Clutch Spring 2016

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your guide to an inspired life

Spring 2016 • Complimentary


At Home with Centra Centra Home Health

Centra Hospice

Centra PACE




Helping you recover at home from surgery, an injury or illness

Compassionate end-of-life care for patients and families

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Providing essential nursing, medical and rehabilitation services Dedicated team of experienced therapists, nurses and aides


Pain and symptom management, medication, equipment and supplies

Allows frail seniors to live at home and in their community

Call us or visit to learn more or to self refer.


SMILE Actual patient, Zaida

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Dr. Eric Baugher | Dr. Jennifer Claiborne

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your guide to an inspired life



Jennifer Prince CREATIVE DIRECTOR Photo by Kaitlyn Becker Photography

Stephanie Budd

Dear Friend,


Inside Back Cover

Alan B Pearson Regional Cancer Center At Home with Centra

Amber Ingram

Welcome to spring! After the


Inside Front Cover

Bowen Jewelry Company


starkness of winter, I’m ready

Meggan Robinson

for things to thrive, flourish and


become new again. Are you?

Shella Baker

Speaking of new, I’m excited about

Miriam Dakin

new things around town - such as

Emily Hedrick

Estates Revisited

an upcoming grocery co-op and an

Debbie Johnson

Fink’s Jewelers


authentic Irish teahouse. Plus, we

Alisha Meador

Gladiola Girls


added some fun new columns for

Joy Niehaus

the “crunchy” and “geeky girls” at

Jennifer Prince

heart. So fun!

Suzie Schmitt

Grandin CoLab

Deirdre Serio

Hill City Bride

As always, our pages are filled with stories and tips to inspire you along the way. I wish you the happiest of springtimes!


Back Cover

Central Virginia Orthodontics



Grand Home Furnishings


25 4

it’s FOUND vintage


Stephanie Specht Java Marketing

Becky Stone


Liz Cook Photography

Cheryl Valentine

Pastiche at Main Assignment Photographers Kaitlyn Becker Photography Kaitlyn Johnson

PS. Don’t forget to use

Inside Back Cover


Carilion Clinic

Azalea Smith


25 Inside Back Cover

The Art Box

Inside Back Cover



Bella Muse Photography Marissa Yi

#clutchinspires to stay in touch.

cover photo by Kaitlyn Becker Photography clutch, your guide to an inspired life is a quarterly publication. To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224 Copyright 2016 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.






In Season:

SPRING PHOTO BUCKET LIST Once the snow is melted and the flowers start to bloom, it’s time to get outside and explore! Here are hints of photos to take this spring, and be sure to tag them with #clutchinspires so that we can see your take on the season ahead.

Something Blooming


Bouquet of Flowers

Farmer’s Market

Rain Boots

Yard Sale

Spring Cleaning

Spring Break

Dressed in Easter Best

Fresh Berries

Playing in the Rain

Something Growing

To Do List

First Thing in the Morning

Easter Traditions

Bare Feet

Self Portrait

Dirt on Hands

Spring Wardrobe Item


Babies (human or otherwise)

New Leaves

Grass Stains


Blowing Bubbles


Cherry Blossoms

Favorite Easter Treat

Sidewalk Chalk

Birds Joy Niehaus is a freelance writer and free time creative. She enjoys reading, baking, and spending time with her husband and daughters.



inside this issue COMMUNITY



pg 6

RELATIONSHIP RENEWAL making subtle changes pg 26

pg 9


FLOURISH FOOD CO-OPS a member-owned grocery model HOME

pg 12

pg 29

GEEKY GIRL the activities we love PET PONDERINGS

CRUNCHY LIVING foolproof vegetable gardens DI-WHY NOT?

pg 14

pg 17

pg 30 pg 32


pg 34


CLUTCH GOES CULINARY a flavorful spring brunch

pg 28

pg 10

pg 21

BEST FOOT FORWARD current shoe trends pg 35 spring photo list calendars

pg 3

pg 18

Photo by Liz Cook Photography


INSPIRING WOMEN those who motivate us

Katie Cassidy dog lover . FSU graduate . Netflix binge watcher . ocean enthusiast

crusaders in an industry majorly

continue to bring those people and

driven by men,” she explained. Katie

places to life, I hope I’m making

Katie, a Florida native turned

is also inspired by her mother. “She’s

a small difference in our corner of

Diamond Hill resident, has learned

amazing and my constant inspiration.

the world.”

to savor the beauty of our region,

Her kindness extends both personally

especially when contrasted with the

and professionally to everyone she

flat land down south. “The mountains

meets, and a day doesn’t go by when

“Great people do things before they’re

will forever take my breath away,

I’m not thankful for her,” she shares.

ready. They do things before they

especially when the sun sets and I

When it comes to making a

get to watch the colors change in the

difference, Katie focuses her energy

sky,” she enthuses. Being able to walk

on local businesses and the arts. As

to the Community Market and take

the Managing Director of Endstation

part in the camaraderie and history

Theatre Company, she has the

of the downtown area all add to her

opportunity to blend both. She

newfound love of Central Virginia.

explains, “We are an arts organization

Katie has always had a love for

focused on telling the stories of

comedy and is inspired by female

our community... Everyone I have

comedians - from pioneers like

met here is focused on making this

Lucille Ball to more modern figures

community the best it can be. There

like Tina Fey - who “were the

are so many stories to tell, and if I can Photos by LaShonda Delivuk


know they can do it. And by doing it, they’re proven right.” - Amy Poehler

WHAT MOTIVATES KATIE Kindness. I have a countless number of people to thank for helping me get to where I am. This motivates me, not only to prove they chose correctly by encouraging and helping me, but also to encourage and motivate others who may need guidance.


Photos by LaShonda Delivuk

Lynda Gentry happily single . daughter . sister . lifelong friend . lover of film noir and westerns

be us or a friend or relative, and her


heart goes into helping disabled

Always know that you are beautiful.

people understand they are valued

Always know your heart. Always

Chances are if you have met Lynda, it

and important.

know who you are, and always lift up

has been in the theater somewhere.

Lynda is also an advocate for the

the next woman!

