Clutch Winter 2013/2014

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Winter 2013 Complimentary



Inside this issue store tour pg 5 Be inspired with your dĂŠcor with tips from a local store filled with area artisans.

little libraries, big impact pg 16 Read your way through Lynchburg with these tiny libraries.

united in spirit pg 22 Learn about a mother-daughter artisan duo whose creations are made in Lexington, VA.

winter wonderings pg 32 Find new, fun activities to experience with family and friends this winter.

silver and gold pg 35 Whether you are gathering with old friends or new, enjoy the festivities with our recipes, fashion tips and DIY ideas.

gift guide pg 46 Get holiday gift ideas from local stores along with having the opportunity to win our gift guide items. 1

the girl’s guide to everything essential Publisher/Editor Jennifer L Prince

Vendors Accents Gifts 23

Creative Director Sabrena Deal Design Assistants Grace Bodie Stephanie Budd Katlyn Sheppard

Art Box 23 Blanchette Orthodontics 28 Bliss 26 Bowen Jewelry FRONT INSIDE Cater This 13

Proofreader Katelyn Rigg

Photo by Visions By Heather Photography

Dear Friend, Winter is all about being cozy and enjoying time with family and friends. The feelings, scents and sounds of the season are

Contributing Writers Michelle M Duncan Kimberly Feldkamp Crystal George Emily Garbee Harris Heather Heppding Emily Hoosier Andrea Hubbell Marisa Jones Meridith de Avila Kahn Kat Kiernan Katie McCaffrey Joy L Niehaus Jennifer L Prince Suzanne Ramsey Katelyn Rigg Paula Skulina Hilary Sutton Melissa Williams Renee Wood

Centra Health BACK INSIDE CLC Landscaping 12 Clutch Connect 13 Enchanted 29 Estates Revisited 39 Farmbasket 34 Gladiola Girls 29 Onetober 24 Pastiche at Main 14 Plastic Surgery Associates 15 Shay’s Unique Gifts 26 Telitha 29 The Hill City House 31 Urban Merchant 29 White Hart 11


Assignment Photographers

This issue is filled with ideas for connecting with others. From our

Adam Barnes Fine Art Photography Adam Mullins Photography

Willow Breezes 14 Yuletide Square BACK COVER

Kat Kiernan

Silver & Gold party to ideas for gatherings and inspirational stories,

cover photo by Adam Mullins Photography

we encourage you to reflect and take

clutch, the girl’s guide to everything essential is a quarterly publication.

time for others this season.

To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224

Happy holiday season from my family to yours!

Copyright 2013 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.








inside this issue



playful parenting pg 4 be inspired to journal


Bliss & Makeup pg 10 new look for a dnace instructor

flourish pg 12 give life this season

Amour BÉbÉ pg 17 transitioning to two

the murse pg 19 profile of a local coffee roaster

The Embellished Life pg 20 making room for more

places, please! pg 27



story of an area film company

off the beaten path pg 30 train like the Swiss

Calendar 24 Snap Happy 48



Playful Parenting

Just Journal! Many of us embrace the holiday season looking to continue old traditions and create new memories, but it’s also the season of bitter cold days, early sunsets, and never ending runny noses. Be encouraged; you can make the most of these blustery

Older preschoolers can begin writing

days with your little ones by doing something different: journaling. Journaling is

out their ABC’s and even begin

something that my children love, learn from, and will one day deeply value.

forming simple words. Use stickers or

Ideas: What can your child journal? Obviously they can’t write stories or diary entries…or can they? I’m sure you are often amazed, as am I, at just how understanding and capable your little one is. Here is a list of some ideas I have used with my own children in their journals. Self-Portraits – It is enlightening to be able to see how your children view themselves (and others). From time to time, encourage them to draw themselves. Not only will you observe their artistic skills develop, but their self-perception deepening as well.

dot art to complete entries that focus on numbers (one sticker when they form the number 1). This is a great opportunity for them to look back at their accomplishments and ‘read’ their previous journal entries.

Helpful Hints for Journaling


Date each entry: One day you’ll want to know just how old your child was when she learned how to write her name or draw a family portrait. You may also want to include a title such as “Disney Memories” or “Baby Joshua.”

What? You’ll need a large, unlined

Stories – Have your child make up a

sketch book with at least one

story. This is a great way to encourage

hundred pages.

imagination and creativity. Get a

Why? A journal is a fantastic place

scrap piece of paper and quickly

to keep track of your child’s learning

transcribe every word they say

(even though they just see it as fun).

(poor grammar included). When

I’d recommend starting at age 2,

the story is over, rewrite the

even if most of your child’s entries

completed story into the journal

are simple scribbles or paint blobs.

and have your child illustrate. Read

that encourage your child to learn

By age three, they might be able to

these stories often, and encourage

something new.

draw the outlines of stick figures and

your children to write more!

beginning letters, and by age four or

Memories – Ask your child to

five, well, the possibilities are endless!

write down and/or draw important

as to what each illustration is. It is

It is a great thing to have your child’s

memories. These may include favorite

important to be able to one day look

keepsakes in one place, and also a

holiday gifts, the birth of new

back and know that this drawing

beautiful reminder of the progress

siblings, family visits, and special

he or she makes while learning and

outings or vacations.

embracing life.

Letters & Numbers – This is a great

When? Keep your journals

opportunity for your kids to master

somewhere in plain sight and easily

new skills. They can practice forming

accessible. This will be a reminder for

letters, numbers, and words. It can

you and for your kids, too. Your child

be as simple as dotting out a single

can journal whenever is convenient

letter and teaching your child to

and as much as possible. 4

connect the dots to form the letter.


Make journaling a big deal: Journaling should be an exciting, rewarding activity. Allow them to take ownership of their work by showing it off to friends and family.


Be intentional: Crank up your own creativity by thinking of fun entries


Label illustrations: Don’t be afraid to include your own little reminders

was the Dumbo ride at Disney World or the rock from the nature hike you took together. Photo by Sincerely Liz Photography Katelyn Rigg is a teacher, wife, and mother of two young children. She loves to encourage targeted learning as kids sing, play, read, and get messy in her mobile pre-k program, Prodigy Playgroup (

Each new season comes with its changes. Winter brings about a shift in focus from beautifying outdoor spaces to revisiting the nesting coziness of indoors. As you begin to dress your home in holiday hues and festive fabrics, we would like to share some things learned from a recent visit with Haley Pavao at her new creative shop in downtown Lynchburg, Pastiche at Main. Pavao earned her Interior Design degree in Lynchburg, and she has worked in interior design locally for the past six years. Through those years of successes and speed bumps, she has gathered knowledge, even wisdom, about design and the importance of quality in the details. Her heart for inspiring others in design is laid open in her new store on Main Street in downtown Lynchburg.

store tour

Pastiche at Main 5

holiday decor For many, the holiday season has become synonymous with decorating stress and general excess. But you don’t need to make daily trips to the store when you can make simple arrangements using the trusty items you already have. Take a tour around your home, even the attic or basement. Be on the lookout for items that are festively colorful, and use them in your holiday decor.

bundles Gathering red, green, silver and gold items like red antique books in a snug little bundle is an insightful way to include a pop of red that won’t be tacky or overdone.

fabrics Chilly weather is the perfect excuse to fire up the oven, sending warmth with the smell of cookies and pies throughout your home. So, of course you will need a few extra kitchen towels nearby for all that measuring and whisking. Fabrics that are festive in color, rather than festive in theme, are great for the kitchen.


store tour

Pastiche at Main



That plain dresser you have used for

Mirrors are capable of much more

years can be transformed by adding

than affirming how fabulous you

new knobs, fresh paint and a funky

look. A mirror, small or wall size,

herringbone design. Quality is in

reflects light which opens up a

the details, and including a secret

room, making the room seem larger.

detail inside of the dresser drawers

Layering a mirror with a photograph

may be just what is needed. Line the

allows the mirror to become part of

drawers with a patterned paper that

the art.

is as fun as the exterior paint. Most dĂŠcor supply stores offer wallpaper samples for around $1-$6, and these make great liners. Dressers also can

Emily fills her days with reading good books, finding seasonally fresh food at the Lynchburg Community Market and writing about it all.

easily double as a buffet for a holiday gathering.



