Rooted in our values and holding true to our heritage, The Breakers is a purpose-driven, family-owned organization renowned for its employeecentric culture and Fortune 500 discipline. Vital to our success is our devoted ownership (heirs to founder Henry M. Flagler, circa 1896) and our Board of Directors. Their enduring passion and commitment to the well-being of our team, community and environment serves as the foundation of our Social Impact Mission: to be a conscientious, unrelenting force of action and infuence that positively transforms the world around us.
Staying true to this vision, The Breakers has continued to enhance our philanthropic partnerships and sustainable business practices over the last year, while emphasizing our investment in the team. Attuned to their unique needs, we launched and/or elevated key diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives, such as a Wellness Program for Team Members of Color, Mental Health training for all associates and an Employee Resource Group designed for parents.
Cumulatively, these meaningful enrichment measures support the welfare of each of our 2,300 team members, motivating them to reach their greatest potential, while encouraging responsible corporate citizenship. In turn, this builds a principled yet embracing workplace that fosters a sense of belonging, and contributes to personal fulfllment and quality of life, while profoundly impacting guest satisfaction, longterm proftability and the company’s ability to give back.
For more than 125 years, The Breakers has endured as an independent, ever-improving and dynamic enterprise that faces every challenge as an opportunity to make a signifcant diference. We remain inspired that the best is yet to come and look forward to the journey ahead.
With gratitude,
Paul N. Leone Denise E. Bober Chief Executive Ofcer Senior Vice President - Human Resources“The Breakers’ inclusive approach to the care of its team recognizes that wellness is multi-dimensional and includes physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and fnancial aspects. Supporting the whole self is paramount to caring for ourselves, and in turn, caring for our loved ones and the community.”
Pat Ciavola Director – Team Member Development Chair – Wellness Team The Breakers Palm Beach2011
• Culture of Wellness integrated into orientation
• Health Culture Survey distributed
• The Breakers became a Tobacco Free Workplace
• Tower Trek debuted
• Employee health and well-being became a strategic boardroom issue
• The Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute® Corporate Athlete program was selected as primary educational platform
• Wellness Incentive introduced
• On-site health coaching established
• Bright Horizons Child Care and Elder Care Back Up Program implemented
• Sit-stand workstations installed
• Employee well-being strategic goals incorporated into five-year business plan
• Spouses added to Wellness Incentive
• Launched Breakthrough to Energy, an extension of Corporate Athlete
• Wellness Team established
• Health & Wellness Needs and Interest Survey created
• Re-engineered The Breakaway Café menu to target healthy eating
• Corporate Athlete refresher course introduced
• Personal financial well-being strategy developed
• Movin’ Minutes integrated into everyday work schedules
• The Breakers launched Corporate Athlete
• Menus for internal team meetings are tailored for energy management
• Wellness Program Analysis conducted by a third party consulting firm
• Corporate Athlete eCourses o ered
• Wellness Incentive tiers announced
• The Breakers wellness story is shared: Global Wellness Summit and SHINE Summit at Harvard University
• Breakers recognition: American Heart Association, WELCOA, Heroes in Medicine, Corporate Wellness Magazine
• Mental Health First Aid training introduced for managers
• The Breakers’ story is shared by Global Women 4 Wellbeing
• Paid Parental Leave o ered
• The Employee Opinion Survey redistributed, once again validating an e ective culture of well-being
• The Breakers’ Social Impact strategy published in The Healing Organization
• Established B SAFE – Health & Safety Initiative in response to COVID-19
• Earned GBAC – STAR Accreditation and FRLA Seal of Commitment
• Global Wellness Summit returned to The Breakers
• Parents Corner, the first Employee Resource Group (ERG) established
• Implemented weekly vaccine education campaign
• Partnered with Premier Health to administer on-site vaccinations
• Formalized remote work as a permanent workplace practice
• Established quarterly Wellness Education Challenges
• Launched Mental Health Is Everyone’s Business training for non-supervisory team members
• Global Wellness Summit recognized The Breakers as a leader in Workplace Wellness
• Installed Smartfoods Vending (healthy, energy-management snacks)
• Wellness Incentive program rebranded to BreakersLife
• Employee Opinion Survey validated pervasive and e ective culture of well-being
• The wellness program online experience enhanced
• On-site Cigna Concierge services launched
• The Health & Wellness Needs and Interest Survey and the Health Culture Survey are combined into Health & Well-being Survey
• Debuted The Breakers’ Wellness Program for Team Members of Color with Dr. Nicola Finley
• Opened the On-site Wellness Clinic Operated by Premier Health
• Conducted English as a Second Language (ESL) training to create in-house instructor team
• Launched TASTE ‘Take A Snack To Energize’ program
• A sit-stand conference table is added to in-house meeting room
• Train Your Brain’ mindfulness workshop established
• Started partnership with SageView Financial Advisors
• The Breakers hosted the Global Wellness Summit
Founded in 2008, the Wellness Team is responsible for understanding the unique needs, interests and health risks of our team, and they are dedicated to educating and sharing the benefts of healthy living. Inspiring others by creating a community of wellness that motivates, trains and supports, members include:
Rocio Chamorro Coordinator – Leasing & Resident Services at One North Breakers Row
Pat Ciavola* Director – Team Member Development
Roy Dionne Manager – Inventory & Cost Control
Lyndsey Gardner Coordinator – Housekeeping
Kelsi Kavanagh Fitness Instructor – Ocean Golf
Samantha Miles Manager – Facilities Administrative Services
Ken Thompson Director – Ocean Tennis
Matt White Assistant Director – Warehousing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
“At The Breakers, our leadership prioritizes the welfare of our team above all else. As part of this mission, the Wellness Team is committed to sharing information that emphasizes the importance of personal well-being and fulfllment. This leads to a more engaged, loyal and productive workforce.”
