Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com

Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Show in January 2024.
Check out Springers Bar on the cover of this month’s magazine. Springer’s is THE destination biker bar in Greensboro, NC and celebrate their anniversary in April. Swing by and hang out on their Tuesday Night Bike Night or check them out for a great weekend destination. Read all about the bar and their efforts to support the community on page 6!
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, Pam, John, Rob, Brenda, JB
Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Derek Sikes, Josh Hawks Wally Wersching, Len Montgomery, Brenda Reece, Derek Sikes, Rob Harper,
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Wally Wersching, Chi, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Brenda Reece, Josh Hawks, Floyd Baker, Derek Sikes, Rob Harper, The Tilley Family
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
ope y’all are ready for all this… cause April is here and there’s more events going on in the Carolinas than ever before. I have 12 events on my personal event calendar for April alone! Bike nights are popping up EVERYWHERE and the weekend events are multiplying! Check out the Cruisin’ Calendar to schedule your month. There was so much going on, we couldn’t print it all! If you are looking for events past June, you’ll have to check out our website, FullThrottleMagazine.com
. There are also two Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine BIKE SHOWS in April! April 15th at Bulldog Harley-Davidson’s 1st Anniversary Party in Smithfield, NC and April 29th at Outer Banks HarleyDavidson during OBX Bike Week. Both are FREE shows, and you can win cash and trophies. Best In Show from these bike shows will be invited to The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike
As the warm weather riding season cranks up, we are looking for Sales Reps for The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. This may be a perfect opportunity for you to earn some cash while riding your motorcycle and hanging out at local biker friendly businesses. We are looking for reps in all corners of the Carolinas’ and most places in between. It’s not a hard gig, pays 20% commission and it’s an extra excuse to go riding and hang out longer! If you are interested, give us a shout: 336-885-5400!
t SpringerS Bar, it’S common place to See a parking lot full of motorcycles. The “front porch” is lined with tables and chairs and on any given night, those chairs are full of bikers sittin’ around telling tales and cuttin’ up. Springers owner Jeff Schmid knows what bikers like, cause he’s a fellow rider. Every so often Jeff pulls out the smoker or the grill and makes the parking lot even more inviting as he cooks up delicious eats for his patrons. On Tuesday nights, its bike night at Springers, and while bike nights go on year round, during the warmer seasons, bike night brings vendors, cash prizes, live music and push capacity of the parking lot. Inside Springers, capacity is no problem. A U-shaped bar sits on the right side of the building and can put 18 folks belly up to the bar. There is a HUGE dance floor area that also features tables and more seats. There is also ample room for the pool tables and then an entirely separate room for indoor cornhole play. Springers regularly features live music and brings in a ton of great local bands.
Springers is open 7 days a week. Monday through Thursday from 2:00pm till 12:00am with Bike night on Tuesday, Karaoke on Wednesday, and Cornhole on Thursday. Friday and Saturday they are open 12pm-2:00am with live music. Sunday is for riding! The bar is open 12pm to 12:00am, and they host an afternoon ride that leaves out every Sunday and will return to Springers for food and live music! If people are still hanging around on nights that they close at midnight Springers will stay open til 2am, and that happens often! Jeff and his staff work hard to promote what Jeff likes to call “Recess With Alcohol”!
This is just the tip of the iceberg for Springers. As the cover says, Springers is “Having Fun & Giving Back”. There is a constant stream of charity events that owner Jeff Schmid and Springers either hosts or is a big part of. Jeff is a huge supporter of our military and is involved in charity events for the local American Legion Post, the Elks Lodge and the Marine Corps Toys For Tots program at Christmas among other local charities.
This year Springers will be hosting a new benefit for Alzheimer’s and Dementia charities, details will be coming out soon for that event.
Springers is certainly a great place to start your local ride or to be used as a stop along the route. But Jeff’s largest endeavor is supporting the Triad Honor Flight that takes all veterans to DC to tour all the monuments. In fact, Jeff and Springer’s are among the top 2 donors to The Honor Flight each year.
Springers Bar is THE destination biker bar in Greensboro, NC. If you’ve been to Springers you know that it’s a must stop biker attraction with designated bike parking in the parking lot, plenty of bar space with a happenin’ patio. The bar features great live music and certainly has all the amenities to keep you occupied all while giving back to their community as much as possible. If you’ve never been to Springers…..what are you waiting for?!? They are located at 405 Rocky Knoll Rd. Greensboro, NC and there’s something going on EVERY Night of the week!
APR 1 SOUTHERN WOLVES MC BIKE & CAR SHOW 652 W. Academy St., Randleman, NC. Reg 11am, judging 1pm, awards 4pm, $10/reg fee. Trophies, food, music, vendors.
MC ORPHAN RUN Speedway HarleyDavidson, 10049 Weddington Rd Ext, Concord, NC. 11am, $15/single, $20/twoup. Benefits Sacred Selections. Tim, 704607-8434, yogicycleservice@gmail.com
APRIL FOOLS POKER RUN Independence Harley-Davidson, 9205 E. Independence Blvd., Matthews, NC. Reg 10am, last bike out 11am, best & worst hand with cash prizes. Benefits The Independence Fund. FMI, www.facebook. com/pokerrunif
APR 1 OTR’S RIDE IN, DRIVE IN, FLY AT GOOSE CREEK AIRPORT 2020 Lawyers Rd., Indian Trail, NC. 12-7pm, $5/per bike and/or vehicle. Live music, food trucks, mobile bar, ride the runway. Benefits Hinds Feet Farm & Team Wheelhouse. Adam Colborne, 704-2224122, Dick Seidenspinner, 704-906-1734
GAMES Stanly Co. Fairgrounds, 24302 S. Business 52, Albemarle, NC. Reg 9am, $25/bike, $5/entry, 12 & under free with paying adult. Bike games, food, bike show, inflatables for kids, DJ, vendors. Hosted by Red Knights MC. 704-9563226, nc24@redknightsmc.com
Bob’s, 340 Seaboard Dr., Matthews, NC. Reg 9am, $20/rider, $15/passenger. Live music, raffle. Benefits Frank & Teresa Craig who lost everything to a house fire. FMI, Darby Dillard, 704-995-4097
APR 1 HELP HOPE POKER RUN The Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St NE, Hickory, NC. Reg 11am, $25/single, $30/double, rain date: 04/29. 50/50, door prizes, best & worst hand, food, open to all vehicles. Benefits Hope Clements with medical study abroad expenses. 828-413-9706
APR 1 4TH ANNUAL RIDING STRONG FOR REMI DICE RUN Bethlehem Fire Department, 7373 NC Hwy 127, Taylorsville, NC. Reg 9:30am, $20/single, $25/ double, rain date:04/08. Door prizes, 50/50, auction, food, entertainment. Proceeds go to family to help with several trips to CHOP in Boston.
APR 1 JAMI’S WINGS RIDE 55 N. Broad St W., Angier, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, hosted by Seven Sabres Brotherhood, benefits local chapter of Make A Wish. Sevensabres@gmail.com, 919422-7234
APR 1 WHEELS FOR JACOB Fainting Goat Brewing Co, 330 S. Main St., Fuquay-Varina, NC. Reg 11am, $20/bike, $10/rider, 50/50, BBQ.
APR 1 PROJECT TAYLOR RIDE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $20/bike. 50/50, door prizes, silent auction, food. Dedicated to Chris Sachs. Proceeds go towards buying toys for children fighting cancer at the NC Children’s Hospital in Chapel Hill. 910-719-4089
APR 1 11TH ANNUAL THE SANDHILLS NC BIKE BLESSING Freedom Biker Church-Fayetteville, 455 Rock Hill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, food, door prizes, bike blessings, music, event tee, vendors, grand prize drawing @2pm. www.freedombikerchurchfayetteville.com
APR 1 FORT BRAGG AREA ALUMNI CH. DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY INC RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, vendors, free food & beer. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
APR 1 APRIL FOOL’S BIKER BASH SOUND OFF, BIKE & CAR SHOW Robeson Co. Fairgrounds, 3750 MLK Dr., Lumberton, NC. Reg 9am, show 12pm, $40/entry. Vendors, proceeds go to Robeson Co. Special Needs Program. FMI, Lee Maynor, 910-536-5319
APR 1 CAROLINA BIKER RALLY 1017B, Broad St, New Bern, NC. $20/ticket, @ www.eventbrite.com/e/482229680957 Live entertainment, bike wash, food, cash prizes. All donations go towards families dealing with cancer in need of financial assistance. FMI, Jose, 803-7049103
APR 1 BLESSING OF THE BIKES Temple Church, 1500 Kingdom Way, New Bern, NC. 10:30am, come and get your bike, as well as yourself blessed for the 2023 riding season.
APR 1 AUTISM AWARENESS POKER RUN Beach Barracuda’s Grill, 1479 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA. Reg 9am, last bike in 3pm, $15/bike, $5/ passenger. Bike show, 757-771-4767
APR 1 UNDER THE WINGS OF AN ANGEL POKER RUN Harley Roadhouse, 3180 Hwy 9 E, Little River, SC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11:30am, $10/single, $15/couple. Food, benefits Rape Crisis Center.
DEMO DAYS 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Test ride the 2023 models, vendors, music, food. Please bring your own helmet. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
APR 1-2 FORT BRAGG HARLEY-DAVIDSON DEMO DAYS 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 10am-4pm, test ride 2023 models all day including CVO’s, free food 11am-2pm. 910-8641200, www.fortbraggharley.com
Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Burnout competition with prizes, BBQ avail, raffle. 336-815-1220
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ HarleyDavidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. WinstonSalem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
APR 6 DALE’S WHEELS THROUGH TIME 2023 SEASON OPENING DAY 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. 10am, www.wheelsthroughtime.com, 828-9266266
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
BENEFIT RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, go for the day or go all the way. Final stop Daytona, FL. 336-227-1261
EVENT Crown Complex, 1960 Coliseum Dr., Fayetteville, NC. Fri: 5-9pm, Sat: 9am-7pm, Sun: 9am-1pm. Memorial ride & dedication ceremony, photos with the Easter Bunny, egg hunt, professional wrestling, music, food, drinks, vendors, raffles, Supports local Veterans. FMI, pro.nccvma.15.1@gmail.com, www.memorialdedication2023.cvma15-1.net/
APR 8 AXEHOLE BIKE NIGHT 280 N. Talbert Blvd., Lexington, NC. 6-8pm, Axe throwing, drink specials, cornhole. www. axeholefriction.com, 336-843-1637
APR 8 NATALIE BRENDLE AUDIO/ BIKE SHOW Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10am, show 1pm, $40/class. Proceeds go to the Crohn’s Center. 336815-1220
APR 8 HIS LABORING FEW FUNDRAISER & RIDE Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 11am-?, 50/50, food, vendors, live music. Benefits His Laboring Few Ministry. Jack Fowler, 336-978-0838
4214 State Hwy 49, Burlington, NC. Reg 11:30am, KSU 12pm, $10/hand, cash prizes, after party. Spons by: CBA/ ABATE of NC Central District. FMI, Forey Holt, 336-693-1078
Charlotte Bojangles, 4850 Hwy 49, Harrisburg, NC. Reg 9:45am, KSU 10:30am, $10/hand, cash prizes, after party. Spons by: CBA/ABATE of NC Central District. FMI, Derrick Hall, 704-690-1378 or Michael Morris, 704-305-5536
SPOKER RUN DAVIDSON CO. CHAPTER Don Black’s Post 9, 1200 Piedmont Dr., Lexington, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 11:30am, $10/hand, cash prizes, after party. FMI, Jim Everhart, 336-248-7880
Smokin Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11am, $10/hand, cash prizes, after party. FMI, Shaggy, 336-442-8885
APR 8 CBA CENTRAL DISTRICT SPOKER RUN RANDOLPH CO. CHAPTER American Classic Motorcycle Museum, 1170 US Hwy 64 W., Asheboro, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 12:30pm, $10/ hand, cash prizes, after party. FMI, Gena Parker, 336-963-3438
APR 8 BENEVOLENT BROTHERHOOD RIDE FOR ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL Baggerz Saloon, 4212 Ebert Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $25/ double incl meal, rain date: 04/09. 50/50, poker run. Proceeds benefit St. Jude’s.
