Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall, Greg VandeVisser
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Trisha, Bill, Len, Rob, Brenda, Pam, Lorna, JB, Pat, Carol
Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Wally Wersching, Chi, Jerry Andrews, Kyle Barbour, Len Montgomery
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Wally Wersching, Marlee “Lil Bit” Vilchis, Jerry Andrews, Len Montgomery, Ms. Pat, Jeanie Hood Carter, Karen Hatchett, Kevin Smith Family
ELL, WE MADE IT. THE RALLY SEASON IS OVER IN THE CAROLINAS and we had an absolute blast all year long. Time to sit back and relax, right? Oh heck no! there are still a ton of great events coming up this fall! I mean, we are just starting in on the holiday season which means it’s Toy Run Season and it’s gonna be an every weekend holiday party until mid December! As usual there is a lot of need this time of year. Speaking of which, I want to tip my hat to all of you that have been donating, making relief trips, assisting with clean up and making sure that we help out our brothers and sisters in WNC. Since moment one the biker community has been all in on relief efforts and once again I’m amazed by what this community can do.
Check out this months cover! Bulldog Harley-Davidson in Smithfield, NC is No Bark and All Bite! This full service Harley-Davidson dealership has been the center of their motorcycle community for 2 years now wants to put you on your next Harley-Davidson Motorcycle! Read up on all they are doing on page 6!
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine 3rd Annual Custom Bike Show, presented by Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers, is coming up fast yall! This years date is February 1st, inside the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. We consistently have 200 custom motorcycles and 100+ vendor booths. The 2025 show is gonna be off the hook! All bikes and have to be preregistered to be in the running for the $12,000 in prizes we have lined up! Check out the big two page ad in this issue to check out the details, then register your bike on our website: FullThrottleMagazine.com you’re not gonna want to miss this event!
ULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON HAS BEEN SMITHFIELDʼS center of the motorcycle community for only 2 years, rapidly becoming a highly recognized and influential place for all devoted motorcycle enthusiasts to pick up their freedom on 2 wheels, participate in rides and events, and even become gainfully employed. We are trailblazing the industry by storm, and couldn’t be more proud to reiterate that because of our incredible family of staff & guests, we are the FASTEST growing Harley-Davidson Dealership in the Nation continuing to imprint transformative tire-marks in the powersports world.
One of our favorite compliments we often hear from our guests is that they are always greeted with a smile at the door and treated like family. Well, that is because they are. When you step into our home, it becomes yours too. We are so humbled that our Bulldog Harley-Davidson family even visits us just to say “Hey” and hangout at the dealership. A piece of a recent 5 Star Google review from Christie Scott reads: “Love the vibe of the store.” Such a simple statement,
and to us it means the world. It takes a special group of people to cultivate such an authentic dynamic that others can feel as soon as they put their kickstand down in our parking lot. With over 200 years of Harley-Davidson experience, our team is not only seasoned within the brand, but we have a true passion for it – we bleed black & orange. As fellow riders and motorcycle enthusiasts, we serve the riding community with our heart and soul. The commitment, warmth, charm and talent of this extraordinary team is laying the groundwork for Bulldog Harley-Davidson’s history in the making.
While our remarkable frontline staff is the forefront of our captivating culture, morale starts with the people who set the
ʼD LIKE TO PERSONALLY THANK THE TEAM AT BULLDOG Harley-Davidson. This team has been nothing but top tier. Without this team’s relentless dedication to success and their will to win, none of this would have been possible. I look forward to seeing their continued success for many years to come. In the famous words of Gordon Bombay: ‘It’s not worth winning if you can’t win big!’
Thank you all for being so amazing.” - Justin Matis
goals. Justin Matis has been leading the Bulldog Harley-Davidson team to the top since his arrival from Florida in 2023. With a leadership style that holds a strong balance between strategy and empathy, his favorite motivational quote loudly emphasizes his charismatic personality and optimistic attitude in just a few words: “Big Dreams Take Massive Action.” Under his leadership, Bulldog Harley-Davidson now ranks 1st in the district, and 42nd across all Harley-Davidson dealerships nationally.
The rapid and tremendous rise of Bulldog Harley-Davidson has not just uplifted our day to day team. Carson Baker, the owner of Bulldog Harley-Davidson who also owns a handful of powersports dealerships in North Carolina, has been so inspired by the success of his first Harley-Davidson dealership that he has decided to expand the influential culture by purchasing another one - methodically bringing in the profound experience of Justin Matis to steer the new store to success! Justin is very much looking forward to another opportunity to take another team further. His time spent at Bulldog has created a deep fondness and respect for the team he will be saying goodbye to. To ensure that strength and longevity be definite qualities of his successor, he was able to land someone he holds deep trust inhis best friend of over a decade, Tyler Dunmyer, to commit to taking the role of General Manager at Bulldog Harley-Davidson. Tyler is incredibly well rounded and experienced in the HarleyDavidson world and has spent the last month getting to know the team here. Since his arrival, there has been a very heartfelt mutual response between him and the team. Everyone involved is excited to watch Bulldog Harley-Davidson reach new heights with Tyler as General Manager.
Through a lot of recent change, the notion of teamwork comes easy to our team. For a while now, we have been undergoing a major architectural project to build a bigger, modern, brand new building – no, we are not changing locations, but we are pumped to finally be able to work together under one roof once
the construction is complete! During this process, we have been working out of 3 different buildings and a mobile office, using walkie talkies to communicate, shuttling around with golf carts from building to building, and constantly putting our heads together to get creative and come up with solutions to keep business running smoothly. The temporary property challenges haven’t stopped us from being a full service dealership and hosting fun events every single Saturday – In July, we hosted a Free Flash Tattoo Event, in August, we brought the Sturgis spirit to Smithfield with a “Too Broke for Sturgis” bash, hosted a Bikini Competition in September, and more to come – including a Grand Reopening event when the new building is here. While sharing small office spaces and evolving with the constant changes in the property can be difficult at times and make us bump heads here and there, it has inevitably brought us closer and brought out the best of our collaborative abilities. Since change is the only constant in life, adaptability is an essential ingredient to a successful team – and we couldn’t be more proud to be a part of this one. Whether you’re planning a ride or road trip, or you collect poker chips & t-shirts, be sure to make Smithfield, NC’s Bulldog Harley-Davidson a stop on your route for an unforgettable experience with our amazing crew of staff & friends.
NOV 1 COLLECTING ITEMS FOR TOYS FOR TOTS Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Anyone donating a bike gets a drink on Jeff.
NOV 1-2 RIDERS’ ROOST HALLOWEEN PARTY 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
1017 Old West Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12-4pm, $20/contestant, $5/ayce chili samples, cash prizes. Benefits Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
NOV 2 FLY HIGH LEXINGTON MOTORING EXPO 1673 Aviation Way, Lexington, NC. 12-5pm, $5/person, kids 10 & under free, $20/registration, rain date: 11/09. Trophies, food trucks, plane fly-ins, family & pet friendly, vendors, DJ, prizes, games, giveaways. Portion of proceeds benefit The Life Center
Iron horse Motorcycles, 1600 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:15am, rain or shine. Cash prizes, 50/50, music, food avail.
SHOW COMPETITION 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. Reg 10am-12pm, $20/ entry, show 11am-3pm. Food & music. www.boonemotorco.com, 919-925-8009
Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Food, best & worst hand prizes, benefits American Legion Legact Fund. Dock Master, 919-909-0096, riders@alpost116nc.org
Daddy’s Road House, 7304 S. Hwy 55, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 919-557-3202
Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. HOG on the grill. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
NOV 2 ROOTIN FOR RYLAN Central Community Park & Historic Depot, 120 Wood St., Central, SC. 1-9pm. Door prizes, silent auction, raffles, holiday arts fair, live music. Rylan is 15 an suffers from extreme epilepsy. Proceeds help with medical expenses.
2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 12-4pm, free to set up & sell, reserve your spot by emailing Ashlee, a.dewitt@ baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550, www. baysidehd.com
NOV 2 249TH MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY BASH Craftworx Taproom, 5615 Wellington Rd., Gainesville, VA. Door donation, music, food, cigars, raffles. www.valeathernecksmc.com
NOV 3 SEND IT SUNDAY Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 12-3pm, swing by to meetup for a ride, grab a drink, or catch up on the latest bikes & gear trends. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
NOV 8-9 RIDE OF HONOR Flying Iron
Harley-Davidson, 928 N. Winstead Ave., Rocky Mount, NC. Fri: ride in, Sat: ride. Maryann.knarravery@pruitthealth.com
NOV 9 VETERANS DAY PARADE Downtown Greensboro, starts at 12pm, reg at www.gcday20.com, A Patriotic Tribute to America’s veterans. FMI, Commander Tate, 336-988-2519 or fmcdadnav20@outlook.com
NOV 9 RIDING HIGH H-D YEAR END EVENT 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. 10am-3pm, early bird prizes, giveaways. www.ridinghighharleydavidson. com, 336-273-1101
NOV 9 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON YEAR-END EVENT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am, giveaways, sweepstakes, food, free beer. www.coxs-hd. com, 336-629-2415
NOV 9 BENEFIT RIDE FOR SHERRYL BARKER Tatum’s Garage, 961 S. Fayetteville, St., Asheboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11:15am, $20/single, $30/double incl lunch. Escorted ride, 50/50, raffle prizes. Proceeds benefit Sherryl’s medical expenses. 336-307-1226
NOV 9 33RD ANNUAL HAYWOOD CO TOY RUN Smoky Mountain Steel Horses, 82 Locust Dr., Waynesville, NC. 12pm, $10/person or unwrapped new toy. Food, shirts, 50/50, door prizes. Benefits local children. Dicky King, 828-2766564, dickyking58@yahoo.com
NOV 9 STUNT SHOW SATURDAY Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Food truck, stunt shows at 11:30am, 1:30pm and 3pm. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
NOV 9 3RD ANNUAL VETERANS DAY BREAKFAST CrossRoads H-D, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. 8-11am, free breakfast for Vets & active military. www.crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
NOV 9 BIKERS FOR CHRIST FOOD DRIVE & YEAR-END EVENT Fort Bragg H-d, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free cookout, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
NOV 9 2ND ANNUAL VETERANS DAY OF HONOR Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 9am-3pm, whole hog cook off, cash prizes, vendors, music, food. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-868-3697
NOV 9 CURRITUCK TOY RUN Moyock Welcome Center, 106 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11:30am, $20/bike with an unwrapped toy, police escort, food avail. Rain date: 11/16, hosted by the Outer Banks H.O.G.
RIAL RIDE The Beaver Bar, 3534 US 17 Bus., Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $15/rider, $5/passenger. Raffles, 50/50, door prizes. In memory of Donna Major & Katie Skeen. Proceeds go to The Rubber Side Down Foundation.
