34 minute read

v Personally Speaking

Creating - Better India

Personally Speaking viuh ckr


FIT India Mission has conceptualized FIT INDIA FREEDOM RUN 2.0 to commemorate the 75thIndependence Day - "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav". Nationwide campaign has been started on the concept of “Physical/Virtual Run” in continuum from 13thAugust to 2ndOctober 2021. This activity has been designed to encourage fitness and help us all to get freedom from obesity, laziness, stress, anxiety and diseases. The concept behind this run is “It can be a run anywhere, anytime!”. I congratulate the members of the movement including cubs and Bulbuls who have joined the run. The interest shown by the adult leaders in organizing the activity involving maximum number of youth is well appreciated. Pachmarhi is considered as the `Temple of Learning` for members of the Scout/Guide movement.65th Foundation Day of NTC was virtually celebrated as Pachmarhi Day on 10th Sept. 2021. The video presentation on `Making beads` with special wood available at NTC is an interesting skill-oriented activity. The wellestablished training centre at Pachmarhi in the Satpura Range is the result of strong determination and love for the movement of great personalities like Dr. H.N. Kunzru, Justice Vivian Bose and others. The Padolina Library, Kunzru Hall or B.P. Bhawan and other structures spread in the vast area are to be maintained well and preserved for scouting of the future generation. All the structures at National Training Centre, Pachmarhi had come up with the donations from philanthropists and voluntary contributions received from the then National Council members, all State Associations and from other members of the movement. The Rovers and Rangers worked hard to develop our NTC. Such memories remind us about the dedication and fQV bafM;k fe’ku us 75osa Lora=rk fnol&^^vktknh dk ve`r egksRlo^^ ds miyC/k esa fQV bafM;k ÝhMe ju 2-0 dh ladYiuk dh FkhA ^^'kkjhfjd@vkHkklh nkSM+^^ dh vo/kkj.kk ij 13 vxLr ls 2 vDVwcj 2021 rd fujarj pyus okyk jk’VªO;kih vfHk;ku çkjEHk fd;k tk pqdk gSA bl xfrfof/k dks fQVusl dks çksRlkfgr djus vkSj be lHkh dks eksVkis] vkyL;] ruko] fpark vkSj chekfj;ksa ls eqfDr fnykus esa enn djus ds fy, fMt+kbu fd;k x;k gSA bl nkSM+ ds ihNs dh vo/kkj.kk gS ^^;g nkSM+ dHkh Hkh vkSj dgha Hkh gks ldrh gks!^^A eSa bl vfHk;ku esa “kkfey gksus okys dc~l@cqycqYl lfgr vkUnksyu ds lHkh lnL;ksa dks c/kkbZ nsrk gw¡ vf/kd ls vf/kd la[;k esa ;qokvksa dks lfEefyr djus okyh bl xfrfof/k ds vk;kstu esa o;Ld yhMlZ }kjk fn[kkbZ xbZ :fp vPNh rjg ljkguh; gSA LdkmV@xkbM vkUnksyu ds lnL;ksa ds fy, ipe<+h dks ^lh[kus dk eafnj^ ekuk tkrk gSA jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ds 65osa LFkkiuk fnol dks 10 flrEcj] 2021 dks ipe<+h fnol ds :i esa vkHkklh :i ls euk;k x;kA jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ij miyC/k fo'ks’k ydM+h ds }kjk ^chMl cukus^ ij ohfM;ks çLrqfr ,d fnypLi dkS'kyksUeq[k xfrfof/k gS lriqM+k jsat esa ipe<+h lqLFkkfir f'k{k.k dsUnz MkW- ,p-,u- daqt:] U;k;ewfrZ fofo;u cksl vkSj ,sls gh vU; egku O;fDrRoksa ds vkUnksyu ds fy, n`<+ ladYi vkSj çse dk ifj.kke gSA iMksfyuk iqLrdky;] dqat: gky ;k ch-ih- Hkou vkSj fo'kky {ks= esa QSyh gqbZ lajpukvksa dks Hkfo’; dh ih<h dh LdkmfVax ds fy, vPNh rjg ls lajf{kr dj cuk;s j[kk tkuk pkfg,A jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h esa lHkh lajpuk,a ijksidkjh yksxksa ls çkIr nku ,oa rRdkyhu jk’Vªh; ifj’kn ds lnL;ksa] lHkh jkT; la?kksa vkSj vkUnksyu ds vU; lnL;ksa ls çkIr LoSfPNd ;ksxnku ls rS;kj gqbZ FkhA gekjs jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz dks fodflr djus ds fy, jksolZ ,oa jsatlZ us dfBu ifjJe fd;kA ,slh ;knsa gesa gekjs ofj’B yhMlZ ds leiZ.k vkSj çfrc)rk dh ;kn fnykrh gSA ;qokvksa

