Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield
Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Maggie Infield
Production Assistant / Dancing Queen
Zoe Infield
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, Pam, John, Rob, Brenda, JB
Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Derek Sikes, Chi, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Daryl Brewton, Rob Harper, Jamie Gillenwater, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Josh Hawks, Bill Gallaway
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Chi, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Derek Sikes, Rob Harper, Jamie Gillenwater, Floyd Baker, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Josh Hawks, Bill Gallaway
Production Assistant / Bad Music Taste Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
-W-E-N-T-Y F-I-V-E YEARS AGO ThE CAROlINAS’ Full Throttle Magazine was first produced as a pile of papers strewn across the bed, organized and then FAXED back and fort before it was printed. We used disposable film cameras and hoped that there were some useable photos on there and somehow the magazine came together at the end of the month. It was so cool and it took our lifestyle and made it our job. Here we are 300 issues later, celebrating our 25th Anniversary. A lot has changed in the motorcycle industry, the print industry and our lives. But one thing remains the same: The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine is STILL the #1 source of motorcycle events, coverage and news in North and South Carolina. Check out the front cover, it features the Thunder In The Smokies Fall Rally. It’s the oldest and the largest rally in the Great Smoky Mountains and the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine has been there every year, sometimes multiple times a year. They’ve come a long way as a rally as well. Chris Anthony, the event promoter, keeps a solid rally going in beautiful Maggie Valley with a pile of great vendors, musical acts and tour rides. Not to mention the $1000 bike show and $1000 bike games that carry on through the afternoon. Maggie Valley is one of our favorite places to ride to and the fact that this great event is there as well makes it a “must go” occasion.
This issue, as usual, is packed with great articles, advertisers and the biggest events calendar on the east coast. Speaking of great events, August 25th is our 25th Anniversary Bike Night at our office in Jamestown, NC and this is your invitation to come hang out. We will have free beer, hot dogs, cake, vendors, music and one hell of a good time. It’s 6-9pm on a Friday night so you have no excuses. Come help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary in print!
SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Benefits Pastor’s Pantry Food Bank. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm, food, beer, music. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
AUG 5 BENEFIT POKER RUN FOR MERCY & GRACE Evo’s Pitstop, 1610 N. Graham Hopedale Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $15/single, $20/double incl BBQ plate, rain date: 08/19/23. 50/50, BBQ, raffles, bake sale. Kim McAdams, 336-514-8198, Christina Steele, 336-264-6904, Mindy Carrier, 336-512-8730
AUG 5 POKER RUN FOR MOO “LEE” BURGESS 1983 Mecklenburg Hwy, Mooresville, NC. Reg 11:30am, KSU 12:30pm, $20/rider, $30/double incl food. Rain date: 08/19, raffles, 50/50, best/worst hand.
Schronce Powersports, 44 Chevy Dr., Taylorsville, NC. Reg 9am, $20/single, $25/ double, door prizes, 50/50. Proceeds go to the family.
AUG 5 HCFPA POKER RUN Bold Rock Mills River, 72 School House Rd., Mills River, NC. 10am-4pm, $10/hand, $5/extra hand. 50/50, door prizes, music, inflatables, photo booth. Benefits Henderson Co. Foster Parent Assoc. With 2023-24 school supplies. Hope Kim, 828-551-8920
AUG 5 GRILLIN & CHILLIN WITH LOS ARTESONAS Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, free food & beer. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
AUG 5 8TH ANNUAL BROTHER IN NEED POKER RUN Bubba’s 33, 500 Westwood Shopping Center, Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, vendors, raffle, 50/50, silent auction, corn hole tournament, cash prizes for best & worst hand, live music, car show, food, games. Benefits Brother In Need Foundation. www.kmsbin.com, bin@kmsbin. com
AUG 5 JESSIE’S ANNUAL RIDE Winner’s Circle, 2533 W Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/single, $25/ double incl meal & card, rain date: 08/06. Food, raffle prizes, 50/50. Spon by Guardians of the Children Gastonia CH.
CHARITY RUN Moose Lodge, 2018 S. Island Rd., Georgetown, SC. Reg 12pm, KSU 2pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Prize for best hand, door prizes, gift baskets, food & drinks avail, live music, after party.
AUG 6 BENEFIT RIDE IN HONOR OF GEORGE “GB” BROCK Gym 365 Bermuda Run, 5403 US-158, Advance, NC. Meet 9am, KSU 10am, $20/bike. Lavan Clement, 336692-7173
AUG 6-8 AHDRA DRAG RACING Sturgis Dragway, SD-79, Sturgis, SD. Bill Rowe, 704294-6080
BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
LADIES NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 6-9pm, vendors. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
AUG 11-13 CBA-ABATE OF NC STATE PARTY Riders Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. 21+, people games, ride, food avail on Sat. www.cba-abateofnc.org, Shaggy 336-442-8885, Michael 704-305-5536
ESCORTED RIDE 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am. www. ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
AUG 12 AXEHOLE BIKE NIGHT 280 N. Talbert Blvd., Lexington, NC. 6-8pm, www. axeholefriction.com, 336-843-1637
AUG 12 FREE FOOD & MUSIC SATURDAY Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm, food & music. www. tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
Tavern, 536 Farragut St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $5/ passenger incl meal. Live music, auction, 50/50. Benefits Jesse as he battles cancer.
RIDE 2201 W. Cornwallis Dr., Greensboro, NC. Reg 9:30am with coffee & donuts, KSU 11am, $20/single, $25/double. 50/50, food & drinks avail. Benefits Elks Lodge Rider’s Group charities. www.greensboroelks.org, elksriders602@gmail.com
AUG 12 MEMORIAL RIDE & CAR SHOW FOR PAIGE HARRIS Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Reg for car show 7am, reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, trophies 2pm. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336629-2415
AUG 12 CVMA NC 15-12 TRIAD CH. ACES HIGH RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 10am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Gun raffle, 50/50, vendors, food trucks, raffle prizes. All proceeds go to VETS in need. www. cvma15-12.org
AUG 12 BROTHERS OF THE HORIZON M/C 43RD ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RALLY 132 Atlantic Rd., Robbins, NC. $10/entry, gates open 1pm, food, drinks, bike games, burn out pit, bike & car show. Ronnie Thompson, 910948-3911
AUG 12 CLEVELAND CO INDEPENDENT BIKERS POKER RUN 1032 Washington Switch Rd., Shelby, NC. First bike out 10am, $15/single, $25/double, prizes for best & worst hands, bike games, bike show, food truck, live music, public is welcome.
AUG 12 HICKORY MUSEUM OF ART & TWISTED COVENANT MSC’S POKER RUN 243 3rd Ave NE, Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, music, food trucks, exhibits, 50/50, prizes for best & worst hands. Benefits The Child Advocacy & Protection Center. Kristina, kanthony@hickryart.org
AUG 12 SHOP WITH A COP RIDE Mayodan First Baptist Church, 101 S. First Ave., Mayodan, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:15am, $20/bike, $5/passenger. BBQ lunch 1pm, proceeds assist children with Christmas. 336552-9672
AUG 12 BENEFIT RIDE & BBQ DINNER FOR RICHARD & JENEATTE LANNING Sunny View Elementary School, 88 Sunny View School Rd., Mill Spring, NC. Reg 12pm, first bike out 1pm, $15/rider incl meal. Food avail, proceeds help with expenses due to illness. Vanessa, 828-817-3303
AUG 12 CHROME KNIGHTS BACK TO SCHOOL RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, bounce house, free food, vendors, raffles. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
RUN Cricket’s, 1037 Roanoke Ave., Roanoke Rapids, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $25/ bike, $5/passenger incl meal, $10/extra hand. Chinese auction, 50/50, raffle baskets, door prizes, best & worst hand cash prizes, awards, food avail. Roland Clary, 434-532-5253 or the clubhouse 252-541-2651
AUG 12 HOMEGROWN HARLEY HONKYTONK BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 10am-4pm, live music, vendors, food trucks, beer, bikes. Portion of proceeds goes to Fresh Start Rescue. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
AUG 12 SCRABBLE RUN The Lucky Jar, 507 Liberty Dr., Easley, SC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $10/rider, $5/add rider. Food avail, winner takes all. Hosted by ABATE of SC, Pickens Co. CH.
AUG 13 SUNDAY ICE CREAM RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. KSU 12:30pm, all riders & bikes welcome. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
AUG 13 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 12-4pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 7pm, free food, fellowship & fun. Christy, 919-868-3697 or Christy@ freedombikerchurch.com
NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., WinstonSalem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
AUG 18-19
SHOOTOUT Wilkesboro Dragway, 774 Dragway Rd., Wilkesboro, NC. Muddy Creek Revival Friday 6-10. Andy Simon is going for a new record for a 4 Second Harley in the 1/8. Nitros, Turbos, Pro Chargers, NOS. World’s Fastest Minibike coming from Detroit Michigan.
Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. 11am-6pm, live music, vendors, bike show, live auction, raffles, food, bike raffle $25/ticket, drawing at 6pm. Karen Hatchett, 336-707-7538, kbhatchett05@gmail. com
Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm, food & music. www. tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
CHAPTER SUMMER BASH 196 Monte Vista Rd., Statesville, NC. 12pm-?, $10/nonmembers entry, BYOB, 21+, camping, burgers & dogs provided, bring side dish or dessert. Trophy for most non-members brought by chapter member.
AUG 19 4TH ANNUAL POKER RUN IN MEMORY OF ERNIE CARRAWAY Iron Horse Motorcycles, 1600 W Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC. Reg 9:30am, last bike out 11am. Prizes, shirts avail, proceeds benefit Hometown Heroes. Emily Hailey, 704-4416927 or Joey Forbes, 704-575-8917
AUG 19 7TH ANNUAL TRAVLIN LIGHT STEEPLECHASE Catawba Heights Baptist Church, 311 Belmont Mt Holly Rd., Belmont, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 8:45am, free ride, worship, food, fellowship, free food, chance to win gift cards & prizes.
AUG 19 2ND ANNUAL RIDGE RUN CHARITY RIDE Cross Roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 US-421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $25/rider, $10/passenger incl food. Music, door prizes, raffles, 50/50, BBQ. Benefits Anchor Ridge. www.anchorridge.org
AUG 19 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
VFW Post #9133, 1450 Piney Green Rd., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/ rider, $10/passenger incl food. 50/50, raffles, fmi 910-353-6810
AUG 19 CVMA NC 15-1 SUMMER BASH 82nd ABN Assoc/D.A.V., 606 Johnson St., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger. Poker run, DJ, vendors, raffles, bounce house, drinks. Benefits Vets Helping Vets. April, aprilhawkins5@gmail.com, 910578-3568 or Michelle, auxliaison151@gmail. com, 910-391-6691
AUG 19 HOG CHAPTER COOKOUT Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, free food & beer. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
AUG 19 FREEDOM RIDE TO DUNROVIN COUNTRY STORE & EXOTIC ANIMAL SANCTUARY Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www.freedombikerchurch.com, 919-5503733
AUG 19 AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS 3RD ANNUAL POKER RUN 146 Broadhurst Rd., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 10am, $15/ hand, 3/$20 incl shirt & food. Raffle, 50/50, auction, music, food, cash prize for best & worst hand. Benefits Veteran Programs, alrncchapter265@gmail.com
AUG 19 CHEW POKER RUN New River H-D, 2394 Wilmington Hwy, Jacksonville, NC. Reg 9am, $20/rider, $5/add hand. Proceeds benefit The United Way CHEW program. 910-3469997
AUG 19 HEALING HEROES RIDE Two starting locations, VFW Post 9670, 425 S. Buckmarsh St., Berryville, VA. Patriot H-D, 9739 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax, VA. Reg 8am, opening ceremony 9am, KSU 9:15am, BBQ lunch 12pm. $30/rider, $30/passenger, incl food/raffle/poker hand. Benefits Boulder Crest Foundation. www.support.bouldercrest. org/2023healingheroesrideeast
AUG 20 SAINTS & SINNERS TAVERN BIKER APPRECIATION DAY 536 Farragut St., Greensboro, NC. Free breakfast 10am12pm, live music.
