Clutch Spring 2018

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your guide to an inspired life

Spring 2018 • Complimentary


At Home with Centra Most people when given a choice prefer to stay in their own home. We understand that. If and when health issues arise, Centra Home Health, Centra Hospice and Centra PACE are programs designed to meet your healthcare needs and provide support to make staying at home possible. Our services can help you recover from an illness or injury, support patients and families with end of life care, or help

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your guide to an inspired life



Jennifer Prince Amazement Square.................................................... 13 CREATIVE DIRECTOR

Photo by Demi Mabry Photography

Breanna Pair

Art Box......................................................................... 31 At Home with Centra................................................ inside front cover


GRAPHIC DESIGNER Bowen Jewelry Company.......................................... 31

Kate Scullen

Spring is finally here – in two

Carilion Clinic............................................................ back cover

ways. First, it seems as though


winter’s weather lingered on a bit

Centra Cardiovascular............................................... 12

Meggan Robinson

longer than normal, right? And

Central Virginia Orthodontics................................ 1

second, we are on a new printing

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Fink’s Jewelers............................................................ 7

Shella Baker

schedule. I know many of you

Hannah Cline

have been awaiting our spring

Tea Hadzic

issue – we have been, too!

Emily Hedrick

Our pages are filled with so

Jaclyn Meadows

many exciting things. We have

Jennifer Prince

Grand........................................................................... 23 Lynchburg Humane Society..................................... 29

Katie Lane Member One............................................................... 3 Punch Boutique.......................................................... 31

Kayla Vanderpool

inspiration in the form of a

Roanoke Children’s Theatre..................................... 4

children’s birthday party, a local potter, and encouragement to lesson our social media time (ouch!). I also hope you’ll take a peek at this season’s causes to support as we have fabulous things going on in the region. I adore living here! I wish you everything in bloom this season. Happy spring!

photo by Ashley Eiban Photography clutch, your guide to an inspired life is a quarterly publication. To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224 Copyright 2018 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.






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inside this issue COMMUNITY 10

ARTS AND CULTURE IN BEDFORD bower center for the arts PLACES, PLEASE distracted driving







PET PONDERINGS 18 foreign body protection TEA TALKS 19 spring cleaning 22 LIVING BEAUTIFULLY 20 living with lush green LIFE FLOURISH GEEKY GIRL

22 24



AT THE CIRCUS 28 a children’s birthday party GROWING READERS





ARTS & CULTURE IN BEDFORD Bower Center for the Arts

Photo provided by Bedford Tourism

Spring is here and many of us can’t wait to get outdoors and explore. But, when the occasional

April 15, 2pm – Eleanor Roosevelt, Across a Barrier of

rainy day hits, don’t forget that there are also plenty

Fear – A play about Eleanor’s life reminds us that

of indoor attractions that deserve your attention.

spouses can become household names, too.

A visit to the Bower Center for the Arts in

April 28, 10am-3pm - Maker’s Brunch – Peruse local

downtown Bedford is well worth the trip. Serving

artisan goods while sipping mimosas and listening

as an art gallery, performance and event venue, and

to live music.

educational facility, the Bower Center has become a cultural and entertainment destination. The Bower Center presents live performances each month as

May 12, 7:30pm – Lenny Marcus Trio – Hear an internationally traveled jazz trio.

well as hosts exhibitions and classes throughout the

May 19, 8pm – Cinematic Guitar Poetry – Hiroya

year. It is also home to several resident artists.

Tsukamoto entertians with earthy, organic music

The Bower Center has served the arts since

that encourages tranquility.

2006, however recent renovations, including the

June 9, 7pm – Echoes of Appalachia – Stomp your

installation of an elevator, have enabled it to host

feet and sing along to bluegrass and folk songs.

more events and exhibitions than ever before. The Center encourages arts related organizations to take advantage of its facilities to expand

June 23, 7pm – Hamiltunes – Sing along to tunes from the famous musical.

cultural opportunities for the people of Bedford

Upcoming classes include focuses on art, writing,

and the surrounding counties. The Center is also

ballet, pottery, fabric arts and more.

conveniently located within walking distance to several restaurants and historic downtown Bedford

The Bower Center for the Arts is open Tuesday-

with unique shopping and the Bedford Museum.

Saturday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. Find out more at and sign up to receive their

Want to experience the Bower Center? Check out a few of their upcoming events. 6

monthly newsletter, ArtMatters.


From the Exclusive Sabel Collection

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Places, Please! DISTRACTED DRIVING My son and I recently attended an obligatory ceremony in order to get his driver’s license. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but all of the teens were inundated with facts, statics and real life stories of crashes from a county trooper, a lawyer and the judge. We also heard about driving while focused on something other than the road – the radio, others in the car, and yes…the inevitable cell phone. Although meant for the teens, it was convicting for me, too. Although I try my best to be good, what is it about driving that makes us (me included!) think that it’s ok to operate a multiple ton device while not giving it my full attention? That’s exactly the issue that Roanoke Children’s Theatre (RCT) tackled with their show about distracted driving entitled ILY - Hang Up & Drive. For those of you – like me – who don’t know what ILY is, I’ll save you the googling…it stands for “I love you”. Once a year, RCT commissions a play constructed around a topic that is chosen by consulting local school administrators and guidance counselors. RCT Artistic Director Pat Wilhelms stated, “They offer input into the needs of the school community each year. Distracted driving was designated as an area that we need to address.” RCT takes the time to curate a relevant play geared towards teens for their RCT4TEENS production. “There are so many fatalities around the nation that are directly associated with distracted driving. 10th graders from Roanoke City, Roanoke County and Franklin County attended this performance, as that is the timing around when youth start to obtain their drivers license,” Wilhelms offered. “The production gave them some protective skills on how to handle distractions before they are actually behind the wheel.”

