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CONTENTS 9.22 THE HISTORY ISSUE AROUND THE BEND 5 Best 15 Trending 16 Discoveries .........................18 What’s Online 22 Giving Back ...................... 24 Person of Interest 26 FEATURES Defining Moments 30 HEALTH Be Well................................. 46 Beauty 48 OUT & ABOUT Travel 80 Arts & Culture 84 Datebook 88 Social Hour 90 CUISINE Farm to Table ...................94 The Drink 98 Dining Guide 100 The Dish 102 HISTORY Looking Back 106 Blue Angels fly over Corpus Christi Bay (1940s). Discover other historic moments in Corpus Christi on pg. 30 byprovidedphotography ARCHIVES&COLLECTIONSSPECIALRETAMALALIBRARIES,PUBLICCHRISTICORPUSHOME & GARDEN Open House 64 Gardening 72 Spaces 74 Entertaining 77 The Bend Magazine is published by Bend Holdings Sub, LLC. Copyright © 2022 Bend Holdings Sub, LLC. No portion may be reproduced without express written consent. Editorial or advertising does not constitute advice, but is rather considered informative. The Bend is not responsible for the care of and/or return of unsolicited materials. The Bend reserves the right to refuse advertising deemed detrimental to the community's best interest or in questionable taste. Expressed opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership. 4 The Bend 5 Porsche of San Antonio 9455 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 738 porscheofsanantonio.com3499 SUV with sports car character. Five doors, five seats, yet incomparable, unmistakable and unstoppable. In its latest generation, the Macan is and remains the sports car of compact SUVs. Instantly, the Porsche DNA is recognizable from the sloping roof line: the “flyline” lends the Macan its characteristic sports car contours. The Macan S. ©2022 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.

CK: Since moving here in 1988, there have been a lot of Astros.HoustongrowingvoidHooks.CorpusFeildofwasmeaningfulmomentBanktheMoorethemomentsiconic–frombuildingofPlazatoAmericanCenter.ThemosttometheadditionWhataburgerandtheChristiItfilledainmeafterupinwiththe JS: The moment that stays in my mind is the downfamilytakefavoriteIt'stimepassbuyinspiredaquariummyreinvigoratedTheAquarium.theexpansionJourneyCarribeanofTexasStateadditionlovefortheandmetoaseasonforthefirstinyears.oneofmyplacestofriendsandthatcometovisit. ON THE COVER: We all have different things that come to mind when we think of Corpus Christi, and this cover captures just a portion of them as we look back at 30 formative moments. cover artwork by Jarred Schuetze Q: What moment in Corpus Christi history still sticks with you? Follow Us Get In Touch @thebendmag Submissions: Advertising : Subscriptions: 309 N. Water Street Corpus Christi, TX 78401 361.792.3606 JB: The story of better.worldcanourcityfarcausehistorymomentmeItsavingsystems,ourthenandhurricanes,withhimstormhowSimpsonRobertandthe1919madefallinlovestudyingthatheimprovedwarninglives.remindsthatoneofourcanwavesoutsideourandthatcitizenschangetheforthe PRESIDENT Jordan Regas VICE PRESIDENT Kaley Regas PUBLISHER Chris Knapick EDITOR IN CHIEF Kylie Cooper ART DIRECTOR Jarred Schuetze MANAGING EDITOR Alexa Rodriguez ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Gloria Stauber PRODUCTIONDIRECTOR Meagan Matthews DIGITAL COORDINATORMEDIA Tyler Schultz GRAPHIC DESIGNER Lillian Meador CLIENT COORDINATOR Leesa Neidel SENIOR WRITERS Kirby Conda Jessie Chrobocinski COPY EDITOR Steve Gill LEAD PHOTOGRAPHER Rachel Benavides PHOTOGRAPHY Jason Page Lillian Reitz CONTRIBUTORS Luis Arjona Jillian JacquelineJustinBecquetButtsKaylaButtsGonzalezCecileGottlichJulietaHernandezGregHortonJoAnneHowell Volume 9 / Issue 9, The Bend (periodicals 25150) is published monthly, 12 times a year, by Hilltop Media Group, 309 N. Water St., Ste. C, Corpus Christi, TX 78404. Periodical postage paid at Corpus Christi, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Bend, P.O. Box 16765, Hollywood, CA, 91615. Image Credits: Bobby Galvan playing sax: Special Collections and Archives, Mary and Jeff Bell Library, TAMU-CC. Blue Angels, Nixon Building, Southern Alkali: Corpus Christi Public Libraries, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. Hooks players: Courtesy of Corpus Christi Hooks. Whataburger: Courtesy of Whataburger. Downtown skyline and USS Lexington: photos by Rachel Benavides. 6 The Bend 2729 S PADRE ISLAND HOME•GARDEN•VINTAGE•MODERNDRIVETMWILDFLOWERS.COM
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A CELEBRATION OF ROCKPORT -FULTON'S ART COLONY Hidden gem La Linea Wine Bar provides patrons a charming experience centered on Texasbased wines and scratch-made pizza. pg. 98
INSIDE CHOICE LIVING COMMUNITY Choice Living Community provides resources for adults with special abilities who have aged out of public education. The program offers opportunities and support for its clients with a hands-on approach. pg. 24
Past, FuturePresent, Just a few months ago, the Austin American-Statesman named Corpus Christi the “most promising city in Texas.” The article credits this superlative to our city’s bright (and near) future, stating that Corpus Christi feels “more fresh, more open and more confident than in the Progresspast.”in reinvigorating areas such as downtown and uptown; a lively sports, entertainment and arts district; deep and enduring pockets of cultural history; excellent higher education opportunities; the natural beauty from area beaches, wetlands and state parks; and a fierce entrepreneurial spirit on every corner are just a handful of the reasons to which our promising status is attributed. Growth is evident no matter where you look. From exciting development projects to new small businesses, the Coastal Bend is undoubtedly in the midst of a renaissance. However, as we embark on a new chapter in our city’s story, it’s important to look back and remember how we got here in the first place.
Kylie Cooper, Editor In Chief
CALM & COLLECTED A new home in Aransas Pass After an inspiring trip to Guadalajara for the largest mariachi gathering in the world, several TAMU-CC faculty members decided to put together
Jillian Becquet, our resident historian, understands this well. In fact, most of her professional career has revolved around preserving and promoting the stories of our past. So, when we decided to dedicate a cover feature to 30 defining moments in Corpus Christi’s history (pg. 30), we knew there was no better person for the job. The feature covers Henry Lawrence Kinney and the Lone Star Fair, Hector P. Garcia and the American GI Forum, the opening of iconic places such as the Galvan Ballroom and Whataburger, the Hooks opening their first season and so much more. This collection of historical people and events help to inform who we are as a city and where we’re headed. Days before this issue went to print, Jillian underwent eye surgery. When one of the nurses learned of her contributions to The Bend, she mentioned having lived in the area her whole life and never knowing much about our city’s history … that is, until she read some of Jillian’s work.
In this month’s Looking Back section — Jillian’s monthly history column — you’ll learn about Eli T. Merriman (pg. 106). A newspaperman at heart, Merriman is responsible for much of the historic documentation we have today. History doesn’t write itself, and following Merriman’s example, Jillian is our modern-day scribe of the stories.Eachstory within these two covers is a reminder of not just a celebrated past or an optimistic future, but a vibrant present. From our city’s first Sports Commission (pg. 26) to a new local taco joint serving up bold flavors from the heart (pg. 102), Corpus Christi, and the greater Coastal Bend area, isn’t just primed for an invigorating next chapter — it’s already writing it.

12 The Bend2 • AMST On View: 10/14/22 – 1/1/23 WARHOL, JOHNS AND STELLA: REVISITED Organized by Art Museum of South Texas (1928-1987),American,Warhol,Andy SoupCampbell’sfromPeaGreen ArtofMuseumAntonioSan23”,xx3526/250,ed.paper,weavesmoothonsilkscreencolor1968,,

AROUND THE BEND 9.22 5BEST 15 TRENDING 16 DISCOVERIES 18 WHAT’S ONLINE 22 GIVING BACK 24 POI 26 CROCHET IT ISN'T SO! pg 18 Tobey Perales Kingturned her crochetinghobby into a business afterone playful creation becamean overnight viral sensation byphotography REITZLILLIAN 13

14 The Bend

Aransas Pass Aquatic Center 400 E Johnson Ave. Venture out to Aransas Pass for an aquatic experience, including a zero-depth kidfriendly area with splash water features. The splash center has interactive water components such as waterfalls, splash fountains, jet streams and more. The Aransas Pass Aquatic Center is fun for the whole family with two large varying depth swimming pools, water slides, multiple shade structures and sitting areas. The center is only open on weekends during the month of September.
Splash Pads
Lindale Splash Pad 3133 Swantner Dr. This neighborhood park and splash pad is a local favorite for residents of the Bay Area. Tucked away in the Lindale subdivision, this splash pad features various interactive water features for kids to enjoy. In addition to the splash pad, Lindale Park includes a playground, picnic tables, shade structures, a grill, a basketball court and community garden.
H-E-B Splash Park 2710 N. Shoreline Blvd. Cap your visit to the Texas State Aquarium off with a visit to the H-E-B Splash Park. This marine-themed park features state-ofthe-art water spray jets, interactive water features, water cannons and more. Admission to the park is included in your aquarium admission and lockers are available for rent to make your visit even more convenient. Salinas Park Splash Pad 1354 Airport Rd This splash pad was the latest amenity added to the westside regional park. The splash pad features splash fountains, waterfalls and other interactive water features. While at the Manuel Q. Salinas Park, check out the awardwinning Playground,Play-For-AllMiracleLeague Field, picnic tables, a pavilion, a walking trail and various shade structures for your enjoyment.
Bill Witt Park Splash Pad 6869 Yorktown Blvd. Bill Witt Park is recreation-focuseda regional park that has long served as the venue for countless little league and soccer games. With the addition of the splash pad with multiple splash fountains, interactive waterfalls and spray jets, the park now also serves as a place to have fun and cool off. The park also features a playground, a hike and bike trail and shade structures for parents to sit while their children play. PARK School might be back in session, but these temperatures say otherwise. Here is a roundup of the five best splash pads for some end-of-summer fun.


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18 The Bend
“I didn’t have any hobbies,” she reminisces about the beginning of her creative journey when she became a stayat-home mom, and soon began to crochet items as gifts. Once Perales King began to master the craft, she started making dolls for her daughter that resembled her own features, and eventually started selling her creations to friends and family. With her crochet amigurumi gaining traction, she opened an Etsy shop in 2014. “Free time I get to myself is what I like to call ‘Tobey time,’” she said, which inspired the name of her business: Tobey Time Crochet. Her first claim to fame came in 2016, when she made crochet dolls of all the presidential candidates, and they were featured in Buzzfeed. That led her to create a pattern for a sitting doll in March of 2020. In the winter of 2021, everything changed: What was once a leisurely hobby became a literal overnight sensation when she crocheted a Bernie Sanders doll with mittens, modeled after the viral photo of the senator from the presidential inauguration.
“I posted the photo and went to bed. I had no idea what would happen the next day,” Perales King said. The following days accumulated thousands of likes on the post, as well as thousands of new followers
rom gummy worms to The Golden Girls, Tobey Perales King has made a name for herself by crocheting various pop-culture inspired amigurumi. Perales King, a Corpus Christi native, mom and former hairstylist, started crocheting in 2014 and hasn’t stopped since.
Crochet It Isn’t So!
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on Instagram. She quickly threw together a pattern for the doll and listed it on Etsy for $5. She sold 30,000 copies of the pattern in one week, allowing her to raise over $40,000 for Meals on Wheels. Since then, one Google search yields hundreds of “Bernie Sanders with mittens” crocheted dolls.
CONTACT: @tobeytimecrochet |
Perales King has sparked a creative desire in people with her playful patterns and unique creations. One visit to her Instagram, Etsy or YouTube pages will have you wanting to buy one of her patterns to crochet a miniature Ruth Bader Ginsburg or an oversized gummy bear yourself. In reflecting on her success, Perales King said, “This wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t home with the support and love of my hometown.” As for what the future holds: “I want to make more.” Perales King wants to get back to making and selling amigurumi locally. In the meantime, she is selling patterns, educating on YouTube and keeping her followers laughing on Instagram. Be on the lookout for her next crocheted creations at pop-up markets around town.

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“When you come down and tour our center, you won’t see a standardized program,” says Scott. “You’ll see the individual and what they’re working on based on their needs. We even do barbecues and outdoor activities.”
The facility is located at the Annapolis Christian School campus, and it too has expanded its program in the special education arena. Coastal Bend residents have the option to send their children to The Rise School until the age of 6, followed by Annapolis until the age of 18, then transfer to Choice Living Community and continue to work toward achieving their maximum potential. Since its inception, the facility continues to grow. Although the nonprofit was created in 2019, the pandemic halted the full opening until January of 2021. By August 2021, there were two clients, and now, it’s standing strong at 16. Scott and her team are excited for what the future holds for Choice Living Community. They are proud of what they provide for their clients, but they would like to expand — not only to fill their facility with more clients, but also to include a residential component.
eaching is a work of heart, and when Dr. Jennifer Scott was working as a special education teacher in Houston, she noticed a lack of resources for adults with special abilities who had aged out of public education. The lack of resources didn’t sit right with Scott, so while working on her doctoral degree, she began researching which area had the greatest need. This brought her to the Coastal Bend, and in 2019 she founded Choice Living Community, a day habilitation facility that delivers innovative and individualized programs to its clients, based on theirScottneeds.explained that the impetus for creating this facility was to give these adults the opportunity to be active in the community by supporting and advancing their vocational, social and life skills. Now, she has created a learning haven for anyone ranging from higher functioning special needs adults who can hold a job but need help with social skills to those who are non-verbal and need assistance with certain life skills. To get involved with Choice Living withorganizationandAmazongroceries,giftevents,fundraisingyouCommunity,canattenddonatecardsforvisititsWishlistsharetheothers.
24 The Bend
The center has monthly and yearly fundraisers, and every Thursday it hosts a Grounds for Success event when local businesses can come tour the facility and meet everyone. Scott guarantees, “Once you come and see what we’re doing and how we’re doing it, I promise you’ll fall in love with our organization.”
Inside Choice Living Community

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JJ: The first few months have been great. The people here have been incredibly welcoming to me and my family and have made it pretty easy to make the transition. The summer is our busy time of year, so we’ve been jumping from event to event, which is really exciting. Being able to see sporting events we already host gives me a good idea of what we do well and where we can grow. I think, ultimately, the keyword here is “exciting.” Coming back home to Texas has always been a desire of mine, but when I heard about the opportunity in Corpus Christi there was just so much potential that it was hard not to get excited. We’re primed for some pretty amazing things.
KC: What does the Sports Commission do, exactly?
KC: What are some challenges the city faces when it comes to building and enriching our sports landscape?
the construction of sports venues and fields and build the reputation of Corpus Christi as the Gulf Coast Capital for Sports. We’re really looking forward to continuing to build relationships with local stakeholders and driving economic impact for the community.
JJ: The Sports Commission is responsible for the sports tourism efforts in Corpus Christi. We’ll go out and bid on regional, national and international sports events, offer services and support to locally owned sports events, advocate for 26 The Bend
KC: What are some events and/or programs on your to-do list as the executive director of the Sports JJ:Commission? We’re still in the process of putting our strategic plan together, so I don’t have any specifics for you yet — but what I can say is we want events that fit the culture of our community. Events that not only impact the local economy but tie into the local interests and pride. Corpus Christi loves its baseball and has some of the best winds for water sports in the world. So maybe we’ll start there.
KC: Can you elaborate on how sporting events aid the local economy?
JJ: When sports spectators and participants visit our city, they usually visit places in addition to the stadium or arena. They may get dinner at one of our local restaurants or pre-game at a sports bar. They may arrive a day early and stay in a hotel, or extend their trip and book a deep-sea fishing expedition. All these people are spending or depositing what we call “new money” into the local economy. The more new money we have, the more our community has to distribute. By partnering with community stakeholders, we’re able to influence sports spectators and participants to spend money throughout the city.
JJ: I think our sports facilities could use a little love. Luckily, the city is addressing some of this with the passing of a recent bond, and there are some private projects that are also in the works. Ideally, we’d like to have facilities that provide access to community needs while also being designed in a way that
KC: You moved into the role of executive director for Visit Corpus Christi's Sports Commission in June of this year. How have the first few months in this role been, and what inspired you to take the position in the first place?

