MAY, 2021
Creating a Better World
TRAINER’S CORNER ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCOUTING: PATROL SYSTEM A Patrol consists of 6 to 8 boys. As it is to be a unit for purposes of work, games, discipline, camp and good turns, it is essential that a capable Scout should be appointed to the position of leadership. ` Capable`does not mean `clever`. It is meant that he should be able to lead his patrol. As trainers, we are aware that qualities of leadership are partly natural and partly acquired. If a boy is to be appointed as a Patrol Leader, his age should not be the criteria. Young boys follow an older one even if he is a stupid. Old boys do not follow a younger one, even if he is clever. So, the Scoutmaster should bear in mind the abilities of a Scout while appointing him as a Patrol Leader. The Second is a boy selected by the Patrol Leader be his assistant and to take command of Patrol when he himself is away. It is essential to the successful organization of the Patrol that the Leader and the Second should be on terms of intimate co-operation. It is for this reason a scout master who chooses the Patrol Seconds without consulting the Patrol Leaders is making an initial mistake. The Chief is in favour of leaving the selection of Second practically and entirely in the hands of the Patrol Leader. Here are some practical hints to trainers to implement the Patrol System on Courses at any level: v Model Troop Meeting with local Scouts. v Visit to local units . (pre-planned) v Conducting Court of Honour.(COH meets in two capacities- One in its executive capacity every
week and the other in its judicial capacity for 3 to 4 times in a year. COH deals with arrangements for the coming week, Patrol competitions, camps, Games, Badge testing, Technical instructions, InterPatrol visiting, Troop subscriptions, announcements if any, by the Scoutmaster to pass on to the Patrols and many other things. In its judicial capacity, it may deal with the disciplinary issues. v The Patrol Spirit (preparation of patrol flag , preparation of Patrol Log Book, Patrol call, Patrol song, Patrol yell, using Patrol name) v Conducting Patrol-in-Council. v Patrol Competitions( COH may decide competitions such as games, signalling, First-Aid, Knotting, Fire -lighting, Relay-racing etc)