1043919-938-1592OutletCenterDr.Smithfield, www.BulldogHarleyDavidson.comNC ® SMITHFIELD, NC NC’s HARLEY-DAVIDSONNEWESTDEALERNewBikesArrivingDailyHUGEPre-OwnedSelectionFullServiceParts&AccessoriesGreatClothingSelection

Issue 290 September 2022 PAGE 70 PAGE 40 PAGE 46 PAGE 20 Rock & Ride’n Bike Show At Pine Tree Tavern JustinBigfootBarThrowsYetiSizedPartyLovingood’s1971Shovelhead-Shirley Letter From The Editors................................................... 5 Cover Story - Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers Bulldog Hero Awards ................................... 6 Cruisin’ Calendar 8 Quotable Quote 12 Bike Night & Christmas In July At Down Home Harley-Davidson 16 Indian Motorcycle GSO Triad Great American Cookout & Open House......................... 18 Rock & Ride’n Bike Show At Pine Tree Tavern 20 11th Iron Chariot Ride ....................................................... 26 A Good Day For “Bubba” 28 Stanly County Rides - Booger Hollar 30 Brunswick County Bikers Rally To Help A Neighbor In Need 32 Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers Bike Feature ............................ 38 Bigfoot Bar Throws Yeti Sized Party ................................ 40 Redemption 44 Long Distance Legend - KSolo DaRyder......................... 46 Benefit Run For Mark McCall 52 Tiny’s Tales Fro The Road Twin Rivers Chopper Reunion ......................................... 56 Thunderzone 60 Poker Chip Run To Benefit Bright Beginnings ................. 61 Leather Up For Lupus 62 Cancer Sucks Poker Run 64 Virtual Bike Show ............................................................ 66 From The Bitch Pad - My Sneaky Man 67 Harley-Davidson Reveals New Apex Factory Custom Paint ..................................... 68 Justin Lovingood’s 1971 Shovelhead - Shirley 70 People & Places .............................................................. 72 Spokes & Jokes 74 LongDistanceLegend–KsoloDaRyder

hhh, September. We made it through all the big Summertime biker events and campouts. now the kids are back in school and we are getting ready slow down a bit, right?
The Front Cover of this month’s magazine deals with heroes in the Biker Community. The Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers know that not all heroes wear capes and want you to nominate Carolina Bikers that deserve to be recognized for the charitable efforts. Go to KarneyLaw.com and submit your hero by September 30th! Three bikers will be honored on October 22nd at Mayhem In Midway and each will receive a cash dona tion to their charity of choice. This will be the 10th year of the Bulldog Hero Awards and over $100,000 have been donated to Carolina Biker’s charities.Whileyou are checking out this magazine, consider joining The Caroli nas’ Full Throttle Magazine in our quest to record the history of motorcy cling in North & South Carolina. We have many positions available from commission sales person to writers and contributors. It’s easy to partici pate and you could earn some serious cash while riding and hanging out at your local biker friendly businesses. If you are interested, give us a shout at 336-885-5400 ask for Killer. Now get out there and ride your motorcycle. It doesn’t matter where or when, just get out there and ride. If you are looking for a destination, there are 72 pages of great places to go right in front of you, check em out.
WRONG!! September is just as full of awesome events and big-time bike rallies and there is NO TIME to slow down! Just check out the Cruisin’ Calendar on page 6, we start off the month with 3 major events all on the same weekend and it doesn’t slow down til the middle of December. That is also the weekend of September 11th. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 21 years since the events of September 11th. I can still remember exactly where I was when I found out that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. A lot has happened in the last 21 years, but that is no reason to let the memory of all those who lost their lives that day and for those who dedicated themselves to fighting terrorism and defending our way of life since them. Make sure you take some time to remember and reflect so that these brave souls memory are not lost.
Mark Infield Founder - Ride In Peace 12/06/1949 - 7/02/2021 Molly “WildThing” Infield Executive Editor / Financial Officer Molly@FullThrottleMagazine.com Lincoln Infield Managing Editor / Art Lincoln@FullThrottleMagazine.comDirector Maggie Infield Production Assistant / Dancing Queen www.TheThunderZone.comThunder Deb Printup, Harriet McDowall, Rick Ortiz Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Christian, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Len, Pam, Megan, John, Rob, Brenda, JB Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Brad Patton, Derek Sikes, April Robertson, Lloyd Luquer, AC Photography, Wally Wersching, Maury Kennedy Photography, John Ridenhour, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Wally Wersching, Chi, Lloyd Luquer, John Ridenhour, Derek Sikes, Scott Wicker, Robert Harman, Floyd Baker, Kathy Lynn Parnell, Len “3 Wheel” Montgomery The Carolinas’ Full Throttle P.O. Box 2294 Jamestown NC 27282 (336) 885-5400 • Fax (336) Editor@FullThrottleMagazine.com833-6794www.FullThrottleMagazine.com The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine 2022 is published monthly and no reproduction of any content is permitted except by prior express written approval of Molly A. Infield, Publisher, Editor, & CEO. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error. Publisher is not liable for: any slandering of an individual or group, as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time. We are not responsible for the opinions or comments of our columnists. The advertisers are solely responsible for content of their ads, promises, and coupons, or any lack of fulfillment thereof. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; including but is not limited to: suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Letter From The Editors Sales Staff GraphicThunderzonePhotosDesignWriters

SEP 10 SLO MOTIONZ ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free food & beer 11am2pm, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
SEP 10 1ST ANNUAL 9/11 MEMORIAL RIDE Nash County Courthouse, 222 W. Washing ton St., Nashville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. 50/50, food, proceeds benefit Nash Co. Sheriffs. Hosted by Nash Co Sheriff’s Office & Nam Knights MC. Josh Young, 845-913-8664
SEP 10 6TH ANNUAL HAROLD KENNINGTON MEMORIAL RIDE Juniors Bar, 1608 S 5th St., Hartsville, SC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12:15pm, $20/rider, $5/passenger, incl meal ticket. Cash prizes, door prizes, 50/50, food. Proceeds go to the family of 4year old, Collins “Colli” Coker, who has been diagnosed with a rare blood disorder. Michael Luther 843-9101993, Anthony Tarlton 843-420-1883, Mitch Malphus 843-861-2000
SEP 10 911 RIDE TO REMEMBER District 2 Office, 5440 Millstream Rd., McCleansville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/ passenger incl food. Proceeds go to Tunnel to Towers. Tracy Kendrick, 336-641-3387
TheContinuesCalendarCruisin’OnPage10 Cruisin’ Calendar submit your event 24/7 BikerEvents@FullThrottleMagazine.com
SEP 10 SUICIDE PREVENTION RIDE IN HONOR OF NICHOLAS MEADOWS Buster’s, 2602 Eric Lane, Ste-G, Burlington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $5/passenger, $20/cars. Silent auction, dice cards, 50/50. Proceeds go to the NC Suicide Prevention Foundation. Lee, 743-218-0025
SEP 3 RIDE TO MABRY HILL Riding High Harley-Davidson, 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, led ride. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-2731101
SEP 9-11 19TH ANNUAL THUNDER IN THE SMOKIES Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, 3374 Soco Rd., Maggie Valley, NC. $1,000 bike show, $1,000 bike games, vendors, live music, guided ride. tickets avail online w/ free gifts. www.thunderinthesmokies.com, 828-2462101.
SEP 10 FORGOTTEN SONS MC POKER RUN 110-B Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:30am, $20/bike, $10/ passenger. Food, live music Benefits Saving Grace K9s. 336-815-1220
SEP 10 7TH ANNUAL 9/11 RIDE Trinity Fire Department, 2868 Wilkesboro Hwy, Statesville, NC. Reg 8:30am, online reg www.redknight snc13.com, FMI, Jason Mullins 704-902-7239.
SEP 10 SPECIAL FORCES BROTHER HOOD MC 16TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 2200 Southern Ave., Fayetteville, NC. Bike wash, axe throwing, 9/11 observance, pool tourney, biker games, auction, raffle, food. Proceeds go to Special Forces 501c19 non-profits.
SEP 3-5 LABOR DAY WEEKEND EVENT Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, Fayetteville, NC. Free food & beer all weekend 11am-3pm, Grill line up - 3rd: Nam Knights Tar Heel, 4th: HOG chap ter, 5th: Off Road Outreach. $100 gift certificate giveaway each day. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
SEP 10 FREEDOM RIDE TO AHDRA ROCKINGHAM DRAGWAY Freedom Biker church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Meet @8am, KSU 8:30am, everyone is invited. Christy@ freedombikerchurch.com
SEP 9-11 AHDRA ALL-HARLEY NATION ALS Rockingham Dragway, 2153 US Hwy 1 North, Rockingham, NC. 3 day pass/$55, 2 day pass/$45, Sat/$25, Sun/$25. Fri: gates 10am, test-n-tune 4pm. Sat: gates 9am, time trials: sportsman 12pm, pro & nitro, qualifying 39m, 5:30pm & 8pm. Sun: gates 8am, elimination 12pm.$5 off advance tickets, www.rockingham dragway.com
SEP 3 BIKE NIGHT TO SUPPORT UKRAINE Toasty Kettlyst Beer Company, 106 W. Main St., Gibsonville, NC. 6pm, live music, bbq food truck, coffee & dessert. Part of proceeds to benefit Red Cross for Ukraine. 336-603-8156
SEP 3 FAREWELL RIDE & CELEBRATION OF LIFE FOR DYNO DON Busted Knuckle, 220 Mitchell St., Walnut Cove, NC. KSU 2pm, celebration of life and food after ride
SEP 3 1ST ANNUAL BENEFIT RIDE FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Xtreme Wings N Things, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/ passenger, silent auction. In honor of James “Bushwacker” Stewart. Proceeds benefit MD patients at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist.
SEP 2 UPTOWN LEXINGTON BIKE NIGHT Bull City Ciderworks, 599 S Railroad St., Lexington, NC. 5:30-9:30pm, live music, food trucks, vendors. Jack Waters, jackw@bullcity ciderworks.com, 336-425-5959
SEPT 2 FORGOTTEN SONS MC OPEN HOUSE 110 Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 7pm-?, cold beverages avail, games, join the party.
SEP 10 5TH ANNUAL #HYDROWARRIOR BENEFIT & CHARITY RIDE Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burl ington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $10/rider, $10/passenger incl after party. 50/50, raffles, food, live music. Proceeds benefit Hydroceph alus Association. 336-570-1050
SEP 3 5TH ANNUAL MILITARY BENEFIT RUN Wicked Wrench, 50 Fairview Church Rd., Spartanburg, SC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $25/ driver incl shirt while supplies last, $10/pas senger. Raffles, 50/50, live music, food, cash prizes, best & worst hand. Garry Thomas 864384-6022 gmt49@hotmail.com, Dave Beasley 864-764-4943 cockyrocks@gmail.com
SEP 10 ELI’S RIDE BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $15/rider, $10/passenger incl food. At the age of two Eli was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder known as Hunters Syndrome. He will receive treatment for the rest of his life. Hosted by 301 Brothers.
The Whistle Stop Bar & Grill aka Train Station, 8160 Depot St., Rural Hall, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, live music. 346-469-4581
SEP 10 16TH ANNUAL CLEARWATER CHA PEL MOTORCYCLE RIDE Clearwater Camp ground, NC Hwy 53 & White Lake Dr., White Lake, NC. Reg 8am, KSU 10am, $25/bike, $35 with passenger. 50/50, door prizes, food, fellowship, camping & motels avail. Benefits needy children at Christmas & other church expenses. Donnie Weaver, 919-353-9613 or dweaver03@gmail.com, Lynn Epps, 919-7381280 or kennethepps.1280@gmail.com
SEP 8-10 22ND ANNUAL SMOKEOUT RALLY Rowan County Fairgrounds, 1560 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Live music, wet t-shirt contest, bike shows, mini bike racing, world’s stron gest biker, burnout contest, vendors, legacy invitational, food, camping. Presented by Cycle Source Magazine. www.smokeoutrally.com