Tilley Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm, food, beer & music. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
Fontana Village Resort, 300 Woods Rd., Fontana Dam, NC. Reg $45/person. Fourday celebration of sisterhood & riding the Appalachian Mountains. All are welcome, call Fontana Village to make reservations. Spons by Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group. Benefits Shamwari Village for Women. www. lacegraceandgears.org
AUG 25 CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE 25TH ANNIVERSARY BIKE NIGHT 711 W. Main St., Jamestown, NC. 6-9pm, free beer, hotdogs, music, vendors, best bike on the lot, cash prize. In Memory of Mark Infield. www.fullthrottlemagazine.com, 336-885-5400
188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. 910-719-4089
RUN CCIB Land, 1596 Racepath Ch. Rd., Mooresboro, NC. $25/person for weekend pass incl poker run, meal & camping, $15/ person for one night pass. Sat: KSU 10:30am, $15/rider, $25/double. Live music, live auction, door prizes, 50/50, bike games, bike show. Proceeds go to The Abuse Prevention Council in Cleveland Co. Spons by CCIB
ESCORTED RIDE 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am. www. ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
AUG 26 SAVING GRACE K9’S RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
AUG 26 RIDE FOR KEATON’S PLACE 120 Worth St., Asheboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, www.keatonsplace.org/visit, 336628-0070
Barrel, 850 Huffman Mill Rd, Burlington, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12:15pm, $20/poker hand, $5/passenger. Cash prizes for best & worst hand, live music, food, afterparty. Benefits Alamance Co Meals on Wheels. Rick Murray, 919-656-6900 or Lance Greene, 919-3570104
Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10:30am, food trucks, vendors, fellowship, free beer. allfemaleridenc@gmail.com, Foxy, 919-423-3268 or Charizma, 336-451-1516.
Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Benefits American Children’s Home. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
Saints & Sinners Tavern, 536 Farragut St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/ rider, $10/passenger incl breakfast. 50/50, vendors, gun raffle, food.
SEP 2 CARL CROOK RIDE Winners Circle, 2533 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/rider incl meal, $25/double incl meal, rain date: 09/03. Raffle prizes, 50/50, food. Spons by G.O.C. Gastonia Ch, eventsgastoniagoc@gmail.com
SEP 2 PATRIOT EXPRESS 6TH ANNUAL BENEFIT RUN High Voltage Harley-Davidson, 365 Sha Ln., Spartanburg, SC. Reg 8am, first bike out 9:30am, $25/rider, $15/passenger, $10/extra hand. Best & worst hand, raffles, auction, 50/50, live music, food. Proceeds go to Service Dogs for Veterans. Garry Thomas, 864-384-6022, gmt49@hotmail.com, Dave Beasley, 864-764-4943, cockyrocks@gmail. com
SEP 4 32ND ANNUAL AUTO REUNION & MOTORCYCLE SHOW 210 Matthews Station St., Matthews, NC. Reg 8am, crackle crank 12pm, awards 2pm, vendors, rain or shine. www.matthewschamber.org 704-847-3649
SEP 7 SMOKIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
SEP 7-9 SMOKE OUT 23 Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Live music, wet t-shirt contest, mini bike racing, “Tankful” tank art display, world’s strongest biker, burnout contest, vendors, multiple bike shows, “Richie Pan” memorial art gallery, tent & RV camping. Tix & info, www. smokeoutrally.com
SEP 8-10 20TH ANNUAL THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. $1,000 bike show, $1,000 bike games, vendors, live music, guided ride. Tickets avail online, www. thunderinthesmokies.com, 828-246-2101
SEP 8-10 AHDRA MID-ATLANTIC NITRO SHOWDOWN Cecil County Dragway, 1916 Theodore Rd., Rising Sun, MD. Bill Rowe, 704-294-6080
SEP 9 9/11 RIDE TO REMEMBER District 2 Office, 5440 Millstream Rd., Mcleansville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, escorted ride. Proceeds go to Tunnel to Towers Foundation & Oak Therapeutic Community. FMI, Sgt. A. Almonor, 336-641-5313 or sheriffcrunit@ guilfordcountync.gov
SEP 9 AMVETS RIDERS CH 905 POKER RUN 142 W Academy St., Asheboro, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $30/ double incl lunch. Door prizes, 50/50, cash bar, vendors. Benefits Randolph Co Veterans Council & VA services of Salisbury. Matt, 336804-4324
SEP 9 TOY RUN RIDE FOR THE PENCE PLACE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $15/single, $20/double incl food after ride. Also accepting clothing donations & toys for the kids at Pence Place. Hosted by The Litas.
SEP 9 CVMA 15-6 LET’S ROLL MEMORIAL RIDE Fainting Goat Brewing Company, 102 W. Parrish Dr., Benson, NC. Reg 10am, first bike out 11:30am or reg online under events/ sanctioned events www.cvma-nc-15-6.org, Vets helping Vets.
SEP 9 GASTON CO. TOY RUN FOR KIDS BREAKFAST Gastonia Dodge/Jeep/Ram, 2339 Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. 8am while supplies last, $6 donation, raffle bike tickets available. Benefits The Gaston Co. Toy run for Kids. Foot, 704-913-3392, Tony, 704-975-7924
SEP 9 8TH ANNUAL 9/11 RIDE Cleveland Fire Department, 205 School St., Cleveland, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 12:30pm, rain date: 09/09. Escorted ride, hosted by, Red Knights NC CH 13.
Fuller Center, 314 Jasper St., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 7:30am, KSU 9am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger, incl food. Rain date: 09/16, Raffle, door prizes, proceeds go towards the CCSO K9 Memorial Fund. Lt. J. Salisbury, 910-8494073, jsalisbury@ccsonc.org or Sgt M. Lee, mlee@ccsonc.org
Legends Pub, 4624 Bragg Blvd., Fayetteville, NC. First bike out at 12pm, cash prize for best & worst hand. Benefits Heather & Evan Williams. Their home was destroyed by a fire.
SEP 9 FREEDOM RIDE TO GALOT MOTORSPORTS Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride, classic gear jammer racing. www. freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
Whiskey Run Sports Bar & Grill, 5060 Dorchester Rd., N. Charleston, SC. Reg 10am, last bike out 12pm, $20/rider, $10/ passenger.
SEP 10 ALCOVETS BIKE SHOW Cedarock Park, R Dean Coleman Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, $25/show entry, judging 1pm, awards 2pm, live music, food, vendors . www. alcovets.org
Iron Thunder Saloon, 2022 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 10:30am, first bike out 11:45am, $15/hand, $35/3 hands, cash prizes. Jimmy Cline, 828-409-1995
SEP 10 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 12-4pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
SEP 14 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
SEP 14 CAMEL CITY BIKEFEST KICK OFF PARTY Willie’s Honky Tonk, 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm.
Cleveland Draft House, 6101 NC-42, Garner, NC. 7pm, all are invited. Christy, 919-8683697 or Christy@freedombikerchurch.com
SEP 15 CAMEL CITY BIKE FEST SOUND COMPETITION Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. Wayne Pinnix 336-464-6202
Cherokee Indian Fair Grounds, 545 Tsali Blvd., Cherokee, NC. Depart 10am, FREE ride, riders may join the ride at any of the stops. Riding to remember 1883. www.al-tntrailoftears.net
SEP 15-16 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT Silver Dollar Motorsports Park, 42 Raceway Dr., Reynolds, GA.
SEP 16 CAMEL CITY BIKE FEST Liberty St. Winston-Salem. Battle of the bands, bike show, vendors, contests. Wayne Pinnix 336464-6202
SEP 16 AMERICAN THUNDER MOTORCYCLE CO FALL CUSTOMER APPRECIATION EVENT 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Food, beer, music, vendors. www.AmericanThunderCo.com, 704-883-8385
Powersports, 44 Chevy Dr., Taylorsville, NC. Reg 9am, last bike out 11am, $20/single, $25/ double, rain date : 09/23. Cash prizes for best & worst hands, 50/50, door prizes, butterfly release. Proceeds go to The Braxton Smith Foundation.
SEP 16 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
Two starting locations, Jerry’s Deli, 11990 Hasty Rd., Laurinburg, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:15am. The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/bike. Door prizesm auction, entertainment, food. Proceeds goes towards Shop with a Cop.
CEREMONY Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8am, $20/ bike, $10/passenger. Online early reg, www. rollingthunder-nc1.com Ceremony/10am, KSU 11am, door prizes, food. www.rollingthundernc1.com
POKER RUN Blazing Skeleton Club House 8555 US Hwy 19, Bryson City, NC. Reg 10am, $20/bike, $10/passenger, $5/extra poker hand. 50/50, 1995 Sportster 1200 bike raffle, live music. Presented by Blazing Skeleton Riding Club. Tina 828-400-4515, Kim 828-735-5625
New River Harley-Davidson, 2394 Wilmington Hwy., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Benefits Trucker Down. www.truckerdown.org
SEP 16 REBEL ROCKS Gadgets Of Lugoff, 96 US 601 Lugoff, SC. 12-11pm, rain or shine, 21+,$15/advance, $20/at gate. Live music, food & drinks, primitive camping avail. Presented by CRMC Eastover CH. 803-4380101
Outer Banks H-D, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. www.outerbanks.com, 252338-8866
SEP 22 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., WinstonSalem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
SEP 23 DAVIDSON CO. CBA FREEDOM OF THE ROAD POKER RUN Don Black’s Allied Veterans, 1200 Piedmont Dr., Lexington, NC. First bike out 11am, $10/hand, rain or shine. Izzy4abate@gmail.com
SEP 23 2ND ANNUAL BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY CHILI COOKOFF 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 12pm, $20/ entry fee for contestants, $5/all you can eat tasting. Cash prizes, benefits Masonic Home For Children at Oxford. 980-621-7399, www. bluecollarcycle.com
SEP 23 CRUISE FOR BIKES Samuel C Hart Post 14 American Legion, 5865 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, donations for ride, rain date: 10/28/23. Proceeds will buy bikes for Toys For Tots.