NOV 9 DIXIE THUNDER ABATE MEMORIAL RIDE Hoze’s Bar, 793 Belvedere Clearwater Rd, North Augusta, SC. KSU 1pm, bell ceremony. 803-593-6633
CBA SWAP MEET The Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1650 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. 10am-6pm, bike show, cash prizes, live music, wet t-shirt contest, swap meet. Rick Nail 704-577-1546
ROAST Big Daddy’s Road House, 7304 S. Hwy 55, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 919-5573202
NOV 10 15TH ANNUAL STEELHORSE STRANGERS MC TOY RUN The Homestead Steakhouse, 205 Frank Timberlake Rd., Timberlake, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 1:30pm, $10/donation or new unwrapped toy incl food, escorted ride. Benefits Santa’s Helpers of Person Co.
VETERANS DAY EVENT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Free hotdogs & beer. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415
TOY RUN Heritage Park, 861 SE Main St., Simpsonville, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy, rain or shine. Food, drinks, live music, Santa Claus. FMI, 864-234-1340
NOV 16 HIS LABORING FEW LEATHER SALE 4470 Old Hwy 29, Thomasville, NC. 10am-4pm, cash or cash app only, free hot dogs. patkersey@hotmail. com
Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old west Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12-4pm, live music, taco truck, adult beverages. Benefits Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
Down Home H-D, 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 9am-5pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 866-908-6948
BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW 471 Stone Rd., Reidsville, NC. 8am, $20/to show. Vendors, raffle, trophies. Sawyer is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with leukemia.
COOK OFF 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. 12pm, $10/to taste test. DJ, adult beverages, snacks & drinks. www. crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
Fort Bragg G-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free cookout, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MOTORCYLE TOY RUN BullDog H-D, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:30am, bring an unwrapped new toy worth $20 or monetary donation. Live music, 50/50, raffle, food. htnjocoinfo@gmail.com, Angie, 919-8108416 or Betsy, 919-500-6475
NOV 16 15TH ANNUAL WINGMEN MC TOYS FOR TOTS RUN Tailgators Bar & Grille, 1108 Argent Blvd Ste C, Ridgeland, SC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1:30pm, bring a new unwrapped toy min $20 value per person. Party after ride. Dave, 843-2713332 or Tyler, 937-733-4199
NOV 21 BIG DADDY’S ROAD HOUSE BIKE NIGHT 7304 S. Hwy 55, FuquayVarina, NC. 6pm, live music. 919-5573202
D.O.G.S FRIENDSGIVING Freedom Biker Church, 690 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Free event, www.freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
VIP NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson. com, 336-629-2415
RIDE 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Dinner, auction, 50/50, live music. 336-763-0707
RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
TOY RUN 114 Camelot Ct., Kings Mtn, NC. Meet 11am, KSU 12pm, $10 + new toy per person, rain date:11/24. Police escorted ride, free BBQ. Benefits Shriner’s Burn Center & Oxford Orphanage Masonic Home for Children, Cleveland Co. Sheriff’s Office & Kings Mtn Police Dept. 704-739-4707, 704-477-5762
MEMORIAL TOY RUN Captain Steve’s Family Seafood Restaurant, 5645 NC-49, Harrisburg, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, bring a new unwrapped toy. Presentation of toys 2pm, free lunch, police escort, door prizes, rain date: 11/24.
COUNTY TOY RUN North Henderson High School, 35 Fruitland Rd., Hendersonville, NC. 10am-1pm, bring an unwrapped gift or $20/person. BBQ lunch, door prizes, 50/50, event shirts, auction, live music. Crystal Quinn, 828-243-7279
NOV 23 VFW 9103 POKER RUN Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free cookout, www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
COUNTY TOY RUN Greenville Pickens Speedway, 3800 Calhoun Memorial Hwy, Easley, SC. Line up 11am, KSU 1pm, all bikes & vehicles welcome. Bring a new unwrapped toy. 50/50, food trucks, music. Benefits Pickens Co. Children. pctoyrun@gmail.com, 864-505-1106, 864-245-6898.
NATION TOY RUN Pine Tree Tavern 3880 Bethania Station Rd. Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 11:30am, KSU 12:30pm. $20/bike, $25/double or toy of equal value. Wayne Pinnix 336-464-6202.
RUN 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, free. Cash prizes, www.baysidehd.com, 757-3975550
TOY RUN Old K-Mart, 1493 College Ave, Spindale, NC. Reg 12:30pm, KSU 1:30pm. 50/50, door prizes, food.
NOV 28 FROSTY BALLS RIDE Parkway House, 517 NC-24, Albemarle, NC. 7:30am-12pm.
NOV 29 DOWN HOME H-D BLACK FRIDAY 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 9am-6pm, food & beverage 4-6pm. www. downhomeharley.com, 866-908-6948
BLACK FRIDAY 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free cookout all weekend. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910864-1200
SATURDAY 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Coffee truck, free beer. www. downhomeharley.com, 866-908-6948
NOV 30 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON ORANGE SATURDAY 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
TOY RUN Tryon Arts & Crafts School, 373 Harmon Field Rd., Tryon, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1:30pm, $10/rider or donation of a new, unwrapped toy. Door prizes, 50/50, Santa Claus, free BBQ, shirts avail. Benefits Polk Co. Children. Barry Gee, 828-817-3084
NOV 30 32ND ANNUAL RIDE FOR THE KENNEDY CHILDREN’S HOME Temple Church, 1500 Kingdom Way, New Bern, NC. Reg, staging, music, demos 9am11:15am, KSU 11:30am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger. Food, door prizes, auction, DJ. Bill, 252-670-7460 or Bruce, 252229-1106
Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 12-3pm, swing by to meetup for a ride, grab a drink, or catch up on the latest bikes & gear trends. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
Beach House H-D, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 12pm, bring a new unwrapped toy or cash donation, escorted ride, lunch after ride. www.beachhousehd.com, 910-575-9997
ABATE OF SC TOY RUN Geno’s, 1003 Red Bank Rd., Goose Creek, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $10/donation or bring a gift of equal value. Music, food, drinks, vendors, Santa Claus. Dick Wiggins, 843-696-1037 or Wiggy, 843-826-6101
PARTY Freedom Biker Church, 690 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 6:30-9pm, 18+, bring your favorite food to share, gift exchange, fellowship. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com
DEC 7 18TH ANNUAL BARRY “OL DOG” GLENN TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $5/ passenger. Food, live music, auction, 50/0
DEC 7 CHARLOTTE CBA TOYS FOR TOTS RIDE Bojangles Coliseum, 2700 E. Independence Blvd., Charlotte, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy, police escort. Rick Nail, 704-577-1546 or macman.nail@gmail. com
Double D Burnout Saloon 1408 E. Mountain St. Kernersville, NC. Reg 9:30, KSU 11am. $20/bike $25 w rider. Food, live music, auction, 50/50 after the ride.
DEC 7 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON PICTURES WITH SANTA 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
DEC 7 34TH ANNUAL CONOVER SCHOOL TOY RUN 651 21st St NE., Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, parade ride 12:25pm, rain or shine, shirts avail. Make donations payable to Mike’s Hand-Up Charities. 828-327-8555
DEC 7 TAR RIVER TOY RUN Webbs Mill, 9245 Webb Mill Rd., Spring Hope, NC. KSU 1pm, rain or shine, bring a new unwrapped toy. Food, 50/50, door prizes. Proceeds go to Free Will Baptist Childrens Home & families in need in Nash Co. Charlie, 252-908-1986 or Josh, 252-908-6086
DEC 7 29TH ANNUAL GASTON CO. TOY RUN Ranlo Church of God, 1825 Spencer Mountain Rd., Gastonia, NC. KSU 11:30am, rain or shine, bring a new unwrapped toy, police escort. Food & motorcycle raffle. Benefits the children of Gaston Co. Foot, 704-913-3392 or Tony, 704-975-7924
DEC 8 RANDOLPH CO. CBA 38TH ANNUAL TOY RUN Randolph Mall, 1437 E. Dixie Dr., Asheboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1:30pm, bring a new unwrapped toy or cash donation. Shirts avail., gift card raffle. Gena, 336-963-3438
3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, bring an unwrapped toy or $10, rain or shine. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
DEC 14 WINDJAMMERS MC 36TH ANNUAL TOY RUN Cleveland Co. Mall, 2001-53 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC. KSU 1pm, bring a new unwrapped toy. Food, 50/50, live music, door prizes. Proceeds go to Cleveland Co. Childrens Home.
DEC 14 32ND ANNIVERSARY BRUNSWICK COUNTY TOY RUN Brunswick Island Baptist Church, 1672 Mt. Pisgah Rd., Supply, NC. Reg 9:30am, ride to Walmart to shop, lunch, auction, prizes, raffle. Benefits children selected by Brunswick 910-754-5144.
DEC 21 COX’S H-D END OF YEAR PARTY 2795 Nc Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336629-2415
JAN 4 PINE TREE TAVERN’S JOE SMITH DAY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Live music all day, food & drinks avail., come help celebrate Joe’s 84th birthday. 336-815-1220
FEB 1 FULL THROTTLE CUSTOM BIKE SHOW Greensboro Coliseum 1921 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC. 10-7pm. $20/person, Kids 10& Under Free. 25 class bike show with 200 custom motorcycles and $12k in cash prizes, 100+ vendors, live music, live pinstriping, chopper photo gallery, tattoo booth, Perewitz Cycle Fab Paint Show. Bike show registration $20/bike, bikes must be pre-registered. 336-885-5400 www.fullthrottlemagazine.com
5865 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC. Reg 8:30am, $20 reg fee, show 9am-2pm, 50/50, food avail. Benefits Rowan County Veterans. Jeff Higgins, 330-651-4620, higgins82@gmail.com
AYHEM IN MIDWAY IS A CELEBRATION OF THE low brow, old school biker lifestyle. The whole idea is to pack your gear on the back of your bike and ride out to a biker’s only party. Ya know, dirt road riding, bon fires, keg parties, bike games, cookouts, camping beside your bike with your friends. That’s the life right there. Mayhem started out as shop talk at Pandemonium Performance Custom Cycles between me and Kary Blaylock that ended up in an epic first year party at a lifelong biker / friend of the family’s homestead. That’ s right Lyn Shannon, the Mayor of Mayhem saved the very idea of Mayhem in Midway by allowing us to inhabit her property and turn it in to the Field of Mayhem. It was such a good time that we did it again…and again and then again, this year. This year’s Mayhem lived up to its name…again.
