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EksoNR, manufactured by Ekso Bionics®, is a wearable robotic exoskeleton that helps patients with stroke and spinal cord injury stand and relearn to walk in a rehabilitation setting. EksoNR is the first robotic exoskeleton to be FDA cleared for use with stroke patients and with SCI patients. The wearable device augments strength to help patients stand and relearn to walk, while gaining confidence and freedom. PAM Rehabilitation Hospital & LTACH of Corpus Christi plans to use the device to mobilize patients earlier in their rehabilitation, for optimal outcomes.
This cutting-edge exoskeleton technology helps patients get back on their feet sooner to re-learn correct step patterns, weight shifting, and posture. SmartAssist™ software allows clinicians to adjust settings based on a patient’s weaknesses and tailor each individual rehab session.
Cheri Sperling
Betheny Bell
Tara Gallaspy
Mary Scruton
Whitney Noble
Meagan Furey
Cheryl Floyd
Ashley Babbitt Shonna Soderqvist
Danielle Koç Rene Ebelt
Patti Finzel Kathy Burke
| 5 BEST
The Texas State Aquarium transports you to the fascinating habitats of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. You’ll explore coral reefs, coastal lagoons, lush jungles, and the open sea and get up-close and personal with sharks, dolphins, sea turtles, flamingos, and hundreds of other species. Wonder at jumping dolphins and soaring birds during daily presentations and get a hands-on encounter with a live shark or stingray. Best of all your visit, isn’t just full of inspiration and imagination, it’s helping with wildlife conservation. That’s because your visit helps support wildlife rescue and conservation, including our Wildlife Rescue, which rehabilitates and releases hundreds of birds and sea turtles every year in the Coastal Bend. At the Texas State Aquarium, you’ll save more than memories.
Who is your Hero of Education and why?
My Hero(es) of Education are all the educators doing their best to provide a quality and safe education during this turbulent time. Unsung heroes as well as essential workers. Thank y'all for the commitment towards our future.
Jenny Espino for making dance education so available to me. She’s an amazing teacher and I believe she understands the fundamentals of teaching which is something, no matter what the subject is, invaluable to know for a variety of students with different types of learning styles.
PRESIDENT: Jordan Regas
PUBLISHER: Chris Knapick
ART DIRECTOR: Jarred Schuetze
SENIOR WRITERS: Emma Comery Kirby Tello
INTERNS: Luis Arjona Josh Maxwell
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jason Page Lillian Reitz Aaron Garcia
309 N. Water Street Corpus Christi, TX 78401 361.792.3606
On the Cover:
Perry Pollino at Seashore Charter Schools. Perry is the maintenance director for two campuses and makes everything happen. Without him, our campus would be lost. Perry can fix anything. And he always has time for the kids, helping them with robotics projects, chaperoning field trips, helping to serve lunch... there is no better role model for our students.
My second grade teacher noticed my love for writing and encouraged me to submit pieces to the local newspaper. It inspired me to share my work with others and taught me confidence and pride in the gifts I can offer the world.
My Hero of Education is my second grade teacher, Mrs. Smith. Her creative and kind spirit introduced a love of learning to me at an early age.
Every year, we dedicate one of our issues to education in the Coastal Bend. While we normally focus on Costal Bend students, this year we decided to shine a light on the teachers, administrators, and other faculty members that help our students grow, learn, and become the leaders of tomorrow. This year’s cover features the remarkable Kimberly Ellis, an Assistant Principal at Faye Webb Elementary. (Shot by: Lillian Reitz)
century young banking
Robert Justus Kleberg’s founding commitment to “help those who showed the spirit of cooperation in community building” continues to withstand the test of time. We are the next generation of homegrown bankers dedicated to supporting the future growth of South Texas. We put people first, nurturing a collaborative Can Do approach to managing your financial needs, and support every customer relationship with exceptional technology for a banking experience that never grows old.
Supporting South Texas for Over a Century.
A MILLION TIMES OVER, we thank you
A few weeks ago, one of my best friends, who teaches eighth grade math, was so giddy about her most recent purchases for her classroom that she sent a YouTube unboxing-esque video of her haul. After basic organizational items and bookends, she finally got to the last two things – and her demeanor visibly changed as she broke into a massive smile.
The treasures were two perfect wooden bowls she’ll use to teach the volume of a sphere, and a small prism resembling jewelry box she’ll use to teach volume and lateral surface area – something she says kids struggle to understand. I too was giddy when she began to explain the difference, and I am … definitely not a fan of math.
I tell this anecdote because when prepping to write this letter, I began to ponder my own time in school to think who my hero of education might be. But my mind kept circling back to my best friend and that video. To me, it stood as a testament to just how incredible a teacher she is. It also provided a perfect example of how innovative teachers must be in order to fill their classrooms – most times using their own money – with whatever they think will better enhance the environment they’re crafting for their students.
We’ve always used the August issue as a way to shine a light on education in the Coastal Bend. However, while in years past we’ve focused on students, this year we decided to shift the spotlight onto those who make it all happen in the first place. The teachers, administrators, and faculty members that make up a school are extraordinary beings. The words selfless, determined, and resourceful could be used to describe those who work in education and certainly each of the six people you will meet in the “Heroes of Education” feature beginning on page 30, who have worked tirelessly to provide opportunities and create nurturing spaces for our Coastal Bend students.
One of our heroes featured, the newly appointed principal of Robert Driscoll Elementary, Rachel Neff, pointed out that today, schools are expected to do a lot more than just teach. They provide food, clothing, social services, mental health services, and sometimes the only stable adult in a child’s life. When you think about it like that, it might seem an impossible task.
However, my mind circles back around to my friend with the perfect visual teaching aids. I think about how I know she has been all of those things for her students, and how I know she would do anything in her power to help one of her students. That’s why she is my hero of education and perhaps why yours is who it is. Someone who just wants to make others’ lives a little bit easier, someone who, even while being severely underappreciated and underserviced, shows up and gets the job done, someone who gets giddy about a jewelry box doubling as a lateral surface area teaching device.
So, here’s to our six featured Heroes of Education and all the incredible work they’ve done for their students, school, and community. Here’s to every single person working in the field of education, especially in a time when the uncertainty of even how to operate a learning environment in a safe way is a question seemingly impossible to answer. So, we thank you. We thank you for the lessons instilled both about the volume of a sphere and about how to believe in ourselves. A million times over, we thank you.
– KYLIE COOPER, Editorial Director
1. Amid a pandemic, Grow Local South Texas set out to make sure the community continued to have access to essential items such as meat, eggs, and vegetables in a safe way. They also moved their education programs online and have continued to adapt their important work in a COVID-19 world. Pg. 28
2. After suffering from a stroke at the age of 33, local Fred Saunders did not give up on his fitness goals and dreams. Saunders persevered to continue competing in physique competitions and opened his own personal training business. Page 42
3. Local business CHIA Colombia Handcrafted provides high quality, creative fashion accessories crafted by indigenous women of Colombia. The fair trade, family-owned business aims to share stories and cultures through their pieces and support the women crafting them. Page 76
Alex Vial-Nadeau, DMD
Q: Aside from creating beautiful smiles, what is a passion of yours?
A: I love to spend time with family and enjoy being active with them. I love experiencing the power of the water and wind when I am kitesurfing and surfing. I also enjoy working on projects and trying to engage in things that help me better myself emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
Q: What attracted you to South Texas?
A: I knew Corpus Christi was a wellknown kitesurfing spot. During my visit, I found Corpus to not only be a great kitesurfing spot but thinking it would be a good place to raise a family. I remember driving over the JFK causeway I knew at that exact moment I was going to move here. Oddly enough, this was the exact day where I met Dr. Chad Allen while he was windsurfing.
Q: What makes Allen Dental Group unique?
A:I can’t pretend to know all the other clinics around, but what I can say is what I love about being in this group. I have been practicing dentistry for over 20 years now, and it’s the first time I get to experience true camaraderie. We are more than work, we are family. We trust each other and everybody’s role. Yet, we still find time to be joyful and laugh a little.
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winners of the 2019 “the local’s list” from THE BEND magazine
THE POST the best craft cocktail | THE POST the best new restaurant | BKK THAI KITCHEN + BAR the best brunch | HESTER’S CAFE the best date night | BKK THAI KITCHEN + BAR the best health food | HESTER’S CAFE the best sandwich | HESTER’S CAFE the best asian cuisine | BKK THAI KITCHEN + BAR the best catering | HESTER’S CAFE the best girls night out | THE POST the best tea | HESTER’S CAFE the best children’s clothing | FOUR CHICKS IN THE PARK the best bakery | HESTER’S CAFE
MADRE MEXICAN FISH HOUSE (open summer/fall 2019)
Bernhardt Furniture
the essentials - part six
With a rich history dating back to Ancient Egypt circa 1300 BC, what we know today as the silk scarf has gone through tremendous evolution. Starting as a status symbol for royals, the silk scarf gained popularity as a token of luxury when in 1937 the French house Hermès produced the first true luxury scarf. Made with imported Chinese silk, which was twice as strong as any other fabric at the time, it made history. Throughout the '40s, '50s, '60s, to today, the silk scarf has been revered by fashion-savvy consumers as an essential, versatile, and must-have accessory.
Christi Farley
Rattan, leather, and wicker – oh my. Subtle but impactful, natural materials used in fashion, decor, and everyday life are always in style. Bring the outdoors inside with wicker dining chairs and a woven table runner. Or, opt for a large brim palm hat and a woven wristlet for a leisurely day outside. The ways to incorporate natural materials into your life are endless.
1. Large Royston Tray Susan Castor Collection 2. Catalina Black Band Tula Hat Design Studio 4. Palm Tree Leather Cord Keeper Made in Corpus Christi Lifestyles 7. Bamboo Palm Gill Garden Center + Landscape Co 8. Turquoise Capri Wristlet Jewels 9. Hana Suede Flatform Sandal Michael Kors 10. Embossed Oval Terracotta Planter Target 11. Natural Teak & Wicker Dining Chair Chic to Chic Furniture
The Bend Magazine's Cutest Pets
We could all use a little cuteness overload to bring a smile to our faces nowadays. That’s why we’ve partnered with Earthwise Pet for a virtual Cutest Pet Contest! We want to see the cutest photos of Coastal Bend pets and need your help to do it. Starting August 1st, you’ll be able to nominate your pet for the Cutest Pet Contest by uploading an image to the contest. The public will then vote on their favorites and the top three pets (and their owners) will win a prize! Head to for more information and to nominate your pet.
How You Can Help:
Employers interested in business development and building a talent pipeline, and citizens willing to donate funds to support the program, should contact Robin Ritchey-Roy at
The community is encouraged to spread the word about the program so that all students in the Coastal Bend have the opportunity to take part in this career development experience.
Direction to Success
Many jobs in the Coastal Bend region are experiencing critical shortages, and in 2018, Citizens for Educational Excellence, a local nonprofit organization, created and developed The Emerging Professionals Internship Program to prepare high school students for the numerous job opportunities available. A partnership among Education to Employment Partners (the regional P-16 council), local employers, and Del Mar College, the program aims to provide an excellent opportunity for students to continue learning during their senior year of high school, while engaging in a handson career experience.
Around junior year, students begin to narrow down prospective career choices after researching their chosen fields. Unfortunately, many students eventually change their minds about their choices … but not until after they’ve gone through years of college and racked up massive student loan debt. This program was designed to bridge the gap between education and employment by offering students the chance to get a feel for their chosen career before making a heavy commitment.
In December, Program Director Robin Ritchey-Roy visits the junior classes in five local school districts to explain the logistics of the program, giving students time to decide on a course of action. If a student chooses to commit to the internship, duties begin as early as July, when students take a technical dual credit class at Del Mar College and 30 hours of “essential skills” training, led by Ritchey-Roy, that focuses on teamwork, leadership, organization, time management, and critical thinking. Students are also taught how to build resumes and develop proper interviewing skills. In addition, students
will choose a college level course designed to support their choice of career field in Business Management, Education, Legal, or STEM fields. In August, their senior year will consist of attending classes during the day and working at their paid internship from 2-5 pm, Monday-Friday.
The inaugural class just wrapped up with a successful completion of internship duties. Currently, their second class is underway and already has double the first year’s enrollment. The success of the program is also due in part to the tireless efforts of the program coordinator, Dara Frandsen, who guides both intern and employer progress to ensure a successful experience. Monthly employee evaluations are gathered from the employers, and Frandsen meets with the interns each month to discuss any possible areas of improvement and answer any questions they may have. She also continues professional development through the organization of quarterly meetings with Ritchey-Roy, the intern, and the employer to discuss overall progress and any areas of struggle.
All interns have their own individual experiences by the end of the program. Some have a brand-new skill set that they’re ready to take into the workplace, and others have realized that the career they previously envisioned was not right for them. In the end, each outcome was a success, because it helped the interns decide what they wanted to do in the future.
Contact: | 361.906.0703
Amid our nation’s great Chicken Sandwich Debate, we argue that some of the best are right here in our little bend of Texas. Hear us out: From classic fried chicken to new takes to elevated combinations, your new favorite chicken sandwich is waiting right around the corner.
Chops & Eggs takes the phrase “Everything is bigger in Texas” to heart with Jordan’s enormous Sage Fried Chicken Sandwich. The sheer surface area of southern crunch is both visually astounding and deliriously appetizing. Share if you wish, or solely devour and feel no shame. Served with lettuce, tomatoes, and a pretzel bun, this sandwich offers the ultimate combination of tender chicken, fresh produce, and doughy, salt-flecked pretzel in every bite.
