June 2018 - Issue 239

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


Spring Fever Bash At Tank Town Tavern

Table Of Contents Issue #239

PAGE 20 Thunder In The Smokies Spring Motorcycle Rally

PAGE 56 Grand Opening Celebration At Tobacco Road H-D

PAGE 60 24th Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America


June 2018

Letter From The Editor.....................................................5 Cruisin’ Calendar..............................................................6 Cover Story - Smoky Mountain Steel Horses...................7 Weekly Bike Nights...........................................................9 Weekly Live Music............................................................13 Quotable Quote................................................................15 21st Annual Freedom Memorial Wall Dedication...............16 Smoky Mountain Indian Motorcycle Anniversary Party....18 Spring Fever Bash At Tank Town Tavern..........................20 Things Not So Hot?..........................................................22 Road Guards Needed......................................................23 5th Annual Uwharrie Mountain Rumble.............................24 Crimson Crusaders’ 3rd Annual Biker Sunday...................26 1st CFR Sonic Bike Night Of 2018....................................27 D&Q Motorsports Customer Appreciation Day.................28 Visiting An Old Friend, And A PGR Mission......................30 4th Annual Sudan Shriners Motor Patrol Poker Run.........31 The 8th Annual Kids Path Bike Show And Poker Run.......32 WNC Bikers Ride For Blaze.............................................34 Ride For A Cause, Ride Because, Just Ride!...................36 Benefit For Bambi, Missy, And Spanky.............................38 10th Annual Miles For Mutts Official U.S. Postmark..........40 NHRA 4-Wide At zMAX....................................................41 6th Annual Blessing Of The Bikes.....................................42 18th Annual Claremont Rescue Poker Run.......................44 Combat Vets 15-9 Carolina Crawl....................................46 Freedom Biker Church Of Fayetteville 6th Annual Bike Blessing...................................................48 Boozy Creek 50th Anniversary Dirt Drags.........................49 American Legion 4th Annual Ride For Veteran Warriors...50 5th Annual American Legion Durham Post 7 Poker Run...52 Ride Sunday 2018............................................................53 9th Annual Officer Down Memorial Ride............................54 Virtual Bike Show.............................................................55 Thunder In The Smokies Spring Motorcycle Rally...........56 Spokes & Jokes................................................................58 Grand Opening Celebration At Tobacco Road HD...........60 24th Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America............................................62 Bikers United For Jesus Christ Campout 2018................64 2018 Freedom Invades Daytona Beach Bike Week.........66 People & Places...............................................................68 Amanda’s Ride For MS....................................................70 Thunder Zone...................................................................71 Raging Bull Harley-Davidson 2nd Annual Poker Chip Ride...............................................................72

Letter From The Editor

Staff Mark Infield

Editor / Owner Mark@FTCarolinas.com

Molly “WildThing” Infield Operations Manager Molly@FTCarolinas.com

Lincoln Infield

Layout / Design / Webmaster Lincoln@FTCarolinas.com

Renea Brown

Office Manager Renea@FTCarolinas.com

Sales Staff Grant, Lincoln, Alan, Wendy, Scott, Crystal T, Christian, Mark H., Rose, Lloyd, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Ricky, Caroline, Trisha, Brian, Mark C. Beth, John, Chef Ray, David, Marion “Lucky” Ayers, Ed, April, Jim

Photos Chaos, Alan, Scott, Kathy, Grant, Caroline, Buzz, Chi Force, Kris Weiss, Alan Dockery, Wally Wersching, Ed Cleary, Johnny Reb, Rose & Lloyd, Kevin Kane, Gary Steelman, Floyd & Brenda Baker, Dark, Larry Thompson, Sheila Knox, Smiley, Pat Kersey, David “Negan” Hinze, Wendy Rogers, Pete “Reign Man” Weinrich, Anchor, Mark “Stretch” Carlyle & Alice “Smiley” Harvey

Writers Mark, WildThing, Alan, Scott, Kathy, Grant, Buzz, Wally Wersching, Caroline, Ms. Pat, Kris Weiss, Ed Cleary, Johnny Reb, Rose & Lloyd, Gary Steelman, Floyd & Brenda Baker, Ginny Talley, Dark, Larry Thompson, Sheila Knox, Smiley, Pat Kersey, David “Negan” Hinze, Wendy Rogers, Pete “Reign Man” Weinrich, Anchor, Mark “Stretch” Carlyle & Alice “Smiley” Harvey

Thunderzone Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com

The Carolinas’ Full Throttle P.O. Box 2294 Jamestown NC 27282 (336) 885-5400 Fax (336) 833-6794 Email: Editor@FTCarolinas.com www.FullThrottleMagazine.com

elcome back from the Myrtle Beach Spring Bike Rally. I hope that you had a blast visiting your favorite places with your friends and arrived back home to face the real world safe and sound. Better yet, rested (?) and glad that you went and are now back home. “Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end”. Cherish every moment, for it is the essence of riding. Now June is upon us and there are MANY good motorcycle events to choose from in The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Cruisin’ Calendar. You can access them from the magazine in print or online at FullThrottleMagazine.com. Either way, all the information is at your fingertips or in your saddlebag. On the first weekend in June consider going to the 17TH Annual Angier Bikefest in downtown Angier, NC. It is a nice event in a great setting with a bike show, food, poker run, swap meet, and live music. The proceeds from this event benefits the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Check them out at www.AngierBikeFest.com. If you like old motorcycles or just motorcycles in general, Cyclemania Vintage And Retro Motorcycle Show might just be for you. June 2nd is the date and 5801 Executive Center Drive in Charlotte, NC is the place. Hours are 10-2, bikes, food, music, raffles benefit Disability Rights & Resources. Check them out at CyclemaniaCharlotte.com. for details and information about the Friday night ride around Charlotte. The 2018 Hog Happenin Bike Rally will be at the Hickory American Legion Fairgrounds in Newton, NC June 7-10 featuring Gator Girls, bike build competition, vendors, daily 50/50, motorcycle pull, Jell-O wrestling, swap meet, Blue Ridge rides, bike show, and amateur BBQ competition. They with a great lineup of live music scheduled. Campsites are available. Visit www.HogHappenin.org for more details. The 7th Annual Seth Nall Memorial Scholarship Ride will be on June 9th at Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church in Trinity, NC. This is a police escorted ride, with a 50/50, food, door prizes, auction, and music. Reg 9:30 KSU 11. Rain or shine. Benefits the Seth Nall Scholarship Fund. See Cruisin’ Calendar or call 336-989-5000 for directions or details. Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson at 190 Pontiac Business Center Drive in Columbia, SC will host Days Of Thunder XII June 9-10 with Ms. Bikini Coast International and fireworks on Saturday. Sunday bike stereo sound-off, bike & car show. All day concert series both days with vendors and food. Visit ThunderTowerHarley.com or call 803-461-1121 for more information. Smoke Out 19 will invade Rockingham Dragway in Rockingham, NC on the weekend of June 15-16. Friday 12-11, Saturday 10-11. 50’s style drag racing, choppers, live music, food, mini bike races, camping & more. www.SmokeOutRally.com This event is not one to miss. Trust me! CustomBikeShows@gmail.com 919-450-5060. Don’t forget, June 18th Is Ride To Work Day. Advocate and support the use of motorcycles and scooters for transportation and everyday utility riding. www.RideToWork.org. Ride to Waynesville, NC on June 23rd for the 4th Annual Great American Summer Cookout at Smoky Mountain Steel Horses, 82 Locust Drive (Exit 100 off of US 74). They have a great inventory of riding gear and feature Indian Motorcycles and Slingshot. www. smsh.co Tell them that you saw them on the cover of this month’s Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine . The 1st Annual Save And Protect NC Confederate Monument Benefit Ride will be held on June 23rd at VFW Post 2514 at 3850 Butler Road in New Bern, NC. Reg 9-10:30 KSU 11. They will have live music, door prizes, and a silent auction to benefit Sons Of Confederate Veterans. Maggie Valley Festival Grounds will be the location for the Thunder In The Smokies Summer Rally on the weekend of June 29 - July 1. They always have live music and vendors. They offer cash prizes for their bike show and bike games. This is one of my personal favorites. HandleBarCorral.com. On the weekend of June 30 - July 1, the Indian Motorcycle Demo Truck will be at Indian Motorcycle Greensboro They are located at 201 S. Church Street in Greensboro, NC. Saturday will feature live music and a hotdog fundraiser by the Indian Motorcycle Rider’s Group of Central NC. This is your opportunity to ride all of the new Indian motorcycles. There are gobs of other events all throughout the month and lots of bike nights, too. Carpe Diem The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine 2018 is published monthly and no reproduction of any content is permitted except by prior express written approval of Mark D. Infield, Publisher, Editor, & CEO. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error. Publisher is not liable for: any slandering of an individual or group, as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time. We are not responsible for the opinions or comments of our columnists. The advertisers are solely responsible for content of their ads, promises, and coupons, or any lack of fulfillment thereof. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; including but is not limited to: suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.


Cruisin’ Calendar You can submit your event 24/7 E-Mail: Lincoln@FTCarolinas.com, phone: 336-885-5400, fax 336-833-6794. We Reserve The Right To Edit All Submissions

JUN 1-2 17TH ANNUAL ANGIER BIKEFEST Downtown Angier Charles Norton Square, Angier, NC. Bike reg 10am-1pm, opening ceremonies 9:45, event 10am-5pm, bike show, food, poker run, swap meet, live music. Sponsored by D & Q Motorsports, The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. Benefits Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. www. angierbikefest.com Arlene Mabry 919-422-7234. JUN 2 BIKER BASH 2018 Haley Toyota 1530 Courtland Rd. Roanoke, VA. 12-5, free event. Food, kids games, vendors, live music. Presented by Empty Tomb Motorcycle Ministry. Chris Carr 540-537-8980.

JUN 2 8TH ANNUAL SPRING FLING Resurrection Riders Motorcycle Ministry House 9616 US Hwy 64 Alt. West, Tarboro, NC. Reg 9 KSU 11, $20/bike, vendors, 0/0, raffle, door prizes, BBQ chicken plates. Benefits ministry work. 252-4693989, 252-883-875 or 252-907-3841. JUN 2 BENEFIT DICE RUN Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 9-10:30, first out 11, $20/rider $10/pass, food, prizes. Proceeds benefit Matthew 25 Center. Sponsored by WBC Carolina Faith Riders. Scott Simmons 910742-5613 or Wrightsboro Baptist Church 910-763-3181.

JUN 2 BENEFIT RIDE FOR FAMILY OF T.C. SIMPSON Pike Office 100 Pike Way Mount Airy, NC. Reg 9 KSU 11, $20/rider $5/pass, food, door prizes, 50/50 raffle, & silent auction. Becky or Darrell Pruitt 336351-8381. JUN 2 CYCLEMANIA VINTAGE AND RETRO MOTORCYCLE SHOW Charlotte East 5801 Executive Center Dr., Charlotte, NC. 10-2, bikes, food, music raffles. Benefits Disability Rights & Resources. cyclemania@disability-rights.org, cyclemaniacharlotte.com. JUN 2 14TH ANNUAL BIKER DAY Hopewell Baptist Church 420 Hopewell Church Rd., Monroe, NC. Reg 9, food, speaker, fellowship, music. www.whatasavior.com 704753-1084.

JUN 2 NC DEAF BLIND ASSOCIATES 7TH ANNUAL POKER RUN Shelton’s Harley-Davidson 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. KSU 12, $20/rider $10/pass, games, door prizes, 50/50, food, live music. JUN 2 DOGS FOR DOGS Cox’s amyrebeccabean@hotmail.com 919W E R E Y O U I N J U RDouble E D ?Eagle Harley-Davidson 7540 928-7507. HWY 15-501 S., West End, NC. Reg 10 KSU 11:45, $20/sgl $30/dbl, JUN 2 FOOD TRUCK RODEO Ragprizes, food. Bring dry pedigree or ing Bull Harley-Davidson 300 Muldee purina dog food, new dog/cat toys or St. Durham, NC. 11-4, live music, I hope youblankets. never Benefits Moore Humane JUN 2 CRUISE FOR THE KIDS drink, giveaways, raffles. www.ragSociety. Lawdogsnc1@gmail.com. W EMHC/BFT RE YO U I N J U R E D ? ingbullhd.com 919-596-9511. have to call me... Elks Lodge #1710 400 Miller Farm Rd., Morehead City, NC. JUN 2 NC BLACK BEAR FESTIVAL Reg 9 KSU 11 $20/rider $5/pass, JUN 2 KINGS OF KAOS MC BIKE POKER RUN First Christian Church food, raffle, 50/50, music. Benefits CAR TRUCK SHOW Jus Enuff 509 E Main St., Plymouth, NC. Camp Happy Kids. castavisioninc@ Home Cookin 736 N. Main St., Reg 8:30 last out 11, $25/sgl $40/ I hope you never gmail.com Cindy Fields 252-342Fuquay-Varina, NC. Reg 11, $10/ dbl includes lunch, 50/50, raffles. to call me...entry. 50/50 raffle, door prizes. Mike 4392 or Tony Fieldshave 252-646-4659. Proceeds to purchase bicycles and 252-432-5377 or Lee 919-827-6058. helmets for children at Christmas. Sponsored by Washington County but I am here Marine Corps. Association. www. if you need me ncbearfest.com. JUN 2 6TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR OUR WARRIORS POKER RUN USO of Jacksonville, 9 Tallman St., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 9-10:30 $20/ bike/vehicle, $10/pass. Free shirt for the first 100, food, entertainment, 50/50. Benefits USO of NC, Jacksonville Center. Vema910@gmail.com, vema-usa.com Tazz 910-650-7687 or Bird Dog 910-238-9985.

The Cruisin’ butCalendar I am here

if you needby: me Sponsored



919-942-1181 ·• NCMotorcycleLaw.com NCMotorcycleLaw.com 800-942-1191 • 32 Years StatewideRepresentation Representation Experience Statewide · Office in Chapel Hill, NC

Continues On Page 6

Cover Story



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Cruisin’ Calendar

JUN 2 7TH ANNUAL IRON CHARIOT RUN Teen Challenge 1912 Boulevard St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 9 KSU 10, $25/rider $5/pass, police escorted ride. Benefits Teen Challenge. Mike Williams Sr 336-2995185 ext 108, www.gpteenchallenge. com.

JUN 5 GROUP RIDE TO BIKE NIGHT Tilley Harley-Davidson 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. 4-4:30 KSU 4:45. www.tilleyhdofsalisbury. com 704-638-6044. JUN 5 IN-VEST POKER RUN Beyond Therapy 2209 2nd Loop Rd. #A Florence, SC David 803-719-6219.

JUN 2 STUMPY’S RIDE OF FAITH Speedway Harley-Davidson 10049 Weddington Rd., Concord, NC. Reg 11-1 last out 1:15, $20/sgl $30/dbl $10/extra hand, 50/50, food, live band. Proceeds go toward medical bills. Darby Dillard 704-995-4097.

JUN 4-9 THE AMERICADE MOTORCYCLE TOURING RALLY 7th stop on the 2018 AMA National Gypsy Tour. Rides, mfg demos, live music vendors, Lake George NY www.AmericanMotorcyclist.com/Riding/AMA-National-Gypsy-Tours

JUN 2 5TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL POKER RUN Cox’s Harley-Davidson 1178 Galleria Blvd., Rock Hill, SC. Reg 11-12 KSU 12:30, $15/sgl $25/ dbl, food, live music, 50/50, raffles, Chinese auction. Proceeds benefit selected York County children’s charities. Todd Glenn 803-207-9625.

