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THE BEACON Volume 67, Issue 01
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Stay Up To Date with CSA Wow, September is just flying by! First off, thanks for coming out to all of our Welcome Week events—my team I are finally (somewhat) recovered and rested from that crazy week! With the Movie Night on the Green’s to the spectacular Paint War, and then to cap off the week with a mystery bus tour to the “gentle island” (P.E.I.), we hope that you created lasting memories throughout the week that will last your entire duration here at Crandall, and well after. Here’s what the CSA has been up to since Welcome Week: sleep (just kidding—I wish!). I got to go to the Cocoa Room in Riverview with Admissions Counsellors, Phil & Matt, and Assistant VP, Sheldon, to chat with the guidance counsellors of Anglophone East School District about the different opportunities Crandall has to offer. On September 22, the CSA had our first meeting since Welcome Week to vote on a couple of things. Societies for most majors, Chargers Baseball (Club), and Young Liberals (Club) are all officially ratified! Awesome to see so many different areas of the school take initiative so early on—so be on the lookout for lots of events in the near future. The CSA also voted to make a donation to the baseball team to ensure that everyone who wants to be involved, can be. We’re excited to cheer on the baseball team this semester! We’ve also voted on a donation to the Student Success Centre to fund a tutor, and to contribute to the Student Health and Wellness fund (primarily to help cover inperson counselling services). This is what CSA is for—serving student needs, and it makes us really happy! If you’d like to chat with one of the CSA Executive girls, office hours are as followed: Jasmine (President) Sabryna (VP Finance) Allyson (VP External) Kristen (VP Student Services) Robynn (VP Internal)
Mon. & Wed. 10-11 Monday 1-2 Tuesday 1-2 Wednesday 1-2 Thursday 10-11
If you’d like to see one of us (or a couple of us) outside those times, message us on Facebook to set up an appointment! One last thing, mark your calendars, folks: Christmas Banquet is Dec. 2! “You were called to freedom. Only do not use your In This Issue freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13 Jasmine is in in her 3rd year of her BBA with a concentration in marketing and management. She is a lover of Christ, chocolate cake, and coffee. Jas lives in Mitton Court and is often spotted power-walking through the halls of Stultz & Murray.
Crandall Poll When Crandall students are asked about their roommates, sometimes it can be a sensitive topic. But we as the Beacon Team like to instigate a little bit, so we decided to ask anyway! Our poll question this week was, “What is your biggest roommate pet peeve?” Some responses were expected and some, to our entertainment, were oddly specific. Coming in first place with 40% of votes was not cleaning up after themselves. How true! This is probably an accurate pet peeve for most of us. In second place, 20% of voters responded with being unreasonably loud. When you read this, did someone specific come to mind? In third, the category “other” contained 18% of votes. This is where we find some different responses, some being oddly specific. To highlight a few, “other” consisted of: constant cynicism, overwhelming flatulence, conflicts and – my personal favorite – “he insists on doing his daily vocal exercises at 5:00 AM.” I mean, that is very specific and clearly directed at some person hopefully in good humor! So there are your top pet peeves for roommates as voted by Crandall University students. Maybe you are the cause of some of these pet peeves and you feel as though you need to make a change. Or, maybe you can relate and are a perfect human being, causing no conflicts within your dorm! Either way, we hope you will still be able to enjoy the company of your roommates by the end of the school year. And to those that do their daily vocal exercises at 5:00 AM, I salute you. You’re a brave soul, and I hope your roommate doesn’t resent you for the remainder of your time together! Curtis Hoyt is a 4th year Biology major who recently discovered a type of cheese that doesn’t melt when you fry it (Halloumi cheese). He recommends it to anyone who loves cheese and is not lactose intolerant.