APR 8 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO ADULT EASTER EGG HUNT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-7pm, adult egg hunt, free beer. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415
APR 8 LUCKY’S SALOON ADULT EASTER EGG HUNT 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 336-570-1050
APR 8 FLOYD DIXON BENEFIT RIDE & BLOOD DRIVE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $25/w/passenger. Music, food, raffles, blood drive. Proceeds go to help with Floyd’s medical expenses. 336-227-1261
APR 8 BENEFIT FOR OLIVIA American Legion Post 458, 116 Business Park Dr., Indian Trail, NC. 2pm, $10/BBQ plates. Olivia was diagnosed with Stage IV Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Paranasal Sinuses. She has a long road of treatments ahead of her. Proceeds go to Olivia Strong Foundation. www.osfgiving.org
APR 8 BUNNY DICE RUN Blue Ridge Harley-Davidson, 2002 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 9:30am, $20/riders, $5/passenger. Egg hunt, 50/50, awards ceremony, door prizes, highest & lowest dice score. Benefits Sipes Orchard Home. 828-327-3030
APR 8 DALE’S WHEELS THROUGH TIME FOUNDER’S DAY 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. All day long the museum will be firing up & sharing the history of museum founder Dale Walksler & some of his personal favorite motorcycles. www.wheelsthroughtime.com, 828-926-6266
3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, egg drop every hour 11am-2pm, games, entertainment, free food. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-8641200
RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:45am, $20/single, $30/double. Music/ DJ, mechanical bull ride, inflatable axe throwing, food & drinks avail.
Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 11am-5pm, Reg 11am-1pm, $20/bike show, $20/sound competition. Rain date: 06/03, cornhole comp., beer, vendors, food trucks, bike blessing @1pm. Will, 757-681-1104
APR 15 23RD ANNUAL CLAREMONT RESCUE POKER RUN Iron Thunder Saloon & Grill, 2022 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 11am, $25/rider, $30/ double incl 1 event shirt per bike. Food provided after ride.
APR 15 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC.10am-4pm, free entry, Full Throttle bike show free reg 1-3pm, awards 4pm, vendors, live music, food trucks, dyno truck. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
APR 11
ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOT OUT PRE-PARTY BIKE NIGHT Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. 5-?, live music, vendors, best bike on the lot with cash prize.
APR 13 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
APR 14 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
APR 14-15 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT Farmington Dragway, 2992 NC-801, Mocksville, NC. Track, 336-9983443 or Paul Watson, 336-479-2071
APR 15 10TH ANNUAL CRUISIN’ FOR A CAUSE Rixster Grill, 3815 Tinsley Dr., High Point, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12:30pm, $20/bike, $10/rider. Police escort, 50/50, raffles. Benefits Victory Junction. 336-883-3900
APR 15 SPRING BASH 2023 Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. mountain St., Kernersville, NC. 12pm, food trucks, contests, live music, games, vendors.
Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $5/passenger. 50/50, raffle items, silent auction, live music, food avail. Jimmy received a liver transplant after battling cancer. Proceeds go towards helping with medical bills. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415
APR 15 2nd ANNUAL HELPING US HELP RIDE-N-RALLY The Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St. NE, Hickory, NC. Ride Reg 9am, last bike in 1pm, $20/single, $30/couples, 17 & under free, rain date: 04/22. Rally gates open 12pm. Food, live music, vendors, door prizes, 50/50, bike games, raffle tickets, people’s choice bike show, camping. Ivan West, 704-9571157 or Homie, 828-217-4218
APR 15 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail. com, 919-422-7234
APR 15 CHARITY RIDE SUPPORTING RIDE TO CLYDE Rushing Waters Outreach, 5593 Tabbs Creek Rd., Oxford, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/single, $25/double incl lunch. Hosted by Breeze Ministries. Stuart, 919-698-8403
APR 15 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION & AWARENESS RIDE Cross Roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, new unwrapped toy or monetary donation. 50/50, silent auction. Hosted by Guardians of The Children High County Ch.
APR 15 RARE BREED ANNIVERSARY PARTY Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, free food & beer. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
APR 15 FORT BRAGG HARLEYDAVIDSON BIKE GIVEAWAY 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Test ride, demo jumpstart, purchase a bike before 1pm to enter for your chance to win an Iron 883. www.fortbragggharley.com, 910-864-1200
APR 15 SPECIAL FORCES BROTHERHOOD MC SPRING POKER RUN 2200 Southern Ave, Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10:30am, road brief 12pm, KSU 12:15pm, $20/rider, $5/passenger. Food & drinks avail, benefits Special Forces Charitable Organizations. sfbmcbraggsec@gmail.com
APR 15 FREEDOM RIDE TO PETTY FEST Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www.freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
APRIL 15 THE CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE BIKE SHOW Bulldog Harley-Davidson 1043 Outlet Center Dr. Smithfield, NC. Free registration 12-3pm, awards at 4pm. Trophies in 5 classes plus best in show. Best In Show wins invitation to Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show 2024. 336-885-5400
APR 15 12TH ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RIDE FUNDRAISER 250 Victory Ln., Conway, SC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger incl food. Music, police escort, silent auction, raffles, prizes. Benefits Waccamaw Regional Foundation for Horry Co. Disabilities & Special Needs. www.hcdsn.org, Yvonne Salinger, 843-907-4392
SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 124pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
APR 18 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPRING FLING SEASON OPENER 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm, free beer, hotdogs, live music, giveaways, egg hunt. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
APR 21-22 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO DEMO DAYS 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
APR 21-30 BAYSIDE HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE WEEK Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. H-D demo truck, bikini bike wash, beer, food trucks, guided tours, live music, vendors, contests, bike show. www. baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
APR 22 CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AT RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Test ride the Livewire & more. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
APR 22 2ND ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. Music, vendors, benefits Cases 4 A Cause. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
APR 22 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON PARKING LOT SWAP MEET 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 10am-4pm, free hot dogs & fixins 12pm, call Junior to reserve your free spot. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
APR 22 MARTY LEWIS SCHOLARSHIP RIDE American Thunder Motorcycle Co., 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, www.AmericanThunderCo.com , 704-883-8385
APR 22 3RD ANNUAL VETERANS POKER RUN Newton Elks Lodge #2042, 625 West J St., Newton, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, rain date: 04/29. 50/50, raffle prizes, best & worst hand, food, music. Support local Vets. 828-464-1360
Ikea, 18300 Ikea Blvd., Charlotte, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $5/ passenger. Food, live music, face painting, inflatables. Proceeds go to Autism Speaks.
APR 22 AMERICAN LEGION POST 58 POKER RUN 2731 N. Church St., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 9am, $25/rider, $10/passenger, 5 card draw, food, door prizes, 50/50, prizes. Portion of proceeds go to programs of Domestic Violence. Pete Rossi, 252-373-1208
APR 22 11TH ANNUAL KIDS PATH BIKE & CAR SHOW Cadillac Ranch, 6330 David Moore Rd., Burlington, NC. Rain date: 04/23. $20/to show, $10/entry, cash prizes, food, 50/50, music. Bird Dog, 336-260-1685
APR 22 THROTTLE THERAPY POKER RUN Garner VFW Post 10225, 1706 W. Garner Rd., Greensboro, NC. $20/rider, $10/passenger, $20/bike show entry. Music, bike show, food, raffles, door prizes, 50/50, gun raffle. Benefits TTVETS.org
Mount Holly P.D., 400 E. Central Ave., Mt Holly, NC. Reg 11am, vendors, food trucks, music, bike show, ride. Proceeds go to The Tyler Herndon Memorial Foundation. 704-827-4343
APR 22 FORT BRAGG HARLEY DAVIDSON COOK OUT 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, freed food & beer. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
APR 22 GUARDIANS OF THE CHILDREN GASTONIA CAPA RIDE Double Barrel Saloon, 508 W. Main St., Gastonia, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/1 hand & meal, $25/2 hands & meals, raffles, 50/50. www.gocnc.org, 980-2925084
Coast Harley-Davidson, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $25/rider, $15/passenger incl ride & meal. Must pre-reg by mail or in person at CCHD or BHHD. Food, 50/50, shotgun raffle. Benefits area Law Enforcement Officers. Spons: by Blue Knights NC 17. CCHD, 910-791-9997 or BHHD 910-5759997
General Booth Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA. 9am-12pm, $25/bike. Benefits Navy Seal Museum’s Trident House. www.navysealtributeride.com, 252-453-2261
APR 22 CVMA 34-2 6TH ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE BENEFIT RIDE HarleyDavidson of Greenville, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 9:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Raffles, prizes, food, shirts, pre-reg https://CVMA34-2BenefitRide.eventbrite.com, supports local Veterans.
MEET High Voltage Harley-Davidson, 365 Sha Ln, Spartanburg, SC. 10am4pm, meet & greet, live music, food truck, beer truck. Mark Zayas, 864-8148061
Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show, Ms. Outer Banks
Bike Week contest, Gary Michaels biker comedian/hypnotist, H-D demo truck, bikini bike wash, beer, food trucks, guided tours, live music, vendors, contests. www.outerbankshd.com 252-338-8866
Main Customs, 1220 S. Main St., Kannapolis, NC. 6-8pm, free entry, refreshments, giveaways, special guest, music. Spons: by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. 704-933-3266
Dragway, 2149 Honey Haven Farm Rd., Shelby, NC. $20/gate, $25,000 in payouts, for official class rules, www.facebook.com/a1cyclesnet, 561-603-6671
Rockingham Dragway, 2153 N US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC. Fri: gates/10am, test & tune 4-10pm, Sat: gates/9am, sportsman qualifying 12pm, pro & nitro qualifying 3pm, 5:30pm & 8pm. Sun: gates/8am, elimination 12pm. www. raceahdra.com, www.rockinghamdragway.com, Bill Rowe, 704-294-6080
CHAPTER 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Two locations, meet & greet 4/28, 7pm-1am, at Touchdown Sports Bar, 3601 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC. 4/29, 12-5pm at Touchdown Sports Bar. 4/29, 8pm-1am at Michellez Elegant Center, 3537 Maitland Dr., Raleigh, NC. FMI, large40@aol.com
Harley-Davidson, 8793 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. 12-4pm, FREE entry, plaques in all classes, cash prizes, best in show invited to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2024. Spons by Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group & Law Tigers. 336-885-5400 The
APR 29 24TH ANNUAL KERRI EFIRD RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.kerripooh.com, www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
APR 29 1ST ANNUAL FIREFIGHTER RIDE Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/single, $25/ double. Food, music, raffle, vendors. Proceeds go to Firefighter Cancer Network. Presented by Fire & Iron MC Piedmont Triad Station 143.
APR 29 AMERICAN THUNDER MOTORCYCLE CO SPRING CUSTOMER APPRECIATION EVENT 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Food, beer, music, vendors. www.AmericanThunderCo.com, 704-883-8385
APR 29 BIKER TRASH NATION AWARENESS RIDE Marketplace Mall 2101 Peters Creek Pkwy. Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 11:30, KSU 1pm. Wayne Pinnix 336-464-6202
APR 29 GUARDIANS OF THE CHILDREN ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RIDE Clutches, 140 Water Tank Rd., Statesville, NC. Reg 9am, coffee & donuts avail. KSU 11am, $20/rider, $25/with passenger, $30/rider incl food & raffle. Food, GOC raffle. FMI, Sasquatch, 704677-8133 or Freya, 704-929-7654, www. gocmooresvillenc.com
APR 29 THE MELTDOWN VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW Hendersonville Airport, 1232 Shepherd St., Hendersonville, NC. $5/entry, vintage motorcycles, beer, bands, trophies, vendors, swap meet, door prizes, bi-plane rides, test n tune. FMI, tonuphighlands@gmail.com
APR 29 2ND ANNUAL KAREN’S SPIRIT RIDE Midtown Sundries, 7296 NC-73, Denver, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 2pm, live music. 704-822-1380
APR 29 AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Wilson Co. Fairgrounds, 2331 US-301, Wilson, NC. Reg 9-11am, awards 2pm, food avail, 50/50, door prizes. Benefits ALR Post 13 to help Veterans. Barry Wood, bwood@wilsonnc.org
POKER RUN The Lucky Turn Around, 1560 S. US-29 HWY, China Grove, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11:30am, $15/single, $25/double incl all you can eat shrimp boil. Live auction, 50/50, door prizes, DJ, best cancer awareness t-shirt contest, best decorated bike contest. Hosted by Riders Against Cancer. Sally Rogers, 704-224-2173
POKER RUN Cactus Creek Coffee, 120 O’Connor Place, Aberdeen, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $15/rider, $5/passenger. Auction, food trucks, vendors. Proceeds go to local Veterans & selected Military Non-Profit Charities.
