7 minute read

Membership Growth

Creating - Better India

(Continued to previous issue…..)


BSG-India has developed a clear, actionable strategy with achievable targets that could be measured. Initially, under this BSG-Membership Growth Plan, 8 states have been declared as the focus states from all six regions based upon their high potentiality which will lead us to achieve our target and other states will continue to add every year. Those 8 focus states are - Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Membership Growth Committee was formed to look after the growth management under the Chairmanship of Shri P.G.R. Sindhia, Secretary-General, President- In-Council and SCC, Karnataka State. This committee of the BSG is responsible to implement, monitor, and evaluate the achievements of the BSG Membership Growth Strategic Plan. Taking into account that the BSG has embarked on a very comprehensive Membership Growth Project and needs continuous monitoring, direction and prompt decisions to make the swift move. The Chief National Commissioner is pleased to form a Membership Growth Core Committee amongst the members of the National Growth Committee under the Chairman of the Growth Committee to steer the work of the Membership Growth towards achieving the set target by 2025.

To achieve the milestone of the Membership Growth target of 4.5 million male youth by 2023 and 6 million male youth by 2025 in The Bharat Scouts and Guides-India, a well-organized and independent Membership Growth Cell is established and three Growth Cell personnel are appointed at the National Headquarters, New Delhi, India. This department is looking towards the objectives and actions to be taken based on the National Growth Strategy to achieve the target, fixed for the years 2023 and 2025. The Membership Growth Cell at NHQ has to support and coordinate with all the States for the activities, programs, and training planned under Membership Growth in BSG. The BSG-India has developed a State Growth Strategy for all the states with the help of WOSM consultants and NHQ professionals and volunteers. Further, one State Growth Coordinator got appointed in each state who is responsible for the implementation of the State Growth Strategy and coordination between the National Headquarters and the State Headquarters on membership growth-related matters. To strengthen the state coordinators, BSG has conducted six webinars with our State Growth Co-ordinators supported by the APR experts from 20 to 30 June 2020 on topics like- composing smart objectives, youth programme, engaging communication, good governance, strong organization, adults in scouting and partnership for growth.

Based on the National Growth Strategy, one common template for State Growth Strategy was also developed and all the 54 States under BSG India have to implement their respective State Growth Strategy approved by the National Headquarters. Along with that, each state has been directed by the NHQ to appoint growth facilitators as per their state requirement and local coordinators at the local/district level who will work together with their respective appointed State Growth Coordinator to achieve the state target and would enhance the overall BSG census. The State Growth Facilitators and Local Coordinators have to look after the Membership Growth activities at the grassroot levels and help the State Growth Coordinator to implement the State Growth Strategy and District Growth Strategy. They are responsible for conducting the beginners’ course (physically/virtually), introducing scouting in local schools/colleges/universities with the support of local coordinators, build-up new

Creating - Better India

cub/scout/rover leaders, support them to register their units and follow-up on their smooth running of units. Despite the challenges of the global health crisis, our Scouts and Guides are working to engage maximum number of young people and volunteers in Scouting by establishing a clear and actionable growth strategy for NSO with the help of WOSM. During covid-19 pandemic, the BSG has conducted many virtual programs for the youth, as the virtual adult leaders training courses as a membership retention strategy. It has created many activity packs with innovative Scout/Guide activities to engage young people and make them active and keep them moving. Sankalp, Udaan, Tide Turners Plastic Challenge, etc. are few instances. A special course called beginners course for 4 hours was developed and implemented in the online platform for any individual. The BSG-India has organized three virtual meetings of the BSG Membership Growth Core Committee on 11 Dec 2020, 29 Jan 2021, and 25 Feb 2021. Besides, we have conducted virtual meetings for 8 focus states, 16 railway states, and region-wise in March- April 2021. A physical training program was held from 23 to25 March 2021 at NHQ, New Delhi for the State Growth Coordinators where 19 states participated and got all the tactics on membership growth and retention from the WOSM consultants (both physically and virtually) and NHQ professionals. On 19 April 2021, BSG Membership Growth Committee had a virtual meeting where Dr. (Mrs.) Pankaj Mittal, National Commissioner (R); Vice-Chairperson of Growth Committee chaired the meeting and the committee discussed the national growth strategy, the high potential membership in rovers, rangers from universities and support from WOSM. Recently in May and June 2021, BSG Membership Growth Cell had organized one-on-one virtual meetings with 30 states on the submitted State Growth Strategy observations and current challenges and support required. In terms of progress report, as per the short-term project action plans and target to conduct 100 Beginners Courses, 5000 new leaders, 2500 new units, and 50,000 new members by September 2021, the BSG-India already achieved the target set before the timeline. Under this Membership Growth Plan, additionally, 6550 new units were opened, and 133140 new youth joined this Scout-Guide Movement in India as of April 2021.

“If everyone is growing and moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. ”

Gone Home

Dr. Purnendu Goswami, Former State Secretary of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Eastern Railway State breathed his last on 02nd September, 2021. He was the recipient of ‘SILVER ELEPHANT AWARD’ the highest award of the Bharat Scouts and Guides.

Shri Samir Medhi, ALT (S) of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, Assam State breathed his last on 09th September, 2021.

We pray for eternal peace of the departed souls.

Creating - Better India


Creating - Better India




Creating - Better India

Date of Publication: 25/09/2021 Total Pages : 36 Regd. as Newspaper RNI-14418/58 Delhi Postal Regd. No. DL(C)-01/1222/2021-23 Licenced to post without Pre-payment U(C)-33/2021-23 L.P.C R.M.S Posted in New Delhi on 25/26-09-2021 GLIMPSES OF VARIOUS ACTIVITIES

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E-mail: info@bsgindia.org Website: www.bsgindia.org

Printed and Published by : Shri R.K. Kaushik,Director, on behalf of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, National Headquarters, New Delhi and printed at Printco-Supreme, Ground Floor, 212, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092 and Published at 16, M.G. Marg, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 (India) Editor Shri R.K. Kaushik

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