Being a Christian Athlete It is no secret the Crandall women’s soccer team has struggled each year and had to fight through every game, yet with each new year there is always the hope of getting something better out of it. Rather than coming back this year, resigned to losing every game, we came back prepared to work harder and be better than the years before. It was exciting to see all the old players coming back, but equally exciting was to see the new skill that came in and the promise it held for our season. As we prepared for our first game, we were excited, yet nervous, because we knew it would be difficult. The first team we played was Holland College, who have always been known as one of the better teams in the league. At the end of our first game, we all walked away with our heads down. Once again, it seemed as though we were going to have a repeat of the last three seasons. It would be very easy to get down and be disappointed about the results, but I had to get over my disappointment and refocus on getting better. This is my fourth year playing soccer with not-the-greatest results on the stat boards. One might ask why I keep coming back to play another season when each season seems to bring the same results. Well, I play because I love sports, but, more importantly, I am able to keep playing because my identity and value are not found in sports. Sports have always been an important part of my life, but as a Christian athlete I realize my identity does not come from sports. As a Christian, my identity and value comes from God, not how many games I win or great plays done during a game. It means I represent Christ on and off the field. I remember when I was in high school we always prayed before every game. When our captains prayed they always prayed that not only would it be a good game, but that God would be glorified. I often pondered how God could be glorified on the soccer field, because it was not as though we could stop the game and talk to the other team about Jesus in the middle of the game. I realized glorifying God can be more than telling others about Him, which Mariah reminded me as we prepared to play our second game against St. Thomas University. She told us to play with integrity. Playing with integrity means we play honestly, play cleanly, and play respectfully. Even though we may not be saying anything, we can still glorify God through our actions. No matter what happens, I will continue to do my best and push to get better. In Colossians, Paul reminds us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” (Colossians 3:23-24). Shauna Albinet is a fourth-year History/Education major. She loves doodling, sewing, sports, traveling, and needs her coffee first thing in the morning.
A Letter from the Editor: Ah, the beginning of a new year at Crandall. Our benevolent campus dictator, Sheldon Macleod, and his hoard of minions are busy about their work, the lounges in dorm are just starting to get messy again, and syllabus shock (also known as “what do you mean that’s due tomorrow” syndrome) has not yet set in. However, while these time-honoured traditions remain the same, some things do change. For example, I’m Dani Reimer and I’m the new Beacon editor. A few may remember my boringly titled “Campus Concepts” column, in which I regaled readers with my late-night, caffeine-fueled rambling—I mean, brilliant wit and eloquent prose. Now, as you can see, my schemes are coming to fruition and I’ve gone up in the world. (I will also soon be announcing my intent to overthrow our benevolent dictator and set up a puppet government, which I will control from the shadowy recesses of Stultz basement. Today the Beacon; tomorrow the world). In order to further this agenda, I present a brief rundown of what you’ll find in the Beacon this year (apart from more of the lovely columns that can be found in this issue). The Shallnot, which makes up the last few pages, is a place for printing original work (poetry, prose, visual art, puns, whatever) of the student body. If you or anyone you know would be interested in or have questions about submitting your work to the Shallnot, please contact the Beacon’s email: One change from last year is that the Beacon will also be accepting some non-original works. If you see something in Literary Heritage that you really enjoy or have a poem or painting that means a lot to you, send it in. Or, alternatively, I’ll start printing issues filled completely with limericks and the poems of Ogden Nash. The Beacon will also be printing letters to the editor again this year. If you or one of your friends has strong opinions about something, email them in. (It’s worth noting that the infamous Crandall car fairy, which takes the form of a tow-truck prowling campus and preying on unwary parkers, first appeared after a letter to the editor regarding unauthorized parking in the wheelchair spot.) Another opportunity to give feedback is the Crandall poll, the link to which can be found at Results will be published in each Beacon, with the next poll topic at the bottom of the article. Additionally, if you have a brief devotion, a vitally important news story, or another something you think would be cool for the Beacon to have, feel free to email them in. Beware syllabus shock. And let’s keep that whole overthrowing Sheldon thing between us, eh? Dani Reimer is a 3rd year English major who enjoys tea, cookies, and sarcasm. Feel free to contact with questions, comments, concerns, submissions, bribes, or conspiracy theories at
Wild Crandall Memes:
Interview with Dr. Jon Ohlhauser