Whether she is performing or making

downtown area. “I am a volunteer for

sure productions run smoothly

Lynch’s Landing and have been so for

behind stage, this downtown “O-Foe”

the past 16 years. I have had way too

resident truly enjoys all things

much fun and I have met and become

performance related.

friends with so many of the others

But, that’s not all this detail oriented

who volunteer and with the fine

woman is about... she has a great

citizens of this city.” She volunteers

heart for making a difference in the

at the Diva Crawl, Get Downtown and

lives of others, and she has been

Friday Cheers.

making a difference for 39 years at

Drawing inspiration from her family

the Central Virginia Training Center.

and friends, Lynda is anticipating

“I am an advocate for people who

what’s next in her life. She promises,

have intellectual disabilities. No

“This is not my last stop. God is not

negative stereotyping, no labels,

finished with me yet... there is more to

no derogatory name calling, no

come, and I am looking forward to the

disrespecting these people, “ Lynda

ride.” The next thing, moving forward,

declares. She also softly reminds us

and the opportunity to be a better

that those with disabilities could

person all keep Lynda looking ahead.

WHY LYNDA LOVES LIVING IN VA You can see the seasons change. They each have their own special and unique beauty!

Special thanks to LaShonda Delivuk for sharing the ladies of Motivation Monday with us. Be sure to check out her blog at to read about more inspiring, local women.


Made by Hand East Coast Candle Company Spring is here, and it’s finally time to bid winter goodbye. Long gone are holiday fragrances of pine and cinnamon, and we’re ready to welcome scents of flowers and the outdoors. If you’re searching for Photos Provided by East Coast Candle Company

fresh, inviting seasonal fragrances for your home, handmade candles from a hometown company are the perfect solution. East Coast Candle Company started as a hobby by brothers Kalvin and Keenan Reynolds and their friend Mark Palladino. The company is based locally and also in Reading, MA. All of their candles are handpoured soy wax, with intoxicating scents that have none of that weird ‘candle-y’ smell, thanks to the use of natural essential oils. They burn incredibly evenly, last a surprisingly long time, and are hand made in small batches.

You can find their candles locally

Lavendar + Mint is a personal

in Pastiche at Main, the Vintage

favorite; it’s perfect to light the

Lynchburg sales, and the LU

kitchen and make everything smell

Farmer’s Market, or shop online

fresh and clean. We also recommend


Tobacco + Teakwood for your home

Remember, shopping locally supports

office, and the Fresh Coffee scent for...

artisans in our area.

Popular Scents • Clothesline • Coffee • Lavender + Mint

well, anywhere! • Oakmoss + Amber • Sweet Grapefruit • Tobacco + Teakwood

Alisha Meador is a small-scale homesteader. Avid bookworm. Aspiring writer. Wannabe yogi. Lover of good food, good friends and a good glass of wine.


Photo by Lisa Parks

For those of you who haven’t tried yoga, you may be under the impression that it’s an effortless endeavor, nothing more than sitting with legs crossed humming “oooohm” for an hour. Not so. The first time I tried yoga, I really thought it was going to be simple… so simple in fact that I wasn’t very well prepared for what was in store. By the end of the class, I had gotten a full body workout, especially in those teeny, tiny muscles that barely cross my mind, and - yes - I did feel relaxed and invigorated. Cyndi Lee, owner and director of

do cleanses, and go on a retreat to the

Yoga Goodness states this concept

Joshua Tree Desert. Cindy expounds,

Yoga Goodness Studio

perfectly: “Some people have the idea

“As a dance major and spiritual

Yoga Goodness offers classes seven

that yoga is easy because they see

seeker from childhood, this kind of

days a week for all levels (including

pictures of people looking peaceful

movement really resonated with me,

Voluptuous Ladies Yoga). Yoga

and relaxed in yoga class.” Yes, it’s

and I’ve never stopped practicing

Church is a donation based class

true that yogis don’t grunt and make

since then.”

held on Sunday mornings, which

faces like you might see in the weight

Being a yogi has also opened up a

offers a sense of connection,

room at the gym, but yoga definitely

world of opportunities for Cyndi.

compassion and community in

offers a comprehensive workout as it

She has traveled all over the globe

a non-church setting with 75%

strengthens bones and muscles along

including Hong Kong, Italy, the

of the donations going towards

with increasing range of motion.

United Kingdom and throughout

local charities.

Cyndi’s journey as a yogi began

the United States to share yoga. No

as a college student. “There was a

matter where Cyndi roams, she finds

physical education requirement, and

that those who practice yoga are

naturally - since it was California

similar. “It continually moves me that

in the 70s - they offered yoga. I

no matter where in the world I am,

took the class one day and just kept

yogis are yogis. They are practicing to


going,” she reminisces. Her professor

connect to themselves in a genuine

required students to read, meditate,

way and to live an awakened life that


YOGA GOODNESS STUDIO 901 Jefferson Street, 2nd floor Lynchburg, Virginia

community WHY YOGA?

and that you get the most benefit

• Time tested system of integrating mind, body, breath, heart, and daily life

from the pose,” Cindy advises.

• Strengthens body

Instructors also teach various classes that are tailored towards level and

• Improves digestion

experience. Cindy explains, “You

• Opens area such as hips, shoulders, and lower back

can work at the pace and effort that

• Oxygenates the entire body

is appropriate to you. In this way

• Improves sleep

you get the right kind of rigorous

• Creates a more spacious, mindful, and compassionate life

experiences which creates strength,

• Promotes relaxation to curb emotional drama and reactivity matters,” she shares.

Yoga Goodness teachers - who have

In addition to her travels, Cyndi

all been trained by me - and the

has been fortunate enough to have

beautiful community that is growing

founded two yoga studios. Om Yoga

every day.”

Center in New York City became

Even if students start with one yoga

a destination for yogis from all

class per week, they will quickly

over the world, and she trained

see benefits. Practicing with an

over 1000 teachers while she was

instructor instead of self teaching

there. Now Cindy is practicing in

yoga at home is also beneficial. “A

downtown Lynchburg. She states,

teacher can help you develop clear

“I am very proud of the studio, the

alignment so that you don’t get hurt




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(540) 563-2070

5401 Fort Avenue


At Valley View Mall

All Three Locations Open Every Day

flexibility, stamina and fun!” Although exercise may not sound fun, yoga balances the nervous system and offers a non-stressful workout that leaves a person refreshed and spacious from the inside out.

Jennifer Prince draws inspiration from the stories of local women and vows to take a few yoga classes in 2016.



