October Special Edition 2023 wtih Dr. Sarah Washington

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Turn Up the Pink


ABOUT The Black Family Magazine is the first publication of magazines in the field of personal and professional development, wealth building, African American empowerment, and challenging predefined narratives applied to the African American community.

VISION Our new platform is dedicated to bringing solutions to families in the black community. The platform is designed to expand your awareness, uncover truth, redefine life, renew strength, and help you to build a new legacy of health and wealth for families with intentions of changing the narrative one family at a time.

MISSION Our mission is to break generational cycles and healing from generational hurts and building generational wealth through personal and professional development.


Copyright 2023 by Black Impact Media The Black Family Magazine No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced by any means, graphics, electronics, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied by critical articles and reviews. ISBN: Publisher website: www.TheBlackFamilyMagazine.com Email: TheBlackFamilyMagazine@gmail.com Cover

Cover Design: JESSIE YORK Graphics Specialist & Web Designer Cell: 773.771.0597 Email: ngeniusmindzdesign@gmail.com Web: NGeniusMindzDesign.com Thinking Outside The Box!

TABLE OF CONTENTS The Black Family Magazine Vision & Mission Dr. Sarah Washington Debbie Andrews Sabrina Thomas Dr. Michele D. Clark, LMSW Robin N. Dennis Monica Johnigan

Dr. Chalice C. Rhodes Angela Scott LaToya Cooper Michelle McKenney Adrienne Brown Balena Lavette Ali Royzetta Cokley Deni Kay

Dr. Sarah Washington

1 | Name Of Biz


Unlock your Hidden Potential and by doing so, IMPACT SHALL be made! Helping to bring Clarity to Community Leaders, Organizations and Global Movements through Strategy Implementation and Execution A native of SE Washington, D.C., Mrs. Sarah Herring launched her Full-Scale Global Boutique, HandBagsULike in 2001 which is now known as Fashion IMPACT By HandBagsULike. Her company provides a plethora of services including personal styling, wardrobe consultation, business development, event showcasing, fashion show coordination, and a variety of fashion finds and personal shopping for both men and women.


“The Global Solutionist” IMPACT | FAITH | WARRIOR In 2016 Sarah and Demetrius Herring Sr. launched their nonprofit organization The IMPACT Experience; where she now serves as Executive Director and is centered on helping women and families that have been marginalized by domestic abuse, homelessness, human trafficking, and other life challenging situations. Her mission is to share with women that God loves them, and they are beautiful inside and out. Through her design acumen, she will provide a full makeover head to toe. This experience shall give women confidence and allow them to see their beauty inside and out. As the visionary, Sarah began The IMPACT Experience to provide a platform to celebrate women who have overcome and are overcoming tumultuous relationships and circumstances that directly affect the mental and physical well-being of women. The IMPACT Experience brings awareness and supports causes plaguing women in communities around the globe. Developing relationships with community leaders and such women providing continuous support for their journey is the footprint of The IMPACT Experience. As she travels the globe sharing the message of hope and restoration, Sarah's genuine love for service is recognized and duplicated. As a professional stylist, Sarah’s goal is to encourage women to see how beautiful they are on the inside and have it reflected on the outside. Since the inception of her nonprofit organization The IMPACT Experience, Sarah has worked to build and create more affordable housing options for those in need around the country through her real estate investment and development company RealtyULike. Recognizing the need and opportunity to provide the Federal Government with goods and services, Sarah made the pivot to HBUL Services. Through the collaboration of all service-based initiatives, Sarah has been able to collectively operate The IMPACT Experience Global CDC which caters to building affordable housing, job training, global sourcing, business scaling and community development and expansion, just to name the least. Through powerful partnerships, sponsorships and continual relationship building, the CDC has developed a team and is expanding exponentially.


