Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com

Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com

Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
ell, Punxatony Phil is a real rat and called for 6 more weeks of winter. But that doesn’t mean much to us here in the Carolinas where it was spring for a weekend 3 times in February. We’ve been riding in light weight jackets and the daffodils are in bloom. Let’s hope this trend sticks around and we can throw Phil in with the rest of the “Weather Guessers” who only get the forecast right occasionally. March is a big month for the motorcycle world. Daytona kicks off the rally season on March 3rd and it’s on and rolling from there! Check out the front cover of this magazine. The CBA Swap Meet is back for the 51st Spring installment. This event is a must attend event for the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine, in fact it’s Tradition. Check out the cover story for the full run down on what’s going on at Swap Meet.
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, Pam, John, Rob, Brenda, JB
Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Derek Sikes, Josh Hawks Wally Wersching, Daryl Brewton, Len Montgomery, Brenda Reece, Tom Whitmore Photography
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Wally Wersching, Chi, Ms. Pat, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Brenda Reece, Matt Danielson, Todd Redford
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
The Crusin’ Calendar absolutely exploded with new events this month. That’s a better indicator of spring then ol’ Phil can handle! Go ahead and plan out your spring event schedule! If you have an event coming up that you want included….SEND IT TO US! The Crusin’ Calendar list Benefit motorcycle events, club events and our advertisers events FOR FREE! Also in this issue is a crop of excellent articles covering local events and motorcycle industry news to make sure you are up to speed on what’s going on in the motorcycle community! While you are flipping through the pages, make sure you check out all the advertisers who support this magazine. They are all supporters of the motorcycle community and are throwing out great deals FOR YOU! Stop in and support them in return…make sure you tell them you saw them in the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. We are working through our 25th year in print and we couldn’t do it without their support, and yours!
We hope to see you all out there on the road and at events. Make sure to stop us and say hello, get your picture taken and hang out with us for a bit. Your picture may even end up in the people and places pages! We are also always looking for sales reps. If you are looking for a way to earn some extra cash while riding your motorcycle, then give us a shout!
are now on our 51st year of
holding several proud titles, “The Largest & (still reigning) Oldest Swap Meet & Bike Show in North Carolina!” (That is in large part, due to the amazing, dedicated volunteers & vendors!) If you haven’t visited this show yet, (or haven’t in years) here’s a couple of things, you need to know. This ain’t yo momma’s show! This is not just a commercialized leather/ feather/T-shirt Show! It’s a full-fledged, ole school, diggingthrough acres of unique, hard-to-find parts, pieces, accessories, gear, attire & everything any biker could want or need! Whether you seek vintage or custom parts, frames, wheels, tires, clothes, or accessories, we’re like Prego, “it’s in there!” Looking for motors, handlebars, seats or sissy bars? Yup, it’s here. Along with several local bike shops who perform services from maintenance, aftermarket parts to monster performance upgrades. Need leather goods? How about some patches sewn on? Experts are onsite to sew whatever you could need or want.
CHARLOTTE CBA‘s original bike show inside the building, will remain the same for Saturday and Sunday. The people will choose the winner of that bike show and the winner will be announced on Sunday afternoon there will be a total of $1000 in prizes for the weekend. For only $25, you get a weekend admission to the show, and your bike admitted into this event!
As we are always trying to change and try new things , We are adding a ride-in bike show, Saturday only, in addition to the inside bike show! After Paying admission to the event, it is FREE to enter your bike into this No-Class bike show! (FYI-It will be judged by our sponsors) bragging rights will go to the
winner, along with a one-of-kind “best engine” hand-sculpted trophy! 2nd place will receive a trophy/plaque award. PLUS you get the best parking spot, inside the gate! Winners of this show will be announced Saturday afternoon, at the Wet T shirt contest. Mix & mingle, you’ve always got a chance of running into some celebs while checking out rad bikes.
Whether you consider yourself a hardcore biker, motorcycle enthusiast, builder, trader or tinker, if you are looking for just the right products, chances are, you are likely to find them here. Plus, the networking opportunities are endless!
Listen to live performances at 2 venues playing all day both days. Southern Thunder will be rocking all day, Saturday and Sunday on the midway. The Mitch Clark band will be rolling out the jams in the bike show building. Also new to this years event you can win prizes participating in bike games with the one & only, Lincoln Infield from Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine! Celebrity guest at this years event include an appearance by the female-riding cast of Charlotte’s own TV Show, ‘Beautiez & Bikerz’. These ladies portraying accurate images of today’s motorcyclist, their accomplishments and positive influence in our communities.
Wet T-Shirt Contest. That’s right. What would a biker event be without one? Open to all who wish to enter. Nothing better than to see some beautiful woman of all ages strutting what they got. We never discriminate and always encourage participants. Up for grabs is $500 in cash Prizes! Imagine winning that contest and being able to buy your ole man some bike parts! haha! We can’t leave the men out, so we also have a Beard Contest! This is an easy one guys, bring your whiskers with ya and you can win some prizes as well!
THIS EVENT IS A FUNDRAISER! Every show changes, it’s never the same! Because this show is for YOU! YES YOU, READING THIS! We add,
By: Charlotte CBa President - david “twiggy” terwilliger elcome friends, new and old to the show That Never Ends! Wechange or remove events, based on your feedback. Doing anything for 50 years well, requires change.
Betcha Didn’t Know This…What is the #1 complaint you hear from Bikers? Other drivers, right? The CBA is doing something about it! For 3 decades, we have been sending BIKER INSTRUCTORS out to driver education classrooms, to teach those young drivers “How To WATCH OUT For Motorcycles!” The state recognized this program effectively saved lives, so, in 2011 they created a law, requiring EVERY driver to take this program! That’s just one of the ways we are using the proceeds from fundraisers like this, working toward making the roads safer. Stop by and see us at the CBA Booth. Grab some cool giveaways & find out what we do for you. From protecting rights and laws we have achieved (red-light law, yeah, that was us), to our present lobbying efforts!
This show is 51 Years in the making! And we are not done! THIS IS FOR YOU! & WE WANT YOUR INPUT! Tell us how we can improve! Send us your ideas!
Please use and support our Show sponsors. CBA would like to thank all of our Sponsors AND most of all, CBA would like to Thank You, our loyal Customers!! Ride Safe and Ride Free!!!
Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group
Blue Collar Motorcycles
South Main Customs
MAL Entertainment
OK Recycling
Ground Thunder
Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers
Mitch Clark Band
March 25-26 10am-6pm
Rowan County Fairgrounds
1560 Julian Rd. Salisbury, NC
General Admission $20 (per day)
Indoor Bike Show Entry $25
Ride In Bike Show Entry FREE Free Parking
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
BIKE WEEK KICK OFF BIKE NIGHT 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. Food, drink specials, giveaways, music. 336-570-1050
MAR 3-12 DAYTONA BEACH BIKE WEEK Daytona Beach, FL. 10 days of races, music, vendors, rides. www.officialbikeweek. com
MAR 4 LUCKY’S SALOON 10TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1453 Industrial Dr., Burlington, NC. Food @3pm, giveaways, live music. 336-570-1050
Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-1pm, cook entry forms available at both locations. Must turn in form by 2/19. Cash prizes & trophies, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910864-1200
MAR 4 BOOK RUN FOR LUCAMA ELEMENTARY Barnes & Nobles, 3040 Evans St., Greenville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, bring 2 age appropriate books for K-5th per bike or cash donation. Lunch, bike blessing. Barry Wood, bwood@wilsonnc.org
Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Meet at 10am, KSU 11am, BBQ plates avail. Benefits Russell as he battles cancer. Jamie Cole, 919-306-2513
MAR 4 BENEFIT RIDE & SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER HONORING ANNA KNOWLES Newton Grove Fire Dept., 313 W. Weeksdale St., Newton Grove, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $30/double, food avail 11am with donation, 50/50. Benefits Anna who is battling a rare bone cancer.
MAR 4 FLEA MARKET SWAPMEET 417 Mackeys Ferry Rd., Roper, NC. 8am-2pm, $2 or 2 canned food donations to enter. Food avail. Morgan Standle, 252-455-2003
MAR 5 4TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL RIDE FOR PAUL TIDWELL Detail Garage, 683-C Cary Towne Blvd., Cary, NC. KSU 11am, donations can be made to NC Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Paul lost his battle with cancer in March 2019.
MAR 11 CHRIS FOUST’S 50TH BIRTHDAY Willie’s Honky Tonk, 4310 Old rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 12pm, free chicken stew, live music @7pm.
MAR 11 STE POWERSPORTS SPRING FORWARD EVENT 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. 11am-3pm, Free hotdogs & hot motorcycle deals. www.stepowersports. com, 704-883-8385
MAR 11 GASTON CO. TOY RUN FOR KIDS BREAKFAST Gastonia Dodge/Jeep/ Ram, 2339 Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. 8am while supplies last, $6 donation, raffle bike tickets available. Benefits The Gaston Co. Toy Run for Kids. Foot, 704-913-3392, Tony, 704-975-7924
MAR 11 FREEDOM RIDE & GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, help put an end to human trafficking. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-8641200
MAR 11 RIVERTOWN RIDERS BIKES & BARKS Beach House Harley-Davidson, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $15/rider, $5/passenger. Escorted ride, proceeds go to Paws Place Dog Rescue for needed items. www. rivertownriders.org
MAR 12 BIKER TRASH NATION SUNDAY RIDE TO HORSEFEATHERS Big Lots Parking Lot 100 Westwood Village Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. KSU 12pm. Wayne Pinnix 336-464-6202
MAR 17 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK ST PADDY DAY PARTY 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm
MAR 17 PINE TREE TAVERN ST PATRICK’S DAY PARTY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Corned Beef & Cabbage, 336-815-1220
MAR 17-19 2ND ANNUAL DON ‘DJ’ JOHNSON SPRING NATIONALS North Florida Motorplex, 21281 Apachee Rd Powerhouse St NW, Fountain, FL. 2022 Banquet, Bill Rowe, 704-294-6080
SCHOLARSHIP POKER RUN KennedyHall Legion Post 106, 6250 Hwy 801, Salisbury, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/ rider, $5/passenger, $5/extra hand. Raffles, door prizes, BBQ. 336-749-7547
SWAP MEET 3441 Myer Lee Dr., WinstonSalem, NC. 10am-4pm, set up & sell. Call 336-722-3106 to reserve your spot, www. smokinharley.com
MAR 18 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO POT O’ GOLD 2795 Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 11am-7pm, complimentary beer & Irish Mudslides while supplies last. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
LEPRECHAUN LUNCH 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 12pm until gone, free beer & weenies. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-8723883
MAR 18 MIKE’S 6TH ANNUAL COWBOY CHILI CHALLENGE Sons Of The South Saloon, 3007 1st Ave. SW., Hickory, NC. Pots go on at 10am, judging at 2pm, $30/ pot entry, pre-reg required, cash prize, one free shirt per entry. Proceeds go to local charities. Call for rules, 828-855-3097 or 828-327-8555.