The Mayhem date has bounced around a little trying to find the sweet spot in the fall weather and the past two years it has resided on the last weekend of September. This year, Hurricane Helene decided to occupy that weekend as well. Mayhem is and always has been a rain or shine event, so it was never on the chopping block, but there was a question on whether anyone would be able to make it to the party. The center part of NC was spared from the brunt of the storm and the rain ended on Friday around 11am and vendor load in went on. Kinda. The field of Mayhem was a bit soggy and man, we sunk a few trucks in mug up to the axle. We even called in a local tractor to help out, but he got stuck too. We got about half the vendors loaded in that night and other opted to let the field dry a bit and come in early Saturday. There was nothing to do, but to push forward. So, we tapped the kegs and turned up the music. It wasn’t the biggest Friday night we have ever had, but with everything going on in the state, it was more than I had expected. Friday night is always a low key, move in night that is dominated by a huge bonfire party after camp is set up. When 7pm rolled around last year’s chuggin’ champion
Rebecca, reminded me that it was time to stop messing around and get the 2024 chuggin’ contest going. This year’s chuggin’ championship was sponsored by Pandemonium Performance Custom Cycles and men and women lined up to face off and snag some free beers. The ladies had it rough and Rebecca and Steph battled it out for the women’s title. They were so well matched they tied two, three, maybe four times in a row and were forced to have a drink off to decide the winner. In the end Steph out swallowed Rebecca and claimed the women’s Chuggin Championship Mug and a crispy $50 from Pandemonium Performance. The guys went at it too, they weren’t about to let the ladies out chug em. After a few rounds of suds, Blake out drank em all and claimed his mug and $50. Then tradition has it that the Mens champion faces off with the women’s champion in a battle of the sexes drink off. This year the men prevailed but both Blake and Steph deserve the recognition cause I believe they both chugged 10 beers in a hour….that’s Mayhem. The party went on at the campsites and the bonfire. This is when legends are told, and memories are made…biker campouts.
Saturday morning came way too early, partly because the roosters next door think that dawn is 3 am and party cause we were up past that. Either way, it was the main day of Mayhem, and we had to get going! There was another cold keg of beer getting tapped by 10 am and the US Military Vets MC slapped some eggs on the griddle for anyone who wanted em. The rest of the vendors that were coming, came and set up and the parade of bikers began. If you build it, they will come, and so they did. Bikers from across the Carolinas rolled in and again, with everything going on in the state, we were happy to see our friends and to put on a party for those who could make it out. It wasn’t long before the motorcycle only parking on the field of Mayhem was filling up and it was time to boogie.
As in Mayhem In Midway’s house band, Mojo Stomp took the stage to start the day. These dudes really lay it down some great original blues rock and do it so well we invite them back every year. While they are putting on a show, John, Tina and the crew of Wolf Mountain Biker Entertainment were setting up for the Mayhem in Midway Bike Games, Sponsored By Smokin’ Harley-Davidson. Smokin’ has sponsored the bike games at Mayhem in Midway all four years of the event and bring out $500 in cash prizes to give away. Five games, five hundred dollars! I don’t math too good, but that seems like a hundred per game. This year we did the Slow Ride, Poke’er N Run, Keg Push, Weenie Bite and the Plank Ride. Good old fashioned biker games to test your ability, and we sure did test your ability. The Field Of Mayhem was still a bit soggy in spots and there were some slippin’, sliding, wheel spinin’ and a bunch of mud burnouts. But there was a ton of participation, and everyone had a good time…some better than others cause they took home some cold hard cash! I know that Puput won the slow ride, Scrappy the keg push, Nichole and Kevin won the weenie bite…but I missed the rest…It’s Mayhem out there. Big thanks to Smokin’ Harley-Davidson for their support! Mayhem In Midway also boasts a $500 bike show sponsored by Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers. Bob Karney and Sean Clayton come out and party with us each year and in fact they are our Presenting Sponsor of the entire event. This year they were announcing their Bulldog Foundation that is the successor to the Bulldog Hero Award. The Bulldog Foundation carries on the twelve-year tradition of donating over $10,000 to local charities that help the motorcycle community. This year Bob awarded the Bulldog Foundations $10,000 pledge to western North Carolina to help out with the Hurricane Helene Relief. Class acts I tell ya, Class Acts. The Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers also bring out $500 to give to the bike show winners. Five classes, Five Hundred dollars…again, the mathin’ aint too hard! Another great lineup of choppers, antiques, cruisers and baggers lined the Field Of Mayhem and the winners walked away with hundred dollar bills! Blair Jones won the Bagger Class, Chad Weiss won the Antique Class, Stewart Jones won the Cruiser Class and Beverly Talavera Won the Chopper Class. The last winner was Rodney Morton. His custom Suzuki Intruder took home the prestigious Bulldog Choice that came with a crispy hundred dollar bill and an invitation to the Full Throttle Custom Bike Show in February at the Greensboro Coliseum. They were all slick motorcycles and worthy of the attention.
It’s getting to be about midday on the Field Of Mayhem and the place is packed. We sure were blown away by everyone who came out to party with us. The vendors were slammed too. There was a wide selection of biker type stuff to shop for at the vendors. We make sure that the vendors line the field as to never take the crowd away from the festivities. Rustic Rose, Frankie Jay Sunglasses, Darkside Empire Tattoo, Pandemonium Performance Custom Cycles, Dirty Threadz Apparel, Jaybirds Custom Cycles, Wrapped It Leather & Patch Sewing, Yanks Creations, Lucky 13 Jewelry, Psychonaut Dispensary,
Sons Of Soldiers, Al’s Muscle Maintenance, The Smak Shop, Blue Collar Custom Cycles, NC CBA, The Rebel Spirit, Smokin’ Harley-Davidson and Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers were all set up slinging swag and having a good time. The US Military Vets MC were cooking up a storm too. The had some killer pulled pork BBQ, fries, Mac & Cheese, Slaw, Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and kept the crowds from getting “hangry”. There were a couple vendors who couldn’t make it due to the storms too.
The events on the Field of Mayhem carried on and next up was the kickstart competition. The damndest thing happened though, all my kickstart friends came out with good running machines but after 4 rounds of the competition Mack’s Shovelhead chopper and Zach’s CB750 chopper kept firing up no matter what we through at them. There was a $100 cash prize in the balance, and we just split it for them and moved on. I shoulda brought out my panhead so it could let me down!
The Blue Collar Cycle Company Burnout Competition is always a highlight of the event. The Rebel Spirit bring out their world famous mobile burnout pit so we don’t dig any more holes in the Field of Mayhem and competitors line up to shred tires in a zero f#cks given type event. Blue Collar Cycle Company offers up cash prizes and new rear tires for the top 3 burnouts. Now, this can be hard to judge, but we go off of style, skill and plumage. One after the other, tires meet their ultimate demise while filling the air with the sweet smell of burnt rubber. Rarely does a tire survive this activity and the judges have their hands full. When the smoke cleared, literally, Neveah McNeely announced that Devin took third place $50 and a new tire, Josh snagged 2nd place $100 and a new tire and “Balls” with the help of his ol lady “Lady Balls” took home 1st place, $150 and a new rear tire. This was a total upset, seeing how Devin is the reigning champion at most of the burnout contests, but Balls really put it to him. In the end, Balls was standing on his dirt napping RoadGlide with his hands in the air for celebration.
As the day fades and the shadows get long, there is only one event left on the Field of Mayhem; The World Famous Jaybird’s Custom Cycles Wet T-shirt Contest. This year we had 9 lovely, brave ladies shed their dignity to take the stage and win some cash. Jaybird’s offers up $500 to the first place winner only, but the crowd is sympathetic and in an effort to really get the girls going we collected an extra $330 and a bag of gummy bears. We turned up “Rag Doll” by Aerosmith and started pouring the trash can water over those lady mounds whilst they gave the crowd their best jiggle. It was a tough job, but we narrowed the field down, soaked em again and after a few rounds of jigglin’ we had our winners. Trust me y’all, these ladies earned every dollar they made! The final round was so close that Jaybird tossed in an extra $100 as a prize for third place. While these lovely ladies’ identity has been masked for their own safety, the winners go as: Krissy $500, Mandy $330 and a bag of gummy bears and Birthday Girl Becca $100. We owe these ladies a debt of gratitude for entertaining the masses and putting the cherry on top of this fine event.
The only thing left to do was to party at the bonfire and use up all the supplies ya rode in with. It’s hell repacking your bike so ya might as well drink and eat everything ya brought with you. The bonfire party went well into the night and in the morning, we successfully got all the vehicles off the Field of Mayhem without any more mud ruts! I tell ya, there is no way to pull off an epic party like this without a lot of help. We are so thankful for our friends who pitch in and help us make this event work. Bad Brad, Robbie, Mary, James and my beautiful wife Maggie run the gate and the info table and are key to this events success. Also, big thanks to Travis for the kegs we used at the bike games and Shaggy for his infinite wisdom. Our sponsors are key as well. Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers present this event each year and we can’t thank them enough. Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, The Rebel Spirit, Pandemonium Performance Custom Cycles, Jaybird’s Custom Cycles and Blue Collar Cycle Company round out this stellar list of sponsors, thanks y’all. Most importantly, Lyn Shannon, the Mayor Of Mayhem. We absolutely couldn’t do this without her love of big ol biker parties and the use of her property. Ms. Mayor, we love ya! As far as the future of Mayhem In Midway. I end each event with the promise that we will never do it again. It’ll take me a couple months to get around to even thinking about hosting another event. I love doing it and all, but damn y’all, it’s rough this old boy! In the meantime, we are gearing up for our 3rd Annual Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show inside the Greensboro Coliseum on February 1st, 2025. See ya there.
EING A BIKER IS MUCH MORE THAN OWNING A BIKE. I know I am preaching to the choir here but reflecting on Saturday’s (October 12) “Motorcycles for Mammograms” reminded me that it’s much more than jamming down (pick your favorite ride) Highway 12 with your hair in the wind and the sun on your face, it is much more than your worst ride, in a cold driving rain, pelting every inch of your body. Secretly, many of us think of ourselves as invincible but we all know that’s terribly misguided. We have all been impacted by the big C, it has touched every family in one way or another. Joy Hicks of Cox Harley-Davidson, Asheboro brought that hard fact back to reality on Saturday. A spry pink haired lady sat down with me in the offices of Cox for a brief interview. As she wraps up a career with the HD dealership in the next few weeks, Joy is the inspiration behind this event. You see, she was diagnosed in 2008 with Stage 3 breast cancer. Can you imagine the moment when your mother, sister, daughter or friend receives that diagnosis. Very nonchalantly, she said, “I thought I was going to die”. But there she sat 15 years later, strong, vibrant and determined to live life on her own terms. This crusty old biker wasn’t misty eyed, you are! Get this, after her diagnosis, she packed up her 2003 Concord Purple Low Rider and set out for Biketoberfest and once again for her 50th birthday, living life biker style! As I said, Joy didn’t lay down and accept a dark fate, she fought back AND WON!!!
Cox’s Harley-Davidson has been the backbone of my biker life. They served my brother Jimmy Andrews throughout his riding life; he bought parts and bikes from Poochie Cox and others as the years have passed. In 2006 after being rear ended by a cager, they put my Fatboy back together and was supportive as I dealt with that crash. They looked after Joy Hicks as well, when she was diagnosed with cancer. They wrapped their arms around her and began fighting back by starting the “Motorcycles for Mammograms” event and ride supporting local facilities in preventing, diagnosing and supporting others who faced this diagnosis. This article is not just about Joy it’s about every member of our family in the Sandhills. Alongside, Joy, Stephen and Jan Cox have been a part of this event
every year, raising $250,000+ for local cancer preventative care for those in need.