SEP 23 4TH ANNUAL HUNTER LEWIS MEMORIAL BIKE SHOW 4026 Old Stage Hwy, Riegelwood, NC. Bike show, sound show, benefit ride, car show, raffle, silent auction, food, kid games. Proceeds go to the Cue Center for Missing Persons. 910-2312686
SEP 23 TATA’S & TAILPIPES City Auto & Truck Center, 523 W. Andrews Ave., Henderson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 12pm, $20/ rider, $30/with passenger. BBQ & brews, benefits Pretty In Pink Foundation. www. prettyinpinkfoundation.org
SEP 23 BLACK JACK POKER RUN In The Wind, 15800 Old Statesville Rd., Huntersville, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $25/bike, $10/ extra hand. Best hand & worst bust, music, food, 50/50, auction, raffle. Benefits Karen’s Kure of the Carolinas. Judy, 704-400-3612
SEP 23 4TH ANNUAL BENEFIT RIDE FOR COASTAL WOMEN’S SHELTER Jones Co High School, 1378 Hwy 58 S., Trenton, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11:30am, $20/riders, $15/ passengers. Rain or shine, 50/50, auction, free food, photos with your bike.
SEP 29-30 MAYHEM IN MIDWAY 3 – DO IT FOR DALE 185 Dusty Dr. Lexington, NC. Keg Party, Music, $1000 Bike Show, Bike Games, Ms. Mayhem Wet T Contest, Camping, Bon Fires, Vendors, Oyster Roast, Food and more! 336-885-5400
John’s Tavern, 1555 Old Lenoir Rd., Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, $20/single, $30/double, rain or shine. Food, live music, door prizes, 50/50, camping, cash prize for best & worst score. Benefits Carolina Caring Hospice. Gonzo, 828-228-3985 or Johnny, 336-962-0422
Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger, $5/extra hand. Free food, auction, raffles. Proceeds go to support needy foster children at Christmas. 910-583-3067
BATTLESHIP Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. www. freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Benefits Cancer Services of Davidson County. Jack Waters, jackw@ bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
RESEARCH VFW Hall, 618 Edgewood St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $20/ rider, $5/passenger. Proceeds go to Semper Fi & America’s Fund. Hosted by Enforcers MC. FMI, Sideways, 336-442-6242
Freedom & Liberty Worship Center, 171 Key St., Pilot Mtn., NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $25/bike, food avail, raffle. Benefits Seeds Of Hope.
VINTAGE BIKE & CAR SHOW Camp North End, 300 Camp Rd., Charlotte, NC. 12-8pm, benefits Disability Rights & Resources.
OCT 7 FALL-IN MC 13TH ANNUAL SMILE FOR THE CURE FOR CANCER RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:15am, $10 incl bracelet while supplies last. Free food, drinks & cornhole tournament. Zelle, 910-578-0233 or fall-in-mc@outlook. com
BIKE & CAR SHOW Shadyside Dragway, 2149 Honey Haven Farm Rd., Shelby, NC. Reg 11am-1pm, $20, awards 3pm. 50/50, door prizes, DJ, food trucks, vendors. Proceeds benefit uninsured women to obtain mammograms. Erin, 828-460-6046
Denton Farmpark, 1072 Cranford Rd. Denton, NC. Gates open 8am, under 6/free, ages 6-12/$6, 12-adult/$12. Swap meet, vendors, chopper & bike show, bike games, cash prizes, guided rides, banquet sat night, camping. Mike Bruso, 864-804-9509
CYCLE BIRTHDAY BASH 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. Music, vendors, food, raffles prizes. Benefits Masonic Home for Kids at Oxford. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-6217399
Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. KSU 10:30am, music, food, silent auction, family fun. Benefits The Cone Health Cancer Center of Asheboro Mammogram Fund. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
OCT 14 COATS FOR KIDS American Thunder Motorcycle Co, 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. www.AmericanThunderCo. com , 704-883-8385
OCT 14 7TH ANNUAL TATAS & TAILPIPES POKER RUN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30am, first bike out 11am, $10/poker sheet. Raffles, 50/50, free food. Benefits the Cape Fear Valley Friends of the Cancer Center. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-8641200
OCT 16 BIKER B.A.B.E.S. PRECELEBRATION BIKETOBERFEST Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 7pm, free food, fellowship & fun. Christy, 919868-3697 or Christy@freedombikerchurch. com
OCT 19 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
OCT 21 BILLY GRAHAM BIKERS WITH BOXES RIDE Billy Graham Library, 4330 Westmont Dr., Charlotte, NC. 9:30am-2pm, Pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes with gifts, load on bike & ride to Library with group, club or alone. Fellowship, music, complimentary lunch, giveaways. www. billygrahamlibrary.org, 704-401-3200
OCT 21 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
Rockingham Dragway, 2153 N US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC. Bill Rowe, 704-294-6080
Marketplace Mall, 2101 Peters Creek Pkwy, Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $30/double, rain or shine. Dress up & bring candy. Amy Steadman, 336-3062389, Doug Steadman, 336-341-8557
OCT 28 COX’S HARLEYDAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO HOTROD HALLOWEEN 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 8am, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
OCT 28 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD HALLOWEEN PARTY 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail. com, 919-422-7234
NOV 3 BIKER B.A.B.E.S. PAINT PARTY Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 7pm, Free food, fellowship & fun. Book your spot, Christy 919-868-3697 or Christy@freedombikerchurch.com
NOV 3-4 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT FINALS Farmington Dragway, 2992 NC-801, Mocksville, NC.
NOV 11 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO VETERAN’S DAY 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am, www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
NOV 11 NORTH CAROLINA’S WOUNDED VET RUN VFW Post 9133, 1450 Piney Green Rd., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/donation incl lunch & free event shirt while supplies last, DJ, food & drinks, raffles. Proceeds benefit MSGT Andy Sullivan USMC wife & children. www.theyfoughtweride.com
BullDog Harley-Davison, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $10/rider incl lunch &prize entry. Ride to Freedom Biker Church for whole hog cook off w/ BIG cash prizes, music, 50/50, door prizes, vendors. Benefits local military families. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-8683697
NOV 17 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO VIP NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson. com, 336-629-2415
BIKE RAFFLE 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. Winner announced for the 1937 H-D Knucklehead, 2nd place $10k, 3rd place $5k. www.wheelsthroughtime.com, 828-926-6266
BBQ PLATE SALE 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 5pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-4227234
“WildThing“ back in 1966 when The Troggs made the song popular. We had just met and he wrote it on my timecard at our work and it made the boss mad, but I was tickled! We have been together ever since, and I’m here to tell you it’s the little things that make a life. Back in those days, Mark rode me around town on his Honda 90 Dream, in secret of course. My parents would have killed me if they knew! You could say we are together because of a motorcycle.
We stopped riding for many years to raise our family. Then he took a ride on a friend’s 77 Super Glide. Shortly after that he saw a red Harley-Davidson Fat Boy and it started all over again. We went to Daytona Bike week the following spring and camped at Bulow Campground and had a blast. The next spring we went back with the Fat Boy and my brand new black Sportster in tow. We rode all over every day and collected t-shirts, souvenirs, flyers, and magazines. When we arrived back home and were sifting through all the stuff, we came across a copy of Florida Full Throttle Magazine. Since we had lived on the west coast of Florida for seven years back in the 70s, we were familiar with several of the advertisers. They had a calendar of motorcycle events that knocked our
socks off!
We thought it would be great to have something like this in North Carolina, but who would do it? Then we saw the full-page ad in Full Throttle recruiting people to open their own publication that would be just like the one in Florida. We took the bait, and called the number. When “Gypsy” answered, he said, “We’ve been waiting to hear from you!” Long story short, we made an appointment to meet the Full Throttle owner and find out what it would take to have a NC version. We flew to Florida in June 1998 and were able to stay in Mark’s Dad’s condo on St. Pete Beach.
We visited the Florida Full Throttle office and met the owners, and their lead salesman, “Gypsy”. Capt’n Jack from Key West was there, too, and together they showed us how they sell ads and put together the magazine. They assured us all we had to do was sell a few ads, write a few stories, and they would do the rest. That was far from reality, but we didn’t know that at the time!
The next day, we rented a motorcycle from one of Gypsy’s clients, and rode around town with him, visited a client, and went to a bike night. We had a nice time, and were intrigued with the idea of the magazine. After a nice dinner, we returned the motorcycle, bought a bottle of wine, and went back to the
We were enjoying the wine and soft summer evening breezes sitting on the ninth floor balcony overlooking the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We were concerned because we knew nothing about running a magazine. Mark was a selfemployed carpenter doing home repairs and remodeling. I had a part time business keeping books and doing tax returns. How would this work? Could we do it on the side? The initial buyin to use the trademark was $10,000! Could we scrape that together? We had two teens at home and another in college.
I held my breath as I saw a huge, beautiful comet streaking across the night sky. It was brilliant! When it finally disappeared, Mark whispered, “Did you see that?” When I answered in the affirmative, he said, “Well, I guess that is our answer.” We agreed that the comet was an omen, a sign to us to go ahead and sign the papers to start our new venture.
So, on the masthead on every copy of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine you will see the comet that dots the ‘i’ in Carolinas. That’s our comet, our sign that we’re doing what we are supposed to do.
And so it began. We went home to North Carolina and began gathering material for the “Premiere” issue of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. Over the past 25 years, we’ve met a ton of new friends, had fun and made that into 301 issues of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. We revolutionized the way that the motorcycle community of NC & SC scheduled their events and let people know how much we do for our own. We’ve grown out of our office twice and updated our logo once. We look forward to the future and continuing to record the motorcycle history of the Carolinas. Live life Full Throttle!
Time Museum in Maggie Valley, North Carolina, as the motorcycle museum celebrated its 21st anniversary with a record-breaking weekend! The Wheels Through Time crew celebrated with a weekend of thrills and history and firing up rare pieces of American motorcycle history. During the event, the atmosphere inside the museum was filled with excitement as the staff fired up some of the rarest motorcycles in the building and even did a few burnouts! Outside, the action continued as the American Motordrome Company’s “Wall of Death” riders put on hourly thrill shows with death-defying stunts.
Dale Walksler founded Wheels Through Time Museum while still a Harley-Davidson dealer in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. When he sold the dealership in 1999, he began to look for a location to open a stand-alone museum dedicated to preserving American transportation history and finally settled on the current site in Maggie Valley. Wheels Through Time officially opened to the public on July 2nd, 2002.
The weekend was a smash hit for the museum, with record-breaking crowds all weekend. At 1 pm on Saturday, museum curator Matt Walksler greeted the large crowd and began a VIP tour of the museum, starting up some of the rarest and most unique motorcycles in the collection. Walksler’s personal tour was a journey into the past featuring sights, sounds, and smells from motorcycles as far back as 1912. After the extensive tour, Walkser thanked the crowd for their attendance and said, “It’s weekends like these that show the importance of keeping the history of the American motorcycle alive for generations to come.” The weekend also
coincided with “Haywood County Locals Day,” wherein the museum gives free admission to anyone who lives in Haywood County on the first Saturday of each month.
With the anniversary weekend now in the rearview, the museum is looking to the future with eyes focused forward on growth and preservation. Each season, the staff is hard at work, with a mission to improve the experience for people to learn and enjoy. The excitement at Wheels Through Time isn’t limited to anniversary weekend, though; all season long, museum staff will be sharing stories and firing up classic motorcycles daily.
With new projects rolling out of the restoration shop all the time, the museum stays hard at work, keeping things fresh and ever-changing. Just like the motorcycles within them, the museum’s exhibits are alive and continuously updated with new bikes and history. To learn more, visit www. wheelsthroughtime.com.