Samantha Miles Manager – Facilities Administrative Services The Breakers Palm Beach“I feel that The Breakers has done an incredible job protecting the team and our guests throughout COVID-19. Their actions show that they care and prioritize everyone’s health and safety. I appreciate that.”
Committed to the well-being of its team, club members, guests and community, The Breakers elevated its health and safety protocols in 2020, which included the distribution of an internal survey to capture the “pulse” of employees.
Four surveys have since been deployed (December 2020 to April 2022), and the resort has maintained an average of 9.2 out of 10 when the team was asked: “I feel safe working at The Breakers.”
The new On-site Wellness Clinic Operated by Premier Health opened in May 2022. The facility was an expansion of the resort’s original Mini Clinic; it is now equipped with a lab, private consultation ofce and conference room to provide team members with biometric screenings, health coaching, vitals check, fu vaccinations and COVID-19 testing. The clinic is stafed by a nurse practitioner and registered nurse.
The Moderna, Pfzer and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines were ofered at multiple on-site team member events. Attendees appreciated the ease and efciency of being able to receive a free vaccine at work. A Vaccination Bonus and Proof of Vaccination Rafe also incentivized participation.
The nurse practitioner at the On-site Wellness Clinic Operated by Premier Health provides health coaching to team members based on biometric screening results (BMI, blood pressure, blood lipid panel and blood glucose). Personalized recommendations address health concerns and goals. This new service launched in January 2022.
Free biometric screenings give team members enrolled in the company’s health plan the opportunity to know their numbers, evaluate their strengths and risks, and drive lifestyle changes. Participants have the option to attend an on-site event in the hotel, visit the on-site Wellness Clinic at 40 Cocoanut Row or request a lab requisition to visit a Quest Diagnostics site near their home. Spouses on the health plan are also encouraged to participate. Each participant earns a $600 savings on their health plan premiums.
837 team members and 150 spouses participated in fscal year 2021 – 2022.
Giving support during critical and potentially overwhelming times, the Employee Assistance Program provides free, confdential counseling and concierge services to all team members and their families. EAP helps address the challenges of everyday living, resulting in a more focused and productive workforce.
From September 2021 through June 2022, 113 team members received assistance.
Team members who are enrolled in The Breakers’ medical plan have complimentary access to board certifed doctors and professional behavioral health counselors via Teladoc. This beneft is available by phone or video chat, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
From September 2021 through May 2022, 197 appointments were completed.
Established in June 2020, Remote Work is a hybrid workplace model that ofers team members fexibility and improved quality of life.
158 team members worked remote, either fully or partially, in the 2021-2022 fscal year.
"I feel safe working at The Breakers"
158 Fully or Partially Remote Team Members
425 Team Members
607 Have Completed the Participants Course Since 2021
113 Team Members Received Assistance
271 Participants
3,741 Treks
This resource helps team members efectively manage their work-life responsibilities by providing quality, back-up child or adult care when an unexpected need arises. Recently added family-support programs include: unlimited, free access to babysitting/nanny listings, specialty child-care pricing through network partners, tutoring and test prep discounts, access to pet care/dog walking services and more.
110 team members are registered for this program; 965 workdays have been saved since September 2011.
Corporate Athlete’s fundamental approach is rooted in the belief that if individuals successfully perform at high levels over the long term, they would train in the same systematic, multi-level methodology practiced by top-tier athletes. This training program empowers team members to increase their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy capacities.
523 managers and supervisors have participated since 2004.
An extension of Corporate Athlete, Breakthrough to Energy teaches nutrition and ftness – two of the most critical components for restoring and expanding one’s energy capacity – to new team members during orientation.
2,929 team members have participated since 2008.
The Breakers’ Breakaway Marketplace provides employees with nutritious dining options from Eurest (salads, sandwiches, hot meals, snack boxes and beverages), while Smartfoods Vending ofers healthy, energy–management snacks through 10 machines located around campus.
