Not Your Average Lawyers
Mark Infield Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021
Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com
Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Director
Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen
Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, Rob, Brenda, JB
Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Jerry Andrews, John R. Stokes, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Peter Mallery, Rob Harper, CH Photography, Wally Wersching, David Berquist
WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Jerry Andrews, Wally Wersching, Derek Sikes
Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery, Keith Mitchem, Ms. Pat, Rob Harper, Nesha Daubenspeck
Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle
P.O. Box 2294 Jamestown NC 27282 (336) 885-5400
Editor@FullThrottleMagazine.com www.FullThrottleMagazine.com
ow this is better, it’s May and the rally season is in full effect. Don’t get me wrong, we ride all year long, but this warm weather is the deal. I like walking out of the house and jumping on the motorcycle for a ride without having multiple layers of clothes. The warm weather also brings with it longer days and bike nights. But hell, you can’t ride all day if you don’t start in the morning. There are a ton of events in this month’s Cruisin’ Calendar, places you might want to go, things you may want to see. But don’t forget to just go ride. What’s your ideal ride? I don’t care which direction I’m going (as long as it’s not north) I just want to get on some back roads and find myself in someplace I’ve never been. Hopefully they have hotdogs there. May is Myrtle Beach Bike Rally time and tons of bikers from all over the east coast pour in to party. Carolinas’ Full Throttle will be there too. Wondering where to go? Check out the cover, Beach House Harley-Davidson in Shallotte, NC is throwing a big ol’ party and wanted to make sure you knew to stop by. They got vendors, live music, demo rides, deals and a pretty sweet setup as well. We’ve also got a Rally Section in the magazine this month. Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Fishtailz Biker Consignment, The Rat Hole, Thee Doll House and Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson will all be Full Throttle Magazine hot spots. Bubba’s is hosting the 3rd Annual Full Throttle Magazine Myrtle Beach Bike Rally Bike Show sponsored by our friends at the Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers on May 18. There’s always a big crowd and some cool bikes, Bubba’s dishes out cold drinks and great food all day long, you should be there. There is no fee to register your bike and you could win some cash & an invitation to the Full Throttle Custom Bike Show on February 1, 2025 in the Greensboro Coliseum.
Anyway, go ahead and dig into the May issue, as always it is chocked full of biker friendly businesses and event coverage. Make sure you check out all the deals in the ads, use the coupon codes and save yourself some dough. Then get out there and ride your motorcycle, that’s what it’s all about.
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
BBQ RUN Trent River Campground, 2186 NC-41, Trenton, NC. $40/weekend pass, 21+, no colors, free PBR, ride, chopper king & queen contest, vendors, camping, BBQ, chopper raffle. Benefits Brandon Stiwinter Memorial Scholarship, Our Road To Recovery & Jon Akinsw.
RIDE DAY 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, led ride & complimentary lunch. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, events@ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
MAY 4 BENEFIT RIDE FOR MADISON & TERI Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12:30pm, $20/rider, $5/passenger incl food. 50/50, live DJ, food avail. Benefits the family to help with funeral expenses.
MAY 4 3RD ANNUAL KAREN’S SPIRIT RIDE & MEMORIAL PARTY Midtown Sundries, 7296 NC-73, Denver, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 2pm, come together & celebrate the life of Karen.
MAY 4 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON CINCO DE MAYO EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-2271261
MAY 4 BRAD REED MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS RIDE Down Home HarleyDavidson, 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $25/double, incl food & entry to after party. Live music.
MAY 4 6TH ANNUAL HOLLY SPRINGS POLICE DEPT. TORCH RIDE Hope Community Church, 2080 E. Williams St., Apex, NC. Reg 7am, KSU 8:50am, $30/rider, $10/passenger. Police escort, food provided, raffles. Benefits Special Olympics NC. Arthur.clarke@hollyspringsnc.gov
MAY 4 CVMA 15-5 ANNUAL CHARITY RIDE & AUCTION Cross Roads HarleyDavidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, $20/ single, $25/double, police escort, auction, gun raffle, live music, food trucks, adult beverages. Benefits local Veterans & their families. FMI, cvma15.5cxo@gmail. com
MAY 4 JERRALD MITCHELL SCHOLARSHIP FUN RUN Jones Intermediate School, 2170 Riverside Dr., Mt. Airy, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $15/single, $25/ double incl meal.
MAY 4 DELTA SIGMA THETA FL CHAPTER GRILL DAY Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAY 4 CINCO DE MAYO PARTY NERDFEST Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAY 4 MAY THE FOURTH CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION BullDog HarleyDavidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 12-4pm, free beer, food truck, music. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
The Fish Hut Grill, 301 Mangrove Dr., Emerald Isle, NC. Reg 10:30am, live music. Benefits Emerald Isle Beach Patrol. 910-210-8688 or 252-772-3090
Catawba Heights Baptist Church, 311 Belmont Mount Holly Rd, Belmont, NC. Reg 11am, donations accepted. Vendors, food trucks, music, bike show. Proceeds go to The Tyler Herndon Memorial Foundation. www.tylerherndonfoundation.org
RIDE Blackwater Trading Post, 5606 Blackwater Rd., Virginia Beach, VA. Reg 8:30am, KSU 10am, breakfast avail 6am. Benefits the Navy SEAL Museum & The Trident House. www.navysealtribute.com
RIDE Beaver’s Den, 3482 John G. Richards Rd., Liberty Hill, SC. KSU 12pm, $30/single, $40/double, incl food, cash prizes.
RENA POWELL Wild Country, 1638 Piedmont Hwy, Piedmont, SC. KSU 11am, 50/50, auction, food, pool tournament, best & worst haul cash prizes. 864-277-4166
Calli Baker’s Firehouse & Grill, 910 Lake Arrowhead Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, incl lunch. Raffles, live music, 50/50. Benefits Joint Task Force K9’s. 843-692-0788
CHARITY RUN Lumberyard, 115 Gary St., Clinton, SC. Reg 9am, first bike out 11am, $20/hand, $10/passenger. Best & worst hand prizes, live music, 50/50, raffles, auction.
PARTY Smokin Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU11am, $20/single, $25/double. Food, beer, vendors. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
MAYO PARTY 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 2pm, free sombrero to the first 25 customers, live music, taco & tequila specials. 336-8151220
MAY 5 5TH ANNUAL CRUISING FOR KIDS Midway Music Hall, 11141 Old US52, Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $30/bike incl meal. 50/50, raffles, shirts. www.cruisinforkids2019.com
Mac’s Speed Shop, 1218 Battleground Ave., Greensboro, NC. Live music, & free gift for Mother’s. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, events@ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
LADIES NIGHT 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 6-9pm, www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
Fast Lane Bar & Grill, 4803 US-421, Wilkesboro, NC. www.crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
BIKE NIGHT 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 5-8pm, live music, food truck, free beer. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
RIDE NEW MOTORCYCLES 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Get an exclusive shirt and enter to win a new Street Glide. www.ridinghighharleydavidson. com, 336-273-1101
TEST RIDE DAYS 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Test ride a new H-D & get a gift. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-8322261
WEEK Beach House Harley-Davidson
100 Harley-Davidson Dr. Shallotte, NC. Vendors, live music, demo rides, food trucks, sales & more. www.beachhousehd.com 910-575-9997
BIKE RALLY 3833 Socastee Blvd Unit B, Myrtle Beach, SC. Free admission, main bar opens @10am daily, 05/14: Biker O’lympics 2-7pm, 05/13-05/18: Rodeo 12pm daily, nightly bar contests with cash prizes, chocolate pudding wrestling daily 7pm, vendors, food.
SCAVENGER HUNT 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd.com, 704872-3883
RIDE THE VALLEY Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
MAY 11 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTHER’S DAY EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-2271261
MAY 11 SUPER SATURDAY Landmark Baptist Church, 1724 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby, NC. Breakfast 7-9am, donations accepted. 10am-12pm, bike, car & truck show, $10/entry, judging 12pm, awards. Food, music, vendors.
MAY 11 STILL RUNS BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW 103 N. 1st St., Albemarle, NC. 3-8pm, live music, pinup contest, vendors, beer garden, food trucks, kids activities.
MAY 11 RIDE FOR A CHILD Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 8:30am, KSU10:30am, $20/bike, $25/with passenger, $30/vehicle. Food & after party, www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
MAY 11 2ND ANNUAL FREEDOM RIDE & GRILL TO END HUMAN TRAFFICKING Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg & food 11am, KSU 12pm, $25/bike incl shirt & raffle ticket, $10/passenger incl raffle ticket. Vendors, raffle, free food, sthompson@gatebeautiful.org
MAY 11 MOMS & MIMOSAS Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAY 11 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON TEST RIDE DAYS 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-4pm, food truck, giveaways & prizes. www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919-938-1592
MAY 11 CVMA NC 15-13 SILVER COAST CH SOHO POKER CHIP RUN Beach House H-D, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 10am, $20/rider, $10/passenger, $5/extra hand, $1/extra draw, rain date: 05/12. 50/50, raffle, best & worst hand. FMI, cvma15.13@gmail. com
MAY 11 MIRACLE FOR MILEY BENEFIT RIDE The Salty Hawg, 115 Sugar Ln., Sneads Ferry, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/rider, $10/BBQ plates. Cake auction, raffles, vendors, Miley is 20 months old and currently awaiting a heart transplant at Duke.
DAY & RICK DOSS BIKE SHOW 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. Dyno shootout reg, 8:30am, first run 9am, awards 4:30pm. Bike show reg 10am, judging 12pm, awards 4:30pm. www.thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
MAY 11-12 RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON TEST RIDE EVENT 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Test rides, free giveaways, food & more. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, events@ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
MAY 13 MYRTLE BEACH HARLEYDAVIDSON SPRING RALLY KICK-OFF PARTY Sneaky Beagle, 5040 Carolina Forest Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC. www. myrtlebeachharley.com, mktg@myrtlebeachharley.com, 843-369-5555
MYRTLE BEACH SPRING RALLY 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Bike night, live music, bike show Sat., food, beer specials.
