We are very excited to give you the first of our Corona-Care Guides. This guide focuses on Immunity Boosting Nutrition introducing you to your immune system, its function, and its wants & needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Written by Michelle Adams BSc (Hons) MBAcC LicAc MSc PhD, Traditional Chinese and Five Element Acupuncturist, Nutritionist.
“We are all aware of the combat system that is our immune system. We will have experienced with it often various times in the year, only noticing it when we are not in 100% health. It is a part of us that is overlooked for other aspects, unfortunately in our wellness programmes. Weight loss, hair, skin care and fitness are often higher priorities than supporting and nourishing immunity. We rarely prioritise prevention prior to realising there maybe a deficiency or weak spot. So, how much do we really know about our immune systems?”