MAR 18 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
MAR 18 2ND ANNUAL BACK IN THE SADDLE BENEFIT RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, safety brief, 10:45am, KSU 11am, $20/person, $5/passenger, free food & beer, vendors. Prime Time 810-3944235, Pooh Bear 951-775-4629
MAR 18 CBA GRANVILLE CO. CHAPTER CHILI COOK-OFF 1639 NC Hwy 50, Creedmoor, NC. Reg 10am, judging 12pm, $5/entry, open to the public.
BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 10am-4pm, hamburger & hotdog hangover brunch, prizes & giveaways. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
RIDE University of South Carolina – Sumter, 200 Miller Rd., Sumter, SC. Reg 8am, safety brief 9:30am, KSU 10am, food, vendors. FMI, Krieger, 803-406-6551, sumter. sc.ilmc@gmail.com
Goodfellas Grill & Bar, 630 Hwy 378, Lexington, SC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:30am, Chip Run: $20/rider, $10/passenger. Beer, music, vendors, 50/50. Howler, 912-8090291, Easy, 919-221-8398, Hound Dog, 803-924-9997, Beaux Sr., 803-497-2642
Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Sign in 12pm, KSU 12:30pm, all are welcome. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 24 AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS POST 55 BIKE NIGHT 111 Miller St., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm, food avail, live music, 50/50.
MAR 24-26 RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON SEASON OPENER 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Escorted ride, food, live music & more. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
MAR 25-26 51ST ANNUAL SWAP MEET & TERRY BROWN MEMORIAL BIKE SHOW Rowan County Fairgrounds,1500 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Gates open 10am-6pm, bike show, cash prizes, Barbie car race, cannon firing, vendors, live music, wet t-shirt contest, swap meet. Presented by Charlotte CBA. Rick Nail, 704-577-1546, macman.nail@gmail.com
MAR 25 7TH HEARTIVERSARY FOR BRANDON Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. Blood drive & organ donor sign up, food, music. Benefits Operation Decisive Victory. www. bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
MAR 25 3RD ANNUAL BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW 5865 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC. 9am-?, $25/entry fee for show bikes/vehicles, spectators free until 5pm, rain date: 04/01. Live auction, live music, 50/50, gun raffle, bike raffle, trophies. In memory of Richard Kelly. Benefits Rowan Helping Ministries, Eagle Nest III Homeless Veterans. 704-856-8865
MAR 25 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON NATIONAL SPRING SEASON OPENER 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Official kickoff to the 120th Anniversary, www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
MAR 25 TRIAD HONOR FLIGHT FUND RAISER Springer’s, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger, live music, food, gun raffle. 336-763-0707
MAR 25 STANLY COUNTY BENEFIT RIDE HWY 55 Burgers, Shakes & Fries, 750-A Leonard Ave E., Albemarle, NC. $10/ donation to ride, benefits Fire Dept. & EMS.
MAR 25 RIDE FOR RECOVERY Sheetz, 1885 Broad St., Fuquay Varina, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $35/rider, $15/passenger incl lunch, event patch,1raffle ticket. Food & raffle. Benefits Wake Monarch Academy. Tara jones, goneiv@icloud.com, www.wakemonarchacademy.org/events/ ride
MAR 25 2ND ANNUAL MIKE DORMAN MEMORIAL POKER RUN Big Daddy’s Roadhouse, 7304 NC-55 Fuquay Varina, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, food, live music, prizes, raffle items & gun raffle. Benefits Military Missions In Action. www.militarymissionsinaction.org
MAR 25 FORT BRAGG HARLEY-DAVIDSON NATIONAL SPRING SEASON OPENER 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Official kickoff to the 120th Anniversary, free food & beer, raffles. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 25 MEN’S HEALTH DAY & CHARITY RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:15am, Free event with food, beer, vendors, bike blessing, men’s health screenings. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910864-1200
MAR 25 FREEDOM RIDE TO SKY FEST Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www. freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
SHOW WinnSupply, 208 W. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC. Reg for bike & car show 11am, judging 3pm, $20/entry, free kids car show. Rain date: 04/01, vendors, food. Proceeds go to CRKA, hosted by Cleveland Co. Independent Bikers. Bender, 828-437-7074 or Snake, 704-692-0538
MAR 25 RIDE FOR THE SOUL Gadgets of Camden, 110 E. Dekalb St., Camden, SC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $20/ single, $35/couple incl food ticket & event bracelet, pre-reg packets avail until 02/25. Canned food, goods & clothing donations accepted. Games, food, music, 50/50, door prizes. Benefits Food For The Soul, www. mysticmisfitmm.wixsite.com/rideforthesoul, Brandy Gunter, 803-729-9717, kodanstephy86@gmail.com
MAR 30 LADIES NIGHT ON MAIN South Main Customs, 1220 S. Main St., Kannapolis, NC. 6-8pm, free entry, refreshments, giveaways, special guest, music. Spons: by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. 704-933-3266
APR 1 SOUTHERN WOLVES MC BIKE & CAR SHOW 652 W. Academy St., Randleman, NC. Reg 11am, judging 1pm, awards 4pm, $10/reg fee. Trophies, food, music, vendors.
APR 1 FORGED BROTHERHOOD MC ORPHAN RUN Speedway Harley-Davidson, 10049 Weddington Rd Ext, Concord, NC. 11am, $15/single, $20/two-up. Benefits Sacred Selections. Tim, 704-607-8434, yogicycleservice@gmail.com
APR 1 INFIEDELS MC 2ND ANNUAL APRIL FOOLS POKER RUN Independence Harley-Davidson, 9205 E. Independence Blvd., Matthews, NC. Reg 10am, last bike out 11am, best & worst hand with cash prizes. Benefits The Independence Fund. FMI, www.facebook.com/pokerrunif
APR 1 OTR’S RIDE IN, DRIVE IN, FLY AT GOOSE CREEK AIRPORT 2020 Lawyers Rd., Indian Trail, NC. 12-7pm, $5/per bike and/or vehicle. Live music, food trucks, mobile bar, ride the runway. Benefits Hinds Feet Farm & Team Wheelhouse. Adam Colborne, 704-222-4122, Dick Seidenspinner, 704-906-1734
APR 1 KNIGHTS VS THE FOOL’S GAMES Stanly Co. Fairgrounds, 24302 S. Business 52, Albemarle, NC. Reg 9am, $25/bike, $5/entry, 12 & under free with paying adult. Bike games, food, bike show, inflatables for kids, DJ, vendors. Hosted by Red Knights MC. 704-956-3226, nc24@ redknightsmc.com
APR 1 HELP HOPE POKER RUN The Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St NE, Hickory, NC. Reg 11am, $25/single, $30/double, rain date: 04/29. 50/50, door prizes, best & worst hand, food, open to all vehicles. Benefits Hope Clements with medical study abroad expenses. 828-413-9706
APR I JAMI’S WINGS RIDE 55 N. Broad St W., Angier, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, hosted by Seven Sabres Brotherhood, benefits local chapter of Make A Wish. Sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
APR 1 11TH ANNUAL THE SANDHILLS NC BIKE BLESSING Freedom Biker Church-Fayetteville, 455 Rock Hill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, food, door prizes, bike blessings, music, event tee, vendors, grand prize drawing @2pm. www. freedombikerchurchfayetteville.com
APR 1 APRIL FOOL’S BIKER BASH SOUND OFF, BIKE & CAR SHOW Robeson Co. Fairgrounds, 3750 MLK Dr., Lumberton, NC. Reg 9am, show 12pm, $40/entry. Vendors, proceeds go to Robeson Co. Special Needs Program. FMI, Lee Maynor, 910-536-5319
APR 1 CAROLINA BIKER RALLY 1017B, Broad St, New Bern, NC. $20/ticket, @ www.eventbrite.com/e/482229680957
Live entertainment, bike wash, food, cash prizes. All donations go towards families dealing with cancer in need of financial assistance. FMI, Jose, 803-704-9103
RUN Beach Barracuda’s Grill, 1479 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA. Reg 9am, last bike in 3pm, $15/bike, $5/passenger. Bike show, 757-771-4767
SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
2023 SEASON OPENING DAY 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. 10am, www.wheelsthroughtime.com, 828-926-6266
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@ bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
APR 7-9 NC CVMA 15-1 ANNUAL MEMORIAL RIDE & DEDICATION EVENT Crown Complex, 1960 Coliseum Dr., Fayetteville, NC. Fri: 5-9pm, Sat: 9am-7pm, Sun: 9am1pm. Memorial ride & dedication ceremony, photos with the Easter Bunny, egg hunt, professional wrestling, music, food, drinks, vendors, raffles, Supports local Veterans. FMI, pro.nccvma.15.1@gmail.com, www. memorialdedication2023.cvma15-1.net/
SHOW Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10am, show 1pm, $40/class. Proceeds go to the Crohn’s Center. 336-815-1220
APR 8 HIS LABORING FEW FUNDRAISER & RIDE Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 11am-?, 50/50, food, vendors, live music. Benefits His Laboring Few Ministry. Jack Fowler, 336-978-0838
APR 8 BENEVOLENT BROTHERHOOD RIDE FOR ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL Baggerz Saloon, 4212 Ebert Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $25/double incl meal, rain date: 04/09. 50/50, poker run. Proceeds benefit St. Jude’s.
APR 8 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO ADULT EASTER EGG HUNT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-7pm, adult egg hunt, free beer. www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
APR 8 BENEFIT FOR OLIVIA American Legion Post 458, 116 Business Park Dr., Indian Trail, NC. 2pm, $10/BBQ plates. Olivia was diagnosed with Stage IV Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Paranasal Sinuses. She has a long road of treatments ahead of her. Proceeds go to Olivia Strong Foundation. www.osfgiving.org
APR 8 BUNNY DICE RUN Blue Ridge Harley-Davidson, 2002 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 9:30am, $20/ riders, $5/passenger. Egg hunt, 50/50, awards ceremony, door prizes, highest & lowest dice score. Benefits Sipes Orchard Home. 828-327-3030
APR 8 DALE’S WHEELS THROUGH TIME FOUNDER’S DAY 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. All day long the museum will be firing up & sharing the history of museum founder Dale Walksler & some of his personal favorite motorcycles. www. wheelsthroughtime.com, 828-926-6266
APR 8 3RD ANNUAL SPRING KICK-OFF Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. 11am-5pm, Reg 11am-1pm, $20/bike show, $20/sound competition. Rain date: 06/03, cornhole comp., beer, vendors, food trucks, bike blessing @1pm. Will, 757-681-1104
APR 8 AXEHOLE BIKE NIGHT 280 N. Talbert Blvd. Lexington, NC. 6-8pm. 336843-1637
APR 9 BONGO BACH BIKER SUNDAY SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
APR 13 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle. com, 980-621-7399
APR 14 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., WinstonSalem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
APR 14-15 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT Farmington Dragway, 2992 NC-801, Mocksville, NC. Track, 336-9983443 or Paul Watson, 336-479-2071
APR 15 10TH ANNUAL CRUISIN’ FOR A CAUSE Rixster Grill, 3815 Tinsley Dr., High Point, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12:30pm, $20/bike, $10/rider. Police escort, 50/50, raffles. Benefits Victory Junction. 336-8833900
APR 15 2nd ANNUAL HELPING US HELP RIDE-N-RALLY The Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St. NE, Hickory, NC. Ride Reg 9am, last bike in 1pm, $20/single, $30/couples, 17 & under free, rain date: 04/22. Rally gates open 12pm. Food, live music, vendors, door prizes, 50/50, bike games, raffle tickets, people’s choice bike show, camping. Ivan West, 704-957-1157 or Homie, 828-217-4218
APR 15 23RD ANNUAL CLAREMONT RESCUE POKER RUN Iron Thunder Saloon & Grill, 2022 13th Ave Dr SE, Hickory, NC. Reg 11am, $25/rider, $30/double incl 1 event shirt per bike. Food provided after ride.