Across from Tanglewood (540) 774-7004

FOOD CO-OPS a member-owned grocery model When it comes to shopping, many locals prefer to keep their dollars in the community. Reverting from chains and getting back to supporting “mom and pop” businesses helps our neighbors and offers a sense of camaraderie. Such is the way with shopping at a neighborhood cooperative (or co-op) grocery store. This may seem like a new concept for some, but in the case of the Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op, the premise in our area is over thirty years strong! The member/owner model of a cooperative services those who live nearby while also providing stability for the community. “In order for downtown to continue to thrive and succeed, residents need to have access to a readily available grocery and food source,” stated John Bryant, Marketing Manager for the Roanoke

Grocery co-ops are born out of a

Natural Foods Co-op, located in both

community’s desire for a local food

Grandin and downtown Roanoke. He

source - and often one that offers

expounded, “We want our residents

consistently healthier alternatives

and visitors alike to feel like downtown

than larger food markets. Both the

has everything they need and that

Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op and

they don’t have to go outside to look

Grassroots Local Market focus on

for those necessary goods and services.

providing local, organic and natural

“I love the business model of food

products. Specialty items can also be

co-ops. The grocery business is a great

determined by the owners and Board

business model, and what better than

of Directors.

a grassroots grown co-op to serve the

One area that may raise a concern

needs of the community?” offered

is the closeness of Grassroots Local

Victoria Bartholomew, Vice Chair

Market to the Lynchburg Community

of the Lynchburg Food Cooperative,

Market... a matter that Victoria

a group who is in the process of

quickly dispelled. “With their close

opening Grassroots Local Market in

proximity to one another, we see it as

downtown Lynchburg.”

a symbiotic relationship,” she advised.

community It will provide a one stop shopping experience for those in the downtown area. Victoria stated, “When you come down to the farmers market, you can get other products not offered at the market... it will still provide a sense that downtown has everything you need when going to shop.” John has the same opinion. “Not surprisingly to us, our sales only improved on market days, Saturdays,” he shared. “Our downtown store is Photos by Bella Muse Photography

a corner store on the oldest farmers market in the area, and we work with

ANSWERS TO COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Is there a maximum amount of members?

the local farmers to sell different items in our store than what you might find out on the market.”

No. The Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op has 4000+ members. The more

The Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op

members, the more the community benefits.

does - and Grassroots Local Market will - provide support to farmers. “Our

Can anyone shop in the co-op?

co-op actually started a neighborhood

Yes! Shopping is open to anyone, and all are welcome.

market as a way to provide our farmers

What is the benefit of becoming a member?

with a place to sell to the community

Owners are able to weigh in on decisions such as deciding what items the

without a middle-man,” John advised.

store will carry, sharing in potential profits, and receiving member-only

“We believe strongly in providing

specials and rebates. When it comes to the Board of Directors, members can

better access to great food, and what

weigh-in on elections or run for a board position. “The board is in charge of

better way to buy local than directly

the direction of the store and the hiring of qualified staff,” offered Victoria.

from the farm?” Seeing a great working model already in place in Roanoke and other areas, several Lynchburg residents - desiring


a downtown grocery - decided to take

Grandin Road - (540) 343-5652

matters into their own hands and

Downtown (540) 904-2733

provide the cooperative model as an

opportunity to locals. Grassroots Local

apply at

Market had a kickoff in January, and is

Cost: Owners must purchase at least one share

hoping to be operational in a year. It

($25, plus a one time processing fee of $10) up to

is exciting to have co-ops available in

a maximum of eight shares.

our area, truly bringing the meaning of “shopping local” to our communities.

GRASSROOTS LOCAL MARKET 1300 Main Street, Lynchburg apply at, and hit “join” Cost: $200 to join

Jennifer enjoys patronizing Roanoke Natural Foods and is looking forward to owning her own blade of Grassroots.

CRUNCHY LIVING a foolproof guide for the first time vegetable gardner Gardening. Some of you are chanting “green thumb all the way” and others shy away due to thoughts of sealing a plant’s fate to certain death under your care. No matter what color thumb you were blessed with, there is a foolproof way to grow your own vegetables. Promise! After all, the best way to maintain a healthy diet is a constant source of fresh, living, organic vegetables. Whether you want to turn your lawn into a garden or just learn what veggies are the easiest to grow, follow my plan. I promise it’s not labor

Looking for a place to start? Check out these sample beds that include

intensive or complicated! Besides,

plants that make good companions - try one or try them all. You will

growing your own food is so hot right

have so much food!

now, and you can even tag pictures of

3”x6” bed with two summer squash, dill planted in the middle and

your glorious garden on social media.

zinnias on the corners.

Find a flat sunny spot in your yard. Don’t worry if it’s smack dab in the middle of the front yard. Your neighbors will applaud you for being

3”x6” bed with two tomato plants, an eggplant, two hot pepper plants, two basil plants and a few marigolds. 2”x4” bed with nothing but bush beans.

so hip and on trend. Plus, veggies need sunshine, and making your yard useful also makes it beautiful. Build a raised garden bed. If you can use a screwdriver or a hammer and nails you’ll be just fine. Many lumber yards, big box home improvement stores, and even the Habitat Restore will saw boards. Decide on the dimensions before you go wood shopping. Keep the frame under three feet across, or you will have to step into


the garden bed for tending. Trampling on the soil packs it down, when what you want is light, aerated soil. Nail or screw your boards together like a frame, which should be a minimum of eight inches deep. Place a layer of plain newsprint (at least 8 sheets thick) or cardboard over the grass where you plan to lay your bed. Surprisingly, a lawn can easily grow through eight inches of dirt. Lay the paper or cardboard over the entire bottom of the frame overlapping the pieces. Don’t leave a fraction of an inch uncovered, and be sure to lay the paper up against the garden frame. Next, wet down the paper. This will kill off the grass, begin the decomposition of the paper product, and attract worms. Worms are great for aerating gardens - trust me, you want worms.


SOCIAL MEDIA HASHTAGS FOR INSPIRATION #foodnotlawns #LynchburgisforLocavores #urbangardening

Easy Vegetables to Start from Seed: bush beans summer squash

Successful Veggies to Buy as Young Plants: tomato hot pepper eggplant

Fill your garden bed to a thickness

a chance to fully warm up. Remember

Looking to learn more about organic

of 8 inches. Getting the right balance

that spacing is important, so read the

gardening? Here are some terms to

of nutrients and microbiology in the

instructions on the seeds or plants to

search on the web!

soil can be tricky. Right now you’re

ensure proper spacing for the plants.

Companion Planting

reading a guide for the easiest startup

Care for your growing garden. That’s

plan, with the highest success rate,


all there is to it! You won’t even need

not necessarily the most frugal guide.

to fertilize your fancy store-bought

Go buy garden soil (you can even buy

dirt. Collect your bounty when it’s

certified organic garden soil), and

ripe, and water the garden when it’s

Compost Tea

you’re going to need a lot of it. Think

dry to the touch. Remember to stake


about that expense before you build

or cage your tomatoes and eggplants

multiple garden beds. Adding the soil

while they’re still babies. If you’re

is the hardest and most expensive

feeling overwhelmed by an entire

step, and you might need a friend or a

garden then reel it back and start with

wheelbarrow to help haul the dirt.

a tomato in a gigantic flower pot. Keep

It’s time to plant something! Are

your tomato watered in full sun,

you ready to start to feel stress relief,

and your confidence will be boosted

deep connections to Earth, and start

so much that you’ll be ready for a

to define yourself as a gardener? Let’s

full-fledged vegetable garden next

go! Some vegetables you will start

year. Happy planting!