collect survey data from students to help determine the impact of the show. Out of 600 responses, 6% of students admitted to driving while texting or talking on their phones and 7% admitted to other distracting behaviors such as loud music, goofing around with friends, or putting

Written by local playwright Samantha Macher, the show focused

on make-up. The majority of students

on instances such as following the GPS, texting, having a car full of

said they would be very likely to avoid

youths, and – ouch – putting on makeup while driving (guilty over

these types of distractions in the future

here). “The production started with the last text someone received.

and also that they would speak up about

We followed four different storylines that all involve distracted

feeling unsafe with a driver who is engaged

driving,” explained Wilhelms.

in distracting behavior. Some students

Geared towards middle and high school audiences, the show was cast with high school and early college aged actors, which resonated with the audience. RCT also partners with The Prevention Council, RAYSAC and Mental Health America, which helped to lead talk-back sessions after each performance to encourage discussion. 8

Post-show health teachers in the schools

suggested that putting your phone in the glovebox or trunk and putting on the Do Not Disturb notification are great strategies, as is having a designated texter in the passenger seat.

Roanoke Children’s Theatre

In the students’ own words “I think the play did a good job showing people how serious something like texting and driving can impact yourself and others lives.” And “It made me cry, they lost people they love just to say a couple of words. That could wait till you get home or something.” “My Dad texts and drives and I’m scared that he’ll crash the car and possibly die”.

The next production from RCT to address teen health issues will be The Boy On The Edge Of Everything (February 2019), which tackles kids dealing with stress from overscheduling and other social factors. Call (540)345-2550 or visit www. for tickets for upcoming productions. 9


ceramic artist Beatriz Gutierrez A few years ago, during First Fridays, I stumbled upon a ceramic artist showcasing her captivating pieces at Gladiola Girls. One tiny pot – an adorably shaped, bluish green piece - spoke to me. Its surface was covered with tiny impressions, and it has since taken up residence as a flower vase in my home. That artist was Beatriz Gutierrez, and her pieces bring joy and texture to homes all over Virginia and beyond. Her foray into becoming a ceramic artist has been quite a journey, and I recently chatted with her at Southern Provisions about pottery and her passion about working with such a natural substance.


Why do you enjoy working with clay? Clay is a fascinating material – full of potential and possibilities. How did you find your love for art? Playing with mud was one of my favorite things as a child, but it was at age 28 that clay came into my life to stay. It took me on an unexpected journey – moving to Scotland and later on to the US. What led you to start to work with clay? One day on one of my daily walks, I found a vein of clay and started to play like when I was little. It was a happy feeling. Later that year I had the idea to start using that wild, local clay to make my work. I researched and learned by trial and error how to use it. It has been an inflexion point in my journey as a potter that really pleases me and makes me feel excited about my work. At what point did you turn from a hobbyist into desiring to sell your work? After two years of intense preparation learning the technique, I started to sell my pots to friends and family to support my learning expenses. During the last five years, I have participated in a variety of craft fairs in Virginia, but what I am always looking forward to is my biannual pottery sale in my studio in Coleman Falls. The love and support of this community is essential to keep me going. What is your favorite piece? My very first pot! Where do you find inspiration for your work? The sensuous shapes of the human body and the profile of the land at winter time. The colors of the earth in my homeland, The Canary Islands of Spain. My inspiration comes from a quiet place within that - I nourish by finding a balance between introspection and interaction.


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Photo provided by Ashley Eiban Photography

With her thoughtful, functional and beautiful pieces, we are glad that Beatriz Gutierrez is a part of our local creative community. For more information, visit her website at, follow @beatrizgutierrezpottery on Instagram, and be on the lookout

Jennifer Prince enjoys filling her 1922 craftsman-style home with work produced by local artisans.

for her studio sale in May. 13


Patina Key Necklace Key necklaces are popular, and it’s fun when you can have a piece to show off that you made yourself. Aging metal – or giving it a patina – is quick, easy and even satiates your inner science lover. With a few household supplies, you can have your own rusty jewelry in just a few steps!

YOU WI LL N EED : • Vinegar • Hydrogen Peroxide • Table Salt • Key • Chain • Bowl (glass or ceramic) • Spray Sealer (optional)

1. Place the key in the bowl and pour just enough vinegar to cover it on both sides. Let sit for 10 minutes. 2. Add an equal part of hydrogen peroxide to the bowl, so that you have a 1:1 ratio of liquids. 3. Sprinkle salt to cover the key. 4. Let the mixture sit for an hour (or more or less, depending on the desired patina). The liquid will change color (I’ve seen brown, green and blue). 5. Gently rinse your key once you are happy with the color. 6. If you’d like, you can spray the key with sealer to keep the color. 7. Add a chain, wear and enjoy!