JUN 7 BIKE NIGHT Hometown Harley-Davidson 2300 Elaine’s Way, Winterville, NC. Live music. www. hometownharleydavidson.com 252439-1345.

JUN 2 WORKSHOP Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121. JUN 3 21ST ANNUAL DUKE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL CHARITY RIDE Brewer Cycle 420 Warrenton Rd., Henderson, NC. Reg 10, begins 1:30 W E$25/person, R E Y O50/50. U I NRain J UDate R E6/10 D? Robin Kearney robin@brewercycles. com 252-492-8553.

JUN 7 BIKE SHOW Smokin HarleyDavidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 6-9, Reg between 6-8. Cash prize. 336-722-3106, www. smokinharley.com.

JUN 9 CROSSPOINTE CHURCH MOTORCYCLE RUN FOR THE MILITARY Crosspointe Church 7030 Rockfish Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30 KSU 10:30 $15/bike $20/pass. sappito@gmail.com Shane Sapp 910-850-6799. JUN 9 4TH ANNUAL JUNE JAMR Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 9:30-11 KSU 12:30, $25/bike or car $10/pass, door prizes, escorted ride, 50/50, silent auction. Benefits Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research, Faith FWB Church and Kitty Askins Hospice Center of Goldsboro. www. thejunejamr.org thejunejamr@gmail. com 919-922-1106. JUN 9 AMERICANS ASSISTING VETERANS INAUGURAL RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9:30-10:30 KSU 11, food, music, drawings, $15/sgl $5/pass. Money raised goes directly to assisting our Veterans. Mindy Smith 336-6751547.

JUN 7-9 SOUTH CENTRAL BIKE W E R E Y O U I N J U RJUN E D9?OASIS SHRINE SCOOTER FEST Chase City, VA. Music, rides, PATROL RIDE IN Double D Saloon camping, bikini bike wash, rodeo 1408 E Mountain St., Kernersville, events. Benefits The Barksdale CanNC. KSU 10, $20/sgl $30/dbl. Lyle cer Foundation. www.southcentalSmith 336-209-9617, Terry Cox 336bikefest.com Lee 434-210-1503. 509-6545, Bill Phillips 336-202-3052.

I hope you never have toJUN call9me... JUN 7-10 2018 HOG HAPPENIN 7TH ANNUAL SETH NALL

BIKE RALLY Hickory American Legion Fairgrounds 1 American Legion Ave., Newton, NC. Live music, gator JUN 3 LET’S RIDE FOR JESUS girls, bike build competition, vendors, hope you never campsites available, daily 50/50, MOTORCYCLEI SUNDAY Fred’s have to call Store Parking Lt 109 Cestrain Sq, me...motorcycle pull, jello wrestling, swap Chester, SC. KSU 10:30, police meet, Blue Ridge rides, bike show, escorted. Hosted by Mt. Zion Baptist amateur BBQ competition, food. Church, Blackstock SC. Al Boyd www.hoghappenin.org “Rowdy” but I amBrad here 803-374-0833. Beal 704-740-6659.

MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP RIDE Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church 4732 Robbins Country Rd., Trinity, NC. Reg 9:30 KSU 11 police escorted, 50/50, food, door prizes, auction, music. Rain or shine. Benefits the Seth Nall scholarship fund at Trinity High School. Tim Nall 336-989-5000.

if you need me

The Cruisin’ butCalendar I am here

if you needby: me Sponsored



919-942-1181 ·• NCMotorcycleLaw.com NCMotorcycleLaw.com 800-942-1191 • 32 Years StatewideRepresentation Representation Experience Statewide · Office in Chapel Hill, NC

Continues On Page 8

Weekly Bike Nights MONDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555

TUESDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555

WEDNESDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 JJ’S WATERING HOLE 536 Farragut St., Greensboro NC 336-663-7295 JR’S CORNER TAVERN 901 Greensboro Rd, High Point NC 336-875-4179 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555



DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 LUCKY’S SALOON 1453 Industry Dr, Burlington NC 336-570-1050

DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC 336-992-3033 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555

NORTHSIDE TAVERN 50-A Wee Care Ave, Sparta, NC 336-372-4008 SHELTON’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON @ Texas Steakhouse, 1st & 3rd Thursdays 235 Outlet Center Dr, Smithfield, NC 919-938-1592, 7-10pm SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 TED’S KICKIN’ CHICKEN 4695 S. Main St., Winston-Salem NC 336-650-0290 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555 XTREME WINGS -N- THINGS 3441 Myer Lee Dr, Winston-Salem NC 336-293-4983

FRIDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC 336-992-3033 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555

SUNDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC 336-992-3033 SONS OF THE SOUTH SALOON 3007 1st Avenue SW, Hickory NC 828-855-3097 TANK TOWN TAVERN 6711 Freedom Dr., Charlotte, NC 704-277-0268 • Noon - until TRAX TAVERN 46 E. Main St, Thomasville NC. 2-9pm WIZARD SALOON 651 21st Street NE, Hickory NC 828-327-8555


Cruisin’ Calendar

JUN 9 GEMINI PARTY JR’S Corner Tavern 901 Greensboro Rd., High Point, NC. 2-until. 336-875-4177. JUN 9 BENEFIT RIDE FOR TOMMY MCDOWELL Union Grove Community Building 1379 Union Church Rd., Asheboro, NC. KSU 12 $20/ sgl $25/dbl, 50/50, food. Lou Parrish 336-953-1045 or Angel McDowell 336-588-1344. JUN 9 POKER RUN FOR CHARITY BY AWOL MC Richards Coffee Shop 165 N Main St., Mooresville, NC. Reg 10-1 $15/rider $5/pass, live music, food. Benefits our Military Veterans. Bush 704-878-5554. JUN 9 ROLLING THUNDER POKER RUN 2018 Tilley HarleyDavidson Statesville 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 9 last out 11, $20/sgl $25/dbl includes meal and door prizes. 50/50, door prizes. Rain or shine. Rolling Thunder NC II Sonny Deal 704-929-0477, Rhonda Deal 336-469-3415 or Mark Terry 336-480-4624.

JUN 9 MUSIC SHOWCASE Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. 11am-9pm. www.thundertowerharley. com 803-461-1121. JUN 9 DYNO SHOOTOUT Archie’s Custom Cycle 105 East Craft St., Swansea, SC. 12-5, door prizes, live music, food truck. 803-568-4221. JUN 9 POKER RUN FOR MRS. BONNIE OF SCORES Jamin Leather 1222 Port Dr., Myrtle Beach, SC. KSU 12, $20/rider $10/pass, 50/50, raffles. 843-294-1222. JUN 9-10 DAYS OF THUNDER XII Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. All day concert series both days, vendors, food, Sat. Ms.Bikini Coast Internat’l, fireworks, Sun. bike stereo sound-off, bike & car show. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121.

JUN 15-16 SMOKE OUT 19 Rockingham Dragway, 2153 U.S. 1, Rockingham, NC. Fri & Sat $40, Sat only $35. Fri 12-11, Sat 10-11. Choppers, live music, food, mini bike races, 50’s style drag racing & more. www. smokeoutrally.com Greg Scheuer custombikeshows@gmail.com 919450-5060. JUN 15-16 SPRING FLING Rider’s Roost 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. 336-973-8405. JUN 16 FAYETTEVILLE AREA SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND MOTORCYCLE RIDE Sherwood Presbyterian Church 4959 NC Hwy 87 S, Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8-9:45 KSU 10, $10/rider $5/pass, also please donate school supplies. food, raffles, 50/50, door prizes. Audwin Lindsay 910-366-3983. JUN 16 TRAIL OF TEARS 4TH ANNUAL FOOD DRIVE Krafty’s 1177 Timber Dr. East, Garner, NC. 12-6, 50/50, door prizes, live music, vendors. Sponsored by Native Sons MC. www.nsmctrailoftears.com.

JUN 10 MUSIC SHOWCASE Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, JUN 9 CALEB BENFIELD BENEFIT SC. 11am-6:30pm. www.thundertowPOKER RUN Hooters 1211 13th erharley.com W E R803-461-1121. E YOU INJURED? Ave Dr. SE Hickory, NC. Reg 10:30JUN 16 THE DANNY CRUMPTON 1 $20/sgl $25/dbl includes t-shirt, JUN 10 ABATE OF SC COLUMBIA MEMORIAL RELAY FOR LIFE MO50/50, food. Benefits Caleb BenRIDERS MEETING The New Ole TORCYCLE RIDE Semora Ruritan field Challenge. Sponsored by Blue Place 3311 Two Notch Rd., ColumClub 16631 NC Hwy 119 N. Semora, Knights NCXI 828-413-9706. bia, SC. 2pm. 803-754-5825. Reg 9-9:45 KSU 10, $25/bike, I hope youNC. never door to callprizes, me...food. Rain date June W EJUN R E9 RIDE YOU I N J U R E D ? JUN 11 10TH ANNIVERSARY have FOR READERS FreeHON- 30. Joan Crumpton 336-234-8905 or borne’s 14300 NC Hwy 18 S., Laurel ORING THEIR SERVICE MOTORRichard Hamlett 336-234-8751. Springs, NC. KSU 10, $25/person, CYLCE ESCORT AND PARADE food, live music, 50/50. Benefits Southern Wesleyan 907 Wesleyan JUN 16 CUSTOMER APPRECIANorthwestern Regional Library. 336Dr., Central, SC. Staging 11:30. PaTION DAY Raging Bull Harley-DaI hope you never 835-4894. triotic apparel is encouraged. Fly the vidson 300 Muldee St. Durham, NC. have to call me...USA, POW/MIA & US Military flags. 11-4, free drinks, food, prizes. www. JUN 9 IN-VEST USA BENEFIT RUN Parade will follow the escort. Music, ragingbullhd.com 919-596-9511. Harley-Davidson of Asheville 20 Patfood, vendors. Come welcome these but I Jim amHasick here864ton Cove Rd., Swannanoa, NC. Reg US Marines home. 10 $20/bike. 828-581-2000. 723-2850. if you need me

The Cruisin’ butCalendar I am here

if you needby: me Sponsored



919-942-1181 ·• NCMotorcycleLaw.com NCMotorcycleLaw.com 800-942-1191 • 32 Years StatewideRepresentation Representation Experience Statewide · Office in Chapel Hill, NC

Continues On Page 10

Cruisin’ Calendar

Submit your Benefit Motorcycle Event to the Cruisin’ Calendar*

For Free!


JUN 16 RUFF RYDER DAY PARTY Raging Bull Harley-Davidson 300 Muldee St. Durham, NC. 1-4. www. ragingbullhd.com 919-596-9511. JUN 16 13TH ANNUAL OFFICER DOWN MEMORIAL RIDE Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 9 memorial service 10 KSU 11, $20/ rider $5/pass, door prizes, raffle, 50/50, food. Presented by Blue Knights NC II Raleigh. www.blueknightsnc2.com 919-832-2261. JUN 16 MISFITZ 4TH ANNUAL BASH First Call 300 Trollinger St., Burlington, NC. 12pm-10pm. Benefits Alamance Riders Against Child Abuse. misfitzalamance@gmail.com 336-516-0134. JUN 16 3RD ANNUAL POKER RUN VFW 8989 2500 N Cannon Blvd, Kannapolis, NC. Reg 10 KSU 12, $15/sgl, $20/dbl, $5 extra hand. Door prizes, 50/50, food. 704-933-6186.

EMAIL YOUR EVENT INFO OR FLYER TO LINCOLN@FTCAROLINAS.COM Your Event will be PRINTED In 20,000 Distributed Magazines Per Month POSTED To Our Online Cruisin’ Calendar UPLOADED With Our Online E-Zine INCLUDED In Our Weekly Events E Blast * Some Restrictions Apply

JUN 16 FATHERS DAY LUNCH Speedway Harley-Davidson 10049 Weddington Rd., Concord, NC. 11-3, demo rides all day. 704-979-7433. JUN 16 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY STE Powersports 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Vendors, food, live music. 704-883-8385. JUN 16 1ST ANNUAL MOUNT MITCHELL MOTORCYCLE AND CAR POKER RUN Old Chevrolet Dealership 652 W. US Hwy 19E Bypass, Burnsville, NC. Reg 10, $15/ hand 3 hands/$30. Benefits Yancey County Toy Run. Rain date 6/23. Dennis 828-674-4754 or Gary 828208-7224. JUN 16 PICKENS COUNTY ABATE 1ST ANNUAL SWAPMEET/YARD SALE American Legion 375 Garvin Rd., Liberty, SC. 8-until, $10 spot. Benefits Pickens County ABATE. Rain date June 23. Floyd Moore 864230-9971 or Chat Cuddy 864-3654949.


Cruisin’ Calendar

JUN 16 WORKSHOP Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121. JUN 16 ALTERED EGOS MC CHARITY RIDE Fairfield Inn & Suites 120 Blarney Dr., Columbia, SC. Reg 10 KSU 12, $10/donation. Mz. Hunee 803-900-4761, Mz. Skyy 803-565-4225, Mz. BadKitty 803386-8122. JUN 16 RIDE FOR RAINMAN POKER RUN U.S. Military Vets M/C Clubhouse 230 Shanklin Rd., Beaufort, SC. Reg 10-11 KSU 12, $10/ rider $5/pass. Food, 50/50, auction. Pothole 843-368-4980. JUN 16 RIDE-IN/DRIVE EVENT Town Square, (Main & River Streets), Hiawassee, GA. Reg 8:30-9:45 KSU 10, Escorted ride, no fee. Sponsored by Liberty Riders, Joshua’s Warriors, ALR Post 23, ALR Post 121. Guest speakers, food, music. shippreck@ gmail.com.

JUN 20 THUNDER TOWER DINNER RIDE Thunder Tower HarleyDavidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. KSU 6pm. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121.

JUN 23 BIG BIKES FOR PURPLE HEARTS RIDE American Legion Auxiliary Unit 55 111 Miller St., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9, $20/sgl, $25/dbl. Raffle, lunch, live music. 336-425-5959.

JUN 23 FIRST ANNUAL SAVE AND PROTECT NC CONFEDERATE MONUMENT BENEFIT RIDE VFW Post 2514 3850 Butler Rd., New Bern, NC. Reg 9-10:30 KSU 11, $15/rider $10/pass., live music, door prizes, silent auction. Benefits Sons of Confederate Veterans. Robert Masters Jr. 252-560-7521.

JUN 23 1ST ANNUAL MEMORIAL RIDE FOR LARRY KISTLER New Korner Pub 1995 Mecklenburg Hwy, Mooresville, NC. Reg 11 KSU 12:30, $15/rider $5/pass, food, raffle. Proceeds go toward funeral expenses for mother. 704-564-8279.

JUN 23 3RD ANNUAL FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS RIDE Wayne Community College 3000 Wayne Memorial Dr., Goldsboro, NC. Reg 9 KSU 11, $15/bike $5/pass, 50/50, food. Benefits the NC Fallen Firefighter Foundation. Presented by Brothers of the Inferno. Carlton “Grandpa” Parks 919-222-6592 or David “Beast” Wilkerson 919-921-2552.

JUN 23 WORKSHOP Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121. JUN 23 NO ONE LEFT BEHIND FUN FOR PTSD AWARENESS Yahweh and Sons Bible Church 2712 Emmanuel Church Rd., West Columbia, SC. 10am. Bike show to follow ride $10/bike, judging 2pm. 803-439-6022.