5802 Yorktown Blvd, Corpus Christi
For new takes on southern classics, it’s 8TE all the way. Marinated in buttermilk and sweet tea, this fried chicken is literally drenched in the southern charm. The light, crackling batter shows no sign of greasiness, yet the chicken within falls apart like pulled pork. From the homemade pickles to the house maple mustard, every component of this modern masterpiece will have you licking your fingers well after the final bite. 1220 Airline Rd, Corpus Christi
This classic masterpiece is served under the approving eyes of cardboard Elvis, Marilyn, and James in a ’50s-inspired diner on Ayers. Grilled or fried, this sandwich comes with your choice of bacon and swiss, mushroom and swiss, or avocado and pepper jack. We won’t
tell you which is best because a chicken sandwich preference is a very personal thing, but we will say with absolute certainty that you cannot go wrong with the avocado/pepper jack. That little pop of spice from the cheese melts beautifully into the fried batter, and nobody says no to avocado. Served on a toasted bun, this chicken sandwich takes you back in time and leaves you utterly satisfied. Pro tip: order a side of Sandi’s hand-battered onion rings for an unforgettable meal.
704 Ayers St, Corpus Christi
We take a momentary departure from the canonical fried chicken sandwich to indulge in the rich and sophisticated Chicken Brie Sandwich at Moondog Seaside Eatery in Fulton. A grilled chicken breast sits on a bed of spinach and grilled apples (for that fresh, fruity punch), topped with melting – nay, oozing – brie and a killer garlic aioli. Though the chicken certainly holds its own, this sandwich is all about the cheese. And we aren’t complaining at all.
100 N Casterline Dr, Fulton
The Sweet Chick will make you forget every fast food chicken sandwich you’ve ever had the instant it hits your tongue. Soft bun, perfectly grilled chicken breast, fresh lettuce and tomato…all slathered in honey mustard and topped with a generous stack of crispy bacon. Each bite bursts with flavor and texture, the sweetness of the mustard complementing the slight char of the grilled chicken, while the bacon adds that perfect crunch. This is the bacon-lover’s chicken sandwich, the honey-mustard-obsessed chicken sandwich. We’ll just come right out and say it: The Sweet Chick is everyone’s chicken sandwich.
4407 TX-35 BUS, Rockport
David Nuss
First, let’s start with a bit of background information. Where are you from and what are you up to now?
I was born and raised in Corpus Christi. My family has been here for four generations, so we have our roots here, with both my grandparents and great grandparents growing up and living on farms. I’ve gone out to enjoy other parts of the country at various points of my life, but I feel most connected when I’m back on this coast.
You were involved with Grow Local South Texas prior to moving away from the Coastal Bend, just in a different capacity. How would you say your experience then compares to your experience now as the Executive Director?
When the Downtown Farmers’ Market started in 2013 at Water Street Village, I was working as a Culinary Instructor for the Food Bank, appearing at these initial markets as “Chef Dave,” doing cooking demos with whatever the farmers brought. I had been living in NYC before that, doing market demos all across the five boroughs, and being part of the initial movement here in Corpus felt heroic, like we were the true pioneers of the local food movement. Being the Director suits me now because I can keep an eye on the big picture for the organization, which I see as evolving through conversations with partner organizations such as CCISD, Parks and Recreation, and Youth Odyssey, to name a few.
Why do you think an organization like Grow Local is so important to the local community?
Every city needs an organization to connect residents with the local and regional sources of the food they eat. Growing food is a hugely therapeutic and empowering pastime that improves the overall
health of a community. Texans champion self-sufficiency, and what better way to demonstrate this than having a garden or backyard animals that can provide for your family?
What are some of the goals or new ideas you have for the organization in this new chapter of Grow Local?
Our board, staff, and I have created a strategic plan that provides us a roadmap for how we want to show up in this community. The first pillar involves providing education about growing, preparing, and eating fresh, nutrient-dense foods through programs such as classroom and school gardens, weekly after-school programs, summer camps, and online resources pertaining to the cultivation of local food. A big mission for us is to create a program that walks students through the full “farm-to-market” model, teaching not only gardening but also entrepreneurship and business skills.
The second pillar is to provide access to fresh, healthy foods produced by local farmers and small business owners. The program related to this is of course our Grow Local Farmers’ Market at the Art Center of Corpus Christi. And the third aspect of our plan is to continue growing our local food system by providing agricultural education for food producers,
which we do through consolidation of online resources into weekly newsletters for our vendors, as well as an annual “producers conferences” held at the Del Mar Small Business Development Center. We have also begun managing local community gardens, including the “Garden of Grace” at First United Methodist Church, providing administrative support and hands-on instruction onsite.
How has directing and managing a non-profit organization been the last few months amid the global pandemic?
This pandemic has actually reinforced our function as an essential point of access for safe, healthy, fresh foods. It has been our goal to make sure the community has access to meat, eggs, and vegetables presented in a safe, open-air environment. We’ve also found that our education programs have adapted well to the online format, and we’ve been able to contribute a variety of videos and documents about seasonal planting, composting, raising chickens, etc., that we are building into a unique “Healthy Eating and Gardening Flexible/ Virtual Curriculum” that will be of use for youth and adult education programs.
The weekly Downtown Farmers Market has grown into such a prominent feature of our local community. How have you seen this market grow over the years,
and why do you think it has become so
People want to be together, to be close, offscreen. We’d like the Farmers Market to be a safe, fun place for everyone to come, bringing their children and grandparents, regardless of interests. Post-pandemic, we’ll return to having live musicians, food trucks, and entertainment, in addition to farmers and food producers. One of our primary goals is to continue developing the partnership with the Art Center, collaborating on their family art time programs and expanding the weekly Market event to include more artisans and artists alongside our vendors. We want the market to not just be a place to buy food, but a place where you can have your next fun family outing.
I understand you've moved back to the Coastal Bend multiple times. What do you think keeps you coming back?
I feel like I got stuck by Poseidon’s trident as a young boy on the beach, and keep getting pulled back to this environment – by the skyline, the water, the coastal ecology generally. I love surfing, so I’m out in the water all the time observing the seashore and wildlife, but also keeping an eye on pollution and debris. A couple of years ago, I worked with the local Surfrider Chapter on a program called “Ocean-friendly restaurants,” presenting alternatives for straws and single-use plastics to local restaurants; I see Grow Local South Texas, like Surfrider, as another representative group offering the opportunity to live more in harmony with the natural world and conserve the beautiful planet we live on.
When you aren't busy nowadays running a non-profit organization, how do you like to spend your free time?
I’m an artist by nature, and I love spending time with my fiancée Sarah Martin working on paintings and composing songs. Our evolving series is called “Earthworks,” and is about connecting humans and nature creatively, but also non-invasively. The question driving this project is: How we can be creatively engaging with, and also deeply respectful of, the Earth? The pieces are documentarian, with slight variations on themes, accompanied by music that arises as a response to natural sounds.
There’s nothing like the smell of freshly cut grass or hay in the morning, or the scent of newly tilled earth in a field or garden bed. There’s a quality in the air as you head out on your John Deere Tractor, Gator™ Utility Vehicle or ZTrak™ mower. It’s that same quality that inspires us to build machines that can keep up with you—lasting from sun-up to sun-down, day after day, year after year.
inside the stories, challenges, & inspirations behind six different local heroes of education
Do you have a favorite teacher? Someone who might have helped shape you into the person you are today. Perhaps there was a special administrator, maintenance worker, coach, lunch staffer, librarian, or any other type of position throughout your time in school that left an impression on you. When you work in education, you are directly shaping and transforming the lives of our leaders of tomorrow – despite the industry professionals too often going severely unnoticed, underappreciated, and under-supported. We all have at least one story from our time in school about someone who helped make it a little bit easier and better along the way. That’s how we’d like to define the concept of Heroes of Education.
Within these pages, you’ll meet six locals working tirelessly in the field of education to help build a better future for our students, and for our community as a whole. You’ll meet six people, nominated by their peers, who have devoted their careers to evolving, advancing, and building an education experience that works for all of our students, no matter what it takes. For that, we’d like to say thank you – just in case you haven’t heard it enough.
ernie peña
“One of my favorite memories I would like to share is when I was out for knee surgery. There were complications and my time away from work was much longer than anticipated. I remember one day my wife came home with handmade “get well soon” cards from all the students. I shared them with my daughters and some of the things in the cards brought us to tears. Some made us laugh until we cried. It just goes to show how caring these kids are and really reminded me that I am someone important to the school.”
It’s hard not to smile when someone like Ernie Peña walks through your doors. His beam ing presence is felt instantly –before you’ve even exchanged so much as a “Hello.” Joyous, passion ate, and kindhearted, Mr. Ernie, as he is commonly known, expresses nothing but love to everyone he encounters.
Peña has now worked for St. Pius X Catholic School for 28 years. His previous jobs weren’t in education, but after joining the church, he knew it was where he wanted to be. He felt at home. As the Plant and Maintenance Supervisor, he wears a multitude of hats. From making sure the campus is in tip-top shape to serving his famous pancakes once a month in the Blue Jay Café, Peña’s contributions to the lives of the students and fellow faculty are multifaceted.
He credits his wife Grace as the inspiration behind his work at St. Pius. Grace, who has been with the school for 27 years, has also held various roles, all aimed toward bettering the campus. She now manages the cafeteria and provides healthy and delicious meals for the students and staff. “We both wear many hats in our jobs and continue to push to inspire each other daily,” Peña says.
If you ask Peña about his proudest moments or accomplishments in relation to the school, he’ll talk about the impact he has been able to make on students throughout the years. He’ll also talk about how instilling the lesson of respect in his students, both respect for others and themselves, is a passion he feels lucky to do.
Although Peña isn’t directly in the classrooms, he has made a point to advocate continuously for his students in any way he can. In his role, the safety of the school, church, and entire grounds of St. Pius is of upmost importance to him. “My responsibility to the children and to the staff is great, and I take that very seriously,” Peña says. “I treat the students as if they were my own. My children and
When it comes to why he does what he does, the answer is rooted in the students. “The children bring me an unexplainable amount of joy and have always had the ability to remind me why I do what I do,” he says. However, the responsibility of working with children – our leaders of tomorrow – is not lost on him. In fact, he says it is one of the most essential roles one can play in this world. “Although I am not in the classroom, I am constantly walking the grounds of our church and school,” he says. “Even if I don’t know it, some students may look up to me as a role model, and it’s important that my influence on them is a positive one.”
After spending a small amount of time with Peña, it is clear to see why past students and families of St. Pius always remember Mr. Ernie, even long after they’ve left the school. It has everything to do with the fact that in all he does, a loving spirit can be found.
“As an AP Human Geography teacher, I try to help them understand why we make the decisions we make and their lasting impact,” Walker says. “I try and tie it to their everyday lives. Teachers are important because for most of the kids, they are the first to help them believe in themselves and their abilities.”
Walker didn’t always see herself as a teacher. Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she spent 12 years in the U.S. Navy serving as a Navy Mineman and a Sonar Technician. After, Walker had intended to become a probation officer or cop, but in the midst of her Criminal Justice degree classes, she had a realization: Instead, she decided, she would be a part of the solution. By acting as a positive force for kids throughout their growth and education, she could hopefully change the course of a student’s life and keep them from ending up in the system.
“I remember being a ninth grader, being bussed to a white school. I was unbelievably angry and missed days,” Walker says. “I had a Biology teacher, Mrs. Russell, who went out of her way to check in on me when I did show up. She encouraged me, believed in me. I wanted to be that person. To be that person that when the world beats them down, I’ll be there to fight for them.” Walker has turned into that very type of teacher – someone who fights both for her students and a better tomorrow.
Conservation and sustainability mean a great deal to Walker, who works to provide her students with opportunities to serve the community and give back. “To stop kicking that can down the road to the next generation,” as she puts it. Walker is a part of the Foy F. Moody Innovation Academy (later rebranded as Citgo Innovation Academy) for Engineering, Environmental and Marine Science.
With Academy Coordinator Tina Dellinger’s assistance, The IA Goes Green: Environmental Society and the Green Crew were born in 2008. Thirty 55-gallon trash cans were purchased and distributed throughout the school to collect paper, cardboard, and plastic. Since 2008, Walker said, the Green Crew has kept more than 95 tons of recyclables out of the landfill.
In addition to the school’s recycling program, the Green Crew also participates in numerous beach cleanups, and has handed out trash bags before the Buc Days parade for the last 4 years, to minimize littering and make the cleanup easier. The Citgo Innovation Academy also adopted Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center, where they remove invasive species, spread mulch, plant pollinator plants, and clean up the area.
“These activities give the kids the opportunity to be part of the bigger picture,” Walker says. “We discuss point and non-point source pollution in class, and it drives the point home when we go out on these field trips. For most, it’s the first time they visited these locations.” continued on pg. 38
“When my kids are walking in between classes, and I ask what they are studying and then rattle off some facts, yelling “Don’t procrastinate!” as they walk out the door. Also, I had the son of a former student this year. He came up to me one day and said, “My mom said hi, you won’t remember her, but she said that while she was pregnant with me, you allowed her to eat in class.” It’s amazing how something so little could mean so much to someone else.”
