Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Trisha, Bill, Len, Rob, Brenda, Pam, Lorna, JB, Pat, Carol, Greg
Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Wally Wersching, Chi, Len Montgomery, Amy Harper, Len Montgomery, Lorna, Derek Sikes, Bill Gallaway, Chris Palke
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Wally Wersching, Rob Harper, Beth Thatcher, Floyd Baker, Lorna, Derek Sikes, Bill Gallaway, Chris Palke
ECEMBER IS HERE AND WE ARE TWO THIRDS OF THE WAY THROUGH THE Holiday Season. The November Cruisin’ Calendar was full of Toy Runs, but there are plenty left for December. There are also more Christmas parties and sales than you can shake your candy cane at. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up with the material side of the holiday and let the stress of it all get to you. Good thing we have motorcycles. When the In-Laws have been there too long or the turkey was in the oven too early you can always throw your leg over your motorcycle and rip down to the Stop N Go store to clear your head. You could always use some celery and a can of fake snow, don’t forget to take the long way.
While you are out, stop by Ft. Bragg Harley-Davidson. They are throwing .01% APR financing on select new models of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. Lemme tell ya, buying a new motorcycle is the gift that keeps on giving all year long. Believe me, I have motorcycles on my Christmas list every year and financing that low could really make this happen!
Check out all the deals in this months magazine. I know you pick up the magazine to read my witty articles, but the ads offer a ton of good info, places to go and great prices on the cool biker stuff you want. Plus, they pay the bills. Each one of the businesses in the magazine are reaching out to the motorcycle community with their best offers. Most of these offers you won’t get outside of this magazine. Take advantage of these deals and when you stop in, tell em the Full Throttle sent ya.
Let’s get back to Christmas y’all. I hope that you get a chance to take some time off from work to spend time with your family, friends, loved ones or at least your motorcycle. It really is the greatest time of year. I’m not a big fan of the cooler weather, but I am a fan of the symbolism of Christmas and God’s love. In our house, we give presents, enjoy time with each other and thank God for the birth of His Son, Jesus, who would later die for our sins. That’s the ultimate gift.
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals…and have a Happy New Year while you are at it.
DEC 1 SEND IT SUNDAY Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 12-3pm, swing by to meetup for a ride, grab a drink, or catch up on the latest bikes & gear trends. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
DEC 1 CHARLOTTE CBA TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE Bojangles Coliseum, 2700 E. Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy, police escort. Rick Nail, 704-577-1546, 704-455-6245 or macman.nail@gmail.com
DEC 1 SUNDAY FUNDAY WITH NOLAN Big Daddy’s Road House, 7304 S. Hwy 55, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 1pm, 919-5573202
DEC 1 15TH ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS Beach House H-D, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 12pm, bring a new unwrapped toy or cash donation, escorted ride, lunch after ride. www.beachhousehd.com, 910-575-9997
DEC 1 1ST ANNUAL ICE “CYCLE” RUN JRCC Clubhouse, 482 Northbrook III School Rd., Vale, NC. 12pm, bring a toy, food provided after. Todd Leonard, 704692-7319
ABATE OF SC TOY RUN Geno’s, 1003 Red Bank Rd., Goose Creek, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $10/donation or bring a gift of equal value. Music, food, drinks, vendors, Santa Claus. Dick Wiggins, 843-696-1037 or Wiggy, 843-826-6101
DEC 4 BIKER B.A.B.E.S. CHRISTMAS PARTY Freedom Biker Church, 690 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 6:30-9pm, 18+, bring your favorite food to share, gift exchange, fellowship. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com
NIGHT 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. 5-9pm, music, food, raffles. www. boonemotorco.com, 919-925-8009
DEC 6-7 GARAGE SALE RickRak, 4001 Windy Rd., Concord, NC. New & used bike parts. www.rickrak.com, 704-2517989
Preacher Steve’s Leathers, 4470 Old Hwy 29, Thomasville, NC. KSU 12pm, bring new unwrapped toys or cash. Food, 50/50, door prizes. 336-827-3300
Double D Burnout Saloon,1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $5/passenger. Food, live music, auction, 50/50
DEC 7 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON PICTURES WITH SANTA 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
SCHOOL TOY RUN 651 21st St NE., Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, parade ride 12:25pm, rain or shine, shirts avail. Make donations payable to Mike’s Hand-Up Charities. 828-327-8555
Big Daddy’s Road House, 7304 S. Hwy 55, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 919-557-3202
DEC 7 TAR RIVER TOY RUN Webbs Mill, 9245 Webb Mill Rd., Spring Hope, NC. KSU 1pm, rain or shine, bring a new unwrapped toy. Food, 50/50, door prizes. Proceeds go to Free Will Baptist Childrens Home & families in need in Nash Co. Charlie, 252-908-1986 or Josh, 252-908-6086
DEC 7 MARK MOORE BENEFIT RIDE & HOG APPRECIATION/ MILEAGE CONTEST END Cox’s Double Eagle H-D, 7540 NC Hwy 15 501 S, Pinehurst, NC. KSU 11am, $20 reg, Raffles, HOG mileage contest winners announced 3pm. 910-420-1564
DEC 7 WINGMEN MC ANNUAL TOY RUN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
DEC 7 FENDERS & FLASH TATTOOS BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-4pm, FREE flash tattoos, free beer w/ BullDog Babes, free snacks, door prizes. www. bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-9381592
TOY RUN Ranlo Church of God, 1825 Spencer Mountain Rd., Gastonia, NC. KSU 11:30am, rain or shine, bring a new unwrapped toy, police escort. Food & motorcycle raffle. Benefits the children of Gaston Co. Foot, 704-913-3392 or Tony, 704-975-7924
DEC 7 10TH ANNUAL JACKSON COUNTY TOY RUN Bojangles, 64 Walmart Plaza, Slyva, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20 or new unwrapped toy. Santa Claus, live music, food. Presented by: HOWMC, benefits Christmas Connection of Jackson Co.
Myrtle Beach H-D, 4710 S. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $10 or a new unwrapped toy per person. Free breakfast, free shirts while supplies last, DJ, 50/50, raffle, live music, door prizes, games, Christmas costume contest w/ cash prize. Benefits the American Red Cross of SC. 843-369-5555, www. myrtlebeachharley.com
T FORT BRAGG HARLEY-DAVISON, WE UNDERSTAND that this year has been a challenging one for many of our valued customers. The financial pressures faced by individuals and families have been significant, and we want to show our appreciation for your continued support. To help make it a little easier, we’ve adjusted our service pricing for your bike. Whether it’s routine maintenance or more extensive repairs, our goal is to provide you with top-notch service without adding extra stress to your budget. We’re here to make it easier for you to ride, because we know that together, we can get through tough times and keep the open road within reach.
Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson has always been more than just a dealership – it’s a place where we have the opportunity to bring the community together. We bring people together through a shared passion for riding and create lasting connections among family, friends, and fellow riders. Every event we host, whether at our dealership or within the local community, is driven by a simple but powerful goal: to make a positive impact and support those in need. We take great pride in backing meaningful causes and organizations like Cape Fear Friends of the Cancer Center, Mission 22, Falcon’s Children’s Home, Cumberland County Needy Foster Children, and 2nd Harvest Food Bank, among others. Our commitment to giving back is just one more way we’re honored to serve the community that has supported us over the years.
On the hunt for the ideal present for your Harley-loving special someone? From jackets, heated gear, gloves, leather to lace we’ve got you covered. Plus, as a comprehensive HarleyDavidson dealership, we provide a complete range of services, parts and accessories, general merchandise apparel, as well as Riding Academy programs. Come visit us today at 3950 Sycamore Dairy Road in Fayetteville, NC or online at www. FortBraggHarley.com.
DEC 7 1ST ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Donaldson Career Center, 100 Vocational Dr., Greenville, SC. 9am-1pm, free for spectators, $20/reg. Music, raffles, vendors, trophies.