APR 29 13TH ANNUAL PONY EXPRESS CHARITY RIDE Fort Bragg HarleyDavidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, $20/bike, police escort. Raffle tickets, door prizes, food, cash, prizes. Hosted by Buffalo Soldiers MC Fayetteville Chapter. Proceeds benefit charities. 205-902-4642
APR 29 BENEFIT RIDE & SOUND OFF FOR PATRICK LOCKLEAR 2503 W. 5th St., Lumberton, NC. Reg for ride 9am, KSU 11am, $10/single, $15/double. Reg for sound off, 10am, $40/entry. 50/50, proceeds will help with medical expenses.
APR 29 1ST ANNUAL ERICA RANSOM PARKS SCHOLARSHIP RIDE Robeson Community College, 5160 Fayetteville, RD., Lumberton, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1:30pm, $10/single, $15/double, $10/vehicles. Food, live music, DJ, door prizes.
APR 29 FREEDOM BIKER CHURCH RIDE 4 RECOVERY 3 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 9am-2pm, $25/rider incl coffee & donuts, 1 lunch ticket, 1 door prize ticket. Benefits JoCo Angels Opioid Awareness & Support. Christy, 919-8683697, Christy@freedombikerchurch.com
APR 29 OBX BIKE RALLY 3RD ANNUAL BIKE SHOW The Event Site, 6800 S. Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC. Reg 11am-1pm, judging 1:30pm, awards 5pm. $10/entry fee. Cash prizes, trophies. A non-profit fundraising event.
PINK RIBBON RIDE Scooter’s Bar & Grill, 1911 Sego Ct., Raleigh, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 11am, pre-reg discount, day of $25/person incl shirt & lunch. Silent auction, raffle, giveaways, music. Benefits 1ofUs. nesha@1ofus.org
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ HarleyDavidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. WinstonSalem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
MAY 5 UPTOWN LEXINGTON BIKE NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
MAY 5-7 20TH ANNUAL THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. 41,00 bike show, $1,000 bike games, vendors, live music, guided ride. Tickets avail online, www.thunderinthesmokies.com, 828-246-2101
MAY 6 RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON INTERNATIONAL FEMALE RIDE DAY 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336273-1101
MAY 6 SOUTH MAIN CUSTOMS PLAY DAY PAY DAY South Main Customs, 1220 S Main St., Kannapolis, NC. First bike out 11am, last bike out 12pm. $20/ per hand, $2000 in cash prizes. DJ, door prizes. Benefits Spina Bifida research. 704-933-3266.
MAY 6 INTERNATIONAL FEMALE RIDE DAY Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am2pm, free portraits of female riders with their bikes. www.coxsharley-davidson. com, 336-629-2415
MAY 6 18TH ANNUAL JWM SCHOLARSHIP FUN RUN Jones Intermediate School, 2170 Riverside Dr., Mt Airy, NC. Reg 10am, $15/rider, $25/couple incl meal after ride. Joey Mitchell, 276-2515053
MAY 6 2ND ANNUAL KICKSTANDS UP FOR VETS Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $25/with passenger. Vendors, food, music, raffles & more. Proceeds go to local Veterans. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MAY 6 2ND ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE SAFETY & AWARENESS DAY 1639 Hwy 50, Creedmoor, NC. 11am, bike show with trophies, reg 11am, awards 2:30pm, $5/entry fee, 50/50, food & drinks avail.
BOYETT Honda Suzuki of Sanford, 3128 S. Horner Blvd., Sanford, NC. Staging 9:30am, KSU 11am, $15/rider, $10/passenger, rain date: 05/13. 50/50, raffles, food, music.
MAY 6 13TH ANNUAL BUDDY ROE MEMORIAL RIDE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $20/single, $30/double, incl food. 50/50, raffle, auction, door prizes, BBQ. Benefits Richmond Co. Special Olympics, Honoring Chris Sachs. 910-719-4089
RIDE Donald L. Drum VFW Post 5305, 2163 Hwy 10 E., Conover, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $15/single hand, $25/3 hands. Best & worst hand prize, food. Benefits Veterans, 828-464-2580
Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, police escort, live music, charity auction, gun raffle, food, vendors. Proceeds go to Veterans in need. www.cvmanc15-5.org, combatvets155@gmail.com
MAY 6 RIDE FOR HOPE Cycle Max, 6723 Ward Blvd., Wilson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $10/bike, $5/passenger, $10/ cage. Door prizes, 50/50, food & music provided. 919-738-3365, info@hopeextendedministries.org
MAY 6 HELP THY NEIGHBOR JOCO POKER RUN BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. 50/50, raffle prizes, food, vendors, music. Proceeds go back into the community. 919-500-6475, htnjocoinfo@gmail.com
MAY 6 BBQ FEST ON THE NEUSE 1ST ANNUAL BIKE SHOW Queen/North St., Kinston, NC. Reg 10am, $20, judging 3:30pm, trophies, cash prize, proceeds go to BFC Downed Biker Fund. Styxx, 252-560-6095
MAY 6 EMERALD ISLE POKER RUN Surf’s Up Bar & Grill, 102 Bogue Inlet Dr., Emerald Isle, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11am, $10/hand, $25/3 hands, live music, 50/50. Benefits the Emerald Isle Beach Patrol. FMI, 919-210-8688 or 252772-3090
MAY 6 4TH ANNUAL HAYLEE’S RIDE TO REMEMBER Carolina Coast HarleyDavidson, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. KSU 10:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger lunch incl. Proceeds go to The Haylee Watson Scholarship Fund. 910791-9997
MAY 6 HOGS & PAWS BENEFIT RUN FOR SPARTANBURG HUMANE SOCIETY The Shop, 521 New Cut Rd., Una, SC. Breakfast avail 7:30am ‘til gone, first bike out 10am, donations for Humane Society, rain date: 05/13. Food, entertainment, cash prizes, 864-415-7499, 864-741-3192.
MAY 7 26TH ANNUAL FREEDOM MEMORIAL WALL DEDICATION Smokin Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Memorial ride reg 9:30am, KSU 11:15am, $20/single, $25/ double lunch incl for riders, church service 10:15am, wall dedication 1pm. www. smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
MAY 7 BUD’S BIKE FEST Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd. S. Youngsville, NC. 12-4pm, rain date: 05/21, raffle prizes, vendors, food, no colors. Proceeds donated to Duke Children’s Hospital.
MAY 7 4TH ANNUAL CRUISING FOR KIDS 427 Link St., Rockwell, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, $30/bike incl meal & raffle ticket, rain date: 05/28. Shirts, raffles, 50/50, patches.
MAY 7 AXEMEN SC POKER RUN Beaver Bar, 3534 US-17 Bus, Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Best & worst hand, door prizes, 50/50, food, DJ. Benefits Axemen SC Charities.
MAY 10-14 RIDE TO CLYDE MOTORCYCLE CHARITY RIDE N.C. Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell, 100 Caswell Beach Rd., Oak Island, NC. A three day ride raising funds, raising awareness and share the love of Jesus with BCH boys & girls. hello@bchfamily.org, 800-4763669.
MAY 11 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
MAY 11 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON LADIES NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 6-9pm, www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 12 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
MAY 12-14 6TH ANNUAL BACKROAD BBQ RUN Trent River Campground, 2186 NC-41, Maysville, NC. 21+, cash only, $40/weekend pass includes camping, $20/entry fee for the Chopper King Contest, hot showers, free PBR while supplies last, BBQ, no colors, no firearms. Benefits Swansboro Detachment Marine Corp League #1407 & Our Road To Recovery, www.backroadbbqrun.com, info@backroadbbqrun.com
MAY 12-21 BEACH HOUSE HARLEYDAVIDSON BIKE WEEK 100 HarleyDavidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Vendors, live music, food, bikes, free demo rides 05/18-05/20. www.beachhousehd.com, 910-575-9997 The Cruisin’ Calendar Continues
On Page 12
Don Black’s Allied Veterans, 1200 Piedmont Dr., Lexington, NC. KSU 11am, hotdog lunch following ride. Spons by Davidson Co CBA.
MAY 13 AXEHOLE BIKE NIGHT 280 N. Talbert Blvd., Lexington, NC. 6-8pm, www.axeholefriction.com, 336-843-1637
MAY 13 STILL RUNS BIKE SHOW 103 N 1st St., Albemarle, NC. Reg 2:30pm, show 4-8pm, Bike & car show, food trucks, pinup contest, vendors, beer garden, live music, children’s activities. FMI, 704-302-0138
CHIP RUN Beach House Harley-Davidson, 100 Harley Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, $5/extra hand, $1/extra draw, rain date: 05/14. 50/50, raffle, best & worst hand. FMI, cvma15.13saa@gmail.com
‘BOZ’ KERR BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Rd, Alexandria, VA. National Motorcycle Lobby Day. Spons by, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, www.mrf.org, 202-546-0983
MAY 17 CRUDES 12TH ANNUAL VETERANS RIDE Golden Egg Pancake House 415 Hwy 17 N, Surfside Beach, SC. Meet at 8am, KSU 10:30am, FREE ride. 50/50, door prizes, free pizza at end of ride, raffles, leather auction, t-shirts. Benefits Homes For Our Troops.
MAY 19 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT Scallywags Bar & Grill, 700 Lake Forest Dr., New London, NC. www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 20 SMOKIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON 14TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 10am-4pm, vendors, food, cake, cornhole, music. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
MAY 20 2ND ANNUAL ANNA’S RIDE & BLOOD DRIVE American Thunder Motorcycle Co, 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, www. AmericanThunderCo.com, 704-883-8385
MAY 20 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail. com, 919-422-7234
MAY 20 CAPE BEARD’S 11TH PIG PICKIN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 12-7pm, BBQ, vendors, live music, bounce house for kids. Benefits Autism Society of Cumberland Co.
DAY/FOLDS OF HONOR FUNDRAISER & POKER RUN People’s Bank, 1910 E Main St., Lincolnton, NC. Reg 8:30am, $25/hand, free biscuits while supplies last. Call to register, Brent, 704-634-1820
COOKOUT Cox’s Double Eagle HarleyDavidson, 7540 US-15, West End, NC. 12-4pm, free food, law enforcement & fire and rescue displays. Brian Duckworth, 910-733-6108
MAY 20 DEANO’S RUN Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Meet 11am, KSU 12pm, donations go to free mental health care for Wilmington. 910-791-9997
RALLY BIKE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 1-3pm, awards 4pm, free to enter, trophies in all classes, cash prize & invitation to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2024 for best in show. Hosted by Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Spons. by Carolina Biker Lawyers. 336-885-5400
MAY 20 7TH ANNUAL COMBAT VETERANS MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION RIDE TO REMEMBER Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. Reg 9am, first bike out 10:30am, live music, food trucks & more. Hosted by CVMA 27-1 Southern Virginia Reg. www.cvma27-1virginiasfirst.com
MAY 21 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 124pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
MAY 25 LADIES NIGHT ON MAIN South Main Customs, 1220 S. Main St., Kannapolis, NC. 6-8pm, free entry, refreshments, giveaways, special guest, music. Spons: by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. 704-933-3266
MAY 27 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO OPEN HOUSE 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-5pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415
MAY 27 BRAD REED MEMORIAL MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, after party at Lucky’s Saloon. Melissa, 336-675-5200 or Gina, 336-6846836
MAY 27 CRUSIN’ WITH HONOR BENEFIT RIDE NC National Guard Armory, 185 Patrol Station Rd., Mt. Airy, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $25/single, $30/double incl meal. Cruise in, ride, food, live music. Proceeds benefit local Veteran’s & their families. SSG Arnder, 336-469-1438
MAY 27-28 FREEDOM RIDE TO D-DAY MUSEUM Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www.freedombikerchurch. com, 919-550-3733
THUNDER MEMORIAL RIDE Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave., Sevierville, TN. Opening ceremony 10am, KSU 11am, FREE ride, police escort, rain or shine, guest speakers, wreath laying, 21gun salute, music, appearance by American Bald Eagle. FMI, Ron Giddis, 865-453-6532, 865-654-1851 or www. smokymountainthunder.net
MAY 29 4TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY RIDE TO REMEMBER 1129 E 3rd St., Charlotte, NC. 7:30am, pre-reg at https:// form.jotform.com/213197444495060 until 03/31. Benefits a Veteran charity.