Its Mid-October and riding out of Hamlet on a brisk Fall day convinced me, Fall had finally arrived. Heading up 220/73/74 (how many names can a highway have?) colors have finally begun to transform lush green leaves into beautiful reds, yellow and gold colors we all appreciate. I couldn’t help thinking, “What a beautiful day for a motorcycle event!” I arrived at Cox Harley-Davidson Asheboro just before the Iron Saints MC set out for the countryside of Randolph and Moore county. We passed farms and fields, towns and hamlets of the same with the goal of raising money through “motorcycles for mammograms”. The ride was well organized and escorted by the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department. Arriving back at Cox, the party was just getting started. Brett, another member of Cox HD and his band, Killing Fiction provided the rhythm for the event. Whether you were participating in the silent auction, enjoying a cold beverage, munching on food truck food or shopping for a new scoot, “Killing” provided the soundtrack for the day. There were vendors from Michael’s Cigars to the Flying Hatchet trailer, all there to support the event and feed a group of hungry bikers.
Food trucks have changed the game with regard to “catering”. I am always impressed with the variety of “flavas” that show up for all sorts of events, this one included. It’s great to have so many options available. I had a hard time making a choice between Los Tampiqueres and Smokehouse Bis-
tro. After much debate, I chose a Cuban Sandwich from the Smokehouse, for my Cox lunch box, I had the opportunity to share a table with folks from Archdale. Our lunches (and the company) were fabulous.
Getting back to work, I made my rounds at the dealership, with photos of the guys in service, ladies in motor clothes and the sales staff. If you want to buy a new or used Harley, Tara, Ryan and Aaron can help put you on the right ride for your wants, needs, dreams or budget.
Many listen to XM Radio, Spotify and Pandora, I still check out Rock 92 and it was exciting to meet Chris Kelly and while my spin on the wheel didn’t get me a t-shirt, I was proud to walk away with a handshake from Chris and a Rock 92 sticker, now proudly on display inside my tour pack.
As the day came to a close, the silent auctions and raffles drew to an end, the climax was a drawing for 2024 HarleyDavidson Nightster, with a drum roll….., the winner of the brand new shiny motorcycle was Nicole Wood! Congratulations Nicole and remember, bikers don’t follow the crowd; they make their own path!
Motorcycles for Mammograms was a great event hosted by Cox’s Harley-Davidson. This event supports much more than just HD and the riding community. It supports early detection of breast cancer and encourages all of us to live life on our own terms. I encourage everyone reading Full Throttle to give to this organization and participate in the event in the years to come. Let’s all send “happy retirement” wishes to Joy and prayers for many years of retired bliss!
BIG DADDYʼS ROAD House has turned 1 year old. I know what some of you are thinking because, like myself, you have been stopping in for a cold one and swapping a few tall tales for years now.
The regulars know the story but let me go back in time briefly. On August 9, 2023, Mike Aguire, the founder and original “Big Daddy,” passed away. Stephany Storm, who had managed the establishment for a time, stepped in to keep the doors open. She had a close relationship with Big Daddy and was certain he would want the good times to continue. And they have! And just a few short weeks later, Stephany purchased Big Daddy’s Road House, retaining the name as a tribute to her friend. In the sense of new ownership, Big Daddy’s Road House is officially 1!
Since taking ownership, while much has remained the same, many awesome improvements have been made. Expanded front patio with guard railing allows guests to hang out and admire the many bikes that are parked just on the other side of the railing. The side patio was expanded, and a new ice maker startled me one day when the ice dropped. Small improvements continue to appear as Stephany is committed to making this the best option in Fuquay Varina to hang out and chill.
While Stephany is in charge and hands on, she freely acknowledges all the assistance she gets from so many. Her long-time boyfriend and would-be husband, Wrong Way, is her first mention, saying: “At first, he was not a fan of me buying the bar. He quickly realized that it was going to happen, whether he was on board or not. Now he will quickly tell you that he wants nothing to do with it, but at the end of the day he is right there to give me a hand.” Wrong Way recently celebrated a birthday at Big Daddy’s with shots. Given the fact
that he doesn’t drink, I knew I could turn down an invitation to have a shot with him. So, at 6pm, the lines began forming for one huge toast. And then we headed out front for a group photo.
At the anniversary party, a table full of food was served to any who was hungry. In addition to the spread of food, there were two live bands: The Phoebes 1-4pm and Southern Misfits 6-9pm. I arrived too late to see The Phoebes this day, but they are awesome and I highly encourage you to come check them out soon. The Southern Misfits were crushing it on the outdoor stage with all of your classic rock. There was also a 50/50 drawing and a raffle for a 65” TV. Congratulations to Denise Jackson on winning the TV. Estimates early was maybe 150 bikes and maybe 300 or more people in attendance.
Stephany also acknowledged her coworkers online after the Anniversary Party. “Secondly, Kandra Raye Plewes .... this beast here!! I know you all already know, but I’m putting out there anyway... In the beginning, I wasn’t so sure about her and the feeling was mutual. It was a learning curve for both and she stuck by my side. She works her ass off every damn day. Literally she has been my rock! Thanks babe for being the trooper you are and putting up with me when I get emotional (I’m not crying now ).
Michael Marburger, Todd McKinney, Brian Dushan, Alisa Piatt Holleman, Jesse James, Ed Tinney, Heidi Adams Callahan, Tonia Turner, Monika Jaymes, Brooke Jaymes-Canady, I could have never made this year without all of you guy’s support and help along the way.
Lastly, to all of our Big Daddy’s Road House friends/family/ customers... you are the true grace of our bar! Without all of you, we wouldn’t be here today. I am most grateful to have all of you. If I have overlooked thanking someone, please forgive me. I truly appreciate all of you!”
It is safe to say that more great things will be happening at Big Daddy’s Road House in Fuquay Varina, NC. The November Calendar already includes two seasonal events, Live Music and Bike Night (see their ad for details). Come out and introduce yourself to Stephany and her team. They will definitely make you feel welcome!
N SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH, THE GASTONIA CHAPTER OF the Guardians of the Children (GOC) held their Child Abuse Prevention & Awareness Ride from the Full Throttle Powersports location in Gastonia. Registration began at 9:00AM, and the first group was scheduled to leave at 11:00AM with the last bike in before 4:00PM. There were five scheduled stops along the way to roll the dice. The first was at Full Throttle Powersports; the second was Jack Beagles in Mt. Holly, NC; the third was Johnny’s Mex Grill in Lincolnton, NC; the fourth was the American Legion post in Kings Mountain, NC; the final stop was the Double Barrel Saloon in Gastonia, NC, with prizes for best and worst hand, a 50/50 drawing, raffle prizes, and food for the participants.
The Gastonia Chapter of GOC was chartered in November 2010 by a group of bikers who saw the need to assist and educate the community to the effects of child abuse. The mission of the GOC is to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support, and protection. “Don’t Let Your Silence Drown Out Their Cries”.
The GOC is not just one individual fighting against child abuse. It is a brotherhood of motorcycle enthusiasts banded together for the same cause - our children. Their mission is to send a clear message to all who would abuse children that they are prepared to protect these children through their physical and emotional support.
Saturday’s weather was perfect – sunny and warm. It was so warm that I wore my summer mesh jacket. It was unusual for an October morning! I left home at 9:15 heading east on Rt 74. I merged onto I85 and continued until the exit for Lowell. I followed the signs to get to Full Throttle Powersports and arrived before 10:00AM.
After I placed a stack of magazines on the registration table, I gave my donation. Then I walked around talking with the bikers who were waiting for the time to ride. I saw “Cuzz” and went to talk with him. I also talked with his son “Rooster”. We talked about him writing articles that were published in “Full Throttle” magazine. He’s a good writer.
There were many bikers because of the weather, but not as many as there could have been if there weren’t so many other biker events being held on the same day. Normally there is always a good crowd. Everybody there was committed to the cause of protecting children from child abuse. They are a very dedicated group.
They called a meeting inside the dealership at about 10:30AM for all the road guards. They went over the route and discussed the many areas of concern where the road guards
would be positioned. Then at 11:00AM, they called another meeting for all the participants; to cover the route, hand signals, and the pre-ride prayer. There would be a police escort at the beginning, but the road guards would have control for most of the run.
At 11:15AM, they started to line up. As soon as everybody was lined up, they started down the road behind the dealership – following the police car. They were on their way to Mt Holly, NC for the first stop. They hold this ride a couple times a year. They stand for a great cause, and we need more people to be against child abuse.
NE OF THE MOST GORGEOUS PLACES IN NORTH CAROLINA is our unique barrier islands that we know as the OBX. Bikers and vacationers alike seek the Outer Banks to get away from the hustle and bustle of their lives and enjoy the Outer Banks natural beauty, fine dining and wide open spaces. Twice a year, Outer Banks HarleyDavidson interrupts that peace by hosting bike rallies. The fall version being Outer Banks Bikefest. The Bikefest is always a little more laid back than the spring event, but riders can always count on the OBX H-D to roll out the red carpet!
The weekend before Bikefest a tropical storm blew through the area and Hwy 12 that runs down the banks was off limits below Rodanthe, NC but that’s 30 or so miles south of the event. We get in town ready to rock on Thursday of the event and as tradition has it Law Tigers representative Jerry Spencer and myself snag a bite to eat and in the evening head out on the Armageddon Ride. Legend has it that during the previous year’s impending hurricane Jerry and I took off for an evening ride in high wind with very little gas, dark sunglasses and very little preparation. Well, ok, Jerry had gas…I was on reserve, but we made it through high winds, gale storms, wildlife, and high water, all the way to Rodanthe before I ran out of gas.
So now we make it a point to ride the fabled ride each year. Lemme tell ya, with clears and a full gas tank, it was much less harrowing.
Friday and Saturday we stick to rally events. Guided rides leave out of the three local H-D stores: Outer Banks HarleyDavidson in Harbinger, NC, First Flight Harley-Davidson in Kill Devil Hills, NC and Nags Head Harley-Davidson in Nags Head, NC. This year the $1000 poker run was won by Tim Nash and his dog Teddie. I’m not sure which one kept the money, but congrats to them both! All three stores host clearance deals and folks ride in from all around to take advantage of the sales and snag a fresh rally shirt. The evenings are spent bar hopping and riding the coastal roads. It’s not hard to find a party at the local motels either!
