Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com

Mark Infield
Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.com
e Made It! It’s March and tIMe to head down to daytona for the start of the rally season! Even though old Phil didn’t see his shadow and it’s been warmer than usual, that Florida sun is gonna be a nice change! We will be down checking out the Sons Of Speed Vintage Motorcycle Racing on March 2nd and will spend a couple days riding and fooling around. Daytona is just the beginning! The March Cruisin’ Calendar is full of events across The Carolinas for you to check out. Poker runs, benefits, parties, open houses and The CBA Spring Swap Meet & Bike Show! They are featured on the front cover and it should be in your calendar as well. This is a good, old school biker swap meet, get on your scoot and ride in for some fun. You may find that missing piece to your chopper project, or may start a new one after you pick up all the parts you need. Stick around for live music, bike shows, and make sure you get a pork chop sandwich. I even hear Crazy Chuck the Moonshiner will be there!
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, John, Rob, Brenda, JB
Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Anthony Maes,
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Myra Nail, Derek Sikes, Ms. Pat, Chi, Christy Gonzales, Anthony Maes
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle
P.O. Box 2294 Jamestown NC 27282 (336) 885-5400 • Fax (336) 833-6794 Editor@FullThrottleMagazine.com www.FullThrottleMagazine.com
It’s gonna be a busy summer and we could use some help. If you ride, like hanging out in biker type places and can use a computer and a camera you may be able to get some extra cash in your pockets. We need salespeople in most areas of The Carolinas! Give us a shout at 336-885-5400 and let’s get you started. Or if you just want to contribute, do your part and send us event flyers and pictures from the road. Hell, write about your weekend adventure or send us some cool photos of your sled, they may end up in the magazine!
Whatever you do, get out there and ride! There are always undiscovered roads out there waiting on you so pick a direction and hit the back roads for an adventure. Whether it’s the destination or the ride that beckons you, do it on two wheels and take your Full Throttle Magazine with ya!
Make sure you connect with us on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram to keep up with what we are doing in between print issues!
See ya out there!
You smell it….??? The smell of spring is in the air. Nope, it’s the smell of high octane gas burning in the motorcycles heading to the Rowan County Fairgrounds for the CBA Spring Bike Show & Swap Meet, March 23 & 24, 2024. Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside. We are starting our 53’rd year of having our show and it’s because of all our great vendors and bikers who attend the show. I like to think of our shows as a Family Reunion. You get to see friends that you can only see twice a year. You can make some new friends, too. Our shows wouldn’t be possible without our great members and volunteers who work hard from Thursday to Sunday. It is all a passion of love because NO ONE gets paid in CBA. You get a free t-shirt and we feed you. But we enjoy it and we have fun. If you would like to work/help with a show, just get in touch with any CBA member or come to our CBA meetings the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at Iron Thunder Saloon in Concord 7pm. You don’t have to be a member to attend. You can join CBA at our Show for ½ price…$10 for a one year membership.
We appreciate y’all and want you to know that your money stays in North Carolina to fight for your rights in Raleigh and in D.C. We are the watchdogs for your rights. We fight unfair laws and try to get favorable laws passed. Your money also goes to educate kids in high school driver’s ed classes. I am very proud of this program. CBA has an MSAP, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Program. This program is run by Cat Terwilliger and Keith Long.and a crew of other biker teachers, who teach these kids to watch out for bikers on the highway. Our CBA educators taught over 72,000 kids last year and 300,000 since the class became law in 2011. They have taught over 500,000 students since the inception of the program in the 1990’s. I would like to thank all of our MSAP instructors who teach, free of charge.
Mitch Clark and Masten will be playing music in the Bike Show Building Saturday and Sunday. Zeberide will be playing on the main stage Saturday and Southern Thunder will be playing on the main stage Sunday. We will be having a Beard Contest both days along with a Wet t-shirt Contest both days, and a tattoo contest. Get your bikes all cleaned up. We will have an inside bike show, with a People’s Choice and total awards of $1,000. There will be a ride in bike show on Saturday. Dano has made some killer trophies for this one. Remember, this is a real Swap Meet and not just a t-shirt show. There will be a midway full of motorcycle parts, old and new. You will find anything leather that you would want and plenty of jewelry will also be available. Check by the CBA booth for information on show times, buy yourself a souvenir t-shirt, meet some GREAT people, and check on becoming a member to help protect your rights.
Our Sponsors help make the show possible also. We would like to thank these fine folks.
Carolina Biker Lawyers: Bob Karney & Sean Clayton. Give Bob or Sean a call if you need a good lawyer.
South Main Customs: Dano Simmons
Blue Collar Cycle Company: Brandon McNeely
If you need great motorcycle service or accessories please go by South Main Customs and see Dano and Blue Collar Cycle Company and see Brandon.
Either of these two guys will get you fixed up.
MAL Entertainment: Slim Baucom.
Slim has several clubs around town for your entertainment.
OK Recycling: Tim Griggs for your recycling needs.
Ground Thunder Porta Jon if you have the need.
Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine: Your Source For Biker News & Events
Please support all of our sponsors.
Our many thanks to them.
A reminder to all you shop owners out there to be getting ready for the Fall CBA Bike Show & Swap Meet, November 9 & 10, 2024. We will be having the second CBA Bike Build Off Contest. If you win, you get to keep the beautiful trophy in your shop for one year and your shop name will be added to the trophy
If you would like to be a vendor at the show, please contact Rick Nail 704-577-1546
General Public is from 10am-6pm Saturday & Sunday. $20 for one day or $30 for a 2 day pass.
I hope to see y’all at our show.
Rick Nail & the CBA, Concerned Bikers Association Crew
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Barnes & Nobles, 3040 Evans St., Greenville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, bring two books for K-5th grade per bike, lunch after ride. Barry Wood, bwood@ wilsonnc.org
MAR 2 H.O.G. ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg
Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, free refreshments & cook out. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 2 RIDE FOR KAY Buzz’s Roost, 911 Front St., Georgetown, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:15am, $25/bike or car. Police escort, raffles, food. Kay is currently in the ICU, proceeds go to the family. Zero, 843-826-7452
MAR 2 RIDE FOR MITCH The Corner Bar, 687 Hwy 15 N., Bishopville, SC. Reg 11:30am, KSU 12pm, donations accepted. Auction, live music, Mitch was in a motorcycle accident & is currently receiving rehab service.
PARTY FOR CHRIS FOUST 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 6pm, live music & food. 336-744-9127
MAR 9 SMOKIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON GRILL & CHILL 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 12pm, free food & beer, vendors, cornhole. 336-722-3106, www.smokinharley.com
Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, free refreshments & cook out. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
House Harley-Davidson, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $15/ rider, $5/passenger, raffle, door prizes, afterparty. Presented by Rivertown Riders Holden Beach CH. Benefits Christian Recovery Centers Inc. rtcholdenbeach@gmail.com
Greenville Shrine Club, 119 Beverly Rd., Greenville, SC. Reg 9am, line up 11:15am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger, raffles, food, live music. Proceeds go to Collin’s family.
MAR 9 2ND ANNUAL RIDING PAST CANCER RELAY FOR LIFE New River HarleyDavidson, 2394 Wilmington Hwy, Jacksonville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger, incl food. 910-346-9997 or info@ nrhd.com
LADIES NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., WinstonSalem, NC. 6-8pm, www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
MAR 16 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON POT O’ GOLD 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 10am-4pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAR 16 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON IRISH STEW & BREW 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, free beer & homemade Irish stew. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
CHILI CHALLENGE Sons Of The South Saloon, 3007 1st Ave. SW., Hickory, NC. Pre-reg required, pots go on at 10am, judging 2pm, trophies & cash prizes, liquor tasting. Call for rules, 828-855-3097
MAR 16 3RD ANNUAL US SPYDER RYDERS BACK IN THE SADDLE BENEFIT RIDE Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $5/passenger, free food. www. fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 16 VFW POKER RUN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 16 DAWG & CAPT. K’S MEMORIAL RIDE Winner’s Circle Bar, 2533 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC. KSU 11:30am, food provided, 980-888-0619
MAR 16 JACK JONES MEMORIAL MOTORCYCLE RIDE In & Out Cafe, 1621 N. road St., Elizabeth City, NC. 10am, 252-698-3023
RUN Pete Hill’s Shop, 1401 W. Blue Ridge Dr., Greenville, SC. Meet at 12pm, KSU 1pm, rain date: 03/23. Hosted by Greenville CH of ABATE of SC. 864-271-0528
MAR 16 5TH ANNUAL MARCH OF DIMES BENEFIT RIDE 1284 SC-11, Westminster, SC. Reg 11:30am, KSU 12pm. FMI, Tricia 706-716-1144
MAR 17 SMOKIN HARLEY-DAVIDSON FREE SWAP MEET 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 11am-4pm, food, beer, vendors, call to reserve your spot, 336-7223106, www.smokinharley.com
MAR 17 PINE TREE TAVERN’S ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 2pm, live music, food avail. 336-815-1220
MAR 17 LUCKY’S SALOON ST. PATTY’S DAY CELEBRATION PARTY 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 336-570-1050
MAR 17 CORKIE’S ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY 3616 NC-42, Willow Springs, NC. 919-552-3708
SEASON OPENER Riding High HarleyDavidson, 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. 10am-4pm, free food, raffles & more. www. ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
GRAND AMERICAN LAUNCH 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-3pm, live music, food, prizes, test drives. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MAR 23 PROJECT TAYLOR RIDE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $20/ bike incl food. Rain date: 03/24. Door prizes, auction, 910-719-4089
MAR 23 H.O.G. ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, free refreshments & cook out. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAR 23 GRAND AMERICAN LAUNCH PARTY Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Test ride event, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910864-1200
MAR 23 POKER RUN Triple D Racks Sports Bar, 1284 SC-11, Walhalla, SC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $25/bike, $10/passenger. 50/50, silent auction, live music, cash prize. Proceeds go to The Derose Family. Hosted by Upstate Warriors RC.