Sarah has received numerous awards, proclamations, and citations from our 42nd President of The United States, Bill Clinton, 49th Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson, Washington, D.C. Mayor, Sharon Pratt Kelly, Houston Texas Mayor, Sylvester Turner, Washington, D.C. Council Member, Kevin P. Chaves, and New Orleans Council Woman, Cyndi Nguyen (District E), Community Achievement Award from Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee, Lifetime Achievement Award from Joe Biden, just to name a few. In March 2022, Sarah was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Leaders Esteemed Christian University. Sarah currently resides in Atlanta, GA with her husband and three beautiful young adult children. Sarah Michelle Speaks LLC A quote from Mrs. Herring is as follows: “My LOVE for humanity and fashion allows me to embrace both by enhancing the look and style of others through the world of FASHION and complement each look with accessories. Styling and Personal Shopping is My Passion. I understand that those I cross paths with is far greater than the sale of a handbag, blouse, dress or pair of shoes however it is about ministering hope and vibrant versatility in one's own unique way. For the Father made us all unique and we have the opportunity to display it in the canvas of life. For Life is "OUR" runway.” Mrs. Sarah Herring Visionary, The IMPACT Experience VIBRATE HIGHER is a Series she is currently delivering in Communities across the Globe The SPEAKER / The BRAND / The MISSION Sarah Michelle Speaks / SarahMichelleSpeaks@gmail.com / www.SarahMichelleSpeaks.com HandBagsULike / HandBagsULike@gmail.com / www.HandBagsULike.com The IMPACT Experience/ connect@theimpactexperience.net / www.TheIMPACTExperience.net Unlock your Hidden Potential and by doing so, IMPACT SHALL be made VIBRATE HIGHER! VIBRATE HIGHER www.SarahMichelleSpeaks.com


Life full of Impact

Debbie Andrews Debbie is a Breast Cancer Survivor, Health Minister, Advocate, and a published best-selling co-author of “Faith for Fiery Trials,” Debbie is also a contributing author for “Glambitious Magazine,” “Courageous Woman Magazine,” and “Vision and Purpose” magazine, etc. She is also a speaker on the topic of “Living with and Beyond the Breast Cancer Diagnosis.” Debbie openly and transparently shares her journey to encourage the hearts of others as they walk through what can be a very “dark night of the soul.” She infuses her talks with how she incorporated positive affirmations with indomitable faith to survive breast cancer. Debbie is a woman living a purposeful life and committed to bringing breast cancer awareness to women.

1 | Name Of Biz

Faith Forward Life has a way of throwing us an unexpected curveball, and after hearing my breast cancer diagnosis, I experienced a plethora of emotions. Even though the diagnosis was Stage 1, I did not comprehend what I heard. I was in denial, particularly since health and fitness have always been a top priority in my life, hoping my regular regimen would prevent me from being plagued with any kind of sickness or disease. But, instead of wallowing in despair, I activated my faith muscles. I refused to waste energy wavering in misery, anguish, or hopelessness, but I wholeheartedly surrendered to God. The Warrior Women inside of me knew that God was preparing me for a faith walk, and it was incumbent upon me to rely solely on God’s biblical principles so that I would be victorious. I meditated on God’s word daily, conversing with God in prayer with a spirit of expectancy, knowing that God would heal me and impart peace upon me, surpassing all understanding. Whatever season you are in, the spirit of the living God is with you. God is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46-1. (KJV) When torrential storms occur, trees are uprooted and fall, but the bark remains intact. The bark is thick and can withstand the storm, winds, and rain. You may bend, but you will not break. When the storms are raging in your life, God is your anchor, will sustain you, and will keep you in perfect peace. Those valley experiences build us, stretch our faith, and equip us to be our best selves in times of adversity. Proverbs 24:10 (NLT) tells us, “If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.” Trials do not happen in our lives to hold us hostage but to strengthen us and draw us near to our Heavenly Father, who is the author and finisher of our faith. In times of difficulty, God is faithful and can be trusted. There is no trial insurmountable that God cannot solve.


