Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com

Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
ell that excalated quickly! april and May were crazy! i tell ya, we are lucky to live in such a great motorcycle community. There was near 30 events listed for each weekend for the last couple months. I went from the Outer Banks to Trenton, NC to Danville, VA then down to Myrtle Beach and hit up some bike nights in between. It’s good to put some miles on the bikes even if we were dodging some serious rain storms! We rushed home from Myrtle Beach to put the finishing touches on this June issue, the 311 issue, of the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. It was a tight squeeze, but we aren’t going to start missing deadlines after 25 years! Ya know, the magazine turns 26 in August, should we have a party or what? I guess we better start planning something! We get so busy riding to events that our own anniversary sneaks up on us every year!
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Trisha, Bill, Len, Rob, Brenda
Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Jerry Andrews, Wally Wersching, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Rob Harper, Charity Apple, Chi, JustBePhotography, Simply Studio 13, Samantha Richardson
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Jerry Andrews, Wally Wersching, Derek Sikes, Chi, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Rob Harper, Allison Nichols, Brenda Reece, Floyd Baker, Jacob Smith
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
Check out the front cover, this month we are featuring RickRak, another family business. Rick and Shane Riffel started their business in a 10x10 booth and everything they have touched has turned to gold! Now they carry most of the major brands of motorcycle accessories and are a nationwide business. They are based out of Concord, NC, but you can catch them at most of the rallies and online at RickRack.com. Check em out on page 7.
The Cruisin’ Calendar says there are plenty of places to go and things to see. I suggest that we take advantage of the short sleeve riding season and go through a couple tires. Go somewhere new, see something you’ve never seen before. Remember your never lost unless you are low on gas! Trust me.
BIKE FEST Depot St., Angier, NC. 5/30: bike night at Napper Tandy’s, downtown Angier, 7-10pm. 5/31: bike night at Napper Tandy’s, downtown Angier, 7-10pm. 6/01: 10am-9pm, food, BBQ cook off, vendors, bike show, live music. 6/02: praise & worship service & ride. Benefits Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, www. angierbikefest.com
JUN 1 TRIAD HONOR FLIGHT AMERICAN GRAFFITI PARTY Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. 6pm, auction, gun raffle, food, DJ,1950’s-60’s themed. 336-763-0707
Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 12pm, cookout benefits underprivileged kids. 336-570-1050
POKER RUN Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd., Youngsville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Proceeds go to Freedom Ride Rescue. FMI, beard.rwmo@gmail.com
JUN 1 BUD’S BIKE FEST Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd., Youngsville, NC. 11am-8pm, KSU 11am, vendors, raffle prizes, live music, food, Harley raffle. All proceeds donated to Duke Children’s Hospital & Revenant Warriors ride. Renae Hill, 209-914-1175
Cabarrus Brewing, 329 McGill Ave NW, Concord, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/bike. Police escort, shirts, gun raffle. Benefits Cabarrus Co Veterans Services. Presented by Steel Rain MC.
JUN 1 3RD ANNUAL “I LOVE YOU” HEATH LIPFORD POKER RUN Cross Roads H-D, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 11am, $20/donation. Live music, games, raffles,
best & worst hand, food 7 drinks. www. crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
Misfits Motorsports of Lincolnton, 2393 E. Main St., Lincolnton, NC. 4pm, two free classes for new & women riders, group ride after classes. www.misfitsmotorsportsoflincolnton.com, misfits.motorsports.llc@gmail.com, 704-240-3602
JUN 1 TATAS & TAILPIPES BIKES, BOOBS & BREW TOUR City Auto & Truck Center, 523 W. Andrews Ave., Henderson, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/driver, $30/driver & rider. Proceeds go to Pretty In Pink Foundation.
Stooge’s Cycles, 1004 N. Hwy 87, Elon, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $15/passenger. Live music, prizes, raffles, vendors, food trucks. Benefits Sam’s Wish Fund at Kids Path of AuthoraCare. Allison, 919-482-8601 or Doug, 336-214-0414
JUN 1 RADD CHARITY MOTORCYCLE RIDE Boneyard H-D, 2300 Elaines Way, Winterville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, donation, food truck, free beer. www. raddinc.org
JUN 1 7TH ANNUAL HEAL THE BURN CHARITY RIDE First national Bank, 1750 Durham Rd., Roxboro, NC. $25/ bike, $15/passenger. Shirts avail., lunch provided, benefits The Firefighter’s Burned Children Fund of Person Co. Prereg at nc22@redknightsmc.com
JUN 1 4TH ANNUAL MILITARY HONOR RIDE VFW Post 5305, 2163 E NC 10, Conover, NC. Reg 9am, $15/1 card, $25/3 cards. Free food, music, 50/50, door prizes, shirts, best & worst hand cash prizes. 828-464-2580
JUN 1 FOR DYLAN DILLARD Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 12-3pm, free hotdogs & burgers. Proceeds go towards Dylan’s Liver Transplant. Hosted by: Bikers For Christ. www.bikersforchrist.org, www. baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
JUN 1 WHEELS AGAINST HUNGER MOTORCYCLE FESTIVAL Pit Stop Sports Bar, 105 E. Main St., Sanford, NC. 12-6pm. Bike Show & awards, live music, burn out pit, vendors.
JUN 1 HELPING HANDS FOR BOYS FARM RIDE Bubba’s Pub N Grub, 2544 S. Lake Dr., Lexington, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/bike, $25with passenger, $25/car. Raffles, 50/50, best hand, live music. Proceeds go to The Boys Farm
RUN C & C Thunder, 4866 S. Main St., Cowpens, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am. hdwmn@hotmail.com
Brewer Cycles, 420 Warrenton Rd., Henderson, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, $25/person, dinner 5pm.
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
f you are looking for accessories for your Motorcycle, RickRak is the one stop shop that has it all. Whether you are shopping at the rally, on the internet or at their store in Concord they’ve got what you need to make your journey a better one! RickRak is a Father and Son endeavor that started out as a 10x10 vendor spot and has grown into a line of products and a nationally known business name. Even better, they call the Carolinas’ Home!
Rick Riffel and his son Shane love to ride to rallies, but after Rick suffered a stroke he had trouble attaching luggage to his Tour Pak for their two wheel journeys. Necessity is the mother of all inventions, but Rick is the Father of the RickRak Quick Attach Luggage Rack. It was the company’s first product and continues to be one of the top sellers. The RickRak Quick Attach Luggage Rack attaches in seconds with little effort and you are ready to ride. Since the RickRak Quick Attach Luggage Rack hit the shelves Rick and Shane have added products of their own and carry other popular product lines including Custom Dynamics, Shorefire Designs, Arlen Ness, GoPro, Ciro, Vance & Hines, Fat Baggers, Biker Bar, Legend Suspension, Khrome Works and many more national brands growing RickRak into a powerhouse of a company that has what you need to keep you rolling. Shane Riffle says, “Everything we carry at RickRak is stuff that we use, we like it. We pay attention to what we sell and are very picky on what brands we carry”.
The RickRak 14 acre Complex in Concord was previously the Ken Schrader NASCAR complex and is a fully functioning installation facility that has the products you want and the
techs to do installs. Don’t wait on shipping, come have your exhaust, stereo, headlights or other accessories installed in house! You can visit with Angel the shop dog while you are there! If you are out on the road, RickRak makes tour stops at the major rallies like Daytona Beach, Thunder Beach Rally, Myrtle Beach, Laconia Motorcycle Week, Milwaukee Hometown Rally, Sturgis, Ocean City Bikefest, Bikes Blues & BBQ and the Lone Star Rally. You can’t miss their huge professional vending rig! So, whether you are at the rally, ordering online or in the area, you need to check out Rick, Shane, and the RickRak crew for all your motorcycle necessities.
RickRak 4001 Windy Rd #1 Concord NC www.Rickrak.com
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
FLING 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-9738405
535 Jonbil Rd., Chase City, VA. Food, vendors, cruise in, live music, bike wash, axe throwing, DJ, audio & sound show, rodeo games, poker run, loudest bike, best tattoo contest, best burn out. FMI, Lee Brankley, 434-210-1503, www.thunderroadhd.com
FOR A CAUSE Trax Tavern, 46 E. Main St., Thomasville, NC. 2 & 3 day options from $370-$560, auction. KSU 8-9am, Proceeds benefit recipients of Slate Aid Group. To reserve your spot, 704-6098717 or 336-479-0428
JUN 8 3RD ANNUAL WAYNE HILL MEMORIAL RIDE 409 W. High Ave., High Point, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $15/bike, $5/passenger. Food & festivities, proceeds go to His Laboring Few Southside Mission. 336-886-4714
Select Cycles, 430 N. Eugene St., Greensboro, NC. $25/rider, $5/passenger, police escort. www.gpteenchallenge. com, info@gpteenchallenge.com, 336292-7795
JUN 8 ENFORCERS MC PTSD RIDE VFW, 618 Edgewood St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $20/rider, $5/ passenger, food. Proceeds go to Semper FI & America’s Fund. FMI, Dub, 336-7495176
Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Food, music, cornhole. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
JUN 8 SOUTHERN WOLVES LE MC BIKE & CAR SHOW Commerce Square, 128 Commerce Square, Randleman, NC. Reg 9am, $10/entry, show 11am-3pm, cash prize, vendors, food. Proceeds benefit Hospice. FMI, secretary@southernwolvesmc.com
JUN 8 UNION COUNTY SPECIAL OLYMPICS POKER RUN Iron Horse Motorcycles, 1600 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider incl 1 hand, shirt, meal ticket, $5/add hand. Trophies & prizes, live music, food, auction. Benefits Union Co Special Olympics Athletes. union@sonc. net, Leslie, 704-996-4130
JUN 8 TOBACCO ROAD H-D MOTORCYLE & CAR SHOW 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 10am, show 11am, winners announced 2pm. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
JUN 8 BE THE ONE RUN American Legion Post 108, 614 W. Main St., Franklin, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/ hand, $5/add hand. BBQ avail, best & worst hand, door prizes, 50/50. Benefits Veterans suicide – Be The One. Kelly Raulerson, 912-429-3521
JUN 8 ZACHMAN’S RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $15/minimum donation. Hosted by Seven Sabres Brotherhood. Proceeds from ride will be donated to Freedom Biker Church Ministry. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733 or 919-422-7234
JUN 8 JOHN LEE STUCKER JR MEMORIAL POKER RUN The Beer Barn, 225 E. New Bern Rd., Kinston, NC. Reg 8:45am, KSU 9am, $20/bike incl lunch. Live music, bake sale, raffle, silent auction, bounce house. Benefits Miley Byrd’s medical needs. Brooke Jones, 252-2864450
RIDE Thunder Road H-D, 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. www.thunderroadhd. com, 434-822-2453
JUN 8 FUNDRAISER RIDE FOR FIREFIGHTER JEREMY COMPTON Radford Fire Dept, 1500 Wadsworth St., Radford, VA. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $20/person, 50/50, BBQ. Jeremy is battling cancer and all proceeds go to him. 540-8087138
JUN 8 CROSSROAD ANCHORS 4TH ANNIVERSARY RIDE Walmart parking lot, 115 E Church St., Batesburg, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, 50/50, food avail. www.abateofsc.org, crossroadanchorsabate@gmail.com
JUN 8 BAYSIDE HOG SWAP MEET Bayside H-D, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 9am-4pm, $10/booth. Register at r.stone@baysidehd.com, www.baysidehd.com, 757-397-550
JUN 8-9 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT THUNDER AT THE ROCK Rockingham Dragway 2153 N. US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC. $50/weekend pass, $25/day. Live music, vendors, bike games, mini bike racing & prizes, motorcycle drag racing. 336-479-2071
JUN 11 VFW POST 5305 BIKE NIGHT 2613 E NC 10 Hwy, Conover, NC. 6-9pm, all are welcome. Taco Tuesday & drink specials. 828-464-2580
JUN 11 RIDE TO WORK DAY advocating and supporting the use of motorcycles for transportation. www.ridetowork. org
JUN 13 CROSS ROADS HARLEY-DAVIDSON THROTTLE THURSDAY RIDE 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. www.crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
JUN 14 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee,
cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
CHILL & GRILL 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 11:30am-2pm, vendors, free burgers & beer, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3016
111 Miller St., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/1up, $25/2up, incl lunch. Festival after ride, vendors, food trucks, live music, shirts. www.bigbikes4vets.com
POKER RUN Great Western, 1787 Salisbury Hwy, Statesville, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 10am, $25/bike, $35/with passenger, $25/vehicle incl poker hand & lunch, $5/add hand. High & low hand pay out, vendors, food, music, 50/50, auction, door prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-8723883
POKER RUN & PIG PICKING Tony’s Bar, 10004 Moores Chapel Loop Rd., Charlotte, NC. Reg 11am, $20/I hand + food ticket, $30/3 hands + 2 food tickets. Raffles, 50/50, music, food. Benefits Holy Angels. FMI, Tony’s Bar, 704-398-2547 or Tony’s cell, 704-905-2450
FOUNDATION BIKE RIDE Cross Roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 9:15am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $5/passenger. www. quincylinebergerfoundation.com, www. crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
JUN 15 BRING YOUR BEANO FATHER’S DAY EVENT Fort Bragg HarleyDavidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
POKER RUN Cornelius Veterans Monument, 20017 NC-115, Cornelius, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $30/bike. Prizes, shirts avail. Presented by, The American Legion Riders Post 86. FMI, David Monk, 704-363-2677
JUN 15 2ND ANNUAL POKER RUN PAY IT FORWARD RIDE & RAFFLE Schronce Powersports, 44 Chevy Dr., Taylorsville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $30/with passenger. Raffles, 50/50, food, entertainment, shirts, bike raffle. In memory of Tipton “Tip” Dietz. Proceeds support the mission of SSOC. Reg online, www.ssocministries.org, info@ssocministries.org
JUN 15 KING OF THE BAGGER WATCH PARTY & FATHER’S DAY COOKOUT Thunder Road H-D, 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. 11am, www. thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
JUN 15 RUMBLE RIDE H-D of Greenville, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $10/person, free breakfast. Bike & car show, benefits SC School For The Deaf & The Blind. 864-234-1340
JUN 16 SPECIAL FATHER’S DAY WORSHIP RALLY Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Live music, refreshments. Christy@ freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
JUN 19 LADIES BIKE NIGHT & PINK LADIES CONTEST Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station RD., WinstonSalem, NC. Dress like your favorite Pink Lady, cash prizes, live music, pink drinks, food. 336-815-1220
JUN 20 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
JUN 21-22 WORLD HONDA CHOPPER MEET Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
JUN 22 BENEFIT RIDE FOR STEVE “GRUMPY” WILSON Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, Food, live music, 50/50. Hosted by Sons of American Legion.
