Clutch Fall 2012

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the girl’s guide to everything essential October/November 2012 Complimentary



INSIDE THIS ISSUE Red, White & You pg 5 Our interview with local delegate, Kathy Byron, inspires you to make your voice heard this November.


pg 16

Be introduced to some local women buried in Old City Cemetery, whose influence still remains today.

Tackling Football

pg 19

Read a girl’s take on what is often thought of as a guy’s sport.


pg 21

Join us in our awareness project during October.

Caring for the Caregiver

pg 34

Those who are caring for loved ones need to be taken care of too.

Fall Festivities

pg 41

A list of must visit festivals around our region.


the girl’s guide to everything essential PUBLISHER/EDITOR Jennifer L Prince CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sabrena Deal

Photo by K.D. Burke Photography

Dear Friend, Fall is here, and I love living in


inside front cover

CLC Landscaping



clutch connect

Whitney G Howard

Downtown Diva Crawl



an area that is known for its rich,

Stephanie Budd

colorful beauty during this season.

Grace Bodie

We have the gorgeous mountains



Hill City Bride

inside back cover


J. Crew

Christine Coffey

Magnolia Foods

13 40

to enjoy along with fun festivals

Michelle M Duncan

and the opportunity to gather our

Crystal George

families together for a special time

Sandy Gossler

Red Shoes

Chelanne Green

Riverside Runners

Emily Garbee Harris

Steger Creek

of remembrance and thanks. This issue, in addition to celebrating the signs, events, and flavors of the

Heather Heppding Whitney G Howard Andrea Hubbell

season, we want to encourage and

Rachel Guelzo McLean

inspire you in many ways. I hope

Joy L Niehaus

you try a new recipe, explore a new

Jennifer L Prince Suzanne Ramsey

part of our community, or reach

Katelyn Rigg

out to someone who is caring for a

Hilary Sutton

loved one.

Deidre Stone

My hope is that you will enjoy this


season and savor each step of it

Crystal George - Crystal George Studios

us a part of your journey.


4 43

back cover

Stone Blue Productions


Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy


Urban Merchant


Virginia Eye Clinic


LOVE IT! I love the cover and the feel of the magazine. I love the articles and how they’re written by normal, local people. GREAT IDEA! — Angela

Karin Griffin - Red Chestnut Photography Andrea Hubbell - Andrea Hubbell Photography GRAPHIC INTERNS Donna Ange Lauren Mossett Kayla Munson

PS. Don’t forget to vote!

Must Have Shoes

clutch Buzz

Michelle Wood

along the way. Thank you for making



Katlyn Sheppard

Love the look of it, and the articles are fabulous! Way to go! — Maria So glad to have something like this in Lynchburg! :) — Victoria ... a wonderful job on this one of a kind magazine. Thank you! — Rhonda

Lauren Upchurch cover photo by Dan Lunde arrangement by Petal Flower Company

Just read clutch cover-to-cover! Absolutely love this publication. — Debbie

clutch, the girl’s guide to everything essential is a bi-monthly publication. To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224

Copyright 2012 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held

Stephanie Budd, Sabrena Deal, Jennifer Prince, Whitney Howard, Photo by Josh Deal

responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.






THE EMBELLISHED LIFE pg 8 someone’s trash may become your treasure

CLUTCH GOES CULINARY pg 10 apples abound in Virginia and our recipes

VINTAGE DIARIES pg 14 a Virginia woman’s take on life and love

THE MURSE pg 15 profiling one of our area’s guys

BACKPACK CHRONICLES pg 20 seasonal children’s books for autumn

URBANE FOLKLORE pg 22 art, fashion and music through the eyes of a city girl

CREATURE FEATURE pg 24 meet vultures who are also zoo residents

OFF THE BEATEN PATH pg 26 hike your way to the beauty of our area

PLACES, PLEASE! pg 28 what’s new in performing arts

FLOURISH pg 32 health for any age or stage of life

MISE EN PLACE pg 36 ideas for exploring fall with your family

AMOUR BÉBÉ pg 38 taking the mystery out of cloth diapering

PLAYFUL PARENTING pg 45 activities to do with your preschooler

BLISS & MAKEUP pg 46 a local woman receives a fresh new look for cooler weather QUIPS 25, 42 CALENDAR 30 SNAP HAPPY 48


Offering dance classes and private lessons taught by the area's finest instructors.

photo: Crystal George Studios


Ballroom, Ballet, Tap, Zumba, Latin Dance, Creative Movement, Shag, Contemporary Dance 405 5th Street, Historic Downtown Lynchburg / / / 434.444.6791 The elegance of The Red Shoes - available for your next event! High-quality dancewear at The Red Shoes: M-Th 10-12 & 4-8; F 10-12 & 4-6; Sa 10-2


photo: Crystal George Studios

Join us for an exciting night of learning, dance and refreshments as girls ages 4-10 experience an evening at The Red Shoes with their mothers (or another female adult). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH FROM 5:30-7:00PM 4

Photo by Ready Media

The year is 2012, almost a century after women won their right to vote. I say “won” and not “were given” because ladies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries truly fought for their voice to be heard in the elections of our country. This November, we as females, can take the opportunity to vote in our presidential election ... what a

red, white &


privilege! No matter what your opinions or political affiliation, we need to get out and have our choices be made known, and we need to work on instilling these values into our next generation. I recently caught up with Delegate Kathy J. Byron (of the Virginia House of Delegates 22nd District), not to talk about politics or issues, but to discuss the importance of making it out to the polls.

JP - You have served for a long time in your capacity.

JP - The 2008 election had the highest turnout rate in

Can you tell us a little about your background and how

40 years, with almost 68% of Virginians making their

you became interested in serving your community by

voice known by going out to vote. Although this seems

holding a political office?

like a high percentage, that is still nearly one-third

KB - My husband and I owned and operated our own

of Virginians that are NOT voting. What are some

small business for over 25 years. I was active in my community and church, and I had volunteered my

encouraging words for those that are on the fence about whether or not they are even going out to the polls?

time on behalf of other candidates. When the Delegate

KB - Voting is so important to our system of governing.

who preceded me announced her retirement, I was

The voice and verdict of the people is essential to those

encouraged by others to take my strong family values

shaping policies and to determining the direction

and business experience to advance the perspective

government will take at every level. Because of the

of small businesses and economic development in the

extensive influence of government over the day-to-

General Assembly. It was my faith and encouragement

day lives of everyone in our nation, their vote and

by my husband that ultimately determined my destiny.

participation can make a very profound difference in

It has been an honor and privilege to work on issues

the direction taken by elected officials.

that make our area the best place to live, work and raise a family.




DELEGATE KATHY J. BYRON Courtesy of Kathy Byron

JP - It seems that “politics and religion” are extremely heated topics that can cause dividing lines. What are some ways that you can gracefully bow out of conversations or head off sticky discussions before they escalate?

KB - I don’t necessarily believe that these discussions should be avoided. In fact, I think they should take place. The key to having them is to remain respectful of the other person’s views and to work at understanding their perspective. Discussions about politics and religion are discussions about values. They should be encouraged, not avoided. But, the key is that ALL involved need to remain respectful. The habit of some to casually use terms labeling others as bigoted or hatefilled does a disservice to all.

JP - Do you have one final word of advice or

JP - What do you consider to be some of the important issues for the upcoming election?

KB - Clearly, the state of the economy and jobs, and the ability of businesses large and small to create jobs, is the overarching issue.

encouragement for the ladies of Central and Southwest Virginia during this important election time?

KB - This is the most important election of our lifetime. The direction of our country for generations to come will be decided by its outcome. This year, more than ever before, we should think not just of our immediate circumstances but of where this nation will be decades from now. This is one election where people should be voting not just in their immediate interest but in the long term interests of our nation. My mother was hesitant to get involved in the election process

JP - Instilling a love for our country and a respect for how we elect our officials is important for the upcoming generation. What are some ways that we can teach our children the importance of voting and being an involved citizen?

while we were young. Doubts, lack of knowledge, and fear of making the wrong choice made it easier to just let my father take this responsibility on election day. Women fought very hard for the right to vote and are very important to the election process. The economic recession has had an impact on everyone, whether

KB - From their parents, children learn at an early age

directly or indirectly through your children or parents.

that their actions and decisions have consequences.

My personal belief is that voter turnout for women will

Voting, too, has consequences. While becoming involved

be amazing because women will only take so much of

in their community is an essential value of being human,

this nonsense. Women will never let any government

the understanding that participating in elections - and

harm the future of their families and children without

the result of those elections - has consequences that

a good fight. So I say to women “Go get ‘em.”

affect their community and day-to-day lives is the simplest way to instill this value. As with most things our children learn, parents can teach “by being an example”. Many children value Sunday as a day of worship by attending services regularly with their parents; by taking children to vote each year you can also instill the importance of voting to your children.