In addition, team members may enjoy a complimentary snack through the resort’s TASTE (Take A Snack To Energize) program, which supplies fresh fruit, nuts and granola bars to team members in multiple locations around property.
To keep team members engaged in their well-being, a quarterly, one-week educational campaign is distributed through our employee app, culminating in a quiz and rafe prize giveaway. Videos, illustrations, games, polls and reading materials help drive participation. Themed topics this year included Healthy Work-Life Balance, Immunity & Healthy Eating, Preventative Screenings and Ergonomics & Movement.
607 team members participated in the challenges.
The Breakers has established a robust partnership with Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family Service (Alpert JFS) - a non-proft, non-sectarian organization - to provide Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training to the resort’s team of managers. MHFA teaches critical communication and support skills that empower participants to identify and extend initial assistance to individuals who show signs of mental health problems, or are experiencing a mental health crisis.
412 team members have completed the course since 2018.
Based on participant feedback received from Breakers’ managers who attended MHFA, and with one in fve Americans sufering from some form of mental illness in their lifetime (as cited by Alpert JFS), The Breakers quickly recognized the need to expand MHFA training to its entire employee population. In collaboration with Alpert JFS, a new program, Mental Health Is Everyone’s Business, was developed and launched in October 2021.
Led by an Alpert JFS-certifed instructor, this virtual training raises awareness of the role mental well-being plays in both work and non-work lives. It reduces the stigma around mental health challenges, giving insight and encouraging participants to help others by emphasizing self-care.
425 team members have completed the course since 2021.
"The Wellness Program for Team Members of Color with Dr. Nicola Finley has changed my life as I have learned how to better manage my mental and physical well-being. Eating healthy, exercising and thinking positively can do great wonders for your body. This program is incredibly benefcial and I am grateful for the opportunity to have participated.”
Paula MillerCottage Attendant - Housekeeping
The Breakers Palm Beach
The Tower Trek encourages cardiovascular exercise throughout the workday as participants climb stairs from the bottom foor to the top of the hotel. Team members track their treks and periodic challenges encourage participation, friendly competition and the opportunity to earn wellness incentive points.
271 team members logged 3,741 treks.
This past year, The Breakers launched its Wellness Program for Team Members of Color with Dr. Nicola Finley – a fully-integrated, educational experience that supports the health equity for this particular employee demographic. Based on fndings from an internal diversity study conducted in 2019, this initiative was designed for associates who have traditionally shown lower engagement levels within the company’s wellness incentive.
Developed with Dr. Nicola Finley, an integrative medicine physician of Jamaican heritage, this 3-4 month program begins with a confdential biometric screening, which provides tracked, measurable outcomes to proactively bring awareness to health disparities and prevent chronic disease. Dr. Finley then facilitates a combination of group and individual sessions, which empower team members to recognize and discuss actionable steps towards optimal wellness. Group workshops share evidence-based health education, while private consultations customize personal wellness plans.
The test pilot for the program has seen immediate success because it makes the wellness experience attainable, accessible and focuses on how a person’s culture impacts self-care; it presents healthcare concerns and strategies through the lens of people of color, who are able to afrm themselves as instrumental to their wellbeing. Team members participate during paid work hours and are encouraged to prioritize their health - making a positive impact in areas such as nutrition, exercise, mental health, sleep and more. Participants have already expressed the positive outcome that this program has made not only in their lives, but also in the lives of their families.
55 team members have completed the program since inception.
Led by voluntary team members, ERGs bring employees together who share common characteristics, whether gender, ethnicity, religious afliation, lifestyle, personal interest or other. Each group’s mission is to continue the advancement of a diverse, inclusive workplace by creating a safe space where employees can bring their whole selves to the table.
Recognizing that mothers, fathers and guardians sometimes need support while juggling dual roles of parent and employee, The Breakers developed and implemented Parent’s Corner to help team members balance work, life and caregiving demands. The group brings together new and experienced parents to share personal stories, challenges and referrals, as well as exchange parenting ideas, advice, information and resources. Participants in the group are reassured to learn that their concerns are not unique, fnding kinship, camaraderie and comfort whether raising infants, small children, teenagers or young adults.
97 team members have participated since 2020.
SageView is a fnancial advisory service that provides team members with education, investment counseling and tools to help achieve personal long-term and short-term fnancial goals. By uniting strategies, The Breakers, SageView and T. Rowe Price have improved plan metrics and resources to help achieve positive outcomes.
This year, 40 team members met with a fnancial advisor for a complimentary, personalized review of their fnances and goal setting, and 268 team members attended a group session. A total of 722 personal meetings have happened since the program’s inception in 2017.
In 2021, 44 team members received free tax return assistance from the VITA program through Town of Palm Beach United Way. This on-site beneft served as part of the resort’s team member fnancial wellness initiative.