DEC 8 RANDOLPH CO. CBA 38TH ANNUAL TOY RUN Randolph Mall, 1437 E. Dixie Dr., Asheboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1:30pm, bring a new unwrapped toy or cash donation. Shirts avail., gift card raffle. Gena, 336-963-3438
DEC 8 ANNUAL IREDELL TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE-IN, DRIVE-IN, CRUISEIN Downtown Mooresville (Main St.) 12-4pm, bring a new unwrapped toy or donation. Food, live entertainment, Pics w/ Santa, vendors. Spons: by Marine Toys For Tots Foundation. Robert Braun, 704-891-0188
DEC 8 2ND ANNUAL HOMELESS SHELTER RIDE Shelby VFW, 855 W. Sumter St., Shelby, NC. 12pm, bring nonperishable food items, toiletries, cleaning supplies, warm clothing, toys for kids.
DEC 8 TOYS FOR TOTS MOTORCYCLE RIDE Shipwreck H-D, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, bring a new unwrapped gift. Police escorted ride, BBQ lunch. 910-791-9997
NIGHT 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. 5-9pm, music, food, raffles. www. boonemotorco.com, 919-925-8009
3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, bring an unwrapped toy or $10, rain or shine. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
DEC 14 TOYS FOR TOTS DROP OFF RIDE & CHRISTMAS KICK OFF PARTY Willies Honky Tonk, 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy. Food provided, live music. www.toysfortots.org
Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Meet 10am, KSU 12:15pm, bring a toy for each location. Live music, food, adult beverages. Benefits the children of Iredell & Rowan Co. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
DEC 14 MCDOWELL COUNTY TOY RUN Old Boondocks, 4231 US-221, Marion, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $10/rider, $15/couples & cars or a new unwrapped present. 50/50, door prizes, raffle, dinner after ride. Clyde, 828-6550307
DEC 14 CMOU TOY RIDE Independence H-D, 9205 E. Independence Blvd., Matthews, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, bring gifts for children, teens & their moms or cash donation. Benefits Turning Point. Shine, 704-840-9710 or Dano, 704-254-7355 www.turningpointnc.org
PARTY Boone MotorCo, 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. 12-4pm, beard contest. www.boonemotorco.com, 919-925-8009
DEC 14 WINDJAMMERS MC 36TH ANNUAL TOY RUN Cleveland Co. Mall, 2001-53 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC. KSU 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy. Food, 50/50, live music, door prizes. Proceeds go to Cleveland Co. Childrens Home.
DEC 14 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
DEC 14 ANGEL TREE RIDE Freedom CR, 455 Rockhill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Ride and help deliver toys. www. freedombikerchurchfayetteville.com, 910920-5553
Cox’s Double Eagle H-D, 7540 NC Hwy 15 501 S, Pinehurst, NC. 11am-1pm, KSU 12:30pm, pics w/ The Grinch, free hot chocolate & snacks. 910-420-1564
DEC 14 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON PHOTOS WITH SANTA 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am3pm, FREE photos w/ Santa incl pets, free beer & boozy hot cocoa bar, holiday cookies, free gift wrapping, kids ornament decorating. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
DEC 14 32ND ANNIVERSARY BRUNSWICK COUNTY TOY RUN Brunswick Island Baptist Church, 1672 Mt. Pisgah Rd., Supply, NC. Reg 9:30am, ride to Walmart to shop, lunch, auction, prizes, raffle. Benefits children selected by Brunswick 910-754-5144.
DEC 17 BOONE MOTORCO BIKE NIGHT 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. 5-9pm, music, food, raffles. www. boonemotorco.com, 919-925-8009
DEC 18 FORT BRAGG H-D VIP SHOPPING NIGHT 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
RYNE Big Daddy’s Road House, 7304 S. Hwy 55, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 919-5573202
DEC 21 SPRINGERS CHRISTMAS PARTY 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Live music.
DEC 21 COX’S H-D END OF YEAR PARTY 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-5pm, Hawaiian Lua, mixed drinks. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
DEC 21 2ND ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS TOY RUN D & D American Performance, 1992 Charlotte Hwy, Mooresville, NC. Reg 1pm, KSU 2pm, bring an unwrapped toy or $10 per person. Free donuts & hot cocoa, 50/50, door prizes, live music, after party, discounts. www.ddamericanperformance.com, 980-444-0779
DEC 21 UGLY SWEATER DAY Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-3pm, boozy hot cocoa bar, H-D gift basket raffle. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
DEC 28 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON TOAST TO 2025 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-3pm, free champagne & beer w/ the BullDog Babes, gift card raffle. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
DEC 30 CHILI COOK-OFF & BATTLE OF THE BIKERS Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC.
DEC 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Live music.
Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC.
Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 12pm, for day drinkers, food & drink specials. 336-8151220
DEC 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 9pm, live music, food & drink specials. 336-815-1220
NYE PARTY 7304 S. Hwy 55, FuquayVarina, NC. 919-557-3202
RIDE 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. 1pm.
VFW Post 670 & Auxiliary, 3928 Doc Bennett Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11:30am. Cold weather challenge ride, chili cookoff, live music, tattoo artist, cigar boutique. Hosted by: CVMA NC CH 15-1. FMI, pro@cvma15-1.net
SMITH DAY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Live music all day, food & drinks avail., come help celebrate Joe’s 84th birthday. 336-815-1220
CUSTOM BIKE SHOW Greensboro Coliseum 1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC. 10-7pm. $20/person, Kids 10& Under Free. 25 class bike show with 200 custom motorcycles and $12k in cash prizes, 100+ vendors, live music, live pinstriping, chopper photo gallery, tattoo booth, Perewitz Cycle Fab Paint Show. Bike show registration $20/ bike, bikes must be pre-registered. 336885-5400 www.fullthrottlemagazine.com
Voodoo Brewing Co., 3453 US-17 Bus., Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 8am, KSU 12pm, $25/rider, $10/passenger incl all you can eat breakfast. Raffles, auction, vendors. Benefits SC Auxiliary Scholarship.
EMPERATURES WERE IN THE 50S ON THE MORNING OF November 10th, which meant I would need my thermal underwear for the first time this season. I headed out of Wake Forest at 10am. My destination was the Homestead Steakhouse in Timberlake, NC, about an hour and fifteen minutes away. Today’s ride was the 15th Annual Toy Run for the Steelhorse Strangers MC. I had heard about this toy run, but never yet attended. As I got closer to the destination, several bikes were visible ahead and behind me. When I arrived, there were at least 250 bikes already there, and more kept coming. The band, Misbehavin, was keeping the crowd entertained and when they took a break the music kept going with Got it Covered DJ Service.
The SSMC was formed by Jarrett “Joker” Shotwell, and the toy run was started to honor the memory of a 6-year-old child that he and his wife lost 12/10/2007. Over the years this toy run has grown and this year 467 bikes and 750+ people attended. Once registration was complete, Joker gave a speech where he explained the history of the toy run, ride logistics, and thanked the dozens of sponsors. The Champion Sponsor of this years toy run was Widowmaker Custom Design and Repair. Of the more than 200 sponsors, some were from my neck of the woods including Boone MotorCo and Granville County CBA.
The ride was escorted through Roxboro, Person County, across Mayo Lake and then back through Roxboro returning to the Homestead. Hundreds of people of all ages cheered and waved as we rode by. The Fire Dept had a large American flag hanging as we rode through town. Back at Homestead Steakhouse, empty stomachs were filled with BBQ, fried chicken and all the sides. At the end of the day, a large trailer was filled with toys and over $57,000 was given to Santa’s Helpers. The toys and money will be used to make sure children in
Person County do not go without at Christmas. A big Thank You for all the donations, sponsors, volunteers and supporters. Thanks also to Homestead for the great meal, Misbehavin and DJ for entertainment, and first responders for keeping the ride safe and well organized. Be sure block your calendar on the second Sunday in November next year so you can attend this toy run. It’s an event not to be missed.
HAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? YOU NEED A PART for that chopper project? You looking to start a build? Maybe you are just looking for an excuse to have a good time. Well, the Charlotte CBA Swap Meet has been providing all of that and more since 1971 and this year was no different. The Fall edition of the Swap Meet kicked off November 9th at the Rowan County Fair Grounds in Salisbury, NC with a boat load of vendors. I mean I haven’t seen this many vendors at the swap meet in years. The outside portion of the event is the main swap meet section. The oval midway of the fairgrounds was lined, inside and out with swap meet vendors. The serious swappers get there early and snag up some of the harder to find parts shortly after the gates open and although that doesn’t mean the part you need will be gone before ya get there, I just wouldn’t sleep on it. Good swap meets are few and far between and some of those parts are getting rare! Still the fairground was full of motorcycle frames, rollers, engines, parts and collectables. I saw a couple crusty antique engines on display one Shovelhead and one Panhead. Both had seen better days, but I immediately start to day dream about the possibilities that with a little spit, grit and a lot of zip ties and I could be cruisin’ on a cool “new to me” chopper.
