MARCH, 2021
Creating a Better World
Personally Speaking
viuh ckr March, winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside us too. Similarly, we must also hold back the vices in us and pull forward our virtues and head towards a world of new normal. This reminds me of a few lines from ‘March: An Ode’ by Algernon C Swinburne which says “March, master of winds, bright minstrel and marshal of storms that enkindle the season they smile.”
ekpZ] lnhZ okil idM+ jgh gS vkSj clar vkxs [khp jgk gSA dqN /kkj.k djrk gS vkSj dqN gesa Hkhrj dh vksj [khaprk gSA blh rjg gesa Hkh vius vUnj dh tdM+u dks okil idM+uk gksxk vkSj vius xq.kksa dks ubZ lkekU; nqfu;k¡ dh vksj [khpuk gksxkA ;g eq>s vYtuZu lh fLoucuZ dh ^ekpZ% ,u vksM^ dh dqN iafDr;ksa dh ;kn fnykrk gS] tks dgrk gSA ^^ekpZ] gokvksa vkSj mTtoy Vdlky dk okilh ,oa mu rwQkuksa dk ek”kZy gSA tks eqLdqjkrk gS^^A
Since we have entered the world of new normal we must encourage new and different ideas to restart our energies and to end the stagnation caused in our lives due to the pandemic which brought everything to a standstill, exactly the same time last year. To instil fresh energy in the movement, the NHQ will be organising the State Growth Coordinator training from 23rd to 25th March, 2021.
pw¡fd geus ubZ lkekU; nqfu;k¡ esa ços”k fd;k gS vr% gesa ÅtkZ dks fQj ls “kq: djus vkSj ekgekjh ds dkj.k gekjs thou esa fiNys o’kZ bUgha fnuksa esa vk, ,d Bgjko dks lekIr djus ds fy, u;s vkSj vyx&vyx fopkjksa dks çksRlkfgr djuk pkfg,A vkUnksyu esa ubZ ÅtkZ ykus ds fy, jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; 23 ls 25 ekpZ] 2021 rd jkT; fodkl leUo;d çf”k{k.k dk vk;kstu djsxkA
Moreover, there would be ‘Prepared to Learn Prepared to Lead’ programme to be held virtually and physically by 21 State Associations from 38 participants and Four WAGGGS Facilitators from 19th to 22nd March, 2021. Also, National Youth Forum will be held at ITI in Korba District of Chhattisgarh State from 26th to 30th April, 2021. I wish and expect the maximum participation and support for the same.
blds vfrfjDr 21 jkT;ksa ds 38 çfrHkkfx;ksa ,oa fo”o xkbM laxBu dh pkj QSflfyVsVlZ ds lkFk 19 ls 22 ekpZ] 2021 rd vkHkklh ,oa “kkjhfjd :i ls ^fçis;MZ Vw yuZ ,oa fçis;MZ Vw yhM^ dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu Hkh fd;k tk,xkA blds vykok] jk’Vªh; ;qok eap NÙkhlx<+ jkT; ds dksjck ftys esa vkbZVhvkbZ esa 26 ls 30 vçSy] 2021 rd vk;ksftr fd;k tk,xkA eSa blds fy, vf/kdre Hkkxhnkjh vkSj leFkZu dh dkeuk ,o avis{kk djrk gw¡A
opqvZy dfj;j dkmaflfyax osfcukj dk vk;kstu 14 ekpZ] 2021 dks Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l ubZ fnYyh Virtual Career Counselling Webinar was organised dh jk’Vªh; ;qok lfefr }kjk fd;k x;k ftlesa çks- Jh by the National Youth Committee of Bharat Scouts “kkaruq etwenkj ,oa Jh lq/khj JhokLro l=ksa ds fy,