SEP 17 TOMMY GARNER CANCER BENEFIT RIDE Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. KSU 11am, $20/bike, $5/passenger. Food truck, raffles, live music. 336-629-2415www.coxsharleydavidson.com,
Benefits Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home. Rhonda, 336-399-1918
SEP 24 RIDING HIGH H-D SCENIC RIDE 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, scenic ride & food. www.ridinghigh harleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
SEP 17 6TH ANNUAL BRAXTON SMITH ME MORIAL POKER RUN Schronce Powersports, 44 Chevy Dr., Taylorsville, NC. Reg 9am, last bike out 11am, $20/single, $25/double, rain date: 09/24. Door prizes, best & worst hand cash prizes, 50/50, butterfly release. Proceeds go to the Braxton Smith Foundation.
SEP 11 20TH ANNUAL CATAWBA COUNTY SHRINERS RUN Blue Ridge Harley-Davidson, 2002 13th Ave Dr SE., Hickory, NC. Reg 10:30am, first bike out 11:45am, $15/hand, $35/3 hands, cash prizes. Jimmy Cline, 828409-1995
SEP 17 5TH ANNIVERSARY RIDING FOR MAMMOGRAMS POKER RUN The Lucky Turn Around, 1560 S.US-29 HWY, China Grove, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 11am, $15/ single, $25/double. Food, music, decorated bike contest. Presented by: Riders Against Cancer.
SEP 15-17 BIKER TRASH NATION CAMEL CITY BIKEFEST Smokin Harley-Davidson, 3441 Myer Lee Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. Thurs: pre-pary, live music. Fri night: Live mu sic, audio sound competition. Sat: bike show, live music, vendors, contests. Wayne Pinnix, 336-464-6202
BENEFIT RIDE Timms Harley-Davidson, 4110 Clemson Blvd., Anderson, SC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:30am, $25/bike incl door prize ticket & shirt, rain date: 10/01. Food, music, shirts, hawg balls, door prizes, 50/50. hawgs forhope@gmail.com
9Cruisin’ Calendar
SEP 17 ROLLING THUNDER ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Free food & beer 11am-2pm, www.fortbraggharley.com, 910864-1200
SEP 11 RANDY BOONE BENEFIT SHOW Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E Mountain St., Kernersville, NC. 1pm, live music.
SEP 17 RIDE TO STUART, VA Riding High Harley-Davidson, 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, led ride. www.ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-2731101
SEP 18 NC TRIANGLE RIDE FOR KIDS Chatham County Agricultural Center, 1192 US-64 Business, Pittsboro, NC. Reg 9am, KS 11am, online reg $40, on-site reg $45. www. rideforkids.org
SEP 21-25 OUTER BANKS BIKEFEST 2 locations, Outer Banks Harley-Davidson, 8739 Caratoke Hwy., Harbinger, NC. Bayside Harley-Davidson, 2211 Frederick Blvd., Ports mouth, VA. Live music, bikini’s, beer, vendors, food trucks, HD demo truck, Full Throttle bike show at OBX HD, stunt show at Bayside HD. www.outerbankshd.com, 252-338-8866. www. baysidehd.com, 757-397-5550
SEP 22 SUPPORT THE KID’S POKER RUN 1 Visitors Center Circle, Manteo, NC. Reg 9am. www.theobxbikerally.com, 252-256-1064
SEP 17 3RD ANNUAL BACK THE BLUE Two starting locations, Jerry’s Deli, 11990 Hasty Rd., Laurinburg, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:15am. The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/entry. Door prizes, 50/50, en tertainment, food, cornhole tourney. Proceeds go towards shop with a cop in Richmond & Scotland Co. Chris Jackson, 910-610-5140
SEP 11 4TH ANNUAL SUPERHERO RIDE Harley-Davidson of Greenville, 30 Chrome Dr., Greenville, SC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1:15pm, $15/person, free food & drinks. Bring crayons, coloring books, books & figurines for children staying in Prisma Health Children’s Hospital. 864-234-1340
SEP 17 TILLEY HARLEY-DAVIDSON 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 1226 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC. Live music, refreshments, food, cake. www.tilleyhd.com, 704-872-3883
SEP 24 2ND ANNUAL RIDE-FOR-A-CAUSE Iron Horse Motorcycles, 1600 W. Roosevelt Blvd., Monroe, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger, escorted ride. Pre sented by Thin Line Legion. Proceeds go to NC Firefighters Burned Children’s Fund, Union Co Chapter.
SEP 17 ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS EVENT Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industry Dr., Burlington, NC. 336-570-1050
SEP 17 6TH ANNUAL KENNETH BATTS MEMORIAL RIDE Two starting locations, American Legion Post 7, 406 E. Trinity Ave., Durham, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm. Van’s, 7909 Cassam Rd., Bahama, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm. $20/bike, $5/passenger incl meal. Live music, dice rolls, raffles, prizes. Proceeds go to The Homeless Veterans in Durham Co. Kim Erickson, 919-308-8618, kimberlylmay er@gmail.com or Julie Peters, 919-428-6392, juliep.fit4life@gmail.com
SEP 17 RALLY IN THE ALLEY The Dug Out, 674 Stratford St., Kinston, NC. Old school motorcycle event starts at 11:30am, bike show 12-2pm, biker games 3-4pm, burn out contest & stunt show 4-5pm, live music, food trucks, vendors, full bar, family friendly, kids face painting & play area. Presented by The Dug Out, spons by, Law Tigers & The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine.
SEP 21 RIDE TO BIKE NIGHT Riding High Harley-Davidson, 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 5pm, KSU 6pm, led ride, food, fun, live music. www.ridinghighharleydavidson. com, 336-273-1101
SEP 17 2022 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Richmond Com munity College, 1042 W. Hamlet Ave., Hamlet, NC. 10am-3pm, spectators are free, $25/entry fee for show, awards at 3pm, corn hole comp., shirts, 50/50, food truck. Proceeds go to Rich mond Community college scholarship fund.
SEP 17 BIKER BASH WITH BUSTED KNUCKLES & BROTHER PEARL Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W. Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 12-8pm, stunt shows, live music, vendors. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-276-2711
RIDE Sherry’s, 6490 Stadium Dr., Clemmons, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 12pm, $30/single, $45/double incl shirt. Silent auction, food music. In memory of our angels Carol Driscoll.
SEP 11 CAPITAL CITY BIKER CHURCH SPECIAL 9/11 CHURCH SERVICE Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson, 1126 S. Saunders St., Raleigh, NC. 10-11am, join us as we honor our American Heroes.
SEP 23 CHROME ANGELS OBX BIKE FEST MEET & GREET Longboard’s Grill, 3833 N. Croatan Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC. 6-8pm, open to all women riders. Shannon, 336-493-9413
SEP 10 FREEDOM RIDE Route 55 Country Store & Grill, 1791 Hwy 55 W., Clover, SC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:30am, $10/person. Cash drawing & prizes. Proceeds go to CBA/ABATE of NC Gaston Co. Chapter Legislative & Chari table work. Donna Barnett, 704-287-4309, deb2334@yahoo.com, Jill Stillwell, 704-9137284, jillstillwell@bellshouth.net
SEP 17 13TH ANNUAL WE RIDE FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 8am, ceremony 10am, KSU 12pm, free food 11am-2pm. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
SEP 10-11 JESSIE’S RALLY OF HOPE Call Family Distillery, 1611 Industrial Dr., Wilkes boro, NC. 12-6pm, donations accepted. Live music, BBQ, biker/family friendly. Proceeds go to National Tay Sachs & Allied Diseases. Simply4thekids@aol.com

SEP 24 OUTER BANKS BIKE FEST RIDE-IN BIKE SHOW 8793 Caratoke Hwy, Harbinger, NC. Free entry,12-4pm, trophies & cash prizes. Presented by The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. www.outerbankshd.com, 252-3388866
SEP 24 RIDE TO RECOVERY SCRIPTURE RUN Freedom Biker Church, 455 Rock Hill Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30am, first bike out 10am, $10/person. All are welcomed, food, raffles, prizes, bike & car blessings, prayer teams. Bob Sechler, 910-474-2385 or Levi Burch, 910-237-0585
10 Cruisin’ Calendar TheContinuesCalendarCruisin’OnPage12
SEP 26-OCT 1 THE RAT HOLE’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY FALL BIKE WEEK CELEBRATION 3833 Socastee Blvd Unit B, Myrtle Beach, SC. Main bar open daily 10am, adult bar con tests nightly, cash prizes, chocolate pudding wrestling daily 7pm, food, vendors, Wed: biker o’lympics 2:30-7pm, Wed-Sat, Rodeo @12pm.
SEP 24 1ST ANNUAL MECKLENBURG BEN EFIT RIDE FOR THE CHILDREN Big Al’s Pub & Grubberia, 9306 Albemarle Rd., Charlotte, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, rain date: 09/25. Raffle, 50/50, door prizes. Hosted by, Guard ians of the Children, Mecklenburg Chapter. 631-839-3584
SEP 25 BENEFIT FOR EMMA Double D Burnout Saloon, 1408 E. Mountain St., Kern ersville, NC. 1-6pm, live music, food, 50/50, auction. Emma has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. FMI, Mark Dvorsky, 336-564-8856 or Liza Dvorsky, 336-362-2301
SEP 28 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 5-8pm, www.downhomeharley.com, 336227-1261
SEP 24 DRAGON SLAYERS FALL FEST 6401 Knightdale Eagle Rock Rd., Wendell, NC. Gates open 12pm, live music, raffles, food. Djacobs569@gmail.com
Jet-Hot High Performance Coatings, 2611 Lavista Dr., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, judging 12pm, trophies 2pm. Free entry, $10/to show. Proceeds go to Alamance County Humane Society.
SEP 24 3RD ANNUAL RIDE FOR A CURE 2058 NC HWY 83, Maxton, NC. 10am-5pm, $10/single, $15/double, $20/cars, $25/trucks, $5/adults, $2/children. Proceeds go to local cancer victims. Free food & entertainment for all. Eva McRae, 843-862-0893 or Shirley Jones, 843-862-5166
SEP 26-OCT 2 THEE DOLLHOUSE FALL BIKE WEEK 3001 HWY 17 S, N. Myrtle Beach, SC. Free admission with print ad. Wed: $1000 cash amateur contest, Thur: compli mentary buffet 4pm, private vip suites, food, music. 843-272-3329, www.theedollhouse.com
SEP 24 29TH ANNUAL BRONSON RUN John’s Tavern, 1555 Old Lenoir Rd., Hickory, NC. Reg 10am, $15/single, $25/double, food, door prizes, live music, free camping. 828-2283985 or 828-308-4713
OCT 1 BIKE, CAR, & TRUCK SHOW 1903 & 1839 S. Main St., Salisbury, NC. 9am-2pm, $25 reg fee, trophy awards, silent auction, DJ, food. Proceeds go to Terrie Hess Child Advo cacy Center. Jason Terry, 704-252-3498
SEP 25 RIDE TO RED OAK BREWERY Rid ing High Harley-Davidson, 3036 NC Hwy 68, High Point, NC. Reg 2pm, KSU 3pm, www. ridinghighharleydavidson.com, 336-273-1101
SEP 24 BENEFIT RIDE FOR PROJECT TAYLOR The Hide-A-Way Tavern, 188 Billy Covington Rd., Rockingham, NC. Reg 12pm, KSU 1pm, $20/bike. 50/50, door prizes, auction, food. Proceeds to buy toys/gifts for children battling cancer in memory of Taylor. 910-719-4089
SEP 24 RIDING FOR PREEMIES Veteran’s Park, 691 W Lebanon St., Mt. Airy, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $25/double, food, 50/50. Proceeds go to support/help par ents of babies in the NICU. 336-789-4929
SEP 24 SHOP WITH A COP Mayodan First Baptist Church, 101 S. First Ave., Mayodan, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:15am, $20/bike, $5/passenger. BBQ lunch, benefits MadisonMayodan-Stoneville Police Depts. Shop with a Cop. FMI 336-552-9672
SEP 24 1ST ANNUAL FOOTHILLS VETERANS HELPING VETERANS FUN RIDE Blue Ridge Harley-Davidson, 2002 13th Ave Dr. SE, Hickory, NC. 1st bike out/9:30am, $20/bike, $5/ passenger, 50/50, silent auction, door prizes. Proceeds go to Foothills Veterans Helping Veterans. Jennifer.boatright@abccm.org
SEP 24 6TH ANNUAL VETS HELPING VETS VFW Post 9983, 188 Hines Stump Sound Church Rd., Holly Ridge, NC. Beckie, beckie mossor@gmail.com
OCT 1 KICKSTANDS UP FOR VETS Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/ rider, $25/double, rain date: 10/22. Food truck, vendors, 50/50, raffles, music. www.down homeharley.com, 336-227-1261
SEP 24 GOLD RIBBON CANCER RIDE Poker Run for Camp Hope, Carolina Coast HarleyDavidson, 6620 Market St., Wilmington, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:30am, $40, early bird reg $30. Cash prize, proceeds to Hope Abounds Cancer Network. 910-791-9997
SEP 24 DARE COUNTY MOTORCYCLE TOY RUN 1 Visitors Ctr. Cir. Manteo, NC. Reg 9am, www.theobxbikerally.com, 252-256-1064
SEP 24th ANNUAL BENEFIT MOTORCYCLE RIDE TO HELP END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Temple Church, 1500 Kingdom Way, New Bern, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11:30am, $20/ bike, $15/passenger. Bike games, prizes, 50/50, free food. Benefits Coastal Women’s Shelter. Led by Punishers LE/MC. Johanna Schaefer, 860-608-3088
SEP 24 BIKE, CAR & TRUCK SHOW Ameri can Legion Post 58, 2731 N Church St., Rocky Mount, NC. Reg 9am, $20/entry fee, judging 12pm, food, door prizes, 50/50, vendors, tro phies. Proceeds benefit programs of Domestic Violence & Veterans. Pete Rossi 252-3731208, rpeter.rossi@yahoo.com
SEP 24 11th ANNUAL TIM DIFFIN MEMORIAL RUN Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm $30/bike, $10/passenger. Free food, all proceeds go to buy Christmas gifts for Foster Children.
SEP 29 RIDE IN MOTORCYCLE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. 2-6pm.
SEP 24 3RD ANNUAL CANCER SUCKS POK ER RUN Blazing Skeleton Clubhouse, 8555 US-19, Bryson City, NC. Reg 10am, $20/bike, $10/passenger, $5/add poker hands. Raffles, 50/50, food. Benefits Shriners Children’s. Wayne, 828-476-9683 or Olin, 828-399-0622
SEP 24 DEFIANT SPIRITS RC END OF SUMMER PARTY 375 Hunting Club Rd., Pink Hill, NC. 12pm - ?, gate fee/$10. Food, drinks, live music. Proceeds benefit needy families during the holidays. Bear 910-298-0857, Lowlife 910271-3854, Slingblade 910-298-1872