MAY 14-18 THUNDER ROAD HARLEYDAVIDSON DEMO WEEK 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. 10am-4pm, www. thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
MAY 15 LADIES BIKE NIGHT Pine Tree Tavern, 3880 Bethania Station Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. Live music, bike raffle. 336-815-1220
MAY 15 THEE DOLLHOUSE WELCOME BIKERS PARTY 3001 Hwy 17 S, N Myrtle Beach, SC. Free buffet & drink specials 5-7pm, shirts avail, happy hour 4-8pm daily, free koozies & poker chips, $1,000 amateur contest 12am. www. theedollhousesc.com
MAY 15 GRUMPY’S BIKER BREAKFAST The Harley Shop At The Beach, 4002 Hwy 17 S., North Myrtle Beach, SC. 9am-11am, www.myrtlebeachharley. com, mktg@myrtlebeachharley.com, 843-369-5555
MAY 16 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
MAY 16 MYRTLE BEACH HARLEYDAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT Local On The Water, 1525 13th Ave N., North Myrtle Beach, SC. 6-9pm, www.myrtlebeachharley.com, mktg@myrtlebeachharley.com, 843-369-5555
MAY 17 FREEBIE FIRDAY FUNDAY The Harley Shop At The Beach, 4002 Hwy 17 S., North Myrtle Beach, SC. 11am-6pm, www.myrtlebeachharley.com, mktg@ myrtlebeachharley.com, 843-369-5555
MAY 18 CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE MYRTLE BEACH BIKE RALLY BIKE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Reg 1-3pm, awards 4pm, free to enter, trophies & cash prizes in all classes, Invitation to Full Throttle Custom Bike Show 2025 for best in show. Hosted by Bubba’s Bar & Grill, Spons. by Carolina Biker Lawyers. 336-885-5400
MAY 18 MYRTLE BEACH HARLEYDAVIDSON SCENIC RIDE Tuna Shak, 4123 Hwy 17 Bus., Murrells Inlet, SC. 9-11am, after party 1-4pm. www.myrtlebeachharley.com, mktg@myrtlebeachharley.com, 843-369-5555
MAY 18 RIDING HIGH HARLEY-DAVIDSON LED RIDE TO CHEERWINE FESTIVAL 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, events@ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
GRILL N CHILL 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 12-2pm, free burgers & beer, music, vendors. www.smokinharley. com, 336-722-3106
HELPS CHARITY RIDE Ultimate Ink Tattoo, 2967 N. Cannon Blvd., Kannapolis, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:30am, Benefits sponsoring new drivers to attend BREAKS & new playground.
MAY 18 BOONE MOTORCO SWAP MEET 3021 US-1, Franklinton, NC. 10am-3pm, 919-925-8009, boone@askboone.com, www.boonemotorco.com
Harley-Davidson, 300 Muldee St., Durham, NC. Meet 9am, KSU 10am. Hosted by BACA Capital area Ch. www.bacaworld.org, Throttle, 919-219-0494
MAY 18 ARMED FORCES OF AMERICA MC POKER RUN Tobacco Road H-D, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 9:30am, first bike out 10:30am, $20/ rider, $10/passenger, rain or shine. Best & worst hand cash prizes. Portion of proceeds goes to MMIA. Joe, 360-632-4786, joe@armedforcesmc.com
MAY 18 CHARITY POKER RUN 105 E. Main St., Sanford, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, food, vendors, live music, raffles. Proceeds go to Lending Paws A Hand Pet Rescue.
MAY 18 CAPE BEARD’S 12TH ANNUAL PIG PICKIN Fort Bragg H-D, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 10am-5pm, live music, vendors, bounce house, BBQ & more. Benefits The Autism Society of Cumberland Co. www.capebeardfof.com, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
MAY 18 DEANOS RUN Salter Speed Shop, 5717 Carolina Beach Rd., Wilmington, NC. KSU 12pm, donations. Food & drinks avail, raffles, music. Benefits Place Of Peace Counseling for mental health program in the Wilmington area. In memory of Dean.
MAY 18 4TH ANNUAL BEARS BEHIND THE BADGE Twin Rivers Mall, 3100 US-17, New Bern, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am. Door prizes, raffles, gun raffles, food & drinks. Hosted by Veteran Enforcers Motorcycle Assoc. Cyborg, 252-626-7440
MAY 18 SPRINGERS PARTY AT BIKE WEEK Pilot House, 4490 Mineola Ave., Little River, SC. 4-6pm, wear Springers gear & Jeff will pick up the beer tab.
MAY 19 CHOP & SWAP CLASSIC BIKE SHOW & SWAP MEET Flying Iron Harley-Davidson, 928 N. Winstead Ave., Rocky Mount, NC. Show starts at 9am, free entry & free set up for swap meet. Live music, food, vendors. Keith, 252446-7292
‘BOZ’ KERR BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Rd, Alexandria, VA. National Motorcycle Lobby Day. Spons by, Motorcycle Riders Foundation, www.mrf.org, 202-546-0983
BIKE NIGHT 4310 Old rural Hall Rd., Winston-Salem, NC. 5pm, Carolina Biker Lawyers, food, drinks, karaoke. 336-7449127
MAY 24-27 RIDERS’ ROOST 34TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost. com, 336-973-8405
Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Fri: bike night, Sat & Sun: live music, stunt show & more. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
SPRING RALLY 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 11am-6pm, live music, food trucks, beer, vendors, bike show. www.smokinharley.com, 336-7223106
MAY 25 GRILL & CHILL Smokin HarleyDavidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., WinstonSalem, NC. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
OPEN HOUSE 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. 9am-5pm, food trucks, bike games with prizes, food & drinks. www. coxsharley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
MAY 25 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON MEMORIAL DAY EVENT 2215 Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 11am-2pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336-2271261
MAY 25 MEMORIAL DAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST Cross Roads HarleyDavidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. 8-11am, free breakfast. www. crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
MAY 25 RIDING FOR ASPHYN Cross Roads Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 12pm, $20/single, $25 with passenger. Proceeds go to the family to help with medical & financial needs. www.crossroads-hd.com
MAY 25 LAPS OF HONOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND RIDE Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, donations accepted. Live music, food & drinks. Benefits Veterans Corps. www. tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
MAY 25 BULLDOG HARLEY-DAVIDSON MEMORIAL DAY 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. 11am-4pm, www.bulldogharleydavidson.com, 919938-1592
Thunder Road Harley-Davidson, 4870 Riverside Dr., Danville, VA. 11am-2pm. www.thunderroadhd.com, 434-822-2453
MAY 26 ANNUAL GOLD STAR FAMILY BENEFIT Lucky’s Saloon,1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. Reg 10:30am, $15/ rider, $5/passenger. Food, raffles, 50/50, live music. Benefits gold Star Families. 336-260-9507
Post 265, 146 Broadhurst Rd., Jacksonville, NC. Reg 8am, pre-ride ceremony 10am, KSU 12pm, donations accepted, police escort. Paul Levesque, 910-3897319, www.rollingthundernc5.com
MAY 26 SMOKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER MEMORIAL RIDE XXIV Sevier County Courthouse, 125 Court Ave., Sevierville, TN. Pre-ride ceremony @10am, KSU 11am, police escort, music, 21 gun salute, placing of wreath, guest speaker. Ron Giddis, 865-654-1851, 865-4536532
1408 E. Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. 2-6pm, live music, cook out, drink specials.
RIDE TO REMEMBER 1129 E 3rd St., Charlotte, NC. Reg 7:30am, KSU 9am, free ride, donations accepted, police escort, free food. ncridetoremember@ gmail.com
JUN 1 TRIAD HONOR FLIGHT AMERICAN GRAFFITI PARTY Springers, 405 Rocky Knoll Rd., Greensboro, NC. 6pm, auction, gun raffle, food, DJ,1950’s-60’s themed. 336-763-0707
JUN 1 BUD’S BIKE FEST Bud’s Tavern, 823 Youngsville Blvd., S. Youngsville, NC. 11am-8pm, KSU 12pm, vendors, raffle prizes, live music, food, Harley raffle. All proceeds donated to Duke Children’s Hospital & Revenant Warriors ride. Renae Hill, 209-914-1175
JUN 1 ANGIER BIKE FEST Depot St., Angier, NC. Benefits Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, www.angierbikefest.com
JUN 1 TOO BROKE FOR BOONE RIDE Cabarrus Brewing, 329 McGill Ave NW, Concord, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/bike. Police escort, shirts, gun raffle. Benefits Cabarrus Co Veterans Services. Presented by Steel Rain MC.
JUN 1 TATAS & TAILPIPES BIKES, BOOBS & BREW TOUR City Auto & Truck Center, 523 W. Andrews Ave., Henderson, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/driver, $30/driver & rider. Proceeds go to Pretty In Pink Foundation.
Stooge’s Cycles, 1004 N. Hwy 87, Elon, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $15/passenger. Live music, prizes, raffles, vendors, food trucks. Benefits
Sam’s Wish Fund at Kids Path of AuthoraCare. Allison, 919-482-8601 or Doug, 336-214-0414
RIDE Boneyard H-D, 2300 Elaines Way, Winterville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, donation, food truck, free beer. www. raddinc.org
JUN 1 7TH ANNUAL HEAL THE BURN CHARITY RIDE First national Bank, 1750 Durham Rd., Roxboro, NC. $25/ bike, $15/passenger. Shirts avail., lunch provided, benefits The Firefighter’s Burned Children Fund of Person Co. Prereg at nc22@redknightsmc.com
RIDE VFW Post 5305, 2163 E NC 10, Conover, NC. Reg 9am, $15/1 card, $25/3 cards. Free food, music, 50/50, door prizes, shirts, best & worst hand cash prizes. 828-464-2580
Sports Bar, 105 E. Main St., Sanford, NC. 12-6pm. Bike Show & awards, live music, burn out pit, vendors.