OPEN HOUSE EVENT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3016
JUN 22 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON OPEN HOUSE 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Food, music, cornhole, raffles, giveaways. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-8723883
JUN 22 POKER RUN FOR J-DOGG Kickback Jack’s, 123 Ervin Rd., Mooresville, NC. KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/ passenger, rain date: 08/13. 50/50, raffle, live music, proceeds go to J-Dogg to help with recovery from a stroke.
JUN 22 AMERICAN LEGION POST 31 RIDE FOR WREATHS Cross roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/ single, $30/double. Food 7 refreshments, live music. Proceeds go to purchase of wreaths. www.crossroads-hd.com, 336667-1003
JUN 22 HOPE BIKE, CAR & JEEP SHOW FOR CANCER Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 2-6pm, donations accepted. Food, 50/50, auction, raffles, live music. Proceeds go to Michael Harrison who is battling Stage 3 Colon Cancer. 336-570-1050
JUN 22 TOBACCO ROAD HARLEYDAVIDSON OPEN HOUSE 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 11am-4pm, music, free beer & more. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
JUN 22 DICE RUN American Legion
Coleman Pitt Post 58, 2731 N. Church St., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 9am, $20/ rider, $10/passenger. Cash prizes for lowest & highest scores, award ceremony 3pm, food provided. Benefits Veteran & community services. 252-446-6208
Thunder Road H-D, 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. www.thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
3616 NC-42, Willow Springs, NC. DJ, 919-552-3708
RIDE 3227 S. Holden Rd., Greensboro, NC. Meet at 11am, KSU 12pm, $5/bike, $5/passenger, after party. Rain date: 07/13. Presented by Goodfellaz & Solid Iron MC. Ace, 336-602-5191
JUN 29 SMOKIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKINI BIKE WASH 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. www.smokinharley. com, 336-722-3016
JUN 29 1ST ANNUAL BRANDON JEWELL HONOR RIDE Honda Suzuki of Sanford, 3128 S. Horner Blvd., Sanford, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $20/bike. Live music, raffle prizes, 50/50, food trucks, vendors, shirts. Benefits Back In The Woods Again Hunt for the Disabled. Cindy, 919-721-5599
JUN 29 CANCER BENEFIT RIDE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $25/double. Auction, 50/50, food & drinks. Proceeds benefit Secret & family. Presented by Playaz Mc Elite. Light Skin, 910-995-0271 or Blaze, 910-206-0088
JUN 29 IRON ORDER MC LOCKED & LOADED POKER RUN New Dixie Mart, 2780 Hwy 17, Williamston, NC. Reg 11am, first bike out 1pm, $10/rider, $5/passenger. Best & worst hand cash prizes, raffles, food & drinks. Yetti, 252301-8458
JUN 29 LADIES LEAD THE PACK OUTREACH RIDE Flying Iron H-D, 928 N. Winstead Ave., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12:30pm, $20/rider, $10/ passenger, incl lunch. 50/50, live music, vendors. 252-446-7292
Stony’s Dockside Bar & Grill, 8166 Shore Dr., Norfolk, VA. Meet at 11am, KSU 11:30am, ride to cemetery, 12:45pm, ride to event.
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
JUL 4-7 INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
JUL 5 UPTOWN LEXINGTON BIKE NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
JUL 9 VFW POST 5305 BIKE NIGHT 2613 E NC 10 Hwy, Conover, NC. 6-9pm, all are welcome. Taco Tuesday & drink specials. 828-464-2580
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
JUL 12 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
JUL 12 RICKRAK OPEN HOUSE PARTY 4001 Windy Rd., Concord, NC. 5-9pm, live music, food 7 beverages, drawings & more. www.rickrak.com, 704251-7989
JUL 13 FALLEN MEMBERS MEMORIAL RIDE New River H-D, 2394 Wilmington Hwy, Jacksonville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Door prizes, 50/50, proceeds go to Wreaths Across America. Hosted by: Rolling Thunder, INC., CH NC-5. Paul Levesque, 910-389-7319 or Gilberto Otero, 910-650-2200
JUL 13 BAYSIDE HOG CH BBQ CONTEST 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 12pm. Register at hogactivities@ baysidehd.com Cash prizes, www.baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550.
JUL 18 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
JUL 20 JIM’S KIDS Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, www.coxsharley-davidson. com, 336-629-2415
JUL 20 17TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR ANGELS Denton Farmpark, 4259 Handy Rd, Denton, NC. Benefits Hospice of Davidson Co. kgleiser@hospiceofdavidson.org
JUL 20 PARTS & ARTS SWAP MEET & VENDOR FAIR Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 11am4pm, www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-8322261
JUL 20 3RD ANNUAL RIDE FOR PURPLE HEART HOMES Creedmor City Tavern, 404 N. Main St., Creedmor, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12:15pm, $20/entry, $5/passenger. Hosted by Iron Order MC
JUL 20 VIRGINIA ALL FEMALE RIDE Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 9am-5pm, live music, demos, vendors, food trucks, raffles. www.baysidehd.com, Tracy Skinner, 757-615-8736, Rhondee Caldwell, 757-942-5598.
JUL 21 NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY RIDE & WORSHIP RALLY 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Worship rally @11am, KSU 12pm. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
JUL 21 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 9-11am, presented by Bayside H-D HOG CH. www. baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
JUL 27 BENEFIT RIDE FOR CHRIS ROBERTS & FAMILY Red Creek Billiards, 3009 S. Elm Eugene St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, food,
50/50, raffle, auction. Chris has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumor. Benefits Chris & his family.
RIDE New River Harley-Davidson, 2394 Wilmington Hwy, Jacksonville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger, police escort, lunch, raffles, live music. Benefits 22 Until None. Sean McRae, 571-271-1083, Roy Johnson, 575-415-1439, marineriderslowercapefear@gmail.com
JUL 27 3RD ANNUAL VETERAN SUICIDE AWARENESS “COMBAT THE STRESS” POKER RUN American Legion Post 532, 1571 Demorest Rd., Columbus, SC. Reg 10am, $22/rider incl food, door prize ticket. Last out 12pm, rain or shine, food, best & worst hand, door prizes, raffle, 50/50, auction. Proceeds go to Veteran Suicide Awareness Programs. Redeye, 614-935-2988.
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
AUG 1 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
AUG 2 UPTOWN LEXINGTON BIKE NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
AUG 2-3 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT BATTLE OF THE FOOTHILLS Wilkesboro Dragway, 774 Dragway Rd., Wilkesboro, NC. $20/gate, live music.
AUG 3 BIKE’S ON THE BLOCK MOTORCYCLE SHOW Salt Block Hickory Museum of Art, 243 3rd Ave NE, Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, $20/entry, show is 11am2pm, judging 1pm, awards 2pm. Food truck, exhibits, 50/50. Proceeds go to Children’s Advocacy & Protection Center. Presented by: Twisted Covenant MSC
& NashBilt. Joe Nash, 828-405-4487 or Steve Mad Jackal, 980-429-9812
POKER RUN 243 3rd Ave NE, Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, first bike out 11am, $20/hand. Motorcycle show, food truck, drinks avail., exhibits, 50/50. Prizes for best & worst hand. Presented by Twisted Covenant MSC & NashBilt. Benefits Children’s Advocacy & Protection Center. www.hickoryart.org, bulldogtcmsc@ outlook.com
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
AUG 9-10 CBA STATE PARTY Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
ACES HIGH RIDE VFW 5352, 618 Edgewood St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9am, first bike out 10am, $20/bike, $10/ passenger. Gun raffle, raffle prizes, vendors, food trucks. In Honor of Gonzo “Zo” Wrenn. www.cvma15-12.org
BIKINI BIKE WASH 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
AUG 10 2ND ANNUAL WUV FOR WARRIOR CHARITY RIDE Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $15/ bike, $20/with passenger, incl lunch. Vendors & Warrior himself, www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
AUG 10 2024 FREEDOM RIDE TO PK AIRPORT Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Christy@ freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
AUG 11 BIKE RUN CHARITY FUNDRAISER FOR COURTNEY LOWRY C& P Mini Mart, 700 Union Chapel Rd., Pembroke, NC. Meet 1pm, KSU 2:30pm, $10/single, $15/couples, $10/vehicle. 50/50, door prizes, food & drinks. Courtney was diagnosed with stage 3 IDC Breast Cancer. Mike Chavis, 910-7340847
AUG 13 VFW POST 5305 BIKE NIGHT 2613 E NC 10 Hwy, Conover, NC. 6-9pm, all are welcome. Taco Tuesday & drink specials. 828-464-2580
AUG 15 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
AUG 17 TOBACCO ROAD H-D LUAU PARTY 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 12-4pm, music, drinks, giveaways & more. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919832-2261
AUG 24 ARMED FORCES CENTRAL MC FALL FALLOUT American Legion, 409 W. High Ave., High Point, NC. 3:30pm, food music, raffle, 50/50. Nc2@ armedforcesmc.com
AUG 24 2ND ANNUAL RIDE FOR A VET Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $5/passenger, rain date:09/07. Door Prizes, cash prizes, silent auction, gun raffle, food avail. Presented by AMVETS Riders CH 905. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, Tim, 336-267-9446.
AUG 24 BAYSIDE HARLEY-DAVIDSON LOW RIDER S GIVEAWAY 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 1-5pm, www. baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
AUG 24 LAKEN RILEY MEMORIAL RIDE Du Run Run Biker Shop, 403 Hwy 28 BYP, Holly Place Ste 1, Anderson, SC. Meet 9am, KSU 9:30am, donations accepted. Raffle, 864-540-2703
PARTY 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-9738405
AUG 31 INK & IRON TATTOO EVENT & COMPETITION Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Show off your tattoos & win in different categories. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
SEP 5-8 THE SMOKE OUT Rowan Co. Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Live music, wet t-shirt contest, bike shows, mini bike racing, world’s strongest biker, burnout contest, vendors, food, camping.