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ HarleyDavidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. WinstonSalem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
JUN 2-3 ANGIER BIKE FEST Downtown Angier, NC. www.angierbikefest.com
JUN 3 SAINTS & SINNERS SUMMERFEST GRAND OPENING 536 Farragut St., Greensboro, NC. Live music, vendors, axe throwing, burnout pit.
JUN 3 12TH ANNUAL IRON CHARIOT RIDE Select Cycle, 430 N. Eugene St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $25/rider, $5/passenger incl food. Sheriff’s escort, benefits Teen Challenge. Mike Williams Sr, Williams@gladwellinsurance.com
JUN 8 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
FEST Chase City Virginia, 535 Jonbil Rd., Chase City, VA. Vendors, games, live music, food. Benefits The Barksdale Cancer Foundation & The Mecklenburg Co. Cancer Assoc. Lee Brinkley, 434210-1503
Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Fri: 5-10pm, Sat: 10am-7pm, bike show, sound competition, contests, people games, bike games, wet t-shirt contest, camping, mini bike racing, DJ. www.junejambikerally. com
Kuhnle Motorsports Park, 8233 Sidley Rd., Thompson, OH. Bill Rowe, 704-2946080
N. Talbert Blvd., Lexington, NC. 6-8pm, www.axeholefriction.com, 336-843-1637
RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415
JUN 10 GASTON CO. TOY RUN FOR KIDS BREAKFAST Gastonia Dodge/ Jeep/Ram, 2339 Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. 8am while supplies last, $6 donation, raffle bike tickets available. Benefits The Gaston Co. Toy Run for Kids. Foot, 704-913-3392, Tony, 704975-7924
JUN 10 ZACHMAN’S RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, benefits Transitions LifeCare. sevensabres@gmail. com, 919-422-7234
JUN 11 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 124pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
JUN 16 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT Bigfoot’s Bar & Grill, 3079 NC-109, Troy, NC. 6-9pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
JUN 16-17 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT 710 Dragway, 3118 NC710, Rowland, NC.
American Legion Post 55, 111 Miller St., Winston-Salem, NC. Pre-ride Veterans celebration, KSU 11:30am, $25/single, $30/double incl meal, vendors, music, raffle, shirts, Benefits Veterans. Spons by Tom McGraths Motorycle Law Group www.bigbikes4vets.com, Jack Waters, 336-425-5959, bigbikes4vets@gmail. com
JUN 17 ANNUAL POKER RUN IN MEMORY OF DENNIS NOWACOSKI Great Western Motorcycles, 1787 Salisbury Hwy, Statesville, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 9:30am, $30/bike incl 1 shirt & meal. 50/50, best & worst hand cash prizes, door prizes, silent auction, music, food. benefits scholarship at Mitchell Community College in Dennis’ name. Hosted by American Legion Riders Post 65. www. ncpost65.org
JUN 17 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail. com, 919-422-7234
JUN 22-25 45TH ANNIVERSARY HARLEY RENDEZVOUS CLASSIC Indian Lookout Country Club, 1142 Batter St., Pattersonville, NY. food, bar, fireworks, live music, wet t-shirt contest, vendors, bike show, cash prizes. www.harleyrendezvous.com, 518-864-5659, 518-8645916
JUN 24 BENEFIT MOTORCYCLE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Kernersville VFW, 618 Edgewood St., Kernersville, NC. 10am2pm, $25/entry, free entry for spectators. Food & raffles, benefits NW Piedmont Purple Heart Foundation, Inc. Hosted by Team Patience.
JUN 24 ROLLING THUNDER NC-2 POKER RUN Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 10am, $25/bike, $10/ passenger incl 1 poker hand & lunch ticket, $5/add hand. 50/50, door prizes, raffles, cash payout. Betty Davis, 704677-3845
See The Rest Of The Cruisin’ Calendar At www.FullThrottleMagazine.com
It’s Not A Phase, It’s My Life. It’s Not A Hobby, It’s My Passion. It’s Not For Everyone, It’s For Me.
S BikerS we get thoSe lookS from time to time from those who know nothing about us. What we stand for. How we love our communities. The lengths we will go to for those we don’t even know, and likely will never really meet. But on occasion, we have one of our own that life deals a hard hand. When that happens we try to come together in a big way.
Russell Byrd has been a pillar of the biker community in our little patch of the earth here in the Wake, Johnston and Harnet counties for years. As former member of Southern Riders MC Harnet County and Evilution MC of Wake County he has served his brothers and sisters, as well as the community in whole, proudly for more years than I know.
It is impossible for any of us to attend every function and fundraiser that is scheduled, but he was present for more than he missed since I have known him. He always has a smile and warm embrace for those that know him and was quick to accept new people into the fold.
When not cooking for a crowd, he is always ready to throw back a few, tell some stories (maybe a lie in there, here and there for good measure) and spend a little time getting to know you better. In a nutshell, Russell is a true brother in our com-
munity and is loved by all. That is why it was such a shock to hear that he was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer in late 2022, just days before his wife Brenda was scheduled to have shoulder surgery. So, the old saying, “When it rains, it pours” really rings true in their lives of late. Both Brenda and Russell are fighters, and we have confidence that he will win his fight with cancer.
No one fights cancer alone, doctors, nurses, friends, family and his biker family are all in his corner. We’re supporting him in his fight spiritually and financially. That was made apparent on March 8th, 2023, when 115 bikes merged at Bulldog Harley-Davidson of Smithfield for a club ride and BBQ plate sale. What a beautiful day it was. Registration began at 10am, and by the time I arrived, there were well over 100 riders and passengers. It was in the 60’s without a cloud in the sky. I saw members of nearly every club in the area there to support Russell and his family. Kickstands were up shortly after 11 am and it took a few minutes to get all the bikes in line to head out. The first destination was Dragon Slayers MC JoCo. There the total number of bikes increased to 123 and then headed out to 301 Brothers in Four Oaks.
Meanwhile, back in Smithfield at Plan B Bar, Pastor John Jernigan of Lighthouse Ministries of Four Oaks and crew were cooking up a feast for all to enjoy. There was so much food that I have no idea exactly what all they prepared, but there was BBQ in abundance. A few homemade cookies were “force fed” to me at one point. If anyone left hungry, they were not even trying to eat. It was $15 a plate and people got more than they deserved on every plate. As I recall, no food went to waste. Between the food sales and the 50/50 raffle, $4,300 was raised for Russell and his family to meet their day-today needs as he is unable to work while undertaking his treatments several times a week.
Please keep Russell, Brenda and their family in your prayers.
n march 4th, freedom Biker church of fayette-
ville put on their 12th annual chili cook off, at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson. The day was full of great weather, fellowship, amazing face painting, bounce house, and extraordinary chili. There were a lot of returning participants plus a few new ones that were showing off their chili cooking skills.
The judging began after a prayer and national anthem led by pastor JD Tew. The chili was vastly different each judge taking part in each unique recipe tasting each chili. Anyone from the community could judge by paying for the wrist band. Each judge receiving a tasty sample from each contestant. The cups are always full of taste; sweet, spicy or just plain hot chili!
Lastly, casting their votes for this year’s winners. There were a few secret judges for special awards.
Dan and Lauren Crim with their “Hogs for Heaven chili” were given the Backfire Chili Award. Their chili brought the heat and included savory venison. Broken Chains of Fayetteville received the Easy Rider Chili award for their entry, cooked by Brandon Wiggins. Angela and David Ivey with their “Ramsey street Ghost Riders chili” had a secret ingredient that left everyone flabbergasted and landed them a trophy for I Ate What? Award. Included in this line up was best in
show award for their “Nifty 50’s” themed set up lead by Scott Bedsole.
Of course, there were cash prizes and trophies for the top three winners. Third place was Kelly Gibson and Dalton Willoughby with their “Redeemed Rebels Chili.” This team had an amazing jalapeno cornbread to go with their sample. Second place went to a new participant named “Shotgun BBQ” that had a wide range of toppings for his unique chili that had a good kick to it. First place winner went to “Sweet Southern Heat” for their chili, a huge hit each year.
The chili cook off consists of hours of music, food, fun activities for the kids (young and old) and some excellent chili and sweet treats. It’s always a good time when the DJ turns a couple songs that have the ladies coming out to do a few synchronized dances. This just one of many fun activities before announcing the winners.
The pastor, JD Tew, and associate pastor Bill Johnson followed their performance of the wobble by announcing winners! They gave thanks to everyone who participated in all the fun, games and chili! Also, a very special thanks goes to Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson for hosting this mouthwatering event each and every year.
picKerington, ohio
he american motorcycliSt aSSociation (ama) and the All Harley Drag Race Association (AHDRA) are proud to announce their partnership for 2023. The AMA will return to drag racing on a national scale after a long hiatus, sanctioning the national drag racing series as one of its AMA Featured series. The series will kick off at Fountain’s North Florida Motorplex on March 17-19.
“It’s great for the AMA to be back in the drag racing business with this Featured series,” said AMA Track Racing Manager Ken Saillant. “It’s been a pleasure working with Bill Rowe at the AHDRA, and we’re looking forward to getting reinvolved in all the excitement of motorcycle drag racing.”
The AMA AHDRA Drag Racing Series will hold races across the country, with each event celebrating American motorcycle and drag-racing cultures. The three nitromethaneburning “fuel” classes — featuring lightning-fast motorcycles with quarter-mile records of 6.21 seconds at over 233 mph — include: Top Fuel, Nitro Funnybike and Hawaya Racing Pro Fuel. Gas classes include heads-up, out the back door pro classes, index and bracket classes, including baggers, streetbikes and wheelie-bar bikes. Every event will also feature a chance for first-time racers to hit the track and hone their dragracing skills.
“I think it’s going to be great exposure for the riders and our organization, and will help grow our sport and get worldwide recognition,” said AHDRA President Bill Rowe. “The AMA is known all over the world for what they do. I’d like to thank Joe Bromley, Mike Scott, and AMA’s Ken Saillant for helping push this through.”
• Tracy Kile in Top Fuel
• Nitro Funnybike’s Michael Balch
• Hawaya Racing Pro Fuel’s Sam White
• GMS Xtreme Outlaw’s Charley Douglass
• Horsepower Inc. Pro Outlaw Bagger’s Reggie “Hamma” Elliott
• MTC Pro Comp Outlaw’s Khole Sellers
• Scott Tomsu in T-Man Performance Super Stock and V-Twin Powersports Hot Rod Bagger Zipper’s Performance Pro Modified’s George Futch
• Pingel Modified’s Kimberly “K-Charm” Deshields
• Gary DeGrange in 9.30 index
• Vreeland’s Harley-Davidson Super Gas 9.90’s John Terry
• Cody Hayworth in 10.30 and Universal Fleet & Tire 10.90
• Bradley Croneberger in Daryl Coffin Motorsports 11.50
• Chris Ussery in Eliminator
• Junior Dragbike’s Michael Hines Jr. and Jaden Hines. The complete 2023 schedule includes:
• Fountain’s North Florida Motorplex – March 17-19
• North Carolina’s Rockingham Dragway – April 28-30
• Ohio’s Kuhnle Motorsports Park – June 9-11
• Michigan’s Milan Dragway – July 28-30
• South Dakota’s Sturgis Dragway – Aug. 6-8
• Maryland’s Cecil County Dragway – Sept. 8-10
• North Carolina’s Rockingham Dragway – Oct. 27-29 For more information on the AMA AHDRA Drag Racing Series, visit raceahdra.com.
Founded in 1924, the AMA is a not-for-profit memberbased association whose mission is to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling. As the world’s largest motorcycling rights and event sanctioning organization, the AMA advocates for riders’ interests at all levels of government and sanctions thousands of competition and recreational events every year. Besides offering members money-saving discounts on products and services, the AMA also publishes American Motorcyclist, a recently revitalized and monthly full-color magazine (and digital version of same) that covers current events and motorcycle history with brilliant photography and compelling writing. American Motorcyclist is also North America’s largest-circulation magazine. Through the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickerington, Ohio, the AMA honors the heroes and heritage of motorcycling. For more information, visit AmericanMotorcyclist.com. Not a member? Join the AMA today: AmericanMotorcyclist. com.