Creating - Better India

commitment of our senior leaders. Youth should develop same attachment to the movement and work for further development of the NTC at Pachmarhi. I am happy to learn that the NTC is promoting the herbal plantation. Most of our Training Centres in the States should also develop herbal parks, displaying authentic information about the names of plants and their medicinal uses. International Day of Peace is being observed on 21st September,2021. National Headquarters directed the states to organise activities like Tree Plantation Drive with sufficient care of plants, Peace Rally with the theme on Covid awareness, `No plastic awareness` campaign and Clean India Campaign to mark the Day. I thank the State Associations for organising the activities with Cubs and Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides at different levels observing covid protocols. I am happy to learn from the reports received from states that a large number of scouts and guides are involved in the plastic awareness campaigns and clean India programmes, besides organising mass tree plantation programmes. I hope all the members will dedicate themselves for the cause of our great movement this can be done by creating many more activities which attract more youth to join us in nation building. With Scout/Guide greetings dks vkUnksyu us çfr leku yxko fodflr dj ipe<+h esa jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz ds vkHkklh fodkl ds fy, dk;Z djuk pkfg,A eq>s ;g tkudj çlUurk gqbZ fd jk’Vªh; çf'k{k.k dsUnz gcZy o`{kkjksi.k dks c<+kok ns jgk gSA jkT;ksa esa gekjs çf'k{k.k dsUnzksa dks Hkh gcZy ikdZ fodflr djus pkfg,] ftlesa ikS/kksa ds uke vkSj muds vkS’k/kh; mi;ksxksa ds ckjs esa çkekf.kd lwpuk,sa çnf'kZr gksA 21 flrEcj] 2021 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; “kkafr fnol euk;k x;kA jk’Vªh; eq[;ky; us bl fnol dks eukus ds fy, jkT;ksa dks ikS/kksa dh i;kZIr ns[kHkky ds lkFk o`{kkjksi.k vfHk;ku] dksfoM+ tkx:drk fo’k; ij “kkafr jSyh] ^uks IykfLVd tkx:drk^ vfHk;ku vkSj LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku tSlh xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu djus dk funsZ'k fn;kA eSa dksfoM+ çksVksdkWy dk ikyu djrs gq, fofHkUu Lrjksa ij dc~l vkSj cqycqYl] LdkmV~l@xkbM~l ds lkFk xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu djus ds fy, jkT; la?kksa dks /kU;okn nsrk gw¡A eq>s jkT;ksa ls çkIr çfrosnuksa ls ;g tkudj eq>s çlUurk gqbZ fd LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l us cM+s iSekus ij o`{kkjksi.k dk;ZØeksa ds vk;kstu ds vykok IykfLVd tkx:drk vfHk;kuksa vkSj LoPN Hkkjr dk;ZØeksa esa lfEefyr gSaA eq>s vk'kk gS fd lHkh lnL; gekjs egku vkUnksyu ds fy;s Lo;a dks lefiZr djsaxs] bls dbZ vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa dks cukdj fd;k tk ldrk gS tks jk’Vª fuekZ.k esa gekjs lkFk tqM+us ds fy, vkSj vf/kd ;qokvksa dks vkdf’kZr djrh gksaA LdkmfVax@xkbfMax “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgrA



MkW- ds-ds- [k.Msyoky] Hkk-ç-ls- ¼ls-fu-½ eq[; jk"Vªh; vk;qDr

Creating - Better India

From Editor's Desk lEiknd dh dye ls

The Bharat Scouts and Guides wanted to help our youth to settle in their lives choosing a career suitable for them and still continue to help the movement. Keeping this in view we have been organising webinars on career counselling for the benefit of youth. It was the 3rd Webinar in the series entitled “Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force” which was organised by the National Youth Committee on 31st August, 2021 with the support of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. The “DISHA‟ Cell, Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan), New Delhi deputed Wing Commander Sneha Singh as the resource speaker. She had delivered a very impressive session on `opportunities in the various fields of Indian Air Forces` and role of Indian Air Force in the Country. Our youths will definitely get its benefits. It was the untried efforts of Dr. H.N. Kunzru, Mr. Vivian Bose and Dr. Mangaldas Pakvasa that the Government of Madhya Pradesh gifted the land for NTC at Pachmarhi. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India laid the foundation stone of B.P. Memorial Bhawan and ancillary structure on 10th Sept. 1956. Lady Olave Baden Powell, World Chief Guide visited Pachmarhi to open the B.P. Memorial Guide Bhawan on 22nd February 1961. Recalling such happy memories, 65th Foundation Day of NTC was celebrated as Pachmarhi Day on 10th Sept. 2021 in virtual mode. Thousands of members sang the Pachmarhi song wearing local costumes. Our Chief National Commissioner wished further development at Pachmarhi. A video presentation on preparing `beads` was an added attraction. Hkkjr LdkmV~l ,oa xkbM~l gekjs mu ;qokvksa dks tks vkUnksyu dh enn djuk tkjh j[kuk pkgrs gSa] ds fy, mi;qDr dSfj;j pquus esas enn djuk pkgrk gSA bls /;ku esa j[krs gq, ge ;qokvksa ds ykHk ds fy, dSfj;j dkmalfyax ij osfcukj vk;ksftr dj jgs gSaA ^^Hkkjrh; ok;q lsuk esa dSfj;j ds volj^^ uked J`a[kyk dh rhljh osfcukj dks jk’Vªh; ;qok lfefr }kjk 31 vxLr] 2021 dks j{kk ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds lg;ksx ls vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ^^fn”kk^^ lsy] ok;q eq[;ky; ¼ok;q Hkou½ ubZ fnYyh us foax dekaMj Lusgk flag dks lalk/ku oDrk ds :i esa çfrfu;qDr fd;kA mUgksaus ^Hkkjrh; ok;q lsuk ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa volj^ ,oa ns”k esa Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk dh Hkwfedk ij ,d vR;ar gh çHkko”kkyh l= çnku fd;kA ftldk ykHk gekjs ;qok t:j çkIr djsaxsA ;g MkW- ,p-,u- dqat:] Jh fofo;u cksl ,oa MkW- eaxynkl idoklk gh Fks ftuds vFkd ç;klksa ls jk’Vªh; çf”k{k.k dsUnz] ipe<+h ds fy, e/; çns”k ljdkj }kjk Hkwfe migkj esa nh xbZA Hkkjr ds çFke jk’Vªifr MkW- jktsUnz çlkn us 10 flrEcj] 1956 dks ch-ih-Lekjd Hkou ,oa v/khuLFk lajpuk dh vk/kkjf”kyk j[khA oYMZ phQ xkbM ysMh vksyso csMsu ikWosy us 22 Qjojh] 1961 dks ch-ih- Lekjd xkbM Hkou dk mn~?kkVu djus gsrq ipe<+h dk nkSjk fd;kA ,slh lq[kn ;knksa dks Lej.k djrs gq, jk’Vªh; çf”k{k.k dsUnz ds 65osa LFkkiuk fnol dks vkHkklh :i ls 10 flrEcj] 2021 dks ipe<+h fnol ds :i esa euk;k x;kA gtkjksa lnL;ksa us LFkkuh; os”kHkw’kk esa ipe<+h xhr x;kA gekjs eq[; jk’Vªh; vk;qDr us ipe<+h esa vkSj fodkl dh dkeuk dhA ^chMl^ rS;kj djus ij ohfM;ks çLrqfr ,d vfrfjDr vkd’kZ.k FkkA tSlk fd 2021 esa ge dksfoM&19 egkekjh ls mHkj jgs gSa] ge jpukRed ,oa lkewfgd :i ls ;g lkspus gsrq çsfjr gksrs gSa lHkh dks csgrj rjhds ls Bhd gksus esa dSls enn djsa] bl ckjs

Creating - Better India

In 2021, as we heal from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are inspired to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone recover better, how to build resilience, and how to keep ourselves healthier, in particular our school going children and the youth to face future pandemics more efficiently. We have to continue the awareness campaigns to get every citizen vaccinated. International Day of Girl Child is going to be observed on 11th October, 2021 to ensure equal opportunities for girls in the fields of education, health, legal rights, honour, protection etc. Let our guides organize programmes like Judo, Karate and such other training in self-defence training for self protection. Stay safe – Be healthy. With Scout/Guide greetings


esa yphykiu dSls cuk;k tk, vkSj Lo;a dks rFkk fo”ks’k :i ls gekjs Ldwy tkus okys cPpksa vkSj ;qokvksa dks Hkfo’; dh egkekfj;ksa dk vf/kd dq”kyrk ls lkeuk djus gsrq dSls LoLFk j[ksaA gesa gj ukxfjd dks Vhdk yxokus ds fy, tkx:drk vfHk;ku tkjh j[kuk gksxkA f”k{kk] LokLF;] dkuwuh vf/kdkj] lEeku] lqj{kk vkfn ds {ks= esa yM+fd;ksa ds fy, leku volj lqfuf”pr djus ds fy, 11 vDVwcj] 2021 dks vUrjkZ’Vªh; ckfydk fnol euk;k tk,xkA gekjh xkbM~l dks vkRej{kk gsrq gesa twMksa&djkVs ,oa bl rjg ds vU; çf”k{k.k tSls dk;ZØe vk;ksftr djus pkfg,A lqjf{kr jgsa&LoLFk jgsaA LdkmV@xkbM “kqHkdkeukvksa lfgr]


