Clutch Fall 2015

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Fall 2015 • Complimentary


For the warrior in all of us You’re proud of your active lifestyle. Don’t let injuries hold you physical therapy when you need it.

Lynchburg Locations: Jamerson Family YMCA 434.237.8160 Neuroscience Center 434.200.5781 Centra Virginia Baptist Hospital 434.200.4668 Center for Pelvic Health 434.200.6623 Centra Lynchburg Medical Center 434.200.7860 Surrounding Communities: Bedford 540.587.3246 Gretna 434.656.4607 Danville 434.797.1384 Farmville 434.315.2920 Keysville 434.315.2920




Actual patient, Alex

Get ready this fall. Fall brings many events - sports, hayrides and bonfires to name a few. No matter the activity, your smile is important! Central Virginia Orthodontics can help you achieve the perfect smile while providing excellent care with state-of-the-art technology in a warm, relaxing atmosphere.

Dr. Eric Baugher | Dr. Jennifer Claiborne

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Jennifer Prince CREATIVE DIRECTOR Photo by LaShonda Delivuk

Stephanie Budd

Dear Friend,


Bean Tree



Bowen Jewelry Company


The flavors, the crispness in the air

Meggan Robinson

and the readjusting to a somewhat


normal schedule are

Shella Baker

Carilion Clinic

Back Inside Cover

Back Cover

Centra Rehabilitation

Kimberly Feldkamp

all so refreshing!


At Home with Centra

Amber Ingram

Fall is always so welcome to me.


Front Inside Cover

Central Virginia Orthodontics


Tea Hadzic

As we enter the autumn season, I

Laura Mitchell

am excited about our focus – not

Joy L Niehaus

Club Z!


Estates Revisited


Jennifer Prince

just for this issue but also for


Deirdre Serio

our magazine as a whole. We are

Paula Skulina

striving to inspire women in

Deidre Stone

Get! Downtown

Hilary Sutton

their life’s journey.

9 22

Gladiola Girls


Jennifer Whitt Grand Home Furnishings

Whether that is through

Michelle Williams

discovering a new recipe, spending

Henry B Wilson

time with family or exploring the


region, we hope that you gain new

Bella Muse Photography Kristin Dunker Photography

Grandin CoLab


Hill City Bride


Opera on the James



ideas and learn more about our wonderful area through our pages.

In our summer issue, our author for Finding Fertility was Stephanie Specht of Carilion Clinic, not Peggy Karpenske, RN.

Pastiche at Main


Priority One Properties


you, use #clutchinspires!

Reid’s Fine Furnishings


Our Onetober focus this year

The Art Box

is domestic violence, so join us

Thomas Road Baptist Church

If you want to share what inspires

in donning the color purple all


Westminster Canterbury

month long as we strive to bring

16 5

awareness and help those who are in devastating situations. So, throw on a scarf, grab a pumpkin flavored something or other (yes, I did go there!), and join us for our fall issue. Enjoy!

cover photo by Visions by Heather clutch, the girl’s guide to everything essential is a quarterly publication. To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224 Copyright 2015 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.






inside this issue DI-WHY NOT? pg 4


ENDING THE VIOLENCE pg 6 INSPIRING WOMEN pg 28 awareness for a cause ladies who motivate FALL INTO A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR pg 12

THEMED GATHERINGS pg 32 ideas for get togethers

FLOURISH pg 14 getting back to normal


A SIMPLE CIDER BAR pg 17 entertain with fall flavors

FLOURISH pg 36 considering cosmetic surgery



Photo by Kristin Dunker Photography


DI-Why Not?

WOOD SLICE COASTERS One of fall’s pleasures is cozy time spent with a warm drink - either on the porch, by the fire, or on the sofa. No matter what your beverage choice, these coasters will protect your furniture and add a bit of fall flair to your decor. Supplies

Instructions 1. Purchase wood slices from a craft store or cut your own from a tree branch and sand if needed. 2. Select desired fall images and save to a Word document. The images shown are from 3. Cut a sheet of wax paper slightly larger than a sheet of printer paper. Put the waxed paper on top of the printer paper, fold the excess wax paper over the edges of the printer paper, and tape in place on the back. This step is necessary

Wood slices - cut your own or purchase from a craft shop Computer, printer, and paper Wax paper

to prevent the wax paper from jamming the printer. Print images onto the wax paper, being careful not to touch them as the ink will easily smear. 4. Cut images out, being careful not to touch the ink. Place the image ink side down on the wood slice and rub with a credit card to transfer the image to the wood. 5. Seal wood slices with acrylic spray sealer to protect the images. 6. Place coasters on your table to enjoy this fall.

Other Ideas • Drill a hole in the top of a wood slice,

Clear tape

and use it as a gift bag decoration.

Credit card Clear acrylic wood sealer Paula Skulina is a teacher by day and in her free time enjoys biking, decorating and cooking. Visit her DIY filled blog at

• Display a coaster as part of a fall vignette on a table or a mantel. • Entertain children by having them count the rings to see how old the tree was when it was cut down. Photos by Paula Skulina


ItsYourTime7x10Ad_Fall2015Clutch_Layout 1 1/29/15 1:03 PM Page 1

Experience Life Refreshed.

It’s Your Time Come to Westminster Canterbury and focus on the life you love. It’s your time to swim in our indoor heated saltwater pool, dine in one of our fine restaurants, walk the dog, plant a vegetable garden or join in one of our never-ending activities. All without chores or checklists. Retire with peace of mind—for you…for your family. We offer maintenance free living, 24-hour security, a financial safety net and a LifeCare program that’s nationally recognized by the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission. It’s your time for Life Refreshed. We’ll take care of the rest. Start planning your future and experience Life Refreshed. Call Laura Hunter to schedule a tour, (434) 386-3305 or (800) 962-3520

A LifeCare Retirement Community 501 V.E.S. Road, Lynchburg, VA 24503 5

ENDING THE VIOLENCE Autumn’s arrival brings cooler

ending when it comes to the topic

through events such as CenterFest

temperatures, which causes us to

of domestic violence. Daily living it,

and by specially designated purple

retreat indoors. Evenings spent on

there is no liberation or option to turn

law enforcement cars, they are raising

the deck are traded for cozy nights

away. And it’s time for that to stop.

awareness by being proactive.

taking in a movie or binge-watching

October is a fitting time to bring light

The Director of BDVS, L. Leanne

our favorite Netflix series. No matter

to this topic as the National Coalition

Dudley, MSW has worked at the

the genre of choice – comedy, drama

Against Domestic Violence in 1981

agency for over 14 years. After serving

or documentary – the scenarios

designated October as a month of

as a relief worker at the shelter, she

presented on the screen often remain

unity. Taking cues from the military’s

decided to invest in their programs

in our minds. We chuckle days later

Purple Heart honoring those who

full time. “My mother worked for

when recalling a funny sequence,

were wounded while serving, the color

Bedford Department of Social Services

or we are haunted by lingering

purple was chosen to be a symbol of

for the majority of my life, so it felt

uneasiness after seeing portrayed

peace, courage, survival, honor and

like a natural progression for me to be

moments of peril.

dedication to ending the violence.

involved with a human service agency.

Movies such as Sleeping with the

There are many local agencies

I was offered the position of Shelter

Enemy, Enough and The Burning Bed

dedicated to that symbolism, one

Manager and over the years worked

are of the latter type. If you are

of those being Bedford Domestic

my way up until I became the Director

unfamiliar with these films, they

Violence Services (BDVS). Spreading

almost five years ago.”

cover the topic of domestic violence -

the word about their programs

Having years of experience and

a subject that offers a feeling of relief for the viewer once the movie finally

NEED HELP? We urge you to call one of these free, confidential 24-hour

ends and we can turn away from the

hotlines below. If you have questions or find yourself in immediate need, there

graphic images. The lead actresses in

are trained people in place to help, and you can remain anonymous if you wish.

those films – Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez and Farrah Fawcett – heard

· National Hotline – (800) 799-7233,

the word “cut” and were able to stop

· Bedford – BDVS (540) 587-0970,

acting and return to a safe, secure

· Lynchburg – YWCA (888) 528-1041


· Roanoke – TAP (540) 580-0775,

Unfortunately, for many area women

· Roanoke – Turning Point (540) 345-0400,

(and men), there is no promise of an 6

#clutchinspires Want to jump in and support Domestic Violence Prevention Month? Join us for this year’s Onetober project! Each day during the month of October, commit to wearing something purple. Whether you decide to wear the same scarf each day or choose to mix it up and wear a different item every day, be sure to use #onetober so we can see what you are up to! Feel free to also use our new #clutchinspires to bring awareness. Let’s join in this fight and spread awareness together!

