BCN to Broadcast 13-Week TV Series see page.....25
The Breaking Point
Western Canadian Open 9-Ball
Paul Hanson
by: Shari Ross
Who says there is nowhere to go in Lynnwood? Radio talk show personality Tom Leykis says there is only one place worth going to, The Breaking Point. Owned by Jonathan Denning, The Breaking Point is the Northwest s premier poolroom. Since buying the room, Jonathan has put a lot of time, money and patience into (See Breaking Point page 17)
Moments after Johnny the Scorpion Archer pocketed the final 9-Ball in his near perfect 15/7 match against Alex The Lion Pagulayan, the event was declared a tremendous success by players and spectators alike. A crowd of spectators ranging from over five hundred early in the matchup to three hundred and fifty towards the end, cheered both participants - although it was clear throughout the extended battle that the fans
1st Place Johnny Archer
Photo courtesy of Pool Pics by Hoppe
Western Canadian Open 9Ball Championships Wraps Up in Calgary Pundits Declare First Canadian WPA Event a Success
wanted the feisty young Canadian from Toronto to win. The Best Five Days of NineBall in Canada There was no doubt in anyone s mind that the tournament organizers, Southern Music Ltd. and Great White Billiards had put together the finest event in Canadian history for this first ever WPA Sanctioned Event in Canada. Jimmy Wych, colour commentator at the World Pool Championships held annually in Cardiff, Wales, said as he arrived in Calgary that the field spoke for itself and was the most (Canadian continued on page 5)
Pool Teams Go To Las Vegas
Inland Northwest, ID-NIL8RS (l to r) Elton Dawson - Capt., Jerry Schuler, Rob Batorson, T J Frank, (not pictured) Amber Johnson, Bob Manchester
Bozeman, MT-Cats Paw (l to r) Susie McRae, Tina Hansen, Becka Stepic, Loreen Carey
(BCA & VNEA continued on page 18)
WAMOA Washington State 8-Ball Championships
In an interview with Bob Carroll of System Amusment April 23rd, he stated that the Washington State Championships has been postponed until the fall of 2003. It was to be held in Ellensburg Washington, and featured a Men s and Women s pool tournament both having an A and B Division. The tournament last year also featured a Tough Enough Come One Come All on Friday the night before the state championship, with a $100 entry for anyone who wished to play. Watch for further information and updates in The Break . (see ad on page 28)
New Cue Ball Premiers in Vegas No more plugged cue balls !!!
from: Amy Long, Director of Marketing & Business Development
Colorado Springs, CO - The Billiard Congress of America (BCA) National 8-Ball Championships (May 9-17, 2003 in Las Vegas, NV) will be the first major event to use the new Aramith cue ball designed for Valley tables. The new cue balls look and weigh the same as the old cue balls (6 ounces
- same as the Aramith object balls being used). However, the new cue balls are not plugged with a metallic center. They are layered with metallic flakes in the core so that the balls can still be picked up by the interior table magnet, yet roll consistently (New Cue Ball continued on page 24)