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
SEP 6-7 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT H-D VS SUZUKI, HONDA, KAWASAKI & DUCATI Fayetteville Dragstrip, 4480 Doc Bennett Rd., Fayetteville, NC. $20/gate
SEP 7 2024 FREEDOM RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
SEP 7 19TH ANNUAL 343 MEMORIAL RIDE Carolina Coast H-D, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, $25/bike, incl shirt, pin, dog tag & food. Escorted ride, hosted by NC Red Knights CH 6. 910-791-9997
SEP 10 VFW POST 5305 BIKE NIGHT 2613 E NC 10 Hwy, Conover, NC. 6-9pm, all are welcome. Taco Tuesday & drink specials. 828-464-2580
BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
SEP 14 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON 2024 SWAP MEET 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, vendors. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-6292415, info@coxs-hd.com
SEP 14 SEVEN HOMES FOSTER CARE CHARITY RIDE FCCHP, 2066 Deep River Rd., High Point, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:30am. Food, raffles, door prizes. Benefits Children in foster care. www.fcchighpoint.org/bikeministry
SEP 14 UNION CROSS FIRE RESCUE BENEFIT RIDE Smokin Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/ single, $25/2 up. 50/50, benefits Union Cross Fire Rescue Fireman’s Fund & Ronald McDonald House. 336-769-9051, gward@unioncrossfd.com
SEP 19 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
SEP 21 HONOR THE FALLEN BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Benefits Whole Vet & The Blue Knights Law Enforcement MC.
SEP 21 GREENVILLE CH OF ABATE SC FALL POKER RUN Field House Sports Bar, 216 N. Poinsett Hwy, Travelers Rest, SC. KSU 12:30pm, last bike out 2pm, rain date: 09/28. www.abategreenvillesc.com
SEP 27-28 MAYHEM IN MIDWAY 4 185 Dusty Dr., Lexington, NC. $10/weekend pass, ride in & camp out, live music, burnout contest, bike games, bike show, vendors, food, Ms Mayhem contest, cash prizes, trophies. 336-885-5400, www. fullthrottlemagazine.com
SEP 27-28 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT NORTH VS SOUTH KilKare Dragway, 1166 Dayton Xenia Rd., Xenia, OH. $20/gate
SEP 28 RIDE TO GIVE Black Bear H-D, 430 Lithia Rd., Wytheville, VA. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $10/passenger incl lunch. 50/50, door prizes. Benefits Shepherd’s House & Helping Hands Food Pantry of Mt Airy. Hosted by Foothills Punishers LEMC. FMI, Deborah, southernsassguardianbelleslerc@ gmail.com
ing of the Ranch, 12th annual Sam’S WiSh Fund and Kids Path Bike & Car Show, raised over $30,000 for AuthoraCare Collective’s Kids Path programs.
Sponsored by several Alamance and Orange County businesses, the bike and car show took place on Saturday, April 27 at the Cadilac Ranch in Burlington, North Carolina. The show had over 65 sponsors from area businesses and local individuals. Prizes were awarded to winners of cars and bikes that placed in the top 25 as well as a “best of show” category for bikes and cars. The event offered raffles, prizes, 50/50 raffle, food trucks and vendors. Live music was provided by Red Dirt Revival, Back Porch Orchestra Acoustic, Southern Vibes, Misbehavin’, and TOYZ.
Kids Path, which provides support for medically fragile children and grieving children relies on public support for nearly 70 percent of its operating budget. Sam’s Wish, a special use fund at Kids Path grants wishes to children diagnosed with life threatening illnesses. Past wishes have included beach trips, cruises, Disney trips, new clothing, arts/crafts and more! A recent wish was for a child to have a ramp installed at their home so they were able to leave for school and appointments.
Walter “Bird Dog” Riddle founded the event in 2011. The first bike and car show to benefit Kids Path was held at Ossipee Ski Lodge, Riddle said.
“We raised $6,100 that year,” he added.
Riddle first became familiar with Kids Path when Samantha “Sam” Harvell, for whom Sam’s Wish Fund is named, was a Kids Path patient. “I got to know Sam through Doug Shambley and from that point on, I wanted to be involved to help these kids,” Riddle said.
Since its inception, the bike and car show has raised over $150,000 for Kids Path. This years event has set a new goal for most money raised during the past twelve events. Special thanks to Ronnie and Helen Stallings for their continued support and hosting the event at their beautiful venue- The Cadillac Ranch. The event would not be possible without
the dedicated volunteers who give so selflessly of their time: The Rock, Jason ,Vic, Doddlebug, Rodney, Carolyn, Hotdog, Daisy, Tonya, Teressa, Susan, Lynn, Summer, Tracy, Doug, Hank, Carol & Allison Planning for the event, he said, begins in January each year. The 2025 event will take place in April at the Cadillac Ranch. The date should be released in January of 2025.
If you would like to donate please visit: www.authoracare. org/give/sams-wish-fund
uter Banks Bike week. i always look forward to Outer Banks Bike Week. What with the riding, parties, good eats and lighthouses! Riding “the banks” is just magic, it’s gotta be one of the most beautiful places in the Carolinas. So, we make the trek to the very end of the state twice a year for the rally. There are events, bands and vendors every day of the week along with guided rides and everyone’s favorite, bikini girls.
This whole “work” thing is a drag and delays me getting to OBX Bike Week until Thursday. The rally, being in full swing, has already hosted the Harley-Davidson Demo Truck at Nags Head H-D, live music for most of the week and a handful of guided rides put on by the HOG Club. The HOG Club rides are a great way to get familiar with the area. They take out a couple dozen bikes and ride all day long hitting up the light houses and every inch of the sound! It’s a bummer to miss the events at the beginning of the week, but there was still plenty to see and do.
When I got into town, I headed straight over to the OBX H-D in Harbinger, NC. It’s the epicenter of the events and I wanted to check in with event coordinator Sherry Burgess. Sherry has been coordinating this event for years and works hard to bring in quality vendors and entertainment. I also went inside to catch up with GM Mike Sullivan. This is Mike’s second OBX Rally, the first of which was all but washed out when Hurricane Ophelia came through, so things were looking much better for his second go round! Out on the lot all my favorite vendors were there, and you could pick up some sweet new apparel, patches, decals, knives, LED lights, sunglasses, jewelry and more. I always enjoy hanging out with Shannon and Dexter with McGrath Law Group. Mallory with Rip Tits apparel was one of the new vendors on the lot along with Brazen Boneyard, Lucky 13 and a couple others. Sherry really snagged some great new vendors for the event! It was time to
get some beach riding in and I headed down to Lucky 12 Tavern in Nags Head via Virginia Dare Trail, the beach road. The sun was setting so a jacket was necessary, but it was still very comfortable. Inside I ran into my friends from the Law Tigers, Meredith, Tyler and Jerry and had a bite. The Tavern was hopping, with a lot full of motorcycles and bar full of people. We probably stayed too long, but it was a hell of a great time!
The next morning was full of riding and shop visits. I joined up with Jerry from Law Tigers, it’s always better to ride with a friend when you’re in the mood to talk shit. First order of the day was a stop in at Biscuits and Porn a famed OBX convenience story with great biscuits and mediocre gasoline. But we only went in for some biscuits, I swear. Then we stopped in at First Flight Harley-Davidson in Kill Devil Hills to see Sheila and check out this year’s event T’s. They were the starting point of the $1000 poker run that morning and the place was buzzing with riders getting their poker run card stamped. We then rolled down Hwy 12 to Nags Head. Just past Jockey’s Ridge State park, the tallest living sand dune system on the Atlantic coast, to Nags Head Harley-Davidson. They hosted the Demo truck earlier in the week and have a group of vendors in the lot all week long. Becci and Pam run that store and any time we are in town we have to stop in for a visit.
The rest of the day was for the Law Tigers / Full Throttle H2H Ride. As tradition Jerry and I always head out on a ride, this year from Harbinger to Hatteras. Unlike last year’s Armageddon Ride, we started out with full tanks of gas and had all the intentions of riding down and back without conflicts. We met up FT Wake Forrest Rep., Rob and Amy south of Nags Head and hit the road. The sun was warm on our backs as we rolled south on Hwy 12 and it wasn’t long before we got to the Bodie Island light house, which was our first stop. We turned off of 12 and the light house was towering through the trees. The trees gave way to wide open grass field with the magnificent light house in the middle. It was absolutely beautiful with bright white and black stripes against a cloudless blue sky. You could climb the light house, but the next tour wasn’t going up for 45 minutes and we had riding to do. So, we got back on the road headed for Hatteras. We rode over long bridges that span aqua water and bright white sandy beaches. We were sandblasted riding between the dunes on Pea Island and rode for miles down through the natural beauty of the Outer Banks past Rodanthe, Salvo and Avon where we stopped for a bite to eat before heading to the Hatteras Lighthouse. The Hatteras Lighthouse which was moved 2,900 feet from its original location in 1993, was currently getting some renovations and was surrounded by scaffolding. It was still a sight to see. Riding in the OBX never gets old.
Saturday belongs to Outer Banks Harley-Davidson. Anyone who rides within 50 miles of Harbinger is at Outer Banks Harley-Davidson for the festivities. The vendors are open at 9am and riders are already pouring in. The smart ones pull right over to the bikini bike wash area. I mean, ya gotta get that sea spray off your bike somehow, so you might as well let a couple beautiful bikini girls polish your ride! Stand back
and enjoy the ride, but don’t forget to give em a tip! The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine bike show kicks off at 12pm and no lie, by 12:45 we had already filled our allotted bike show area and were packing bikes in where we could get em in. The band, Eric Dunlow Music, was cranking out tunes and the show room was full of folks checking out the newest H-D models and OBX H-D apparel. The parade of bikes rolling in does not stop all day long and the parking lot and surrounding area is absolutely jammed up! Mid-day the International Bikini Team take the stage to see who gets crowned Miss Outer Banks Bike Week 2024. The first round is biker apparel and all 9 contestants strut around in chaps and leather tops with very little else. Seriously it’s the biggest crowd around the stage all week. The second round is bikinis only. I don’t know how the judges pick the winning contestants, but I do know the crowd is the true winner! The results named contestant #4, Aianna, as Miss OBX Bike Week. It’s a tough act to follow but the bike show results come in after the bikini contest. Again, this year, the OBX brought their A Game and there were a ton of nice bikes in the show. After inspection by 4 judges, the winners were declared as: CRUISER – Jessy Martin’s 2000 H-D FXDWG, CUSTOM NON-BAGGER –Curtis Osborn’s 2006 Heritage Softail, VINTAGE – Chris Decou’s 1975 H-D FXE, TOURING – Rocky Watson’s 2022 H-D Road Glide Special, RADICAL BAGGER – Randal Winstead’s 2013 Street Glide.
There are also three choice awards and Shannon from Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group awarded Jam Mortensen and his 2022 HD FXLRST with $100 and a trophy. Jerry of The Law Tigers awarded Michael Payne’ 1973 Triumph Bonneville with a $100 and a trophy and finally Devon Eckert won the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine choice award with his custom built Whiskey Tango Choppers 1997 Buell Board Track racer. Devon snagged $150 a trophy and won an invitation to The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show 2025 in the Greensboro Coliseum!
We all hung out for a while after the bike show awards and then took another ride down the coast to hang out at Long Boards Bar to celebrate the end of the day of “work”. Rob, Amy, Jerry and I took a corner at the bar and partied for a bit and then rode out for the night. Longboards hosts more vendors including our friend Keith Wrenn with Wrenn’s Fine Jewelry. Always good to catch up with Keith.