For the ninth consecutive year, The Breakers received the Gold Award (the highest level) from the American Heart Association. This achievement recognizes the resort’s eforts and prioritization in regards to physical activity and team member wellness as a catalyst for positive change.
First earning this distinction in 2019, The Breakers has once again been certifed as a Great Place to Work® for the second consecutive time. Designation is based on results from the provided Employee Opinion Survey. Team member highlights from 2022 included:
• 97% survey participation
• 96% are proud to tell others they work at The Breakers
• 96% agree that when you join the company, you are made to feel welcome
• 95% feel good about the ways The Breakers contributes to the community
• 94% agree that The Breakers is a great place to work (compared to 57% of employees at other typical U.S.-based companies)
• 93% agree that leadership fully embodies the best characteristics of the company
"It's a great place to work"
Proud to tell others they work at The Breakers
Feel welcomed when they joined the company
Feel good about how The Breakers contributes to the community
Agree leadership embodies the best characteristics of the company
“At The Breakers, servant leadership is part of our company’s cultural DNA. Our team members are dedicated to giving back to others through various community outreach programs, and they continuously share how proud they are to work for an organization that sets such positive examples.”
Julia Cusumano Manager – Social Impact Chair – Community Relations Team The Breakers PalmBeach
• First issue of Corporate Social Responsibility Report is produced
• Launched The Breakers GIVES – a resource to communicate community service opportunities and log volunteer hours
• Community Relations team is established
• Initiated partnership with Habitat for Humanity –The Breakers volunteers and provides furniture, bedding and home sponsorship
• United Way partnership began – over $2 million has been raised to help improve lives and build stronger communities
• Round It Up America is o ered to guests – they may ‘round up’ dining receipts to benefit hunger relief e orts
• VTO is incorporated into new hire orientation – further emphasizing the spirit of service at the heart of The Breakers
• Volunteer Time O (VTO) introduced –full-time team members receive 16 hours annually (part-time 8 hours) to volunteer
• GIVES Ambassadors are formed as an extension of the Community Relations Team
• Paul Leone Servant Leadership Day is established – honoring the first ever Servant Leadership Award bestowed to our CEO at the World Leaders Conference
• Launched Summer of Giving annual campaign with a variety of volunteer activities, donation drives and charity spotlights
• Be Our Guest program debuted - honoring selfless volunteers in our community
2018 2016
• Simple Vodka program initiated – every bottle purchased by The Breakers benefits local food banks
• The Breakers broadened its VTO program with the implementation of virtual and remote volunteer opportunities
• The Breakers Senior Management Team established annual launch event to kick o Summer of Giving
• Funded 200, K-12 scholarships through Step Up for Students
• To kick o the holiday season, the Senior Management Team volunteered on Giving Tuesday (the Tuesday following Thanksgiving), which led to annual participation in this global generosity movement
• Corporate Social Responsibility Report rebranded as Social Impact Report
• Expanded Habitat for Humanity partnership; to date, a total of 22 homes have been sponsored
Formed in 2007, the dedicated Community Relations Team enhances the service eforts of the company by supporting local organizations and those in need. Through its volunteer programs, our multi-generational employee population engages in meaningful, hands-on experiences that strengthen the bond between team members and the community served; members include:
Suzanne Brenner Senior Director – Retail Operations
Maren Bronkema Manager – Event Services
Raymond Cheung Associate Director – Business Analytics & Insights
Julia Cusumano* Manager – Social Impact
Chris Eason Director – Restaurant Division
Regina Froot Executive Assistant – Corporate Ofce
Amy Gacon Manager – One North Breakers Row
Parisa Leve Manager – Staf Relations & Social Impact
Welsonne Renoir Assistant Director – Housekeeping
Josefna Theye Assistant Director – The Spa
“Our team gives back in so many diferent ways and each individual act of kindness makes a diference. However, when our diverse team gathers to share their unique talents and perspectives, we are able to signifcantly impact our community in a positive way. If we all get involved, we can change a life and/or many.”
Suzanne Brennner Senior Director – Retail Operations The BreakersPalm Beach
Not Pictured: Maren Bronkema, Welsonne Renoir
*Committee ChairpersonEach year, The Breakers supports a number of charitable giving campaigns, both team and corporate driven, to assist with spreading the mission of each partner agency. A snapshot of these eforts is shown below.
51 Team Members
3 Participated Walks Supported
$2,006 Total Raised
432 Donated Gifts, Toys & 200 Scholarships Therapy Tools
$4,748 In Donated School Supplies
4,500 Bottles
75 500+ Team Members Flowers Donated Participated
90,000 Meals
Donated Snacks, 271 Toiletries & Gift Cards for Teens
An extension of the Community Relations Team and nominated by leadership, each department’s GIVES Ambassador shares their passion for community service as they motivate and mobilize others to get involved in the many community outreach opportunities available.