After a lap around Pastiche, you

saw potential in something plain.

If guests seem hesitant to sit on your

may notice some familiar items

The shop is bursting with creative

completely safe and sturdy antique

functioning in new ways. We do a

inspiration. “We love to inspire.

chair, you might consider an accent

lot of “mixing the old and the new,

That’s why we are all collaborating

to put them more at ease. “Update

keeping similar items together and

together. We are all inspiring

it using a pillow with a geometric

repurposing items,” Pavao said. The

each other, so why not inspire the

or a more modern print onto an

vendors fill the store with items

community,” offered Pavao. Feel free

older chair to make it look new and

that are given a second life. Painted,

to take inspiration with you, and give

refreshed,” offered Pavao.

paired or repurposed, each artist

it a go at home.

store tour

Pastiche at Main

Many people collect things,

The art of repurposing is one of

Put something green in the room.

intentionally or not, of the same

the most creative in home décor.

“Green allows the outside in,” Pavao

color or style. Milk glass pieces, for

Not everyone can glance at two

suggested. “It resembles a piece

example, are beautiful and timeless

old clawfoot tub legs, and see their

of life. If you have a stale room,

on their own. A few gathered together

potential to be bookends. You can

put something green in it, and it

catches the eye, making a bigger

start to train your eye as you stop at

instantly feels more alive.”

statement. “You might be tempted to

something you like, to imagine how it

have one piece in your dining room

could fit into your home.

and one piece in your bedroom, but if you put them together, people notice them more. They’re more impactful,” Pavao reflected.



Bliss & Makeup As women, we wear many hats — wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend — in addition to the vocation we choose for ourselves. Sometimes things can seem overwhelming when we are taking care of everyone and everything else and leaving ourselves (and our looks) until last. Such was the case with our newly married Bliss & Makeup girl, Blair. She found herself recently doing a lot to serve others and not spending much time on herself. As the owner of The Red Shoes Dance Studio, a full time mom, and a Thai massage therapist, her time is spread thin. Because of the many directions that her life is going, she wanted to freshen up her look.

Blair Emily took Blair’s blonde hair to a deep chocolate brown. Taking your hair from summer brights to darker winter tones is a great way to look and feel refreshed in the winter months. Blair’s hair was cut into a modern version of the bob. Don’t be afraid to play with putting an updated spin on a classic style. Blair’s natural lovely features were accentuated... with smoky metallic tones of gray and blue to pull out the color of her eyes, and the cranberry tones offer Blair’s skin a more dramatic look for the winter.

Our talented stylist (Emily) and photographer (Crystal) duo love treating local women to makeovers! If you would like to nominate yourself or another deserving woman to receive an updated look, head to, and click on the “Bliss & Makeup” tab.



7am-10pm M-Th 7am-11pm Fri & Sat 10:30am-2pm Sun




The Gift of Life “Each day, the Red Cross must collect about 15,000

Do we give our favorite aunt a sweater, our brother a pair of socks,

units of blood to meet

and who even knows what to give the many scores and scores of cousins?

the needs of patients at

As you make your list this year, consider giving a gift that could

approximately 2,700 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country.” — (ARC National) Katie McCaffrey is an actress who has a passion for storytelling. She loves her volunteer work with local organizations and singing in the choir at TRBC. Photos supplied by the American Red Cross


It’s the gift giving time of year again.

change someone’s life.

Consider giving blood. “Each day, the Red Cross must collect about 15,000 units of blood to meet the needs of patients at approximately 2,700 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country.” (ARC National) Think about this, one pint of blood can save up to three lives. If 15,000 units are collected that means that in one day over 45,000 people can be helped just by you and I taking a little time out of our day to give an incredible gift.


Upcoming blood drives in our area: Every Friday Tate Springs Drive (across from Lynchburg General) 12–6pm

Monday, December 16th Bedford Baptist Church 1516 Oakwood Street, Bedford 12pm–6pm

Monday, November 18th Thursday, December 19th

Main Street United Methodist Church 212 East Main Street, Bedford

Roanoke Valley Blood Donation Center


352 Church Ave SW, Roanoke 7:30am–1:30pm

Monday, November 25th Emmanuel United Methodist Church

Saturday, December 21st

401 North Main Street, Amherst

15583 Forest Road



Tuesday, December 10th

Friday, December 27th

Forest Baptist Church

Madison Heights Wal-Mart

Two Church Lane, Forest

197 Madison Heights Square



Forest Public Library


T U E S DAY JANUARY 23RD • 5-8PM (snow date Tuesday, January 30th)

DOWNTOWN AND HUNGRY? CHOOSE CATER THIS TO GO! Find us in the first floor of the Allied Arts Building, or call us… we deliver downtown and also cater office lunches.

Discounts. Door Prizes. Dinner & drink specials. Samples. Refreshments.





ST .


ST ST th 12





ST .









Join us for our 2ND ANNUAL evening of fun with The Shops at 12th & Main and The White Hart Café.




Monday-Friday 11am-2pm 725 Church St, Lynchburg (434)515-1250



ST .

TELITHA 1200 Main Street ENCHANTED 1204 Main Street URBAN MERCHANT 1206 Main Street WHITE HART CAFÉ 1208 Main Street GLADIOLA GIRLS 1220 Main Street


thrive I sat down with Laura Dooley from the American Red Cross to ask her a few questions about giving blood. Katie: Why should we give blood?

Katie: Can anyone give blood?

Laura: The number of donors we see

Laura: Anyone 17 and older can

on average has dropped over time,

give blood, and 16 year olds can

making it an even greater challenge

donate if they have permission

to get the required units needed

from their parents. People have

to support local hospitals. This is

some funny ideas, though, about

why I work so hard to educate and

what might disqualify them from

encourage donors to roll up a sleeve

being a blood donor.

and give the gift of life.

The guidelines for giving blood

Katie: Can you give blood if you don’t

are listed on our website,

know your blood type?

Laura: Of course. We will test the

Katie: What are the benefits of donating?

and you can donate right away. It is also a common misconception that diabetics can’t give blood, which is not always the case. As part of the process we will ask questions to try to determine if there are any risk factors.

blood to figure out the blood type.

Laura: The biggest benefit is to the patient, the recipient. But there

Katie: What kind of funny ideas?

are also benefits to the donor.