a heart for helping local victims,

L: When they feel they can. It is easy

Leanne answered our questions about

for me to say from my safe office that

domestic violence, steps to take and

victims should contact my agency

how to help others in need.

immediately, but that is not always

J: What is the definition of domestic

an option. I would want a woman in


this situation to know that there are

L: Domestic violence is an intentional pattern of abusive behaviors used by one individual to exert power and control over another individual in the context of an intimate relationship. J: Why is this an issue that victims tend to cover up and/or not seek help with? L: This is a very scary and embarrassing situation. Domestic violence tends to not occur on the first date; it happens slowly over time. While we as a society have come a long way in the movement to bring the cause into the light and provide safeguards for those affected, it is still underreported. This goes back to the victims knowing their batterer far better than any of us. What my staff and I know are the dynamics and probabilities of what a batterer may do, but our clients are the experts on their family. J: When should a victim seek help?

agencies out there that will support them and not tell them what they need to do but rather provide them with education and options. When they call a hotline, they do not need to provide any identifiable information. They can call to talk about what is going on and create a support system for them so they can take that next step. A lot of the women are not sure if what they are experiencing is domestic violence. We take that moment to engage with the caller and gather more information about their situation. There may not be any physical violence yet, but there may be other things such as verbal or economic abuse.

If you have a friend you know or suspect needs help, here are tips on how you can help. · Let your friend know that you are there to help (and possibly that you suspect she is in a difficult situation). · Allow your friend to talk when she is ready.

J: After a victim contacts the hotline,

· Listen.

what is the next step?

· Be familiar with local resources

L: It is up to them where we go from there. We are about

that can be helpful. · Show kindness and support.

self-determination and empowering 7

clients to take whatever steps would

emails, phones and other devices.

BEDFORD DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES is available to help answer questions and also aid victims if and when they are ready and at the comfort level of the client. Here are their statistics from the 2014-2015 fiscal year.

be best to maintain their safety. Each

J: What happens to the attacker, and what

person has their own special and

options are there to keep a victim safe?

· hotline calls – 5120 answered

Orders, entering a shelter, counseling

· walk-in center – assisted 276 clients

and/or relocation]. We want to help

· emergency shelter – provided 754 nights of emergency shelter

not create additional stress.

· court hearings – attended 332 hearings

resources are available for her? L: Our agency offers emergency

· victims – 90% female, 10% male

court date for a Permanent Protective

shelter for up to three months, where

Order, where both the victim and

· provided aid to more than 100 children

there is no financial cost associated

batterer are present at court. This

with being in the shelter. We will talk

order can be as long as two years.

with her about what she would like to

There are also batterer intervention

see happen. If she needs to relocate,

groups that batterers could be

Domestic violence isn’t just

then my agency pays for a bus or

ordered to attend.

physical abuse. It can take on

train ticket.

many other forms.

If there is anything else that the

· verbal abuse

individual needs, we will look for

· financial abuse

resources to cover the cost. If the lady

· sexual abuse

would like to stay in the area, she

· economic abuse · use of coercion and threats · intimidation

unique needs, and it is the job of my staff and myself to help that person down whichever direction they choose to take [obtaining Protective

individuals and be a support system,

J: If a woman has to leave, what

can work with the Shelter Manager on creating a resume and looking for gainful employment.

L: This depends on the situation. If law enforcement was contacted, the batterer could be arrested. If not, the victim still has the option of going to the magistrate’s office and obtaining the charges on her own. There is the option of going to court to request a Preliminary Protective Order, which if granted will last 15 days. Then there will be another

J: How is success measured? L: Success is very individualized. Each person gets to decide what they feel is successful for them and their family. For one person it may be leaving the relationship, establishing independence and locating selfsufficient housing. For another it may

When a woman decides to leave that

be staying with their partner after

can be the most dangerous time for

· minimizing

the batterer completed a batterers’

her. So we safety plan with her and

intervention program.

· denying

talk about modifying her schedule,

· blaming

changing routines and passwords to

· isolation


For our shelter we have a less than 2%

THOMAS JEFFERSON CROSSINGS F O R E S T, VA | 4 3 4 . 2 3 7.6 3 0 1 9

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6/12/15 5:21 PM

recidivism rate. People think that it is

potential to be murdered. Knowing

a pattern for victims, and that is not

that, I attempt to do all that I can


necessarily true.

to ensure that I have provided all


J: I know this is a difficult question, but

the information and referrals and


have you seen unsuccessful cases?

thought the case through every

L: Unfortunately, we have had

scenario that I could.

· On September 7 local clergy will play against area first

homicides in Bedford that were a

I like to think that one day my job

responders for a benefit

direct result of domestic violence. In

will no longer be needed, but it is a

softball game.

some of the cases, it was out of the

beautiful idea that will not come to

blue and none of us saw it coming.


There was one client that had filed

J: What about recovery and

features music, food, and both

charges, obtained a Protective Order

the future?

a live and silent auction.

and even moved out of the locality.

L: It is important to know is that it

So, on paper, she “did everything she

is absolutely possible to recover and

should have”, but that still did not

become stronger. When a person

stop her batterer from killing her.

is in an abusive relationship that

I try and look at each case and give it

seems like such a foreign concept,

the respect it deserves, which means

but it is possible.

that each lady I work with has the


· The annual Purple Gala takes place on October 22, and

Photos provided by Bedford Domestic Violence Services Along with being passionate about inspiring women and bettering their life’s journey, Jennifer Prince enjoys time with family and fostering kittens.

Bleed: Artwork that reaches the cutline needs to extend to the edge of the red line Cut Lines: This is where your artwork will be trimmed Safety: All text must be kept within the blue line

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FALL INTO A SUCCESSFUL STUDY SCHOOL YEAR: 5 HABITS Now that summer has come to an end, it is time to start preparing for another school year. Many of the study and organizational skills that will help your child become more academically successful are not learned or taught in the classroom. So how can you help your child improve his or her study skills? Here are the top five study tips to help your children find success this school year, no matter what their age, and for years to come!


Photo by Visions by Heather Photography


the classroom and at home. When Find an ideal location.

planning a homework schedule, keep



A critical component of successful

your child’s developmental level and

studying is creating an ideal,

attention span in mind. Older

distraction-free working space for

students can generally remain

your child. Be sure there is adequate

focused on a task for longer periods

lighting and an organized, accessible

of time, but younger students may


supply of necessary items, such as

struggle to stay focused for 20


writing instruments and paper.

minutes. Allow your child to take


If space is limited and you don’t

breaks as needed, or plan breaks as

have room for a desk, try storing all

rewards for finishing sections of

necessary books and materials in a


decorative storage crate. Keep the crate tucked away until homework time, which ensures your supplies are


1. CAL

5. WAVE to be patient enough to spend 45 minutes on a question you could

Get organized. Find

have answered in 5 minutes. Parents

a place to display a monthly family

can definitely help with tasks like

always at the ready and allows you to

calendar. Post upcoming academic

calling out spelling words or checking

set up a study space anywhere in the

events such as tests and project due

a troublesome math problem, but


dates. Use highlighters or colored

if your child can easily handle the

markers to represent different

assignment or question, unnecessary

categories of events and/or for

support may inadvertently rob your

Balancing homework, extracurricular

different children in the household.

young learner of the opportunity

activities, and family life can

Students are never too young to learn

to learn from the process. Also,

sometimes seem harder than herding

how to start keeping their own daily

encourage your child to go above and

cats, as the saying goes! As difficult as

agenda or planner. For older students

beyond the minimum requirements

setting a consistent schedule may be,

with smartphones, there are several

of assignments and projects. One of

it can pay dividends for your child’s

free calendar apps with user-friendly

the most common misconceptions

productivity and the family’s sanity.


about doing schoolwork is that


Consistency is key.

Establishing a predictable schedule for everyday activities like homework, dinner, and baths makes it much

you simply need to complete the


Discover your child’s

learning style. The most common

assignment; when in reality, you need to do much more to learn and retain the information you’re reviewing.

easier for your children to plan their

three learning styles are: visual,

days and meet expectations in both

auditory and kinesthetic (tactile).