It didn’t hurt that that November day the temps were in the high 60’s and was one of those fall days that begs people to get out and ride. One of the attractions for the last couple years, is the cannon fire. Three times a day the Mechanized Calvary fires off a cannon in the bottom corner of the fairgrounds. It’s pretty damn cool to watch, but man it is so loud. If you aren’t paying attention, it will scare the shit out of you. Motorcycle parts aren’t the only thing on display you can snag some fine sterling jewelry, all the leather you could need,
patches, stickers, beard balms, cold drinks etc. Another bonus grab was the Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers 2025 wall calendar. This calendar has been features some of the hottest bikes and ladies in the Carolinas’ each year and debuts at the fall swap meet. So cool to snag one of the first copies and have Kristin aka Miss May sign a copy at the Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers booth! The Carolinas’ Biker Lawyer, Bob Karney, rode in and was hangin out too. Lots of cool bikes in this year’s calendar, I’m partial to the one featured in December 2025!
Note the title of the event mentions that there is a bike show. The CBA Swap Meet is actually host to three bike shows over the weekend. There’s the original two-day bike show inside building A. This is where all the show bikes and trophy hounds pile in. There’s a registration fee for this show and they dish out a grand in prize money for the people’s choice awards. This year’s bike show was on the up and up too. I stopped in to tell the judges luck ‘cause there were a ton of cool bikes in the competition! Everyone that comes in through the bike show room also gets a people’s choice voting ballot and that’s where the money is! The awards for this show are handed out on Sunday afternoon with a couple of newcomers taking home some hardware! The Bike Show winners went like this:
Stock: 1st Place - Creeping Death MC, 2nd Place - John Patrick
Bobber: 1st Place - Blake Allen
Street Custom: 1st Place Larkin McNeely, 2nd Place - Allan Lambert
Radical: 1st Place - Brian Armstrong, 2nd Place - Java Skye
Dresser: 1st Place Matt Daniel, 2nd Place - Danny Life
Antique: 1st Place - Ian Hoffner
People’s Choice Awards
1st Place: Java Skye - $500 Cash
2nd Place: Allan Lambert - $300 Cash
3rd Place: Dano Simmons - $200 Cash
The second bike show of the weekend is the Ride-In Bike Show. This is a newer feature to this event. The idea being that are a lot of good looking parking lot bikes…and we wanna see em! Dressed up daily riders and other ridden in show bikes join in on this bike show. There’s no registration fee for the Ride-In bike show and it’s one of the best parking spots at the event. Really, there’s no reason to not enter the show! This year we had a group of bikes that ranged from stripped down choppers, street bikes, cruisers and baggers. Again, it was no picnic for the judges, but it was great eye candy for everyone at the event. Dano Simmons from South Main Customs in Kannapolis, NC built some killer custom trophies for two categories of the bike show: Best In Show and Best Engine. The midway tent that houses the band, who was rocking all day long, also housed the awards ceremony for the ride in bike show. The bike show participants were called to the stage while Dano addressed the crowd and named the winners. The Best Engine award went to Mike McCloud and his beautiful 54 panhead and the Best In Show went to Logan Whitlow for his vintage Triumph Chopper.
The band went back at it for a bit and it’s a good time to take a break and grab some grub. There’re always good eats at the swap meet, but if you don’t have a fried pork chop sandwich, I believe you are missing out. As the evening gets on the final spectacle of the day is the wet t-shirt contest. Now, I won’t go in to too much unnecessary descriptions of this event, but let’s just say there was some hootin’ and hollerin’ going on in that tent! A handful of lovely ladies worked hard those can prizes, but as always, the crowd were the real winners.
The Third and final bike show of the weekend was the Builders Cup bike show. This recent upstart bike show is a way to showcase the ability of the local bike shops. Bike shops are encouraged to enter a bike that came out of their shop, whether built or maintained there, to compete for the builder’s cup. This is a HUGE trophy with multiple name plaques. Each fall swap meet a new builder’s cup champion’s name is added to the trophy and passed on to be on display in the winners shop til next year. This year’s builders cup champion was Blake Allen of BlockHeadz Custom Cycles all the way from Wilson, NC. He brought in his newest chopper build and it took home the cup!
The Swap Meet is Saturday and Sunday, but a lot of the events go on Saturday. Still there is the Bike Show and Builders Cup awards that happen on Sunday, and you may still scab some of the left over swap meet parts. There’s always a big crowd on Saturday so if its parts you’re after better get there early. If you’re just getting out to have a good time, well, the party goes on all day long. The Charlotte CBA Swap Meet happens twice a year and will come back around in March of 2025. Keep your eye on the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Cruisin’ Calendar for details and start compiling a list of those parts you need to finish the build! It’s a good time event and worth coming out to. The proceeds from the event go to NC CBA and the efforts of this association to keep the government from taking away our rights as bikers. Not only should you come and have a great time at the event, but you should join the CBA while you are there!
Pearl Harbor Day
HAT A GREAT TURNOUT OF RACERS AND FANS FOR the American Motorcycle Racing Association Jim McClure All-Harley Nitro World Finals in Rockingham at the end of October. I saw folks I’ve hung out at the strip with for more than 30 years.
One of the best sights in drag racing is watching Nitromethane-fueled Harleys roar into The Rock sunset. There were 40 Fuel Bikes putting on a flame spewing show Saturday as the third round of qualifying wrapped up.
Jay “Bulldog” Turner, Julian, NC, learned about Nitro Harleys from Jim McClure and the legends of the drag strip. Now the North Carolina Drag Racing Hall of Famer shows why he is one of the best. Jay qualified number one in the twelve-bike field, then ran quick in eliminations to win the race and the 2024 Top Fuel National Championship.
The final round was a great, side-by-side, roaring flames, race against his teammate, Tii Tharpe, Pfafftown, NC. Jay ran
a 6.26 at 216 miles-an-hour to thrill the fans.
In Nitro Funny Bike, Carolina teams continued kickin ass. Armon Furr, Orangeburg, SC, is the son of Nitro Racing Legend Bill Furr and always a fan favorite to win. He was limping around the pits with an injured foot so Jimmy McMillan was tapped to race the Furr machine. Jimmy is usually racing a bike on the Asheville-based Bad Apple Racing team but his machine is in the shop for repairs from a crash.
The final Nitro Funny Bike round could be a story on its own. Jimmy Mac was set to race his Bad Apple Teammate Cameron Gunter, Marshall, NC. But both teams had some serious issues in the pits meaning lots more work between rounds than usual. Engine and clutch problems, chunked tire, start for the warmup and push rods thrown across the pit. Racers wanna race and fans want to see the finals won on the strip. Jimmy Mac left soft with a cylinder out while Cameron crossed the center line and hit a block.
Jimmy and Armon celebrated the race win. Cameron and the Bad Apple Team earned the 2024 AMRA Nitro Funny Bike Championship.
Fans love Pro Fuel bikes. Especially when 16 are fixing to make passes down the strip. These are the small nitro bikes with 120 cubic inch engines, carburetors and single speed only. But those machines still fill the air with nitromethane, rattle your chest and put down 7.30’s all day.
There are some cool folks racing Pro Fuel these days and the fans love to have favorites and cheer their wins. One of the standouts the last couple years has been Bad Apple Mary Dangrow from Asheville. Watch the stands erupt when she wins and comes down the return road. Despite damage from hurricane Hellene, the Bad Apple Team decided they needed to make it to the strip. End the race season and start getting Continues On Page 22
life back to normal.
Mary was having a pretty good weekend. In the third round of qualifying she set a new personal best ET of 7.25 to take the number one qualifying spot. After going rounds and sending a few folks to the trailer, Mary faced 2023 Pro Fuel Champ Sam White, Chapin, SC, in the final round. In another good race for the fans, Mary took the win with a 7.35 at 165 to Sam’s 7.53 at 161. Sam kept the Number One Plate as the 2024 Champ.