Museum Curator Matt Walksler fires up a 1912 Harley-Davidson Twin for visitors during the 21st Anniversary Weekend. Museum Curator Matt Walksler Thrills The Crowd Riding Through The MuseumOR hARlEY dAVIdSON’S 120Th ANNIVERSARY, Adam Sandoval rode to 120 dealerships, collecting donations at each stop. Proceeds were donated to Wounded Warrior Project. Motorcyclists were invited to ride along with the Great American Convoy for any or all of it. There was a stop in Fayetteville early on, which I missed but Chi covered in the June 2023 issue of Full Throttle. The on-line schedule showed stops in Quantico, Midlothian (Richmond area) and Lynchburg VA on June 19/20. I talked to my wife, and she said let’s go. The plan was to get close to Quantico on Sunday the 18th and meet up with the convoy at 11am the next day.
On Sunday we headed out at 8:30am. There was plenty of time to make our destination, so we took back roads to Farmville, VA where we met some friends for lunch. Weather was great and we made our way north through Virginia hills to Stonewall HD in Orange. We spent about an hour there, much of it on their big front porch in rocking chairs, watching riders come and go. The building has wood floors and was originally a Datsun automobile dealership. Next stop was Old House vineyards outside Culpeper. Lots of people there celebrating Father’s Day. Then on to Fountain Hall in Culper where the proprietor greeted us. Fountain Hall is a historic house with 6 rooms located within walking distance of downtown. After getting settled, we walked over to Far Gohn brewing for a beer and listened to a local two-man band. They didn’t have a tip jar, they worked for handshakes. Kinda tough to pay the rent with a handshake, but that’s how they roll. Dinner was at a Thai restaurant where a robot delivered food to your table. I guess that’s the future. Mileage for day one was 281.
Monday morning, we planned to meet up with the convoy at 11, and it was an hour and 15-minute ride. So, no hurry. We took back roads and got fuel just before arriving at
Quantico HD. Many, including us, were very surprised that the dealership was not open. We talked to several others in the hot parking lot waiting on the convoy to arrive. We sent scouts out to local businesses to see which ones would admit to having a functioning restroom. Walgreens and Dunkin Donuts seemed to be the best choices. Once Adam and the convoy pulled in, everybody got in line to meet him and drop a donation in the box. Over $5,000 was raised for our military. At 1 pm it was KSU and off we went, about 100 bikes strong. We had a police escort to help us through the first traffic light. After that it was every bike for themselves. The northern Virginia traffic soon dismantled the convoy into several smaller groups. After a few wrong turns, we finally got onto I-95 south. Then the rain started. This fractured the groups farther, as some rode on, and some stopped to put on rain gear. Our group ended up being two bikes.
As the rain stopped and we started to dry out, Luke Bryan was on the radio singing “Rain is a Good Thing”, and then
Alan Jackson “Good Time”. I took this as a signal smooth sailing lies ahead. I would be wrong. Very wrong. A few more miles and the rain came back with a vengeance. Visibility was near zero, but the I-95 traffic doesn’t care. Riding on I-95 in bumper-to-bumper traffic in a downpour is my favorite ride. Said nobody. Ever. As they say in NASCAR, you need to be “up on the wheel” in this type of situation. Eventually traffic came to a crawl, and we made our way to the next exit. Stopping at a fast-food joint, we got a new plan. Ride down US1 and take I-295, I-64, Hwy 288 loop around the southwest side of Richmond to get to Steel Horse
HD at the 4:00 scheduled arrival time.
At the last intersection before we got onto I-295, coming in from the right was the convoy, at least 80 bikes strong. We joined in and as we made our way into Steel Horse, Adam was riding directly behind us. We pulled in and there was a large crowd waiting. They had a bike wash, food truck and local news channel there. The dealership and HOG chapter went above and beyond. Everybody was peeling off wet clothes and hanging them on their bikes. I put on my Full Throttle shirt and grabbed a copy of the June 2023 edition to give to Adam. After dropping some bucks into the donation box, I got some pictures and made a video plug for the magazine. It might even make it to YouTube.
We fueled up to be ready for the Tuesday and checked into the nearby hotel. Next task was to find some food. Olive Garden was within walking distance. The server was attentive, friendly, and funny. Of course, we had too much salad and too many bread sticks to go along with big plates of Italian food. I saw an Irish Pub on the map, also within walking distance. I like a good pub, and nobody does it better than the Irish. Maybe a pint of Guinness while we listened to some Riverdance music. Well, this was a different kind of Irish pub. No stew or cabbage, only buffalo chicken wings. And hard rock instead of Irish music. They had a Guinness tap, but it was broken. At least they had an attentive and nice bartender. I had a couple pints of PBR and called it a day. Miles for the day 178.
Tuesday ride would be about 2 hours to Lynchburg HD. Scheduled arrival was at 11:00, so doing the math departure should be at 9:00. We headed down to hotel breakfast around 7:00 and met Adam and some others. Since rain was in the forecast, they wanted to leave at 8:00. Dang, I better eat fast and still need a shower. As we congregated in the parking lot for pre-ride speech and a short prayer, everyone had their rain suits on. Hoping this would make the rain stay away. This worked and riding some back roads without rain allowed the convoy to stay together and make good time. In fact, we took an extended gas stop along the way. This allowed time for riders to chat with each other. I spoke with several folks and took time to notice license plates from NJ, FL, MN, TX, OK, OH and PA. Of course, VA and my home state of NC were well represented.
Officials had the road blocked going into Lynchburg HD so entire convoy could arrive together. Local HOG chapter had BBQ and drinks setup. I was able to speak with several of Adam’s “behind the scenes” folks who have been riding thousands of miles with him. They help keep everything on track. We made our final donation, ate some BBQ and headed home around 1. Rain held off until we hit Clarksville VA and then came down hard, but only for a short time. Gas stop under cover to wait out the rain, then we rode the last hour or so home without incident. We rode with some old friends, made some new friends, and overall had a great time and donated to a good cause. I hope to do something like this again soon. Miles for the day 260. Total miles for the trip 719.
Ride Times And Addresses For The 30th Annual Trail Of Tears Commemorative Motorcycle Ride®
Friday 9/15/2023 Depart Cherokee 10:00am EDT
Cherokee Indian Fair Grounds 545 Tsali Blvd Cherokee, NC
Depart 3:00 pm EDT parking lot 160
Riverfront Pkwy Chattanooga, TN
Arrive 3:00 pm CDT Downtown Bridgeport, AL
Saturday 9/16/2023 Depart 8:00 am CDT
513 Alabama Ave Downtown Bridgeport, AL
Arrive 10:30 am CDT Redstone HD 15100 HWY 20 W Madison, AL
Depart 12 noon from Redstone, HD
Arrive 2:00 pm CDT Waterloo, AL
Sunday 9/17/2023 Depart Spring Park Tuscumbia AL 8:00 am CDT
Arrive 11:00 East End Grill Memphis, TN
Depart East End Grill 12:30
Arrive La Quinta Inn Searcy, AR 3:30 pm CDT
Monday 9/18/2023
Depart La Quinta Inn 9:00 am CDT
Arrive Hampton Inn Fayetteville, AR 2:30 pm CDT
Tuesday 9/19/2023
Depart Hampton Inn 9:00 am CDT
Arrive Tahlequah, OK 11:00 am CDT
No registration & No fees to ride Riders may join the ride at any of the stops
be ready to party. Dust off your riding boots, get your cleanest dirty shirt on and head out on two to Willie’s Honky Tonk in Winston-Salem, NC. Bikers have been hanging out at Willie’s for over five decades and it is a staple in the riding community. Friday, June 16, Shannon Rights of Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group joined forces with Angie at Willie’s for Friday Night Bike Night. Not only was Shannon packing a ton of MLG swag, but she was also toting two tickets to the Jelly Roll show that is coming up in October.
Apparently, there are a lot of people who are fond of Jelly Roll, cause the bar filled up with folks that wanted to snag those tickets. Good news was all you had to do to get a chance to win the tickets was to sign up to win a free motorcycle. Yep, the Firm That Rides is giving away another motorcycle this year, free of charge. Your bike giveaway entry also served as your Jelly Roll concert ticket giveaway entry, how cool is that!
Angie knew there would be a crowd coming up to Willie’s for bike night so she snagged a pile of pizzas and made sure the beer was cold. It was also karaoke night so now we have a three-ring party goin on! Those who were looking to escape
the crooning could step out onto the patio and enjoy the summer evening. Since it was karaoke night, Shannon made the ticket drawing a little more interesting. In order to claim the Jelly Roll tickets the winner would have to sing a Jelly Roll song for the crowd. Dale Goode was the lucky fella and stepped right up to the mic. He was rusty on the lyrics but got a little help from his friends to make it through.
The ticket giveaway was over, but bike night was not! The music continued to play, drinks were drank and a good time was had. Willie’s has bike night every Friday and is a good riding stop any day of the week. Stop in a say Hi to Angie, and probably Joe Smith too.
life. When I got my first motorcycle, I knew I wanted to explore the beautiful areas near my home, including Highway 11 near Table Rock, Hendersonville, NC, the Biltmore Estate, and the lakes surrounding me. I have my favorite routes and know what I can handle, along with who I can ride with locally.
However, my soul needs more adventure. And my work requires that I travel to the West Coast at least a few times a year. If I am going to be on the other side of the country, it only seems fit that I see it by bike.
Of course, there are logistics to consider. I don’t have enough time to ride cross country for these trips. And I want to keep my budget as low as possible. Fortunately, the biker community is global, and more than willing to show up wherever you are!
For my most recent adventure, I put together this general itinerary:
Saturday Fly from GSP > SJC, ride from SJC to Clearlake Oaks, CA, through Napa Valley
Sunday Ride the Avenue of Giants, explore the Redwoods
Monday Ride back to SJC, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge
Tuesday Work at the office
Wednesday Fly from SJC > Portland
Thursday Work remotely, explore Portland
Friday Work remotely, explore Portland
Saturday Explore Portland’s motorcycle scene
Sunday Hike Mount St. Helens
Monday Ride the Columbia River Gorge, explore waterfalls, fly home
I arrived in San Jose, CA around 3 pm to pick up my first motorcycle rental for the trip. I used Riders Share to book a 2018 Harley-Davidson Fatboy Anniversary Edition. It is a gorgeous, deep blue bike with chrome. The owner and I completed the checkout process, and I hit the road. For the weekend, I packed a backpack with my clothing and
laptop, along with a motorcycle bag with my helmet and all of my tech—battery chargers, two Insta360 X2 cameras, my Cardo Packtalk Edge, extra memory cards, a jump start pack, and tire pressure pump. I knew this was likely to be a once-ina-lifetime trip, so capturing it from every angle and having the right music for the ride was critical.
I rode four hours north to Clearlake Oaks where a couple had agreed to host me through the Bunk-a-Biker network. I learned about the network from a fellow member of the Litas Greenville chapter, and this was my first stay through the network. Bunk-a-Biker offers a range of stays, from camping to a bedroom to private accommodations. Ann and Becky warmly greeted me with a private room, shower, and kitchenette. I settled in for a bit, and then we grabbed dinner at a local restaurant.