OCT 8 HELP THY NEIGHBOR JOCO POKER RUN BullDog Harley-Davidson, 1043 Outlet Center Dr., Smithfield, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Raffles, music, vendors, food. John Williams suffered a stroke last May. Proceeds go towards financial, medical & housing needs. Betsy, 919-5006475, Angie, 919-810-8416
OCT 1 OPERATION BURNOUT POKER RUN Speedway Harley-Davidson,10049 Wed dington Rd., Concord, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $20/hand, $10/extra hand. nc14@ redknightsmc.com
OCT 8 3RD ANNUAL BIKERS BEHIND THE BLUE Mt Zion Wesleyan Church, 222 Mt Zion Church Rd., Thomasville, NC. Reg 9am, safety meeting 10:30am, KSU 11am, escorted ride, $20/bike. Raffles, 50/50, food. Benefits Da vidson & Randolph Co K-9 departments. FMI, www.fcrcchap143.com, 336-777-6326.
OCT 15 NAM KNIGHTS ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, free food & beer. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
OCT 7 FORGOTTEN SONS MC OPEN HOUSE 110 Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 7pm-?, cold beverages avail, games, join the party.
OCT 8 GMAN’S THUNDER RIDE Crossway Church, 2000 Hwy 701 S Loris, SC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/donation & stuffed toy. Food & raffle, benefits Caleb’s Dragonfly Dreams. 843-855-2598, 843-855-2597, jmhudnall1@ gmail.com
OCT 22 BACKING THE BLUE MATT HAMIL TON RIDE Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industrial Dr., Burlington, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 11:30am, $20/ rider, $10/passenger. Poker run, food, spons by American Military Family. 336-570-1050
OCT 15 1ST ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE & CAR SHOW Hooter’s, 3122 Garden Rd., Burling ton, NC. 10am-2pm, $25/entry per vehicle, rain date: 10/22. Trophies, door prizes, face paintings, 50/50, live music. Presented by Red Knights MC NC Ch 27 (Hard Knocks Club) Richard Stinson, rstinsonrkmcnc27@gmail. com, Jonathan Miller, jmillerrkmcnc27@gmail. com
OCT 15 DIAMOND BAGUETTES TRUNK OR TREAT Down Home Harley-Davidson, 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 2-5pm, www. downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
OCT 8 5TH ANNUAL CHIEF T MEMORIAL SCAVENGER HUNT & RIDE Bud’s Tavern & Grill, 823 Youngsville Blvd S., Youngsville, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 11am, $20/rider, $10/pas senger. Food, prizes, raffles. Benefits Military Mission In Action. www.militarymissionsinac tion.org Hosted by: V.E.M.A. vemaraleigh@ gmail.com
OCT 8 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON PINK PARTY MOTORCYCLE FOR MAMMO GRAMS 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 10am-3pm, mobile mammogram bus on-site, vendors, pink out contest, games, giveaways, raffles, live music. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
OCT 8 3RD ANNUAL HUNTER LEWIS MEMORIAL BIKE & CAR SHOW 4026 Old Stage Hwy, Riegelwood, NC. 11am, bike show, poker run, raffle, vendors, sound show, car show, corn hole, auction, 50/50. Proceeds benefit The Cue Center. 910-231-2686, 910-540-6675
OCT 9 ANGIER BIKE FEST CHARITY RIDE Angier Clock Tower, 46 W. Depot St., Angier, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 10:30am, $10/min donation. Proceeds go to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. 919-422-7234, angierbike fest@gmail.com
OCT 8 BENEFIT RIDE FOR RESCUE UNIT OF STANLY COUNTY Hwy 55 Burgers & Fries, 750 Leonard Ave, Ste E, Albemarle, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 1pm, donation only, escorted ride.
3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY 1017 Old W. Innes St. Salisbury, NC. 980-621-7399
OCT 22 GUARDIANS OF THE CHILDREN ON THE GRILL Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-2pm, free food & beer. www.fortbrag gharley.com, 910-864-1200
OCT 10 EVILUTION MC 11TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY 10107 Jordan Rd., Raleigh, NC. Big Jack 908-403-9671
OCT 15 ZACHMAN’S RIDE Freedom Biker Church, 669 Tarheel Rd., Benson, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $10/min donation. Food & fun, presented by Seven Sabres Brotherhood. sevensabres@gmail.com, 919-422-7234
OCT 1 SOLDIERS UNITED ANNIVERSARY PARTY Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am, free food & beer. www.fortbraggharley.com, 910-864-1200
OCT 15 BILLY GRAHAM BIKERS WITH BOXES RIDE Billy Graham Library, 4330 Westmont Dr., Charlotte, NC. 9:30am-2pm, Pack Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes with gifts, load on bike & ride to Library with group, club or alone. Fellowship, music, com plimentary lunch, giveaways. www.billygraha mlibrary.org, 704-401-3200
OCT 9 CODY’S RIDE Beach House HarleyDavidson, 100 Harley-Davidson Dr., Shallotte, NC. Reg 9:30am, KSU 12pm, $20/rider, $10/ passenger. Escorted ride, food, 50/50, raffle, prizes, giveaways. Cody was hit by a drunk driver while riding home from work. Proceeds go towards Cody’s medical expenses. www. beachhousehd.com, 910-575-9997, info@ bhh-d.com
OCT 8 MOTORCYCLES 4 MAMMOGRAMS Cox’s Harley-Davidson, 2795 NC-134, Ashe boro, NC. Reg 8:30am, $20/bike, live music, food trucks, vendors, raffles, biker games, silent auction, 50/50, Rock 92 bike giveaway. Benefits the Cone Health Cancer Center of Asheboro Mammogram Fund. www.coxshar ley-davidson.com, 336-629-2415
OCT 1 4TH ANNUAL BIKER FOR BACK PACKS RIDE 4324 Boston Rd., Roxboro, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, $20/bike incl food. Benefits Back Pack Pals of Person Co. Pole cat, 336-504-3425.
OCT 15 KAITLYN’S HOUSE RIDE 410 Gate wood Ave., High Point, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 12pm, Early reg, $15/single, $20/double. Day of reg, $20/single, $25/double. Food, vendors, raffles, dice roll. Benefits Kaitlyn’s House. Pre sented by Southern Wolves MC. 336-521-3915
OCT 8 TATAS & TAILPIPES RIDE FOR BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. Reg 9:30am, first out 11am, raffles, 50/50, free food. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
OCT 15 STONER THOMAS BIKE & CAR SHOW 215 County School Rd., Lexington, NC. Reg 8am, food, vendors, door prizes, shirts & more.
OCT 1 THE CAROLINAS’ FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE MYRTLE BEACH RIDE IN BIKE SHOW Bubba’s Bar & Grill, 1125 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC. Free to enter, reg 1pm, awards 4pm, trophies in all classes, cash prize for best in show. 336-885-5400
RALLY 185 Dusty Dr. Lexington, NC. Old School Bike Rally with live music, burnout con test, ride-in bike show, bike games, loud pipes contest, wet t-shirt contest, vendors, primitive tent camping. 18+ to enter, no trailers, BYOB. Presented By The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. 336-885-5400
OCT 8 CVMA CHAPTER 15-7 HAUNTED HILLS RIDE Harley-Davidson of Asheville, 20 Patton Cove Rd., Swannanoa, NC. Reg 10am, KSU12pm, $20/single, $30/double. Live music, food, raffles, auction. Proceeds go to helping local Veterans.
11Cruisin’ Calendar
OCT 14-15 13TH ANNUAL AMCA SOUTHERN NATIONAL MEET Denton Farm Park, 1072 Cranford Rd., Denton, NC. Gates open 8am, under 6/free, ages 6-12/$6, 12-adult/$12. Swap meet, vendors, antique motorcycle parade, antique bike show & bike games, rides, banquet sat night, camping. www. amcasouthernnationalmeet.com, Mike Bruso, 864-804-9509