FARM RIDE Bubba’s Pub N Grub, 2544 S. Lake Dr., Lexington, SC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/bike, $25with passenger, $25/car. Raffles, 50/50, best hand, live music. Proceeds go to The Boys Farm
RUN C & C Thunder, 4866 S. Main St., Cowpens, SC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am. hdwmn@hotmail.com
Brewer Cycles, 420 Warrenton Rd., Henderson, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, $25/person, dinner 5pm.
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
FLING 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-9738405
535 Jonbil Rd., Chase City, VA. Food, vendors, cruise in, live music, bike wash, axe throwing, DJ, audio & sound show, rodeo games, poker run, loudest bike, best tattoo contest, best burn out. FMI, Lee Brankley, 434-210-1503, www.thunderroadhd.com
FOR A CAUSE Trax Tavern, 46 E. Main St., Thomasville, NC. 2 & 3 day options from $370-$560, auction. KSU 8-9am, Proceeds benefit recipients of Slate Aid Group. To reserve your spot, 704-6098717 or 336-479-0428
JUN 8 3RD ANNUAL WAYNE HILL MEMORIAL RIDE 409 W. High Ave., High Point, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $15/bike, $5/passenger. Food & festivities, proceeds go to His Laboring Few Southside Mission. 336-886-4714
Select Cycles, 430 N. Eugene St., Greensboro, NC. $25/rider, $5/passenger, police escort. www.gpteenchallenge. com, info@gpteenchallenge.com, 336292-7795
VFW, 618 Edgewood St., Kernersville, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $20/rider, $5/ passenger, food. Proceeds go to Semper FI & America’s Fund. FMI, Dub, 336-7495176
BIKE & CAR SHOW Commerce Square, 128 Commerce Square, Randleman, NC. Reg 9am, $10/entry, show 11am-3pm, cash prize, vendors, food. Proceeds benefit Hospice. FMI, secretary@southernwolvesmc.com
JUN 8 UNION COUNTY SPECIAL OLYMPICS POKER RUN Iron Horse Motorcycles, 1600 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider incl 1 hand, shirt, meal ticket, $5/add hand. Trophies & prizes, live music, food, auction. Benefits Union Co Special Olympics Athletes. union@sonc. net, Leslie, 704-996-4130
JUN 8 TOBACCO ROAD H-D MOTORCYLE & CAR SHOW 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. Reg 10am, show 11am, winners announced 2pm. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
JUN 8 BE THE ONE RUN American Legion Post 108, 614 W. Main St., Franklin, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/ hand, $5/add hand. BBQ avail, best & worst hand, door prizes, 50/50. Benefits Veterans suicide – Be The One. Kelly Raulerson, 912-429-3521
JUN 8 JOHN LEE STUCKER JR MEMORIAL POKER RUN The Beer Barn, 225 E. New Bern Rd., Kinston, NC. Reg 8:45am, KSU 9am, $20/bike incl lunch. Live music, bake sale, raffle, silent auction, bounce house. Benefits Miley Byrd’s medical needs. Brooke Jones, 252-2864450
JUN 8 FUNDRAISER RIDE FOR FIREFIGHTER JEREMY COMPTON Radford Fire Dept, 1500 Wadsworth St., Radford, VA. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $20/person, 50/50, BBQ. Jeremy is battling cancer and all proceeds go to him. 540-8087138
Rockingham Dragway 2153 N. US Hwy 1, Rockingham, NC. $50/weekend pass, $25/day. Live music, vendors, bike games, mini bike racing & prizes, motorcycle drag racing. 336-479-2071
Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
Harley-Davidson, 1921 US Hwy 421, Wilkesboro, NC. Reg 9:15am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $5/passenger. www. quincylinebergerfoundation.com, www. crossroads-hd.com, 336-667-1003
POKER RUN Cornelius Veterans Monument, 20017 NC-115, Cornelius, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $30/bike. Prizes, shirts avail. Presented by, The American Legion Riders Post 86. FMI, David Monk, 704-363-2677
Schronce Powersports, 44 Chevy Dr., Taylorsville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $30/with passenger. Raffles, 50/50, food, entertainment, shirts, bike raffle. In memory of Tipton “Tip” Dietz. Proceeds support the mission of SSOC. Reg online, www.ssocministries.org, info@ssocministries.org
JUN 20 BLUE COLLAR CYCLE COMPANY BIKE NIGHT 1017 Old W. Innes St., Salisbury, NC. 6-9pm, Live music, food & drink avail, best bike competition. 980-621-7399, www.bluecollarcycle.com
JUN 21-22 WORLD HONDA CHOPPER MEET Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
Kickback Jack’s, 123 Ervin Rd., Mooresville, NC. KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/ passenger, rain date: 08/13. 50/50, raffle, live music, proceeds go to J-Dogg to help with recovery from a stroke.
JUN 22 TOBACCO ROAD HARLEYDAVIDSON OPEN HOUSE 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 11am-4pm, music, free beer & more. www.tobaccoroadhd.com, 919-832-2261
JUN 22 DICE RUN American Legion
Coleman Pitt Post 58, 2731 N. Church St., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 9am, $20/ rider, $10/passenger. Cash prizes for lowest & highest scores, award ceremony 3pm, food provided. Benefits Veteran & community services. 252-446-6208
RIDE 3227 S. Holden Rd., Greensboro, NC. Meet at 11am, KSU 12pm, $5/bike, $5/passenger, after party. Rain date: 07/13. Presented by Goodfellaz & Solid Iron MC. Big Dawg, 704-219-2264 or Ace, 336-602-5191
JUN 29 IRON ORDER MC LOCKED & LOADED POKER RUN New Dixie Mart, 2780 Hwy 17, Williamston, NC. Reg 11am, first bike out 1pm, $10/rider, $5/passenger. Best & worst hand cash prizes, raffles, food & drinks. Yetti, 252301-8458
Stony’s Dockside Bar & Grill, 8166 Shore Dr., Norfolk, VA. Meet at 11am, KSU 11:30am, ride to cemetery, 12:45pm, ride to event.
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 110 S. Main St., Catawba, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
BIKE NIGHT The Cedar Stump, 3442 E. Broad St., Statesville, NC. www.tilleyhd. com, 704-872-3883
JUL 4-7 INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION Riders’ Roost, 100 Elk Creek Darby Rd., Ferguson, NC. www.ridersroost.com, 336-973-8405
JUL 5 UPTOWN LEXINGTON BIKE NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9pm, music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcityciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
BIKE NIGHT 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 5-7pm, live music, food truck, free beer, bike show, cornhole. www.smokinharley.com, 336-722-3106
BIKE SHOW NIGHT New Sarum Salisbury Brewing Co., 109 N. Lee St., Salisbury, NC. 6-8:30pm, no entry fee, cash & gift card prizes. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
f you think a little liquid sunshine can stop a group of bikers from partying, you are sadly mistaken. On March 23, 2024, Sharee Sloan, Marketing Director for Riding High HarleyDavidson (along with other dealerships around the country) put on a Grand America Launch Party to emphasize the new line of motorcycles for the 2024 model year. The party included a ride with kickstands up at noon.
I rode out from Rockingham with a late start under gray skies and every rider’s favorite obstacle, RAIN! “Obstacles” are out there for all of us, and we must make our choices on a day-today basis: Do we ride or take the cage? Well, to be part of the Full Throttle Family, one cannot show up to a bike event in a cage. So, it was two wheels or bust, damn the rain, “full throttle” ahead.
I arrived wet and pretty cool, and Sharee greeted me with open arms and hot coffee. The party was about to begin as the band, “Them, Rockabilly” was warming up. I asked this motley crew where they hailed from, and I was surprised to find out they were from Moore County (we were neighbors). As our conversation grew deeper, I found out band member Bernie Fox was from Texas, Patrick Gross was from Detroit (with a deep Bob Seger influence), and Tony Gonzales hailed from
Cleveland, rock, errrr, rockabilly music was in their souls and the party oozed the Rockabilly Jam, from ZZ Top to Johnny Cash. The guitar, upright bass and drums brought the beat to the High Point party. The music was awesome and having an opportunity to get to know these guys made the enjoyment even better. They will be playing a number of Harley associated events at the Rockingham Dragway and several Harley Dealerships over the spring and summer.
As the skies cleared the party hit the road. About 35 riders set out on a tour of the Guilford County countryside. With “Them” bringing the music the dealership was electric with activity. Attendees who did not ride were entertained with an indoor scavenger hunt for fun and prizes. Sharee and the staff of Riding High were scurrying around to make the event a success, all the while, the ladies in the Motorclothes department were selling t-shirts, hats, jackets and everything imaginable with an HD logo attached.