Square Foot Gardening Organic Pesticides

Lasagna Gardening

Azalea blogs about her crunchy lifestyle at, and she enjoys motherhood, all things natural and bright colors. Photos provided by Azalea

from seed and others you will start from purchased baby plants. Plant well after the last frost to give the soil 15

Cancer screenings save lives

You wouldn’t skip an oil change or neglect gutters before a storm. Routine maintenance makes a difference with your health too. The best defense against cancer is early detection. Routine cancer screenings catch the disease in its earliest and most treatable stages. Technological advancements allow you to be proactive with your healthcare. From three-dimensional mammography to detect breast cancer to low-dose CT scans to find lung cancer, the tools available make screenings effective.

Centra offers screenings in Bedford, Farmville, Gretna and Danville for these cancers: Breast | Colon | Gynecological | Lung | Prostate If cancer is detected, a team of oncology experts at Centra Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center carefully examine each case and develop a personal treatment plan with leading-edge specialty care.

For more information about cancer prevention screenings and care at Centra Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center, visit Centra Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center Nurse Navigators Pictured L to R: Kara Lamb, RN, Amanda Bruffy, RN, Lindsay Lacey, RN, Amy Clemons, RN

Routine cancer screenings save lives. Make your appointment today.

16 | 1701 Thomson Drive | Lynchburg, Virginia



PAINTED POT CENTERPIECE If you are looking for an incredibly simple, impossible-to-mess-up craft, this is perfect! These painted pots are easy enough to get the kids involved, and you can also color match these cute plant holders to coordinate with your decor inside or out.

SUPPLIES: Cake stand (or a candlestick and plate glued together with Gorilla Glue) 2 terra cotta pots (preferably different heights) 2 plants/succulents Moss Various paint colors

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Peel any stickers or price tags off of your pot, and remove any residue. 2. Prepare your work surface by spreading plastic or newspaper for protection. A few paper plates will work in a pinch. 3. Turn the pot upside down, and squeeze the paint out onto the

Want these particular paint colors? A

bottom rim.

simple white from Apple Barrel was

4. Allow the paint to drip down the

utilized in addition to the following

sides, and repeat this process with


subsequent colors. You can also tap

• Beach Glass

your pot on the table to quicken

• Couscous

the process. 5. Use the amount of paint that appeals to you, and leave the pots upside down to cure and dry. 6. When finished, fill the pots with

Photos by Suzie Schmitt

• Lilac Cloud • Scottish Highlands

Suzie Schmitt enjoys the outdoors and working with the Baptist Collegiate Ministry at VA Tech. She and her husband, Joseph love espresso and have a fur baby named Stella.

• Wild Salmon Love this craft? Be sure to join in the fun at Suzie’s next craft night, where

plants - succulents were used here

she will walk you through making a variety of crafts while you sip on lattes

to create a centerpiece by adding

(she has an espresso catering business!) and eat yummy treats. Follow her on

bits of moss for texture.

Instagram - @thegreencupboard to get the details on her next creative party.








The Hollow 7:30-10pm Enjoy a dinner theater style event by Glass Theatre.

7 At Home with Mr. Jefferson 10am-4pm Explore the grounds of Poplar Forest.

14 Happy Valentine’s Day!


Green Market Wednesday 10am-2pm Enjoy Lynchburg’s downtown farmers market.



Elmwood on Ice 4-9pm Spend time at Roanoke’s outdoor ice rink



President’s Day






Thursday Night Live 7-9pm Listen to jazz and blues at The WayBack in Roanoke.


Art by Night & First Friday 5pm-8pm Appreciate the local art scenes in Roanoke and Lynchburg.


6 Mummenschanz 3pm Experience puppetry and mime at the Jefferson Center.


Party in the Market 5:30-9pm Get your groove on in the City Market Building.

Love at the Maier 5:30pm Enjoy hors d’oeuvres as you celebrate art and artists.

Puppy Love Dinner 11am-8pm Head to Chateau Morrisette for a multi course, romantic meal.




Austrian Valentine Concert 7pm Listen to songs of romance at the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra.



Lives of the Stars 8pm Head to the Peaks of Otter Lodge for a star presentation.

Photo by Visions By Heather

Winter Festival 2pm Mill Mountain Theatre presents a new production.




August, Osage County 7:30-9:30pm See an award winning play at Sweet Briar.

McNeill’s Rangers 6:30-8pm Learn about this group at The Museum of the Confederacy.

Cabaret 7:30-9:30pm Enjoy a performance at Lynchburg College.



The Long & Winding Road 4-6pm Hear Beatles hits at TUMC in Lynchburg.

Lynchburg Bridal Expo 12pm-4pm Head to the Holiday Inn for wedding inspiration!

Photo by John Williams

20 For more information check out these websites: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: 5th:


6th: 7th: 8th: 11th: 12th: 13th: 16th:

20th: 21st: 21st: 25th: 26th: 27th: 28th:

Photo by Patrick Kuhl





Photo by Nathan Rupert

12 Roanoke’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade

THURSDAY 3 You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown 7-9pm See a musical at the Academy.

FRIDAY 4 Roanoke Symphony Orchestra 7:30pm Take in a violin concert.

SATURDAY 5 Head out and enjoy your local farmers market, and plan a meal around what you find!

& Shamrock Festival 11am



Appomattox Bluegrass Concert 1-4pm Listen to toe-tappin’ music!


The Ice Cream Man 7pm Roanoke Children’s Theatre tackles tough topics through a relatable show.



Money Monday 6:30-8pm Learn how to get out of debt at the Jefferson Center.

Aesop’s Fables 7-8pm Mill Mountain Theatre brings these stories to life.

Photo 21 by Kaitlyn Becker Photography 22

20 Flipbook Family Program 2pm Kids ages 4-12 can have fun at the Maier Museum.



On Golden Pond 7-10pm See this classic play in Bedford.

Spring Fling 11am-4pm Celebrate the beginning of spring at Mill Mountain Zoo.





Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage 7:30pm Head to the Jefferson for guitar music.