To lots of us Harley Drags fans, the gas classes are just as exciting as the fuel bikes. Big motors running all kinds of combinations to get to the stripe first. Some are naturally aspirated just motor; some supercharged, turbocharged or spraying nitros oxide. All were roaring down the strip and thrilling fans.
Fifteen bikes qualified for the Pro Bagger field. Bruce Emanuel rode that pretty blue machine to the win. These bikes have strict rules to maintain as much Harley Bagger look as possible. Check out all the videos fans post of them racing down the strip with the front tire way off the track. No sissy bars on these machines. Riders have to wrassle them down the strip for a win.
The Street Bagger class is more like what you ride. If you have the quickest Bagger in your town. More wheelies and close racing makes this a popular class.
If you like Bad Ass Bagger Drags, make sure your butt is in the stands at Shady Side Dragway near Shelby, NC, April 25 – 26, 2025. That’s when I expect more than 200 gas bikes for Mike Beland’s A1 Cycles Cash Days 3. Will be lots of these bikes there for a big purse.
The American Motorcycle Racing Association has lots of gas classes for you to race in. Pro Mod and Modified machines are too cool. Never bet against Uncle Joe Perry. He may be as old as I am, but will send you home in the next round. Hot Street and Outlaw Street are classes I wish there were more racers in. Keith Browne, Semora, NC, was making passes on the latest turbo bike they built. Love seeing their bike make good passes.
Index classes run on a minimum elapsed time and allow different machines to be competitive. Top Eliminator is the quickest Index Class at 9.30 seconds. These bikes are haulin ass. The final round saw Ken Strauss, Terrell, NC, get the win over Cody Hayworth, Concord, NC. Hey Y’all, that pretty machine Freddie Frazier, Sanford, NC, was riding is for sale. Contact Ray Riddle for a race ready bike.
There were a bunch more races in the Index Classes and Dial-In ET for fans to enjoy. If you think you want to race your bike, come on to the strip and we will teach you how to get started. All those hot rod parts on your bike ain’t for talking about at the bar. See Y’all at the strip.
N SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 2024, THE RIVERTOWN Riders RC out of Conway, SC held their annual Crescom Memorial Ride. This ride was in memory and honor of Donna Major and Katie Skeen, who were killed during a bank robbery in Conway, SC, on August 21st, 2017. The proceeds from this event aide the Rivertown Riders’ Rubberside Down Foundation. This foundation is set up to help bikers within our community in the event they go down and also help provide scholarships for kids in need.
Registration started at 9 AM at the Beaver Bar in Murrells Inlet, SC, where riders could register, purchase 50/50 tickets,
and take part in the raffle. With kickstands up at 11 AM, riders made their way through Georgetown, SC, and into Conway, SC. The ride ended with awesome food and fun at Chanti’s in downtown Conway. Here, they announced the winning numbers from the 50/50 and many raffle items that were donated by local businesses, friends, and members. The Rivertown Riders are honored to be able to keep the memories of Donna Majors and Katie Skeen alive by helping our community in need.
OVEMBER 2 WAS A GREAT FALL WEATHER DAY. IT was also the date of Boone MotorCo Bike Show. Bikes started rolling in early for the 10am registration. By showtime the place was packed. Ron with Tar Banks Brewing Co. and Kymond Outlaw with Key’s Main Squeeze were there to supply refreshments. When the dust settled, Shane Ferguson took Best in Show with his new Rewaco trike. Awards were given for several other categories as well.
Event proceeds of $783 went to The Gimp Gangsters Foundation. The foundation provides people with disabilities funds
to purchase or repair wheelchair accessible vehicles. They are involved in several car shows, bike shows and other events in the area. Be sure to check them out on Facebook. A big thanks go out to show sponsors Tim Bilbo, JoCo Radio and Alexis Realty.
If you need a clean pre-owned bike, accessories, regular maintenance on your current bike, or just a cool hat and t-shirt be sure to stop by Boone MotorCo at 3021 US1 Franklinton, NC. You can also find them on Facebook, #askboone, or their website boonemotorco.com.
OHNSTON COUNTY IN NORTH CAROLINA HAS A STRONG motorcycle community and at the heart of that community is Bulldog Harley-Davidson.
While Bulldog Harley-Davidson was acquired and rebranded just two years ago, they have made major strides in the area to remain the hub of the community by having open doors to the riding community and hosting killer events. In continuing this tradition, Bulldog Harley-Davidson hosted their second annual Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show on October 26th. Bulldog marketing manager Marlee and GM Tyler rolled out the red carpet to Johnston County bikers again and planned a big event. Vendors were set up in the parking lot along side a beer tent with the Bulldog Babes slinging drinks. The Bulldog Babes are the real reason folks come to these events! Black High Ink was set up inside the dealership doing Halloween Flash Tattoos as another attraction that day. They had a couple artists working and they stayed busy all day long giving people a head start on their Halloween decorations.
The third ring to this Saturday circus was the bike show. Registration was supposed to start at 11am, but there were already bikes lined up to be shown by the time we showed up! Nothing gets done without a little help from our friends and this show was sponsored in part by Law Tigers Motorcycle Lawyers. I was reunited with my longtime friend and bike show judge Tyler Stiles, who not only has an eye for detail on motorcycles but is one of the area Law Tigers personal injury lawyers. We had to hit the ground running and get everyone registered and parked in the bike show section. Outlaw Bit was the band for the day, and they rocked the crowd all day. Continues
These fellas knew their outlaw country and put on a great show during the day. It’s always a good day when you’re out in the sun, checking out motorcycles and listening to Waylon Jennings songs.
It wasn’t long before the parking lot was jammed up with shiny chrome and flashy paint jobs. Luckily two are Full Throttle Magazine reps dropped in to help out. “Three Wheel” was running around taking care of all the photography needs and Rob was running the registration table to allow Tyler and I to take our time judging these bikes. We had over forty show bikes pile in. There was no registration cost on the bike show and we were gonna be handing out some hardware to the winners. On top of that the Full Throttle Choice award was getting an invitation to our 3rd Annual Full Throttle Custom Bike Show inside the Greensboro Coliseum this coming February 1st.
The competition was fierce, and we had to pull in some guest judges to break some ties for us. I gotta say, the riders of Johnston County know their stuff and filled the lot with nice bikes. We were on our knees taking in all the details on those bikes and the winners were separated from the rest of their class by fractions of points. It ended up looking like this.
Vintage Class: Sue Hatch – 1976 H-D FLH
Touring Class: Grady Rouse – 2020 H-D Road Glide
Cruiser Class: Daniel Barbour – 2012 H-D Softail Deluxe
Radical Bagger Class: Randall Winstead – 2013 H-D Street Glide
Custom Non-Bagger Class: Blake Allen – 2025 Blockheadz Bastard
Bulldog H-D Choice Award:
Jerry Willman – 1999 H-D Fatboy
Law Tigers Choice Award:
Todd Johnson – 1969 BSA Thunderbolt
Full Throttle Choice Award:
Daniel Barbour – 2012 H-D Softail Deluxe
We usually don’t double up on awards, but I tell ya that dirty tail cholo Softail Daniel brought out was something special. This thing was chromed up with a killer metallic brown and gold panel paintjob, custom Vans footrests, upswept fishtails and extra points for a real blanket roll that wasn’t stereo speakers. Not only did he take home the top award of the day, his bike was invited to the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom bike show at the Greensboro Coliseum where it will be up against 199 other custom bikes all trying to win part of the $12k cash prize on February 1st! Y’all gotta come check it out!
When the judging was over and the awards handed out, Black Hive Inc was still inside Bulldog H-D beautifying America. Not only that but the showroom was still crawling with folks checking out the stellar floor of New and Used Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. I hear they sold a handful of bikes that day. Bulldog H-D is right in the middle of renovating and adding on to their dealership but can still take care of all your H-D needs. We are looking forward to the completion of the Service Department renovations, they are after all, the faster growing Harley-Davidson Dealer in the Nation. Make sure you stop in and check them out, it’s worth the trip for sure.
HIS MONTH THE MAJORITY OF THE PLANET WILL CELEBRATE Christmas in some manner. The birth of Jesus is such a profound event that we separate the calendar between the time before and after his birth.