JUN 23 4TH ANNUAL GREAT AMERICAN SUMMER COOKOUT JUN 23 CHARITY POKER RUN JUN 18 RIDE TO WORK DAY Advo- Smoky Mountain Steel Horses 82 W E R E Y O U I N J U RMauldin E D ? Cultural Ctr 101 East Butler cate and support the use of motorLocust Dr., Waynesville, NC. www. Rd., Mauldin, SC. Reg 9, last out 11, cycles and scooters for transportasmsh.co 828-452-7276. $20/rider, $10/pass, $10 extra hand. tion and everyday utility riding. www. Prizes, raffles, food, music. pokerRideToWork.org. JUN 23 FREEDOM RIDE Tobacco run@mauldinrotary.org. Benefits Road Harley-Davidson 1126 S. I hope youchildren never in need. 864-236-4171. JUN 20 VETERANS COFFEE Tilley Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 9 have toJUN call23-24 me...RIDE AND DRIVE W EHarley-Davidson R E Y O U I653 N JBendix U R EDr.,D ? KSU 10, $25/sgl $40/dbl, $10/active Salisbury, NC. www.tilleyhdofsalisduty, food, live music. Benefits USO Vanderhall of Greensboro 3909 W bury.com 704-638-6044. of NC. 919-832-2261. Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC. Sat 10-6 Sun 1-5. www.vanderhallofJUN 20 BESSIE SPRINGFIELD JUN 23 1ST ANNUAL OUT AND greensboro.com 336-890-6500. I hope you never ABOUT Down Home Harley-DavidRIDE Thunder Tower Harley-Davidhave toCenter call me...son 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, son 190 Pontiac Business JUN 24 ABATE CWC RIDERS Dr., Columbia, SC. ThunderKat 254NC. Reg 9:30 KSU 11, $15/sgl $20/ MEETING Diemonds Bar & Grill 522 833-3947. dbl includes lunch. Benefits The MaWessinger St., West Columbia, SC sonic Home for Children, 1:57pm. Debra Teseniar 803-356but I am presented here by Sevenfold Veterans. 336-227if you need me 5977. 1261.

The Cruisin’ butCalendar I am here

if you needby: me Sponsored



919-942-1181 ·• NCMotorcycleLaw.com NCMotorcycleLaw.com 800-942-1191 • 32 Years StatewideRepresentation Representation Experience Statewide · Office in Chapel Hill, NC

Continues On Page 12

Cruisin’ Calendar

Weekly Live Music / DJ THURSDAY XTREME WINGS -N- THINGS 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 336-293-4983

FRIDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 LIVE MUSIC

SATURDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 LIVE MUSIC TANKTOWN TAVERN 6711 Freedom Dr, Charlotte NC 704-277-0268 LIVE MUSIC 8PM XTREME WINGS -N- THINGS 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 336-293-4983

SUNDAY DOUBLE D BURNOUT SALOON 1408 E. Mountain St, Kernersville NC 336-992-3033 LIVE MUSIC TANKTOWN TAVERN 6711 Freedom Dr, Charlotte NC 704-277-0268 LIVE MUSIC 2:30PM

JUN 24 THE THIRD ANNUAL MUSC CHILDRENS BURN CAMP POKER RUN Beaver Bar 3381 Hwy 17 Bus. Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 10 KSU 12, $20/bike $10/rider raffle, 50/50, live music. Presented by Axemen SC1 axemensc1@gmail.com. JUN 29-JUL 1 THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES SUMMER RALLY Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. Music, vendors, bike games, free stuff, fire dancers, cash prizes, bike show. www.handlebarcorral.com handlebarcorral@aol.com 828-246-2101. JUN 30 HONOR RIDE FOR WYATT The Redneck Yacht Club 115 Dunn Rd. Fayetteville, NC. Reg 11 KSU 12:30 $15/sgl $25/dbl $10/ extra hand, 50/50, food, raffle, wear orange for Wyatt. Mickey Hales 910987-0405. JUN 30 WOMEN IN THE WIND LADIES EVENT Raging Bull HarleyDavidson 300 Muldee St. Durham, NC. 11-3. www.ragingbullhd.com 919-596-9511. JUN 30 BENEFIT/MEMORIAL RIDE FOR RANDY MABE’S FAMILY Smokin Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30 KSU 11, $20/donation, vendors, games, food, dunk tank, raffles, auction. Theresa Robinson Territop24@ gmail.com 276-728-9232. JUN 30 PARKING LOT SWAP MEET Tilley Harley-Davidson 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. www. tilleyhdofsallisbury.com Junior 704638-6044. JUN 30 3RD ANNUAL RUN TO THE ROOST Iron Thunder 2022 13th Ave Dr., SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 9-11, $20/sgl, $25/dbl, door prizes, 50/50. Hosted by Rolling Saints RC. Benefits Mark Cornette & The Kidney Foundation. rollingsaintsbo@gmail. com Sherry 828-578-1246 or Mike 828-640-4155.


JUN 30 WORKSHOP Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121. JUN 30 PHIL PAGE MEMORIAL CHALLENGE Harley Haven 941 Western Lane, Irmo, SC. KSU 9am, $40/bike Benefits Carolina Sunshine for Children. Rain date July 1. Stephanie Lucas 803-781-1837. JUN 30-JUL 1 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE DEMO TRUCK Indian Motorcycle Greensboro 201 S. Church St., Greensboro, NC. Live music and hotdog fundraiser by the Indian Motorcycle Rider’s Group of Central NC on Saturday. www.trailandroad. com 336-763-5621. JUL 1 16TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Wheels Through Time 62 Vintage Ln, Maggie Valley, NC. 9-5. www.wheelsthroughtime.com 828-926-6266. JUL 5 BIKE SHOW Smokin HarleyDavidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 6-9, Reg between 6-8. Cash prize. www.smokinharley. com, 336-722-3106. JULY 7 FIRST RESPONDERS EVENT Raging Bull Harley-Davidson 300 Muldee St. Durham, NC. 114. Giveaways, riding competitions, raffles, prizes, open to all police, fire dept, ems and any type of first responder. Free food and drinks. www. ragingbullhd.com 919-596-9511. JUL 8 2018 THUNDER SUNDAY Mount Vernon Baptist Church 3505 Bamboo Rd., Boone, NC. Reg 10, service 11. Sponsored by Peacemakers, Boone, NC Chapter 674. www.mvbcb.org 828-266-9700.


Cruisin’ Calendar

JUL 14 RIDE FOR ARCHIE American Legion Post 87 409 W. High Ave High Point, NC. Reg 10 KSU 12 $15/ sgl $20/dbl, auction , door prizes, 50/50, live music. Benefits Archie & Maria. Tim Gulledge 336-847-2135. JUL 14 11TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR ANGELS Denton Farmpark 1072 Cranford Rd, Denton, NC. Reg 8:30-10:30 KSU 11, pre reg $20/bike $5/pass, day of $25/bike $10 pass. Sponsored by Hospice of Davidson Co. Chris Burcaw 336-774-9876.

JUL 21 CHRISTMAS IN JULY Windjammer Pub 2300 Hwy 179, Little River, SC. Reg 10 KSU 12, $15/ rider $5/pass pre reg. Benefits Horry County children back to school supplies. Presented by Julie’s Kids. Julie atresmom03@aol.com 843-4675145 or Greg 843-267-9565. JUL 22 FINLEY’S FIGHTING HEART Tank Town Tavern 6711 Freedom Dr., Charlotte, NC. 1-until, live music, food, 50/50, raffle, auction. 704-277-0268.

JUL 14 HOMELESS VETERANS POKER RUN Fellow Countrymen Veterans Transition Home 26 Agnew Rd., Greenville, SC. Reg 10-12, $10/ hand, raffle, 50/50, live entertainment. Presented by Combat Veterans Motorcycle Assoc. Chapter 34-2. Benefits Fellow Countrymen Veterans Transition Home. 864-770-3310.

JUL 28 COOK-OFF Xtreme WingsN-Things 3441 Myer Lee Dr. #8, Winston-Salem, NC. 336-293-4983.

JUL 18 THUNDER TOWER DINNER RIDE Thunder Tower HarleyDavidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. KSU 6pm. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121.

JUL 28 MUSIC SHOWCASE Thunder Tower Harley-Davidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. 4-7pm. www.thundertowerharley. com 803-461-1121.

JUL 20 PARADE CHRISTMAS IN JULY VFW 2415 Highlands Hwy, Walhalla, SC. Line up 6pm, bring a toy. Benefits Toys for Tots. Shelia Heck 864-364-7534.


JUL 28 PARKING LOT SWAP MEET Tilley Harley-Davidson 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. www. tilleyhdofsallisbury.com Junior 704638-6044.

but I am here if you need me

if you needby: me Sponsored


AUG 4 6TH ANNUAL PATH OF HOPE RIDE FOR RECOVERY Path of Hope 1675 East Center St. Ext., Lexington, NC. Reg 8:30 KSU 10, $20/rider $10/pass, food. Rain date Aug 11. www.apathofhope.org. 336248-8914. AUG 11 CLINTON BIKE AND CAR SHOW Spencer Moose Lodge 1301 Elizabeth Ave, Spencer NC. 9-2, $10-pre reg $15/day of. Benefits Moose Heart Children’s Home. 336479-0837. AUG 11 RIDE FOR 9-11 435 Stephenson Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 4-8, $10/person-pre register, $15/person – day of. http://neverforget911foundation.org christine@neverforget911foundation.org 919-524-1935.

JUL 29W ABATE RIDERS E R ECWC YO U INJURED? MEETING Diemonds Bar & Grill 522 AUG 11 9TH ANNUAL BIKERS 4 Wessinger St., West Columbia, SC BOOBS Riding High Harley-David1:57pm. Debra Teseniar 803-356son 3036 NC Hwy 68 High Point 5977. NC Reg 8:30, $20/ KSU 11am, new police escorted, 50/50, food I hope youroute, never AUG 2 BIKE SHOW Smokin Harleytruck, music. have to call me... Benefits Randolph Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr., WinHospital Mammogram Fund. bikersston-Salem, NC. 6-9, Reg between fourboobs@yahoo.com Fay Morgan 6-8. Cash prize. 336-722-3106. 336-420-6907

JUL 20-22 9TH ANNUAL BIKE RALLY Kanawha Valley Arena Resort 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. Day pass $20, 2 day pass $35. Bike Igames, hope bike youshow, never bikini contest, bands, primitive camphave to call me... ing $10. www.kanawhavalleyarenaresort.com 540-789-2084.

The Cruisin’ butCalendar I am here

AUG 4 8TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL BIKE RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9-11, $15/bike $5/rider, $10/ non-riders, 50/50, auction. Benefits Jared Allen’s Homes 4 Wounded Warriors. In memory of PFC Justin Walker. After party @ Lucky’s Jeff Ladd 336-512-3133.

AUG 22 THUNDER TOWER DINNER RIDE Thunder Tower HarleyDavidson 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr., Columbia, SC. KSU 6pm. www.thundertowerharley.com 803461-1121.


919-942-1181 ·• NCMotorcycleLaw.com NCMotorcycleLaw.com 800-942-1191 • 32 Years StatewideRepresentation Representation Experience Statewide · Office in Chapel Hill, NC

That’s All Folks!

Cruisin’ Calendar AUG 25 19TH ANNUAL ALL-STAR RIDE FOR LIFE Scooter’s, 1911 Sego Ct, Raleigh, NC AUG 25 PARKING LOT SWAP MEET Tilley Harley-Davidson 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. www. tilleyhdofsallisbury.com Junior 704638-6044. AUG 25 2018 ASHEVILLE RIDE FOR KIDS MR Motorcycle 774 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC. Reg 9-11, first out 10. Benefits Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Curethekids.org Ashley Davis 828-418-0799.

SEPT 8 3RD ANNUAL CAMEL CITY BIKEFEST Dixie Classic Fairgrounds 421 27th St. N.W, WinstonSalem, NC. 11am-11pm. Live music, vendors, camping, baddest bagger & sound competition, Ms. Camel City Contest. Wayne Pinnix 336-4646202. SEPT 8 SATURDAY MOTORCYCLES FOR MAMMOGRAMS Cox’s Harley-Davidson 2795 NC Hwy 134 Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley.com 336-629-2415.


SEPT 14-15 8TH ANNUAL BIKER BLUES BBQ RALLY Tilley HarleyDavidson 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. Entertainment, vendors. www. bikerbluesbbqrally.com 704-6386044.

SEPT 1 BIKERS COUPLES RETREAT & CONFERENCE FELLOWSHIP Queen City Biker Church 901 Belmont Rd., Charlotte, NC. 704996-3962.

SEPT 15 13TH ANNUAL 343 MEMORIAL RIDE Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Honoring the fallen of 9/11, 910-791-9997.

SEPT 1-2 BULL CITY RUMBLE 14 – VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW Brightleaf District 1007 West Main St., Durham, NC. 12pm, no admission, bike entry fee $7. www.tonup. bigcartel.com/bull-city-rumble.com 919-687-6969.

SEPT 15 3RD ANNUAL MICHAEL BARRETT RIDING FOR WREATHS FESTIVAL MOTORCYCLE RUN & CAR SHOW Humphrey Farm 522 Willis Landing Rd., Hubert, NC. Reg 9-11, $20/bike $10/pass includes t-shirt and food. Benefits Wreaths Across America for Onslow Vietnam Veterans Memorial to the Coastal Carolina Veteran’s Cemetary. Phillip East 910-548-8439.

SEPT 7 - 9 THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES FALL RALLY Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. Music, vendors, bike games, free stuff, fire dancers, cash prizes, bike show. www.handlebarcorral.com handlebarcorral@aol.com 828-246-2101. SEPT 8 2018 SHOP WITH THE SHERIFF CHARITY RIDE Sheriff’s Office Fuller Center 314 Jasper St., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8 KSU 9:30, $20/rider/passenger, includes food, raffle, door prizes. Benefits purchasing gifts for deserving children. Rain date Sept 15. sleake@ccsonc.org Lt. S. Leake 910-483-4015.

SEPT 15 8TH ANNUAL BIKER BLUES BBQ RALLY POKER RUN FOR VETERANS Tilley Harley of Salisbury 653 Bendix Dr., Salisbury, NC. Reg 9am, last out 11. Escorted ride leaving Tilley Harley-Davidson of Statesville 12:45pm. Benefits Salisbury VA Hospice Unit. Sponsored by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. www.bikerbluesbbqrally.com. 704-638-6044.

15 SEPT 15 JESSIE’S RIDE OF HOPE Crossroads Harley-Davidson 1921 US Hwy 421 Wilkesboro, NC. KSU 1, $25/bike, food, raffle, 50/50, live music. Rain date Sept 22. Benefits National Tay Sachs & Allied Diseases. www.ntsad.org. 336-667-1689. SEPT 15 RIDE TO REMEMBER OUR VETERANS Summerfield First Baptist Church 2300 Scalesville Rd., Summerfield, NC. Reg 8:30 KSU 10 $25/sgl $30/dbl includes lunch & t-shirt, police escorted. Benefits Disabled American Veterans. Ron Stoll 336-601-8088. SEPT 21-23 14TH ANNUAL CAPITAL CITY BIKEFEST Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson 1126 S Saunders St. and the Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC. www.capitalcitybikefest.com 919-832-2261. SEPT 26-OCT 1 THE NATIONAL VIETNAM TRAVELING WALL Independence Mall 3500 Oleander Dr. Wilmington, NC. Todd Dillon 910660-1974. OCT 6 1ST ANNUAL RANDY’S RIDE Bannertown Volunteer Fire Department 124 Reeves Mill Rd., Mount Airy, NC. Reg 10:30 KSU 12, $20/bike or car, $5/pass, 50/50, door prizes. Benefits Surry County Fire Fighters Assoc. Rain date Oct 7th. Luke Stevens 336-705-3186.