“My administration team becomes my family. We spend so much time together that we must depend on each other to get through the tough times. I have been so fortunate to be a part of some great teams. As assistant principals, we must be in the cafeteria every day during the lunch rotations to monitor the kids. It is not a fun time, but with my admin team, we always make the best of the situation. For two hours, we walk around with trash cans, joke with each other, talk to the kids, and make sure everything goes smoothly.”
When Rachel Neff came to our office for photos, I asked how her summer had been going. Similar to our other Heroes of Education, she mentioned that it has been weird and filled with unknowns, but more importantly, she mainly just missed her kiddos – having been out of physical learning since March.
When the students you are serving mean that much to you, the building you teach in is merely the means to an end. This is why when Rachel received the news, just days before coming in for her photoshoot, that she would be starting the new school year as the Principal of Robert Driscoll Elementary, it felt bittersweet, but extraordinarily exciting. Because Neff knows that no matter where she is, there are students to help, teach, encourage, and show love to. After serving Cunningham Middle School at South Park as its Assistant Principal, Neff felt this next move was the right one to help even more students and faculty members in the area.
Before becoming an administrator, Neff spent 11 years in the classrooms of various schools, teaching our leaders of tomorrow. Born and raised in Corpus Christi, she moved back to her hometown after college and her first run of teaching jobs in Houston, Dallas, and Austin. She’d already acquired her principal certification by this point, and felt the urge to grow into an admin who would allow teachers to have more of a voice and the support they so desperately need. Neff understands that issues the education system faces are deeply rooted in social issues which go unaddressed.
“I try to promote the good things that are happening in Texas public schools. I try to educate community leaders about the real issues that we are facing in our schools, such as mental health and dropout rates,” Neff says. She added that many of the people making education laws have never stepped foot on a real campus. “Nowadays, schools are expected to do a lot more than just teach children. We have to provide food, clothing, social services, mental health, and sometimes the only stable adult in a child’s life. This is a huge responsibility that schools are ill-equipped to handle, but we do everything that we can every day.”
One way Neff is doing everything she can, every day, is aiming to instill perseverance in her students. A lot of the students with whom she interacts have experienced struggles that children should not have to face. This fact is not lost on Neff, and is why she aims to teach the idea that determination in the face of adversity can help motivate you to work through the struggles and continue forward. She also goes into every decision, every action, with the question “Is this best for my students?” She puts their needs first. “With every obstacle and challenge, we are in this for the kids,” she says matter-of-factly.
If you ask Neff what moments or accomplishments she is most proud of, her answer isn’t the varied positions she’s been in, the programs she’s helped along, the fact that she has directly helped raise ratings while at schools, or any recognition she’s had. Her answer is simple: She is most proud of her students, all of them. “My last group of students that I ever taught just graduated from college,” she says. “Four years later, I had former students contacting me to tell me that they graduated and what they will do in the future. I get a sense of pride that I had a tiny part to help that happen.” continued on pg. 38
Kimberly Ellis has a genuine presence, almost an aura – instantly seeming caring and compassionate before saying a word. Basically any question you ask Ellis about her career, the answer will always come back to the kids. She never even had a dream of working in education – it was a luxury she didn’t believe she had. Growing up, she watched her mother deal with substance abuse and a father who was in the U.S. Navy. Education wasn’t paramount, and being the oldest child, Ellis had a duty to care for her siblings. Passions such as basketball were quickly overruled by survival mode as she worked multiple jobs while continuing high school. However, despite her circumstances, not only did Ellis graduate, she graduated with distinguished honors.
It’s this lived experience that inspired Ellis to enter the field of education in the first place. “When I consider how many students walk the halls of our campuses every day, carrying so many various external factors that have a direct impact on their academic attainment,” she says, “I ask myself, ‘How could I not?’ How could I not be for children what I needed as a child?”
She feels this sense of obligation to be there for students whom she can so closely relate to, and she takes it personally. She knows doing her part in developing the hearts and minds of every student she comes in contact with could be vital to a student’s success. Ellis says, “[Even with] the societal unappreciation, arguable salaries, controversial politics, and several other contributing deteriorations, simply put, the children are and will forever be ‘my why!’”
The responsibility she feels to ensure an equitable education experience for each student, especially those traditionally marginalized, is something Ellis put into practice in the classroom when she was a teacher.
Working mainly at schools which were predominantly economically disadvantaged, usually labeled as “Improvement Required,” instilled a work ethic and all-inclusive mission to her methods that remains to this day. “As I’ve transitioned into school leadership, my mission and responsibility to be a servant leader has remained,” Ellis says. “I believe every single student is capable of learning, and has the right to a solid education. Which is why I find so much joy in working alongside teachers to provide high quality instruction.”
Ellis recently organized an empowerment group on her campus called “Woman Up,” a mentorship program for fifth grade girls as they grow out of elementary and into middle school – a rather scary and daunting change, as I remember it. The program is designed to help the girls with organizational and time management skills, dealing with anxiety, building confidence, and navigating friendships, rumors, and bullying, among other things.
Ellis has a mantra she repeats and instills in her students: “Education may not make you rich, but it will make you free.” The idea is that the more you know, the more access you will have in this world to make decisions, receive opportunities, embrace confidence, and ultimately take control of your own life. “Not only was education my vehicle out of poverty, knowledge allows for a more impactful contribution to society,” she says.
Although working in a disciplinary position can be demanding and overwhelming, continued on pg. 38
“An ultimate favorite memory I have at my current campus is the initial meeting of a girls empowerment group that I organized, 'Woman Up.' This is a mentorship program I started on my campus for 5th grade girls. After a rigorous selection process, I was able to hold our first meeting. As the facilitator, I had the unique experience of connecting with students outside of the classroom setting, and guiding them in their social emotional development as well. I received great feedback from the students, staff, and parents. Unfortunately the meetings came to a sudden halt due to the rise of COVID-19. This is a program I will continue in the upcoming school years, and hope to see grow.”
“No memory in particular, but I find it especially rewarding when I have a chance to dress up and be a part of the themed days related to pep rallies. I have dressed as Mankind, Subzero, a domino, Post Malone and other crazy wig characters.”
In seventh grade, Simon Rios told his Spanish teacher at Cunningham Middle School that he would never be a teacher. “They don’t get paid enough and they don’t get the respect they deserve,” he said. He wasn’t wrong about either of those statements. However, after never fully finding his footing while studying Biomedical Science in college, he visited his alma mater Moody High School, and reconnected with his former English teacher Anne Huckabee. Huckabee, who had sculpted Rios as a writer, encouraged him to switch his major to English and become a teacher.
Rios did just that, and ended up completing his student teaching at Moody around the same time they had planned the STEM Academy for Engineering, Environmental, and Marine Science. As luck would have it, they needed an English teacher who had the ability to infuse math and science into the curriculum, and Rios was the perfect fit. He was brought on and eventually became an Intro to Engineering Design teacher.
Nowadays, you’ll find Rios teaching engineering, and also coaching an award-winning robotics team and teaching yearbook. When he isn’t busy in the classroom, he’s often volunteering time to tutor students, running summer STEM youth camps with curriculum he has designed himself, or crafting DIY costumes to dress up for themed days and pep rallies. Needless to say, Rios doesn’t stop when it comes to his Moody community and his students. After all, the entirety of his education career thus far, 14 years, has been spent working at his alma mater.
When it comes to the responsibility a teacher holds, Rios talks about supporting students and advocating for better resources and opportunities. “I feel as if the resources and opportunities for our students are not adequate enough,” he says. “We need them to have deeper and more authentic experiences, while guiding them toward opportunities to gain more college credit and internship opportunities.”
He does this by encouraging his students to take standardized testing like the SATs earlier in order to get a baseline experience and be able to prepare to excel earlier, and to have his students take advantage of both dual-credit classes and AP testing to gain as many college credits while still in high school as possible. This is to help possibly lower the cost of school, as most of his students’ decision-making when it comes to college is based on being able to afford it or not.
Not only does he aim to help provide those experiences for his students, but he also strives to motivate each student toward a better trajectory than they had before he met them. “I have seen numerous students go through my class and school programs, and see evidence that I am making a difference, even if it was only a small part I played.” Based on his passion alone, we believe Rios is definitely playing more than just a small part in these kids’ lives.
I asked Rios what his students mean to him. “Sometimes they challenge me to my core, and other times I feel as if I am not even working,” he says. “My most favorite moments are when I am preparing my students for competition, because I get a chance to provide words of encouragement and cheer on their victories and pick their spirits up when they fall just short of their expectations.” continued on pg. 38
Dana Hawkins can be described as a firecracker. When asked to give her best “serious look” during our photoshoot, she laughed uncontrollably and finally replied, “I don’t have one.” She radiates positivity.
Hawkins, who was just named the National Honor Society Advisor of the Year, always knew she wanted to be a teacher. Picture a 7-year-old in her garage, playing school with her sister – where roll call was done daily and lessons of some kind were certainly taught. After moving to Port Aransas from North Texas, she fell in love with the high school and knew she wanted to be a Marlin until retirement day comes.
As a high school English teacher, Hawkins has had to deal with students' shorter attention spans (most people have computers in their pockets, after all), and digital communication has diminished students’ aptitude at certain aspects of her subject, like spelling and grammar and reading long-form text. So she set out to make sure her classroom felt more like a safe, relaxed space that students would be excited to learn in.
“One thing I love about Port Aransas ISD is that they have allowed me to try new things,” she says. “My classroom looks more like a coffee shop: there are chairs, couches, lamps, fairy lights – all to promote an atmosphere that grasps their attention and provides an oasis in their day.”
The support Hawkins has from admin on down to be innovative in helping her students is key. The setup she has created has opened doors to students’ relationship with the classroom and Hawkins herself in ways she couldn’t have imagined – something which she believes is one of her biggest accomplishments as a teacher.
“This may sound odd,” she says when asked what she is most proud of, “but I think my greatest sense of accomplishment comes from the fact that on any given day – before school, during lunch, and often even after school – my classroom is full of students looking for somewhere they feel comfortable.”
Two years ago, students finding solace in her classroom expressed interest in starting a Gay/Straight Alliance. Several LGBTQIA+ students approached Hawkins to sponsor the alliance and without a moment of hesitation, she agreed. “In my past, I have seen way too many kids bullied, ignored, and physically threatened. A child should never be scared of who they are,” Hawkins says. “After this, I noticed a larger and larger group of students showing up in my classroom during non-instructional times.”
Now Hawkins, like every other teacher around the country, will have to adjust and adapt to the challenges of a COVID-19 world. Through digital learning and smaller classroom sizes, the task of continuing to teach and provide safe spaces for students will be one Hawkins does not take lightly. However, similar to returning to school after Hurricane Harvey, it’s a “new normal” she hopes her kids will embrace. After the hurricane, she remembers being nervous for students recovering from loss and scattered throughout various schools in the area. “To my surprise,” she says, “the building was not as important as the community. The school, it turned out, was the students and the teachers, not the facility. I saw them begin to flourish in the most difficult of circumstances.” continued on pg. 38
“When the school shut down after Hurricane Harvey, my husband and I volunteered in the community distribution center. I saw many of my students there, some helping, some in need. I wondered to myself how we recover from this. How does a community of teenagers get through this? For months “my kids” were scattered to the wind in various schools throughout the region. When the day finally came to bring them back to the classroom I was nervous. We were in portables and there would be no sense of normalcy. To my surprise the building was not as important as the community. The school, it turned out, were the students and the teachers, not the facility. I saw them begin to flourish in the most difficult of circumstances. I think my favorite memory is that first day back.”
The work Walker does through the Green Crew, for both our community and her students, is just one of the numerous incredible ways she has left an impact. From co-sponsoring the Destination Imagination team to volunteering countless hours to after-school tutoring, she’s never not putting others before herself. Not one for recognition or awards, she would perhaps prefer for her work to go under the radar. However, when you hear the story of someone like Walker and learn about the time and energy she invests in her students, the way she aims to help them believe in themselves, and take pride in their accomplishments and their community, it’s practically a must to shed light on the path she is carving out for others to follow.
As for Neff’s future in her new role, she simply hopes to continue the work. She can be found in her normal uniform of a dress and a pair of low-top white Converse, assisting in whatever way is needed that day. She’ll continue to be a voice for the teachers at her school who have the hardest jobs. She’ll remain an advocate for mental health programs, an increase in vocational school interest and teaching students that college is not necessarily the only “right” path, and most importantly, making room for every student under a wing of love and light.
Ellis knows that is just one of the many hats she wears as an Assistant Principal – but everything she does revolves around the intentional effort put into each student. This effort allows for a connection to be formed that becomes sacred. It is what Ellis is most proud of when it comes to her work. Not the fact that she was named H-E-B’s Educator of the Year, or the various other recognitions she’s received during her career. It’s the fact that the first group of students she ever taught will be graduating high school, or that every milestone reached, big or small, is a sign of growth, or that she truly views their success as her success.
No matter the adversity being faced, Rios hopes to instill in his students that there is always something that can be done – always something that can be produced. “I can work with something,” is what he tells them, “I cannot work with nothing.” He’ll advise and modify, but he’ll never give the answer away. Because at the end of the day, he wants his students to be proud of the work they did and the accomplishments they have achieved, no matter how small.
Hawkins is the type of teacher we would all have hoped for at some point in our education. She is the type of teacher who fights for her students – who will do whatever it takes to make sure, whether she has them in a classroom or not, they don’t feel left behind.