This web-based, team member resource communicates community service opportunities and encourages employees to share experiences and record volunteer hours. Mobile access to The Breakers GIVES platform allows associates to register for events on the go.
Lutheran Services Foundation is an organization dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable members of our community by providing life-changing human services to all people regardless of age, background or belief system. They serve individuals, families, refugees and immigrants through various programs ranging from substance abuse and mental health to education.
Over the course of eight days this past summer, 75 team members planted and enhanced the landscaping at seven local foster homes. The goal of this project was to provide a safe and comfortable environment for teens. The team volunteered more than 480 hours and donated two pallets of mulch and over 500 fowers.
In the fall, team members collected over 400 gifts, toys and therapy tools to beneft the Boys & Girls Club of Belle Glade and Grandma’s Place -an emergency youth shelter for boys and girls who have been removed from their homes by the Florida Department of Children and Families due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. The gifts collected were given to the children during the holiday season to help spread festive cheer.
Step Up For Students is a state-approved funding organization that administers scholarships for children to attend school in Florida. In the 2022-2023 school year, The Breakers helped fund 200, K-12 scholarships through this non-proft. Families are provided with fnancial assistance for private school tuition fees, or students may cover transportation costs needed to attend a diferent public school from the one they were originally assigned to. Examples of scholarships include:
• Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options: allows parents the opportunity to personalize their child’s education. Funds may be directed towards a combination of programs and approved providers, which include therapists, specialists, curriculum, technology, even a college savings account and more.
• Hope Scholarship: gives parents the option to place their child in a safer academic environment. This program supports students who are being bullied, harassed, assaulted, threatened and/or a victim of other violent acts at school.
• Reading Scholarship: helps public school students in third through ffth grade who struggle with reading. This program ofers parents access to education savings accounts to help pay for tuition and fees related to part-time tutoring, summer and after-school literacy programs, instructional materials and curriculum related to reading or literacy.
This seasonal campaign is part of an annual, companywide initiative where team members participate in multiple service projects throughout the community. To launch this year’s festivities, the Senior Management Team volunteered at Easterseals - an organization that supports children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The group led fun-flled games and activities for kids, cleaned the facilities and planted a fower garden in honor and memory of one of Easterseals’ beloved staf members.
Since 2007, The Breakers has been proud to support Habitat for Humanity’s mission to provide families with safe, comfortable and afordable housing. This year, The Breakers sponsored the construction of a new home in Belle Glade, Florida. Team members volunteered at the build site to help a deserving family become proud new home owners.
Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, this annual afair kicks of the holiday season with a generous spirit. Fueled by the power of collaboration, this event provides team members with the opportunity to bring change to our local community through shared service projects. In 2021, the Senior Management Team worked with the Education Foundation of Florida to distribute school supplies to students and teachers.
Round It Up America provides guests the opportunity to make a charitable donation by ‘rounding up’ their dining receipt when using a credit card. A total of $101,949.48 has been collected throughout the campaign, which benefts both local and national hunger relief organizations, such as: the Palm Beach County Food Bank, the American Red Cross and various national restaurant education agencies.
To beat the summer heat, The Breakers welcomed the Kona Ice Truck and invited team members to enjoy a complimentary sweet treat as they donated school supplies for children at Roosevelt Elementary - a Northend RISE School. Northend RISE is a community partner that provides housing, education and wellness resources for local residents. The Breakers’ team donated $4,748 in various school supplies through this initiative.
Since 2018, The Breakers has partnered with Simple Vodka – an organization determined to fght hunger in America, one drink at a time. Their mission is simple: develop a superior quality product, produce it sustainably, price it sensibly and deliver a positive social impact. Through their partnership with Feeding America, Simple Vodka’s donations support the logistics of storing and delivering healthy food to local food banks. One bottle equals 20 donated meals. This fscal year, The Breakers has purchased 4,500 bottles, totaling 90,000 meals.
Big Dog Ranch Rescue
3,500 hours
Quantum House
1,500 hours
Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County
1,350 hours
Loggerhead Marinelife Center
1,185 hours
St Ann Place
1,122 hours
Farmworkers Coordinating Council of Palm Beach County
1,100 hours
Palm Beach County Food Bank
1,075 hours
The Arc of Palm Beach County 922 hours
Education Foundation of Palm Beach County 775 hours
Habitat For Humanity International 730 hours
226 Agencies Served
1,629 Participants
Financial and in-kind charitable contributions have been a mainstay of The Breakers and they are only exceeded by the number of philanthropic organizations that seek our support. The company continues to contribute cash donations and a variety of leisure experiences to a wide range of non-proft groups.