Laura: Some people believe that if

Katie: What about people who are afraid

Donating blood is the best mini

you have a tattoo or piercing that

of needles?

physical you’ll get — and it's free.

you can’t give blood. If you have had

Laura: We do a lot of work with high

We check your blood pressure, pulse,

your tattoo or a piercing in a licensed

school and college age kids, even

temperature. Then we also check the

facility in the state of Virginia or

some elementary schoolers, trying to

iron levels in your blood and run your

North Carolina, there is not a deferral

dispel that fear before it really sets in.

blood through a screening.


lloW Breezes

1219 Main Street Downtown Lynchburg (434)847-0088



In that situation, the most important

Katie: Is there anything else that you

The person who donated the blood

thing to think about is that if you are

would like to tell us?

is the one who gave the individual

on the other side of the blood bag and receiving the blood, the needle is the least of your concerns.

Laura: We talk a lot about how

and their family that precious gift.

giving blood helps save three lives. However, a recent family experience

Especially during this season of

has taught me that sometimes, even

giving, our hearts are tender toward

Katie: What do people need to do before

when someone is so ill that death is

the pain and suffering of others. So

they give blood?

just imminent, the gift of blood can

this holiday season as you are making

still make the biggest difference.

your list and checking it twice, think

Laura: You need to take care of yourself. Our number one concern

Sometimes a blood transfusion

at a blood drive is the donor's

doesn't only mean the difference

health. Get a good night’s sleep the

between life and death, but it can

night before you give. Eat a healthy

also help the quality of life. A blood

breakfast and drink plenty of fluids.

transfusion can extend a life long

After you give blood, keep drinking

enough for a loved one to be able

fluids and take it easy. No heavy

to say goodbye to their family or to

lifting or exercise for 24 hours.

meet their first great grandchild.

You just saved a life, feel free to

After the person is gone, it’s those

take a nap.

moments that can mean the most

about giving the gift of life or, maybe more importantly, giving the gift of hope. I guarantee you that three someones will be grateful.

Learn more at:

to a family.


Little Libraries

Big Impact

The Hill City is one of the newest locations of the Little Free Library project, a brainstorm of Wisconsin resident Todd Bol who created a miniature, free public library system. He ended up starting a movement that now includes an estimated 10,000 small structures.

The goal is that people who don’t have access to books can come and take a book.” A Little Free Library is simply that: a tiny library placed in a public location that is full of books that are free for the taking. In August, Lynchburg debuted three little libraries located at the Community Market, Riverside Park, and the Ed Page Entrance of the Blackwater Creek Trail. Books are selected by a “Steward,” and depending on the Steward and location, there may be a theme. The Blackwater Creek library has several bird watching books, for instance.

The Lynchburg Public Library and the City’s Parks and Recreation department worked together to


Lynchburg has four new libraries in town, but if you blink, you might miss them!

establish the first three as a joint literacy and public art project. During “First Friday” in October, WordWorks unveiled a fourth miniature library at their 5th Street location. The books are certainly exciting; but, the structures themselves are a big part of the charm. They’re not just utilitarian boxes, but hand-built labors of love. When the planning committee put out the call for volunteers, Ashley Kershner, the director of marketing for Lynchburg’s Parks and Recreation said, “Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club jumped on it and made these incredible libraries. One is a replica of an Appalachian Trail shelter … [another] is a little barn.” “We want to see it become a public movement,” says Kershner. “I really hope that people choose to do it, whether it’s in their front yard or place of business. I think the more that we have in the community, the better. It’s a fun little idea.” Meridith De Avila Khan is the marketing photographer at Sweet Briar College. A Lynchburg transplant, she lives with her husband and children in their 1893 Victorian in College Hill.

They’re interactive, too! “Patrons” can visit the website: Find more resources or log GPS coordinates, sort of like geocaching. Photos provided by Lynchburg Department of Parks and Recreation




BABY My first child, a little boy, is just 22 months old. And he’s suddenly gone

from being the center of attention to being a big brother to his brand new, teeny tiny sister. The closer we got to the due date of baby #2, the more nervous I became about what my little boy’s reaction would be to the new baby. Although he knew something was different about mommy (with my growing belly, how could he not notice?), he was too young to really understand what we meant when my husband and I explained to him there was an actual baby in my belly. So I worried and I wondered how it would be when we brought the new baby home. Would he welcome the new sibling? Would he be angry at us? Would he really act out with more temper tantrums and aggression, as the pediatrician warned? But most importantly, would he know

Our new daughter arrived quickly –

would be okay.

how loved he is, even when we’ve

just 29 minutes after we arrived at

Now we are home and adjusting to

expanded our family?

the hospital. And when I held her,

life as a family of four. We’re still

I remember crying the morning

I suddenly knew she was going to

getting used to the sleeping patterns

I went into labor, not just from

be a perfect fit.

of a newborn – how quickly you

the labor pains, but because I

When our children met for the first

forget what it’s like to wake up every

knew our family would be forever

time, our son climbed right up on

three or four hours every night. It’s a

changed when we came back home.

the bed next to me and looked at her

little more difficult, too, when you’ve

I remember the look on my son’s

pink face and her tiny wrinkled feet,

got a toddler that’s up and ready to go

face as he cried for me when a friend

and he smiled. He gently reached out

before 8 a.m. every day.

arrived to watch him and we raced

to rub her head. Then he wanted to

For the most part, big brother is

away to the hospital. It broke my

get off the bed so he could go explore

doing very well adjusting to life with

heart. He didn’t understand what

the rest of my hospital room. I knew

his new little sister. I can’t help but

was happening.

at that moment that everything

smile when I catch a glimpse



of the sweet, sweet moments of big

routine as his sleeping through the

myself of this when I’m standing in the

brotherhood. Often times he’ll pick

night has suddenly stopped. I know

middle of the kitchen with a newborn

up a stuffed monkey and lay it next

he’s still trying to understand this

wailing because she’s hungry and a

to his sister whether she’s sleeping in

whole baby thing. I know it can’t be

toddler clutching my leg and whining

her crib, sitting in her bouncy seat,

easy to suddenly go from being the

because he wants me to go outside

or swinging contently in her swing.

center of attention to sharing the

to play, all while ignoring the dirty

Or the moment when he climbs up

spotlight. But I do know that some of

dishes piled in the sink and the load of

next to me as I’m nursing her and

my worries and fears have subsided.

laundry that is waiting to be done. I’m

he reaches out his little toddler

I don’t think he’s angry with us, and

home right now on maternity leave

hand (that suddenly looks so big

I am confident that he knows how

and know that I’ll miss these chaotic

next to the delicate little fingers of a newborn) and rubs her head as she’s eating. Or when he points to her baby bathtub and insists that we put it in the tub with him so that they can both bathe together. He’s also really good at running up to me in distress to let me know that she’s fussing, just in case I can’t hear her cries.

These tender moments outweigh all of the tough ones we’ve had since baby sister arrived.

These tender moments outweigh all of the tough ones we’ve had

incredibly loved he is and always

afternoon moments when I’m back at

since baby sister arrived. We’ve had

will be, no matter how many more

work sitting at my desk. I know how

to tackle his increased tantrums,

siblings join our family.

fast these days are flying by; I’ll blink

impatience when we can’t run

We’re still working to find that

and they’ll be over. It may be double

outside right away because we’re

rhythm and routine that makes every

the diapers and double the work for a

tending to the new baby, and we’ve

day a little easier, but I know it’ll

while, but it’s also double the love. And

had to learn to readjust our nightly

come in time. I just have to remind

it doesn’t get any better than that.

