The Break December Issue 2002

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Northwest Poolplayers Rate Poolhall Junkies....Page 17

Jillian s back in Stroke

Washington State TAP Players Bring Home National Title by: Amy Muldoon

1st Place 2 s,3 s,4 s - Butch Flegal

(l to r) Sue Carroll (tournament co-director), Rafael Martinez (1st place), Tiffany Taylor (tournament co-director)

players. Top-level players from all over the Northwest came to Seattle to join the action. Jillian s added $1500 to the pot, creating a total cash pot of $3,090 to pay out. On Saturday, play began at noon, on the upstairs, back ten tables. A short race to five made all the

By: Tiffany Taylor

Seattle, WA On Nov 2nd and 3rd, Jillian s had their first major tournament since the WPBA toured through the mid 90 s. Jillian s was proud to hold an open 9ball tournament, with a successful turn out of 53

(Jillians continued on page 25)

From Canada to California, pool players across the country packed their bags and met in Las Vegas on October 23rd, for the first TAP Nationals Tournament. 35 teams, all of them ready to win, met at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino for the pre-game party that started the 4-day event. TAP President Lloyd Schonter expects that, with the recent surge in the league s growth, next (continued page 15)

This is a review on Poolhall Junkies that I saw in October 2002. ------Don Cheese Akerlow, Publisher The Break

Rickie Schroeder, Chazz Palmenteri, Christopher Walken and Mars Callahan all give strong performances. Johnny has a game that nobody else has seen. He has the ability to be the best, but can he step up and step out and play the kind of pool he wants to play? He just wants to play pool. That s what he does. The action is at Hard Times -- table four. Will the big time action bring the dog out in Johnny? There s great shots, great banks, with moral values and character. Can he be the best? Rack em up let s shoot it all! As good as The Hustler and better than The Color of Money. If you see but one movie this year make sure it s Poolhall Junkies. It s worth every penny. It ll make you wanna go play.

Poolhall Junkies

Courtesy of Gold Circle Films

Obsessed by the world of pool, Johnny (Mars Callahan) could be one of the best. But his mentor and trainer Joe (Chazz Palminteri), a shady hustler who decides how and who Johnny

Photo courtesy of

The Movie is Here Poolhall Junkies (l to r) Christopher Walken, Mars Callahan, Rickie Schroeder, Chazz Palmenteri

plays,is holding him back from his dream. When the day finally comes, Johnny breaks from Joe, which leads to only one thing - violence. Joe is beaten up by some of Johnny s buddies as a sign to leave him alone, and with this final act of freedom, Johnny leaves the world of poolsharking. After an ultimatum from his girlfriend Tara (Alison Eastwood), Johnny finally commits to a real job in the construction business, but is soon miserable there. He finds himself spending most of his time with his younger brother Danny (Michael Rosenbaum) who it seems is following in his footsteps on the road to a life Johnny left when he broke from Joe. As for Joe, he is bent on revenge for the beating

he took, and soon he has a new protégé Brad (Rick Schroder) who is just as good if not better than Johnny. And he s got his eye on Johnny s brother. The two play a high-stakes game of pool which ends in a huge debt owed to Joe and soon Johnny finds that his brother is in jail for trying to steal the money he owes. The only way out for Johnny is to play Brad, which results in a race to nine showdown that pits two of the greatest players against each other for large sums of money, and Johnny and Danny s lives. In theaters either January or February, 2003 International Sales: Vortex Pictures Genre: Drama Executive Producer: Norm Waitt and Paul Brooks Producers: Tucker Tooley, Vincent Newman, and Karen Beninati Director: Mars Callahan Writers: Mars Callahan and Chris Corso Cast: Chazz Palminteri, Rick Schroder, Rod Steiger, Michael Rosenbaum, Mars Callahan, Alison Eastwood, and Christopher Walken This film is not yet rated. (Reviews continued on page 17)

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