Q: How long have you been at Crandall? A: I’ve been with Crandall for four and a half years, but not recently. My first time spent here at Crandall was ‘96-2000 where I was an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. I returned in January of this year as Vice President of Academic Affairs. Q: What can you tell us about the potential additions to the Communication Department? A: We are adding a theatre emphasis—so performing arts and theatre—within the Communication program. The Academic Council and the Senate have passed the program details and it goes to the board this weekend (September 24-25, 2016). If the board says yes, then it is official as a new program in Communications. We are doing it in partnership with another school out west: Rosebud. Q: What lead you to your respective field? A: I wanted to be a teacher and I thought Communications would help me be a good teacher, so my minor was Communication at the time and my major was Mathematics. The more I studied math in university—I came within two courses of getting a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics—everything has already been discovered at that level of study. Textbooks had the answers in the back so you’d work out the problem and you turn to the back to find out whether you were right. I thought ‘I want to do something new. I want to do something creative and not just regurgitate what someone else has done.’ I know there is value in that but that’s not who I am as a person. I switched my major and minor and I’ve been in education ever since. Q: Within your field what exactly is it that interests you? A: I’m fascinated by the effects of powerful messages. Whether it’s an advertisement that’s creatively done, or a movie that everyone goes to see and talks about because of a significant story that’s told; or a speaker who is able to rivet, and inspire, challenge, motivate. I’m really interested in acts of communication that point the reader in the direction of the transcendent. I think that’s when we have the opportunity to discover that God’s real and Christ’s real.
Q: Do you have any interesting hobbies? A: I suppose boxing. Q: How did you get involved? A: My daughter. As a dad of seven kids you really can’t be going out to the golf course for 3 or 4 hours a day and leaving your wife home with the kids. I never really pursued anything until my daughter wanted to do it. I thought, ‘Well this is interesting. I’ve got a child who wants to do this and wants me to go along. So here’s my opportunity just to explore it.’ I was 45 at the time she started and I went with her and fell in love with it. Q: What advice do have to any students thinking of taking one of your classes? A: Attendance is valuable. While I have a textbook and notes that I publish, my PowerPoint presentations may just have a picture of a coffee cup. If you just download the presentation from Moodle you’ll get a slide with a picture of a coffee cup. It’s in class that I unpack what the coffee cup is about and what it means. For success in my class, if you’re a faithful attender you’ll do just fine. Q: To what extent would you say that faith and reason can work together? A: I don’t think they ever have to be opposed. They both take complementary roles in different points in people’s lives. In scripture we are challenged to exercise and engage our minds in thinking. Where we discover truth it will always be consonant with the idea of who God is and the faith we have in him. I haven’t ever found them to really be in conflict. If they seem to I just dig deeper and deeper and find that they ultimately don’t conflict. Q: How does your faith impact how you teach classes and go about your job as a scholar? A: It’s fundamental. It’s who I am. I take joy in the fact that I’m at an institution where we can put those ideas and issues on the table and they can be talked about as legitimate. I think most professors here would probably say the same thing. Interview conducted by Austin Jones. 4th year honours in English. Enjoys mountains, writing, and tomfoolery. Known to overuse sarcasm.
Dystopia Now The Vice of Advice: There’s a proverb in Tolkien’s fantasy world that states, "Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill." Though many choose to seek guidance from friends and family, there are some who take to the Internet in pursuit of an outside perspective. Yet, despite the optimism of these wayward individuals, it must be acknowledged that vloggers and bloggers who offer counsel to their anonymous followers are totally and completely irresponsible. I can say this because I myself have fallen prey to bad Internet-advice. As an insecure and weak-hearted teenager, I was hesitant to seek the advice of my friends and family – so, anytime I began to develop a crush, I would usually head to Yahoo Answers, wikiHow, and YouTube to figure out how to get a girlfriend. But, unfortunately for me, none of this advice had worked. In fact, I would go so far to say that the information I received had actually made me even less confident, securing my place in Dating-Hell. After high school I quit putting so much pressure on myself and stopped taking ridiculous advice from people who didn’t even know me – and, embarrassing as it is to relive my social blunders, I am compelled to share my perspective with others who may have endured the same awkwardness. Stop taking advice from people who don’t have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Christian Arsenault is a third-year English/Education major. He can usually be found playing Runescape on World 72 near the Barbarian Village.