OCT 29 HOTROD HALLOWEEN Cox’s Harley-Davidson of Asheboro, 2795 NC Hwy 134, Asheboro, NC. Trunk or treat, vehicle cos tume contest, cash prizes. www.coxsharleydavidson.com, 336-629-2415
JAN 14 FULL THROTTLE MAGAZINE CUSTOM BIKE SHOW Greensboro Coliseum 1921 W. Gate City Blvd. 10-8pm, bike show, live music, vendors, product demos and more! Call to enter your bike or get a vendor spot. $20/person, kids 10 & Under Free. Tickets on sale now on ticketmaster and www.fullthrot tlemagazine.com/shop 336-885-5400
NOV 19 31ST ANNUAL SALVATION ARMY TOY RUN & FOOD DRIVE Raging Bull HarleyDavidson, 300 Muldee St., Durham, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11:30am, $20/rider, $10/passenger or toys and/or non-perishable food of same value. Coffee & donuts. Hosted by, Bull City HOG CH 4040. bullcityhog@mail.com, 919596-9511
NOV 26 20TH ANNUAL POLK COUNTY TOY RUN Saluda, NC Fire Dept, 199 Walnut St., Saluda, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 2pm, $10/rid ers or donation of new, unwrapped toy. Door prizes, 50/50, Santa Claus, food, t-shirts. Benefits the Children in Polk Co. Barry Gee, 828-817-3084
OCT 29 BENEFIT RIDE FOR WREATHS FOR VETERANS AMVETS Post 845, 427 Links St., Rockwell, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10:30am, $20/riders, $5/passenger, $5/extra hand. Best & worst hand cash prizes, food. Hosted by, Rockwell AMVET Riders. Tina, 317-753-2350 or rockwellamvetriders@yahoo.com
12 Cruisin’ Calendar Quotable Quote ISometimes...LookBackOn My Life And I’m StillImpressedSeriouslyThatIAmAlive...
OCT 29 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON HARLEYWEEN 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burling ton, NC. 11am-4pm, bike show, dyno contest, sound competition, vendors, music, food & beer. www.downhomeharley.com, 336-2271261
OCT 26 DOWN HOME HARLEY-DAVIDSON BIKE NIGHT 2215 W Hanford Rd., Burlington, NC. 5-8pm, live music, free beer & more. www. downhomeharley.com, 336-227-1261
OCT 29 HARLEYWEEN EVENT Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd., Fayetteville, NC. 11am-3pm, Buffalo Soldiers on the grill, free food, trunk or treat, face paint ing, kid’s crafts, games. www.fortbraggharley. com, 910-864-1200
BENEFIT RIDE Latitude Church, 1732 Racetrack Rd., New Bern, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $20/bike, $10/passenger, food, door prizes, live entertainment. Proceeds help individuals fighting breast cancer. Paul Brown, 252-349-3715, Robin Warren, 252-229-8963
OCT 29 SPOOKTACULAR POKER RUN Speedway Harley-Davidson, 10049 Wed dington Rd., Concord, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, $20/bike, $10/passenger, $30/vehicle. 50/50, trunk or treat, kidsfest, costume contest, cash prizes. Benefits Memorial Day Ride To Remember. Crystal Ashe, ncridetoremember@ gmail.com
NOV 4-5 ALL HARLEY WORLD SHOOTOUT “WOLRD FINALS” Farmington Dragway, 2992 NC-801, Mocksville, NC. Paul Watson, 336-479-2071
DEC 10 3rd ANNUAL BUBS RIDE Blue Collar Cycle Company 1017 Old W. Innes St. Salis bury, NC. 980-621-7399 --- 2023 ---
OCT 31 BECKY’S RIDE Angier Clock Tower, 46 W. Depot St., Angier, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 10am, food & fun. Honoring the memory of Becky Platt. Presented by Seven Sabres Brotherhood. sevensabres@gmail.com, 919422-7234
DEC 2 FORGOTTEN SONS MC OPEN HOUSE 110 Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 7pm-?, cold beverages avail, games, join the party.
OCT 29 SUPERHERO RIDE & TRUNK OR TREAT Marketplace Mall Parking Lot, 2101 Peters Creek Pkwy, Winston-Salem, NC. Reg 10am, KSU 11am, $20/single, $25/double. Dress up as a superhero & fill your saddle bags with treats for the kids. Benefits Forsyth County special Olympics. asteadman@pcsincnc.com
NOV 4 FORGOTTEN SONS MC OPEN HOUSE 110 Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 7pm-?, cold beverages avail, games, join the party.
NOV 12-13 50TH ANNIVERSARY CHAR LOTTE CBA FALL SWAP MEET & TERRY BROWN MEMORIAL BIKE SHOW Rowan County Fairgrounds,1500 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC. Gates open 10am-6pm, bike show, cash prizes, barbie car race, live music, wet t-shirt contest, swap meet. Rick Nail, 704-577-1546
NOV 13 19TH ANNUAL GOLDEN STRIP TOY RUN Grand South Bank, 325 S Main St., Fountain Inn, SC. 2pm, bring an unwrapped, new toy for kids of all ages, police escorted. 50/50, door prizes, music, vendors. Toys distributed through Relentless Church. Paul Williams Jr, 864-221-2042
NOV 19 REMEMBRANCE RIDE Moose Lodge, 253 Holden Beach Rd SW, South Brunswick, Shalotte, NC. Reg 9am, KSU 11am, $15/rider $5/passenger. Food, 50/50. Proceeds go to Bikers Against Child Abuse Cape Fear.
OCT 28-30 31ST ANNUAL JIM MCCLURE MEMORIAL NITRO WORLD FINALS Rockingham Dragway, 2153 US Hwy 1, North Rockingham, NC. www.rockinghamdragway. com, 910-582-3400.
MC 13TH ANNUAL PERSON CO. TOY RUN 205 Frank Timberlake Rd., Timberlake, NC. Reg 10:30am, KSU 1:30pm, bring a new un wrapped toy of a min $10 value or a $10 cash donation. Food, fellowship, proceeds go to Santa’s Helpers of Person Co. Joker, 919-9721023
JAN 6 FORGOTTEN SONS MC OPEN HOUSE 110 Griffith Plaza Dr., Winston-Salem, NC. 7pm-?, cold beverages avail, games, join the party.
OCT 23 BENEFIT RIDE FOR ANDY PARKS Bralie’s 2 Sports Bar, 4707 Hillsborough Rd., Durham, NC. Reg 11am, KSU 1pm, $20/bike, $10/passenger. Food, 50/50, raffle prizes. Andy Parks was involved in a hit & run in June sustaining life-threatening injuries. Proceeds go to Andy for care & expenses. Crystal, 919749-1700
NOV 5 POKER RIDE TO SUPPORT VETERANS Lucky’s Saloon, 1453 Industry Dr., Burl ington, NC. Create your own poker ride, $15/ single, $20/double. Benefits local Veterans. 336-570-1050

13www.FullThrottleMagazine.com29th Annual Trail of Tears Commemorative Motorcycle Ride® Sept 17th 2022 From Bridgeport AL to Waterloo AL 9/16/2022 • Depart 10:00 am EDT Cherokee Indian Fair Grounds 545 Tsali Blvd Cherokee NC Depart 3:00 pm EDT parking lot 160 Riverfront Pkwy Chattanooga TN Arrive 3:00 pm CDT 513 Alabama Ave Downtown Bridgeport AL 9/17/2022 • Depart 8:00 am CDT 513 Alabama Ave Downtown Bridgeport AL Arrive 10:30 am CDT Redstone HD 15100 State Hwy 20 W Madison AL Depart 12:00 noon CDT Redstone HD Arrive 2:30 Waterloo AL 9/18/2022 • Depart Spring Park 8:00 am CDT Spring Park Road Tuscumbia AL Arrive 11:45 East End Grill Depart 12:30 East End Grill Arrive 4:00 pm Holiday Inn Heber Springs AR 9/19/2022 • Depart 8:00 am Holiday Inn Heber Springs AR Arrive 2:00 Hampton Inn Ft Smith AR 9/20/2022 • Depart 8:00 am Depart Hampton Inn Ft Smith Arrive 10:15 Choctaw Nation Museum Tuskahoma OK RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK No registration & No fees to ride Riders may join the ride at any of the stops RIDESTYLE!IN Get your official 2022 Trail of Tears Commemorative Motorcycle Ride® wear on-line www.al-tn-trailoftears.netat Ride Times and Address for the 29th Annual Trail of Tears Commemorative Motorcycle Ride® It’s more than just a ride, it’s an experience…

By: Scott Wicker
Bike Night And Christmas In July At Down Home Harley-Davidson
Down Home Bike Night is the 4th Wednes day of every month. Do Not Miss Out on the FUN!! We would like to Thank Everyone at Down Home for putting on such a fun event!! This is One Bike Night you don’t want to miss! Ride Safe!
o doubt, thingS are heating up at doWn home Harley-Davidson in Burlington, NC. Every 4th Wednesday of the month they are holding their bike night festivities. July 27th kicked off the event with some very interesting contests and the parking lot full of vendors. Shannon and Tyler from the Tom McGrath Motorcycle Law Group were there distributing cold bever ages and Hooter’s of Burlington had the “Girls” on hand with Daytona Wings and veggies to solve the hunger pains for those in attendance. There was a jewelry vendor on hand and some very friendly people from Broken Chains Biker Church were presentSchoolstoo.will be opening soon, and Down Home H-D was accepting school supplies to supplement the children for the upcoming 2022 – 2023 school year. Many people were dressed for the Christmas themed occasion and inside the dealership was decorated for the Christmas themed event too. The big hit of the evening was definitely the games and I may add they were not your usual games. The first game was called Make It Snow! It consisted of 8 people, two teams of 4, lined up facing each other. The object was for the first partici pants on each team to start emptying boxes of tissue. Once the first person on each team emptied their tissue boxes then the 2nd team member could start emptying their box. Then to the 3rd person and then to the fourth. Trust me, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Then there was the Tortilla Slap. Two People sit in chairs facing one another, each person with a mouth full of water. The two people alternate slapping the other person with the tortilla until the other person spits the water out. This was a bigAlwayshit. prepared, the rains came but April and other em ployees at Down Home had cleared the show room and the games were moved inside without hesitation. Don’t miss out!

17www.FullThrottleMagazine.com Lexington’s Full Service Motorcycle Shop Parts • Service • 1121336-490-0120ApparelS.MainSt.Lexington, NC

By: LLoyd Luquer
Indian Motorcycle Greensboro Triad Great American Cookout & Open House
n July 23rd indian motorcycle greenSboro Triad hosted their first Great American Cookout & Open House at their new location on N. Main St. in High Point, NC. There were hundreds of Indian Motorcycle, Victory Motorcycle, Polaris Slingshot and Harley-Davidson riders in attendance. There were riders from all over even as far away as Louisiana. The parking lot just kept on getting fuller and fuller. Although the heat that day was intense, nothing stopped those true riders and the event went on as planned. There were many venders and special guest who came out. DJ Corey did a FANTASTIC job of keeping the best of tunes playing. The Christian Riders Group helped out with the park ing and making things safe for the riders as well as helping with food organization. Ellen & Joy manned the grill and kept the hotdogs coming to fulfil the “Cookout” portion of the event. WOW, what a job they did over that hot grill along with the high temperature of the day. Some of the other venders and guest were Huck Cycles, Bhroman Braapsody’s You¬Tube Channel, T-Mobile, Piedmont Health Services For Sickle Cell, The Black Victory Riders Group, and of course, yours truly. The Black Victory Riders Group put on several contest including an audio show. Man, there were some great stereo systems. All bikes were welcome and Mark Saunder was the big winner. Then there was a Victory Motorcycle Only Bike Show and peoples choice. The categories were Best Stock, Best Custom & Best Trike. The public performed the judging by ballet and Kenneth Ferguson won best stock and best modi fied went to Antonio Hicks. So, as you can plainly tell The Great American Cookout & Open House was definitely a success. The staff, Monty Hendrix, Bob McBride, Robbie McKusick, Kevin Schulman, Essa Ganim and Lonnie Southern, were on hand to answer any questions and they all worked diligently to please their customers. I’m looking forward for upcoming events here at Indian Motorcycle GSO Triad.. So keep an eye out for future events and stop on in while out riding and pick up an issue of The Carolinas’ Full Throttle.


Rock & Ride’n Bike Show At Pine Tree Tavern
By LincoLn infieLd
PhotoS By: LincoLn infieLd & Ac PhotogrAPhy ine tree tavern iS a biker friendly bar in Winston-Salem, NC that boasts all ABC permits and a fantastic kitchen staff that puts out a menu that is far superior to normal “Bar Eats”. The Pine Tree Tavern has daily specials, regular live music dates and hosts bike night every Wednesday. Owners Lori and Art Shaffer have owned some high-end restaurants, among other things, prior to bringing the Pine Tree to life and making it into a great biker destination. In trying to continue to provide a biker haven, they decided to host what promises to be an an nual event, The Rock & Ride’N Bike Show. The event boasted a vendors row that had everything from 81 Support Gear, a Shriner’s Hospital gun raffle, Lucky 13 Jewelry, a hot sauce vendor, metal art and fire pits, Biker Trash Nation, Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers and The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine. The vendors were tucked under the trees out back of The Pine Tree Tavern to accommodate bike traffic and make room for the live music stage that was set up beside Pine Tree Tavern’s huge back deck and the rest of the paved parking lot was reserved for The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Bike Show. Zack Brock and Good Intentions took the stage to start the show as bikes started rolling in for the free registration bike show. We always hope for sunny days for our events and the Rock & Ride’N Bike Show got just that, along with temps soaring towards triple digits and a heat index of 110 degrees. The heat didn’t keep people from riding in as we had nearly 50 bikes register for the bike show, but it did keep people inside the bar. I don’t blame them a bit! The gals running the inside bar were slinging drinks and food orders as fast as they could and the bar stayed packed all day long!
Outside the bar, the crowd stuck to the shade, good thing that’s where the vendors were set up! Around mid-day, Bob Karney of The Carolinas’ Biker Law yers took to the stage to get the loud pipes contest going. The Pine Tree Tavern had put up $225 in cash prizes to see who could bring the noise and those with loud pipes lined up. Bob introduced them one by one and then the participants got three seconds to see how high they could run up the decibel meter. It’s a good thing that we were using the meter, cause after the first couple participants, I couldn’t tell the difference from five feet away. It may be an idea to invest in some ear protection for upcoming contests. We compared the results which came down to fractions of decibels that would have been impossible to discern without the meter and handed out cash to the top 3

loudest bikes. Shancie Hardy blasted 130 decibels and took home $100, Joe Swain came up shy with 129.9 decibels for $75 and Tyler Medlin snagged $50 at 126 decibels and came in third. Huge thanks to Bob Karney and The Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers for emceeing this portion of the event cause I still couldn’t hear a damn thing. The burn out competition was up next. Burn outs are an age old bike rally tradition and you can always find the real party animals hanging out round the burn out pit or putting some smoke in the air. The Pine Tree Tavern payed homage to this tradition and to those who were willing to have a little fun. We brought out The Rebel Spirit’s mobile burnout pit, that has been featured at biker events up and down the east coast, to provide the stage for the contest, and keep these burnouts from digging holes in the asphalt! In order to make it even more interest ing, Kenny Gilley of Clemmons Motorcycles, put up NEW TIRES to the top two burnouts. Now, there is no more excuses from those who “just put a new tire on” or “don’t want to pay for a new tire” cause the winners were set up to win cash from the Pine Tree, and a new tire of your choice from Clemmons Motorcycles. John Lee rode up from Lillington, NC and was the first on the pit and rubbed the new tire smell off of his rear tire. You can check out his burnout out on you tube channel “Ninja Lee” along with all the other events he and his wife travel to. John was bested, slightly, by Joe Swain from Winston-Salem who, with permission from his mother, burned out on his freshly updated tribute bike, Jaybird, to honor the memory of his brother. Joe was sending tire smoke clouds to heaven and ended up taking first place in the burn out contest. John won $75 cash and Joe snagged $100, both got appointments to pick out a tire of their choice