Chicago’s The Second City 8-11pm Laugh during a “who’s who” of comedy.

Egg Hunt on the Lawn 10am-1pm Head to Point of Honor for a day of fun.

31 Menopause the Musical 7:30pm Head to the Berglund Center for this hilarious comedy.

27 27 Photo by Robert S Donovan

26 3rd: 4th: 6th: 10th: 11th: 12th:

12 Railroad Exhibit 2-4pm Head to the Lynchburg Museum for their newest display.

Tobacco People 10am-5pm This photographic exhibit closes at the O. Winston Link Museum.


Enjoy a wonderful Easter, and start your morning with our make ahead casserole in our culinary article.

17 Harlem Globetrotters 7pm Enjoy basketball entertainment in Roanoke.

11 Second Friday 5-8pm Enjoy arts and entertainment in downtown Bedford.

Photo by Matthew Stroup


12th: 14th: 16th: 17th: 18th: 19th:

20th: 23rd: 24th: 25th: 26th: 31st:












Spring Awakening 7:30pm Listen to a concert at Sweet Briar.

Point of Honor 5K 9am Get exercise starting at Riverfront Park.

Alonzo King Lines Ballet 7:30pm VA Tech hosts this bold ballet.

5 3


Nothin’ Fancy Bluegrass 2-4pm Head to Appomattox High for fun music.


5 Nature Hike & Lecture 1pm Join a naturalist at Poplar Forest.




1st: 2nd: 2nd:


Distracted 7:30pm See a theatre production at Hollins University.



West End Community Market 3-6pm Support this local farmers market.

For more information check out these websites:


Green Market Wednesdays 10am-2pm Visit the Lynchburg Community Market.

3rd: 5th: 7th: 8th:


Don Pasquale 7:30pm Opera on the James puts on this fun comedy.


Blossom to Bottle 5K 4:30-8pm Run at Peaks of Otter Winery.


Preschoolers’ Night at the Museum 6-8pm Have fun at the Lynchburg Museum.

African American Genealogy Workshop 9-11am Head to this Old City Cemetery event.

9th: 12th: 15th: 16th:

Photo: Bella Muse Photography

all roads lead to...

artisan & decor goods for home, self & gifting 115 Salem Ave SE across from Taubman Art Museum (540)344-2324 Tue-Th 10:30-5 Fri-Sat 10:30-6 20


home Clutch Goes Culinary

SPRING BRUNCH Whether you are looking for something quick and easy to make before you head out on Easter Sunday or want to invite the girls over for a relaxing morning of chatting over mimosas, our quick and easy brunch is hearty and flavorful.


Photos by Kaitlyn Becker Photography



yield 8 servings

Lightly grease casserole dish.

Simple and tasty, this main dish can

Tear bread into bite sized pieces and place in the bottom of

be assembled the evening before and

the casserole dish.

popped in the oven in the morning.

Cook and crumble sausage. After cooking, drain off liquid

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

and evenly distribute the sausage on top of the bread. INGREDIENTS 6 slices of bread

Layer half of the shredded cheese on top. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, nutmeg and milk (or cream)

2 lbs bulk sausage

together, and pour egg mixture into the casserole dish.

16 oz shredded cheddar cheese

Place in oven and bake for 30 minutes.

6 eggs

Remove from oven, top with remaining cheese and bake

2 c cream or milk

for 10-15 more minutes or until casserole is firm and

1 pinch of nutmeg

cheese is melted.

salt and pepper to taste

Remove, serve and enjoy!



BAKERY BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Hearty with a bakery feel, these muffins are like dessert and a to-go breakfast all in one. INGREDIENTS 1/2 c unsalted butter, softened 1 1/4 c white sugar 1/2 t salt 2 eggs 2 c all purpose flour, divided 2 t baking powder 1/2 c fresh buttermilk 1 pint fresh blueberries - rinsed, drained and patted dry 2 t white or decorative sugar METHOD With a rack in the center of the oven, preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Prepare muffin pan with non stick spray and/or muffin liners. In a large bowl blend butter, 1 1/4 c sugar and salt until fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time. In a separate bowl, mix 1 3/4 c flour and the baking powder. To the original butter/egg mixture, alternately add in the flour mixture and buttermilk, mixing until just incorporated after each addition. Crush 1/4 of the blueberries and add them to the batter. Place the remaining 3/4 pint of blueberries in a bowl and coat them with the remaining 1/4 c of flour, and then fold into the batter. Scoop batter into muffin cups, and sprinkle tops lightly with sugar. Bake for 30 minutes, or until tops spring back lightly when pressed.


MIMOSA With one recipe for adults and another for the littles, a mimosa is a morning treat for all to enjoy. INGREDIENTS Adult Mimosa - ratio of 3/4 chilled champagne to 1/4 chilled orange juice Mini Mimosa - ratio of 3/4 chilled ginger ale to 1/4 chilled orange juice METHOD Fill glasses with chilled, clear sparkly liquid of choice 3/4 of the way, and then finish off the last 1/4 with chilled orange juice.

Concept and Styling - Jennifer Prince Recipes and Food Styling - Debbie Johnson Photography - Kaitlyn Becker Photography Tablescape and Decor Items - Estates Revisited Styling Assistants - Kyle Blanchard and Aubrey Prince Location - TOOLRY

In addition to coming up with

from Paul Burrell, who was the butler for

For a friendly, authentic, enjoyable tea

these doable, delicious recipes, Debbie

Princess Diana.

experience, we encourage you to head on

Johnson is also co-owner of Kathleen

After 17 years of dreaming, Debbie has

over to Kathleen O’Byrne’s Irish Tearoom,

O’Byrne’s Irish Tearoom. Focusing on

finally taken the steps to open her own

located in the Boonsboro Shopping Center

traditional Irish fare mixed with American

tearoom with her business partner, Louise

in Lynchburg.

inspired dishes, this new teahouse boasts

Pugliese, and Debbie’s son, Sean Patrick

more than just a location to enjoy lunch

(who just returned from Ireland), as

Kathleen O’Byrne’s Irish Tearoom

or afternoon tea.

executive chef.

Boonsboro Shopping Center

Offering interactive tea classes (for adults

Why a love for tea? “Tea is a part of my life.

and children) and off-site catering for

It’s family history inspired,” Debbie stated,

occasions such as showers, rehearsal

“When I was growing up a cup of tea fixed

dinners, weddings and parties, Debbie

everything. A cup of tea and a kettle were

has a passion for creating a welcoming

all part of the experience.” They call sugary

atmosphere. “We enjoy focusing on the

tea “Granddad tea” because her grandfather

hospitality and the experience for our

made it so sweet! The business is even

guests, and we want everyone to come in

named after her mother, the true

and feel as though were we anticipating

Kathleen O’Byrne.

their arrival,” she said.