Kennedy Dental Care
Kennedy Dental is proud to have served the Coastal Bend for 50 years. Our practices o er both pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. At Kennedy Dental Care, your child’s comfort comes first and our unparalleled commitment to the highest level of pediatric dental care has earned the trust of generation after generation in the Coastal Bend.
Dr. Ruth Gershon and Dr. Arpit Gandhi to our team of Radiologists.
Dr. Ruth Gershon
Dr. Gershon recently completed her fellowship in Neuroradiology at University of Texas Health San Antonio. She is in the process of obtaining her MBA at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Isenberg School of Management.
Dr. Gershon lives in Corpus Christi with her husband of 8 years, Nathan.
Dr. Arpit Gandhi
Dr. Gandhi recently completed his fellowship in Neuroradiology at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill as well as a fellowship in Nuclear Medicine at University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI.
Dr. Gandhi lives in Corpus Christi with his wife of 8 years, Shruti and their son, Ayaan (8 months).
There is no comeback story quite like Fred Saunders’ comeback story. After suffering from a stroke in 2014, Saunders was more determined than ever to get back on track and achieve his goals.
There may only be one person in the entire world who suffered a stroke, started a business, and then entered a physique competition – within a one-year span. His name is Fred Saunders.
Fred is living an inspiring fitness journey that started when he was playing sports at 11 years old. He went on to play football and run track at Calallen High School and had a partial sports scholarship in college at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Unfortunately, he was in a car accident that resulted in a knee injury which prevented him from running –but it didn’t slow him down.
To work around his injury, Fred began trying different workouts. He started weight training, and fell in love with it. He even decided to make it his full-time job, quitting a career in sales to become a trainer at a gym in 2013. And when he wasn’t helping transform the lives and bodies of his clients, he was personally preparing for a big competition.
He entered The Battle of the Bay’s physique competition in 2014. It was love at first step.
ery milestone, Fred was encouraged to reach another. He had decided that no matter what, he was going to walk the competition stage of the 2015 Battle of the Bay.
He left the stage already planning his fitness regimen to return the next year.
But a terrifying and debilitating health crisis was just around the corner. Only months later in October, Fred was training a client when suddenly, his speech became slurred. Initially, he chalked it up to being tired. He then tried to show his client an exercise, but he was unable to perform the movement.
“The ambulance came, and the paramedics asked me questions, but I couldn’t speak,” Fred remembers.
At the age of 33, Fred had suffered a stroke. It stole his ability to walk, talk, and function. Despite this life-halting situation, Fred was never deterred.
“I was trying to do push-ups at the hospital,” Fred recalls with a laugh. “It was six weeks after my stroke before I could say something coherent. The first time I could form some words was the first week of December. The first time I could walk unassisted was the week before Christmas.”
“One of my main focuses was that I wanted to get back to training and competing. I was set on getting back to the Battle of the Bay.” Fred says. “I didn’t care what I was going to look like – I was going to walk that stage. Because walking was one of the hardest parts to recover; so that was my goal. I was going to walk the stage and do a pose.”
That wasn’t all he had in store for 2015. In that same year, Fred opened Fredzilla Training –his own fitness and personal training business. Fredzilla offers personal training, online training, and more. He develops fitness regimens and diet recommendations customized to each client and their goals.
“I really focus on lifestyle. That’s my philosophy.”
There’s no doubt that Fred’s drive, perseverance, and enthusiasm led to his incredible outcomes. And after his experience, he is passionate about encouraging others.
“Celebrate every victory,” he encourages. “If you can tie your shoes, that’s a win. If you write your name, that’s a celebration. Everything is a victory – it’s all about how you look at it.”
Gabriel Lopez, M.D.
Gabriel Lopez, M.D.
“Making Lives Better”
Rudy Garza,
Gabriel Lopez, M.D.
Board Certified in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Are you suffering from Chronic Pain?
Are you suffering from Chronic Pain?
Dr. Lopez may be able to help.
Dr. Lopez may be able to help.
Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Rudy Garza, M.D. Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
• Treatment options include injections that reduce or alleviate pain and/or a variety of pain relieving medications
• Treatment options include injections that reduce or alleviate pain and/or a variety of pain relieving medications
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* Treating all types of chronic pain
* Most insurances accepted
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• Treating all types of chronic pain including, but not limited to back, neck, joint, muscle, leg, arm, hip, knee, pelvic, abdominal, headache, shingles and diabetic pain.
* Most insurances accepted * Both Drs. are fluent in Spanish
* Both Drs. are fluent in Spanish
SPID Corpus Christi, TX 78415
SPID Corpus Christi, TX 78415
• Accepting new patients by self or physician referral depending on insurance.
• Accepting new patients by self or physician referral depending on insurance.
Located bet ween Kostor yz & Weber) | “Se Habla Español”
Located bet ween Kostor yz & Weber) | “Se Habla Español”
• Accepting Medicare, Spohn, Humana, BCBS, Humana Gold, Cigna, Tricare, Aetna, United Health Care, BCBS Blue Advantage, Workers Comp insurance and Christus Health Silver.
• Accepting Medicare, Spohn, Humana, BCBS, Humana Gold, Cigna, Tricare, Aetna, United Health Care, BCBS Blue Advantage, Workers Comp insurance and Christus Health Silver.
Specializing in Interventional Pain | Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Specializing in Interventional Pain | Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Board Certified in Pain Medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology
Board Certified in Pain Medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology
As an on-the-go, 36-year-old mother of two, there is not much time for pampering and luxury. I am a woman with many hats, and they’re constantly changing. I thrive in controlling my world of chaos, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. If I am not working, I am usually chauffeuring one or both of my two daughters to any one of their million sports or activities. With so little time to hit up the spa for a facial or relaxing treatment, I bring the spa home to me. Some women swoon over shoes; I swoon over skincare and beauty products! During the late hour of the evening, when the house is quiet and the phone is silenced, I give myself the gift of luxurious self-care. I consider quality skincare an investment in oneself, and its rewards are unparalleled.
Microneedling is a collagen induction therapy, a procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles to promote the production of collagen in the skin.Our facelift surgery can be combined with a brow lift, eyelid surgery or nose reshaping for more dramatic results, or it can be restricted to the neck (neck lift) if the patient’s problems center there. Incisions are made in inconspicuous places, such as behind the hairline and in natural folds of the face and ears, and scars fade to near invisibility in time. The goal is to restore a youthful facial structure by repositioning the deep facial tissues to their original position. When done well, the results are extremely natural yet dramatic. Our patients simply look fresh, rested and more youthful. Schedule a consultation with our Licensed Aestheticians for microneedling or our Board-Certified Surgeons for a facelift and take back this year to start fresh.
Dr. Vijay Bindingnavele completed Plastic Surgery training at the University of Southern California. He has been practicing in Corpus Christi, TX, since 2008 with a full range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. Vijay, as his patients call him, is Board-Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Dr. Cassidy Hinojosa grew up in San Antonio, TX, and attended Texas A&M University for both her undergraduate and her medical degrees. She completed her training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO. Dr. Cassidy joined the practice in 2018 and is Board-Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm
Recommended by several Instagram influencers and heavy hitters, but it was Lindsey Silberman’s recommendation and review of the product that sold me. This cleansing balm is an all-in-one treatment, and the smell… oh, the smell will transport you to a beauty spa fit for a queen. It is moisturizing and fortified with collagen, which if you aren’t already incorporating, you need to do so ASAP. It will melt off the most long-wearing makeup and leave your skin perfectly cleansed and balanced. Its formula is ideal for nighttime cleaning, and won’t strip your skin of its moisture. One jar of this miracle cleanser will easily last 5-6 months – a little bit does the trick. Also, you can find it on sale, for 20 percent off, by subscribing to the Elemis email list and one of their many sales.
Available at
NuFace Microcurrent Facial Toning Device
If I was forced to choose only one beauty tool to keep, it would be this gadget (and tweezers). Talk about a beauty tool that is a game changer. This device pumps microcurrents into the inner layers of skin and muscle. Combined with a use of a serum, you use this device in upward motions across your face, and the currents stimulate the muscles underneath. I use this in the mornings to rid myself of puffiness and droopy skin. It’s a facelift without the scalpel.
Available online at Skincare Butik
Donna Karan Cashmere Deodorant
Let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that deodorant isn’t a beauty product that will cause a joyous response. In fact, many don’t
give much thought at all to their choice of deodorant, but living in South Texas, this is the one thing that must work! This has been my go-to deodorant for several years, and it’s never let me down. It’s long-lasting and has the softest clean scent that isn’t overpowering like other drug store brands. I’ve never found a deodorant that works better than this one.
Available online at Dillard’s
Beautybio GloPro
Like I said, I don’t have much time to enjoy a facial at a spa, but this tool is bringing the facial home to you. I use this every evening, after cleansing and toning, prior to my serums and lotions. What does it do? It’s brilliant: It creates micro needle injuries to the surface of your skin (don’t fret, you don’t even see them and it’s totally painless), allowing your products to be absorbed deeper into the skin. The micro injuries trick the skin into repair mode, flooding your cells with collagen and moisture. The result is more luminous and firmer skin. It’s worth every penny, by allowing you to maximize the benefits of your products. Available online at Nordstrom
Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Daily Peel Pads
If you’re wanting to begin a skincare ritual, or if you’re like me and will try anything once, then do not pass these up: super convenient individual packets containing an exfoliating and brightening punch. Instantly removes dead skin cells, showcasing a brighter complexion with reduced pore size. They’re perfect for on-the-go and travel. An absolute must-have.
Available online at Sephora
Diptyque Rose Shower Foam and Hair Mist
Out of all five of our senses, our sense of smell is most strongly attached to our memories and emotions. I am a connoisseur of perfumes, and this brand is one of my favorites. Not all fragrances and perfumes are created equal, and this one stands out among the masses. The shower foam is the ultimate in luxury. It will blanket not only the bathroom, but your house in a veil of fresh roses (and not your grandma’s roses) and leave your skin feeling like velvet. It begins as a gel but immediately turns your loofah into a bundle of decadent suds and bubbles. The tiniest bit goes the longest way. The hair mist is the perfect refresher for your hair if it’s on “skip day” because let’s be honest; no one wants to wash their hair on the daily. Also great for after a gym or Pilates session as a refresher.
Available online at Nordstrom
Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum
Many will balk at the price of this product, but let me preface it by saying that you only use two to three drops, so it will last forever. Serums are essential! A powerhouse serum is how you will give your skin what it needs most. Vintner’s Daughter is a cult favorite among influencers and celebs, and for good reason. It’s a multi-correctional serum created from all-natural and consciously sourced botanicals and extracts. The smell is an abundance of florals and herbs. Used at night only, it provides your skin with nutrients and moisture to repair a multitude of issues your skin might be facing. Two to three drops at most, rubbed between your fingertips and then pressed into the skin. The next morning, your skin is dewy and balanced.
Available at
Benefits of O-Shot with Platelet Rich Plasma:
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Benefits of Thermiva:
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We o er the following services to help reduce bladder leakage, urinary frequency/urge, tighten the vagina, cure vaginal dryness and painful intercourse as well as increase sexual sensitivity and orgasm, improve energy, libido, lose and maintain a healthy weight and improve overall well-being:
Emsella - Electromagnetic treatment to strengthen the Pelvic Floor muscles and improve urinary incontinence
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Looking for a new doctor? You have come to the right place. The Coastal Bend is filled with numerous extraordinary doctors looking to help you live your healthiest and best life. Varying across numerous fields and specialties, there are tons of medical professionals in our local area ready to serve you. Take some time to meet several different doctors in the Coastal Bend.
They all have their own unique background and approach, but what they all have in common is a passion for helping patients and a love for ensuring top quality patient care and services.
r. Vijay K. Bindingnavele also known as Dr. Vijay by this patients and staff, a veteran from the United States Air Force and Dr. Cassidy Hinojosa, an Aggie Alumna are honored to have the privilege to live in Corpus Christi, TX, where they are proud to serve their patients in our community. The Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery has a vast variety of surgical procedures including minimally invasive fillers and botulinum toxins. In addition to the surgical practice, their medical spa is the place to go for non-invasive procedures, including all of your skincare needs from customized facials to enhanced microneedling, and cosmetic laser procedures performed by qualified aestheticians. What is unique about Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery is their state-of-the-art surgery center. This facility is designed especially for surgery and is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). The facility meets the highest standards for patient safety, with surgery performed by trained and skilled surgeons like Dr. Vijay and Dr. Cassidy. Both physicians have many accomplishments, which are not limited to over 10 years of experience; both are licensed and board certified surgeons, with a focus in breast and body rejuvenation/sculpting and facial rejuvenation. Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Medical Spa has been voted in the Local’s List for best medical spa in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Here, patients are top priority and the goal of Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery is helping them regain confidence. No matter what you are looking for Corpus Christi Institute of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery has something for you!
5642 Esplanade Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361.888.7417 |
r. Corey Goolsby is a native to the Coastal Bend and is the new owner of Foot and Ankle Specialists of Corpus Christi. Dr. Goolsby is a graduate from Gregory Portland High School and received his bachelors from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi prior to attending Temple School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He completed his surgical residency at University of Texas-San Antonio where he received the award for “Outstanding Surgeon” upon graduation. Dr. Goolsby was the first in the area to perform the minimally invasive bunionectomy. This procedure has revolutionized the bunion surgery and can potentially allow a patient to begin walking immediately with significantly less pain than the traditional open correction. Dr. Goolsby also specializes in diabetic limb salvage, complex Charcot deformity correction and sports medicine.