Learning proper study habits will

Most of us favor one major learning

minimize homework wars, enable

style, and discovering your children’s

your child to achieve more academic

learning styles can help you to help

success, and help to build life-long

them find study methods that work

learning skills. We wish you a fun,

VISUAL - draw pictures, make charts

to their strengths . There is a wealth

education-filled school year!

and diagrams, re-read material, make

of information on the Internet to

flash cards, color code notes

help assess your children’s learning

AUDITORY - record your notes and

styles along with suggestions for

listen to them, practice out loud by

working within their styles to help

having a partner ask questions and

them learn and study. Also, take a

recite spelling words, turn memory

peek at our sidebar for ideas.


work into songs or poems to sing or recite



the work. This one is often easier

hands-on activities, games, and

said than done. It can be difficult

movement into learning

sometimes to watch your child

As a Lynchburg native, Jennifer Whitt has been a teacher and tutor for over 15 years and is the Area Director/Owner of Club Z! Lynchburg.

Let your child do

struggle through an assignment or 13

Flourish Some scars take longer to heal than

and realizing a self-esteem boost.

others. After a lengthy battle with

Breast cancer doesn’t just attack cells;

breast cancer, many women are left

it penetrates at an emotional level,

with the emotional aftermath of

particularly when a mastectomy

a mastectomy. The hardest parts

– on one or both sides – is part of

– the initial shock, surgery, and

the treatment plan. Many women

chemotherapy – are over, but the

face great anxiety at the prospect

physical and emotional healing

of losing a breast, and exploring

takes time.

options and recent developments in

Memories are never erased, but breast

breast reconstruction can help allay

reconstruction surgery at least allows

that anxiety.

Photo by Bella Muse Photography

a woman to look in the mirror each day without a glaring reminder of the painful ordeal. Most of the time the biggest part of the reconstruction can be done at the time of mastectomy— neatly sidestepping months of living without a breast.


Ka t y t he S urviv or


According to national statistics, half of women who undergo a full

An excellent surgeon’s number one

trends show a 2.5 to 24 percent

mastectomy never see a breast

priority is a safe procedure that

infection rate despite best practices.

reconstruction surgeon. Some women

allows a woman to put a painful

Infection is the leading cause of

are not candidates for the procedure,

experience behind her. Patients want

failed reconstruction surgery, dealing

but many can benefit from the surgery,

an opportunity to move past breast

another blow to an emotionally

moving toward a sense of normalcy

cancer, rather than reliving a difficult

drained cancer survivor at an already

time when stepping out of the

vulnerable time. Women facing an

shower each day.

infection after surgery are fearful of

Equally important, women want

starting over with reconstruction,

assurance of a safe and effective

afraid of going through another

procedure. Over the last year, our

procedure with added cost and

surgery team has pioneered safe

recovery time.

“no-touch” breast reconstruction

No-touch surgical techniques,

techniques, which have radically

developed in the 1890s, are widely

reduced infection rates. National

used when implanting orthopedic,


urologic and plastic surgical

zero over a one year period.

life constantly reminded of a

prosthetic devices, but they have

The new techniques only add

difficult fight with cancer. Breast

not previously been used in breast

five to ten minutes to each breast

reconstruction surgery isn’t for

reconstruction. The no-touch

surgery and give women a safer

every woman, but for many, the

techniques involve using sterile

reconstruction. There is no cosmetic

safest procedure allows them to get

transparent drapes, a self-retaining

price to pay either—the techniques

back something lost, increase their

retractor, and small hooks to limit the

apply equally to reconstruction

self-esteem and put cancer in the

exposed skin during the procedure.

following nipple-sparing

rearview mirror.

When applied to breast reconstruction

mastectomies, the gold standard for

surgery, these techniques have shown

cosmetic breast reconstruction.

promise in dramatically reducing

A mastectomy is not just a major

infection rates. In our recent series,

life event but also a substantial

no-touch techniques reduced

emotional loss. Losing a breast

infection-related reconstructive

is easily compared to losing a

failure rates from twelve percent to

limb. Many survivors go through

Henry B. Wilson, MD, FACS, is a surgeon at Centra Medical Group Plastic Surgery Center in Lynchburg. For more information, visit CentraMedicalGroup. com/PlasticSurgery or call 434.200.4350.


one of our



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Clutch Goes Culinary


Fall is in the air, and that brings cravings for hearty, warm beverages. While some pay homage to everything pumpkin spice, another classic favorite is apple cider. With its combination of sweet and spiced flavors, a mug of this treat ranks up there with other cherished comfort foods. When it comes to entertaining guests, a hot cider bar with a mix of add-ins is a special treat. Our cider recipe serves well as a stand alone beverage and as a base for add-ins and an extra bit of fun!


MULLED APPLE CIDER Ingredients • 2 quarts apple juice (unsweetened) • 1/2 c brown sugar • 3 cinnamon sticks (3”-5” in length) • 1 t whole allspice • 1 t whole cloves • 1/4 t salt • dash nutmeg • sliced apple (optional)

Method 1. In a large pot combine juice, sugar, allspice, cloves, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon, and bring to a boil. 2. Cover, turn to low, and allow to simmer for 20 minutes. 3. Strain to remove the spices (or allow them to float, just be careful when drinking). 4. Garnish mugs with an apple slice, or float an apple slice in the mug. 5. Sit back, sip and enjoy!


Heading out to the orchard is always fun! Check out our list for where to find (and pick) apples locally. • Carter Mountain Orchard - Charlottesville

• Morris Orchard - Monroe

• Dickie Brothers Orchard - Roseland

• Mountain Cove Orchard - Afton

• Gross Orchards - Bedford

• Seaman’s Orchard - Roseland

• Johnson’s Orchard - Bedford

• Silver Creek Orchard - Tyro

Cider Bar Add-in Options • toffee candies • caramels • butterscotch candies • cinnamon sticks • maple bourbon

Photography, Styling and Add-in Options by Kristin Dunker Photography

Although she is married to an avid coffee drinker, Jennifer Prince’s fall choice is sweet, mulled cider.


PLACES, PLEASE! Kathy Clay shines bright If you’ve been to a production at Endstation Theatre Company, the Academy of Fine Arts, Wolfbane Productions, or Heritage High School, chances are you’ve seen a show that has Kathy Clay’s fingerprints on it. From performing as Big Edie in Wolfbane Productions’ Grey Gardens, to choreographing Chicago at the Academy of Fine Arts, to directing See How They Run at Heritage High School, or playing Louise Seger in Endstation Theatre Company’s sold-out run of Always … Patsy Cline, Clay has starred in, choreographed, and directed some 15 live theatre productions all over Lynchburg. But unlike many in the theatre arts community who have called Lynchburg home for decades, Clay and her husband Dr. Lucius Clay, only relocated to Lynchburg in 2006. Clay grew up in Tenafly, New Jersey, just over the river from the Big Apple. She was raised on Broadway shows, ballet performances, and visits to museums in Manhattan. To her,

Photo by LaShonda Delivuk


world class culture was just a a part

Virginia? “It’s a beautiful part of

experience in Lynchburg is hard to

of life: “As a little kid I was spoiled

the world. And I had a real crush on

determine. “Wolfbane’s Grey Gardens

in thinking that you should always

southern writers,” Clay explained.

will always be a standout for me. I

expect excellence in performing

During the summer Clay returned to

also loved directing Guys & Dolls and

arts.” Clay remembers a specific

New Jersey and commuted into New

directing/choreographing Legally

performance she attended in middle

York daily to work as the librarian

Blonde: The Musical at the Academy of

school put on by high school students

archivist for the famed Actors Studio.

Fine Arts. Working with Endstation

in which she realized she wanted to

The Actors Studio was founded by

Theatre Company four summers

take part in the collaborative arts.

Elia Kazan, Cheryl Crawford, and

in a row was amazing.

“I remember sitting in my seat and

Robert Lewis in 1947. The roots of the

This summer I choreographed a

thinking I could get up there right

Actors Studio go back to the Group

production of A Funny Thing Happened

now and be better. That’s when I

Theatre (1931-1941) whose work was

on the Way to the Forum in upstate

knew that this was something

inspired by the techniques of the

New York, and I’m slated to direct/

I always wanted to do. Not so

great Russian actor and director

choreograph the musical I’ll Never

much that I wanted to be a star

Konstantin Stanislavski. Clay had

Be Hungry Again! in early 2016 at

on stage - I wanted, with my

numerous opportunities to do scene

Renaissance Theatre. It’s a spoof on

involvement, to make the thing

study with legends like Eli Wallach,

Gone With the Wind, and I cannot wait

better.” Clay began working in

Ellen Burnstyn, Martin Landau, and

to roll up my sleeves on that one! I

professional summer stock theatre

Lee Strasburg.

also adore teaching college and high

at the age of 15.