We will celebrate with food, giving and receiving gifts, music, Christmas pageants, and special church services. For many this is the happiest and most joyous time of the year. Family, financial and emotional struggles are often magnified during Christmas, and it is not a time of joy. Grief for our lost loved ones is often amplified during Christmas. I encourage you to include a friend, co-worker, acquaintance, neighbor or family member with an empty chair at their table to join your celebration this Christmas.
The bible includes over 300 prophecies concerning the birth, life and death of the Messiah. Matthew 1:23 confirms the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 of Jesus virgin birth and who he is.
Matthew 1:23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
The Gospel of Luke chapter 1 & 2 is the traditional gospel we rely on for the Christmas story. The birth of Christ is announced in Luke 2:10-11. This scripture is quoted by Linus in the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
Luke 2:10-11 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be
afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Jesus himself in John 3:16 shares with us who he is and why he came and what it means to those who believe and invite him to be their savior.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John chapter 17 provides the details of Jesus prayer in the garden before being arrested. The scripture below is his prayer for believer’s past, present and future.
John 17:22-23 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
I pray that this Christmas you are able to sift through the commercialization of Christmas and the tidings of great joy promised by the angels fill your heart. We are truly and deeply loved by our creator. Christmas is the celebration of the greatest gift ever given.
Prayers for a very Merry Christmas along with a healthy and prosperous new year for all.
WAS LOOKING FOR SOMEWHERE TO GO ON OCTOBER 26th, and I found out that the Full Throttle Biker Church in Bostic, NC was having a “Bug Splat” charity run for a place called the River Hill Refuge. The “Bug Splat” run consists of small targets on the front of the bike with awards after the ride to see if any bugs were splattered on it. The one with the biggest bug splattered on the target wins. It’s all in fun. There’s no way one can predict who would kill the largest bug. I usually try to avoid them.
I hadn’t heard of the River Hill Refuge, so I looked it up on-line. The name River Hill Refuge and its logo represent a blend of the past and the future. Located on the late Dr. Ted G. Westmoreland’s former River Hill Angus farm where it once housed the Westmoreland family’s prized cattle. Ted’s sons, Wes and Jay, are grateful for the blessings of their upbringing and seek to encourage and inspire less fortunate individuals, and assist them in reaching their God-given potential. They have decided to use part of their father’s Angus farmland to become three family foster homes through Baptist Children’s Homes of NC. These homes will be used to transform the lives of countless disadvantaged children in Cleveland County. Baptist Children’s Homes has provided excellent childcare since 1885, and has thirty locations, and an orphanage in Guatemala. It is ready to expand its ministry to share hope and change lives in Cleveland County. This endeavor took a lot of planning to accomplish. The Ground-Breaking Ceremony happened on September 30, 2021, with the River Hill Refuge Dedication Ceremony on May 1, 2024.
I left home at 9:30AM heading west on Rt 74. I veered to the right to get onto Business 74, went through Ellenboro, and was at the church before 10:00AM. I parked “Miss Vickie” in front of the church and went inside with a stack of Full Throttle magazines under my arm. I gave my donation, and then looked at all the food cooking in the crock pots on the counter. There was enough food there to feed an army. The women of the church out did themselves this time.
Afterwards, I walked around to see who else was there. I met Mike, the pastor of the church along with a few friends who I know from other events at the church. It was good to see all the smiling faces. I really enjoyed myself talking with everyone. Some people were buying extra targets to stick on their bikes – a better chance to win.
Mike called everybody into the church for some ride instructions and a prayer. The ride was going to the River Hill Refuge home to visit with the families there. He explained about the route so that the group wouldn’t have any left turns or stoplights. It was a round-about way but the safest for the group.
At 11:00AM, everybody went to their bikes. When traffic was stopped on the road, the group exited riding toward Ellenboro. For a few minutes, it was very loud where I was taking pictures. Then, all was quiet again. I walked back to “Miss Vickie” and headed home. It was a fun morning and a productive event for the River Hill Refuge. There were 25 bikes, and $700.00 was raised for the Refuge. A win-win for all!
biker friendly bar to see my friend Clyde Watts. He has been keeping this watering hall running smoothly for 27 years. When I sat down with Clyde, he gave me a little history of this cool establishment. Charlotte Cantrell’s loving father left her an inheritance with which she used to purchase this business. She honored her father by naming it Pop’s Place. Charlotte’s wishes were to have a family friendly environment for all walks of life, including the Biker community.
Over the decades, Pop’s has proven to be a large contributor to the community. Along with bike rally events, Pop’s keeps the tradition of Charlotte’s wishes ongoing through her daughter Sherry. By continuing to serve the community through events such as the Shriner’s and other charitable poker runs along with events such as toys for tots organized by bikers. Pops also donates to other charitable causes.
We also discussed past bike rallies and how they have changed over the years. The helmet law (now rescinded), as an example, had moved most of the events to the Murrells Inlet area. He has since noticed with the help of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine, a big difference. Events are easing back into the Myrtle Beach area and attendance has increased. During the Spring and Fall Rallies Pop’s extends a warm invitation to the Biker Community both local and visiting to enjoy the Karaoke, cold beverages, food, darts, pool tables, outdoor patio and biker designated parking.
In conclusion, Pop’s Place was a fantastic stop. During all Myrtle Beach rallies this is a must stop watering hole. Even if you aren’t a local make it a point to stop during your visit. Located at 511 S Kings Hwy. in Myrtle Beach, SC.
LL OF THE BIG BIKE RALLYS ARE OVER, AND NOW ITʼS time for the “Toy Runs”. There will be at least one toy run every weekend until Christmas. It’s a great way to get together for a good cause – to provide a toy for a child on Christmas morning.
I love toy runs. I get to see old friends who I only see at the toy runs. I don’t like to ride in the toy run because I think that it’s dangerous for all those bikes to ride so close together. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be. There’s always one idiot who likes to show off by pulling a wheelie or something like that or the novice who just bought his first bike and wants to ride with the group. They are really scary. I will always participate by donating either an unwrapped toy or money for the cause.
The first toy run this year is the Guardians of the Children (GOC) toy run. The GOC is an organization of bikers who educate the public on how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child abuse. The Gastonia Chapter has been in existence since 2010. During that time, they have been involved in many child abuse cases in Gaston County.
On Saturday, November 9th, they held their Annual Christmas Toy Run to raise money and toys for the children for families in Gaston and surrounding counties who have contacted the GOC for help for Christmas. Any toys left will be distributed to families in need. Money from the ride will be used to buy gifts for older children. Any money left will be donated to the Gaston County Toy Run for Kids.
Registration started at 10:30AM at the Winner’s Circle Bar on Franklin Boulevard in Gastonia. Fees - $6.00 and an unwrapped toy, or $10.00 with no toy. The run was scheduled to leave at 12:00pm to ride a scenic route to Route 55 Country Store & Grill in Clover, SC, and eventually ending back at the Winner’s Circle for food, and Christmas cheer.
I left home at 10:00AM heading east on Rt 74. It was pleasantly cool. I wore my winter leather and was very comfortable. I stayed on Rt 74 all the way into Gastonia. The Winners’ Circle Bar was on the right on the west side of Gastonia. After I parked in the lot, I brought a stack of Full Throttle magazines and placed them on the registration table when I gave my donation. There were only a few bikes there – mostly club members.
A group of the Armored Saints Motorcycle Ministry rode in. I talked with “Pops”. We are old friends. He’s a Marine vet, and I’m a Navy vet so we always dig each other about which branch of the military is better. The Navy is of course!
As we were talking, we noticed a crowd gathering around one motorcycle. They were taking parts off the bike. We walked over and asked what was going on. The young man bought his new Harley four days ago, and now none of his back lights were working. When he rode in followed by a few friends, they told him about the situation. Everybody was
trying to help but I don’t know if they ever fixed his lights. He went on the toy run anyway. People behind him would have to be very cautious, and aware that his lights weren’t working.
I watched as many bikes rolled in - some in packs of five or six, and others came alone. Then, a young man rode in on a white Victory Crossroads. We talked for a short while because the group was getting ready to have the pre-ride meeting. At a little before noon, they had a meeting. Since this Toy Run would only have a police escort only in the beginning, they had to do it the old fashioned way with “Road Guards” at the intersections. It can be very dangerous, so everybody was told what to do when certain hand signals were given. After that, there was the prayer thanking god for the great weather and asking god to bless all the participants.