Creating - Better India



Shubham Singh, Eastern Railway reports that for the first time in the history of World Scouting, 764 young people from 172 NSOs participated in the 14thWorld Scout Youth Forum held from 18th to 22nd August 2021, virtually to make it the largest Youth Forum ever. Mr. Ritesh Agarwal (West Bengal), Mr. Madhusudan LN (Karnataka), Mr. Shubham Singh (Eastern Railway), Mr. Bhavik Suthar (Rajasthan), Mr Supreeth Balaji (Karnataka) and Mr. Malswamkima Ralte (Mizoram) represented the Bharat Scouts and Guides India with full enthusiasm, devotion and dedication to keep the name of BSG high. Before the event began, induction ceremony of the participants was organized on 17th August 2021 at National Headquarters Conference Hall under the leadership of Mr. Amar Bahadur Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme & Training). Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director gave his blessings to the participants. The plenary session began with the opening remarks given by Ms. Diana Carrillo, Chair of the 14th WSYF and Mr. Mori Cheng, Vice Chair of the 14th WSYF which included a moment of inspiration of what young people have been doing in the last triennium. The formal opening of the Youth Forum was marked on 18th August 2021 by a special moment uniting the participants from all corners of the world in renewing the Scout Promise in their regional languages. Ms. Jayathma Vickramathya, UN Secretary General’s Envoy of Youth addressed the virtual gathering with her inspiring words. The plenary was also graced by Mr. Craig Turpie, Chairperson of the World Scout Committee who motivated the young people with his thoughtprovoking speech. Engaging with new people with different backgrounds is an important aspect of Scouting and during the youth forum, the participants from all over the globe formed International Teams. These teams met for 15 minutes at the end of each plenary session. These meetings offered a daily reflection moment and opportunity to take part in fun challenges together. The participants also discussed about the draft resolutions and prepared for the Youth Forum Declaration. As a part of the fun and gaming experience during the 14th WSYF, the participants were provided with a platform for brainstorming and solving puzzles, known as the Foundation Rally Game with the International teams. Each Youth Advisor Candidates were allotted separate rooms where they could meet other delegates and observers of the forum and also showcase their ideas as a part of their nominated candidature campaign for the Youth Advisors to the World Scout Committee. Youth Advisors play a pivotal role in shaping the future of World Scouting. The Candidates for the Youth Advisors to the World Scout Committee were given an opportunity to introduce themselves as well as their

Creating - Better India

key strategies and ideas for implementing the triennial plan for the next triennium i.e., 2021-2024. The Youth Advisors are the voice of the young people across the globe and getting to know their agendas for creating a better world, was an amazing experience.

Ms. Gitanjali Rao, the Time Magazine’s first ever kid of the year and a STEM Scout from United States of America was live to inspire many young people to take innovation. “Our Generation is facing so many problems that we have never seen up. There are problems like climate change and cyber bullying with the introduction of technology that we did not create but now we have to solve them remarked by Ms. Gitanjali who remained hopeful in creating a change. In this context, India came on screen for the first time – Mr. Supreeth Balaji highlighted the STEM projects that are initiated in BSG India. After that we all had a Quiz through slido on “Role of Youth Advisors” in which Mr. Shubham Singh ranked 1st among all the participants from various NSOs and made India proud.

Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of WOSM and Mr. Craig Turpie, Chairperson of the World Scout Committee answered a few questions raised by some NSOs on the draft resolutions and the constitutional amendments through a live interview which was taken by Ms. Diana, Chair of the 14th WSYF.

On 19th August 2021, the voting lines were opened for the delegates to cast their votes for the election of Youth Advisor to the World Scout Committee. It is a great achievement for BSG India that for the first time in its history, Mr. Ritesh Agarwal contested for the elections. Safe from harm at all levels was a key agenda of Mr. Agarwal. Various Bridge Builder Workshops on – Creative Leadership for Peace – Leadership and innovation in peace building, Digitalization of the Educational offer and social inclusion, Leading and providing gender equality in all areas of our society, Social Entrepreneurship for social and environmental impact, Thinking globally and acting locally to achieve food security and fight hunger, Youth leading the way to achieve the agenda 2030, Be a part of the solution and make a promise to the planet and Being young and being active – taking a stand for humanitarian action were organized for the participants to put forward their views in creating a better world.

The vote for the 14th WSYF Declaration was opened on 21st August 2021. The voting process was started by Ms. Diana and Mr. Mori, Chair and Co-Chair the respectively. The international teams made sure that they give their thoughts and changes that are needed in the drafted amendments that would go to the World Scout Conference. The voice of the young people was heard and discussions on various amendments were made during the voting. Breakout sessions on “Empowered to Raise Your Voice” –Environment

Creating - Better India

and Sustainability, Evolving the Youth Forum and the Conference, Leadership in Peace, Safe from Harm, Scout events in the modern world, WOSM’s Registration Fee System and Youth Engagement and the Youth Advisor System were organized to understand the perspective of young people in this generation to bring a change.

