booth, you can send a message to Braxton Dearman or email We’re also looking for speakers. If you have a sermon burning in your heart, you can send me a message or email the above address. Let’s worship God together! Jessie Campbell Jessie Campbell is one of the co-runners of Sóma, along with Braxton Dearman.

Nerd Night Attention, all nerds/geeks! Are you looking for a place where you can express your passion for comic books, TV, video games, and all things nerdy? Well, have I got an opportunity for you! Come to Nerd Night, where you can make friends, play games on both the TV and table top, and sing to the Heavens about your recent raid on that one dungeon with the dragon. Interested? Come to the Student Center on Thursdays starting on October 5 @ 7:30 PM. Questions? Hit me up on Facebook (with a meme plz) @Caelan Myra

1/2 cup of rolled oats 2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups of sugar 1 tablespoon of baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon of salt 3 large eggs + 1 large egg white 3/4 cup of oil 1 cup of grated zucchini 1 cup of grated carrot

CU Cooking: Hidden Veggie Muffins

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line your muffin tin(s) with cupcake liners or spray the tin(s) with nonstick spray Peel and grate your zucchini and carrots; we also removed the seeds from the zucchini. Then place the contents in paper towel and pat it to dry it out. You want the zucchini to be moist but not wet. Mix your dry ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk together the eggs and oil in a separate bowl. Mix the zucchini and carrots into the wet mixture. Slowly combine the wet ingredients into the dry mixture. Stir until fully combined. Fill the muffin tins and bake. The original recipe1 said to bake the muffins for approximately 20 minutes and that the recipe yielded 12 muffins. When we made this recipe, we had 22 muffins (so close to two dozen it hurt a little) and it took about 16 minutes per pan. We always recommend putting your timer on a few minutes short of the recommended time as every oven is different. Another “pro-tip” is to fill the empty muffin cups (you know, the place where you put the batter for the individual muffins) with some water: it will prevent your pan from burning while they are empty. We also added a few chocolate chips on the top of our muffins (because we had to offset the vegetables). You could also add raisins (ew), nuts, or other dried fruit! Good luck! Forever Food Fans, Sam Williams & Taylor Craig Share your recipes with us using #CUcooking 1

Taylor Craig is a fourth-year Psychology and BTh student. She’s a coffee addict, a food lover and a nap advocate. Sam Williams, fourth year science student. Very passionate about all things food, coffee, and penguins

Keeping Up With the CSA: Thank you, CranFam for another great Welcome Week! We had so much fun planning the events, and being able to create a lot of lasting memories! We loved: singing along to Moana with you, slipping down the hill on a huge tarp, #ExploringNB together, and eating so much free food (shout out to Jessy’s Pizza!) Our CSA Team had a rest period once the week was over, but we’re getting back into the swing of things. We (try to) meet on a regular basis to go over ratifications, student requests, event planning, and whatnot. There are usually snacks, and anyone is welcome to attend our meetings! On Wednesday the 20th, we ratified 3 societies (History, Business, Education) and a club (Ratio Christi). Be on the lookout for By-Elections – we want to add three more members to our CSA Fam – an Off-Campus Liaison, another Arts Senator, and another Social Sciences Senator! Last but not least, the CSA executives have office hours every week. Feel free to come down to CSA Office (bottom floor of Stultz Hall, by the Student Centre) if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns. Look for us during the following times: Jasmine Wong – President // Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 Sabryna Schurman – VP Student Services // Mondays, 10:30-11:30 Noah Brownlee – VP Finance // Tuesdays, 2:00-3:00 Nigel Butterfield – VP External // Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 Robynn MacCallum – VP Internal // Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 Jasmine Wong is currently finishing her BBA degree, concentrating in Marketing and Management. She is a lover of Christ, coffee, cake, and chatting (preferably all together—chatting about Christ, over coffee and cake).

Take Heart And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.” Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And instantly the woman was made well. – Matthew 9:20-22

Have you ever had those days that you just felt like there was no getting out of bed? Like all you want to do is stay home and not talk to people? Like there is nothing anyone could do or say to make you feel better? Well, I have. There have been a lot of things in my life that have made me feel like this. From heartbreak, to the stress of everything I had to get done that week, to family illness, to my own depression—I have had those things that have made me say “I am giving up, I can’t do it anymore”. Through all these things, I have come to the conclusion that giving up isn’t the answer. In this account of the woman who suffered for so long, I imagine her as being at her wit’s end. We don’t learn much of this woman; we don’t even know her name. But we do learn an amazing truth that can ring through in our own lives. This woman, desperate for some kind of relief, this woman who was probably at the “I give up” moment, goes to Jesus. In those days when we are at our wit’s end—those times that we hit the “I am done” wall—we can learn something from this unknown woman. We must go to Jesus. Christ has given us an amazing gift. He died so that we could find the Father through Him. Christ extended a hand to us and restored our ability to walk next to him, much like Adam and Eve once did. We have the incredible opportunity to reach out to Christ, in our times of suffering, and grab hold of that amazing relief that can only come through him. He asks us to come to him. My favorite part of this passage is what Christ says to the woman. Many people would have been offended by some strange woman grabbing at their clothes but, instead, Jesus saw her. He saw who she was, he saw the great need she had, and, most of all, he saw her great faith. Christ looks to the woman and says, “Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.” Take heart, sons and daughters of the King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of Peace! Be encouraged that you can do it. This is not the end. Have faith that God has ahold of your future and that his plans are so much greater than your own. Believe that Jesus is your Shepherd and your Redeemer. Trust that the Spirit is leading you and strengthening you. Take heart that your faith will make you well. I run a daily devotional website for women (but really guys, most of the time it is for you too). This passage is where our name comes from: Take Heart Daughters. This is our battle cry, this is our challenge, and most importantly, this is our prayer. “

And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” – 1 John 5:5

Lord, I ask today for a renewed faith. I ask for Your uplifting and strengthening Spirit to lead me today. Lord, help me take heart and be the daughter that you wish me to be. Thank you, Father, for your encouragement, love, and for your relieving touch. Taylor Craig is a fourth-year Psych and BTh student. She is the founder of the devotional blog Take Heart Daughters.