Quotable Quote “Today we need a nation of minute men; men who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of daily life…” -John F. Kennedy 1961

The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


21st Annual Freedom Memorial Wall Dedication By: Caroline Those who have been around this area for the past 21 years, know that the first Sunday in May has been proclaimed as Freedom Memorial Wall Sunday. Curly and Laura Williams conceived the idea of a perpetual memorial for our motorcycle …anyone who wish- family to es to have a person’s remember our loved name added to the ones. Memorial Wall, can Smokin’ complete and subHarleymit an application. Davidson has done a terrific job these past 9 years of maintaining a beautiful area just for the Memorial Wall. It is located centrally in the open area hillside on their dealership grounds. There is a walkway in front of the wall for visitors to view the names that are engraved. Behind the Memorial Wall a





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staging area provides the perfect setting for music, announcements and of course the dedication ceremony. The day always starts with a worship service and music. A Memorial Ride begins at 11 and returns to Smokin’ Harley-Davidson just in time for lunch. This year 60 riders participated and many more arrived afterwards to eat and stay for the dedication ceremony. The ceremony is very moving, with members of the Winston-Salem HOG Chapter and the Winston-Salem Goldwing lined up behind the Memorial Wall. Everyone stands, as the color guard from the VFW present the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance is said. As all the names are being read, family and friends are invited to walk by the Memorial Wall. Some folks bring flowers or riding gear to lay next to the name or simply stand and reflect. At the end balloons are released signaling an end to the program. Each year, anyone who wishes to have a person’s name added to the Memorial Wall, can complete and submit an application. You may go by Smokin’ Harley-Davidson at 3441 Myer Lee Drive in Winston-Salem and request an application or information. You can also contact David Nicoletta, Director of the Winston-Salem HOG Chapter via email at dnico44@ aol.com or call him at 336-978-5542. In addition, you can also donate to help keep the Memorial Wall looking nice. Without the help of the HOG Chapter, the Winston-Salem Wings, along with other riding groups, this all would not be possible.





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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Smoky Mountain Indian Motorcycle Anniversary Party By: Anchor It is that time of year for all of us to use this beautiful day to go for a ride! For the first time in over a year and a half I got to ride my bike instead of being in a cage to come to Smoky Mountain Steel Horses Indian Motorcycle here in Waynesville, NC for their anniversary party They have great on April deals inside the 14th! After store and they have not being a great set of meable to chanics in the back ride due to surgeries making sure that and trying your ride is safe! to make sure that I was safe This was a great first ride. They had The Mile High Band playing, and food made by Rendezvous in Maggie Valley! 50/50 donations will go to American Cancer Society Relay For Life.

A great amount of bike clubs and friends that we’ve see every year when spring time arrives came out to support this local dealership! They have great deals inside the store and they have a great set of mechanics in the back making sure that your ride is safe! They went through my bike with a detailed look at everything to make sure that I was going to be safe for this riding season because they knew after all the surgeries that this old dog needed to be safe with no issues and that they did with top-notch service and friendship! I love the fact that today was sunny and about 73 degrees with a light breeze and Smoky Mountain Steel Horses put on a great party and took in some new customers as well. I even bought the new super lightweight helmet that is DOT certified and their price on this helmet was significantly cheaper then online, AND you get to try them on to make sure they fit you correctly. Of course, they always have sales going on all the women’s clothing and I have said it before, they have top-notch brands that you can find in any of the high-class outlet malls without having to pay that price and still look stylish. They also have all the clothes their male customers need with brand new shirt designs and, of course, everything for Indian motorcycles. When you have a chance and you’re on this side of the mountain in our neck of the woods, you need to make it a point no matter what you ride to stop in at Smoky Mountain Steel Horses Indian Motorcycle at 82 Locust Dr., Waynesville, NC and check out what they have to offer. You can also visit them on the web at SMSH.co. Stay safe, as always, and God bless.






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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


Spring Fever Bash At Tank Town Tavern By: Mark “Stretch” Carlyle & Alice “Smiley” Harvey What a day at Tank Town Tavern! With over 1200 people and 600 bikes Tank Town Tavern proved it is a 1st class operation! A big thumbs up to Brandy, Angelo’s better half, who did an amazing job with all the preparations! Angelo, I have to say she is the glue that keeps it together! Angelo, your dream has come full circle! Kudos! You couldn’t have scripted a more beautiful day for the bash. Temps in the 70’s brought out 600+ bikes and countless cages that filled parking lots for a couple of blocks around the bar. If you didn’t make it, you’ll just have to checkout Tank Town’s Facebook as well as The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine’s web site (FullThrottleMagazine.com) to see all the pics! Angelo and Brandy had Tank Town Tavern ready to rock. Brandy had somehow managed to put together 4000 jello shots, most of which didn’t make it through the day! There were two outside beer tubs to compliment the outside bar and the door was

COME SUPPORT YOUR VETERANS! Canteen Open to the Public

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200 tickets

rolled up so you could access the main bar from outside, too! All stations were staffed with pretty bar tenders! Even with a huge crowd the spirits were flowing free and there was very little waiting The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine bike show ran from 12-3pm with two classes: People’s Choice and Editors Choice. We used can tabs, bottle caps, jello shot cups, and mixed drink stirring straws as votes. You could vote as many times as you wanted, just belly up to the bar and buy another drink to secure your vote! As the parking lot filled up, the bike show parking filled in as well! There were some real sweet rides to check out. With over 1200 people We had a little of everyand 600 bikes, Tank thing from drag bikes, bagTown Tavern proved gers, a Big Dog, Redneck it is a 1st class operaEngineering, a Panhead chopper, a Knucklehead tion. and all points in between. When 3pm rolled around we counted the votes and Don Angel’s 2010 Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic was the People’s Choice Award winner. Don’s Heritage was a clean, classy ride with white walls, black spoke wheels, ape hangers, and a gun slinger seat all complimenting the glossy black paint job. It was well deserving the 127 votes it racked up. The next closest bike was Corey Harr’s 2010 CVO Street Glide that pulled in 100 votes. Congrats Don, thanks for entering your bike! The Editor’s Choice award was a tough choice. We walked up and down the row of bike show bikes and really had to get technical to choose a winner. When it came down to it.



Jim O’Neill took top honors with his “Politically Incorrect” 2014 Harley-Davidson Street Glide. This fine specimen was decked out from headlight to taillight with a God and Country theme that would make the hair stand up any patriots’ arms. The 26” bright orange and chrome front wheel, apes, 103ci turbo charged engine, all the way back to the stretched bags with speakers, this bike was dripping with customization. It makes it even cooler that it was garage built by Jim himself. Being the Editor’s Choice Award winner, we are going to feature this panty dropper in an upcoming issue of the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. I have to give a big shout out to all that participated. You, the readers, need to check out the following people that did an amazing job at Tank Town. The band Shrapnal absolutely kicked our assess with their in your


face rock! If you get the chance to check them out, do it! Kenny with Lucky Dog Designs had some cool ass shirts. Some awesome work Kenny! And thanks for our shirts. Scott Tolliver with Top Shelf Apparel also with some amazing work on tank tops and tees. Hog & Dog food truck from Misfit Veterans MC had some great food! Junior’s Jerked Chicken was cooking up a storm all day long. The Queen City Makers had almost anything you could think of for sale. Tank Town Tavern has now become Charlotte’s #1 biker bar on the westside! Angelo’s staff did a superior job with all aspects of this massive party! Thank You Tank Town Tavern for being a part of the Carolina’s Full Throttle Family! So, if you’re out on 2 anywhere around Charlotte, Tank Town Tavern is a must stop to have a cold one and enjoy so awesome rock and roll!


The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Things Not So Hot?

Bros-Bro-ettes, Here we go again sitting in the hospital with David waiting to take him to surgery. You see all kinds of people in the hospital and wonder who they are with and what’s going on. David wasn’t worried about his surgery. He said he had a peace about losing his foot. Surgery went fine, it was the after affects when he got back in his room. But praise the Lord, He had his hands on him and it wasn’t his time to go. No matter what we’re going through or what happens there is always someone going through something worse than we are. We go about our day to day routine and never know what we’ll face, but if we know Jesus, we don’t have to face it alone. Have you ever been in a situation that you had no control over whatsoever, but you could feel and knew everything was going to be ok? That’s what you feel like when you have a relationship with God. You have the peace and know everything is going to be alright. Hebrews 13:5. Says “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you” We can turn our backs on God (I’ve seen the times when I thought God had forgotten David and I), but God will never leave us. He’s always there waiting on us to get out of the way and believe and let Him do his job! We all go through tough

times, but it’s a lot easier facing them with God on our side and having a relationship with Him. If you want peace and a relationship with Jesus Christ all you have to do is pray and ask Him to come into your heart and believe. There is a Biker’s Prayer on this page. Pray it and really mean it and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord with your mouth. the Lord Jesus Christ will hear your prayer and you can start your relationship with Him today. He’ll be there for you day or night no matter what the situation. He’ll bring you to the place of complete trust in Him. If you don’t like the life in Christ Jesus and the outcome you can always go back to the devil. He will gladly take you back because he doesn’t want you happy and living for God. In His Wind Ms. Pat




Road Guards Needed Story and photo by Alan Dockery Many of us have done it. We plan it. We also discuss its legality. But none of us are really trained and no it ain’t always legal. I’m talking about stopping traffic to let a line of motorcycles go through an intersection. Yes, we know that is the safest way to handle the situation. Donny Bradley, owner of DOC Bail Bonding in Statesville, NC, has taken on the challenge of improving this situation. Donny is starting a Professional Road Guard service. This service will produce trained riders, recognized by law enforcement and available to assist any group with traffic control on their rides. He has experience dealing with solving problems from the local level all the way to the state legislature in Raleigh. “We want to eventually pass laws making it a trainable certificate for NC Roads Guards and have it clearly defined what motorcyclists can do to protect a group on the road,” “We want to eventu- Donny said. “We are just getting started, working with ally pass laws making it a trainable cer- local law enforcement to augment them for traffic control tificate for NC Roads on rides.” Guards and have it I saw what a great job they clearly defined what do on the recent Combat motorcyclists can do Veterans Motorcycle Association ride. Their road guards to protect a group can assist a sheriff deputy at a on the road,” Donny major intersection to ensure said. traffic in all directions avoids crashes with the motorcyclists. “We are working with Tribute To The Troops for support in helping other riding groups and law enforcement organizations across the state,” Donny said. “We hope to have the program statewide in five years. We offer training for everyone who wants to join our group. Potential road guards need a minimum of five years of riding experience. Passengers also need to have years of experience and will go through all training with the rider.” “Our goal is to help other groups ensure they have a safe ride while on their charity events. Let them focus on the ride and we’ll focus on getting them to their destination safely. We welcome all riders who want to learn about being professional road guards and helping other riders.” “We will not escort rides when alcohol is involved, and all road guards will be required to abstain from any alcohol eight hours before they twist the throttle. Our group will also be experienced in setting up new ride routes. We’ll lay out a safe,

smooth ride for all skill levels and make them scenic, too. Rides we escort will require our waiver to protect all involved,” Donny concluded. If you are interested in becoming a professionally trained motorcycle road guard or starting a group in your area, please contact Donny “Doc” Bradley at 704-902-1152, donny@ docbailbonding.com or Ray Hider 425-457-4780, rayhider@ gmail.com.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine







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5th Annual Uwharrie Mountain Rumble


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By: Larry Thompson The 5th Annual Uwharrie Mountain Rumble was held on April 16th and was bigger and better than ever. We had 256 participants and 206 bikes on the ride! This is Blackmer Lodge No. 127’s annual motorcycle ride for charity. All proceeds We had 256 particifrom the event go to our NC Masonic Charities. This year pants and 206 bikes the ride originated at The on the ride! Ford Place in Mount Gilead, NC. Participants received an event t-shirt and were treated to a leisurely ride through the Uwharrie National Forest with a single planned stop at the Eldorado Outpost in Eldorado. As in years past, there was a Big Foot sighting at our planned stop! I have included a picture of the Big Foot sighting and other pictures of the event can be found at: https://goo. gl/H7Uq4X. Riders were treated to musical entertainment and a meal at the ride’s end at River Wild on Lake Tillery. Law enforcement stopped traffic at all intersections along the route for us. Thanks to the Mount Gilead Police Department, Troy Police Department, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department, and the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department Motor Unit, the ride was a safe and non-stop event It was an awesome turnout for an awesome event!





The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Crimson Crusaders’ 3rd Annual Biker Sunday By: Wally Wersching On Sunday April 22nd, the Crimson Crusaders Motorcycle Ministry held their 3rd Annual Biker Sunday at the Landmark Baptist Church in Shelby, NC. Mike, my neighbor, was going, and asked if we could ride there together. I normally ride alone, but the church was only a few minutes from home, so I agreed. I rode to his house at 10 AM, and then we left to go to the church. When we pulled into the church parking lot, At times, he was we were directed to amusing – just park in a enough to keep the audience interested. row next to the other bikes. The parking lot was just for motorcycles. The other vehicles had to park in another lot around the corner. The people were shuttled in small trailers pulled by a tractor, or a four-wheeler. It was very well organized, and everybody was welcomed to the service. I went to the tent, signed the register, and had a KrispyCrème donut while we waited for things to start. I met a few old friends as they rode in. I made a few new ones, too, as they admired “Miss Vickie”, and we talked. She was the only Victory motorcycle in the lot. At 10:30, we all filed into the hall where the band Mercy Heart was playing on the stage. After we were all seated, Ty Eckard, the leader of the Crimson Crusaders, went on stage, and tried to recognize all the different biker ministries represented in the congregation. There were so many, it took quite a while for all to be acknowledged. Most of them, I have heard about, but there were some I hadn’t.

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The next speaker was Pastor Allen Davis – the Landmark Pastor since 1976. He welcomed all to the service, and then spoke about the featured speaker Pastor Matt Holman from the Landmark Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and how they met. He started on the theme for the day to “Break Every Chain” and become a person with Jesus in your heart. Mercy Heart played a few sing-along tunes, and then Pastor Holman took the stage. He is a very dynamic speaker, and the entire congregation was listening to every word he said. At times, he was amusing – just enough to keep the audience interested. I gathered that his Landmark Church in Evandale, a suburb of Cincinnati, is larger than the one in Shelby. Also, that Pastor Holman, who has been the pastor there for a very long time, is deeply committed to his community. Pastor Holman spoke until about 12:30 when he called for newly converted people to give themselves to Jesus and come up to the stage. Some did, but most stayed in their seats, and sang the song that was up on the large screen over his head. Then the service was over, and the congregation filed out of the hall. Lunch was served soon after. I was one of the first to walk the food line, and I saw all the fixin’s that went with the hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork. I was surprised to see both sliced onion for hamburgers and chopped onion for the hot dogs, thinly sliced tomatoes, lettuce, chili, beans, and slaw with bags of potato chips at the end. I had a burger with a full slice of onion. It was delicious! Then, I had to leave. It was a great finish to a memorable morning. I will have to go to their 4th Annual Biker Sunday next year to see how they can make it even better. It won’t be easy. This year’s was pretty amazing!