APR 15 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
RIDE TO CLYDE Rushing Waters Outreach, 5593 Tabbs Creek Rd., Oxford, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/single, $25/ double incl lunch. Hosted by Breeze Ministries. Stuart, 919-698-8403
APR 15 SPECIAL FORCES BROTHERHOOD MC SPRING POKER RUN 2200 Southern Ave, Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10:30am, road brief 12pm, KSU 12:15pm, $20/rider, $5/passenger. Food & drinks avail, benefits Special Forces Charitable Organizations. sfbmcbraggsec@gmail.com
APR 15 FREEDOM RIDE TO PETTY FEST Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www. freedombikerchurch.com, 919-550-3733
APR 15 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Free entry, bike show, vendors, live music, food trucks, dyno truck. www.bulldogharleydavidson. com, 919-938-1592
APRIL 15 THE CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE BIKE SHOW Bulldog Harley-Davidson 1043 Outlet Center Dr. Smithfield, NC. Free registration 123pm, awards at 4pm. Trophies in 5 classes plus best in show. Best In Show wins invitation to Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Custom Bike Show 2024. 336-885-5400
APR 16 BONGO BACH BIKER SUNDAY SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
APR 16 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 12-4pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
APR 21-22 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO DEMO DAYS 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
APR 21-30 BAYSIDE HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE WEEK Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. H-D demo truck, bikini bike wash, beer, food trucks, guided tours, live music, vendors, contests, bike show. www.baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
APR 22 CELEBRATE EARTH DAY AT RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Test ride the Livewire & more. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
APR 22 2ND ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF Blue Collar Cycle Company, 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. Music, vendors, benefits Cases 4 A Cause. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
APR 22 MARTY LEWIS SCHOLARSHIP RIDE STE Powersports, 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, www.stepowersports.com, 704-883-8385
APR 22 AMERICAN LEGION POST 58 POKER RUN 2731 N. Church St., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 9am, $25/rider, $10/passenger, 5 card draw, food, door prizes, 50/50, prizes. Portion of proceeds go to programs of Domestic Violence. Pete Rossi, 252-373-1208
APR 22 11TH ANNUAL KIDS PATH BIKE & CAR SHOW Cadillac Ranch, 6330 David Moore Rd., Burlington, NC. Rain date: 04/23. $20/to show, $10/entry, cash prizes, food, 50/50, music. Bird Dog, 336-260-1685
APR 22 THROTTLE THERAPY POKER RUN Garner VFW Post 10225, 1706 W. Garner Rd., Greensboro, NC. $20/rider, $10/passenger, $20/bike show entry. Music, bike show, food, raffles, door prizes, 50/50, gun raffle. Benefits TTVETS.org
APR 22 THE FRANK GENNARI MEMORIAL OFFICER DOWN RIDE Carolina Coast Harley-Davidson, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $25/rider, $15/passenger incl ride & meal. Must prereg by mail or in person at CCHD or BHHD. Food, 50/50, shotgun raffle. Benefits area Law Enforcement Officers. Spons: by Blue Knights NC 17. CCHD, 910-791-9997 or BHHD 910-575-9997
APR 22 CVMA 34-2 6TH ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE BENEFIT RIDE Harley-Davidson of Greenville, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 9:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger. Raffles, prizes, food, shirts, pre-reg https:// CVMA34-2BenefitRide.eventbrite.com, supports local Veterans.
APR 22 THE SOUTHERN LEGEND’S MC 1ST ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET High Voltage Harley-Davidson, 365 Sha Ln, Spartanburg, SC. 10am-4pm, meet & greet, live music, food truck, beer truck. Mark Zayas, 864-814-8061
APR 22-30 21st ANNUAL OUTER BANKS BIKE WEEK Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show, Ms. Outer Banks Bike Week contest, Gary Michaels biker comedian/hypnotist, H-D demo truck, bikini bike wash, beer, food trucks, guided tours, live music, vendors, contests. www.outerbankshd.com 252-338-8866
APR 23 BONGO BACH BIKER SUNDAY SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
APR 27 LADIES NIGHT ON MAIN South Main Customs, 1220 S. Main St., Kannapolis, NC. 6-8pm, free entry, refreshments, giveaways, special guest, music. Spons: by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. 704-933-3266
HARLEY DRAG RACE Shady Side Dragway, 2149 Honey Haven Farm Rd., Shelby, NC. $20/gate, $25,000 in payouts, for official class rules, www.facebook.com/ a1cyclesnet, 561-603-6671
Rockingham Dragway, 2153 N US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC. Fri: gates/10am, test & tune 4-10pm, Sat: gates/9am, sportsman qualifying 12pm, pro & nitro qualifying 3pm, 5:30pm & 8pm. Sun: gates/8am, elimination 12pm. www.raceahdra.com, www.rockinghamdragway.com, Bill Rowe, 704-2946080
CHAPTER 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Two locations, meet & greet 4/28, 7pm-1am, at Touchdown Sports Bar, 3601 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC. 4/29, 12-5pm at Touchdown Sports Bar. 4/29, 8pm-1am at Michellez Elegant Center, 3537 Maitland Dr., Raleigh, NC. FMI, large40@aol.com
BIKE SHOW Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8793 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC.
12-4pm, FREE entry, plaques in all classes, cash prizes, best in show invited to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2024. Spons by Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group & Law Tigers. 336-885-5400
RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www. kerripooh.com, www.coxsharley-davidson. com, 336-629-2415
Smokin’ Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/single, $25/double. Food, music, raffle, vendors. Proceeds go to Firefighter Cancer network. Presented by fire & Iron MC Piedmont Triad Station 143.
1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Food, beer, music, vendors. www.stepowersports. com, 704-883-8385
NESS RIDE Marketplace Mall 2101 Peters Creek Pkwy. Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 11:30, KSU 1pm. Wayne Pinnix 336-4646202
APR 29 GUARDIANS OF THE CHILDREN ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RIDE Lake Norman State Park, 759 State Park Rd., Troutman, NC. Reg 9am, coffee & donuts avail. KSU 11am, $20/rider, $25/with passenger, $30/rider incl food & raffle. Food, GOC raffle. FMI, Sasquatch, 704-677-8133 or Freya, 704-929-7654, www.gocmooresvillenc.com
APR 29 THE MELTDOWN VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW Hendersonville Airport, 1232 Shepherd St., Hendersonville, NC. $5/entry, vintage motorcycles, beer, bands, trophies, vendors, swap meet, door prizes, bi-plane rides, test n tune. FMI, tonuphighlands@gmail.com
APR 29 AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Wilson Co. Fairgrounds, 2331 US-301, Wilson, NC. Reg 9-11am, awards 2pm, food avail, 50/50, door prizes. Benefits ALR Post 13 to help Veterans. Barry Wood, bwood@ wilsonnc.org
POKER RUN The Lucky Turn Around, 1560 S. US-29 HWY, China Grove, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11:30am, $15/single, $25/ double incl all you can eat shrimp boil. Live auction, 50/50, door prizes, DJ, best cancer awareness t-shirt contest, best decorated bike contest. Hosted by Riders Against Cancer. Sally Rogers, 704-224-2173
CHARITY RIDE Fort Bragg HarleyDavidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, $20/bike, police escort. Raffle tickets, door prizes, food, cash, prizes. Hosted by Buffalo Soldiers MC Fayetteville Chapter. Proceeds benefit charities. 205-902-4642
APR 29 BENEFIT RIDE & SOUND OFF FOR PATRICK LOCKLEAR 2503 W. 5th St., Lumberton, NC. Reg for ride 9am, KSU 11am, $10/single, $15/double. Reg for sound off, 10am, $40/entry. 50/50, proceeds will help with medical expenses.
RIDE 4 RECOVERY 3 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 9am-2pm, $25/rider incl coffee & donuts, 1 lunch ticket, 1 door prize ticket. Benefits JoCo Angels Opioid Awareness & Support. Christy, 919-868-3697, Christy@ freedombikerchurch.com
BIKE SHOW The Event Site, 6800 S. Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC. Reg 11am-1pm, judging 1:30pm, awards 5pm. $10/entry fee. Cash prizes, trophies. A non-profit fundraising event.
SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
RIBBON RIDE Scooter’s Bar & Grill, 1911 Sego Ct., Raleigh, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 11am, pre-reg discount, day of $25/ person incl shirt & lunch. Silent auction, raffle, giveaways, music. Benefits 1ofUs. nesha@1ofus.org
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@ bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
MAY 5-7 20TH ANNUAL THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. 41,00 bike show, $1,000 bike games, vendors, live music, guided ride. Tickets avail online, www.thunderinthesmokies.com, 828-2462101
INTERNATIONAL FEMALE RIDE DAY 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
DAY PAY DAY South Main Customs, 1220
S Main St., Kannapolis, NC. First bike out 11am, last bike out 12pm. $20/per hand, $2000 in cash prizes. DJ, door prizes. Benefits Spina Bifida research. 704-933-3266.
DAY Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am2pm, free portraits of female riders with their bikes. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 6 18TH ANNUAL JWM SCHOLARSHIP FUN RUN Jones Intermediate School, 2170 Riverside Dr., Mt Airy, NC. Reg 10am, $15/rider, $25/couple incl meal after ride. Joey Mitchell, 276-251-5053
MAY 6 2ND ANNUAL KICKSTANDS UP FOR VETS Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $25/with passenger. Vendors, food, music, raffles & more. Proceeds go to local Veterans. www. downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
BOYETT Honda Suzuki of Sanford, 3128 S. Horner Blvd., Sanford, NC. Staging 9:30am, KSU 11am, $15/rider, $10/passenger, rain date: 05/13. 50/50, raffles, food, music.
RIDE Donald L. Drum VFW Post 5305, 2163 Hwy 10 E., Conover, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $15/single hand, $25/3 hands. Best & worst hand prize, food. Benefits Veterans, 828-464-2580
POKER RUN BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. 50/50, raffle prizes, food, vendors, music. Proceeds go back into the community. 919-500-6475, htnjocoinfo@gmail.com
ANNUAL BIKE SHOW Queen/North St., Kinston, NC. Reg 10am, $20, judging 3:30pm, trophies, cash prize, proceeds go to BFC Downed Biker Fund. Styxx, 252560-6095
Surf’s Up Bar & Grill, 102 Bogue Inlet Dr., Emerald Isle, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11am, $10/hand, $25/3 hands, live music, 50/50. Benefits the Emerald Isle Beach Patrol. FMI, 919-210-8688 or 252-772-3090
MAY 7 BONGO BACH BIKER SUNDAY SPRING CONCERT SERIES Horsefeathers Roadhouse, 3746 Mt Pleasant Rd., Sherrills Ford, NC. 2-6pm, vendors, live music, food & drink specials, best bike competition with cash prize.