The HOURS: Tues - Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-2pm NC Motorcycle Safety Inspection Station High Tech Tuning & Performance Work Full Services To Basic oil changes Crank Truing, Welding & Balancing Great Tire Prices Engine Builds Over 40 years of experience Come See Us at our 52 Suite A. Winston-Salem, NC 336-766-4945
Travis Grub and the Stoned Rangers took to the outdoor stage and started rocking as we got to the task of judging the bike show. Near fifty beautiful bikes lay in wait of judging, no easy task. Good thing I had a panel of expert judges that included Wayne Pinnix of Biker Trash Nation, Kenny Gil ley of Clemmons Motorcycles Inc and myself. We made our way bike to bike taking in all their finer parts and judging them each individually. The winners went a little like this: The Bagger Class went to Robert Markley’s 2020 Street Glide Special, Barry Medlin won the Cruiser Class on a 1999 Wide Glide, Ninja Lee’s Kawasaki Z1000 won the Sport Class, Shancie Hardy’s 2004 Ultra took home the Ladies Class, Brian Cioce’s 1974 FL won the Vintage Class, and Ryan Adair won People’s Choice with an 2008 Street Glide. Each bike show class winner took home $50 and some hardware. The Best In Show was a unanimous decision among the judges and Shane Warf’s gorgeous 1966 Electra Glide took home $150 and a big 4 pillar trophy, which he ceremoniously strapped to the back of his bike for the ride home! Pine Tree Tavern also wanted to make sure that those who rode long distance to get to the event were rewarded.
two longest rides were Dale Gillam from Boozy Creek, TN and Jeremy Register from Whiteville, NC. Both rode nearly 200 miles to come party, and both went home with a crispy $100 bill for the effort. The band went back to rocking and I went to sit inside The Pine Tree Tavern for a cold drink and some awesome chicken wings. A huge thank you goes to Lori and Art for hosting this epic event, which will be back next year. Hopefully we can schedule the event on a day that is a little cooler than 100 degrees, but honestly, as long as it doesn’t rain, I am gonna be there! Make sure to check out Pine Tree Tavern on your next ride, I have a feeling it will become a regular stop for you when you are in the Winston-Salem area. Check out their ad in this month’s magazine and the Cruisin’ Calendar for upcoming events!
22 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine from Clemmons Motorcycles. That’s a hell of a deal and a huge thanks goes to Kenny Gilley, for the tires and judging the event.

The ride, organized by Mike and Teresa Williams and Kevin Campbell, started out at Select Cycles with Krispy Kreme donuts, and Star Bucks coffee. At the conclusion of the ride, Mon-Thurs 2pm-? Fri 1pm-? Sat-Sun 12-? 4310 Old Rural Hall Rd Winston-Salem,
a delicious lunch was provided by Jam’s Deli, and Fresh Market. Special thanks to John Hill and Select Cycles, and Gladwell Insurance for sponsoring the event. Teen Challenge is a faith-based program, which helps young men ages 18-45 with drug and alcohol addictions. Our seven-month residential program houses 24 students and eight reentry students in Greensboro. The generosity of our community makes a huge different in the success of our program. Teen Challenge depends on pri vate gifts from churches, corporations, civic clubs, and private donors.The11th Iron Chariot event raised $5,500 that helped men enter the program and change their lives with the love of Christ. Again, thank you. If you know someone who needs help call us at 336-2927795 or www.gpteenchallenge.com.
By: roBert hArmAn Photo By: mAury kennedy PhotogrAPhy t WaS a beautiful day in greenSboro for a motorcycle ride to support Greater Piedmont Adult and Teen Challenge. Dr. Bob Harman and the bikers got involved riding their motorcycles and telling the community they care about the youth and adults addicted to drugs and alcohol. The bikers helped to make a difference in the lives of the men served at Teen Challenge.
11th Iron Chariot Ride
OpenNC Seven days a
Four-five participants lined up bikes and riders at Select Cycles on Eugene Street in Greensboro to begin a 60-minute ride escorted by the motor officers of the Guilford County Sheriff’s department. The Sheriff’s motor officers guided the bikers on the highways and county roads of Guilford County ending at Teen Challenge.

28 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
A Good Day For “Bubba”
By WALLy WerSching n July 16th, the kingS mountain American Legion Rid ers were holding a benefit run for “Bubba”. At about 10:00, I rode east from Shelby on Rt 74 for a few miles. I exited at Rt 161, and turned right. After the stoplight, I turned into a driveway on the left which ran to the American Legion Hall and parked “Miss Vickie” in the shade of an old tree.The scheduled run was for Claude “Bubba” Pearson. He needs some medical equipment to make his life easier, so the post members got together to have a run to generate money for him. The run was to go to four places, and then back to the post.
First - Burnt Mills in Blacksburg, SC, Sec ond - South Main Bar and Grill in Clover, SC, Third - 4 Lanes in Clover, SC, fourth - UVA, and then back to Post 155 for food andBikersdrinks.were riding in for the event but not in great numbers. There were members of the Combat Veterans CMV 15-2. They all were involved in a combat situation for our country. Many have Purple Hearts, and other medals. They are true American heroes! Closer to noon a large group from the Royal Priest hood Biker Ministry from Shelby rode in with a roar. It took a while for them all to get registered. It was good to see so many familiar faces. When it was time to ride everyone was called together for a talk about the ride and a prayer. Before we knew it, they were on their way with a very loud roar. The event was a success and Post 155 announced that everything went well on the run. They raised $3,820.00 for “Bubba” who was very emotional when they gave him the money.

29www.FullThrottleMagazine.com Loving Our Neighbors, One Meal At A Time! Monday: Saturday:Friday:Thursday:Tuesday:karaokebikenightbingokaraokelivemusic 1407 E. Main St. Albemarle, NC Harmancos.net • 704-982-5414 BarHarmanco's&Restaurant Now ServingBreakfast Sat & Sun 8-11am Mon - Tues 11-10pm / Wed-Thurs closed / Fri 11-12am / Sat 8-12am / Sun 8-8pm Let Us Cater Your 15%Event!NextOff With This ad! WeUpDeliverto 20 Miles out! September entertainment Sept 3 6 mileS Out Sept 10 70’S night Sept 17 rick thOmaS Sept 24 muddy Water

Stanley County Rides Booger Hollar
By John ridenhour bout a month ago i Started a video SerieS that i hope to continue, a series on the roads and places in Stanly County that are, in my opinion, great biker destinations with some nice twisty roads that connect them. The first video is about a place about 5 minutes outside of Albemarle just off St. Martin Rd. called Booger Hollar. Traveling down 24/27 west you take a left onto St. Martin Rd, then about 6 miles you take a left onto Booger Hollar Rd, after one mile on this beautiful road you arrive at a one lane low water bridge and you have arrived at Booger Hollar. Once you arrive at this one lane bridge you will see plenty of places where you can pull over safely off the road, there is graffiti on one these pull off spots where people have visited and written their names, about their love for others and a few other things written I don’t care to mention here. People that have visited this bridge at night have often spoke of strange noises like a deep growl and a women’s scream. Others have said to have seen little hairy figures, some have even mentioned seeing fairy’s. There are 2 stories, tragedy’s really, that are associated with this bridge. The first is a story of a father and son that while trying to cross Bear Creek on that bridge years ago. The water had risen from recent rains in that area, and when they had gotten in the middle of the bridge the wheel on their wagon snapped off causing them to be swept away down Bear Creek never to be seen again. The second is a story of a mother and her child being washed down the creek when her car stalled in the middle of the bridge dur ing a flood, they say the scream you hear is her trying to find her child. Weather you believe in ghost stories or not it is a beautiful spot during the day or evening with plenty of shade to just stop and relax. The roads that take you there are nice twisty roads great for motorcycle riding and once you leave and continue down the road it offers the same experience to its end at Barbees Grove Rd. If you turn left on Barbees Grove you can ride for several miles then take a right onto Bethlehem Church Rd. which turns into Old School Rd. that leads you to Hwy 138 which is where this story ends and the next one will begin in the next issue. Safe travels my friends and remember to keep it on 2 wheels. Ride To Booger Hollar?
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32 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
Brunswick County Bikers Rally To Help A Neighbor In Need
supporters gathered at Blood, Sweat & Gears Bike Shop in Holden Beach at 10:30 to register and purchase 50/50 raffle tickets. Kick stands went up at noon and the 30 bikes and four passen gers left out of Blood, Sweat & Gears. They traveled back roads to the Moose Lodge in Oak Island for a brief visit before heading to Charlie Brown’s Bar & Grill for fun, food and fellowship. Each rider was charged $20 per bike with additional passengers $10 per per son for the 50-mile trip. The registration fee included a delicious BBQ plate with all of the fixings. The event was spon sored and organized by Blood, Sweat & Gears and Charlie Brown’s Bar & Grill. Provision Company of Holden Beach also donated items to the cause. The ride organizers were very pleased with the event and the amount of mon ies raised in such a short time frame. Proceeds to be do nated totaled $2,738. Quite an accomplish ment in just over two weeks.
On Saturday August 6, 2022, motor cycle riders came together to raise funds for Brunswick County native, Tracy McKeithan and Aaron Green, who lost their home and all of their belongings in a house fire on July 15, 2022. As they were sleeping, an electrical fire started in their kitchen and quickly engulfed the entire house. Thankfully, they woke up in just enough time to get themselves and one of their dogs out of the house. Sadly, the couple’s other dog, Bella did not survive the fire.
Despite the sweltering heat, riders and
By: BrendA reece ikerS are a very charitable bunch of people and host rallies and rides all over the country for the sole purpose of donating to needy causes. In fact, more than 2 Billion dollars is donated to chari ties each year.

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Bigfoot Bar Throws Yeti Sized Party
By: John ridenhour n Saturday, auguSt 6th, the uWharrie national Forest was invaded by bikers who were on their way to Bigfoot Bar and Grill in Troy, NC where there was an awesome “Best Bike On The Lot” type bike show. It was a beautiful day, but man it was hot and those who attended braved a hot, humid, 94 degree day to come out in the country for this show. Good thing Bigfoot Bar had the AC turned up and ice cold beer! Both the bar inside and the outside covered patio bar were packed out and the atmosphere at Bigfoot makes for great fellowship while you down some awesome food and drinks. The Old North State Band rocked the outdoor pontoon stage and put on a great show. The crowd was singin’ along to classic rock hits and downing suds keep ing the party at full tilt. The parking lot around the bar was full all day with an ever changing group of bike show worthy bikes. I mean, new school, old school, from mild to wild. There was even a great group of antique bikes on hand. There were Knuckleheads, Shovelheads, and Panheads on the lot including 2 Panheads


42 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine with sidecar rigs! Man it was a sight for sure. When 4 pm rolled around it was time to judge the bikes, and the only thing you had to do to be eligible to win the Best Bike On the Lot, was to be parked on the lot. There were still so many nice bikes parked that it was something I am definitely glad I didn’t have to judge. There where 101 bikes on the lot that day and believe me it definitely was going to be a tuff decision for Carolinas’ Biker Lawyers Sean Clayton and Carolinas’ Full Throttle magazine’s Lincoln Infield to make. It took a while for this pair of expert judges to make a final decision. Since there were so many nice bikes on the lot, the $100 prize was split in two so that one Antique motorcycle and one modern motorcycle could be named as winners. Lincoln took the mic first to introduce the judging duo and had the privilege of an nouncing Sue Hatch and her 1976 shovelhead as the winner of the antique category. Then Sean took over and announced Ty ler Medlin as the winner of the modern category with his 1999 Wide Glide. Both beautiful bikes which deserved recognition.
The Best Bike on the Lot contest may have been over, but the party raged on at Bigfoot Bar and Grill. I highly recom mend you take a trip to see them at 3079 NC-Hwy 109, Troy, NC. It’s surrounded by a beautiful riding roads and scenery and great people once you arrive. You will not be disappoint ed.