The next morning, I was ready to ride up Highway 101 to the Avenue of Giants, a winding road through one of the Redwood forests of Northern California. Ann and Becky offered to ride with me, so we put on our gear and took off on the bikes. We rode the twisties alongside Clear Lake, with an astounding view of Mount Konocti across the water. We
rode north to meet a member of the Litas Lost Coast at the Peg House in Laytonville, CA. We grabbed lunch, and then continued our journey.
One huge advantage of riding with locals is that they know the good spots to see! Throughout the day, we stopped to ride through a Redwood tree, which was large enough for a car (or a couple of bikes) to ride through, stopped at a Redwood tree that was once someone’s home, did some shopping for local souvenirs, and visited the world famous Grandfather Tree.
Then we arrived! We entered the Avenue of Giants, gently winding through the Redwoods. We would alternate between patches of dense Redwoods and ferns with shadows that cooled the entire road and areas full of sunshine that warmed us with golden light. We explored side routes and took time to walk in the forest. After exploring to our hearts’ content, we returned to Clearlake Oaks via Highway 101, with beautiful river views and a hearty dinner to finish the ride.
Monday morning, I left solo to return to San Jose for a couple of days of work. But I am not one to always take the most direct path. And how could I be on a bike in the Bay Area and not ride across one of the most iconic bridges in the country? I stopped for lunch, and then crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. I didn’t realize that riding in from the north meant I would ride through a tunnel to surprising views of the Golden Gate Bridge, a few more winding roads, and then cross the bridge into the city of San Francisco, continuing until I returned the bike in San Jose.
Fast forward to Saturday. After a week of work and a flight to Portland, I was ready to explore and see what the city had to offer an average biker. I spent the day with a friend, starting at See See Motor Coffee Co. We had good coffee before stepping over to the Speed Shop to take advantage of their sidewalk sale. I scored a riding jersey, t-shirts for myself and my kiddo, magazines, and swag for my riding friends. See See Motorcycles also organizes the popular One Motorcycle Show
(ONE Moto), which might mean I have to visit Portland again next year.
We continued to explore Portland, including the classic Voodoo Doughnuts, a farmers market, and a stop for brunch with swings. We ended up at Kelly’s Olympian, a motothemed bar. Any biker would be in Heaven with a variety of vintage motorcycles hanging from the ceiling, complemented by additional moto-themed decor.
I took a break from my motorcycle adventures on Sunday to take the most difficult and most rewarding hikes of my life up Mount St. Helens. The highlight was glissading down, which is essentially sitting and sliding down the side of a mountain in the snow. It brought a similar adrenaline rush as riding and was a fresh experience to add to the list.
On Sunday, I went to pick up my second bike rental for the trip. Once again, I used Riders Share. This time, I tried something new: a 2022 Yamaha MT-09 SP. The owner of this bike was fantastic! And the bike had a lot of features I hadn’t tried yet, such as a quick shift and cruise control. I loaded up the bike with my basic tech gear and was off to explore the Columbia River Gorge.
My first stop was the Portland Women’s Forum State Scenic Viewpoint, which offers breathtaking views of the Columbia River. I continued on the twisties, enjoying the thrill of my first ride on a sportbike, visiting Bridal Veil Falls before stopping at Multnomah Falls for a short walk and a long lunch,
finishing the waterfall tour with Horsetail Falls.
Next was the Bridge of the Gods. This steel bridge crosses 141-feet high, over the Columbia River, connecting Oregon and Washington states. I rode back to Portland on the Washington side, crossing back over the Columbia River on I-205. Thanks to a clear day, Mount Hood was visible as I crossed the river and seemed so close that I could reach out and touch it.
After I returned the Yamaha, I caught my flight back to the Carolinas. There were so many amazing elements to this trip, from seeing incredible forests and waterfalls by bike to being reminded about how great the biker community is!
Jamie Gillenwater bought her first motorcycle in May 2022—a 2012 Harley-Davidson Sportster Iron 883 Superlow. She quickly fell in love with riding and bought her second bike in January 2023—a Kawasaki KLR650. Her passion drives her to ride whenever and wherever her love of adventure might take her. You can follow her on Instagram as hike.bike.life.
THE AMAZING JOURNEY OF THE SHOEBOXES begins with you and results in blessing children in need around the world. Since Bikers With Boxes began in 2008, big-hearted bikers have brought thousands of shoeboxes to the Library. You, too, can reach children with the Gospel this year when you bring gift-filled shoeboxes to the Billy Graham Library’s annual Bikers With Boxes charity event. Come for fellowship, music, complimentary lunch, and giveaways.
ARk WhEElIhAN TOOk pOSSESSION OF ThE Harley-Davidson dealership in Greensboro, NC in July of 1998 and rebranded it as Harley-Davidson of Greensboro. We at the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine are intimately aware of this, as Harley-Davidson of Greensboro was one of the first ads sold for our debut issue in August of 1998. The dealership under Wheelihan’s direction, soared to new heights and at that time became the first MSRP dealership in an area that was using Market Pricing. “We don’t charge over MSRP, we don’t start at some higher price because I am looking for a lifelong relationship with my customers.” Mark said.
Along with dealership practice changes, Harley-Davidson of Greensboro attracted customers with quality events. Hot Harley Nights was a series of events that included live music, bikini contests and bike shows kept the dealership buzzing all summer. In the holiday season, the Brenner Children’s Hospital Toy Run ran for more than 20 years and was one of the most beloved rides in the area. Other events included bike nights at the local minor league baseball stadium and other organized rides.
In 2017, Mark moved the dealership to its current location at 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC and rebranded the company as Riding High Harley-Davidson. The new dealership was built for the future of the Harley-Davidson products and included EV charging stations and all the finest amenities. The dealership has continued excel and Mark, who is not one for the limelight, is adamant that the success has everything to do with his staff and the customer experience that they provide to those who enter the dealership. Mark said “The singular focus is that the customer is the most important part of the business”. In
addition to customer care, Riding High Harley-Davidson focuses on quality events for the riding community. Free, guided rides leave out of the dealership nearly every weekend headed for different destinations, weekly bike nights at area eateries and in house events are all put together with the rider in mind. To top that off Riding High Harley-Davidson features a top notch service department that is able to handle all of your service needs.
Ride on out to High Point, NC and check out Riding High Harley-Davidson. They’ve got a full selection of new and used Harley-Davidson motorcycles, parts and accessories, Motorclothes Apparel and great staff to help you out. You don’t make it in any business for 25 years without doing it the right way. Congratulations is in order for Mark Wheelihan and his staff.
023 hAS CERTAINlY bEEN A YEAR OF CONTRAST FOR mY WIFE and I. I finished my successful chemo treatments on February 15th.. Since then, we have been blessed to attend the Myrtle Beach rally, spend time in the NC/TN mountains with Raleigh HOG and are preparing for Sturgis.
I came across this scripture recently I want to share as it spoke to me in several ways. Colossians 1:16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
Bikers are up close and personal with God’s creations. Riding along the beach looking out at the ocean and realizing we can only see the top. Riding in the Appalachian mountains we are engulfed in the beauty and intricate details of His eco system at work. Standing under Dry Falls as millions of gallons of water fall to the river below is an experience you never forget.
We have discovered things on our bike we would have missed in a cage. Great barbeque restaurants from the aroma of meat cooking over wood coals. The feel of fresh crisp air on a cool mountain morning and the ocean air & breeze traveling Hwy 12 along the Outer Banks.
We have all felt his power in an afternoon thunderstorm as
the Lord cools off a hot summer day while providing needed water to the earth. It is clear to me there is a creator who created us and everything we see and is involved with us every moment of every day.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The bible does not tell us how God created the heavens and the earth, but it made it very clear that He did. He may have used the “big bang” and could have easily done so. He is the creator of all things. He alone possesses the ability to provide both combustible material and the source of ignition.
To believe a cosmic happenstance produced all we see from nothing requires faith that goes against both science and common sense. Our faith is in the God of the bible as our creator and of all we encounter. The evidence of his existence and love for us is overwhelming if we are willing to see it.
We are preparing and excited about our journey to Sturgis even with the trike on a trailer. Age and health do require certain concessions at times but without lemons we would not be able to enjoy lemonade. Our attitude determines the quality of our life each and every day.
I want to encourage you to recognize the creator and praise him as you ride and enjoy all he has made for us. He loves us more than we can comprehend. He sent his son Jesus to pay for our sins so that we can be forgiven and spend eternity with him in Heaven. If you have never accepted your gift of Salvation, please pray today to confess, and repent of your sins and sincerely invite Jesus into your life as your Savior.
Blessings, Floyd
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
you the opportunity to hear a lot of opinions about Harley-Davidson motorcycles, motorcycles in general, and a broad range of topics that are related to motorcycles indirectly. Since opinions are like belly buttons (everyone has one, and many are full of lint) I feel like I have a pretty good idea of the varying concerns about the health of the industry and the motor company in general. If you polled all the employees at the various dealers across the country you could get some pretty good market research, or you could spend 10 minutes on social media, where the real experts share their opinions.
The motorcycle market is quite a paradox for HarleyDavidson. It’s a brand built on tradition, but if the designers stick too close to tradition sales get stagnant, you can only rest on your laurels for but so long. One of the most faithful classic designs that really captures the essence of the brand, the Heritage Softail, doesn’t fly out of showrooms. It’s pretty to look at, it handles better than an FXR (seriously) and is all the motorcycle you would need for a cross-country road-trip. I don’t see very many on the road and still can’t wrap my head around why it’s not one of the top sellers. On the other hand,
when Harley gets too innovative, again, sales get stagnant. The list of too ahead of its time motorcycles is long and distinguished. Looking for the sweet spot in the market to hit a homerun or grand slam must be like reading tea leaves or something.
When the 120 anniversary CVO was unveiled earlier this year social media memes were quick to point out that the model looked a lot like an 80’s Goldwing, and to be fair, when that Goldwing was unveiled, they were going straight for the Harley-Davidson crowd, so if imitation is the best form of flattery the CVO brought it around full circle. Maybe that is why Harley-Davidson released the 2023 non-anniversary CVO model at the 120-year celebration in the same year. I don’t remember a time when 2 CVO models were released in the same year. Muddying the waters is the fact that the CVO was leaked early, and it probably was slated for 2024, but it’s hard to keep a secret when the most iconic Grand American Touring motorcycles get a much-needed facelift. It has been nearly ten years since the Rushmore edition fairings came out, and in the case of the Electra Glide style Batwing fairing, it really hasn’t changed very much since it was first released in 1969 or whenever. Many have speculated that since the cat was out of the bag Harley-Davidson was doing its best to make lemonade out of chicken droppings, or however that expression goes.
When we got our new CVO Road Glide delivered it created quite a buzz locally. Many people came to check it out and it was sold before it hit the showroom floor. We actually got 2 delivered on the same truck, so for a brief period of time another one was available. The look was not radically different from previous generations, it still resembled a HarleyDavidson touring motorcycle, but it was certainly a new model. Much like new generations of Camaros or Mustangs,
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some people loved it, and some didn’t care for it, at least not initially. In a few years that design will probably be the standard and people won’t give any thought to the differences between this generation and the previous. If you see a preRushmore parked next to a post-Rushmore there are a lot of differences as well but close your eyes and try to picture them in your head, many people wouldn’t be able to tell you more than one or two differences.