RIDE Beaver’s Den, 3482 John G Richards Rd., Liberty Hill, SC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $35/double incl food tickets. Music, 50/50, food, door prizes, www.rideforthesoul.com, Brandy Gunter, 803-729-9717 or kodanstephy86@gmail.com
The Harley-Davidson Shop at the Beach, 4002 Hwy 17, N. Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:45am, $15/rider, $5/passenger, raffles, door prizes, afterparty. Benefits Rubber Side Down Foundation. Hosted by Rivertown Riders RC. rivertownriders@yahoo.com
MEMORIAL BIKE SHOW Rowan County Fairgrounds,1500 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Gates open 10am-6pm, bike show, cash prizes, cannon firing, vendors, live music, wet t-shirt contest, swap meet. Rick Nail, 704-5771546, macman.nail@gmail.com
MAR 23-24 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPRING BASH & GRAND AMERICAN LAUNCH PARTY 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. 11am-4pm, test rides, music, food, prizes & giveaways. www.tilleyhd.com, 704872-3883
MAR 29 VIETNAM VETERANS RECOGNITION DAY American Legion Post 290, 436 S. Main St., King, NC. 2pm, refreshments.
EASTER EGG HUNT 2215 Hanford RD., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, kids & adults Easter Egg hunt. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
Dead Parts Motorcycle Co, 3865 NC Hwy 772, Walnut Cove, NC. 9am-2pm, FMI, Tara, 336-999-3545
Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, incl raffle ticket, 65” TV raffle, food. Benefits School Of Hope & The Jarred Bryan Sparks Foundation.
ANNUAL EASTER EVENT 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, free food, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
Southside Harley-Davidson, 385 N Witchduck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA. 11am-4pm, five classes, no baggers, food avail. 757-499-8964
8520 County Home Rd., Ayden, NC. Camping, ride, games, music.
APR 6 BENEFIT RIDE FOR TRIAD HONOR FLIGHT Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $5/ passenger. Food, Live music. 336-763-0707
ORPHAN RUN Speedway Harley-Davidson, 10049 Weddington Rd Ext., Concord, NC. $15/single, $20/double. Benefits Sacred Selections, www.forgedbrotherhoodmc.com, Tim, 704-607-8434 or yogicycleservice@gmail.com
55 N. Broad St., W. Angier, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $15/donation. Spons by Seven Sabres Brotherhood. FMI, 919-422-7234, sevensabres@gmail.com
APR 6 12TH ANNUAL SANDHILLS NC BIKE BLESSING Freedom Biker Church, 455 Rock Hill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, food, door prizes, bike blessings, music, event tee, vendors. www.freedombikerchurchfayetteville. com
2ND ANNUAL FOUNDERS DAY 62 Vintage Ln., Maggie Valley, NC. Celebration of Dale Walksler, opening weekend. 828-926-6266, www.wheelsthroughtime.com
DOWN MEMORIAL RIDE Ron Ayers Motorsports, 1929 N. Memorial Dr., Greenville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $25/person, free breakfast, door prizes, 50/50. In memory of Robert (Bud) Overby.
APR 6 5TH ANNUAL RIDING STRONG FOR REMI DICE RUN Bethlehem Fire Department, 7373 NC Hwy 127, Taylorsville, NC. Reg 9:30-11am, $20/single, $25/double, rain date: 04/06, door prizes, 50/50.
APR 6 CVMA CH 34-1 SPRING RIDE Goodfellas Grill & Bar, 630 Hwy 378, Lexington, SC. $20/rider, $10/passenger. Beer, music, vendors, 50/50. Benefits Veterans in the Midlands. Howler, 912-809-0291, Hound Dog, 803-924-9997 or Dilly Dilly, 315-777-7772
APR 6 STEADMAN FAMILY BENEFIT RIDE C & C Thunder, 4866 S. Main St., Cowpens, SC. KSU 10am, $20/bike, door prizes, raffle. Proceeds go to the family.
BIKE SHOW Holly Hill Mall, 309 Huffman Mill Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg, Fri: 5:30-8pm, Sat: 9am-12pm, $25/daily riders, $50/show bikes. Vendors, auction, raffles, bake sale. Proceeds go to Hospice of Alamance Co. Rick Murray, 919-656-6900, Lance Greene, 919-357-0104
Harnett Co CAC, 710 W. Broad St., Dunn, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11:15am, $5/entry, best bike competition $5/entry, food avail, shirts. Hosted by Guardians Of the children Sandhills NC.
APR 10 PINE TREE TAVERN BIKE NIGHT KICK OFF PARTY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Live music, 336-8151220
APR 12 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www. tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
APR 12-13 SMOKIN’ H-D IS ON FIRE ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT Farmington Dragway 2992 NC-801, Mocksville, NC. $20/ gate, Live music, vendors, drag racing. 336479-2071
APR 12-13 RIDERS’ ROOST OPENING WEEKEND 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. 336-973-8405, www.ridersroost.com
APR 13 11TH ANNUAL CRUISIN’ FOR A CAUSE Rixster Grill, 3815 Tinsley Dr., High Point, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12:15pm, $20/ bike, $10/rider, 50/50, police escort, raffles. Benefits Victory Junction. 336-883-3900
APR 13 SPRINGERS 4TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Live music, food, drink specials. 336-7630707
COMPANY GRAND OPENING 2313 W. Front St., Statesville, NC.10am-4pm, live music, vendors, Wall Of Death, www.westsidetwins. com, 704-380-2181
APR 13 BENFIT RIDE FOR TOMMY MORTON Buccaneer Lounge, 440 Barringer Rd., Salisbury, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/ rider incl meal, $10/passenger incl meal, $10/ non-riders. Silent auction, 50/50, door prizes. Proceeds go to Tommy’s medical expenses to help with recovery from a stroke.
SHOW Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Reg 8am, show 11am, $40/entry fee, bike show 9-11am, $20/entry fee. www.coxsharley-davidson.com 336-6292415
APR 13 4TH ANNUAL JERRY WAYNE LAIL VETERANS POKER RUN Newton Elks Lodge, 625 West J St., Newton, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, rain date: 04/20. Raffles, food, 50/50. FMI, 828-4641360
APR 13 EAST COAST BOOTY RUN Kangaroo Express, 1800 N. Croatan Hwy., Kill Devil Hills, NC. Reg 9am, ride from Kitty Hawk to Jacksonville, NC., reserve your ferry ride now, after party. Hosted by Left Lane Syndicate.
APR 13 ORANGE HEART MEDAL FOUNDATION BENEFIT RIDE The Harley-Davidson Shop at the Beach, 4002 Hwy 17 S., N. Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 10am, $30/bike incl meal, KSU 12pm, 50/50, raffle, door prizes, live music. www.orangeheartmedal.org
Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd., Youngsville, NC. FMI, www.1ofus.org/pinkribbonride
CAPA RIDE Full Throttle Powersports, 100 Indian Walk, Lowell, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/hand & meal, $25/3 hands & 2 meals, rain date: 04/27. TV raffle, 50/50, raffle prizes.