KC: What do you imagine the future of professional sports in Corpus Christi will look like?
KC: What are a couple of events or projects coming up that you're excited JJ:about?June, July and August were heavy event months for us, which included the State Games of Texas, 7s by the Sea Rugby Tournament, Express Beach Soccer Tournament and J24 World Championships hosted by the Corpus Christi Yacht Club. We currently have some facility and infrastructure development conversations coming up that are exciting, too. And this is all simultaneous with wrapping up our destination evaluation and the building of the foundation of the Sports Commission.
JJ: We’ll still have the big four sports with the Corpus Christi Hooks, Ice Rays, Corpus Christi FC and Texas A&M University-CC for basketball. Corpus Christi FC is planning some interesting things with a proposed new stadium and field complex. They’re currently in the second division of the USL, but hope to move up to the highest level in the future. We also have professional surfers, windsurfers, sailors and fishermen, all of whom have competed in, and in some cases won, national and international championships. My hope is that we’ll be able to shed some light on all our professional sports and athletes.
KC: Any favorite local spots so far?
meets the standards of large, high-end sports tournaments and events. Periodic large events can help maintain and cover the overhead costs of a facility so the community can enjoy a nice facility on a daily basis. 27
JJ: As a baseball fan, I’ve been spending a lot of time at Whataburger Field to see the Hooks play. The Executive Surf Club, Snoopy’s Pier and the Padre Island National Seashore are other favorites.

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From Top: 1960 (Jazz Festival): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1950 (Galvan Ballroom): Rafael Sr. and Virginia Galvan Family Papers, Collection 118, Box 9, Folder 6. Special Collections and Archives, Mary and 30 The Bend

Jeff Bell Library, TAMU-CC. 1905 (Epworth):
CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 31
1941 (NASCC): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1853 (King Ranch): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives.
It feels like we’ve lived through quite a lot of “once in a lifetime” kinds of historical events in the last few decades. Sometimes, these events are seared into our minds as they happen because we know we are witnessing something we’ll remember. Other times, the importance of an event takes time to reveal itself to us. These are 30 defining moments in Corpus Christi’s history so far. They’re not all things that people photographed and wrote about in the moment because they knew they’d cause waves. Some are stories of ordinary people who did big things for a small town. Others are seemingly small events that changed the lives of many far beyond the Coastal Bend. All of them are things that happened here to change our world and make Corpus Christi the place we know and love today.

Henry Lawrence Kinney (1814-1862) was perhaps Corpus Christi’s biggest booster and is regarded as the founder of the city. When Kinney arrived here in 1839, the area was very much the frontier. He built a home and store surrounded by a stockade and engaged in questionably legal trading and smuggling while buying up land. In 1845, his business boomed as half of the United States Army, under the command of General and future President Zachary Taylor, moved into the area as they awaited action in the Mexican-American War. Kinney left town with the troops, but returned following the war in 1846 and continued to buy land with the goal of selling it to new settlers. But how could he encourage people to come to Corpus Christi, which hadn’t been incorporated as a city and couldn’t be reached by rail? With a state fair, sure to attract the attention Kinney thought Corpus Christi deserved! 1852’s Lone Star Fair was advertised internationally with the goal of attracting 30,000 people to the area. Kinney went to great expense to ready the attractions, including a circus, theater troops, speakers, agricultural shows and bull riding. Kinney spread the word of extremely fertile soil, large stretches of prairie with abundant wildlife, and ensured land, stock and supplies needed to settle were available for purchase. He hoped this would be the event that convinced people to stay and settle in the area. When only 2,000 people attended the fair, Kinney moved on to chase his fortunes elsewhere. He returned again briefly in the late 1850s before his death in Mexico in 1862. The Lone Star Fair was never again held in Corpus Christi, but his work to enlarge the city of Corpus Christi was indeed successful, as it was incorporated several months after the fair, on Sept. 9, 1852. Corpus Christi would not be here were it not for Henry Kinney’s persistence in attracting attention to his tiny frontier town.
1853 1852 (Kinney): Corpus Christi Public Libraries, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1853 (King Ranch): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1873 (Spohn): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 32 The Bend
Kinney holds the Lone Star Fair to encourage settlement in the new city
A breed of beef cattle developed in the early 20th century at King Ranch, Santa Gertrudis, bears the name of this land. King Ranch is known as the birthplace of American ranching and has grown to over 825,000 acres, making it America’s largest ranch. It is these early purchases that marked the transition of King from a steamboat man to an entrepreneur and rancher.
Richard King’s first land purchase was 15,500 acres of a Mexican land grant, Rincón de Santa Gertrudis. In 1854, he added 53,000 acres with the purchase of Santa Gertrudis de la Garza, a Spanish land grant. King stocked his new ranch with any cattle he could find, traveling to Mexico to purchase cattle and recruit employees.
Captain Richard King makes King Ranch’s first land purchase

1873 1875 (Railroad): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 33
The arrival of Dr. Arthur Spohn’s medical expertise in a rural Corpus Christi meant a healthier population. Spohn’s years of training put him at the forefront of research into things like how to stop the transmission of disease and sterilization before surgery — he even traveled with a patient to the Pasteur Institute in Paris to get lifesaving rabies inoculations. After years of treating patients in their homes, including performing surgeries there, Dr. Spohn saw the need for more modern medical care and raised funds for the city’s first hospital, which opened in 1905. Today, the largest health system in the area, Christus Spohn, bears his name in remembrance of the pioneering doctor who transformed medicine in South Texas.
Solomon Coles founds a school for Black children, who were without andservesopportunities,learningandasprincipalteacher
Uriah Lott charters the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande railroad (later Texas-Mexican railway), bringing railroads through the Coastal Bend Dr. Arthur Spohn begins practicing in Corpus Christi
A Yale Divinity Schooltrained pastor of Freedom Congregational Church, Solomon Coles gave up his pastoral duties in 1880 to dedicate more time to the school. Solomon Coles High School is named in his honor.

1919 Hurricane hits Corpus Christi, sending over 11 feet of water into downtown
The election of Mayor Roy Miller catapulted the passionate and progressive 29-year-old to leading an era of modernization for Corpus Christi. During his three terms (1913-1919), Corpus Christi made improvements in water supply, streets and sewage systems, added a trolley service, started paying firefighters and completed the first sections of the bluff balustrade project. These civic improvement projects provided a foundation for the growth of the city for decades to come. His years as mayor gave him the standing to work for Corpus Christi’s benefit for years after he left office. He led the Central Rescue and Relief Committee for recovery from the 1919 hurricane and lobbied for a breakwater to protect the city and a deep-water port to grow its economy. He also worked to secure Corpus Christi as the location for a Naval Air Station. Roy Miller’s vision advanced the urbanization of the city and ensured it had the resources to continue its growth beyond his lifetime.
Roy Miller is elected as Corpus Christi’s mayor
Epworth-By-The Sea Methodist retreat is held on North touristcementingBeach,itasadestination
1905 (Epworth): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1919 (Hurricane): Courtesy of the Collection of Jim Moloney. 1926 (Port): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 34 The Bend
In the days before radar and when you could walk from Water Street straight into Corpus Christi Bay, Corpus Christi was vulnerable to major hurricanes. After several smaller storms in the decades prior, luck ran out. The 1919 storm left piles of lumber 15 feet tall downtown after the storm surge pushed in. Bales of cotton stacked ready for shipment broke apart, and oil leaked into the water — all while other parts of town were unaware of the severity of the storm. The 115 mph wind damage was minor compared to the impact of the storm surge. It was this storm that established the need for downtown to be protected after a costly recovery, spurring investments into the breakwater and the seawall, which have protected us from every storm since. A six-year-old resident of Corpus Christi, Robert Simpson, found his passion for studying hurricanes when he survived this storm by seeking refuge in the county courthouse with his family. He went on to lead the National Hurricane Center and worked to develop the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, saving countless lives through a warning system his community didn’t have.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is founded in Corpus Christi to fight for Hispanic American civil rights
1929 1927 (Nixon Building): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1929 (LULAC): 35
LULAC’s legacy as the oldest and largest continually active Hispanic American political organization started here — the result of merging four organizations, all active in the region. The group has an array of focuses on its quest for equality, from fighting lack of political representation to being included on juries to ensuring quality education. LULAC’s strength lies not only in its own membership but in the many organizations with which it partners.
The Nixon Building (now the Wilson Building) was built as the first large office building on the bluff downtown. This established uptown as a financial and business district, replacing the ornate homes that once lined the bluff
For as long as Corpus Christi has had settlers, there has been a desire to grow our shipping industry and establish a deep-water port. Small ports dotted the Gulf nearby, but as ships and the loads they carried grew, not all could accommodate them. Shipping from Corpus Christi required shallow vessels that were able to navigate winding channels to get into the bay. With the efforts of Corpus Christi’s businesses and politicians, a channel was dredged and the Port opened in 1926. The initial goal of the port and the Navigation District was to facilitate the shipping of South Texas farm produce, including cotton. The economy of the region was based nearly entirely on agriculture, and a deepwater port grew the market for the goods. The fact that the port was already established when oil was discovered nearby meant the city saw an immediate surge in shipping and could quickly pivot to building oil docks and refineries. Port of Corpus Christi opens

The annual Splash Days festival began in 1917 to kick off the summer swimming season, when residents and visitors flocked to Corpus Christi Bay to swim. Buccaneer Days replaced the swimsuits with pirate garb. The first Buc Days didn’t have the now-famous carnival (that was against a city ordinance), but it did have a parade and a coronation pageant to crown a queen like we have today. People from all over South Texas flock to the festival, which now features 11 days of activities with something for everyone, including a PRCA rodeo, a concert series, two parades and shopping. For over 25 years, the proceeds have funded scholarships for area students.
The first Buccaneer Days festival is held as a successor to Splash Days
1934 Southern Alkali becomes the first major industry to build at the Port of Corpus Christi
The Seawall is built on Corpus Christi Bay to protect downtown from storm surge, adding a city block between Water Street and the bay
With the arrival of the Port of Corpus Christi’s first major industry came the building of the Industrial Canal and the rebuilding of the Mathis dam. The arrival of manufacturing signaled a new area of business for Corpus Christi, as it was more reliable than the growth of crops. This new industry required fresh water and a supply of natural gas, spurring the expansion of projects to secure both for the city, including the founding of Maston Nixon’s Southern Minerals, a pipeline, production and supply company. These interconnected businesses strengthened each other as they developed the city’s new industrial zone at the port, setting up the arrival of dozens of others.
1934 (Southern Alkali): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1938 (Buc Days): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1939-41 (Seawall): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 36 The Bend

The Galvan Ballroom Opens 1950 1941 (NASCC): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1950 (Galvan Ballroom): Rafael Sr. and Virginia Galvan Family Papers, Collection 118, Box 9, Folder 6. Special Collections and Archives, Mary and Jeff Bell Library, TAMU-CC. 37
Naval Air Station Corpus Christi begins flight training. Over 35,000 aviators earned their wings here by the end of WWII, including President George H.W. Bush and Neil Armstrong
American GI Forum was founded by Hector P. Garcia to support Mexican American veterans
Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a WWII veteran, was infuriated by the injustices faced by Mexican American veterans when navigating life after service. Months after founding the organization, Dr. Garcia learned of the refusal of a funeral home in Three Rivers to host a wake for Private Felix Longoria, who had finally arrived home after his death near the end of WWII. Dr. Garcia alerted state and local officials to this injustice and received word back from U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson that he would arrange for burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Longoria was the first of nearly half a million Mexican American WWII veterans to be buried there. Word of the case reached across the nation, and Dr. Garcia’s efforts to grow the organization gained momentum. The GI Forum, along with LULAC, spent considerable resources fielding legal teams to fight for rights in court. These sometimes lengthy court battles meant a lot of civil rights case experience for local attorneys. One of them, James de Anda, went on to represent a group of local families in Cisnerosv.CorpusChristiISD. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where it established Mexican Americans as an identifiable minority group, deserving of all protections afforded by the Brownv.BoardofEducationofTopeka , Kansas ruling.
With the growing popularity of the 15-piece Galvan Orchestra in the late 1940s, Rafael Galvan Sr. needed a permanent venue for performances. The ballroom welcomed all people during a time of segregation, as well as performers including Tommy Dorsey, who played the grand opening, and Duke Ellington.

38 The Bend
In the beginning, one could walk up to Harmon Dobson’s burger stand and get the largest hamburger in town for 25 cents. His goal was that you’d then exclaim “What a burger!” giving an appropriate name to his business.
The original access to Padre Island was the Don Patricio Causeway, which consisted of four parallel wooden troughs on trestles, just wide enough to steer a car’s tires into. After its destruction in 1933, the island became difficult to access. The completion of the causeway, later named for JFK after his death, unlocked the potential of Padre Island and opened it to development, not only for the tourism industry but for full-time residents.
An avid pilot, Dobson could be seen pulling a Whataburger banner over the skies of Corpus Christi and dropping coupons. He chose the iconic orange and white architecture to make the stores more visible from the air. Corpus Christi served as the home base for the company through growth and changes to the menu, until 2009 when the headquarters moved to San Antonio.
Whataburger opens on Ayers Street, across from Del Mar College 1950
North Padre Island Causeway opens, allowing the growth of Padre Island 1950 The Harbor Bridge replaces the Bascule Bridge, a 1926 drawbridge with only a 97-foot wide opening for ships to enter the Port of Corpus Christi 1959 1950 (Causeway): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1950 (Whataburger): Courtesy of Whataburger. 1959 (Harbor Bridge): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives.