The draft resolutions were taken into consideration and was further forwarded to the World Scout Conference for its approval. The participation of the members of the Bharat Scouts and Guides will remain a milestone in the history of BSG India and will enhance more young people in decision making in the organization and will give a platform and an exposure to more young people in future.


For the first time in the history of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, a full delegation of 06 Delegates and 14 Observers participated in the historical virtual 42nd World Scout Conference with active participation from 25th to 29th August 2021. More than 3000 delegates from 172 NSOs participated in the Conference. Before the commencement of the Conference, an induction ceremony of the participants was organized on 24th August 2021 at National Headquarters Conference Hall under the leadership of Mr. Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme & Training) in which Mr. M.A. Khalid, Additional Chief National Commissioner of BSG India and Head of Indian delegation gave his blessings to the participants to make the event a grand success by their active participation. A briefing of the conference programme was done. The first day of the conference began with the welcome address given by Mr. Param Palany, Chairperson of the 42nd World Scout Conference. The conference was formally opened by renewing of the Scout Promise in Regional Languages which was initiated by Mr. Craig Turpie, Chairperson of the World Scout Committee. The plenary session provided opportunities to all the delegates and observers to come together and explore more about the conference and for participation in the general discussions of the forum. The formal opening was marked by lighting of lamps virtually by all the NSOs, uniting the movement from all corners of the World together bringing diversity.The participating Member Organizations were recognized and a moment of silence was observed for the members of the global scouting family who have gone home since 2017. The Draft Resolutions were discussed in separate breakout rooms. Draft resolutions are the proposals by the National Scout Organizations which were circulated to all the NSOs well in advance so that they can be discussed and debated upon during the breakout sessions. All of us got the opportunities to discuss on

Creating - Better India

various draft amendments and noted the same on padlet platform. The key topics discussed were – Environmental Sustainability, Evolving the Youth Forum and the Conference, Leadership in Peace, Safe from Harm, Scout Events in the Modern World, WOSM’s Registration Fees System, Youth Engagement and the Youth Advisory System.

`Leadership in Peace` resolution was proposed by Sweden and was seconded by many NSOs which strongly urged the member organizations to play an active role in the development of the UN Youth, Peace and Security agenda at national level, and in showcasing the contribution of Scouting to peaceful and inclusive societies; to encourage member organizations to strengthen the dimension of right to peace in the educational programmes and activities by implementing Peace education materials like Dialogue for Peace, Commitment against hate speech and preventing violent extremism.

As we gathered virtually on the first day, we got an opportunity to become more familiar with the digital participation platform and the e-voting system.. We also had the chance to divide into breakout sessions and take part in discussions and ask questions about the Draft Resolutions and the Constitutional Amendments.

Meeting with the nominated candidates of the World Scout Committee was a great pleasure for us to know about their ideas, innovations, perceptions and the changes they would like to bring in Scouting in the next triennium i.e., 2021-2024. Looking back in the past triennium, Scouting has seen many successes and tremendous progress which has helped towards realizing the shared objectives of 2017-2021 World Triennial Plan and working towards achieving Vision 2023 as our strategy for Scouting.

The World Scout Conference gave all the participants a self-facilitated conversations with fellow participants from the conference from all over the world. We had six topics to discuss, debate and bring together on what, why and how – which included First Time Participants, Coffee Break Free Chat, Heads of Delegations, Good Governance, Educational Methods and Communications and Partnerships.

We had a session on how the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award can support the National Scout Organization’s to grow sustainably and be more competitive in non-formal education and youth development by offering endless opportunities to scouts. In one of the breakout rooms of the World Scout Conference, the Global Youth Mobilization Team gave a session on the movement of young people who are taking action to improve their lives now and, in a post, covid world.

‘On 27th August 2021, World Scouting got its twelve newly elected members of the World Scout

Creating - Better India

Committee from different corners of the world equalizing in diversity and inclusion. Campfire is the most joyous part of Camping and since the World Scout Conference was happening virtually for the first time due to the pandemic, it was a new experience for most of the participants to experience the essence of WOSM’s Campfire. We were divided into breakout rooms for enjoying the spirit of Campfire, to meet people from across the world, to foster friendship, to understand diversity and mostly have fun. Event hosts for the next world scout events were declared – 43rd World Scout Conference is going to be hosted by Egypt in 2024, 17th World Scout Moot is going to be hosted by Portugal in 2025 and 26th World Scout Jamboree is going to be hosted by Poland in 2027. Mr Andy Chapman was declared as the Chairperson of the World Scout Committee for the triennium 2021-2024.