Huff 234 Stacy Weaver Drive Fayetteville,
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We Start to pull out of the dog dayS of Summer we can begin the second riding season in earnest. Riding without feeling like you are heading directly into a running blow dryer is a welcomed season. We have the traditional fall rallies we can attend along with the bike nights and benefit rides that will be starting up and move seamlessly into the many toy runs. The changing of the seasons is especially rewarding to me as I ride. The ability to experience the beauty of God’s creation is just not possible in a car like it is on a bike. I take great comfort in knowing that the tremendous beauty I enjoy on earth is what God created for us sinners. A great song came out some years back that was popular across all different music genres.
David & Robin NC
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. No matter who you are and what you have done you are not beyond redemption. If you are not sure Heaven is your home please talk with someone today and get it resolved. I am easy to reach and no matter where you are, there is a Christian brother or sister more than willing to show you how to know.
44 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Redemption
Mercy Me came out with “I Can Only Imag ine” and it broke untold records in many categories. Knowing what I see here is made for sinners I really can’t imagine what Heaven will look or be like. I am however full on anticipation and so looking forward to spending eternity there. As you ride this fall please enjoy what the Lord has pro vided for us here. We are all of the flesh and born into sin and unworthy of his love and salvation. The good news is God is not dead but is very much alive and well and wants no less for those He loves. He is alive and wants us to all join him in heaven if we are willing.
Matthew 22:32 I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”Redemption is ours just by accepting the free eternal gift that has no expiration date and was 100% paid for by Jesus on the cross. We can’t buy it, earn it with good works or have someone else provide it for us. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sins and provide the redemp tion for our eternal soul.
SINCE 1972

Long Distance Legend - KSolo DaRyder It The Destination Or The Ride - Episode
By: LincoLn infieLd
n the World of long diStance motorcycle riding the name K Solo DaRyder is in the legendary status column. The man is always on the go criss-crossing the US and posting his “view from the of fice” along the way, which admittedly is way better than the view from my office. KSolo had submitted an article to The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine about his first Hoka Hey Challenge in 2020 and I have been following his adventures ever since. In that time, K Solo has racked up a handful of rid ing credentials and checked off some of the most insane riding stats. He’s put up 100,000 miles in one year - twice, ridden to the 4 corners of the US, rode up the Dalton Hwy to the arctic circle and everywhere else in between...seriously. Two years KSolo and I have talked about getting together for this interview and we finally got the chance while he was recouping from the 2022 Hoka Hey Challenge, in which he was the First Finisher of the 10 day 10,000 mile endurance motorcycle challenge. After following KSolo on social media for a few years and a few DMs, I felt like we knew each other and we fell right into conversation about his latest achieve ment like old friends. Like most of us, Ksolo, started out on smaller cc bikes citing his first ride as a Yamaha Fazer when he was 16. “That was my intro to the motorcycle world. From there I went through the gauntlet of Kawasakis, Suzukis the whole nine yards, Yamaha R1, the whole nine yards of owning motorcycles while I was in the Military”. KSolo later told me it was while he was in the military that he first started think ing about long distance motorcycling. “You know, for me there have been a lot of people who inspired me to get out and just ride. Zo of Seattle Magic Wheels is probably one of the first persons who just inspired me. Cause he would just ride from Seattle to California in one trip, and I didn’t think that was possible. People like Highway Smiley, people like The Masked Man from Chosen Few right here in Winston-Salem, NC. You know, Shareef AsSadiq and Kenneth Andrews, Andy Anderson. And a lot of female riders now that’s even inspi rational that sit here and say, ‘hey we ride too’, but I look at them as all riders. So, for me what has inspired me and keeps me going is just, this is my therapy. People say that everybody says that, but my epiphany came when I was sitting in Iraq, and I said, when I get home I wanna see this country that I am over here fighting for and defending our way of life. So, I just wanted to get back and I wanted sit there and go, I wanna go here, and I wanna go here, I want to ride and I want to see Mount Rushmore and I want to see the Badlands. You know, I wanna go to Wyoming and see these places that you only hear about.”When I asked Solo how he got started putting on long dis tance miles he said. “I participate with the IBA, the Iron Butt Association, and man they have some great rides out there. I encourage everybody, all long-distance riders, short riders, new riders to look at the IBA.” And then went on to list a ton of other associations he is part of that put-on rides all across the US and in other countries, but I was really interested in talking to him about his most recent long distance ride, the Hoka Hey Challenge. Like I mentioned above the Hoka Hey is a 10 day, 10,000 mile endurance challenge. What I didn’t say is that the Hoka Hey Challenge goes way beyond that to really push a rider to the edge of his riding and life experience to really make them earn the title of “finisher” of the challenge.
46 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
Riders are given typed, turn by turn directions at each check point with some jaunts labeled as >1mile. It was the kind of directions that make “Mapquest” look advanced. There is no GPS, no speeding and no hotel rooms allowed. Riders have to sleep beside their bikes. And if you get a ticket for any moving violation, you are automatically disqualified. “That’s what I like about the Hoka Hey Challenge, it’s on the rider. It takes it back to a time when the Indian Warrior would get on his horse and go into battle. And you take everything with you and you

47www.FullThrottleMagazine.com When It Comes To Your Bike, Insurance Coverage Is Personal. It’s the difference between a phone call to an answering system when you need to make a claim and a one-to-one conversa tion with someone who cares about your bike as much as you do. At Encore Insurance Advisors, we can help you find the coverage you need, from insurance on your accessories to roadside assistance, and our service is always personal, friendly and Beforeknowledgeable.youtake to the road, call Encore. We can protect your bike, and your assets, with the most competitive products available from the most reputable providers. 336-228-9200 • Toll Free: 1066www.encoreinsuranceadvisors.com1-800-371-4227S.CHURCHST.BURLINGTON,NC

48 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine have to survive.” Ksolo said. This is the second time that KSolo has participated in the Hoka Hey. After finishing third in 2020, he returned in 2022 to be the “first finisher”. He described crossing the line first as, “It is totally amazing, unbelievable, incredible. I am still in awe, because to be honest, I did not plan on going out and being the First Finisher. My goal was to finish in the top 10 or top 5. That was my goal, and with the factors that I ran into along the way, I am thankful to be here.” (We will get to the “factors” a little later.) “The Attrition Rate” is high among Hoka Hey Riders, “There were about 200 people who registered, of the 200 only 185 started the Hoka Hey, out of that 185 only 125 finished,” stated KSolo. KSolo was 1 of the 185 finishers and actually did so in less than 10 days. Obvi ously, you have to do at least 1000 miles per day, but KSolo pushed beyond this to “put miles in the bank”. He explained, “Everyone has a game plan, about how you want to start it, how you’re gonna ride it and how you want to finish it. For me, my first day, and this is what I said from the start, is 1500 miles. I wanted to do 1500 miles in my first day, that’s a BBG (Iron Butt Association, Bun Buner Gold Ride). So, I ended up getting the 1500, I think it was more like 1600 and then I went down for sleep. I think I probably slept for two hours.” As a matter of fact, KSolo survived the first five days of the chal lenge with two hours sleep per night, and only eating protein bars and drinking water. Now that is some extreme riding and the type of ride that earned KSolo the title of Elite Rider! KSolo reassured me and told me that those two hours a night were, “believe it or not, the best sleep you’ll ever get.” I had to ask what the alarm clock situation was for waking up after 26 hours on the road and 1600 miles to which he replied, “If you hear anything that sounds like a motorcycle pass you, you jumpDuringup!”the course of our conversation, he brought up “fac tors” a few times. Factors that would slow you down or get you out of your routine and make it easier to make a mistake. Factors like fatigue from long days in the saddle and not a lot of sleep, a washed-out desert road, missed turns, flat tires or even wild boars and other wildlife roaming about. Ksolo, encountered all of these things on this year’s Hoka Hey, and also had three major factors that slowed him down. “The first time, I had just gotten about two hours of sleep. I was out in Nevada and went to the gas station to top off. We were out on Extra Terrestrial Hwy, and for some reason, I caught double vision in my left eye. I was looking at the road and the road drifted to the right and I had a choice to pick a lane. The lane that I picked was actually my blurred vision. It put me off the highway and I ended up probably going 100 yards off the road in the gravel and then jumping an embankment. That took me about four or five feet in the air, and a I landed and luckily I kept the bike up. It tore the tour pack off, literally the tour pack just tore off.” The second “factor” included a high speed rendezvous with a deer in Wyoming, Solo’s first deer strike on a motorcycle. “The deer hit, his head hit the front fairing, his ribcage just slammed up against my right leg and his hind


It’s honestly a legendary story, that has much more detail on the video interview that this article was written from and of course there is nothing like hearing it straight from KSolo himself. But there is a lot more to Solo DaRider than just the Hoka Hey Challenge. After his second 100,000 mile year, which he finished in 10 months, he had 100 patches made up with his motto “Aspire To Inspire” to pass out to other riders he met along the road that inspired him. Ksolo also says one of his next moves will be to start a non-profit that will benefit other veterans so that he can use his “therapy” to help oth ers find their therapy. But most immediately, he’s got a RTE (Ride To Eat) event in Alabama in early October. As far as answering the eternal question, Is It The Destination or the Ride, KSolo’s answer was predictably, The Ride. I wasn’t surprised there. No matter what part of KSolo DaRyder’s life you are looking at, from his service to our country, to long distance riding, to advocating for other veterans, he certainly is an inspiration and carries his legendary status with ease. It was an absolute pleasure to finally meet face to face with KSolo DaRyder and if I’m lucky, I’ll catch him out on the road some time and get to log some miles with him, but I’ll probably keep it closer to a 500 mile day. Follow along on IG and FB @ksolodaryder and watch the whole interview on our YouTube channel @FullThrottleMagazine.
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine quarters literally just shattered the saddlebag. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Lastly, with less than 300 miles to go in the fatigue stuck again and KSolo went down in the Badlands of South Dakota. “The bike drifted off the highway and down an embankment and it totally just tore up my other saddlebag and my tour pack. So, if you see pictures of me crossing the finishing line, there’s no saddlebags, no tour pack, there was nothing on it.” This third and final “major factor” was worse than it sounds. Both Ksolo and his trusty Harley-Davidson RoadGlide “Ambition IV” were banged up pretty good. Solo’s foot was broken and began swelling in his boot making shift ing unbearable. The bike was in “limp mode” and was unable to go above 55mph safely. “It was a struggle to get it back to the Highway, but once I got it started, I was like ‘We’re going, it’s not over’. My motto is ‘aspire to inspire, be legendary’ so it was all of that that just kicked in and just said, let’s take it home”. Solo does give credit to the true sportsmanship of the second and third finishers, Pat and AJ, who weren’t far behind him, but did not overtake him for the first finisher position.

Benefit Run For Mark McCall
There were many motorcycles parked in the lot when I ar rived. I walked into the bar, and placed a stack of Full Throttle magazines on the registration table before giving my donation for Mark. There were a lot of people who I remembered from the last event at the legion. I was told that Mark was there. He was sitting on the back of a pick-up truck in the shade talk ing to many of his friends. He was very well liked. When the crowd dispersed, I walked up, and talked with him. I wished him well. He is going to have a very long haul. After the Chemo is done, he will have other procedures, and ultimately a heart transplant. He said that his heart was only pumping at about 25% capacity. I could see in his eyes that it was getting to him.“Cuzz” and other members of the Guardians of the Children rode in. It’s always good to visit with “Cuzz”. He said that he’s known Mark for years, and he’s a great guy. The lot was filling up fast, and many bikes had to park along the edge of the driveway. It was a very cordial atmosphere. Everybody walked up to Mark to wish him well before they went inside to register. As the time to depart got closer, the people in charge were getting organized. The road guards were
PIT STOP Hickory’s Oldest Biker Bar! FULL SERVICE BAR DAILY DRINK SPECIALS POOL APPETIZERSTABLESAVAILABLE 828-327-8555 • Open Mon-Fri 1pm; sat-Sun 12pm 651 21st st NE. Hickory, NC 28601 828-855-3097 • Open Noon Everyday 3007 1st Ave. SW. Hickory, NC 28602 BIKER FRIENDLY - COLD BEER - BROWN BAG LICENSE APPETIZERS AVAILABLE FRIDAY & KARAOKESATURDAY Lots Of POKERGREATParkingFORRUNSTOPSOrAGroupParty
By WALLy WerSching n auguSt 6th, there WaS a benefit run for mark McCall, a 50-year-old family man with a wife and two children in their 20’s. One day in June, he woke up, and had to go to the ICU for 6 days because he had trouble breathing. After multiple tests, it was determined that he had congestive heart failure. He was later diagnosed with Cardiac Amyloidosis, a form of cancer. The run was held to raise money for him and his family in their time of need. The run would start at the Kings Mountain American Legion Post 155, then ride to Four Lane Drive in Clover, NC, then to Happy Days Bar in Gastonia, then to the Winners Circle in Gastonia, and finally back to the American Legion Post for food, 50/50 drawing, a live auction, and door prizes.