1972 Art Museum of South Texas opens Bob Shaw "Andy Warhol Photographing David Whitney- Opening Day, 1972" Giclee print on Epson archival enhanced matte paper. 18.357x27.375x0. A Gift from the Artist for the Permanent Collection of the Art Museum of South Texas Ezra Stoller Associates, Untitled (Interior Building), 1972, digitally restored historical photograph, Art Museum of South Texas Archive 1960 (Jazz Festival): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives. 1989 (TAMUCC): Special Collections and Archives, Mary and Jeff Bell Library, TAMU-CC.
1989 Corpus Christi State University joins the Texas A&M University System
In 1993, the name changed to TAMU-CC; a year later, it became a fouryear university with 5,000 students. The massive growth of not only the student body but the campus has benefitted the entire community through developments like the Early Childhood Development Center in partnership with CCISD and the Performing Arts Center, which is where the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra hosts its season’s concerts. The university’s impact spreads nationwide through research including unmanned aircraft systems and the worldrenowned Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, and through the nearly 50,000 alumni working across the nation and the world.
Known by many names throughout its history, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) fought for its growth for decades as it changed hands several times. The campus suffered major damage in Hurricane Celia in 1970, but a year later the state supported a school in Corpus Christi that opened with 969 students in 1973. It was joining the Texas A&M system that signaled an enormous period of growth.
Texas Jazz Festival is born with a free concert at the Del Mar College Auditorium, having grown out of shows put on by the student Jazz Club
1960 AMST’s picturesque bayfront building designed by world-famous architect Philip Johnson opened with much ado. The first exhibit featured works by Jasper Johns, Frank Stella and Andy Warhol, who attended the museum’s opening. AMST’s collections and exhibits not only include local and Texan artists, but bring pieces by some of the most famous artists in the world to the Coastal Bend. The museum is the destination for fine art in the Coastal Bend, attracting over 100,000 visitors each year.

The DMD helps administer the funds from Tax Reinvestment Zone #3 to provide incentive programs to aid development in targeted areas, like increasing downtown living options. The funds come from within the TIRZ #3 area and are designated for use only within the bounds of the area. They are spent on development incentives and improvements to public spaces that help to give all of us a safe, pleasant downtown to enjoy.
The Downtown Management District is established to promote and invest in downtown 1991
A visible sign of the city’s Naval heritage, the ship found a home here after decommissioning following 48 years of service. One of her last roles was as a training carrier, and she visited Corpus Christi several times. To date, over eight million people have visited from across the world.
1991 (DMD): Courtesy of Downtown Managment District. Photo by Ben Zaragosa. 1992 (Lex): CCPL, La Retama Special Collections & Archives.
40 The Bend
USS Lexington Museum opens on North Beach 1992
The Downtown Management District (DMD) was founded as the first Municipal Management District in the state and represents the property owners and stakeholders within its bounds. If you’ve noticed changes downtown — benches, planters, landscaping, lighting, murals, fewer boarded-up buildings, clean streets, less graffiti, improved parking, two-way streets, new businesses moving in and more — you’ve seen the DMD at work.

Center): Provided by Visit Corpus
2005 (Hooks): Provided
Selena Quintanilla Perez, raised in Corpus Christi, was one of the most influential and prominent Tejano artists who ever lived. Before her tragic death in Corpus Christi in 1995, Selena helped the genre skyrocket after being the first female Tejano star to win a Grammy in 1993 for her album Live, which had already climbed to No. 2 on the Billboard’s Top Latin Albums chart. Prior to the success she saw in 1993, the artist continuously broke barriers in the male-dominated genre –from fronting the band Selena y Los Dinos, which included her elder siblings and formed in the early '80s, to winning a Tejano Music Award in 1989. Selena was showered in accolades while living, including being dubbed the “Queen of Tejano.” The posthumous release of DreamingofYou gained the English language crossover success that she had worked so hard for. The album was the Selena brings home the Grammy for Best Mexican-American Album at the 36th Grammy Awards, cementing her as the first-ever female Tejano artist to earn the honor 1993
Corpus Christi Hooks open their first season at Whataburger Field Home of the Houston Astros AA-Affiliate, the Corpus Christi Hooks, Whataburger Field provides entertainment for nearly 500,000 patrons annually. From taking in one of the 70+ games a year to watching future or past World Series Champion players don the Hooks jersey to enjoying Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra concerts or other community events, Whataburger Field has been a major benefit to the city since its opening. Christi. 2004 (American Bank Christi. by Corpus Christi Hooks American Bank Center opens, replacing Memorial Coliseum, and expanding the city’s capacity to welcome larger performances and conventions
2005 1993 (Selena Memorial Mirador): Provided by Visit Corpus

New Harbor Bridge and Port of Corpus Christi expansion
42 The Bend
Texas State Aquarium breaks ground on Wildlife Rescue Center 2021
Fulfilling the original vision for Texas State Aquarium, the Wildlife Rescue Center will provide state-of-the-art treatment and rehabilitation for shorebirds, birds of prey, marine mammals and sea turtles. Located on the campus of the TSA, the center will also welcome visitors, who will learn about the efforts taking place to protect wildlife. It also serves as a learning laboratory for the education of veterinary medical students to expand their skills. This expansion of rehabilitation services increases TSA’s contributions to the efforts of rehabilitation as it is called on to care for animals in need, both locally and from across the nation.
A new Harbor Bridge will increase the clearance underneath the bridge, allowing more diversity in the shipping customers at the port. The Port of Corpus Christi will also dredge the channel to 54 feet and widen it to allow the larger ships safe passage. The new bridge and corresponding changes at the port will open doors for Corpus Christi as we plan for the decades —and centuries — to come. (TSA): Courtesy of Texas State Aquarium. 2020s (New Bridge):
Just like earlier in our history, once again a growing port and a new bridge go hand in hand. Business at the port today is booming, and ships are larger than in the 1950s. The current bridge limits the height of vessels that can come into the port, sometimes requiring ships to take on seawater in their hulls to sit lower in the water to pass under the bridge. Others simply can’t come to the Port of Corpus Christi at all.

MEMBERSHIP DINNER september 17, 2022 6:00pm402HarborDriveCorpusChristi,TX 78401 (361) 884-8541 NAACP Corpus Christi P.O. Box 2921 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 Jeremy L. PresidentColeman Each and every NAACP member makes a difference to the complex, ongoing work of protecting and advancing human rights.

44 The Bend COLIN MIHALIK, DDS, MS Board Certified by the American Board of Orthodontics US Air Force Colonel, Retired Veteran Owned Private Orthodontic Office 361.992.4746 CCBRACES.COM 5525 S. STAPLES ST. BLDG C., CORPUS CHRISTI, TX NO REFERRAL NECESSARY • Free initial exam and consultation Complimentary insurance verification and benefit application Interest free financing | Family Discount* | Pay-in-Full Discount* Same Day Start Discount* | Military, First Responder, Teacher Discount* Offering Traditional Braces and Invisible Aligners for Children, Teens, and Adult s *one discount per contract

HEALTH 9.22 BE WELL 46 BEAUTY 48 ESTHERGO-TOIZAGUIRRE'SSELF-CAREROUTINEpg 48 Local influencer shares her tips for looking and feeling your best byphotography FILMLAMBANDLION 45

If you're not someone who gets massages consistently just for relaxtion, I can't stress enough how beneficial it is to have a consultation prior. With the nature of my job, I am sitting at a computer the majority of the work day. This causes me to carry most of my tension and stress in my neck, spine and back. After relaying this information to Jynelle Ornelas, LMT, owner of Peace of Mind Massage Therapy & Natural Healing, she opted to administer a medical massage to address my problem areas in addition to full-body relaxation. The ambience in the room was superb, with zen music, dim lighting and multiple water features to enhance the experience.
Now Experiencing: Massages
With hundreds of techniques to explore, massage therapy is typically used to aid in the healing of injuries, relieve pain and even prevent illness. However, depending on your particular life experience, massage therapy regimens are not necessarily one size fits all. We sent three of our team members out to consult with and receive treatments tailored to their specific life experiences in hopes of inspiring readers to use massage therapy to promote physical and mental well being.
To begin, I laid down on arguably the most lush, comfortable massage table I've ever experienced – it even had a vibration setting. The massage started with a detoxifying foot spray and light aromatherapy followed by a full-body lymphatic massage and muscle work. A highlight for me was the Himalayan Salt Stone Massage, similar to a hot stone massage but with exceedingly higher benefits from the minerals absorbing into the body. During this session I reached a level of deep relaxtion that legit shocked me, as I realized I don't recall ever feeling this centered and at peace. Would highly recommend checking out their array of unique services.
Massages are one of those luxuries I seldom afford myself, even though every time I do treat myself to one, I leave feeling as though my life has been changed. Speaking of life-changing, I had my first baby in March of this year, and the physical and emotional postpartum experience is one that is not discussed or cared for enough. Naturally, when I learned about The Arvigo Technique at Empower Wellness and its purpose to alleviate congestion in the abdomen and pelvis and return organs to their proper place, I knew I had to try it. Prior to my appointment, I was sent an intake form with questions ranging from medical history to self reflection. Amanda Gomez conducted a consultation where we explored my recent birth experience and reasoning for seeking out therapy. She then began the Traditional Maya Abdominal Therapy with a series of abdominal and sacral manipulations to address tension, decongest and realign vital organs. After the massage, Gomez gave me an abdominal massage regimen to be able to continue therapy at home. I can truly say that a step has been taken in my overall postpartum wellness after my experience with The Arvigo Technique. However, I would highly recommend it no matter what stage of life you may find yourself in. Massages are often looked at through the lens of treating ourselves for rare occasions. However, regular massages have benefits for our physical, mental and emotional health as we learn to take care of ourselves from a whole-body perspective.
Unique to the Massage Center is a traditional Ashiatsu massage, in which therapists use their bare feet to deliver deep compression, long gliding strokes and/or assisted stretching. There are opportunities for reiki energy sessions, cupping and bamboo sticks for your feet and neck. I got a traditional deep tissue massage from Selena Saldivar, with the addition of bamboo sticks on my feet to alleviate an old plantar fasciitis injury. Saldivar was a professional therapist with strong hands and excellent open communication to ensure the correct pressure and parts of the body I was comfortable with during my service. I look forward to another regular session.
I had a chance to visit Massage Center, which has taken a traditional office space and transformed it into a multi-room sanctuary with soothing lights, music, decor and several large, simple and clean rooms for services. I appreciated that they take later evening appointments and highly recommend an evening massage for the ability to go to bed after a relaxing massage.
46 The Bend

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Dr. Goolsby is the only surgeon in the area that offers the Lapiplasty Mini-Incision Procedure and is recognized with the center of distinction. Dr. Corey Goolsby is a native to the Coastal Bend and has been practicing here for the last six years. He is excited to provide an innovative procedure to the area that has the ability to provide a significantly better outcome for bunion corrections. interested in scheduling a consultation for the Lapiplasty procedure please contact his office at (361) 977-2035.

Follow Esther Izaguirre on Instagram (@senorita_esther) for more beauty, style and self-love content.
Esther Izaguirre's B
48 The Bend
eautiful — a word I never considered alongside my name until about three years ago. I spent 32 years believing a lie that made me think I was less important, less beautiful, less worthy than the women all around me. My faith in God taught me that all of His creatures are fearfully and wonderfully made, and when I allowed that truth to seep in, my outlook shifted. I learned to walk with confidence and be secure in the woman I am. I took myself on little shopping sprees, piecing together outfits that made me feel happy and confident. I watched makeup tutorials and invested in better makeup. I researched skincare products and became more intentional with how I applied them. Loving and being kind to yourself is a message I am passionate about, and often share on my social media platforms. I cherish the fact that my accounts are serving a greater purpose when women who feel uplifted and encouraged send me messages to share words of appreciation. I truly believe self-care begins with being kind and compassionate to yourself — it’s the best, and perhaps the most important step of mindset has not only led to positive mental health changes and happiness, it has also opened doors for opportunities and collaborations with a variety of local businesses and major brands that focus on plus-size fashion, luxury footwear and hair and skin care. Working with brands is an exciting new aspect of my social media life, which has brought on more camera time. It’s easy to become critical of myself, but I’ve tried to take these moments to revamp my outlook on skincare and add new products to help me look and feel my best. Here are the holy grails I can’t do without and highly recommend for not only skincare but also self-care. 49 5642 ESPLANADE DR , CORPUS CHRISTI (361) 888 7417 CORPUSPLASTICSURGERY COM Where Beautiful Results & Experience meet. Specializing In *Breast Augmentation *Drainless Abdominoplasty* Breast Lift *Breast Reconstruction *Post Mohs *Mass Removal *Breast Reduction *Gynecomastia *Drainless armlift *Fat Transfer *Brazilian Butt Lift *Labiaplasty *Liposculpture *Lipo360* Mommy Makeover *Thigh Lift* Face Lift*Neck Lift*Rhinoplasty*Blepharoplasty*Dermal Fillers *Cosmetic Injectables *Ultherapy *Cosmetic Laser Treatments *MicroNeedling *Morpheus8 RF *Chemical Peels *Dermabrasion *Dermaplaning *Brow Shaping & Tinting* HydraFacialMD *CoolSculpting *CoolTone Scan to visit our before & galleryafter CORPUSPLASTICSURGERY C. Dale Eubank, MD, F.A.C.O.G. 361-906-1112 Call Lisa Roberson, RN today to learn more! Call to learn more and schedule your complimentary consultation 361-906-1112 5920 SARATOGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 110B, CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78414 The only clinic in the Coastal Bend to offer complete Feminine Rejuvenation with: GET SEXYYOURBACK! Combined treatments for optimal results. It’s time to talk about it..