The AHDRA began as a club racing organization in the late ’70s and continued over the years under many different names. All Harley Drag Race Association/AHDRA became the official licensed name in 1991. The AHDRA is owned by RaceAHDRA LLC, based out of Rockingham, N.C., and run by veteran drag racer Bill Rowe and his family. For more information, visit raceahdra.com or email the AHDRA’s Bill Rowe at bcrowe9291@gmail.com.
think i am Beginning to over-analyze everything now that riding is sporadic (riding really clears the mind). My Man and I have been out a few times for short, local rides, which have been awesome, but a tease all at the same time. I’m itchin’ for Spring. Valentine’s Day would have been a great day to ride. It was beautiful! If only HoneyBun had played hooky, which he did not, sadly; we did enjoy a bevvy on the back deck for the last few minutes of sunshine (with poor Jade in the garage pining to get out).
Why does it seem that the weekdays are good for riding, then the weekend forecast sucks? Is it just me? I know what you’re thinking, “There she goes again, bitching!” Maybe I need a hobby, knitting perhaps? I actually found myself tooling around social media searching out biker posts to ease that itch. I came across a picture of a “bitch” pushing her Man’s bike from behind, on gravel. Yup, been there! Well, in HoneyBun’s defense, I can’t hold up that heavy piece of machinery, so someone’s gotta do it, right? So, we checked out the new I-840 Greensboro Urban Loop, ‘round and ‘round we go. Ooooooh, super exciting! We are gearing up for Spring
and looking forward to a few long rides that we have in the planning stages: one is about 1,560 miles and the other is over 3,200 miles. Whoo! Hoo! Can’t wait! These brown, wet days are driving me crazy! So glad to finally see a little color popping out. There are so many events to pass the time in February, like Super Bowl, Daytona 500 and golf(?). I luv the fact that there is a National Margarita Day February 22nd and, it just so happens on that same day is National Thinking Day. I personally think those two things don’t belong together. Hahahahaha! It also turns out that I missed National Tater Tot Day on February 2nd (no groundhogs seeing their shadow here). Well, let’s raise our aluminum cans to Spring… (come say “hello” on Instagram: fromthebitchpad)
“Many moons ago, Tom and Kathy came over from Kernersville, NC to order their new Pursuit Icon edition which they have nicknamed “Jade”. They also added a host of cool accessories including the taller windshield, Stage 1 breather and the super spicy Stage 2 Power Plus cams! Everybody look out b/c Tom, Kathy and Jade are now loose in the wild! CONGRATULATIONS!!!”
(comment compliments of World Class Powersports HP & Indian Motorcycle GSO Triad)
“Tell me, HoneyBun, what is love? One down and five up, Baby Girl, one down and five up!”
ay turner, Julian, nc, had won Both the international Hot Rod Association and National Hot Rod Association Top Fuel Harley championships. These are the two top American championships and to me the most significant worldwide. It was an incredible feat and Jay may be the only man to win both IHRA and NHRA championships in the same year other than Lee Shepard winning Pro Stock in 1972.
Y’all Harley drag racing fans know there are lots of nitromethane-fueled race teams based in the Carolinas and Virginia. The middle of February, a bunch of racers and fans were at the 20th Annual Shriners’ Drag Racing and Hot Rod Expo in Greensboro. That afternoon folks gathered in a room for the North Carolina Drag Racing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.
This year inductees were racers Quain Stott, Todd Tutterow, Shirley Muldowney and Jay Turner plus support folks; Bob Reed, Fred Wagenhals and Bobby Benett.
Quain Stott is the Father of Pro Mod Cars. I first met him in the late-1990s when I was working with the American Drag Bike Association. We ran a Hot Rods and Harleys series that thrilled lots of folks. Now Quain runs the best show in Car Drag Racing – The Southeast Gassers Association. Old cars, wheels up and jammin gears. Todd Tutterow is a successful Pro Mod racer. Shirley “Cha Cha” Muldoney was the First Lady of Top Fuel. I first met her in the mid-1970’s at Lakeland Dragway running against Don Garlits. Now we think of Brittany Force and Leah Pruitt as just other racers in Top Fuel. Like Shirley they win.
Jay Turner is one of the most famous North Carolina Drag Racers. He has been thrilling fans for a long time. Nowadays, Jay Turner Racing shows up at the strip with a trailer full of
Top Fuel Harley Race Bikes. He rides one and maintains first class machines for other racers.
Fans love Jay and rock the stands when he makes passes. We are all hoping he gets that blower bike figured out this year and starts bustin’ records with it. I’ve seen that machine since the mock-up on the table. It looks impressive at the strip, makes lots of power and breaks stuff. Jay told me the list of things to break is getting shorter. Hope to see all that power hook up and haul down the strip.
The story of all these fuel bike championships and now induction in the NC Drag Racing Hall of Fame goes back almost 40 years. And Jay’s family was a key factor in why we have so many fuel bike teams in our area. They gave folks a track to race on and fans heroes to cheer for at Farmington Dragway.
“My Dad (Jim Turner) and Frankie Moore started motorcycle drag racing at Farmington Dragway in 1978,” Jay said. That was probably one of the first tracks in the Southeast to hold motorcycle races. The track had been closed for years. Dad and Jerry Joyce rented it and re-opened the track. They started doing motorcycle drags once a month to increase business.”
“I was 11 years old and thought that was cool. I thought they were cooler than the cars. I gravitated toward motorcycles, Harleys and fuel bikes. I was working at the track, sweeping the bleach box, handing out time slips, whatever Dad needed me to do. Frankie built me a little 350 Honda that I raced for a couple years when I was 13 to 14.”
While serving a tour in the U.S. Army, Jay’s parent’s bought Piedmont Dragway near Greensboro, NC. When he got out, he wanted to get back on the strip and on a fuel bike. After all Jay grew up at the drag strip in the best possible environment
and got to know the early greats of the sport, Elmer Trett, Ray Price, Jim McClure, Bill Furr and more. Jay jumped on a fuel bike early in his career.
“It was like being the bat boy for Babe Ruth then going on to become a baseball player,” Jay said. “They all had a major influence on my start in racing and everything I’ve done. They all helped me out in one way, shape or form to build a little Ironhead Sportster. I got on the track and wasn’t any good, didn’t really know what I was doing. They would tell me how I was screwing up and what to do better. They would come to the pit and see what I was doing and fix my mess.”
Jay got serious about fuel bike racing in 1989 when he entered a Pro Fuel machine in what is now called Nitro Funny Bike.
“I got a chassis from Bill Furr, heads from Jim McClure, engine parts from Elmer Trett and pieces and parts from other people,” he said. “Then Bill put the puzzle together into a fuel bike. I went out and tore it up about every time I raced.”
“Worked my way up and talked myself into riding other people’s bikes. I rode for Ray Price a little while. I hooked up with Bobby Buckley who I still race with now and is one of my biggest supporters. He was the first one to get me on a good bike. We won the 1999 and 2000 IHRA championships,” Jay said.
By then Jay knew he wanted to race for a living but that’s something hard to figure out and do. When Johnny Mancuso decided to retire, Jay raced for him a couple years. I remember Johnny as a successful Harley-Davidson dealer running a very professional team. Jay learned a lot from him about the business side of racing. After that he decided to do it.
Success followed the focused effort and Jay started making a name for himself as one of the sport’s best. He won the All Harley Drag Racing Association Pro Fuel title in 2007 and Top Fuel in 2010 plus a few American Motorcycle Racing Association championships. In 2014 with Mike Scott on one of the team bikes they took the IHRA title and Jay won it in 2015 and 2016.
“I always worked with IHRA to bring back Top Fuel bikes,” Jay said. “Did exhibition races for a few years. Then they started running us as a class.”
“In the Winter before the 2016 season I was looking at all the schedules,” he said. “The NHRA thing was 10 races with your best seven counting for points. I started writing all the dates down and thinking. I don’t know if I can pull this off or get the opportunity again, but I’m gonna make a run for both of them.”
“Then Ray Price died and I ended up buying his inventory of race parts. That was a big deal for us, but it also cut me out of one of the races. I didn’t get to go to Pomona, California, for the first race of the year. That cut me back a race and meant I was only going to seven. When they count your best seven of 10, you are best to go to 10 races so you can throw three bad races away. That put us in a bind where we had to make the most of all our races.”
“We put a bike together and went out and did a bunch of
driving and won a bunch of races and took two championships. I wasn’t arrogant to say it would be easy or was gonna happen, but I said I’m gonna give it my best shot. I don’t know if me or anyone else will ever get the opportunity to do it again. It was very satisfying when it all worked out like it did,” Jay said.
“We have some product sponsors, but I’ve been fortunate to have always been surrounded by good people who help me out along the way when I need it,” Jay said. “And good customers. Most of my business is not racing, it’s maintaining other peoples’ bikes or hauling them to the track or renting them a bike. Some people have time to race and some people have the money to race and not the time. I can mix the two together.”
I think that’s a win win for everyone. More people are able to race, more racers for the sanctions and the tracks. More racers for the fans to cheer down the strip. Customers are happy since they can show up at the track and have a good bike to race. Racers don’t have to maintain a shop, build a bike and deal with the logistics of racing.
“There are some people responsible for me being where I am today. Number one is my parents. Dorothy is real important. I handle the racing part of our life and she handles everything else. And she does quite a bit. I’m very fortunate to have her. More than Twenty years of racing with Bobby Buckley and Benny Knott.
“I am proud to be from North Carolina and proud to be part of the history of North Carolina fuel bike racers and we are not stopping any time soon,” concluded now hall of famer Jay Turner.
he daytona Beach Bike week iS really the Breeding grounds for The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. My folks, Mark and Molly Infield, rode motorcycles all through their teens and even rode off into the sunset together on a motorcycle. They took a break from riding when kids entered the equation and then started back riding when I was a teenager. Naturally once they got back to riding, they were going to all the east coast rallies, including Daytona Beach Bike Week, Spring of 1997. Dad always said that he and my mom, “went to Daytona and never came back”. The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine premier issue hit the streets August of 1998 and the rest, as they say, is history. So, I have always had a strong draw to Daytona Beach Bike Week. But it has never worked out in the magazine production schedule to have the time to roll down to the rally and not miss my deadline. I have ridden down there in January with my folks but never during the rally. It’s a shame, I know. So, this year, the stars aligned, and I had a few days that I could burn in Daytona. Plus, March 9th was my wife’s birthday and she asked me to take her to Willie’s Tropical Tattoo for the Willie’s Chopper Time chopper show, how can I say no to that!
We only had two days to see as much as we could see in Daytona, which might be around 10% of the rally. There is so much going on and so many parties that we just had to make a
short list and go for it. Naturally, you gotta go down Main St. This was an easy first stop since it was only 5 minutes from where we were staying. So far, the rally was going great, but I was itching to put in some lidless miles in the Florida sun. We hit Main Street and took in the sights. There were multiple bands playing on either end of the street and all though the curb parking was tight, there were a few spots available. We got to check out Froggy’s Saloon and The Boot Hill Saloon and made a few passes on Main Street then decided to keep on rolling.
The weather was just right. The sun was out, it wasn’t too hot, and it was much better than the 50’s that NC was dealing with. Maggie and I laughed about it a few times while we were rolling up the road. We ended up heading out Hwy 1 towards Ormond Beach to hit up Willie’s Tropical Tattoo and make Maggie’s birthday wish come true. We passed a dozen parties on the way to Willie’s and made note of the ones we wanted to hit on the way back. We hit Willie’s at just the right time, the place was JAMMED up with people and bikes and the staff was directing traffic into neighboring parking lots and down the back street. I was mindin’ my own business when one of the parking staff flagged me down and pointed out a sweet parking spot right next to the party! I rolled in, threw the kickstand down and Maggie and I were off to check out
Mark & Molly In Daytona in ‘97 Pre-Selfie Era...the Chopper Show. They had them choppers in there as tight as they could get ‘em! Panheads, Knuckleheads, Shovelheads, Evo’s and even some that I still haven’t identified, they had ‘em all. We were like a couple kids in a candy store. We snagged some drinks and a tank top for Maggie (part of her birthday presents!) and started to look around for our friends from the Carolinas that we knew would be at this shindig. It
wasn’t long before we ran into Luke Heafner and his wife Sarah. Luke’s chopper decided it wanted to have the day off, so he rode a FL Shovelhead to the show that day. They were hanging out with Ramsey Allen who rode in on his freshly finished stretched out Shovelhead chopper. We saw Eric Stein’s blue chopper on the premises, but never made contact. We finally got to meet Joy (@_joyridez) that we follow on Instagram and have missed previous encounters with. In the back we ran into Wes and the Custom Destruction Helmet Restoration crew and Toni with her Trail Blazing Wagon Burner set up, solid folks all around. We even ran into Mark Hendrix from Tobacco Road H-D hanging out representing Hampsters USA. While we were hanging out, we ran into our friends Chris and Heather Callen from Cycle Source, Roadside Marty and the trip wouldn’t have been complete without a photo with Willie himself. These were all bonuses on top of the sick gathering of choppers and spectators.