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54 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
assigned and the road captain called everybody together to explain the route, and the rules of the ride. It was going to be a very large group ride with over a hundred bikes in all. That size could be very tricky and requires the utmost coordination between the riders and the road guards. It was time to leave. “Cuzz” said a prayer, and everybody walked to their bikes. Before long, the sounds of motorcycles filled the air. They were in line waiting for the ride to start. When the road guards blocked off Rt 161, the group left heading south on Rt 161. There were bikes as far as the eye could see. I counted 109 bikes as they left. It was a great turn-out for a fellow biker in need. They rose over $13.000 for Mark and his family. The biker community always takes care of its own. They come together for a great cause.
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SATURDAY, OCT. 15, 2022 | 9:30 A.M.–2:00 P.M. A MINISTRY OF BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION ©2022 BGEA THE BILLY GRAHAM LIBRARY The amazing journey of the shoeboxes begins with you and results in blessing children in need around the world. Since Bikers With Boxes began in 2008, big-hearted bikers have brought thousands of shoeboxes to the Library. You, too, can reach children with the Gospel this year when you bring gift-filled shoeboxes to the Billy Graham Library’s annual Bikers With Boxes charity event. Come for fellowship, music, complimentary lunch, and giveaways. “Let the little children come to Me ... for of such is the kingdom of God.” LUKE 18:16, NKJV For complete details on how to fill a shoebox and gift ideas, please visit SamaritansPurse.org/OCC Shoeboxes are given to Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse. FREE ADMISSION • Monday to Saturday • 9:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 704-401-3200 • 4330 Westmont Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina #bikerswithboxes BillyGrahamLibrary.org

By derek SikeS e Were heading to tWin riverS family campground in Crumpler, NC and opted for the scenic route. It’s a simple route, stay on 58 until you get to Galax, Virginia then head south a few miles. Just north of the North Carolina and Virginia border lies Highway 58, which is the main way to get down to 95 from the south side of Hampton Roads. Most people know about the speed traps in Emporia, they’re legendary, but few people bother staying on 58 west of 85, as it’s not the fastest way to get across Virginia. As you get further west from the scenery slowly changes and when you start seeing signs stating you’re on the historic Crooked Road it gets downright fun. This is when you get into the Blueridge and Appalachian region of Virginia, famous for being the birthplace of Country Music and home of the world’s biggest fiddler convention. The Crooked Road is one of the most fun places I’ve ridden on two wheels. Not as puckering as the Dragon, and not nearly as crowded. We all know there’s hardly a road that ain’t fun once you get in the mountains, but I guess it’s the fact that I can take this road all the way from the beaches and swamp country up into the mountains that makes it special to me.
Tiny’s Tales From The Road Twin Rivers Chopper Reunion
The weather on the coast had been in the 90’s for weeks but finally broke and hinted at the fall weather to come; seventy degrees felt like riding through a blizzard. A quick stop at Lover’s Leap to take in the scenery and then we were back off. No drama to report, the bikes ran fine, the weather was great, and traffic was light. Kind of hard to write an article about a road trip like that. When we finally got to the Twin Rivers Family Campground it was dark. I was dreading the road into the primitive camp ing area but again, no drama there either. They had done a good job of building it back up this season, and the river did a poor job of washing it out, if you’re a glass half empty type of person. Oh, how we biker writers love clichés. As we passed the rave-cave, I noticed that as promised, things were scaled back a bit. No disco lights or DJ’s, I’m not even sure if there was a fire, to be honest. Eventually we found a nice spot between two other tents across the road from Camp Nowhere just above the river and made camp.Twin Rivers Chopper Camp Out is in it’s 5th year now, hopefully going on 6. Zak Gibbons of Mt. Airy has been putting it on with some help from his friends and despite the challenges with weather and logistics it’s always a really good time. Earlier this year it was decided that this year would be more relaxed, no raffle, no entertainment provided, and a short, planned ride into “town” for refreshments. I remember someone talking about how they tried to do a Smokeout West and it never had the same vibe as the legendary Smokeout rallies held in North

58 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Carolina; they attributed this to people out west expecting to show up to an event to be entertained and people down south showing up and entertaining themselves. I thought about that during the event, as everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves. Kinda like a biker Field of Dreams; if you give folks a place to go and roughly a time to be there anywhere in the south it’s going to end up being a party. People are going to bring more than enough food, and if you go home hungry or thirsty it’s going to be your own damn fault. Despite the lack of provisions, a lot of people rode motorcycles and camped; generous folks had us covered if we needed something, and as always, the wonderful people who run the campground had firewood and iceAavailable.lotofpeople have notions about what “old school biker runs” were like, some firsthand, most from the tales told by grizzly old greybeards who been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. Being barely a Generation X’er and almost millennial biker I can’t claim the badge of honor to tell you tales about the wild parties of the 80’s or earlier, but one of the things that I notice looking at old photos of parties in magazines like In the Wind and Easyrider from back then was that it never was all Choppers, there were baggers, stockers, foreign bikes, people came together for the sake of gathering with other people wanting a taste of freedom, to have a good time, and not get hassled by the man, of however that went. Lately, we’ve been seeing a lot more of that at events. It’s easy to live in a bubble and only see and talk to people who have the same niche interests as you, but when you show up to a grass roots motorcycle event that world opens up. I spent a lot of time talking to folks both older and younger than myself and found out all sorts of interesting things and heard a lot of good stories. Also worth mentioning is our good friends Lauren and Alex had a good old fashioned biker wedding officiated by Luke of Holland’s Cycle.
A chopper family reunion is a good way of describing Twin Rivers, that’s exactly what it feels like. Some people you know like brothers and sisters, love like aunts and uncles and some are like strangers like your second cousins twice removed, but by the end you’re a lot like a big chopper family and can’t wait to see them at the next one, whichever one that happens to be.


Poker Chip Run To Benefit Bright Beginnings
By gAry SteeLmAn une 25, uaW 35320 SponSored a poker chip Run to benefit Bright Beginnings. Bright Beginnings is program of the YMCA to help children in need, with clothes and school supplies for the up coming school year. One in six children in America grow up in poverty. This program aids kids with new school clothes and needed supplies for new school year.
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The members of Local 3520 and volunteers will take the kids shopping in the first week of August. Thanks must go out to Sally Miller Rogers, Jon Greene and the host of folks that gave their time organizing, planning this event. This is one ride to look forward to next June. Ride safe.
Join Our
The Run began with a breakfast at the UAW 3520 Union Hall in Statesville, NC and rolled through three counties on the way to Hart American Legion post in Salisbury, NC. It was a scenic ride with a PSD (Public Safety Demonstration), an un-named rider politely and unselfishly demonstrated what happens when you ride into a pile of pea gravel at an intersec tion while trying desperately to stop. Quite an effective dem onstration. No one suffered injury, well physically anyway. The door prizes and BBQ after the ride were excellent and the band was jamming. All of the winners did the right thing and donated their winnings back to the cause, helping the kids. This first Annual Poker Chip Run, raised over $5,500 for Bright Beginnings, not bad for a first run.

By: LincoLn infieLd
August 13 was a beautiful day to be at smokin’ Harley-Davidson for the Leather Up For Lupus Ride hosted by EnVY Motorcycle Club and Presented by Beautiful Butterflies Inc. Event coordina tor Jacquin Long’s cousin Keva Brooks Napper has been thriving through Lupus for 19 years and desires to see others battling any type of invisible illness do the same. To this end, she founded Beautiful Butterflies Inc., a nonprofit foundation used to bring awareness and education on Lupus and other illnesses. As an Event Coordinator within Beautiful Butterflies who rides a Harley-Davidson Softail, Jacquin decided to use her passion and Keva’s organization to bring awareness to a systemic disease. As a result, they came up with Leather Up for Lupus. Lupus is a long-term autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks healthy tissue. Due to its complex nature, lupus is sometimes known as the “disease of a thousand faces.” According to the Lupus Foundation of America, people report around 16,000 new cases of lupus in the United States each year, and up to 1.5 million people may be living with the condition in the U.S. There was no lack of support for this ride and sport bikes and cruisers alike rolled in and lined up in front of the dealer ship. Vendors were set up under the awning, the grill was get ting fired up and the DJ was floating tunes across the lot. The Beautiful Butterflies group was set up under a Smokin’ H-D tent registering riders and selling Leather Up For Lupus ride shirts. I ran into event coordinator Jacquin Long who was busy making sure all the riders were welcomed and knew where to get signed up. You couldn’t miss her, as she was siting on a gorgeous purple Heritage Softail. As the morning progressed the lineup of bikes swelled and it wasn’t long before Jacquin was on the mic giving pre-ride instructions to the riders. The group got together for a group photo. Everyone put up their hand with their thumb out to make an L for lupus in the photo. Then it was time to ride, the bikes fired up and headed out on a nice loop out through the county before returning to Smokin’ Harley-Davidson for food and fellowship. The day ended and the 30 plus riders and attendees raised over $1000 for Beautiful Butterflies Inc. It was a sure success for this first charity ride and I look forward to next year’s ride.
Jacquin commented, “Leather Up for Lupus was the perfect display of the community coming together to show support, strength, and inspiration all while embracing a passion. Beau tiful Butterflies and I would like to thank each and everyone who came out to support & bring awareness and education to Lupus.” If you couldn’t make the ride and still want to donate, you can go to mybeautifulbutterflies.com and click on the “Donate Today” button to help out. Otherwise keep your eyes on The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine Cruisin’ Calendar for upcoming rides!
Leather Up For Lupus


By: Len “3 WheeL” montgomery
Altogether somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,500 was raised for Kelly Winnie. Normally, I would tell you about the discussion I had with the family, but this time, I believe Kelly herself wrote the per fect ending to this story, so I will defer to her Facebook post.
” I just want to take the time out to thank everyone that has reached out to check on me and my girl and for the love and support you all have shown Taylor Marley and I during this crazy difficult time. Scott Winnie is one of the best people I know, and I was shown how much he has impacted so many lives. His soul was just amazing. He definitely knew how to show love to everyone. And even though we weren’t together super long, we felt like we’d been married and in love for 50 plus years and that is the best feeling in the world. He always reminded me that I was his soulmate, and he was right. We were perfectly in love with each other. It didn’t matter if my day sucked, I always got to come home to that
Cancer Sucks Poker Run
Onbegan.thisrun I stayed behind to cook some of the best damn chicken you ever tasted. I used my “Not Yet Famous” home made BBQ sauce. (Yes, I plan to start selling it soon) The ride hit several favorite local spots: White Oak Bar and Grill in Garner, Corkie’s Bar in Willow Spring, Big Daddy’s Road house in Fuquay Varina, and ended back at 301 Brothers clubhouse.Inaddition to the chicken plates sold, which included every single piece of the 120 pounds cooked, there was a raffle with everything from saddle bags, leather jacket, collectors H-D paraphernalia, even a Craftsman tool set. Plus, a 50/50 raffle.
ix WeekS ago, moSt of the memberS of 301 brothers had never heard of Scott and Kelly Winnie. But we were willing to help anyway. So, in typical biker fashion, we quickly put together a Cancer Sucks Poker Run to raise money for this family. You see, in September 2020, while everyone else was focused on Covid-19, Scott and Kelly’s world changed in a different way. Scott was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Can cer. Now I am certainly not a doctor, but the word CANCER certainly can’t be good. Scott began radiation in November 2020, which ran for five weeks, while simultaneously taking the chemo pill. Since that time, Scott went through five differ ent types of chemo. By March 2022 Scott had become too ill to work. And as his primary caregiver, his wife Kelly was also unable to work and give him the care he needed from home. As the saying goes, “There but for the grace of God go I.” Knowing how fortunate we are, we were honored to be able to help Scott in his time of need. By mid-July we had planned the run, created flyers and had just begun to spread the news when tragedy struck a fatal Blow. On July 25th, Scott lost his battle to cancer and gained his wings. I am struck by the loss of someone I never met. But we determined that we would proceed and help his wife with whatever expenses she needed to take care of. August 13th was a “perfect” riding day. No rain. And the temperature topped out in the low to mid 80’s. Registration began at 10am and by 11:30 am, there were around 50 bikes ready to roll out. A quick prayer for everyone’s safety and the run