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WE FIT YOURfleetfeetcorpus.com361.225.3338LIFESTYLE Visit Us At Our New Location! 1412 Airline Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78412 Better” Rudy Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine Lopez, SPID Corpus Christi, TX 78415 Located bet ween Kostor yz & Weber) | “Se Habla Español” * Tr eating all types of chr onic pain * Most insurances accepted * Both Drs. ar e in Spanish Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine Dr. Lopez may be able to help. • Treatment options include injections that reduce or alleviate pain and/or a variety of pain relieving medications • Treating all types of chronic pain including, but not limited to back, neck, joint, muscle, leg, arm, hip, knee, pelvic, abdominal, headache, shingles and diabetic pain. • Accepting new patients by self or physician referral depending on insurance. • Accepting Medicare, Spohn, Humana, BCBS, Humana Gold, Cigna, Tricare, Aetna, United Health Care, BCBS Blue Advantage, Workers Comp insurance and Christus Health Silver. Specializing in Interventional Pain | Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology 3825 SPID Corpus Christi, Tx 78415 (Located between Kostoryz & Weber) 361.225.0089 • • “Se Habla Español” r” CAL1187791 Better” Board Eligible in Pain Medicine Fellowship Trained in Pain Medicine
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LOOKING FOR A NEW DENTIST OR ORTHODONTIST? You have come to the right place. The Coastal Bend offers locals and visitors plenty of reasons to smile, so make sure you love yours! Take some time to meet great dentists in the Coastal Bend. They all have their own unique background and approach, but what they all have in common is a passion for helping patients and a love for making people smile 2022 DENTAL PROFILES COASTAL BEND SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION 52 The Bend

Baria T. Yassin 6500 S Padre Island Dr, Suite Corpus16 Christi, TX 78412 361-985-8580
Kenneth D. Haynes 5756 S Staples St, Suite F Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-993-2290
Anna C. Ashley 5525 S Staples St, Suite A8 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-991-0102 Barrera 5756 S Staples St, Suite H Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-855-1521
Alexander Lobaina 5756 S Staples St, Suite I Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-991-7791
J. Michael Elizondo 3420 S Alameda St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-857-5494
Roxanne G. Robertson 4750 S Padre Island Dr, Suite Corpus101Christi, TX 78411 361-992-2483
Steven Solis 525 Doddridge St Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-855-6211
Robert K. Hood 6262 Weber Rd, Suite 314 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-853-6161
Joseph P. Janosek 5525 S Staples St, Suite A-2 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-993-5905 This list is excerpted from the 2022 topDen tists™ list, a database that includes listings of more than 30 dentists and specialists in the Corpus Christi Metropolitan Area. The list is based on hundreds of detailed evaluations of dental professionals by their peers. The complete data base is available at For more in formation call 706-364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email or visit www.
Eric T. Vela 5826 Esplanade Dr, Suite 301 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361-980-8400 Damon C. Wilkerson 1505 E Rio Grande St, Suite Victoria,120TX 361-235-428377901
2022 53
Gregory S. Fossum 9301 S Padre Island Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78418 361-937-5555
R. Bryan Gulley 6421 Saratoga Blvd, Bldg 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361-992-3873
James A. Duncan 240 Reliant Dr Portland, TX 361-643-303078374
Nicholas Perry Orchard 6421 Saratoga Blvd, Bldg 102 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361-992-3011
Mance A. Cutbirth 5756 S Staples St, Suite F Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-993-2290
Clarissa Esparza 2802 S Staples St, Suite B Corpus Christi, TX 78404 361-852-3600
W. Murray Cutbirth, Jr. 2862 S Alameda Street Corpus Christi, TX 78404 361-882-5353
Frank E. Bonner, Jr. 5756 S Staples St, Suite A-2 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-993-3100
Arthur H. Boss, Jr. 801 Everhart Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-245-5400
"If you had a patient in need of a dentist, which dentist would you refer them to?" This is the question we've asked thousands of den tists to help us determine who the topDentists should be. Dentists and specialists are asked to take into consideration years of experience, continuing education, manner with patients, use of new techniques and technologies and of course physical results. The nomination pool of dentists consists of dentists listed online with the American Dental Association, as well as dentists listed online with their local dental societies, thus allowing virtually every dentist the opportunity to par ticipate. Dentists are also given the opportunity to nominate other dentists that they feel should be included in our list. Respondents are asked to put aside any personal bias or po litical motivations and to use only their knowledge of their peer's work when evaluating the other nominees. Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practi tioners on their ballot whose work they are familiar with. Once the balloting is completed, the scores are compiled and then averaged. The numerical average required for inclusion varies depending on the average for all the nominees within the specialty and the geographic area. Borderline cases are given a careful consideration by the editors. Voting charac teristics and comments are taken into consideration while making decisions. Past awards a dentist has received and status in various dental academies can play a factor in our decision.Once the decisions have been finalized, the included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disci plinary actions to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Then letters of congrat ulations are sent to all the listed dentists. Of course there are many fine dentists who are not in cluded in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry in the United States. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, we remain confident that our polling methodology largely corrects for any biases and that these lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate, and useful list of dentists available anywhere.
John B. Mason 4949 Everhart Rd, Suite 101 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-854-3159
Derek J. Chang 4758 McArdle Rd, Suite 204 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-217-3874
Kenneth Gonzales 7426 S Staples St, Suite 101 Corpus Christi, TX 78413 361-992-2421
John W. Baucum III 537 Gordon St. Corpus Christi, TX 78404 361-855-3900
Jesus A. Gomez 6421 Saratoga Blvd, Bldg 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361-992-3873
DISCLAIMER: This list is excerpted from 2022 the topDen tists™ list, which includes listings for more than 30 den tists and specialists in the Corpus Christi Area. For more information call 706-364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email or visit www. topDentists has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omis sions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Copyright 20132022 by topDentists, Augusta, GA. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without permission of topDentists. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission.
Jason F. Packard 801 Everhart Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-245-5400
Charles A. Clements 325 General Cavazos Blvd Kingsville, TX 78363 361-592-5248
Paul A. Kennedy III 6200 Saratoga Blvd, Bldg 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 361-992-9500
Jered B. King 4758 McArdle Rd, Suite 202 Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-992-7871
Mary E. Fischer 1336 West Wheeler Ave Aransas Pass, TX 78336 361-758-6684
Colin A. Mihalik 5525 S Staples Blvd, Suite C Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361-992-4746
Carol W. Watt 2797 Main St. Ingleside, TX 78362 361-776-5166

DR. CHAPMAN Years in Dentistry: 15 years Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX Hobbies: Dr. Chapman enjoys staying active in our community and volunteers with Charity League, Fiesta De Los Ninos and Paws and Claws. She enjoys running and doing group workout classes.
Hometown: San Antonio, TX Hobbies: Dr. Hunter likes to spend time with his beautiful wife Maddie and their dogs as well as grilling, fishing and making trips to the beach.
Known as: Dr. Hunter Years in Dentistry: 3 years
DR. HANKS Years in Dentistry: 10 years Hometown: Mapleton, UT Hobbies: Dr. Hanks and his wife Callie have four fantastic children and they love spending time together, especially when it involves the outdoors. “Dr. Jonathan Hanks is excited to work at Kennedy Dental Care where there are excellent providers and staff that put your child first. Taking care of children is very important to him and he will always treat your child with care and respect.”
Hometown: Houston, TX Hobbies: Dr. Hernandez loves learning the guitar, playing video games, fishing, playing board games, rooting for the Aggies and most of all, spending time with his family. “Dr. Hernandez grew up visiting the area annually and in his free time, he enjoys rediscovering Corpus Christi with his family, and loves recommendations on where to go from his patients.”
DR. HERNANDEZ Years in De ntistry: 2 years
“Dr. Hunter is passionate about providing the best possible pediatric dental care in an energetic, fun and kid-friendly atmosphere.”
DR. COLL Known as: Dr. Nancy Years in Dentistry: 23 years Hometown: Montreal, QC, Hobbies:Canada Dr. Nancy loves to spend time with her family. She also enjoys painting, yoga and tai chi. “Dr. Nancy feels so blessed to be part of the Kennedy Dental Care family and she’s looking forward to meeting you.”
DR. BROWN Years in Dentistry: 15 years Hometown: Seguin, TX Hobbies: Dr. Brown enjoys fitness, travel, photography and staying active outdoors with gardening, hiking, golf and skiing.
DR. KENNEDY Kn own as: Dr. Paul Years in Dentistry: 21 years Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX Hobbies: Dr. Paul, along with his wife, Merritt, and two teenage children, enjoy all of the outdoor activities that Corpus Christi has to offer. “Dr. Paul’s goal is to improve the oral health of the children of South Texas and he looks forward to serving our community for many years to come.”
“Dr. Brown truly loves working with children and her goal as a pediatric dentist is to provide the best possible dental care and experience for them.“
54 The Bend
“Dr. Chapman loves treating children and young adults and feels blessed to work at Kennedy Dental Care.”

Hometown: State College, PA Hobbies: Dr. Sheth enjoys kickboxing, traveling, listening to music, dancing and spending time with her friends and family. “Dr. Sheth feels that the most rewarding aspect of pediatric dentistry is contributing to the happy and healthy smiles of her patients.”
“Dr. Kuhlman looks forward to getting to know your family and helping create beautiful smiles.”
Known as: Dr. Nikki Years in Dentistry: 24 years Hometown: San Diego, CA Hobbies: Dr. Nikki enjoys swimming, traveling, baking, photography and most of all, being a wife and mother. “Dr. Nikki says she watches all of the popular kids’ shows and movies to relate to her patients, she secretly really enjoys cartoons, animated movies and superhero movies.” 55
DR. ROTHE Known as: Dr. Annie Years in Dentistry: 15 years Hometown: Hondo, TX Hobbies: Dr. Annie is an avid runner and enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She is very active in her community and her church. “Dr. Annie loves being a part of the Kennedy Dental Care team.” ALAMEDA OFFICE: 3435 S. ALAMEDA ST. STE. CORPUSA CHRISTI, TX 78411 ALICE OFFICE: 80 N. WOODLAWN DR. ALICE, TX 78332 CALALLEN OFFICE: 13725 NORTHWEST BLVD. STE. CORPUS270 CHRISTI, TX 78410 SARATOGA OFFICE: 6200 SARATOGA BLVD. BLDG. CORPUS1 CHRISTI, TX 78414 STAPLES OFFICE: 5525 S STAPLES ST, SUITE CORPUSB CHRISTI, TX 78414 PAULKENNEDYDDS.COM361.992.9500
DR. KUHLMAN Years in Dentistry: 26 years Hometown: Defiance, OH Hobbies: Dr. Kuhlman enjoys watching college football and college basketball games. Go Buckeyes! He also enjoys Friday night fireworks at the Hooks games and going on nature walks.
DR. RAJ Years in Dentistry: 20 years
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX Hobbies: Dr. Widden enjoys spending time with her husband and their two boys, as well as paddle boarding, golfing, traveling, cooking and rooting for her Texas A&M Aggies “Dr. Widden is excited and passionate about giving back and serving the community she grew up in.”
Known as: Dr. T Years in Dentistry: 21 years Hometown: Grand Rapids, MI Hobbies: Dr. T’s family enjoys cooking, exercising, going to the beach and pool, boating, fishing and traveling. “Dr. T is excited to continue her family-centered dental care for your children.”
Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX Hobbies: Dr. Raj enjoys running, playing tennis, travelling and painting. She also loves to spend time with her husband, two kids and their dog. “Dr. Raj enjoys working with her patients and getting to know them.”
DR. SHETH Years in Dentistry: 9 years
DR. WIDDEN Years in Dentistry: 13 years

Dr. Gonzales graduated from Texas A&M, College Station with a B.S. in Biology, and then proceeded to receive a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas Health Sci ence Center Dental School, San Antonio, the #1 dental school in the nation at the time. He continues to further his education in cosmetic dentistry, adhesion dentistry, dental implants, im plant crowns, Invisalign®, SureSmile® CEREC® technology, TMJ treatment, laser dentistry, and obstructive sleep apnea treat ment with oral appliances. He has a highly qualified, friendly, and caring staff who understands and follows the doctor’s atti tude of genuine appreciation and care for all patients. The entire team continue their dental education along with Dr. Gonzales on the advancements of dentistry to benefit the patients, and themselves as health care providers. They strive to always give the patient the premium experience of high quality, service, and convenience. One of the ways they accomplish this is with CEREC technology, which makes it possible to provide a dental crown in one visit, meaning less time away from work. Dr. Gon zales’s office utilizes CBCT(3-D IMAGING) technology for a more accurate placement of dental implants and to aid, in the diag nosis of other conditions of the mouth and jaws. Dr. Gonzales has held several positions of leadership with The Nueces Valley District Dental Society, the local component of the Texas Dental Association, and with the Corpus Christi Dental Study Club, as well as a member of, and Spear Education an advance dental learning academy. Dr. Gonzales has done several charitable missions for complex and sophisticated den tal implant surgeries in the Dominican Republic and other areas of need. As a family man, Dr. Gonzales has a son, Ryker, who is now attending Texas A&M College Station in his Senior year and about to finish his B.S. degree in Biomedical Sciences. He is planning on attending Optometry School after graduation.Dr. Gonzales enjoys dining, dancing, traveling, SCUBA, exercising and weight training with his best friend and wife Wendy, who is a registered nurse. The future for Dr. Gonzales and team is bright! Patients en joy their practice location and its proximity to the growing South Side, with comforting office décor and art work, in a ‘state of the art’ facility where science fiction meets science fact. The happi ness Dr. Gonzales sees and hears in his patients upon seeing their new smile is what drives him and his team. With every new smile is a chance for a new journey.
7426 S. STAPLES ST., SUITE 101 • 361.992.2421
7426 S. STAPLES ST., SUITE 101 • 361.992.2421
Dr. Gonzales graduated from Texas A&M, College Station with a B.S. in Biology, and then proceeded to receive a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School, San Antonio, the #1 dental school in the nation at the time. He continues to further his education in cosmetic dentistry, adhesion dentistry, dental implants, implant crowns, SureSmile®(clear aligners) CEREC® technology, TMJ treatment, laser dentistry and obstructive sleep apnea treatment with oral appliances. He has a highly qualified, friendly and caring staff who understands and follows the doctor’s attitude of genuine appreciation and care for all patients. The entire team continue their dental education along with Dr. Gonzales on the advancements of dentistry to benefit the patients, and themselves as health care providers. They strive to always give the patient the premium experience of high quality, service and convenience. One of the ways they accomplish this is with CEREC technology, which makes it possible to provide a dental crown in one visit, meaning less time away from work. Dr. Gonzales’s office utilizes CBCT(3-D IMAGING) technology for a more accurate placement of dental implants and to aid in the diagnosis of other conditions of the mouth and jaws. Dr. Gonzales has held several positions of leadership with The Nueces Valley District Dental Society, the local component of the Texas Dental Association, and with the Corpus Christi Dental Study Club, as well as a member of, and Spear Education an advance dental learning academy. Dr. Gonzales has done several charitable missions for complex and sophisticated dental implant surgeries in the Dominican Republic and other areas of need. As a family man, Dr. Gonzales has a son, Ryker, who is planning on attending Optometry School next year. Dr. Gonzales loves dining, dancing, traveling, SCUBA, exercising and weight training with his best friend and wife Wendy, who is a registered nurse. The future for Dr. Gonzales and team is bright! Patients enjoy their practice location and its proximity to the growing South Side, with comforting office décor and art work, in a stateof-the-art facility where science fiction meets science fact. The happiness Dr. Gonzales sees and hears in his patients upon seeing their new smile is what drives him and his team. With every new smile is a chance for a new journey.
Kenneth Gonzales, D.D.S., P.L.L.C.

