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Regenerative Theory
The Regenerative District is based on the diagnosis previously mentioned and the need for a theoretical framework to verify the conditions and opportunities of the Pueblito, in order to generate a future vision supported by regeneration, this where the theory of the “Regenerative System” is analyzed.
The concept is inspired by the motivation to give back to the planet and the ecosystem more of what it has given us. Based on Daniel Whal (master in sustainability), he mentions that within a scale of return to nature, one has to improve and move beyond the conventional practice. In accordance with this methodology, this diagram was taken as the foundation and basis for decisions making within our process, in order to generate positive returns not only for the environment but also for the local economy, social welfare and historical context.
This theory allows us to locate and analyze the current conditions of the Pueblito in the Regenerative Diagram, which are divided into 4 main axes: Economic, Social, Environmental and