The Outer Banks Harley-Davidson in Harbinger is the epicenter of the event and hosts vendors, food trucks, live music and this year the Harley-Davidson Demo Truck. The spring event always includes a bikini contest and in the fall some of the lovely ladies return to do a bikini bike wash. Lemme tell ya, I saw a lot of pretty clean bikes that decided they “needed” to be washed! Saturday is the climax of the event at the Harbinger location. The Harley-Davidson Demo Truck stays busy all day long. They roll out all the H-D models and every couple minutes a pack of riders head out on their next favorite motorcycle. The band Later That Night rocked the stage until around 2pm when we took over the DJ services. The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine hosts a free registration ride in bike show spring and fall at the OBX event with a little help from our friends at Law Tigers and Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Firm. Again, this year we had a gaggle of good looking bikes and it’s always good to see our friends roll in to party with us! We handed out plaques to the bike show winners right from our tent this year. The winners of the Vintage class was Tim Nash with a 1988 FXRS. The Cruiser class went to Kevin Colie and his super clean 1996 Dyna Wide Glide. The Radical Bagger class went to Tim Brooks and his big red 2015 Road Glide that stood out on the lot. Michael Turner customized his way to winning Touring class with his 2013 Street Glide. The Custom class went to Devin Eckert and his “over engineered” 1997 Buell Board Track bike. Then we hand out a couple ‘choice’ awards, these are our favorites, not based on the judging point system, but are usually the most excellent bikes on the lot. The Law Tigers Choice award and $100 went to Dodge Paras with his clean classy 2013 Deluxe. The Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group Choice Award and $100 went to Ben Stalets 2019 Indian Springfield, another super classy bike on the lot. Duane Vass won the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Choice award $150 and an invitation to bring his bike to the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show in the Greensboro Coliseum on February 1st. Huge congrats to the winners! Once the awards are handed out, we go back to partying for the rest of the day. Then it’s out for a celebratory feast at one of the many fine restaurants in the OBX.
Make sure to look up Outer Banks Bike Week for April 2025, it kicks off the local bike rally scene and is always a good time. We will be out there doing a bike show and cutting up as usual. Huge thanks to event coordinator Sherry Burgess for everything she does for us and the event. The Outer Banks is one of those beautiful riding destinations right here in the Carolinas that you shouldn’t miss out on. Hit up the light houses, the coastal roads, fine dining and of course Outer Banks Harley-Davidson for a good time. See ya there.
Praising God: The only 2 times to praise Him is when you don’t feel like it and when you do.
What is happening? Do you think the churches in America are starting to compromise the word of God to fit the lifestyles of the world? Do you think our nation has turned its back on the only true and living God and His son Jesus?
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.”
Some may think since you’re a biker and free of everything, you have no obligations, not attached, able to move about when and where you please. Even if you’re able to live this kind of life are you really free? John 7:34 “Verily, Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever commit sin is the servant of sin. You cannot be a servant in bondage and be free.”
Romans 3:23 “that all have sinned”. You may think you haven’t but if you are living in the world you have. The only way you can be free is in Jesus. John 8:32 “that you can know the truth and the truth will set you free.” What is the truth really? Jesus said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the father, but by me.”
Come to Jesus today and be set free. John 8:36 “If the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”
S THE SUN ROSE THE LAST SATURDAY MORNING IN September, the news was showing us the destruction of Western North Carolina caused by Hurricane Helene. The Hickory area had only minor damage and the road into the Hickory Riding Club property was OK. The 31st Annual Bronson Run was on.
Folks signed in at John’s Tavern, but the first stop at The Street Survivors Clubhouse was canceled. Not sure we could get there with roads still blocked and power out. This was one day that it was fine to show up in your car or truck. Some folks bought a few hands and went back home to start their cleanup.
For 31 years the Hickory Riding Club has held this popular ride to benefit the Carolina Caring Hospice. Some of the members have benefited from Hospice care over the years. It’s also a memorial ride for old friends. The back of the T-shirt lists brothers who ain’t riding with us anymore. Now some of their grandkids and great grandkids are there.
The brothers listed on the 31st Anniversary shirt are – Bronson, Allen, Joe, Mange, Killer, Boyce, Dick, Brett, Shook, Tank, Butch, Kenny, Neil and U.L.
Doing anything for 31 years is an accomplishment to be proud of. The Bronson Run is usually near the end of September when the weather is great for riding and hanging out with biker buddies. The Hickory Riding Club has an awesome
piece of very private property and welcomes folks to camp out the night before the poker run. Not many did that this year since Helene was raging that night.
Next year bring your musical instruments and join the pickin’ party at the clubhouse. Yes, camping and jamming on the front porch on a Friday night. Make a weekend of it at the Hickory Riding Club.
Back at the clubhouse folks made their last dice roll and settled down for a cold drink and food. As usual, Jack cooked up some great grilled chicken for dinner. Try a couple of the Tater Salads folks brought. Get a couple of Scott’s Jalapeno Poppers before they are gone.
The day turned rather nice and lots of bikers made the Bronson Run this year. Yeah, more drove cages than usual and parked in the big field. It’s good to see so many folks gathered at the clubhouse for a whole bunch of door prizes as the day wound down. High Roll was won by Gary. Suzy had the lowest. Oh well, we all had fun.
Folks think about Hospice and the Bronson Run all year. They raised some money at a few functions and raffles and such. I do Turkey Shoots at the clubhouse in the Winter. Several local clubs came together for the Helping Us Help Ride in the Spring. The Bronson Run brings them to a total for the year.
“We raised more money for Hospice today from the dice roll and auction items,” Gonzo said. “Thanks to everyone who helped and those who rode that day. Big thanks to everyone who dug deep to contribute to Carolina Caring Hospice.”
“Looking back on what we have done for the last 31 years is great. Now let’s keep looking forward. The Hickory Riding Club plans to continue the Bronson Run, remembering our brothers and supporting Hospice for years to come,” Gonzo.
The Hickory Riding Club has a really cool, old fashioned place out of town where bikers can have fun. I am proud of the club and friends who came out to benefit hospice that day. Wow 31 years for the Bronson Run and remembering brothers.
antique motorcycle event in North Carolina. Gonna do it at Denton Farm Park, great place for that. But will the modern riding crowd care about coming to see old bikes? Fifteen years later and this is one of the biggest and bestest motorcycle events in the Carolinas.
Bikers at Denton Farm Park, NC, for the Antique Motorcycle Club of America’s 15th Southern National Meet were there to soak it all in. Not only were there lots of cool old machines to check out, but there were plenty of bikes and parts for sale too.
The three sponsoring AMCA chapters; Blue Ridge, Legends and Catawba Valley; gathered in the perfect place since Denton Farm Park enhances the antique experience with several old buildings featuring historic equipment and machinery, plus antique train rides. Other groups use the Farm Park for events featuring tractors, farm equipment, military vehicles and more.
A day at Denton goes by too fast. It was a little chilly, so Chan delayed the Road Ride until 10 am for a cruise through the countryside. Vendors are open and ready to sell. I gotta get back to shopping and checking out bikes.
The AMCA meet at Denton ain’t a snobby gathering of guys with high-dollar antiques. It is for y’all with clean old machines you found in a shed or the project bike you’d rather ride than restore. Motorcycles 35 years old are considered antiques. So now there are Evo Harley antiques. Each year has a theme. For this meet it was Coney Island Bikes. I dig those with all the glitzy things bolted on the bikes. Try to imagine the guy who put all that together decades ago.
As folks see what goes on at Denton there are more who come for the whole weekend. That gives them more time for checking out the vendors, bikes and hanging with friends. Camping at Denton Farm Park is nice with acres of cool, shady woods. I know you can buy everything online these days, but a real swap meet still has its advantages. Online you hope the part is what they claim and what you need. Buying
in person at Denton you can examine the part, haggle with the seller and sometimes get an interesting story too.
Yes, there are lots of Harleys, Indians, Triumphs, Nortons and the bikes we are used to seeing at antique meets. But the Japanese bikes and parts vendors are increasing too.
From the moment your turn into the Farm Park, you begin to see why this is such a cool place for the antique motorcycle meet. The property has few modern buildings and lots of old machines and tractors and such on display. An old train runs around the park. I always take a pocketful of coins to put on the tracks. Hope kids find them when camping there.
Soon your senses are immersed in the meet, motorcycles and parts as far as you can see. Knuckles and Pans and Shovels, Oh My! There were lots of old motorcycles there for sale at very reasonable prices too.
Over the last 15 years this meet may have evolved but it is still the best event to see old bikes. It might take you a while to wonder the bike show field. Enjoy the machines but give some room to the guys in orange vests. They are the formal judges going over bikes which the owners are seeking validation of originality. These are the museum quality machines. Some original low miles and some perfectly restored. Interesting to listen to the judges as they discuss the tiniest details on those bikes. Gotta take a point for the headlight lens. That was the replacement from two years after the bike was made. Not perfectly correct to that year and model. Next time the owner will have the correct lens and get closer to 100 points.
For me the coolest bike in the formal judging was the Ariel Square Four. My Papa had one and they are so cool and pretty.
We gathered at Denton for antique motorcycles. There are so many bikes that I miss checking out and photographing way more than ones I do. So many that I see go riding by and hope I can talk about later. You can see and talk to the owners of all kinds of bikes in various conditions. Not all bikes at Denton are sitting for display. Most are running and riding around the Farm Park.
Some folks expect to see lots of beautiful museum quality motorcycles cruising the Farm Park. There are some – perfect original, fresh restored, made from old parts bikes there. They stand out like jewels because those bikes are actually the minority. Oh yes, we love them, and crowds gather to photograph and ask about the shiny old machines. You can imagine the work and love that went into those bikes.
Most of the bikes at the AMCA meet were less than museum quality. Lots of motorcycles that have obviously been ridden for a long lifetime. They range from fairly well maintained to rusty rat bikes. Faded paint, rust and grease are cool now.
Soon as I arrived at the Southern National Meet, I started seeing friends from all kinds of motorcycling and related activities. Some Harley drag racing buddies are big into antique bikes. Bikers I know from other kinds of racing, safety train-
ing, motorcyclists’ rights, off-roading were there.
Some of those people at Denton are celebrities in our world and others. That guy you are talking to might be a famous restorer, racer, museum director or someone else significant to motorcycling. The lady telling you about her bike might be a famous writer, actress or rock star. Those folks love old motorcycles too.
Being in NASCAR country, it’s common to see drivers and crew members at events. Those, “Guys back in the shop” who built racecars and engines are old motorheads and enjoy Denton. Those are the guys telling stories to a group of us at any time or place during the meet.
Each year there is an honored guest for the Saturday banquet. The AMCA Legends Chapter Legend of the year was David Uhl. You might not know his name, but you also might have his artwork on your wall. David has painted some of the most recognized motorcycle art in the world. Recently he was inducted into the Sturgis Hall of Fame.
I’m so glad to see young people at Denton. We need to cultivate the love of antique motorcycles to ensure the AMCA survives and grows. From the 12-year-old girl riding Dad’s old Honda to the young teen going through the boxes that will someday be his first bike, the 20-something guy loading the Panhead he just bought, to the Chopper Guys, I try to tell them how welcome they are at The Southern National Meet.
I know many of y’all see yourselves in the young folks who are seriously shopping the Denton vendors. Now, we laugh about those broke young guys since we have for years dealt with bikers who have money and lots of bikes. But remember when we were the broke young guys trying to build our dream machines? Or trying to build something we could sell to buy a better bike. So, please welcome them, appreciate whatever machine they ride and help them enjoy it.