Personally, I’m a fan of the new design. The bags are sensible widened to allow storage of things you couldn’t fit previously (let’s face it, current saddlebags aren’t the most useful for carrying things bigger than a 12 pack of beer). The new dash is something right out of a sci-fi movie and would look at home in a Tesla and the sound system would be an upgrade to your local dive bars current offering in the sound department. Not everyone loves the new look though, I have heard a lot of references to the Indian Challenger design, and to be fair it’s more similar to that then the current Road Glide. I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. I’ve yet to see the Batwing CVO but that’s an even bigger departure from the current model, it’s radically different. Does that mean the classic Electro Glide profile is going to be shelved for good? We’ll have to see.
Also new for 2023 was the Road Glide 3, a very slick looking fixed fairing trike, I wonder why it took them so long to figure that out? Could you imagine a 1980’s Tour Glide Classic trike? Just the idea of that kinda makes me want to
get on marketplace find an old trike and make my own. I’m speculating but I’ve got a feeling that using up current stock by offering parts bin new models like the RG3 and the Road Glide Police motorcycle coming out in 2024 (Oh, and I’ll go on record and say that’s going too HOT for the performance bagger crowd as a platform to build on) means that the full line up will probably be getting a face lift in the not too distant future. The million-dollar question is whether the faithful Harley customers embrace the change, or will these models be short lived beta testers?
In non-current model news, the old 1988 Electra Glide gave me a pretty good scare a few days back. I’ve never had a 2-1-2 exhaust before so when my left pipe was blowing cold, I thought I was only running on one cylinder. I confirmed this was normal, but what a weird thing. Choppers don’t do that! I thought that could be why the old girl was feeling a little sluggish lately, but it turns out it’s because it’s an 800 lb. motorcycle with a tired 60 horsepower motor and a 5 speed (hahaha). Full dress summer has been a blast, all jokes aside, chugging along on back roads at 65 mph is one of the best ways to enjoy a motorcycle and I have no complaints. It’s unfortunate that we spend most of our time on boring interstates trying to get from A-B in the shortest time and distance possible. I don’t want to go on another one of my nostalgia rants, but next time you’re going somewhere don’t be afraid to get off the interstate for a while, it’s always a better ride.
from all over the world to come ride and play in our backyard. The last weekend of June, I joined a bunch of bikers, for the World Honda Chopper Meet at Riders’ Roost Motorcycle Resort, Ferguson, NC.
I’ve attended this gathering for years, riding my favorite old Honda. A lifetime of Harleys and now I really love my 1982 Honda CB 900C. The meet is mostly folks who ride older, single overhead cam CB 750s of the type made from 1969 to 1978. Later twin cam bikes and some newer Honda choppers, bobbers and customs were welcome.
The meet is an internet community getting together in the real world. Most of the folks attending are members of the internet forum at www.hondachopper. com so they are known by their online names. Folks came from all over for the World Honda Chopper Meet. Chuck and Mel are the hosts and come every year from New Jersey. Old Honda Choppers, from ratty to show winners, ride in or get hauled from all over the country to ride and party in the Carolina mountains.
These bikes ain’t just for sitting around looking cool. Those
folks like to ride and most of them don’t have roads like we enjoy. Some arrive a few days early since there are so many cool places to visit in Western Carolina. And you can ride a different awesome road every day.
Saturday folks went riding to enjoy some local roads and stop for a cool beverage or ice cream. Some of those guys can really handle their choppers since our mountain roads can be a little scary for folks who don’t ride them regularly. One group rode over to the charity ride for one of the guys who crashed recently. Zach is recovering from a bad crash. They were late, but had a nice ride anyway. That afternoon we enjoyed checking out each other’s bikes and talking with new friends.
Some of the young new guys stayed busy playing in the creek and checking out the cool Riders’ Roost property. Then they got the notion to get the rest of us up and into some Chopper Bike Games. We staged some choppers on the trail by my cabin for a Slow Ride competition. I know Jerry from Harley drag racing, he loves and rides all kinds of bikes. He was the Slow Ride Champ at The Roost.
Chuck DV is a real New Jersey Italian, so what he was originally from Philly, and always has something good planned for supper. Classic Italian dishes from his Mother’s recipe box. This is one party where I don’t cook. Enjoy other folks’ fixins. Thank you Rake and Melanie for supper.
After a great supper they held drawings, raffle and an auction of parts and things. You know one man’s junk is the part another needs for his next build. There was some good stuff in the raffles and auction too, plus some Harley parts. Old Chopper Hedz don’t need a band and party. We can have fun buying old bike parts. How’s the Chrome?
I was very proud to see the Chopper Heads raised an additional $610 for Zach during the auction.
I asked Chuck DV for some history and comments.
“Hondachopper.com was started in 2000 by Mark Cooper for those in need of a place to talk and swap motorcycle parts for CB750’s,” Chuck said. “In 2007 Mark handed the site over to me and Tommy Summers (aka LRT). It’s hard to believe that we’ve grown so much. We have over 2400 members on Hondachopper.com alone. Over 3,700 members on Facebook, and over 18K followers on Instagram. So that’s gotta say something.”
“Twenty years ago, we attended the Smoke Out and someone mentioned this little motorcycle campsite in Ferguson, NC. We migrated over to the Riders’ Roost and we’ve been going there ever since. It’s now our home away from home. The campground itself is beautiful with the creek running alongside the site. It’s a nice spot to cool off after a long day of riding. We love riding the roads around Ferguson. Many of us are not used to twisties, and riding the roads near The Roost is amazing,” Chuck said.
“We used to have a midnight auction for everyone to buy and sell bike parts. Now the auction is started after dinner by the Gang Of The Four members and it helps support the Hondachopper.com website.”
“We can’t say enough about the owners at the Riders’ Roost. Dave and Pam Lucas pretty much let us take over the campground. They are so accommodating. They’ve even opened their garage to let us fix a bike or two or three.”
David, Roost owner, said about the Honda Chopper Hedz, “We had a great time with the Honda Choppers this year. For
20 years they have made The Roost their base to enjoy the mountains. Lots of new faces and great to see the old people too. Cooler temps than normal. More request for blankets than fans. All the folks in the campground enjoyed seeing the chopper riders in the bike games.”
“We welcome groups like this and provide a great place for them to stay and have fun. The Roost has tent camping, cabins and suites. For groups there is a pavilion, game room, music and kitchen so y’all can have a great time in the mountains on the creek. We love all brands of motorcycles and all kinds of riders,” David said.
“Members from all over the country came to celebrate the CB750 and those who customize these bikes. Everyone comes to talk about bikes. It doesn’t have to be a CB750, but there’s lots of talks about bikes, chopping them, building them, riding them. You get the picture. What a creative group we are,” Chuck said.
“All the GOTF staff from Hondachopper.com manage the event. Hondachopper.com provides meals for those in attendance Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday night. GOTF member, Rake, and my wife, Melanie do most of the cooking with some help from members. All the food is homemade.”
“Every year we have the World Honda Chopper Meet, the Honda Chopper family grows. We have a great time gathering at the Roost. We have no desire to go anywhere else. Some of the same people have been going year after year, and for some people it’s their first time. We treat everyone like family.”
“Really happy to see some new faces and some great bikes this year. We’re still going strong after 20 years and there’s no stoppin’ us. Hope to see all the Chopper Hedz again June 2024. Check out hondachopper.com website, hondachopper. com on facebook, and @hondachopper_dot_com on instagram for information.”
“You do really meet the nicest people on a Honda,” Chuck concluded.
OmE ON OuT ANd hElp A SISTER FIGhTING CANCER,” WAS both the objective and the purpose. Letting Janene Wilson know we are with her in her fight against cancer, not only with funds, but by being there for her.
After a week of gloomy weather, we were all delighted to finally see the sun come up on Saturday morning, June 24th. I was setting up tents and grills much earlier than I would have liked, but we do what we do, when it needs to be done. And those chickens were not going to jump on those grills by themselves.
Registration for the poker run began at 9am. Soon after we had so many people, we had to scramble to print more poker hand sheets. That’s a great problem to have. By the time the ride was pulling out, there were well over 80 bikes there to show Janene much love. First stop, Seven Sabres RC of Angier, NC.
Some of you may have attended the Angier Bikefest over the years thanks to Tony and Arlene Mabry. Tony and the rest of the club are a great group of riders. And on this particular Saturday morning. They provided breakfast for all the riders and their passengers. Okay, so I am being Tony didn’t do much of the cooking. But I know they always serve great food. So even though I wasn’t there, I can absolutely vouch for the quality of the breakfast served.
Next stop would be Southern Riders Harnett County. Another great club to ride with. These guys always make you feel welcome. And they always are ready to help with a good cause. Some of my favorite folks to hang out with. After everyone had a few refreshments and time to hit the restrooms, the ride moved on to Fallen Brotherhood of Dunn, NC.
With the sunshine beating down on everyone, they are ready to find some shade and/or AC. After securing a cool beverage, the stories and lies began. If you’ve ever been around a biker, you know it’s true. No one was in a rush. Everyone had time to relax and enjoy the company and the view of the recently
completed makeover of Rhodes Pond. It only took 3-4 years, but that’s our government at work.
Meanwhile, I am starting to throw the sauce to the chicken. Others are helping to get the “After Party” ready, and Blade Strickland was getting set up to provide the entertainment. By the time the run was pulling back in, we had about half of the 160 pounds of chicken plated up and ready to be eaten. Some of the leg quarters seemed more like turkey leg quarters. It all must have been really good because by the time I had cooled down enough to eat, there was nothing left but a few potatoes. That’s okay though because I can stand to miss a meal if I have a cold beverage.
I made a few new friends, took lots of photos and enjoyed hanging out with a great bunch of people. The difference the love that was shown made for Janene was evident. While a little over $2,000 was raised and will be a blessing to her, seeing her spirits lifted was a blessing to us all. ML&R Janene!
hE NIGhT OF ApRIl 21, 2023, I GOT A CAll FROm A friend, it was the type of call that you never want to get. Kristin Shipwash was at the other end of the line; she was so frantic I could hardly tell what she was saying. She gained a little composure and was able to give me the news. Her husband Zach, one of my best friends, had had a motorcycle accident. “They want to air lift him to the Hospital.” “He’s bleeding bad from the head.” These were the type of things she was able to get through. It was a heart stopping moment for me, I can’t imagine was it was truly like for her. Zach’s injuries required a couple immediate surgeries to stop the internal bleeding and patch up a couple vital organs. He had broken most of his ribs, lacerated his spleen and pancreas, collapsed his lungs, and fractured his skull… but he was going to make it. The Shipwash’s have some good friends and the help was on order right away. I got to visit him in the ICU. Trying to lift his spirits was difficult, just because making someone laugh who has broken ribs isn’t exactly a cure. Another friend had brought him some pink nail varnish, so I made sure to paint his toenails pink. You know, the things you do for your friends when they can’t do it themselves or get away from you!