For years Clay focused on raising her

school students in town. It’s all good.

After a rewarding high school

two children while continuing to

It’s obviously the field I was meant to

experience in an all girls boarding

train in acting, dancing and singing,

be immersed in, and I’m so grateful

school, Clay opted to study at Hollins

and performing professionally

I’ve always got something ‘booked.’ I

University in Roanoke, not far from

every summer. Now that both kids

love being in the audience, too!”

VMI, where her father had studied.

are successfully “launched” adults,

With easy access in New York to

Clay enjoys focusing on performing,

high-caliber acting training, Clay

directing, traveling, and spending

wanted to get a more well-rounded

time with her father who recently

liberal arts education during her

relocated to nearby Westminster

college years. Why study in southwest

Canterbury. Her favorite stage

Hilary Sutton loves red velvet cake, Broadway, and her husband Juan Carlos Lagares (but not necessarily in that order). Connect with her on Twitter @HilarySutton.


Shop Local


AUGUST SUNDAY 16 Civil War Walking Tours 2-3pm Head to the Presbyterian Cemetery in Lynchburg for this tour.

23 Geek Mob 1-9pm Head to Center in the Square for a celebration of all things geeky.

30 Sunday Afternoon at Blue Ridge Vineyard 1-4pm Enjoy music and scenery.

MONDAY 17 Yoga at the Museum 12:30-1:30pm Stretch and bend at the Taubman for a nominal class fee.

24 Baseball Game 7:05pm Watch the Red Sox play the 27Hillcats in Salem.

31 Free Yoga for the People 7:30-8:30am Head to Elmwood 27Park to do your body good.

For more information check out these websites: 16th: 17th: 18th: 19th:







Famous Beer Ride 5:30-8pm Meet at the VA Museum of Transportation for a ride ending at Cornerstone Bar & Grill.

Summer Concert Series 6:30-8pm Hear the McKenzies in the park at the Appomattox Court House.

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 7:30pm Head to Elmwood Park to hear a live show.

FRIDAY 21 Indians Along the James 3-5pm Enjoy a presentation at the Lynchburg Museum.





Pet Friendly Orienteering Treasure Hunt 10am-1pm Explore the Peaks in a new way - with your pet!

Hump Day Hops 6pm Head to Dr. Pepper Park for craft brews.

Afternoon Arts 4-5pm The Jacksonville Center in Floyd offers art to children.

Museum After Dark 6:30-10:30pm Amazement Square hosts a fun event for adults.


Photo from Presbyterian Cemetery

20th: 21th: 22th: 23th: 24th: 25th:

26th: 27th: 28th: 29th: 30th: 31st:

SATURDAY 22 Equi-Fest 9am-6pm Have a day of family fun at the Sedalia Center.

29 Bedford County Fair 10am-9pm Take the family for rides, vendors, food and more!







West End Community Market 3-6pm Buy fresh food items at this Roanoke market.

6 Evergreen 2pm Take in a show at 246 The Main in Brookneal.



Hillcats vs. Red Sox 6:30pm Wear Hokie apparel and see a game in Lynchburg for $5!



Labor of Love Run/Walk 8am-1pm Enjoy an 8K or 5K run or a 1 mile walk in Roanoke.


Party in Elmwood 5:30-8:30pm Groove to beach music at this Roanoke park.


Oh Snap! Paint Night 6:30-9pm Join Hill City Bride for a fun night of painting and

Party in the Park 5:30-9pm Music, food and fun abounds at Daleville Town Center.



Art by Night/First Friday 5-8pm Peruse galleries in the downtown areas of Roanoke and Lynchburg.




Hike for Hospice 12:30-3:30pm Get ready to hike at Explore Park during this fundraiser.




Photo by Russel Darnell

1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 4th: 5th:

Twelve Angry Men 8pm Showtimers in Roanoke presents this drama.

Thomas Jefferson’s Artisan Fair 8am-5pm Support Poplar Forest’s first artisan event.



Harvest Jubliee & Wine Festival 12-6pm Enjoy an entertaining day at Avoca in Altavista.


Amazing Mile Children’s Run 6-9pm Take the kids to kick off the VA 10 Miler celebration with a race of their own.

Harlem Renaissance Festival 10am-6pm Head to Pierce St. in Lynchburg for this historic district fundraiser.


Clutch’s 3rd Birthday Party Join us virtually for prizes, games and fun to celebrate our birthday without leaving your house. Check our events tab on our Facebook page to join – pjs allowed!

For7more information check out these websites:


Franklin County Agricultural Fair 5-10pm Take the family to enjoy the midway, agriculture, food and fun.



18 Air Force Birthday 10am-5pm Celebrate at the D-day Memorial in Bedford.


D-Day Memorial Golf Classic 8am-5pm Play golf at the Homestead to help raise funds.

SMLWine Festival 11am-5pm Enjoy the festivities at Lakewatch Plantation.



Fleet Feet Pub Run 6pm Meet at the Wasena City Tapp Room to run and then eat!

Country Fair & Gathering 10am-4-m Celebrate rural life at the Sedalia Center.


Get! Downtown 6-9pm Head to downtown Lynchburg for a night of fun and festivities.

wedding fun.



On Golden Pond 7:30pm See this classic at Mill Mountain Theatre.

Photo by KG Thienemann



6th: 7th: 9th: 10th: 11th: 12th:

13th: 15th: 17th: 18th: 19th: 21st:

23rd: 24th: 25th: 25th: 26th: 27th: 30th:





Photo by Stephanie Mast



Dogtoberfest 10am-4pm Take your pooch and head to this fun day in Roanoke!

RIMBA Lunch Ride 12:30-1:30pm Meet at UnderDog Bikes and head out for a ride.





The Producers 8pm Enjoy this musical at Renaissance Theatre.

Day at the Point 10am-4pm Experience a free fall festival at Point of Honor.

15 4


Blessing of the Animals 3-4pm Head to Old City Cemetery to have your pets blessed.



On Golden Pond 7:30pm See this classic production at Mill Mountain Theatre.






Lynchburg Bridal Expo 12-4 Meet vendors at the Holiday Inn downtown.

Peak Foliage Open House 12-5pm Enjoy samples at Peaks of Otter Winery.

Employment Seminar 8:30am-4pm The Hotel Roanoke hosts this day long session.


Public Lecture Carmen! 4pm Learn about this fantastic opera in Lynchburg.


Lynchburg Bridal Expo 12-4

17 Meet vendors at the Holiday Inn downtown.

Photo by Visions by Heather

18 1st: 2nd: 3rd: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th:



Second Fridays 5-8pm Experience a gallery walk in downtown Bedford.



Candlelight Tours 6-8:30pm Old City Cemetery comes to life during the tour.

Navy Birthday Celebration 10am-5pm Head to the D-Day Memorial for the Navy’s 240th.

SML Home Tour 1-5pm Visit lovely homes around the lake.



West End Market 3-6pm Purchase fresh, local items at this Roanoke farmer’s market.




The Price is Right Live 7:30pm Come on down to Roanoke for this exciting game.

Hump Day Hops 5:30-9pm Enjoy a brew at Dr. Pepper Park.


Railroad Festival 7:30am-9pm Take the family to this annual event in Appomattox.


GO Outside Festival 5-10pm Get moving at this fun Roanoke festival.

Apple Festival 9am-5pm Head to Drumheller’s Orchard for this annual event.




Ghosts of Historic Lynchburg 6:30-9pm Take a fun walking tour.

Midnight Movie 11:59pm Watch Psycho at Grandin Theatre.

Legends of the Land 6-9pm Learn about enslaved life at Poplar Forest.




Ugly Bug Ball 6:30-11:45pm Support Amazement Square at this Fundraiser.

Frankenstein 2:30 & 7:30pm Attic Productions in Fincastle puts on this fun show.

Photo by Brett Haskie

19 9th: 10th: 10th: 11th: 13th: 15th: 16th:

17th: 18th: 19th: 20th: 22nd: 23rd: 24th:

25th: 27th: 28th: 30th: 31st:





Sweeny Todd 3pm Take in an opera at the Jefferson Center.

7 8 Carmen 3pm Listen to this compelling opera at EC Glass Auditorium.


Peak Foliage Open House 12-5pm View foliage while tasting at Peaks of Otter Winery.

Vintage Lynchburg Support artisans and see a vintage fashion show.


West End Community Market 3-6pm Buy fresh food items at this Roanoke market.



Veterans Parade 11am Honor veterans at Roanoke’s Market Square.