MOTORCYCLE RIDE Rack & Rolls, 1243 Plaza Dr., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $15/single, $20/double incl meal. Food, raffle, prizes, kid activities, music. 336-227-6800
RIDE The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, food, auction, best & worst hand cash prizes. Proceeds help pay for final expenses. 910-719-4089
APR 20 CVMA NC 15-1 ANNUAL MEMORIAL RIDE & DEDICATION VFW Post 10630, 3226 Davis St., Hope Mills, NC. Reg 8am, opening ceremony/9am, KSU 10am, music, food, drink, vendors, raffles. Benefits local Veterans. safety@cvma15-1.net
APR 20 2ND ANNUAL CHARITY RIDE TO CLYDE East Roxboro Church of God, 1020 Reuben Allen Rd., Roxboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/single, $25/double. 50/50, lunch provided, benefits Baptist Children’s Homes of NC. FMI, Stuart 919-698-8403
FINCH Bull Pen, 4324 Boston Rd., Roxboro, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/ passenger incl food. Proceeds go to help Meredith with her fight against Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Taylor D., 434-738-3915 or Adam C., 336-504-0791
The Place Church, 4639 Chapel Grove School Rd., Gastonia, NC. 12-4pm, food, ride, live music, 50/50, guest speaker. Billy, 704-7639941
BRIGADE POKER RUN Route 17 Roadhouse Bar & Grill, 4711 S. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 10am, raffles, auction, 50/50. Benefits Omar Shriner Harley Brigade. Joe Curry, 843-385-0521, Shawn Redish, 518-222-9361
FARM Bubba’s Pub N’ Grub, 2544 S. Lake Dr., Lexington, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/ bike, $5/passenger. Raffles, 50/50, best hand. Proceeds go to The Boys Farm.
AWARENESS RIDE ONE Church, 409 E. North 1st St., Seneca, SC. Safety Briefing 10:30am, KSU 11am, raffles, shirts, proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson research.
Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Bikes, vendors, bands, beer, bikinis, guided rides & more. www.outerbanbkshd.com 252-338-8866
APR 20-28 BAYSIDE’S BIKE WEEK Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Portsmouth, VA. Bikes, vendors, bands, beer, bikinis, guided rides & more. www.baysidehd. com, 757-397-5550
APR 26-27 A1 CYCLES CASH DAYS HARLEY DRAG RACE Shady Side Dragway, 2149 Honey Haven Farm Rd., Shelby, NC. Gate opens at noon, $25,000 in payouts. From Dial-In ET to Pro Outlaw Baggers. For classes & rules, www.facebook.com/a1cyclesnet, 561603-6671
APR 27 CAROLINAS FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE OUTER BANKS BIKE WEEK BIKE SHOW Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8793 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. 12-4pm, FREE entry, plaques in all classes, cash prizes, best in show invited to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2025. Spons by Law Tigers & Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group. 336-885-5400
APR 27 KIDS PATH BIKE & CAR SHOW Cadillac Ranch, 6330 David Moore Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 8am, $20/bike & car show, $10/general admission, rain date: 04/28. Live music, 50/50, vendors, food trucks & more. Benefits Kids Path of AuthoraCare. Birddog, 336-260-1685, Allison, Allison@samswishfund.org
APR 27 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON BOOTLEGGERS RUN 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-5pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
APR 27 ENFORCERS MC VALOR MEMORIAL PARK RIDE Trax Tavern, 46 E. Main St., Thomasville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $5/passenger, cannon firing, food & drinks avail. Proceeds go to funding the park. Dub, 336-749-5176
APR 27 13TH ANNUAL MELTDOWN VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE SHOW Hendersonville Airport, 1232 Shepherd St., Hendersonville, NC. 12-4pm, $5/admission, swap meet area, food, live music, trophies. tonuphighlands@ gmail.com
APR 27 25TH ANNUAL KERRI D. EFIRD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP BIKE RUN West Stanly High School, 306 E. Red Cross Rd., Oakboro, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, donations accepted. Raffles, silent auction, BBQ. kdescholarship@aol.com, Scott & Tracy Efird, 704-888-4587
APR 27 HELPING US HELP RIDE-N-RALLY Wizard Saloon, 651 21st St, NE Hickory, NC. 9-11am, $20/single, $25/double, camping, music, food trucks, vendors, raffles, games, prizes. Ivan West, 704-957-1157 or homie, 828-217-4218
APR 27 4TH ANNUAL RIDE 4 RECOVERY Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. 9am-3pm, vendors, food, music & more. Benefits JoCo Angels Foundation. Christy@freedombikerchurch.com, 919-8683697
Harley-Davidson, 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $30/rider, $10/passenger. Live music, train ride, food, kids zone, raffles. www.gocmooresvillenc.com
Thunder Road H-D, 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, free ride, free Tequila bar, free tacos, door prizes, live music. www.edenjewelrystores.com, 336-623-1511
APR 27 7TH ANNUAL CVMA 34-2 BENEFIT RIDE Harley-Davidson of Greenville, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 9:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, raffles, bike games, prizes. https://cvma34-02.org
APR 28 BIKE RIDE FOR MONA SWELL C&P Mini Mart, 700 Union Chapel Rd., Pembroke, NC. Reg 1pm, KSU 2:30pm, $10/single, $15/ couple, $15/vehicle. 50/50, food, door prizes, auction. Proceeds go to Mona.
Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
MAY 3-5 THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. Blue Ridge Tour Ride, vendors, live music, bike show, bike games, cash prizes. www.thunderinthesmokies.com
RUN Trent River Campground, 2186 NC-41, Trenton, NC. $40/weekend pass, 21+, no colors, free PBR, ride, chopper king & queen contest, vendors, camping, BBQ, chopper raffle. Benefits Brandon Stiwinter Memorial Scholarship, Our Road To Recovery & Jon Akinsw.
CINCO DE MAYO EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MAY 4 CVMA 15-5 ANNUAL CHARITY RIDE & AUCTION Cross Roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, $20/single, $25/double, police escort, auction, gun raffle, live music, food trucks, adult beverages. Benefits local Veterans & their families. FMI, cvma15.5cxo@ gmail.com
MAY 4 JERRALD MITCHELL SCHOLARSHIP FUN RUN Jones Intermediate School, 2170 Riverside Dr., Mt. Airy, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $15/single, $25/double incl meal.
MAY 4 EMERALD ISLE POKER RUN The Fish Hut Grill, 301 Mangrove Dr., Emerald Isle, NC. Reg 10:30am, live music. Benefits Emerald Isle Beach Patrol. 910-210-8688 or 252-772-3090
MAY 5 5TH ANNUAL CRUISING FOR KIDS Midway Music Hall, 11141 Old US-52, Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $30/bike incl meal. 50/50, raffles, shirts. www. cruisinforkids2019.com
MAY 9 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON LADIES NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 6-9pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336629-2415
MAY 10 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www. tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
MAY 11 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTHER’S DAY EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MAY 11 2ND ANNUAL FREEDOM RIDE & GRILL TO END HUMAN TRAFFICKING Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg & food 11am, KSU 12pm, $25/bike incl shirt & raffle ticket, $10/ passenger incl raffle ticket. Vendors, raffle, free food, sthompson@gatebeautiful.org
MAY 11 CVMA NC 15-13 SILVER COAST CH SOHO POKER CHIP RUN Beach House H-D, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, $5/extra hand, $1/extra draw, rain date: 05/12. 50/50, raffle, best & worst hand. FMI, cvma15.13@ gmail.com
MAY 18 CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE MYRTLE BEACH BIKE RALLY BIKE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 1-3pm, awards 4pm, free to enter, trophies & cash prizes in all classes, Invitation to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2025 for best in show. Hosted by Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Spons. by Carolina Biker Lawyers. 336-885-5400
MAY 18 BIKERS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE 100 MILE RIDE Raging Bull Harley-Davidson, 300 Muldee St., Durham, NC. Meet 9am, KSU 10am. Hosted by BACA Capital area Ch. www.bacaworld.org, Throttle, 919-219-0494
MAY 18 CHARITY POKER RUN 105 E. Main St., Sanford, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, food, vendors, live music, raffles. Proceeds go to Lending Paws A Hand Pet Rescue.
MAY 20-21 15TH ANNUAL MICHAEL ‘BOZ’ KERR BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Rd, Alexandria, VA. National Motorcycle Lobby Day. Spons by, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, www.mrf.org, 202-546-0983
MAY 24-27 RIDERS’ ROOST 34TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-9738405
MAY 25 COX’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON OPEN HOUSE 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-6pm, www.coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 25 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON MEMORIAL DAY EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
MEMORIAL RIDE XXIV Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave., Sevierville, TN. Pre-ride ceremony @10am, KSU 11am, police escort, music, 21 gun salute, placing of wreath, guest speaker. Ron Giddis, 865-6541851, 865-453-6532
MAY 27 5TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY RIDE TO REMEMBER 1129 E 3rd St., Charlotte, NC. Reg 7:30am, KSU 9am, free ride, donations accepted, police escort, free food. ncridetoremember@gmail.com
MILWAUKEE, WI (JAn. 24, 2024) –arley-davIdson® today revealed four new 2024 motorcycle models ushering in a new era of touring performance, technology, and design. The all-new Street Glide® and Road Glide® models featuring the new Milwaukee-Eight 117, are more powerful, comfortable, and lighter, and packed with advanced technology, including a new infotainment system, all wrapped up in a dramatic new visual design. Commemorating the 25th anniversary of Custom Vehicle Operations, the new CVO™ Road Glide® ST model takes hot rod bagger performance to the next level with racing inspired high performance suspension and brakes, and a potent new Milwaukee-Eight® 121 HO engine, and low final drive ratio that combine to produce the kind of acceleration and mid-range thrust aggressive riders crave. And the new CVO™ Pan America® debuts as the first CVO offering in the adventure touring segment, ready to take on anything with a host of standard equipment all wrapped up
The all-new Street Glide® and Road Glide® models feature exceptional performance, cutting-edge innovation, and bold new design
in exclusive custom paint and finishes.