If you would like to find out more about Delegate Kathy J. Byron, please feel free to visit her website at We thank her for her time in answering these questions, and we hope that all of you will make it out to vote on Tuesday, November 6th. Although she is not overly enthused by the plethora of political commercials interrupting her Pandora station and favorite TV shows, Jennifer Prince will be out at the polls exercising her right to vote this November. She hopes you will, too.

We here at clutch enjoy serving our community, and our time at Get Downtown in September was no exception. Our staff had fun handing out magazines (1000!) along with teaming up with Tanker Tots to provide a doggie watering and snack station. We hope to be out and about again soon, and we encourage you to explore our local downtown areas no matter what time of year it is. Left: Jennifer enjoyed conversing with ladies about clutch. (photo: Russell Darnell) Center: Tank, the Tanker Tot mascot, was ready and waiting to greet fellow Get Downtown canines. (photo: Russell Darnell) Right: Intern Michelle Wood happily passed out clutch. (photo: Stone Blue Productions)

Want more of clutch? Look out for our December/January issue next! Also, keep up with our blog at

Want to join us as an advertiser? Send an email to and request a media kit. We would love to have you on board!

We offer: an interactive, online version bimonthly issues and an annual wedding guide a blog offering current content active Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts a fun, diverse look at life in Virginia for the women who live there (434)851-2224

clutch: Distribution in Lynchburg, Forest, Amherst, Bedford, Salem and Roanoke!

7 the girl’s guide to everything essential

The Embellished Life

REUSE AND REDECORATE I’ve heard several theories on what would help our limping economy repossess its stronghold, and while these opinions/ideas are quite overwhelming, I feel there are some simple things we can do to save money in our homes that will cause a trickle-up effect globally. I am by no means a super duper environmentalist. In fact, there is certainly more I could do to make a difference. I do, however, try, in small ways, to be conscious of my choices, and in the end, make smarter purchasing choices for our household, my wardrobe, and business. One of the easiest ways I think we can do this is to reuse what we have to redecorate our homes. Most women (I know there are

Photo by Michelle Duncan

exceptions) go a certain amount of

had to use whatever was in the room

Recently I wanted to change our

time with the same decor and need

and rearrange it. It was a fabulous

bedding. I’m in a BOLD mood lately,

a change for things to feel fresh

challenge and has honestly made me

and the patterns and fabrics right

again. In fact, I remember that my

much more resourceful throughout 15

now are just fabulous. So, I found the

father used to tell my mom that he

years of marriage.

comforter and am in the process of

was going to bolt the furniture to the floor one day because every time she “deep cleaned” she would move furniture around. He joked that he always had to look twice before sitting down to make sure he didn’t hit the floor. Not helping matters, she used to let me “redecorate” rooms whenever I wanted as long as I got my chores done. I know, sort of a crazy incentive, but it worked for me. When I was given this privilege, I


David and I decided years ago that the inside of the home was mine and the outside his. He had NO idea what he was doing here (tee hee!), and I wasn’t about to inform him! I took

making pillows and other accessories to go with it but here’s the thing ... there is NOTHING wrong with the soft hued pillows from our bed and crewel blanket.

that deal and went with it. There are

I pointed out that I am not exactly a

things that he will point out and say,

rule-follower. What I didn’t point out

“Please, whatever you do, never get

is that I hate wasting something that

rid of this ... don’t remove that ... keep

can be reused. In fact, I have a closet

this paint color.” Whatever he doesn’t

of such things ... sort of a decorating

point out is fair game! Yeehaw!!

purgatory! There are things in



there that are in a holding pattern between being used in one room and

some dough, I suggest hitting up the local consignment stores. This is, by NO means a complete list, but we hope that you enjoy perusing them and perhaps finding a new

the decision to either sell, donate, or reuse.

In the vein of trying to reuse and save

item for your wardrobe or even a gift for

frames and hang an art gallery. Take


I decided that the pillows weren’t

your guest room furniture and that

closet ready yet. Our den sofa,

can of “messed up paint” you bought


while comfy and basic, was missing

because it was such a bargain and

Consignment 1st

big, squishy lounging pillows and

paint that stuff! If you dare, bring in

Location: 3412 B. Waterlick Rd

even could use a little fresh feel.

that summer wicker that will have

Specialize in: New and used furniture and

So, I removed the monogrammed

to be stored away soon and work a

applique on the larger pillows, fluffed

piece into your kitchen or living room

up the small accent pillows and

setting. You will be surprised how a

tossed all of it together on their new

simple movement (that doesn’t cost a

resting place. Voila! It was perfect!!

thing) gives you a new perspective on

Yes, I used Euro sized pillows on a

a room. In fact, if you don’t have that

sofa (rule breaking part) and I spent

much energy, start small ... paint your

Forest Hill Circle)

$0 dollars to fill a need that existed

front door in a bright color. Every

Specialize in: Women’s, men’s and children’s

(the try not to waste part). You want

time you come home, it will give you

clothing, housewares

to know the best part? As I stood

something to smile at.

home decor items

Designers Exchange Location: 20911 Suite A Timberlake Rd Specialize in: Designer handbags and accessories, women’s career wear

ETC SHOP Location: 2912 B. Old Forest Rd(Located on


Photos & Project by Erin Uminn

Hidden Treasures Location: 109 E. Main Street, Salem Specialize in: Upscale designer clothing, shoes, accessories, furnishings and decor.

New to Me Location: 1322 Grandin Rd, Roanoke Specialize in: Furniture, antiques, jewelry, art

Rena’s on Main Location: 18 E. Main Street, Salem Specialize in: Upscale, affordable clothing in a wide range of sizes

IN CHARLOTTESVILLE Eternal Attic Location: 2125 Ivy Rd Specialize in: Furniture, silver, china, jewelry, crystal, lamps and accessories

back examining my work, I noticed

Fall is a great time to turn over a

Twice is Nice

that the fabulous two-tiered vintage

new leaf. I would love to hear about

Location: 923 Preston Ave

side table was the perfect blue and

your project.

Specialize in: Clothing, housewares, shoes for

now didn’t just exist in the room but POPPED because of the pillows. Now your turn ... take an accent wall and gather all of your like-colored

When Michelle isn’t planning and creating handbags for her company elle & anne, she enjoys decorating her own home where she spends time with her husband, David, and their three dogs.

a good cause

IN RICHMOND Clothes Rack Location: 2618 West Cary Street & 6780 Forest Hill Ave Specialize in: Clothing, household items and furniture




This flavorful chicken is wonderful served alongside the Autumn Salad with your grain of choice. Alternatively, serve the meat shredded on top of the salad, for a simple one-plate meal. Serves 2-4, depending on the size of the bird.



one fresh, organic, whole chicken

1. The morning you are planning to cook the bird for dinner, rinse him

(this bird was about 3.5 lbs)

a few tablespoons of canola oil

with water and thoroughly pat him dry. Rub him down with canola oil. Work your fingers between the skin and meat of the bird’s thighs and breast, separating the two to form pockets for the herbs. Stuff the thyme

salt + pepper

underneath the skin in as many places as you can, reserving a few sprigs.

12 fresh thyme sprigs

Finally, rub the bird thoroughly with salt and pepper, over top and

1-2 apples, sliced 1/2-inch thick

underneath the skin. Refrigerate the bird until you’re ready to cook him.

2 lemons, sliced 1/4-inch thick

2. Preheat your oven to 325° and place a rack in the middle. Lay a handful of apple slices and a few lemon slices along with the remaining thyme

Andrea Hubbell is a photographer with a passion for cooking at home. Andrea is the creator of Bella Eats, a food and recipe blog which shares stories from her kitchen.