For more information check out these websites:

5 The Producers 7pm Head to the Berglund Center for this comedy.

11 Veteran’s Day Thank you to our veterans!

5th: 6th: 6th: 7th: 7th:

1st: 2nd: 3rd: 5th:


12 Bloody Murder 8pm Showtimers presents this thrilling show.





Art by Night/First Friday Peruse galleries in the downtown areas of Roanoke and Lynchburg.

Billy Goat’s Gruff 2pm Enjoy this free event at Opera on the James.



Second Friday 5pm-8pm Experience the work of local artisans in Bedford.

Stocked Market 10am-5pm Get a jump on your holiday shopping in Roanoke.


7th: 8th: 12th: 13th: 14th:


Farmer’s Market 3:30-6pm Support locals at this market at LU’s Doc’s Diner lot.

Our Drinks, Anyway You

Want It.

(434) 534-3210

112 Cornerstone Dr. Suite A, Lynchburg





Celebrate with us! September 17th 7:30-10pm

Grab your computer or phone, and stay IN for our celebration. Join us virtually at party to win prizes, play games and more‌ all from your favorite device. Pajamas and makeup free faces welcomed!



Want to join us in our 4th year? Email info@ for advertising information! 2

27 Photo by Bella Muse Photography

Inspiring Women THOSE WHO MOTIVATE US As a former Motivation Monday gal, Jennifer anticipates reading the compelling stories of a new lady each Monday morning.

Friendship is an important part of

her to a photo shoot. “The goal with

life. We sharpen each other to be

these shoots is to show women the

better. No matter where we find

beauty I see when I look at them and

our kindred spirits - school, work,

tell their stories to help motivate

community or family - these are the

other women,” she explained.

ladies who move us.

These sessions produce stunning

We want to highlight a few inspiring

photos, and LaShonda also enjoys

women who come straight out

the time. “It is impactful for me to

of Motivation Monday, a concept

unplug and spend an hour with a

envisioned by LaShonda Delivuk,

woman each Monday morning just

a creative professional and

being creative, getting to know each

entrepreneur (she and her husband

other,” she reminisced, “We all get so

own a local video production

busy sometimes and forget to talk.

company). The tagline of her project

Forget to fellowship.”

is “there’s something inside you that

And that why we will be featuring

motivates us all”.

ladies from Motivation Monday in

“One of my personal struggles has

our upcoming issues. Consider this a

always been self worth. I wasn’t

place of fellowship and introduction

good enough or my story wasn’t

to another woman - living life daily

good enough,” LaShonda confided.

just as you are - someone who can

“Not only are you good enough, but

inspire you!

your story can help motivate others

What emboldens LaShonda? “What

no matter what you do for a living.”

motivates me is feeling like my life

Every Monday, LaShonda chooses

counts. Like the world is a little

a local woman to profile and treats

better because of something I did...

Photo by Josh Delivuk

at the very least, using the gifts God gave me to love on others is a no brainer,” she stated. Want to know more about the ladies of Motivation Monday? Head to, and also check out her Instagram at @lashondabrown. Feel free to use #gomotivatemonday to introduce yourself or nominate someone. And, as always, use #clutchinspires to show us what moves you.


VICTORIA BARTHOLOMEW lover of real estate . historic home owner . downtown cheerleader . cat lady . vegan

When it comes to historic real estate, Victoria is Lynchburg’s go-to gal. After all, she resides in a historic district. “By living here I am able to speak personally about my experience in the area and the innumerable positive sides there are to buying into our historic neighborhoods,” she explained. Besides that, Victoria has helped to restore older homes. “I have run wire, cleaned shellac off of woodwork, installed kitchens and tiling, stripped doorknobs and hinges, and done everything in between. So when I say I know old houses, I really know old houses - inside and out,” she declared. Coming from a family of small business owners, it is natural for her to gather inspiration from

Photos by LaShonda Delivuk

entrepreneurs. Victoria offered, “It takes bravery, skill, time and hard

Victoria also wants to change the

earned money to start your own

once negative perception of the

business, and talking to anyone who

downtown area. “These places

has decided to do so will leave you

have changed, and it is time to get

feeling inspired.”

downtown,” she offered. We agree,

Owning a home is also important to Victoria, and she feels that it is a way to substantially improve your life. “There are few things more satisfying than coming to a place at the end of the day that belongs


and Victoria is making a difference in

• low cost of living

the community and for families... one

• natural landscape

house at a time.

• delicious local food


• compassionate nature of the residents

Don’t be afraid to ask; the worst they can do is say no.

• proximity to metropolitan areas

(furry and otherwise), the things you


• room for originality and creativity

like, painted the colors you want -


all the while being part of a greater

I love being able to show what a

community. On top of all that, you

seriously great place Lynchburg is to

are building equity. It’s a win-win

live, work and have a darn good time.

to you, filled with the ones you love

situation,” she advised.


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proud momma . lover of all things local . adventure advocate . forever fan of the underdog If you frequent the Lynchburg Community Market, chances are that among the bustling, exciting atmosphere, you have encountered Jennifer. As the Market Manager,

Photos by LaShonda Delivuk

her correspondence signs off as “Locally Yours”, which shows where her heart lies. “I live in a community that allows me to feel a sense of place as it continues to evolve and grow into its own greatness,” Jennifer reflected, “Every day, I have a million more reasons to be happy, grateful, and proud. I am surrounded by love. I work with phenomenal folks. I am witness to creation and creativity in every capacity.” Through the market, Jennifer presents farmers, crafters and eateries to the community, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “I have a job that allows me to shed light on amazing individuals who work hard to make something from nothing. I am fortunate enough to live in a community that allows me to engage in movements driven by talented people,” she stated. Personally, Jennifer is moved by the simpler things - such as a good

daily basis provide influence. “I find inspiration in anything that reinforces a sentiment of hope and possibility and perseverance and the attainability of our very best life,” she added, “I am inspired by people who put in hard work with a heart of gold.” When it comes to community, Jennifer has proven that she has her own heart of gold.

WHAT MOTIVATES JENNIFER • making an impact and a difference • seeing deserving people realize their dreams • challenge, risk, adversity, failure we all learn from these • making her family and loved ones proud

meal, vibrant flowers or a unique


conversation. People influence her,

Beauty is absolutely everywhere. In

including her parents and son. “I am

our landscapes, in our seasons, in our


inspired by my son as he grows into a

wildlife, in our food, in our strong

Surround yourself with a handful of

good human with the great guidance

communal spirit, in our people.

incredible women who get you and

of many and also on his own accord.


have got your back always. They will

I have a deep affinity for dresses

grow with you and save you a million

with pockets. Pretty, comfortable,

times over.

He is wise beyond his years and fiercely loyal, with a determination that is steadfast,” Jennifer offered. Those who surround her on a

functional. Totally hands free with no need for a purse. 31

THEMED GATHERINGS Friends often enjoy casual, spur-of-the-moment get togethers, yet there is also something spectacular about picking a theme and planning a party. Fall is a season of gatherings, so as the weather turns cool and we settle in, why not invite a few of your favorite ladies over to reconnect for a fun spin on a ladies night in? PINTEREST PARTY How many of us have pinned way more things than we could ever try? Guilty? This party is the perfect excuse to finally test out some of those pins. Either pick a craft to all try together, or have each lady bring supplies for one project she has pinned. Best case scenario: you have great holiday gifts made up. Worst case: you walk away with a great “Pinterest fail� story. For snacks, have each guest make and bring a recipe they have pinned.




This spin on the traditional tea

Have you and your friends all been

party is fun and can be as formal

talking about learning a certain skill?

or as casual as you like. Have each

Maybe it’s knitting, bread baking, or

lady bring a box of her favorite

making your own cleaning supplies.

individually wrapped tea bags, so she

Ask around and find someone you

can give one tea bag to each guest.

know who is willing to come over

Have plenty of hot water and cups

and demonstrate. Make sure you get

on hand so ladies can try teas while

a supply list from your instructor

they gather and visit. Be sure to have

and distribute it beforehand so your

each guest share which tea bag she

guests can come prepared.

brought as she hands them out. For added fun you could also include a

FAVORITE THINGS PARTY Instruct each guest to choose her favorite thing that costs less than $5.00 and bring five of that item to the party. For example, one of your friends may bring five tubes of her favorite lip balm and another may opt for five of her favorite pen or favorite scented

teacup exchange.




Get a jump start on the holidays, and

• seeds from one large pumpkin

make a tedious task more enjoyable.

