Open 9 Ball Tournament
2004 Western BCA Champions (l to r) Catherine Tran, Dana Aldridge, Bob Yunker, Michael Stephens, Natasha Hook, Jean Bartholomew, Stan Tourangeau, Jaclyn Fitchner by: Don “Cheese” Akerlow
The story of the tournament has to be Clyde Bowles. I’ve gotten to know Clyde over the years from deliveries, playing in tournaments and showing up at tournaments. Clyde is the perfect example of a gentleman with his down home, laid back, easy going demeanor. Don’t let that fool you when it comes to shooting pool. He’s not tall, dashing or have the flash of many of the players. He doesn’t draw the ball three cushions around the table to get position, he just makes ball with consistency. Make no mistake he can make shots that you and I may not. I think finishing second in Masters after
WSPL State Championship
being on the point says it all. I talked to Clyde after he had won the point and he was waiting for Glenn Atwell and Stan Tourangeau to battle it out, Clyde said that he had originally submitted to be in Seniors and he went to Masters. It was good to see a lot of my old friends that I have made over the years as well as new one that I have reacquainted myself with. It is always gratifying to meet new players and hear their opinions about “The Break”. (Western BCA continued on page 4)
BCA Leagues SOLD By: Don “Cheese” Akerlow
1st Place: Bethel Saloon Pirates (back row) MVP Bill Hall-Captain, Rich Lee, Dan Steward, Howard Donaghy, Bruce Stewart, (front row) Darrel Peterson-Co-Captain, T J Foreman-Territory Manager, Dave Pollard
March 6th, 7th, & 8th Bethel Saloon Pirates- From Port Orchard, Washington win the W.S.P.L. State Championship in Dark Horse Fashion!! The Bethel Saloon Pirates in dark horse fashion captured the W.S.P.L. State Championship on the March 6th – 8th weekend!! After the (WSPL continued on page 28)
In an exclusive interview with Mark Griffin of Diamond Tables, he confirmed the rumor that he had made an agreement with the Billiard Congress of America to purchase the BCA League System. The deal is not official until the board approves it next week. Mark said that the leagues will remain the same. There will be no changes for the players. It will not become a franchise league and the fees will remain the same. The BCA Nationals in Las Vegas will also remain the same. They will still be run by Gary Benson for the next two years, at least. Mark does have a lot of ideas on how to enhance the league and create more events for the players. He’s thinking of reviving the National 9-Ball Tournament that used to be held in Red Wing, Minnesota and maybe even bring back the All American Tour. Mark is player oriented and wants to have an advisory board comprised of industry leaders and league officials to help staff the new league. He is moving his offices to Las Vegas, which seems like a more appropriate place for them. Mark would like to work together so that the players get a better deal. He wants to work in conjunction with the other leagues and tours so that there are not conflicts in scheduling. He is very enthusiastic about what can and should happen to make the league stronger and promote pool. He has big plans in the works that he hopes to make a reality. The new website should be up and running by April 1st and will be changing daily so check it out at You can keep apprised of the changes going on by checking online. Although Mark didn’t want the BCA to sell the leagues, when it became apparent that the leagues were going to be offered for sale, he stepped up to take charge. OTB We will have more information in next month’s issue.