Dr. Rojas studied at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio where she was honored as Valedictorian. When asked what sets her apart from others in the field, she explains how accommodating their design, the space is set up to cater to all the requirements and needs for pediatric dentistry. Pediatrix Dental knows exactly how important it is for parents to feel informed and supported when it comes to their child’s health. “We work as a team with all the medical doctors and therapists involved in our practice in order to provide the best care for children,” she says. “We strive to give them an exceptional experience every time they walk through our doors.”
Dr. Rojas has dedicated a lot of time to pushing for better and more awareness in regard to healthcare for those with special needs. “I am both a parent and an advocate for children with special health care needs. I understand the needs of people with disabilities and believe in their abilities. I have worked hard in demanding a better health care environment and lobbied for laws ensuring civil rights for children with special health care needs.” 57 PROFILESDENTAL2021 COASTAL BEND SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
Dr. Rojas studied at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio where she was honored as Valedictorian. When asked what sets her apart from others in the field, she explains how accommodating their design, the space is set up to cater to all the re quirements and needs for pediatric dentistry. Pediatrix Dental knows exactly how important it is for parents to feel informed and supported when it comes to their child’s health. “We work as a team with all the medical doctors and therapists involved in our practice in order to provide the best care for children,” she says. “We strive to give them an exceptional experience every time they walk through our doors.”
Since young age, Edith Rojas, DDS, has taken father’s advice to heart. He was a general surgeon and understood the importance of work and preparation relaying those messages to daughter. “I watched being kind and compassionate to others, no matter the long number of hours he had worked,” Rojas said. These are lessons she has transfered over to her practice today. Rojas is certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, and practices at Pediatrix Dental, where she strives to keep a practice both fun and enjoyable for the kids and personal and informative for the parents. They strive to meet the unique needs of children and are committed to providing the best care for infants, children, adolescents and special needs patients, all while maintaining the highest standards in pediatric dental care.
Dr. Rojas has dedicated a lot of time to pushing for better laws and more awareness in regard to healthcare for those with special needs. “I am both a parent and an advocate for children with special health care needs. I understand the needs of people with disabilities and be lieve in their abilities. I have worked hard in demanding a better health care environment and lobbied for laws ensuring civil rights for children with special health care needs.”
Since a young age, Edith Rojas, DDS, has taken her father’s advice to heart. He was a general surgeon and understood the importance of hard work and preparation and relaying those messages to his daughter. “I watched him being kind and compassionate to others, no matter the long number of hours he had worked,” Rojas said. These are lessons she has transfered over to her prac tice certified by the American Board of Pediat ric Dentist, and practices at Pediatrix Dental, where she strives to keep a practice both fun and enjoyable for the kids and personal and informative for the parents. They strive to meet the unique needs of children and are com mitted to providing the best care for infants, children, ad olescents, and special needs patients, all while maintain ing the highest standards in pediatric dental care.

58 The Bend
Dr. Heather Burbick is a Chicago native who graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. After working in the oil and gas industry here in Texas for a few years, she decided to pursue a career in Dentistry. She graduated at the top of her class with highest honors from the University of Texas School of Dentistry in San Antonio and was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Honor Society. Dr. Burbick went on to complete her certificate in Endodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry. After graduation from residency, she moved down to the Coastal Bend to join her husband and fell in love with South Texas. Dr. Burbick is known for her gentle hands and positive energy. She is dedicated to eliminating the dental anxiety surrounding root canals. Her motto is, “I am here to provide a better experience — we can get through this together.” She is also passionate about mission work and has used her dental training to provide care for those in need in Jamaica and Guatemala.
Dr. Beatriz Robles earned her DDS, general practice residency and certificate in Endodontics from the Louisiana State School of Dentistry in New Orleans. After completing her endodontic residency, Dr. Robles practiced in private practice in Louisiana and held faculty positions at Louisiana State University School of Dentistry and at the University of Colorado, School of Dental Medicine. She received her Diplomate status with the American Board of Endodontics in 2012. Dr. Beatriz Robles is fluent in Spanish and credentialed at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, where she treats young patients in coordination with other Pediatric Dentists from the Coastal Bend. At South Texas Endodontics we pride ourselves in providing comprehensive access to care for the Coastal Bend by offering the latest technology, IV sedation, pediatric endodontics and surgical endodontics. Dr. Jered King has been proudly serving the Coastal Bend and performing superior root canals for over 10 years. He co-founded South Texas Endodontics in 2012. After 8 years practicing endodontics in the Air Force and with the option to live anywhere, he chose Corpus Christi. He loves it here and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. He is an avid spearfisherman and loves the outdoors and hunting South Texas. He has a beautiful wife and two great kids. He has the best staff at South Texas Endodontics and enjoys working with them every day. He is highly accomplished in his profession and is Board Certified. The only other Board Certified Endodontist in Corpus Christi is Dr. Robles, with whom he practices. He graduated top of his endodontic class and was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon dental honor society. Dr King loves his profession and provides his patients with passionate, caring and skilled root canals. So if you unfortunately need our services we will make it the best experience for you here at South Texas Endodontics.

James A. Duncan, DDS has been practicing dentist ry in the Coastal Bend since 1996. Dr. Jim, as his patients refer to him, strives to help others understand that oral health is more than a pretty smile - it’s part of a bigger picture: Our overall complete health and living a happy life. Prior to his dental career, Dr. Jim graduated from Corpus Christi State University in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in biology. He then attended the University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio with his DDS degree. Dr. Jim is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS, CCDSC, and WCLI, and has received his Mastership in Lasers. When Dr. Jim isn’t busy helping out his patients, he enjoys spending time with his family and embarking on adventures in the outdoors.
Peter Mai, DMD, MS graduated from Nova South eastern University College of Dental Medicine as presi dent of his class. He enjoys full scope general dentistry, but gained valuable experiences at Yale hospital and later attended Baylor Dallas for his internship year in oral and maxillofacial surgery. As a surgery resident, he worked in the OR, ER, and has experience in implants, sedation, and trauma, which he brings to practice. Dr. Mai is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS, CCDSC, and was recognized by AAOMS in 2018 for outstanding per formances in the field. Aside from providing his patients with quality care, Dr. Mai enjoys spending time with his family and chasing the simple life.
James A. Duncan, DDS has been practicing dentist ry in the Coastal Bend since 1996. Dr. Jim, as his patients refer to him, strives to help others understand that oral health is more than a pretty smile - it’s part of a bigger picture: Our overall complete health and living a happy life. Prior to his dental career, Dr. Jim graduated from Corpus Christi State University in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in biology. He then attended the University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio with his DDS degree. Dr. Jim is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS, CCDSC, and WCLI, and has received his Mastership in Lasers. When Dr. Jim isn’t busy helping out his patients, he enjoys spending time with his family and embarking on adventures in the outdoors.
The team at Duncan Dental Studio is always ready to enhance your smile and help you feel taken care of through your dental health journey. Between their two doctors, Dr. James A. Duncan and Dr. Peter Mai, and their excellent team, Duncan Dental is ready to help serve you and your dental health needs.
Peter Mai, DMD, MS graduated from Nova South eastern University College of Dental Medicine as presi dent of his class. He enjoys full scope general dentistry, but gained valuable experiences at Yale hospital and later attended Baylor Dallas for his internship year in oral and maxillofacial surgery. As a surgery resident, he worked in the OR, ER, and has experience in implants, sedation, and trauma, which he brings to practice. Dr. Mai is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS, CCDSC, and was recognized by AAOMS in 2018 for outstanding per formances in the field. Aside from providing his patients with quality care, Dr. Mai enjoys spending time with his family and chasing the simple life.
James A. Duncan, DDS has been practicing dentistry in the Coastal Bend since 1996. Dr. Jim, as his patients refer to him, strives to help others understand that oral health is more than a pretty smile - it’s part a bigger picture: overall complete health and living a happy life. Prior to his dental career, Dr. Jim graduated from Corpus Christi State University in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in biology. He attended University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio with his DDS degree. Dr. Jim is a member of ADA, TDA, NVDDS, CCDSC and WCLI, and has received his Mastership in Lasers. When Dr. Jim isn’t busy helping out his patients, he enjoys spending time with his family and embarking on adventures in the outdoors. 59 240 RELIANT DR, PORTLAND, TX • 361.643.3030 • DUNCANDENTALSTUDIO.COM PROFILESDENTAL2021 COASTAL BEND SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
Dental is to smile care James help and your needs. been dentist Jim, more it’s of Our his Jim University - his his he his outdoors. Mai, from of scope but gained experiences at attended surgery trauma, brings a TDA, was in enjoys spending simple life.
Mai, DMD, MS graduated from Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine as president of his class. He enjoys full scope general dentistry, but gained valuable experiences at Yale hospital and later attended Baylor Dallas for his internship year in oral and maxillofacial surgery. As a surgery resident, he worked in the OR and ER, and has experience in implants, sedation and trauma, which he brings to practice. Dr. Mai is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS and CCDSC, and was recognized by AAOMS in 2018 for outstanding performances in the field. Aside from providing his patients with quality care, Dr. Mai enjoys spending time with his family and chasing the simple life.
The team at Duncan Dental Studio is always ready to enhance your smile and help you feel taken care of through your dental health journey. Between their two doctors, Dr. James A. Duncan and Dr. Peter Mai, and their excellent team, Duncan Dental is ready to help serve you and your dental health needs.
CCDSC WCLI, and has received his Mastership Mai, DMD, MS graduated from Nova Southeast ern University College of Dental Medicine as president of his class. He enjoys full scope general dentistry, but gained valuable experiences at Yale hospital and later attended Baylor Dallas for his internship year in oral and maxillofacial surgery. As a surgery resident, he worked in the OR and ER, and has experience in implants, seda tion and trauma, which he brings to the practice. Dr. Mai is a member of the ADA, TDA, NVDDS and
The team at Duncan Dental Studio is always ready to enhance your smile and help you feel taken care of through your dental health journey. Between their two doctors, Dr. James A. Duncan and Dr. Peter Mai, and their excellent team, Duncan Dental is ready to help serve you and your dental health needs.

Dr. Mihalik hand-picked a team of skilled Registered Dental Assistants to provide the best orthodontic care. From monitoring young patients’ growth to treating teens and adults, his goal is to deliver exceptional qual ity and an incredible orthodontic experience for all his patients. The safety of our patients and staff is Dr. Mi halik’s number one priority. While he keeps the office protocol up-to-date with the safety measures set by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, CC Braces ap preciates their patients for following guidelines through COVID-19 with understanding, patience, and coopera tion. Dr. Mihalik is excited to make CC Braces the “GOTO” orthodontic office in Corpus Christi! Please visit www. to learn more.
Dr. Mihalik loves seeing the excitement when he presents personalized treatment options at initial consultation, and of course the joy on their faces at the end of the treatment with perfectly aligned bites and great looking smiles! Our patients are our number one priority, and always with that in mind, he stresses personally seeing patients and on time at every appointment. We also coordinate with patients to stay on top of each and every scheduled appointment so our patients can have their bright smiles on time! He employs the latest orthodontic technologies and cutting-edge equipment to diagnose and plan personalized treatments. As one of only a few Board-Certified Orthodontists in Corpus Christi, his vast knowledge in orthodontics enables him to create the best treatment options. However, the heart of his practice is the welcoming and caring atmosphere at CC Braces. “CC Braces is more than just treating patients to transform their smiles,” he says. “Caring for patients like family is my goal!”
Dr. Mihalik loves seeing the excitement when he presents personalized treatment plans to patients, and of course, when he delivers their brilliant smiles on time! One of his top priorities is punctuality. He stress es seeing patients on time at every appointment and staying on top of each and every treatment schedule. He employs the latest orthodontic technologies and cutting-edge equipment to diagnose and plan person alized treatments.
Dr. Colin Mihalik is a Board-Certified Orthodontist serving Corpus Christi with highly experienced and friendly staff at CC Braces. His mission in the US Air Force was to provide the best orthodontic treatment for our military families around the world. His new mission for the children and adults of Corpus Christi is to provide the best orthodontic care with the highest value.
Dr. Mihalik is excited to make CC Braces the “GO-TO” orthodontic office in Corpus Christi!
Please visit www. to learn more. 2021 Dr. Colin Mihalik is a Board-Certified Orthodontist serving Corpus Christi with highly experienced and friendly staff at CC Braces. His mission in the US Air Force was to provide the best orthodontic treatment for our military families around the world. His new mission for the children and adults of Corpus Christi is to provide the best orthodontic care at a great value.
Dr. Mihalik’s team of skilled Registered Dental Assistants provides orthodontic services with care and precision. From monitoring young patients’ growth to treating children, teens and adults, his goal is to deliver exceptional quality and an incredible orthodontic experience for all his patients.
As a Board-Certified Orthodontist in Corpus Christi, his vast knowledge in orthodontics enables him to cre ate the best treatment options. However, the heart of his practice is the welcoming and caring atmosphere at CC Braces. “CC Braces is more than just treating patients to transform their smiles.” he says, “Caring for patients like family is my goal!”

KARE OPANEYE, DDS, MPH, HENRY VASQUEZ, DDS are glad to be serving the Corpus Christi and greater Coastal Bend area. We are actively involved in the community and continue to look for opportunities where we can partner with leaders to play a role in providing much-needed comprehensive dental care to the kids.
Dr. Lofton Misick is Board Certi ed in general surgery and thoracic surgery with a distinguished 33-year career. Dr. Misick has a unique passion for preventing potential amputations using his intricate knowledge of the extremities and how they intertwine with our vascular system. Vascular Surgery is proud to be an o ce-based lab (OBL) that can diagnose and treat patients in the same o ce. This outpatient setting provides more tailored procedures for our patients without the stress of multiple o ces and locations. SURGEON LOFTON N. MISICK, MD 61
The Fun Children’s Dentist, formerly known as Terry Summers DDS, has been in existence for over 20 years. Strategically located on Saratoga Blvd. in the Professional Building next to SPOHN South Hospital, the newly revamped and redesigned office boasts staff that has been there for over 12 years on average. Doctors Kare Opaneye (DDS, MPH) and Henry Vasquez (DDS) continue the tradition of taking dental care to new heights. We provide care in a fun, patient-focused and efficient manner. Both doctors, with a combined dental experience of over 20 years, offer a wide range of up-to-date and cosmetic dentistry to our patients, and we are just warming up. We provide complex care in our office and at Driscoll Children’s Hospital. We accept most insurance types and plan to stay competitive as we grow in the community. Above all, the team at The Fun Children’s Dentist are here to serve and be of service. 361.851.1876 SARATOGA BLVD.,

Buddy Walker Home Furnishings 4434 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78411 | 361.857.2263 | Family Owned & Operated for Over 50 Years

GOLDENGIRLSHOME–COMINGpg 64 High school best friends reunite to design a vacation home reminiscent of 1960s Palm Springs byphotography PAGEJASON 63

C olorful, bold, classic and fun — those four words perfectly describe not only this home, but also the best friends who share the space. Growing up in Corpus Christi in the 1960s, these seven friends knew they were destined to stay in each other’s lives forever. Throughout the decades, they have remained close by going on trips together, aptly naming their friend group “The Golden Girls.” In 2020, after years of meeting up all over the world, the Golden Girls decided it was time to establish a permanent vacation home they could all share. “My friends and I were together one weekend and decided it’d be fun to all live together,” said the homeowner. Now living in the Houston area, the homeowner decided to purchase a home in Corpus for the friends to share. “When all my friends are here, it feels like I’m coming home,” she said. The vibrant design concept started with the homeowner’s request for a Lily Pulitzer color palette — hot pink, turquoise and colors that pop. “It’s hard to imagine how this house used to look. It was all beige and yellow with dark parquet floors. I didn’t know it could look this good,” said the homeowner. That is, until she hired Rhonda Bosquez and Judy Buchanan from The Castor Collection. Working closely with their contractor, Res-Con, Bosquez and Buchanan created a design that is
Left: The home features many works of art by the area.adisplayedinkplexiglassroom,InCarolfriend,homeowner’sartistSimons.thediningapairofalcoholpaintingsareabovepetitelounge