• 2 T olive oil

Put on some festive music, set up

• salt

a hot chocolate bar, and have some friends over to address their own envelopes. It may feel like you are rushing things, but when the holiday chaos sets in, you will be glad you have all your holiday cards addressed ahead of time.

candle. As each guest arrives, she writes her name on five slips of paper.


• fresh ground pepper Method • preheat oven to 375 degrees F • rinse and dry seeds • add all ingredients to a small bowl and mix gently to coat the seeds • evenly distribute coated seeds on a cookie sheet in a single layer

Collect the slips in a bowl, and when

Making a mess is always more fun

everyone has had a chance to visit,

with friends around. Have everyone

• bake until the seeds are crisp (approximately 7 minutes)

the fun begins! Pick one friend to

bring a pumpkin, and decorate them

• enjoy!

start. She’ll explain what her favorite

together. Go old school and carve

thing is and why she loves it so much.

them, or try something new and paint,

Then she picks five names from the

tape, or glitter your gourds. Vote on

bowl, and hands out her treasured

best, scariest, worst (ha!) and funniest,

items. Continue until everyone has

and then gather the leftover seeds and

shared, and by the end of the night,

toast them while everyone is there.

Joy Niehaus is a freelance writer and free time creative. She enjoys reading, baking, and spending time with her husband and daughters.

everyone will have five fun new products to take home. CARAMEL APPLE BAR Have a memorable time by setting up a DIY caramel apple bar. Assign apples, sticks, caramel (and chocolate) for melting and dipping, as well as various toppings to each guest. Make sure you have lots of wax paper and string so guests can wrap up their creations to take home and enjoy later.

COOK OFF Nothing says fall like a great big bowl of soup. Invite friends over, and have each family bring a pot of their favorite soup and plenty of copies of the recipe. Keep things simple (and less likely to spill) by serving the soup in styrofoam cups. Have plenty of napkins on hand and add a little friendly competition by giving a prize to the favorite soup of the night. 33

My Ombre Life

FASHIONABLE INSTAGRAM One of the reasons I’m always excited for fall is fashion. With new seasons come new trends, and some of the biggest trends of the year happen in the fall. While I love to shop, I love to save as well, so before I totally rework my closet, I try to get inspiration from all sorts of outlets: blogs, magazines, newsletters, and (my favorite) Instagram. This fun, cool, social media tool lets me stalk some very fashionable people (some celebs, some just like you and me). Instagram provides me with a first look at new trends and how they’re incorporated into everyday wear. If you haven’t been sucked into the Instagram craze, you’re missing out. Instagram is a popular social network app used by millions around the globe to instantly share photos and videos. Many have taken Instagram to another level, using it to brand and market themselves. Others simply love to share their lives (and their outfits). So, for the trendsetting readers who love fashion, here are a couple of accounts I follow for style inspiration.




Alyssa Neilson is a sporty, chic chick. She’s

Hannah Cox is a total fashionista. Her

Ok, first of all, who doesn’t love Target? That

a New Yorker who works in the marketing

Insta-feed will have you wishing you could

store gets my bank account into trouble

business. She loves sports, details (sneakers,

get your hands on all of her looks, which

every single shopping trip. This account

watches, jerseys, jackets), and has an eye for

actually isn’t a problem. Hannah shares and

specifically posts the newest additions to the

vintage finds. If you’re anything like me -

tags where each detail of her look is from,

racks and shelves at Target. I mean, the girls

and by that I mean a lover of incorporating

and most accessories are super affordable,

behind this account actually post pictures

sporty wear into your look - Alyssa is the girl

coming from H&M, Zara, Asos, and several

from inside of the fitting room with all of the

to keep an eye on.

online boutiques.

details (prices, sizes, etc.) conveniently laid out for you. How genius is that?





Miroslava Duma previously worked at

Stylist, designer, and mother of two,

I’m not too sure what Anna Maria does,

Harper’s Bazaar Russia. She’s a freelance

Monica Rose is THAT girl. She styles

but she looks perfect doing it. Everything

writer, style icon, and my favorite girl in

some of the hottest stars (Kendall Jenner

screams perfection about this beauty -

the fashion world. Mira posts from all the

being her main focus at the moment)

from her glam makeup, to her hair, to her

fashion hot spots, like front row at Chanel

and posts their fab looks. You’ll also get

wardrobe. Anna Maria is so classic and

runway shows and behind-the-scenes at

to see her adorable kids, #AlaiaRose

simple, yet super trendy. Her choice of

Stella McCartney shoots. This busy girl

and #SalvadorLukas, who are mini

colors in her closet are easy to follow: lots of

loves to share her world travels, where you

fashionistas themselves (perfect for

safe colors like nude, white, black, and olive

get to peep all of the eclectic outfits she

keeping your kids on trend as well).

green. While this might seem boring, this

puts together.

color palette is reusable, easy to style, and perfect for every season.

Now, grab your phone, get on @inspovoguee

Instagram (download it if you haven’t

This is one of those accounts that posts

already) and search for your style

the latest trends from various sources. Yes, there are hundreds of these types of accounts, but Inspovoguee shares looks from all around the world, giving insight into the closets of some trendy, yet low-key

inspirations for this season and the next to come. Trust me - this will keep you on top of the fashion food chain, and could help you save a couple of

women. Every caption gives credit to all the

bucks along the way. Don’t know

pictures they use, making it easy for you to

where to start? Just look for hashtags

follow other inspirational trendsetters.

like #style, #fashion, and #ootd (outfit of the day) to start searching.

Be featured by clutch! In our next Snap Happy we

Are you a local fashionista?

will be featuring LOCAL fashionable women. Just use our new hashtag #clutchinspires to get our attention! While you’re on there, be sure to follow

Tea Hadzic is a social media and digital content director, writer, and fashion stylist. She enjoys the outdoors, cooking, traveling, and time with friends and family.

us @theclutchguide.



considering cosmetic surgery

Like any elective surgery, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is deeply personal. This is true whether you are considering a procedure with a surgeon or a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure with an aesthetician. If you are considering it, the most important decision is choosing your provider. Consult with surgeons or aestheticians and find one whom you trust and are comfortable with. Experienced, board-certified providers will educate you about your options and work with you to determine the best approach for you. “Do your homework,” says Kurtis E. Moyer, M.D., Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Carilion Clinic Cosmetic Center. “Certification of your specialist matters.” Together with your provider, consider carefully your health, your lifestyle,

Photo by Visions by Bella Muse Photography

and most importantly, your goals. A

diagnosed or undiagnosed)?

Smoking, drinking alcohol, exercise,

good candidate for cosmetic surgery

Disclose even seemingly minor

and diet can all affect your physical

is in good health, has healthy habits,

conditions, such as a well-managed

appearance as well as your healing

and has reasonable expectations

thyroid disorder, as well as every

and recovery from surgery. Discuss

about the results.

medication and dietary supplement

your lifestyle honestly with your

that you take. Don’t forget vitamins!

provider so he or she can give you the

These may not affect the decision

best guidance.

YOUR HEALTH Before you opt for elective surgery, consider your overall physical and mental health. Write down everything you can think of

to have surgery, but some otherwise harmless supplements can affect


bleeding, and your provider may have

Aside from choosing an experienced,

you stop taking them for a while.

board-certified surgeon, this

regarding your health to discuss

is perhaps the most important

with your provider. Do you have any


consideration of all. Your provider

chronic illnesses, such as diabetes

Cosmetic surgeons often recommend

will want to discuss this aspect of the

or heart disease? Do you suffer

lifestyle changes to potential patients

decision with you, so consider these

from depression or anxiety (either

before recommending surgery.

questions before scheduling your consultation:


· What do you want to change about your appearance? · Why do you want to change it? · Are you motivated by your own expectations, or somebody else’s? · How long have you been considering making this change? · Do you understand the risks and limitations of the procedure?

NON-SURGICAL OPTIONS Many of the 15 million cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2014 were non-surgical procedures. Non-surgical procedures are minimally invasive and tend to result in the subtle aesthetic changes many clients seek. According to Gina Hunt, Carilion Clinic Cosmetic Center’s Master Aesthetician, non-surgical cosmetic procedures are about getting you back to “looking and feeling like you. True wellness of healthy skin reveals your inner beauty and confidence.”