Each of these 2024 models are scheduled to reach authorized Harley-Davidson dealerships in January 2024.
“These exciting new models represent a new era for HarleyDavidson, elevating every aspect of performance, technology, comfort, and style,” said Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, President and CEO of Harley-Davidson. “Without question, these are the most enticing touring motorcycles ever offered by HarleyDavidson.”
The 2024 Street Glide and Road Glide models are more powerful, lighter, and more dynamic, and feature all-new visual design elements that combine a cohesive dynamic flow from the front fenders to the saddlebags. Both models feature an evolved fairing profile that appears refreshingly modern yet retains Harley-Davidson design DNA that makes them instantly familiar. Additional key features include:
• An updated Milwaukee-Eight® 117 V-Twin engine features a new cooling system which further optimizes thermal comfort for the rider and enhanced intake and exhaust flow to boost performance.
• Selectable Ride Modes – Road, Sport, Rain and Custom – electronically control the performance characteristics of the motorcycle.
• Infotainment technology is powered by Skyline™ OS and presented on a 12.3-inch TFT color touch screen that replaces all analog instrumentation and most switches. A new 200-watt audio amplifier powers a pair of fairing-mounted speakers.
• Improved aerodynamics enhance rider comfort and
reduce subjective helmet buffeting at highway speed by an average of 60 percent. Rear suspension travel is increased to 3-inches. A redesigned one-piece seat shape and padding materials offer a significant improvement in long-range comfort for most riders.
The CVO Road Glide ST is the quickest, fastest, and most-sophisticated performance bagger ever produced by Harley-Davidson, and represents a unique collection of components providing high value to performance minded riders. A deep solo seat and six-inch riser paired with a moto handlebar put the rider in an aggressive, upright position with West Coast custom style. Key features include:
• Two premium paint choices: Golden White Pearl or Raven Metallic. A Screamin’ Eagle graphic on the fairing sides and fuel tank is inspired by the Screamin’ Eagle® HarleyDavidson® Factory motorcycles raced in the MotoAmerica® Mission King of the Baggers series. CVO™ 25th Anniversary graphics celebrate a milestone in factory customization.
• The Milwaukee-Eight® 121 High Output V-Twin engine is exclusive to the CVO Road Glide ST model, tuned to produce 127 horsepower (94kW) and 145 lb. ft. (193 Nm) of torque –the most horsepower and torque ever from a factory-installed engine in a production Harley-Davidson® motorcycle. A lower final drive ratio is selected to enhance acceleration performance in every gear.
• The use of alternate materials helps reduce dry weight to 800 pounds (363 kg). Mufflers have lightweight titanium shells and forged carbon fiber end caps; forged carbon fiber
composite is used to form the front fender, seat cowl and tank console; the oil pan is formed of lightweight composite; and wheel design and wave-style front brake rotors are optimized to minimize unsprung weight.
• Fully adjustable front and rear suspension includes SHOWA® rear shock absorbers with remote reservoirs and inverted 47mm SHOWA® 1x1 forks.
• Premium Brembo™ braking components provide outstanding braking feel and performance for added rider confidence.
• Selectable Ride Modes – Road, Sport, Track, Track Plus, Rain, and multiple Custom modes – electronically control the performance characteristics of the motorcycle.
• A suite of infotainment technology is powered by Skyline™ OS. A color touch screen replaces all analog instrumentation and most switches. A premium audio system features a 500-watt amplifier and Harley-Davidson® Audio powered by Rockford Fosgate® Stage II 6.5-inch fairing speakers.
The CVO™ Pan America® motorcycle is a new vehicle of discovery and the CVO™ program’s first adventure touring (ADV) motorcycle. All of the features that have made the Pan America® 1250 Special model a leading choice among discerning global Adventure Touring riders are retained, including the smoothand-powerful Revolution® Max 1250 engine, semi-active front and rear suspension, touch screen display, selectable ride modes, and Daymaker® Adaptive Headlamp technology. The CVO™ Pan America® model is outfitted with a host of rugged accessories selected to enhance the journey, including Adaptive Ride Height suspension, rugged aluminum top and side cases, a Screamin’ Eagle®
quickshifter, tubeless laced wheels, auxiliary LED forward lighting, an aluminum skid plate, providing excellent value to the adventure rider who wants it all and more.
In 2023, the CVO™ Street Glide® and CVO™ Road Glide® models introduced a bold new design direction for the Harley-Davidson Grand American Touring platform, the extraordinary performance of the Milwaukee-Eight VVT 121 powertrain and advanced suspension, and infotainment technology powered by the exclusive Skyline™ OS. Both models reprise all of those features for 2024 with exciting new color options.
Harley-Davidson stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure and freedom for the soul. Go to H-D.com to learn more about the complete line of Harley-Davidson® Grand American Touring, Sport, Adventure Touring, Cruiser and Trike motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Certified™ pre-owned motorcycles, Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories, Harley-Davidson® MotorClothes® apparel and accessories, and Harley-Davidson Financial Services.
t’s been a whIle since my last article, and a lot has happened since then. We had the amazing Full Throttle Custom Bike Show, and what a show that was! In regard to the chopper side of things it was really cool to see Billy Lane talking to some of the chopper builders about their bikes. From my booth I got to watch him check out some bikes and you could see him getting a closer look at the details on some bikes, taking some photos, and pointing things out to his buddies. Like most chopper builders we are constantly looking for inspiration from other people’s work because there is an infinite way of doing things and no two choppers are done the same way.
During the Discovery Channel era Chopper Television my generation got a taste of history and an explanation for why certain decisions were made and now those stories have become gospel. Jesse James special documented the history of
enough profit to move up to a 74” Knuckle or Panhead. The rigid 74 would become such a fixture that eventually people would start cutting off perfectly good suspension and grafting on old rigid frame sections and achieve the look of a highly coveted and somewhat rare straight leg 74” frame.
When the aftermarket boom of the 70’s came along, and builders had the choice between aftermarket and original Harley parts you saw examples of both. Classic Harley parts never went out of style and despite all the crazy fads and trends in custom motorcycles judging by the magazine coverage through the 70’s to 90’s a Panhead in a wishbone frame could hang next to a Shovel or Evo in an aftermarket one. A bike could be basic but well executed or completely radical and still have a place. Most articles on the choppers featured in magazines were pretty general without going into too much
just enough documentation and living history around to scratch the surface, but the people I’ve talked to about the old street choppers they built seemed to have pretty pragmatic reasons for most of their decisions. A common answer to the question of why this motor or that front end is because that’s what they had.
electric motorcycles. Along with history lessons we also got the “build off” concept. As far as I know the biker build off thing never existed before the televised chopper phenomenon, but it’s now a thing at bike shows like Born Free.
The preoccupation with building your own custom motorcycle from the frame up rather than buying a sensible motorcycle and riding it has been a staple of custom bike culture for a really long time. In the early days of what would become chopper culture there was a surplus of rigid frames from which to build your custom hog, and this made sense, sort of. One could buy an old clapped out 45 in a rigid frame cheap and make it run well enough to get down to the local hang out. Eventually most would fix them up enough to sell them for
In our current times, with unfettered access to information in our pocket we have all the information of the interweb and 70 plus years of archival data, buyers and sellers around the globe, and no shortage of garage and professional shop builders making choppers into their vision of what a chopper should or could be. I am sure I’ve said this before, but I don’t think there’s ever been so many choppers on the road or on the lift. There’s always a new generation picking up where the old one left off.
For my generation, Jason Jessee, Cole Foster, and Max Schaaf were some of the most inspirational figures. In the early 2000’s there were very few chopper builders under 40 years old, and it continued to grow. Dice Magazine and the documentary 6over had as much impact on us as Billy Lane
and Jesse James had on the masses. They were the undertow of traditional chopper style while fat tires and theme bikes were the waves. Rather than big inch Evo motors guys like Jason and Cole were digging up panheads and shovels. Drum brakes were favored over disc and the generation of chopper folks that survived those things and lived to tell the tale were left scratching their heads trying to figure out why we were working backwards. 20 years later greasy selvedge denim and slip on vans mix with new balance sneakers and Columbia Gortex outerwear.