The offeelstoisinlacqueredturquoisevanitytheprimarybathanothernodthe1960sandreminiscent Breakfast at Tiffany’s
66 The Bend
bold and joyful, and reflects the personalities of the women who call it home. “The house was very closed off and dark. They wanted it open and bright,” said designer Bosquez. “Clients are often afraid of this much color, so it was a fun project for us.”
Each of the seven best friends from Ray High School Class of 1969 was involved in the design process. “We went to the tile store, and each girl got to pick out what they wanted in their bathrooms. Every friend is proud of their contribution,” said the homeowner. This hands-on approach is evident in every room, as each space reflects the personality of its occupant.
One bedroom includes teal rattan headboards, fuchsia bedding, turquoise patterned benches and colorful art, while another bedroom is a reprieve from the bold tones in the rest of the house. This space includes a calming, muted palette with a white rattan headboard and subtle tropical print bedding. The primary bedroom is the homeowner’s retreat. Its turquoise walls and eye-catching coverlet are a nice balance with the calm primary bathroom’s lacquered Tiffany blue cabinetry.
“Our designers guided us. They made us feel like we were part of the process, but they kept us in line,” said one of the friends. This guidance was #1 TOP PRODUCER 5/4/3 Pool/Pool house/ Guest Quarters 3/4 +/- acre #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 3 / 3 / 0 / 2 3 / 2 / 1 $27 MILLION SOLD IN 2021 #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 3 / 3 / 0 / 2 3 / 2 / 1 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS 5/4/3 Pool/Pool house/ Guest Quarters 3/4 +/- acre #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich Upper Broadway #406 / $659,900 1226 Sandpiper Drive / $675,000 413 E Bayview / $899,000 3 / 3 / 0 / 2 4350 Ocean Drive # 703 / $635,000 3 / 2 / 1 #1 TOP PRODUCER 13 CONSECUTIVE YEARS $27 MILLION SOLD IN 2021 #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 901 N Upper Broadway #406 / $659,900 TWINDOLPHIN #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 1226 Sandpiper Drive / $675,000 4 / 3 / 0 / 2 413 E Bayview / $899,000 3 / 3 / 0 / 2 4350 Ocean Drive # 703 / $635,000 3 / 2 / 1 GATEDCOMMUNITYWATERFRONTTWINDOLPHIN #1 TOP PRODUCER 12 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Zoe Gottlich 38 E Bar Le Doc / $950,000 4 / 4 / 1 /3 1226 Sandpiper Drive / $675,000 4 / 3 / 0 / 2 4350 Ocean Drive # 703 / $635,000 3 / 2 / 1 WATERFRONTCOMMUNITYDOLPHIN $27 MILLION SOLD IN 2021 CERTIFIED LUXURY HOME MARKETING SPECIALIST

68 The Bend The RIGHT agent every step of the way. Follow us on Each office is independently owned and operated. 361.985.9393 Thinking of Selling? Call the PROFESSIONALS! 69

especially significant when reconfiguring the space for entertaining, which was a main goal for the homeowner. In the kitchen, she specifically requested two of each appliance.
The designers reworked this space, taking over the breakfast room to make a larger kitchen and removing the wall between the open dining area and living room. Adding a bigger window above the kitchen sink allowed for more natural light as well. The pantry, which was formerly an exercise room, is painted a bright fuchsia and includes a coffee bar and tons of storage. Around the corner from the open dining and kitchen space is a reading nook with a custom sofa upholstered in a bold, ’60s floral print. This home and this friend group are bursting with personality and love. “It’s been a joyful place for all of us to come and spend time together,” said one of the friends. “Every time we walk into this house after being away, we say, ‘This house makes me so happy!’”
70 The Bend 71 Let these dedicated top professionals go to work for you! 14717COASTLINE-PROPERTIES.COM361.949.0101S.PadreIslandDrive,CorpusChristi,TX78418 Come Coast Awhile... BUYING | SELLING | LEASING | INVESTING Padre Island Contemporary-ModernWaterfrontHome!14325Caribe St. $849,000

PROFILING Native Americans made powerful bows from the branches of esperanza. To make your own bow: Cut the straightest possible esperanza branch to a length between 48” and 60”, then cut notches one inch from each tip for the bow string and order a recurve or longbow string to fit the length. You will marvel at the power and accuracy of your homemade esperanza bow.
HOW TO GROW GOLD STAR ESPERANZA PLANTS IN THE COASTAL BEND BY: JUSTIN BUTTS ll plants are special, but some plants are super stars. Esperanza is a legitimate superstar with the credentials to back it up. In 1999, Texas A&M University selected esperanza (Tecoma stans) as a “Texas Super Star.” This is actual rock star status for plants; a committee of horticultural experts at Texas A&M use a variety of criteria to recognize the best performing garden and landscape plants in Texas. Any plant that makes the “Super Star” list deserves a place in the garden. Esperanza is a tall bush native to South Texas and Northern Mexico. The most popular and best-performing variety is Gold Star, also known as Yellow Bells. This variety was discovered growing in a private garden in San Antonio, and is now the dominant and usually only variety sold in nurseries. For centuries prior to European colonization, Native Americans used its branches to make bows and its roots to make beer. The foliage of esperanza is a deep, dark green. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in voluminous clusters all over the plant. If unpruned, esperanza will grow into a roundish bush with spindly branches extending at random and waving in the wind. This is probably the least attractive form of the plant, but it’s easy to prune into various shapes. Prune the base into two or three main branches, then trim any shoots from the lower half of the plant to create a treelike shape. A neat trick is to prune the plant in this manner, then tie the branches close together at about 36”. The upper branches will flare out above this point to create a lovely, treelike canopy. You can check out esperanza in their natural state growing along Shoreline Drive in the downtown area.
FUN FACTS A Texas Super Star
Spacing, 3’ to 4’. Height, 6’ to 8’ or up to 20’ if protected from frost and freezing. Easy to grow. Plant from transplant in full sun; can tolerate afternoon shade. Plant in any well-drained soil and water until established. Extremely drought tolerant. Withstands the worst summer heat, wind and drought with occasional waterings. Add several cups of organic compost per plant in spring; no fertilizer needed. Mulch with native leaves or plant several trailing lantana as ground cover and a living mulch around base.
GROWING UP a need-to-know basis Esperanza grows into a tall bush. As the plant grows, prune the base of the bush into two or three main stems and keep shoots trimmed from lower 36” of plant. Many upper branches will grow from this solid base, creating a neat, upright appearance. The plant will be covered with gorgeous, golden blooms from April through the first frost. Bees love esperanza blooms! If the plant dies in a freeze, prune back to lower stems and new growth is rapid in spring.
RECS Esperanza can be planted along a wall or fence as a gorgeous hedge, or use several to fill the center of a large planter surrounded by numerous smaller plants, such as turk’s cap, shrimp plants or smaller flowers — sunlight generously penetrates the canopy of esperanza.
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q get the look
Towels Benjamin’s Surf & Skateboards Rattan Decor – rented from Luxe Decor Citronella Candle & Bug Spray Julian Gold Plants Always in Bloom Cactus & Planter Planted Pool Cowboy Pools Pillows H-E-B Home String Lights Target
An average stock tank pool is approximately 2 feet deep and about 6 to 10 feet around, and requires very little maintenance. You can make this a do-it-yourself project or enlist experts to help you bring this Pinterest trend to life.
tock tank pools are taking over this season as a refreshing new way to cool off in your backyard.
Make sure the location you choose for the stock tank is completely flat and leveled, to avoid denting the tank once filled with Coverwater.thespace surrounding the pool in pea gravel or another type of small rock to help in maintaining a weed-free area.
Commonly known as cowboy or trough pools, these industrial galvanized metal pools are showing up in yards from Texas to Arizona to California.
While it takes a while for Coastal Bend temperatures to drop, the stock tank pool can be used well after the heat of summer by adding a heating function for year-round enjoyment. Make the space your own! Whether you build a deck around the pool, tile a patio or anything in between, there are countless ways to design a stock tank pool area. Add comfortable seating options, side tables and lush greenery to bring even more personality to the space.
While the stock tank itself might have a more industrial and rustic look, there are plenty of ways to incorporate this trend into your backyard, no matter your preferred style. With the right tools, equipment and a bit of creativity, you can relax and refresh in a trendy, outdoor oasis without ever having to leave your own property. 75 Coastal Bend’s top rated Contractor 10 Straight Years 361.589.9877 | WE DESIGN & BUILD IT ConstructionNEW RenovationsADDITIONS Coastal Bend’s top rated Contractor 10 Straight Years YOU DREAM IT...

76 The Bend On behalf of my team and myself, thank you for choosing us for We look forward to serving you, as always, with a servant’s heart! 361-726-5420 We are honored to have been recognized as the best cleaning service in Corpus Christi and its surrounding areas. VillarrealVanessa THE BEND’S LOCALS LIST.

No Place Like Home
Inside Out The bride’s family home was transformed for this late summer wedding. By using gorgeous furnishings from the home itself, local shop Wildflowers and a few rentals, the outdoor scene was softened up, while areas of the interior were used for 77
Sentimental Value The family tree in the backyard was to be used as the altar, and with a few styling elements, the scene was perfectly set. Hanging lanterns and chandeliers,floral made by Wild sentimentalofaddeddrapedBouquet,Veggieandlinenselementsinteresttothespace.
While the term “backyard wedding” might suggest a more casual affair, there are endless ways to transform your space into the perfect venue for the wedding of your dreams. After all, the heartbeat of a family resides within the home, and hosting a milestone event in such a special setting brings a certain sense of intimacy you just can’t get from a rented venue. xo, parting words

78 The Bend TCAUTOSERVICE.COM | 361-480-0801 Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM State Inspections are done all day during business hours! FINANCING | CONTACTLESS PAYMENT | WIFI/COFFEE | LOCAL SHUTTLE FamilySinceTraditions1973 European361-600-3737Specialists 2830 Cimarron Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX, 78414 Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Brake Service, Engine Diagnosis, Transmission Services, Suspension and Steering, Battery Testing and Replacement, Air Conditioning and Heating Systems, and more! CELEBRATING54YEARS 1967 - 2021 BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!

SANTAOLÉ, FE pg Plan80your trip to where creativity reigns in the Land of Enchantmentbyprovidedphotography FESANTATOURISM OUT & ABOUT 9.22 TRAVEL 80 ARTS & CULTURE 84 DATEBOOK 88 SOCIAL HOUR 90 79

Santa architecture.andcity’sthatRevivalthehaveordinancesmunicipalFemandatedPueblostyleledtothedistinctiveuniform
P 80 The Bend
Olé, Santa Fe
New Mexican cuisine is having a moment, thanks in large part to the popularity of Hatch chiles, or at least the regional variations in the ubiquitous green chile. The emergence of Santa Fe, and even Albuquerque, as food cities was surprising to many, and part of the credit likely needs to go to the popularity of Tex-Mex, a cuisine we are all familiar with as South Texans, and which is similar in some ways to the blending of indigenous Pueblo dishes and Mexican fare that now constitutes New Mexican cuisine.
erhaps it’s the thinner air 7,200 feet up, or some more mystical cause, but people slow down when they get to Santa Fe. The slower, gentler vibe is remarkable in a city that annually attracts more than two million visitors. That level of popularity combined with outstanding food, a vibrant arts community and plenty of outdoor activities normally translates to a bustling, near-frenzied pace in other touristy places, but Santa Fe manages to remain a calm, even sedate, environment. 81 Because traveling should be a breeze. Traffic. Security lines. Layovers. Traveling can be a hassle— but what if there’s a smarter way? When you fly direct from Corpus Christi International Airport, you can skip the bad and get right to the good: taking off and arriving home. at See how easy it can be

82 The Bend We’ve got a battery for that and 20 techs to assist you! INTERSTATEBATTERIES.COM | 361-854-5000 | 4903 AMBASSADOR ROW, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78416

WHERE TO STAY Airbnbs have emerged as the lodging of choice, but Santa Fe has beautiful, amenityrich hotels as well. La Fonda on the Plaza is located just off the city’s famous Plaza, putting you mere feet from many of the destinations the city is known for, including Loretto Chapel with its “miraculous staircase,” a feature that is often attributed to St. Joseph’s work. The hotel features spacious, comfortable rooms, a patio that overlooks the Plaza and dining and drinking on site.
WHERE TO EAT & DRINK Palacio Cafe is a must, especially for breakfast. Chef Damian Munoz’s breakfast burritos are already famous, and it’s easy to understand why. You can get them handheld, but have a seat and get it smothered with red and green sauce, “Christmas style.” Maria’s New Mexican Kitchen is an institution in Santa Fe, both because it’s been around for more than 70 years and because the food is outstanding. The menu overflows with New Mexican specialties, but start with the green chile meatballs. From there it’s posole or green chile stew, and if you’re really hungry, tamales with green or red sauce. The list of tequilas and mezcals is impressive, and if you’re a day drinker, you’re in the right place. For dinner, Sazon is a wonder. Chef Fernando Olea’s menu will make you wish you had room for three dinners. The huitlacoche with mini tortillas (Xochimilco) is the place to start, and you can’t leave without trying the specialty of the house, chile en nogada (Cholula) — poblanos, picadillo (lamb, pork, beef), nuts, fruit and walnut sauce. Whatever you thought New Mexican food was, Chef Olea will broaden your definition. He also has a tasting menu option if you want to leave it up to the house.
There’s a good chance you’re here for the art, so Canyon Road has to be high on your list. The city’s official arts district boasts more than 80 galleries, with artists and proprietors often available to talk about their work or the gallery. The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum is a worthwhile stop, too. A combination of history, biography and art, the museum and grounds are a deep dive into O’Keeffe’s life and work, and a stunning cross-section of American Modernism. Meow Wolf is now the most Instagrammed destination in the Santa Fe area. The immersive art installation facility has inspired multiple similar projects around the U.S. The multimedia installations are clever, psychedelic, inspiring and, judging by countless visitors’ testimony, drivers of our imagination. Prefer to play outside? The trail to and from Tesuque Peak is 11.5 miles of moderate hiking with scenic views and activities along the route. It’s also dogfriendly, so your best friend can join you on the trek. Rafting the Rio Grande, hiking Dale Ball Trails North and a bike tour of Santa Fe also make for excellent outdoor days.