Jennifer Prince originally blogged this project at and also demonstrated it during a DIY segment on Daytime Blue Ridge.











FRIDAY 6 First Fridays and Art by Night 5–8pm & 9pm Support art in Lynchburg and Roanoke.


Art Talks 5:30–6:30pm Hear from local artists at the Academy.






SATURDAY 7 Museum Opening Day 11am–3pm Tour Avoca in Altavista.

14 Race for the Cure 9am Head to Roanoke to raise funds.


Little Shop of Horrors 7:30pm See a show at Randolph College.

Thesis Exhibition 4–6pm Head to the Maier to see the work of art majors.



Senior Fun & Health Fair 10am–2pm Head to the Salem Civic Center.

Adventure Sunday 11am–5pm Take the kids and head to Explore Park.


Salem Red Sox 7:05pm Have fun on opening night!


Open Studios 4–6pm View artwork at VCCA in Amherst.


4 Green Market Wednesdays 10am–2pm Head to Lynchburg’s Community Market.




21 Earth Day Roanoke 9am–2pm Head to Grandin for fun activities.


Lynchburg Garden Day 10am–5pm See area homes and gardens.

28 Bloom Burg 10am–2pm Meet at the Community Market for live fun!


Vinton Dogwood Festival 12-6pm This 4-day event culminates.

Race for the Cure!


Lynchburg Garden Day


Maier Museum

Photo by Liz Cook Photography

For more information check out these websites: 4th: 5th: 6th: &

7th: 8th: 11th: 12th: 14th: 15th: 19th:

21st: 23rd: 24th: 28th: 29th:











Mother-Daughter Tea 2–4pm Head to Point of Honor for Tea.










Charley’s Aunt 7:30pm Attic Productions presents a comedy.


Ragtime, the Musical 7:30pm Take in a show at the Academy.






12 Arts, Crafts & Music 10am–2pm Head to Vinton’s Farmers Market.

19 Breakfast with the Animals 8:30–10:30am Head to Mill Mountain Zoo.

25 Charlotte’s Web 7pm See a classic at Roanoke Children’s Theatre.



First Fridays and Art by Night 5–8pm & 9pm Support art in Lynchburg and Roanoke.


Art Talks 5:30–6:30pm Hear from local artists at the Academy.

Green Market Wednesdays 10am–2pm Head to Lynchburg’s Community Market.





A Chorus Line 7:30pm See a show at Mill Mountain.

12 Lifestyles of the Rescued and Furry 12–5pm Tour homes to support LHS.


26 Roanoke’s Festival in the Park Have a day full of outdoor fun!


Remember those who gave their lives for our country.

Mother-Daughter Tea

Photo by Heather Turner Photography

3rd: 4th: & 6th:



Lynchburg Humane Society

Photo by Christian Domingues

10th: 11th: 12th: 16th:


Green Market Wednesdays

Photo by Vee Terzy

17th: 19th: 25th: 26th:







FRIDAY 1 First Fridays and Art by Night 5–8pm & 9pm Support art in Lynchburg and Roanoke.




3 Lebanese Festival 11am–8pm11 Enjoy tradition in Roanoke.





Green Market Wednesdays 10am–2pm Peruse Lynchburg’s Community Market.




Salsa Night 8–11pm Dance with Lynchburg Salsa.










Photo by Ashley Eiban Photography

1st: & 2nd: 3rd:



Green Market Wednesdays

Photo by Oleg Mangi

6th: 8th: 9th: 14th:


23 Summer Solstice Wine Festival 11am–6pm Have fun in Amherst..

Buchanan Community Carnival Enjoy family fun!

First Fridays and Art by Night

Riverfront Park Concert Series Listen to music in Lynchburg.

Batteau Festival 9am–1pm This annual event starts at Percival’s Island.

Spring Awakening 7:30pm Enjoy a musical at Mill Mountain.


2 Company 7:30pm Take in a musical at Little Town Players.


Friday Night Jamboree 6:30–10:30pm Head to Floyd for music.



30 Spend time at your local farmers market.


Riverfront Park Concert Series

Photo by Jadson Thomas

16th: 21st: 23rd: 28th:



Photo by Demi Mabry Photography

Pet Ponderings

FOREIGN BODY PROTECTION As spring approaches we tend to be outdoor more. After all, warmer weather gives way to walking, hiking, camping and cookouts. These activities bring great enjoyment, yet they can also afford more opportunities for our pets to ingest inappropriate objects. As a veterinarian I have encountered and removed (either surgically or endoscopically) the following items from dogs and cats: ball, nut, corn on the cob, sock, bones, underwear, pacifier, feminine products, peach pit, dish towel, string, ribbon, rocks, gorilla glue, plastic toys, grass, needle, hair, popsicle stick, rubber glove, aluminum foil, plastic bags/bottles, fishing hooks and coins. All of these items can pose life-threatening risks for GI obstruction and/or perforation. Occasionally some of these items may pass through the intestinal tract without causing a problem, but you need to know what to watch for if you are worried your pet may have ingested a foreign body. Become familiar with your

a foreign body is in the GI tract, the

From there, a pet may need emergency

surroundings and your pet. If you

more damage it can cause to the

surgery with abdominal exploratory,

have an active chewer or young pet

tissue and blood supply.

endoscopy and retrieval performed (if

that is prone to get into things, then keep items elevated and place a secure lid on the trash can. Observe your pet’s interests and monitor their activity. If your cat is interested in ribbon, string or sewing items, make sure these items are not accessible.