MAY 7 BUD’S BIKE FEST Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd. S. Youngsville, NC. 12-4pm, rain date: 05/21, raffle prizes, vendors, food, no colors. Proceeds donated to Duke Children’s Hospital.
MAY 7 4TH ANNUAL CRUISING FOR KIDS 427 Link St., Rockwell, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, $30/bike incl meal & raffle ticket, rain date: 05/28. Shirts, raffles, 50/50, patches.
MAY 7 AXEMEN SC POKER RUN Beaver Bar, 3534 US-17 Bus, Murrells Inlet, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Best & worst hand, door prizes, 50/50, food, DJ. Benefits Axemen SC Charities.
MAY 10-14 RIDE TO CLYDE MOTORCYCLE CHARITY RIDE N.C. Baptist Assembly at Fort Caswell, 100 Caswell Beach Rd., Oak Island, NC. A three day ride raising funds, raising awareness and share the love of Jesus with BCH boys & girls. hello@ bchfamily.org, 800-476-3669.
MAY 11 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle. com, 980-621-7399
MAY 11 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON LADIES NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 6-9pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 12 WILLIE’S HONKY TONK BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., WinstonSalem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
MAY 12-14 6TH ANNUAL BACKROAD BBQ RUN Trent River Campground, 2186 NC-41, Maysville, NC. 21+, cash only, $40/ weekend pass includes camping, $20/ entry fee for the Chopper King Contest, hot showers, free PBR while supplies last, BBQ, no colors, no firearms. Benefits Swansboro Detachment Marine Corp League #1407 & Our Road To Recovery, www.backroadbbqrun.com, info@backroadbbqrun.com
MAY 13 STILL RUNS BIKE SHOW 103 N 1st St., Albemarle, NC. Reg 2:30pm, show 4-8pm, Bike & car show, food trucks, pinup contest, vendors, beer garden, live music, children’s activities. FMI, 704-302-0138
MAY 13 CVMA NC 15-13 SOHO POKER CHIP RUN Beach House Harley-Davidson, 100 Harley Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, $5/ extra hand, $1/extra draw, rain date: 05/14. 50/50, raffle, best & worst hand. FMI, cvma15.13saa@gmail.com
MAY 15-16 14TH ANNUAL MICHAEL ‘BOZ’ KERR BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Rd, Alexandria, VA. National Motorcycle Lobby Day. Spons by, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, www.mrf.org, 202-546-0983
MAY 17 CRUDES 12TH ANNUAL VETERANS RIDE Golden Egg Pancake House 415 Hwy 17 N, Surfside Beach, SC. Meet at 8am, KSU 10:30am, FREE ride. 50/50, door prizes, free pizza at end of ride, raffles, leather auction, t-shirts. Benefits Homes For Our Troops.
MAY 19 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT Scallywags Bar & Grill, 700 Lake Forest Dr., New London, NC. www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 20 2ND ANNUAL ANNA’S RIDE & BLOOD DRIVE STE Powersports, 1426 Northside Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, www.stepowersports.com, 704883-8385
MAY 20 SEVEN SABRES BROTHERHOOD BIKE NIGHT 6363 NC Hwy 55, Angier, NC. 7pm, sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
MAY 20 CAPE BEARD’S 11TH PIG PICKIN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 12-7pm, BBQ, vendors, live music, bounce house for kids. Benefits Autism Society of Cumberland Co.
MAY 20 ANNUAL ARMED FORCES DAY/ FOLDS OF HONOR FUNDRAISER & POKER RUN People’s Bank, 1910 E Main St., Lincolnton, NC. Reg 8:30am, $25/hand, free biscuits while supplies last. Call to register, Brent, 704-634-1820
RALLY BIKE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 1-3pm, awards 4pm, free to enter, trophies in all classes, cash prize & invitation to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2024 for best in show. Hosted by Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Spons. by Carolina Biker Lawyers. 336-885-5400
TO REMEMBER Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. Reg 9am, first bike out 10:30am, live music, food trucks & more. Hosted by CVMA 27-1 Southern Virginia Reg. www.cvma27-1virginiasfirst.com
MAY 21 BIKER APPRECIATION SUNDAYS Kanawha Valley Arena, 121 Kanawha Ridge Rd., Dugspur, VA. 12-4pm, live music, free food, live entertainment. 704-400-5689
MAY 25 LADIES NIGHT ON MAIN South Main Customs, 1220 S. Main St., Kannapolis, NC. 6-8pm, free entry, refreshments, giveaways, special guest, music. Spons: by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. 704-933-3266
MAY 27 PANDEMONIUM PERFORMANCE CUSTOM CYCLE 9TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1121 S. Main St., Lexington, NC. Vendors, music, food, bike show. 336-490-0120
MAY 27 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF ASHEBORO OPEN HOUSE 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-5pm, www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 27 BRAD REED MEMORIAL MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, after party at Lucky’s Saloon. www. downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MAY 27-28 FREEDOM RIDE TO D-DAY MUSEUM Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. All are welcome to ride. www.freedombikerchurch.com, 919550-3733
MAY 28 23RD SMOKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER MEMORIAL RIDE Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave., Sevierville, TN. Opening ceremony 10am, KSU 11am, FREE ride, police escort, rain or shine, guest speakers, wreath laying, 21gun salute, music, appearance by American Bald Eagle. FMI, Ron Giddis, 865-453-6532, 865-654-1851 or www.smokymountainthunder.net
RIDE TO REMEMBER 1129 E 3rd St., Charlotte, NC. 7:30am, pre-reg at https://form. jotform.com/213197444495060 until 03/31. Benefits a Veteran charity.
BIKE SHOW NIGHT Smokin’ Harley-Davidson 3441 Myer Lee Dr. Winston-Salem, NC. 5:30-8:30. No entry fee, Cash Prize, vendors, food, beer, music. 336-722-3106 www.smokinharley.com
NIGHT 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., WinstonSalem, NC. 6pm, food, vendors.
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@ bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
JUN 2-3 ANGIER BIKE FEST Downtown Angier, NC. www.angierbikefest.com
RIDE Select Cycle, 430 N. Eugene St., Greensboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $25/rider, $5/passenger incl food. Sheriff’s escort, benefits Teen Challenge. Mike Williams Sr, Williams@gladwellinsurance.com
BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6pm, music, best bike prize, food & drink avail. www.bluecollarcycle.com, 980-621-7399
JUN 8-10 SOUTH CENTRAL BIKE FEST Chase City Virginia, 535 Jonbil Rd., Chase City, VA. Vendors, games, live music, food. Benefits The Barksdale Cancer Foundation & The Mecklenburg Co. Cancer Assoc. Lee Brinkley, 434-210-1503
JUN 9-10 JUNE JAM BIKE RALLY Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Fri: 5-10pm, Sat: 10am-7pm, bike show, sound competition, contests, people games, bike games, wet t-shirt contest, camping, mini bike racing, DJ. www.junejambikerally.com
JUN 9-11 AHDRA DRAG RACING Kuhnle Motorsports Park, 8233 Sidley Rd., Thompson, OH. Bill Rowe, 704-294-6080
Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
JUN 10 GASTON CO. TOY RUN FOR KIDS BREAKFAST Gastonia Dodge/Jeep/ Ram, 2339 Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. 8am while supplies last, $6 donation, raffle bike tickets available. Benefits The Gaston Co. Toy Run for Kids. Foot, 704-913-3392, Tony, 704-975-7924
JUN 10 ZACHMAN’S RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, benefits Transitions LifeCare. sevensabres@gmail.com, 919422-7234
The only way to see a sunset, is to ride into it.
ell, January was mostly inhosPitable for riding. No snow in our area but lots of cold, windy and wet days. Boo! Hoo! Kinda got me going down memory lane… A few years back, HoneyBun planned a mega trip: 7,851.6 miles in 37 days, door to door! Crazy when I think back, cuz we had some long days in the saddle.
The day started early. We left Three Rivers, CA with The Grand Canyon as our final destination (that’s another story), and everything in-between. I’m not sure if I understood how long the day would be. There was about four hours between fill-ups (and bathroom breaks) but we began to stop more often, not only to top up the tank but more so to replace our electrolytes. Apparently, I was getting cranky, probably from some form of dehydration. How did My HoneyBun know? I was just minding my own business back there, on The Bitch Pad. It got to a whopping 117 degrees Fahrenheit and we were in full leathers! I drenched my dew rag in water and put it back on my head just like that, but the moisture evaporated in no time. Our light cotton underclothes were crusty with salt
residue. TMI?
I literally got lost in the picturesque beauty of the desert and took several hundred pictures! It is hard to find the right words to describe the scenery, but here goes: I loved the golden brown scruff against the lush green (of what was being watered), the jutting hills and random piles of rock, a sea of windmills and oil field pumpers, olive trees and lavish vineyards, lines of palms along the roads, a few abandoned adobes dotted the landscape. I didn’t know that there was an actual Joshua Tree, I just thought it was a cool name for one of U2’s albums. What can I say? Oh, and don’t get too close to the tree’s dagger-like spines, especially if you are an accident waiting to happen like I am!
We passed many has-been towns littered along the way. The desert felt lonely and barren, with no visible wildlife. The sparse traffic flowed easily along the well maintained roads, which we appreciated very much. It rained just outside Laughlin, NV but the droplets disappeared even before hitting the pavement. Insane! It was also the first time that I experienced road heat mirage trickery, which was pretty cool. I’m not sure but I think I took a few catnaps along the way. Seems I missed a few sites. We hardly noticed the subtle increase in elevation as we approached The Grand Canyon; good thing the signs along the way kept us informed.
(A quick note about packing: Ladies, we cannot
take all our shoes! Boots for the ride, a good pair of sandals for walking, black heels for a dressy outfit and flip flops for relaxing, that’s it!)
An observation: you know how it seems like you bump into the same crowd all day long, no matter where you stop? What was so cool about this was that a couple of gals in a convertible, enjoying a similar adventure, took pictures of us in the Sequoias the day before and we gassed up at the same station the next day. My Man gave them his email address and we arrived home to a nice message with pictures.
It was an 11 ½ hour drive (plus breaks), totaling 689 miles.
Gratitude: the road, the ride, My Man and the breathtaking surroundings!
It doesn’t get any better than that!
(come say “hello” on Instagram: fromthebitchpad)
Author’s background – Kathy started riding the Bitch Pad later in life after HoneyBun entered the scene & when asked why she doesn’t ride her own bike, she’ll comment that she’s “an accident waiting to happen” & she “trips over her own feet”, never mind “getting lost in malls”! No microphone or Bluetooth for this chick, just the sounds of the bike, the stereo & the world around her. She can sleep while riding, which is crazy but true. She has a camera that takes great pictures on the fly & enjoys regaling anyone within earshot about a memorable ride.
grand raPids, Mi
uell motorcycle announced that a new suPer Cruiser designed by Roland Sands of Roland Sands Design, Long Beach, CA, is in development for 2025, bringing two iconic brands together to create a one-of-a-kind motorcycle with a West Coast attitude.