What started as a way of bringing the genre (which contains roots dating all the way back to the 1800s in Western Mexico) to the forefront of the Coastal Bend Photos feature the Festival de Mariachi en la Isla 2022 event held in April.
I 84 The Bend
It’s the mariachi experience that prompted Jim Moore, Amanda Marquez and Rai Morales to travel to Guadalajara in 2019 to attend the Encuentro Internacional del Mariachi y la Charrería, considered the largest mariachi gathering in the world.
What they were able to bring back prompted Moore, Marquez and Morales, into action. Along with their colleagues, Andrea Mantalvo–Hamid and Kenneth Lyescas, they began summoning mariachi groups of all ages and genders to the Performing Arts Center in April of this year for the inaugural Festival de Mariachi en la Isla.
s it the pluck of a single guitar note? A trumpet relating tunes of lament, of longing, of survival? Rising voices coming together in harmonies both heartbreaking and strong? Is it all of these things that make mariachi music so ingrained within Mexican culture? These questions can only be answered by the listener, but mariachi has certainly struck a chord with people who’ve been fortunate enough to hear corridos or rancheras, especially live.
“We received a Cultural Travel Grant from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters in 2019, and our intention was to go to Guadalajara and learn from the largest and best mariachi festival in the world,” said Moore, director of the Performing Arts Center, TAMUCC. “Our goal was to come back to Corpus Christi and apply even just a few things we’d learned while there. The most important lesson was seeing how mariachi was for everyone — young and old, straight and gay, amateur and professional. Everyone at the festival was there to live and breathe mariachi for over a week together.” 85 9am-5pm | Tuesday-Saturday 5503 S. Staples Street Corpus Christi, TX 78411 361.991.4967 | THEFRAMEUPCC.COMShopourvarietyofOpenBackframes With over 20 years of real estate, mortgage & title experience, The Travis Teel Team is a highly recognized group of dynamic producers within the Coastal Bend. The Travis Teel Team at RE/MAX Professionals consistently goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional service and superlative results year after year. Their powerful combination of skill sets offer a unique “boutique” experience. Specialty Services include; residential sales, relocation, estate liquidation and investor opportunities. Oh by the way... we are NEVER too busy for your referrals! RE/MAX team at K-Space Contemporary “Open Door Project” by Nicole Schiller each office is independently owned and operated Travis Teel travisteelrealty@gmail.com361-271-4752

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quickly turned into a way to augment it and make it more inclusive to everyone, regardless of heritage or gender.
“Mariachi has traditionally been a male-focused genre,” said Marquez, firstyear seminar coordinator and assistant professor at TAMU-CC. “I believe that women are taking the genre by storm, but there have always been mujeres in previous generations that laid the groundwork for artists in the current generation. Artists such as Lucha Villa, Lola Beltran, Amalia Mendoza and Flor Silvestre were able to challenge the gender barrier imposed upon them by the music industry of their time, and perform music that was traditionally performed by men.” This particular sentiment prompted the trio to introduce a section of the festival for the Mujeres de Mariachi by focusing on female-led groups, as well as an educational component to next year’s festival — slated for April 2023 — to teach the community more about mariachi and its origins.
“The ability to create music is a special gift and one that is available to everyone,” said Morales, ensemble director of Mariachi en la Isla and professor of music at TAMUCC. “The fact that so many individuals from different backgrounds can unite through mariachi music is so inspiring and such a beautiful sight to see.”

CALALLEN OFFICE: 13725 Northwest Blvd. Ste. 270 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 OFFICE: 3435 S. Alameda St. Ste. A Corpus Christi, TX 78411 DENTISTRY OFFICE: 5525 S Staples St, Suite B Corpus Christi, TX 78414 OFFICE: 6200 Saratoga Blvd., Bldg. 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78414 OFFICE: 3435 S. Alameda St., Suite A Corpus Christi, TX 78411 OFFICE: 13725 Northwest Blvd., Suite 270 Corpus Christi, TX 78410 OFFICE: 80 N. Woodlawn Dr. Alice, TX 78332
SARATOGA OFFICE: 6200 Saratoga Blvd. Bldg. 1 Corpus Christi, TX 78414
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Studies have shown that being in the presence of an animal companion, reduces any stress or anxiety and also comforts people. I would like Scout at my appointment. What do I do? Please let us know when you make your appointment so we can make sure Scout will be at the office for your visit. She does have trainer mandated off-days during the week, so it is important to request her when you schedule your appointment. a visit from the toothy fairy! Twinkle the Tooth Fairy provides a program designed to teach children dental habits. This program is funfilled, engaging and educational! Programs are offered to day care centers, preschools, elementary schools, and summer programs throughout Corpus Christi and the surrounding areas.

2022 LEGACY GALA SEPTEMBER 24 Join Agape Ranch for its annual fundraising gala at the American Bank Center. Join the local nonprofit for an evening filled with education, a silent auction, dinner, inspirational testimonies and more. Tickets are available online.
The 34th Annual Rockport-Fulton HummerBird Celebration features guest speakers, shopping, birding, hummer home bus tours and more. Don't miss the spectacular annual hummingbird migration through Rockport and Fulton. ROCKPORT-FULTON.ORG CONQUER THE COAST
The 22nd Annual Corpus Christi Fall Home and Garden Show will have everything you need to solve your home and garden projects under one roof. The expo will take place over the course of the entire weekend at American Bank Center. Tickets are available online.
SEPTEMBER 2ND - 4TH Take in the sights and sounds of the Gulf Coast Capital with performers, food trucks and vendors along the seawall downtown. This is a free event on Shoreline Drive in Downtown Corpus Christi. SHORELINE BLVD.
734 E PORT AVE. KID KATCH 2022 SEPTEMBER 17TH Head to Indian Point Pier for the 18th Annual Kid Katch Youth Fishing Tournament. Children 17 and under are invited to participate in three different age categories. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each age group for Biggest Fish. Enrollment is available online. INDIAN POINT PIER, PORTLAND, TX
Enjoy a night with the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra as it kicks off the 2022-2023 season. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. at the TAMU-CC Performing Arts Center. Tickets are available online and at the box office.
SEPTEMBER 17TH South Texas’ premier cycling event returns for its 20th year with all proceeds benefitting the Corpus Christi Chamber Foundation, TAMU–CC Islander Athletic Fund and various cycling organizations around the Coastal Bend. Registration is available online.
SEPTEMBER 2022 Calendar Events 88 The Bend
WE RUN THIS CITY 5K SEPTEMBER 25TH Join the Mayor each month for an outdoor run/walk/jog event. Each run will span 3.1 miles/5 kilometers (5k) and will be mapped through a different City Council district. This month, the run will take place in District 1, West Guth Park. 9700 UP RIVER RD.
6300 OCEAN DR # 5723
SEPTEMBER 13TH See this Grammy award-winning band showcase an eclectic blend of R&B, soul, funk, jazz and rock. Doors open at 8 p.m. at American Bank Center and tickets are available online. 1901 N. SHORELINE BLVD. 89 MONUMENTAL CHICKEN FRIED STEAK AVAILABLE AT DOWNTOWN & SOUTHSIDE LOCATIONS Try Our Cameron Sacky BandOCT24 DOWNTOWN LIVE Swift & Sour: A Taylor & Olivia Dance PartySEPT09 the spazmaticsOCT07 randall kingoct01oct14 thunderstruck: AC/DC Tribute Jon Wolfe’s Honky Tonk Tequila FestSept17 with Ned Ledoux, Carson Jeffrey & Braxton Keith Pecos & the Rooftops w/ Dylan WheelerNov05 Leonid & Friends Chicago TributeNOV25 100+ WHISKEY VARIETIES 709 N. CHAPPARAL • ROCKITSCC.COMLIVEMUSICTHURS-SAT ARE TOREADYYOUROCK? NOV 3 WITH SAINT&SCHENKERMICHAELARMORED NOV 26 WITHTICKETSQUEENSRYCHEATCONCRETESTREET.NET

OUT & ABOUT SOCIAL HOUR 5143 Go Red For Women Charity Luncheon 1. Marsha Rhoads, Amy Granberry and Crystal Aguilar 2. Bernadine Cervantes, Scott Elliff and Angie Flores 3. Adam Rios and Cheryl Votzmeyer 4. Carla Vela and Setal Patel 5. Beth Owens and Krista Furlow Beth 6. Kyle Anderson, Jaquelyn Westbrook and Arron Etienne 7. Nicole Leal, Kim Hatridge, Crystal Davis and Galen Hoffstadt 211 benefitting the American Heart Association 76 90 The Bend
Through TOKC's Rally for Kids program, we work with social workers locally, in The Valley, and in Houston to identify children and families in need to help where we can
47 children are diagnosed with cancer each day in the United States.
TOKC is working to make a difference!
Learn how YOU can help!
TOKC's #DoThatOneThing Council is now in 15 high schools, middle schools and universities in the Coastal Bend and surrounding areas with over 1000 students volunteering to bring joy to kids with cancer.
TOKC has raised over $5 million for innovative pediatric cancer research at MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital and Texas Children’s Hospital, all of which has been matched dollar for dollar.
Only 4% of federal funding goes towards pediatric cancer research

elizabeth's branding LOGO VARIETIES
ReTooled breathes life into the unexpected subject of tools by profiling 28 visionary artists from the Hechinger Collection. In the 1980’s, John Hechinger’s booming chain of hardware stores led him to purchase a new company headquarters and collected art to beautify the offices. Hechinger’s acquisition of a tool-inspired collection of diverse 20th century art that was accessible and engaging to all audiences. This exhibition furthers his mission by showcasing the diverse range of ideas, materials, forms, and creativity that encompass modern art. ReTooled: Highlights from the Hechinger Collection was organized by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC. Gift of John and June Hechinger. Stephen Hansen, Man
on a Limb (detail), 1985, papier-mâché, 72 in. x 48 in. x 24 in. IMAGE RIGHT: Arman, Blue, Red, Brown (detail), 1988, mixed media, 48 in. x 61 in. x 5 in. 361. 882. elizabeths-at-artmuseum.com86961902N.ShorelineBlvd.CorpusChristi,TX Find us Inside
1902 N Shoreline Blvd. • Corpus Christi, TX 361.825.3500 • Behman Brothers FoundationFunding for this exhibition is generously provided in part by: IMAGE LEFT:

CUISINE 9.22 FARM TO TABLE 94 THE DRINK 98 DINING GUIDE 100 THE DISH 102 pgVERSATILITYVINO 94 byphotography BENAVIDESRACHEL Making the most of your favorite bottle 93

- Braising: Use port or sherry early on in the process, while browning the meat, adding more for the slow braise. Let the wine reduce before adding other cooking liquids.
A re homemade dinners lacking that special something to make them dishes to remember? Wine just may be the answer.
- Marinating: Wine makes a great base for a marinade. Boil the marinade to make a fruity sauce to accompany the dish. Try a dry Rosé or Riesling.
94 The Bend
- Roasting: Add a splash of Bordeaux to beef, lamb, beets or purple carrots prior to roasting. Opt for Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio when roasting chicken, parsnips or winter squash.
In general, young, dry wines work best in the kitchen, but there are notable exceptions to this rule. Here’s how to accentuate almost any dish with wine: - Steaming: Try a full-bodied white or rice wine to add a complex acidity while steaming vegetables or delicate fish.
- Deglazing: Set the meat or vegetables aside and sauté shallots or garlic in the same pan before pouring in your favorite wine. Use red for beef or lamb and white for white meat or vegetables. Finish the sauce with fresh herbs and a heaping tablespoon of butter.
Gremolata Makes 1/3 cup Combine 3 tbsp chopped parsley, 2 tbsp lemon zest, 2 cloves garlic, grated, 1/4 tsp salt and large pinch red pepper flakes in a small bowl and mix well. Sprinkle over prepared osso buco prior to serving.
Wine’s best attributes also make it interesting to cook with. Alcohol can overwhelm other flavors of a dish, so it should be evaporated during the cooking process, but when cooked, a wine’s natural sugars and acidity become intensified. If heated long enough, wine can reduce to a syrup. The astringent tannins in a wine can be tamed by protein in meats, broth or cream. There is only one non-negotiable rule to cooking with wine — only use wine you’re willing to drink. Cooking wine only emphasizes its undesirable qualities, so I recommend avoiding “cooking wines” altogether.
(Because let’s be honest, wine is often the answer.) Wine wears many hats in the kitchen. It can deglaze a skillet after pan searing meat, dislodging the flavorful bits at the bottom of the pan. Reduce wine with broth or cream to make a rich sauce to accompany a filet. Steamed, poached or sautéed, wine adds acidity and depth to augment everything from pork tenderloin to fruit salad.
-Baking: The bubbles in champagne or prosecco can help aerate cake and work well with many desserts. A Sauterne or Madeira work well in fruitThedishes.usesfor wine in cooking are as countless as the varietals on store shelves. Punch up marinades, stews, sauces and syrups with a generous splash of wine. Never let an open bottle of wine go to waste. We sure won’t.

2 sprigs rosemary 2 sprigs thyme 2 bay leaves
2 cups beef broth or stock
4-6 PREP
Osso Buco Serves TIME: 15 minutes TIME: 2 hours beef or veal shanks (.75lb each) tsp salt tsp black pepper cup all-purpose flour tbsp olive oil tbsp butter celery ribs, chopped 2 carrots, chopped 1 onion, chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 3 tbsp tomato paste
2 cups dry white wine (recommend pinot grigio)
DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 325°F. Let the shanks come to room temperature and pat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper and dredge in flour. Shake to remove excess flour. Heat olive oil in a dutch oven or large, deep-sided pan over medium heat. Brown each shank for 3 minutes on each side, then transfer to a clean plate. Add butter to the same dutch oven. Once melted, add in celery, carrots and onion until tender, 79 minutes. Add in garlic and cook an additional 30 seconds. Stir in tomato paste, wine and beef broth until combined. Add shanks back into the pan, top with fresh herbs and cover with an oven-safe lid. Roast for 1 hour and 30 minutes, until fork tender. While the shanks are cooking, prepare the gremolata ( recipe on top left) and polenta (recipe on pg. 96).

