The Break January Issue 2002

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Win a Pechauer custom Cue See details page 8

2001 a Year in Review

Linda Garcher Wins in Las Vegas

Linda Garcher of Silverton, Oregon captured the first place title in the Blue Tier of the Camel 8-Ball Classic held in Las Vegas, May 3-5, 2001

Candie Madsen

Liz Schwartzreich of Portland, OR 1st Place Women s at the BCA All American Tour Event January 6-7, 2001 at The Cue Ball in Salem

After being in existence since 1894, Seattle s oldest pool hall has to close it s doors. John Teerink the club s owner since 1971 cited the parking problem in downtown Seattle as the biggest reason for the closure of the club. The club s history boasts of local and world class talent.

Linda Garcher

Candie Madsen (left) of Coeur d Alene, Idaho took 1st Place in the Women s Speed Pool Challenge #1 in Las Vegas at the BCA Championships May 11-19, 2001

Seattle Loses 211 Club

Brad Gowin (left) of Portland, OR took first place in the BCA All American Tour Event held at The Cue Ball in Salem January 6-7, 2001 Mike Zimmerman (right) won the First Annual Washington State Amateur Artistic Pool Championship held October 6-7, 2001 at Harvey s Billiards in Renton

Brad Gowin

Kevin Kaehler

Kevin Kaehler (left) was a double winner at the WBPPA Event at Lincoln City, Oregon October 24-28, 2001. He won the Men s Open and was a member of the Open/Men s Team Good Shot Dummies. Paul Marquez and Julie Burney (right) were also double winners. Paul won the Scotch Masters event with Julie and was a member of the winning Open/Men s Team Good Shot Dummies. Julie also won the Women s Open.

Mike Zimmerman

Paul Marquez and Julie Burney

Linda Carter (left) of Kent, Washington finished this year ranked first in the ACW with 364 points.

Jerry Kohm (left) of Billings, Montana became a six time winner of the MCMOA State 8-Ball Championships held in West Yellowstone, Montana April 27-29, 2001.

Pam Soulier (left) of Tacoma, Washington was the winner of the 2001 Viking Cue Giveaway. Linda Carter

Jerry Kohm

John Teerink, Owner of the 211 Club

Continued page 14

Pam Soulier

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