Beloved, never mute your faith, but exercise your faith muscles and speak positive affirmations over yourself by declaring victory. Words are the strongest vocal cords and can speak volumes and power. You have dominion on the inside to use your God-given authority to claim your healing by faith. God has already given you his (the bible) blueprint, full of life expectancies, wisdom, knowledge, revelation, and understanding. You are stronger than breast cancer, and healing is your portion. Maintain your steadfastness and keep your expectations high; do not be weary in doing well and work your faith out. “Because of your faith, it will happen.” Matthew: 929 (NLT) I endured the fiery furnace and lost my hair but did not lose my faith. My scars personify fortitude and resilience, and having God’s divine grace over my life exemplifies self-confidence, knowing that I am a Victor and not a “Victim.” I am a Faith-walker, and faith healed me. FAITH FORWARD.

Faith Forward



Sabrina Thomas Sabrina Thomas is a Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Visionary, Advocate and TV Producer whose mission is to empower, uplift, and encourage women from all walks of life to walk in their God-given purpose. Sabrina holds certifications in Advocacy, Speaker Training, and Life Coach. Certification.

Girl, Don’t Count Yourself Out I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on February 24, 2023. Although this Breast Cancer has challenged me like nothing I have ever experienced before, I will not allow it to take the best of me. I’m still here because I have a purpose. I’m still here because my voice still needs to be heard. I’m still here because I have more to learn and more to share. I seek God for my strength every day. It’s not my battle; it’s his. I’m just a vessel. This is all still new to me, and I am still trying to process it all, one day at a time. After numerous appointments, scans, tests, biopsies, chemo, and my upcoming surgery and radiation, one thing is for sure, “I’m Trusting God for the Whole Thing.” Sabrina Thomas Author, Speaker, Advocate, Breast Cancer Warrior

Learn more at www.sabrinatspeaks.com


Triumphing Over Cancer and Thriving

Dr. Michele D. Clark, LMSW "A Journey of Resilience: Triumphing Over Cancer and Thriving" Dr. Michele D. Clark, LMSW is a Transformational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Podcast Hostess, and Coach for professional female Cancer survivors. Her life story of overcoming insurmountable odds, and disseminating the message that women can recreate their lives through the power of positive thought and resilience after Cancer, has landed her the moniker of "The Hope Dealer" of the Speaking Industry. Dr. Clark’s background consists of over 20 years of experience, a bachelor’s and master’s degree (Psychology and Social Work, respectively), Honorary PhD recognizing her in Entrepreneurship & Business Administration and a Certification in Coaching & Speaking. Michele is also a mother of two, caregiver for her disabled son and a survivor of two strokes, TIA and Stage 2 Breast Cancer. Dr. Michele’s vision is to create a community that fosters authentic sisterhoods for high-performing women who have survived Breast Cancer. Dr. Clark is on a mission to empower these cancer “thrivers” to reignite their passion and purpose to Live Inspired, Free and Transformed after cancer.



Introduction "You know you have cancer, right?" This stark question marked the beginning of my cancer journey, a journey that ultimately led me to become a resilient, more empowered individual, triumphing over cancer and thriving. The Beginning of My Journey My story began with a peculiar sensation in my right breast, akin to a vibrating phone. I initially dismissed it. However, persistent sensations prompted self-examinations and a visit to my primary doctor. Unfortunately, life threw unforeseen challenges my way as I battled strokes, hindering my pursuit of medical advice. A Malignant Diagnosis Almost a year later, I finally resumed my journey, receiving a malignant diagnosis. I met with oncologists and surgical specialists who equipped me with the knowledge and options necessary to make the best decisions for my treatment: a mastectomy of my left breast. Following surgery, a definitive diagnosis was established: Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), ER positive, HER2 negative. According to Breastcancer.org, IDC, also called infiltrating ductal carcinoma, accounts for approximately 75% of all breast cancers. Trials of Patience and Resilience Due to cancer in my lymph nodes, other health concerns and environmental factors, the reconstruction process was delayed approximately five times, testing my patience and resolve. In total, I waited eight years from diagnosis to my final breast reconstructive procedure, which were filled with both joy and sadness, laughter and tears. On those challenging days, I found support and guidance in my community: family, friends, spiritual advisors, and medical/mental health professionals.