We stuck around as long as we could but there was so much more on the list. We still had to check out the Iron Horse Saloon, Spokes N Bones, Annie Oakley’s and all points in between. Honestly, we didn’t even get close to seeing what there was to be seen, but we expected that as well. We just hit and run both days! We did what we could and finished off the adventure by riding the bike on the Daytona Beach and naturally stopping for a photo op. One thing is for sure….We will be back. The weather was great, the rally was awesome, and we want more. It was a great way to kick off the rally season. Up next, we are headed to the Outer Banks Bike Week on April 22-30 and a ton of other places…hell, just look at the Cruisin’ Calendar that starts on page 6 and you’ll see all the places we will be! Come on and hang out with us!
Before you take to the road, call Encore. We can protect your bike, and your assets, with the most competitive products available from the most reputable providers.
met gary through SkateBoarding aS teenagerS. it’S interesting to me that our paths kept crossing as we got older. I got into cars and then found Gary driving around an extremely fast Pontiac GTO. I got into motorcycles and then found out that Gary had picked himself up an ironhead. The guy has always had good taste, so it’s no surprise to me when Gary put together a shovelhead it was going to be one of the best looking shovels in town.
Gary’s bike is comprised of some off the shelf parts, some custom painted tins, and a classic shovel motor and ratchet top trans combo. All of the previous things have earned this bike the name “fancy”. Gary said it’s after the Reba McEntire song but I’m sure it is just how he was feeling after riding it for the first time. The shovel engine is a ‘77 and the trans is a ‘65, and per Gary “It’s 95% a swap meet build the other 5% was found
in the old barns and such.”
I asked Gary what his favorite part was on this beautiful machine and after some deliberation he landed on the rocker boxes. I’ve never seen any grooved rocker covers in person, and
Gary confirmed they are the only pair he’s seen either; Interestingly enough, they came with the motor. Gary is putting together another bike as we speak and I can’t wait to see what he’s got up his sleeve. To see what he’s up to you can find Gary on instagram at @garygbar95 or his shop page @ southerncustomcycles.
I want to thank Gary for taking some time to shoot with me, and for always being just a really cool dude!
Photos By: Josh Hawksowdogg tunerz performance llc celeBrate their first anniversary. The celebration took place on Saturday, February 18th, 2023. The event was held at the business, 118 Allenton Road, Lumberton NC. Jamie Chavis and Jason Jones have had a great year. Together their teamwork has served the community well; with over 50 years of experience in dealerships and commercial mechanical builds and repair, they have you covered with all your motorcycle needs. They are also certified as an NC vehicle inspection station. Of course, the specialty is motorcycles but they also offer services such as NC Inspection for your vehicles with more than two wheels.
It was a gorgeous day to ride out and Robeson County riders did just that! What an awesome turn out and show of support from the community. The 910 Bagger Boyz greeted bikers as they arrived; they were set up with some awesome merchandise. They had a tent pitched with all things Harley with biker gear! And when I say the nose knows, …when you opened the
shop door it smelt like a kitchen. The food was warming as guest arrived.
Everyone was eager to get to the table, find their seat and get ready for this feast! Jamie and Jason came up with their wives and thanked everyone for coming out and supporting their anniversary. Pastor Carl Pevia of Smyrna Baptist Church also joined them to say a few words and ask the blessing on this special day. He added that the guys have been fortunate enough to work while supporting the community needs and “thanks to God” had faired well enough to do all this and keep the wives happy with them, in the process. What a blessing; happy wife, happy life! Then without delay the Pastor asked grace over the abundant meal and claimed a thankful prayer for blessings even yet to come! After the “Amen” and a few jokes for the crowd everyone lined up, plate in hand.
The food was delicious and if anyone went home hungry it was their own fault. The main dishes, sides, breads, and desserts were amazing! Each and every item seemed to have that “Momma can Cook” kinda taste! Everyone had a great time enjoying the food, talking and catching up with one another. Jamie and Jason had a busy day, that part is nothing new. They are typically fixing motorcycles, firing up the dyna jet, mounting some bars, changing some oil, adding some pipes and making something loud! But today was all about their customers and celebrating the hard work that’s led to this day.
The party continued outside with vendors and guest. Everyone was looking at items or starting up their motorcycle for a ride. Some talk was going on about bike plans, adding a this or that. Bikers are always talking about faster and stronger. And during that process, I think someone got closed in the carport; No worries, no one was hurt or injured during this anniversary celebration and even the gentleman in the carport made it out safely, smile in tack!
Lowdogg Tunerz Performance LLC is ready to get your bike right for your ride. Give them a call at 910-887-2228 and set up that appointment.
am Somewhat new to the Biker world and only a pillion passenger at that, I don’t see well at night so my anxiety is heightened when riding in the dark. Especially, this time of year when dear and dead skunks seem to be everywhere along the roadside. So, when the location of our February HOG chapter meeting turned into an evening ride to RickRak, a place few of us had heard of in the middle of a field in Concord, admittedly, I was not one bit excited about the ride. Fortunately, my boyfriend, who serves as Assistant Director to our chapter, convinced me it would be a good time.
On February 18 we met with our fellow HOG members at Sandy’s One Stop in Salisbury. The weather was perfect for riding and the traffic was fairly light. KSU at 5:45 and our pack of 6 bikes, a trike and a truck headed towards Concord. Since it was only a 30-minute ride, I knew we would arrive before dark so I was able to sit back and enjoy the ride and the amazing sunset. In total, including those who drove from other locations, there were about 16 of us. When we pulled in, we were immediately impressed with the sprawling, 14-acre complex that RickRak is situated on. The driveway led us up to one of the buildings where there were several men loading merchandise on trailers. One directed us to their showroom where we were promptly greeted by a guy named Scott. We quickly learned that RickRak is a manufacturer of aftermarket
accessories for motorcycles and is best known for its quick attach luggage rack system. The trailers we saw were being loaded with thousands of items to take to Daytona Beach for the upcoming Bike Week.
We found out that after a stroke, Rick Riffel, a lifelong biker, found it difficult to manipulate the straps and bungees required to load his luggage bag onto the Tour-Pak luggage rack. Consequently, he asked his son, Shane Riffel, to run out and buy him something without straps that would enable him to easily attach his luggage. Following quite an extensive search, they both soon found that there was no such device on the market and set out to create something that would work and enable Rick to continue to tour on his bike. There was a lot of designing, redesigning, many prototypes, and over 25,000 test miles, that led the father son duo to develop the Quick Attach strapless luggage rack solution.
Shane Riffel was present that evening, as well as several of his staff. We were encouraged to look around, mingle and ask any questions we had. Shane showed us one of the actual templates he used when creating the first RickRak. “It’s an easy to install motorcycle luggage rack solution and our top seller,” he said of the RickRak
Quick Attach Combo Pack. “Not
only is it easy to use and very practical, it also does away with broken and loose straps, and it is lockable to deter theft.” RickRak has grown extensively since its inception about 8 years ago. They now have six full-time and close to twenty seasonal employees. They appear at bike rallies across the country and pride themselves in their expert installation of their products. Their catalogue and website boast thousands of items, including a variety of luggage options, LED turn signals and taillights and another of their own inventions, the Gas Kap Keeper, to name just a few.
At 7:30 we loaded up and headed to Kannapolis for our business meeting. It was quite a bit cooler and very dark by then. The pack had grown to 8 bikes, 2 trikes and several vehicles. As much as I hate to admit it, I opted to hitch a ride in a car, with a fellow LOH (Ladies of Harley) member. It is very doubtful but maybe one day I will enjoy riding at night as much as I do in the day. Until then, I am really looking forward to day light savings time and the longer days to come in June.
4001 Windy Rd. #1 Concord, NC 28027 704-251-7989 • RickRak.com
have Been miSSing for the paSt few monthS to Battle large cell B non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. As of today, I have finished all my chemo immunotherapy treatments and things are looking pretty good. I have been blessed with prayers, encouragement and support from every corner of the biker community plus friends and the greatest church family anyone could ever ask for.
My greatest strength and ability in dealing with this life threatening disease was knowing that no matter the outcome I would be OK. I would either be healed, or I would be with Jesus. No matter the outcome in the end I am a winner.
How is it possible to look death in the face with such confidence? The most famous of all scripture is John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Through my belief and relationship with Jesus I will not perish but have everlasting life in Heaven.
The world will celebrate Jesus resurrection this month on Easter Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity. Matthew 28:6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Just as Jesus had promised on the 3rd day he arose from the grave. God’s word is true, he keeps his promises. We can trust and have faith bible prophecy will come true.
Before ascending into Heaven Jesus spent 40 days on the earth and his presence was witnessed by over 500 people. There is more historical evidence of Jesus and his life than most of what is recognized by the world as fact in our history books.
We never know when our last day will come. As bikers every time we throw our leg over the seat and head out on the scoot there is no guarantee we are coming back home. The most important and greatest decision we will ever make is to accept Jesus as our Lord & Savior.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Don’t be fooled, good works or being a good person will not get you into Heaven. Accepting Jesus as savior and repenting of your sin is the one and only way.
My relationship with Jesus gave me confidence to tackle the challenges each day head on by knowing I would win no matter the outcome. Like everyone else my last day will come, and I am ready and in many ways looking forward to meeting Jesus as my Savior, are you? Please take care of this today if you are not 100% sure your eternal home is in Heaven. From your heart pray the Biker’s Prayer included in this issue by His Laboring Few Biker Ministry. It really is just that simple.
Blessings, Floyd
he time haS come for a new name in the motorcycle world! STE Powersports, a long-standing, well-respected, and highly rated local dealership, has officially changed its name to American Thunder Motorcycle Company! The new name reflects the pride and admiration they have for American-made motorcycles and for the quality and craftsmanship of motorcycles manufactured right here in the United States of America. Many of their customers see owning an American-made motorcycle as a symbol of their patriotism and a way to express their support for American manufacturing and ingenuity. American Thunder Motorcycle Company will continue to offer other makes of motorcycles and as always welcome all riders into their dealership.
In September of 2022, STE Pow ersports entered a new era when Bill Black, an experienced leader with a history in the transportation and trucking industry, purchased the dealership. Bill’s extensive business experience and proven track record in team building have been instrumental in the dealership’s transformation. Under his guidance, the newly rebranded American Thunder Motorcycle Company is poised to deliver an even better customer experience. Bill’s customer-centric focus empha sizes personalized service and attention to detail, ensuring that every rider feels valued and appreciated. By leveraging his expertise in building high-performing teams, Bill has created a first in class motorcycle dealership experience that translates to a welcoming atmosphere for all riders. As American Thunder Motorcycle Company embarks on this new journey, Bill Black’s leadership and vision will undoubtedly steer the dealership towards continued growth and success, while staying true to the values that have made it a beloved institution within the local riding community.
At American Thunder Motorcycle Company, the spotlight is on American craftsmanship, with 80% of the dealership’s inventory dedicated to Harley-Davidson motorcycles. HarleyDavidson is the heart and soul of American motorcycle culture, and the dealership is proud to offer an extensive range of Harley-Davidson models to suit every rider’s taste and riding style. To ensure each motorcycle meets the highest standards of safety, quality and performance, every bike on the showroom floor is thoroughly inspected and serviced by trained technicians. American Thunder Motorcycle Company is committed to providing customers with the highest quality motorcycles at the best possible price. Riders can trust they are getting not only a beautiful bike but also the peace of mind that comes with expert care and attention to detail.