A party is not a party without food, and food ain’t good food without great hospitality and Riding High Harley brought it with Kibi’s Crazy Casseroll Food Truck. Now, some of you might want to turn your nose up at anything “turkey,” turkey burgers, turkey sausage, turkey this or turkey that. Even I had some of those thoughts when I saw the menu, I am a BEEF eater. Taking that position would cheat you out of some of the finest food I have ever put
in my mouth. Kibi is the nickname of Mr. Alphonso Becote and CEO of this turkey truck. He brought along his mother, Ms. Valda Ford, and their assistants, Trey Green and Trey Hill, to satisfy the hungry crowd. The top menu item was a Maple Bourbon Turkey burger that would make your tongue slap your brains out. It was DELISH! The hint of maple lingered as a wonderful aftertaste. I had the combo with lemonade and fries. Kibi tried to push me to try their #2 specialty “homemade” squash casserole with what? BACON? As hard as it was, I had to turn him down initially as I had work to do for Lincoln and didn’t want to be bogged down (too much). I later went back for a taste. Now, I must tell you, I am NOT much of a vegetable eater and squash is pretty far down on my list of favorites, but when I took the first bite of the cupcake sized, onion and cheese covered delicacy, my response was (everyone laughed at me when I exclaimed), “Oh my God”! Y’all, what I am trying to
say was the food, while different, was excellent. Kibi and his team were on top of their game with first class hospitality and I have to shout out a huge thank you!
A feature of the event was an opportunity to demo, or test drive the 2024 Touring bikes. I had demoed the 2024 CVO ST Road Glide in Daytona, but I was excited to try out the Road Glide Special. Currently, I ride a 2018 Road Glide Special with a “few modifications” but that 2024 ST rides very differently than my bike.
So does the current edition of the Road Glide. When you throw a leg over that seat, you notice the nose of the seat is a bit wider but what grabs your attention first is that monster of a dash and the Infotainment System. I fell in love with the ST in Daytona and this “special” just reinforced that passion. Everything you need, speedometer, tach, radio/music is there and at your fingertips. The controls have been moved more to the top of the bars than on my 2018 but are simple to find and manipulate. The added
electronics just as with modern automobiles give the rider much more control in various road conditions and when the road is dry, SPORT mode gives you full advantage of nimbleness of the new design and allows you to feel in the seat of your pants the power of the 117 variable valve timing on the current edition of the M8 engine.
I took my demo ride with two local “motor officers” Dione and JD helped me to grab a few photos of the 2024 Road Glide and Street Glide. My bike is black, and I love the black, but that silver shows off the lines of the bike and seems to make the saddlebags look four inches wider. These bikes look great going down I40 or ripping through town, these two officers were excellent riders and were very attuned to my indecipherable hand signals to cruise up beside me as singles or in pairs. I hope you enjoy the photos of our ride.
As the 3pm hour rapidly approached, I worked my way around to grab shots of the folks in the parts department, where Josh, Adam and Chase had been assisting customers all day. They provided excellent customer service while this old reporter waited patiently until we could all get together for a photo.
One measurement of the effectiveness of a dealership is its Motorclothes team, Holly, Tanya, and Michelle were constantly checking in on customers who were buying the staple t-shirt, rain gear, hats, and boots. Everyone who has ever visited a Harley dealership interacts with the Motorclothes staff, Riding High has an excellent team of fine young ladies.
The crew that seemed to be left out of the party was service Kenny and Wes. These gentlemen were writing service needs of customers and again I had to wait for them out to snag a quick photo. The sales department was even busier than the service crew, those guys were assisting customers to take home their dream bikes! I managed to get photos of each sales associate and a few happy shoppers.
The party was a huge success, and the exposure of the new bikes will bring new riders to join in touring class of bikes and more. I left the dealership with a huge smile on my face, I had the opportunity to make new friends, capture some biker photos and celebrate the lifestyle we all love. Oh, the ride home was without rain or incidents. Ride on!
eers, burgers and brats are a great foundation for any biker event. Hell, I could damn nearly survive on this menu alone for weeks upon weeks if the situation called for it. Add in the celebration of Meyhem Cycle Works’ Grand Opening, and you have a bona fide party!
Meyhem Cycle Works is located at 10111 Jordan Rd, Raleigh, NC. It is a relatively new venture for co-owners Andy Wood and Dan White, and they are both excited about the prospects of fulfilling all your motorcycle needs.
Dan began his path many years ago attending a Harley-Davidson supported, two-year program. And while Harleys were the primary focus, other brands such as Yamaha and Kawasaki were also taught. Today, Meyhem is accepting all makes of motorcycles, both street and trail. It is Dan’s dream to be able to custom fab bikes, while guiding others in the daily oil changes, tire replacements, repairs, renovations and upgrades.
Andy on the other hand has a business in construction, FHL Construction, LLC. And while the construction business is helping to keep the bills paid initially, Andy is looking forward to transitioning full time over to Meyhem to handle the sales and management side of the business. But he is no stranger to wrenching on a bike as well.
Dan and Andy both genuinely love bikes like you and I. Dan said it may sound cliché’, but he really would love to build old school choppers. And his dream build would be a rigid shovel head with a springer front end. Andy enjoys helping you customize your bike. I mean, is it really your bike until you make some changes? Andy is ready to do anything from changing out your exhaust, new head lights/running lights, even accent lights for the visually challenged cagers.
On Saturday morning, March 23rd, Meyhem got busy early. By the time I arrived at 10ish, there was already a small group gathering. Both were busy setting up for the event while greeting people as they arrived. Russell Byrd was manning the grill and had it smelling great. Everyone made an effort to help, but the crew Dan and Andy had assembled had things under control.
I hung around for a while and had a bite to eat while I caught up with many friends. I was able to take several photos of people in attendance. But having my own event to prepare
for, I missed a good portion of those that showed up, nearly 100 people in all. It seems the word has gotten out about a new shop that is owned and operated by bikers, for bikers and riders of all sorts.
Come on out and support this new venture. You will find owners whose passion is uncontested in what they do in the shop, and what they do for others outside the shop. I am sure you will see them out promoting their shop at community events. I already know they will be in attendance for the JoCo Angels Ride 4 Recovery 4, at the Freedom Biker Church in Benson, NC. I will be there too, snapping photos. Of course, this event will have already happened by the time this article is published, so you will just have to read about it in a future issue if you missed it.
n saturday april 6th, forged brotherhood MC held their 11th Annual Orphan Run at Speedway Harley-Davidson in Concord, NC. This is a charity ride to raise money for Sacred Selections, an adoption agency that helps Christian homes adopt kids.
The weather gave us a chilly start but warmed up during our ride. The ride consisted of a loop through Cabarrus and a couple surrounding counties. Upon returning from the ride, lunch was served that was cooked onsite. We enjoyed chicken, beans and slaw for our lunch that was included with the ride. While eating we listened to live music performed by the C J Ballard Band.
We had GOD’s blessing upon our ride that had 66 bikes and raised a little over $6000. Thanks to our sponsors Alward Masonry, CE3 Production, A-Lert, Cisco Site Services, Delta Defense, Dyke Industries, Carolina Biker Lawyers, Allegiance Coffee, Timber Specialists, South Main Customs and Speedway Harley-Davidson.
Forged Brotherhood MC is a Christian based club that covers the East Coast and is growing throughout the US. To learn more check us out at ForgedBrotherhoodMC.com or on Facebook as Forged Brotherhood MC.
Racing but her love of motorcycles continued and her and her husband Buddy racked up miles on their Road Glides, and more than a just 1/2 mile at a time! Janette first told us that they were opening a Pre-Loved Motorcycle Showroom in Statesville, NC early on in 2024. They had the property picked out, but it needed some work to get it from warehouse shape to the full service motorcycle shop that opened March of 2024. Right away, with the help of Clyde Elder, who has been part of the riding community around Statesville and the driving force behind other local motorcycle shops for years, Westside Twins has been hooking folks up with New To You motorcycles. Westside Twins Motorcycle company also features a full service shop with H-D Master Technicians and even an apparel section.
By April 13th Janette, Buddy, Clyde and the Westside Twins crew were ready to show off their new digs and host their grand opening. No doubt about it, Westside Twins Motorcycle Company put the Grand in Grand Opening. The show room was brilliant with some nicely priced Harleys on display, the black and white tiled ceilings give that racing, checkered flag feeling to the atmosphere. Comfy couches, tv’s and a coffee table with biker magazines made up a lounge area. The showroom was filled with smiling faces and I’m sure some bikes were adopted that afternoon. The parking lot out front was slammed with motorcycles and folks kicking tires and telling lies. Food trucks were pumping out eats, kids were getting their faces painted and a row of biker related vendors were busy with doing their thing. Ray Spencer of Universal Customs Pin Striping was laying down stripes all day. Ray does fantastic work giving your bike a piece of old school cool
By: LincoLn infieLd anette thornley retired froM nitro harley dragto set it apart from the rest. Hell, even Mike with S&S was set up out there!
Bands were playing all day long, and I mean all day long. They had three bands listed on the advertisement but ended up running four bands starting with Holt Up, Matt Walsh & The Movers, The Broad Pickups and Finishing up with Clyde’s band Deep South bring it all home. But that’s not all!
The parking lot was swarming with bikers all day, except at the top of each hour. That’s because the American Motor Drome Company Wall Of Death was set up on the property and the shows kicked off every hour. At which time people filed in to see this piece of old school biker entertainment and man is it cool! The Wall of Death is done up in red, white and blue with a big top canvas tent top. The shows start with a carnival introduction over the loudspeakers, just loud enough to be heard over the Sportster running on rollers on an elevated platform outside the Wall. The ring around the Wall was filled with kids and adults waiting to see this Americana spectacle and they did not disappoint. Lightning Jay the leader of the crew was there but left the riding to Hobo Bill, Ariel Flight and Quentin “The Kid”. They put on a hell of a show riding the wall with go carts and antique motorcycles, it was awesome.
