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Pueblito: Location and Description
The topography of Pueblito is very steep, as can be seen in the area of “El Cerrito” and in the neighborhood “Los Vergeles”, which indirectly or directly generates physical barriers within the district.
The study of the socioeconomic levels done by INEGI, (2019) reported that the inequality and disparity existing in “El Pueblito” is very high, also the areas of lower socioeconomic levels are right next to high socioeconomic level neighborhoods, a condition that along with the roads promotes disparity, by acting as social boundaries, generating class division and a community with social segregation.
The analysis also identified a numerous number of barren fields or “wasted spaces”, in this area, especially in front of the archaeological area of “El Cerrito”, a big lot which is extremely isolated and has topographic limitations. This space could be considered as “a no man’s land”, without identity, which we believe turns the pyramid into a limit instead of a great landmark.
Symbology - Physical Barriers
Direct limits
Indirect limits