“Building a cruiser was something we always contemplated,” said Bill Melvin, CEO of Buell Motorcycle Co. “The market is full of American manufacturers known mostly for big, heavy bikes – not fast, hot ones like the famous V-twins of the 30s. Our Buell Super Cruiser will be the hottest bike on the market. Period.”
Roland Sands & Roland Sands Design will bring the heat.
Champion motorcycle racer turned custom bike builder, Sands is considered the King of Cool in styling cruisers, café racers, and many top brands’ iconic built bikes.
“When Bill first approached us about building a high-performance cruiser using the Buell motor, it was as if the bike designed itself,” said Roland Sands. “Considering the history of Buell and the market’s need for a truly high-performance cruiser, and the build quality of the existing Buell chassis parts, motor, and rolling kit, the project was a natural fit.”
The Super Cruiser will take advantage of Buell’s unique high-performance V-twin engine and innovative perimeter braking system and structural swingarm, delivering a bike with exceptional handling in a non-sport bike format.
The design lends itself to the West coast scene where customization is part of bike culture,” said Melvin. “And Roland was enthusiastic about incorporating Buell technology into that culture, creating the fastest, coolest cruiser on the market.”
“I’ve been working on projects like this for 20plus years, and this is the first time we’ve been able to build a performance cruiser without the typical Vtwin performance compromises of weight and motor width and length,” said Sands.
At 450 lbs. and 175 hp, Sands’ chassis geometry delivers road-friendly handling that’s ready for the track. Using much of the standard Buell rolling kit, Sands engineered his chassis design to work with the swingarm, forks, original 17” wheels, and brake system. “Ground clearance, bar position, and com-
fortable seating and foot positions are key to getting the cruiser look with sport bike handling,” said Sands.
The Super Cruiser solidifies that Buell is Back and building more than sport bikes. Out of the gate, this cruiser will lead performance in the category. It’s light, nimble, and high torque, incorporating all the main points that connect the rider to the ground, and it’s cracking open another part of the market – a younger crowd craving speed and performance in a cruiser.
Buell previewed the Super Cruiser’s proof of concept at a Private VIP Reveal Party at Roland Sands Design shop in Long Beach, CA on February 10.
About its potential, Sands is confident. “With correct geometry and an attitude to match? Yeah, that’s the business right there,” he said.
Buell Motorcycles is an American manufacturer and marketer of high-performance V-Twin motorcycles. Known for their fuel-in-frame and perimeter brake designs, Buell deliv-
ers an incredible ride and excitement at every turn. For future updates, follow us on social or visit our website News. buellmotorcycle.com info@buellmotorcycle.com
hen i was a beach bum in florida, new Years Day was for Surfing, Sailing and Fishing. We rode all year round. So I was a little puzzled when I retired from the Air Force, returned to North Carolina and my buddies said we are riding to the lake for a Barefoot Skiing Tournament. Huh. OK.
Yes, the tradition in the Hickory, Statesville, Mooresville and Lincolnton area is to ride to Lake Norman Marina on Highway 150 on New Year’s Day. The Carolina Show Ski Team hosted the 45th Barefoot Skiing Tournament this year. The water was smooth and lots of folks made long runs. It’s cool to watch them start out right in front of the crowd and do tricks as they go by.
Lake Norman Marina accepts the local bikers who ride in for a while. Folks hangout there for about an hour, watch the first rounds of competition. Get a hot dog or chili for lunch. Make all those “guys who used to ride” jealous as they check out the bikes. I saw everything from Flatheads and Pans to the newest Harleys and imported bikes.
After gathering at the marina, folks ride to some of the many bars around Lake Norman to continue celebrating the New Year. I saw bikes at Horsefeathers, Two Trees and the place we still call Sasha’s.
For the past few years, many of us have called this the David Lytton Memorial Ride. David was a well known and loved local bike shop owner who passed in 2019. He lead the ride from Statesville to the marina for several years.
I first met David at a drag strip somewhere years before
I moved back to North Carolina. He was crew chief for a Sportster that Mike Nicholson was racing in a modified class. I saw their tech card and told him I was going back to Western Carolina once my 20 years in the service was up.
I saw the TRI-MAX Racing Team become the Nitro Shack Race Team as David and Mike moved up to a nitromethane fueled machine. They were going much quicker, running a Pro Dragster. That’s the small motor, carbureted, single gear nitro bikes. I’m always impressed by guys like David who can make those machines run well.
David was well known around this part of the state as a good mechanic. For years he owned and ran the Nitro Shack on the corner of Newton Drive and Hwy 70 on the West side of Statesville before moving out on Hwy 64. He worked with long-time friend Clyde Eller at STE Powersports making sure customers got a great used bike from there.
New Years’ Day David usually lead a group ride down to Lake Norman for the Barefoot Ski Contest. He said if you are
story and Photos By alan doCkery David Lytton (left) and Alan Dockery on the New Year’s Ride.going to ride this year, best to start the year riding. That’s me and David’s smiling happy face on the last New Years Day he spent riding with friends.
Clyde still organizes the Statesville group with lots of folks gathering at The Boxcar before riding to the marina.
“March 17 will be four years since Dave passed and every year I see the New Year’s ride that he started so many years ago grow,” Clyde said. “I just want to thank everyone for keeping this great man in your day to day thoughts, memories and conversation. I put more miles on motorcycles riding beside of Dave than anyone I have ridden with and anyone who had the pleasure of meeting him knows what kind of quality brother he was to everyone. We all miss him. So we all just keep doing our best to ‘do the good’ as he would say.”
David’s son, Wes, may not be as well-known but he still rides and appreciates that we remember his Dad.
“Dad did the ride for everyone, from new riders to riders who’ve been a part of the culture for decades,” Wes said. “The ride was his way of giving back to his friends and to welcome new ones. There wasn’t much he cared about more than being able to ride on a day that everyone could celebrate. The legacy he left and the influence he had definitely showed how much work he put into this community of enthusiasts, friends and family. Even to people who didn’t ride, but they all knew who he was, and now they know what the ride is for.”
For the many years past and many to come, I hope to see lots of y’all out riding around Lake Norman and remembering my old buddy David Lytton on New Year’s Day.
ort bragg harley-davidson hosted the 4th annual Ice Bash. The event was sponsored by 910 Bagger Boyz of Robeson County. An awesome event with so many sights and sounds. It’s called Ice Bash but it always brings the heat! The motorcycles are stunning, while the speakers and sounds are hypnotic!
This event is inclusive of so many classes; from featherweight, lightweight, extreme, and everyday rider. This year the lightweight class was in memory of Natalie Brendle. Ice Bash ’23 was both extreme and successful. There were a number of trophies presented for each class. And most of all, the sounds were pumping and kept the crowd jumping. All the good vibes of music; base and tenor, coming from some spectacular motorcycles that you could not take your eyes off of! It was yet another, amazing turnout for this event. Fort Bragg HarleyDavidson hosts this event each year and it’s always a lot of fun! They host this and many events all year. But, this kickoff for 2023 has kept our engines revved up during the months of cold weather.
Everyone is always excited to come to events, grab a coffee or beverage, and catch up with the H.O.G. Chapter in upcoming events.
February was full of celebrations for the biker community. There were tailgate parties, adopt a pet, the super bowl, “Jersey” parties, delicious chili luncheons; as well as food trucks and vendors. You could even pick up some girl scout cookies!
The helpful and friendly staff were even available to help you select the most legendary Harley-Davidson gear for your Valentine; as well as some adorable outfits for our mini me, future Harley-Davidson owners! So cute!
For more information about rides and events at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson check out The Carolinas Full Throttle Magazine “Cruising Calendar” online available at fullthrottlemagazine.com. Let’s Ride!
a know, it’s a sad day when you lose a friend, especially when it’s way to early for them to pass. The motorcycle community lost a true friend the day that Chris Sachs lost his battle with cancer on January 28th. Chris and his wife Felicia ran The Hide-A-Way Tavern, a great biker bar in Rockingham, NC. The Hide-A-Way provided a lot more to the community than just being a safe haven for bikers. Chris was one of those guys that was always willing to help. There were a number of charity events that ran through the bar and Chris was always looking out for his community. The Project Taylor, Back The Blue, and Special Olympics rides all had a home at The Hide-A-Way Tavern. Chris was even a nominee for the Bulldog Hero Award for his charitable efforts. Personally the BHA award ceremony that was the last time I saw Chris. It was a beautiful sunny day and although Chris was months into his treatment, he looked good. Chris had a big personality and a big smile, it was nice to see both that day.
Instead of a funeral, Chris wanted to have a party in his remembrance, and that’s just what happened. February 11th that parking lot to the Hide-A-Way was absolutely packed and vehicles were lining all the streets around the bar. The
music was playing loud in the back yard and fire pit was blazing. It must have been extremely hard for Felecia, but she’s tough, and greeted the guests as they made their way around. I had a to wait a bit to get my chance to give my condolences. No matter who I was talking with that evening they all made similar compliments of Chris. They all talked about Chris’ heart of gold, how he would give you the shirt off his back, how much he loved helping people and being around his friends and family. As per a normal Hide-A-Way Tavern party, there was plenty of food and it was delicious. A full spread of hot dogs, hamburgers all the fixins and desert. It was one hell of a send off. The forecast called for rain but there was plenty of cover and it didn’t slow the celebration. Well, Chris, your friends and family sure do miss you, but I feel certain you will never be forgotten. Thanks for all you did for your community and for being a friend. I know you are riding those golden roads in heaven and looking out for us from above.
live in cruso, haywood county, nc and am blessed with some of the best roads for motorcycle riding around. One of my favorite rides from here is to go through Waynesville, Sylva, Bryson City to the Nantahala Gorge on Hwy 74 into Andrews and Murphy.
As you enter into Andrews, NC, you can’t help but notice the giant blue chopper sitting by the road. The first time I saw it, I definitely did a U-turn to see what it was all about.
The chopper is out front of a shop called Cherokee County Cycles owned by Mike and Jenny Pike. When you walk up to the building, their logo states “We don’t care what you ride, as long as you ride”. I knew when I saw Blue and that logo, this was going to be a really cool place.
After talking to Mike, I learned that Blue is the world’s largest rideable chopper. Yes, it runs and drives. I was able to witness them put it up at the end of the day, it was truly amazing. Blue was built for the Discovery Channel show, “Big”, and was sold to Maggie Valley’s Wheels Through Time Museum, but now calls Cherokee County Cycles it’s home. Blue is 10’ tall, 23’ long S&S powered chopper. According to Mike, Blue used to be a staple in local parades and charity events.
Cherokee County Cycles has 30,000 sqft of store and shop space. Mike has any part imaginable for sale and has the space and means to solve any issue you might have with your bike in your travels.
I strongly encourage you to visit Cherokee County Cycles while on your next adventure. The store is within miles of the Nantahala Gorge, Cherohala Skyway and Tail of The Dragon. Stop in and say hello. They are always there to offer ride destination advice, hand out maps or even a cup of coffee if you want. You won’t be able to miss it with Blue sitting out front!
ale’s wheels through time, the all- american motorcycle museum located in the heart of Maggie Valley, NC, is world-renowned for its collection of over 375 of the rarest and most iconic American motorcycles. The museum prides itself in the fact that almost every machine in the collection is a running example, leading to its well-known tagline, “The Museum That Runs.”