Jason Momoa has been associated with the Harley brand for a few years now and he’s recently done a show called On the Roam which features motorcycles prominently. It was really cool to see my generation venerated as the elder statesmen of the chopper world after so many years of being dismissed as hipster skaters chasing a fad. I know how much work guys like Max have put in and have seen their talent continue to develop over the years and to be at a level that has never been seen in custom motorcycles. It’s been said that these are works of art that we are lucky enough to get to enjoy rather than see on a pedestal in a gallery, and as someone who enjoys traditional art as much as motorcycles that’s a pretty special place to be.
hillip Morris has been dreaMing of this bike since he was 12 years old. he bought the donor bike as a 1977 fXe in 2002 and rode the bike for several years. This is its third incarnation, and it is an example of just what a chopper should be. “My goal in it was to be very slick with everything that I did and very shaved down, get rid of all the extras,” Phillip said. The old FXE frame was chopped, hard tailed and matched up with a springer front end running a chrome spoke wheel. Phillip went with a Led Sled Customs brake rotor and matching sprocket on a classic chrome Invader rear wheel. The custom oil tank rides behind the kickstart only stroker Shovelhead engine and Prism Supply made a killer custom 2 into 1 exhaust to top off the style side of the bike. The classic open belt drive houses the coil cover that Phillip picked up for $2 at a swap meet. To keep the handlebars clean, this bike is a foot clutch, jockey shift bike with the old school glass door knob on the shifter. The taillight features a unique pig face brake light cover mounted to the frame. In order to be compliant, a rearview mirror was mounted to the lower leg of the springer front end “So I can see the bottom of my shoe as I ride” Phillip said. The whole build comes together with a gorgeous blue paint job by Jay Byron from Union County complete with scallops, fish scale windows & pinstriping. Phillip is particularly proud of the amount of items that he picked up at swap meets or made himself to make his dream bike, and so are we! “A lot of thought went into it and a lot of effort, and I’ve had a lot of help from a lot of different friends but I love the outcome”.
hen the sMokeout rally coMes back around in September 2024 it will be featuring a Garage Build Competition. The competition started with 24 builders and was whittled down to a field of 12 competitors to complete the challenge. The lone builder representing North Carolina is Puput Yuwana. Puput, in his garage in Winston-Salem, NC has been pumping out some killer big twin choppers. In fact in 2023 he put 4 choppers on the road, built from the ground up. Now he has his sights on the Smokeout Garage Build Competition.
Puput is from Central Java, a Province of Indonesia, and like most of us picked up riding motorcycles from his dad. He
would cruise out on his dads motorcycle for joy rides until he got his own, a 1976 Honda CT70. “I was always stealing my dads bike, everyone rides motorcycles there. I would take the key and try to ride it and my dad was always freaking out. I got into wrecks all the time. The reason I have a tattoo here (on his arm) is to cover up the scars, but I never give up on riding motorcycles, I just love it, It’s part of my life.” Puput explained. After he graduated from high school, Puput moved to Bali, about an hour from Central Java. Puput worked in a local British motorcycle / Vespa shop by day played in a band at night. The motorcycle shop taught him how to work on motorcycles and playing in the band got him free drinks, it also led him to meet his future wife, Amy, on New Years Eve 2006. On Amy’s return trip to Bali the couple toured the coastal roads of Java and Bali on Puput’s 1956 BSA B31, cementing their relationship and continuing a lifelong love of motorcycles.
Puput and Amy made their way to Winston-Salem, where Amy’s family is from, to raise a family of their own. The transition to the United States was good for the family, but a little rough on Puput. He struggled to get a job and all though he has an extensive knowledge of motorcycle mechanics, he didn’t graduate from MMI or any other motorcycle mechanic program, so the “piece of paper” stood in his way. Then Puput found a friend in local rider and British bike enthusiast, John French. Motorcycles were the connection and motorcycles provided the bridge that Puput needed. “My first American friend when I moved here was John French, he’s the British Guru in town, he’s got a bunch of British Motorcycles and
that’s how we have a good connection. He’s the one that lit the light on my life when I just moved here because I didn’t have any one else to share my (gestures to motorcycle) except him” Puput commented. Puput began working with John on some of John’s bikes with him and then bought a 1957 BSA Road Rocket from John. John and Puput got it back running and eventually sold it on Ebay. But the parts for British bikes aren’t as easy to find as parts for Harley-Davidson motorcycles, the complete opposite of Indonesia. In Indonesia HarleyDavidson motorcycles are a rarity because of expense and availability. This was the point at which Puput switched over to the American Big Twin motorcycles. “I like to try something new everyday, like if you never try, you never know” Puput explained.
He saved up some money and bought a Sportster to ride around on and then a Shovelhead project that he could fix and sell so that he could combine his hobby and make a little side money. Puput took to repairing Harleys, Vespas, Lambretta’s and running through an impressive amount of vintage motorcycles to keep his passion alive. In this time Puput made connections with Nick Yannopoulos of Camel City Cycles, LLC and Rob Whitlow of Evel Twins Motorcycle Parts, both are used parts collectors and distributors and equally good dudes. It wasn’t until 2021 that Puput started building choppers, until then he was only doing service and repair of stock bikes. But the interest of being able to create a motorcycle from pile of parts took hold. Pulling parts from both Nick and Rob along with local swap meets Puput was able to start building Harley-Davidson choppers in his garage. Puput meet other people through the motorcycle community including Zach Shipwash of The Rebel Spirit, Jeremy Stowers, and the Dillard boys each being able to add a friendship and motorcycle know how to Puput’s builds. Puput uses minimal tools to create his choppers: grinders, welders and fastening tools lay on his work bench. No high tech, fancy stuff. Even when building frames he uses the old school string line plumb tricks. Puput also wastes very little. Harley parts being almost unobtainable in Indonesia has stuck with him and he wastes very little. Exhaust pipe scraps get reused to form new bends in the exhaust that he adds to his choppers and since they usually end up with bare metal tanks and very little painted flare the work fits the build perfectly. The first chopper Puput completed was a Evo Chopper, built for himself. As per normal current society, Puput posted his bike to social media and before long someone contacted him interested in buying the bike. The buyer from California ended up giving him more than he had asked, a total win! Since then Puput has been busy in his Javaskye Motorcycles garage (named after his children, Java and Skye) creating killer one off choppers in his unique style. “This is my happy place, where I belong, here in my garage, I don’t know what to say, I just feel like freedom when I make stuff like this” Puput said about being able to build motorcycles in his garage. Since that first Evo chopper, Puput has been using vintage Harley-Davidson engines including a Knucklehead and several Shovelheads. He was building at
least one bike per year and last year he was able to put four Javaskye Motorcycles on the street. Each bike is built for himself, his own personal work of art. He builds them, rides them and sooner or later, someone contacts him about buying the bike. Then Puput heads back to the garage to build himself a new bike! In between builds Puput enjoys one of his several vintage American and British bikes. He recently took home 1st place in the Import Antique class at The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show with a 1951 Vincent Rapide. He took home Best in Show at Mayhem in Midway 3 on a 1953 Harley-Davidson FL Panhead sporting original one year Forest Green paint. But his favorite bike to ride is his gorgeous 1948 Panhead. “I just feel a click on that bike, when you put your hands on the handlebars, I just feel the connection with this bike. If I had to stand up and ride I would do it on that one” Puput explains. Now that is a strong connection and I swear he enjoys these motorcycles and riding more than anyone I have ever seen.
Now, we said all this to tell you that Puput is representing NC in the Smokeout Garage Build coming up in September. Puput just finished a build and is as this is written he’s starting on his Garage Build bike which is going to have the heart of a 1948 FL Panhead and well…the rest we will have to wait and see. Puput is a custom motorcycle artist and I have no doubt he will build a killer custom to add to the JavaSkye Motorcycles that have been built so far. As a representative of NC Puput plans to build the bike to represent all his friends who have helped him along the way. “When I moved here in 2016, I just felt lonely, I have nobody, I have no friends. I don’t have any job and people are just looking at me like I’m different. Now I just build a bike, I find my way to make friends. I go to the bike show and people like my builds and now they put me on their list and now I’m on the Smokeout list. Dude, I just feel so blessed. I went from depressed to so blessed. I just want to say, thanks to everyone who is always there helping me get through everything. That’s why I want to make this Smokeout build for everybody. It’s not about me, it’s about us.” Puput said. You are not going to want to miss out on this build. You can keep up with the build on Puput’s Instagram page ppt_javaskye.
Puput embodies the American spirit of making something of nothing, in this case, learning to work on Harley-Davidson’s and becoming one of the area’s top chopper builders. Along with that American Spirit, Puput brings along his happy, loving, Island life spirit from Indonesia, making him a hell of a nice guy and a lot of fun to be around. Make sure to stop and introduce yourself if you see Puput out riding or at an event, it’s a true pleasure to know the man.
hat do you thInk of the cross? ever thought of it? What does it mean to you? Christ when to the cross first and paid for all our sins. All we have to do is except the fact that He paid for ALL of our sins.
Take up our cross and follow Him, it’s our promise that He died for us and trust Him in it everyday.
Look at the cross the way it is, then turn it upside down, it looks like a sword. His word is given to us in the form of the Bible. We need to remember and believe He went to the cross for us ALL not just a few.