23,484 Total Volunteer Hours
692 Total Volunteer Activities & Events
$2.76 Million Cash & In-Kind Contributions
$109,283 Amount Collected During 2021-2022 Annual Campaign
$2.093 Million Raised To-Date Through Annual Workplace Campaigns
“We all have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. The appreciation received from individuals and agencies for our service, as well as the personal fulfllment experienced after every volunteer event is beyond rewarding. It's such an incredible feeling!”
Amy Gacon Manager – One North Breakers Row The Breakers Palm BeachThis annual event honors the Servant Leadership Award bestowed to our CEO, Paul Leone, at the 2014 World Leaders Conference, emphasizing the importance of giving back as a core component of company culture. This year, The Breakers' team supported the children of Project Lift by donating personal hygiene products and healthy after-school snacks.
This program recognizes the most selfess and dedicated community volunteers who devote their time, energy and talent(s) to making a diference. The resort’s philanthropic partners nominate an outstanding member of their team, whose service positively impacts Palm Beach County and the surrounding areas. Each year, one deserving nominee is recognized and awarded with an all-inclusive stay at The Breakers.
Ms. Ellen Kranzler with Speak Up For Kids was the recipient of the 2022 Be Our Guest at The Breakers. Ms. Kranzler is a retired teacher who has been volunteering with Speak Up For Kids for the last 13 years. She is an advocate for Guardian Ad Litem, serving as the voice in court on behalf of children in the foster care system.
Ms. Kranzler has been appointed to nearly 60 cases and has traveled from Jacksonville to Miami to ensure children are provided with safe surroundings.
What sets Ms. Kranzler apart is her dedication to the agency. She volunteers 40 hours a week in the ofces alone, and is determined to represent the youth in our community to ensure they can grow and develop in a safe and healthy environment.
Our team members want to make a diference in the world. Through VTO, they are empowered to use work time to volunteer, further inspiring them to inject their energy and enthusiasm into the local community, while serving agencies they support.
During orientation, our new employees engage in a community service project with members of our Executive Group and Community Relations team; this emphasizes the spirit of service at the heart of The Breakers and the importance of the VTO program.
This fscal year, team members volunteered 12,321 hours using Volunteer Time Of. Full-time team members receive 16 hours annually and part-time team members receive 8 hours.
For over 30 years, The Breakers has partnered with the Town of Palm Beach United Way to support their mission — improving lives and building strong communities with a focus on education, income and health. Their credo, to LIVE UNITED, reminds us that we can do more together than any of us can do alone.
Suzanne BrennerSenior Director – Retail Operations
Maren Bronkema Manager – Event Services
Raymond Cheung Associate Director – Business Analytics & Insights
Julia Cusumano* Manager – Social Impact
Parisa Leve Manager – Staf Relations & Social Impact
Shari Mantegna Director – Marketing
*Committee Chairperson
“Sustainability has always been a top initiative and a fundamental element of The Breakers’ 125-plus-year plan. Protecting our structures while supporting the local environment helps to ensure the longevity of our business and nurture this special piece of paradise.”
Jennifer Reichert Manager – Recreation Administration Co- Chair – Environmental Impact Team The Breakers Palm Beach2010
• Established The Breakers Environmental Policy for team members
• Water filtration systems replaced bottled water for meetings
• Styrofoam use discontinued and replaced with recyclable containers
• Incorporated native landscaping throughout resort’s 140 acres
• Energy management system installed to control temperature and lighting
• Introduced new software and digital technology to decrease paper use
• Provided reusable shopping bags in all 538 guest rooms
• Organic herb garden planted
• Added energy-e cient lighting to public spaces, outdoor areas and guest rooms
• Reverse osmosis irrigation introduced, conserving 80 million+ gallons of water annually
• Updated faucets and toilets with low-flow systems
• Newspapers delivered upon request
• Guest room towel and linen reuse program implemented
• Clean The World partnership introduced –The Breakers donates 30K+ lbs. of soap and bottled amenities annually
• Purchased renewable energy credits
• Recycling practices implemented throughout the resort for paper, aluminum, glass, plastic and cardboard
• Installed smart thermostats in guest rooms to control temperature
• Automatic doors installed to improve air quality and reduce humidity
• Laundry renovation completed, reducing annual water use by 12 million gallons
• Hope Water partnership introduced, brings clean drinking water to communities in Africa
• Ice delivered to guest rooms upon request; self-service stations available on all floors
• Provided team members with reusable co ee mug, tumbler and water bottle
• 3M window film applied on all windows
• Chau eured Tesla house car service o ered
• Added electric car charging stations for guests and team members
• Recycling practices implemented in guest rooms (paper, aluminum, glass, plastic and cardboard)
• Dual-flush toilets installed at Breakers West Country Club
• Hope Water replaced other bottled waters in guest room mini-bars and at News & Gourmet
• Eliminated 1.6+ million plastic straws annually; biodegradable paper straws o ered
• Eco-friendly notepads provided for meeting attendees upon request