Since 2012, any visitor walking into Wheels Through Time may have passed a rare Harley-Davidson FLXI sidecar motorcycle in the museum’s boardtrack racing exhibit. Any guest who read the sign on the motorcycle or received a tour would have heard that while there was no knowledge of the bike’s racing history, the name Cliff Palmer was faintly visible on the sidecar. Despite having a name, museum staff were unable to turn up any information on Cliff Palmer or his racing career. The racing motorcycle’s past would remain a mystery for years until September of 2022 when museum curator Matt Walksler received a phone message from a man claiming to have information on Palmer. After a quick callback, Matt was introduced to Andrew Hinckley, Cliff Palmer’s great-grandson. Not only did Andrew have information about Palmer, but he also provided the museum with a scrapbook containing photos and relics from Palmer’s entire racing career.
The scrapbook tells a fantastic story of a once highly successful sidecar motorcycle racer through photos and ephemera during the formative years of the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association). Relics from Palmer’s scrapbook confirmed he was among the best motorcycle racers in the country and bore witness to many moments in motorcycle history. He was racing at the AMA’s first Altoona National event on July 4, 1925, where “Smokey Joe” Petrali catapulted himself from obscurity and into stardom by beating the track record on a borrowed motorcycle. Palmer was such a force that he never failed to make a podium finish during his
first two years of racing, with 18 of 23 finishes being 1st place. In 1926 Palmer would place first at the eight-mile national sidecar event in South Bend, Indiana, making him one of the best sidecar racers in the nation.
After seeing some of the collection, author and owner of Archive Moto, Chris Price, said, “There is a misconception that history paints a complete picture. The truth is that time can wither a legend as quickly as it can a stone; so much remains lost. What began with a faded name painted on a sidecar has now revealed itself as the fingerprint of a legend. The preservation of one family’s scrapbooks has illuminated another of America’s motorcycle racing icons, Cliff Palmer. Now a part of the incomparable collection at Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum, Palmer’s remarkable story and the invaluable history contained in his scrapbooks will add new colors, textures, and context to the picture of American motorcycle culture.”
Very rarely does any antique motorcycle come with such a complete history, let alone a racing motorcycle with such
prominence as Palmer’s. The scrapbook tells a nearly complete account of Cliff’s racing history with the bike. Thanks to this lost album, the museum can now tell the complete story of the FLXI racer and the man who campaigned it to victory many times throughout the 1920s.
Included with the scrapbook was the trophy from the event, now set to be displayed at Wheels Through Time for the upcoming 2023 season alongside Palmer’s FLXI racer. Museum curator Matt Walksler said, “Discoveries like this happen once in a lifetime, and we are so excited to share the new history with our visitors for the 2023 season.”
To watch the video, go to: https://youtu.be/MPaeQFgl6vQ
revealed their 2023 offering on Wednesday, January 18 at 11am. That can be hard for the everyday working stiff to get to, I mean, noon would have been better. The Motor Co. does their reveal via their website Harley-Davidson.com for those who could sneak away from their workflow for 20 minutes to check it out. Those of us lucky enough to break away from the cubical rushed to their local H-D Dealership to watch the reveal in person. The Full Throttle Crew went to our closest dealership, Riding High Harley-Davidson to get the full treatment! Sharee and her crew had the affair catered
and put together a viewing area right on the dealership floor. Comfy chairs and a big screen TV were set up for our viewing pleasure and when the time came, the chairs were full and everyone was dialed in. The MotorCo does a great job on these intro videos and if you leave without being inspired, you weren’t watching.
This being the 120th Anniversary year, they revealed their Anniversary models in a gorgeous Heirloom Red paint scheme and all new Anniversary tank badges on Harley-Davidson’s limitededition models: the Ultra Limited Anniversary, Tri Glide Anniversary, Street Glide Special Anniversary and Road Glide Special Anniversary, Fat Boy 114 Anniversary, Heritage Classic 114 Anniversary, and the CVO Road Glide Limited Anniversary. The video also covered new features and colors on other models as well. (Check out the full article in this issue about all the 2023 H-D offerings!) When the video ended, we had a bite to eat and then perused some of the 2023 models that were already on the floor at Riding High HarleyDavidson. They have a few 2023 Street Glides in various colors and the Low Rider ST in the new White Sand Pearl among others. All of them were good looking rides!
n saturday January 21st, the royal Priesthood Motorcycle Ministry held a Chili Cook-Off to benefit the Christ Nation 314 Ministries. It was held at the Royal Priesthood Church at 634 S. Lafayette Street in Shelby, NC. There was a $10.00 entrance fee for each five pound chili entrant. Judge tasting took place at 3:45PM, and Public Tasting at 4:00PM. There were awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, people’s choice, and best presentation.
Saturday was a beautiful winter day with temps in the low 50’s, and plenty of sunshine. It was a perfect day for outdoor cooking – watching over a large pot of hot chili for hours until it was just right!
It was such a nice day and the church wasn’t too far from home that I decided to ride “Miss Vickie” to the event. I took the long way there so “Miss Vickie” could completely warm up. I arrived at about 3:45, and parked in the lot next to the event.
I took a stack of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazines out of my pack, and started to walk around. I gave everyone I knew a copy of the magazine. By the time I completed my walk-around, the stack was gone.
Outside, there was a row of tents with pots of chili cooking in each. The smell was intoxicating if you like chili. I knew many of the participants. They all had different names for their chili like: “Hillbilly Chili”, “Johnny Jr. Championship Chili”, “Irish Chili”, “BHFJ Winner Chili”, and “Easy 32 Chili”. They all sound delicious.
I stopped at the “Irish Chili” tent, and asked if his chili was green or made with “Luck Charms”. He said that it looked like regular chili but was made the Irish way.
I walked inside, and they were just finishing up their Pool Tournament where they raised money for the CN 314 Ministries. I walked over to the judges table where a group of people were busy tasting chili from the ten entrants. They all had ten little white plastic spoons, and a score sheet where they wrote down their impression of the chili they just tasted. The chili containers were just numbered with no way of knowing who
made the chili.
When the dust settled, and all the ballots were counted, the 1st place winner was Angie Duncan with Hillbilly Chili; 2nd place went to Joe Duncan with Irish Chili; and 3rd Place went to John (Tater Langley) with Easy 32 Chili. People’s Choice was awarded to Marcia Queen from Royal Priesthood Motorcycle Ministry Pursuit Chapter. The event raised $1000 for CN 314 Ministries.
After the judges were finished tasting, all the chili was brought into a room for public tasting. Every cook was required to dispense their chili to anyone with a Styrofoam bowl who wanted some. The line was very long when I left.
As I was waked back to “Miss Vickie”, I stopped at the Chosen Brothers MC tent. They were the only ones out there –waiting for the line to go down before they got their chili.
Whenever I meet someone new, I look at their biker name which is usually in a patch on their shoulder. This man had “Hopenidie” in his name patch. I asked him how he pronounces it. He said that it’s pronounced Hopin’ I Die. I asked him to explain but he had trouble remembering the day he was hurting so bad that he was hoping he would die to make the pain go away. You cannot pick your biker name. It is given to you by your biker brothers.
I headed home. The Royal Priesthood Ministry is very committed to their beliefs, and helping their community. I could see that everyone pitched in to help make the event a success. I look forward to their next event, I know that it will also be a lot of fun!
mokin’ harley-davidson kicked off their 2023 bike show series on January 21st with their Polar Bear Ride-In Bike Show. Luckily for the entries in the bike show, it was a fairly moderated January day with the sun shinning in a clear sky and temps near 50 degrees. The bike show coincided with the dealerships Soup Saturday campaign that calls for a different soup to be served each Saturday during January and February. This perfect storm of weather and event brought out two dozen show bikes and a ton more spectators.
There was a mild to wild line up of bikes lined up in front of the main doors of Smokin’ Harley-Davidson all glistening in the sun. Folks took their time going up and down the row of bikes, pointing and admiring the unique features of
each bike. It wasn’t going to be an easy choice for the judges. Smoking Harley-Davidson had put up $150 cash for the bike show winner. There were so many potential winners on the lot that we stepped up and donated a $50 gift card to Smokin Harley-Davidson for a second place bike. I still didn’t envy the judges.
The judges handed in the results of the show, the music softened, and everyone gathered round the Smokin’ HarleyDavidson tent. The first place bike was Josh Ledford’s candy red 2002 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail. This gorgeous heritage is dripping with chrome and has a beautiful red paint job with just the right amount of silver flake and some panel work ghosted in. the thin white walls were pearly white on the low profile tires and the upswept fishtail pipes and ape hanger handlebars finished off this killer ride. Josh rode off with a smile and a fresh $150 in his pocket. Denis Jones took home the runner up prize on his cool old school FXR from 1986. This beautifully well-kept FXR was orange and black with gold leaf accents and a gold stripe. The tank script Harley-Davidson tank badge was gold leaf. The iconic FXR side cover was black and carried the bikes title, “Rump Shaker” also in gold leaf. The FXR had just the appropriate amount of chrome. The air scoop and sport fairing topped off this bike while the 2 into 1 chrome exhaust sounded great and tipped the scale to put him into 2nd place and won him the $50 H-D gift card from the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. This still left a bunch of beautiful bikes on the lot, but that’s how it goes!
The Smokin’ Harley-Davidson Polar Bear Ride In was a good easy going Saturday event. It was nice to get out and enjoy the
dealership atmosphere. If ya missed out, I hope you were out on a nice ride and not stuck at home doing chores. The good news is that the Smokin’ Bike Show Nights are starting up on March 2nd for those who want to show their bikes off. The Bike Show nights are the first Thursday of the month at Smokin’ Harley-Davidson and there are prizes for the top 3 bikes. Free beer, vendors and music round off the bike show nights. It’s a good time for sure. We will see ya out there.
When It Comes To Your Bike, Insurance Coverage Is Personal. It’s the difference between a phone call to an answering system when you need to make a claim and a one-to-one conversation with someone who cares about your bike as much as you do. At Encore Insurance Advisors, we can help you find the coverage you need, from insurance on your accessories to roadside assistance, and our service is always personal, friendly and knowledgeable.
Before you take to the road, call Encore. We can protect your bike, and your assets, with the most competitive products available from the most reputable providers.
once thought, “let other PeoPle worry about what happens at the Capitol! It’s got nothing to do with me!” ..and… “Lobbying? isn’t that paying someone to influence their vote?” In one day, I learned, what they don’t teach in books or on TV. If you happened to visit the NC Legislative Offices in Raleigh, NC on February 15, 2023, you would’ve witnessed a motley group of bikers strolling the halls. It was the 15th Motorcycle Lobby Day, an annual, free event, held by the CBA ABATE of NC to influence politicians to vote for legislation that will help ALL North Carolinian riders! That includes the 100,000+ NEW motorcycle riders every year & the 10K+ who get their permit every year (per the NC DMV) and the 250,000+ current registered bike owners in this state (per Titlemax.com). That’s what the CBA does. In fact, it’s what they have been doing for over 50 years, as the only (non-profit) rights organization, dedicated to acting as the legislative voice for bikers!