Foot and Ankle Specialists of Corpus Christi strives to provide the most current and modernized advancement in care of the foot and ankle. Dr. Goolsby practices alongside Dr. Albert Kline and Dr. Bradley Lawrence. Aside from surgical care, the doctors at Foot and Ankle Specialists of Corpus Christi provide comprehensive clinical treatments to any ailment of the foot and ankle. In order to provide patients with the most thorough exams their clinics offer onsite x-rays and ultrasound imaging for more accurate and timely diagnosis. There are currently two locations serving the Corpus Christi and Portland area.
Dr. Goolsby is currently an Associate of The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family, biking and surfing with his daughter, Ella.
3301 S Alameda, Ste 306, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 505 Houston St, Portland, TX 78374
CORPUS - 361.884.3984 | PORTLAND - 361.977.2035
r. Javier Alonso has treated vein problems for more than 30 years. He completed his board certification requirements in general surgery at the University of Missouri, and his cardiothoracic surgery specialty training with board certification at the University of CaliforniaSan Diego. He is certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine, General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and he is also a Registered Phlebology Sonographer.
He has dedicated his life to improving blood flow to the heart, arteries, and veins throughout the body. As a pioneer in treatment of venous insufficiency, Dr. Alonso uses minimally invasive techniques to treat varicose veins. He is passionate about helping patients feel better and overcome their vascular symptoms. Getting rid of painful and unsightly varicose veins not only helps patients feel better, it ultimately improves their quality of life.
He is the Co-Founder of Texas Vein & Vascular and TVV MediSpa. Dr. Alonso and the staff at Texas Vein & Vascular are here to provide expert treatment and care for patients with vein disease at any stage.
TVV Medispa is located on the 2nd floor of their building and is a premier medical spa in which Dr. Alonso is Medical Director. He and his staff of nurses and medical estheticians provide comprehensive aesthetics for all skin types.
5242 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
361.991.6611 |
fter a series of sports injuries in high school, Dr. Hanus realized that he wanted a career where he could help people with musculoskeletal (MSK) problems. This led him to medical school at the University of Texas – Houston and ultimately to diagnostic radiology with sub-specialty training in musculoskeletal imaging. He joined the Radiology Associates MSK team in 2019 after completing his fellowship at the University of Kansas in Kansas City, KS.
Dr. Hanus chose to come to Corpus Christi to practice after living in Aransas Pass for 10 years while growing up, “It seemed like a natural fit. I knew that I liked everything that South Texas had to offer, from the people to the saltwater fishing. Also the opportunity to join a great organization like Radiology Associates made moving to the Coastal Bend a very easy decision.” Dr. Hanus believes Radiology Associates is unique because of the talented radiologists from diverse backgrounds, working together to provide the best imaging and patient care possible.
Dr. Hanus is certain there are great things in the future of Radiology Associates. “We have a foundation of experienced Radiologists and we continue to add new fellowship trained radiologists to the practice. This will provide a new influx of ideas and allow us to adapt to the needs of the Coastal Bend residents and continue a high level of patient care."
Dr. Hanus and his wife, Jenny have two daughters, Allie (6) and Audrey (4). In their spare time, they enjoy fishing and spending family time together.
5742 Spohn Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
1812 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
3929 River East Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78410
1776 Billy G. Webb Dr., Portland, TX 78374
2000 Dr. N.W. Atkinson Blvd Ste. 801, Alice, TX 78332
361.887.7000 |
r. Carolina Praderio is a board certified OBGYN practicing Gynecology in Corpus Christi. She is a native of Argentina and has lived in the U.S. since her early childhood. She is fluent in both English and Spanish and is proud to have had the opportunity to provide care for the community of Nueces County over the past ten years. She received her medical degree from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in Lubbock, TX and continued to complete her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
She prides herself in taking a more personal approach with her patients. Dr. Praderio recognizes that, at times, the needs of her patients require them to feel comfortable talking about topics that are difficult to discuss without that personal doctor-patient relationship. This sets her aside from others in her field and provides a safe place for her patients to describe what they are facing. She prides herself on empowering and educating women to take control of their health and live their best lives – at any age. In addition, her staff strives to make your visit as comfortable as possible, helping you to get every answer you need.
For more than 6 years she has dedicated her practice to the Gynecological needs of women. She has taken a special interest in weight loss, menopause, hormone therapy and women’s sexual health. She offers a physician managed weight loss program and vitamin injections, and she is a strong proponent of bioidentical hormone pellet therapy to help women combat the negative effects of menopause.
If you are looking for a physician that will treat you like a person and not a number, call her office to make an appointment.
stablished in 2012, The Better Weigh Center is Corpus Christi’s only comprehensive weight loss center, offering both medical and surgical weight loss plans to help patients who struggle with their weight. Their state-of-the-art multidisciplinary approach to weight loss allows patients to achieve long-lasting results by addressing all the known causes of obesity and helping patients develop healthier, sustainable habits.
The surgical portion of the practice is led by Dr. Lloyd Stegemann, Corpus Christi’s most experienced bariatric surgeon, and Dr. Jegan Gopal, the only fellowship trained bariatric surgeon in the city. Weight loss operations offered include gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, duodenal switch and revision procedures. All surgeries are done right here in Corpus Christi which Dr. Gopal feels is extremely important. “You want to be close to your surgeon before and after your surgery.’ he says
“You don’t want to have to drive a couple of hours to go see them if you have any issues.” Dr. Stegemann adds “We know follow up after your operation is essential for long-term success and the closer you are to your surgeon, the more likely you are to follow up.”
The Better Weigh Center has recently teamed up with LeanMD® to completely overhaul their medical weight loss program. “Teaming with LeanMD® will allow us to offer more resources to our patients that want to lose weight without surgery.” says Samantha Medley, FNP who leads the medical weight loss practice with Dr. Stegemann. “We can now use advanced technology and monitoring techniques to help our patients maximize their success” adds Dr. Stegemann “We’re really excited about what we can offer Coastal Bend residents to help them gain control of their weight and get back to a healthier life.”
r. Gabriel Lopez was born and raised by a single mother in inner city Houston. Living in a rough part of Houston and watching his mother work multiple jobs just to make ends meet motivated him to excel in school and pursue higher education. Dr. Gabriel Lopez attended and graduated from Texas A&M University, College Station as a pre-med student and then graduated from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Medical School in 2000. He then completed his Anesthesia Residency at Loma Linda Hospital in California in 2004 where he was Chief Resident. During his Anesthesia Residency he really enjoyed his Pain Management rotation so he pursued a Pain Fellowship at The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio.
After making the decision to become a Pain Management Physician he moved to Corpus Christi, Texas. Dr. Gabriel Lopez has resided in Corpus Christi for 15 years now along with his wife, Angelina and his two beautiful daughters, Gabriela (13), and Carolina (9).
Dr. Lopez started his own practice, Corpus Christi Pain Medicine in 2006 with just 2 staff members and expanded the clinic quickly to now having 15 full-time employees and a nurse practitioner. The clinic is his home away from home and he treats all his staff like family. With the motto “Making Lives Better," Dr. Lopez goes above and beyond to find an answer to treat each patient’s individual pain. Dr. Lopez believes laughter can sometimes be the best medicine so he loves to joke and laugh with his patients to help put them at ease.
Dr. Lopez’ vision for improving and expanding patient care includes the addition of his new surgical center, Southside Specialty Surgical Center which just opened in December 2019 on Holly Road. He built his Ambulatory Surgery Center as a place where patients can experience a safe and warm environment prior to, during and following a surgical procedure. He strives to make it a world class Ambulatory Surgical Center that is the premier choice for patients and surgeons for outpatient surgical services.
Gabriel Lopez, M.D.
Gabriel Lopez, M.D.
Board Certified in Pain Medicine
Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Board Certified in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
Specializing in Inter ventional Pain
Specializing in Inter ventional Pain
Rudy Garza, M.D.
Rudy Garza, M.D.
Are you suffering from Chronic Pain?
Are you suffering from Chronic Pain?
Dr. Lopez may be able to help.
Dr. Lopez may be able to help.
3825 South Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361-225-0089 |
Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain
Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
* Treating all types of chronic
* Treating all types of chr
* Most insurances accepted
• Treatment options include injections that reduce or alleviate pain and/or a variety of pain relieving medications
* Most insurances accepted
• Treatment options include injections that reduce or alleviate pain and/or a variety of pain relieving medications
* Both Drs. are fluent in Spanish
• Treating all types of chronic pain including, but not limited to back, neck, joint, muscle, leg, arm, hip, knee, pelvic, abdominal, headache, shingles
* Both Drs. are fluent in
• Treating all types of chronic pain including, but not limited to back, neck, joint, muscle, leg, arm, hip, knee, pelvic, abdominal, headache, shingles
r. Eubank’s practice and treatment options focus on all facets of women’s health as they are all interrelated. He has run a private practice in Corpus Christi since 1983. Before opening his practice, he attended Baylor University and subsequently attended University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas where he graduated in the top ten of his class. He did a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Parkland Hospital in Dallas where he served as Chief Resident. Dr. Eubank is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology and a member of the society for Reproductive Medicine.
For the past 15 years, Dr. Eubank has dedicated his practice to Gynecology, focusing on the mature woman. He addresses women’s needs, such as menopausal hormone management with bio-identical hormone pellet therapy for women and men, vaginal rejuvenation with in office ThermiVa, O-shot and Emsella, a revolutionary electromagnetic chair that treats incontinence for women and men. Dr. Eubank is proud to offer a medically supervised weight loss program that has helped over 1,300 men and women adopt new lifestyle habits in order to meet their weight loss goals and maintain these results. In addition, Dr. Eubank offers FDA approved, Sculpsure laser treatment for permanent fat reduction. Dr. Eubank has owned Advanced Research Associates for 15 years, offering clinical trials and research that helps bring new medications, diagnostic and treatment options to the market for women. Dr. Eubank will continue his commitment to helping women throughout their lifespan by offering new, safe and effective treatment options to help women maintain their gynecological, physical, sexual and emotional health, self-image and confidence.
r. Keith Rose is a plastic surgeon who believes that listening to his patients and understanding their goals is the cornerstone of great results. He founded Rose Cosmetic Surgery Center to help patients at his Corpus Christi practice and throughout the world achieve the appearance of their dreams. Dr. Rose is an internationally recognized plastic surgeon who has performed plastic and reconstructive surgeries around the world. His career over the past eighteen years reflects a balance between private practice and charitable work for people in need.
Since establishing Rose Cosmetic Surgery Center in 2013, Dr. Rose has expanded his private practice along the South Texas coast, becoming a destination surgeon for patients across the state of Texas. Licensed and certified in Texas, Dr. Rose has emerged as one of the leading plastic surgeons for everything from body contouring and breast augmentation to the subtle art of facial rejuvenation. Dr. Rose’s long-standing commitment to patient care is reflected in his impeccable reputation as a plastic surgeon who treats staff and patients with the same degree of attention as his own family members.
Dr. Rose graduated from Baylor University where he was a Dean’s List student and four-year letterman in football. He attended the University of Texas Medical Branch for medical school, where the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society recognized him as one of the top students in his class. Dr. Rose’s surgical training includes: 1)General Surgery/Plastic Surgery residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. 2)Burn fellowship at the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children in Galveston. 3)Over 3000 craniofacial surgeries performed worldwide.
Between caring for plastic surgery patients at Rose Cosmetic Surgery Center and traveling to provide much-needed surgical treatment to people in need, Dr. Rose spends his free time pursuing an active lifestyle and exploring the world. Fluent in Spanish and English, Dr. Rose can communicate with patients in either language during consultations and follow-up appointments.
An avid surfer and kitesurfer, you can find Dr. Rose catching waves on the beautiful beaches of Corpus Christi or heading to a cold climate to snowboard.
5025 Deepwood Cir, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361.651.1200 |
ason Thompson, M.D. is Fellowship Trained in Adult Hip & Knee Reconstructive Surgery and Replacement. He completed training at the Orthopaedic Surgery Division Schulich School of Medicine, University of Western Ontario at London Health Sciences Centre in London, Ontario, Canada. His fellowship training included management of degenerative, rheumatoid, and post-traumatic arthritis of the hip and knee, a high volume of revision hip & knee arthroplasty, as well as exposure to non-arthroplasty alternatives of young adult hip disorders. The emphasis of the fellowship was on revision hip and knee arthroplasty.
Dr. Thompson accomplished Orthopaedic Residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio. He acquired his Medical Degree at The University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio, School of Medicine and his Bachelor of Science in General Studies, Magna Cum Laude at The University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson,TX.
His experiences include time as a Research Study and Regulatory Coordinator at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas as well as a Patient Care Technician at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas. Dr. Thompson was also named, by his peers, a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society and the Most Outstanding Resident Mentor in orthopaedic surgery.
Dr. Thompson’s professional experience includes a four-year career as a professional soccer playerplaying two years for FC Dallas and two years for DC United in Major League Soccer (MLS), winning the MLS Cup championship in '04 with DC United. He was also a member of the U.S. under-23 Men’s National Soccer Team and elected into the Eastern Illinois University (EIU) Sports Hall of Fame for his accomplishments with the EIU Men’s Soccer Team. He joins South Texas Bone & Joint to help celebrate 40+ years as Leaders in Orthopaedic Excellence serving the Coastal Bend … since 1972.
att Bayazitoglu MD, a board certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician with additional fellowship training in sports and spine interventions, has been working at Post Acute Rehabilitation (PAM) in Corpus Christi since May, 2020. He has been fortunate enough to live and learn in a diverse number of settings. Though most of his time has been spent throughout Texas, he has worked and trained in Boston, Birmingham, Denver, and Honolulu.