No doubt Westside Twins put on a hell of a Grand Opening Event. The place was packed and the party was well organized. It’s also a nice ride on the backroads to get out to this new Statesville destination. If you are looking for some solid service on your bike, or maybe a pre-loved motorcycle to take home, you ought to do yourself a favor and head out to Westside Twins Motorcycle Company. They are located at 2313 W Front St. Statesville, NC. They’ve got the inventory and the expertise to get you down the road. One thing is for sure, you’re not gonna wanna miss any of their future events!
like seeing good folks reaCh goals. D&D American Performance has been in Mooresville, NC, for five years and grown from a tiny shop to a nice large multi-building facility. The crew at Down & Dirty can now do everything a biker needs, from minor service to complete bike builds or sell you a nice bike. They have even added a shop for Metric Bikes. This is why Joey answers the phone, “D&D American Performance, where all your hopes and dreams come true.”
I’ve known Dewey for several years since he worked at Tilley H-D in Statesville. He grew up on Long Island in New York, riding with Dad and Uncles. When his wife got a teaching job in Charlotte, they moved down here.
Dewey completed a one-year motorcycle program at Davidson Community
College and got a job at Tilley’s. He started out washing bikes and doing oil changes and working the parts counter. Through the years Dewey has learned lots about Harleys and is now a Master Mechanic. He can service or repair anything you need. Working with a local machine shop, D&D can build some serious performance engines and transmissions.
Joey is the guy you meet when you come in the front door. His background is sales and will work with you to plan the service or upgrades you need for your bike. Joey is always ready to make you a great deal on your next motorcycle.
Arnold is the Metric Mechanic, graduating from Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Florida in 1995. He has worked at a Yamaha/Suzuki dealer and is a Honda Certified Master Mechanic specializing in performance upgrades.
D&D American Performance now has a new 5000 SF building with showroom and can be your one shop for everything – NC inspections, accessories, apparel, helmets, service to performance builds and always has 20% off tires.
Joey is proud that the pre-owned bikes they sell, Harleys and Metrics, are good machines for a good price. No auction junk with a bad past. They make sure you are buying a bike that is ready to ride and enjoy. Joey can have you riding with easy financing and no dealer fees.
D&D American Performance is a small local family business trying to do what the dealerships are supposed to, take good care of the customers. The shop is easy to find at 1992 Charlotte Hwy, Mooresville. They are at the Hwy 21 and Hwy 115 Split. Call them today 980–444–0779 and see how they can help with your motorcycle dreams. Factory Trained Master Mechanics Parts Department Full Performance & Custom Builds 20% Off Tires Every Day HARLEYS & METRICS Buy • Sell • Trade Soft Credit Pull No Auction Bikes! No Junk!
Before the flood Noah was the only one that believed in God. God told Noah to build the Ark, because He was going to destroy the earth, because of all the evil that was going on.
Noah tried to tell people of God, but they wouldn’t listen. Same as today when you try to talk to some people, they just laugh or walk off when hear anything about God’s coming and causing a flood. When a storm is coming and people keep talking about it, it finally sinks in and gets some attention.
We are just like the people in Noah’s time. Some of us believe that Jesus is coming back, and some just laugh. No one knows the time, day, hour, month, year, when Jesus will return, not even himself or the angels in Heaven, we just need to be ready.
People walk around thinking they’re ok, but if you’re not saved and living for Him you’re still lost.
Best believe the word of God, because He is coming back, sooner than you think. 2 Peter 3-10, But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and elements will melt with fervent heat, both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
Check out the Bikers Prayer
oMe traditions are better than others like diCk Martin’s Bunny Run in Myrtle Beach, SC. The ride, with no other purpose than getting together for a good time, started like this. “Me and a few fellas were down on Ocean Blvd in Myrtle Beach on Easter. We were drinking and having fun and we came up with the idea to go ride every Easter. Me and my big mouth said, ‘Well if y’all want to do that, I’ll dress up as a rabbit.’, and then it was on.” Dick Martin explained. I know what you’re thinking, and no, he hasn’t worn the same bunny suit for 33 years. Dick is on his fourth bunny suit with the previous bunny suits falling victim to exhaust pipes, abuse or just getting too dirty.
This year, for the 33rd Annual Bunny Run, over 200 bikes piled in to Bubba’s Bar & Grill on Easter Day instead of hunting eggs in the back yard or eating ham. Bubba’s was dishing out free breakfast to ride participants as the lot was filling up. There is no fee for the ride, but there are Bunny Run pins you can snag to commemorate the occasion. Around Noon Thirty, Dick appears in the parking lot in his white bunny suit, sunglasses, smoking a cigar and everyone gathers around for the annual group photo before heading out.
The whole deal with the Bunny Run is that the stops of the ride are kept secret and you just follow the rabbit on his 1946 Knucklehead as he leads you to the next stop. Although carefully planned and routed, the stops are different each year. The stops last 45 minutes or so and then Dick whips out the bullhorn to let everyone know they are going on to the next stop. The Rabbit is also known to have “carrot juice” that he’s very generous with. The ride ended at Suck Bang Blow and patrons were free to party as long as they could.
So, if you are looking for a new way to spend your Easter Sunday, I suggest you head over to Bubba’s Bar and Grill and take part in the 34th Annual Bunny Run. Keep an eye out for Bunny Run posters or the event listing in the Cruisin’ Calendar for the official announcement.
PhotosMay 11 Screw The Rally. Let’s Ride The Valley
May 24-27: Memorial Weekend - 34th Anniversary Party
Whiskey Down Band
June 7-8: Spring Fling
June 21-22: World Honda Chopper Meet
July 4-7: Independence Day Celebration
Aug 9-10: CBA State Party
Aug 30-Sept 2: Labor Day Luau Party
Nov 1-2: Halloween Party
ndian MotorCyCle
triad hosted the Indian Motorcycle Demo Truck on April 9-10.
Yeah, that is Tuesday and Wednesday, but this was also the first appearance of the brand new Scout 101 model. The Scout 101 was so new, they had to ship it in to join the other bikes on the demo truck in Greensboro. So, it was a really cool occasion to skip work and go ride motorcycles, like we really had to twist your arm.
My weekends are usually pretty slammed, so it was awesome to play hooky and go ride motorcycles. Unfortunately, Tuesday was a washout. They only launched one test ride all day. Even in the rain, riders came by to check out the Indian
line-up and get a glimpse of the 101. We were all hoping we’d catch a break, but what the hell, let’s blow off two days of work and hang out at the dealership, right?! Wednesday the rain let up and by early afternoon the demo rides were rolling. The Indian Motorcycle Demo truck had all the Indian Motorcycle models, but my goal was to check out the all new Scout 101. Well, I had to take a number, there were two days worth of people waiting to get a first ride on the Scout 101 as well! So, I decided to climb the Scout ladder. There was a Scout Bobber Sixty on the lot, so I mounted up there. The Sixty is the modern Indian Scout that we are used to seeing zip around. Liquid cooled, fuel injected 60 cu in, 1000cc V-Twin engine with 78 horses pushing around a lightweight bike. No lie it gets up and goes, it’s nimble and has a huge lean angle. The Scout Sixty is a capable bike, just the striped down version in the Scout lineup.
Next up the Scout Bobber. The Scout Bobber features the new SpeedPlus 1250cc liquid cooled V-Twin that produces 105 horsepower and surprisingly comes in 3 pounds under the Scout Sixty at 542lbs. The Scout Bobber has a more robust look to it. I dig the new Scout engine. The Sixty still features the stamped metal engine cases but the new Scout SpeedPlus engine cases are different. They aren’t stamped, look more modern and feature a beautiful Indian Motorcycle “I” on each cylinder. The engine has a new power button in place of a keyed starter and a factory 2 into 1 exhaust that also bears the script Indian emblem. It’s a big improvement in my
greensboroopinion. The new SpeedPlus engine really brought it. Acceleration was lightning quick and had a huge amount of power in each gear. There was no bogging it down, even in 6th gear the power rolled on with a twist and there was plenty of throttle left. The Bobber seat was surprisingly comfortable and the aggressive riding position that the drag bars and forward controls keeps a smile on your face as your blast past the other traffic. I really dig how Indian packed all the tech comforts into a 4-inch round display. No need for an iPad sized screen, all you need and more, is packed into this highly visible and functional display. You can run through the different info screens and nav system on the touch screen or the thumb controls on the handlebars.
Third time is a charm, and I finally got a chance to ride the new Scout 101. It possesses all the great qualities of the Scout Bobber described above but on the 101, Indian went above and beyond with extra styling and upgraded tech package. It’s the same SpeedPlus 1250 cc engine bumped up to 111 horsepower and comes with upgraded features like the gold plated inverted front forks, adjustable piggyback rear shocks, dual disc Brembo Brakes. Its speed and balance make for an excellent ride. It runs smoothly up through the gears with an excess of power. The quarter fairing ads styling and provides a surprising amount of protection from the wind. The 101 also features a sweet 3 color paint
job. The one on the demo truck was Ghost White Metallic with black and red highlights. Every time it came back in from a demo, the rider was nothing but smiles. This thing is like a slimmed down club style bike. It’s got all the power you could want and Indian went all out on the styling.
At this point, I had achieved my goal of riding the Scout family, but hey, there were a couple hours left in the day and there were more motorcycles to ride. I was hugely interested in the Sport Chief. This bike is right down my ally. Its sport fairing, legendary air-cooled Thunderstroke 116 V-Twin and
Continues On Page 44
May 4th
May 11th May 5th
blacked out features make a complete package. I’m telling ya, that Thunderstroke 116 is one of the best-looking modern motorcycle engines on the market. Not to mention this thing runs like a scalded ape. Again, It’s got an aggressive but comfortable riding position that can take you across the state without need to stop. But the surprising bike for me was the Indian Springfield Darkhorse. All Blacked out featuring the Thunderstroke Engine but with a touring stance, hard saddlebags, floorboards and a more relaxed riding position. It sounded great too. The Darkhorse was tough to walk away from for sure!