If you believe your pet may have ingested a foreign body and displays any of the clinical signs seek veterinary care immediately. The veterinarian will do a thorough physical exam and then may perform radiographs (x-rays) to evaluate the

single object localized in stomach) or systematic treatment and monitoring depending on the results of the diagnostics. If found and treated early, uncomplicated gastrointestinal foreign body removal carries an excellent prognosis.

You may not witness your pet

abdomen and potentially visualize

This spring, be sure to head out and

ingesting a foreign body, so it’s

the foreign body. Depending on the

have fun with your pet, but also be

important to know the clinical signs

situation and the pet’s exam other

sure to protect them and be in tune

your pet may display. These signs

diagnostics that could be indicated

with their habits to ensure a happy,

may include recurrent vomiting

include: blood work to rule-out other

healthy season.

or nausea, decreased appetite or

causes of the clinical signs, barium

anorexia, diarrhea or straining to

series (pet is fed a contrast liquid

defecate, lethargy, whining, painful

followed by more X-rays in order

or distended abdomen, or a change

to highlight passage through the

in behavior. It’s extremely important

intestines,) urinalysis or ultrasound

not to delay having your pet examined

of abdomen.

if these signs are present. The longer 18

Shella Baker is a veterinarian at Peaksview Animal Hospital. She enjoys beekeeping, crafting, gardening and spending time with her family and fur kids.

TEA TALKS spring cleaning S PRIN G CLEAN I N G 1. noun – a thorough cleaning of a house or room, typically undertaken in spring 2. verb – clean (a home or room) thoroughly Photo by Chelsea Anderson Photography

I like how both definitions contain the word thorough,

receipt for a pack of gum. I keep all receipts, because you

because that truly is what spring cleaning is all

never know if you’ll want to return or exchange. At the

about: lots of heavy duty cleaning going on, lots of

end of each season, I look through all of my receipts, bank

organizing and tossing things out and switching

statements, paystubs, doctors’ notes, and shred everything

out your wardrobe. But sometimes we forget about a

that isn’t of big importance. I mean, I need the room for

few important tasks and areas in our home. So here

new receipts!

are some spring cleaning tips I found (shout out to Pinterest!) to serve as useful reminders.

Organize that junk drawer. Yes, every household has one of those drawers that everything without a home gets

Wash your makeup brushes. You may find this task

tossed into. It’s definitely a pain to look through it, but do

time-consuming or think it will take forever for a large

it anyway. I’m sure there are things in the junk drawer you

powder brush to dry. That’s not the case! Brushes need

completely forgot about but still need. Keep a plastic bag

to be washed for hygiene purposes and to prevent skin

handy (for things that you’d like to trash) or a small basket

irritation. Best advice? Wash your brush sets before bed,

(things that you don’t want to toss) and organize.

so that they can be dry and ready to use in the morning before you step out. Also, there are many easy DIYs on how to clean your brushes using products you already have at home. This will save you SO much money (on a cleanser and on a new set of brushes)!

Under the bed storage. Yes, under the bed serves as a hidden storage compartment, and since it’s hidden, it’s easy for us to forget about everything we stow there. So drop down and pull out all the items and clear out those storage bins and drawers. Don’t forget to sweep under

Go through your medicine cabinet. Toss out all expired

there! You’d be surprised how much dust accumulates in

cosmetics and medicine. Why? Once both cosmetics

that small space.

and medicine expire, they are not as potent or useful anymore. How to tell when makeup is expired? Check the labels. And most importantly, makeup goes in the trash, but medicine goes down the drain. Sanitize items that you touch on a daily basis such as remote controls, keyboards, cabinet/door handles, cellphones, keys, etc. The easiest way to disinfect these

While you’re cleaning, and if the weather permits, open as many windows as you can. Let your home air out. Also, switch out scents. Swap out that luscious pumpkin pie candle for a spring breeze air freshener. Happy cleaning as you get organized and enjoy your fresh, new space.

items? Dip a cotton cloth into diluted rubbing alcohol or use a spray bottle and wipe dry. To deep clean even deeper, soak a cotton swab into the mixture and carefully clean around the remote’s buttons. Shred your documents. I’m that person who will get a

Tea Hadzic is a social media expert and fashion stylist. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, cooking and keeping up with the latest fashions.



LIVING WITH LUSH GREEN The outdoors is alive and blooming, and it is a great time to give our homes a refresh after the doldrums of cold temperatures. There is so much we can do to bring the budding feeling of the outdoors in.