As they were getting ready to ride, most of the people removed their jackets - to ride in their t-shirts. Then, the bikes left with a roar. They exited the lot out the back way for the beginning of their ride on the beautiful back roads in the area. After they left, I headed back to Shelby - west on Rt 74. It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning, and I will do it again next year.
I like my Santa To Be Riding a sweet clapped out chopper while delivering all kinds of cool custom parts And Gear to everyones garages......
NCE THE RALLY SEASON ENDS, THE LEAVES START TO change color, and the fall weather sets in. But wait, it’s North Carolina, so that’s not exactly true. The leaves have changed, but the weather is still fantastic. The fall does bring on eating season and that is worth celebration. One of my favorite type events is the chili cookout. So, when Brandon McNeely of Blue Collar Cycle Company asked me to come out to their third annual chili cookoff, I was happy to oblige. November 2nd was the date of the cookoff and although it was gonna be 70 degrees, it was still a great day to eat chili. The warm weather made for a beautiful hour ride on the back roads to Salisbury and when I pulled up at Blue Collar, I snagged a great parking spot. Ya gotta arrive early to their events for choice parking. Blue Collar events bring out a ton of folks and they park up and down the curb in front of the shop on Old West Innes Street, it’s a good thing Brandon has continually expanded the Blue Collar property to include 3/4 of the block!
It wasn’t quite time for the contest to begin and it gave me a minute to check out the previously loved motorcycles on the show room floor. Blue Collar has an impressive selection of motorcycles, good pricing and in house financing options to make sure you leave on two wheels. Brandon also collects vintage motorcycles, and I always stop in to visit his Servi-Car and see if he’s added any Shovelheads to the lot.
It was my sixth or maybe my seventh sense that brought me back to the “alley” between the service building and the show room where the chili cookoff was going on. Something told me it was time sample some chili’s and I was in for a treat. I’ve never met a chili I didn’t like so picking a winner is near impossible, good thing I wasn’t an official judge but everyone who tasted had a chance to vote for the people’s choice winner.
Each chili contestant was set up at their own table with unique serving styles, fixings and flavor. I started at the top
of the row at Brad Gandy’s table. Anyone who has attended a Blue Collar event has probably been fed by Brad and his family. My dude cooks up the best BBQ you can eat, and I was definitely interested in sampling his chili. He’s an over achiever so he brought two chilis; a brisket chili with big ol hunks of brisket in it and a hotter cajun style chili. Both were delicious and he was earning extra points with his wife serving up fresh grilled cheese sandwiches straight off the griddle! Moving down the line we had the first place winner from the inaugural chili cookoff, serving up her chili in scoops tortilla chips garnished with sour cream and cheese. The next booth was the hottest of the day. This chef’s booth was decorated with a flame tablecloth and served his chili with options like; Hot or Hotter. I went with Hotter. He layered up chili, chips, cheese, hot sauce, more cheese and served it up with a cold scoop of banana puddin’. It had a delicious burn. Next up was the last years 1st place winner. I had to give myself a break to let my mouth cool down so I could taste her delicious concoction. There was no question why she had won last year. It was thankfully mild and flavorful with a dash of cheese and sour cream.
Next up was Keith “Lil Willie” Shankle of Higher Ark / Psychonaut Cannibus Company of Salisbury. Keith had a pile of delicious, buttered, sweet corn bread and a delicious chili that was “nano infused” and just the right amount of chili flavor and heat. Keith is a hell of a guy and served me up a bowl rather than a sample cup and we shot the breeze will I chowed down. Greg Hardy from the Ole Watering Hole in Winston/ Walburg, NC was up next. Greg was dishing out a fantastic no bean recipe that was over the top with brisket, deer meat and more, but my concentration level was getting a little fuzzy. It may have been that I had now downed five heaping samples of chili, but I was getting suspicious of Keith’s chili. What was I talking about again? Oh, right, Greg’s chili was right on for sure. Only one chili remained and I never back down. The last chili was a venison chili and was well worth wandering all the way down the line of chili tables. It was a smooth chili taste, good chunks of meat and beans with great flavor.
Well, I did it. I was very tempted to dive back in and get seconds at all the tables, but I got caught up talking and hanging out with friends that stopped by to chow down. I noticed the time seemed to slow down and conversation became a little harder. Anyone who has been around me knows I can get long winded, but I was finding myself lost for words, and thirsty. Then out of the black void that was my brain, came a replay of Keith “Lil Willie” Shankle’s voice saying “Nano Infused” (imagine that phrase being played at half speed like Naaaaaanooooooooo Infuuuuuuuuuussssed) and then it hit me….I was stoned man. I will go ahead and apologize to anyone who attempted to talk to me after this point. If I didn’t seem interested or made a slightly awkward response in our conversation, It was Keith’s fault. It’s truly a testament to the quality of Keith’s Higher Ark / Psychonaut products. I downed some water and wandered around the property waiting on the results of the day.
Brandon and his daughter Neveah announced the winners around 4pm eastern standard time or what seemed like hours later on my Rocky Mountain High time zone. The results were like this…I think. Keith Shankle took home $100 cash as the 2nd Looser (3rd place)….but I just think everyone forgot to vote for him. Brad Gandy took $200 as 1st Looser (2nd place) for one of his chilis. Top marks this year and $350 went to Greg Hardy’s no bean brisket chili. A well-deserved victory. This year’s people’s choice award and $250 went to Yevette who was the winner of the inaugural chili cookoff. Last but not least, Brad Gandy took home an additional $200 as the Best Non-Traditional chili winner with his brisket chili. The event proceeds went to the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and the true winners of the day were the folks that came out and enjoyed a beautiful day at the bike shop chowin’ down on delicious chili.
The sun was still up, since daylight saving didn’t end until the next day, so it was a beautiful ride home. I took the backroads and enjoyed listening to miles go by as the breeze cleared the remaining cobwebs from my mind. I tell ya I love chili cookoffs and other “eating events” and look forward to this season of riding, but one thing remains. I’ll never eat chili with “Lil Willie” again! Well, scratch that, next time I will pay attention to my serving size a little better. A man has got to know his limitations and apparently, I’m a light weight!
T WAS A FOGGY START TO THE WEEKEND EVENT. I LUVED the organizers’ play on words… Indian motorcycle ride in Indian summer became “An Indian Summer Ride”. Our pack was meeting in Laurel Springs, coming from all parts of the country. HoneyBun and I took 421 FULL THROTTLE to 115N (Statesville Road), then 18N to Freeborne’s (a biker friendly restaurant and motel), our starting point in the high country, just off The Blue Ridge Parkway, milepost 248. I’ve never seen so many Indian bikes all in one place before; cool to see how everyone customized their sleds.
Motorcyclists from all over have been traveling to Johnson County, Tennessee to ride “The Snake”. Packed with incredible mountain scenery, “The Snake 421” motorcycle trip is said to have 489 curves, 3 mountains, and 1 valley packed into 33 miles! Courtesy of www.johnsoncountytnchamber.org
Just a few words from Google AI: The lead rider should be one of the most experienced riders in the group and have good judgment. It can be stressful to lead a group ride, but it can also be rewarding. In addition to the lead rider, a group ride should also have a sweep rider at the back of the group to ensure the group doesn’t get separated. The pre-ride meeting should outline the strategy, as well as rules, etiquette and hand signals.
The group had decided to offer 2 guided routes: a short jaunt or a grand tour, with all of us meeting for lunch at the same place, same time. How clever. My favorite experience was “the coordinated parking of the bikes”, with the mindnumbing symphony of so many straight pipes. If you know, you know. My Man and I have only joined in on a few group rides over the years; we like to go our own way mostly, and do our own thang, at our own pace. Of course we went on
the long run which included The Snake. The fog made the air cool and damp, so we donned our full leathers. The sun finally broke through, but the chill in the air remained. October is a beautiful time of year in the hills; the leaves have turned bright yellow, deep red and soft shades of orange, that dance in the breeze. And, the air smells so clean and fresh (like laundry on the line). Wow!