Outer Banks Bike Fest is the fall version of OBX Bike Week, and the weather is still great, as long as the hurricanes hold off! Make sure to put it on your calendar and come out and have some fun with us. Again, a huge thanks to Sherry Burgess for putting together another great rally, to my bike show sponsors the Law Tigers and Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law group and to Rob and Amy for hanging out and helping with the bike show registration! See ya in the fall!
hen lincoln asks, “Jer, can you cover an event at ‘Double D Burnout Saloon, it’s an iconic biker bar, they are celebrating 10 years in business.” How can you say no to that opportunity? So, I struck out on the morning of April 27th for the ride out of Hamlet. The weather was beautiful for the cruise up I-73 to break off over to Kernersville and The Double D Burnout Saloon. The party was well underway when I arrived, cages and bikes lined the road and filled the parking lot, hell it was only 2 PM. Music blared from the rear of the party! But first I had to meet David and Missy, owners of the Double D, and they greeted me graciously on my arrival. For those who haven’t visited the Double D, it’s business up front and a party in the rear, and bikes, bikers, friends and family everywhere! I wanted to park around the back where the band, Muddy Creek Revival was jamming but there was just no room, and it was EARLY! So, I parked my girl on the side of the bar and began to survey the facilities. Dave was supervising his daughters Kandi and Nikki as they tended the fully stocked bar. They had ice cold coolers with the hard stuff behind the counter, folks were having a great time, ordering drinks and shooting pool as I said, “business up front……” Dave and Missie were great hosts and as they began the celebration with prayer and the singing of the national anthem, this old vet was proud. The party was a feast for the senses, a food truck provided the nourishment while Muddy Creek Revival provided the hard driving biker tunes, and we cannot leave out Mother Nature who provided a beautiful afternoon to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Double D Burnout Saloon.
Maybe Muddy Creek Revival were that good or maybe I just loved the old school country/Rock and Roll they played. Either way, their style of music was rocking country and hard driving Southern Rock which had my toes tapping and folks dancing! If you want to see more of the dancing fun that went on, check out the photo album on Full Throttle Magazine’s Facebook page. I promise, it will put a smile on your face.
Between the food, music and the atmosphere everyone was friendly and accommodating. The party rocked on into the evening, smiles were everywhere as folks congratulated the owners on their accomplishments over the past 10 years. Everyone was happy to celebrate with one another. Double D hosts numerous benefit rides, toy runs and other great events throughout the year. It’s a great place to stop any day of the week, but make sure to check out their weekly Sunday Funday events for live music, food, drink specials and a lot full of motorcycles. Here’s looking forward to a very successful 10 more years to Dave, Missie and the whole crew at the Double D Burnout Saloon.
he second annual eMerald isle poker run took place on Saturday May 4th. The weather was perfect for the event. Registration started at 10:30 at The Fish Hut Grille in Emerald Isle. A kegerator was in the parking lot to be sure nobody started the run thirsty. Organizers had event shirts for sale and handed out a list with directions to each stop. Rather than one large group, the riders left in smaller groups. A group of about 30 people opted to rent a party bus. First time I’ve seen that on a poker run. They said, “what happens on the bus, stays on the bus!”
Stop number one was BT’s in Atlantic Beach. They have $2 PBRs, who can ask for anything more! Multiple bridges and a scenic 23-mile ride got us to the next stop, Fish Hook Grille on Harker’s Island. I tried the catfish bites, which were excellent.
From Harker’s Island, it was back to Southern Salt in Morehead City. Waterfront seating and an entertaining one-man band made it a great stop. I got six raw oysters, and my wife got a cheeseburger. Stop number four was at Anchor Pizza in Salter Path. They have great pizza (and beer) and a deck that juts out into the sound.
The grand finale was at Emerald Club in Emerald Isle. When we arrived, Dakota Blue was rocking the crowd, and the pig and fixins were ready. I’m sure nobody went away hungry. When the results were tallied, Steve Luper from Rocky Mount walked away with the best hand and $500. Ricky Hicks from Wilson won $400 from the 50/50 drawing.
Joe and Dell deserve a big round of applause for organizing this event. At the end of the day over 100 bikes registered and $2,000 was raised for the Emerald Isle Beach Patrol. The money will be used for Lifeguard equipment and training. It was an awesome day, and we hope to see you next year for the 3rd annual event.
hetheR they’Re called bike nightS, bike ShoWS, moto socials, or cruise ins, they all have the same common purpose. To get a bunch of bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts together to share food, fun and fellowship, along with great music, cold beer and lots of laughs. These events serve as a great way to meet other riders and gather as part of a much larger community. Regardless if you ride a Harley, Indian, Yamaha, BMW, Triumph, Honda, or Kawasaki doesn’t matter, the thing that matters most is that we are all bikers. The ultimate goal of these organized events are to attract new riders to the world of two wheels and the unique culture that comes with it.
Tilley Harley-Davidson kicked off the season by partnering with and sponsoring events at several establishments in the region to offer opportunities for bikers to gather, meet fellow riders, and share their passion for the open road. Events took place in Mooresville at Murto Made Distillery, Salisbury at New Sarum Brewery, Statesville at Tilley’s and The Cedar Stump in Statesville and Catawba.
After having to reschedule the first event for the season because of weather, organizers were concerned about the forecast for the second planned event. Despite the forecast of gusty winds and thunderstorms that loomed over town for most of the day, Salisbury Bike Show Nights went on as planned and a fun time seemed to be had by all.
Two food trucks, Poppy Cox Nashville Hot Chicken and Carter’s Craft Meats & BBQ were on site to serve up some delicious food with New Sarum’s beer trailer parked close by for convenience and ease. There was dedicated parking for motorcycles, a band performing on stage and a corded off section for those entering the Bike Show. Tilley HarleyDavidson staff and members of the Salisbury HOG chapter were also on site to answer questions about bikes, merchandise and upcoming chapter events. There were also tee shirts and other merchandise for sale. The evening ended with the results of the bike show being announced. Congrats and prizes were awarded to Quan Boler who took home first place and a cash prize of $150, Cody Baird who landed a $75 gift card and Angela White with a $25 gift card.
The following Thursday, we mounted up and rode to Murto Made Distillery in downtown Mooresville for Throttle Thursday. The weather was perfect and droves of people were ready to party. This event was bigger and better than we could have imagined. Classic cars and motorcycles of all make and models lined both sides of the street. Vendors were numerous, beer and spirits were flowing and downtown businesses were booming.
There are numerous bike nights scheduled throughout the region. Be sure to check out the Cruisin Calendar to see what is happening near you.
$31,500 Cash Money Purse Paid
love our old country drag strips in north carolina. The end of April Shadyside Dragway near Shelby had the track hookin’ and bikes haulin’ for A1 Cycles Cash Days 2. With a total purse of $31,500, the best Harley Bagger drag racers in the country were there.
It wasn’t all about the money. Mike Beland owns A1 Cycles, Maiden, NC, and has a great reputation among the racers and everyone involved in Harley drag racing. He built or tuned or provided parts for some of the machines there. If you are a fan of Big Motor Bagger Drags, you remember Mike racing Meth Beth a few years ago. He busted records quicker than I could write the stories.
Wow did the racers show up for Mike’s Race. There were 190 entries. Good fields in all the classes. Most Pro Baggers you will see at a race. Big purse plus wads of cash for side bets such as, longest distance, best reaction time, low ET, High Mile An Hour, longest wheelie, etc.
Brandon Shaw, Ground Poundin Kustomz, put up $200 for a perfect reaction time. Then in Geronimo’s first ever Dial-in ET race he cuts a .000 light to win back his money.
Mike is a racer and did a great job putting on a race that fans and other racers loved. This was a Harley Bagger race, no band, bike show, sound off, minibikes nor other distractions. Just a great race.
Fans loved one of my favorite old country drag strips, Shadyside, since it has plenty of seats down close to the action. Bryson and Seth have not only kept this cool old country drag strip in action, but they are also making improvements. Nice
new seats are over the old concrete ones. Somewhere I have a T-shirt from when their dad, Ronnie, put on Harley Drags at Shadyside years ago. The track crew kept it prepped and the show moving along. Mike packaged it well too, an action packed afternoon with Winner’s Circle photos done well before dark.
Classes included 56 bikes in Dial-In ET, 11 in Non-Bagger, 21 racing True Street, 17 Street Baggers and 26 big bad ass
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Pro Baggers. Y’all know I dig big motor gas bikes with no wheelie bars. Yes, nitro bikes are cool and make your eyes water and nose run. But damn I love big motor gas Harleys. The sound, feel and even smell of them.
A bunch of those bikes showed up for A1 Cycle Cash Days. Biggest turnout ever of the baddest Baggers on the planet. There were 26 Pro Baggers on the strip. Those are the big motor bikes with superchargers, turbos or nitro oxide for power adders.
I saw racers there from as far away as Maine and guys who live close to the track. There were legends in motorcycle drag racing like George Bryce and rookies too. George’s Police Bike is sharp.
About the finals, some of the guys I was cheering for made it to the final round … and lost. I think everyone had the boost and nitros turned up a couple extra notches. The best
and baddest machines were in the final rounds and they had already been beat on all day. At that point the smallest bog, spin or stumble and you watch the other guy take the stripe at the finish line.
Byron Cass won ET Class. Andrew Hefner took NonBagger. Jeremy English was the True Street winner. Bruce Emanuel won Street Bagger. For two years now, Frankie Stotz has won Pro Bagger.
All the final rounds were good races with folks cheering for both riders. The race of the day was Uncle Joe Perry and Andrew in Non-Bagger. Last year Andrew was spraying and turned it up to the breaking point in the finals. This year the bike is boosted too. Mike turned it up to go win or go blow. I think it did both. From where I was standing it looked like Joe won and his time was just a tick quicker. But Andrew beat him on a tiny hole shot to cross the finish stripe by just .0002 seconds ahead. Head Gaskets pushed out was why The Super Duper Cycles Crew pushed the bike to the Winners Circle.
Mike said he’s just a racer and thanked the folks who made a great day happen. As well as the race went down and how much the fans and racers loved it, I expect to see A1 Cycle Cash Days 3 next spring at that cool little old country drag strip. From the fans and racers – Thanks a bunch Mike for another fun day at Shadyside. Y’all should be there too.
ne of the first signs of spring is the increase of weekend rides and events. If you don’t believe me, check out the Cruisin’ Calendar. There is something for everyone and we try to attend and report on as many events as possible.
April was chocked full of great events. Personally, I try to pick one and go all in, taking photos and an article. However, the weekend of April 13th and 14th had just too much happening, so I chose two and set in for a long weekend.
The weekend began at Bulldog Harley-Davidson’s 2nd Anniversary party in Smithfield, NC. With construction of their new facilities underway, and the RV show at the outlets (where Bulldog is located) both limiting the space, the party was scaled back a tiny bit from last year. But what a day we had.
I arrived around 10am and began setting up a table and tent to hand out magazines. Soon afterwards there were tents popping up all over and food trucks began rolling in. The comradery began as we each scrambled to help one another get set up. After helping set up half a dozen tents, we could sit back in the shade for a bit and await the crowd. Or so we thought.
I guess the winds had not gotten the memo that “March winds” was over. If I had kites that day, I am sure we could have gotten them way up in the sky. In fact, at one point my pop up became a kite and “popped up,” then sat back down halfway on top of the neighboring tent. It was at this point that I decided to take down my shade for the day. It was going to be a hot one!!
Soon the bikes began to roll in. The band, Outlaw Bit, began setting up. And I made a quick dash to get some food before the lines got too long. FREE beer, courtesy of Bulldog, was being transported by the cases directly in front of me, and my thirst was strong. But I held back and enjoyed my home squeezed lemonade. And it wasn’t long after everyone became well lubricated before the band began playing the sweet sounds of Southern Rock with the crowd cheering them on.
In the meantime, my neighbors began taking down their pop ups as well. It’s not like we didn’t have these things weighted down, the wind was just that furious. But a little “wind therapy” and sunshine won’t kill you. At least that is what I have heard. We all survived, a little sunburnt, but with some great memories.
I can’t wait to see what Bulldog has in store for their 3rd Anniversary. And to see their new building. I have seen the plans, and it should be spectacular when it is completed!
Live Music, Burnouts, Camping, Bike Games, Bike Show, Vendors& Ms.Mayhem
Pa ndemonium Performan ce Sept ember 27-28
Same Shit Different Year 185 Dusty Dr. Lexington, NC
$10 Weekend Pass RideIn CampOut NoKids18+Only NoNoBitching Cars
lue collar cycle coMpany seeMs to have the party that never ends. Whether you just bought a bike out of their huge inventory, are getting some service work done or just hangin out at the shop, Brandon McNeely and his crew have made the Blue Collar Complex a perpetual party. Their monthly bike nights kicked off in April and will run the third Thursday of the month through the fall and we were lucky enough to be on hand for the shindig.