Much Ado About Nothing The beginning of a new academic year brings with it all the joys of paying for it. However, no expenditure seems to get students going more than when the word “textbooks” is used. A majority of classes use textbooks to enhance learning and teach concepts in a different way your professor cannot. Now make no mistake, I believe that textbooks are a good thing in and of themselves. Knowledge passed down from industry professionals is always an excellent thing to be equipped with. However, this knowledge comes at a heavy price. A student could easily drop over $500 in one semester for their books depending on their degree (science/education students, I believe, have it the worst). The issue lies with the publishers. There are essentially five large publishers who print all of our books. Because of this oligopoly, textbooks prices have seen dramatic increases. Between 1983 and 2013, textbooks prices have risen by 800%, while the consumer price index (a measure of inflation) has only seen a 250% increase. Minimum wage since 1986 in New Brunswick has only seen a 266% increase. This rapid increase is even faster than that of medicine, which in the same time frame rose 575%. Simply put, what students are complaining about is actually true: we cannot afford textbooks. This is why students look to previous students for used books at a discount, buy online, rent books, find old editions in the library, and a whole host of other tactics to avoid the pain felt in spending $150 on a book that may be used less than an encyclopedia. I would like to commend the manager of our bookstore for providing the new textbook buy-back program, and selling used texts. I know that many people took advantage of the program and are truly grateful for it. The publishers have a hold on us, and they know it well. Because the textbook industry is run by a few publishers, there isn’t really much choice out there. So my friends, I would say be careful next semester when choosing where you buy your books. Because at the end of the day, some industries are more cutthroat than others. Statistical information from: Authors of our own Misfortune? Crandall University Bookstore writes its own future by Robert MacDonald & Heather Steeves and Stats Canada Noah Lohnes is a third year student in the Business and Bachelor of Theology programs. Fun fact: He can quote the entirety of Veggietales: The Lord of the Beans.
More Wild Memes of Crandall:
Leah Eisener is a second-year Interdisciplinary student who laughs at her own jokes and enjoys memes more than the company of others.
Soma Snippets Soma is off to an awesome start. I’m actually writing this before we have had our first service. It feels somewhat prophetic. The truth is that Soma has put together an awesome leadership team this year and they have been working hard to take our own campus church to a whole new level. We want Soma to reach not just our campus, but our city! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Soma, I will fill you in. Soma was started two years ago and has become an “on fire” church on campus, led entirely by Crandall students. We do the speaking, the worship, the tech, and the planning. Soma is cool for a bunch of other reasons too, we don’t take an offering, we don’t belong to any denomination, we are selfrun and we have no hidden agenda. Plain and simple, Soma exists for only one reason: to do something amazing for Jesus. We want to be a missional church on campus and in our city, we want to become more like Jesus, and we want to worship him and tell people about amazing he is. If you are interested in this or want to get involved, contact me, or come on a Friday night! Our first service is Friday the 23rd of September and I am going to be speaking about “Going to Battle.” The message is clear: what are we as Christians and as a community going to do for Jesus this year? Jesus was missional in every sense of the word, He took his mission to the extreme. Not only did he come to earth to save us, but he did it in our skin, lived amongst us, and even died our death. He then rose again, but not before giving us our own mission! “Go and make disciples” this is a phrase that has almost become overused to us, and because of that we only end up hearing “make disciples” and forget about the “Go” part. 1st Corinthians 15:58 says, “Stand firm let nothing move you always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, for you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” What amazing words to live by, what an amazing mission, and what an amazing blessing to be on this mission with the all-powerful God who made the universe! My challenge is this: begin your own mission now, take up your own cross, and GO make disciples. Be a missionary on this campus, and in this city! Future Soma service times: October 7th 7:00-8:00 pm October 21st 7:00-8:00 pm November 4th 7:00-8:00 pm November 18th 7:00-8:00 pm December 4th 7:00-8:00 pm Micah Knowles is a 4th year Communications student and Bachelor of Theology student. Micah loves Jesus, hunting/fishing, Emily, sports, Josh and Ben, and long walks on the beach. He once killed a chicken with a spear. If you want to talk to Micah about getting involved with Soma you can text or call him at 506-232-3319.