The ride was fantastic; of course it was! Our fearless leader planned our journey well. We passed pumpkins in the fields, tobacco leaves hanging to dry and corn waiting for the combines, while navigating lean angles and hairpin turns. Too much fun! We did have a little hiccup: one of our riders dumped his bike into the woods, ending up with a few scratches on both the rider and his bike. Fortunately, nothing serious, so we continued on. (I’ll bet he was stiff and sore the next morning though.) Of course, we all stopped at the Shady Valley Country Store for the obligatory selfies with the US 421 Snake sign in the background (perfect timing to relieve our bladders too). The store is warm and inviting, offering food, drinks, local arts and crafts, homemade treats and “The Snake” t-shirts for your collection. Then, back to Laurel Springs. We initially hadn’t planned on staying over, but a room became available so we grabbed it. Seems like it was “meant to be”. Everyone gathered for an evening meal, with drinks, music and camaraderie.
We were “kickin’ tires and tellin’ lies” (one of Lincoln’s sayings) into the wee hours. Most of us met for breakfast the next morning before heading home, in our separate directions.
Apparently, there is more than one way to skin a cat snake; variations of the ride include Head of the Snake, Snake Bite and Snake Around The Lake. consult www.thesnake421.com
HEN I THINK OF Polaroid pictures, I picture square photos with a white frame—images that hold so many of my childhood memories. Even today, whenever I see one, I can’t help but feel the wave of nostalgia. Polaroids will always remind me of trips to the mall with Santa Claus, days at the amusement park with friends, and family gatherings. Of course, there are also some Polaroid memories I wasn’t supposed to see—ones I won’t dive into here. But if you’re over 40, you probably know exactly what I mean! Fox Hunt photos from the old issues of Easy Rider… what did you think I was talking about?
When Polaroid stopped making instant film, Fuji’s Instax was the only alternative for instant photography. These days, Polaroid as a brand still exists and produces instant film, but it’s not the same company—or the same film—of the past. Fuji’s Instax films, though different in some ways, maintain the high-quality standards that Polaroid once pioneered. Both Polaroid and Fuji produced more than just consumer-grade cameras and film, but I won’t bore you with the history of that. Suffice it to say, all of that is now out of production.
recognize my limitations—both financially and in terms of time. I simply don’t have the hours to dedicate to a project that requires so much effort and attention.
Then, the answer appeared right in front of me—literally. Years ago, I gave Monica, my partner-in-crime, a Fuji Instax camera as a gift. While I was out taking photos of motorcycles, she was capturing portraits of people with her Instax camera and giving them the photos as keepsakes.
While the world of instant film photography has seen a resurgence, another archaic process is making a comeback: Wet Plate, or “Tin Type,” photography. I’ve always been fascinated by this process, both for its complexity and the stunning results it can produce. However, creating these images is an involved process that requires a lot of gear, both in the studio and in the field. At the most recent Congregation show, I saw a photographer making Tin Types on the spot, and I thought, Man, this is so cool. I want to try it. But as someone with many hobbies and passion projects, I’ve come to
Monica and I have since been working on a new concept, and in our research, we discovered that Lomography is currently producing an accessory Instax Wide film back for large format cameras. As luck would have it, I already have a few cameras that are compatible with their Instax Wide Film Backs.
We ordered one and took it for a spin at a friend’s wedding and at another event. The results were amazing! Fuji’s consumer-grade cameras are designed to be simple and easy to use, but they come with their limitations—namely, the lack of control over settings. While they take fantastic instant photos, for a photographer used to more adjustable settings, these constraints can sometimes feel limiting to the “art” of photography. That said, sometimes limiting those choices can enhance the artistry. The beauty of Fuji’s Instax cameras lies in their simplicity, making them perfect for capturing candid moments.
Now, with this new accessory, we have the ability to create formal portraits with instant results. It’s a perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation, offering a unique way to capture moments and memories in an entirely new format.
We’re Excited to Announce: CANDID AND FORMAL PORTRAITS at the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show on February 1st!
Monica and I are thrilled to share that we’ll be offering both candid and formal portrait sessions at the upcomof their
ing Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show! Whether you’re a rider, a fan of custom bikes, or just someone who loves the atmosphere of an event like this, we’ll be capturing all the action—and YOU—on film.
We’ll be on-site with our new Instax Wide film backs for large format cameras, allowing us to create stunning instant portraits that combine the vintage vibe of Polaroid with a modern twist. From candid shots that capture the excitement of the show to formal portraits that make you look your best, we’re ready to create memories you can take home with you instantly.
If you’re attending the expo, come by and let us capture you in the moment. We can’t wait to meet everyone and share our love for photography and motorcycles!
Stay tuned for more details, and we’ll see you there!
inked in name and spirit to the famed indian 648 Big Base sport Scout factory racer, the street version of the Indian Sport Scout is a blend of the best of its predecessors, including the Prince Model, 101 Scout and Junior Scout. First appearing in 1934, the Sport Scout’s mix of parts brought out a certain character and a trend toward appealing streamlined styling. This 1939 Indian Sport Scout is the last year of the art deco style before the famous Indian motorcycle fenders came to be. The Indian Sport Scout is a 750 Flathead engine with a 3 speed hand shift food clutch transmission with a 6 volt electric system. This particular Sport Scout was bought out of Oregon in the early 2000’s by a local motorcycle enthusiast.
Special Thanks To John French & Puput Yuwana
1939 Indian Sport Scout
Engine: 45 cubic inch, air-cooled, V-twin with 22 horsepower
Transmission: Three-speed manual
Top speed: 80–85 miles per hour
Weight: 440 pounds
Fuel economy: 55 miles per gallon
ATURDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2024, WAS THE 31ST ANnual Oconee, SC ABATE Toy Run which helps underprivileged children receive Christmas toys. This year’s event was held a little earlier than in years past. Last year’s event was in memory of Brad Pate, may he rest in peace.
The ride was scheduled to gather at the Depot in Westminster, SC. at 1:00 pm and depart at 2:00 pm. This year Mother Nature was very cooperative with temps in the high 70’s to low 80’s and plenty of sunshine, it was a very pleasant day for a ride. When I arrived at the meet location, there were already a good number of bikes and riders. Many folks were anxious to ride as many of the roads were unpassable for some number of weeks, due to hurricane Helene. Some were having lunch at the Mexican restaurant across the street. I must admit I’m going to try it one of these days. The dishes looked great. My neighbor and I were busy taking pictures and counting bikes. Everyone was busy getting re-acquainted and visiting with old and new friends. Around 1:50 pm the Westminster Police arrived because they were going to be our escorts out of the city. We had to adjust our route due to a festival going on in Wahalla as the streets were totally closed. So, after a quick meeting and prayer we were saddled up and the 32 bikes and riders were ready to make the journey to Walhalla and to our destination, which was the VFW Post 6830 in Walhalla located at 2415 Highlands Hwy. This year when we arrived at the VFW, many of us have done this so many times in the past we knew where to place our toys. Members of the VFW Post 6830 welcomed us and showed us where to put our toys. There were already some toys on the table. The Auxiliary assists in collection and will help deliver the toys to the children. This group, along with the members of Oconee County ABATE deserves a lot of credit for the work they provide year-round for our veterans and our children at Christmas.
Many thanks to the Members of Oconee County ABATE, Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post 6830, of Walhalla, SC, and everyone else that was involved in the 31st Annual Oconee County ABATE Toy Run.
Hopefully next year the weather will cooperate as it did this year. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and that 2025 will be a year of prosperity for everyone.
Ride Safe.
INY HOUSE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, INC TEAMED UP with local bikers on August 31st to raise money for their Veterans Supportive Tiny House Community Project. The project was a tiny house community on Smith St. in High Point, NC for Veterans in need housing. It was Labor Day weekend but that didn’t stop a couple dozen bikers from meeting up at the High Point Elks Lodge to ride for local Veterans. The Elks lodge hosted the registration in their downstairs bar area. Biscuits and drinks were provided for the riders and the registration line was the start of the party. The ride itself wound around to area biker friendly establishments like Riders, Double D’s and then back to the Elks Lodge.
Once everyone settled back into the lodge and snagged a drink it was time to auction off some items. The big auction of the day was a big, beautiful quilt that had flame pattern and various Harley-Davidson dealership shirts sewed to it. Roger won the big prize with his wife on the phone monitoring his bidding. Once the auction was over Big Bump and the Stun Guns went back to busting out all the good blues rock tunes and the lodge was rocking.