American Thunder Motorcycle Company’s mission is to share their passion for riding with the entire motorcycle community. Whether you’re in the market for a new motorcycle, need expert advice on maintenance and customizations, or simply want to connect with likeminded enthusiasts, American Thunder Motorcycle Company is your destination. Everyone is welcome to join them on this new adventure with more group rides, fun events, and best of all new friendships. Be sure to join them at their next event coming up on April 29th. Meet the staff along with other riders in the area. There will be live music, great food, giveaways, and good times for everyone.
t doeSn’t feel like Spring haS Sprung aS I write this. It was 28 degrees this morning and my fingers are still thawing out after taking my dog, Kimchi, out for her morning walk. Most of us don’t winterize our bikes around here since we don’t deal with snow and ice on a regular basis. It’s nice to have your bike ready on that odd 70 degree day, and I know plenty of you savages out there ride even when most sane people take their car or truck. Riding is the best cure for the winter blues that I know of. Alas, it is that time of year where the weather shifts and we know that we have a few months of blissful riding before the humidity kicks in. I can’t wait to take a long ride without packing multiple layers of clothing.
Spring officially kicks off my outdoor bike event season and there’s no shortage of events to choose from. My favorite is the Backroad BBQ run at the Trenton Family Campground located in Trenton, NC. Hosted by my friends Ronni and Luke for the last 5 years, this year being the 6th. I’ve written about it before (maybe my first column?) but if you’re reading this before May 12th there’s still time to go.
The Backroad BBQ Run is a biker bash where time stood still. It’s a 21 and up event on private property so it’s a chance to be free, have a good time and ride your machine without getting hassled by the man, to paraphrase Blues (Peter Fonda, old Captain America himself) in the cult classic Wild Angels movie. You’ll see plenty of Choppers and Classic Van’s as you would expect at a modern “Chopper” event, but it’s a come as you are type event and all motorcycles are welcome. Every year this event grows as word spreads, but it’s a big campground and there’s plenty of room for everyone, you won’t
feel corralled or crowded. There’s plenty of food and some beverages available so you can pack light and ride in if you need to.
Some of you might remember the early Smokeout Rallies, which were a long way away from where I was stationed in California. I remember wishing I could take leave and travel to North Carolina for the next one after reading about them in The Horse BC magazine. There was nothing like that around me at the time. To me, the Smokeout epitomized what I thought a biker bash should be, and it would have been my chance to live the lifestyle that I thought biker’s lived at the time. Since then, a lot of grass root events have flourished, and the Smokeout promises to go back it’s roots, but it is no longer the only event in the spirit of an old school biker bash. I hate using the phrase “old school” and use it sparingly, but in this case there’s probably not another word more fitting.
In the very early days of biker culture there were no formal biker events. A group of riders would get together on their bikes, ride somewhere out of the way of the “civilian” population and party until the weekend was over or the cops busted it up. Those parties, like the famous Bass Lake Run made infamous by Hunter S. Thompson’s book about a California club, were loosely organized by the people attending the event. There were no sponsors, no prizes, entry fees etc. Thanks to the other infamous event, Hollister, 1947, bikers realized that your best chance of having a good time without spending the weekend in jail was to party with like-minded people. That never kept bikers from attending mainstream motorcycle events, but it was the reason that biker bash’s became their own thing. Believe it or not, ABATE, used to have wild parties, and I mean wild! Looking at
photos of old ABATE parties you would think it was a bunch of outlaw 1%ers straight out of a drive in B-Movie with a fuzz guitar and bongo jam soundtrack.
The separation between biker and motorcycle culture is a distinct one. While “Bikers” are motorcyclist’s, not all motorcyclists are “Bikers”. I won’t attempt to define what or who a “Biker” is, we all have our own definition. What I consider a biker is measured by the people I grew up around that were generally regarded as “Bikers”. Some of those men and women were 24-7 bikers and their personalities between their day job and their lifestyle couldn’t be separated. You just knew by looking at them they were bikers. Other’s not so much, but their lifestyle spoke for itself. Those were different times, today, you might see a lot of people that look the part at the local bike night, but it’s the uniform they put on when they are on the bike. I’m talking deeper than your t-shirt collection; I’m referring to a something a little deeper; something hard to
define but something you know when you see it. I never considered myself a biker, and I don’t mean to preach, it’s more a reflection of what the culture was, and how it lives on in its present form.
To my point, motorcycles are meant to be ridden, and that is for everyone. Who I choose to ride with and party with when I’m not on my motorcycle is something else. I want to enjoy a weekend of being myself, around other people being themselves, not judging how I choose to have fun (and as long as my fun doesn’t spoil their fun, why should they?). For me, that is the spirit of a “Biker Bash”. Society and moral standards have changed a lot since the early days of biker culture, but the spirit lives on. If you get the chance to attend any of the number of grass roots events that happen annually in our region you’ll see what I mean. The rules at most of these events are pretty much unwritten, don’t be a jerk, don’t get the cops called, and don’t do anything to keep us from getting welcomed back next year and you’ll be fine. Most importantly, have a good time!
That’s what the EPA wants you to believe.
I’m not sure if you are aware of all the overreaching efforts of the government, honestly, there are too many to count. But recently, the EPA has started enacting parts of the Clean Air Act, a law that was passed in the 1970’s, and is having a crippling effect on the motorcycle community, and soon the rest of the automotive community. The law effectively enforces a 50-state compliant clean air act, putting us on the same crazy restrictions that California has been enjoying for years. Directly, this recent enforcement drove two of the main motorcycle tuning software companies to stop selling their tuning licenses in the US of A. That is, they are free to sell their products to any other country in the world, just not us. These are popular tuning software companies that your local aftermarket motorcycle shop uses to dial in your Fuel Injected motorcycle, carbureted bike tuning is still safe for the moment. The EPA’s Clean Air Act makes it where the range in which your bike can be tuned is much narrower than the range that your local mechanic could previously tune. This will directly affect your motorcycles performance and potentially make the performance upgrades that you want to make to your bike not function to their peak performance. It may just make it to where you leave your bike stock … and that’s no fun.
As a matter of fact, Motorcycle Rights Organizations have been fighting off the government’s want to make it where you can only add non-performance chrome / accessories or change your motorcycles paint color. That’s what they are shooting at and then in effect make it where your motorcycle is less desirable because you CAN’T enjoy the freedom of customizing your bike to make a personal statement. The government, from that point, then wants you to either abandon motorcycling all together OR buy one of the nifty new gov’t endorsed EV products.
So here the Government comes, to take away another one of your freedoms in the name of Clean Air, which doesn’t sound bad, right? I mean…we all want to preserve the environment for future generations, right? Well here comes something that makes no sense….I’d say that more that 95% of the time, the tune your mechanic does on your motorcycle not only gives you the performance that you want, it also makes the engine run more efficiently, using less gas and creating less emissions! Instead of hindering the ability to tune your motorcycle properly, they should be promoting it. On top of that, this new enforcement is dangerous for many aftermarket parts, including
those awesome aftermarket exhaust systems, air breathers and engine upgrades. Imagine what is going to happen to these companies when they can’t sell you their parts, or the parts they are allowed to sell you don’t live up to the consumers wants or needs. It’s not going to help their business, that’s for sure.
Here’s another fun thought for ya. Imagine all the combustion engines out there that are creating this dangerous pollution: Cruise Ships, Airplanes, etc. Where do you think the motorcycle ranks on that scale? Again, the government should be promoting the use of motorcycles to lessen emissions and create less pollution. But the reason they would go after the motorcycle community is because we are the low hanging fruit. There’s less of us than the other segments of the automotive community and we have less organization when it comes to fighting back. It’s a slippery slope yall. What will they take next?
Personally, I am against this attack for any portion of the automotive community and believe that, IF the doomsday environmental forecast is correct, then we should focus on planting trees. I’m serious and I’m not even wearing my tinfoil hat right now. We should also stand up for our rights as motorcyclists. I am for pure, dangerous freedom. I am for giving each individual the right to decide. I don’t care what brand you ride, how much HP you have or what safety equipment you choose to wear. So What do we do? We stand up, join the Motorcycle Rights Organizations both local and national and give them the support to help fight for our rights. Make your voice heard, even if it’s just in a showing of membership numbers. Join your local Concerned Bikers Association / A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments (CBA/ABATE) chapter for ($20/year). Join the Motorcycle Riders Foundation ($35/year) on the national level and let’s make a difference. So that your kids can ride cool motorcycles when their time comes!
arch 18 waS cool and cloudy. I asked my wife about going for a ride and she said maybe a short one. I checked the Cruisin’ Calendar and found the Granville County CBA Chapter 321 was having its annual Chili Cookoff. A short 25 mile ride to Creedmoor on some back roads, and warm food. This was the winner!
We had never been to this CBA chapter. As soon as we arrived and went inside David Whitfield, the chapter President, greeted us. I met several of the members and handed out some Full Throttle Magazines. The building was full of people having a good time and chowing down on some great chili. There were also sides, desserts, and a variety of beverages.
Once the votes were tallied, Ed Chase was declared the winner. The prize was $50, and his name will be added to the list of winners dating back to 2011. (Rumor has it Ed also has excellent beer chugging skills.) There was a 50/50 raffle, and Russ Wilson, chapter VP, had the winning ticket.
The 33 member Granville County CBA was chartered July 15, 2000. Besides cooking up great pots of chili, chapter
members have won the Butner Chicken Pickin’. They are also very active in promoting motorcycle safety and awareness.
Granville County CBA members enjoy bringing people together for food, fun and more. They are having a Bike Show on May 6 and a Poker Run is scheduled for June 3. If you are in the area, be sure to stop by and check them out at 1639 Hwy 50, Creedmoor, NC.
t Broke our heartS to hear that we had lost our Anthony
“Amp” Misenheimer, who is now cruising the streets of heaven, pain free, after a short, but courageous battle with cancer. Our Amp had the sweetest soul, an endless smile and one very big heart. So many were blessed to call him friend.
Born in Statesville, NC, Amp attended Statesville Senior High and then NC State University. He started out working in insurance, and come July 2006, found his way from another dealership to Tilley Harley-Davidson as their Finance & Insurance Manager.
Early last fall, a pain while sitting and walking sent Amp for some tests. Sadly the news wasn’t good, stage 4 cancer. Always brave, always positive, Amp readied for battle, and fought a good fight.
Tilley H-D held an Indoor Poker Walk Fundraiser in November to help support Amp and his family. Amp stopped by that day to give us all his always bigger-thanever smile. The community came out in full force too, raising $10,000 in donations.
When the holidays hit, on Dec 24, Friends gathered again at Tilley H-D to take a little bike ride, in sub-freezing temps, past his house to say “Hi”. Just to let Amp know we love him, and are keeping him in our prayers. We planned a ride-by, but nope, when we got there Amp was in the driveway waiting to see us go by. Yes, we had to stop, no one can resist his mega-watt smile.
Cancer was tough and Amp fought hard, yet, the sad news came. Amp got his wings on February 15th. Four days later almost 200 bikes showed up to honor and escort him to his final resting place. Tilley H-D closed for the day, their employees led the procession, followed by so many friends. It was a powerful tribute to the man Amp was. He will forever be missed.
“Amp was the right person for our team here at Tilley’s”, said Terry LeVan, “he was very honest, helpful, knowledgeable and full of life.” “I know Don and Robinette met him at the gate, thanked him, and welcomed him into God’s kingdom.”
Ride free our friend, until we meet again.
n Saturday, march 4th, the royal prieSthood
Biker Church of Shelby held a spaghetti dinner to support the “Parents Against Bullying NC” here in Cleveland County. “Parents Against Bullying NC” was founded 10 years ago to stop bullying in the local schools, and other places where bullying occurs.
The dinner was from 4:00PM to 7:00PM. They served spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and a drink for $15.00. They held a 50/50 drawing along with entertainment from the Rock Springs Bluegrass Gospel band.
Samantha founded the “Parents Against Bullying NC” when her son was beaten up by a group of jocks because he had autism. Her group works closely with the school boards of the neighboring counties to stop bullying. For more information, go to their website: pabnc.org.
“Parents Against Bullying NC” is an organization that allows parents and the community to stand together to take action against bullying in our schools. They help parents and children with bullying issues. Their Mission is to raise awareness and educate others about bullying, and how it affects all involved - to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, and to not be bullied into silence.
Saturday afternoon was beautiful with sunny skies and temps in the 60’s. I rode “Miss Vickie” the short distance to the Royal Priesthood Biker Church on South Lafayette in Shelby, and parked with the other bikes.