I rolled in early to get a parking spot in the shop alley, knowing that the place would be packed soon. The food vendors were still setting up, the Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers gals were on site and Mojo Stomp was loading in their gear to rock the house that night. The BCCC crew makes ya feel like family, and I was checking out the new inventory in the “warehouse” and shooting the shit while there was a constant rumble of bikes rolling in. When I came back outside Old Innes St. in front of the shop was packed with bikes lining the curb on both sides of the street, the party had begun. Half the party stays right out front of the shop watching the parade of bikes, kickin’ tires and tellin’ lies. Up through the alley and out behind the shop is the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine event space. Beer tub girls are slinging ice-cold drinks, and a crowd of folks gather to rock out to the music. Mojo Stomp is kind like the house band at BCCC and keeps the party grooving with their blues rock vibes.
This month’s “Best Bike On The Lot” went to Joanna on her 2016 H-D Deluxe. Joanna’s Deluxe had a few chrome goodies on it that set off the clean teal and white paint and it scored here a handful of cash and bragging rights. The bike night, like all motorcycle events should be, was capped off by a bodacious burn out. Anthony Benton rolled right out in front of Blue Collar Cycle and lit it off. Only a pile of smoking rubber was left when he got done. Right on man!
As previously mentioned, BCCC is the headquarters of a perpetual party, including their third Thursday bike nights. When they announce a party, you don’t want to miss it. Since their Salisbury complex was doing so well, they went and opened a second location in Hickory, NC. We are just waiting to hear when they start partying there! Check their ad for addresses and info on your next pre-owned bike.
he 12th annual Bike Blessing at freedoM Biker Church Fayetteville, held on Saturday, April 6, 2024, was a vibrant celebration that resonated with the spirit of freedom, faith, and the thrill of the ride. Freedom Biker Church Fayetteville, at 455 Rock Hill Road was ignited with festivities. The church grounds buzzed with energy from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., drawing bikers and enthusiasts from all corners.
Freedom Biker Church Fayetteville stands as a beacon of inclusivity, welcoming riders from all around. The local bike community shows up for this event. This bike blessing, in particular, exemplified the commitment to fostering a community that transcends the conventional boundaries of faith and passion for Christ.
Under the clearest of skies, each biker and their steel horse found themselves enveloped in a circle of warmth and support, as church members and friends extended prayers of thanksgiving, protection, and blessings for a safe riding season ahead. The entire day was filled with fun and exciting events, prayer, delicious barbecue, and some of the finest bikes in and around the Cumberland county area.
Another highlight of the day was the series of prize drawings that kept the excitement alive throughout the festivities. With numerous winners, the event was not just about blessings but also about spreading joy and appreciation among all in attendance.
At the helm of this gathering stood Pastor JD Tew, whose unwavering commitment to the congregation and the biking community has been instrumental in shaping the church’s from its inception. JD and wife, Kellie began this biker ministry. Freedom Biker Church Fayetteville is a place of friendship, brother/sister-hood, a place that welcomes all to come and worship. It continues to bless many bikers and the church continues to grow and prosper.
The 12th Annual Bike Blessing wasn’t just an event; it was a testament to the enduring spirit of unity, faith, and their love of Christ that defines Freedom Biker Church Fayetteville. As engines roared and prayers soared, it was a day where souls were uplifted, bonds were strengthened, and the road ahead seemed brighter with the grace of God. Thanks we’re given to all the helping hands, vendors, members and attendees. And, all praise to God for blessings today as well as those to come.
Freedom Biker Church hosts a warm and inviting atmosphere. It is a welcoming church that displays the deep sense of fellowship that defines the Freedom Biker Church community. If you are looking an inviting place for worship and praise, where all are welcome. Sunday’s prayer services begin at 9 a.m., hangout at 10 a.m., and service starts at 10:45 a.m. They will be happy in see you and thankful that you came.
couldn’t have asked for a nicer day for his 4th Anniversary party. The sun was out, the roads were dry and all pointing towards Springers in Greensboro, NC. If anyone has ever attended a Springers party, you know the porch will be full of folks hangin’ out and there’s gonna be some good eats. April 20th was no exception.
There was steady traffic that day in the Springers parking lot as the loyal regulars, Jeff’s friends and those looking for a party stopped in. The food wouldn’t be served until 6pm, but live music and cold drinks were on tap all day long. Daniel Love and the Love Rustlers kicked off the day at 3pm, then the mic was passed to Martin Short who warmed up the crowd for Brother’s Pearl to bring the party home.
I got there in the evening and the parking lot was still full. I found a spot to slide my bike in and headed on in. The porch is always rocking at Springers, so I wasn’t able to get inside without running into a few friends.
The building is lined with tables and chairs and is a great place to watch bikes come and go while you enjoy a cold one. Jeff was hanging out on the porch too and had an ice cold Yoohoo waiting on me. What a guy, here I am coming to celebrate his 4th Anniversary, and he’s going out of his way to hook me up! But that’s the way it is at Springers. They host dozens of benefit rides and functions; Jeff and Springers are also among one of the highest donors for the Triad Honor Flight every year as well. Speaking of hook ups, after downing a Yoohoo and shooting’ the shit with the porch crowd I made my way in to check out the eats. Jeff is known to put out a spread and if you
ever hear he’s cooking, ya better come hungry! There was BBQ and brisket, the fixings and desert. Jeff even has his own sauce recipe that just brought the meal home.
I scarfed down a plate of food by the time the headliners of the night, Brother’s Pearl. These dudes really brought it, and the hype was justified. Springers is serious about live music and has a built-in sound booth and equipment to ensure that you get a quality show. I hung out in the back row of seating and watched folks cutting the rug on the dance floor of a full bar. But still, the party is on the porch man! So, I headed back outside for the rest of the evening. It was still a pleasant evening, and the porch was packed.
Congrats Jeff and thanks for throwing a great party! Now, don’t wait around, get over there and hang out at Springers. Tuesday Night is Bike Night and weather permitting, you could win $100 in the best bike on the lot competition. They host live music each weekend and it’s just a great place to loiter at any day of the week. Keep an eye on their ad and the Cruisin’ Calendar for upcoming events and hopefully I’ll run into you out there!
heard a Man say a while Back that in the church he grew up in he felt like God was this Holy entity sitting on a great throne just waiting for him to sin so he could send him straight to hell. He said that since he could never be good enough he might as well get his moneys worth. He committed his life to boisterous and sinful living until he felt in his heart there was a better way.
He took his bible down and read it for himself to see what the truth was. He learned hell is a real place. He learned it was built for Satan and his demons and God does not send us there. He learned we choose our eternal destination by either accepting or rejecting the free gift of salvation Jesus makes available to us all.
He continued to read and observed the bible was chocked full of stories and testimonies of God’s deep love for us. He realized God does not want us in hell. He loves us enough to send his only begotten son from heaven to die on the cross to pay for our sins. Only his blood is pure enough to cover the past, present and future sins of the world.
Jesus showed us how we are to love each other and what it looks like to obey and follow God’s commandments. God’s desire and his will for us is to be more like his son Jesus every day.
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis-
dom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. This fear is different than fear of snakes or flying. It is respect for and knowledge of God. Knowing his promises are true and he can be counted on works both when we have done well or when we make poor or sinful decisions.
Hebrews 12:6-7 For whom the Lord loves He chastens And scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
Receiving discipline is never enjoyable. We should be comforted knowing our heavenly Father loves us enough to correct us when necessary. We truly do know in our hearts when we are doing right and when we are doing wrong. This knowing right from wrong and the truth of God’s word is the foundation of the fear mentioned.
This Father’s Day, be 100% certain you have accepted your free gift of salvation. Believing in God alone is not being saved or getting you into heaven. Satan believes in God, and he won’t be in heaven. If you aren’t sure or have questions, help is available. Reach out to me, your local pastor or anyone in a Christian motorcycle ministry. We would all be honored to answer your questions, show you the way and pray for or with you.
Blessings, Floyd
ev up your engines and get ready for a thrilling ride into the heart of Harley-Davidson excitement! Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, at 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd in Fayetteville, NC, recently played host to an electrifying event that had motorcycle enthusiasts revving with anticipation. On April 20th, 2024, the dealership was abuzz with the promise of adventure and the chance to win big at the Harley-Davidson Bike Getaway.
The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the reverse raffle drawing, where eager participants gathered around, their hearts pounding with excitement. Among them was Grady Jackson, who struck gold by winning a brand new 2024 Harley-Davidson Nightster 975. It was a moment of pure exhilaration as Grady’s name echoed through the dealership, signaling the start of an unforgettable journey on his sleek new ride.
But the excitement didn’t stop there. AJ Henderson Lodge #792 added to the festivities by presenting the 6th Annual “We Ride For Autism” Ride, kicking off the day’s events with a noble cause. With kickstands up at 11 a.m., riders hit the open road, their passion for motorcycles matched only by their dedication to supporting autism awareness.
As the day unfolded, the celebration continued with Rare Breed manning the grill and keeping spirits high. The air was filled with the aroma of sizzling burgers and the sounds of laughter and camaraderie. Whether it was the thrill of the ride or the chance to win a motorcycle, the perfect weather added an extra layer of enjoyment to the proceedings.
Amidst the excitement, one couldn’t help but marvel at the 10th year anniversary of this annual extravaganza. Over the past decade, Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson has been the go-to for riders, offering not just motorcycles but a community united by a shared passion for the ride.
So here’s to another decade of roaring engines, wind in our
Photohair, and the unmistakable thrill of riding a Harley-Davidson. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newcomer to the world of motorcycles, Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson welcomes you to join the adventure and experience the freedom of the open road.
For more information about rides and upcoming events at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, check out The Carolinas Full Throttle Magazine “Cruising Calendar” Online Available at https://fullthrottlemagazine.com.
(come say “hello” on Instagram: #fromthebitchpad)
Packed our saddlebags and hit the road…
y honeyBun told Me to load the Bike for the weekend, and he gave me hints as to whether it will be the hills or the beach, cuz that certainly makes a difference, without telling me the actual destination. On this particular trip, it was the beach. But, which beach? I can guess all I like, but mum’s the word. A bit frustrating, yes, but too cute, just the same. Traffic on a Friday after work sucks, that’s a fact. I took pictures of the signs along the way, just in-case we make the turn. We kept riding South (that’s the right direction, for sure) and about four hours in, I began to wonder, “Are we going to South America?” Time to get gas and fumble to the lady’s room, then hydrate. Many of the passing signs had exits to Savannah, which is on my Bucket List. I was hopeful. I lost count of the number of Savannah signs, until finally, there were no more.
We took twisty roads to start, through small towns surrounded by peanut and cotton fields, then hit I-95.
The sun was starting to set and my butt hurt. Wait a minute, did we just take an exit?! I was no longer paying attention (possibly napping); what did that sign say? Yup, My Man took an exit. Yipppeeeee! I missed the signs, so I remained oblivious. I caught the scent of salt and seaweed; we must be close.
The terrain was very flat with swampy marshes along both sides of the road. The usually suspects: egrets, pelicans and gulls, confirmed that we were close to the ocean. We crossed four beautiful bridges and arrived at St. Simons Island, where the ocean meets the sky.
The island has it all: palm trees, sandy beaches, piers to fish from, marinas and a famous light house. The Live Oaks are stunning when you see them for the first time, with their branches going sideways instead of up, and moss hanging
in strands; HoneyBun calls them “Peter Pan Trees”. Quaint shops and pubs line the shore. Of course, we are always in search of “The Best Wings Ever” and we found ourselves at Brogen’s. My Man recommended the “Double Fog”, which was delicious (smoked, spicier and crispier). I also discovered a nummy Georgia Peach Oolong (a mix of Oolong Tea, Green Tea, and Rose Petals). Yes, it was flavorful, made by Saint Simons Tea company.
Did you know that there are alligators in this area? Yup, but they are illusive. I have yet to see one in Nature as opposed to an enclosure; careful what I wish for, especially on the bike, right?! St. Simons is a small island, with a population just under 15,000 and is located midway between Savannah and Jacksonville, and is also known as one of Georgia’s renowned Golden Isles (Wiki). There are miles and miles of beach, perfect for long walks, sunrises and sunsets, with a little “tomfoolery” in-between.
Feet in the sand and fish for dinner!
he all harley world shootout series started the 2024 season at Farmington Dragway in North Carolina. This famous old drag strip is one of several in Western NC and was the place for fans the middle of April.