In addition to serving lunch and afternoon

The tearoom also focuses on authenticity

tea Tuesday through Saturday (and available

of service and education. After owning

for private bookings at other times), they

an afternoon tea catering business in Texas

offer to-go service and a specialty coffee

- where she had a food mentor and etiquette

- the Kathleen O’Byrne’s blend - via Third

trainer - Debbie received personal advice

Wave Coffee, opening up in Forest.


Debbie Johnson is the co-owner of Cater This Events and Kathleen O’Byrne’s Irish Tearoom. In addition to loving tea, she enjoys going to the theater and shopping.



April 21, 2016 5pm-9pm Phase 2

Proceeds benefit


Relationship Renewal subtle changes Do you remember the first time your

It’s easy to let the day-to-day creep

special someone caught your eye

into our relationship and to focus

from across the room? You probably

on the tasks at hand instead of the

felt a little giddy inside! As things

person who is by our side. Although,

progressed, you probably spent as

you may have more responsibilities

much time together as you could. Ah,

now, the good news is you can still

those first days of love are so exciting

reproduce those first love emotions by

as you try to show each other how

deliberately nurturing your love story!

much you care.

One way to rekindle is to bring back

First comes love, then comes

date night. Dates do not have to

marriage - flutters as you walk down

happen spontaneously; you can still

the aisle feeling tingly and alive - and

prioritize romance by scheduling

then baby comes as you experience

time to be together. Maybe it does

the wonder of the beginnings of life.

not seem as urgent as comforting a

And your life continues. Day after

crying child, but investment in your

day. Suddenly, daily living becomes

shared love can sustain the romance

very ordinary when you are divvying

in each of you while you carry out all

the household chores and shuffling

the other activities of life.

children to and from activities. Day

You and your spouse are the only

turns into night as you are wiped

ones who can mark focusing on

out at bedtime knowing that another

your relationship as something

day lies ahead.

important. Your love can not only

Our spouse complements us and fills

be as satisfying as it was when you

in the gaps that we ourselves are

were first in love, but it can even

missing. Even falling in love doesn’t

be richer as you add experiences of

happen on its own. A true,

shared growth and continue to learn

breathing love story combines plot

from each other. When you value and

and timing, just like the movies.

cherish the love of your life, that love

Almost without effort you gave

(and the effort it can require) trickles

meaning and significance to small

down to your children and impacts

things as you built your story of

your future forever.

romance together. Even now when

Life is too short not to enjoy each

you re-tell that story, those emotions

other now!

stir again. Although you did not notice these were skills, creating romance is a skill you still possess.


4 IDEAS TO SPARK UP YOUR LOVE For the next three months, try to 4 IDEAS TO SPARK UP YOUR LOVE

Photo by Crystal George Studios

Becky Stone helps frustrated people create happy families. Enjoy your own free Family Happiness Tool Kit by going to


For the next three months, try to have two date nights a month for under $25 each. Each of you can plan one date, and you’ll see who can be more creative. The idea is not to compete, but to learn how much you can enjoy new ways of experiencing each other. One evening, put the kids to bed early (or set up a playdate with someone with whom you are trading babysitting). Lay on a rug on the the floor in the living room and watch your favorite chick flick or drama - one that you enjoyed while you were dating. Top it off with sushi, wine, and burning candles. Invite your honey to lunch. Ask him to put it on his calendar like a regular business appointment. Instead of talking about what you or your girlfriends did that day, talk only about things that focus on him, and schedule a time for the two of you to share in one of his favorite activities. Research a new hiking trail or pick an old favorite. Stick a picnic lunch in a backpack along with water. Pick something natural and easy to notice that that day, like birds, a certain kind of tree or yellow flowers, and see who can spot the most of them. Whoever counts the most gets to pick the kind of pizza you will grab or the movie you schedule to watch the next time.


Photo by Bella Muse Photography

Women of a Certain Age creating a life wish list

Have you always wanted to go to Australia? Hike to the top of Mt. Washington? Swim the English Channel? Okay, maybe that last one is a little far-fetched. Have you done anything BIG from a life-long wish list? If not, why not?

Last summer, I created a list of six

I’ve only ever been able to play one

to sky dive, and she did with her son

things I wanted to do before I turned

hand at a time. It’s always been a

a few years ago. She’d like to do it

60. That gave me just under three

struggle to put the two hands to work

again. A high school buddy wants to

years to complete them, but I’ve

on what appears to be (to my brain)

hike the length of the Appalachian

already completed one and started on

two different pieces of music. So I

Trail, but it’s tough to find six


started piano lessons in June. It’s a

months to do it. I was surprised by

The first was to return to my natural

struggle, but I’m seeing results – and

how many people wanted to write a

hair color. My hair has been pretty

I’m really enjoying it.

book. That’s another dream of mine.

gray for years. I started coloring it

Other items on my list are to learn to

Some dreams are smaller and easier

when I was job hunting in my early

play the drums, reacquaint myself

to achieve. One friend wants to

50s. Age discrimination is illegal,

with Spanish (managed to keep it

take ballroom dancing lessons with

but it was surely at play in some

up a little since high school), go to

her husband, another to get her

interviews I went on. So I went back

one of my dream destinations (like

motorcycle license (but she’s afraid of

to my “natural” dark brown.

Hawaii, Alaska, or Australia), and get

failing). One of my cousins wants to

Working full time, with more hobbies

a tattoo.

get certified in scuba diving.

than I like to count, I’m tired of the

What about you? In an informal

Whatever your dream is, don’t let it

upkeep. Every four weeks, my part

poll of friends, I found many who

die with you. Get out there and see

started to spread as the white hairs

want to travel. Alaska came up in

what you can get done. Start small,

grew out. Gradually, over the last

many people’s lists. One friend said

but get cracking!

year, I went lighter and lighter until I

she’d like to lie in a glass igloo and

was blonde. That made the transition

watch the Northern Lights. Another

much easier.

said she’d love to live in Italy for

Another item on my list was to

two months. A former teacher of

learn how to read piano music. I’ve

mine said she would like to retire to

played piano by ear since childhood

Thailand and take care of elephants.

by memorizing songs someone else

Age shouldn’t keep us from living our

taught me. Although I read music,

dreams. One friend always wanted


Deirdre Serio is a technical writer by day, a freelance writer and marketing and social media consultant by night. Weekends, she likes to spend in the woods or on the water.