Empowerment Strategies for Triumph Through my journey, I activated seven key empowerment strategies to bounce back, triumph over cancer and thrive. I want to share the top three strategies to empower you today: 1. Early Detection and Persistence: My story underscores the importance of seeking medical advice and persisting in the face of obstacles. Early detection can make a significant difference in cancer treatment outcomes. 2. Resilience and Patience: Cancer journeys can be long and arduous, often testing our patience and resilience. Remember that delays are not denials, and with determination, you can overcome any obstacle. 3. Lean on the power of community. Being resilient and strong does not mean we have to travel this journey alone. Connecting with community support systems can make it easier to face the challenges of cancer. Conclusion I'm grateful for a second chance at life to be with my family and connect with and empower fellow highperforming female Breast Cancer Thrivers. As an empowerment speaker, best-selling author, and life coach, it is my mission to share my journey of resilience and triumph over breast cancer to guide others to Live Inspired, Free & Transformed! Connect with Dr. Michele at info@micheledclark.com to learn more about how to activate empowerment strategies to unlock your resilience factor and thrive after breast cancer! Follow Dr. Michele D. Clark, LMSW: LinkedIn/YouTube - micheledclarklift & Facebook/Instagram micheledclark.lift

- Dr. Michele D. Clark, LMSW


ROBIN N. DENNIS Robin Dennis is a 27-year Disabled Retired Veteran who proudly served in the United States Army and Army Reserves as a Human Resource Sergeant and Sexual Assault Response Coordinator. During assignments, Robin earned the National Defense Medals for her service during Operation Desert Storm/Shield, Operation Enduring Freedom, and the Expeditionary Medal for her service as a respondent to Ground Zero during 9/11. Robin is a mother of 3 young men and the wife of an Army Military Policeman. She is an entrepreneur and Owner and operator of Resilient Beauty, LLC., where she is a Female Life Coach and strategist, coaching women on strengthening their self-awareness through raw truth, tiny habits, and intentional self-care. Robin continues to serve as a Civil Servant working for the Department of Defense and is also a member of Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority, Inc., where she serves as the Nation Director for Honorary Engagement and ambassador Programs. Robin has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Science in Psychology.

Robin N. Dennis Resilient Beauty LLC Owner & Operator myresilientbeauty.com myresilientbeauty@gmail.com


ROBIN N. DENNIS My journey with cancer has taken many twists and turns throughout the last fifteen years of my life. Making its debut in 2007, breast cancer interrupted my life while I was pursuing my bachelor's degree and rearing three little boys, ages ten, four, and a one-year-old. During this time, I also served in the United States Army Reserve and was married to a very busy Baltimore City Police Officer. Yes, my life was already full, and having to entertain breast cancer was a definite burden. There is never a preferred time to find out you have breast cancer. It is always the wrong time, but we must persevere. I had gone to get my stitches removed from a lumpectomy that was told to be benign through the previous mammogram, needle biopsy, and ultrasound testing before surgery. Though it was benign, I still wanted the lump removed from my armpit because it was a nuisance, and I was about to be deployed to Afghanistan with my Army Reserve unit. The lumpectomy went well, and when I reported to my surgeon's office to remove my stitches, my entire world changed. Though all the tests were previously in my favor, the results from the tissue removed from the lumpectomy were the truth. I had HER2-, Stage 3A breast cancer. As I sat and listened to the surgeon, a sense of bravery took over my body. I assume it was because I had come during my lunch hour in my camouflage fatigues and combat boots to get my stitches removed. The war had begun, and I was ready for battle. All I wanted to know was what we need to do to get rid of this because I'm leaving to serve my country. I have three children and no time for any additional stress in my life. As we know, it is just not that easy, but God has the final say. After a partial mastectomy, my treatment consisted of eight bouts of chemo, thirty-three bouts of radiation, and a ten-year relationship with Tamoxifen, a breast cancer preventative. Hearing the news that my cancer was in remission in 2008 was much more than relief. It meant I had my life back. I was ecstatic and used my new life to focus more on my well-being and expand my relationship with God, knowing that He would provide as I attempted to pick up the many pieces of my life. It was a time for normalcy in my home and for my family. It is now 2023. God made it possible to watch my son grow into a beautiful young man, my career is thriving, and my husband and I celebrated twenty years of marriage back in November. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks before my anniversary, I had to come to terms with the fact that cancer had reintroduced itself to my body and spread. Wow! Here we go again, but with God's mercy, I will be healed.