He feels lucky to work with such talented physicians, therapists, nurses, and staff who are devoted to providing the best rehabilitation care for their patients and community. PAM’s new, state of the art facility, offers a number of services to a variety of patients who previously might not have had access to such care. While continuing to provide inpatient rehabilitation care, he is excited to expand outpatient rehabilitation services and treatments.
Dr. Bayazitoglu’s passion is helping patients regain functioning to live a more independent life. Improved functional tasks can be as simple as getting out of bed, or complex such as returning to a high-level sport. Helping patients improve functioning is best done with a team approach with the support from enthusiastic leadership.
When he isn’t busy with his patients, he can be found enjoying local water activities such as kiteboarding. He is engaged with the Nueces County Medical Society, and he is looking forward to volunteering with future community and local sporting events.
Dr. Bayazitoglu and the team at Post Acute Medical Rehabilitation aim to provide the best rehabilitation services to the Coastal Bend community.
345 S Water St 2nd Floor, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 361.500.0600 |
Bright colors, a plethora of plants, and representations of culture abound at Gerald and Elena Flores’ abode. From their individual home office spaces to their collection of works from local artists, their home is both welcoming and beautiful.
From colorful local art to lush indoor greenery, it’s impossible not to perk up the minute you enter the home of Elena and Gerald Flores. You may know Elena as the powerhouse behind Sew Bonita, and Gerald from Taco Gear. This power couple is also the humor force behind one of the Coastal Bend’s favorite podcasts, “Sew Taco.”
Three years ago, Elena and Gerald were searching for the right home – one with four bedrooms to offer ample space for home offices. Elena recalls how the stars aligned for them when they stumbled across their 4-bedroom, 2-bath home in the Brighton Village subdivision. Not only did the home have the space they were looking for, but the interior was completely fresh and new, giving them a neutral color palette from which to add a splash of color. As a bonus, the cul de sac neighborhood is peaceful and quiet, aside from all the joyous family festivities throughout the year.
The Flores’ passions for culture, color, and community are evident through their home décor choices. Guests are treated to an eclectic mix of artwork from various South Texas artists, many from local artists Mayra Zamora, Gilbert Cantu, and Posh and Posy. They also have a variety of cultural pieces from Mexico that add a vibrant and cultural mix to the aesthetic.
My favorite piece is the trio of framed Lotería cards sitting in the formal dining area. These cards were used in lieu of a guestbook at the wedding, then framed to adorn the walls of their home. Also, in the dining area stands a colorful gallery wall with random pieces of art collected over the years. The vibrant display is created by mixing designs such as the painting of a barbacoa taco and a Big Red soda can displayed next to paintings of digitized photos of their pets, Chalupa, Houdini, and Chicle. Additional pieces including the Lord’s Prayer, the Virgen de Guadalupe, roses, animals, and other colorful cultural pieces adorn the wall, creating an eye-catching burst of color.
A well-lit kitchen provides a sunny space for cooking, as well as spending time. This worked out well for Elena, since her goal was for her kitchen space to be a place to “cook, hang out, and chismear.” Prior to achieving this sunny space, Elena had to make a few changes for the kitchen to be just right. The dark gray shade of the cabinets wasn’t working for her, nor was the open space above the kitchen, but painting the cabinets a fresh shade of white and installing wooden shelves to fill the gap were the perfect finishing touches. The shelves gave Elena an ideal space to display her cookbooks, small plants, and other decorative trinkets to add color to the room.
Elena and Gerald love to cook and bake, so the large butcher block island gives plenty of space to create some of their favorite dishes, and its position in front of the windows offers a view of natural sunlight and their growing outdoor garden. Elena took advantage of the bright, open space of the kitchen and added a small breakfast nook with a melon-colored bistro table and two jade wooden chairs, providing a welcoming spot for early morning cafecito before starting the day.
Adding plants throughout the home is a great way to incorporate a bit of the outdoors into a cool space, especially in South Texas, and this Plant Magic Woman has several! “We have plants
everywhere in the house, including the fiddle leaf fig, hoya, snake plant, burro’s tail, Chinese money plant, bonsai trees, and so many more” says Elena. The space around the breakfast nook was the perfect spot for a mini indoor garden to showcase her growing collection of plants in Talavera pots and other unique, colorful finds from Ross and H-E-B. She also has plants in other areas in the home, such as the shower, living room, entryway, and of course, the front and back yards.
The home offices are where the magic happens, and their choice of décor not only reflects their personalities, but also creates an ideal ambience to inspire creativity. The Sew Bonita headquar-
ters takes place in a well-lit corner bedroom, with white walls acting as a backdrop for the vibrant display of cultural artwork, including one of Elena’s favorite paintings of Selena. Below the wall sit large cube shelves holding many accoutrements, including rows of colorful fabrics, sewing tools, and many spools of thread used to create her gorgeous handsewn designs. The butcher block table in the center of the room is large enough to hold her sewing machine and cutting mat, and leave plenty of room for a workspace.
Down the hall is the room where “Sew Taco” and Taco Gear come to life. This room has an equally eclectic vibe, but the style of art is different. A wide array of vibrant multi-color neon signs, in iconic symbols like roses, pizza, and the word “Tacos” (naturally), illuminate the dark wall, adding dazzling light at nighttime and a softer retro vibe during broad daylight. Gerald also has a butcher block table that holds the recording equipment for the “Sew Taco” podcast, making this a perfect workspace.
The eclectic mix of this home and the friendly personalities of Elena and Gerald are a true testament to the wonderful work they do for our community.
If planting in ground: Grow only French or Spanish varieties. Minimum eight hours direct sun per day. Space at least 15” for maximum air circulation. Plant in sandy soil; must have perfect drainage. Add three to four cups of wood ash when planting for greater soil alkalinity. Water deeply, but infrequently. Mulch with rocks to decrease humidity of topsoil. Any standing water will kill lavender. Take flowers; no pruning.
If planting in pots: Pots must have perfect drainage. One hole in bottom of pot is not enough, requires several. Place gravel in bottom inch of pot to prevent wet feet. Use sandy soil or cactus mix and add a little gravel to soil for porosity. Add two cups wood ash to soil. Place pot outside in summer for eight hours direct sun per day. Over-winter in house in window with the most sun.
for the love of LAVENDER
The love of lavender is an English tradition. Queen Elizabeth I loved her lavender jam. Queen Victoria so loved the scent that she adorned all her castles in lavender flowers, perfumes, and potpourris. Her sheets were washed in lavender. Even the floor was mopped in lavender oil.
However, despite the fact that it originated in the dry heat of the Mediterranean, the French, until recently, had little use for lavender in the kitchen. As late as 1900, a celebrated French cookbook did not contain a single reference to the flower. The spice blend “Herbs de Provence”, which includes lavender, was invented in the 1970s by a commercial spice company – and is not French at all. Lavender, however, eventually found a place in French cuisine, and its scent has become a beloved fragrance around the world.
Lavender grows exceptionally well in the dry air of the Texas Hill Country, which is why so many gardeners here in the Coastal Bend are perplexed when their blooms die unceremoniously soon after planting. The problem is not our South Texas heat … it’s the humidity!
English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) will not survive in the high humidity of the Coastal Bend. If you have had poor luck with lavender, chances are the failures were of the English variety.
The fantastic news is that French lavender (Lavandula dentata) and Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoecchas) perform well in the heat and humidity of The Bend. If you can keep a lavender plant alive in the ground for a year, it should grow well for many years to come!
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is probably the most familiar herb in health and wellness. From the Latin "lavare," meaning "to wash," this fragrant herb is often used for everything from inflammatory skin issues, like eczema, to insomnia, stress, and tension problems. It's ability to relax the body in the presence of pain makes it invaluable for headaches, and even minor burns.
The lavender essential oils in commercial use come from English lavender, which doesn’t grow well in The Bend. The oil obtained from French or Spanish lavender is greatly inferior to that of English varieties. However, the gorgeous flowers of French and Spanish lavender have a wonderful, unique flavor. Lavender is in the mint family. Experiment with lavender flowers (use as you would rosemary) in your baking, especially scones and tarts!
As a world leader in innovative technology, Somfy®-powered motorized window coverings from Budget Blinds offer you feature-rich, automated command for unmatched convenience, privacy, and safety.
some may find it easy to stay home during these times, others might find themselves with a persistent urge to get out and socialize. However, with the safest options for socializing being Zoom parties and super small gatherings, a girls night in is the perfect way to still let that social butterfly spread its wings.
A night of games, snacks, and of course drinks all within the comfort of your own living room sounds pretty ideal. I suggest enforcing a no-phone policy for the
Professional grazing boards make for a great statement piece on your coffee table and can appeal to all taste buds with their variety. Have individual plates, serving utensils, and cutlery handy to avoid using your hands when taking from the board. Pair your board with a natural wine for a very on-trend evening.
Décor elements can still be incorporated no matter how small the gathering. Small details like coffee table books, candles, and floor pillows will all add to the overall aesthetic of the evening.
Have a variety of games handy to choose from! Allow you and your guests to pick the game of the evening together. From board games to card games, you want to make sure everyone knows the rules and is ready to play!
night to encourage everyone to begether.
Just because the location of your evening’s fun happens to be your living room, doesn’t mean you can’t spruce up the place and make it a special occasion. Stack up your favorite board games, pile pillows on the floor, and light some candles to set the vibe. You can set the scene for yourself while hosting a virtual game night or for your family for a fun night in!
q get the look
Charcuterie Catering
Eleanor’s Coffee Bar + Market
Board for Charcuterie Wildflowers
Natural Wine
Lucy’s Snackbar
Coffee Table Books
Half Price Books
Assorted Board Games
Local brand CHIA Colombian Handcrafted features high quality fashion accessories crafted by indigenous women of Colombia. The fair trade business, run by a mother/daughter duo, aims to provide support to the regions from which the products originate
If you're looking for something fresh and unique for your outfit, or perhaps as the next gift to a family member or friend, CHIA Colombian Handcrafted is your go-to resource for high quality, creative fashion accessories crafted by the indigenous women of Colombia. Passionate about pieces that tell a story, CHIA’s mission serves to highlight Colombian culture and support rural Colombian communities. Each piece at CHIA holds a rich assortment of stories about the people, places, and things that inspire the designs you see.
Twelve years ago, Maria Borda and her family moved to the U.S. from Colombia. Borda, a professional artist who focused her studies on painting, creates abstract designs and images of indigenous people and their culture, colored with tierras minerals – pigments sourced from the soil. Borda’s travels to remote indigenous areas in Colombia inspired her to help these poverty-stricken communities.
The family-owned company, CHIA Colombian Handcrafted, sprouted in Corpus Christi in 2017 when Borda sold Colombian bags to a few close friends who admired her own. Brought to life to promote artistic visions of Colombian women artisans, CHIA provides direct support to the different regions from which the products originate.
"Once we saw how much people liked the bags, we took a trip to the coast of Colombia and visited different regions," says Borda's daughter, Mariana. "We saw the poverty of these communities with no water; living off of selling these products. My mom and I wanted to make sure our business is helping them 100 percent. We could have just bought bags through resale, but we know all the money we make is going to them and their families."
Colombian-made artisanal products, such as handbags and jewelry, make up most of the company's inventory. The launch of CHIA's online marketplace nurtures the hope of continuing their mission to introduce Colombian culture through one-of-a-kind products.
CHIA partners with hardworking women artisans from different regions of Colombia, such as women in the Guacamayas village and Wayuu Native American women. Their products come from expert hands, with knowledge and skills that have been passed down through generations.
Whether you’re looking for a happy hour spot with a view or a nightcap after a fun day at the beach, look no further than Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. From craft cocktails and casual fare at Topsider to poolside sips, we take refreshments to a new level.
The brand carries a variety of beautifully beaded accessories. Made with intention and showcasing the artisans’ incredible intricate detail work, each of these pieces make for a beautiful final touch to any ensemble.
The vibrant colors and designs hold different meanings tied to indigenous culture and spirituality. Beautiful languages, such as Chibcha, spoken by the Colombian Muisca tribe, tell of the region's rich history and deep spiritual beliefs that revolve around the sun and moon – the word chia derives from the Chibcha word for "moon."
"We partnered with Colombian women artisans from different regions, like the Guacamayas village, and Wayuu,” Mariana continues. “Our products come from them directly. I think the business brings cultural meaning to people here, and also [are] the primary source of income for thousands of families from rural areas with little industrial development."
With a mission that advocates the beautiful work of Colombian women, CHIA serves as a gateway for positive change in these communities through the purchase of fair trade items while cutting out the middleman. With each product from CHIA, you might learn a bit about this beautiful South American culture, and even fall in love with the magic of Colombia.
Contact: |
The Copa Copa. Named for its location at the intersection of the Copano Bay and Copano Cove Drive in Rockport, this luxury RV resort offers guests a one-of-a-kind staycation experience on the water. Although this family-owned resort has been open only a year, it has quickly developed a reputation for being both the hidden gem and the crown jewel of South Texas RV resorts.