AHWS events are managed by Paul Watson of Lumbee Racing and he puts on a show for Harley drags fans. I know y’all dig Harley Drags at The Farm for many years. Besides thundering Harleys roaring down the strip, there was more to entertain folks.
Fans could shop vendors or walk the pits talking to race teams. There were plenty of vendors there with all the cool things bikers need.
The All Harley World Shootout is about racing and action on the strip. Friday was just test and tune and grudge match racing. Bring your quick bike, maybe bet a little and have fun. Saturday the AHWS gets busy and is an all-day party at the drag strip for bikers. Fans showed up and the support was amazing.
Yes, Metric Motorcycles were there. Paul invited them to run a couple classes hosted by Frank Loney of Loney Motorsports. Do that and they will show up and bring some nice machines. I dig Frank’s old Hondas. Paul puts up a few hundred extra in the purse for Harleys to beat the Metric Bikes.
story And Photos By AlAn dockeryA few rounds of qualifying and it was time for eliminations and see who would be flashing the cash in the Winner’s Circle.
“All Harley World Shootout fans this weekend was a memorable one for sure,” Paul Watson said. “Before I go into the details, I must give a few shout outs. Southern Reload deserves a huge shout out. This band is phenomenal and if you don’t have them on your calendar, it is a loss for your customers. Bill Haps and his bandmates put on a great show for our fans and seeing them live is the only way to do them justice.”
“As I said in a few of my live videos we had the two-time NHRA World Top Dragster Super Comp and Super Gas Champion Lauren Freer stop in and delight her fans with her new car. Folks she may come back in October for our AHWS World Finals and go down the track for us once again.”
“Brian Pugh sang our National Anthem and emotions were flying. I must highlight the minibikes first. We had Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina in the house. These guys put on one heck of a show for our fans. The Minibikes set a few World Records this weekend and Doug Dixon will highlight those. I cannot steal his Thunder. The Minibike Craze continues.”
“Finally, is Jack Korpela III of CycleDrag. He is the GOAT and a family member of the AHWS. Thanks, Jack for excellent coverage,” Paul said.
“Fans I have to say this was probably the most intense racing I have witnessed at any AHWS. Ken Koby won Street ET, Pro ET, and Metric ET WOW. ‘Chopper Man’ was chopping them down one at a time! Frank Loney before this season is over you are going to believe in them der tractors. Here is the most unbelievable thing. Ken bought back into every race because he lost first round in each class. $20 Buyback totaling $60. Casey Smith has won two classes at one event but no one in the AHWS has ever won 3 in the same event. Congratulations Ken Koby! And fans taking home $2,800 in one day isn’t bad either. He also won a $300 bonus because a Harley won the Metric ET race. Matter of fact Fredrick Norton was in the finals. Two Harley’s in the finals in the Metric ET class. Them Harley’s are here to stay America.”
“Another first for Jason Crisp as well. He has won 5 NonBagger AHWS races and now puts a 6th one under his belt.
West Front St, Statesville, NC
Hold up fans! He also won the Pro Comp Outlaw Class and pocketed a cool $1900. Carson Fields is on fire in the Loney Motorsports 5.60 Index class. He won last October and again at the season opener. Can anyone stop this young man? Pocketing $1000 helps soothe any pain. Scotty Keller won $420 in the Gamblers race on Friday. Congratulations to all the winners. I want to thank our sponsors Smokin Harley- Davidson of Winston Salem, Law Tigers of NC East, Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine, Impex Auto, NC Trailers, and JB Riding Glasses,” Paul said.
Hippy and Hannah and their crew have done a great job managing The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Minibike Drag Racing Series. The classes have evolved and added a Dial-In ET Class. Racers came from Florida and New York and states in between to The Farm. But the local fast guys put on a show and continued setting records. Mostly young guys in the Minibike Classes so you can find their experiences all over social media.
Winners at The Farm – ET- Greg Mottas, Long Island, NY. Super Stock Slayer - Joshua Arch, Lakeview, NC. Small Block Destroyer - Joshua Arch.
Big Block Annihilator - Chris Fulmer, Wilmington, NC. Pro Outlaw - Greg Mottas.
“Our season opener was an incredible event. We had travelers representing the east coast top to bottom. Every team came to win yet helped their competition get faster,” Doug “Hippy” Dixon said. “Three new world records were set. NC took the Ws in the grudge shootouts on Friday night. This AMBDRA sanction has caught the attention of top tier racers and they have bonded as a racing family. Ken ‘Chopper Man’ Koby has entered the minibike racing world, bringing serious heat to the ET class.”
“Tony Witz is the event MVP, having brought a bike back to the pits broken in half, then through the combined efforts of this racing family rebuilt that bike to win a call out shoot out for NC. Pure professionality from all involved.”
“A giant thank you to Paul Watson for the opportunity, Lincoln Infield and Doc for the sponsorship and coverage by The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine, and Jerry Spencer from Law Tigers for his support. My greatest appreciation goes to the racers, builders, crews, and families that have made this series great. Without their work to build this series it would not exist. Stay tuned to The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Minibike Drag Racing Series on Facebook for updates and race info.”
oing More with less is one of the staple tenants of motorcycle traveling so when we decided to bring a truck and trailer to the Backroad BBQ Run this year that ethos went out the window completely and we opted to bring all the creature comforts we would need short of a generator and a powered refrigeration unit. Originally, we planned to haul two choppers in the trailer, but it turned out that the trailer wasn’t quite big enough and rather than risk damaging either chopper we would just bring Monica’s chopper and I’d ride my 1992 Dyna Lowrider. The trip could have been planned many different ways, but this was something new we wanted to try, this glamping thing. Turns out, we’re not glampers.
Planning for the camping trip started months ago and we picked up things here and there to make this trip as comfortable as possible. I remember my dad packing up for our annual weeklong camping trips as a kid and I tried to think back to all the things we used to bring with us. As a kid I never considered how much work my dad put into those trips. I am traditionally a minimalist camper. I didn’t know what was really important and what was not. This is why we try new things, so we can learn about the process and ourselves.
I had the bright idea of freezing fresh-ish grocery store fish, bought on clearance, chicken, a pound of bacon, a pound of chorizo, one dozen eggs and some steaks. I would not be lacking lean protein this trip. Normally I am at the mercy of the food trucks and whatever canned protein I brought in my saddlebag. I’ve been paying more attention to my diet recently and many of the decisions made while packing was based around meals. It was also based around having two coolers. I could only find one. For the life of me I’m not sure who borrowed my cooler, but if it was you, please return it! Turns out that by freezing it I was able to keep all the meats at proper temperature long enough to get it cooked. We picked up another cooler, the Styrofoam type ones that come loaded with ice from the Piggly Wiggly, and three bags of additional ice, which I left in the parking lot and presumably melted. I am normally a minimalist that survives thanks to the generosity of my peers. I wanted to pay it back and make sure I had plenty of food and drinks to share with my fellow freeloaders, but I still over packed and I’m sad or maybe happy to say that the Trent River Racoons probably ate like royalty Sunday night,
but I didn’t eat any food that wasn’t part of my normal diet and felt pretty good about that.
More often than not it rains at some point at Back Road BBQ Run. I wanted to make sure we had shelter from the rain, so I bought a nice 12x12 canopy. I also wanted to make sure we had a nice place to sit, so I bought oversized camping chairs. I even brought my bicycle for quick trips to the bathhouse and my acoustic guitar for campfire sing-alongs. We did enjoy a nice fire but there was no rain and there were no singalongs. We had visitors to our camp, shared meals, and did all the things that we thought we’d like to try this year, but we learned that we don’t really enjoy the hosting side of camping so much, well, at least not all the preparation it takes to create a host site.
My most memorable run experiences are wandering around and visiting all of my friends, going to the central gathering point where all the action is and then when I’m exhausted go to my tent, sleep, and wake up to coffee I’ve made. It turns out I can enjoy myself more with less. The time we spent packing, cooking, cleaning, could have been spent enjoying the event and the company of our friends. It may sound like I’m complaining but I’m so grateful for this opportunity to learn. For years I’ve envied my well-equipped friends and made mental lists of items needed for the one day I finally get my shit together and start acting like a functional adult, but it turns out I prefer to live feral and I can focus on distilling my gear rather than adding to it.
Received some national recognition at the OCC Road House Builders Invitational Bike Show in Palm Spring, FL this year. This is the second year they have been invited to the bike show hosted by Paul Tutel Sr. of Orange County Choppers. In 2023 Jaybird and his crew were selected and invited to this builders exclusive invitational bike show had some success and received an invitation to return. This year they returned with three bikes; a blue 2007 custom chopper they had built for a customer, Jay’s personal Low Rider ST and a ground up radical bagger build that would be unveiled at the event.
The custom bagger had come to the shop as a 2016 Ultra Classic with the instructions to turn it into a loud, flashy, big wheel bagger. Knowing that he was invited back to the OCC Roadhouse Builders Invitational Bike Show, this bike became one of the show pieces that Jay would display. “It was absolutely wide open, nonstop, day and night, last minute true biker build off type idea” Jay said. Jay and Seth at Jaybird’s Custom Cycles stripped the Ultra Classic down and rebuilt the entire bike finishing only two days before the bike show in Palm Springs, FL. The bike owner didn’t see the bike until it was unveiled at the show. The owner loved the bike, Paul Sr. loved the bike and it took home 2nd Place in the bagger division. Not only that, the blue chopper took home 2nd place in the chopper division and Jay’s ST took 2nd place in the café division. Gotta love placing in all three categories you put a bike in! Big Congratulations to Jay, Seth and Jaybird’s Custom Cycles!
Naturally Jaybird’s Custom Cycles was invited back for round 3 of the OCC Road House Builders Invitational Bike Show. Maybe you want them to build you a show winner to take to the competition? Jaybird’s can handle your ground up custom builds, regular maintenance or performance upgrades. They are a full service shop and have an in house Dyno to get you tuned up! Check out their ad or stop in and see em at 5865 South Main St, Salisbury, NC.
aybiRd’S cuStom cycleS in SaliSbuRy, ncnticipation iS a Real bitch. i’d been looking forward to the Backroad BBQ Run for months. It was gonna be the first camping trip with the ’51 pan chopper. Usually I strap a ton of stuff to my trusty Dana outfitted with a tall Rebel Spirit custom sissy bar and can carry just about everything you need. This time I was relying on the ol bed roll method of chopper camping. Literally extra skivvies, socks and a tent rolled up in a blanket and strapped to the bike above the headlight. I had to wear my camera to take it with me. This was gonna be a practice run for a choppers to Sturgis ride that Law Tigers Jerry and I are dreaming of. Everything went on the bike well, but I forgot my extra spark plugs, so I doubled back to the house. This is where the fun begins, well let’s back up a little. I am already a day behind because of other commitments that I had made so instead of leaving on a sunny Friday, I was leaving on a rainy Saturday morning. I had delayed my departure 2 hours to avoid leaving in heavy rain. It was still raining at 10am, but I couldn’t delay any longer and I would be riding out of the rain into sunny, warm weather. So…I doubled back to get my spare spark plugs and when I went to fire up my 1 kick Panhead, it just wasn’t having it. Now, this is completely out of the ordinary for this bike. Sometimes the first start of the day is a couple kicks, but it started up just fine this morning. Frustration set in as I had already missed the Friday night party, dirt drags and now after a rain delay, this fu$king bike is giving me a fit. I mean twenty minutes of kicking with no joy whatsoever. It’s not even TRYING to turn over. It’s still drizzling and now I’m sweating, swearing and throwing stuff. I went back to basics, changed the spark plugs, let it sit for a couple minutes and started “the procedure” over. BAM! It fires up and I put back on my helmet and hoodie that had been thrown across the driveway in earlier frustrations.