Top 5 Décor Trends This Season


patterns. Create an oasis using pastel

even use a large potted succulent to

Nothing says spring like peaceful

colors reminiscent of a desert escape,

brighten up a corner in your home or

shades of green. Whether you choose

such as spice, melon, and blue sky.

your hearth.

a soft, buttery hue for your walls or

Woven, wicker baskets are perfect

pick up traces of it in pillows, rugs or

for housing toys or plants. Pair

You can pot them, create a terrarium,

upholstery, green is sure to welcome

them with warm wooden tables

or hang them from the ceiling at

your guests into the comfort of your

or metal and glass pieces for a

varying heights in macramé hangers.

home with feelings of rejuvenation

multidimensional look. This year is

Any way you swing it, they will add a

and peace. Pair green palettes with

all about living naturally and taking

hearty helping of simplistic beauty to

gentle yellow and whipped ivory. Use

organic from the dinner plate and

your home.

napkins to dress your dinnerware or

adding it to your home décor.

place porcelain urns or pitchers to house peonies and freesia.


We all get that itch after the cold to

If you are anything like me, you

stop, breathe, and re-boot. We want


LOVE decorating your home with live

to get cleaned up and organized to

This is where the fun begins and

plants but it is not easy keep them

start the season off right. Now is the

your home becomes the space where

healthy. This is where succulents

time to purge! Get into your closets

you thrive. Choose woven textiles,

come in. Whether you buy them big

and cupboards and find what you

such as pillows and throws or

or small, succulents thrive on very

won’t use and donate to a worthy

placemats and table runners, made

little care. Buy small, potted ones and

cause like a neighborhood church

with natural materials like cotton

add them to your kitchen window,

that gives your donations to those in

and trimmed with threaded jute

mantle or centerpiece. You can



Photo by Ylanite Koppens

If your home is lacking storage

through - there are no rules anymore.

options, visit any one of the local

I collect local art, and that is the

furniture shops - including antique

prominent theme in my own home. I

and consignment shops - to scout

have paintings from several different

for a wardrobe or cabinet to help

area artists, pottery and sculpture

get organized. Line shelves with

pieces from some of my favorite small

baskets and group like items together.

businesses and love finding vintage

Designate closet or cupboard space

and antique pieces with a story.

to specific things that you use and

No matter what, never be afraid

donate the rest.

to mix themes, whether you find yourself to be Shabby Chic, Mid-


Century Modern, Traditional or

Your own personal style develops the

Transitional, find pieces that speak

way you will ultimately decorate your

to you!

Jaclyn Meadows is
a local artist and traveler with an enthusiasm for living life beautifully! Follow her journeys on Instagram @twiggyjacqua and her blog at

space. Let what you love always shine


If you’ve ever had plantar fasciitis, you’re not likely to forget how much it hurt. Women in my family have always woken up to achy feet, and the tradition has continued with me. As a runner and hiker, I’m especially aware of it come spring when my steps pick up in the warmer weather. Breaking out the cute but


short-on-support sandals isn’t a huge help this time of year either. Depending on its severity, this common condition can even make it hard to walk for some individuals.


What causes this sharp pain in the heel of your foot? An inflammation of the plantar fascia—the tissue connecting your heel to your toes. It can be caused by an injury or too much stress on the foot. “Plantar fasciitis is probably the most common foot condition we see,” said John R. Clements, D.P.M., chief of podiatry for Carilion Clinic. “It’s more common in athletes and those who are very active because of the stress they place on their feet.” “It can be disabling for people who are active or who are on their feet a lot,” he added. “Being overweight also raises the risk.”

Photo provided by Demi Mabry Photography


HOW CAN YOU HELP PREVENT THIS PAINFUL CONDITION? “The most important thing you can do are stretches for the calf and the plantar fascia before and after exercising,” Dr. Clements noted. He recommends stretching for five to ten minutes before and after being active. “Stretching is also the best way to treat plantar fasciitis,” he said. “If you have an active case, do the stretches once an hour.” (See sidebar for examples)

STRETCHING EXERCISES FOR THE CALF: Lean against a wall with one knee straight and the other knee in front, bent. Then push


your hips toward the wall. Hold

• Wear shoes that support the arch and heel. Spend enough time at a good shoe shop to get the best fit.

this position for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat 20 times for each affected foot.

• Stay away from most flip-flops or sandals with little or no arch support. • Maintain a healthy weight.

FOR THE PLANTAR FASCIA: Sit with one leg crossed over the knee of your other leg. Grasp

• Do ice massages several times a day. Freeze water in a plastic bottle

the toes of your hurt foot and

and roll it under your foot. If you do develop plantar fasciitis, Dr. Clements recommends seeing a foot and ankle specialist who may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or a corticoid steroid injection to help speed recovery. “The number of people who need surgery is extremely low,” he said. Most of all, don’t despair. You can rebound from this condition and keep it at bay. It may take a little time and effort, but the results will be worth it.

slowly pull them towards you. If you can’t reach your foot, wrap a towel around your big toe to help pull it towards you. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 20 times.

Hannah Cline is a public relations specialist with Carilion Clinic. Out of the office, she loves sprucing up antiques with sandpaper, paint and lots of love.

