3 minute read
Min City
Currently in Mexico, territorial planning and management are mainly conceived for urban areas, leaving large gaps and environmental imbalances in the management and planning of rural and suburban areas.

Desigualdad económica en México (CEEY, 2020)
When we talk about inequality, images such as those shown in Figures 1 and 2 come to mind. One of the problems we face with suburbanization is the creation of boundaries where the separation between different socioeconomic levels is clearly visible.
These in return generate certain problems such as disconnection in the creation of borders and boundaries, environmental impact, social inequality, lack of nearby services, marginalization and urban poverty.

Riqueza y distribución (Sanchéz N., 2018)

One of the answers to this expansive model of cities comes from the analysis carried out last semester in the city of Querétaro based on the “City of 15
The 15-minute city proposes to focus on fair times and distances for the human scale, placing work and housing areas as the center of measurement, with the objective of socially linking the inhabitants and as a consequence of the proxemics, activating the local economy so that businesses arise to meet the needs of these inhabitants, therefore promoting the generation of decent jobs.
The concept of “compact cities” has been discussed and analyzed by various sciences throughout the years, in order to improve urban conditions that directly impact their communities.
According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mexico is among the 12 countries with the greatest social disparity.

Based on last semester’s research, the districts and areas that make up the city were analyzed and qualified by their level of marginalization, population and throughout Maslow’s pyramid.
This analysis gave as a result, 7 districts in a “critical” condition, which means they lack essential elements such as: public space, connection to the context, and infrastructure necessary for their inhabitants to reach self-realization, among the districts is “El Pueblito”.

What made us choose “El Pueblito” among the 7 critical districts, is its potential and opportunities that arise in the research of last semester, which go hand in hand with both the Municipal Development Plan of Corregidora and especially with our position towards the cities of the future, which gives us the possibility of combining visions based on regeneration.
Through these three aspects (analysis of the 15 min City, Municipal Plan, regenerative posture), we arrive at an initial diagnosis where the Pueblito mainly lacks of recreational equipment, natural areas, pedestrian prioritization and has great economic, natural and patrimonial potential.

Going deeper into what is stated in the Municipal Development Plan, we link this information to the lack of a rainwater catchment system and water
management in general.
The non-existing landmarks, nodes and urban trails are also mentioned, especially the lack of articulation and insufficient resources for “El Pueblito´s” historical heritage, which could be a source of image and urban identity, helping boost its socioeconomic development, appropriation
and social cohesion.
In the economic aspect, based on INEGI 2010, currently in Corregidora only 59% of the population is economically active while 41% is unemployed. Those who are active, mainly work in the tertiary sector and within the municipality, which not only makes us understand the importance of generating a sustainable economy, but also see a lack of recreational facilities, education and commercial supply, which in this case are extremely necessary, due to the fact that most of the population live nearby their work.
(Gobierno Corregidora, 2021)

Are we building cities of the future to have cities of the future? (Boyson O., 2016).
The growth of cities directly and indirectly generates social problems of disparity and inequality among the population. The circumstances of internal neighborhoods are not fully adapted and begin to create physical contrasts within the social fabric, creating limits and physical boundaries, and disconnection due to the lack of nearby services, not to mention the major negative environmental impact.
Pueblito: Location and Description
Cerrito Pyramid
Pueblito River
Analysis by axes