• Plastic bags, bottles and takeout containers eliminated from all restaurants and meeting rooms
• Hidden Water partnership established; aluminum cans replace plastic water bottles, reducing plastic bottle use by 300,000
• Implemented QR menu codes to reduce the need for single-use menu printing
• Changed canned water brands to Open Water and San Benedetto
• Joined GSN Planet, a non-profit that provides education and resources to maximize sustainability for the spa and wellness industry
• All restaurants awarded Platinum Certification from the Surfrider Foundation
• Green Team rebranded to Environmental Impact Team
• Climate Education Training introduced for team members
• Replaced gas tools with battery-operated
• Reusable cups and bottles o ered for purchase in the Breakaway Café
• Dyson Airblade dryers installed in the Breakaway Café restrooms
• Filtered water faucets added to guest rooms
• Provided biodegradable plastic bags for retail and housekeeping teams
• Joined voluntary EPA Green Power Partner Program
• Initiative to eliminate paper towels in public restrooms started
• Meeting rooms equipped with glass, plastic and paper recycling containers
• The Spa developed partnership with Eminence Organic Skin Care®
• Updated The Breakers Environmental Policy for team members
• 100+ motion activated lights installed throughout property
• Earned TripAdvisor’s Green Leader Silver Award
• The Breakaway Café converted to plant-based containers
• “Caught Green Handed” program introduced to recognize team members and their green practices
• HealthyMe program established with Localecopia - educating PBC students about fresh food and sustainable living
This passionate group identifes opportunities and develops methods for improving eco-friendly operations around the resort. The team enacts greater change and elevates environmental sustainability and awareness company-wide. With the support of leadership, the EIT continues to establish new partnerships and implement education and training sessions; members include:
Megan Body Manager – Social Media
Michele Boyet** Senior Manager – Digital Marketing
Laureta Cromer Administrative Assistant – Legal & Risk Management
Julia Cusumano* Manager – Social Impact
Caty Firogenis Manager – Housekeeping
Simone Grosseau Coordinator - Senior Group Billing
Robert Higley Director – Member Services
Parisa Leve** Manager – Staf Relations & Social Impact
Samantha Miles Manager – Facilities Administrative Services
Tyrene Morgans Assistant Director – Sourcing, Procurement & Supply Chain Management
Kristy Pressly Vice President – General Counsel & Risk Management
Jennifer Reichert** Manager – Recreation Administration
Mark Reid Director – Golf & Grounds Maintenance
Rob Robbins** Director – Rooms Division
Stewart Shapiro Manager – Food Safety
Director - Rooms Division The Breakers Palm Beach*Committee Chairperson
**Committee Co-chairperson
Not Pictured: Michele Boyet, Robert Higley, Jennifer Reichert, Mark Reid
“At The Breakers, we strive to be stewards of our environment, protecting it for the welfare and enjoyment of future generations.”
Rob Robbins
“As we navigate through global supply chain challenges, The Breakers remains committed to sourcing sustainable products and partnering with vendors that strive to decrease their environmental footprint.”
To protect one of the world’s most precious resources, The Breakers has an on-site reverse osmosis facility that pumps undrinkable well water from 1,000 feet below the surface and converts it into irrigated water for our Ocean Course and golf grounds.
To reduce the use of bottled water, each of The Breakers’ guestrooms and suites feature a fltered water faucet for drinking.
Team members participate in this virtual training focused on the compounding efects and social impact of environmental climate change and how their actions can make a diference.
A sub-committee of EIT reporters curate content for monthly posts on the company’s employee app/internal communications platform. Educational information and “green” news are shared to encourage engagement and conversations on better ways to make a more substantial impact. Some of this year’s topics included: Recycling Eforts that Beneft Philanthropic Agencies, Sustainable Product Recommendations and Ways to Avoid Recycle Contamination.
When considering new renovations, purchases and discards, our team is encouraged to pass all initiatives through a Sustainability Filter to ensure decisions meet the standards we strive to uphold.
The team explores all donation and responsible reuse opportunities. For example, The Breakers has collaborated with Habitat for Humanity on several recent renovation projects. They assist our construction crew with disassembling items that can be reused in Habitat Homes or sold in Habitat Restore locations.
Now more than ever, simple hand washing is vital to reduce the spread of infection and disease, which claim the lives of millions of people each year – the majority being children less than fve years old.
Clean the World recycles The Breakers’ partially used soaps and bottled amenities that would otherwise be discarded and distributes them to domestic homeless shelters and impoverished countries experiencing health and hygiene disparities. This efort not only helps the global community, it protects the environment, reduces waste and preserves natural resources.
In 2022, The Breakers joined GSN Planet, a nonproft trade association that provides education, resources and gatherings for the spa and wellness industry. Through this partnership, The Breakers fosters relationships and shares knowledge with other companies that strive to promote sustainability through responsible business practices, in addition to minimizing the environmental efects from operations.