1st CFR Sonic Bike Night Of 2018 By: Wally Wersching The Carolina Faith Riders sponsor a bike night at the Forest City, NC Sonic restaurant every Tuesday evening starting at 6:30 PM. I went to the first one of the year last on May 1st and had a very pleasant time. The people there are very friendly, and the food is pretty good, too. I started to visit with the people who were there and I gave out a few of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazines. More bikes pulled in, and before I knew it, the tables, and the parking lot were full. I met a few friends from last year’s bike nights along with Mike, the president of the CFR. We had a very pleasant talk about a little of everything, but mostly motorcycles, and places to ride. I enjoy watching the bikes pull in, and then going to talk to the rider about his bike – especially if the bike is unusual. Daryl was there but not with his massive Triumph but with his new bike (new to him) a Suzuki V-Strom 1000. Then Doug rode in, and parked next to “Miss Vickie’. I’ve known Doug for years and see him every 1st Saturday at the Crestview Baptist Church breakfast. He’s one of the many cooks. Later, I saw a man with a US Navy patch on the back of his vest. I had to talk with him. As we were talking about our Navy experiences, another Navy vet walked up to get into the conversation. We were all stationed on ships while in the Navy. My ship was the smallest – a WWII Destroyer the William M. Wood DD715. The man with the Navy patch on his vest was on the carrier USS America CV-66 one of the three Kitty HawkClass Super Carriers made in the 1960’s. It was a floating city with over 5,000 men on board, and over 1,000 feet long. The Wood was only 390 feet long with a little over 300 men. That was a big difference – especially at sea during a storm. The Carrier hardly rolled but my “Tin Can” bobbed like a cartoon boat in rough seas. One thing that we all agreed on was the way the ship rocked us to sleep. It was very relaxing. It was very interesting talking with Navy vets, but I wanted to get home in time to walk the dog, so I left for home about

6:30. The ride home was refreshingly cool. It was a great way to spend an evening with friends. I will do it again soon. They hold it every Tuesday all summer.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

D&Q Motorsports Customer Appreciation Day Hey brothers and sisters it’s ol Johnny Reb coming at ya again with the lowdown on my buddy Jeff at D&Q Motorsports Customer Appreciation Day. Now I never need a reason to head up to Angier, NC to see the fine folks at D&Q Motorsports, but on Saturday the 28th of April, I did have a great reason to go. When Jeff has his customers appreciation day, he pulls out all the stops. First, he had an awesome group of people We had a blast cooking enjoying the great some of food and looking at the finest some really beautiEastern NC BBQ around. BBQ BROTHful bikes. ERS SC, made up some of the tastiest BBQ with all the sides this guy has had in a long time. 300 plates were given out free of charge, compliments of Jeff. Now, I don’t want to get off topic too much, but I just have

to give you some background on these fine folks of the BBQ Brothers SC. First as a club they have single handed been the catalyst for raising the most money in the United States for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Last year alone they raised over $26,000! Now, Jeff and D&Q Motorsports have worked side by side with them raising money for a cure from this hideous disease. They have taken on a cause that many people have not even heard of, but believe me, they will. I told the President of BBQ Brothers, there is a star in his crown in heaven, and folks, I truly believe this. Talk to Jeff and see how you can be involved in this worthwhile cause. It will fill your heart with joy and happiness to help out. Back to the subject on hand. We had a blast enjoying the great food and looking at some really beautiful bikes. The kool factor of the bikes and hot rods coming out of D&Q Motorsports is off the charts. They know what kool is. It’s not as easy as you think. When they build a bike or hot rod, it has the kool factor that many just can’t see to build. He has a built from scratch three-wheeler that is cooler than anything the Motor Company and their millions could build. Simple is so perfect. Have Jeff show you his hot rod 54 Chevy, it’s just right. Before I close this out, I just have to mention the live music that was cranking out some great classic rock. The Ocassional Band was keeping the party going and they did just an awesome job. Great band, check them out for your next get together. Make sure you take a ride to Angier NC and see the guys at D&Q Motorsports. They are located at 34 Ray Hart Lane and you can also check them out on Facebook. Trust me you will not be disappointed. This is Johnny Reb out.





The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Visiting An Old Friend, And A PGR Mission By: Wally Wersching In 1998, I joined the Knob Mountain North Carolina Motorcycle Chapter, and became a “Knobbie”. For most of my time as a “Knobbie”, there was a member named P.O. Wilson. Whenever there was an event, P.O. was there in the forefront. He was the face of the “Knobbies”. Last year, he fell at home, and has been paralyzed ever since. He spent time in a VA Hospital in Georgia, and now he’s in the Zebulon Doyle Alley State Veterans Home in Black Mountain, NC. The PGR Mission On Sunday, May 6th, 27 was for Daniel H. of the “Knobbies” stopped in for a picnic on their Sunday Cook from ride from the Timberwoods Marion, NC. Restaurant in Morganton. The first Sunday of every month is “Picnic Sunday”. I didn’t go because I knew that I’d be going to Black Mountain on Monday for a PGR Mission at the Western Carolina Veterans Cemetery near the home. I would stop in to see P.O. then. The ride up the mountain from Shelby was chilly. I pulled into the parking lot for the home at about 10 AM, went in the main entrance, and asked for the room B-112. When I knocked on the door, I could see that P.O. was watching TV in his custom wheelchair. He smiled and welcomed me into his room. We talked for a while and then he wanted to show me his new home. It’s really a nice place. It is very roomy with a lot of community space, a large dining area, and a fully functional therapy room. He couldn’t stop talking about all the “Knobbies” coming for a visit on “Picnic Sunday”. It really made his day. I brought him a large stack of magazines to read and share with his friends there. I left at about 11 AM because I had to be at the cemetery at 11:15 for the PGR Mission briefing. Now that I know where

he is, I’ll go up for a visit again soon. When I left the home, I backtracked to get to the cemetery on Old US 70. I pulled into the lot and parked behind the main building with the other bikes. I was surprised to see only three other bikes. There are usually more bikes than that. The PGR Mission was for Daniel H. Cook from Marion, NC. He was an Army veteran, and a member of the local VFW Post. After looking at his picture in the obituary, I wondered if we had ever met. I worked in Marion for six years and go to Moondoggy’s in Marion on a regular basis. We might have bumped into each other over the years. He looks like someone I could have been friends with. I was proud to be able to be there for him. When the briefing was over, we stood the flag line. After a while, Daniel’s daughter came up to us, and thanked us for being there. It really meant a lot to her. We stood the flag line until the service started in the building. I walked around the cemetery taking pictures. It is a very scenic place and when my time comes, I’ll be buried there, too. During the service, there were two military people in uniform to perform the honors, and there was a man in a black suit, white shirt, and tie that played “Taps” on his own bugle. It was one of the best renditions of “Taps” I had ever heard. It was very emotional. That’s the part of the service when I realize that a fellow veteran is being buried. I always get a lump in my throat when I hear “Taps” played. As the service was winding down, we stood a flag line outside the chapel. As the mourners came out we saluted, and after they passed, we followed them to the overlook. We stood another flag line while the Daniel’s ashes were placed in the ground. When the minister said that the service was over, we slowly walked back toward our bikes carrying the flags. After talking for a few minutes, we all left until the next time we are called. I backtracked east on I-40 to Rte. 226, then rode Rte. 226 all the way to Shelby. I was home by 2 PM.




4th Annual Sudan Shriners Motor Patrol Poker Run By: Dark On Saturday, April 28th, I went on the 4th Annual Sudan Shriners Motor Patrol Poker Run. It started at the Lenoir County Shrine Club on Hwy. 70E in Kinston, NC. Registration was from 9 – 10 am and KSU was at 10:15. There were 33 bikes and a lot of two ups. We had a rider’s meeting to talk about safety, the route, and finished with a prayer. Then we mounted up and left out. We took a back road to New Bern Harley-Davidson where they were having their Spring Open House. We stayed a while and enjoyed the festivities before regrouping and heading back to the Lenoir County Shrine Club where we enjoyed a sit-down meal of hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and all the fixins. Once everyone had eaten, we drew our cards for the poker run. You could buy as many hands as you wanted. Then they did the drawings for the door prizes. They had a 50/50 which came up to $104. The winner donated the money back to the cause. I did not know much about the Sudan Temple or the Shriners. I was glad that I went and found out what they do. They operate 22 hospitals for children worldwide. They provide care for children with ailments from burns to birth defects and many other problems at no charge to the families. They also provide transportation and lodging for the child and family. I had heard of the Shriners and their hospitals, but I had no idea

that they operated so many different hospitals. They are a great group. We had perfect weather for the ride through the country and the money raised went to help burned and crippled children. I am looking forward to riding in the 5th Annual Sudan Shriners Motor Patrol Poker Run next year.


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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

The 8th Annual Kids Path Bike Show And Poker Run

By: Scott Wicker On Saturday, April 28th, Down Home Harley-Davidson hosted the 8th Annual Kids Path of Hospice of Alamance/Caswell County Bike Show and Poker Run. The show was blessed by beautiful weather that brought out a lot of show bikes and spectators as well. New MotorClothes® and accessories for

the spring riding season created a buzz in the store and the parts counter counter guys stayed busy answering questions and helping customers with new HD® parts and accessories. Motorcycle sales are great and with the new model Harley’s available, sales can only get better. Outside, folks were being entertained by Six Ways To Sunday and some great food was being served up by the Grillin’ And Chillin’ folks of the Burlington H.O.G. Chapter. The main attraction of the day was the fact that the 8th Annual Kid’s Path of Hospice of Alamance/Caswell Counties Bike Show was taking place at the dealership. 37 motorcycles registered for the show and almost every bike that registered received a custom made trophy. Anthony Marsh was Down Home Harley-Davidson’s Choice for Best Of Show and Micky Oakley received the award for Best Paint. Fifty-seven Bikes participated in the poker run. 50/50 tickets were sold and great items were donated for the benefit. The door prizes were too many to mention. The Bob Karney Calendar Girls were on hand signing autographs and giving away their signature calendars. In all, over $16,000 and counting was raised for Kids Path of Hospice. A Special Thanks to Lucky’s Saloon and Down Home Harley-Davidson. We appreciate all the donations and door prizes given by numerous people. A Big “Thank You” goes out to all the bike show participants and those who attended the show and participated in the poker run. Thanks also to those who donated their time to this worthy cause. Thanks to Adams Towing & Recovery, Collateral Recovery Solutions, Bullzeye Signs & Graphics Co., Mitch Oakley Trucking, Kudzu Textiles, Mega Plumbing, RJR Electric Heating Air, Oakley Trucking, Mega Electrical, Down Home Harley-Davidson, TA Davis Construction Inc., Dick Shirley Chevrolet, Nichols Dodge, Todd’s Affordable Furniture, Whiskey Sowers, Sunshine Realty, Maple View Farm Ice Cream,



Lakeview Speed Shop, Lucky’s Saloon, Trademark Roofing and Gutters, Hooter’s, Adam Covington Trucking, County Ford, David Westcott Buick-GMC, Michael’s Used Cars, Roger Stutts, Fashion Express, Wild Side Kustoms, Jerry Hughes Towing, Foust & Holt Backhoe, Super Save Pawn, Cox Toyota, Flow Honda of Burlington, Adam’s Auto & Accessories, Foust Corner Market, Superior Trailer, Charles Jones Construction, Let’s Talk Trash, Quality Collision Solutions, Ron Jordan Electric, After Dark Diesel, Aegis Performance, O. K. Recycling, Haterz Athletics, Massey Redi Mix Concrete, Steve’s Leathers, The Stumbling Pig, Carolina Nissan, Dave’s Discount Furniture, Frank’s, Pegram Prevattie Ins., Impact, and Pro Connection! Thank You Sponsors! We would like to Thank You All for Coming Out to Support the Kids Path of Hospice Bike Show. A Special Thank You to everyone at Down Home Harley-Davidson for hosting the event and Lucky’s Saloon for Hosting the After Party! Thanks to Bird Dog for all that you have done to make this bike show happen. We are all here to support the Kids Path of Hospice. Remember, ride safe!


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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


WNC Bikers Ride For Blaze By: Wally Wersching On May 5th, the Western North Carolina Bikers (WNCB) hosted a fundraiser for April “Blaze” Suttle to help with her medical expenses while she fights cancer. It was held at the Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church in Forest City, NC which has been a center for worship in western North Carolina since 1838. Registration was at 10: AM, and the ride commenced at 11: AM. The police escorted ride traveled through some of the beautiful back roads She is a beautiful surrounding Forest City, young lady whose and ended back at the smile will melt any church for a hot dog lunch. The live music heart. was by “Defenders of the Cross”. There was also a 50/50 drawing, and door prizes. The WNC Bikers did all they could to raise money for one of their own members, Blaze. I arrived at the church about 10 AM and was pleasantly surprised to see a large group of motorcycles parked in the church parking lot. I walked to the registration to drop off

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a stack of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazines. I gave them my donation, even though I wasn’t actually going on the run, I still wanted to donate to the cause. That’s where I met Blaze for the first time. She is a beautiful young lady whose smile will melt any heart. We hugged and spoke for a few minutes. She is a very strong person. Afterwards, I mingled with the other bikers – many of whom are friends. Dawg, one of the WNC Bikers officers, was there, and we talked about another biker I saw with the name “DAWG” all over his bike. I guess there are two of them. The band was setting up, and more bikers rolled in and registered. It appeared that they were going to have a great event. The weather was perfect for a ride with temps in the 70’s, and partly cloudy skies. While we were all waiting for the start of the run, I talked with friends about upcoming events in the area along with the best roads for a scenic fun ride. That’s when I noticed that the church had a large cemetery adjacent to the church. I walked around reading many of the interesting headstones. Many of the headstones relate to the people who were attending the church in the 1800’s. That’s when I took a closer look at the beautiful old church. It wasn’t the original building from 1838 but probably rebuilt in the early 1900’s. I like the fact that there is a lot of history all around us. I walked back down the row of motorcycles and looked at what was there. There were all kinds of bikes from the little Honda 400/4 to the huge Harley Ultra Classic. Most were Cruiser style bikes. There were no “Crotch Rockets” even though they would be welcomed. I saw another Victory Kingpin, so “Miss Vickie” wasn’t the only Victory at the event.

FullThrottleMagazine.com Every Thursday is

Bike Night With


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As it got closer to 11:00, the bikers moved toward their bikes, and the Sheriff’s Deputy got ready to lead the run. All the bikers gathered around for a pre-ride meeting and prayer. It’s always good to ask God to watch over the riders. It can get dangerous while riding in a group. The bikers mounted their rides and the bikes roared to life. All were waiting for the traffic to be stopped, and the Sheriff’s Deputy to pull out. Blaze and her husband led the parade behind the police car then all the others followed. It didn’t take long for the 27 bikes to leave the church lot. They roared past me as I took pictures of many of them with the church sign in the background. There was a lady taking a video of the bikes leaving along with another lady taking still shots like me. They are posted on the Church’s Facebook page. After they left the lot, I walked back to “Miss Vickie” for the ride home. Cindy and I went out for a delicious lunch at our favorite restaurant in Boiling Springs, NC. It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning - giving to someone in need.





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Bike Night starts @ 5 pm in the Lexington Uptown Square. Visit our spot near the DJ booth for your chance to win a $100 Tilley H-D of Salisbury Gift Certificate.

Group Ride to Bike Night

Meet us at the dealership between 4 pm and 4:30 to register for the ride. KSU at 4:45 pm

JUNE 8th: Alive After Five

in Uptown Lexington. Come Rock with Tilley in the Standell Lot (Behind the Civic Center). Concert starts @ 6 pm. Check out Facebook.com/AliveAfterFiveLexington for updates and details.


The Red Cross will be in our H.O.G.® Room from 11 am – 3:30 pm accepting blood donations. Appointments are available but walk-ins are welcome.

JUNE 20th: Veterans Coffee

10am. Veterans meet in our H.O.G room to enjoy free coffee and donuts while they socialize with other veterans.