Lobby Day begins with a briefing. This year it started at the Hilton Garden Inn. The conference room, snacks & coffee generously donated by Tom McGrath’s Motorcycle Law Group. After the troops rolled in and ‘coffeed up’, Tyler Stiles, Esq. and David “Twiggy” Terwilliger gave a full briefing. They talked about our agenda, each issue, the law and how to discuss it. We were given notebooks containing the agenda, extra copies of letters/handouts for our representatives, ‘Lobbying-Best Practices’, pens, notepads & calendars. They also spoke genuinely about their own experiences lobbying, which I personally found helpful. They also gave a basic etiquette to approach our Senators and Representatives. Although they are very friendly and welcoming, our Senators and Representatives are also very busy. One needs to be able to introduce themselves and quickly relay information. Sometimes they have time to talk to you, and other times they only have a moment as they have session & committees.
Prior to Lobby Day, Senator Ted Alexander (Republican, Cleveland County), agreed to sponsor our legislation this ses-
sion. He has been great to us. We went in with 4 possible bills. He was very interested in them and combined all 4 together as an ‘Ominbus Bill’. We sent proposed language for the bill as well as examples of what other states have used. He took all our information and sent it all to bill drafting. Now we seek a co-sponsor and support.
This Is What Lobby Day is about! Lobby day is all about getting support! Imagine for a moment, Senator Alexander, proposing this legislation. Think about the likelihood of that bill passing, because other representatives had heard from their constituents asking them to support it. Now imagine for a moment, the likelihood of it passing, if no representatives had heard from any of their constituents, to support that bill! This is where you come in my friends. Your representatives need to hear from you. Your voice counts more than you know! This is where the CBA asks you to stand up for yourselves. This is why we speak to our representatives on Lobby Day. If you weren’t able to attend, you can still help! I’ve added a letter to the Charlotte CBA home page. Please print/scan this info and get it to your representatives. Just put your representative’s name and your name and address on the form and mail it, email it or better yet call your representatives and talk to them about these concerns. If you go to ncleg.gov and it will give you address, telephone, and email addresses necessary to carry this out.
Road Guard Certification Course: On any given day, large groups of motorcyclists ride to raise funds for charities, for local community members, or in funeral processions. Depending on the location and number of riders, a police escort may be required. This takes our law enforcement agents away from doing what they do best; Protecting and Serving our communities. In Minnesota for instance, the Road Guard Certification Program, instructs and certifies riders to take the
place of those police escorts. It is a one-day course, provided at a small fee per person. The course also would provide an endorsement on that driver’s license, indicating they received the proper training as a Certified Road Guard. We, at the CBA are capable, qualified, and ready to provide this course. We do have several non-profit groups (including law enforcement agencies) who wish to take part in this educational endeavor with us. There will be no cost to the state. We ask for no funds, nothing other than the legislation, providing this opportunity to motorcyclists.
Motorcycle Awareness Education in Defensive Driving: Statistics are changing. It is no longer teens, but middle and older ages causing most collisions. And people who offend and re-offend are most likely to cause a fatal collision. Often those offenders will, at the behest of the court, or voluntarily take a driver improvement course (also called defensive driving), offered at commercial driving schools to remove points or demerits. We at, Look Twice NC, have been teaching teen drivers how to “Share the Road” with all vehicles for over 30 years! In fact, we’ve taught nearly 500,000 drivers live, inperson! It is working. Why not share this radical, life-saving education with those who are most likely to cause a fatal collision? There is already a state law that requires this education for all drivers’ education students, let’s require it for adults taking defensive driving courses. Again, this is free education. We will provide live instructors where available and videos/ links elsewhere.
Lane Filtering: Not to be confused with Lane-Splitting, which is when a rider travels between lanes, on a while or yellow line. Lane filtering, however, is a proven method to saves lives. While motorcyclists are most often hit because a vehicle turns in front of them, the secondary cause of collisions is rear-end crashes. People simply do not see us. We need the ability to protect ourselves. At a traffic stop or traffic jam, Lane Filtering provides that. When vehicles approaching from the rear cannot or will not stop in time, lane filtering would permit a motorcyclist to filter to another lane, in between, or to the shoulder area, to avoid being rear-ended.
Motorcycle Equal Access: Many Public parking garages, built with taxpayer funds, are not accessible to motorcycles. Motorcycles are vehicles that must have registration and must obey the same rules and laws as a cars. However, at those public parking garage, the gates will not register for them, the parking attendants will not permit access and there is no motorcycle parking. We seek equal access to the buildings our taxes have funded.
During NC Motorcycle Lobby Day, every politician welcomed us! They wanted to speak with us! All of them, plainly said, call, write, email, visit, it all boils down to contacting them. I admit, I had a great many misconceptions about our politicians and all of them were wiped away in a single day! It was a fabulous learning experience and I highly recommend it for everyone! You do not have to be a member or a rider to attend Lobby Day. Anyone who cares about bikers SHOULD ATTEND This event! This event is about changing the way things are to how you want them to be! Do you want safer roads? Do you want people to pay attention? Do you want people to put down the cell phones? THIS is how it’s done! Through changing laws and blocking bad or anti motorcycle legislation. The laws will not be changed by making comments on social media.
We are doing what we can. I urge every to join the CBA! There is strength in numbers and every voice counts! The CBA/ABATE of NC is a rider-driven organization, completely volunteer. Opportunities are presented, explained and everyone who cares about bikers can attend or help with those opportunities. This organization is machine, with working wheels and cogs. Each one of us, comes to the table, with unique gifts and experiences. Together we can make a difference.
MinneaPolis, feB. 21, 2023 - Prnewswire
ndian motorcycle, america’s first motorcycle Company, today unleashed its most aggressive iteration of the iconic Indian Chief with the launch of Sport Chief. Building upon one of the most historic and influential motorcycle namesakes of all time, the 2023 Sport Chief raises the bar for American V-Twin performance cruisers through premium performance-oriented componentry and timeless, American styling.
“Since launching in 2021, the reimagined Indian Chief has garnered incredible feedback from riders all around the world,” said Mike Dougherty, President of Indian Motorcycle. “With the introduction of Sport Chief, the 2023 Indian Chief lineup is more diverse than ever– offering a wide range of performance and styling options to meet each rider’s unique personality and riding preferences.”
When designing Sport Chief, Indian Motorcycle set its sights on performance by utilizing the finest components from proven brands. With KYB® inverted front forks, also featured on Indian Challenger models, Sport Chief offers superior handling and ride performance. The Sport Chief’s dual-disc, four-piston, semi-floating caliper, radial-mounted Brembo® brakes deliver confidence-inspiring stopping power, while piggyback rear FOX® shocks increase travel to four-inches and increases lean angle to 29.5 degrees, compared to other Indian Chief models. The result is an Indian Chief that begs for more aggressive riding and provides the confidence and capability
to take the riding experience to another level.
“In 2021, we celebrated the 100-year anniversary of Indian Chief with a lineup that pays homage to the glory days of American motorcycling,” said Ola Stenegärd, Director, Industrial Design for Indian Motorcycle. “With Sport Chief, we wanted to maintain the same care-free attitude and American muscle but elevate it even further with componentry that not only delivers a style and attitude that exudes performance but raises the bar entirely for performance cruisers.”
Featuring a simplistic steel-tube frame, Sport Chief preserves the Indian Chief’s mechanical styling. At the heart of it all, a blacked-out Thunderstroke 116 motor delivers 120 ft-lbs of torque, while a stylish new Quarter Fairing, along with new moto-style bars with machined triple clamps and six-inch risers set the Sport Chief apart from the rest of the Indian Chief lineup. With mid-mount foot controls and a solo gunfighter seat, riders are in a commanding, yet comfortable, riding position. Sport Chief features sport cast wheels wrapped in Pirelli® Night Dragon tires, a four-gallon fuel tank, bobbed rear fender, dual exhaust, LED lighting, keyless ignition, and three selectable ride modes, including Sport, Standard and Tour.
Ride-enhancing technology comes standard with Indian Motorcycle’s class-leading four-inch touchscreen powered by RIDE COMMAND. Accessible via handlebar controls or the digital touchscreen display, riders can cycle through multiple interfaces, including two different gauge configurations, bike
and ride information, and turn-by-turn navigation with connected features like weather and traffic overlays. If using a wireless helmet communicator, riders can control their music within the RIDE COMMAND system once their phone is paired via Bluetooth® or USB. Riders can also access phone information, including recent calls, contacts, number pad and text message history. When connected, incoming calls will appear and can be accepted or declined directly through the RIDE COMMAND system.
For riders looking to personalize their bike, Indian Motorcycle offers an array of accessories that enhance the bike’s performance, comfort, or adds personal style.
For a smoother, more comfortable ride, Indian Chief riders can add Adjustable Piggyback Rear FOX® Shocks. Featuring 24 clicks via easy-to-operate twist knobs, riders can adjust compression and rebound damping to suit their riding prefer-
Current Indian Chief, Chief Bobber, and Super Chief riders can upgrade to the Sport Chief’s stock dual exposed FOX® Piggyback Rear Shocks, which provide four inches of travel with increased lean angle and an aftermarket, stylish look that increases stability, and improves comfort and capability for
The new Chief Pathfinder 5 ¾ inch Adaptive LED Headlight, available in chrome or black, features patented, innovative technology that monitors the bike’s lean angle and delivers optimized illumination of the road ahead. With an industry first adaptive high-beam, lighting performance is superior to that of a standard headlight, projecting light a greater distance and spread in front of the bike.
To improve air flow and add high-performance styling, riders can purchase either the Thunderstroke High Flow Air Intake or Thunderstroke Forward Air Intake.
Indian Chief riders looking to add personal style can select from a variety of Indian Motorcycle accessories. New 10inch Moto Handlebar Risers not only add style, but deliver a more comfortable reach. Low and Tall windscreen options are available for the Sport Chief’s Quarter Fairing, while a variety of bags, including a Solo Rack and Rack Bag, Tail Bag, and Bobber Saddlebag, complement the bike’s design.
The Sport Chief’s Quarter Fairing and six-inch Moto Handlebar Risers are available for current Indian Chief, Chief Bobber, and Super Chief riders.
For added comfort and improved ergonomics based off height, riders can add an Extended Reach or Reduced Reach Seat. For two-up riding, Indian Motorcycle offers the Chief Syndicate Seat and a Syndicate Low Profile Passenger Backrest, which complements the Sport Chief’s aggressive design.