The day ended before I was able to ride them all, again, there was a great crowd for a Wednesday. The good news is that you can stop into Indian Motorcycle Greensboro Triad and test ride a bike any day of the week. But I gotta warn ya, after the test ride you are going to want to buy one. The Indian line-up has plenty of different models with all the features and power that you will need, not to mention they are extremely fair priced. The crew over at Indian Greensboro Triad is awesome as well and will do everything possible to get you on the Indian Motorcycle that’s gonna fit your needs. Although they have a great inventory of new and used bikes, they can also order you your next motorcycle.
ony “boone” fisher has served the MotorCyCle community for the last 8 years. He is highly regarded in the Raleigh/Durham area. His various endeavors have allowed him to share his love of motorcycles with any willing participant. Late 2023 Boone decided it was time to open his own motorcycle shop, and Boone MotorCo was born. Months of blood, sweat and tears later, BMC was ready for business. The date for the Grand Opening Event would be April 13, beginning at noon.
I arrived around 12:30 and the parking lot was jam packed. Well over 100 bikes filled the lot, along with a few classic cars. A dozen vendors were setup around the tree lined perimeter of the property. They had you covered with everything from motorcycle accessories, detailing and insurance, to jewelry and crafts. Inside the building you could grab a water, baked goods and some Boone MotorCo clothing.
Outside, Miss Mini and the Sandman Band had folks dancing to their high powered music. When they took a break, DJ Tim Bilbo filled in to keep the party going. Tar Banks Brewing from Louisburg had you covered if you wanted an adult beverage. Ferrell’s BBQ and Lumpy’s Ice Cream were taking care of any hunger pains.
The large turnout shows the level of support for what’s happening at Boone MotorCo. If you need a new (to you) bike, accessories, regular maintenance on your current bike, or just a cool hat and t-shirt be sure to contact BMC. Many more events are planned in the future. If you’re in the area be sure to check them out, or just stop by anytime to talk motorcycles with Boone. You won’t regret it.
You can find them at Boone MotorCo, 3021 US Hwy 1, Franklinton, North Carolina, or also on Facebook, #askboone, or their website boonemotorco.com.
days. I swear, we wait and wait for the weather to warm up for our mid-week biker hangouts and to come back in full force, and then BAM April showers. Good thing there’s good bike nights in the triad. We’d been going through a couple days of rain, but it was forecasted to dry up midday before bike night began. Known for big crowds, live music, cold drinks and awesome food, Pine Tree Tavern has earned one of the biggest bike nights in the Winston-Salem, NC area. They were kicking off their bike night season on Wednesday, April 10 and we were looking to party. There were already a couple bikes in the lot when I pulled up next to the Carolinas’ Biker Lawyer tent. The lovely CBL ladies were handing out swag bags and are used to being surrounded by bikers, hell, they ride their own too! The rain had stopped earlier in the day as forecasted and as we stood around talking shit and insulting each other, bikes kept rolling in. They must have heard it was BOGO hotdog night too! Like I said, PineTree has some good eats, even the hotdogs are top shelf. I snagged two dogs all the way and a liter-a-cola and snagged the only seat available in the bar area. Muddy Creek Revival, a crowd favorite, was set up in the corner of the bar and they were rockin’ out.
I popped back outside, and the bikes were still rolling in. This is more like it. Owners Lori and Art Shaver were in the house as usual, and Lori was passing out raffle tickets for bike night prizes. Speaking of prizes, this year PineTree Bike Nights are sponsored by Custom Culture Cycles and Al and Shane are putting up a motorcycle for raffle to benefit a veteran’s cause. Another PineTree Bike Night giveaway is a Myrtle Beach Bike Week hotel stay that Wayne and Vandee of Biker Trash Nation have put up for grabs. All this, as if partying with your pals on a Wednesday Night wasn’t enough!
Make sure you put Pine Tree Tavern on your bike night calendar. Wednesday night is their night and as the days get longer, so do the parties. Bike night isn’t all that is happening at the Pine Tree Tavern. Stop by any day for drink specials, food specials and a welcoming atmosphere. If Joe Smith is in there, make sure to tell him we said hi.
ike dyson and daughter Angel know how to welcome spring to Hickory area bikers. Ride on over to the bar for some chili and hang out with friends.
A Mid-March Saturday was bright and sunny with Carolina Blue skies at Son of the South Saloon, Longview, NC, for Mike’s 7th Annual Cowboy Chili Challenge. A cool morning quickly warmed as the pots went on and we started cooking. It was a great day to ride over to the bar, hang out and talk with old friends and down bowls of chili with cold beverages.
Mike owns the oldest real biker bar in Hickory, The Wizard Saloon, and told me he wanted to do something like this at SOS. He throws cool outside parties at The Wizard during the summer. But the Cowboy Chili Challenge was a little different. Entrants had to cook outside over a wood fire. Mike had some old big truck rims welded up that made great cookers. He provides the firewood. We provide the beans and meat and peppers.
There was a Cornbread Competition too. I like cooking cornbread in my Dutch Oven. Mine turned out real pretty, cooked just right. Not too spicy, Mexican style. Some folks got their iron a little too hot and burnt the bottom. Oh well, slice that off and enjoy the good part. I made a Brownie on the fire too and it was perfect.
This was my fourth time cooking in the Cowboy Chili Challenge. I love cooking over a campfire and have some cast iron pots. It is a challenge getting the fire right and cooking outside. Making a batch of chili ready in just a couple hours instead of all day simmering. This year I made some Basic Beef and Beans Chili. Real Cowboy style.
I heard someone say, “It’s more about the comradery than the competition.” That was true, all day I was greeted by Biker Buddies I hadn’t seen in months.
When it came trophy time, the winner of Best Chili Judged Class was Freddie. I reckon that bacon gave him the winning flavor. Second place was Naaman and Mike. Did they write down the recipe as they made that pot of chili? Maverick
and Jim won People’s Choice. The Best Cornbread trophy went to Richard and Dean.
Mike thanked the folks who came to cook and all those who came for chili and a good time with friends. We raised money for Mike’s Hand Up Charites. Dyson was one of the first guys I met when I moved back to Cackalackie. He has always been active in local charities, raising money and directly helping folks in need. Upstairs at The Wizard is going to be a Biker Consignment Shop soon where you can donate and buy to support local causes. Please support the events he has all year. Next is Cornhole Tournament at The Wizard May 4.
oughta come on down and serve up your best next time Mike hauls out the cookers and firewood. The Chili Challenge ain’t just for us who love to cook. It’s really for y’all who love to eat a variety of chili, enjoy cold beverages, and hang out at Son of the South Saloon for a while.
Looked to me like the folks enjoyed the Cowboy Chili Challenge. Y’all
Photos: ch PhotogrAPhy unday april 14th was the 17th annual 1ofus Pink Ribbon Ride. 1ofUs (formally 1in9) began in 2011 when our Founder, Stephanie Beguelin, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Stephanie wanted to bring awareness to the community by making sure everyone checked in on their “9” because at the time the statistic was 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Throughout her cancer journey at UNC Chapel Hill, she noticed that there were many women stopping or forgoing their treatments because of financial distress. Paying bills and taking care of their families came before their health.
Over the past 14 years, 1ofUs has been able to assist 4000+ patients and their families by easing their financial burdens. The organization helps pay rent, bills, transportation to/from treatments, lodging during treatments, car payments and childcare. For 1ofUs to continue our mission throughout all 100 counties of NC, we partner with ECU Health, Duke Health and UNC Health. The amazing nurse navigators and social workers at each of these hospitals use the monies we grant them to reach as many patients as possible in NC.
This year we held our 17th Annual Pink Ribbon Ride at a new location, Bud’s Tavern in Youngsville, NC and it was phenomenal. Over 100 bikes and riders participated in our annual ride throughout Youngsville, Franklinton and Rolesville and the weather was perfect. The day included a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, a motorcycle raffle and community sponsorships that lead us to a record-breaking day raising $30,000 for 1ofUs!!! We have amazing volunteers that came together and worked from morning until late afternoon so the event could be a success.
We want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Bud’s Tavern, Owls Roost, Gentle Family Dentistry, Duke Raleigh, Osborne Chiropractic of Rolesville, First Bank, Freeman & Associates, Huyndai and so many more of our community partners. We can’t wait to do it again next year!!
n saturday April 6th, The Armored Saints Motorcycle Ministry held a Charity Run for Julie and Jodie Steadman. Julie has cancer, and they need all the help we can give them. The ride was to start at C & C Thunder in Cowpens, SC, and end at High Voltage H-D in Spartanburg. It was going through Spartanburg with a police escort. The Armored Saints had it all planned so that it would be a successful and safe ride.
around the parking lot talking with friends and taking pictures.
When I arrived, I placed a stack of the Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazines on the registration table, and then gave a donation for the Steadman’s. There was a table full of Krispy Kreme donuts, and coffee. I had a delicious, very sweet, donut but no coffee. I never got into the coffee habit. The owner of C & C Thunder bought 200 donuts. They were expecting over 200 bikes, but the chilly temps probably kept some at home. There were a few like me who drove instead of riding.
After I finished the donut, I started to walk around to see any familiar faces. First, I met “Squid”, and then “Pop’s”. There were quite a few members of the Armored Saints Motorcycle Ministry in their purple shirts and leather vests. As I walked around, I was warmed by the sun. The air was still cold but there wasn’t much wind. It was very pleasant walking
I talked with “Pop’s” wife. She was selling raffle tickets. 1st place would get an Anderson Arms AR-15, 2nd place would get a M12 AK-T1 12 Gauge Shotgun, 3rd place would get a custom airbrushed helmet by Brush Hour Airbrush Studios or $100 cash. All the profits would go to the Steadman family, and the drawing would be held later that day at High Voltage H-D.