Motorcycling has changed styles and fads all my life. But there has been a certain constant in the antique world. We ride bikes that our grandfathers rode. We ride bikes that were new when we were young. I even leave the stock air box and pipes on them now. I don’t know if it’s that we are stuck in the past or old motorcycles are great therapy. But I saw lots of smiles at Denton as people enjoy an afternoon a few decades back in time.
The AMCA Southern National meet is the Carolinas’ event you must attend if you are into the history of motorcycles. Bikers can check out historic machines and spend hours talking to the guys who saved and restored them. You will see some of the oldest motorcycles running and rideable. You can buy bikes and parts to start your own project. I got my Old Guy Bike at Denton this year. A 1979 FXE Super Glide with 21,300 miles. Like what I rode in my early twenties. Now I need one of those skinny blonde beach babes from back then to go with it. Oh, and a set of the stock pipes like the ones I tossed in a dumpster months after buying a new bike.
I wonder what cool stories you can tell about Denton next year. Make plans to camp, hangout, shop and enjoy old motorcycles at The Farm Park.
N SEPTEMBER 28TH, THE BIKERS AND NEEDY CHILDREN Foundation, BA NC, proudly hosted its 13th Annual Tim Diffin Memorial Run, “Riding With Angels” at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson in Fayetteville, an outstanding venue that has long supported local events and motorcycle culture. The dealership provided the perfect backdrop for the day, and their commitment to hosting this event made it a resounding success. Around 35 riders and one vehicle participated, including the VFW 9103 Riders, who enjoyed a scenic route with stops at Louie’s Pub, Legend’s Pub, and VFW 9103.
Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson set the stage for an unforgettable day. Steve Ritz, aka “Life of the Party,” kept the crowd entertained with great music, and the grill was sizzling thanks to Luzbin Barbosa, Jr., who, along with Skyler Courter, Anthony Trujillo, Cody King, and Nathan Crom, made sure everyone enjoyed some fantastic burgers and hot dogs. Their hard work was appreciated by all.
This year’s event wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing t-shirt sponsors: The Carolinas’ Full Throttle, Donnie Wheeler Transmissions, Thomas “Coomish” Greb, The BANC Foundation, Attention Ink, Diffin Bros Cycles, Jery’s Pawn of Hope Mills, Pat’s Tire & Auto Service, J.D. Home Improvements, and, of course, Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, along with White Lake Motor Oil @ The Shop. Their support helped elevate the day and bring the community together.
The raffle and auction added extra excitement to the day, with some incredible items donated by vendors and supporters. Everyone had fun bidding and winning, knowing they were supporting a great cause—the proceeds from the event will go to benefit Cumberland County foster children.
Thanks again to Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson for being a gracious host and a continued supporter of this fantastic event. Your dedication to the riding community and charitable efforts is truly appreciated! Here’s to many more successful years of the Tim Diffin Memorial Run!
N AUGUST 17, 2024, THE 14th Annual Shriners
Children’s Benefit took place at the Double D Burnout Saloon. The day started off on a high note with Pat & The Kountry Boys, who provided fantastic tunes and entertainment. The event concluded with a memorable performance by recording artist Dalton Davis and his band, who have been receiving widespread acclaim. If you haven’t had the chance to listen to Dalton’s music yet, I highly recommend looking him up. He’s destined for great things!
Despite the warm weather, everyone had a blast at the benefit. The day was filled with exciting activities such as prize giveaways, a live auction, a bike show, and delicious BBQ and Chicken plates. Butch Medders and his team worked tirelessly throughout the night to ensure that everyone enjoyed mouthwatering food. Carol Medders also made sure
that everyone was served and delighted with her famous Cowboy Baked Beans.
The event received tremendous support from various participants, including vendors, the High Point Shrine Club, and special guest Ed Matthews. The American Legion Riders Post 87 also made a generous contribution by presenting a check for $500. They have been steadfast supporters of this event and many other charitable causes throughout the year.
Congratulations to Anthony King, also known as MadDog, for winning the AR. Thank you, MadDog, for your unwavering support.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the volunteers, attendees, and supporters who made this event a resounding success. The Shriners Children’s Hospital provides free care for children under the age of 18 who require burn and orthopedic treatment. If you know a child in need of care, please reach out to your local Shrine Club.
This year, the benefit raised a total of $8,200 for the hospital in Greenville, SC. Since 2011, an impressive sum of over $138,000 has been raised to help burned children heal and enable children with disabilities to walk. None of this would have been possible without the incredible support of so many individuals.
Mark your calendars for the 15th Annual Benefit, scheduled for August 23rd, 2025. Stay tuned for more information and be sure to save the date.
July 16, 1972- October 14, 2024
EPTEMBER IS MY HONEYBUNʼS BIRTHDAY MONTH, SO WE usually take a holiday away for the occasion. We’ve found ourselves in the Santee area of South Carolina three times in three years in the month of September alone! I guess we kinda like it there. We usually take the straight shot down, anxious to get the party started!
HoneyBun discovered a fabulous biker friendly hotel with a HEATED pool (not bath water temperature, but perfect for the times when the air is a bit chilly) at a reasonable price. Can’t beat that! The place is also handy to a great steak house, a tasty deli and a delicious Mexican. And, Charleston is only a short scoot just down the way for the required seafood and sushi. Just a note: we got caught in the rain in Charleston every . single . time! We didn’t melt, although the high humidity afterwards made it damp, muggy and thick (it certainly took longer for our clothes to dry out). September in the South is still very much “Summer”, but there are the beginnings of Fall showing in the trees and the farmers’ fields. The temperatures can dip after sundown, so I took a sweater along (I refuse to wear socks, so I packed fuzzy slippers just in case the flip flops “don’t cut it”). The area is very flat and sandy, with moss hanging off the Live Oaks, as well as Palm and Banana trees. Santee also boasts many excellent golf courses, as well as camping (both luxury and primitive) and world class fishing. Lake Marion is the largest fresh water lake in SC, and Lake Moultrie takes third place, with both hosting all the water sports and activities. There’s a waterpark, if that’s your thang. There are plenty of curvy roads to wander down, with parks and a wildlife refuge along the way. Keep an eye our for alligators! (I sampled gator on the menu at one of the local watering holes for the first time… If I didn’t know it was gator, I would have thought it was dark chicken meat, so I’ll order it again.) Lizards, toads and tree frogs came to say hello around the hotel pool (no, they were friends not food).
September is also Lovebug season; our bike needed a bath
after every ride! Yuck! According to Google: Lovebugs are in season in September as part of their second major mating flight of the year. Lovebugs are also known as honeymoon flies, kissing bugs, and double-headed bugs. Splat! If you don’t wash them off in a timely manner, it’s like they are welded on, which sucks. The maintenance staff was very gracious in supplying a water hose, a bucket and some rags for just such events. We also had a little hiccup… Seems the bike needed new tires. The Charleston Indian Dealership picked up HoneyBun and the bike and returned later that day. No worries, I just spent more time at the pool. We took daily local rides, exploring every inch of the area. Then to the pool, ending the day at a restaurant or pub (or both), and sometimes back to the pool under the stars. Sh*tty routine, right?!
We took the scenic route home, mostly along highway 601, passing swampland, white tufts of cotton, and fields of peanuts, tobacco and corn. Logging trucks dominated the roadways, which made me uneasy; I’m glad HoneyBun kept his distance.
HoneyBun and His Bitch will be back!
HE MYRTLE BEACH FALL RALLY RUNS ON THE LAST WEEKend of September through the first weekend in October. It’s tradition and riders from all over ride in to enjoy the last beach rally of the season in the Carolinas. Despite the dwindling of street side vendors, the rally still has biker friendly parties throughout the grand strand, not just in Murrells Inlet. As far north as Little River parts rage on during the rally, parties that are totally worthy of seeking out. On top of that the locals know how to get down and even though they live there year round, the rally provides an excuse to gather their friends and party. We are lucky enough to have local sales manager in the Grandstand area, Pam Lory and her husband Ray, who get us into all the cool local parties like over at Chuck and Carol’s house. I started my rally hanging out at their home with the “West Salem Gang” their local group of riding buddies. Nothing like a cooler of beer a circle of chairs and a great group of people to get the party started.
Although I could have stayed there all weekend, I had “work” to do. Yeah, I have a great “job”. I had already stopped in at Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson to talk with the local Law Tigers rep, Jay Wright and his wife Britt who were working their booth at Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson. They were sponsoring a local bike night with MB H-D at The Landing at the Boathouse. The parking lot was packed, and the band was rockin’. Savannah from Myrtle Beach H-D was giving away some quality raffle prizes at a band break and they had some killer Hurricane Alley Rally patches that you could snag for free to sew on to your jacket and let everyone know you were at the rally. They were some really nice patches for sure. I hung out as long as I could stand it and then rode off into the beach night. That’s the thing about these rallies, there are a ton of good parties, but y’all, I like to ride and so I was off to the next stop.
I was right in between two of my favorite spots: Pop’s Place on Kings Hwy and the Rat Hole on Socastee, Blvd. The night
was young so I decided I’d go to both, starting with Pop’s. Pop’s is one of those local spots that doesn’t get the notoriety that the bigger places get, but totally deserves it. Pop’s is just off Kings Hwy attached to a Pacific beach store, close enough to the main road to be easily found, but just far enough to make sitting on their big deck enjoyable. It was a gorgeous fall beach evening, and the deck was sat full of bikers with their bikes parked right there close by. Pop’s offers ice cold buckets of beer, motorcycle specific parking and indoor bathrooms. It was karaoke night, and the DJ had a line of folks ready to croon their way to local stardom.
The deck was definitely the place to be, but there was more “work” to be done that night, and I wanted to make it out to the Rat Hole. It’s out away from the strip but just far enough to get you into flowing traffic. The Rat Hole is one of the bearers of old school bike rally fun and a must stop every rally. They run bike rodeo games all day long in their arena. You can get in on the games or you can hang out in the bleachers and critique the riders. The bleachers have a distinct advantage over the competition. There are multiple convenient bars around the bleachers with good lookin bartenders slinging ice cold drinks and shot girls roaming the crowd. If your hang round after dark, you’ll get to check out the pudding wrastlin’ too. The bar at the Rat Hole is hoot too, day and night the drinks are flowing. You can belly up to the huge bar for a cold drink, shoot pool or if you are there after 8pm they start up adult games on the stage, that’s not something you want to miss!