In addition to writing, Kimberly Feldcamp loves spending time with family and friends, laughing, shopping and being outdoors in the sunshine.

Photos by Alex Johnston



Murse (mûrs) n. a man’s handbag

Kent White Name: Kent White Age: 40 Hometown: Daleville, VA

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate Nutty Moose Tracks What’s the last big idea you had and— success or failure— what happened?

Occupation: Community Development

How do we make the information

Director, City of Lynchburg

people need to grow their dream—

Status: Married with two boys

whether building a home, moving

5 Great Things about Other Cities that are ALMOST as Incredible as Lynchburg:


The way San Francisco builds with its bluffs. Montmartre,

into a new neighborhood, starting

Paris, with its beautiful

Where can we find you most often?

a business or learning about the

staircases, like those we have in

I split my time between the office and

development just down the street

our downtown.

meetings throughout the community.

— accessible for everyone on their time and schedule? We have realized

Do you have a motto, mantra or life philosophy? Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the one doing it.

some success in developing an online presence, as well as meeting with neighborhood groups and businesses in a variety of settings. We are


The scenic views of Asheville, NC, when compared to the views from Tyreanna or City Stadium.


The outstanding historic neighborhoods in New Bedford,

What might people be surprised to know

constantly striving to improve on

MA and Brooklyn, NY which, like

about you?

this goal.

Lynchburg, have been ranked as

My background is in environmental science, and I teach a hydrology class in the evenings each fall semester, which I enjoy immensely. When you were in kindergarten, what did you want to be when you grew up? A train engineer

Favorite place in Lynchburg? Way too many to name, but an early morning run on the Blackwater Creek Trail is high on the list. What’s your guilty pleasure? An occasional cigar, microbrew and intense discussion of the greatest songs of all time.

What were your first paying jobs?

older home.


The recognition Dover, DE and Santa Fe, NM have received as the best small places for business and careers, which is on par with Lynchburg’s notoriety.


The growth of cities like Durham and Chapel Hill, NC,

I worked on my family’s farm

Bloomington, IN, and Lincoln,

during the day and made pizzas

When she’s not daydreaming about her next trip to New Mexico, Suzanne Ramsey writes, runs, reads, cooks, gardens, and spends time with husband, John, and cats, Hector and Edna.

in the evening. What book is on your nightstand? “Barrel Roll,” by David Sedaris, but it’s been there forever.

some of the best places to buy an

Photography by

NE that highlight the recent trend of small city growth attributed to high quality of life and excellent colleges and universities. 19

enjoy thrive

The Embelished Life

Embellishing Times TWO!! 16 years ago I married my best

decisions. I say we, but to be honest,

much: Surrogate. Foster. Artificial

friend. 12 years ago we decided to

it was me! I faced a stumbling block

Insemination. Adoption. In Vitro.

start a family.

that I can imagine many women have

Oh, how they swirled around my head

6 years ago we were told to do

in my situation. I had to admit one

and made my stomach lurch into fits

so within six months or it may

word into my vocabulary.

of nausea every time I tried to come

never happen.


to terms with the reality that we

That was when I became devastated

It took me a lot longer than those

just weren’t going to be starting our

as each month passed and it was

six months to use that word in

family the way everyone else does!

obvious that I wasn’t pregnant. It was

conversation with my husband,

On my personal blog, I talk about the

also obvious that we weren’t getting

let alone professionals, friends

illogical feelings, the anger, and the

any younger, and that we were about

and people in the a world of other

contradiction that comes along with

to be faced with some pretty hard

words that scared me just as

this process. One thing we’ve always known from the beginning is that we did want to be more than just a couple, we wanted to be a family. We just had to figure out how we could do that. I’ll fast forward (a lot) for the sake of this being a magazine and not a book, a column and not a section! In the winter of 2012, we started training to be Therapeutic Foster Parents with Braley & Thompson in preparation to foster children while figuring out what our end goal would be. Ultimately we wanted to adopt, but we just weren’t sure which route we would take in doing so. Fostering sounded like a way we could get our “feet wet” while making some big decisions. We had to put off the training for a couple of months, which I now believe was a divinely driven move, and start again in the spring. This past March the phone rang as I ran around the house getting myself dressed. Completely out of breath, I answered and immediately recognized the number.



“Hi Mark!” I said. The next words

as, little did I know, I wouldn’t sit

this a few times to myself to make

were a series of apologies from me

down much again! Mark let me know

sure I understood.) Here’s what we

as I had noticed a letter a few days

that there were twins who needed a

did say, “What do we do next?”

earlier on the fridge announcing, in

home. In fact, they needed a home…

The answer was that we spin like a

bold letters, a CPR training that we

for good. This was an opportunity to

top out of control for three months,

were to attend… two weeks prior!

foster-to-adopt. They were in the age

turn our home and life upside down,

I was interrupted with laughter,

range we wanted, they were in state,

open up every facet of our personal

“Wait… Michelle, I’m not calling

and they were ready for a Mom and

lives for scrutiny and plucking, train,

about that…”

Dad who wanted to love them for a

pray, decorate (OF COURSE!) and

I had to sit down for what he said

lifetime. (You do notice I said “they,”

then… finally… hold our breath, close

next. It was a good time to do so

right? Two? Twins? I had to repeat

our eyes, feel the wind on our face, open our eyes back up and welcome two of the most beautiful creations into our home with open arms. Our lives will never again be the same. We both lost office/studio space so that a boy and a girl could sleep well in cozy slumber. We flipped rooms a month after they arrived because they liked each other’s wall color better, and, of course, we were happy to oblige. We stumble over step stools in the bathroom where wool hook rugs used to lay and the purse/brief case knobs by the back door are covered by coats a quarter of the size of our own. Each change brings a smile to my face and a flurry of creative ideas for “downthe-road-when-I-have-time.” We are embellishing our life with that of two adorable twins who are full of joy and laughter, wants and desires, curiosity and impulse! Who knows what the future holds for us, but right now we are enjoying that one word has been completed and will forever benefit us all. Family. When Michelle isn’t planning and creating handbags for her company elle & anne, she enjoys decorating her own home where she spends time with her husband, David, their 2 children and their three dogs. Photos by David Duncan Photography


United in Spirit

the story of a mother/daughter artisan duo

pottery. During a visit from her

We are in the depths of winter,

walked by an empty ceramics studio

mother, they took lessons and learned

but just over the mountain in

on her way to class, and her interest

new techniques. Rebecca joined

Lexington, mother and daughter

in clay rekindled. Corresponding

her mother in Sylvan Spirit almost

team Maureen and Rebecca Worth

with what she calls her “midlife

immediately upon her return to

are creating colorful, nature-inspired

crisis,” she took a few private

Virginia. Both Rebecca and Maureen

jewelry that reminds us that spring

lessons and continued to study and

continued working at Artists in

will eventually be on the horizon.

experiment on her own. Now, thirty

Cahoots, an artist-run gallery in

Influenced by the natural setting of

years later, she works out of her home

Lexington where they sold their

Virginia’s Shenandoah and Piedmont

studio in Lexington. Complete with

jewelry. Encouraged by their success

regions, their line of hand-sculpted

two kilns, a potter’s wheel, and a

with the gallery, together they built

and painted jewelry are wearable

storage system for works in progress,

their wholesale business in addition

works of art.