All you have to do is except Him into your heart and ask Him to forgive you of your sins.
Some may think that if you wear a cross around your neck and go to church you’re ok and will go to Heaven (yea right) We have to be saved and have a relationship with Him.
Luke 9:23 Then He said to them all. If anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Matthew 10: 38. And he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.
Ever wondered if your saved and want to be sure, just ask Him to come into your heart and forgive you of your sins, then except and believe and live it.
Harley-Davidson. Shiny, top of the line motorcycles, speakers, amplifiers and some amazing tunes were blasting at the Annual Winter Warz event at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, Fayetteville, NC.! This exciting event brings together motorcycle enthusiasts from all around to celebrate the spirit of riding and the camaraderie of the biking community; all to the tune of some really nice sound systems.
One of the highlights of Winter Warz is the sound off competition, where riders can showcase their bikes and compete to be the loudest and proudest on the road. With categories ranging from classic cruisers to custom choppers, there’s something for every type of rider to compete in and enjoy.
But Winter Warz is more than just a competition—it’s a chance to connect with fellow riders, swap stories, and revel in the shared passion for the open road, and all to the beat of an outstanding sound system. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just getting started, there was plenty of excitement, fun and last but not least, love of music and all the sounds of it at this thrilling event.
Motorcycle speakers have become an integral part of the riding experience for many enthusiasts, offering a unique way to amplify music while cruising down the open road. With advancements in technology, riders can now enjoy crystal-clear sound quality without compromising safety. However, the use of loud music via motorcycle speakers has also sparked a subculture of competitions where riders showcase their custom audio setups.
These competitions often feature riders competing to see who can produce the loudest and clearest sound system, pushing the boundaries of innovation and creativity. From custom-built speaker enclosures to high-powered amplifiers, enthusiasts spare no expense in their quest for audio supremacy. So, whether you’re competing in a sound-off competition or simply enjoying a leisurely ride with your favorite tunes, check out Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Road, Fayetteville NC. There’s always a party at Fort Bragg Harley!
And for those looking to take their experience to the next level, Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson offers a wide range of rides and events throughout the year. From scenic cruises to adrenaline-pumping rallies, there’s always something exciting happening at this premier destination for bikers in the Carolinas. They embrace bikers’ unique passions for riding custom bikes with custom sounds. These community efforts find a balance between enjoying our music and respecting our surroundings; as well as ensuring a positive experience for everyone.
For more information about rides and upcoming events at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, check out The Carolinas Full Throttle Magazine “Cruising Calendar” Online Available at https://fullthrottlemagazine.com.
ountaineer Tavern
A neighborhood bar
Cold Beer • Daily Specials 3 Pool Tables Biker Friendly Bar Games
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Every Friday & Saturday Night 8pm-1:30am
March 16th • 6pm-1am
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724-C YORK RD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC 704-259-3411
anuary 13th was a spectacular day! Not only was it sunny, and a Saturday, but The Carolinas Full Throttle Magazine was hosting a Custom Bike Show in the Greensboro Coliseum. It was a bit chilly for riding but there was more than a handful of bikes in the parking lot. The east wing was filled with so many folks coming and going. The show was a well-organized event and it was great to see Lincoln (the magazine’s managing editor) and his family, as well as Monty (Indian Motorcycles, High Point). The bikes on display were amazing, all of them. I didn’t envy Lincoln and his crew when it came time to pick the winners. The selection of vendors was excellent. My personal favorite was Industrial Mayhem (handmade industrial themed lighting, décor, furniture, and jewelry); I am wearing earrings made out of washers as I write. Check them out on Facebook, it’s worth a look. Two bands played on and off all day and there was food and drinks at the canteen. Doesn’t get any better than that.
What a perfect way to spend a January day!
My HoneyBun and I wandered around together until I stopped to chat, from then on, we bumped into each other occasionally. When we finally came together again, HoneyBun says, “Did you see that bike?” (pointing to a black and yellow racing bike in the corner). I just shrugged my shoulders cuz I’m not much into racing. I find it hard to
watch, especially when a rider gets hurt. Not my cup of tea, at least since my invincible days are long gone. Anyway, I digress. HoneyBun suggested that I take a closer look. I shrugged some more, but did his bidding. Well, guess what was written on the side of the tank?
No kidding! How cool is that, cuz as we all know, I call My Man “HoneyBun”. So, I wandered over to a group of guys near the bike and asked one fella, “Is this your bike?” “No”, he said, but he’s part of the team. We chatted for a bit and I explained that My Man is HoneyBun. Then, the owner made an appearance. It was too cute cuz I repeated the HoneyBun claim to fame and he, Paul Watson (owner of Lumbee Racing), asked My Man if he would like to “sit on HoneyBun”? He didn’t need to ask twice. HoneyBun was on HoneyBun in
a blink (his Cheshire Grin was as big as it gets). Paul actually used my phone to take a few pictures. Wow! And to top it all off, the crew is called Team Honeybun! And, Honeybun, a nitrous, turbo, supercharged H-D bagger, is the fastest bagger at the dragway at the moment! Hehehehe!
That was certainly the highlight of the day, and I didn’t realize just how tickled My Man was. After getting home, he fired up the computer and we watched HoneyBun and the team in a few videos, as well as doing a little reading. I think My Man should be on Team HoneyBun; he’s a mechanical engineer after all. We might start following HoneyBun and his exploits. Well actually, I’m pretty sure we’ll head out to HoneyBun’s first race in the Spring.
n 2020, It all got started when she asked, “you think we can do a benefit ride?” My friend, my sister in Christ, Kelley Blas, president of JoCo Angels, asked me. I mean, don’t we all just love a good ride and for a good cause?? YES! So, we started to plan for the benefit ride for April. Well, unfortunately that was the year the world just stopped ugh-for COVID! Was that also a speed bump in the road for our benefit? No-it just gave us more time to prepare for 2021 for our 1st Annual Ride 4 Recovery. Funny how God works. Always HIS timing. Well, we just sat down and held on for the ride God was planning! And boy, He did NOT disappoint!! 2021, we raised over $8k! 2022, we raised over $10k! 2023, we raised over $15k!!
And Year-end 2023, through the annual fundraiser, Ride 4 Recovery, private donations, and community support, enough funds were raised to assist 65 people at Hope Center and Sober living!!
JoCo Angels is a grassroots movement for those who have lost people to addiction or have experienced addiction. We are so thankful for our leadership board, leadership support team, family, friends and volunteers that continue to support our community in awareness and support for recovery! Thank you to our faithful supporters, DR PK Vyas of Benson, Banner Enterprises of Garner, Freedom Biker Church of Benson, Hope Center Ministries, Law Office of Robert L Schupp of Johnston County, Recovery Alive, Restored Table of Angier, and Seven Sabres Brotherhood; a family based motorcycle brotherhood.
We ALL have been affected one way or another by some form of addiction. And we ALL feel hopeless when we can’t help. So, we give it to God, pray and raise funds to help bring awareness to our kids and communities and to help those in recovery in our community! Life certainly isn’t what it used to be, and trying at times, BUT we have a chance to make a difference today. And if it’s just for that ONE person, that’s okay. Cause to that ONE person-their WHOLE world changes and that’s BIG! You know, like the cliche you hear... “How do you
eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
FAST FORWARD to NOW – the annual ride is NEXT MONTH! APRIL 27, 2024; 9am until 3pm! EVERYONE is invited to join us!!! We’d love to have you come celebrate with us! We’ve got FOOD-come hungry, 20 + vendors, Music, 50/50, Silent Auction, Door Prizes-just good ole fashion fun! AND YES-there is A RIDE! COME RIDE WITH US!
Illey harley-davIdson In statesvIlle, nc, got lucky with a pretty Carolina Blue Sky on the first Saturday of February for their Polar Bear Ride-In Bike Show.
The competition was stiff only separated by 3 points at the top when the judging was all said and done a seasoned rider Stacy Bowman won with his 2018 RoadGlide Special named “Jezebel”.
Derek Tilley thanked all the folks who came to have fun at the dealership and ones who entered bikes in the show. The family and staff look forward to another great year serving Statesville riders.
Make sure to come to Tilley H-D for the Spring Bash & Grand American Launch Party on March 23-24. We will have food, music, and more! Also be on the lookout for Salisbury Bike Show Nights dates will be available soon!
he carolInas are known for chaMpIons on nItrofueled race bikes. But the past few years, Carolina-based teams have dominated the Big Gas Engine Harley Drags classes too. I dig seeing the increased interest in those machines.
Mike Motto, Jacksonville, NC, Holeshot Racing, has given Carolina fans a team to cheer for when the big motors thunder down the strip. In 2022 and 2023 he took the All Harley Drag Racing Association Extreme Outlaw Class Championships. These are the big motor, no wheelie bar machines you see riders wrestle down the strip in seven seconds.