A Sustainability Status Report showcases comprehensive measurements across 13 categories, which include: Water Management, Energy Use, Waste Reduction, Laundry Processes and even Leadership & Community Connection. The Spa at The Breakers will utilize this tool to benchmark current eforts so that it may continuously improve and adapt its environmentally-friendly initiatives.
The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots, non-proft environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches. It provides restaurants with the tools and resources needed to make sustainable choices, which aid in the conservation of coastlines and marine ecosystems.
All 10 restaurants within The Breakers’ dining collection are certifed as Ocean Friendly. This coveted accreditation indicates that each establishment follows proper recycling and water conservation practices, features reusable tableware and has discontinued the use of expanded polystyrene products and single-use plastics such as bags, straws and bottles. This has resulted in a reduction of more than 1.6 million straws and 300,000 plastic bottles annually.
“When it comes to sustainability, education and action are the most powerful ways to truly make a diference. The Surfrider Foundation ofers an incredible network of coastal defenders, and The Breakers is honored to partner and collaborate with this inspiring organization.”
Michele Boyet Senior Manager - Digital Marketing The Breakers Palm BeachA select partner since 2017, The Spa at The Breakers is proud to feature Eminence Organic Skin Care®. For every product purchased for treatment and guest use, a new tree is planted and a percentage of proceeds supports Eminence Kids Foundation - providing healthy organic meals to kids with cancer.
To date, 2,431 trees have been planted on behalf of The Breakers.
Since 2020, The Breakers has been committed to replacing plastic water bottles throughout the resort with aluminum cans. Partnering with Open Water and San Benedetto this past year, we continue to reduce annual plastic bottle usage by 300,000.
Infnitely recyclable, aluminum can be remade after every use, making it the most environmentally-friendly option for single-use beverage products.
The Breakers proudly sources and serves essential produce from area farms during Florida’s growing season (November through May). The resort also strives to purchase locally caught and responsibly fshed or farmed fresh seafood.
The Breakers cultivates a variety of herbs (basil, tarragon, rosemary and several variations of mint), as well as other naturally harvested ingredients on a yearround basis for use in the hotel’s 10 restaurants. The 2,000 square foot garden is a collaboration between the chefs, landscaping team and procurement staf, whose horticulture expertise and eco-friendly best practices produce a plethora of edible plants.
These aromatic greens are 100% organically grown (no synthetic chemicals are used). Natural processes, such as composting, allow the food to fourish in harmony with the surrounding environment.
Gallons of Water our Reverse Osmosis System Generates Annually
23,811 LBS.
12,608 Soap & Bottle New Bars of Soap Amenities Collected for Those in Need
17,698 LBS. Recycled Plastic
2,431 Trees Planted
REVERSE OSMOSIS“As a conscientious corporate citizen with a dynamic history, we are committed to sharing our stories to positively infuence the world around us. These stories have a transformative power that can inspire and enact meaningful social change.”
Sara Flight Director – Communications
The Breakers Palm Beach
2.6M+ Engagements
57.3M+ Impressions
1,184 Coverage
4.9B+ Audience Reached
April 2022 | Instagram
May 2022 | LinkedIn
July 2022 | LinkedIn
August 2022 | LinkedIn
The Breakers highlights one of our sustainable initiatives - our organic herb garden - utilized throughout our restaurants in celebration of Earth Day.
Team members enjoy Paul Leone Servant Leadership Day with ice cream and donate supplies to Project Lift.
The Breakers expands wellness programs to focus on mental health, parenting and new diversity program
Senior leadership volunteers as part of our Summer of Giving at Easterseals.
Three Palm Beach restaurants donate meals to support scholarship for culinary and hospitality students
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December 1, 2021
Palm Beach Daily News
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January 12, 2022
Palm Beach Daily News
January 23, 2022
Charitable Causes that ALHI Hotels Love Supporting
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March 18, 2022
May 2022
ALHI Global Wellness Institute
Charitable Causes that ALHI How Do We Allot Resources Management Teams Volunteer Donate Meals to Support mentioned in Best US Hotels Love Supporting to Elevate Wellness for All? at Red Apple Supplies Scholarship for Culinary and Beach Resorts to Enjoy Hospitality Students This Year feature
Breakers' Executive and Senior Three Palm Beach Restaurants Eco-friendly initiatives
Team Well-Being
Team Well-Being
Team Well-Being
Team Well-Being
May 24, 2022
WPTV Channel 5
June 17, 2022
Palm Beach Daily News
June 18, 2022
The Palm Beach Post
August 2022
The Well of PBC
Organization Providing Mental The Breakers Expands Wellness The Breakers Expands Wellness Working on Mental Health Health Training Resources to Programs for Employees Programs for its Workers
Palm Beach Resort Staf