The last day of the conference was emotional for all of us as the Conference was going to end. Remaining draft resolutions voting were carried out. Exceptional Service Award for the Scout Movement, the Bronze Wolf Award Recipients were virtually awarded and recognized for their meritorious contribution to Scouting. Farewell Ceremony of the past Chairperson of the World Scout Committee, Mr. Craig Turpie was organized by the members of the World Scout Bureau, World Scout Committee and veteran leaders who recognized Mr Craig for his wonderful and tremendous efforts in Scouting for the past triennium for its development with his full dedication. Mr Craig gave the closing remarks and, in his speech, encouraged all the members of the Scouting Movement to prosper in life, to devote themselves for the sake of Scouting and also congratulated all the volunteers who have worked hard for making the triennium and the World Scout Conference a grand success. Finally, the World Scout Conference was closed with the declaration by Mr. Mohammed Omar, Vice Chairperson of the 42nd World Scout Conference.

After the closing ceremony, the World Scout Conference was closed, in the system of Indian Scouting under the leadership of Mr. Amar B. Chettri, Joint Director of Scouts (Programme and Training) open session was held where the participants shared their conference experience and then was fully closed with the National Anthem. This conference has given the participants to explore the leadership of World Scouting, to understand the concept and working of the World Scout Conference and to build relationships with NSOs through fostering friendship, inter-cultural peace and diversity.

-Report by Shubham Singh

Creating - Better India


18th Girl Scout International E-Camp, Korea, was a beautiful initiative taken by Korea to host a 20-day camp from 1st to 20th August 2021. Many countries participated in this camp including The Bharat Scouts and Guides. Ms. Sananda Biswas, Ranger from West Bengal represented BSG, India. She actively participated in this camp in the online platform provided by the host country. The whole set up was like a camp in a website form. All the participants were provided with some event details and password to enter into that page and the event started with a beautiful opening ceremony where all the countries got a chance to greet and Watch Live the Wonderful Ceremony from their own place. After that the camp started and Website worked on Korea Timing. Participants of all countries were able to upload their activities and missions. Cultural Exchange programs named "A Night of International Peace" was held where all countries were given a chance to show their culture through video live which was telecast on that website, BSG also took part in that and got lots of positive vibes from other countries as they love and also know lot about India which I really felt proud watching them commenting those words about Indian Culture. Not only this, communication was way easier with other countries through that website in a chatting format. Lastly the camp of 20 days ended very well with the closing ceremony started at 5:00 p.m. of Korea time on 20th August, 2021, with beautiful presentation from their side. I also got opportunity to greet them in the closing ceremony and I received a certificate for my self and for The Bharat Scouts and Guides India for participating in the camp. The best part was when the best missions and activities performed by participants were telecast live, some of them were of mine. Lots of people loved my work watching on the screen. I also received certificate after completion of all the activities and missions with a huge number of points as the point decide your certificate insurance condition. It was really an overwhelming camp attending online for 20 days. There was not a single thought that I am not in camping ground. I am grateful to The Bharat Scouts and Guides for giving me this opportunity and this camp his for sure flourished and sharpened my knowledge more.

Report by Ms. Sananda Biswas, West Bengal

Creating - Better India



The Bharat Scouts and Guides created a history by organising a Felicitation Ceremony for Young People on 2nd September 2021 at Eastern Regional Headquarters, Ganganagar who contributed towards the Initiatives of YouTube Programme.

Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources), Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director BSG and Mr. Probodh Ranjan Biswas, State Organising Commissioner (Scout) were welcomed with General Salute followed by BSG Prayer. Mr. Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director of Eastern Region felicitated the guests. Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the Lamp and blessed the gathering.

The Cultural Programme was presented by Ms. Deepanjali Pramanick from Eastern Railway and Ms. Sakshi Sharma from East Central Railway.

Mr. Dhananjay Kumar from Bihar, Ms. Sakshi Sharma from East Central Railway, Mr. Akash Bharati, Mr. Shubham Singh and Ms. Deepanjali Pramanick from Eastern Railway, Ms Kumari Rashmi Bharaty from Jharkhand, Mr. Firoz Khan and Ms. Swati Singh from South Eastern Railway and Ms. Sananda Biswas from West Bengal were felicitated with Appreciation Certificate for their contribution in Yoga with BSG in the past one year by Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas. Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik blessed the gathering and congratulated all the awardees.

Ms. Rashmi Bharaty and Ms. Swati Singh shared their experience in Yoga with BSG Team and gave a positive approach to the audience. Mr. Akash Bharati, Ms Rajni Sharma and Mr. Shubham Singh from Eastern Railway were felicitated with Hoodies for their exceptional contribution in Plastic Tide Turner Initiative launched by the Bharat Scouts and Guides in 2020-21.