Like lots of riders, Mike was already on bikes when he was young. He rode dirt bikes and said he still does, never too old. I miss dirt bikes. Mike is a strong healthy guy who can muscle an Extreme Outlaw bike. His Dad was a car drag racer and that’s how he got the bug.
“In my mid-20’s I started started drag racing at Moroso Motorsports Park in West Palm Beach Florida which is now Palm Beach International Raceway. We raced our street bikes there locally,” Mike said.
“We went to Gainesville in 2006 or 2007 for the AHDRA race. Saw Andy Simon with his Street Pro and I was hooked. I thought that is what I want to race. Me and my buddy Chris Sansevere ended up building a couple of the S&S Challenge 124 bikes. That’s how I started in that series. Soon I realized should have gone straight to Street Pro.”
“My first Street Pro I ended up buying David Worth’s old
bike. We took it to our shop in Florida. That’s Holeshot Cycles, me and Chris. I’ve been a contractor my whole life, but we also had a bike shop down there. It was attached to my construction building and night time was working on motorcycles. Later we bought a stock Sportster chassis and took it too Andy Simon who built us a serious race bike. I was running out of this shop for a bit,” Mike said
He met Gregg Dahl about 15 years ago racing. Gregg is in Uniontown, PA, owns Gregg’s Machine Service and GMS Racing Engines. He has more than 30 years experience as a winning rider and builder of big bad ass gas bikes. Mike and Gregg soon collaborated on race bikes. Mike moved into his camp of racers and the rest has been history.
“Just Coming down from the low eights to mid-sevens was leaps and bounds in performance. Gregg and I have done a lot of experimental stuff on those bikes to increase performance and keep them together. He’s developed a pretty much indestructible bottom end in this last season. We think with all the stuff we have come up with over the past few years to keep these bikes together, because that is the hardest part we are on the edge all the time, I think we are going to have success at getting closer to the numbers we want to run,” Mike said.
“Our goal now is to someday if everything comes together to have both of our bikes in the sixes. That’s kind of our dream. We are going faster and faster.”
“When I got to GMS and Gregg and Damon got their hands on that bike is when things turned around. Damon Kuskie is
PhotoSan incredible tuner. Damon deserves Tuner of the Century. Not enough I can say about him. I come back after a pass and he reads the data. In his mad scientist mind he comes up with a bunch of numbers and the next tune and we go another round.
What keeps mine and Gregg’s bikes planted to the strip and going fast is Damon. He knows where to add power and pull power out of the bike and how to help us leave the line. He’s incredible.”
“Gregg pays a lot of attention to the whole bike’s chassis setup. When I got to his camp we redesigned the whole bike. Large part of that was the chassis. How the shocks perform. He fine tunes every detail.”
“Making horsepower is the first important step but you have to put it to the strip. The clutch is critical for managing that power as it goes to the transmission. You must have a stout transmission and good clutch. I can tell you Gregg is one of the best clutch guys in the country. We’ve used his setup for a few seasons with only doing routine maintenance. We use Energy One products which are incredible.”
“This makes me a two-time champion now since I won in 2022. Our 2023 goal was for me to go for the championship and Gregg go for records. The last half of the season we accomplished all of that. Gregg was typically a little faster than me but I managed to win every race. In Rockingham, Gregg and Damon gave me the option of turning up the power and going for a record. We decided to play it safe because we were having problems tearing belts off the bike. I stayed on the championship focus since Charlie Douglas was right on my tail in points. I had to beat Charlie and Gregg and Andy, all three at the Rockingham finals and did,” Mike said.
Now he has back to back championships. His personal best
on the bike is 7.72 at 180 mph. Gregg holds the record at 7.57.
Mike’s 2024 plan is to continue pushing the limits on these awesome machines. “I would love to see some 6.90’s. I don’t know if it will happen this year but we are headed that direction,” he said.
“Gregg and I have been invited to the XDA to run against some of the Metric Bikes. We are going to try the Xtreme Dragbike Association Real Street Class where they run 7.40s to 7.80s. I think they are more excited about it than me and Gregg are.” XDA races are in Maryland and Virginia. The fans are gonna love the Harleys. Mike will also race at AMRA, AHDRA and AHWS events.
The bike Mike rides now is Sportster based with a Pro Stock engine and R&D High Performance Transmission. The engine is GMS designed and 172 cubic inches. With a two stage nitrous oxide system it makes 400-450 horsepower. An MTC Gen 2 clutch manages the power. Rules require a 74 inch wheelbase with no wheelie bars and a DOT tire. A beast to ride.
“Think about rodeo and the cowboy getting on the back of the bull. Getting ready to ride. Getting all pumped up. And that gate opens. He has no idea what that bull is gonna do. That’s pretty much the feeling when we throw the clutch on these things,” Mike said.
“With the computer we have now we have a lot more control. But those bikes still stand up, break loose, they go sideways on us. Gregg and I have removed the laser wheelie control since it was taking power away when we needed it. You have to ride these bikes.”
“Throwing the clutch on that thing and being shoved back in the seat is a thrill. That bike is trying to throw you off until you cross the stripe at the other end,” he said.
I am always amazed watching Extreme Outlaw machines defy Physics as they race down the strip. Next time you are at the Harley Drags check out Mike’s race bike and cheer that Carolina team to another title.
2024 Roadmaster Elite Delivers CustomInspired, Tri-Tone Indian Motorcycle Red Paint Scheme with Upscale Fit-and-Finish & WorldClass Touring Capabilities.
ndIan Motorcycle, aMerIca’s fIrst Motorcycle Company, today unveiled its latest Elite model – a showstopping Roadmaster combining high-end sophistication, upscale fit-and-finish, and world-class touring capabilities. Indian Motorcycle designed the 2024 Roadmas-ter Elite to deliver an authentic, custom-inspired paint scheme for riders looking to turn heads and stand out from the crowd.
In 1904 Indian Motorcycle first debuted the brand’s iconic Indian Motorcycle Red paint scheme. Today, the brand is excited to honor its iconic color with an all-new Indian Motorcycle Red tri-tone paint scheme with a premium candy finish, which delivers a vibrant and eye-catching look. To achieve this, Indian Motorcycle partnered with two of the industry’s most renowned custom paint shops, Gunslinger Custom Paint (GCP) in Colorado and Custom Painted Vehicles (CPV) out of Wisconsin. Indian Motorcycle’s partnership with GCP and CPV provide an extra layer of authenticity, as the two paint shops are widely sought after for one-off, custom-bike paint designs from riders all around the country.
“Our Elite models take the incredibly high bar we set for all of our products, and raise it even higher, offering something more exclusive for the rider who wants to make sure their bike is a cut above anything else on the road,” said Aaron Jax, Vice President for Indian Motorcycle. “What I love about the new Roadmaster Elite, is how we’ve taken the historic Indian
Motor-cycle Red, and given it a tougher, meaner attitude with blacked-out styling.”
“Our design team is always thrilled to work on the Elite models, because we’re essentially given the keys to design our very own custom bike, but instead of just one, hundreds will be available around the world,” said Ola Stenegard, Director of Product Design for Indian Mo-torcycle. “With each new Elite model, we pull through custom bike trends to create some-thing that’s not only current and relevant, but authentically aligns with the Indian Motorcy-cle brand and complements each model’s inherent DNA.”
With only 350 available worldwide and incredible custominspired styling, the 2024 Road-master Elite is the ultimate in style and exclusivity. Each Roadmaster Elite features exclusive Elite badging, including an individually numbered center console complete with a silhou-ette of a 1904 Indian Camelback – Indian Motorcycle’s first model to debut the iconic Indian Motorcycle Red paint.
Premium features add to the Roadmaster Elite’s impressive touring capabilities – delivering an Elite-level of personalization and comfort. These Elite features include the following:
Tri-Tone Candy Paint – Indian Motorcycle Red Candy, Dark Indian Motorcycle Red Candy, and Black Candy provide a premium paint scheme that pulls inspiration from both past and present custom bikes. Complete with hand painted Championship Gold pinstripes and finished by two of the industry’s top custom paint shops, GCP and CPV, each bike takes over 24 hours to complete.
Elite Branding & Graphics – Exclusive badging only worthy
of an Elite model, riders will stand out from the crowd with premium fit and finish.
PowerBand Audio with Bass Boost & UnderGlow – Introduced in fall 2023, Indian Motorcy-cle’s PowerBand Audio with Bass Boost delivers 50% louder audio through 12 speakers lo-cated in the front fairing, saddlebags, and touring trunk with even more bass when com-pared to stock sound systems. Each speaker’s UnderGlow delivers a stand-out touch of custom-inspired styling.
Pathfinder Adaptive LED Headlight – The Indian Motorcycle Adaptive LED Headlight pro-vides even more illumination when compared to stock headlights. Patented, cutting-edge technology improves the rider’s visibility by monitoring the bike’s lean angle to optimize il-lumination of the road ahead.