New Brunswick Proud: Progress in Politics Sept. 22, 2016 marked the 2 year anniversary of New Brunswick’s government led by Hon. Premier Brian Gallant. As we are now in the second half of the current term for our province’s leaders, it is time to ask ourselves the question: is this a government which makes us proud to be a New Brunswicker? In this column, we’ll briefly look back on some promises made during the 2014 election by Premier Gallant and his party to begin “moving New Brunswick forward,” what has been accomplished since and what still needs to be done. As New Brunswick youth, we understand the struggle and importance of finding jobs. Immediately after our provincial government gained power, we’ve seen steady progress in this area. The Youth Employment Fund (YEF) launched in March 2015, provides youth the opportunity to find work placements in New Brunswick giving them a foot in the door to their chosen career path. YEF created almost 1500 placements since then and will provide another 1500 this year. In N.B., we are fortunate to have the Student Employment Experience Development (SEED) Program. This past summer, an extra 200 placements were added to SEED and the students were empowered to select their placement of choice. New Brunswick is a great family place. Since 2014, it continues to get better. Measures have been taken by the province to protect our beautiful environment and encourage us to live clean, healthy lifestyles. Promises were made to change the Smoke-free Places Act to ensure that smoking would not be tolerated in public places often filled with children, including patios, public parks and playgrounds. This promise was fulfilled in July 2015, creating a healthier environment for all New Brunswickers. New Brunswick stands out to all Canadians. Since P.M. Justin Trudeau’s election, great collaborations between our provincial and federal government have been at work. Within the past few months, a joint agreement was made to invest over $118 million into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. Nearly $100 million has been invested into university and college infrastructure, among other projects. N.B. leaders are proactively working with all levels of government to invest in a better future for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, represented by Hon. MP Ginette Petitpas-Taylor, and N.B. by Hon. Premier Brian Gallant. So, what do we as New Brunswickers have to look forward to in the coming years under Premier Gallant’s government? Three promises stand out: 1) 2017: Raising the minimum wage to $11 an hour, 2) 2018: The addition of up to 50 new general practitioners, and 3) 2020: Growing the amount of daycare spaces to 30,000 in areas that need it most. We’ve reflected together on just a bit of progress made by this government. There is so much that our province has done to be thankful for, and more to look forward to. We are truly blessed to be led by strong leaders that care for our province in all its beauty, and the people in theirs. People all over are drawn to this region not only because of our landscapes, but more importantly because of our caring community – qualities advocated for by our leaders, and that is something that should make us New Brunswick Proud. Victoria Dempster is a 3rd year Sociology Major. She enjoys running, reading, and scenic drives. Her favourite author is Margaret Atwood and her favourite place to be is by the ocean.
The Beacon staff reserve all rights to edit submissions for the purpose of producing quality, relevant, and tasteful content. Please contact us at to submit an article or ask question. All content unless otherwise stated is the property of the Beacon.
SHALLNOT Who We Are I went to the Garden of Love, And saw what I never had seen:
A heart with room for one
A Chapel was built in the midst,
I love you in the nighttime
Where I used to play on the green.
and I love you in the day.
And the gates of this Chapel were shut, And Thou shalt not. writ over the door; So I turn'd to the Garden of Love, That so many sweet flowers bore.
I know your love is bad for me but that’s all I have to say. I’ve felt what it’s like to be with you, and I’ve felt what it’s like when you’re gone. No matter how much my heart whispers,
And I saw it was filled with graves,
I know what it says must be wrong.