From the two 45-foot-long sites to the high-end PK grills, owners Karen and Dennis Keisewetter have thought of every last luxurious detail. Surrounding the sites, tropical plants and flowers erupt through rubber mulch made from recycled tires. Milkwood welcomes droves of butterflies, and an autograph plant carved with names of past vacationers welcomes the guests. The only thing more amazing than this living mural of flora and fauna is the knowledge that each year it will only grow and fill in more vibrantly, offering more and more privacy for its guests.
Each site enjoys its own wooden deck featuring a PK grill, and a grassy lawn with a garden table and seating opens up for guests to eat, read, or gaze out at the water. Visitors can relax in the custom-built aluminum sided pool that always stays perfectly cool, or venture down the pier to enjoy the sunset and perhaps a passing pod of dolphins. Picturesque doesn’t even begin to cover it. “People looking for experiences find them here,” Karen says, “whether it’s taking their kids fishing for the first time or celebrating their 25th anniversary.”
Staring out across the Copano Bay, the world feels unexpectedly limitless. The sun doesn’t burn here, it kisses. The wind is but a breeze compared to its gale force cousin in Corpus Christi. From the bench at the end of the pier … inhale, hold, exhale. Peace.
It is everything Karen thought it would be when she and Lorie drove by the property one day on one of their mother-daughter property hunter excursions.
Clockwise from left: 1 of 2 RV sites that overlook the Copano Bay. Small dipping pool. Private pier with breathtaking views of the Copano Bay.
Christopher Rice
Our way of doing business is designed to get to know you and your dreams. That’s something you won’t get from a website. From the first step until the last, we’ll be there through each milestone. Let’s talk today, and begin the journey to your dream home. We’ll be with you all the way.
“We stood in the middle of the lot,” Karen remembers, “and I knew we needed to buy it. I envisioned two RV sites in my head, and I knew it was going to be beautiful.” Over a beer, she convinced her husband Dennis to jump on board, and together the family dove into the design plans and backbreaking work of pouring cement, building fences, and planting palm trees.
“He does the things I don’t want to do,” says Karen – like building a fish-cleaning station – “and I do the things he doesn’t like.” Such as picking out the perfect boulder to go in the garden. She designs, he builds. “We complement each other,” Dennis says, adding, “We have different thought processes, and that makes us a great team.” Their daughter Lorie of LK Photography handles promo shoots of the resort, and helps her parents with turnover between bookings.
Together, they’ve built their paradise, and they are sharing it with us all. RV enthusiasts from Corpus to Austin, and even outof-state, have driven up to this spectacular waterfront getaway and made unforgettable memories. Though the resort closed for a few months for the pandemic, it has since reopened and been busier than ever. Our advice? Claim your reservation now. The resort is booked up through the season and already has bookings for 2021 … New Year’s on the bay, anyone?
628 Copano Cove Rd, Rockport, TX 361.230.3223
More the Merrier Incorporating more than a few colors into your party’s color scheme is a sure way to bring an immediate sense of fun and joy to the event. Bright pops of color throughout your décor will put a smile on any guest’s face and let them know it is time to party.
Sweet Tooth
A variation of dessert options is always my go-to for any party, but especially kid’s parties! Opt for a smaller size cake for singing "Happy Birthday" and create a couple of other options for your guests to choose from. A variety in options also allows for more color to be dispersed throughout the party!
parting words
Color is an extraordinary thing. It allows us to feel certain emo tions when gazing upon them. It helps to enhance the world we see and brings inspiration. If you’re usually adverse to an expansive color scheme, there is no time like the present to start experimenting with more! Especially when it comes to cel ebrations for our kids, the more color, the more fun.
Get Creative
You can also incorporate some of your party’s food into activities for the guests. For this party, a churro sundae bar was created to allow the kids a chance to get creative even with their sweets! This also provides another opportunity for color to be incorporated into your décor setup.
Coral Bean Café is a refreshing addition to the local coffee scene in the Coastal Bend. Owner Curt Flowers aims to serve up Corpus’ best cup of coffee, focus on the details, and produce top-notch drinks for all who enter his doors.
Standing by the harbor in Sasebo, just up the coast from Nagasaki, with the wind blowing in your hair, seagulls calling, sailboats going in and out of the slips and massive oil tankers moving as silhouettes on the horizon, it feels a lot like Downtown Corpus Christi. The whitecapped water is the same color blue.
The nights feel the same. The air is hot and humid with a hint of saltwater on the soft breezes. Bar-hopping in Sasebo is like drinking your way from The Surf Club down the line of cool bars to House of Rock, except in Japan there is rampant karaoke. The karaoke is unnerving at first, until a certain amount of rice wine and Asahi elevates the mood, and then it is the best thing ever.
What’s different about Japan from anywhere else in the world is the ramen. The historical origins of ramen are murky, but what’s certain is that the renowned noodle dish is packed with flavors and mighty delicious.
Following WWII, Japan suffered a devastating rice harvest, which might have led to widespread famine. The United States shipped massive amounts of wheat as aid to help Japan recover. The Japanese turned much of this wheat into noodles for ramen. Ramen soon became hugely popular in Japan.
America also shipped other food items, including corn and butter, to help the Japanese get back on their feet. The Japa-
nese added these ingredients to their new ramen dishes. The American GIs stationed in Japan, many of them Midwestern farm boys, loved their ramen with corn and butter. Today, ramen is still commonly served with corn and butter across Japan.
For that matter, one of the many elements we in the Coastal Bend have in common with Japan is our local ingredients. The small farms of The Bend produce the same array of Japanese vegetables and herbs, from bok choi to peppers to basil. Our local pork is comparable and our seafood, from scallops to shrimp, is just as good. These high-quality ingredients create exceptional dishes.
The broth is the secret to really good ramen. Actually, the broth is everything. Once you have prepared this magical elixir, the rest is easy—just add what you love. In our recipes, we skip the corn and butter, but feel free to use profusely, just as the locals do in Sasebo.
By the way, ramen is the best-ever hangover food. If you find yourself enjoying an evening on the town, sampling all the best cocktails, blasting your karaoke into the humid night, whether in Downtown Corpus Christi or Downtown Sasebo, don’t forget the recipe for recovery:
Eat one spicy bowl of ramen in the bright morning while looking across the blue water, watching the boats go by, and dreaming of faraway lands.
Vegan Shoyu Ramen
Soy sauce, or what the Japanese refer to as “Shoyu,” adds depth to this vegan ramen soup, which features vegetables that are in season in cooler months. Serves 4-6
PREP TIME: 20 minutes
COOK TIME: 30 minutes
1 tbsp sesame oil
1/2 onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1” piece of fresh ginger, grated
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup mirin
1/4 cup hot pepper paste (optional)
Salt and red pepper flakes, to taste 6 cups vegetable broth (see recipe below)
1 block medium-hard tofu, cubed
2 heads bok choi, halved
2 carrots, coined
1 cup snow peas
1/4 head red cabbage, thinly sliced
1 cup mushrooms, rinsed (rec. enokitake variety)
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1/2 cup bean sprouts
1/2 bunch green onions, chopped
In a large pot, heat sesame oil over medium heat. Cook onion for 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add additional ingredients to finish out the broth. Heat to a low boil and then reduce heat to medium low to maintain broth at a simmer for spooning over toppings.
In a separate pot, boil enough water for ramen noodles and cook per package directions, until noodles are al dente. Strain noodles with a sieve and place in bowls. Add tofu, bok choi, carrot, snow peas, cabbage, and mushrooms. Let sit for 3 minutes before adding noodles, bean sprouts, cilantro, and green onion. Serve hot with oolong tea or a cold brew.
Combine 1 whole onion with vegetable peels (carrot tops, onion skins, radish ends, etc.), 4-6 garlic cloves, 2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp peppercorns, and 3 bay leaves in a slow cooker. Cover mixture with water and cook on low for 8 hours. Transfer to large mason jar by sieving with a cheesecloth-lined strainer and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Combine 1 package pastured pork bones, as well as shrimp heads and tails, with vegetable peels (carrot tops, onion skins, radish ends, etc.), 4-6 garlic cloves, 2 tsp salt, 1 tbsp peppercorns, and 3 bay leaves in a slow cooker. Cover mixture with water and cook on low for 8 hours. Transfer to large mason jar by sieving with a cheesecloth-lined strainer and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Season pork roast liberally with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Heat 2 tbsp vegetable oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat. Sear pork for 5-7 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Add 1/2 cup mirin, 1/4 cup soy sauce, and 1 generous cup water to the bottom of the dutch oven, Transfer to an oven preheated at 325°F and cook for 3 hours, occasionally bathing the roast in its pan juices.
Miso Pork and Seafood Ramen
Commonly known as Sapporo ramen, after the region of Japan where it was developed, this rich ramen is flavored with miso and takes advantage of summer produce in The Bend.
1 lb large gulf shrimp, with heads and tails on for stock
16 oz ramen noodles
2 Thai eggplants, thinly sliced
2 large tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 sweet bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 jalapeno pepper, thinly sliced (optional)
1 bunch basil, chopped
1/2 cup bean sprouts
1/2 bunch green onions, chopped
2 limes, halved for serving (optional)
1 avocado, sliced for serving (optional)
In a large pot, heat sesame oil over medium heat. Add garlic, ginger, and miso paste, stirring until fragrant, about 1 minute. Pour in mirin and pork stock, adding additional ingredients to finish out the broth. Heat to a low boil and then reduce heat to medium low to maintain broth at a simmer for spooning over toppings.
In a separate pot, boil enough water for ramen noodles and cook per package directions, until noodles are al dente. Strain noodles with a sieve and place in bowls. Add shrimp, scallops, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers to bowls and ladle simmering broth on top. Let sit for 3 minutes before adding noodles, bean sprouts, basil, and onion. Top with sliced avocado and freshly squeezed lime juice.
The Coral Bean is a South Texas-native plant with a vivid red hue that stands out in any landscape. It’s attractive to busy hummingbirds, much like coffee shops are attractive to busy city folk.
According to owner Curt Flowers, Coral Bean Cafe is another way of naming it Corpus Cafe, without saying Corpus.
Tucked into a busy southside business plaza, Coral Bean Cafe sprouted around November and has since been in the running for the city’s best coffee. Flowers, who runs the show, said that’s his goal: Corpus’ best coffee…and best tacos.
“Coffee and tacos is a combination that really only makes sense in Corpus,” he says. Flowers is knowledgeable, energetic, and friendly; just the kind of guy you want to serve you your early morning coffee. For him and his employees, quality assurance is a must. The little details in Coral Bean’s espresso are monitored closely, which is what makes a good cup of joe every time. This includes measuring espresso shot times, keeping their local coffee beans in airtight containers, and polishing that shiny espresso machine inside and out.
“I’m a barista, but in Italy, that means bartender – so, I’m a bartender,” Flowers explains, lining up about five shakers in front of
him. “We shake our drinks, or stir them, as if we were at a bar. It’s to get the best out of a drink.” With the cafe also working on its liquor license, the terminology is a friendly foreshadow.
The Botanical Berry Bliss is a yummy non-coffee drink the cafe offers, and it’s probably the hottest thing off the menu right now. Luckily, Flowers loves making this one. He puts two ounces of hibiscus in hot water to steep. Then in a shaker he combines ½ ounce each of blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry puree; all pureed in house. A bit of sugar syrup for the tartness, fresh green tea, and then the strained hibiscus tea.
His technique in shaking a drink is complex and professional, which probably stems from his days running a bar in Chicago before coming to the Coastal Bend.
When strained, if the deep magenta color is right, Flowers throws in fresh ice and sends off the fruity, antioxidant-filled drink.
Also on the menu is the Machito: a matcha … mojito. The virgin cocktail shakes mint, matcha, and citrus into a refreshing, cooling beverage, and the flavor profiles go a little crazy with the fresh ingredients shining through like they do. These fun drinks, including a Matcha Arnold Palmer, are suited for anyone who’s down to try something new.
The cafe has plans set to host events in their huge, inviting location in the future, as well as bringing alcoholic drinks to the table. As a fresh face in the local cafe scene, Flowers is focused on creating a flawless customer experience with high quality beverages and espresso that will impress even the connoisseurs.
The Botanical Berry Bliss and the Matchito are just two of the specialty drinks you’ll find on the menu at Coral Bean Café. Innovative creations, fresh ingredients, and attention to detail all come into play when making these creations.