Flourish helping caregivers care for themselves Providing around the clock care for a loved one takes a physical, mental, and emotional toll. The hours are exhausting, and those giving care tend to focus on everyone but themselves. Caregivers have to take the time to ensure their health and well-being, in part to provide better support to their loved one, but also in order to preserve the caregiver’s own quality of life. While we may juggle many responsibilities, there are a few important ways we can look after ourselves. Connect with supportive people. Community and family support is important. Make sure you have influences around you that offer encouragement as you care for a loved one. Be careful not to isolate yourself. Share your feelings with a close friend, spiritual advisor, or a care team member. Stay healthy. While your focus is

Photo by Crystal George Studios

on someone else, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet, get as much rest as possible, and drink plenty of water. If you exercise, make it a goal to stick to your routine. Find a comforting activity. Whether you find solace in creating art, keeping a journal, or in prayer, caregivers should focus on activities that give them energy and renewal. Even spending a few minutes a day

community to offer support. Asking

Trust yourself. Don’t let doubts

for or accepting help doesn’t show

creep in as you care for a loved

weakness. Be specific with your

one. The medical team can also

needs and suggest ways others can

help validate and affirm the care you

be helpful.

are providing.

Step outside. Ask a nurse or other support person to give you a few minutes to take a walk in a peaceful area and enjoy the outdoors.

on a special project can provide

Ask questions. Palliative care and

encouragement and comfort.

hospice teams not only offer care for

Let others help. It’s common for friends, family and others in the

Miriam Dakin is the chaplain coordinator for Centra Hospice. For more information, call 434.200.3204 (Lynchburg), 434.315.2885 (Farmville) & 540.587.6592 (Bedford) or visit

patients, but support for loved ones as well. Share questions or concerns with the medical team. 29


Photo by Bryan Hedrick

Think back to the first thing you

encapsulates what being a geek is all

monotony and heartbreak of reality,

remember loving with unadulterated

about: “an enthusiast or expert.”

but they also, paradoxically, help

passion. For me, it was The Little

I would add that being a geek means

us see and seek the beauty of that

Mermaid. To say that it was my

being unashamed and proud of

reality through a different lens.

favorite movie is an understatement;

your enthusiasm and expertise,

The most-loved literature, films,

it was an essential part of the

regardless of your chosen field or

and video games are the ones that

framework of my very existence. The

fields of geekery. You may be a geek

grapple honestly with real issues and

music was my life’s soundtrack, the

about your job, dogs, parakeets, food,

emotions we all face: loss, loneliness,

characters my treasured friends, and

photography, golf, comic books,

joy, love, fear, anger, and change.

the adventures my wildest dreams

stamps, or anything else. As long

They allow us to place some distance

realized. This early foray into fandom

as your preferred subject or activity

between ourselves and these often

had such a profound impact on me

makes you happy and is safe and fun

overwhelming feelings, to observe and

that I have not once, after twenty-

for all involved, geek on.

empathize with fictional characters

odd years, stopped fangirling about things that resonate with me.

The things most often associated with being a geek tend to be books,

as they navigate their way through myriad ups and downs, and to apply what we learn to our own lives.

If any of this sounds familiar to you,

movies, TV shows, and video games.

you’re probably also a geeky girl.

Most of us have at least one movie we

We may learn something about


have watched or a book that we have

sacrifice from the Harry Potter books,

Being labeled a geek may not be

read more than a few times, and if

about bravery from the video game

on your list of life goals; after all,

asked about that one movie or book,

Skyrim, and about hope from the film

Merriam Webster defines a “geek”

we can talk about it at length and

The Shawshank Redemption. Regardless

as an intelligent but socially inept

with some degree of fervor.

of the era, setting, or other

person or a wild, animalistic carnival

There are a couple of reasons

performer (seriously). That being

these forms of expression accrue

said, Webster offers a third and

so many devoted fans: they can

more current definition that, to me,

provide a break from the occasional


particulars, the message of these and other beloved titles is universal: you are not alone.


You are also not alone when it comes

to share this side of yourself with

These books feature strong, sensitive

to being a geek in your chosen field

others, you will find that like-minded

females, both real and fictional,

or fields. I am a member of many

people will gravitate towards you as if

who refuse to conform to societal

fandoms – libraries, books, movies,

you used a Jedi mind trick on them.

expectations or to be pigeon-holed as

singing, thrift shopping, gaming,

Regardless of your geek allegiance,

inferior in typically male-dominated

Game of Thrones, The Walking

I recommend the following books

arenas, and they manage to champion

Dead, Supernatural, and especially

to women (and men) who identify

the cause of strong women without

Harry Potter – and I have connected

themselves as unconventional

upbraiding men, our geek allies. The

with many people due to a shared

and/or unconventionally dedicated

essential principles of geekery, and

admiration of each of these things.

to something:

indeed of life itself, are acceptance and cooperation regardless of any

Most notably, my husband Bryan and I met online and quickly bonded over

• You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost), a memoir by Felicia Day

our similar movie tastes; we have since embarked on an incredibly fun

• The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy,

and geeky journey of discovering

a how-to guide by Sam Maggs

difference of opinion (I’m looking at you, DC fans and Marvel fans). If striving for those things makes you a geek, I’d say that’s a very good thing.

new fandoms to join separately and together. Being actively interested in

• Ready Player One, a novel by

something makes you an interesting person; when you aren’t embarrassed

Ernest Cline.

Emily Hedrick is a youth services librarian and enjoys being with her husband and family, singing, and geeking out as often as possible.

434.944.4233 | 1210 Main Street Lynchburg open daily until 6


Pet Ponderings

TRAVELING WITH YOUR PET As spring arrives, many of us are planning a vacation, whether it’s for a short school holiday or a long summer adventure. Taking your pet along for a getaway can be fun, but there are some important safety tips to consider.

CHECK LOCAL ORDINANCES BEFORE YOU GO. Make sure the location allows pets, and see if there are any time restrictions (such as barking, walking a pet, or even times of the year when pets are not allowed). Don’t forget to take supplies to pick up after your pet, as well as appropriate leashes and harnesses to keep your pet contained if necessary. BE AWARE OF SUN EXPOSURE. Pets can sunburn, especially if they have pink skin or white hair coats. Special care should be taken for their ears, noses, and other exposed areas. Even pets with longer hair and dark coats may be at risk if they have been shaved or groomed short. Believe it or not, sunscreen designed specifically for your pets is available. Human sunscreen should not be used for your animals, as safety guidelines differ for humans and animals, and ingredients in your sunscreen could be harmful for your furry friends. Most importantly, provide some sort of shade - such as an umbrella or mini cabana - for your pet.