Spicy Crandall Memes:

Leah Eisener is a third-year English student who laughs at her own jokes and enjoys memes more than the company of others.

Critic’s Corner *Spoiler Alert in effect for Stranger Things, as well as Season 7 of The Walking Dead* -Deney: For all of you who have been living under a rock for the past year, we’re going to fill you in on some of the strangest things you’ve managed to miss out on. On July 15th, 2016, Netflix released one of the most popular originals it has produced to date: Stranger Things. -Frannie: We, personally, were a little late to the party, watching it after all of the episodes were released, but we became massive fans nonetheless. -Since the season finale last year, we’ve literally been dying in anticipation for the season two premiere, and let me tell you, when the trailer dropped, all of my bodily functions ceased to function. So naturally, we are going to give you an unqualified review of this masterpiece! -The trailer begins with Will, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike entering an arcade. Will seems aloof and preoccupied as he finds the lines between reality and the Upside Down beginning to blur. He wanders off from the group, seemingly trapped in some sort of traumatic PTSD hallucination. *Pause* My first thought is that if you had just been rescued from a parallel universe that you had been trapped in with a frickin’ slug down your throat, you would never leave my side. If I couldn’t hear you breathing, you wouldn’t be close enough.

-That’s a strange analogy, but yeah. Poor Will… As soon as he walked out of that arcade and saw whatever was in the mist, literally the first thing that came to mind was: -I swear, if Netflix turns this into an abduction story, I’ll cancel my subscription. -As the trailer progressed, we noticed some new faces being introduced, including a young girl in one of Mike’s classes. Watch out Eleven! Just kidding, I think it’s clear that Mike digs a girl with a buzzcut, so all of you Mike and Eleven shippers out there have nothing to fear. And the bat similar to Lucille (or Leslie, as we call it) from The Walking Dead makes another appearance! -If Will gets his head bashed in like Glenn, I quit. -So much happened that to get an accurate depiction of the trailer, you’ll have to go watch it yourself. But, overall, we enjoyed it and are very much looking forward to season two! Deney Taylor is a second-year business student focusing in accounting. She is an antisocial recluse who rarely emerges from the depths of the internet, but when she does it’s most likely because she has to pretend to be a responsible adult (ugh). Frannie Branswell is a second year business major who isn’t playing basketball this year, I know right?! She loves making art, watching movies, and sleeping, all of which she sacrifices for school and good grades.

Dystopia Now “I’d buy that for a dollar!” Any psychology major would be happy to tell you about subliminal messaging and its use in early forms of media. However, what is lesser known is the fact that these techniques are still being developed, patented, and implemented to this day. When subliminal messaging emerged in the late 50’s it was unmistakable – the first instance being that the words “eat popcorn” and “drink Coca-Cola” were inserted into a movie for “a single frame… long enough for the subconscious to pick up, but too short for the viewer to be aware of it. The subliminal ads [garnered] a 18.1% increase in Coke sales and a 57.8% increase in popcorn sales,” says Dylan Love of Business Insider. Due to the success of the experiment, subliminal messaging was on track to become commonplace. Yet, on account of viewers’ growing suspicions, advertisers were forced to make their deception less noticeable. Today it is nearly impossible to detect subliminal messaging. Example: U.S. patent #6506148 B2 states, “Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to… electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz… Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.” Similarly, U.S. patent #5159703 operates in a way that is nearly undetectable. The patent claims, “Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human’s attitudes and behavior. Subliminal… can be defined as ‘below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind.” The document then puts forth the advantages of such an innovation – “to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listener(s), yet is perceived… decoded by the ear for use by the subconscious mind… [and] to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to which music or other ‘foreground’ programming may be added.” It is true that this type of programming can be used to achieve positive outcomes, like quitting smoking. However, the patent clearly suggests that this technique could be used for other purposes. Some of which are troubling to consider. Christian Arsenault is a fourth-year English/Education major. He can usually be found playing Runescape on World 72 near the Barbarian Village. The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant, and tasteful content. Please contact us at to submit an article or ask question. All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon.

SHALLNOT The Shallnot section of the Beacon is oriented around the usually used as a command to refrain, to withhold, or to compromise, Shallnot holds to the opposite: Thou shalt not be silenced. Shallnot is designed to be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas through poetry, prose, and visual art. Submissions will be edited only in conversation with the author. –Christopher McCready, Assistant Editor

Friendship People are like colored crayons, Coloring the world with their gifts. Each person having his own personality Like the crayon’s color.

Silence leaves

A crayon may be broken like a human,


Or used beautifully in a drawing to

Makes room.

The delight, amazement, and exhilaration

Opens patches

Of others.

Of sunlight. -Trochaic

Crayons help other crayons in the Making of a masterpiece; in the Form of paintings, and drawings. No one crayon can achieve this feat alone. We must look at ourselves as crayons, For in fact, we are helpless like them And need each other, so much so that We will break if neglected; but if accepted Cared for, and loved, we will become part Of own masterpiece— of friendship. - Shane Dickie

- Daniel Maguire

Shallnot exists to express the views of all students from all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say—whether through pictures, essays, short stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art—please contact us at with submissions.

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