Zach does all heavy lifting at the family business, The Rebel Spirit, where his welding abilities bring customers ideas into custom motorcycle part reality. We all knew that there was no way that Zach was returning to work any time soon and a network of friends got together to make sure that the family had what they needed. The care started right away with hospital visits, meals, donations, and a plan for a benefit event. The event turned into Dice Run that was scheduled for June 24th and the coalition of friends gathered auction items, donations and spread the word about the event. June 24th rolled around and brought with it a beautiful day to ride. The registration for the ride was at Pine Tree Tavern in
Winston-Salem, NC. The dice were rollin’ early and a couple more auction donations came in. The dice were hot for some folks, and they recorded all five rolls for the day and then just rode the ride and enjoyed themselves. Even a couple side bet dice games hit the table and ended badly for me, but good for the donation box! A ton of familiar faces rolled in to hang out with Zach and Kristin who were fortunately able to attend the event. The ride was not a led ride so you could enjoy the day at your own pace, and we didn’t have to worry about blocking intersections or keeping a gaggle of bikes together. The first stop of the day was Willie’s Honky Tonk, just down the street from the Pine Tree. Angie and her crew at Willie’s had the 81 Graveyard Run going on at the same time and had a full house in the morning, though her friendship with the Shipwash family made her a mandatory stop! The party continued to the second stop, Bull City Cider Works in Lexington, NC, the home of the Uptown Lexington Bike Night. The parking lot
was jammed up and the ciders were flowing. Apparently, everyone had a blast at Bull City and it made for a quick stop to roll the dice at the Jaybird’s Custom Cycles in Salisbury who was the third destination.
The ride ended with one final dice roll at Blue Collar Cycle Company in Salisbury. While we added up the dice roll score sheets, hot dogs and fixins were being delt out to the hungry riders. The band got playing and the crowd settled in for the auction. Friends of the Shipwash family had a gathered donated goods and even handmade some items to be auctioned off. It was awesome watching this group do their best to throw money at their friends in need and have a blast doing it. There were some fierce biddings, a ton of laughing and it all ended with a bucket of cash to help offset medical and household bills for this great family. The 50/50 raffle winner donated the money back along with all the High Rollers of the day. What a show. Everything was donated to put on the show and everything that was won was donated back. That’s how it is done folks! As the sun went down and the riders rolled out, It was evident to me just how much Zach, Kristin and their family mean to this riding community.
Huge thank you to everyone who attended this benefit, donated to the cause, and helped pull it off. There are way too many people involved to name them all and at the end of the day all that mattered was that this family got the support that it needed from their community.
Choppers are known for being two things, sketchy and cool! Jacob Care has built a chopper that is the epitome of both. After an unfortunate spill thanks to an unmarked median in the middle of Pennsylvania, Jacob was forced to pick up a fresh scoot and of course got the bug to chop said fresh bike immediately after.
He (Jacob) picked up a 1987 Harley-Davidson xlh1100 and didn’t waste any time stripping the bike down and creating his vision of the perfect garage built, 70’s inspired chop. Jacob wanted something cool that he could carry limited tools to work on the bike with, if anything were to occur, roadside. This proved extra handy on our mission to shoot the accompanying photos as we no sooner made it out of Jacob’s driveway when his throttle cable broke. After a quick fix he had her back up and running and we were able to make a few photos to showcase his hard work.
Jacob mentioned his favorite part of the bike as being the rear fender and seat. He has done all the work himself in his garage, and the crazy frank inspired rear fender and never covered seat is no exception, but was definitely the last project that gave him hell. There is probably more hours in getting the rear section of that bike correct than most guys put in their whole build. Jacob’s sportster looks like it was pulled from storage where it has been hiding in someone’s shed for the last forty years, but that is half of the appeal. The need for heavy flake and glass-like
clear coat isn’t needed to hide any body work imperfections because there aren’t any. If you have seen this hotrod red sporty cruising around at any of your local chopper hangouts consider yourself privileged, because your eyes have been lucky enough to feast on countless hours of a genuine labor of love.
Lastly, I want to thank Jacob for his time and for his friendship.
Who doesn’t like the mountains, especially riding on the winding backroads? I had no idea how cold it would turn out to be in what I considered the middle of Summer.
Welcome to The Kananaskis Trail
HoneyBun and I have been around the block, more than once. My Man is a true HARD ASS, no doubt about it! We do not trailer the bike and we’ve weathered through everything (however, we did have to stop when a tornado passed by). I try to pack for every possible condition but the bike only holds so much. Layers are key. We were visiting family in Calgary, Alberta and we were heading to Vancouver, British Columbia.
Of course, My Man likes to take the most scenic route he can find. I knew it would be chilly for our early start, so I donned my leathers with a few layers underneath. Geez, I could have worn all my clothes! I froze! My teeth were chattering. I peeked over Tom’s shoulder to check the map on his GPS and the temperature readout indicated it was very close to freezing! Like I didn’t know. HoneyBun eventually stopped so I could put my icy cold fingers on the heated grips (yes, we like the creature comforts for our long-haul rides).
I knew our route went through the mountains and I was looking forward to seeing the rugged beauty and majestic peaks of the Rocky’s. My camera was charged to full and was ready to take shots on the fly. The view was breathtaking! It’s crazy to look up at the shear rock and see big horned sheep and mountain goats perched on impossibly tiny ledges. Kinda made me a little queasy. Livestock roam freely, kept corralled by a cattle grid, also known as a Texas Gate on the Canadian West Coast. Very cool.
The road is closed for the Winter months (the harsh
conditions can sometimes continue into Summer) and the “trails” are just that, dirt. The rivers are turquoise and frigid from the glaciers above; the air is fresh and clean. The mountains remain snow covered year ‘round at the highest peaks. We stopped for coffee and a stretch in Canmore, a small town worthy enough to consider retiring to, seriously. I dare you to hate it.
The area has campgrounds, a golf course, a hotel, a holiday ranch, two alpine ski areas (no, we didn’t pack skis). Highway 40 parallels the Kananaskis River. Kananaskis has many miles of hiking, cross-country ski, and horse trails. Other activities popular in Kananaskis include mountain biking, climbing, backpacking, hunting, and fishing. Kananaskis Country can be accessed by five main highways that run into or through the area: Highway 40, a 41-mile segment of the Bighorn Highway and also known as Kananaskis Trail; Highway 66, a 17 mile highway originating near Bragg Creek known as Elbow Falls Trail; Highway 546, west of Turner Valley; and Highway 549 west of Millarville.
We also encountered more big horned sheep, mule deer and wolves along the side of the road, licking at the salt residue, their coats mottled and shedding. The day warmed up and the traffic increased, as we all enjoyed the wild beauty of this land.
Another great memory in the books!
N ThE WEEkENd bEGINNING JuNE 1ST OF 2023, motorcycle enthusiasts arrived in Seneca, SC at the Oconee Christian Academy for a weekend of fun and fellowship. The riders that arrived on Thursday had the opportunity to attend the 75 Anniversary of the oldest Harley dealer in SC. At one time I counted over 50 bikes parked wherever they could find space.
The weather was beautiful for the music venue, sunny with a slight breeze and low humidity and temperatures in the high 70’s. Friday turned out to be another pleasant day for riding and many took off the for the mountains. I only visited the event on Saturday morning and do know that those in attendance took part in parties, rides, fellowship, music venues, cooking out, ice cream and camping. There was also training for new members.
Saturday night allowed the bikers to relax and get some fellowship time before heading home on Sunday. Everyone I had the pleasure to talk with was pleasant and helpful. I talked with some acquaintances that I’ve known for around 23 years, and I haven’t seen them in a few years, but it seems like yesterday. The rally was a success.
A big thanks go out to everyone involved for a job well done. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s rally which is planned for Sept 12-15, 2024. It will also be held in Seneca, SC. Make your plans now and maybe I’ll see you next year. God Bless.
OmETImES EVERYThING JuST SEEmS TO lINE up flawlessly. I mean, the right person is inspired and brings a team of willing hearts along to execute an event. The event itself is a worthwhile cause that will benefit children in need, and their families, in ways we will never fully comprehend. And to have a gorgeous, sunny day to enjoy with old and new friends, it’s a beautiful thing.
The right person in this scenario is our reigning, 2022 Teen Miss Princess of North Carolina, Sarah Lee. Sarah has hosted a few benefits for a charity near and dear to heart, Victory Junction. For this event, Sarah had ample assistance from her mom, Jessica Lee, and friends Christy Bilbrey Gonzales and Stephanie Storm, lining up vendors, donations, raffles and food for the riders. I was happy to be a part of something that a teenager from North Carolina had conceived. It has restored my faith in the future of our country just a bit to know that some teens are not ALL about themselves.
On June 11th, we all converged in the tiny community of Coats, NC at Kicking Camel Grill. I admit that this was my first time going to Kicking Camel. By the time I arrived there were many vendors already set up with an assortment of wares. Freedom Biker Church was set up with t-shirts and caps. There was also River Honey Candle Co, Bodacious Beads, 1st Amendment Freedom with political and patriotic gear, and Birdie Beads and Blades. There were other vendors as well with jewelry, ice cream, clothes, and scents to excite the mood.
Sarah and her mother Jessica were registering riders when I arrived. Registration began at noon and there were already a good number of riders. They had already set up the silent auction items inside. There was a nice selection to bid on including new 4K TVs, beer signs, homemade quilts and other items. At the end of the day, I won the bid on two old band t-shirts stretched over a frame like a canvas. I mean, who doesn’t love the Steve Miller Band and the Allman Brothers? They made a nice addition to my man cave.
The ride was scheduled to begin at 1:30pm. (That’s 1:45ish in biker time). Christy has the LOUDEST voice, so she got everyone together and turned things over to Sarah for a moment to thank us all for participating in this ride. 301 Brothers RC of Four Oaks, NC had been asked to lead the ride, so Dorsey took a couple minutes to give instructions and a brief run down of where exactly we were heading. Then Christy said a quick prayer before everyone mounted up. As I stated before, Christy is VERY loud, so I know God heard her prayer.
After about a 30-mile ride through the countryside, we found ourselves at a convenience store to allow everyone
a chance to top off their gas tanks and cool down with a refreshing bottle/can of whatever. This was not a hurried ride. Nor was this a hurried stop. And after a few refreshments, we began the ride back through a different countryside that was equally beautiful. And again, taking our time to make sure everyone was safe.
When you have about 40 bikes traveling together, safety is paramount. Blockers put themselves in harm’s way to protect others. And it is rare that there are impatient cagers that put riders at risk. Yet, on the second leg of this ride, we had two asshats that could not be patient. The first went around me while blocking two of four lanes as we exited the convenience store. I saw him come to a complete stop. As I looked around to see how many riders were left to enter the roadway, this truck zoomed around me, nearly clipping a rider that had come out three wide. My instinct was to chase him down, but there were still 20 bikes or so to get on the road safely. The second event happened at a four-way stop where we had several blockers deployed. A van came from behind a stopped vehicle and entered the intersection from the opposite direction, forcing riders behind him. This time several riders surrounded the van and let the driver know exactly how they felt about seeing this type of aggressive and reckless driving around a parade of bikes. I THINK he got the message as he pulled off on a side road and limped down the shoulder. All riders made it back safely despite the inconsiderate actions of two cagers.
Back at Kicking Camel we were greeted with live music, cold refreshments, and some great food provided by Kicking Camel Grill and staff. Again, this was my first time here, but the food and hospitality warrant a return visit soon!