· What do you expect to change after the procedure? Once you have done your homework

The most common non-surgical procedures in 2014 were:

and decide that cosmetic surgery is


right for you, be sure to call on your



family and friends for support. Elective



cosmetic surgery carries the same



risks as any other surgery, and rest and



Other options include laser rejuvenation, vascular and pigmented lesion removal, and dermaplaning. As with surgical procedures, it is important to choose a provider you are comfortable with and who has the training and experience to help you make the best choices for your body.

relaxation are necessary as you recover. Relying on your support network will allow you to focus on healing.

Laura Mitchell writes about health and lifestyle topics for Carilion Clinic’s Marketing, Research & Communications group. She spends her weekends hiking familiar trails and searching out new ones.


Off the Beaten Path getting away from it all

Photo by Visions by Heather Photography


Getting away from it all doesn’t


eyes and observe the wonder of

always have to be a physical trip


things that you would otherwise

to a planned destination. In fact,

Set aside at least 15 minutes in your

overlook. Meditate, pray, read, draw.

developing the habit of a daily mental

day to get off of YOUR beaten path.

Do whatever is peaceful and serene

break can be far more advantageous in

Schedule it into your day planner, add

to you personally.

the long run than an annual vacation!

it to your “to-do” list, set the alarm

As you begin to make time for this

It occurred to me on a backpacking

on your phone, or whatever works

respite in your schedule each day,

trip in Colorado that people have

best for you. And don’t break that

you will find the benefits of this

become so focused on getting things

appointment! Don’t fool yourself into

brief renewal will far exceed your

done that we have neglected to make

thinking you don’t have the time for a

expectations. Those around you

time each day just to be. On a brisk

bit of sanity in your day.

will also reap the benefits as you

morning in the Rockies, it is easy to


intentionally take time out from the

breathe in deeply and let one’s mind


stress in your day and allow yourself

wander without any specific intent.


a few moments of private peace.

How freeing it was to be away from all

your time in the day to relax and

By allowing your brain the space

of life’s demands and to just watch as

let your mind wander. It may seem

to work in a more creative way, you

an elk traversed by our tent without

uncomfortable at first, but stick with

will discover more clarity, patience

giving us a second glance or thought.

it ... the pay-off is big! Developing

and energy to work with people and

The exciting news is this: you don’t

the ability to steer your mind away

everyday issues in your life.

have to plan a trip to any far off place

from all of your tasks for a short time

in order to experience peacefulness!

is not only extremely healthy, but

You can begin cultivating the “off the

it is also quite liberating. Develop

beaten path” mentality right from

the habit of reflecting more deeply

your own home.

during this time. Really open your

Melissa Williams enjoys hiking and traveling with her husband and three mostly-grown children. Train with her online at

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Urbane Folklore

GET AWAY IN STYLE My favorite time of year is here again! I love pretty much everything about fall, and I look forward to it year round. My husband and I love to get away in the fall and retreat to a cabin in the mountains. Not much is better than cozying up with a cup of hot tea or cocoa with the people I love, my pup, Fiver, and a beautiful mountain setting. FASHION



Fall is the perfect time for layering

One of the best parts about getting

A mountain getaway wouldn’t be

since the days may be warm, but the

away is experiencing local culture

complete without wonderful tunes

nights can get a bit chilly. My favorite

wherever you go, and the Internet is

filling the air. My mountain getaway

layering combo is a pair of jeans, a

a wonderful resource for information

favorites include:

cami, a loose-fitting long sleeve top, a

about your travel destination. I

1. “Fleet Foxes” by Fleet Foxes

sweater or light jacket, and a poncho

always research online before we head

to top it all off. Don’t forget a cute hat

out of town to see where the locals

and a great pair of boots. This way

go. We normally just like to stay in

you stay nice and warm, but if you get

on getaways, but it’s wonderful to

too hot, just strip away a layer. When

see if there are restaurants we should

layering, always make sure each layer

experience, shops to peruse, hiking

looks like a complete outfit. Start

trails to explore, or anything else that

building your look from the base and

we’d be sad if we missed.

you’ll be golden!

A great way to find out what to do in

6. “Black Bear” by Andrew Belle

Don’t forget to pack some comfy, warm

an area is to check out hashtags on

7. “I Never Learn” by Lykke Li

pajamas or your favorite sweatshirt and

Instagram. Search the name of the

8. “Rituals” by Other Lives

slippers. Some cabins and getaways can

area you’re visiting, and you should

be drafty at night, so make sure you

find local accounts loaded with the

bring lots to keep you warm.

information you will need.

2. “Cease to Begin” by Band of Horses 3. “July” by Marissa Nadler 4. “American IV: The Man Comes Around” by Johnny Cash 5. “Now That I’ve Found You” by Alison Krauss

9. “Illinois” by Sufjan Stevens 10. “Life of Leisure” by Washed Out

If Instagram isn’t your thing, just go and explore! The adventure is all part of the allure, in my opinion. Step out of the routine and go on a new escapade. You’re sure to make wonderful memories. So pack your bags in style and head out for a weekend to enjoy time with your loved ones! 40

Photos by Deidre Stone

Looking for a place to get away? We live in a gorgeous area, so luckily we don’t have to go far to find a beautiful place to get away without having to travel too far. Airbnb (download the app or head to airbnb.

Deidre Stone is a jeweler, creator, and stylist. When she’s not creating for her business, STORM + STRESS, you can find her spending time with her husband, family, friends, and sweet pup.

com) is an amazing source for finding local getaways for great prices with unique charm.


Pet Ponderings

4 PREVENTATIVE MEASURES Hypertension, heart disease and cancer have all been labeled as “silent killers” in human medicine. These diseases have vague symptoms that can go undiagnosed for years. The difficulty in veterinary medicine is more diseases can be “silent killers” because animals cannot communicate what they are feeling. Animals may naturally mask illness and pain, which makes it difficult to know when there is a problem, yet there are four measures that can help ensure the health of your pet.




YOUR PET. Notice their routine


habits for eating, drinking, breathing,

Although lab work is an added

using the bathroom, sleeping,

expense, it can save money in the

activity and grooming. Learn to

long run by catching disease or

pick up on changes to these habits

discrepancies early. Scheduling


as well as changes in interactions,

diagnostics depends of the age of

Dogs and cats age faster than

temperament, vocalization, or weight.

your pet and what problems they are

people, and major health

Subtle changes in any of these may be


changes can occur in a short

the first and only sign of a problem.

If the blood work is normal, you will

amount of time. Regular pet

If you sense a problem, keep a log

be equipped with peace of mind.

preventive healthcare exams are

book or write on a calendar to help

More importantly, this gives your

necessary to help your pet live a

remember dates and frequencies of

veterinarian baseline values for

longer, healthier and happier life.

important events or changes in your

future comparison. Think of your pet

pet. This time frame may help your

as a puzzle. The physical exam is one

veterinarian in determining a cause

piece. As other diagnostics and tests

or the severity of an issue. Also keep a

are run, more pieces of your pet’s

list of your pet’s medications handy.

health are put together and can aid


in determining the cause of your pet’s illness.

Scheduling an appointment to


discuss your pet’s health, history

veterinary offices require payment at

and environment is paramount.

the time of service. When emergencies

Veterinarians are trained to ask

and unexpected illness happen, your

specific questions and obtain valuable

financial options may include personal

information by actually examining

savings, a credit card set aside for

your pet. One small discrepancy seen

emergencies, a health credit card such

or felt on a physical exam may reveal

as care credit, or pet insurance. A

underlying illness. You will not get

variety of options can be discussed for

the same results from a phone call,

treatments when allowable.

internet research, or conversations

Do not be afraid to discuss

with friends who have pets. There is

which option is best for you and

no substitute for a physical exam.

to communicate any financial

Prepare for your appointment by

constraints you may have. Ultimately,

writing down any questions you

veterinarians offer services and

have. Items that should be addressed

experience to help ensure your pet

include vaccinations, parasite control,

lives a long and healthy life.

dental health, behavior, exercise, weight assessment, and nutrition. Local veterinarian Shella Baker also enjoys beekeeping, crafting, gardening and spending time with her family.