Mr. Kapil Rajak, Mr. Prasenjit Ray and Mr. Subhadeep Gupta were also appreciated for their contribution in organizing the Felicitation Ceremony. Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director, BSG praised all the team members of Yoga with BSG for their hard work in initiating BSG Activities throughout India and also said – “All the credit of these programmes goes to Team yoga with BSG for their effective leadership in implementing the activities.”

Finally, the closing remarks were presented by Director, BSG which was followed by the Vote of thanks given by Mr. Shubham Singh, Regional Media Correspondent of Eastern Region. The programme came to

Creating - Better India

an end with National Anthem. The programme was coordinated by Mr. Shubham Singh with anchoring by Ms. Sananda Biswas. The function was organised with the guidance of Shri Arup Sarkar, Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme) under the supervision of Mr. Bablu Goswami, with the assistance of Mr. Kapil Rajak, Office Secretary of Eastern Region.


Eastern Regional Headquarters of The Bharat Scouts and Guides has set up a BS&G Studio in Kolkata under the guidance and motivation of Director Shri Rajkumar Kaushik with full support and guidance from the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides for the smooth running of the virtual events and the official YouTube Channel of BSG, India. This studio will help to record the BS&G NEWS and YouTube programme, which will prove to be a new milestone of BSG India. It was inaugurated by Mr. Shyamal Kumar Biswas, National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources) and Director, BSG on 3rd September 2021.

First shooting of a new initiative is going to be launched soon by National Headquarters. Interviews with National Commissioner of Scouts (Adult Resources) and Director, BSG were taken by Mr. Shubham Singh and Ms. Sananda Biswas respectively. The Shooting of the video is done by the Shubhodeep Gupta under the leadership of Mr. Bablu Goswami, Assistant Director of Eastern Region.


The Bharat Scouts and Guides was organized mask distribution programme on 14.09.2021 at 02 different populated areas i.e. Red Fort and New Delhi Railway Station. Two groups were made and 01 group was sent to New Delhi Railway Station. Total 31 volunteers from Northern Railway State Bharat Scouts and Guides along with State Org. Commissioner (Scouts), State Trg. Commissioner (Guides), State Trg. Commissioner (Scouts), ASOC (Scouts), District Secretary of Headquarters District and District Secretary of Delhi District were present. Around 1500 Nos. of Masks were distributed inside the New Delhi Railway Station, outside the New Delhi Railway Station and Baroda House. Mr. R. P. Pandey, Station Director of New Delhi Railway Station was present as Chief Guest of the Programme. This group was coordinated by Mr. Yaspal Hooda, Youth Coordinator of the Bharat Scouts and Guides.

The another team of 09 members of Delhi State Bharat Scouts and Guides having 04 Guides, 01 Guide Captain Ms. Kiran Ghai, (Indira Gandhi Guide Group), 01 Ranger and 01 Rover from Ramjas Scout Group,

Creating - Better India

01 Scout from Azad Scout Group and 01 Rover from Rajdhani Scout Group was present at Red Fort. The members distributed around 1500 mask from Red Fort to Gurudhawara of Chandni Chowk area. The group was coordinated by Shri Siddharth Mohanty, Project Officer along with Mr. Sunil Kumar Yadav. This programme was ran under the leadership of Mr. Arup Sarkar, Dy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme).

At the time of mask distribution, public of the area appreciated the good work of children.


5th Online Re-Orientation Course for trainers of Guide Wing was conducted by the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides from 24th to 30th August 2021 in which 37 participants from Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, West Bengal attended. The course started with the BSG Prayer followed by inauguration by Smt. Razia Begam, National Commissioner (Headquarters) Public Relatio. Smt. Alamelu, former Joint Director (Support Service), Smt. P. Saroja, Former Joint Director (Guide), Smt. Darshana Pawaskar, Joint Director (Guide) and the Director Bharat Scouts and Guides were present in the function and blessed the participants. The objectives of the course were informed by LOC. The guest speakers Shri Arup Sarkar, Dy Director (BP) took the session on WOSM. Smt. Darshana Pawaskar, gave information about WAGGGS. Problem Solving session was taken by P. Saroja former Joint Director (G). Formal, informal and self-training session was taken by Mrs. Jayshree Ranganathan, former (DDGLT) and Amended Rules of BSG were covered by Shri Analendra Sharma, AD, (NER). Valedictory function on 30th August was graced by the International Commissioner (G) Smt. Amelia Swer. Shri Rajkumar Kaushik, Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar, Mrs. Jayshree Ranganathan and Shri Krishna Swamy, Executive Director were present. During the Valedictory Function, the birthday of 1st Lady National Commissioner Smt. Laxmi Mazumdar was celebrated. Smt. Kumud Mehra, Assistant Director Southern Region was the Leader of the course who was ably assisted by Smt. Arunima Devi LT (G) and STC (G), Smt. Bhaswati Roy LT(G) West Bengal, Dr. Namita Patnayak LT(R) Odisha, Smt. Usha Shenoy LT(G) Kerala, and Sandhya Singh LT(G) KVS, Smt. Saraswathi LT(B),Tamilnadu,& Shri Gunajit Das office secretary, NER.