And tomb-stones where flowers should be:
It tells me your arms will be waiting
And Priests in black gowns, were walking their
with words of the sweetest “I love you’s”
But I know that your heart has gone cold now
And binding with briars, my joys & desires. -
William Blake
The Shallnot section of the Beacon is oriented around the command of “Thou shalt not.” While “shall not” is usually used as a command to refrain, to withhold, or to compromise, Shallnot holds to the opposite: Thou shalt not be silenced. Those who write or draw do so (primarily) to share an idea, an experience, or a feeling with other human beings. The benefit? Realizing, or helping someone else to realize, that they are not alone and allowing others to gain a better understanding of those who are different. Shallnot is designed to be a forum and an opportunity for students to express their ideas through poetry, prose, and visual art. Submissions will be edited only in conversation with the author. -Dani Reimer, Editor
and the only one in it is you. -
A Pun Little River of Funs Laying in the riverbeds are lazy rocks on pillows And looking down upon the trees see teardrops fall from willows And where the currants start to foam, the grapest river rabids grow And in the grass the gator wears his shoes with holes from walking, lo -
Canine Steps
SHALLNOT That Shakespeherian Fool The sharp-tongued motley man With his mad and multicoloured eyes Watching the world’s spin and dance
Canadian Authors I asked: “Why are you so determined to be haunted?” They replied: “Soon we will be ghosts too.”
Sundazed fool who makes mock
Vernon N. MacDonald
And thinks he can touch the sky Steal the stars from their orbits And soar in bright free-flown foolery
The Closing Of A Youth Shelter What do you get when you close a homeless shelter?
Outside the ring of dazzling sunlight
Do you get a better civilization?
He can see patterns in pain and pleasure
-When people aren't given a chance to get back on
Sometimes gold and glorious
their feet?
Sometimes maimed and mocked
Does that increase the employment rate?
Sometimes self-destructing Icarus
They plead on the streets for you,
Falling, trails feathers and folly
But you say, "Sorry, there's nothing I can do." !
And high-flyers suffer hamartia
Because you make it sound so easy,
Ghosts We are the ghosts of our past, We are the reality of the present Moment, our joys, sorrows, hopes And fears intertwine with our flesh
But you have never stood where they stand daily. You want them to make a honest living, Tell them to survive by working. -When they can't get a job because they don't have an address! Does she look better to you in that torn and restitched, torn and restitched, dress?
To make a fragile being, Our Greatest weakness can be a
Do you enjoy our country more this way?
Source of our greatest strength.
If so than you sure aren't who I'm gonna vote for,
We are only as strong as we
Today or any day.
Allow ourselves to be, unseen
When my friends end up on the streets,
Forces on all sides of us harken
And I know that that could have been me!
Us, unrelenting… our decision may
But man was I lucky!
Be the weapon that lightens the Murkiness. -
Shane Dickie
SHALLNOT I had a place to stay. If it wasn't for a similar place I wouldn't have stood a chance either way! But places like that you close down. What were you thinking when you closed their doors? Kicked out those teens and adults who deserved so much more? In 2016 you left them alone, You literally took away their home, Did those teens matter to you? To those youth, did you have a clue? Was their welfare on your mind? Or did money make you blind? When you ignored their cries in Saint John, NB.
They didn't care about our tears nor our frowns, When they were in financial need the government shut them down. Said he couldn't help, . . . No not couldn't, . . . wouldn't. -
Kaitlyn Violette
The Germ A mighty creature is the germ, Though smaller than the pachyderm. His customary dwelling place Is deep within the human race. His childish pride he often pleases By giving people strange diseases.
Does anyone know what it's like here, to be battered and bashed by your family? Left to wander the streets where things can get
Do you, my poppet, feel infirm? You probably contain a germ. -
Ogden Nash
deadly? With no where else to go because the safe house, Safe Harbour, our youth shelter, has been shut down.
Shallnot exists to express the views of all students from all walks of life. If you or someone you know has something to say—whether through pictures, essays, short stories, cartoons, poetry or any other form of art—please contact us at with submissions. All content unless otherwise stated is property of the original author and was reproduced with permission. 10