When I went inside, I saw that the place was crowded with everybody enjoying the delicious spaghetti dinner. I walked to the registration table, and gave them a stack of Carolinas Full Throttle magazines along with my donation.
Next I met Samantha, and we talked for a while about how she got involved in the bullying issue, and what she and her organization is doing to prevent it from happening again. From
what I heard, she is very dedicated, and her efforts are working.
When I was in school in the 1950’s, bullying was common. Either you were a bully or a victim. In some cases you were both. It was expected of you to bully the lowerclassmen. Sometimes, the teachers were the biggest bully in the class because they could get away with it. That was then, and this is now with all the more different ways to bully. We didn’t have social media, so we could get away from bullying when we went home. Now the kids are bullied non-stop wherever they go.
It was no fun being bullied, and I hope they can put a permanent stop to it. It’s going to be hard but they are determined.
The Royal Priesthood Biker Church is a very unique place of worship. They hold services at 2:00PM on Sunday instead of in the morning. They preach from an unusual pulpit – the front end of a motorcycle. It fits their lifestyle.
The members of the church are very friendly and work for many local charities. This time they raised over $2,000 for the “Parents Against Bullying NC”. I will continue to watch their Facebook page to see what will be next on their agenda.
MiLWauKee (January 18, 2023)
he rumBle of v-twin engineS and the crackling energy of amplified guitars will roll over the Milwaukee lakefront this summer when the Harley-Davidson® Homecoming™ Festival takes over Veterans Park with headlining musical acts Foo Fighters and Green Day. General admission and special VIP tickets with premium benefits for both Veterans Park events are on sale now at H-D.com/HomecomingTickets as the world’s most desirable motorcycle brand kicks off the celebration of its 120th Anniversary and reveals details of this exciting four-day moto-culture festival, set for July 13-16 at multiple venues in the Milwaukee area, the city where it all began for the Motor Company in 1903.
Harley-Davidson® Homecoming™ Festival events will take place at venues across the Milwaukee area, including the Harley-Davidson Museum, Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations, and at local Harley-Davidson dealerships. Veterans Park in downtown Milwaukee will be the epicenter of daylong, family-friendly activities and music on Friday and Saturday. Green Day is set to headline an evening show on Friday, July 14. Foo Fighters will headline on Saturday, July 15. Also slated to perform during the weekend are: Cody Jinks, Social Distortion, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Phantogram, White Reaper, and KennyHoopla. Veterans Park will also be home to a family-friendly festival during the days that includes music, entertainment, activities, and a variety of food options.
The Harley-Davidson Museum will serve as a central rally point for free events. The 20-acre campus will host free live music, food-and-beverage sites, and skills demonstrations. The Museum will be open for general admission during the event. The weekend celebration will wrap up with a motorcycle parade through Milwaukee on Sunday.
Harley-Davidson motorcycle demo rides and product displays will be available at Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations in Menomonee Falls, where visitors can also take a
guided factory tour to see where Harley-Davidson MilwaukeeEight® and Revolution® Max V-Twin engines are made.
Six Milwaukee-area Harley-Davidson dealerships will also be hosting events and entertainment. Those dealerships include House of Harley-Davidson (Greenfield), Milwaukee Harley-Davidson (Milwaukee), Suburban Motors Harley-Davidson (Thiensville), Uke’s Harley-Davidson (Kenosha), West Bend Harley-Davidson (West Bend) and Wisconsin HarleyDavidson (Oconomowoc).
Complete details on additional ticketing options, venues, entertainment, scheduled events, parade participation, HarleyDavidson factory tours, and lodging are available at H-D. com/Homecoming, where visitors can also sign up for instant Homecoming updates.
Harley-Davidson Announces Julyn Saturday march 11th, the “gaSton county toy Run for Kids” held a breakfast fundraiser. They have an all-you-can-eat breakfast consisting of eggs, hash browns, bacon, sausage, grits, fried bologna, livermush, and toast, along with tea or juice to wash it down.
The Gastonia Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram dealership at 2339 Franklin Boulevard in Gastonia opened its doors for the fundraiser.
When I awoke, it was sunny and cool with temps in the 40’s. I left home about 8:00AM heading east on Rt 74. Traffic was light when I merged onto I85. I exited onto New Hope Road, turned right, and then left onto Franklin. The dealership was on the right just a short distance down the road.
I parked near the main building. I noticed a line of classic cars parked together. I am always drawn to old cars because I own a couple and they are a lot of fun. I thought that I’d walk over to them later to check them out. I walked toward the smell of cooking bacon, eggs, hash browns, liver much, and sausage. The aroma was intoxicating.
I placed a stack of “Carolinas Full Throttle” magazines on the registration table near the door, and paid $6.00 for breakfast. They were also selling raffle tickets on a 1990’s Harley Dyna Glide with an S&S engine that would be given away at the Toy Run.
There were many smiling young ladies handing out the eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, and grits. They would have filled my plate to overflowing but all I wanted was some scrambled eggs, a few slices of bacon, a piece of sausage, and a piece of toast. I stopped for a glass of sweet tea at the end of the line.
The next thing I had to do was find a place to sit. The tables were almost completely full. I found a place across from UK Hammer of the Gastonia chapter of the Guardians of the Children. We are friends, and have talked many times at GOC
events. I enjoyed friendly conversation while I ate.
After I finished eating, I walked around talking pictures. I walked to the table where the car guys were sitting. We started talking, and I learned that they were the Bright Star Grill Cruisers from Mount Holly. NC. They invited me to a CruiseIn later in the afternoon at the Bright Star Grill. They hold regular Cruise-Ins throughout the year. I will definitely go to one this year. They seem like very friendly car guys.
Next, I walked around outside to watch the cooks. The cooks were all doing their best to prepare the food, and keep the line inside fully stocked.
Everyone was there for one reason besides getting a delicious breakfast – to raise money for the Toy Run so that the children of Gaston County will have a toy for Christmas. The toy run is one of the biggest in the area every December. This year it’s on December 2nd.
I’ll keep an eye on the Full Throttle Cruisin’ Calendar for future fundraisers. The food is good, and so are all the people – it is a win-win situation.
he 2023 colorado motorcycle expo recognized the skills of Hank Thibodeau by awarding his build, “Boneyard Betty,” first place in the highly competitive class “American Big Twin Radical Custom.”
It’s been more than six years since “Boneyard Betty” rolled up the ramp of a moving truck and hit the dusty trail for Colorado. “Boneyard Betty,” one of Hank’s favorite creations, spent her first years in Colorado as a daily rider and could be spotted in the parking lot of the Florence Federal Prison. The following years were spent as a bar hopper in Canon City with an occasional poker-run or parked at a ride-in bike show.
Since the move to Colorado in 2016, I had been planning on showing “Boneyard Betty” at the Colorado Motorcycle Expo, but it seemed Terre and I always had travel plans at that time. With a clear schedule for January this year, I knew it was time to clean her up and bring her to Denver.
The Colorado Motorcycle Expo is the largest indoor motorcycle event in Colorado and is in its 45th year. This year’s event included more than 800 vendors with over 20,000 in attendance during the weekend.
The bike show awards were Sunday afternoon marking the close of the event. There were amazing bikes in each class, I figured on the current trend of flashy big wheels with shiny $10,000. paint jobs would get the prizes so I was more concerned with an exit strategy for when the doors opened and the upcoming two hour drive home on snowy roads.
I was actually sitting on “Boneyard Betty” and looking at my watch when I heard my name called, I looked up and there was a 20 foot wide “Boneyard Betty” on a screen at the back of the stage. After accepting the award, the first order of business was making sure Hank would be the first one in North Carolina to hear his build took a first place in the biggest show in Colorado. My next trip to Bahama, NC, will include a stop at Widowmaker Custom Design and Repair to add to Hank’s trophy shelf.
APRIL 28 – 30
JUNE 9 – 11
JULY 28 – 30
AUGUST 6 – 8
OCTOBER 27 – 29
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
A man was driving along the highway and saw a rabbit hopping across the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid hitting the rabbit, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of the car and was hit. The driver, being a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulled over to the side of the road, and got out to see what had become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit was dead. The driver felt so awful, he began to cry. A woman driving down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road and pulled over. She stepped out of her car and asked the man what was wrong. “I feel terrible,” he explained, “I accidently hit this rabbit and killed it.” The woman told the man not to worry. She knew what to do. She went to her car trunk and pulled out a spray can. She walked over to the limp, dead rabbit, and sprayed the contents of the can onto the rabbit. Miraculously the rabbit came to life, jumped up, waved its paw at the two humans and hopped down the road. 50 meters away the rabbit stopped, turned around, waved and hopped down the road, another 50 meters, turned, waved and hopped another 50 meters. The man was astonished. He couldn’t figure out what substance could be in the woman’s spray can!! He ran over to the woman and demanded, “What is in your spray can? What did you spray on that rabbit?” The woman turned the can around so that the man could read the label. It said: “Hair spray. Restores life to dead hair. Adds permanent wave.”
Two storks are sitting in their nest: a father stork and baby stork. The baby stork is crying and crying and father stork is trying to calm him. “Don’t worry, son. Your mother will come back. She’s only bringing people babies and making them happy.” The next night, it’s father’s turn to do the job. Mother and son are sitting in the
nest, the baby stork is crying, and mother is saying “Son, your father will be back as soon as possible, but now he’s bringing joy to new mommies and daddies.” A few days later, the stork’s parents are desperate: their son is absent from the nest all night! Shortly before dawn, he returns, and the parents ask him where he’s been all night. The baby stork says, “Nowhere. Just scaring the hell out of college students!”
I just failed a fire safety course when they asked what steps I would take in case of an explosion. Apparently, “Really big ones” wasn’t an acceptable answer.
A boy scout says to his scout leader, “Sir, is this snake poisonous?” The scout leader says, “No, that snake’s not poisonous at all.” So, the boy picks up the snake, which bites him, and the boy starts to spasm and foam at the mouth as the other kids look on in horror. The scout leader says, “But that snake is venomous. Poison is ingested or absorbed, while venom is injected. Let’s get it right next time, boys!”
An elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years. He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%. The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, “Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.” The gentleman replied, “Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I’ve changed my will three times!”
My wife is turning 32 soon and I told her not to get her hopes up, “After all, the celebration is only going to last half a minute.” Confused, she asked, “What are you talking about?” I said, “It’s your thirtysecond birthday.”
I was having trouble with my computer. So, I called David, the 11 year-old next door whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. David clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, “So, what was wrong?” He replied, “It was an ID ten T error.” I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonethe-
less inquired, “An ID Ten T error? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.” David grinned, “Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?” “No”, I replied. “Write it down,” he said, “and I think you’ll figure it out.” So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T . I used to like that little boy.
Walking up to a department store’s fabric counter, the pretty girl said, “I would like to buy this material for my new dress. How much does it cost?” “Only one kiss per yard,” replied the male clerk with a smirk on his face. “That’s fine,” said the girl. “I’ll take ten yards.” With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly held it out. The girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old man behind her, and smiled, “Grandpa’s gonna pay the bill.”
A woman was 3 months pregnant when she fell into a deep coma and woke up after about 10 months. The woman asked the doctor about her baby. Doctor: “You had twins, a boy and a girl. They’re both fine. And your brother named them for you.”
Woman: “No No! No! Not my brother. He’s an idiot! What did he name the girl?”
Doctor: “Denise.” Woman: “Oh, that’s actually a nice name. What about the boy?” Doctor: deeply sighs... “Denephew.”
When my wife caught me standing on the bathroom scales, sucking in my stomach, she laughed, “Ha! That’s not going to help!” I said, “Sure, it does.” “It’s the only way I can see the numbers.”
A blonde and a redhead have a ranch. They have just lost their bull. The women need to buy another, but only have $500. The redhead tells the blonde, “I will go to the market and see if I can find one for under that amount. If I can, I will send you a telegram.” She goes to the market and finds one for $499. Having only one dollar left, she goes to the telegraph office and finds out that it costs one dollar per word. She is stumped on how to tell the blonde to bring the truck and trailer. Finally, she tells the telegraph operator to send the word “comfortable.” Skeptical, the operator asks, “How will she know to come with the trailer from just that word?” The redhead replies, “She’s a blonde so she reads real slow: ‘Come for ta bull.’”