Pricing for the 2023 Sport Chief starts at $18,999 and is available in Black Smoke, Ruby Smoke, Stealth Gray, and Spirit Blue Smoke. Sport Chief will begin shipping to Indian Motorcycle dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada in March 2023. Riders can learn more at their local Indian Motorcycle dealership, by visiting IndianMotorcycle.com, or by following along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Indian Motorcycle is America’s First Motorcycle Company. Founded in 1901, Indian Motorcycle has won the hearts of motorcyclists around the world and earned distinction as one of America’s most legendary and iconic brands through unrivaled racing dominance, engineering prowess and countless innovations and industry firsts. Today that heritage and passion is reignited under new brand stewardship. To learn more, please visit www.indianmotorcycle.com.
ou could make a case that a love of motorcycles is in the genes, that some people are predisposed to the call of the road, and that call is passed down through generations. In my case, it could be either nurture or nature. I grew up around people that rode. My earliest memories are of guys turning wrenches on their motorcycles in the garage. The smell of 50 weight oil, cigarette smoke and stale Budweiser cans are burned deep into my memory, but it wasn’t until later in life I learned how deep that connection was.
My first motorcycle purchase was a pragmatic decision. I was stationed in San Diego, newly married, and only had one car. I would normally get dropped off on base in the morning and then ride the trolley to my wife’s work and wait for her to get off. This wasn’t a huge deal because we were out at sea quite a bit, but it did get old, for both of us. I grew up around people that rode motorcycles and had a few friends that rode at this point, so when it came time to purchase a second vehicle a motorcycle made sense. I was able to get a low monthly payment, great parking on base, and thanks to California’s lane splitting policy reduce my commute time substantially. Being only 20 years old at the time I didn’t have a lot of life experience to draw from or rational decision-making skills, I just wanted to ride.
I didn’t know it at the time, but my grandfather bought his first motorcycle under similar circumstances. He was an Airman stationed in Southern California and bought a 1947 Harley big twin cheap. At the time it was only a few years old, but the modern Harley big twin of the day was the new FLH Panhead. A Knucklehead was pre-war technology, a holdover while the MoCo was modernizing, and in post war America everyone was reaching for something shiny and new. For an E-3 that needed a cheap set of wheels, it was a pragmatic decision, and one that would set a path for the rest of his life.
I met my Grandfather at the age of 25, I was already a Petty Officer in the Navy and on my second marriage when we met. I had a baby on the way and a couple of bikes at this point. My mom and biological father split up when I was a baby and I had never met him. I had a father growing up, so I never felt the need to reach out to my biological family. When
some complications came up with my wife’s pregnancy and I didn’t have any answers to the doctor’s questions I finally reached out to my family and met them. At this point my Grandfather was no longer riding, having to finally give it up due to emphysema and being on Oxygen. My Grandfather was a life long Harley-Davidson rider, was in a family motorcycle club (he and my Grandma had matching Satin club jackets and used to take their dresser on group rides and go on picnics). He was no outlaw, that’s for sure! My Grandfather and I had a lot in common, as did my biological father. When the three of us would get together we always had a lot to talk about, but the way my grandfathers eyes would light up when he talked about riding cross country to his hometown in Pennsylvania on his different bikes through the years left an impression on me. I never had much family connection with my adopted dad’s family, they were very different types of people, but there with my Grandpa and bio-logical Father (who I’ll just call my dad from here on out for simplicities sake) I finally felt a kinship to people that understood me. My Dad rode, too. He was the rebellious one of the working class Lutheran family, he liked British motorcycles and left Southern California for the Bay Area. A jack of all trades, he worked in body shops and fixed British sports cars up to flip as a hobby. Growing up I didn’t know much about him, but I knew he played guitar, rode a Triumph. I had an old photo
of my mom and him on a Triumph taken with a Kodak camera, the print was one of those square ones with the date printed on the edge of the frame, this one was August of 1978, I was born in January of 1979, so doing the math, my mom was pregnant with me at the time. My parents were young when they split, my dad went back to Southern California and started a new life, or maybe went back to his old one. He eventually stopped riding, but our relationship continued to grow after our reunion and today he is back to riding old British motorcycles that he fixes up as a hobby. Whenever we talk though he keeps mentioning wanting a new touring Harley, just like his dad’s.
Motorcycles have always been a part of my life and I couldn’t imagine what a life without them would be like, it’s like imagining a life without sunshine. I’m not being dramatic when I’m saying that it’s just as much a part of my upbringing as sports, hunting or maybe even religion is for some people. I often hear people say that motorcycles are a luxury item, but for many of us, they aren’t a luxury, or even a commodity, they are a way of life.
ay richardson runs Jaybird’s custom cycles in salisbury, nc. while accompanying a friend to buy a 1981 shovelhead in Fayetteville, Jay spotted the ’49 Panhead engine sitting on a shelf in the same building that housed the Shovel.
The Panhead got thrown in with the deal and made its way back to Jay’s shop. They completely went through the panhead engine, but kept it all original. After that, the engine sat on the shelf for a year or two before they came up with the idea to build a one-off modern take on a board track bike with the ’49 Pan as the power plant.
Jay said, “We wanted to keep everything as nice, clean, low to the ground and simple, with long smooth lines as best as we could.” In order to achieve that, Jay had every bit of the bike hand made to his specs. The tank was modeled after the old board track tanks of the past and made to follow the lines of the Panhead motor. “We didn’t want to take away from being able to see the pans up top, yet we wanted to keep it nice and thin and nothing higher than the frame back bone itself” Jay added. The tank is split with the gas on the left and oil on the right to keep the engine compartment clean and emphasize the motor. The frame itself was hand made to Jays specs to run the Panhead motor and the 2, 23 inch wheels. Keeping with the old school vibe, the bike is kickstart only and is void of any modern technology. Jay went with an internal throttle, foot clutch, jockey shift and rear only brakes, to keep the handlebars and front end clean.
During construction, Jay’s little boy, Emmett, fell in love with the bike. Jay says, “If you’ve ever met him and asked what bike he has, he says he has a Panhead. He helped us put the finishing touches on it and has laid claim to it. So this will be a family heirloom and it will go to him one day, whenever he is old enough to kick it and ride it”. Emmett is a lucky young man to get such a kick ass bike! Stop by Jaybird’s Custom Cycles to check it out or check out the video on our YouTube page where Jay gives us the full story on the build.
Photos By: Daryl Brewton Scan This QR Code To Watch The VideoI might as well not exist, no one cares anyway. Have you ever thought or said that? I have and it’s sad to say but in this old world we live in today, most people don’t care anything about one another. Some of your friends will tell you just call I’m there for you, yep right, seen that when Tank died.
Remember that old song. Here’s a quarter call someone who cares. Nobody wants to hear your problems they’ll say, “Got enough of my own”.
Some are so messed up on Alcohol and drugs they can’t even help themselves, much less someone else. They’ve lied and stollen, cheated on their friends any even family members. They’ll tell you, “You made your bed now live in it”. No, you need someone to talk to and will listen.
There is someone who’ll listen to you and help. All you have to do is ask for your sins to be forgotten and for Him to come into your heart. Satan will try to talk you out of it, cause he has you where he wants you.
The one who cares, His name is Jesus. Just ask Him to come into your heart.
Romans 10: 9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shall be saved.
Hebrews 13: 5. For he said I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
The Bible says in I Peter 5: 7 casting all your cares upon Him, for he careth for you. Give Him a try, all you have to lose is your eternal salvation.
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
Two Irish farmers are walking down a road towards the pub, after a long day’s work, when they hear a motorcycle behind them. They are totally shocked to find that when the bike passes them, the biker is headless. The two men look at each other and shrug. They continue down the road because the call of the pub is getting stronger. As they go, a cyclist comes up behind them and, on passing them, he too is seen to be headless. The two old men shake their heads and continue to walk down the road. After a few minutes, Mick, who’s walking along the inside, turns to his companion and says, “You know what Shamus, I be thinkin’ dat maybe you should be carryin’ dat dere scythe on yer other shoulder!”
While passing a car, he knocks on the window. The driver of the car opens the window, “Yes?” “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” “No, I haven’t.” The biker drives on, until he sees the next car. While passing it, he knocks on the window. The driver of the car opens the window: “Yes?” “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” “No, I haven’t.” Then suddenly there is a curve, the biker sees it too late. He crashes off the road into a ditch. A car stops and a man runs to the unlucky biker. Covered in blood, the biker asks, “Ever driven a Honda motorcycle?” “Yes, I have. I had a Honda for 20 years.” The biker says, “Tell me, where are the brakes?”
“Bail ‘em out? Back in 1990, the government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry, and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn’t make money running a whore house and selling whiskey!” “What the hell are we thinking?”
A group of children were trying very hard to become accustomed to Nursery. The biggest hurdle they faced was that the teacher insisted on NO baby talk! You need to use ‘Big People’ words,’ she was always reminding them. She asked John what he had done over the weekend? ‘I went to visit my Nana’. No, you went to visit your Grandmother. Use ‘Big People’ words!’ She then asked Mitchell what he had done ‘I took a ride on a choo choo’. She said, ‘No, you took a ride on a train. You must remember to use ‘Big People’ words’. She then asked little Alex what he had done? ‘I read a book’ he replied. That’s WONDERFUL!’ the teacher said. ‘What book did you read?’ Alex thought real hard about it, then puffed out his chest with great pride, and said, ‘Winnie the Sh!t’.
I’ve suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs...phone rings, but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently, although when I ask their names she always says, “Just some friends from work, you don’t know them.” I sometimes stay awake to look out for her cab coming home, but she always comes walking up the drive as I hear the sound of a car leaving, around the corner, as if she has gotten out and walked the rest of the way. Why? Maybe she wasn’t in a taxi at all? I once picked up her cell phone, just to see what time it was. This caused her to go completely berserk. She quickly snatched the phone out of my hand and cursed me hysterically, screaming that I should never touch her personal property, then accused me of trying to spy on her. Anyway, I have never broached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just didn’t want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my Harley-Davidson Lowrider next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the street around the corner when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my motorcycle that I noticed a small amount of motor oil leaking through the gasket between the rear head and rocker arm cover. So...is this something I can easily repair myself or do you think I should take it back to the dealer?
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped inches from a shop window. For a second, everything was quiet in the cab. Then the driver said, “Look, mate, don’t ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me!” The passenger apologized and said, “I didn’t realize that a little tap would scare you so much.” The driver replied, “Sorry, it’s not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver — I’ve been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years.”
Six retired Irishmen were playing poker in O’Leary’s apartment when Paddy Murphy loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest, and drops dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen brother, the other five continue playing standing up. Michael O’Conner looks around and asks, “Well, me boys, someone has to tell Paddy’s wife. Who will it be?” They draw straws. Paul Gallagher picks the short one. They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don’t make a bad situation any worse.
“Discreet??? I’m the most discreet Irishmen you’ll ever meet. Discretion is me middle name. Leave it to me.” Gallagher goes over to Murphy’s house and knocks on the door. Mrs. Murphy answers and asks what he wants. Gallagher declares, “Your husband just lost $500, and is afraid to come home.” “Tell him to drop dead!” says Murphy’s wife. “I’ll go tell him,” says Gallagher.
A man is flying in a hot-air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man below. He lowers the balloon farther and shouts, “Excuse me! Can you tell me where I am?” The man below says:
“Yes, you’re in a hot-air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field.” “You must be an engineer,” says the balloonist. “I am,” replies the man. “How did you know?”
“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you have told me is technically correct, but it’s no use to anyone.” The man below says, “You must be in management.” “I am,” replies the balloonist, “but how did you know?” “Well,” says the man, “you don’t know where you are or where you’re going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault.”