AN AUTUMN FAMILY MEAL Our family likes to keep dinner simple in the weeks leading up to the holidays. This meal, inspired by Virginia’s apple bounty, is hearty and full of fall flavor yet easy to pull together even for company. Serve it with a light red wine or, to stick with the apple theme, mulled cider.

sprigs in the center of a medium cast iron pan. Place the bird, breastside up, on top of the fruit and thyme. Stuff as many fruit slices as you can inside the cavity of the bird, and lay the rest in the pan around the bird. 3. Cook the chicken for 45 minutes, then remove from oven and turn him over. Cook for another 45 minutes, remove from oven, and turn him again. Make a small incision in the breast to see if the meat is cooked through, white and not pink. For a small bird, 90 minutes is about all you need. If you’re cooking a larger bird, he will take longer. Just keep turning him every 45 minutes until the meat is white and the interior juices run clear. 4. When the chicken is done, turn the oven to broil. Place the chicken, breast side up, back in the oven on the middle rack. Broil until the skin browns and crisps, about 5 minutes. 5. Remove the chicken from the pan, letting him rest for about 15 minutes before carving him and serving. 11

SALAD INGREDIENTS 4 cups fresh spinach



2 cups fresh arugula

1/3 cup (packed) brown sugar

2 tbsp grain mustard

1 tart apple, cut into 1/4-inch slices

1/4 cup water

4 tbsp golden balsamic vinegar

fresh thyme sprigs

2 tbsp (1/4 stick) unsalted butter

(or champagne vinegar if you can’t find

1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese

large pinch of salt

golden balsamic)

candied walnuts

1-1/2 cups halved walnuts

creamy mustard vinaigrette

1 tbsp honey 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

METHOD 1. First, candy the walnuts. Combine the first 4 ingredients in a heavy skillet. Bring to a boil, whisking, and allow to boil for 1 minute. Add the walnuts and stir to coat. Continue tossing until the syrup forms a glaze on the nuts, about 3 minutes. Transfer nuts to sheet of foil, and quickly separate them with forks. 2. Second, make the vinaigrette. Combine the mustard, vinegar, and honey in the small bowl of a food processor. Pulse to combine. With the processor running, slowly add the olive oil to emulsify, processing for about 1 minute. 3. Toss together the spinach and arugula. Place in a shallow serving dish. Add the apples and walnuts evenly across the top of the greens, then the crumbled blue cheese, and finally some sprigs of fresh thyme. Dress the salad on individual plates.


y l i m a f a s e k a m e v o L


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The story of Frances McConagh

Vintage Diaries Reflections From Yesteryear

moved them to Amherst, and eventually Lynchburg, where Fran enjoyed living near her father and younger siblings, especially after her mother died. John was a city boy, and their town in Nelson didn’t even have a library. In fact, John and Fran helped start the very first library in Amherst, which was originally housed in a church. Fran loves being a mother and said


her favorite parts were swimming

McConagh was born in Nelson County,

in the summer time and going to

Virginia. She is a quiet, friendly

see her children play in sports.

woman, who also enjoys watching

“All my children played sports,”

sports (she is a Tech fan!), doing

she offered. Now she enjoys being

puzzles and reading her Bible.

“Grandma” to seven grandchildren and “Great Grandma” to seven

A lifelong citizen of Central Virginia,

great grandchildren. “They make

“Fran” graduated from Fleetwood High

Christmas!” she exclaimed.

“Stay close to your children,

school in Nelson County and attended

and they will want to stay

both James Madison University

As much as she loves her family,

close to you.”

and Longwood College, where she

John was clearly first in her heart

enjoyed her sorority work with the

and the love of her life. Tears sprung

Alpha Sigma Alpha, founded in 1901

to her eyes when she talked about

at Longwood. “We didn’t have boys at

“her John” who passed away 20 years

classes then,” she remembers, so she

ago. She reminisced, “He was the best

enjoyed her time at an all girls school.

husband and father in the world!”

Despite that fact, Fran met her

Fran enjoyed traveling and spent a

husband, John, at Longwood. They

lot of time visiting her sisters in

were introduced through mutual

both California and New Jersey.

acquaintances, and Frances says it was

Physical limitations may have cut

love at first sight when they met. He

back on her traveling now, but she

was drafted into the Army after his

still loves to stay as involved as

freshman year of college at Virginia

possible by reading, especially if the

Tech, where he played football. Once

books are historical.

TO GRANDMOTHERS: “See those grandkids.” TO ALL WOMEN: “Do something for yourself.”

In addition to writing, Joy enjoys crafting (including her handmade Waldorf dolls!) along with being a creative wife to Josh and mom to her two sweet little girls. Photo by Red Chestnut Photography


The oldest of six children, Frances

he came back and graduated, Frances married the love of her life.

Francis has no regrets and says, “There is nothing I would change!”

Fran taught 3rd grade in Bedford

She is such a sweet, vibrant woman,

County until she and John had six

and what a great thing to say as she

children of their own. A job change

looks back on her life.

enjoy GEOFF’S 5 .FAVORITE PLAYS 1. ENDGAME - Samuel Becket is one of the most influential playwrights of the 20th century. I believe this is his best work.

2. KING LEAR - This is Shakespeare’s master work. It is an amazing examination of hubris and leadership.

3. ANGELS IN AMERICA This is one of the greatest works of theatrical literature in the last 20 years. It is an incredible examination of humanity and America at the turn of the millennium.

4. MNEMONIC - This was a life changing production for me. This play was created by an ensemble and not one playwright.

5. EURYDICE - This is the most contemporary play on my list. This play takes the ancient myth of Orpheus and spins it into a contemporary examination of death, family, and love.

The Murse murse (mûrs) n. a man’s purse or handbag Name, Age, Status:

What might people be surprised to know

What book is on your night stand?

Geoff Kershner, 34, married

about you?

I’m reading this book about this


I’m a huge football fan. I love college

Polish, avant-garde theater company

and professional football.

called The Travel Agency.

Endstation Theatre Company

In kindergarten, what did you want to be

What is your guilty pleasure?

Assistant Professor, Lynchburg

when you grew up?

My guilty pleasure is sitting on the

College Theatre Department

Later, I wanted to be a stand-up

couch with wings, beer, and all day

Where can we find you most often?

comedian. In kindergarten, probably

college football.

Artistic Director and Co-founder,

In a theater space of one sort

a baseball player.

or the other.

What was your first paying job?

Do you have a mantra, motto,

I think it was working at WAMZ

or life philosophy?

radio in Amherst. I worked the board

I really believe in turning obstacles into opportunities, which is not always the easiest thing to do. But

there but also was a DJ, believe it or

When she’s not daydreaming about her next trip to New Mexico, Suzanne Ramsey writes, runs, reads, cooks, gardens, and spends time with husband, John, and cats, Hector and Edna.

not. I was 15, and I would kind of DJ their early morning hours.

Where will our "murse" go next?

when I run into an obstacle, I try

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Tune in next issue to find out who is the

very hard to figure out how to turn

Ben and Jerry’s

lucky guy who gets to be profiled holding

that into an opportunity or a positive

Coffee Heath Bar Crunch.

our beautiful bag, which was made

rather than [let it] knock you down.

by elle & anne handbags. 15


DAYCATION: Women of the Old City Cemetery



When the word “cemetery” comes to

Martha Edley, a Native American,

She became an integral member of

mind, the image of an old, dark, cold,

was a servant

the family she served and provided

and dreary graveyard may emerge.

and a special

them with 70 years of dedicated

However, the Old City Cemetery

part of the

service. Being fondly remembered as

changes that tone with an upbeat,

family she

“Aunt Martha” by the family, she was

bright, and historical location rather

worked for,

described as a person who was “witty

than one haunted by ghosts. Being the


with a lot of sense.”

oldest public cemetery in Virginia and


central Virginia’s most unique public


garden, it is a destination that has

with three

remained alive through the years and


One of the first African American

is still in use today.

She kept house and raised several

school teachers to be hired to teach in

loving children.

the Lynchburg public school, Amelia

Have you ever walked through a



cemetery, seen the tombstones, and

Her life was not at all a walk in the

wondered about the people and their

became the

park; just like a good story, there

life stories? What kind of influence did


are bumps along the way that lead

they have? What kind of lives did they

principal and

up to a true “happy ending.” After

lead? We would like to tell the stories

served the

losing her prince charming at an

of a few women who are buried in this

school system

early age, along with her three young

Lynchburg resting place, and we hope

for 30 years.

children, Martha made a choice not

that you will visit them and many

to let these hardships ruin her but to

She lived a very

others at the Old City Cemetery.

make her into an outstanding person.

successful and


explore prosperous life and founded a home for elderly women, a sewing school, and a cooking school for all people to enjoy and to further educate themselves. “The salvation of our boys and girls is to be effected through industrial training,” quoted Amelia, showing her commitment to help enrich the people around her. This woman’s efforts were not in vain as these programs are still up and running to this day. MARY WILLIE ALVIS GILDON (1866-1933) Mary Gildon lived a life devoted to helping women by running a small birthing hospital from her own home. She was a

JANE HUGHES OWEN (1760-1835):

midwife for

Jane is titled as one of the founding

many women,

mothers in the town of Lynchburg.

helping them

She was well regarded for promoting

bring new

excellent local taste, culture, and

life into the

intelligent living, which still runs

world. During

strong through the veins of Lynchburg

this point

Virginia today. She sought ways

in time, the

to create “influences that strongly


tended to advance its (Lynchburg’s)

greatly respected the influence and

prosperity and refinement.”

power a midwife held. Establishing the first lending library A midwife was believed to own

in the area of Lynchburg, Jane Owen

special powers and demonstrated

stimulated a fine taste for literature.

tremendous insight. Possessing

Jane did not stop her influence

the ability to function properly in

there; she took it much further by

unfamiliar situations, midwives were

starting a school, which was held

called to be authoritative, which

in the basement of her home. There

caused them to run against the

she became an unforgettable and

accepted social idea of a woman’s role

beloved teacher by all her pupils.