Monica Johnigan

Monica Johnigan On February 21, I began to feel some pain in my right breast along with a lump The panic button went off in my chest, but I said oh no, Monica, you’re good! Lol…But I started having more pain that wouldn’t go away. I called several really close friends and my sisters and talked to them.


They encouraged me to go to the doctor to be seen.…remind you, I just turned 40! So I went to the doctor, and sure enough, she felt it too! The next step was a mammogram and ultrasound…which I dreaded after so many horror stories. But I did it…because it could also save your life! Sure enough, the mammogram & ultrasound showed what nobody wants to hear, along with a biopsy, all within two weeks. I say all of that to say please know your family history, get your screenings, and pay attention to your body. I’m grateful for my family and friends who have prayed, called, or texted! I know my journey is just getting started. But this ugly thing called cancer will NOT defeat me! I have completed chemo and had a double mastectomy. I will soon complete radiation. Through this process, God has remained faithful to me. I just want to encourage other people to stay on top of their health and pay attention to their bodies. Trust God through anything you go to and stick together as a family! #FaithOverFearIn2023 #IWillWin #GodsPlan #JohniganStrong



Dr. Chalice C. Rhodes

Dr. Chalice C. Rhodes Dr. Chalice C. Rhodes (formerly Jenkins) is a licensed and nationally certified Professional Counselor. Most recently, she was honored as the first designee of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society's Psychosocial Oncology virtual academy! This designation led to her becoming a certified Psychosocial Cancer/Oncology Behavioral Health specialist. This designation is near and dear to her heart, as she was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) or noninvasive breast cancer in September 2022. She had a lumpectomy to remove the cancer and completed radiation treatment in December 2022! By the grace and mercy of God, Dr. Chalice, as she is affectionately known, is a breast cancer survivor! As a Psychosocial Cancer/Oncology Behavioral Health Specialist, Dr. Chalice's increased knowledge and personal experience has sharpened her sensitivity and skill, while providing competent and effective care to the survivorship population. Join one of Dr. Chalice's online cancer survivorship therapy groups! Or enroll in her course, Thrive: Breast Cancer Survivorship, today by downloading the Dr. Chalice, Teach! app in the Apple or Google Play store. In August 2023, Dr. Chalice became a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. She earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree, in 2008, from Capella University specializing in Human Services- Counseling Studies. Dr. Chalice completed her Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Argosy University in Atlanta, GA in 2003. She completed her internship at a Christian- based counseling center in Georgia focusing on children, teens, couples, groups, and families. After graduation, Dr. Chalice gained experience at community service boards counseling children, teens, couples, groups, women, and families; conducting crisis hot-line counseling; and completing Comprehensive Child and Family Assessments. In 2008, Dr. Chalice earned her first adjunct psychology professor position at Philadelphia University, now known as Thomas Jefferson University. She also began supervising a program which included recruiting, training, and licensing foster parents in Philadelphia, PA. Subsequently, she supervised a partial hospitalization program in NJ for adults diagnosed with mental health and/or substance use disorders. As she began to accumulate more adjunct professor positions, at various universities, she placed her sole focus on teaching in higher education. More recently, she completed a post- doctoral position completing forensic psychological evaluations, family reunification therapy, and therapy with children, adolescents, couples, women, and families referred by the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency. She also provided services to children in a Philadelphia elementary school.