Maureen’s studio is just steps away

to participating in trade shows

The Worths’ foray into the ceramic

from her cozy kitchen.

across the region.

arts was unconventional. A Virginia

While Maureen was honing her skills,

In August 1999, Rebecca was planning

transplant from Missouri, Maureen

her daughter Rebecca was entering

her wedding and searching for a

grew up playing with natural clays. It

her teen years and observing her

headpiece. Dissatisfied with the

wasn’t until the 1980’s, while teaching

mother’s creative small business. In

options available and convinced that

psychology and serving as Academic

the mid-1990’s Rebecca received a

she and her mother could “do better,”

Dean at a women’s college in Buena

degree in anthropology and spent

the pair created the first of what

Vista, that she began pursuing

three years in Japan where she taught

is now their signature Tiara

ceramics seriously. Maureen often

English in a village famous for its

Collection. The collection debuted


Kat Kiernan is a Virginia transplant from New England. She is the Owner and Director of The Kiernan Gallery in Lexington, and a professional photographer.

in New York at Vera Wang’s Madison

with their business partnership. They

Avenue shop in 2001, and since then

have complementing personalities;

has been featured in Modern Bride and

Rebecca the extrovert and Maureen

Italian Vogue.

the introvert. Rebecca now lives in

Best known for their clay pieces, the

Richmond with her husband and

Worths have recently branched out

has built her own home studio

to use their talents for charitable

where she designs jewelry, handles

causes. They created custom silver

marketing, and raises her two boys.

designs for Prevent Child Abuse

Despite the distance, she and her


America, AIDS United, Decoding

mother visit and talk constantly.

Keep watch on our Facebook

Dyslexia, and others. As artists and

For them, the benefits of working

page (

advocates, Rebecca and Maureen have

as a mother and daughter team

theclutchguide) to win this

helped to raise funds and promote

far outweigh the challenges. Their

awareness nationwide. This past fall

love for each other and their jewelry

they began broadening their audience

is evident in their craft.

and created a ‘lookbook’ aimed at

You can find Sylvan Spirit jewelry locally

20- to 30-somethings. They describe

at Artists in Cahoots in Lexington,

their jewelry as “natural but elegant

the Virginia Museum of Fine Art, and

for women who want to express

nationally at SAKS Fifth Avenue Bridal

their individuality.”

Suites, Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and

Many mothers and daughters have

many other boutiques.

2” Calla Lily necklace with matching earrings from Sylvan Spirit.

close relationships, but Rebecca and Maureen have taken it a step further


november 17 Romeo and Juliet 3pm Renaissance Theatre has a modern version of this classic.







19 ne


Pr lu e





Candlelight Tour 5:30pm Learn how Jefferson and his family passed the time after the sun set.

o du ctions





Apple Season at Drumheller’s Orchard Come enjoy fun for the whole family.

Festival of Trees 10am -10pm From tea with Mrs. Claus to a tasting reception, enjoy this Lynchburg event.

22 24







Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with friends and family.

Black Friday

Victorian Ornaments Workshop 10am - 12pm Make ornaments at Old City Cemetery.

30 Small Business Saturday Support your locally owned businesses!

For more information check out these websites:

17th: 20th:

Onetober One month. One dress. One cause.

23rd: 30th:

Admittedly, participating in Onetober is a challenge. Wearing one dress/outfit/accessory for an entire month is definitely a personal journey. Through the participation of several area women, awareness was raised and an area nonprofit was encouraged as you can see from what their Executive Director expressed. How thrilling!

We were so excited to be selected by clutch as the featured Onetober nonprofit. The staff and Board of Directors’ participation was a unifying experience as we were daily reminded of the impact Miriam’s House has had on our own lives and on so many in our community. Onetober provided such a valuable opportunity to educate many in this area on the work that we do daily to end homelessness and rebuild lives. Throughout the month we received an outpouring of interest and many wonderful donations that allow us to continue opening our doors to the homeless women and their children in Central Virginia.” ~Sarah Quarantotto, Executive Director of Miriam’s House


Miriam’s House staff also participated in Onetober. – Barbara wore a bracelet, Kristen wore a scarf and Sarah wore a necklace throughout October.














Holiday Wreath Workshop 9:30am- 12:30pm Make a holiday wreath at Monticello.

Yuletide Square 5pm-9pm Gather friends and come to our downtown-wide open house in Lynchburg!

Gingerbread House Workshop 10am - 1:30pm Visit Pharsalia in Tyro for this event!

Virginia Christmas Spectacular 7pm-9pm Get in the spirit with this theatrical production at TRBC.

First Fridays Lynchburg 5pm-8pm Enjoy the art community.

Winter Arts & Craft Show 9am - 3pm Browse handmade items in Earlysville.













ly Sincere



ra p

12 Liz



21 Saunders Brothers 9am to 5pm Last chance to stock up on farm goodies for the winter.




28 St

on eP

Christmas Have a wonderful day with friends and family!.

Joy, Joy, Joy 7pm - 9pm Enjoy a musical extravaganza at the Academy.



Christmas Eve Enjoy a peaceful night of reflection.




13 Roanoke Dickens of a Christmas 5:30 pm Enjoy food, a parade, vendors and so much more.

Heart Walk in Roanoke 10am Come downtown to walk for a good cause.



Wreaths Across America 12pm - 1:30pm Honor veterans with wreaths at Old City Cemetery.



1212 12 Days of Gifts 6pm-8pm Join us at Farmbasket as we culminate our 12 Days of Gifts Giveaway. Keep up with our Facebook page at to enter for our amazing giveaways!

P ro

Lynchburg Christmas Parade 5pm - 7pm A must-see parade downtown!

du ctions

1 Lovingston Christmas Parade 3pm Floats, bands, Santa Claus and more.

ro d

Ph o


g ra


u c tion s

S i n c e re


iz ly L


31 t hy

5th: 6th: 7th: 8th:


ra p

1st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th:

Sincerely Liz P


First Night Virginia 5k 9am Participate in this fun run in Charlottesville.

13th: 14th: 15th: 21st: 31st:


First Fridays

Second Friday



Saturday Market




Enjoy art and culture

Have fun shopping,

Peruse the Lynchburg

downtown and beyond.

dining and enjoying art.

Community Market!


January 3rd

January 10th

January 18th

January 9th

January 11th

January 23rd


2014 Paint and Sip

Saturday Skate

Clutch Connect




Be instructed while you

Enjoy an afternoon out

Come to 12th & Main for

paint (and sip wine!)

with the whole family.

our fun girl’s night out

at the Junior League.

with discounts, prizes, specials, food and more!



workshops • vendors • refreshments • door prizes • seminars

Go to for more information on our upcoming events!


the bride’s guide to have and to hold

434.845.6340 | | 1102 Commerce Street Wed. 12-6 & Thurs.-Sat. 10-4 26


Places, Please!

Let’s Go to the Movies Hilary’s Picks The Duke Ellington Nutcracker Dance Theatre of Lynchburg December 7 & 8 The Ellington Nutcracker tells the story of the well-known holiday classic set to the music of legendary jazz musician Duke Photo by Cali Lowdermilk

Liberty University’s new focus on the arts includes a five year partnership with film company Echolight Studios.