Now I’m off on my four-hour 200 mile journey. It rained the first 50 miles of the ride, but who cares, I’m heading towards sunshine and good times. I get around 75 miles to a tank of gas and I’m going all back roads so I’m looking to stop four times and arrive with plenty of gas, but I’m not playing any more games with this bike, so I left it running for the first two stops. Other than a few stray rain showers the ride was great. The ’51 ripped along the back roads, and I was having a blast. Third gas stop I was only 40 miles out, so I shut her down for the first time and snagged some Twinkies and a coke and took some time to stretch and walk around a little. I finally got to the Trent Family Campground, the site of the Backroad BBQ Run around 2pm. I pull up to the check in booth and was greeted by my friends Angel and Beverly. The party was back at the campground after the traditional Saturday morning chopper ride, but I had made it in before the bike games began. I made my way to see Luke and Ronni who put on this event. This is a major undertaking and Luke and Ronni have put together a stellar party that grows each year. Once checked in a rode back through the woods looking for an ideal camp site. The campground has a great wooded camping area with a river winding through it. My usual spot at the bend in the river was occupied, I don’t blame them, it’s a primo spot and I was late to the party. So, I rode around the sandy trails till I found a suitable spot and pitched my tent and ditched my still damp hoodie. The campground was busier than ever with sweet choppers, mini bikes and people buzzing around. One of the cool parts of this even are all the righteous chops that attend. There are some modern motorcycles in the mix too, but it’s mainly choppers. The registration area and directly out front of it is the gathering spot. Possibly because that’s where the giant cooler of free PBR is located. Pabst hooks Luke and Ronni up with like 100 cases the Blue Ribbon beer and everyone does their best to deplete the stash! Also, out front was the Law Tigers compound, if it’s a chopper party you can count on Jerry and the Law Tigers to be there.
I made some rounds checking in with other folks, Wes and the Custom Destruction crew, Jay and Left Lane Syndicate, Tyler of The Stitching Shepard, Dylan of Wretched Motor Clothing, Gorgeous George of Smutt Butt Magazine fame and Derek Sides of Choppers In The Weeds were just some of the folks hanging around. I even ran into Steph, the weenie bite queen of Gaston Co and Pops, always good to see em!
Once the bike games started the attention was focused on the strip of sand that the contests were waged on. It was a King and Queen of the Choppers contest and the defending King and Queen W.F and his wife Emma were not taking the contest lightly. Stiff competition between couples in a series of bike games including the plunger game, ring toss, pick em up and put em down and other classic bike games ensued. But when the dust settled, literally, W.F. and Emma were unbeatable. They posed for pictures wearing their crowns and hoisting the winner’s trophy and swag. Congrats y’all.
Next up was the raffle prizes. There were a couple tables of some serious raffle prizes and a huge crowd gathered hopeful that their number was pulled. Swag, motorcycle parts, banners were snagged up over the 45 minutes of ticket pulling. The big raffle was the Ironhead Sportster raffle. They held that last. You had to be present to win and everyone held their
breath as the numbers were called out. George the Brazillian had the winning ticket and was more than stoked to win this awesome chopper. Luke did the honors and it roared to life on the first kick…Amazing. It didn’t take long for George to get acquainted with his new chopper and he was ripping up and down the main drag of the campground and headed over to the dirt drag area and gave it hell. Too cool man, congrats!
The party wondered on with choppers ripping back and forth, folks schwilling PBR’s and a ton of camaraderie. This is a major factor at this party, wondering from camp to camp hanging out with friends and taking care of each other. There was a food vendor down in the woods serving up BBQ if you were hungry, there was plenty to drink if you were thirsty and no end to the party. My friends Angel and Beverly took me in, fed me and we hung out for a while. Bev even helped me score some pills from their neighbors, Zerteck was the hard stuff, 24 hours to try to clear up my allergies. I can’t thank them enough, it’s good to have friends. After some grub, I wanted to check on my wet
gear, ditch my camera and put my hoodie on. By now it was dark, real dark. It took me 45 minutes riding around in the woods on the panhead to find my campsite. That damn 12-volt halogen bulb don’t do much in the woods! After I found my camp, I dared not leave for fear of not finding it again. All good though, it was late and had been a long day. Saturday night is usually a bit more calm that Friday night, but there was still a hell of a party going on til the wee hours of the night.
In the morning, I packed my shit up and rode out of the woods. Jerry hooked me up with some coffee at the Law Tigers booth and we watched everyone wander out of the woods after a long night. I hated to go, but I had 200 miles to go, and I knew I was riding into more rain. Four hours later I arrived home, soaked, tired and out of spark plugs. It was an awesome experience. 400 miles in two days on my chopper with only a bed roll and tent to party with some good friends. I’m sure after a few days my body will stop aching and I’ll be ready to do it again.
n april 13th, My plan was to go to the “driven by Grace” Bike Blessing in Lincolnton, NC. It was scheduled to start at 10:00AM.
I left home at about 9:30 heading north on Rt 150. I stopped at a local restaurant parking lot to wait for “Grumpy”. He wanted us to ride there together. We stopped for gas in Cherryville, and were at the church just before 10:00AM
The “Driven by Grace” Biker ministry was responsible for their Annual “Blessing of the Bikes”. I really enjoy spending time with the “Driven by Grace” people. I have many friends, and they are all so friendly.
We parked up in the first row on the left. There were only a few bikes there. I brought a large stack of Carolinas Full Throttle magazines for the free table where everything is free. I also gave a donation. Next, I looked for Candy and Danny. It had been a few years since we spent time together. They are still associated with the church but not the Biker Ministry. Danny was there but Candy was home working around the house. She wasn’t coming. She doesn’t ride anymore.
Then, we walked around talking with old friends. We shared stories about many interesting rides we’ve had. I had a hot dog, while we talked. “Driven by Grace” always has great tasting food at their events.
When I lived in Chicago, and went to a bike blessing, the priest would come out where he could see all the bikes, and then bless all the bikes and riders at once. The “Driven by Grace” ministry members gather around each motorcycle with its rider, and pray for him, and his ride.
They blessed “Grumpy” and his bike. Then “Miss Vickie” and I were blessed. I was moved by their prayers. I could feel the presence of God as they all prayed for “Miss Vickie” and me to be safe during the upcoming year. I was glad that we were blessed again for another year. It seems like there are many bike blessings in the spring. Bikers can use all the help we can get when riding our bikes. It always helps to have God on our side.
e love featuring fancy motorsickles, but we know that motorcycles are for riding, so we also like to put a spotlight on bikes that are purpose built and ridden hard. Dano Simmons has been turning wrenches since the Shovelhead days and is the head hancho at South Main Customs in Kannapolis, NC. He’s a go-to guy for general maintenance, custom builds and adding power to your scoot. This 2007 FLTR Road Glide is Dano’s daily rider and is like the Six Million Dollar…Bike (If you don’t get the reference you may have been born after 1978). Dano has had to rebuild it, he had the technology, he made it better, stronger, faster. As a matter of fact, Dano found the bike online and bought it out of SC, knowing it had been wrecked and repaired by the local dealership. A year later, Dano “grabbed a handful of front brakes” to avoid a collision and the bike was wrecked for a second time. This gave Dano a chance to crack open the engine and give it that “Six Million Dollar Bike” South Main Customs style rebuild. The bike ended up with a 110 S&S Kit in the engine with ported and polished heads. The rebuilt Road Glide has put up numbers like running 167mph on the dyno and makes about 115 HP and 130 ft lbs of Torque. It featuring S&S Power Tuned Duals with the grand national mufflers, S&S mini teardrop air cleaner. It has a kickass suspension with front and rear Legends Suspension Amazingly the tank is the original tank with
factory original Orange Mirage Pearl paint, even after a 3rd wreck, with a little help from Dent Wizard and matched the color for the rest of the bike. The engine was originally blonde, but was powder coated black to bring together that classic H-D color scheme.
Dano is a true biker and a few bad times won’t keep him from getting back on and carving up mountain roads. “My favorite ride is to go up 801 to 601to 52. Go up old Fancy Gap. From Old Fancy Gap I go on over towards Withville and get on Hwy 11 and run 11 into Marion and do the Back Of The Dragon. We will leave the top of the Back of the Dragon and go over and hit 360, I think is the road that takes us towards Bristol and take 421 down to Boone. Then we’ve run the Snake the same day. That’s my favorite loop.” Dano made sure to mention that “Anywhere in the mountains” is where he likes to ride.
So if you catch Dano and the SMC crew out of the shop, know they are headed up to the High Country and that the orange “Dano Built” Road Glide he rides is more than meets the eye. South Main Customs can get your bike performing the way you want it too. Stop by at 1220 S. Main St. Kannapolis, NC or give ‘em a shout at 704-933-3266!
fter Months of planning and countless Miles ridden perfecting the route, our spring CAPA ride was finally here. CAPA (Child Abuse Prevention Awareness) This would be my first ride as one of the road captains. And for those of you who don’t know, my Dad “Cuzz” was an amazing road captain who has led many miles for our Gastonia Chapter. Needless to say the pressure was on to fill those shoes and not make any unscheduled uturns !!!!
I arrived at Full Throttle Powersports at 9 am in Lowell and could already see dozens of bikes lining the parking lot. As I backed my bike in, “Chief” who is also a road captain for our chapter, began to converse with me about the route and final plans for our road guards. We did a quick walk around to greet everyone and counted 80 bikes. What a great turn out! Afterwards I bought one hand for the ride, rolled my dice and scored on the higher end with a 534.
It was 11:15 and our chapter President “Striker” began our welcome meeting. Soon after we briefed everyone on the route and safety. Our Chaplain “Tank” said a prayer for safe travels. Then we saddled up with our sights set on Midtown Sundries. This was our lunch stop. We got our bellies full and made our dice roll.
As time came to fire up the motors on our bikes, we had one more safety briefing before we took off across the county to Rocklodge Farms in Lincolnton. We made our dice rolls there and began to notice dark clouds forming in the direction we were about to go. We took one last look at our weather apps and it said no rain…wishful thinking. “Chief” had led our ride so far and it was my turn to lead the last half.
We gave the 10 minute warning for KSU. I was locked in, laser focused on leading this 80 bike pack to Cherokee Grill in Kings Mountain. All was well until we turned on hwy 161. In a flash, we felt the temperature drop dramatically. We all know what that means. The sound of rain drops began to ring through my full face Simpson helmet. In the distance we saw lightning strike. The baptism that followed was one that none of us will forget as we “floated” into the 4th stop and rolled our dice.
Our last stop was Double Barrel Saloon in Gastonia. We made a quick route change to make it there before 4:30 since the rain had delayed us. Our rides are focused on safety and making it fun for riders of all skill levels. All in all, it was a great day. Everyone made it to the end safely where we had great food, fun and prizes. We are Guardians of the Children. When a child calls, we ride.
didn’t keep uS fRom Rolling into Riders’ Roost Motorcycle Resort, Ferguson, NC, for Opening Weekend the middle of April. The party was mellow, as folks spent time catching up with buddies they hadn’t seen lately. Frederick and Cheryl had us crowding their deck and around that nice fire pit to warm up.
Saturday was “Let’s go ride” day. Folks headed to their favorite mountain roads and the old store for pizza. I dashed over to Farmington Dragway for the All Harley World Shootout race. Catch a round of qualifying and back to The Roost. Smiling as I see my buddies coming back from their rides.
That night David rocked the game room and deck as the Opening Weekend Party went on. Beautiful clear mountain night sky and a small Moon for our first weekend at The Roost. Wake up to the birds chirping.
A few weeks later I was back at The Roost for a Screw The Rally, Let’s Ride the Valley Non-Party. Tommy wanted to go to the Original Mast General Store in Valle Crucis. Cool. Let’s scout a route for that ride. Friday night the mountain sky was clear as we watched the Space Station pass over. Then the sky started a light show as the Aurora Borealis made colors dance above us.
Riding the next day we saw some beautiful views with clear Carolina Blue skies. But the best sight was the big smile on B.C.’s face. Bruce Colburn is one of the original founding brothers who built Riders’ Roost. We see him when he drops in for party weekends, but B.C. was looking forward to riding with some Roosters again.
Yes, I maintained my reputation for sometimes taking a longer way to get there. We were never lost. Columbus was lost. But when we rode by Grandfather Mountain I knew we were way too far. Shannon thought we were going to Alaska since it was cold way up the mountain. I’m thinking about an Ashe County Cheese run. I buy their cheese. Let’s see where it’s made. Who wants to go to Mystery Hill?
After we returned to The Roost and shared the goodies we bought at Mast Store, I sat down to talk with B.C. about how this little piece of Biker Heaven came to be.
First thing I asked B.C. was how did some brothers from the Mississippi Coast end up in Wilkes County? All four; Roy, Richard, Robert and B.C.; had been in the U.S. Navy and were still working on ships as civilian contractors.