Dr. Chalice completed a three-year Assistant Clinical Professorship of Counseling and Family Therapy at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. During her tenure, she served as Director of Behavioral Health Counseling, served as a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Board, and trained Master's degree students in Dr. Harry Aponte's Person of The Therapist Training (POTT) model. In 2018, Dr. Chalice had the honor of being mentored and trained by Dr. Harry J. Aponte utilizing his POTT model. Dr. Aponte simultaneously walked Dr. Chalice through her own Person of The Therapist analysis, as they co- taught the 30 week- long POTT training model to first year Master of Family Therapy Drexel University graduate students. Dr. Chalice applies her POTT training to build deep and strong therapeutic bonds, and to assess and deliver effective interventions, in the present moment with her clients. Earning the Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Professions "2020 People of Purpose" award and the Dean's $10,000 DEI research award, Dr. Chalice enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate impact and influence at Drexel University. She has a total of twelve years of experience teaching in higher education and provides educational training workshops. Dr. Chalice's private practice dream, came to fruition, in response to the novel COVID- 19 pandemic. Anticipating the greater demand for professional counseling providers, she sought to make her services accessible, increasing the availability of culturally sensitive and culturally competent providers. In 2020, Dr. Chalice completed the comprehensive TeleMental Health Training Certificate program and became a Board- Certified TeleMental Health provider. Clients can have confidence in knowing that Dr. Chalice gained the additional knowledge and training for delivering TeleMental Health best practices. In Dr. Chalice's free time she enjoys spending time with her two precious sons! Gardening, exercising, singing, dancing, and participating in church activities are a few hobbies. Oh, and we cannot forget that Dr. Chalice loves ALL things water including swimming, aqua workouts, snorkeling, jet- skiing, and water- skiing!


Angela Scott

Angela Scott My name is Angela Scott, and I am a Breast Cancer Survivor. I share my journey/ victory over Breast Cancer to Educate, Equip, Encourage, and Empower a nation. I am a Registered Nurse by profession but a detective by nature. Once diagnosed, I began my research into the effects of Breast Cancer in my community. The disparities were alarming, so I had to take action. I started the #Notanoption Corp in an effort to bring awareness not only to Breast Cancer but to our young girls. The birth of Looking Into The Future Girls Camp was born.


Along with my sister, I host a yearly summer camp for girls ages 10-15 years. We Educate, Equip, Encourage, and Empower leaders of tomorrow through goal setting, mentoring, and motivation. Thank you for this opportunity to share just a small piece of my story. Angela Scott ascs2u@gmail.com 414-899-9889


LaToya Cooper

LaToya Cooper LaToya Cooper hasn’t met a challenge too big to accomplish or a goal too far to reach. Being diagnosed with breast cancer in her thirties with no family history at the height of a global pandemic was devastating. Then, to face the news that her fertility may be affected felt like a double-edged sword. Through her journey, she learned to live beyond the trials and tap into the only power that will make you stronger. By surrendering to healing, LaToya conquered breast cancer with faith, gratitude, and confidence (hence the name of her book). LaToya founded S.H.E Speaks, an organization dedicated to empowering women to harness their unique voices and become their most authentic selves. She is also an Angel Advocate with Tigerlily Foundation, where she advocates and educates women about breast health and fertility preservation (oncofertility). LaToya is a country girl at heart and now resides with her family in Drexel Hill, PA.