Ellington. A Christmas Carol presented by Theatre IV The Academy of Fine Arts

With a five year multimillion dollar

at the helm since July 2012, the

Warehouse Theater

partnership with Echolight Studios,

school has a razor sharp two-prong

December 8 at 2 pm

a professional theatre company

focus: academic preparation and

in its third season, and the early

professional immersion.

stages of a permanent art collection,

Arguably its most talked about and

Liberty University’s one-time

visible department is the new Zaki

paltry arts offerings are getting

Gordon Center, Liberty’s film school.

some unprecedented TLC at the

Its first cohort of 32 will graduate

Evangelical university.

spring of 2014. Each class of film

This interpretation of A Christmas Carol is perfect for the whole family. Watch stingy and sour Ebenezer Scrooge have a change of heart as he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past,

Perhaps in part because academic

students graduates with a set of

Present, and Yet to Come.

programs had to offer more practical

tangible takeaways: a feature length

Bon Appétit presented by

experience in an acutely competitive

screen play, a business plan, a credit

Opera On the James

post-Recession world or perhaps

on a long format film, a reel, and a

because Liberty is doing so well

short film they wrote and directed.

financially they can finally offer

Echolight Studios, a production

programming they wanted to offer all along, students in the newly minted School of Communication & Creative Arts are getting a diploma on graduation day as well as a resume with professional credits.

company that is self described as producers and distributers of highquality movies for families of faith, has pledged $1 million per year for five years. The studio is releasing

The school houses four distinct

Max Lucado’s The Christmas Candle

departments: cinematic arts, theatre

on November 22 with such familiar

arts, studio and digital arts, and

British faces as Samantha Barks

digital media & communication

(Les Miserables) and Susan Boyle

arts. With Dean Norman Mintle

(Britain’s Got Talent).

Academy of Fine Arts Warehouse Theater January 25 at 7:30 pm and 26 at 3 pm Based on actual text from one of Julia Child’s best-loved television shows, comic mezzo-soprano, Katherine Calcamuggio, will bring Julia Child’s wonderful style to operatic life.


explore enjoy thrive

Dean Mintle’s vision for the film

overt “Christian” message. “Some

preachers in pulpits. Arts reach

school is to be competitive with

students will feel called to make

beyond church and politics and

top-tier film schools nationwide.

overtly evangelistic films such as

engage people on an emotional,

With opportunities to work on

Courageous and other Christian films.

visceral level. Our goal is to be

professionally produced and

Other students, the majority, feel

excellent storytellers. We can engage

distributed films Mintle tells

called to make culturally relevant,

the culture through the beauty,

incoming freshmen, “if you take

highly entertaining films that at their

magnificence and provocative nature

advantage of every opportunity

core have a redemptive message.”

of our art. We want to provoke people

you’ve got in front of you your

Mintle’s perspective on the

to think.”

resume will be scary. It will

importance of the arts may surprise

be unreal.”

people who associate Liberty with

According to Mintle all the films

the Moral Majority of yesteryear:

coming out of the Zaki Gordon

“The arts in my mind are far more

Center will not necessarily have an

influential than politics, than


Hilary loves red velvet cake, Broadway, and her fiance Juan Carlos Lagares (but not necessarily in that order). Connect with her on Twitter @HilarySutton.


explore enjoy thrive


hile traveling with my family in Switzerland, we simply could

not get enough of the outdoors. No matter the weather, we just felt overwhelmingly compelled to be outside. Whether there

There are endless outdoor workout possibilities.

was sunshine, rain, or even snow, we were

Why should the Swiss have all the

only indoors long enough to eat and sleep.

fun? Take some time to get outside,

Then we would rush back outside to take in

enjoy the fresh air, and make your

as much of the Alpine countryside as we

OWN fitness trail. Bring the kids!

possibly could. We were there together,

Grab the dog! Hit the trail and

happily hiking, climbing and eating way

start playing your way to a more

too much Swiss chocolate in the most

fit and healthy body and mind.

famous and the most beautiful mountain range in all of the world. challenge yourself on the trail.

Off the Beaten Path

Hit The Trail Like The Swiss With such surrounding beauty in that country, it seems only natural that the Swiss would be the first to come up with a great way to get fit outdoors. The first concept of the outdoor gym was developed in Switzerland in 1968 and is now commonly known as Vita Parcours. These fitness trails lead

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, you can do something truly positive for your health and well–being. The beautiful Riverwalk Trail at Percivals Island in downtown Lynchburg would be a stellar place to begin.

through breathtaking forests and contain many stations with prescribed fun and challenging exercises and obstacles along the way. The trails are well

Head to the trail with a watch,

maintained and are enormously popular with over 500 scattered throughout

a pair of walking or running

the small country. It is not uncommon to see people of all ages making use of

shoes, a bottle of water and a

the Vita Parcours to enjoy the outdoors and stay fit.

great attitude!

As the winter descends upon us in Virginia, getting enough exercise can become more challenging. But don’t let the colder temperatures restrict you to only the indoors! In contrast to your typical climate–controlled gym filled with rows of machines, new science is showing some pretty overwhelming benefits to outdoor exercise. These benefits include greater flexibility, balance and strength, as well as wonderful psychological boosts. 30

And don’t let the cold temperatures stop you! Dress in layers and wear a small daypack to stash what you will most likely be peeling off as you get warmed up.

explore here's a simple workout plan for the whole family. •Walk/jog/run: 3 minutes •20 jumping jacks •Walk/run/jog: 2 minutes •10 squats •Walk/run/jog: 3 minutes •Squat, touch the ground and jump as

These exercises can be swapped

Skip! Sprint! Step up on benches!

high as you can, reaching your hands

and adjusted to fit any age, fitness

Most importantly, get outside, get

to the sky 5 times. (Children LOVE this!)

or ability level. Seniors can walk

moving, and do it often. You are on

and do light flexibility and balancing

your way to fit!

exercises to help those joints stay

For more information on the trails around

mobile. Teens can come up with more

Lynchburg, go to

difficult exercises in between and add

trails, and in the Roanoke region head to

sprints into their runs. Babies get to

•Walk/run/jog: 2 minutes •10 pushups (These can be done on your knees or standing/pushing against a tree with your body at a slight angle.) •Walk/run/jog: 3 minutes

ride warm and snug in the stroller

•10 walking lunges

while mom gets in a little exercise!

•Enjoy a leisurely walk back, taking in

If you aren’t familiar with the

the beautiful scenery (and perhaps a

exercises, a quick internet search will

square of Swiss chocolate in tribute).

show you exactly how they are done. By all means get creative! Hop logs!

Being an online personal fitness coach allows Melissa Williams to continue to travel with her husband and their three mostly-grown children. Connect with her on Facebook at Train With Melissa or Photos courtesy of Melissa Williams


Photo by Jen Fariello

Winter Wonderings activities for the cold weather I love the holidays; hands down it is my favorite time of year. From early fall to about mid-January I am in a festive mood. I enjoy being around loved ones, celebrating, and making memories. Sometimes, though, it can all get a bit overwhelming, and we can so easily get caught up in trying to go bigger and better that we lose the joy of simple moments spent with those we treasure most. Whether you are looking to celebrate with your kids, friends, special someone, or even just take a minute for yourself, here are a few ways to stop and enjoy the quieter moments of winter. Family

include Pooh Bear in your normal

Significant Other

First Snow Meal

weekend activities.