at the time. These midwives, such as

Jane enjoyed other cultural activities,

Mary, provided education, counsel,

namely raising rare flowers in her

and childcare wisdom to women

cherished garden. She was recognized

on a daily basis. Highly valued for

as a horticulturist by many, including

their compassion, ethics of care, and

Thomas Jefferson, with whom she

generosity, midwives would provide

had an ongoing friendship. One of

services for some women who could

the things Jane is remembered for

not financially afford a physician.

is her “love apple” which turned out

Color Photos by Stephanie Mast Black and White photos courtesy of City of Lynchburg Museum System

DID YOU KNOW? •  The cemetery dates back to 1806. •  There are about 20,000 people laid to rest there. •  Cemetery inhabitants include 2,000 Civil War soldiers and also African American slaves who were brought to America. •  Burials still occur at the cemetery, although it is often a person who has no family. •  Scatter gardens are available for spreading ashes of people or pets. •  There are five small museums housed on the property, which are filled with history. •  Interesting horticulture and wildlife make it a great spot for families to picnic and spend the day. •  For more information on hours, directions, and events, please visit their website at

to be the first tomato ever eaten in Lynchburg by Thomas Jefferson. 17

explore CAROLINE FITZ RANDOLPH MORFORD MORGAN (1805-1883) Having a standing in the city of Lynchburg in both wealth and society was Caroline Morgan. She lived a typical life full of family, church, and charitable work. Caroline took great interest in putting her energies into helping the poor and disadvantaged, finding it a privilege to give by the means of her very own hands. However, this

We hope you will decide to visit Old City Cemetery, and while you are there try to spot these six things.

petite woman did not live a life escaped from tragedy. Several of her children died at early ages; and at the age of 42, her husband passed away. Nonetheless, she bravely carried the burden of grief and responsibility by carefully handling her husband’s personal property, wealth, and position in the town. These difficulties helped mold her into a strong, independent, authoritative women who gained the respect of those who knew her. Living to be one of the oldest residents in the city of Lynchburg, she was highly esteemed by all. At her death, she was described as “a person of uncommon mind, and many high and noble qualities — a spirited, independent woman who was, in many ways, ahead of her time.” Coffee and chocolate make life even more enjoyable for Michelle Wood, who loves the beach and is a Southern girl through and through.


Check our blog and Facebook page on how to win this cookbook full of funeral recipes or a jar of honey from the Old City Cemetery.


explore Photo by Red Chestnut Photography.

WH: We’ve heard football is a man’s sport. What connection do women have to football? SJ: I have a lot of pride about where I come from, which is why no matter where I live, Wisconsin will always be my team! One thing I’ve realized now that I’ve lived among southern women is that their pride and their support of college football is a lot deeper. It’s more than just excitement on game day. It’s part of their heritage. Football can really bring a family together and give them something to talk about and take pride in. WH: What is your favorite part of the game day? SJ: I love the crispness in the air. You know it is fall when football starts. If I was back home, we would be out grilling bratwursts and watching the game with my family. So, I guess, just spending time with my family is one of my favorite things about game day. WH: For women who are newcomers to football, what are some game day


traditions you would recommend for a fun filled day? SJ: I have always loved tailgating!

Football season is here and in full swing, and it is not just for the guys ... believe it or

Get dressed up in your team colors

not! Ordinary moms, wives, students, and even children are avid football fans and

(girly or not), set up an awning, grill

will break out their team gear for the duration of the autumn season. Virginia is not

some burgers or hotdogs, and invite

only filled with its fair share of Virginia Tech and UVA fans but is also infested with a

your friends and entire family!

number of college students and families who have migrated here for school and work. Shonda Johnson is a student at Liberty University who hails from Wisconsin, and she

So, no matter who you are rooting for

gave us a great view of women and their connection to the game.

maybe giving football a try would be a fun way to get your family out and about.

WH: Why should women proudly

and has always been a way to bring

Who knows, you may just become

admit interest or become interested

families together. Trust me when I

a fan after all!

in football?

say that grocery shopping isn’t the thing to do on a Saturday morning

SJ: Many women have the men in

or afternoon ... it is making your

their families claim football as a

family’s favorite snack and sitting

sport that only they can be interested

down to watch the game together

in, but the truth is that football is

(even if you don’t agree on teams)!

When Whitney isn’t writing for clutch or studying for classes, she loves to run and explore downtown Lynchburg with her husband, Sean.



Backpack Chronicles



During the fall season, there is an abundance of activities to enjoy in Central Virginia. Books can enhance and expand those memories and traditions. Whether you choose one based on visiting an orchard, enjoying fall foliage or the growth of a pumpkin, there are many choices to enrich your season.

APPLES, APPLES, APPLES by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace

LEAF MAN by Lois Ehlert


A family enjoys an autumn outing

Inventive collage artwork and

This book illuminates various cultural

at a local apple orchard, and each

imaginative storytelling provide the

influences and modern developments

member is excited about collecting

framework for this fall selection.

that intertwined to become

apples for various purposes—cooking,

Leaf Man, a fall foliage creation,

the holiday we celebrate today.

crafting, and snacking. Minna has a

used to live in a pile of leaves nearby,

Interestingly, the groundwork began

surprise in mind for her bagful. The

but “a Leaf Man’s got to go where

over 2,000 years ago with the Celts.

bunny family takes a wagon ride,

the wind blows.” He meanders and

As they later accepted Christianity,

picks apples from the trees, and pays

flows through the rolling die cut

the Roman Catholic Church renamed

at the produce stand. Along the way,

terrain of lakes, rivers, mountains,

and recreated it to be a day to

Farmer Miller teaches them about

and meadows, revealing many

remember and to honor loved ones

the apple’s parts and life cycle. Minna

seasonal sights. Children will

who had died. Many of our modern-

cannot wait to get home though!

delight in identifying the animals

day traditions originated from these

She has a surprise recipe (which is

and plants created using leaves of

ancient roots, but, over time, other

provided) for the family to make

various sizes, shapes, and shades. The

cultures’ traditions, also blended

together. Wallace portrays a sweet

narrative reveals that the Leaf Man’s

into our present-day activities. Carol

story of a loving family enjoying

destinations are endless … one might

Greene skillfully mingles the past and

some fall traditions together.

even be your own home. No doubt

present, revealing there is more to

Directions for apple printing, a list

it will inspire families to take nature

Halloween than frightening monsters

of famous apple sayings, and an

walks and to create their own leaf

and evil spirits. It is a wonderful

apple song are included, allowing

men. Ehlert celebrates the rich colors

testament to the power of tradition

for many easy extension ideas. The

and autumnal splendor with this

and legend as well as family and

playful cut paper illustrations and

inventive, must-read picture book.

culture. Whimsical illustrations

straight-forward dialogue make

Leaf Man is recommended for

round out this fascinating narrative

Apples, Apples, Apples an ideal

ages 3 and up.

for ages 7 and up.

read for ages 2-7. For more book reviews visit Chelanne’s website at


Onetober one month. one dress. one cause. starting October 1st . . . will you join us? Jeffrey C Gleason Photography

Join Us! October 1-31 2012

Christopher Breedlove Photography

Our cause: Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center, 1915 Thomson Drive - Lynchburg 434.528.4321 • • thecenter

What is Onetober? Imagine a month freed up from deciding what to wear ... 31 days where you resolve to wear one dress the entire month. Our staff has committed to participate in Onetober for a two-fold purpose. One being the personal journey to free ourselves from fretting over what to wear each day while also forcing creativity in making that one dress work for an entire month. But, the more important journey is raising awareness for a cause, and for Onetober 2012, we are supporting the BRPC. We are not collecting funds or soliciting in any way, but as the opportunity arises we can acquaint others with our cause and the purpose of Onetober.

The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center (BRPC) provides free and confidential services such as pregnancy tests and limited obstetrical ultrasounds. They also offer peer counseling in addition to parenting and life skills classes, all at no cost to the women who utilize their services.

Sound fun? We hope that you will join us!

Be prepared for a personal introspective while supporting a great, local organization. 21


Urbane Folklore FASHION: Anyone who knows me well has seen me in my red plaid poncho. It is my absolute favorite Autumnal accessory. Most of you probably have something like this in your wardrobe as well. Maybe it’s a favorite hoodie, scarf, hat, jacket, or some statement boots. Try building your outfits around those pieces, and create new outfits from items that you already have in your closet. Layering is one of the best ways to reinvent your wardrobe. It is also a great way to keep you warm on those crisp fall days without having to pull out your heavy coat. So, instead of spending money on a new wardrobe this season, rethink last year’s, and enjoy the clothes you have in a brand new way.