8TE $
A shabby chic interior that features classic comfort dishes with a modern twist! Serving brunch, lunch, and dinner. 1220 Airline Rd. #250, (361) 723-0261,
You will feel right at home just like eat’n in mom’s kitchen. Great southern comfort food that gets back to the basics! 5802 S Staples St, (361) 993-0251,
Enjoy down-to-earth dining, with American style eats including burgers, sandwiches, and of course, delicious three-egg omelettes. 6646 S Staples St, (361) 334-3942,
Eats Epicurea takes a creative approach with inventive coastal cuisine and unique spins on Texas favorites all while overlooking the on-site Schlitterbahn Waterpark. 14353 Commodore Dr, (361) 589-4230
The last soda fountain in Corpus Christi, TX! Although they've expanded and changed over the years, their old fashioned values and friendly service remained the same. 3801 Staples St, (361) 853-7303,
Smoked fresh barbeque on a strong German heritage background and a satisfaction for something unique. South Texas barbeque that comes from the heart. 711 Concrete St, (361) 884-4227,
With bold purpose and flavor craving taste buds, they set forth a new twist on local fare and many culinary delights from islands around the globe. 503 N Alister St, (361) 749-2310,
A unique, trendy atmosphere that transcends age and style with a menu full of foods rich, colorful, and full of flavor. 15201 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-4819,
Burgers, burgers, and burgers! Build it yourself or choose from their handcrafted menu. 11878 TX-361, (361) 949-3490,
A hidden gem among life-long locals, Poets is a family style restaurant serving up a wide array of delicious home cooking. You’ll be greeted with smiling faces, laughs, and of course their complimentary chips and salsa. 4825 Saratoga Blvd, (361) 993-2170
Dine inside or outside on the patio, and enjoy their large assortment of sandwiches and sides or have a nice cold beverage. Don’t forget the homemade desserts! 15113 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-0505,
Indulge in the art of food with The Blue Cove. Family owned and served with love, this quaint little place will soon become your go-to spot for a weekend bite. 1945 Horne Rd, (361) 8552927,
Casual hotel eatery offering simple American mains and views of the sea. Did we mention they also offer a breakfast buffet? Stop in for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! 2nd Floor Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, 900 N Shoreline Blvd, (361) 887-1600,
Enjoy this popular gastro-pub with delicious dishes that are meant to be shared, along side a beer or cocktail of course! 3850 S Alameda, (361) 452-0907,
This down-to-earth diner serves the best in homestyle American comfort food for breakfast and lunch. 4228 S Alameda St, (361) 9920360,
Creative and daring rolls, bold cocktails in an edgy atmosphere. Their authentic Asian cuisine is made by a master chef with scratch recipes that will blow your mind. 424 N Chaparral St, (361) 462-4620,
At Rock & Rolls, they’re dishing out the most delectable and delicate fish from islands all over the world. Delight in a cold appetizer then “plug in” for some rolls and sashimi! 15121 S Padre Island Dr #101, (361) 949-1110,
Culturally dynamic décor brings an international ambiance to the atmosphere. Their commitment to the freshest food shows through from the dishes to the sushi bar. 4650 Corona Dr, (361) 808-8881,
Local fine dining restaurant with an extensive menu and eye catching Vietnamese culture spread throughout the dining area. 701 N Water St, (361) 853-2682,
It is all about combining fusion concepts with the authentic flavors of famous street dishes from Asia, including Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, China and more. 51220 Airline Rd #155, (361) 991-1115,
The best thing about the Boathouse Bar & Grill is that there’s something for everyone; a mouthwatering menu, full bars with HDTVs, all on waterfront patio dining. 15241 Leeward Dr, (361) 589-9601,
Who says that you can’t have 4-star food in a casual environment? Not the Brewster Street Grill! Bring your kids or stay for a concert, they have it all. 1724 N Tancahua, (361) 884-2739,
The most beloved casual dive dining spot serving up the best in burgers, beer and live music. Make sure to stop by on Tuesday nights for $2 Pints! 1724 N Tancahua, (361) 884-2739,
For years they’ve featured fresh seafood, 1/2 lb. Angus beef burgers and delicious chicken dishes plus a full bar. They’re also home to the “You Hook ‘Em, We Cook ‘Em” service for all the fisherman out there. 420 West Cotter, (361) 749-8646,
A true triple threat, CBC features a coffee shop, full bar, and delicious bakery in a trendy, casual atmosphere perfect for gathering with friends. 7426 S Staples St. #107, (361) 334-0194,
This legendary local cafe and coffee bar serves up invintive breakfast and lunch dishes with a focus on fresh, quality ingredients. 3812 S Alameda St, (361) 855-1892,
Committed to maintaining the highest German standard, every product is handmade following age-old German traditions and recipes. 15137 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-5474,
Made from scratch French and European cuisine with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. The perfect spot for a simple breakfast or lunch with the family. 2766 Santa Fe St, (361) 884-9541,
This female run bakery serves up sensational french inspired pastries, cakes, croissants, and more. Satisfy your cravings at this quaint, and beautifully appointed eatery. 1316 S Staples St, (361) 334-0241,
A multitude of international backgrounds to the cuisine prepared entirely from scratch daily by the owner and culinary artist. The menu is full of unforgettable flavor profiles to satisfy any craving. 14701 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-2224
Authentic gourmet Italian cuisine always made fresh to order in the heart of The Marina Arts District. 429 Schatzell St, (361) 887-4777,
Comfortable and welcoming with a trattoria style authentic cuisine. You won’t find these delectable dishes anywhere else in Corpus Christi! Perfect spot for your next date night! 3815 S Alameda St, (361) 814-8998,
Top notch pizza and appetizers, cold beer, cocktails, and live entertainment! Does it get any better? 511 Starr St, (361) 882-7625,
The chef’s recipes and experience, all with a genuine Italian flavor, crafted from traditional practices passed down through generations. 1821 S Alameda St, (361) 882-3191,
For over 15 years, their famous Padre pizza dough is handmade, hand-tossed and prepared daily. 14493 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-0787,
Quality cuisine and a quaint, yet energetic atmosphere, giving a real touch of Italy. 232 Beach St, (361) 749-7617,
This downtown newcomer serves up Mexican fruit cups and antojitos to the on-the-go lunch crowd and bustling late-night scene. Stop by and get yourself a homemade Aguas Frescas, you can thank us later. 619 N Chaparral St, (361) 442-2253
One of the oldest, and most cherished taquerias in town, Hi-Ho’s is undoubtedly the go-to place for breakfast tacos. 3703 Morgan Ave, (361) 888-4992
A vibrant, bi-level Tex-Mex eatery and full service bar in a contemporary, colorful space
with large outdoor seating right in the heart of downtown Corpus Christi. And that view! 227 N Water St, (361) 885-7702
A down-to-earth, colorful hacienda-themed atmosphere with an extensive Mexican menu, including whole fish, fajitas, and breakfast! 410 Cut-Off Rd, (361) 749-6521
This family-owned-and-operated taco shop in Rockport serves up some of the most delicious tacos and Mexican dishes in the Coastal Bend. 402 E Market St, (361) 790-8513
This quaint taco shop is the place to go if you’re searching for barbacoa. Using only prime cuts of meat to assure the freshest, a best tasting tacos around, Sonny’s Barbacoa is no joke. 4066 S. Port Ave, (361) 808-7711
Sit indoors, sit outdoors, enjoy the Gulf Coast while diving into top-quality coastal cuisine, live music, craft cocktails and some of the best views around. 258 Snapdragon, (361) 749-4653,
This cevicheria is a true Peruvian party on your palette. The dishes are exciting, fresh takes on traditional dishes from South America. Perfect for ending a long beach day. (361) 945-8303 15113 S Padre Island Dr #101,
From a renovated boathouse, they offer simply-cooked bistro fare using the best local seafood and produce. Bright, relaxed atmosphere with white-washed ship lap wood walls and a full bar. 1815 Broadway St, (361) 727-2644,
Local waterfront treasure serving up the best in casual dining, relaxed happy hour, and leisure shopping experiences. 108 Peoples St, (361) 881-8503,
LATITUDE 28˚02’ $$$
Contemporary dining experience specializing in tasty fresh, local seafood. Eye-catching walls that serve as a gallery space, holding colorful works by local artists. 105 N Austin St, (361) 727-9009,
Casual coastal elegance with a family-friendly setting. The menu boasts a remarkable gourmet twist to your favorite fare, and a full bar that goes beyond just ordinary. 5009 Hwy 361, (361) 749-4222,
Enjoy a casual laid back evening of fine dining, there is something for all seafood lovers at Willie’s. With a vast menu and award-winning dishes, you won’t be disappointed. 322 Huff St., 361.758.9991,
Gourmet dining at its finest in a beautiful Louisiana style home that sets the perfect tone for a taste of luxury. Historic background gives
a unique sense of its famous visitors. 200 E Cotter Ave, (361)749-1540,
Extensive menu makes sure to have something for everyone. Food made from scratch from the dressings to the burger patties. Make sure to stop by during happy hour for drink specials. 14254 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-6769,
Outdoor dining experience and local harvested quality with an on-site fish house and shrimp breading facility that enables the freshness. 13313 S Padre Island Dr, (361) 949-8815,
Long-standing and beloved Corpus Christi landmark serving up oysters, sushi rolls and fresh Gulf seafood in a historic, brick building in the heart of downtown. 309 N Water St, (361) 881-9448,
Savory seafood dishes with great bay view seating. Family owned gives off a special ambiance in the atmosphere as well as the entrees. 4310 Ocean Dr, (361) 855-8157
KATZ 21 $$$
Sets the standard for premier fine dining experience. Prime steakhouse specializes in dryaged prime beef and fresh gulf coast seafood. 5702 Spohn Dr, (361) 884-1221,
Committed to the motto “Great Food, Great Times. Great Experience.” Casual and elegant atmosphere that will truly exceed any steak lover’s expectiations. 5409 Saratoga Blvd, (361) 992-2333,
One of the most exclusive dining destinations in the Coastal Bend. A multi-level steakhouse offers beautiful panoramic views of the bay and exceptional dishes. 900 N Shoreline Blvd, (361) 887-1600,
BKK is brining a modern twist to the traditional Thai dishes. Their menu is filled with tasty items you are sure to love. 3850 S Alameda, Ste. 27, (361) 334-0857,
Unique and refreshing, Thai curries meet teriyaki and Chinese dishes in a cozy pink cottage. 5830 McArdle Rd, (361) 993-0777,
Family owned and operated for over 12 years, this restaurant is an intimate fixture providing curries, noodles & other traditional Thai dishes in a upscale relaxed atmosphere. 523 N Water St, (361) 883-8884
Hailing from Calvert, Texas – a little town between Waco and Bryan-College Station – is Dr. Maurice G. Portis, who spent most of his career as a high school band director. During the time of desegregation in schools, Dr. Portis recalls the hardship of losing his position twice, each at different schools, to the “White school’s band director.” In 1969, Dr. Portis and his wife, Dr. Merna JohnsonPortis, relocated to the Coastal Bend and served their final years as educators for West Oso ISD. When Dr. Portis retired, a friend and the parent of one of his band students, Ms. Clarice Allen, invited him to manage her soul food restaurant. In 2002, Dr. Portis and his wife became business owners of Portis Kountry Kitchen.
once stood here. The second dining area, mostly reserved for special events, is styled with a deep royal nautical palette, including a large wooden ship's wheel at the front of the room. The charm doesn't stop with the interior design, either, as Dr. Portis' jazzy serenades during your meal are the cherry on top – if you're lucky enough to experience them.
"We thought it [his singing] would feel appreciated and make the customers feel at home," says Dr. Portis.
It's safe to say that Portis Kountry Kitchen is the Wells Fargo Bank Tower's bestkept secret, and the delicious smells that guide you down the basement hallway don't keep it secret for long. All who enter find themselves welcomed with glowing pans of scratch-made cornbread, golden and warm with a semi-sweet flavor. Their award-winning chicken fried steak crisped to perfection and topped with white gravy is a must-try. Pair the entree with side choices like old fashioned blackeyed peas, mac and cheese, homestyle yams, and much more, and you have one of the best comfort meals you can find in the Coastal Bend.
"One of our regulars managed a building, and wanted us to move there because he loved our food," says Dr. Portis. "We couldn't move because the space wasn't set for cooking. He found a place in the Wells Fargo Bank Tower. We came in and didn't do much except prepare the kitchen; we have continued the same cooking as the original Portis Kountry Kitchen."
The dining room, adorned with a shiny silver accent wall that also decorated the late Driscoll Hotel cafe, portrays an abstract 1920s party of high-society visitors. The vintage aesthetic, including intricate cast iron furniture original to the space, encapsulates the remnants of the upscale 1930s hotel that
"My mother was a great cook. Coming from a family of 9 kids, and hanging out with cousins, friends, and neighbors, we always had food. We weren't rich, but my daddy loved people to come over and eat. I'm the same way. We don't turn anybody down if they want to eat. I enjoy folks enjoying the food," Dr. Portis says warmly.
"We still use Ms. Clarice's recipes. She was a magnificent cook and entrepreneur. She's the reason for us being in business. Sharing her recipes, keeping them pure, and cooking with love, cause that's what Soul is – made with love."
A Pink and Green Gem
Looking into Corpus Christi’s uptown, it’s easy to just gaze up at the taller buildings across the skyline – but if you look a little lower, the pink and green terra cotta stands out. Built in 1953 for the Southern Minerals Corporation, known as Somico, 807 N. Upper Broadway has retained its signature exterior through both multiple owners and decades of vacancy. Many locals remember when this building served as the H-E-B headquarters from 1971 to 1985.
Southern Minerals President S. Maston Nixon was a proponent of the city’s growth, and wanted Somico to stay “home” in Corpus Christi when it outgrew its headquarters at the Centennial House. He enlisted Fort Worth architect Wyatt C. Hedrick to draw plans
for the structure that would be unique to Somico, including input from Nixon himself. Original plans called for the ability to expand the building upwards to 10 stories, in increments of two-, then five-story additions. These expansions never occurred, so the building we see today is as it was built in 1953, pink and green terra cotta and all.
Since 2000, the building has changed hands several times but never found permanent occupants. As renovations move forward in 2020, we may soon again be able to enjoy the unobstructed view of the Bay that Nixon chose for his company’s headquarters nearly 70 years ago.
Somico’s Headquarters at 807 N. Upper Broadway, Oct. 10, 1954.
Providing cosmetic surgery in Corpus Christi, TX and surrounding communities