INVISIBLE TIGERS Mary Walker Amelia always needed earbuds when she left her home. The world was too loud and too chaotic for her to process. Her whole life felt like she was being hunted by tigers. With her earbuds, she could control the chaos; she could control a small part of her world, and that was enough to keep her together in public. Today she needed to make an emergency run to the supermarket- she had a head cold, and needed decongestant. A simple in and out, with no fuss. She went out to her car, took a stabilizing breath, and turned on the engine. The clock in her car read 3:23 PM as she listened to the afternoon radio host discuss downtown traic. “Looks like the afternoon rush has creeped up early on us, folks! Congestion in the lower area of the city is expected to put you back about 30 minutes. Hope you aren’t on your way to an important meeting! Haha, well, here’s today’s top ifty… with no commercials!” Amelia felt her stomach sink; she hated traic. All those people on the road, especially tailgaters, gave her a pit in her stomach. She steadied her mind and continued on the way to the supermarket. A rundown blue sedan followed close behind her almost the whole way; even in the congestion with all its frequent stops. She only breathed a sigh when they turned into a drive-thru, leaving her behind. The tension in her shoulders grew as she turned into the parking lot, and she searched for a spot. Her preferred spots were far away from the doors; in her mind there was less chance of a crash, or some creep trying to abduct her. She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts of what could go wrong just in the parking lot. She did a quick checklist in her head of everything she needed for her trip: phone, check. Cross-body bag, check. Keys, check. Earbuds…earbuds? This was bad. She forgot her earbuds? How? She always had them with her. The thought crossed her mind of just coming back another time but her sinuses persisted against the idea. Amelia had no choice- she had to go into the store without her line of defense. Immediately she was hit with multiple diferent sensations. The sound of carts rolling and clanking against one another. The consistent, erratic beeping of the checkout aisles. The smells coming from the deli section. Her brain tried to process it all at once and it made her skin crawl. Amelia once again brushed 117