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GEEKY GIRL a week without social media The most concise way to sum up my social media habits is to admit that I originally considered titling this column “A Day Without Social Media.” Yes, social media is so ubiquitous in my day-to-day life that I initially impressed and shocked myself with the thought of giving it up for one whole day. “It will be tough,” I said to myself with a grim and determined nod, “but I have to be strong. I can do this.” Upon further thought, however, I realized that a mere day without my friends’ Facebook and Instagram (I’ve heard Twitter is nice, but I’ve never met her) simply wouldn’t cut it. I decided that a week without these two platforms would make for a much more enlightening and meaningful experience, and that turned out to be so very true. For seven straight days, I did not use or check any social media platforms for

Photo by Bryan Hedrick

personal reasons (full disclosure: I had to use social media a bit for my library job); instead, I kept a journal of my observations of the people and things around me, happy and challenging moments that occurred each day, and reflections about life in general.

Don’t get me wrong; I love social media and think it is beneficial in many ways, but I think that the way

did not, and here’s why. I think that the main danger of social media is its

some adjustments. Keeping a journal

singular ability to put us on autopilot, to cause us to scroll mindlessly and

during my social media break helped

not really think about what we’re seeing. In our mad rush to see everything,

me think about the ways in which

we sometimes assign equal importance to celebrity gossip and photos of dear

these sites and apps can be used to

friends celebrating milestones, sometimes miss the real stories because we only

energize and inspire us rather than

read the headlines, and sometimes succumb to feelings of jealousy because we

leave us feeling drained and insecure.

don’t consider the imperfect reality behind all the perfect images.

I’ll share my top three ideas with you.


photo: Gabriel Gonzalez Photography

that we tend to utilize it could use

photo: Lindsay Hinkley Photography

So, did my self-imposed ban on social media extend beyond that week? It

HILLCITYBRIDE.COM inspiration for weddings, travel and diy

person who disagrees with you (none of us agree on everything, after all) or who sometimes makes you feel envious, I do recommend focusing your attention on people and things that lift you up rather than bring you down.

3. See beyond the screen. If you spend enough time on social media, it can begin to feel like its own reality with its own set of rules and standards of beauty, popularity, and success. My short break from social media helped me see how fully I subscribed to this notion of a separate reality and how badly I needed to end that subscription. The overarching theme from my journal observations was “I have missed so much.”

1. Less is more.

media routine or daily time limit,

The most obvious but also the

or simply call on your willpower in

most difficult way to improve your

those moments and force yourself

relationship with social media is

to focus on something else. Nothing

to put into practice the old adage

else to do? Don’t forget that a bit of

“absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

boredom isn’t a bad thing; it fosters

Using social media less will make the

reflection and sometimes even brilliant

fewer occasions that you do use it a

epiphanies. Incidentally, I’ve now started

lot more meaningful and special. By

spending more time reading my books

“using,” I’m referring to both checking

than taking photos of them!

and posting. Being the geek that I am,

2. Mindfulness is key

I sometimes tend to over-post photos

When we remove our gazes from our screens, we are able to see the subtle shifts in emotion in the faces around us and to appreciate the kind gestures that occur more often than we thought. We are able to fully appreciate a coworker’s hilarious sense of humor or a family member’s incredible artwork in living color. We are better able to perceive when loved ones are sad and discouraged, and we can then reach out and hold their hands.

Unfortunately, limiting your time on

It is wonderful to be able to watch

social media will only do so much to

endless funny animal videos, to look

quell the feelings of insecurity and

at amazing art from around the world,

Although I really like these items and

inferiority that many of us experience

and to be there for a friend through

enjoy sharing my excitement about

from time to time on these sites and

written messages of support, but

them, I had reached a point where

apps. If you take every post at face

these things paint an incomplete

the enjoyment of sharing these images

value and don’t consciously consider

picture. If we embrace social media as

and getting “likes” began to surpass my

that the reality behind the sparkling

a small part of our reality – a reality

own personal enjoyment of the items

words and photos is never as perfect

that is imperfect, unpredictable, and

themselves. Similarly, I found myself

as it seems, you will be setting yourself

stunningly beautiful – rather than as

over-checking similar accounts and

up for unfounded feelings of envy

a replacement for that reality, I believe

feeling envious of other people’s

and resentment.

that we can live more authentic,

Additionally, the desire to see, know,

inspired lives. No filter needed!

of my fandom collectibles, books, clothing, and games.

prodigious collections and pristine photos. Over-posting and overchecking definitely go hand in hand.

and judge everything often prevents us from being mindful about who

If you catch yourself feeling a similar

and what we choose to keep tabs

way, you may want to try a weeklong

on. Although I don’t recommend

break like I did, set up a social

unfriending or unfollowing every

Emily Hedrick is a youth services librarian and enjoys being with her husband and family, singing, and geeking out as often as possible.


Playful Parenting a day in the life Everyone has always told me that once I had kids “the days will be long but the years will be short.” I had no idea how true that statement would be until I had three little girls of my own. There is nothing sweeter than the love of a child (except maybe eating ice cream out of the container once everyone is asleep), and to my sweet little girls I am a hero.