ART: A couple of months ago, my friends had an art exhibit showing in downtown Lynchburg. I love going to galleries, and when it’s someone that you know, it makes the experience even more enjoyable. As an added bonus, we were treated to live music by one of Lynchburg’s most talented young performers ( Jeff Carl) as we perused the one-of-a-kind creations. Maybe it will be something new for your weekend after hours, or maybe you will meet some of the Hill City’s finest creative minds while you’re at it. Sound like a good time to you? Check out our calendar for some options, or visit the art movements that thrive in Charlottesville, Photo by Ravyn Art


Roanoke, Bedford, and Lynchburg.


Marissa Nadler Songs III:

The River Empires


Bird on the Water (2007)

The River Empires (2010)

Seventh Tree (2006)

Enchanting vocals and Folk style

The year this album came out, my

This CD just makes me smile. It

instrumentation is the perfect

husband and I purchased 15 copies

has such a happy-go-lucky feel ... I

combination for one of my most

to give to our family and friends. We

would challenge you to listen with a

adored fall albums. Marissa Nadler’s

were so enthralled with this album

straight face. Not many things make

voice is classically beautiful and

that we wanted to share it with

me want to hop-skip, but the track

timeless in her 3rd album release.

everyone close to us. This two disc

“Happiness” all but insists on it. This

Each track is as breathtaking as

release opens with a haunting piano

is a perfect album to put on your iPod

the next. Do yourself a favor, and

solo layered with Jessy Ribordy’s

for a run on the Blackwater Creek

purchase this album. Sit in a cozy

clear voice and choir-like harmonies

Trail or a stroll through the woods at

chair with a book, and escape

in the background. With unique

Riverside Park. So If I happen to see

from it all ... even if it’s just for 48

and thoughtful lyrics and gorgeous

you skipping, I promise not to judge.

enchanting minutes.

orchestral compositions, The River Empires takes me on a new journey with every listen. It never gets old. As the leaves begin their transformation, take a trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway,

Deidre is an old-soul artist and musician. She is happiest when she is enjoying those things with her husband, Josh. Creating art, playing the piano, shopping for vintage, and loving on her dog, Fiver, are among her favorite things.

and let the music whisk you away.


Boonsboro Shopping Center Lynchburg Stony Point Fashion Park Richmond 23

explore From Mill Mountain Zoo: These two beautiful (yes, beautiful!) vultures are of breeding age and have solidified their pair bond. Since they are a Near Threatened species, Mill Mountain Zoo hopes they will breed this next breeding season at the end of January and beginning of February. We are very lucky to have Khana and Ivan because most zoos do not house large vultures like these. — Bambi Godkin & Ashley Hale

CREATURE FEATURE On the top of Mill Mountain in



education, and animals, and we

Age: 5

Age: 5

think there are a few you should

Gender: Male

Gender: Female

get to know. The first of which is

Upbringing: Raised by his parents.

Upbringing: Puppet raised,

a pair of birds ‌ vultures in fact.

Personality: Shy but quiet

which involves utilizing a puppet-like

(has actually been referred

parent to feed and care for the young.

to as a chicken!).

Personality: Outgoing. Curious.

Activities: He and Khana enjoy

Activities: Khana and her partner in

drinking out of the water hose and

crime, Ivan, enjoy teasing their

playing with buckets, which they

caretakers. Their keepers have

both kick and peck at.

learned to keep cleaning supplies and

Roanoke is a plethora of fun,

They would enjoy a visit from you, and be sure to check out

tools close, or the vultures are sure to snatch them up!


Diet: Carrion is their main staple,

Europe. Decreasing food supply and

Common Name: Asian Black Vultures

but they also kill small animals

human influence (such as trapping

or Cinereous Vultures

and will feed on insects, lizards,

for feathers) pose a great threat to

Proper Name: Aegypius monachus

and even tortoises!

these birds. At times they ingest

Appearance: They are large with a

Habitat: They are found in high

anti-inflammatory drugs, which

bare, buff colored neck and a down

mountains, large forests, steppes,

decreases their immunity.

covered head. Dark markings around

and grasslands in the Caucasus

the eye give their faces a skull like

Mountains, Greece, Spain, Turkey,

appearance. They also have a massive,

Ukraine, and also through the central

dark, powerful beak with a blue cere.

Asian plateau in Mongolia and China.

livestock that has been injected with

Their feathers are ashen in color (hence the name cinereous). 24

A Family Four Pack of

win this

Tickets to Mill Mountain Zoo. Watch our blog and Facebook page for

Threats: Their population is

instructions on how

reducing except in some parts of

to enter.


The Sound of Music – It soothes me

Pride and Prejudice – The language,

when I am sick or feeling down.

costumes, characters, and “looks”

— Michelle

draw us back to it over and over. — Jean

Sleepless in Seattle – It deals with death, children, work, romance, and

The Potential Inside – A great

the fairy tale ending!! — Debbie

reminder to not give up when life gets hard. — Karen

The Quiet Man – It is smart and sexy The Blind Side – Determination and

without being vulgar. — Janet

courage can lead to success; caring

Anne of Green Gables series – Makes you want to swoon!

can make a difference; and to be part

Singin’ in the Rain – It never fails to

of a family does not mean you have

make me laugh. — Traci

to be born into the family. — Christel

— Rachel Father of the Bride – I love the

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story –

father/daughter relationship ...

Life is Beautiful – One father’s love

It’s about standing up for your beliefs the kind of relationship I hope

saved his child’s innocence and

and persevering through tragedy.

my daughter has with her father

his life. — Kirsten

— Rebekah

one day. — Lindsey

My Big Fat Greek Wedding – It makes

Ghost – It’s got a little bit

Hitch – It takes the cake on

me appreciate how “normal” my

of everything. — Trudie

romantic comedy that is actually

family is!! — Maggie

true to life. — Karen Secret Life of Bees or Apollo 13 –

The Princess Bride – No movie comes

So many life lessons in each.

The Royal Tenenbaums – It makes me

closer to “feel good” if you ask me.

— Bette

feel like I don’t have the craziest

— Mari

family in the world. — Chelsea

Grandin Theatre in Roanoke. Photo by Jennifer Prince.


Off the Beaten Path


Moving from Chicago to Lynchburg was a bit of


a transition for me, and I am not going to lie, it was not a smooth one. It took a few months and several nights of crying myself to sleep while wearing my Bears pajamas (Da Bears!) to adjust.

As I slowly came to terms with the fact that I would no longer be attending swanky blues bars or raging night clubs, I realized that Virginia’s natural beauty provides a wealth of activities that exclude over-gelled, tight shirt wearing, halfdrunk morons shooting me their cheesiest pickup lines. Once I discovered that I could go biking, kayaking, rock climbing, and snowboarding within an hour’s drive from Lynchburg, I really started to embrace my life here. One of my favorite things to do, especially in the fall when the weather is cool and the leaves are changing colors, is to pack a lunch and go for a hike. So the next time you find yourself saying there’s nothing to do here, get off your butt and get outside. It’s time to take a hike! Here are a few of my favorite trails: DEVIL’S MARBLEYARD


Over a mile climb up a beautiful trail that crosses back

If you’re looking for wildlife, there’s nothing better than

and forth over a babbling brook rewards you with a

observing a herd of wild ponies as they run through the

mountain top boulder field and a spectacular view of

mountain meadows of Mount Rogers. Along the two-mile

the valley below. The best part is jumping from boulder

hike, you will see the ponies grazing in open areas off

to boulder, trying not to fall into any cracks while

the trail. They are quite friendly, but I recommend that

working your way to the top. If you’re ready for more,

you do not run behind one and try to mount it “Three

there are other trails that branch off and connect to

Amigos” style and ride off into the sunset. You may find

the Appalachian Trail, giving you several more miles of

yourself bucked off, lying flat on your back and gasping

beautiful Virginia nature.

for breath. Just trust me on this one.



More than two miles of well-maintained trail leads

Just a short drive away, this beautiful hike splits off to

you to the top of the tallest set of waterfalls east of the

two summits: Sharp Top and Flat Top. Both peaks boast

Mississippi. On the way, up you’ll get access to the falls

incredible views but require a certain level of fitness to

with overlooks that provide great photo ops and, let’s face

get to them. There are overlooks along the way, and if

it, nothing is worth doing unless you get a few facebook-

you’re like me and would rather not admit that you’re

worthy pictures.

sucking air because you’ve skipped cardio for the last two


weeks, just pretend that you’re stopping to really soak in the views.

Speaking of great pictures, McAfee Knob could be considered the poster child of Appalachian Trail hikes. The four and a half mile trek to the top reveals priceless views of the Roanoke and Catawba Valleys. Take a seat on the edge of the Knob that juts out over the cliffs below, and soak in the panoramic views of the fall colors.


When she is not out seeking new adventures, Christine, a Chicago area native, enjoys exploring the shops and restaurants in downtown Lynchburg where she lives with her teenage son, Isaiah.