Gloss Black Dash – It’s all in the details, as the Roadmaster Elite features a fully gloss black painted dash – delivering a clean fit and finish riders expect and appreciate with their Elite models.
Pathfinder Auxiliary LED Saddlebag Lights – Perfectly integrated into the bike’s saddlebags, the added lights deliver custom style while significantly improving visibility of the rider for other motorists.
Polished Driver and Passenger Headdress Floorboards –These spacious floorboards not only provide comfort for long touring rides, but also deliver an extra level of detail and style.
Color-Matched Stitched Heated & Cooled Seat – The Roadmaster Elite’s color-matched stitched seat adds exclusive
styling to a high-performing, comfortable touring seat. Whether riding mid-summer or late fall, the heating and cooling features on the Roadmaster Elite seat greatly improves rider and passenger comfort.
Tinted Flare Windshield – Tinted to match its blacked-out menacing style, the flare wind-shield provides advanced wind protection when compared to stock windshields. Featuring a low-profile, it’s electronically adjustable to provide the best wind protection for riders of all heights.
Black Passenger Arm Rests – Passenger armrests provide premium comfort for passengers, ideal for long touring rides.
Backlit Switch Cubes – The Roadmaster Elite’s backlit switch cubes make it easier to see and select the bike’s hand controls at night – a premium feature for a premium, Elite touring machine.
10-Spoke Precision Machined Wheels – The 10-spoke Precision Machined wheels intro-duce a new machine pattern on the Roadmaster Elite. Sophisticated, while still packing tons of attitude.
Starting at $41,999, the 2024 Roadmaster Elite will begin shipping to dealers this spring. Riders can learn more at their local Indian Motorcycle dealership, by visit-ing IndianMotorcycle.com, or by following along on Facebook, X and Instagram.
he aMerIcan MotorcyclIst assocIatIon (aMa) Is gearIng up for a yearlong, historic celebration as it proudly commemorates its 100th anniversary in 2024. For a century the AMA has been at the forefront of promoting and protecting the interests of motorcyclists, creating a vibrant community of enthusiasts dedicated to the joy of riding.
Since its inception in 1924, the AMA has played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of motorcycling in the United States. With a rich history rooted in passion, advocacy and the freedom of the open road, the AMA has become a driving force for riders across the nation.
As one of the largest motorcycling organizations in the world, the AMA has consistently championed the rights of motorcyclists from all walks of life, evolving to embrace a diverse and growing community of riders.
To mark this momentous occasion, the AMA has planned special events and initiatives throughout the year, including but not limited to:
January 6 – AMA Supercross, Anaheim, CA
Fan Fest presence and 100-year video premier
January 27 – AMA Supercross, Anaheim, CA Fan Fest
February 6-8 – AIMExpo, Las Vegas, NV
March 1-10 – AMA Supercross, Daytona, FL Fan Fest & Bike Week
March 16 – AMA Supercross, Indianapolis, IN Fan Fest
March 23 – AMA Supercross, Seattle, WA seminar participation
May 4 – The Quail Motorcycle Gathering, Carmel, CA
May 11 – AMA Supercross, Salt Lake City, UT Fan Fest
May 18 – Hall of Fame Bike Night
May 25 – Fox Raceway International booth presence
June 15 – High Point National booth presence
June 27-29 – Buckeye Motorcycle & Music Rally, Columbus, OH
June 30-July 6 – Flat Track Grand Championship, Du Quoin, IL
July 6 – RedBud National booth presence
July 25-28 – AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days
August 24 – Ironman National booth presence
October 10-13 – AMA Hall of Fame Days & Bike Night
heck out Byron Weeks’ one-off custom Bike, Built By scott Williams of ohio, hence the Williams original moniker on the side case. Actually, it’s one of two “matching bikes” the other being a Honda race bike with similar features. The bikes had to be bought as a pair and Byron ended up splitting the purchase with a friend. This bike features a satin finished 1992 built Evo engine with S&S tear drop air cleaner, Vance & Hines 2 into 1 exhaust, driven by a Baker 1.5” Bore transmission all held together in a Kraft Tech hardtail frame. The bike is covered in custom made parts including machined front and rear brake and clutch reservoirs, matching satin metal tank rib and rear fender struts, custom machined foot pegs and foot controls. The power side of the bike features a 2 ½ inch BDL open belt drive that is a “shoe ripper and a pants ripper”. The Moon Equipped Chopper Oil Tank sits just below the frame mounted seat, consisting of little more than metal and leather, but makes for great looking lines on the bike. Little features like the old school fabric wrapped wiring from the headlight, satin disc rotors and frame mounted 1 inch tail light and vintage Firestone tires bring it together. Byron says, “It’s just a cool ass bike, I love it, it rides great and it looks good!!” We have to agree that this is a well thought out build with a tight design.
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
A man visited his doctor, and the doctor checked him over before commenting, “It looks like you get a fair bit of exercise.” The man replied, “Oh yeah, in fact, just the other day I walked 5 miles over rugged terrain as I climbed over tocks and trees. I also waded along the edges of a lake, pushing my way through tall thistles, and even slid down sandy slopes while getting sand in my eyes.” The doctor was impresses. “Well, you are certainly a dedicated outdoor enthusiast.” The man replied, “Not really, doctor. I’m just a really bad golfer.”
Q: Why are bunnies the luckiest animals? A: Because they each have four rabbits feet.
I can’t tell the difference between a rose and a dandelion. So, when it came time to fix up my garden, I had no clue which plants to keep and which one to remove. That is until my mother gave me this handy tip: “Pull them all up. If it comes back, it’s a weed.”
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she’s blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying – “Just take care of my eyes dear, I love you.”
So, my oldest brother Ethan doesn’t like wearing pants while at home, he wears boxers (because he’s a gentleman) but REFUSES to wear pants. So, one day we’re all just chilling on the couch when Ethan comes in wearing his boxers. My younger brother Eric asks if he can take off his pants too and Ethan says yeah, just make sure you have clean underwear on. Eric leaves the room, goes upstairs, comes back 3 or 4 minutes later without pants, in my underwear, and not just any underwear; Victoria’s Secret, MY VICTORIA’S SECRET (only girl in the family). Ethan is laughing his ass off, Nate (next oldest brother) is rolling on the floor, and I’m just sitting there like WTF. My dad chooses the best time to come in with guests, when one of his 10 year old sons is standing in the living room wearing his only daughter’s frilly Victoria’s Secrets, his oldest isn’t wearing pants, and the other two sons are on the floor dying. The neighbors haven’t come over since.
One of my wife’s third graders was wearing a Fitbit watch, which prompted my wife to ask, “Are you tracking your steps?” “No,” said the little girl. “I wear this for Mommy so she can show Daddy when he gets home.”
I loved the dress that I bought at a flea market. It fit perfectly, and the skirt was a swirl of intricate pleats. I wore it confidently to an evening party and glowed when a woman exclaimed, “Oh, how stunning!” Yes, I was grinning from ear to ear, until she added cheerfully, “Hang on to it, honey. Pleats will come back someday.”
Q. What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite restaurant? A. IHOP!
As my wife and I prepared for our garage sale, I came across a painting. Looking at the back, I discovered that I had written “To my beautiful wife on our fifth anniversary. I love you … Keith.” Feeling nostalgic about a gift I’d given her 25 years earlier, I showed it to her, thinking we should rehang the picture. After gazing at my message for a few seconds, she replied, “You know, I think a black marker would cover over all that so that we could sell it.”
Our fourth grader celebrated his birthday on crutches, so he couldn’t carry the cupcakes into school without help. I asked our sixth-grader, Noah, to help his brother carry them in. “I could,” he said, “but I’d prefer not to.” Spotting a teaching moment, my husband asked Noah, “What would Jesus do?” Noah answered, “Jesus would heal him so he could carry his own cupcakes.”
A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called his client and said to him, “Saul, I have some good news and I have some bad news.” The art collector replied, “I’ve had an awful day; let’s hear the good news first.” The attorney said, “Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. I think she could be right.” Saul replied enthusiastically, “Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You’ve just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?” The attorney replied, “The pictures are of you with your secretary.”
A Husband and Wife at Custody court. The judge looks sternly at the ex wife.
Judge: “Why do you think you deserve custody of the child?”
Ex-wife: “I brought him into this world so I should have custody of him.”
Judge: “That is a simple yet good reason.”
Then the judge looks towards the ex husband.
Judge: “Why do you think you deserve custody of the child, sir?”
The ex husband thought long and hard about his response, after a brief moment of silence, he replies, “If I put money into a Pepsi machine and a Pepsi comes out. Is it mine or the machines?”
Britain’s oldest woman turned 114 today. When asked the secret of her longevity, she attributed it to taking a walk at midnight every night. When quizzed on whether she was concerned about the increase in muggings in recent years, she said that she was not, and would continue mugging people as long as her health holds out.