RECIPE Polenta Serves 4 PREP TIME: 5 minutes COOK TIME: 15 minutes
INGREDIENTS: 1 bottle sparkling or dry white wine 1 cup water 1 cup 413CinnamonOrangehoneyzeststickwholeclovesvanillapodboscpears,peeled
DIRECTIONS: Bring chicken broth to a boil in a medium saucepan. Slowly pour in corn meal while constantly stirring. Reduce heat to low and whisk frequently as it thickens. When the polenta has reached your desired consistency, remove it from the heat and stir in butter and cheese. Ladle polenta into a bowl and top with osso buco and gremolata.
Poached Pears 4 PREP TIME: 5 minutes COOK TIME: 40 minutes
INGREDIENTS: 4 cups chicken broth or stock 1 cup corn meal 3 tbsp butter 1/2 cup parmigiana Reggiano
DIRECTIONS: Combine wine, water, honey, orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla in a pot just big enough for the pears to fit snugly inside. Heat mixture to a simmer. Hold the pears by the stem and lower them, one at a time, into the wine mixture. Simmer pears for an additional 20 minutes, until tender. Remove the pears from the liquid and increase to high heat. Reduce the liquid by half until it’s a syrupy consistency, another 20-30 minutes. Place each pear in a small bowl and drizzle with syrup. Serve warm or chilled, according to your preference.
RECIPE 96 The Bend 97

One of their more recent additions was building a whole coal-burning pizza oven. From their scratch kitchen, Walker and Connors have curated the entire homemade pizza menu, easily a best friend to any bottle of wine.
“We didn’t intend to become a pizza place or be known for our pizza, but being known for your pizza is not … that bad,” Connors smiled. He and Walker created a unique menu and kept it homemade.
n a well-lit corner of one of Beeville’s oldest properties, once home to a great opera, a charming little wine joint now hosts good times in its cellars. La Linea Wine Bar was started by Phaedra Walker and Neal Connors as a wine discovery outlet for themselves and locals of the quaint historic city along the Coastal Bend.
“We were in the neighborhood and we saw this cool older building, it was vacant — and, well, we thought it’d make a great wine bar,” Connors said. “The pandemic was [continuing] and everything was closed.”“Yeah,it was definitely a COVID project,” Walker agreed. “We appreciate good wine, and we wanted to learn more about it. Especially Texas wine. There are some really great Texas wines that people have no idea about — everyone focuses on wine from all over the place, but we have some really good wines right here! We had no idea when we [first] moved [to the Coastal Bend].”
And so began the project for the pair in March of 2020, amid the pandemic, of discovering wines and working to create the perfect ambience in the space. With a melodic little piano in the corner and a fine collection of hardwood fixtures, including a stellar wine shelf centerpiece, La Linea began the process of developing its own vibe.
As for their own wine brand, “It’s something we’d like to do in the future,” Walker said. The couple has also dedicated pandemic time to tending to their own grapevines for a fruitful winter.
For a relaxing evening of live music and wine-sipping in a true local environment, check out La Linea Wine Bar on the historic S. Bowie St. of Beeville. You won’t regret it.
98 The Bend
“I wanted to make sure that, with what we brought in, especially with the pizzas, we’re making our own dough.”
At La Linea, you can treat yourself with flights of wine that vary from Texas gems to worldly reds and Moscato.PaolinaTheRoscatoGrowerTheandChrisincludeLocalwhites.favoritesWilliamCinsaultLaLinea,TexasProjectandItalian

BRUNCHBREAKFAST/ Andy’s Country Kitchen
S&J's Bakery Known for their kolaches, this old-school, daytime eatery serves American comfort eats & desserts. 9618 Leopard St, 361-242-3067 $ Sugarbakers A neighborhood café packed with flavor, Sugarbakers is a charming European-inspired restaurant serving up indulgent breakfast and brunch items and inventive salads and sandwiches. 2766 Santa Fe St, 361-884-9541 $
The Dining Guide CUISINE DINING GUIDE $ Most Entrees Under $10 $$ Most Entrees $10-$25 $$$ Most Entrees Above $26 2022 Local's List Winner Wild Prawn 1941 HWY 35 361-450-1150Rockport $$$ 100 The Bend
Down-to-earth counter service where omelettes are just the beginning. The menu is filled with mouth-watering burgers, pastas, sandwiches, homemade desserts and so much more. 6646 S Staples St, 361-334-3942 $ $ Hester's Cafe This legendary local cafe and coffee bar serves up inventive breakfast and lunch dishes with a focus on fresh, quality ingredients. Don't forget to grab some baked goods before you leave. 3812 S Alameda St, 361-855-1892 $ Nano's Taco Run
You will feel right at home just like eat’n in mom’s kitchen. Great southern comfort food that gets back to the basics!
There’s no denying it, Corpus Christi has the best breakfast tacos in Texas. Nano’s Taco Run is a local favorite for its hearty-sized breakfast tacos with a myriad of stuffins' to choose from. 4722 Holly Rd, 361-854-8121 $
5802 S Staples St, 361-993-0251 $ Atomic Omelette & Grill

This down-to-earth diner serves the best in homestyle American comfort food for breakfast and lunch. 4228 S Alameda St, 361-992-0360
$$ Paradise Key Dockside Bar & Grill Scenic American bar & grill serving top-notch burgers, seafood and an array of tropical drinks all in a beautiful waterfront setting. 165 Cove Harbor N, 361-729-6000 $$ Republic of Texas One of the most exclusive dining destinations in the Coastal Bend. This multi-level steakhouse offers beautiful panoramic views of the bay and exceptional dishes. 900 N Shoreline Blvd, 361-886-3515
Taking it to the neighborhoods in Mexico City, this chic and timeless dining spot serves up authentic Mexican cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 3818 S Alameda, 361-334-0020 $$ 101
$$ Town & Country Café
$$ The Post at Lamar Park
TANNINS Wine Bar & Tapas
Enjoy this popular gastro-pub with delicious dishes that are meant to be shared, alongside a beer or cocktail of course! 411 Doddridge St #102, 361-452-0907
$$ Padre Island Burger Company Burger lovers, rejoice! The island's favorite burger joint serves up a variety of craft burgers and sides, perfect for date night or a family outing. 11878 TX-361, 361-9493490 $ Salty Oak BBQ Bringing the bold flavors of Central Texas's "backyard style" barbecue produced in an outdoor offset smoker. Each dish is complemented by their delicious homemade sides. 4855 S Alameda St, 361-452-2013 $ Sufi Kabob From Pakistani to Persian and even Halal, this menu offers casual eats and take-out options for every palate. 7150 S Padre Island Dr Suite #104, 361-356-6715 $ Thai Cottage Bringing authentic flavors of Thailand to America, the menu is crafted with varying degrees of spice, and features gluten-free and vegan options so there's something for everyone. 15830 McArdle Rd, 361-993-0777 $
Contemporary dining experience specializing in tasty fresh, local seafood. Eye-catching walls that serve as a gallery space, holding colorful works by local artists. 105 N Austin St, 361-727-9009
$ Costa Sur Holy ceviche! Chef Nick of Costa Sur brings a creative, seafoodfocused Peruvian menu to coastal Texas with plenty of modern flair. 15113 S Padre Island Dr #101, 361945-8303 $$ Elizabeth's Tucked away overlooking the harbor, guests can escape to an all-but-mundane mix of Mediterranean-inspired cuisine, cocktails, and environment within the walls of the iconic Art Museum of South Texas. 1902 N Shoreline Blvd $$ Ginger Cafe
The menu at Ginger Cafe takes you all around the world, to India, Greece, Iran and more. While some dishes remain authentic, others combine flavors from multiple countries to offer you an entire continent on a plate. 7009 S Staples St. 361-946-9834
LUNCH Bluffalo Wings Co.Southside If you're in the mood for wings and beer, then look no further. Bluffalo Wings Co. serves up delicious, award-winning wings, tasty sides, and has over 50 beers on tap. 5802 Yorktown Blvd #A101, 361-414-9349
Comfortable and welcoming with a delicious selection of wines and tapas, TANNINS is an ideal spot for your next date or girls night out. Make sure to check out the brunch menu, as well. 3855 S Alameda St, 361-334-3893
DINNER Bellino Ristorante Italiano Comfortable and welcoming with a trattoria style authentic cuisine. You won’t find these delectable dishes anywhere else in Corpus Christi! Perfect spot for your next date night! 3815 S Alameda St, 361-814-8998 $$
$$ Hanaya Poke Choose from a variety of delicious bases, add mix-ins, pick a protein or two, select your sauce and finish off your creation with the toppings of your choice to create the perfect bowl. 4938 S Staples St Ste E5, 361-414-9356 $ The Lookout Located on the sunlit shores of the Laguna Madre, The Lookout at Bluff’s Landing is real food made with quality local ingredients. Enjoy a selection of uniquely crafted meals, curated cocktails, and of course those beautiful water views. 4242 Laguna Shores Rd, 361-252-9861
One of the Coastal Bend’s highly regarded restaurants, Dokyo Dauntaun takes an innovative and artistic approach to fine dining. From mouthwatering dishes to creative cocktails, Dokyo never disappoints. 424 N. Chaparral St, 361-462-2620 $$ Katz 21 Steak & Spirits Sets the standard for a premier fine dining experience. Prime steakhouse specializes in dry-aged prime beef and fresh gulf coast seafood. 5702 Spohn Dr, 361-884-1221 $$$ Kiko's Mexican Food Restaurant & Cantina Serving up delicious TexMex food with generational recipes for over 40 years. Enjoy a delicious selection of fresh house margaritas for $1 during happy hour, Monday - Thursday from 5-7pm. 5514 Everhart Rd, 361-991-1211 $ Latitude 28˚02’
$$$ Roosevelt’s Located in the Historic Tarpon Inn, Roosevelt's is gourmet dining at its finest in a beautiful Louisiana style home that sets the perfect tone for a taste of luxury. 200 E Cotter Ave, 361-749-1540 $$$ The Phoenix Sitting on one of Port A’s most postcard-worthy marinas, its menu is heavily influenced by locally available fresh seafood and Asian preparations, with specials like Pork Belly Street Tacos and Grouper Gremolata. 3500A Island Moorings, 361-749-9277
$$$ Venetian Hot Plate
Inside, the scents and flavors of the Mediterranean’s pasta and seafood epicenter bring your Italian fantasy to life. You can’t go wrong with the Chicken Scallopini, Linguini Golfo, or Spaghetti Pescatora. 232 Beach St, 361-7497617 $$$ Water Street Oyster Bar Long-standing and beloved Corpus Christi landmark serving up oysters, sushi rolls and fresh Gulf seafood in a historic, brick building in the heart of downtown. 309 N Water St, 361-881-9448 $$ Wild Prawn
B&J's Pizza - The Original A local staple, each slice of pie is made with fresh-rolled dough and homemade sauce, and topped with a selection of meats and a variety of fresh ingredients. 6335 S Padre Island Dr, 361-992-6671 $$ Dokyo Dauntaun
$$ Harrison’s Landing Chill waterfront spot with indoor-outdoor seating offering American comfort foods & a floating bar. Enjoy leisure shopping experiences while you wait. 108 Peoples St, 361-881-8503
The restaurant brings a unique twist in flavor with dishes ranging from delicious seafood plates such as a mouthwatering Chilean sea bass to savory steaks and a rotation of homemade soups of the day. 1941 HWY 35, 361-450-1150 $$$ Yola Cocina Mexicana
.J. Brooks Ruiz is serving authentic Mexican cuisine with a side of passion for his culture at his new taco shop, Buen Provecho. Born and raised in Brownsville, Texas, but with a family history from different parts of Mexico, Ruiz says he grew up in a catering service with his grandmother, "Mama Grande."
The walls in Buen Provecho are adorned with vibrant murals painted by various local artists.
"I actually remember talking to the owner of [what is now our] building and saying, 'Man, this is a really nice spot.' At that point, it was still connected to what used to be The Indie Theater. [There] was this doorway to a miniscule kitchen inside. It was super small, but I saw the potential," Ruiz said.The building greets patrons with a window featuring a painted Sacred Heart with the inscription "Buen Provecho." Inside, the vibrant walls, bike bar tables with tall stools and walk-up counter with an extensive menu painted on the wall are reminiscent of what Ruiz grew up seeing when visiting Matamoros and Reynosa. The walls feature
"I vividly remember watching her and my tias cook until about two, three in the morning, making tamales with bean, chicken and pork. We would gather together on Sundays to cook out," Ruiz said nostalgically. Growing up with a family with a rich appreciation for food sparked Ruiz's passion for cooking, which led him to start Artesano, a taco pop-up, in 2019. The restaurant unfortunately shut down during the pandemic, but Ruiz started a food truck to continue sharing his flavors with the community. After a few months with the food truck, Ruiz decided it was time to once again open up a brick and mortar.
102 The Bend
Hecho con Amor 103 DIAMOND POINT CATERING h i g h e n d | c l i e n t d r i v e n | h a n d c r a f t e d S E R V I N G T H E C O A S T A L B E N D S I N C E 2 0 1 0 Planning and designing the perfect event requires more than time--it relies on good taste. As experts in the industry, our creative team is here to curate the menu of your wildest partnercookout,orelaboratelyfoodforWhetherimagination.youarelookingstand-outinteractivestations,anplateddinner,acasualbackyardwe'rehappytotogethertocreate a memorable food experience. Of course our South Texas home offers unique dishes and flavors d i a m o n d p o i n t c a t e r i n g . c o m 3 6 1 . 8 8 4 . 1 3 9 9 for any occasion, but you would be hard-pressed to find every one (and more) under one roof! With experience serving thousands of guests at over 600 events each year, you'll see why our services exceed expectation. Our hope for every event is that guests see how much we love what we do-investing in our clients and the moments most important to them has shaped our company into what it is today--and we're grateful to be part of it all here in the Coastal Bend!

CONTACT: 1715 S Staples St. | @buen_provecho_tx 104 The Bend
artwork from local artists Mayra Zamora and Jeremy Flores, and local artist Monica Marie Garcia designed an illustrated menu featuring Buen Provecho's signature plates. Among the hearty selection of street tacos, a favorite is the Arrachera Street Tacos, also known as skirt steak or fajitas, which are sourced locally from Boarri Craft Butchery and come with grilled onion, cilantro, queso fresco and sliced avocado. Another popular item is the Suadero Street Tacos served with diced red onion, cilantro and queso fresco. For vegetable fans, the Veggie Street Tacos come packed with black bean hummus, roasted corn, tri-colored bell pepper, queso fresco and sliced avocado."Iwanted to pay homage to everything I grew up around, and to my culture, with what I built here,” said Ruiz. “The tortillas are made in-house. I make the masa, I smash the masa to make the rounds, then cut them out so that every single one has a uniform shape. A lot of [what I do] goes into paying respect to what I grew up around, my love for my culture and my passion for food. Some of the best moments of my life were centered around eating tacos with family and friends.”
At Buen Provecho, you know you're walking into a place that serves not only delicious cuisine but a whole lot of heart. Not only because of the large inscription on the wall that says Hecho con Amor, which translates into "made with love," but because everything you’ll find within the four walls encompasses the love Ruiz has for his culture. 105 WE CAN HELP! Real Doctors, Real Food, Real Results!® Let us help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you’ve always wanted. B-Complex & Lipotropic injections to increase energy, enhance metabolism, and help you meet your weight loss goal. Call today to learn more! 361-906-1112 C. Dale Eubank, MD 5920 Saratoga Blvd. Ste. 110B Corpus Christi, Texas. 78414 1302 Wildcat Dr. Ste A Portland, Texas. 78374 Medically Supervised / Easy to Follow Dietary Plan / Weekly Appointments Serotonin Supplement to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings Celebrating 8 years & 1,600 patients Haven’t Met Your Summer Weight Loss Goal? (361) 980-1000 5425 S Padre Island Dr, Suite 167, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Corpus Christi (361) 980-1000 5425 S Padre Island Dr, Suite 167, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Corpus Christi FS22SS22 09/30/2209/30/22

106 The Bend
History doesn’t write itself. When historians look back at photographs and newspapers, Eli T. Merriman’s efforts to tell and preserve the stories of Corpus Christi are everywhere. He was born in the year of the city’s charter, 1852, and lived in Corpus Christi from 1865 until his death in 1941. A newspaperman at heart, he worked for papers starting at age 18, and in 1876 co-founded the Corpus Christi Free Press. After selling the Press to the Caller, he worked as manager and editor. His partners later left the business, and Merriman published the Corpus Christi Caller solo for 29 years. These papers are some of the best records of activities of the citizens of the city during this era. He continued to contribute to the Caller after selling it, most notably by writing a series of stories documenting the city’s earlier pioneers, many of whom are buried in Old Bayview Cemetery. In these stories, he recounted the growth of the city, which he had witnessed and written about himself during his time at the paper. Merriman helped to save the cemetery, which was established in 1845 — he personally supervised the property, receiving no pay, for over a decade, making sure this important site survived. In his 88 years, Eli T. Merriman saw Corpus Christi’s growth from a frontier town to a modern city. He made sure we had the stories documented so we could learn from those who lived it, and that we could visit these pioneers (and Merriman himself) at Old Bayview Cemetery today. Scribe of the Stories
Eli T. Merriman stands amid markers at Old Bayview Cemetery, which he worked to preserve.

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