Contact Information: Email - latoya@iamlatoyakcooper.com Mobile - 240.753.2620


Nicole Badger

Nicole Badger I am a speaker/model/actress/writer. I am an end-stage four lymphoma cancer survivor. I was given two days to live & in June 2023, I celebrated 16 years cancer-free. I went through chemo/radiation/surgeries. I live in pain every day & now have congestive heart failure & have a defibrillator. I have anxiety & see a therapist. Mental health wellness is very important in my healing journey. I dream of inspiring people on how I turned my trauma into triumph. Our disability doesn't define who we are. Our scars show us where we have been but don't dictate where we are going. I am loving & funny & love to dance. God & my faith is my everything. My mom & grandmother are my biggest inspirations. I have done some movies & TV shows & plays & fashion shows & speaking events in my career. I am currently writing my book. I am a warrior & praying woman.


Michelle McKenney

Michelle McKenney Michelle McKenney was born in Brooklyn, New York, and currently resides in Raeford, North Carolina. Mrs. McKenney is married to Samuel and has two dogs. Michelle is a Veteran of the United States Army and is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Ugly Essentials, which is a natural skin, hair, and beard care business. She also is a mental health therapist and family and life coach.


Adrienne Brown

Adrienne Brown Adrienne Brown is a 4-year Breast Cancer Survivor. She was diagnosed with Stage III ER/PR+ HER2+ Breast Cancer on April 15, 2019 (Yes, on Tax Day!). After her double mastectomy, chemo, and radiation, she is focused on a Healthy Lifestyle of plant-based meals and regular exercise. Adrienne is married and has two children (20 and 17). Adrienne enjoys walking, stationary cycling, Pilates, and tennis.


Balena Lavette Ali

Balena Lavette Ali Balena Ali is an Administrator Coordinator for The Mental Health of Essex & Morris & the Business Owner of Ali’s Sweets & Treats. I have been working in the Mental Health field because I truly believe mental illness is real in our black communities, and I will continue pushing this. I started Ali’s Sweets and Treats in January 2020 due to being shut in by Covid19. After battling Breast Cancer, I fought like a Girl to Stand like a Warrior. I went through eight rounds of Chemo and twenty rounds of radiation. This battle taught me that our Black communities had no idea what was going on in our communities. During this time, I had to deal with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, and once my hair was washed off my head in September 2020, then three more times after Chemo, I started my own Hair Care Line/Body Rub, “Love In A Bottle & Love In A Jar.” Not just to help myself but to help my brothers and sisters. I am also the First Lady of the New Psalmist Worship Center. I was born and raised in Newark, NJ, and I am an activist for those who cannot stand for themselves. I am a voice to teach and educate women on the importance of Breast Cancer in the Black Community. I, along with my husband, have started the New Psalmist Worship Center Breast Cancer Ministry. For the past three years, this ministry has helped and supported a number of women to not only walk on this journey but to be their voice or reason and allow them to see the goodness of God. April, we walk 100 miles for Breast Cancer awareness, and October, we walk 31 days for Breast Cancer awareness. This is our third year. I love baking, I love walking, and being an encourager.


Royzetta Cokley

Royzetta Cokley In 1994, my senior year of high school, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin's Disease. After a year of changing my life to accommodate chemotherapy and radiation, I was ready to move forward. For my 39th birthday, I took a trip to California. When I returned, I started experiencing swelling, which ended up being blood clots, which led to the discovery of stage 1 estrogen-positive breast cancer in the left breast. After reading the reports to my previous oncologist, he recommended having both breasts removed to prevent a reoccurrence, and that's what I did on August 31, 2015. Despite this, I can truly say God is great, and my life blesses me.


Deni Kay

Deni Kay Deni Kay is a biblical counselor, Holistic Practitioner, hypnotherapist, emotional wellness Facilitator, spiritual minister, and billing coordinator, all of which she holds certifications. She studied at Texas Woman's University and graduated from Sanford College with an associate degree in cardiovascular science and a Bachelor's degree in Divinity with the UBUniversity. She has been a survivor and driver since 2009.


“Cancer is so limited… It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot destroy peace. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot suppress memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot steal eternal life. It cannot conquer the spirit.” - Anonymous


Celebrating the Life of

Dr. Sarah Washington-Herring FEBRUARY 5th, 1980 - SEPTEMBER 25, 2023





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