I asked how she liked the ride in. She rode behind “Pops” on their Harley. She said that her hands froze, and they were still cold. I watched as more and more bikers rode in. Many were members of motorcycle ministries but there were a lot of independent bikers too. They were all there for the Steadman’s.
As it got close to the time to leave, all the bikers were called around the C&C building. There was a member of the Armored Saints talking on the amplified microphone. He was telling about the route that they would follow during the ride, and the safety required during the ride. Then “Pops” took the microphone and said a very meaningful prayer.
At exactly 10:30, the ride started. The truck with the trailer pulled out to stop traffic so the bikes could leave safely. I found a spot where the sun was at my back to take pictures of them leaving. They were loud as they passed me under acceleration. Before I knew it, they were gone, and it was quiet again.
The ride was a complete success and ended with a presentation of a check for $10,000 to Julie. It was a very moving ceremony. There wasn’t a dry eye in the group. There were approximately 100 riders. Special thanks to C&C Thunder and High Voltage Harley-Davidson for hosting the event. Also a huge thank you to the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office, and their traffic division for an amazing job keeping everyone safe on the ride!
hether you Call it haMpton roads or Coastal Virginia the South East corner of Virginia is home to quite a few chopper builders and owners, and a few shops and businesses as well. I can document local chopper history as far back as 1970 and
am always looking to meet someone or find an artifact that can go back further. Working in motorcycle shops you never know who’ll walk through your door with a piece of history.
While Hampton Roads isn’t lacking in chopper history or choppers themselves, one thing that is seriously lacking is a grass roots chopper event to call our own. There are tales of annual club and ABATE parties of epic proportions, and then there were the BLOG days when a bunch of relatively young skateboarders got into choppers and posted their shenanigans online, but in the last few years you might think Choppers are dead.
Justin Taylor of Taylor Town Customs had a dream, he wanted a chopper show, but he knew it would take more than choppers to draw a crowd or get any form of serious sponsorship so he started Bikes, Brews and BBQ a few years back which has always included choppers and even incorporates a biker build off, but his show also has a motorcycle stunt show and classes for all types of motorcycles, not just choppers. It’s being held this year at Hampton Roads Harley-Davidson in Yorktown, Virginia and it’s an amazing show you don’t want to miss.
When I attended the first event a few years back I was inspired to do a show of all choppers but was told repeatedly that it would never work here. It’s tough to find an affordable venue and due to tourism, traffic, and a laundry list of other reasons we haven’t been able to work out a weekend event type event, like the amazing ones we all know and love in North Carolina and Georgia (The Triple Crown of Backroad BBQ, Twin Rivers and Georgia Grundle Run) but I was always confident we could pull off a one day thing. Field of Dreams style, if you build it, they will come. One day at work I pitched the idea to our marketing director, and he loved the idea. Once we got the greenlight to proceed Back to the Beach Chopper Show was born.
We put the word out, a ride in Chopper Show was being held at Southside Harley Davidson in Virginia Beach. The only requirement we had for the entries was that it could not be a bagger! I thought this was self-explanatory, it’s a chopper show, no baggers, but it did hurt some feelings. Some people thought they couldn’t attend the show on their bagger. In the history of our dealership no one could remember ever having an all chopper show there. We’re pretty sure this was the first.
We made the decision to make it as easy and inclusive as possible, if you wanted your chopper in the show all you had to do was show up the day of the event. There was no pre-registration, no one judging your bike and telling you it wasn’t chopper enough. The week leading up to the show I began to regret not doing pre-registration. I had no idea how many bikes would show up and started to have doubts. What if after all this promotion it ended up only being 4 choppers?
My doubts and insecurities were 10-fold when I unlocked the doors as not a single bike was there early. I realized we never actually told anyone when load-in would be, it was a ride in show that started at 11, there was still time. Anxious as an opening band on their first tour we staged my coworker TR’s Frankenstein Shovelhead Trike and Ironhead Springer next to a couple of vendors who had already set up when I heard the unmistakable sound of upswept pipes and valvetrain noise amplified by a pan shaped rocker cover. Tears filled my eyes
as the boys rolled up on their oil spewing relics of the 20th century.
In total we had over 50 bikes registered and a packed house throughout the entire event. We had folks bring choppers up from South Carolina, North Carolina, and a bunch of locals showed out. The spectrum of choppers ranged from Panheads to modern Evo’s, skinny tires, fat tires, long and short front ends, it was all covered. It was a great event but being that it was our first and we were testing the waters we already have a lot of ideas to make next year’s event bigger and better.
Trends in motorcycles come and go and it’s easy to have a show that’s with the times, but Choppers will never die and if you make a place for them the choppers will come out. We hope to make Back to the Beach a weekend long event and have the show portion be the main event, but that takes planning and logistics. If you’re interested in chopper weekend event in lovely Southeast Virginia, there’s plenty of things to see here and some great rides so maybe we can turn it into something together. We’re going to try to push the date out early enough that if you want to book accommodation you can and also have some other events planned around the weekend starting with a pre-party Friday night and ending with a ride and gathering on Sunday. The information will be put out on social media so if you’re on IG you can find me at @intheweedsphotography and I’ll have details on that towards the end of this year (don’t worry, I’ll remind you again later).
’ve been riding Haleys for 40 years. WHen i Was kid groWing up in nortHern virginia during tHe 70s, i Would see tHe coolest cHoppers on the road. This influence cannot be overstated as it shaped my entire life. This started when I had a local welder help me rake the frame on my 5-speed banana seat Schwinn bicycle so that a custom 6-foot-long frontend with a 12” tire could be added.
I was determined to have a Harley Chopper as soon as I could drive. For 3 years I saved all of my money from delivering newspapers, lawn mowing, and washing dishes at restaurants to achieve my dream. I bought my first Harley (’75 sportster) two weeks before I got my license. Within 3 months the bike was completely torn down. A mechanic from a local HD shop helped me Chopped it with 6” over springer, rebuild the motor with a trick value job, and paint the bike black with gold pinstripes.
I’ve always loved old school bikes, for the past several years I have been longing to build a bike like the ones that influenced me all those years ago. I started hunting for a PAN for a traditional build when I found an ad for the rolling basket case in central Virginia. It wasn’t pretty but kept calling me. After a few weeks I went to see it … I knew it was the one as soon as I pulled into the driveway. The owner had bought it from an army buddy who inherited the bike. As discussing the bike’s history, I found out that his buddies uncle was Northern Virginia and was riding it into the 80’s. This was one of the bikes from the generation of riders/builders that shaped my love for choppers and Harleys! Adding to the rich history of the bike, while going through a box of parts I came across a handwritten note to “Joker” that generator had been polarized and ready to go.
I nicknamed it “BADASS” after friends describe different parts of the build such as the sissy bar as badass! By luck I found JoAnn, “The Queen Of Flames”, to help bring the coolest flake / flame paint job to reality. While providing an update she described the gray flake as “badass”!! Ther’s no question that you can’t help feeling badass riding a tricked out ’54 Pan!
’M betting that Most folks froM north Carolina have been to Lake Norman, or at the very least, have heard about it. It’s always a great destination on the motorcycle, which My HoneyBun and I have explored in great depth. I’m not totally sure (cuz remember, I get lost in malls), but I think we’ve been down every winding road around that lake. It is the largest man-made body of fresh water in North Carolina, so it’s not just big, it’s HUGE! There’s 520 miles of shoreline. Duke Power built the Cowans Ford Dam in Iredell County in the 1960’s, flooding the area. (Check out the lake’s stats via Wiki, if you so happen to be interested.)
Our favorite route is down 109, to 85, 29 through Spencer and Salisbury (quaint, beautiful small towns worthy of a pitstop), 150 to the lake, then stopping at a local watering hole (there’s lots of places to wet your whistle along the lake).
After a bite, we continue around the lake, 150 to 115, until we get to a heart-shaped sign that says “Love Valley, Cowboy Capital”. I remember our first time there. It’s like the old west, really cool. No vehicles are allowed on the main drag and there’s a boardwalk on both sides, with rails to tie up your horse. Every visit was different, from street parties to weddings, and the occasional rodeo. It’s got quite the history: a fella named Andy Barker always dreamed of living in a western town, so he bought the land (in the foothills of the Brushy Mountains) and built it (in the 1950’s). There’s one hotel, a pub, primitive camping, a small RV park and horses everywhere. Check it out if you haven’t already.
I forgot to mention that on the way down, on 150 (Mooresville), there’s another fun stop, but only if you’ve got the time. It’s the Lazy 5 Ranch. It’s a zoo with zebras, camels, giraffes, water buffalo, kangaroos, and so much more, with a rugged drive-through (not recommended for bikes), so take the wagon ride, then walk through the petting areas. Most of the animals roam free on 185 acres, incredible! If you do decide to visit, be ready for lots of horns, tongues and slobber (and buy plenty of pellets for the animals). Beware of crazy Emus and demon Ostriches, they’ll try to snatch the whole container!
North Carolina in the Spring is so full of color, the white of the Bradford Pears, the pink of the cherry trees, and the yellow of the Forsythia bushes, never mind the magnolias, dogwoods and everything else leafing and turning a lush green. The strawberries will be ready for picking soon. And, every now and again, you’ll pass a field of longhorns that’s worthy of a picture.
One time, on our way home, the throttle cable broke, on his totally sexy 2004 all-black Electra Glide Ultra classic!