Friday was another hard day on the job, on this episode I had to go down the Coastal Iron Inc in Murrells Inlet, SC for Indian Motorcycle Demo Day. I rode up and folks were rolling out of there one after another on the Indian Motorcycle demo bikes. I signed up and headed over to the line of bikes. You could demo any one of the Indian Motorcycle models from the Scout all the way up to the Pursuit. I’m a Dyna guy, so I went for the Indian Sport Chief as a comparable model. I got my instructions and was set free. I mean there was a course set out to ride, but it wasn’t led or timed or anything. I took off with intentions of seeing what this bike had to offer. I was impressed for sure. The Sport Chief’s 665lbs was matched with a beefy 116cu in engine and this thing was fun! I left it in the normal riding mode, and it had plenty of power running through the gears. The demo route was nice too. It was backroads that lead down to a marina. The last section of the ride the road was sheltered from the sun by Spanish moss covered trees that made for great photo setting. I reluctantly brought the Sport Chief back and swapped it out for the Indian Pursuit. The Pursuit is Indian Motorcycles top of the line touring bike. It’s got all the bells and whistles. I was prepared for it to handle like a barge, but man I was wrong. This bike weighs in at 912lbs but was nimble and well balanced. I put it through the gears and thoroughly enjoyed the ride…and the retractable windshield! Again, I reluctantly parked this bike and went in to check out Coastal Iron Inc’s dealership, they were offering free Indian Motorcycle shot glasses if you took a demo ride.
Since I was in the area, I made the obligatory run through SBB and naturally ran into a bunch of friends. But the day was getting on and I had more “work” to do! I was heading back north to Little River to hang out with the crew from Springers in Greensboro. Spring and Fall rally, Jeff Schmid of Springers throws a Friday night party at the Pilot House in Little River. It’s a great ride up the coast and gets you out of the bustle for a minute. The Pilot House is a great bar right on the water way and a ton of my friends were out there hanging out with Jeff. The bonus is that if you wear your Springers swag to the party, Jeff will buy your beers! Jeff goes out of his way to make sure I have a YooHoo as well. It’s a funny thing traveling four hours from home to hang out with people from home, but we had a blast shootin the shit and talking about all the fun we were having up and down the coast. The sun went down on the party and most everyone rode off in separate directions.
The DollHouse is in North Myrtle Beach and since I was gonna ride right by there, I thought I might stop in and say hello. The DollHouse is a big supporter of bikers in the area and of Full Throttle Magazine. Again, it’s a tough job, but if it’s gotta be done, I’ll do it. So, I pulled right into the motorcycle only parking and walked in to this classy establishment. I was greeted at the bar by some lovely ladies, snagged a drink and watched the show. This place gets PACKED at night, and I had just beat the rush and was able to get a good seat. The DollHouse always has a Welcome Bikers Party on Wednesday of the Bike Rally and that is also the $2000 Amateur Contest night, another party you don’t want to miss. This particular Friday night the DollHouse featured Tiny Texie for 2 shows. Ya’ll, what happens at the DollHouse stays at the DollHouse but let me tell ya if you weren’t there, you really missed it! By the way, the DollHouse ad in Full Throttle Magazine features a QR code for FREE entry into the club so you can save some money for tips!
The last Saturday of the Rally is all about Bubba’s Bar and Grill and Fishtailz Biker Consignment. This is a 24/7/365 local biker hangout and have regular blow out parties. This is the Full Throttle home at the bike rally, and we put on an epic show together at both the spring and fall rally. I stop in randomly the whole time I’m at the rally and they always make me feel at home. The bar is stocked with YooHoo and all the other adult beverages of course. They have a great kitchen, and I usually snag breakfast their as well! Fishtailz Biker Consignment is THE place to get your gear, whether it’s parts and accessories for your bike, for you or for your house, Fishtailz has it and will have the best price for it!
Saturday is my only true work day, we are very serious about Full Throttle Bike Shows and this is one of our marquee events of the year. Even though Saturday is a busy day at the rally, we always have bikes registering prior to the posted times and by noon the parking lot is PACKED with show bikes and people who came by to check out the event. The doors to both Bubba’s and Fishtails are constantly open with patrons coming and going with parts, drinks, food, and always a smile on their face. Pam and Ray dove in and ran the Full Throttle bike show booth getting everyone registered while guest judge Jason Weston and myself went over every inch of the show bikes. These Myrtle Beach Rally shows are tough to judge, some of the baddest bikes in the industry come out and 80% of the bikes on the lot are worthy of being class winners. The Full Throttle bike shows at Bubbas are FREE registration shows that consist of 5 classes with cash prizes and a Full Throttle Choice Award. This show grows each rally and the bikes in the show get better and better. We don’t do a bunch of participation trophies, the best of the best walk away with a plaque and some cash. It’s hard to turn away a ton of nice bikes, but that’s the way it is ya’ll. This year the winners went like this. The Vintage Class was won Sue Hatch’s 1976 H-D FLH, Gert. This is one fantastic shovel. Clean and correct, always a pleasure to judge this bike. The Chopper Class went to Johnny Hinchberger’s 1972 H-D Shovelhead. Johnny was the first to register and it held the chopper class the whole show. The Touring Class went to Woodlawn Baggers 2019 H-D Road Glide. We had the whole Touring Class sewed up until this bike rolled on the lot. Then it was a “no doubter” with this frame off build, 132 crank up build with Trask Assassin turbo, inverted forks, bullet swing arm, billet subframe, powder coated cases, carbon fiber body, carbon fiber wheels and chain drive. Not to mention a bangin’ paint job. The Custom Non-Bagger class was stolen by Chase Owens of Dark Horse Cycleworx 26” cut neck layframe Softail featuring stretched fenders, custom paint, and 42” tails. The Radical Bagger class is always tough in Myrtle Beach. Josh Lefaivre made it easy for us with his 2024 Road King build. This thing has too many features to list. Josh’s bike won three best in shows in the spring, including our Best in Show, so he wasn’t eligible for that honor again in the fall. This is a 10 point bike in every category and will be tough to beat anywhere it goes. The Cruiser Class went to Andruw Lacks 2008 Cholo’d Softail Deluxe. The Lacks Customs boys bring excellent bikes to every show they attend and this Cholo is an excellent example of their work. This bike is completely buttoned up with chrome everywhere and just the right touches of custom work. That only leaves The Best In Show. Once this bike rolled on the lot, I was sure it was in contention for the Best In Show. I waited all day for someone to come in with a bike that compared to it, but everything fell slightly short of the mark. Angel Roserio rode in on a Custom 2008 H-D that was done up. A fully engraved, cholo big wheel bagger. I mean everything was engraved; wheels, handlebars, primary, engine cases and all. The brown panel paint job was top notch. It was just
a good looking bike, stretch bags, big chrome wheel and all. Angel took home $200 as best in show and an invitation to the Full Throttle Custom Bike Show on February 1st, 2025, inside the Greensboro Coliseum. If you didn’t see it at the beach, ya better get to Greensboro to check it out there!
Seriously yall, after judging a bike show of that caliber it was time to let loose for the rest of the evening. I downed a few ice cold YooHoo’s at Bubbas as the evening band cranked up. By now the bike show crowd had gone on but was completely replaced by the evening crowd. Bubba’s is where it’s at!
I never want the rally weekend to be over, so I ended up cruising back by all my favorite spots the rest of the evening. The spring rally will be back around before ya know it and we will be back at the coast for a good time. Don’t believe the hype, the Myrtle Beach Rally is all up and down the coast, not just in Murrells Inlet. On top of that, sometimes if ya go looking for a party, you find the best well-kept secrets around. If you’re having a hard time finding a cool place to hang, check out the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine for all the rally hot spots that we will be hanging out at. We will show you a good time!
HE YEAR IS 2016 AND BRAXTON IS CHANGING AS HE seems to be stepping into his own. At age six he seems to be coming out of his shell. He had always been slightly shy but during the last six months he has appeared to be more at ease with his surroundings such as shaking hands at church, meeting other children and especially excelling at racing motocross.
with the family, Christmas and Jesus.
Braxton’s father, Kevin Smith, introduced him to a motorcycle at two years of age. Of course, the bike had training wheels but he appeared to be a natural as he gave it the gas and zoomed across the yard toward the fence. To everyone’s surprise Braxton turned the bike before reaching the fence. His family was amazed that he knew what to do at such an early age. This was the start of his love for motorcycles.
His first official race was in Asheville at four years old. All the other riders in his division made him look very small but as the flag fell and his family held their breath, Braxton knew what to do. He wasn’t the fastest that night but he finished with a smile that lit up his entire face.
He also loved riding on his dad’s Harley-Davidson. ** He rode in a lot of the poker runs that his father participated in and learned at an early age that it was important to help people. He was a giving child who loved to give presents to the people he loved. Other things that Braxton loved was cookouts
The future was looking good. And then in a second, everything changed. Braxton was going on a weekend getaway with his grandparents and their vehicle was hit from behind by a 10-wheel flatbed truck. The vehicle Braxton was in flipped several times and landed on its top. Braxton sustained head trauma and two days later he succumbed to the injury. It seemed the entire world stopped. His father states that he felt lost and everything seemed gray.
After a period of mourning Braxton’s death, his father decided he had to do something positive to keep his son’s memory alive. He focused on the things Braxton loved which were Christmas, family and motocross. He finally decided to create a foundation as an avenue to achieve this goal.
The Braxton Smith Foundation’s goals are to assist families and children in need or crisis, help give children Christmas presents who may not receive Christmas without aide and to promote the sport of motocross by giving away 50cc and 110cc motorcycles along with all the protective gear to potential riders.
Each year the event grows. This year’s attendance was more than 650 and seven motorcycles were given away.
The happily surprised young riders receiving new motorcycles this year were – Colby #77 age 9, Luke #4 age 4, Elam #1 age 5, Caspian #8, age 6, Silas #316 age 5, Marshall #20 age 4, and Easton #20.
With the funds that are raised through Braxton’s Annual Poker Run, the foundation is able to not only give bikes to potential riders but also helps in the community. Last year Braxton’s foundation was able to help over 60 children at Christmas and assist numerous families in a situation of crisis or need.
Kevin states that he has dedicated the rest of his life in keeping his son’s name alive through Braxton’s Foundation and he hopes to see the annual Poker Run continue to grow. “We could not do what we do without each person that either attends, volunteers or donates to the Braxton’s Foundation.” He shares that the motorcycle community is one of the most caring and giving groups of people there is and he is always overwhelmed and honored at the love and great support Braxton’s Foundation has behind it.
arron SanderS “red” of Hamlet nC like many of uS grabbed his “biker” attitude from someone in his family, in his case it was both of his parents, they both rode way back. They had their own bikes and Aarron watched his dad rebuild a Moto Guzzi when he was only 4 years old, and you know of course, mom hated having parts in her living room and degreasing gears in the sink. Aarron’s father has ridden his bike to all 48 contiguous states AND Alaska, he put the butt on his putt
In 1983 Santa brought his 8 year old self a 1983 CR60. Bikes came and went for him during high school, first a 1994 Suzuki GS600 followed by a Kawasaki ZX7, which progressed to Harley Davidsons (of course). Aarron said he always loved the west coast lowrider scene which was the inspiration of this build, low and slow, trying to keep the hard parts off the ground. Special thanks go out Dean Carpenter (314 Fabrications) and Evan Carville (Low Class Baggers) STAY LOW
Article and Photos By
Year/Make/Model: 1997 Harley-Davidson Road King
Suspension: American Suspension (front & rear)
Center Stand: MRI
Wheels: Performance Machine “Hooligan” (front 21” rear 18”)
Tires: VeeRubber (front) Shinko (rear)
Brake Rotor: Performance Machine “Hooligan”
Braking System: Performance Machine
Drivetrain: 96” EVO with Fuel Injection
Exhaust: Sampson Headers with 39” Fishtails
Handlebars: 16” Carlini Gansta Apes
Paint & Body: Dean Carpenter 314 Fabrications, Rockingham NC
Color: House of Kolor Organic Kandy Green
Saddlebags: ABS 5” stretch
Rear Fender: stretched 5”
Front Fender: Advanblack
Seat: Mustang Day Tripper
Jerry Andrews
Biker Church in Bostic, NC held a memorial ride for its pastor’s wife – Melissa, who passed away last year. She was a very warm and loving person who loved everyone she met. Everybody loved her too. Her presence is definitely missed at the church.