Creating - Better India


The 3rd Webinar on Career Counselling entitled “Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force” was organised on 31st August, 2021 at 11:00 A.M. The series of webinar on career counselling is the initiative of the National Youth Committee of the Bharat Scouts and Guides.

The Webinar “Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force” was organised with the support of Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. The “DISHA‟ Cell, Air Headquarters (Vayu Bhawan), New Delhi deputed Wing Commander Sneha Singh as the resource speaker to deliver a session.

Wing commander Sneha Singh delivered a very impressive session on joining the Indian Air Force, opportunities in the various fields of Indian Air Force and role of Indian Air Force in the Country.

In his opening remarks, Shri. M.A. Khalid, Addl. Chief National Commissioner of the Bharat Scouts and Guides appreciated the idea of such Career Counselling webinar. Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director BSG in his closing remarks expressed his gratitude to Ministry of Defence and Indian Air Force for supporting BSG in organising this educative webinar for the benefit of Scouts/Guides.

In all 5577 candidates registered for the Webinar. The webinar was on Google Meet and was also live streamed on BSG Youtube Channel.

The webinar was organised under the leadership of Shri Amar B. Chettri, Jt. Director of Scouts (Prog. & Trg.), Bharat Scouts and Guides with the support of the members of the National Youth Committee of BSG.

Answer 262 263

1. Gender Equality. 2. SolomonIsland 3. 1938 4. 2023 in South Korea 5. Fireman`s Chair knot 6. National Training Centre, Pachmarhi

Every four years 7. Chil --the kite 2. “Rudyard Kipling 8. Campfire Yarn No. 26--------The British 3. Seven Commonwealth of Nations 4. Kantankye: “He of the big hat” 9. In Rovering to Success (in the second Rock 5. At the first International Boy Scout Jamboree WINE) in 1920 (London) 10. Stop or halt.

6. A neat way to stop a rope fraying 7. December 1916 8. Timber Hitch 9. On arrival in port. It means the ship is healthy 10. Cuckoo

Creating - Better India



When the word ‘Pachmarhi” comes to our mind, most of us become nostalgic. In a second, in a flashback we reach the National Training Center or National Adventure Institute. We remember our sweet memories, pain and pleasure, at Pachmarhi. Pachmarhi is a place for Training and also a paradise for Adventure.

10th September 1956, is the day when the First President of India late Dr. Rajendra Prasad ji laid the foundation stone of B.P. Bhawan at National Training Centre Pachmarhi.

Every year 10th September is celebrated as ‘Pachmarhi Day’ across the country by the members of Bharat Scouts and Guides. Mr. Krishnaswamy R. Executive Director and i/c DDSLT welcomed the virtual gathering. This year also Pachmarhi Day was celebrated virtually at 4.00pm. The celebration was inaugurated by Dr. K. K. Khandelwal Chief National Commissioner and in his address he highlighted the importance of Pachmarhi as a center of Excellence and Adventure.

Mr. Peter Blach Presently WOSM Consultant and former World Committee members ,Deputy Chief Commissioner of Australia who visited NTC Pachmarhi at APR LT Course in the year 2001 as a participant sent his best wishes through a video message. Complements and Best wishes received from -Rozo, Advocacy Coordinator, WAGGGS, Nika Gorovaska Newly elected member of World Scout Committee, Fatima Youth Advisor of WOSM and Mrs. Jenn a commissioner from Boy Scouts of America through Video message were also shown.

Ms. A. Swer, a senior trainer and IC (G) shared her memories about Pachmarhi. Mr. P.G R Sindhia, Secretary General and SCC Karnataka opened a Mobile Aap of Bharat Scouts and Guides and shared his vision to develop NTC as an International Centre. Online Basic Course portal was Inaugurated by Shri K.P. Mishra Vice President, National Association and SCC Odisha he also Addressed the gathering.

Some documentaries on NTC and NAI were shown, and were appreciated by one and all. Mr. Raj Kumar Kaushik Director in his speech announced the name of Gyarsi Prasad as awardee of the very first Ranga Rao Award established for the professionals of NHQ. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Darshana Pawaskar Jt. Director Programme and Training. The entire programme was moderated by Shri S. S. Ray Assistant Director, Northern Region.

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