Here is a day in my life. 6:30am: Husband brings me a cup

scrolling through my Facebook

9:10am: Childcare staff at the gym

of coffee in bed and then heads out

newsfeed. Heaven forbid I miss

tell me one of the tiny humans needs

the door for work, leaving me as

something important.

a diaper change. I change the diaper

sole responsible parent for the day. I start mindlessly scrolling through

8:03am: I jump in the shower and no

and rush back to my laptop.

sooner I am immersed in water, one

9:45am: Gym staff tell me the other

of the two-year-olds comes upstairs

needs a diaper change. I decide that

doing a potty dance. I hop out of the

they talked beforehand about all the

6:38am: Dreams of a quiet morning

shower and get her to safety, barely

ways they could interrupt what little

are tarnished as the door to the kids’

escaping a mess I would then be

work time I can get during the day.

room opens and three sleepy, grumpy

forced to clean up.

Facebook and silently pray that my kids will sleep in this morning.

little girls come running into my room. They lay down in bed with me and fight each other over cover distribution. 6:40am: Sweet, morning snuggles with three tiny humans aren’t possible. We get up, trudge downstairs and raid the kitchen for breakfast. 6:44am: We settle for squeezable yogurt and frozen pancakes. Yogurt ends up all over hands, bellies and the floor. Screaming for a “poo poo towel” commences. 7:00am: Breakfast is done and we plop down in front of the television to watch too many episodes of Sofia the First. I now try to drink my lukewarm cup of coffee and finish 26

11:00am: Head home and eat lunch.

8:10am: I finish my shower and work

Lunchables on the porch. It makes

to make myself presentable. It’s then

the girls excited that we are having a

that I notice that the toilet paper has

picnic and being outdoorsy.

been unrolled and is covering the floor.

11:05am: After a few bites, they all declare they are done and want to

8:30am: Another episode of Sofia

play. The girls get on bikes and grab

while I clean up breakfast.

chalk to draw on the sidewalk. I pick

8:45am: I chase the girls around the house trying to get them dressed. Nobody wants to wear what I picked out. They settle on tights, princess dresses and various hair pieces. I

pieces of lunch out of the outdoor rug and throw them in the yard for the birds. I grab some chalk and remember I am not an artist as I draw flowers and funny pictures.

agree this is fine and then tell myself

11:20am: All of the tiny humans are

they are unique and it will serve them

starving again. I sigh, remind them

well in life.

they failed to eat their lunch and

9:00am: Head to the gym so the kids can play and I can get some work done.

will have to wait until snack time for something else to eat. Whining begins.

11:22am: Snack time is here early

on my leg. I forgot to put a diaper on

today. This time I cut up fruit and put

the potty training one before she fell

it on a large plate for all of them to

asleep. Clean up and clothing changes

share. I give myself a pat on the back

all around.

that I am providing such a healthy meal.

3:20pm: Husband will be home in a bit, I bribe the girls to clean

7:30pm: Tiny humans go bed. 7:31pm: Tiny humans are out of bed. They need water.

12:00pm: We head to a park in hopes

up their messes, but they can’t be

of getting out some energy. The kids

bothered by things like cleaning

7:33pm: Tiny humans are again out of

run off in three different directions.

right now. They are busy putting

bed. This time they want hugs.

12:01pm: The potty training twin has to pee. I ask her if she can hold it and she says no. I close my eyes and head to the nearest porta potty. I am slightly traumatized afterwards but we make it. 12:45pm: Head home. Attempt nap time. I put on a movie, beg the girls to lay down next to me and rest, and then close my eyes. 12:46pm: I am being jumped on by child one, child two has found a marker and is coloring on the hallway wall and child three has to potty… again.

swimsuits on and laying towels on the floor to pretend they are at the beach. I sing the Cinderella song as I begin straightening up on my own. Afterwards I go swimming too. 4:00pm: Start getting supper ready. The kids are all putting on a concert with coordinated dancing moves. They are again wearing new outfits. 4:15pm: After watching the concert and clapping every time they tell me to, I head to the laundry room to see the damage. The clean clothes and the dirty clothes are all thrown together in the floor. I contemplate cleaning it up before deciding to shut

7:34pm: I am holding the doorknob outside of their bedroom in the hopes that they will feel it stuck and go back to bed on their own. 7:35pm: One child can be heard saying “check under the door. See if she’s standing there”. Then little fingers appear under the door and they can be heard saying “I see you mommy.” I open the door. 7:36pm: Begin bedtime routine again and say an extra prayer that they become so tired they can’t keep their eyes open. Repeat the last few steps for the next thirty minutes.

12:50pm: No rest for the weary. I

the laundry room door and pretend I

8:00pm: All is quiet. Husband and

remove the marker from the grasp of

didn’t see anything.

I sit down to eat supper and watch

child two and head to the bathroom with the other.

5:00pm: Feed the tiny humans a delicious meal that I slaved over

one of our own shows, completely exhausted from a busy day.

12:55pm: Scour the craft closet for

for the last hour. They want Chef

9:00pm: Husband falls asleep. I

something to keep them occupied.

Boyardee instead.

scroll through social media again,

I break out the Play-Doh and they cheer. 12:56pm: We settle into the kitchen and play with the messiest toy I think has ever been invented. The kids love it. The kitchen gets destroyed. I can breathe for a few minutes. 2:00pm: Children are again screaming

5:30pm: Husband comes home. I pretend I need to go to the bathroom for some alone time. 5:33pm: Children can be heard downstairs saying “where’s mommy?”