JUNE 30th: Parking Lot Swap Meet

Triple Points for Riders Rewards Customers in celebrat ion of Father’s Day on


Special Offer For All U.S. Military, Veterans, $ First Responders WITH HARLEY-DAVIDSON RIDING ACADEMY & your Spouses


10am – 4pm An opportunity to buy or sell those elusive treasures. See Junior for details.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


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If you’re into a specific brand- then a club such as BMW Owners of America, Honda Riders Club, Suzuki Owners Club, or Harley Owners (HOG) group is for you. These types of clubs have one thing in common; they support the brand of bike you ride. The advantages here are huge. Members have knowledge that is shared and can be helpful while diagnosing a mechanical problem, choosing which tire or oil is best, and upgrading or adding to your ride. Members may also help you choose which style fits your riding abilities and interests’ best. Perhaps you’re into a particular interest that is not brand specific. Groups such as Southern Cruisers, We Ride North Carolina, and others welcome all brands and host varied events and rides. There are also interest specific clubs such as Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA), and Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) that support causes. These clubs are usually


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By: Pete “Reign Man” Weinrich Do you ride? Do you really ride? Are you getting fulfilment out of your rides? If you read this magazine on a regular basis you may already know some of the events. There are articles of past rides, listings of future events, and tons of information. Thank you to Full Throttle for posting the events, and thanks to the sponsors for supporting the magazine. In a recent edition Letter From The Editor, Mark Infield challenged riders “to attend as many activities as you can”. He also challenged readers to “Go somewhere different this year”. My hope is that this article will assist you in meeting both of those goals. There are as many different types of riders as there are bikes. Fair weather, weekend, endurance, sport, cruising; you name it; there’s a bike and a rider for just about any and all occasions. I began riding over 40 years ago. Through the years size, style, and brands have changed. I’m currently riding two styles, touring with a 2014 Ultra Classic, and sport with a 2018 Fat Bob. There’s a Kawasaki KZ1000 Police Bike that I once rode on duty, sitting in the garage undergoing restoration. But this article is not about what I ride, it’s about what you ride, when, how, and where. In this article, I am encouraging you to do some research about riding. You may find yourself challenged to ride more, ride often, and even explore some more. Perhaps you find yourself riding to work more often, or seeing something that interests you, or just to meet new friends and see new places. There are numerous ways to enhance your riding pleasure. These are but a few options as you explore the internet and your local dealers and clubs.



open to like-minded people. Other groups such as the Green Knights (Military), Blue Knights (Police), Red Knights (Fire), usually require a member to be a part of the particular employment (Active duty or retired Military, Police Officer or Firefighter) and allow some type of Associate membership (usually close friends and family). These clubs provide a common fellowship or bond and interest. Still other clubs support special interests such as Women On Wheels (obviously supporting women who ride), and specific organizations such as the Iron Butt Association (IBA), which promotes safe endurance riding. Once you have checked out a group, see what they offer! Many groups offer specific rides and challenges. A BMW group in North Carolina provides an annual list of locations challenging members to ride to those locations. Blue Knights offer awards for life-saving or heroic deeds by members, and an award for the longest distance ridden to their national conventions. Some dealerships offer challenges like Polar Bear Rides - most miles ridden in January, mileage recognition (miles in a year, miles for life), while some groups like HOG offer challenges like ABC’s of HD, where points are awarded for Towns, Counties, States, and of course dealers visited during a year. Similar programs are offered by clubs such as the Red Knights that use the first letter of a fire station to spell words like “Red Knight”, “Fire Station”, or complete the entire alphabet and award appropriate patches. The challenge there is to ride to the fire station and take your picture, with your bike in front of the fire station. It’s a challenge to get the “X” Fire Station. There are the groups like IBA, that support endurance riding and Tour Of Honor which support visiting selected memorials in various states. IBA provides the opportunity for well documented and interesting rides such as the Saddle Sore 1,000 (1,000 miles in under 24 hours), Egg Sanity (1,000 miles and eating eggs at four different approved locations in under 24 hours), or perhaps you want to be an “Ibanaught” (ride from Earth TX to Moon PA leaving on an Apollo Launch date). One of their rides is the National parks Tour - visit at least 25 States and 50 National Parks (documented) in one year. Other groups honor events or people such as the TOH which provides 6 sites per state/region as well as specific sites for extra credit such as Huey Helicopters, Doughboys, and K9 Memorials. The idea is to visit as many listed memorial sites as you can between April 1 and October 30. Many of these groups offer recognition for each other’s rides. Members can earn special IBA certificates for visiting at least 4 TOH sites with 1,000 miles under 24 hours. Groups such as TOH support charitable organizations as well as challenging you to visit places of interest, while IBA requires extensive documentation to support your claim, leaving no doubt to the public that you actually rode that far. No matter what type of group(s) you choose, keep your options open to combining rides. For example; You’re a firefighter and member of RKMC, you’re riding and visiting the IBA National Parks rides which may lead you past several TOH sites, and as you travel on your BMW perhaps you pass some of those pre-selected sites as well as visit some fire stations. Visit,


get your photos, make new connections, you’ll be surprised the people you meet along the way and the insight you get into historic events. Not everyone can or should ride in snow, rain, or extreme cold and heat. To use a phrase from a movie - “A man’s got to know is limitations”. However, you may find that you are much more capable than you previously thought. In many cases, the challenge is the motivation to do something you didn’t think you could. My wife (who rides as pillion), was confident that an IBA SS 1000 was going to be too much. The plan; We will try and stop if you feel you can’t make it or it gets dangerous (IBA stresses safety and therefore does not dictate a ride start if it’s bad weather go another day). She now has two certificates of completion and is working to complete the National Parks Tour with over 14 states, and 50 sites already visited in 2018. Planning and riding to various destinations can broaden your knowledge (National Parks are full of history), bring you to a new cause (i.e. preventing child abuse), meet new friends with similar interests (clubs), or just get out more. Ride for a cause, ride because, just ride! Learn from your fellow riders and share your story. The options are only limited by your imagination. Who knows - you may find the world’s largest rocking chair in Carey, IL, end up in Moonshine, IL (Population 2) eating a Moon burger, head to Waco, Texas, see New Orleans, or stop at a local VFW for a picture with a Huey. No matter where you go, you’re sure to meet new people and see new things. Get out and explore. Be Safe! I’ll see you on the road.




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


Benefit For Bambi, Missy, And Spanky




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By: Smiley On April 22, Missie and Dave Thompson hosted another great benefit at Double D’s Burnout Saloon for 3 riders that had an accident on the way to a funeral for another fallen biker. We continue to keep the Perdue family in our prayers. We are so happy say Bambi and Missy’s injuries will heal. BBQ and the fixings were cooked up by Shoney Boy, JJ, and Lonnie Murphy. Plates of BBQ, 50/50, and raffle tickets were sold with all proceeds going to our friends. There were even tie-died t-shirts available for purchase. Southern Bones rocked the backyard with some great music. The love and support from many friends and family was overwhelming and heartwarming to say the least.



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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

10th Annual Miles For Mutts Official U.S. Postmark By: Gary Steelman This official U.S. Postmark was issued by the Burlington, NC Post Office to commemorate the 10th Annual Miles For Mutts event. This is unique in that the likeness of Baby, a 21/2 year old collie, was used in the design along with David Smith, a motorcycle rider, was used. This has never happened before in the nation. David is a Statesville native and is a retired law enforcement officer and a former president of the Dogwood Wings, local Chapter of the GWRRA (Gold Wing Restaurant Raiders

Association, ha! ha!). David is a local artist drawing biker life themed pencil and ink postcards and like mediums. David says, “No computer, no email, no wife - totally unsupervised!” You might run into David at local events or cruising around town riding his Goldwing trike with his dog, Baby. David said he and Baby were the only dog and rider riding at “Miles for Mutts.” Good job David, ride safe!

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NHRA 4-Wide At zMAX Story and photo by Alan Dockery Twice a year The National Hot Rod Association brings their amazing show to the zMAX Dragway in Concord, NC. As April winds down, fans pack the place for the Mello Yello Drag Racing Series NGK Sparkplugs Four-Wide Nationals. Yeah, they run four at the same time instead of two. Four 10,000 horsepower Top Fuel or Funny Cars launching at the same time really rattles the stands and the fans. ZMAX is an awesome facility. Acres of race cars and bikes. Everything from kids in Junior Dragsters and stock cars to Top Fuel. There were enough Pro Mods at zMAX to fill two fields. I know y’all Southerners love Pro Mod. They ran some cool old Gassers, too. Lots of old race cars were there on display. “Every ticket is a pit pass,” has been the saying for years in NHRA. You can walk the pits and check out that stock 1967 Camaro and all those old Corvettes, Mustangs, and Cudas racing that weekend. You can talk to the crews, drivers, and riders. Before the first round of qualifying, most of the Pro Stock Motorcycle riders were at the NHRA Member Tent signing autographs. There are always retired stars of drag racing at the strip hanging out with fans and signing memorabilia. Shirley Muldowney, the most famous woman driver, was set up by the Modern Outlaw trailer thrilling fans with her stories. I dig the cars, but Pro Stock Motorcycle is what really gets me to the strip. A bunch of bike racers y’all know and love were there. By the end of qualifying, 21 riders had made passes to get into the 16-Bike field.

The usual Carolina racers were there. Matt Smith, King, NC, was supposed to ride Joe Riccardi’s Suzuki this year. However, the bike was not at the track for qualifying. Matt pulled out the Victory bike from last year, scrounged up parts and took it to the final round. Angie Smith, King, NC was back on the Buell and running well. Melissa Surber, Mooresville, NC, was also at zMAX. The Four-Wide is a tricky race trying to stage and run against three other machines. In the final round it was Harley, Victory, and a couple Suzukis ready to scream down the strip. Matt Smith faced Andrew Hines on a factory Harley Street Rod and the Suzukis of Scotty Pollacheck and Jerry Savoie. Taking his first win of the season was Savoie running a 6.784 second pass at 195.73 mph.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

6th Annual Blessing Of The Bikes

By: Sheila Knox On Saturday April 26th, the Cove Church Motorcycle Life Group in Mooresville, NC hosted it’s 6th Annual “Blessing of the Bikes” event. It was a beautiful day and more than 50 people gathered for coffee and donuts at 9:30. The group then came together for a prayer of thanksgiving and requests for a safe ride. Afterwards 30 bikes were blessed. The kickstands went up to start the country ride through Iredell County and ended at the Rocky Face State Park. Lunch was served by Huey’s Dawg and Concessions and the hotdogs were delicious! The Rocky Face Church in Hiddenite allowed us to park the bikes and the concession truck at their church so we’re very appreciative! Each Life Group member brought plenty of desserts to share! After lunch, the ride was completed, and small groups left to enjoy more motorcycle riding in the beautiful foothills of NC.




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


18th Annual Claremont Rescue Poker Run Story and photo by Alan Dockery I love a local poker run with friends helping a local organization that we all may need to help us some day. On a pretty late April Saturday morning, about 200 riders headed out for the 18th Annual Claremont Rescue Pig Pickin’ and Poker Run. Some days it’s just fun to make a lap of the area with your “All of the riders buddies. The Claremont said that the ride Rescue Squad was awesome,” is the folks who could be there to help each of us someday. In addition to the police and fire departments, these first responders have specialized training in rescuing you from all kinds of places you could find yourself in trouble. “All of the riders said that the ride was awesome,” said Rescue Squad Chief, Eric Jones. “Cecil Cook and the Blue Knights have been helping since our first one. Cecil and his guys set out a great ride. The riders are always the backbone of


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the event. With almost 200 riders we felt that was an excellent turnout. We have people start asking us about the ride as early as January. They want to get it on their calendar every year.” Maybe those riders are thinkin’ about the Pig Pickin’, too. The poker run ends at the rescue squad where they have set out some good food. BBQ pig and chicken and fixings and deserts. Folks come from all over the county for supper that day. Lots of them come over to the motorcycle parking, too, and talk about the pretty machines and bikes they had years ago. The Big FanDamily Band was playing for folks enjoying the BBQ and checking out auction items and door prizes. “Ronald Navey won the best poker hand and donated his winnings back to the squad,” Jones said. “Thanks to the St. Stephens High School and Bunker Hill High School Beta Clubs this year for their help. Without strong support from our members and groups like these kids it would be hard to put this event on every year.” This ride is also when I buy my first tickets for the rescue squad’s annual gun raffle. In November they give away a gun a day for 20 days. Tickets are only $20 and sell until the drawing. Stop by the Claremont Rescue Squad at 2748 S Oxford Street in Claremont, NC or call 828-459-7968 to get your chance to help the squad and maybe win a nice new gun.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Combat Vets 15-9 Carolina Crawl

By: David “Negan” Hinze April 28th marked the start of The “ Carolina Crawl”, a joint venture between CVMA chapters NC 15-9 and SC 34-1. CVMA NC 15-9 began its ride at Cox’s Double Eagle Over 100 bikes Harley-Davidson in Pinehufrom 8 different rst, and traveled to Wallace, states participated SC to link up with CVMA SC 34-1, who had traveled there in the ride. from Columbia, SC. Over 100 bikes from 8 different states participated in the ride. Once linked up, the mass of riders roared to Darlington Raceway for a tour and photo opportunity, then continued on to Black Jack Harley-

Davidson in Florence, SC for fun and fellowship. Following the ride, an after party was held at Seminar Brewing. The weather gods were smiling upon this day with temperatures kissing the 80’s and the sun shining brightly for this 200-mile round trip venture. One couldn’t ask for a better day to kick off the season, or to spend with family and friends. This was NC 15-9’s inaugural Spring Ride, and plans are already under way to make next year’s ride bigger and better.

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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Freedom Biker Church Of Fayetteville 6th Annual Bike Blessing By: Wendy Rogers The NC Sandhills Bike Blessing hosted annually by Freedom Biker Church in Fayetteville, held on the first Saturday of April is always a great event. It started 6 years ago to reach out and pray for the safety of those in our community that ride and anything else that is going on in their life. All the volunteers meet up early in the morning to eat breakfast that has been prepared by the awesome cooking team at the Church. Then the vendors come in and set up and have everything ready by 10:30 so the event will begin with a great day expected. The event starts at 11 am and goes to about 2 pm. The main prayer, led by Pastor JD Tew, is at Noon. The weather was not cooperating with it this year, though. It was raining and drizzling all day. But the good thing is, it was not

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a cold rain and it did not stop the event. The day went on regardless. There were over 30 vendors this year and more than 400 people were present. The Grand Prize this year was a trip to The Fontana Resort which was won by Buck and Barbara Larrimore. There were Bar-B-Q plates made and prepared by the cooking team. Lots of food was available and all types of vendors were available for about anything you would have been looking for. The Pastor JD Tew starts the day off with a prayer, and the prayers for the people and the bikes continue throughout the day. This day of prayer is not just for the motorcycles and the motorcyclist, it is about worship and praying about anything you have going on. The Church reaches out to everybody in the local community in hopes that if anyone is out there and looking for a church home that they can feel comfortable at, to come and worship with them at Freedom Biker Church. It is a Biker Church, but that doesn’t mean you have to ride or even have a motorcycle to attend. Any and all people are welcome at this facility. If you are looking for a church, you need to give Freedom Biker Church a try. It is located at 455 Rock Hill Road in Fayetteville, NC 910-567-2221. Hangout time begins at 10 am and Service Time is 10:45. I look forward to seeing you there. Watch The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Cruisin’ Calendar for more future events like this.