CATS Actual Age

Age in Human Years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

15 24 28 32 36 40 44 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80

DOGS Actual Age

Age in Human Years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

15 24 28 32 42 47 51 56 60 65 69 74 78 83 87

Photo by William Mahone


Women of a Certain Age the sandwich generation As we approach middle age, we begin to hit our stride as our kids become less dependent on us. We can start to think about taking up a new hobby, traveling, or finishing that book series we’ve put off for the last few years. But increasingly, our generation is getting hit from both sides:

Many more children are coming back

some of those costs as a way to help

home to live after graduating from

out their parents.

college. According to Pew Research

Smaller family sizes over the years

Center, nearly half of middle-age

also increases the burden on fewer

adults provided some financial

surviving children. Distance between

support to a grown child in the last

We are becoming part of the sandwich

families around the country can take

year; 27% provided primary support.

generation – sandwiched between the

its toll, but there are many resources

On the other hand, 21% of these

needs of our children and the needs

available to help with caring

middle-aged adults provided financial

of our parents. The term “sandwich

for parents.

support to an aging parent. About 15%

generation” came into use around

provided financial support to both an

1981 and was added to the dictionary

aging parent and a child.

children who still need our financial support - sometimes into adulthood - and aging parents who need us to help emotionally, physically, and oftentimes, financially.

in 2006. It has now generally come to mean anyone between 40 and 60 with children (or grandchildren) who depend on them financially but who also must help their own parents with medications, doctor visits, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and sometimes legal or financial issues.

There is no right way or wrong way to handle being caught between the financial needs of your children and

As each generation lives longer,

the financial needs of your parents.

more middle-aged parents still have

Every situation is unique, but it

living parents of their own. We may

helps if you have a family conference

be living longer, but not necessarily

with your family (husband, kids)

healthier. Health-care costs can take

and your parents to discuss what

a hit on anyone’s income, especially

works for everyone. You may need to

older folks on a fixed income. The

have “the talk” with both children

caretaker/child may end up bearing

and parents, to let them know you can only offer a limited amount of

To find programs to help with caring for aging adults, contact your local

support each month.

Area Agency on Aging. You can also find resources in your community

There are a number of options to

through the commonwealth of Virginia by calling 2-1-1 or sending an email

help with your parents. In addition to

to Under the National Family

in-home help, there are companion

Caregiver Support Program, established in 2000, states receive monies to

services, respite services, and

help consolidate information helpful to families with aging parents.

personal care services. There are an


increasing number of adult day-care

precious family time. For generations,

centers that cater to adults who can’t

it was common practice to have three

be left alone during the day. They

or more generations under one roof.

offer meals and programs to keep your

Be sure to take care of your own

loved ones occupied and in a safe and

expenses. You will need money to live

caring environment during the day.

on when you get to be your parents’

If finances allow, there are many

ages, so be sure to pay into retirement

senior living centers that cater to

plans throughout your life.

everyone from independent adults

And remember to take care of

to memory care (Alzheimer’s and

yourself: take the time to eat well,

dementia) patients, to patients with

read a book, take a bath, meditate, or

intense nursing needs, all under one

whatever it is that helps you relax.

roof. There are activities and field

Caregiver stress leads to burn-out,

trips for the active seniors, but also

which can take its toll on your health,

around-the-clock nursing care for

your marriage, and your relationships

those who need it.

with your children and your parents.

Moving your parents in with you

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from

might make your living arrangements

family and friends.

a bit cramped, but you would save the expense of paying for two households Photo by Red Chestnut Photography

with two sets of bills and taxes. Your parents may lose some of their independence, but they will gain

Deirdre Serio has written for newspapers, non-profits, and her present “day job” as a technical writer. She loves the great outdoors, especially hiking and kayaking.

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AMOUR BEBE 5 THINGS MOTHERHOOD TAUGHT ME I always knew I wanted to be a mom. What I didn’t know was just how truly wonderful and tiring and exhausting it would be. I also didn’t realize that my children would teach me so many things about myself and the world around me.

Swings can make everything better. Let’s face it – sometimes we just have an “off” day. You sleep through the alarm, the kids are whiny, the cat food gets spilled all over the kitchen floor, and you discover you’re out of coffee – all before 8 a.m. Sometimes, you just need to hit the reset button and start over. For me, that often means getting everyone outside for sunshine and fresh air. We often head to a local park because playgrounds can be the perfect distraction from everything else. There’s nothing better than the expression on my daughter’s face when she sits in a swing. It’s pure joy as she is pushed higher and higher against the blue sky, wind blowing through her wispy, strawberry-blonde hair. Sometimes I hop on a swing beside her and am reminded why she likes swinging so much. It’s just fun. In those moments life becomes instantly better.

Kimberly Feldkamp is a working mom who loves her crazy-busy life. Her enjoys sending snail mail, laughter and sunshine.

Photo by Visions by Heather Photography



then into months, then into years.

the floor and build with blocks than

My oldest will be four this month.

it is to clean it.

Four. I can hardly believe that he’s

Somehow, some way, no matter

now a little boy – a little person –


how tired, being a mom gives you

and no longer this teeny, tiny baby

I thought I knew what love was,

a super power: functioning on very

who constantly needs me. My son is

and then I had a baby. Then I had

little sleep. In the beginning, when I

independent and sweet and sensitive

another one, and I discovered my

was nursing every couple of hours, I

and a thinker – he’s always got so

capacity to love just expanded. I’ll

almost didn’t know when night ended

much on his mind, and it’s wonderful

never forget the moment I met each

and day began. With the first baby,

to watch him express himself.

of my children for the first time.

Just the other morning he walked

That instant when I fell completely

I could fall back to sleep after that 5 a.m. feeding or nap when he did.

into the kitchen and I swore he had

head-over-heels in love with this

When my daughter came along, I

grown noticeably taller overnight.

tiny little person that I helped

also had a toddler; my days began

When I told him this, he immediately

create. I remember looking at each

after that early morning feeding.

smiled at the news he was growing.

of them and feeling so much love,

Those first couple of weeks I remember

Inside, I felt a little sad because this

so much happiness – it was almost

walking around in a haze. And in our

growing up stuff is all happening

overwhelming. I would do anything

house, the sleepless nights didn’t end

too fast. I try to

to protect them and keep them safe.

with the newborn stage. My daughter

remind myself of

is just learning to sleep consistently

this fact in those

through the night. I keep telling myself

moments when

–and my husband – this is a phase that

I feel stressed

will pass. I mean, it has to, right?

or impatient or

In addition to my daughter’s

tired. They won’t

abnormal sleeping habits, there are

be little forever.

also the milestones that throw off

They won’t

sleep – learning to crawl, learning to

always want to be held or rocked to

grabs my leg and squeezes so tight, or

walk, learning to pee on the potty.

sleep or run and leap into my arms

on one of the days I’m lucky enough

There are the nights when there’s

when I walk in the door. I’m savoring

to pick up my son from preschool and

a bad dream or scary storms or a

these moments because time is flying.

his face lights up when he runs to me.


It always gets me the most at night,

There are so many days where I feel

sleeping. The house is cool and

I’ve failed because I haven’t done

quiet and I stand by their beds, just

many of the things I wanted to do.

watching the rise and fall of their

My to-do list is barely completed.

chests, the way their long eyelashes

to go to work. But in those moments,

Another day has passed and I haven’t

rest on their checks or how those

I’m not thinking about how tired I

made progress in my daughter’s baby

little hands hold onto their stuffed

am. I’m worried about making the

book. Instead of mopping the kitchen

animals. They are so peaceful and so

tears stop or chasing the bad dreams

floor or reading a few chapters in a

perfect, and I’m so overcome with

away or curing the illness. Because in

book, I indulge in mindless reality TV.

gratitude that they are mine ... that

the end, if the kids are okay, I am, too.

Sometimes I’m afraid to invite the

God blessed me to be their mommy.


neighbors in because I’m embarrassed

I know there are many more things

by the state of my hardwood floors,

I’m going to learn on this journey

usually in need of mopping. But in

through parenthood. There will be

the grand scheme of things, this is

long days and trying times, but I also

all such small stuff and it’s not really

realize there will be much love and

worth the energy to worry about.

joy. I’m excited to see what’s in store.

random request for a drink of water. Then there are the nights when the kids are sick and I’m doing a load of laundry at 2 a.m. (and again at 4 a.m.), and then the alarm is going off at 6:45. Those are the days that are extra tough to get up and get ready

There’s an expression that I never really understood until now: “The days are long but the years are short.” And oh how true that is! When you’re a mom, you become instantly aware of how fast the days turn into weeks,

There will be long days and trying times, but I also realize there will be much love and joy.

I still feel overwhelming rushes of love for them randomly throughout the day - when I’m cooking dinner and my daughter

when I check on them as they’re

Besides, it’s much more fun to get on 47



Snap Happy


We asked women to show us what inspires them by using #clutchinspires, and we were impressed! Congratulations to @waycrunchy for winning a $25 gift card to Gladiola Girls by inspiring us with her garden and motherhood. Next issue, we are looking for local fashion tips! Use #clutchinspires to show us your trends and #ootd styles.











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