Photos by William Mahone Photography


Your pet may or may not like to swim.


Animals can get dangerously hot

Never force your pet into the water,


quickly, especially short nosed breeds

and never leave your pet unsupervised.

AN EMERGENCY. Keep your pet’s

and overweight pets. Pets can’t

Safety life vests may be used for

vaccinations up to date, and make sure

sweat and must dissipate heat by

breeds that have a harder time

you use appropriate heartworm, flea

panting. Excessive panting, lethargy,

swimming or staying afloat. If you

and tick prevention. Pets can also get

fever, and drooling may be signs of

are at the beach, be sure to check tide

lost during travel, so be sure your pet

overheating. The best times for pets

times and plan swimming or play in

is wearing identification and has a

to enjoy the beach are the morning

calmer waters. Also make sure you dry


and evening when heat and humidity

your pet’s ears after swimming to help

With these few simple measures, you

are minimized. Avoid strenuous

avoid ear infection and limit excess

can set your family - and your pet -

exercise when sun is most intense,


up for a fun time away in a warmer

and remember that shade and rest are


climate. Relax and enjoy your vacation

important to avoid overheating.

sure your pet’s paws are protected

with your pets!


from burns by avoiding heat in the

Ingesting too much salt or chlorine

middle of the day or covering sensitive

water may cause an upset stomach,

feet with booties. Check play areas for

vomiting, and diarrhea and can

glass, shells, fishhooks, or rocks. Before

lead to dehydration. Supply plenty

you leave, check your pet’s pads and

of fresh clean water so your pet stays

feet for lacerations, and rinse excess

safely hydrated.

sand - which can cause irritation - off

Shella Baker is a veterinarian at Lynchburg Humane Society and Peaksview Animal Hospital. She enjoys beekeeping, crafting, gardening and spending time with her family and fur-kids.

of their coat.



Photos by Kaitlyn Becker Photography

Our children are bombarded with

“Limiting screen time encourages

opportunities to spend time in front of

children and families to interact


some sort of screen. Television programs,

together,” explains Tara Mitchell,


video games, iPads and computers all

Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist

• Remove the television or computer

offer entertainment for children that is

at Carilion Children’s. “For example,

enticing and exciting, and sometimes even

turning off the TV and engaging

educational. Limiting the amount of time

in conversation at the dinner table

spent in front of these screens is difficult,

allows for more open communication.

but it is an important boundary that

Creating screen-free areas in the

parents should enforce.

home can help establish boundaries.”

Studies show that too much screen

Following the two hours per day

time can lead to obesity, attention

guideline can be difficult for some

problems, behavior issues, sleep and

families that have made these

eating disorders, anti-social behavior

activities a part of the daily routine.

as an adult, and even bullying in

“Parents and caregivers should

television when those programs

school. Because of that, the American

encourage children to spend time

are over.

Academy of Pediatrics recommends

playing outdoors, reading books,

children and teens engage in these

developing hobbies and using

activities for no more than two

playing family board games, riding

their imaginations”, adds Mitchell.

bikes, or going for a walk.

hours per day.

“And when children are engaging

Infants and children under age 2

in screen time, adults should be

should avoid television and screen-

monitoring the content to ensure

time entertainment altogether.

it is age appropriate.”

During the first few years of life, a child’s brain develops rapidly and babies learn best through interaction with the people who care for them.


from your child’s bedroom.

• Do not allow television watching during meals or homework.

• Do not let your child eat while watching television or using the computer.

• Do not leave the television on for background noise.

• Decide which programs to watch ahead of time and turn off the

• Suggest other activities, such as

• Keep a record of how much time is spent in front of a screen. Try to spend the same amount of time being active.

• Be a good role model as a parent. Stephanie Specht is a writer and web editor of Carilion Clinic Living. Most weekends you can find her outside with her with her son, husband and three dogs.

• Decrease your own screen time to two hours a day.


BEST FOOT FORWARD current shoe trends No matter your tastes, there is sure to be an upcoming shoe trend that speaks to you. Once built for either style or comfort, today’s footwear is the perfect blend so that you don’t have to sacrifice your look to spare your aching feet. Take a look at our forward thinking trends in such lovely styles!




Fun and flirty, today’s gladiator sports

You can never go wrong with a darling

From Easter Sunday to the Kentucky

a grown up look, which can dress up

little flat, which is pretty on the foot

Derby to an outdoor wedding, a

a casual outfit or add a fun pop. Look

and easy to wear. Look for details such

demure shoe such as this is ready to

for styles that tie in front yet have a

as this snakeskin bow and metal studs

celebrate along with you! Choose one

back zipper for easy access.

to ensure that your personality shines.

with mixed materials and a sturdy

Pair With skinny jeans, leggings, flowy dresses

Pair With jeans, flared pants, flowy skirts

Style Nomadic by OTBT

Style Sizzling Climate by Poetic Licence


heel for comfort. Pair With dresses, skirts Style Spanish Sunsets by Poetic Licence


“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” MARILYN MONROE



Trends such as braids and metallics

If you have a spring wedding or are

translate spectacularly into well

headed to the boardwalk, a wedge heel

crafted shoes. Details such as a cork

gives just the right amount of stability.

heel, a curved edge and brushed

Look for elements such as laser cut

hardware all serve to add interest to a

cork and bold patterns to add interest.

more industrial style.

Pair With jeans, flared pants, flowy dresses, skirts

Pair With wide leg pants, jumper shorts, cute skirts

Style European Wishes by Poetic Licence

Style Kailani by Nicole

12 TRENDS TO LOOK FOR 70s groove Americana inspired arts and crafts boho booties cork heels PLATFORM WEDGE



Whether you are headed to the

No matter the season, this type of

gladiator inspired

farmer’s market or a girl’s night out, a

bootie is so on trend right now and is

mixed textiles

platform shoe provides the height we

perfect for transitioning into warmer

peep toe

all crave along with the comfort that

weather. The addition of fringe makes

vintage luxe

busy girls can’t do without.

this shoe a stand out!

wedge heels

Pair With pretty much everything

Pair With skirts, jeans, boho flowy pieces

Style Bushnell by OTBT

Style Free Spirit by OTBT

Special thanks to MusthaveSHOES for their insight. All of these styles are available at MusthaveSHOES on Timberlake Road and online at, or


Fast Kids.


From our hospitals to our pediatric offices to the educational programs we offer throughout the region, Carilion Children’s is dedicated to the brave kids, the strong kids, the big and small kids—all kids.

38 | 540-266-KIDS

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