Christmas Ornament Date

I love the idea of celebrating the first


Make a plan with your beau and

snow with the same meal every year.

Holiday Prep Party

Fix it for yourself, share it with your family, or (if it’s not a storm) invite over a group of friends. For us we always celebrate with chocolate chip coconut waffles and scrambled eggs. Soups, roasted chicken, and crock pot meals are warming meals as well. Whatever you choose, pick something simple so that you will have the ingredients in your cupboard. Sit around the table and tell stories of your favorite snow memories.

I was first exposed to this idea by non-other than the editor and founder of this magazine! Jennifer invited a bunch of ladies over to her home to address Christmas cards and wrap gifts. I thought it was such a fun way to make some of the more mundane tasks of the season into something enjoyable. Don’t do Christmas cards? No problem! Invite friends over to make/decorate cookies, work on handmade gifts,

Teddy Bear Party

or get together after the holiday

Why not plan a special Saturday for

rush and address thank you cards.

your little (or not so little) one and

No matter what task you have to

their favorite stuffed friend? Head to

complete, it’s always more fun with a

the farmer’s market, plan a tea party,

group. Toss on a favorite movie and

dress up in super hero capes or just

gab while you do it.


head out someplace you can talk for a while. Ask about their childhood, or relive highlights and accomplishments from your past year together. Then hit the store, split up for 15-20 minutes, and pick out ornaments for each other. Show that you are a great listener and try to find an ornament that reminds you of something the other person said. The great thing about this is that it can work with ANY budget. If resources are limited, make your hot beverage at home, head to a park to chat, and then go to a discount store for ornaments. If you have a little money to burn, go to a local coffee shop or restaurant for dessert. The point is to focus on each other and have some fun.

Cuddle Up The holidays can be crazy and full of

Shortest Day of the Year

running from one event to the next.

December 21st is the shortest day of

By the time January rolls around, it’s

2013. Make a point to fill your day

easy to feel burnt out and ready to

with light.

hibernate for at least a month. So

• Light candles in your home.

why not plan a low key date night in? January 6th is annual “Cuddle-Up Day,” and that’s a perfect excuse to pop some popcorn, pile on a bunch of blankets, and curl up with your

• Make a list of the bright spots this past year has held. • Make someone else’s day brighter by paying it forward.

sweetie. Watch a movie, read books

• Smile at a stranger.

together, or just chat about life. Enjoy

• Write a card to a loved one.

the warmth inside and the fact that for this one night, there is no place

Word Collages Skip the New Year’s resolutions (no

you have to be.

one needs more stress in their life). You Time

Instead, pick a word you would like

After the rush of holiday parties and

to focus on in the coming year. Take

dinners, sometimes we need to sit

some time and pick something you

down in the quiet and enjoy time all

are willing to commit to, something

to ourselves. Here are a few ways for

that will make your life better.

you to personally take a step back

Once you have your word, pull out

from the crowds and celebrate the

your glue stick, channel your inner

beauty of winter.

kindergartener, and make a collage.

Photo by Jen Fariello

Use whatever medium feels good to you. If you are on your computer a lot, maybe the best option is to make a Pinterest board. However you choose to do it, the point is to make a visual reminder of the word. Display it somewhere in your home so that it will encourage and inspire you to stay focused on your word throughout the year. And, of course, if it snows, get out and PLAY! Our snowfalls are few and far between, so make the most of it. In addition to writing, Joy enjoys crafting (including her handmade Waldorf dolls!) along with being a creative wife to Josh and mom to her two sweet little girls.

Photo by Allegra’s Studio


classic, trendy, and colorful clothing

enjoy shoppinG! 2008 langhorne road, lynchburg

2 1




4 3



6 12


12 Days of Gifts Giveaway follow clutch and farmbasket on facebook to enter!

4Girls’ niGht out: december 12, 6-8 pm$


Silver & Gold With the colder weather upon us, our minds turn to gatherings. Instead of immediate families celebrating on their own, they travel for miles to relish time with extended family and friends. After all, the holidays are all about coming together! Well, for our winter issue, we decided to take the same approach with some

Welcome to our rendition of “Silver and Gold.”

of our articles. Many of our talented

Concept, Project Manager and Styling —

columnists took on a collaborative

Jennifer Prince, clutch Editorial Director

project, which also included local

Photographer — Adam Barnes,

business owners.

Adam Barnes Fine Art Photography

New friendships were formed in

DIY Projects and Tips for Keeping Kids Entertained

the process and old ones were

Heather Heppding, Mise en Place author

reconnected, much like the old adage

Recipes and Food Styling — Marisa Catalano

of “Make new friends, but keep the

Jones, clutch Goes Culinary author

old. One is silver, the other is gold.” Everything went perfectly hand in hand with our party theme, which can be translated for Thanksgiving,

DIY Cork Snowflake Favors, DIY Centerpiece —

Paula Skulina, DI-Why Not author Fashion Tips, Clothing and Accessories —

Renee Wood, Gladiola Girls

Christmas, New Year’s or any winter celebration.

Chevron Table, Art Bench and Coasters —

Colony Furniture Company Chairs, Rug and All Table Accessories —

Estates & Consignments Venue — Sorella Models — the O’Kagu family Hair and Makeup — Emily Garbee of

Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon, Bliss & Makeup stylist Evergreens — Virginia Garden Supply Oreo Truffles — Cater This! Candles — Beeswax Candle Company



Baked Brie with Cherries and Pistachios Ingredients 1 piece puffed pastry, thawed 1 small wheel Brie 1/4 c dried cherries 1/3 c shelled pistachios 1/4 c cherry preserves 1 egg, beaten

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the puffed pastry on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment. Cut the wheel of Brie in half creating two equally thick discs. Combine the cherries, pistachios and preserves. Place one disc in the center of the puffed pastry. Spoon the cherry mixture onto the disc and then top with the remaining disc. Fold the pastry up around the Brie and seal all the edges together. Brush the top with egg. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until golden brown. Remove and let stand for 10 minutes before serving with sliced bread or crackers. *This can be assembled the day before and held in the refrigerator until ready to bake. It also can be assembled, frozen, and wrapped tightly in plastic wrap for up to 3 months. Thaw before baking.

Herb Crusted Side of Salmon

roasted broccolini


2 bunches broccolini, washed,

1 side of salmon Salt, to taste Fresh ground black pepper, to taste 1 T chopped thyme 1 T chopped rosemary 1 T chopped sage 2 T chopped parsley

Method Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Ingredients trimmed 1 T extra virgin olive oil Pinch of red pepper flake Salt, to taste Fresh ground black pepper, to taste

Method Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spread the broccolini on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, season and roast for 8-10 minutes until the

Place the salmon skin side down on

edges begin to char and the stalks are a baking sheet drizzled with olive oil. softened. Serve immediately. Season the salmon to taste with salt and pepper. Combine the herbs and spread onto the salmon. *Use any combination of herbs and/or spices to create your own version of this recipe.

*Use broccoli, cauliflower, and/or Brussels sprouts for alternatives. Cooking times may vary depending on type, amount and/ or thickness.


Fennel, Beet and Orange Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette Ingredients


1 bunch beets

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2 navel oranges

2. Cut the beets leaving about an inch of stalk. Wrap each one in

2 heads fennel

aluminum foil, and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 45 minutes to an

2 T champagne vinegar

hour, until a toothpick can be inserted and removed without resistance.