65www.FullThrottleMagazine.com amazing smile and I got to listen to his heartbeat as he would hold me. I know I’ll never find that kind of love ever again and I’m ok with that. He set the bar high and I’m thank ful for that because now I truly know my worth. Thank you to my family for sticking by me through my breakdowns and picking me back up when I couldn’t seem to find the strength to do it on my own. Y’all have been so amazing and I am so blessed to have you all in my life. To my VCP family, y’all will never know in this lifetime how much y’all mean to me. I love y’all so very much! To my Benson Health family, thank you all for being there for your girl. The many, many hugs, calls and texts mean the world to me. I love you all so very much!! Thank you again to my newfound family the 301 Brothers. From the ride with the best views, the drinks, the laughs and some really happy tears on my part, everything was just amazing! I can never thank y’all enough! We are truly blessed and we are thankful for every single one of you. If you don’t mind, y’all please keep those prayers coming. This has been really hard for us, but I know we will get through it. Just gotta take it one day at a time. Watch over us baby, my forever angel. I’ll love you forever and always with everything in me! HONDA OF WINSTON-SALEM 6209 Ramada Drive, Clemmons, NC (336) 765-0330 • www.HondaWS.com

After all, it’s a beautiful day for a ride. I check my watch & notice that it’s nearing 11am, which is when our favorite wing joint opens on a Sunday, feeling kinda disappointed. Well, hell, we rounded the next corner & there’s, you guessed it, our favorite wing joint!!! HoneyBun pulls in & I smile. After we were seated, I say, “Were you trying to confuse me?” His Cheshire Grin answered that ques tion!
From The Bitch Pad My Sneaky Man
By: kAthy Lynn PArneLL y “partner in crime” likeS to SurpriSe me. It’s his “thang”. So, over time, I prepare for anything & everything, mostly. Of course, we have a favorite wing joint. Bikes, Beers & Wings. Isn’t that what a ride is all about? So, I say, “Let’s get on the bike & go around the block.” We did. HoneyBun took a familiar route. (I really should pay more attention, but I don’t. I get lost in malls.) I took note of that first turn. Hmm, maybe we’re off to our favorite wing joint? Hope springs eternal. And, I can’t say anything cuz that would ruin the surprise, now wouldn’t it? When I saw the exit sign, which is the next clue in the mystery, I’m starting to salivate. Whoo! Hoo! Wings! But, then he turns right instead of left. Well, crap, no ‘extra hot’ wings for me today! Damn! We pass several chain restau rants & a few others. Now I’m thinking that maybe we aren’t stopping for a bite at all & I make my peace with myself, “That’s okay.”

“Apex factory custom paint gives riders the opportunity to express the thrill of speed and competition on the bodywork of their bagger,” said Brad Richards, VP of Design and Creative Director – Motorcycles. “This paint scheme communicates velocity and forward momentum with lines and colors inspired by Harley-Davidson® competition motorcycles.”
Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories will offer Tour-Pak® luggage carriers and custom front fenders painted to match the Apex paint scheme. This will allow riders to further customize a motorcycle ordered with Apex factory custom paint. See a local authorized Harley-Davidson® dealer for details on ordering a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle and accessories with Apex factory custom paint.
• Road Glide® Limited model (Chrome and Black trim versions)
• Street Glide® Special model (Chrome and Black trim versions)
H-D Legacy of Competition Inspires Custom Paint for Nine Touring Models
Harley-Davidson Reveals New Apex Factory Custom Paint
• Ultra Limited model (Chrome and Black trim versions)
68 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine
• Road Glide® Special model (Chrome and Black trim versions)
miLWAukee (AuguSt 5, 2022)
arley-davidSon today revealed the neW apex factory custom paint option for select Har ley-Davidson® Grand American Touring models. The dynamic new paint scheme debuts at the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Apex custom paint is inspired by the long and successful competition history of Harley-Davidson, the world’s most iconic motorcycle brand. A racing legacy established more than a century ago in hill climbs, enduros, and fairground flat tracks continues today as the HarleyDavidson® Screamin’ Eagle® factory team defends its 2021 MotoAmerica King of the Baggers championship.
The color scheme starts with a base of Vivid Black paint.
The Apex paint scheme features a graphic outline on the fuel tank which mimics the shape of the tank on the legendary Harley-Davidson® XR750 flat track racing motorcycle. On models with a fairing the graphic sweeps back to align with the tank graphic and leads with an angle that suggests speed. The lines on the front fender connect visually to those on the side covers and saddlebags, creating a flowing effect. When viewed in profile, the motorcycle appears to be in motion.
• Road King® Special model
A graphic element adds Gauntlet Gray panels surrounded by an accent stripe of Jet Fire Orange – the original color applied to the XR750 competition models. Each panel is designed with inner drop shadows and a subtle Bar & Shield pattern that fades in and out throughout the scheme. This fade effect was inspired by the checkered fade seen on Harley-Davidson Factory Team race bikes. Clear coat paint is applied as a final layer. The Apex custom paint is applied in-house at HarleyDavidson York Vehicle Assembly and Harley-Davidson Toma hawkTheOperations.Apexcustom paint will be offered globally for the remainder of the 2022 model ordering period as a factoryinstalled option for nine Harley-Davidson Grand American Touring models:

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“It get’s a lot of attention though, It’s a love hate relationship for sure” Justin concluded.
Justin’s 1971 Shovelhead Chopper started life as a FLH and was, like all real choppers, built in basement. It was meant to be debuted at the Smokeout in 2014. The bike was built in time, but this kick only shovelhead, was a little stubborn to fire up. This exhausting fact earned the bike its name, Shirley, as in “Surely the bike will start this time”. Justin still made the Smokeout that year just on his 1976 FLH, which you may see in an upcoming issue. Shirley is a stock 74cu in 1200 Shovelhead that is running “a little higher compression pistons than stock, but as far as bore and stroke, it’s all stock”. Justin’s friends Randall Shaffer and Dano Simmons both had a hand in getting Shirley road ready. This is actually the 4th version Shirley. It’s been from a hardtail wish bone frame with a stock length springer front end and spoke wheels then back to the original swingarm frame for version 3. Justin didn’t get finished with that look before he changed his mind and put it in the current jammer hardtail frame with the current 4 over springer front end and Led Sled invader wheels. One thing that has remained through all the changes is the tins. Justin has left the “Purnurple” paint on the same tank and fender and has run them on each version. Although Shirley stays true to the meaning of her name, Justin does put some miles on her, most recently down to Leland, NC for the Run To The Ranch event. “That’s the longest trip this one has been on so far, it’s about 200 miles each way” Justin said. Naturally everyone gathers around to watch him kick Shir ley, some times for most of the evening. But I have personally seen her turnover on the first kick, just not often.

People & Places72

People & Places 73

A police officer called the station on his radio. “I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped.” “Have you ar rested the woman?” “Not yet. The floor’s still Twowet.”Irish
The saleslady responded. “It is all really quite simple. The Catholic bra supports the masses, the Salvation Army lifts up the fallen, and the Presbyterian bra keeps them staunch and upright.” He mused on that information for a minute and said: “Hmm. I know I’ll regret asking, but what does the Jewish bra do?” “Ah, the Jewish bra,” she replied “makes mountains out of molehills.
A biker is passing the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her under the eyes of her scream ing parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whim pering from the pain the lion jumps back, letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A New York Times reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter says, “Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life.” The biker replies, “Why, it was noth ing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right.” The reporter says, “Well, I’m a journalist from the New York Times, and tomorrow’s paper will have this story on the front page… so, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?” The biker replies, “I’m a U.S. Marine and a Republican.” The follow ing morning the biker buys The New York Times to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: “U.S.
HamburgerChickenCheeseburger2.99-3.99Sandwich- 4.99 Hand Jobs - 19.99 The crusty old biker waves the bartender down, and up walks this tall, busty, beauti ful redhead in her mid-twenties. She smiles at the biker coyly, and he asks in a quiet voice “Are you the one who gives the hand jobs?” The bartender blushes slightly and says “Yes, I am” with a sexy little smile. The biker grins and says, “Well wash your hands, because I want a cheeseburger.”
She was standing in the kitchen, prepar ing our usual soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, wearing only the t-shirt that she normally slept in. As I walked in, almost awake, she turned to me and said softly, “You’ve got to make love to me this very moment!” My eyes lit up and I thought, “I am either still dreaming or this is going to be my lucky day.” Not wanting to lose the moment, I embraced her and then gave it my all; right there on the kitchen table. Af terwards, she said, “Thanks,” and returned to the stove, her t-shirt still around her neck. Happy, but a little puzzled, I asked, “What was that all about?” She explained, “The egg timer is broken.”
farmers are walking down a road towards the pub, after a long days work, when they hear a motorcycle behind them. They are totally shocked to find that when the bike passes them, the biker is headless.
The two old men shake their heads and continue to walk down the road. After a few minutes, Mick, who’s walking along the in side, turns to his companion and says, “You know what Shamus, I be thinkin’ dat maybe you should be carryin’ dat dere scythe on yer other shoulder!”
74 The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine staff screens hundreds of jokes each month. We make no claim to being politically correct. Most PC jokes just aren’t funny. If you are offended by any of the jokes on this page, take heart in the fact that we go to great lengths to offend everyone equally. This is not a hate crime! At our house we call it “pickin” and it is symbolic of your acceptance in the group. We live in the United States Of The Offended, so get over it!! A husband is reporting his wife to an of ficer. Husband: My wife is missing. She went shopping yesterday and has not come home. Officer: Age? Husband: I’m not sure. Around 40, we don’t do birthdays. Officer: Height? Husband: I’m not sure. A little over five-feet tall. Officer: Weight? Husband: Don’t know. Not slim, not really fat. Officer: Color of eyes? Husband: Sort of brown, I think. Officer: Color of hair? Husband: Changes a couple a times a year. Maybe dark brown now. I can’t remember.
Officer: What was she wearing? Husband: Could have been pants, or maybe a skirt, or shorts. I don’t know exactly. Officer: What kind of car did she go in? Husband: She want on my motorcycle. Officer: What kind of motorcycle? Husband: A 2022 Har ley Davidson Road Glide, Twisted Cherry with 14” apes, stage 2 kit, Vance & Hines fishtail pipes, Klock Werks windshield, JP Cycles foot boards, highway pegs and crash bars...At this point the husband started chocking up. Officer: Take it easy sir, we’ll find your motorcycle.
A truck driver stopped at a roadside diner for lunch and ordered a cheeseburger, coffee and a slice of apple pie. As he was about to eat, three bikers walked in. One grabbed the trucker’s cheeseburger and took a huge bite from it. The second one drank the trucker’s coffee, and the third wolfed down his apple pie. The truck driver didn’t say a word as he paid the waitress and left. As the waitress walked up, one of the motorcyclists growled, “He ain’t much of a man, is he?” “He’s not much of a driver, either,” the waitress re plied. “He just backed his 18-wheeler over three motorcycles.”
A biker walks into a bar and sits down on a bar stool near the end of the bar. He takes a look at the menu and it reads as follows:
A young Jewish man walks into the Linge rie Department of Macy’s in New York. He tells the saleslady, “I would like a Jewish bra for my wife size 34 B.” With a quizzi cal look the saleslady asked, “What kind of bra?” He repeated, “A Jewish bra. She said to tell you that she wanted a Jewish bra, and that you would know what she wanted.” “Ah, now I remember,” said the saleslady. “We don’t get as many requests for them as we used to. Most of our cus tomers lately want the Catholic bra, or the Salvation Army bra, or the Presbyterian bra.” Confused, and a little flustered, the man asked, “So, what are the differences?”
The two men look at each other and shrug. They continue down the road because the call of the pub is getting stronger. As they go, a cyclist comes up behind them and, on passing them, he too is seen to be headless.