Time for bed. Relish in the sweetness of the day. Every day is a new adventure, a new

up the stairs. They found me.

can be so hard but the short years

cubes and lunch meat. After nibbles

a final show. I think about how much

are consumed, the kids decide they

of a crutch the television is and how

want to watch a movie after all.

I always swore never to be the mom

3:12pm: I wake up to a warm feeling

are worse things to be addicted to.

drawing on the wall. The long days

7:00pm: Bath, night-night snack and

The tiny humans close their eyes.

addicted to your phone”. Decide there

5:34pm: Tiny footsteps are heading

for food. Didn’t they just eat? Cheese

2:20pm: Movie begins. I close my eyes.

then google “how to know if you are

that allows her kids so much screen time. I remember my kids can all recite the alphabet and have great imaginations. I feel better.

are filled with moments I will always cherish...good night.

Kayla Vanderpool daily balances motherhood and being an entrepreneur. She lives in Salem and enjoys karaoke, crafting and anything Harry Potter.


A DAY AT THE CIRCUS birthday party inspiration When it comes to birthday parties, there are years you want to plan something extra special. Whether it’s a unique theme or hiring outside entertainment, creating these experiences is both fun and memorable. One family recently celebrated their daughter with a party that can work for either a boy or girl. We caught up with birthday girl Bryn’s mom, Colby, to talk about planning the big event.

How did you arrive at the circus theme? It’s pretty gender neutral, and I felt I could really do a lot with it! Bryn isn’t a girly girl. She is a free spirit, so she just wants to have fun! She has a lot of friends who are boys, and I wanted everyone to really be able to enjoy it.

Why did you choose to have a big event for this particular birthday? We don’t normally have big parties, so it was definitely a commitment… she’s turning 5 and just started kindergarten, so it’s great time to celebrate her.

What was your favorite part about the day? My absolute favorite part - besides everything - was seeing all the kids and the parents having so much fun! That’s EXACTLY what we wanted! Parents got balloons, had their face painted, played the games and even got in on the piñata action. 28

What was Bryn’s favorite part? Well if you ask her, she will go through and list everything that was there. I asked her for just two things and she said cake and bounce house. Looking back is there anything you would change? It was over too quickly. I should have made it a 3-4 hour party. There was so much for the kids to do that I felt like the parents could sit back and relax a little! That was important to us. I love that you had photos taken! How did you arrive at that decision? I wanted us to enjoy the day and not worry about trying to take pictures. Let’s face it, mommas: We are ALWAYS behind the camera and NEVER in any pictures! I didn’t want to regret not getting pictures of this or that. What was important to you when planning? I wanted everyone to come and have a great time, including parents and smaller children. We wanted to make sure that it was fit for ALL ages.


Can you talk a bit about how you used the party to give back? We talked with Bryn, and we all decided that we would ask our guests to bring a donation to the party for the Alzheimer’s Association instead of gifts. Bryn raised $1,055 to find a cure. Bryn was recognized at the Walk to Find a Cure… they also recognized her in their national newsletter. The party was all about her, but we also want her to know that it is important to give back and help others. Making an impact in the community and inspiring others are such important parts of life. Not only was this family able to accomplish both, but the experience was memorable in so many ways. As Colby put it, “All in all so much fun was had by all! Everyone was able to become a kid again and enjoy being together. Isn’t that what it’s all about?” We couldn’t agree more.

VENDORS: Family – Denver, Colby & Bryn Photography – EJR Photographers Venue & Target Game – Ivy Hill Pavilion Cake & Circus Cookies – Creative Confections by Heather Cake Pops – Melissa Rogers Bounce House and Circus Food Machines – True Value Balloons – Party City Balloon ARtist– Balloon Dude Travis Face Painting – Julia Phillips Chalkboards – Little Miss Felt Lettering – Lindsey Nicole Lettering Cups, Lids & Straws – Tip Top Supply 4u on Etsy 30

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GROWING READERS Job Wanted By Teresa Bateman What would you do if a stray dog came onto your farm and was looking for a home? If you are anything like the farmer, you will instantly say, ”No.” This Virginia Reader’s Choice Primary Award Winning book follows the story of a lovable mutt as he attempts to find a place to stay. After being rejected, he asks if there is an opening for another animal. Every time he is told no, the dog creatively keeps trying to impress the farmer. “Disappointed but not discouraged,” the sweet stray finally proves his worth to the farmer after being himself. Enjoy this “tail” about the importance of never giving up and rescuing animals in need.

ACTIVIT Y: M AKE AN ORIGA MI DO G 1. Find or cut a triangle. Have the base (the longest part) on the top 2. Fold it half (line of symmetry). 3. Bend the tip up about ¼ of the way (dog nose). 4. Bend the two remaining points down (dog ears). 5. Decorate your pup any way you desire!

Katie McQuain Lane is the Children’s Program Manager for the Campell County Public Library System, and her loves include her husband and her three rescue dogs.

Photo provided by Jason Barnette, courtesy of Abingdon CVB

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