AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHT COCKTAILS Gustav Temple follows in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg with cocktail shaker and swizzle stick in hand, to sample the cocktails from each city he visited on his circumnavigation
Brindisi, Italy
here are as many cocktails as there are cities in the world, and Phileas Fogg’s route in Around the World in 80 Days took him through some of the major drinking centres of the globe. It is not recorded in Jules Verne’s book what particular tipples his adventuring hero partook of while passing through Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco or New York. So as an addendum to both the book and the new television adaptation, we have compiled a list of cocktails, with their recipes, whose origins are in or very near each of the eight cities Phileas Fogg passed through on his journey around the world.
NEGRONI Phileas Fogg’s first port of call on his transglobal adventure was Brindisi in southern Italy. Not a city particularly known for its cocktails, we must look further north to Milan, where a popular drink invented at the Caffe Camparnino in the 1860s was the Milano-Torino, made with equal parts of Campari and Amaro Cora. The owner’s name was Gaspare Campari. Visiting Americans requested the addition of a splash of soda water and this new version became known as the Americano. Fast forward to 1919, when Count Camillo