No kidding, and to top it all off, it was dusk (we are usually home by this time, but we just happened to stay out a wee bit longer). Along came a nice local on a 4-wheeler, with tools. Plus, his headlights provided some much-needed illumination. According to My Man, he “took the throttle body apart, pulled out the cable and made a loop”; he “put his finger in the loop to actuate the throttle”. Holy Crap! I had no idea what he was doing or how important this all was, but I waited patiently, sitting in the grass (looking pretty) on the side of the road. Luckily, this was an adequate fix to get us home safely. Sometimes we like to zip home, so up to 901, then 77, and finally 421, FULL THROTTLE.
Carolina? That’s an easy answer. Yes, yes it is. The Museum That Runs opened for the 2024 season on Thursday, April 4th, amidst snow flurries, which isn’t too crazy since the museum is in beautiful Maggie Valley, NC. The weather didn’t keep people from coming by the museum on opening day, which was cool, but I was stuck at work and didn’t get to go myself, which wasn’t cool. The 2024 Opening Celebration continued on Saturday April 6th with Founders Day, a celebration of Wheels Through Time Museums founder, Dale Walksler. This, I wouldn’t miss.
We take at least one pilgrimage per year to Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum and I was glad to get to go so early in the season, makes it possible for a return trip! I walked through the doors at 10am, the place hadn’t been open for 2 minutes and there were already engines running in the museum. They don’t call it the Museum That Runs for nothing. The Museum features 375 antique American made motorcycles and 99% of them run! Although some of the almost 150 racing themed motorcycles are on displays, there are no velvet ropes or glass barriers between you and these rare machines. You can get up close and personal to look over the details of the bike. The lack of barriers also makes it easier for the staff to start the motorcycles for museum patrons. Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum focuses on the originality of the motorcycles they feature. Sure, there is the Chopper Graveyard section with some cool vintage choppers including Ron Finches Coca-Cola themed Panhead “The Real Thing” and a few shiny examples of vintage iron, but mostly you’ll see the hard earned patina that comes with time on road ridden antique motorcycles. You’ll see some of the rarest antique motorcycles in the world. Everyone is enamored by the collection of Knuck-
leheads and Panheads but there’s so much more. Rows of Harley-Davidson K model engines, F-heads, Model J’s, then Antique Indian Motorcycles, and one off, hand-built bikes. Motorcycles are just part of it, there are also display cases full of motorcycle memorabilia, advertisements, vintage apparel, photos, toys and more. I’m telling ya, it’s amazing in there.
What’s more is the museum staff is just as amazing. They have a wealth of information about the motorcycles housed at the museum. They can tell you about the bikes before they ended up at the museum and then how they ended up at the museum. On this particular day a group of 20 or so motorcycle enthusiasts were treated to a personal tour by Museum Curator, Matt Walksler, Dale’s son. How cool is that? Matt looked around and asked the crowd if they wanted to hear some motorcycles start up. Then picked out a “3-Bar” Harley-Davidson factory made hillclimb bike that was made for factory pro riders. Matt mentioned that that bike was the 1 of 10 of those bikes that was ever produced before he fired it up on 2 kicks. He revved it up and the air was filled with that old motorcycle smell and popping of the unburnt gas coming from the short race exhaust when he let off the throttle. Man, it was cool. Matt then led us around to fire up one of his personal daily riders a 39 Knucklehead that he had reconstructed. Next up was a 49 Panhead and then he took us into the workshop to show the crowd that behind the scenes area and some bikes that would soon enough be on the museum floor. All the while taking questions and talking to folks like he’d known them for years. All day long this went on, stories about cool old motorcycle and then Matt or one of the staff would fire up the bike in question and let the crowd listen to it run. It’s a priceless experience.
Matt took a few minutes to describe how the Museum got started. He explained that Dale “Developed a passion for American motorcycles really early on and just chased that passion his whole life.” Dale was a Harley-Davidson dealer for 24 years in southern Illinois. At that point the museum had existed for a couple of years. “In 1987 he opened the museum behind his shop and believe it or not it actually started as a car museum. There were about 35-40 cars in a 13,000 square foot building and a small collection of motorcycles. At the time there wasn’t motorcycle museums, it wasn’t even a thing yet. So, he always kept the bikes as the house. Over time it evolved into what it is today.” When Dale sold his dealership in 1999, he knew he wanted to relocate. “The story of how he found Maggie Valley was really kind of luck” Matt said. “He
was driving home from a car show in Florida and the way he would come up would pass right by exit 20 out here. He drove into town that day and he actually found this piece of property that day”. A few months later Dale had bought the property, that had been an abandoned campground and on July 2nd of 2002, 363 days later, the museum was open. “Over the last 22 years the museum has evolved into very much the benchmark for preservation when it comes to American motorcycles” Matt concluded, and we couldn’t agree more.
Midway through the day everyone gathered inside the museum to honor Dale Walksler, the founder of the Wheels Through Time Museum, who passed away in 2021 after a
courageous battle with cancer. Matt Walksler, Dale’s brother Joe, and a few other friends and museum family were on hand to say a few words about Dale and his passion for motorcycles and the Wheels Through Time Museum. It was touching, but the take away was that although Dale is sorely missed, his passion was to share his love of motorcycles through the Museum That Runs and our very presence there was keeping that alive. After this brief ceremony, it seemed fitting to get some fresh air. Outside the museum the sun was out, and it was a beautiful day in Maggie Valley. There were motorcycles parked all up and down the parking lot and a few choppers leaking oil just outside the front door, it was a beautiful site.
The day went on much the same, in every nook, corner, corridor of the museum there is something amazing to look at. Matt and his crew use the winter off season to restore more motorcycles and add them to the collection, move displays around and there is always something new to look at. Motorcycles were fired up and fans of the two wheel genre were thrilled all day long. As part of a yearly fundraiser for the museum, they raffle of a beautifully restored motorcycle. This year a 1936 Knucklehead, finished in H-D Factory Custom Gold and trimmed in Brilliant Black, is displayed in the lobby of the museum, and will find a new home. Tickets start at $10 and there are some great package deals that include more tickets, t-shirts and other Wheels Through Time swag. I buy tickets every year and hold my breath as they pull the winning ticket in November. I feel like this is my year, but don’t
let that stop you from snagging some tickets. You don’t have to be present to win and you can buy tickets on their website, but you really should make a point to stop by and snag some in person. Maggie Valley is surrounded by beautiful mountain riding with spectacular views and is one hell of a destination. When you come up make sure you plan to spend an entire day at the Dale’s Wheels Through Time Museum, you’ll need at least that much time to see everything they have, but you’ll want to stay longer. The museum is open Thursday-Monday 10-5pm.
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!!
A cop is staking out the Gone Hog Wild Bar for bikers riding drunk. At closing time, he sees a biker stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and fumble for his keys for five minutes. When he finally gets on the bike, it takes him another five minutes to get the key in the ignition. Meanwhile, everybody else leaves the bar and rides off. When he finally pulls away, the cop is waiting for him, pulls him over, and gives him a Breathalyzer test. The test shows he has a blood alcohol level of 0.0. The cop says, “How is this possible?” The guy laughs and says, “Tonight, I’m the designated decoy.”
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordinate their travel plans. So, the husband left Minneapolis and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day. The husband checked into the hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife. However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing his error, sent the email. Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband’s funeral. He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack. The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from relatives and friends. After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted. The widow’s son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen which read: To: My loving wife
I know you’re surprised to hear from
me. They have computers here now and you are allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I’ve just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is as uneventful as mine was. P.S. Sure is hot down here!!!!!
Her: Dear Diary, I’m scared my husband is cheating on me. Today he came home from work late. He didn’t say where he was, he didn’t hug me, and he didn’t talk to me. He seemed distracted during dinner, and when I asked him what was wrong, he said, “Nothing”. We went to bed, and we made love and he didn’t seem like himself. I’m scared. His: Dear Diary, my damn bike wouldn’t start after work today. I pushed it home and I spent an hour in the garage with it, and I can’t figure it out. I don’t want to have to take the car to work tomorrow. But I did get laid tonight.
As a crowded airliner is about to take off, the peace is shattered by a 5 year-old boy who picks that moment to throw a wild temper tantrum. No matter what his frustrated, embarrassed mother does to try to calm him down, the boy continues to scream furiously and kick the seats around him. Suddenly, from the rear of the plane, an elderly man in the uniform of an Air Force General is seen slowly walking forward up the aisle. Stopping the flustered mother with an upraised hand, the whitehaired, courtly, soft-spoken General leans down and, motioning toward his chest, whispers something into the boy’s ear. Instantly, the boy calms down, gently takes his mother’s hand, and quietly fastens his seat belt. All the other passengers burst into spontaneous applause. As the General slowly makes his way back to his set, one of the cabin attendants touches his sleeve.
“Excuse me, General,” she asks quietly, “but could I ask you what magic words you used on that little boy?” The old man smiles serenely and gently confides, “I showed him my pilot’s wings, service stars, and battle ribbons, and explained that they entitle me to throw one passenger out the plane door on any flight I choose.”
Ollie the Icelander saves up for few years and finally buys the bike of his dreams. He goes out for many long rides and enjoys himself. One horrible day his bike breaks down. The bike is taken to the shop and a mechanic looks it over. He walks over to an expectant Ollie and says, “Look like you blew a seal”. Ollie say, “Oh no, no way, that’s just ice in my beard!”.
Two obnoxious businessmen in a new shopping mall were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new shop. As yet, the shop wasn’t ready, with only a few shelves set up. One said to the other, “I bet any minute now some senior pensioner is going to walk by, put their face to the window, and ask what we’re selling.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, a curious old woman walked to the window, had a peek, and in a soft voice asked, “What are you selling here? One of the men replied sarcastically, “We’re selling ass-holes.” Without skipping a beat, the old dear said, “Must be doing well, only two left.”
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop. He was waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?” The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix’em, put ‘em back in, and when I finish, works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?” The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, whispering to the mechanic, “Try doing it with the engine running!”