ADVENTURE SNAPSHOT DEVIL’S MARBLEYARD Distance: 2.8 miles Difficulty level: 3 Distance from Lynchburg: 45 minutes Highlight: Mountaintop boulder field Downside: Insufficient parking CRABTREE FALLS Distance: 4.4 miles Difficulty level: 2



Distance from Lynchburg: 55 minutes Highlights: Tallest waterfalls east of the Mississippi Downside: Can be dangerous to go off-trail due to slippery algae covered rocks MCAFEE KNOB Distance: 8.3 miles Difficulty level: 3 Distance from Lynchburg: 1 hour 20 minutes Highlights: The view from the Knob that juts out over cliffs Downside: Tends to be overcrowded MOUNT ROGERS Distance: 2–8 miles (there are several trails



to choose from) Difficulty level: 2–4 Distance from Lynchburg: 3 hours 20 min Highlights: Wild ponies Downside: Long drive from Lynchburg PEAKS OF OTTER Distance: 3.6 miles (Sharp Top) 6.2 miles (Flat Top) Difficulty level: 4 Distance from Lynchburg: 45 minutes Highlights: Short driving distance from Lynchburg Downside: Tends to be overcrowded Sources:

Left Top: S. Carter Studios, Left Middle: William Zodhiates, Left Bottom: Ryan George, Right Top: Russell Darnell, Right Middle: Ryan George Right Bottom: S. Carter Studios




Though the company is anchored

is noted as “the Waltz King” having

opera--and not that snobby, intense,

by its two main stage productions

composed over 500 waltzes, polkas,

my art is higher than yours, kind

each season, Opera on the James has

and other kinds of dance music.

of passion--but the infectious,

a thriving community engagement

Shieve expects audiences to leave

charismatic, sheer delight kind of

program. “Last year we did 23

the theater “smiling, humming, and

passion. Now General Director,

performances in the community and

wanting to dance.”

Shieve came aboard at Opera on

schools. It’s a way of bringing opera

the James in 2010 after tenures at

to everyone from toddlers to elders,”

the helm of opera companies from

Shieve said.

Anchorage to Miami. “I like to say

Shieve’s goal is to provide opera fans with high quality entertainment as well as evangelize those who are not

Shieve recruits top-level talent

familiar with the art form. “We want

to come to Lynchburg to perform.

to make opera lovers. I always say

Shieve points out that unlike other

if you don’t love opera, you haven’t

art forms, if opera is not done with

seen the right one. Maybe you like

Founded by David Neumeyer and

professional excellence, a first-time

contemporary with dissonant chords

a collection of self-proclaimed local

audience member could be turned

or maybe you like big style with these

“opera lovers,” Opera on the James is

off to the art form forever. “You have

high flights of notes.”

now in its 9th season. This year’s line

one chance with the wow factor,”

up happens to be entirely in English

said Shieve. “It’s essential to be

although the company has performed

really rigorous about the quality of

pieces in other languages in the past.

the work.”

Lynchburg is the Goldilocks of cities for me. Not too cold, not too hot. Just right,” Shieve said.

“Die Fledermaus and Madame Butterfly both have well-known English translations,” Shieve explained.


Shieve explained her earnest love of the art form: “opera is just so cool. You have good music, good acting, the orchestral scores are so lush and

The fall main stage performance will

beautiful ... there’s just a lot to like.”

be Johann Strauss’ Die Fledermaus, an operetta written in 1874. Strauss

Photo by Kg Thienemann

explore A CLASSIC PICK: The Glass Menagerie at Liberty University’s Tower Theater The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the celebrated 20th century American playwright, explores the inner lives of a family of grown-up children and their overbearing mother. October 26 - November 3 at Liberty University’s Tower Theater, Lynchburg, VA or (434) 582-SEAT

A FAMILY PICK: Pinkalicious: The Musical at Roanoke Children’s Theatre Located inside the stunningly beautiful Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke Children’s Theatre provides audiences with first class professional theatre yearround for the whole family. Pinkalicious is a musical about a little girl who can’t stop eating pink cupcakes despite her parents’ warnings. October 17-28 at Taubman Museum of Art Roanoke, VA,

A MUSIC LOVER’S PICK: Die Fledermaus Opera on the James This fall Opera on the James will be presenting Johann Strauss’ Die Fledermaus. Noted as “the ultimate feel-good party piece,” if you’ve never tried opera, this is a great one to try first. November 11 at E.C. Glass Civic Auditorium, Hilary loves red velvet cake, Broadway, and her fiance Juan Carlos Lagares (but not necessarily in that order). Connect with her on Twitter @HilarySutton.

Downtown Diva Crawl Friday, November 16 • 5 - 8pm Kickoff party begins at the Community Market. The first 600 divas will receive a tote bag. All divas will receive a discount diva card to use in the downtown shops. Featuring ... music, prizes, and dining specials!



Out and About










m To Bu

tler April B. Ph


gr a





SML Charity Home Tour 10am-5pm This annual fund raising tour of 8 lake homes runs through the 7th.

GarageFest 12pm-8pm Celebrating the arts, this offbeat event takes place in downtown Lynchburg.

ph y

7 7




Yappy Hours 9am-5pm Bring your dog and relax and socialize with other animal lovers at Keswick Vineyards.


General Eisenhower’s Birthday Bash 1pm-4pm Actors portraying the Eisenhowers are accompanied by their family recipes for tasting.

14 Lynchburg Bridal Expo 12pm-4pm Brides will enjoy vendors, food and prizes as they prepare for their big day at Lynchburg’s finest wedding show.









Candlelight Tours 6pm-8pm Enjoy the foliage along with an evening tour of Old City Cemetery.

Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Garden Tour 9am-11am Take a guided tour of this amazing garden.




Ghosts of Historic Lynchburg 6pm-10pm

Ugly Bug Ball 6:30pm-12am This annual Amazement Square fundraiser features local celebrities along with dancing and dinner.

Zoo Boo at Mill Mountain 11am-4pm Special activities such as magic shows and crafts are provided with regular zoo admission.


31 Bugs & Hisses Ball 6pm-8pm Dress to impress and come explore the spooky world of science at Amazement Square.

11th: 12th: 13th: 14th: 14th: 18th: 19th:

27 Pumpkinfest 11am-2pm Experience this fun day for kids at the Salem Market including hay rides and a costume contest.

20th: 25th: 26th: 27th: 27th: 28th:: 31st::

Ap r




18 Grace Potter and the Nocturnals 8pm Enjoy an evening of music and relaxation in Roanoke.

to g

5th: 6th: 7th:

Appomattox Railroad Festival 10am-5pm The whole town gets involved in this fun, annual festival.


For more information check out these websites:


Sunset at Sandusky 6pm-9pm Meet on the lawn for music, which includes a lesson on Civil War History.

P B.

The Glass Menagerie 2:30pm LU performs this classic play in their Tower Theater.


Scaremare 6pm-11pm This annual scary house is open Thursday through Sunday nights through October 27th.

Meet at the Community Market for this historic walking tour.




Ph o to gra p h re It y















City Arts Council Celebration 4:30pm-6pm City officials and the public will gather to mark the completion of this mosaic art project near Amazement Square.

Acoustic Africa 8pm Combining instruments, vocals and dance, viewers will enjoy a unique musical experience in Roanoke.

Tinsley Ellis at The Ellington 7:30pm Combining rock and blues, Ellis’s performances are always filled with soul.



9 clutch connect: Mother/Daughter Dance class 5:30 - 7:00 See pg 4 for details

Veteran’s Day 12pm-4pm Thank a veteran and also visit Point of Honor and the Lynchburg Museum for free.



Art Drinks 5:30pm-7:30pm This informal Charlottesville gathering is for art enthusiasts and artists alike.

God Lives in Glass 7:30pm A collection of 5-12 year olds views of God is thoughtfully presented by young performers at EC Glass.



Charlottesville & University Symphony Orchestra 3:30pm This orchestra performs with rising violinist, Shannon Lee.









22 11 26












Annual Turkey Trot 8am Run or walk off your turkey before you eat it in this Lynchburg, family-oriented fund raiser.

Second Fridays in Centertown Bedford until 8pm Restaurants and shops are open late for you to explore.

10 Deathtrap 8pm This spellbounding thriller is performed by the players of the Renaissance Theatre.



Friday Salsa 9pm-12am A beginner lesson from 9-10 is followed by dancing the night away at Dance Theatre of Lynchburg.

Thomas Jefferson Wine Festival 11am-5pm Vendors, music and wineries center around this Poplar Forest event.

23 Black Friday 9am-7pm There are sales all over, but be sure to check out Amazement Square’s extended hours.

24 Australian Aboriginal Art Tour 10:30am Delve into the beauty of this art with a guided tour in Charlottesville.

30 A Christmas Spectacular at Greene Memorial 6:30pm 150 voices and She Loves Me a plethora of 7:30pm instruments This warm, romantic come together comedy is performed by for a musical Liberty University. treat in Roanoke.