Richard’s fourth wife wanted to live near her mom in Virginia Beach. They were in this area and stopped in Lenoir for gas and sandwiches. He wound up buying several acres.
“I came up to help Richard build a house. I was living in Pensacola, Florida, then,” B.C. said. “I met T. W. Bowman laying the block for his house. Asked about buying some land.”
B.C. wanted the dream place – some land, privacy, creek, waterfall, swimming hole. T.W. said he had knew just the place.
They came up on a Sunday. The creek and swimming hole used to be a third of the size they are now. I won’t go into B.C.’s story about the first time he looked down into the swimming hole and there was a woman, necked, about 400 pounds. Turns out she had on a tiny string bikini. Hey, this has been a swimming hole for hundreds of years. Daniel Boone likely bathed and fished in that spot.
In 1986 they made a deal with the owners to combine a few lots along the creek. Got a deal since the property was real rough. Even now there’s a nice buffer on each end that would be hard to build on. It was not a prime property. Folks had dumped trash on the property for years. Especially the steeper ends. Not just trash, but appliances and dead cars and whatever.
B.C. planned to build a single house with a deck overlooking the falls. With that awesome view and the sound of the creek putting you to sleep. He was also thinking about what to
story And Photos By AlAn dockery little chilly WindyJune 7-8: Spring Fling
June 21-22: World Honda Chopper Meet
July 4-7: Independence Day Celebration
Aug 9-10: CBA State Party
Aug 30-Sept 2: Labor Day Luau Party
Nov 1-2: Halloween Party
do when he stopped working on the ships. Yeah, back then he thought he would stop that job.
“I had always wanted to own a bar. So why don’t I just put a bar here. Wilkes is a wet county and there’s no bars around. Probably draw a lot of locals and have a good time,” B.C. said. “I came back from a job and Roy and Richard said they had an idea to open a Biker Campground and already had the name Riders’ Roost in mind. That was the late 1980’s.”
“In 1989 I left Pensacola and moved up here. So did Roy and Robert. Richard was here. We rented a house in town and started building this place. We were involved in every brick, block, nail, screw, you name it.”
First thing was have a guy do the land work. Build the terraces. They had a nice bluff above the creek and benches set back. Pretty spot. That night, six inches of rain fell and the creek changed. Washed the bluff away. They tried a few things to have a beach and control the creek. I sit on the busted blocks from a seawall when fishing now. B.C. told me the first summer they learned that the creek is going to change and they can’t control it. Just enjoy it.
Soon they built the bath house and the two houses. By 1990 the plan was to have the downstairs under BC’s house be a beer bar/restaurant with pizza oven and pool tables and darts. But, there was a problem with the code and insurance folks. So that area became a party room for years. The Lodge to some of us. Now it’s called The Suites and has two bedrooms, 1.5 bath, heat/AC, kitchen and fireplace for $200 a night.
“May 26, 1991 was the official first opening Day,” B.C. said. “That’s Roy’s birthday. One of the first guys to come in was Don Steel. His picture is on the remembrance wall. Don came here until he died. He loved The Roost. Charlie Clark was shortly after.”
“All the parties were packed the first year and the Roost started off rocking. The problem we had was that people wanted to bring in their own beer. We only charged a dollar a beer. Not making much.”
The guys started making up names for types of people. These folks were Chesters. They wanted to bring their own
beer in an ice chest. I won’t explain what they meant when calling folks Roids.
The second year was when the Gulf War hit. Since all the brothers’ income was based on ships and ships were in heavy use, they were gone for most of 1992 and 92. By 1993 and 94 The Roost was in full operation and becoming known as a cool place to stay in the mountains. My first year was 1996 when I retired from Uncle Sam’s Amazing Flying Circus and returned to my Carolina roots.
B.C. admitted it was tough getting The Roost going and sometimes barely hanged on. People come for the parties, but it can be quite the rest of the time. Maintenance and up keep are constant chores.
“From the standpoint of what it’s going to leave lasting. I believe the only part of my life that will be remembered is this place here,” B.C. said.
We talked about how The Roost grew as the cabins were built in batches of five and the bunkhouse became a favorite place for folks to stay.
I had to ask about the entrance. B.C. and Richard flipped a coin to see who would be the first to ride up the driveway. Well, the coin bounced and landed on the edge between two rocks. B.C. took off and made the first ride up that drive. Follow the arrows and you will be fine. Don’t stop on the slope.
We had a really nice ride that day. Slow and enjoy the ride and views. But we wrapped up our talk laughing about what folks called The Poker Races.
Back in the day we usually had a Roost Ride on Saturday. Get a couple dozen folks and go for a bar hoppin’ ride. Take a sack of cards and make it a poker run. Best and worst hands take the cash. Ride around the mountains stopping at Frogs, Shamrock Sherry’s and Linda Lee’s. B.C. or Roy would lead and since some of us rode together we might go a little too fast for some folks. They went on a Poker Run and came in last place in the Poker Race.
“To me we weren’t going fast. But I wasn’t thinkin’ like a flat lander from Charlotte. We told folks were the next stop was and waited for them,” B.C. said.
This Summer y’all should come to the creek and mountains. Uncle Roy might show up and sing us some dirty biker songs. I’ll share his stories about the middle years soon. Join us for party weekends, bring your group for weekends that ain’t reserved or just come when the camp is quite and let the creek sing you to sleep. Enjoy the Land of Ahhhhhs.
n sunday Morning on the 14th, i was Back out early preparing for another great event at Locked & Loaded Bar and Grill in Garner, NC. Bikefest had not been held for a few years since Covid hit, and everyone was excited for this event to kickoff as an annual event once again. By noon, we were all ready to get some food and a few (dozen) cold beverages. The vendors were set up and the band was loading the stage up, preparing to rock the crowd that had begun rolling in on twos. I didn’t really have time to do a head count, but I am guessing there were well over 100 bikes showing up.
Birdie’s Beads and Blades was set up beside the stage. Birdie has a big weekend coming in May. It will be her 20th Anniversary of the business. She set up on Memorial Day in 2004 for the first time. She had so much fun, and made a little bit of money, so she just kept attending events, sewing patches and offering all types of biker paraphernalia.
Beside Birdie was Meyhem Cycle Works, offering their t-shirts, hats and so forth. They have a new shop in Raleigh. Look for their ad in this magazine each month for contact info. I was right beside them handing out FREE magazines all day. Anthony Hicks Art was to my right. This guy has some serious biker art, you should Google him. Freckled Fox Cookies was on the end. Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies! Need I say more? Tobacco Road H-D was on the lot as well!
Renee Jones and her staff had been prepping since I arrived at 9:30 that morning and were ready to provide the top-notch service they always do. Renee personally looked after me all day, always keeping my drink full. Hey, a guy running around taking photos all day works up a thirst.
By 2pm, 454 took the stage and began playing everything from Southern Rock to Heavy Metal. And the crowd loved it! I never asked why, but they had a rotation going with drummers, each one as good as the last. And they all keep that steady thump going for us all to enjoy. If you have never attended a 454 show, I highly recommend you do!
Like all good things, the day had to come to an end. I had promised to revisit Freckled Fox for a few bags of cookies to go. They were having a fun time handing out samples (as evidenced in their photos). I purchased two bags, and they FORCED me to take a few more samples. LOL! My arm still
hurts from them twisting so hard.
Even after the band stopped, the crowd lingered. There was music playing and cold drinks flowing, so I continued to snap away with the camera. Next thing I know Daphne McDanoels, who hosts Adult Bingo at Locked and Loaded once or twice a month, had broken out a braided get back whip and began to administer punishment to one of the attendees, who really did not seem to mind. Look for those photos on The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Facebook page.
That brings me to the end of the weekend’s adventure. Stayed tuned though, because next up is the JoCo Angels Ride 4 Recovery 4. Read about that exciting day in the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine!
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
An engineer is walking into work one day when another engineer rides up on a shiny new motorcycle. “Where did you get such a rocking bike?” asked the first. The second engineer replied “Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, ‘Take what you want.’” “Good choice,” said the first engineer, nodding approvingly, “the clothes probably wouldn’t have fit!”
What If Motorcycles Acted Like Computers:
• Twice a day, your bike would crash for no reason.
• Every time you wanted to ride; you would have to upgrade a component of your bike.
• Your bike would die at random times, for no reason, and you would have to restart to ride on it.
• Using your controls out of order would cause your bike to shut down and refuse to start until you replaced the clutch.
• Harley would make a bike powered by electricity, reliable, five times faster, and twice as easy to ride, but you could only ride on the side streets.
• Cruisers could only handle one person at a time unless you rode a “Harley11” or “HarleyOS14”, but then you would need to buy more seats.
• Every time you went to turn the bike off it would ask you “Are you sure?”.
• Every time Harley introduced a new model, buyers would have to learn to ride all over again, because none of the controls would operate in the same way as the last model.
• To shut off the engine you need the key fob and to push the start button.
• On Harley’s, the speedometer and tachometer would be replaced by notifications that pop up when the bike is running.
District Attorney Gladstone forgot the first rule of preparing to examine a witness: Be sure you know how the witness will answer when you ask a question. Gladstone called Mrs. Bellefort, a motorcycle-riding grandmother, to the stand. He began, “Mrs. Bellefort, do you know me?” She said, “Certainly. I’ve known you since you were a tadpole, and you are a major disappointment. You tell lies, you cheat on your wife. You gossip. Oh, yes, I know you think you’re really something, but you haven’t even got brains enough to know you’ll never amount to anything but a two-bit, small-town jerk.” Gladstone was shocked out of his wits. He pointed at the other desk and asked, “Do you know the defense attorney?” “Yes, indeedy. He’s a bigot with a drinking problem. His law practice is a sham and a shambles. And you should know that one of the half-dozen women he cheated with was your very own wife.” The defense attorney was seized by a coughing fit and turned beet red. Then the judge called both attorneys to approach the bench. Very, very quietly, he said, “If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I’ll send you both to the electric chair.”
Joe decided after years of his friends pestering him to get a motorcycle spontaneously finally decided it was time. After signing the paperwork and getting a brief overview of how to ride, he gears up and awkwardly gets on his bike. His friends eager to get on the road start off slowly guiding Joe to the highway. It didn’t take long before Joe’s friends were putting some distance between themselves and Joe. To keep up, Joe twists the throttle and ZOOM off he goes passing his friends like they are standing still. While passing a car, he looks in the window and shouts, “Ever ridden a Harley motorcycle”? “No, I haven’t” the driver replies. Pulling away before he could ask another question, Joe soon comes to another car.
While passing it, he looks in and knocks on the window. The driver of the car opens the window: “Yes?” “Ever ridden a Harley motorcycle” Joe Screams. “No, I haven’t” replied the driver. Suddenly, Joe looks up and sees a curve coming on fast, but it’s too late. He crashes off the road into a ditch. Seeing this, another car pulls over to check on Joe, who was battered and bruised. The man from the car runs up to Joe and asks, “are you ok”? Joe asks in return, “Ever ridden a Harley Motorcycle”? “Yes, I have. I rode a Harley for 20 years. Why do you ask” the driver replies. Joe replies, “Can you tell me, how to brake?”
The Washington State Department of Transportation found over two hundred dead crows on the highway. They were afraid that smoke from the fires had killed them. Once they’d been examined by a vet, it was shown that they’d been hit by vehicles and the fires were not to blame. In fact, the vet was able to determine, by analyzing paint residue, that 98% of the crows had been killed by motorcycles and just 2% by cars. This mysterious result led the DOT to call in an ornithological behaviorist to see why motorcycles killed so many more birds. Dr. Mallory reviewed the evidence and pointed out that, when crows eat roadkill, they always have a lookout crow that warns of danger from oncoming traffic. He concluded his exposition this way: “All the lookout crows can shout Cah, but not one of them could yell Bike.
Claire parked her motorcycle and went into the fire station to begin her shift. The phone rang. “Fire station,” Claire said. “I want you to know that I’ve just spent a small fortune getting my front yard landscaped. I’ve put in expensive hybrid roses, perennial borders, and even a fishpond with a fountain.” “That’s nice,” Claire said, “but why are you telling me about it.” “My next-door neighbor’s house is on fire, and I don’t want you to trample my yard.”