Deanna Vernon of Tiny House Community Development made a statement in conclusion of the event. Tiny House Community would like to thank the High Point Elks Lodge #1155 for hosting the first annual Motorcycle Poker Run for the Smith Street Veteran Only Tiny House Community. We would also like to thank the special members of the lodge that chaired the committee and helped us lift this event into fruition. A special thanks to the Iron Order for providing blocking at the intersections, Webb Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical and Mt. Airy Elks Lodge for sponsorships, plus all the bikers who participated from High Point, Denton, Greensboro and Asheboro. Also, a thank you to Riding High Harley-Da-
vidson, Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, Greensboro Grasshoppers Baseball Club, Adam & Eve Greensboro, and carpenters from Tiny House Community Development for donations to the live auction and all that participated in the 50/50 raffle. We would also like to thank Rider’s and Double D’s for being a host to the two stops along the route. After expenses, the event raised a little over $1400, a great addition to High Point’s Smith Street Veteran-Only Tiny House Community development fund.
Deanna and the Tiny House Community are already making plans for our second annual poker run ride for the veterans at High Point’s Smith Street Veteran-Only Tiny House Community Development for some time in the fall of 2025. Please stay tuned for details.
EATHERNECKS NATION MC PUT TOGETHER THE WELCOME Home Ride, Celebration, and Car and Bike Show which became a roaring success, uniting the community for a heartfelt celebration that honored our veterans. This year, the event saw a tremendous turnout, with about 200 bikes roaring out from Harley at The Beach, creating an impressive convoy that journeyed to the Beaver Bar. The event was more than just a ride; it was a grand gathering that featured a spectacular car and bike show with over 30 dazzling vehicles on display.
The atmosphere at the Beaver Bar was electric, filled with excitement and camaraderie. The highlight of the day was a touching presentation that paid tribute to all veterans, with a special focus on Vietnam Veterans. The crowd gathered to show their respect and gratitude, creating a poignant moment of reflection and honor.
But the day was not all solemnity; it was also about fun, fellowship, and making new memories. Participants enjoyed refreshing drinks, took part in exciting raffles, and cheered as trophies were awarded to the standout vehicles in the show. The air was filled with laughter, joy, and the sounds of new friendships forming.
None of this would have been possible without the support of our incredible sponsors and supporters. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson, Beaver Bar Murrells Inlet, The Lovely Law Firm Injury Lawyers, Badd Kitty, Mission BBQ, Pine Lakes Golf Course, Dead Dog Saloon, Wahoos, Bovines, Carribean Car Wash, Georgetown Landing Marina, Battle Oil Company, Sara Seiffert, Sparkle Chic- Amanda Finch-Lydon, Nam Knights MC, War Vets
MC, 2nd Brigade MC, Combat Vets Motorcycle Association, Legion Riders Post 178, Roughnecks MC, and many others whose contributions were invaluable.
The event was not just about showcasing stunning bikes and cars or enjoying a day of fun activities; it was about building a community, supporting our veterans, and creating a tradition that will continue to grow stronger each year. We look forward to next year’s event, where we can come together once again to celebrate, honor, and enjoy the fellowship that makes our community so special.
To everyone who participated, supported, and helped make this event a success, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your support means the world to us, and we can’t wait to see you all again next year!
LYSSA WAS BRUTALLY BEATEN DURING A DOMESTIC violence incident, which left her needing multiple facial reconstruction surgeries and a long recovery period. She has 2 small children and doesn’t know when she will be able to go back to work. To help financially, friends and family organized a benefit ride and BBQ chicken plate sale to raise money for Alyssa and her family.
Folks started gathering the morning of October 5th at TR’s Lounge in Henderson, NC. They were getting the cooker stoked up, working on side dishes and preparing for the day’s events. When I arrived around 10:45 the pre-party was in full swing. At noon a group of riders headed out for the 95 mile ride.
First stop was Bud’s Tavern in Youngsville. Bud’s always has something going on, and that day was no exception. A band was playing, and they were having an oyster roast. Next stop was Bunn Tavern (formerly Bobo’s Bourbon and Beer), where many of the riders took advantage of the weather and chose outside seating. After that, the group headed back north to The Bar (aka Hog Pen) in Kittrell, and then back to TR’s.
Food was ready, and the band Neglektyd Toyz was getting setup. Everybody grabbed some BBQ chicken, sides, cold beverage and got ready for the band to play. The fun went on past sundown. A big thanks to all who donated food, cooking skills, planning, time and money for this great cause. Alyssa is doing much better, but still has 3 surgeries ahead. Donations can be made to $fescleaning.
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
If you see a fat man who’s jolly and cute, Wearing a beard and a red flannel suit, And if he is chuckling and laughing away, While flying around in a miniature sleigh, With eight tiny reindeer to pull him along, Then let’s face it… your eggnog’s too strong!
A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. The doctor says, “Okay, Mrs. Jones, what’s the problem?” The mother says, “It’s my daughter Darla. She keeps getting these cravings, she’s putting on weight and is sick most mornings.” The doctor gives Darla a good examination then turns to the mother and says, “Well, I don’t know how to tell you this but your Darla is pregnant. About 4 months would be my guess.” The mother says, “Pregnant?! She can’t be, she has never ever been left alone with a man! Have you Darla?” Darla says, “No mother! I’ve never even kissed a man!” The doctor walked over to the window and just stares out it. About five minutes pass and finally the mother says, “Is there something wrong out there doctor?” The doctor replies, “No, not really, it’s just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill. I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss it this time!”
A ten-year-old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then one day she floored her grandmother by asking, “Which virgin was the mother of Jesus? The virgin Mary or the King James Virgin?”
While participating in a church Christmas pageant many years past, I had the good fortune to be chosen as the narrator. Each rehearsal went off well and then on the
night of the show, I, in a loud and penetrating voice announced the gifts of the Magi as “gold, Frankenstein and myrrh.”
I don’t think it was Christmas day but it was very close to Christmas. We had a Siamese cat named Princess at that time. Prin was my girl, came to a whistle, very loving and never ever went outside. The day in question was awful - an ice storm, windy, bitter cold, just awful. I was watching television and saw the poor mailman come around but watched television for a few more minutes before getting up to bring in the mail. I saw what I thought was Princess out on the front porch! OMG, scooped that poor cat up along with the mail and ran in the house. As I was locking the front door behind me Prin came around the corner and if she could talk, she would have asked who the hell that was! I looked down and sure enough we now had 2 Siamese cats! The new cat was a fixed male, Prin was none too thrilled with him but he was very mellow and apparently happy just to be in out of the ice storm. That day or a few days preceding had a Christmas movie about Gideon’s Angel or something like that, so we named him Gideon. I put an ad in the paper, no one ever claimed Gideon and he lived to be what we figured was about 16 years or so.
In a small Southern town, there was a “Nativity Scene” that showed great skill, and talent had gone into creating it. One small feature bothered me. The three wise men were wearing firemen’s helmets. Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, I left. At a “Quick Stop” on the edge of town, I asked the lady behind the counter about the helmets. She exploded into a rage, yelling at me, “You damn Yankees never do read the Bible!” I assured her that I did, but simply couldn’t recall anything about firemen in the Bible. She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and ruffled through some pages, and finally jabbed her finger at a passage. Sticking it in my face she said “See, it says right here, ‘The three wise man came from afar.’”
From Management
Subject Office conduct during the Christmas season
Effective immediately, employees should keep in mind the following guidelines
in compliance with FROLIC (the Federal Revelry Office and Leisure Industry Council).
Running aluminum foil through the paper shredder to make tinsel is discouraged. Playing Jingle Bells on the push-button phone is forbidden (it runs up an incredible long distance bill) Work requests are not to be filed under “Bah humbug.” Company cars are not to be used to go over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house. All fruitcake is to be eaten BEFORE July 25. Egg nog will NOT be dispensed in vending machines. In spite of all this, the staff is encouraged to have a Happy Holiday.
When four of Santa’s elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were gone, heaven knows where. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered. Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had finished the cider and the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the liquor bottle, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom. Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated Santa stomped to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. The angel said very cheerfully, ‘Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn’t this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it? And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
You do know what would have happened if it had been three wise women instead of men, don’t you? They’d have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought disposable diapers as gifts!