1 T orange juice (reserve from oranges) 1 t honey

Remove and cool. By opening the foil they will cool faster. When cool enough to handle, cut the stalk away from the beet, and gently remove the skin. Slice and hold.

1/4 c extra virgin olive oil Salt, to taste

3. Supreme* the oranges, reserving the juice for the vinaigrette. Slice the fennel very thin, preferably using a mandolin slicer. In a mixing bowl,

Fresh ground black pepper, to taste

combine the vinegar, juice and honey. Whisk in the olive oil in a thin

Fennel fronds

stream until emulsified. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Layer the salad on a platter starting with the fennel, then the beets, then add the oranges. Pour the dressing over the salad and garnish with fennel fronds. *Supreme is a technique of removing the segments of the orange without the peel or pith. Mandarin oranges or orange segments can be substituted. **Add nuts for an extra crunch.

Sautéed Spinach with Garlic Ingredients


2 T extra virgin olive oil

Heat the olive oil in a medium sized

3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1 bag spinach, washed


sauté pan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and sauté for 2-3 minutes, just until it starts to turn

Salt, to taste

brown. Add the spinach and gently

Fresh ground black pepper

toss to coat with the infused oil.

*Also use Swiss chard, kale, escarole, beet greens or mustard greens for alternatives.

Sauté until wilted, 3-5 minutes. Serve immediately.

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entertaining your youngest guests Holidays are a time to gather together and enjoy the company of the entire family. While the goal is to make sure that both adults and children enjoy themselves, the kids usually get the short end of the stick. Keeping kids happy and entertained with a few special activities will allow the entire family to have a good time. While it is tricky to get the right mix, it can easily be achieved by planning ahead. Here is a little inspiration for holiday fun for the kids attending your

Let them doodle

holiday gathering.

Kids can get antsy in their seats while waiting for the meal to

Set the mood: Festive music in the background helps to set the mood for an event. Create a

a space to decorate, draw a favorite holiday scene, or play tic-tac-toe.

Special drinks: Offer a special beverage such as

Designate a “Kids Only” area:

sparkling cider complete with star

Set up a craft station complete with

shaped ice cubes containing frozen fruit and fun straws in festive glasses. special drink.

to do to pass the time. Create chalkboard placemats and give them

fun playlist and set it to shuffle.

Kids will be delighted with their own

conclude. Give them something

supplies and directions to create a simple ornament or have supplies available for children to draw and create their own masterpieces. Give older children the job of «holiday helper» to assist the younger ones if needed.

A simple pinecone sprayed gold and wrapped in silver tulle makes a simple place card.


Create one of a kind centerpieces with layering.

Items found in nature sprayed gold and silver have high impact yet little cost.

DIY Toilet Paper roll Star materials:: empty toilet paper rolls (one roll per star) ruler scissors school glue, liquid clothes pins gold craft paint and small brushes (or spray paint) craft glitter

step by step: 1. Slightly flatten the toilet paper rolls and cut into ž inch rings. You should be able to get six rings from each tube. 2. Dab some glue on the tip of the ring and adhere it to another ring. Use a clothes pin to help them stay together while drying. 3. Adhere rings together all the way around until you have the desired shape. Allow to dry completely. 4. Paint the stars. Either use craft paint and small brushes or place them in a paper bag in a well ventilated area and use spray paint to get the job done quickly. 5. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the surface with glitter. Dry completely before adding these adorable DIY stars to your holiday dÊcor.


winter fashion tips


Want to know what some trends are for the upcoming chilly days? So did we! Renee Wood of Gladiola Girls gave us her trend forecast for the months ahead, which is demonstrated with fashions from her boutique in downtown Lynchburg.

The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on tradition and times past. Go for maximum contrast and a wintery mood with vibrant floral prints on a base of earthy tones or brown hues to give that vintage twist.

Layering is also important during

Hooray! Denim is now acceptable

Antique inspired jewelry

the winter months. A loosely

for a holiday function. Trending

is a big trend for 2013. The cameo that

constructed, crochet jacket can pair

strong are lighter washes, but if you

dates back centuries is an individual

wonderfully with a silk chiffon as

are in doubt go for stronger color

piece of art carved from agate or shell.

well as a sweater.

with minimal wash and whiskering.

Incorporate cameos into your look as pins, necklaces or rings.



yarn orbs Utilize yarn, balloons and a simple glue mixture to create these whimsical and budget friendly creations to add a festive touch to your holiday decor.

materials: yarn

3. Use the Vaseline to lightly coat each balloon. This will ensure that the string will come off of the balloon once the orbs are dry and the balloons are popped.

materials: drill glue gun


4. Mix the bottle of school glue

liquid glue


with about 1 cup of corn starch and



½ cup of warm water to create a


school glue

paste. The mixture should not be

thin cord

corn starch

too thick or too runny.

a needle

a bowl for mixing a rod or pole for hanging tarp

step by step: 1. Blow up the balloons no more than halfway to keep a circular shape. A pleasing mix includes both large and small orbs. 2. Create a work space by placing the pole between two chairs and then

5. Dip the yarn into the glue mix,

Cork Snowflake Favors

9 wine corks cut in half

being careful not to create knots,

step by step:

and gently squeeze out the excess

1. Drill a hole in one cork half.

before wrapping the yarn around the balloon. Start vertically and then wrap horizontally to evenly cover the balloon making sure to tuck loose ends under. 6. Wait a full 24 hours for the orbs to completely dry before popping

2. Use a glue gun to glue corks together to make a snowflake pattern. 3. Apply liquid glue to the top of the snowflake. Generously cover the glue with glitter.

the balloons. Once popped, remove

4. Glue ribbon to the edge of the

the balloons.

snowflake using a glue gun.

under your assembly area. Make sure

7. Your beautiful orbs are ready

5. Thread cord through hole with a

to allow yourself plenty of room to

to hang! Leave as is or use quick

needle and tie a secure knot.

work around each balloon.

drying spray paint to match any

tie the balloons with string to the pole. Lay a tarp or plastic tablecloth

decor. 45

Gift Guide It’s the time of year for gift giving, and shopping locally is a great choice. We stopped at some area stores to see what they had to offer, and look what we found! Keep watch on the clutch Facebook page, because we are giving ALL of these items away before Christmas!


Holiday Gift Candle – $34

Handpainted Glass – $15

Handmade Bow Tie – $32

Enchanted Antiques

Shay’s Unique Gifts

Pastiche at Main

Great for: newlywed, hostess gift, co-worker

Fun to personalize for: friends, neighbors, sister-in-law

Necessary for: any guy in your life!

Lynchburg, Virginia Necklace – $48 Farmbasket

Deep Steep Body Products - $10-$16 each ($60 collection as shown)

Adorable for: friends and family who love or miss Lynchburg

Telitha Perfect for: daughter, employee, those who need pampering

Willow Tree Angel Set – $75

Glass Candle Holder – $22.50

Tokyomilk Perfume – $30

Accents Gifts

Urban Merchant

Gladiola Girls

Lovely for: aunt & uncle, anyone who loves Christmas décor

Essential for: housewarming gift, someone who loves new décor items

Appropriate for: best friend, mother, cousin





Snap Happy Tis’ The Season

This season is all about gatherings, so we want to see you! Instagram photos of you with your family and friends, and be sure to use #clutchsnaphappy for possible inclusion in our next issue!








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