1st: 2nd: 3rd: 9th: 10th: 11th:

12th: 13th: 16th: 17th: 18th: 22nd:

23rd: 24th: 30th: 30th:


Flourish Grow in health, Thrive in life


why we can’t afford to skip breakfast Hello Everyone! I LOVE Fall! I hope

oh, so good). If you add all of that

that when you read this the leaves

up, you would probably have enough

are turning, the air is crisp, the sky

fat for a week or so in one meal! The

is a clear azure blue, and the clouds

sugar content alone in the pancakes

are puffy white. What a great time

and syrup would put you over the top

to consider more ways to feel better

in sugar consumption for the day.

and make another small change

So, do you eat breakfast, and what

or two in your daily routine. Last

do you eat? Many of us simply forgo

time in Flourish, we talked about

breakfast for various reasons. Maybe

drinking more water and getting

we feel like we do not have the time or we cannot eat early in the morning. Whatever your reason for not eating breakfast, consider this – breakfast is exactly that, a break from your overnight fast! Your body needs that fuel in the morning to get started and to jump start your metabolism. Did you know that when you eat breakfast you actually get your body in the mode to use the fuel and burn more calories? When you do not eat a morning meal, your body thinks it

Above: Photo by Russell Darnell Right & Far Right: Jamie Wyckoff

up and moving. Did you consider those recommendations? If you did make some changes over the past few months, how about adding a

to sustain itself. When this happens, we have even more difficulty trying to lose weight or to get up and move.

few extra challenges to your current

If three regular meals a day seems like


too much to try, consider six small

REMEMBER THREE MEALS A DAY? Yes, three meals a day really are important, and most of us do not actually eat three meals a day. What do you consider to be a meal? Does it have to be meat, potatoes, and bread? Does breakfast have to be bacon,

meals a day. For many of us, eating five or six small meals a day is even better than the typically larger three meals. The skill is creating small meals – that means you eat about half of the amount that you typically would for a full meal.

eggs, and sausage with biscuits and


butter? If those are your ideas of real

VEGETABLES. These wonderful and

meals, maybe you need to re-evaluate

vitamin-filled food choices are the

your food choices.

backbone of a healthy diet. The late

Breakfast does not have to be bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes (even if it seems like a great meal and tastes 32

is starving, and it will hold on to fat

summer and early fall season is great for fruits and vegetables, especially at farmer’s markets. You may say OK to the fruit, but what about more


vegetables? I consciously choose to

Something else fruits and

get vegetables in at every meal (yes,

vegetables give us are anti-

even breakfast – ever heard of an egg

oxidants. These substances are

white omelet with green peppers and

fabulous at helping our bodies

2. Consider frequent smaller meals.

onions? YUM!). Maybe you should

heal. We constantly use oxygen,

3. Try not to eat late at night.

consider a new way to think about

and as we do, our bodies produce

fruits and vegetables.

a by-product called “free radicals.”

Fruits and vegetables are powerhouse food items. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Our bodies need a good balance of nutrients. We frequently think taking a supplement is all we need, but the best are the ones that come from REAL food, like fruits, vegetables, and even nuts. Good old Vitamin C is thought to be best

1. Eat your breakfast.

4. Choose fruit for that 2 o’clock slump.

These unpleasant substances are responsible for doing some


major harm to our bodies. The

1. Carrots are a great “fast food”.

anti-oxidants found in fruits and vegetables go after free radicals and repair the damage done. You can also enhance your immune system with anti-oxidant foods, which is especially important during the flu and cold seasons.

in orange juice, but do you realize

So no matter what you already

that broccoli, green leafy vegetables,

consumed for breakfast or whatever

tomatoes, and green peppers are

your current eating habits, you can

full of Vitamin C as well? How

make a fresh start and add some

about Vitamin E? Those green leafy

great powerhouse foods. Enjoy!

vegetables have that as well. These


2. Try raw fruits and vegetables — don’t forget to wash them! 3. Toss an apple or pear in your purse for a quick snack. 4. Nuts are a good munchie choice. 5. Grapes are a great, sweet snack. 6. Reduce red meat. Sandy enjoys cooking and family gatherings. She is flourishing in her life biking, walking, and choosing to eat healthier.

are just a couple of those essential vitamins our bodies need. 33


CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER Family and friends … they are the people that make our lives fuller,


richer and more worth living. The thought of those loved ones hearing words like diabetes, Alzheimer’s or cancer out of the mouths of their doctors is devastating, yet it happens

•  Ellen Phillips, VP of Programs and Services for the Lynchburg area Alzheimer’s Association ( states, “Our mission is to support family caregivers so they are not alone on this journey.” They provide support groups and have a 24 hour help line at 1-800-272-3900, and they have training available both online and in a classroom setting.

every day. While it is obvious that a diagnosis changes the life of the person receiving it, sometimes it is easy to forget about those may also

•  Centra Health serves the Lynchburg area and provides a variety of resources for cancer patients and caregivers. Their Care Givers Corner located at Alan B. Pearson Regional Cancer Center provides a relaxing environment for both patients and caregivers. Refreshments are provided as well as

be facing major life changes as they

informational DVDs that play on TVs in the center. The library also offers

assume the role of caregiver.

written resources on a variety of topics.

Being a caregiver is a rewarding,

•  Strength for Caring is a website sponsored by Johnson and Johnson Patients

though often exhausting, job.

Assistance Program. Their website provides a host of valuable information

Many times they are left feeling

on financial planning, legal resources and assisted living options in addition

overwhelmed and isolated, but it

to having articles on giving care and also taking time for yourself as a

does not have to be that way. There are a number of resources that

caregiver. ( •  Another site,, is a helpful resource. If you enter “webinars”

provide support, education, and a

into the search box, you will gain access to a whole list of free

listening ear for those taking care

web seminars. A newsletter and online support community are also provided

of loved ones. It is also helpful to

to those who are taking care of a loved one.

listen to the sage advice of those

•  Also be sure to check out and

who have been through it and can

for additional support and information. Both are excellent resources

help us be sensitive to those who are

designed for caregivers.

giving their time to serve others. 34

thrive HELPING THE HELPER When my mom had a heart attack,

It may sound like a small detail, but

a friend offered to come and stay

many of the meals people brought

while I went back and forth to the

to us were freezer friendly and were

hospital. Later, when I had the twins

in disposable food containers; that

and they were in the NICU for a

way, we didn’t have to worry about

while, a friend came by my house,

keeping track of dishes that belonged

did all of our laundry, and cleaned

to other people and returning them

the house while I was at the hospital

in good time! - Ginny

with them. -Marliesa

Most importantly, thousands of

When my mom passed away, her

people have prayed for us from

Sunday school class bought a cookie

the moment they heard about the

jar and filled it with gift cards to

accident on August 20, 2009 until

local restaurants. This was sometimes

now, 3 years later. Even now, I often

easier than meals because we could

run into people who say, “I still pray

choose when and where we wanted

for you regularly”. – Alice

Photos by Red Chestnut Photography Story by Joy L Niehaus

to use them. –Audry

WHAT CAREGIVING CAN INCLUDE •  Administering medications •  Tending to household chores •  Providing transportation •  Attending doctor’s appointments

•  Tending to the physical needs of the patient •  Stopping by or checking in on the patient on a regular basis to make

Be sure to check with any medical professionals treating your family member. They will most likely have a list of resources available for your particular needs as a caregiver.

sure everything is ok



Photo by S. Carter Studios

Mise en Place:

GET OUT The Well Placed Home



thrive Ahh … fall. The season conjures images of cool days, warm mugs, and family traditions. Autumn brings opportunities to take the time to breathe in the crisp air, admire the beauty of the changing leaves, and plan activities that you will want to repeat year after year. Fall is also the perfect season to spend intentional time together enjoying each other’s company. Creating meaningful traditions builds memories which strengthen the bonds of your family relationships. Plan special outings, introduce your family to a new activity, or make a favorite fall recipe. What makes these activities so special is the reward of seeing all of the family enjoying them together. If you don’t already have traditions in place, start some now! Take in the crisp cool air and enjoy some of these fall activities with your family.