Boozy Creek 50th Anniversary Dirt Drags Story and photo by Alan Dockery Some of us remember 1968. I was only 13, but already had motorcycles on my mind and a Stingray bike with ball cards in the spokes. Fifty years ago, some bikers came together and started the Peacemakers Motorcycle Club. Soon they had chapters in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. A couple times a year I go over the mountain to Boozy Creek, near Bristol, for their parties. Boozy Creek sure sounds like a fun place. And it is when the Peacemakers MC of Kingsport, TN holds the Boozy Creek Field Meet and Dirt Drags. The meets are held around Mother’s Day and Fourth Of July. Mother’s Day weekend they kicked off the 50th Anniversary Year. The big celebration will be July 6-8. Saturday is field games. They start off with riding games and then we get down on foot. The games usually involve beer. “GO” means chug a beer before you start, then another at the turn around. I want to see more of y’all in the games. Some of these guys have grown up at Boozy Creek and are good at biker games. Y’all ought to come take home some trophies. Bike Games Winners were: Helmet Toss – Cody. Water Haul – Tattoo and Micaela. Honey I’m Home – Phillip and Juggs. Weenie Bite – John and Genie. Slow Ride – Cody. And Cody put on a show to win the Burn Out Contest. People Games Winners were: Men’s Keg Toss – Cody. Women’s Keg Toss – Savannah. Beer Guzzlin’ Bouncy Ball Race – Megan. Ski Race was won by the team of Dylan, Christian, and Phillip. Cody and Savannah won the Fun With Plunger Race. I gotta say thanks to the band Plan Z. They lived up to their name that day and night. Plan Z was scheduled to be the first band and play late afternoon. Well, the Saturday night band had some sick folks and couldn’t make it. So, Plan Z played on into the night after I limped back to the camp and crashed. Sunday, the crowd grows as folks ride in for the day and the dirt drags. After a round of the race bikes taking to the track for qualifying, folks were ready to bring their own rides out for the bike show. Some fine machines were at this little place in the hills. Bike Show Winners were: Dresser – Tree IRMC. Dyna – Boston Bobby. Sportster – Kern. Indian – Mira Little. NonHarley – Dewayne Thompson. Custom – Michael Quillon. Classic – Snake. Trike – Chad Shepard. Softtail - Roy Kilgore. Best Paint – Clinton Hill. Folks, from kids on 50cc bikes to snortin’ Harleys and monster, high-powered Jap bikes got into the dirt drags. I’m surprised more of you young, rowdy guys ain’t found an old Jap bike and brought it to Boozy Creek to race. Think straight

line Holligan Race. You can race your street bike since there are Harley and foreign street tire classes. Drag Race winners were: Kids – Harley Boggs. Street Tire – Tattoo. Money Class – James Shelton won and Brandon Luttrell was runner up. Cody took third. The party ends with the Miss Boozy Creek contest. Jackie took the stage and showed us all her tattoos to win. The Peacemakers have a great place for an old fashioned biker party. There are lots of shaded campsites. The layout makes for short walks from your camp to the party. Cold beer, adult slushies, and great food are available. Servings are biker sized. Ralph’s burgers will fill you up for supper and the big breakfast fuels you for the day. Vendors line one side of the field with all kinds of cool biker stuff. Including 50th Anniversary tattoos. Leon stays busy all weekend at his knife sharpening booth bringing pocket to kitchen knives back to life. The Peacemakers MC hosts a cool, old fashioned biker party at their beautiful place in the Tennessee hills. Bring your race bike, field event partner, a good attitude, and y’all come join for the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Checkout www.FullThrottleMagazine.com for lots more photos. You can enjoy my videos on You Tube at Hickory Doc.



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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

American Legion 4th Annual Ride For Veteran Warriors By: Johnny Reb Saturday May 5th was a beautiful day for a ride, and I jumped at the chance to ride to one of my favorite destinations, Hometown HarleyDavidson in Winterville, NC. The American Legion Post 94 in Snow Hill NC, put on their 4th Annual Ride For Veteran Warriors. Everybody I noticed that most was gathered of the riders were at Hometown Veterans and a lot of Harley for the Veteran clubs were registration and start of the represented. ride, which would take them to Little Washington and back to Hometown for some delicious BBQ from Moore’s BBQ of Greenville. There were plenty of bikes and everyone was looking forward to a great day of riding. They had even secured the NC Highway Patrol motorcycle police to run blockers for the ride. They rode with precision and skill, and it was a pleasure to see them ride. The only complaint I have is that it just doesn’t seem right that a state agency uses BMW motorcycles and not American made Harley-Davidson motorcycles. This is strictly an observation from an old gray beard who believes in American made products. I noticed that most of the riders were Veterans and a lot of Veteran clubs were represented.

The clubs that were riding were American Legion Riders, Brothers First, and Combat Vets. It was an honor to be there and represent The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine, as a Marine and writer. This rag your holding in your hands is first to stand up for Veterans and this great country. Closing out, I would like to thank Hometown Harley-Davidson once again for their continued support of Veteran causes and their hospitality. This is Johnny Reb - out.


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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


5th Annual American Legion Durham Post 7 Poker Run By: Ed Cleary When does the riding season in North Carolina begin? For many it was Saturday, April 29, when 96 motorcycles, with 26 passengers, met at Raging Bull Harley-Davidson for 5th Annual American Legion Durham Post 7 poker run. The turnout for this year’s ride almost doubled the previous best. This year’s event was used to raise money for a Scholarship Fund created by Durham Post 7, and was done to honor the The turnout for memory of Robby Cowan, Durham Post 7 member who this year’s ride unexpectedly passed away almost doubled last October. the previous best. The registration for the 71-mile ride started at 10:30 AM, at Raging Bull HarleyDavidson dealership in Durham. Always a great host, Raging Bull graciously provided food, beverages and a band. After drawing our first cards, a safety briefing was held, and a short benediction was given. Kick stands came up promptly at CASH BAR ONLY • ATM AVAILABLE



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12:30, and the ride was underway. Escorted out of town by the Durham County Sheriff’s Department, which was not a new experience for many of the riders, we made our way across Falls Lake and into Creedmoor to the Concerned Bikers Association, Granville County Chapter clubhouse for the drawing of the second card and more refreshments. The ride then made its way through Creedmoor and Butner to Mike’s Lakeview Hideaway in Bahama for card draw number three. Stop number four was at Crazy Shots Billiards in Hillsboro where, in addition to refreshments, a drawing was held for door prizes. With the afternoon wearing on, we then made an Interstate dash down to the American Legion Post 7 in Durham. Being part of a group of 96 motorcycles merging into I-85 traffic is nothing short of exhilarating! Once at the lodge, final cards were drawn and again food was provided, this time by the American Legion volunteers. In the end, David Earl Whitfield held the winning poker hand and $1,852.32 was raised for the scholarship fund. Joseph Riley Dean, the event organizer and ride leader, expressed his sincere gratitude to all who participated in the ride. He also thanks the many volunteers, groups, and businesses who volunteered their time and facilities to make all of this happen, including the Granville County CBA, the Person County CBA, the Purple Heart Vets, the Sevenfold Vets, several different Legion Riders clubs and the Bull City H.O.G. chapter.



Ride Sunday 2018


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AMA National and Regional News May 2018 The International Day Of Riding For A Cause, is scheduled for June 3. Supported by Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, REV’IT!, Triumph Motorcycles, and Royal Enfield, Ride Sunday is an effort to unite the global motorcycling community. Hundreds of thousands of riders around the world are expected to participate, and organizers hope for more than $1 million in donations for more than 50 charity beneficiaries. Ride Sunday is open to all motorcyclists and scooter riders regardless of bike style or riding preference, be it on-road or off-road. All riders are encouraged to participate and raise funds for a charity of their choice by either joining a certified dealer ride, hosting their own ride, or joining an existing group ride via www.ridesunday.com.


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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


9th Annual Officer Down Memorial Ride

By: Dark On May 12th, I went on the Blue Knights 9th Annual Officer Down Memorial Ride. I arrived at 9 am to find breakfast ready and bikes already lined up. It started at Hometown Harley-Davidson in Winterville, NC. Each rider and passenger received a shirt, towel, door prize ticket, and meal ticket. You 1335 National Hwy. Thomasville, NC picked your towel which had a paper with picture and information about a fallen officer to ride with you. The South Central High School ROTC and The Police Explorer Program was helping with parking. It was good to see young people coming out early on a Saturday www.MidwayYamahaSuzuki.com morning to help Law Enforcement out. There were about 100 motorSun-Mon: Closed, Tues-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-2


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cycles and 140 riders signed up. They did a memorial to the fallen officers with bag pipes followed by the Pledge Of Allegiance and a prayer. A short riders meeting and instructions informed us that there were 2 medical personnel on bikes and a support truck and trailer on the ride. After an hour ride we finished at the Mayflower Seafood Restaurant in Winterville, NC. They provided us with a dozen choices for lunch, 6 fried and 6 grilled and all the fixings. The staff did a great job accommodating the extra 150 people in addition to their regular lunch crowd. While we were finishing our meals, they started on all the door prizes. The bar was lined up with them. When your number was called, you could pick the one you wanted, which was nice. There were 5 extra door prizes from Hometown H-D, a 50/50, and an auction for a homemade metal flag. This event was rescheduled from April 7th due to rain, but it worked out great because the weather was beautiful today. I enjoyed spending time with all the law enforcement officers. It sure was nice to be riding with them rather than from them.




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Virtual Bikeshow

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This Month’s Winner Is...

Robin “Deuce” Stroud Of Kinston, NC With This

2010 H-D Road King

2nd Place

3 Rd Place

Herbert Chappell’s 2001 H-D Road King

Rick Sweet’s 2015 H-D Freewheeler

Vote Online




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Thunder In The Smokies Spring Motorcycle Rally By:WildThing This one is the 16th Annual Thunder in the Smokies. Boy, you have to be doing something right to have it going on for sixteen years. Tip your helmet to Chris and Lori for all their hard work and dedication to present the spring and fall rally for so many years and now a third rally June 29 to July 1. They don’t always get good weather, but May 4-6 this year was A-OK. They have on hand a slew of good vendors that set up around the perimeter of the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds offering all kinds of biker gear, festival foods, etc. One of the things a first-timer to Thunder in the Smokies finds is falling in love with the festival grounds. It is a large flat grassy field nestled in the center of Maggie Valley, surrounded by beautiful scenic mountains. Once inside the gates, it feels real cozy, despite the wide-open space. When we arrived Friday afternoon, I was amazed at the

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number of bikes parked inside, outside, and in line waiting to get in! It was great to see so many folks ready to have a good time. There is always a good line-up of entertainment that begins at 5:30 and runs through 11pm on Friday and Saturday nights. Lori also had LA Santa Damiana Fire Dancer on hand for performances both nights. The music concerts are sponsored by Smoky Mountain Steel Horses, the local Indian motorcycle dealership. All the vendors stay open long into the evening, with their booths all lit up it creates a party atmosphere. And don’t worry, there is plenty of cold beverages under the tent opposite the music stage and up at the bar. Saturday the gates open up at 9 and the vendors are open for business. A tour ride to the Blue Ridge Parkway meets at 10 and Lori said there were 100 bikes on this Spring’s ride. By the time they get back, motorcycles are pouring in the festival grounds to begin the day’s activities. The no-charge people’s choice bike show is held in front of the music stage. All you have to do to enter is park in the right area and place your helmet on the ground beside the front wheel. As rally goers enter the gate, they are given a ticket and instructed to place it in the helmet of their favorite bike. You have to hold off voting until all the bikes that are competing in the bike show are entered. They give voters plenty of warning of when to vote. The Tom McGrath Law Group sponsors the bike show. Finally, the Thunder Girls count the tickets in the helmets and the winners are announced. Third place and $200 went to Tony Martin from Maryland for his bright orange 2010 RoadKing. Second place and $300 prize went to Glen Merryman from Augusta GA for his 2015 Indian with custom wood saddlebags. And the first-place winner and $500 went to Terry Dailey from Alabama for his Project Patriot 2005 RoadKing, (FMI www.ProjectPatriotBikes.org).



Bike Games are next on the agenda and participants and onlookers gather at the other end of the field from the music stage. The cash prizes offered enticed a good number of participants. They have to acquire points in the various games, weenie bite, slow race, can in the haystack, etc. to earn part of the $1000 cash awarded to the winners in this lively spectacle. The evening music begins at 5:30 and folks that have left for supper usually return for the evening. La Santa Damiana was on hand for her fire dance performance in between Ali Randolph and later Steve Bryson who entertained on the music stage. The headliner for the evening, a crowd favorite, Rockie Lynne, came on at 9:30pm. He’s always a crowd pleaser.


The rally finishes up Sunday with a free pancake breakfast, music at 9 am by Old Skool and a church service. The vendors are open until 3 in the afternoon. This is a run-down of what goes on at the rally, but don’t forget there are plenty of beautiful roads to ride in the area and the local hotels and eateries are biker friendly. Check out the website www. HandlebarCorral and plan on riding up to Maggie Valley for the summer rally June 29-July1 or the fall September 7-9 and go online for discounts & tickets Hope to see you there!.

Spokes & Jokes


The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!

A guy is sitting in his living room watching TV when he notices a police car pull up in front of his house. The Sheriff and his Deputy come up and knock on the front door. He answers the door and the Sheriff says, “Are you Mr. Smith?” “Yes,” he says. “Are you married, sir?” “Yes I am,” replies Mr. Smith. “Would you happen to have a picture of your wife, sir?” “Yes I do,” says Mr. Smith. “Would you mind getting it and showing it to us.” “No problem, gents.” He goes into the living room and returns with her picture and hands it to the Sheriff. A very serious look comes across the Sheriff’s face and he looks at the man and says, “I’m sorry Mr. Smith but it looks like your wife was run over by a truck.” Mr. Smith replies, “I know, but she has a great personality and is a fantastic cook!”

If I was a plastic surgeon, I would 100% put a squeaky toy I every breast implant I performed.

“Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun? There was stunned silence. Shocked, one male parrot looked over at the other male parrot and exclaimed, “Put the beads away, Frank, our prayers have been answered!”

s e k o Sp & s e k Jo

You start the game of life with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience. The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck.

A congressman was seated next to a little girl on an airplane so he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?” “Oh, I don’t know,” said the congressman. “How about global warming, universal health care, or nuclear non-proliferation?” as he smiled smugly. “OK,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” The legislator, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss global warming, universal health care, or nuclear non-proliferation, when you don’t know $h!t?” And then she went back to reading her book.

Chutzpah is a Yiddish word meaning gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, sheer guts and arrogance. It’s Yiddish and, as Leo Rosten writes, “No other word and no other language can do it justice.” Read the story and you will understand. A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25¢ each. Every day a young man would leave his office building at lunch time and as he passed the pretzel stand, he would leave her a quarter, but never take a pretzel. This went on for more than three years. The two of them never spoke. One day, as the young man passed the old lady’s stand and left his quarter as usual, the pretzel lady spoke to him. Without blinking an eye she said: “They’re 35¢ now” Because I’m a man, there is no need to ask me what I’m thinking about. The true answer is always either sex, motorcycles, sex, sports, or sex. I have to make up something else when you ask, so don’t ask.