All week long before the 14th, the weathermen were calling for torrential rain on Saturday from a tropical storm moving up the coast. At the last minute, the storm missed us, and the weather was perfect. It was cloudy and cool with a little mist every once in a while, but no rain.
When I rode in through Ellenboro, I passed a large group of bikers parked in an old gas station lot, I waved as I passed. I learned later that they were members of the Armored Saints Motorcycle Ministry and the Blue Crew Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club. They were on their way to the church too.
I arrived at the church at 10:00AM, and parked “Miss Vickie” on the side away from all the other bikes because I wasn’t going on the ride. I took a stack of Full Throttle magazines into the church and gave my donation to the ladies at the registration table.
I looked for Mike (the pastor), and found him out front directing traffic for the bikes rolling in. There was a small crowd around him consoling him for Melissa. We talked for a short while because he was very busy directing traffic – trying to get the bikes in a row so that they could leave without any trouble.
Then I started to walk around. People walked up to me to say “Hi”. Many of them I hadn’t seen for a long time. It was very good to see them again. I don’t get around as much as I used to.
There were many clubs and motorcycle ministries represented at the event. Just about every motorcycle group in the area had someone there. Melissa was very well liked in the biker community.
Many people were taking pictures during the event. I was photographed at least once. I don’t like to get in front of the lens. I like taking the pictures.
Later, Mike called everyone into the church for instructions and a prayer. While he was talking, he mentioned Melissa, how much she loved meeting new people, and that the next Monday would have been her 64th birthday.
Then he gave the route of the ride. It was on some great local roads: up Sunshine-Bostic Highway and down Duncan’s Creek road back to the church for some great food. It’s a fun ride with many curves to lean into with only one four-way stop sign in Bostic. It would be easy to keep the group together.
Then everybody went to their bikes. The quiet of the Saturday morning was instantly full of roaring motorcycles. There was a police escort. Mike was riding his bike first out of the lot. He made a right turn and headed to Bostic-Sunshine Highway with all the rest of the 125 bikes following him.
After everybody was gone, I left heading back the way I came. It was a very enjoyable ride – cool with a very light mist.
Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing rider Kyle Wyman Earns Two Podium Results; Finishes Second in Championship
Harley-Davidson® rider Rocco Landers led every lap of the MotoAmerica® Mission King of the Baggers race on Saturday to take his second win of the season in the final double-header weekend of the series at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Milville, N.J. Landers was also the top qualifier for the event and notched his eighth consecutive podium result with a second-place finish on Sunday. Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing rider Kyle Wyman rode a race-prepared 2024 Road Glide® motorcycle to third-place results on Saturday and Sunday and finished second in the championship.
“I always want to win these races so badly,” said Landers. “Today it was so much fun to battle with these guys. I want to give a huge shout-out to the Vance and Hines team for putting me on a great bike again today.”
Landers led from the start on Saturday on the 2.250-mile, 12-turn New Jersey Motorsports Park road course. Early in the race a tight pack of riders including Landers, Wyman, HarleyDavidson® Factory Racing rider James Rispoli, and Factory Indian riders Troy Herfoss and Tyler O’Hara diced for position. On lap five Herfoss moved into second place, and he and Landers opened a gap on Wyman, Rispoli, and O’Hara. On the final lap Herfoss passed for the lead but was immediately overtaken by Landers, who led Herfoss by 0.182 seconds at the finish. Wyman was third, followed by O’Hara, and Rispoli.
On Sunday, it was Wyman getting the jump on the field at the start only to be passed by Herfoss mid-way through the first lap. Herfoss gradually opened a lead on Wyman and Landers, who battled all race. Landers passed Wyman on the last lap to claim second place. Herfoss crossed the finish line 1.733 seconds clear of Landers. Wyman was third.
“I will always fight to the end,” said Wyman, who came up 11 points short of winning the Mission King of the Baggers championship. “Troy rode a great race and I just didn’t have the pace today. I’ve had so many great moments this season. It has been the pinnacle of my career to represent Harley-Davidson and go up against number 17. We’ll be back to challenge for the title next season.”
For the 18-race season, Wyman won six races and finished on the podium seven times. Rispoli finished on the podium
four times in his first season with the Harley-Davidson Factory Racing Team.
“It’s been an amazing journey with the team,” said Rispoli following the Sunday race. “We really grew a lot this season and had some great results. I’m super proud, and super humble, to be part of this team making Harley-Davidson racing history. We have picked each other up when we were down. We put blood, sweat, and tears into this season and I’m looking forward to next year.”
After completing the 18-round 2024 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series, Herfoss scored 358 points to claim first place. Wyman finishes second with 347 points. RevZilla/ Motul/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson® rider Hayden Gillim is third with 224 points, followed by Landers and O’Hara, also with 224 points. Rispoli is sixth with 196 points.
The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing Road Glide® motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle® Milwaukee-Eight® 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins
Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.
Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing is sponsored by Mission® Foods, Rockford Fosgate®, Brembo®, Öhlins®, Protolabs®, SYN3® lubricants, and Screamin’ Eagle® Performance Parts and Accessories.
MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 1
1. Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
2. Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
3. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
4. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
5. James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
6. Bobby Fong (Ind) SDI/Roland Sands Racing/Indian Motorcycle
7. Jake Lewis (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
8. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
9. Cory West (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
10. Travis Wyman (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 2
1. Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
2. Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
3. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
4. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
5. Hayden Gillim (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
6. James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
7. Bobby Fong (Ind) SDI/Roland Sands Racing/Indian Motorcycle
8. Jake Lewis (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
9. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
10. Cory West (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
11. Travis Wyman (H-D) Saddlemen/Harley-Davidson
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
While we drove through South Carolina to visit my family for Thanksgiving, our Brooklynite friend was full of questions. He studied the passing landscape with a worried look. “How’s the economy down here? I see some areas built up, but there are these long gaps between them.” My brother, a Southern gentleman, thought a moment then answered, “Down here, we call those ‘gaps’ farms.”
On Thanksgiving one year, I was racing home from work because I had several guests coming over for dinner. The only thing I still needed was a centerpiece for the table. I wanted a decorative squash, so I rushed to my local store and hunted for them until I saw the store manager. Flustered and out of breath, I yelled, “Are you out of your gourds?” to which he replied, “Why, what did we do this time?!”
It was Thanksgiving and preparation was in full swing. Suddenly the power went out. I went downstairs to reset the circuit. I heard murmurs as I went back up to the kitchen. There stood my mother-in-law (who had the job of mashing the potatoes) holding the electric beater like a pistol. Bullets of mashed potatoes decorated the walls of the kitchen. An hour later we sat down to Thanksgiving dinner—with fewer mashed potatoes than usual.
My dad bought a Ron Popeil ‘Set It And Forget It’ rotisserie oven one year just so he could make our Thanksgiving turkey that way. He got SO excited and invited the whole family over, of course. But in his excitement, he forgot the weight limit of what can be cooked in one of those things, and he set the entire bird on fire. To make things worse, the only ‘restaurant’ in town that wasn’t closed...was a 7-Eleven. That was the year my entire
extended family had lukewarm hotdogs and microwave burritos for Thanksgiving!
Back when I was a kid, I thought it would be a funny prank to put a rubber chicken in the oven on Thanksgiving. My mom would laugh and laugh — ‘Ho ho ho, there’s a rubber chicken in the oven! What a gag!’ 13-year-old me didn’t realize that normal adults usually preheat the oven before putting the turkey in.
I remember one Thanksgiving when everyone was crazy drunk and fighting. I literally escaped through the bedroom window and drove away with an entire pie.
My husband was an only child of divorced parents. His father loved me, but his mother couldn’t stand me. To be clear — the woman couldn’t stand anybody. She was a horrible person. On this particular Thanksgiving, we’d been married about six years. My mother-in-law cooked a nice turkey dinner, and we sat down to eat. We filled our plates, and I had one forkful of food in my mouth when my husband asked my mother-in-law what she would like for Christmas. My motherin-law looked directly at me, pointed her fork at my face, and said: ‘Well, I don’t know why you bother asking me, because since you married HER, you never buy me what I want anyway.’ My husband put his fork down on his plate very carefully, stood up, and said “fine, then you don’t need HER sitting at your dining room table. We’re leaving.” And we got up and left Thanksgiving dinner.
Being the gay Martha Stewart-wannabe that I am, I hosted Thanksgiving for years — dutifully preparing everything from scratch. It was stressful. So, one year I told my older sister that it was her turn to do it for once. She glibly mentioned how ‘easy’ it was and gave me a passing glance that I took to be a dig. Next thing you know, her husband is carving the cooked turkey...and he feels something strange. Lo and behold, he reaches into the neck cavity and pulls out the bag containing the neck, liver, and giblets that was (clearly) never removed. My sister looks at me and asks, ‘what’s that? how was I supposed to
know that was in there?!’ We all laughed hysterically, and I gave her a VERY selfsatisfied grin. I will never let her live that one down.
I was on my way to the Thanksgiving festivities when it happened, so I don’t know the exact details, but I do know that she was getting food out from the back of her car, put it in neutral instead of park, and it *slowly* ran her over. The craziest part is that my family — all inside — didn’t notice until they heard a bump against the house. The SUV made three loops before hitting the house. She ended up being totally fine, but she’s obviously not allowed to go outside alone during the holidays anymore.
One of the last years we had my 90-yearold grandma over for Thanksgiving, my entire family got totally hysterical during dessert. Someone would tell a pretty ordinary story, and we wouldn’t be able to stop laughing. It was the most fun we’d ever had together at a holiday — but, as it turns out, we were all stoned. Unbeknownst to us, my brother put weed into his pie.
25 years ago, my son was born in early November. Two weeks later, we went to my mom’s house for Thanksgiving — it’s important to know that everyone on her side of the family is very prim and proper. During dinner, my brother took my two-week-old son to check his diaper. He came back with the diaper in hand, saying ‘it doesn’t look right.’ He proceeded to SMELL it, and said something was wrong. So, he tasted it. Everyone absolutely flipped out...but he filled a clean diaper with pumpkin pie filling. It was hilarious.
And so it goes...Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!