As the last fundraiser for Victory Junction that Sarah Lee is hosting this year, I feel pretty good about saying it was a success. We all made a few new friends, and some child’s day will be brightened by the generosity of a few bikers in a small community in North Carolina.
When It Comes To Your Bike, Insurance Coverage Is Personal. It’s the difference between a phone call to an answering system when you need to make a claim and a one-to-one conversation with someone who cares about your bike as much as you do. At Encore Insurance Advisors, we can help you find the coverage you need, from insurance on your accessories to roadside assistance, and our service is always personal, friendly and knowledgeable.
Before you take to the road, call Encore. We can protect your bike, and your assets, with the most competitive products available from the most reputable providers.
milWaUkee (JUly 17, 2023)
hE hARlEY-dAVIdSON® hOmECOmING™ FESTIVAl, ThE biggest music-and-moto event to hit Milwaukee this summer, took place from July 13-16 at venues across the Milwaukee area. Moto enthusiasts from all over the world enjoyed the festivities celebrating the rich, 120- year history of the world’s most-desirable motorcycle brand, Harley-Davidson. The Company also announced next year’s Harley-Davidson Homecoming will be July 25-28, 2024.
On Friday and Saturday night at Veterans Park, music headliners Green Day (July 14) and Foo Fighters (July 15) performed to massive crowds on the Milwaukee lakefront. The shows gathered more than 80,000 moto and music enthusiasts throughout the weekend. Leading up to the headlining acts at the Veterans Park venue, key performances on July 14 included Abby Jeanne, KennyHoopla, Phantogram, and The Cult. On July 15, performances included Ghost Hounds, White Reaper, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and Cody Jinks. In addition, Nitro Circus, the most explosive crew in action sports, provided an action-packed freestyle motocross show, plus the exhilarating stunts of the Ives Brothers Wall of Death & Ball of Steel, food and beverage vendors, and special merchandise added to the family-friendly entertainment. Matty Matheson hosted a Burger Build Off, where legendary chef, actor, author, and restauranteur Matty Matheson created the ultimate, show-stopping burger in a head-to-head cookoff.
Activities kicked off at the Harley-Davidson Museum grounds on Thursday with Bike Night and continued through
the weekend. 73,000 bikes lined the museum grounds and Sixth Street over the four days. 130,000 attendees enjoyed food trucks, Flat Out Friday Boonie Bike races, motorcycle displays and demo ride opportunities with LiveWire®, and Stacyc® electric vehicles, the Division BMX Stunt Show, custom and vintage motorcycle shows, and evening musical entertainment. The music line-up included headliners Hairball, The Jimmys and The Now Band, Rust Bucket Road Trip, and The Toys and Rebel Grace.
The Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations in Milwaukee suburb, Menomonee Falls, hosted demos of 2023 HarleyDavidson motorcycles, factory tours, and Police Skills Riding Demonstrations.
The 2023 Homecoming event concluded on Sunday with the
Harley-Davidson 120th Anniversary Parade, winding through Wisconsin Avenue to the heart of downtown Milwaukee, ending at Veterans Park on the lakefront. 7,000 motorcycles participated in the parade to the cheers and waves from crowds gathered along the route.
All roads led to Milwaukee as Harley-Davidson plotted six exciting Ride In routes, each starting from the furthest reaches of North America and leading to Milwaukee, to arrive
for Homecoming festivities. This provided an opportunity for riders to join at any point and ride at their own pace while mingling with fellow H-D riders. Each daily Ride In segment began and ended at an authorized Harley-Davidson dealership, with a mid-day stop also at a H-D dealership, to meet other riders, chat with local staff, eat at local food trucks, and conduct bike maintenance, as needed.
Homecoming weekend was also the official consumer debut of the new 2023 CVO™ Street Glide® and CVO™ Road Glide® models showcasing advanced technology, enhanced rider comfort, and dynamic performance propelled by the powerful new Milwaukee-Eight® VVT 121 engine, with a technical display in the Harley-Davidson Museum Garage area and demos at the Company’s Powertrain Operations facility.
Six Milwaukee-area Harley-Davidson dealerships hosted events and entertainment. Dealerships that participated included House of Harley-Davidson (Greenfield), Milwaukee Harley-Davidson (Milwaukee), Suburban Motors HarleyDavidson (Thiensville), Uke’s Harley-Davidson (Kenosha), West Bend Harley-Davidson (West Bend), and Wisconsin Harley-Davidson (Oconomowoc).
Club, Fayetteville hosted their twentieth year anniversary party in April, an awesome success! Salute to 20 years of supporting bikers; brotherhood and community!
It’s always like a biker reunion, to me. So many clubs in attendance, to show respect for the Fayetteville Chapters BIG 2 0. A grand time for everyone. A celebration of food, family and fun. The grill was manned, and Team 81 hosted some great eats.
The entire crowd had a festive time. Talking about motorcycles was on everyone’s agenda. There are always motorcycle stories; some funnier than others but you can bet there will be some memories of two wheel action. And someone is gonna show you… how theirs sounds! We all love them for the vroom vroom and rumble. A few times it sounded like thunder road! And loud, that part makes everyone look and smile!
Guests were coming and going, keeping the pavement warm and the entrance hot! The kids were all playing a game of wack-aball and a few others engaged in a friendly game of tag. It was truly fun for all ages.
20 years and rolling, at HAMC, Fayetteville. A crowd from numerous clubs from all around. Everyone there to show respect and support for another milestone for the Fayetteville Chapter. People traveled from near and far to show their well wishes.
Brothers brought some amazing gifts for the celebration. Hand crafted memorabilia and 20th year tributes filled the reception area. Red and White displays of recognition served as adornments of this regal event.
The anniversary party continued throughout the evening, and everyone had a great time supporting and acknowledging the Chapters’ success. It’s always a blast to visit rather they are helping the Shriners, hosting a Christmas celebration for those in need or just celebrating brother’s and bikes. It’s always awesome to see these guys, so much fun! Great times. Now, let’s ride!
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
A Cowboy meets an Indian herding sheep in the Black Hills. Cowboy: “Hey. Cool dog you got there. Mind if I speak to him?”
Indian: “Dog no talk. “Cowboy: “Hey dog. How’s it going?” Dog: “Doin’ all right. “Indian: (Look of shock!) Cowboy: “Is this Indian your owner?” (pointing at the Indian) Dog: “Yep.” Cowboy: “How does he treat you?” Dog: “Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food and takes me to the lake once a week to play.”
Indian: (Look of total disbelief) Cowboy: “Mind if I talk to your horse?” Indian: “Horse no talk.” Cowboy: “Hey horse, how’s it going?” Horse: “Cool.” Indian: (Extreme look of shock!) Cowboy: “Is this your owner?” (pointing to the Indian) Horse: “Yep.” Cowboy: “How’s he treat you?” Horse: “Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me every day and brushes me down often, and keeps me in a lean-to that protects me from the elements.” Indian: (Look of total amazement) Cowboy: “Mind if I talk to your sheep?” Indian: “Sheep lie...
A husband and wife were out playing golf. They tee off and one drive goes to the right and one drive goes to the left. The wife finds her ball in a patch of buttercups. She grabs a club and takes a mighty swing at the ball. She hits a beautiful second shot, but in the process, she hacks the hell out of the buttercups. Suddenly a woman appears out of nowhere. She blocks her path to her golf bag and looks at her saying, “I’m Mother Nature, and I don’t like the way you treated my buttercups. From now on, you won’t be able to stand the taste of butter. Each time you eat butter you will become physically ill to the point of total nausea.” The mystery woman then disappears as quickly as she appeared. Shaken, the wife calls out to her husband, “Hey, where’s your ball?” “It’s over here in the pussy willows.” The wife screams back, “DON’T HIT THE BALL! DON’T HIT THE BALL!!!”
A retired gentleman went into the social security office to apply for Social Security. After waiting in line for a long time he got to the counter. The woman behind the counter asked him for his driver’s license to verify his age. He looked in his pockets and realized he had left his wallet at home. He told the woman that he was very sorry, but he seemed to have left his wallet at home. “Will I have to go home and come back now?” he asked. The woman said, “Unbutton your shirt.” So, he opened his shirt, revealing lots of curly, silver hair. She said, “That silver hair is proof enough for me,” and processed his Social Security application. When he got home, the man excitedly told his wife about his experience at the Social Security office. She said, “You should have dropped your pants, you might have qualified for disability, too.”
Grizzled old biker and his wife get killed in a car accident returning from his 90th birthday party. Angel meets him at the gate and tells him “I will be escorting you through. I just wanted to let you know your accommodations are all set. Your luxury apartment with the 57 inch projection TV is all ready, there is a new Cadillac in the garage, a new Harley in the shed and a sail boat and speed boat in the lake out back whenever you want”. Biker pokes his wife in the ribs and says “If it wasn’t for you and your dam oat bran I could have been here ten years ago.”
Ride On
A married couple is driving down the interstate doing 55 mph. The husband is behind the wheel. His wife looks over at him and says, “Honey, I know we’ve been married for 15 years, but I want a divorce.” The husband says nothing but slowly increases speed to 60 mph. She then says, “I don’t want you to try to talk me out of it, because I’ve been having an affair with your best friend, and he’s a much better lover than you.” Again, the husband stays quiet and just speeds up as his anger increases. She says, “I want the house.” Again, the husband speeds up, and now is doing 70 mph. She says, “I want the kids, too.” The husband just keeps driving faster, and faster, now he’s up to 80 mph. She says, “I want the car, the checking account, and all the credit cards, too.” The husband slowly starts to veer toward a bridge overpass piling, as she says, “Is there anything you want?” The husband says, “No, I’ve got everything I need.” She asks,
“What’s that?” The husband replies just before they hit the wall at 90 mph, “I’ve got the airbag!”
Morris, the mechanic, was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he spotted the famous heart surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey, who was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his Mercedes. Morris shouted across the garage, “Hey, DeBakey! Come on over here a minute.” The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where Morris the mechanic was working on a car. Morris straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked argumentatively, “So Mr. Fancy Doctor, look at this here work. I also open hearts, take valves out, put in new parts, and when I finish this baby will purr like a kitten. So how come you get da big bucks, when you and me is doing basically the same work?” Dr. DeBakey leaned over and whispered to Morris the mechanic, “Try doing it with the engine running.”
The biker’s scoot was wrecked and completely totaled so he called the insurance company. The biker told the insurance company, “I had that bike insured for fifty thousand, and I want my money.” The agent replied, “Hold on just a minute. Insurance doesn’t work quite like that. We will ascertain the value of what was insured and provide you with a new bike of comparable worth.” There was a long pause before the biker replied, “Then I’d like to cancel the policy on my old lady.”
A very flat chested woman finally decided she needed a bra and set out to the mall in search of one in her size. She entered an upscale department store and approached the saleslady in lingerie, “Do you have a size 28AAAA bra?” The clerk haughtily replied in the negative, so she left the store and proceeded to another department store where she is rebuffed in much the same manner. After a third try at another department store in the mall, she had become disgusted. Leaving the mall, she drove to K-Mart. Marching up to the salesclerk, she unbuttoned and threw open her blouse, yelling, “Do you have anything for this?” The lady looked closely at her and replied, “Have you tried Clearasil?”