A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, “Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots but the only know how to say one thing. “What do they say?” the priest inquired. They say, “Hi, we’re hookers! Do you want to have some fun?” “That’s obscene!” the priest exclaimed; then he thought for a moment. You know,” he said, “I may have a solution to your problem. I have two male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible. “Bring your two parrots over to the rectory, and we’ll put them in the cage with Frank and Jacob. My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and worship, and your parrots are sure to stop saying that phrase in no time.” “Thank you,” the woman responded, “this may very well be the solution.” The next day, she brought her female parrots to the rectory. As the preist ushered her in, she saw that his two male parrots were inside their cage, holding rosary beads and praying. Impressed, she walked over and placed her parrots in with them. After a few minutes, the female parrots cried out in unison:

A pharmacist walks into his shop to find a man leaning against the wall. “What’s wrong with him?” the pharmacist asks his assistant. “He came in for some cough syrup,” the assistant explains. “But I couldn’t find any, so I sold him a bottle of laxatives instead.” “What!” the pharmacist says, horrified, “you can’t treat a cough with laxatives!” “Of course you can, declares the assistant, “look at him – he’s far too scared to cough.” The king wanted to go fishing, and so, he asked his royal weather forecaster the forecast for the next few hours. The palace meteorologist assured him that there was no chance of rain. So the king and the queen went fishing. On the way they met a man with a fishing pole riding on a donkey, and the king asked the man if the fish were biting. The fisherman said, “Your Majesty, you should return to the palace! In just a short time I expect a huge rain storm.” The king replied: “I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an educated and experienced professional. Besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him.” So the king and queen continued on their way. However, in a short time a torrential rain fell from the sky. The king and queen were totally soaked. Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to fire the meteorologist. Then he summoned the fisherman and offered him the prestigious position of royal forecaster. The fisherman said, “Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtain my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey’s ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain.” So the king hired the donkey. And thus began the practice of hiring dumb asses to work in influential positions of government. The practice is unbroken to this date.




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


Grand Opening Celebration At Tobacco Road H-D By: WildThing April 21, 2018 was a great day for a party. The place to be was Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson in Raleigh, NC. It was a beautiful spring day as we rolled onto South Saunders Street and met with the usual barricade of motorcycles lining both sides of the street and traffic patrol folks guiding the cagers to parking lots behind the dealership. “Tobacco Road?”, you say. Well, yes, this is the new name that came with new owners of the famous Ray Price HarleyDavidson. John Morotti, owner of Harley dealerships in Arizona and longtime friend of the Price family took the reins in January of 2018. There were hopes that John would attend the grand opening festivities, however a prior commitment prevented him from attending. The day started with traditional ribbon cutting and unveiling of the new Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson sign on the building. There were vendors set up along S. Saunders street and in the parking lot the stage was set up and “Rusted Rails” band was entertaining the crowd. Activities began inside the dealership with a Harley fashion show with H.O.G. members sporting the latest in the spring Harley MotorClothes riding and casual wear. Next up on the fashion runway, Kris Weiss, promotions director, with mic in hand remarked that we can’t move on without honoring the past 35 years of Ray Price Harley-Davidson. With that said, he introduced “Ms. Jean” Price whom the crowd welcomed with a standing ovation and whistles. There was a mixture of fond farewell to the Price family and looking to the future with a new owner, mixed in with the familiar festivities of the spring open house becoming a Grand Opening party. Kris moved on introducing Mark Hendrix, GM, and the familiar faces of the employees that are staying on under the new moniker. He also welcomed Floyd & Brenda of Freedom Biker Church for a prayer and blessing. Kris went on



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to welcome community and neighborhood leaders around the dealership that support it and contribute to the activities. Next on the list of invitees to the stage for recognition was the partner organizations and city of Raleigh dignitaries that work with the dealership to produce the Capital City Bikefest, US Veterans Corp, USO NC, Downtown Raleigh Alliance, Visit Raleigh, and Help Shop Local. In case anyone didn’t believe it would happen, there will be a 14th Annual Capital City Bikefest, scheduled for September 21-23, 2018. A final blessing was offered after words from local city council member and police department, asking to bless the dealership in their new chapter going forward, by Mike Santiago from Focus Church. Moving on to the various contests: the 50’ Putt To Win came very close, but the ball clipped the hole and jumped aside, so the 2018 Sportster did not go home with a winner. Next up was the beard contest with some awesome manly facial growth paraded and judged on style and texture. The winners received grooming kits. There was a cool tattoo contest with male and female categories and a patriotic category. Wrapping up the contests was the Rides Of March awards, the H.O.G. bike raffle and plenty of raffle prizes. Surely everyone had a wonderful time, celebrating the past and future of this dealership and setting the stage for a summer full of activities topped off at the Capital City Bikefest. Congratulations to the Price family for starting and sustaining the dealership for 35 years and thanks to John Morotti for taking on the challenge of the future. Best wishes to Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson!




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


24th Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America Story by Ginny Talley Photo by Kevin Kane This year, former NASCAR driver and NBC Sports racing analyst Kyle Petty brought his annual cross-country charity motorcycle ride back to the East Coast, including a finale at the place most special to him and the riders – Victory Junction. The 24th Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America started in Portland, Maine, on Saturday, May 5 with Petty leading 225 participants, including a record number of more than 25 new riders, through nine states in seven days. Dubbed by Petty as “The Americana Tour,” this year’s route featured many bucket list stops, sights, and activities for participants including victory laps at New Hampshire Motor Speedway and Pocono Raceway, the hallowed grounds of Woodstock, tours of the Martin Guitar Factory, HarleyWhen It Comes To Your Bike, Insurance Coverage Is Personal. It’s the difference between a phone call to an answering system when you need to make a claim and a one-to-one conversation with someone who cares about your bike as much as you do. At Encore Insurance Advisors, we can help you find the coverage you need, from insurance on your accessories to roadside assistance, and our service is always personal, friendly and knowledgeable. Before you take to the road, call Encore. We can protect your bike, and your assets, with the most competitive products available from the most reputable providers.


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Davidson Factory and Petty Museums, a visit to Manheim Pennsylvania—the world’s largest auto auction, and a ride through Shenandoah National Park. Each day of the ride had a different sponsor, including North Carolina’s own Tilley Harley-Davidson. The founder of Tilley Harley-Davidson, the late Don Tilley, was also a founding member of the ride and became known as “Rand McNally” due to the fact that he planned the ride’s route for 20 years. After he passed, his daughter and son-in-law, Denise and Terry LeVan, have continued to represent the Tilley family on the ride as well as continue Tilley Harley-Davidson’s support. This includes providing police motorcycles for the ride’s motor marshals and shipping bikes to the ride’s starting point each year. Each year, the ride’s route changes. It had been more than seven years since the ride visited the East Coast as well as Victory Junction – a camp dedicated to providing life-changing experiences for children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. Located in Randleman, North Carolina, Victory Junction has served as the ride’s primary beneficiary since its establishment by Petty and his family in 2004 in honor of his late son, Adam. According to Petty, ending the ride at Victory Junction brought everything full circle. “Year after year, all the miles we travel are for the kids at Victory Junction. They’re the reason we ride,” said Petty. Because of the ride, 8,085 children have attended Victory Junction at no cost to their families. Last year alone, the ride raised $1.3 million and sent 100 children to Camp. Aside from touring the country, the ride hosts fan events at their pit stops along the way. Here, fans are encouraged to come out to see the sight of 120 motorcycles riding for



the cause, meet celebrity riders, purchase merchandise, and make donations. Among the celebrities who participated in this year’s ride were NASCAR Hall Of Famer and seven-time champion Richard Petty; NASCAR legends Harry Gant, Hershel McGriff, and Donnie Allison; current NASCAR driver David Ragan; former NASCAR driver and ESPN racing analyst Ricky Craven; former NFL great and 1982 Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker; 1980 Heisman Trophy winner and Super Bowl XXII champion George Rogers; and NBC Sports NASCAR personalities Krista Voda, Rutledge Wood, and Rick Allen. “It is such an honor for Denise and myself to continue on the Tilley HD tradition of being on this ride,” said Terry LeVan. “We know now why Don and Robinette love it so much. These riders and everybody involved are some of the most caring and giving people on the planet. We get to ride our bikes and raise money for these kids and the camp, what an awesome thing! I think Kyle said it best. ‘Yes, some days we ride in the cold, wind, snow, or terrible rain storms. But that’s nothing compared to what these kids face every day of their lives.’ Tilley HD is so proud to be involved in this ride. It truly is our honor to do our little part for this amazing big ride!” To see some of the fun that was had during the 24th Anniversary Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America, visit them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @KPCharityRide. To learn more about the organization or to make a donation, visit www.KylePettyCharityRide.com.



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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Bikers United For Jesus Christ Campout 2018 By: Pat Kersey His Laboring Few started this Bikers United For Jesus Campout back in 1992 with our first one in Clemons, NC. As always, we start on Friday evening with a weenie roast and had some great praise and worship by Benjamin’s Mantle. Saturday morning, after breakfast we had a message brought by Wendell Church, and it was a great one. After a lunch of chicken wings and pizza, we had a bike show. We had a great turn out for the bike show with 10 entries. Each person that was there got a ticket to vote on the bike of their choice. Trophies were given out, 1st Place went to Tom Lyons AKA Pyro, and 2nd Place went to Terry Kelly. As the day wore on had a great time of fellowship and just hanging around talking to friends we hadn’t seen in a while. As dinner time came upon us we had some great BBQ. Slim cooked a pig on the grill all day, I believe he started about 5 or 5:30 Saturday morning. After we got our bellies full, we listened to some praise and worship by CJ Ballard, then Carolyn Ervin brought a great message. If you weren’t there, you missed out. Sunday morning after breakfast Benjamin’s Mantel brought the praise and worship, then Preacher Steve Ervin brought the message. A big thanks to Pyro and Richard for all the cooking and for Triad Chapter for serving, Larry and Barbara at South-

side Mission for most of our food, Randy and the guys at the Harvest Camp for all the hard work before, during and after the Campout, Barbara Shelley and Ann Hucks for children’s church, Saturday night and Sunday morning, and for all the campers and non-campers that came out and made this a great weekend. All and all, it was a great weekend and the weather was great. If you missed this one we’ll be having another one on Labor Day weekend, so mark your calendars and we’ll see you there.


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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


2018 Freedom Invades Daytona Beach Bike Week By: Floyd & Brenda Baker Just over a year ago the Clayton, NC Freedom Biker Church® felt directed by our Master Mechanic (Jesus) to hit the road and be a presence at more of the national rallies around the country and let folks know what cool things God has been doing for the past eleven years through the ministry of FBC. With ten churches, and more on the way, there is a great need to share the message that “What the Son sets free, is free indeed.” (John 8:36) Well, it didn’t take the Lord long to open the doors for us to invade Daytona Beach Bike Week. In fact, God moved in such a way that there was no doubt it was His will for us to be there. We could not have pulled it off without the help of Marty Beall, the director of missions for Halifax County, Florida, who introduced us to Pastor Steve Loy at Spruce Creek Baptist Church in Port Orange, Florida. Pastor Steve and his congregation are some jacked up Jesus loving folks who are very active in their local community. God bless them! They were awesome to us as they opened-up their

doors and arms without charging a dime and helped us love the Hell out of folks the whole time by praying for hurting hearts and caring for the undesirable. Like the saying goes, “Folks don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” At Freedom Biker Church® we want the unchurched biker community to know that we really do care. We are NOT here to introduce anyone to church, we want to introduce individuals to a man named JESUS. (Mark 5) To sum it all up, it would be impossible to describe how the Lord showed up every day to provide for even our simplest of needs while opening so many doors and opportunities. He provided space on the parking lot at Destination Daytona just outside the main entrance to Bruce Rossmeyer Harley-Davidson. We could not have dreamed of a better location and look forward to seeing

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everyone back there again next year, Lord willing, of course. We were blessed to see people accept Christ at our space during the rally. The number of people we were able to minister to and pray for was remarkable. The Lord blessed us with salvations, ministry opportunities, spiritual growth, and a great many new relationships. Lord willing, we will be at the 2019 Daytona Bike Week from March 8-17th and already have an invitation from Pastor Steve and his church to use their facility again. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again in sunny Daytona Beach. Make your plans now to look for our booth and stop by if for nothing more than a smile and a friendly welcome, and know that we will be there for you, as we continue to reach the world 2 wheels at a time! Let’s Ride, For Christ Sake®







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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


Amanda’s Ride For MS By: Rose and Lloyd On April 28, the new owners of JR’s Corner Tavern in High Point, NC, Jimmy Hunt and Misty Crouse, put on their first benefit ride. It was for a young girl Amanda Farrell who has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease that can have major impact on your body and life. It affects the spinal cord, to the optic nerves, and of course the brain. The condition. leads to problems with balance, vision, muscle control, and a number of other basic body functions. In 2013 Amanda started experiencing numbness from feet to breast area, was seen and diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis. An MRI was done, but only one legion was found. This doctor seemed to dismiss it. In 2016 pain started in her right eye, and within days she experienced total darkness. At this time, she was diagnosed with MS. A referral was given to a neurologist, but they never









901 Greensboro Rd. High Point, NC

called. Her neighbor and friend worked with a Neurologist and took her MRI to him. The treatment began the next day. The MS has caused her a loss of balance, foot drop, loss of vision in right eye, seizures, and chronic fatigue. Jimmy Hunt a family friend saw the need and he and Misty, called in some help and put this benefit together. It was a beautiful sunny day, and as always, the bikers came out to show their support. The first stop on the ride was The Ole Watering Hole in Winston-Salem, then to Double D’s Burnout Saloon in Kernersville. Then back to JR’s Corner Tavern for fun and raising money. Many thanks to the Marine riders for escorting the ride. There was food cooked and provided by Evan, music by the band Midnight. Vickie Kennedy won the 50/50 and gave it all to the cause. Raffle tickets were sold for a duel charcoal and gas grill, which was won by Dr. Walker of Kernersville. The auction had some wonderful items. Auctioneer was Tony “Mad Dog“ King. Thanks to Jimmy Street for designing the flyers, and Dustin Hilton for printing raffle tickets and flyers. Many thanks go out to all the volunteers and people that donated. Of course, we are always grateful to the biker family. These benefits would not be a success without you. If you were unable to be there, donations can be made to Amanda Farrell in care of Wells Fargo.



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The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine

Raging Bull Harley-Davidson 2nd Annual Poker Chip Ride

By: Ed Cleary The Bull City H.O.G. Chapter 4040, sponsored by Raging Bull Harley-Davidson in Durham, held their 2nd Annual Poker Chip ride on Saturday, May 11th. Fifteen riders raised $300, which was gifted to Tiffany Smith, a niece of one of the club members, to help fund her mission trip to Puerto Rico. Tiffany is a member of the Living World Family Church. On September 20, 2017, hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, knocking out power to most of the island. It is estimated that over 1,000 people have died as a result of the storm and its aftermath. This year, the church will be bringing teams into one of the worst-hit areas of the island to help rebuild people’s lives. This year’s ride featured a unique

twist to the old “poker run” rules. Rather than drawing cards, players drew poker chips from a bag, at each of 5 HarleyDavidson dealerships visited. The bag contained 12 chips of three different colors; blue, purple, and pink. Each color was worth a different point value, blue 20, purple 10, and pink 5. Contestants drew 3 chips from the bag and the colors were recorded on the player form. After the final draw points were totaled and winners and losers were decided. Cliff Peek had best points and Danny Sanger took low point honors. First draw was held at the start of the ride, at Raging Bull, then again at each of the 4 subsequent stops, each at a different Harley-Davidson dealership. Stops included Down Home Harley-Davidson in Burlington, Riding High Harley-Davidson in High Point, Cox’s Harley-Davidson in Asheboro, Cox’s Double Eagle Harley-Davidson in Pinehurst and Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson in Raleigh. Prizes, donated by Raging Bull, were given to both the best and worst hands.




The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine


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