HIT THE TRAIL The end of summer doesn’t have to mean the end of outdoor fun for your family. Autumn brings PICK YOUR OWN

new opportunities to get out and

Crisp air and crunchy apples are a

get active, making it the perfect

perfect pairing, so find a local apple

time to explore parks and trails.

orchard, and pick your own for a

Search trails online to find detailed

great traditional fall activity. Our family enjoys returning to the same


information about locations, access points, surface types, and services

orchard year after year to pick ripe

Enjoy a scenic drive with the

available in the area. The Blackwater

apples right from the tree. This is a

windows down, and watch as autumn

Creek and Percival’s Island areas are

great way to support local growers

leaves seem to change colors before

perfect trails in Lynchburg, or try the

and really see where your food comes

your eyes. Grab the map, and get off

Mill Mountain Trail in Roanoke for

from. Once you get home, make

the beaten path. Drive through the

rewarding beautiful views at the top.

your own apple crisp or homemade

local forest preserves, and witness an

Hike, bike, or walk depending on the


array of fall color and splendor. You

terrain of the trail. Bring little ones

may even happen upon a road side

along in a jogging stroller or frame

stand, giving you the opportunity to

backpack as the paths allow. Don’t

grab some apple cider or other tasty

forget to bring a camera, and let the

fall treats. Colors are most vivid early

kids snap their own shots. You can

in the day through dew and morning

also gather leaves to display or make

mist, so get out early.

into crafts.

Not much says fall like a trip to the pumpkin patch. Many patches offer fun extras like corn mazes and hayrides, making it a full day of family fun. Find a patch to visit, and purchase a few pumpkins. Use them in your fall decor, stencil them, carve them, or scoop out the seeds and roast them. Don’t forget to let the kiddos play with the ooey-gooey stuff. They will have a blast!

As a busy wife and mom of three, Heather not only finds time to manage her home well, but she also enjoys running, being crafty, and testing out new recipes for her family.

Before we know it, the days of winter will be arriving in earnest, and fall will be but a faint memory. Take the time to create a new tradition and make this fall one for your family to remember with joy! Left Page: S. Carter Studios Left Column, Right Column: Russell Darnell Middle Column: Jennifer Prince


AMOUR BÉBÉ A Look at Cloth Diapering

I have a confession to make: I love changing my son’s diapers. Before you assume I’ve completely lost my mind, allow me to explain. Long before our darling son arrived, maintaining a natural, conscientious, and frugal lifestyle in the products we use has been very important to both me and my husband. Through a referral from a friend, I signed up to attend a free cloth diapering 101 class that was being offered nearby. During the sixty minutes of that class, I was

begin, as they are offered in a variety

loads of laundry a week, and honestly,

completely blown away by how

of convenient options, sizes, and

you might be surprised how quickly it

enjoyable – and dare I say, fun – the

prices to suit the needs of child

becomes your favorite load to run -- it

experience could be, and from that

and parent alike.

definitely is for me.

moment I couldn’t wait to get started. With so many cloth options and

If you are looking for convenience

I had honestly been gearing up for

systems available for purchase, you

on the go, there are a slew of hybrid

a whole lot of toilet swishing and

can build your diaper “stash” around

cloth diapering options that allow

hands-on messes with cloth diapering,

your personal budget. You can often

you to easily switch out a reusable

but my experience has been the

reuse the same diapers again for

cloth insert for a biodegradable

complete opposite. You see, the cloth

another child for twice the savings,

disposable insert, including Diaper,

diapering of today is nothing at all

or should you so choose, you can sell

Flip, and Grovia.

like it used to be for our parent’s

off or trade your stash online through

generation: scary, sharp diaper pins,

one of many specifically-designed

and tacky, leaky white “plastic pants”

online diaper sale sites.

are no longer the norm.

For those looking for a one-piece, solely disposable diaper I have been impressed with the diapers produced

While it is true that it does take a

by a mom-run-business, The Honest

In reality, modern cloth diapering

little more time to get set up than a

Company. Not only are they naturally

is kind of the country club of baby

disposable when you first begin (new

biodegradable, plant-based, and as

diapering, with limited release diaper

cloth diapers need to first be prepped

toxin-free as possible, but they fit,

models and seasonal got-to-have-it

for absorbency), use and maintenance

absorb well, and are offered in a very

colors and patterns. But that is where

couldn’t be simpler. Fact is, while it

economical monthly subscription

the “country club” aspect stops and

may seem like a ton of extra laundry

plan. They are also committed to

the practicality and mad savings

to fit into your week, if you have a

giving back by donating diapers and

child – or several children – chances

other natural products to families in

are you are already doing multiple

need – a complete win-win.


thrive I will be honest, once you step through the door and enter into the colorful world of cloth diapering, I dare say you won’t ever want to look back. It is well worth the time and effort to learn more about it and to even give it a test run with a few diapers to see how you like it. Cloth diapering is both fun and extremely practical. I love knowing our family


is saving money. I love that my son’s


skin is safe from harmful chemicals.

Courtesy of

I love that I’m preventing extraneous


waste, and the cute factor is just

1/2 cup flaxseed oil

impossible to beat. In addition to being a new mom to son, Brock, Rachel also manages her event company, RS Exclusive. She loves spending time with her husband, Chris, and is passionate about green living. Photos by Rachel McLean

1/4 cup maple syrup 4 eggs 1 tbsp. vanilla 2 tbsp. anise seed 2 cups Almond flour 1/2 cup Flax meal 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 cup unsalted macadamia nuts 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/2 cup chopped dates *Fenugreek leaves (optional)

Baking Directions Pre-heat oven to 350. Whisk together syrup and oil. Add eggs, and whisk in one at a time. Add anise and vanilla (as well as fenugreek, if using). In separate bowl, combine flour, flax, and baking soda. Slowly add dry ingredients to wet as you beat or mix to combine. Fold in nuts, chocolate, and dates. Spoon one tablespoon of batter onto greased or lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 12 minutes until tops just start to brown. Quantity: 36 cookies


Jane Bradley Photography

Giving Thanks Style Thanksgiving is a time for traditions, this year start the tradition of leaving the cooking to us.

October – Come in for our Oktoberfest beer & bratwurst specials every Friday. November – Order your Thanksgiving sides, breads and desserts by noon on Monday 11/19 for pickup on Wednesday 11/21 2476 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg | 434.528.5442 | | 9-7 M-F, 10-7 Sa

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. — Albert Camus


Accepting walk-ins or appointments for our salon services (all work is performed by supervised students)

Classes start each month, and financial aid is available to those who qualify. For admissions information, call 1-855-84SMIHA or email Jackie@

Located at River Ridge Mall, next to Macy’s 40






Historic Appomattox Railroad Festival

Pumpkin Patch and Petting Zoo

I truly enjoy living in an area where we have a

October 13 & 14

October Weekends

change in seasons, and autumn ranks up there

Cost: FREE

Cost: $8

as one of my favorites! From the beautiful



landscape views on the top of Roanoke’s

The whole town celebrates the

Pick pumpkins, take a hayride, and

Mill Mountain to revisiting the flavorings of

commemoration of the 1973 donation

enjoy the animals at Round Hill Farm

pumpkin pie, it is a very welcome time of the

of the train depot with food, exhibits,

outside of Charlottesville.

year. Our region bursts with opportunities to

crafters, bands, and a parade.

enjoy the fall, and attending a festival is just a start. — Jennifer Prince

AMHERST Clifford Ruritan Annual Sorghum Festival October 6 & 7 Cost: $5 parking (434)826-1163 Test out molasses and Brunswick stew made on site along with Civil War re-enactors, a jousting tournament, and other entertainment and kid-friendly activities. Virginia Wine & Garlic Festival October 13 & 14 Cost: $20 (add $5 for wine tasting); 12 and under is free w You will find all things garlic and embrace food, wine, and live entertainment at this annual event. Amherst County Apple Harvest Festival October 20 & 21 Cost: FREE (434)845-5606 Enjoy apples, crafters, and entertainment at Amherst County High School for this event, which is in its 36th year.



Smith Mountain Lake Fall Chili

Craftsmen’s Fall Classic

and Craft Festival

October 12-14

November 3-4

Cost: FREE (with a nonperishable

Cost: $5, kids free

food donation)



Enjoy chili tasting, vendors, and

Original work from hundreds of

entertainment against the backdrop

artists and craftsmen is showcased

of the lake.

at the Roanoke Civic Center.

Holiday Arts, Crafts

The Roanoke GO Outside Festival

and More Extravaganza

October 19-21

November 3

Cost: FREE

Cost: $2


( 540)586-8175

C amping, races, music, and

Artisans, authors, and

demonstrations all encourage a love

musicians gather for a holiday

of healthy, outdoor recreation.

shopping experience.



Blacksburg Squash Bash

Craft Show and Music

October 27

October 20

Cost: FREE

Cost: FREE

( 540)239-8290


Head out to the Blacksburg

Shop for handmade crafts and more

Farmer’s Market to hear music

while listening to music and enjoying

and enjoy the world of pumpkins,

the free children’s activities.

squash, and gourds.

Photo by Megan Vaughan

Photo by Megan Vaughan.



Photo by K. D. Burke Photography


Attending college football games, tailgating and cheering on the Hokies! — Elizabeth Going to the apple orchard with the

Jumping in the massive piles

kids and many trips/picnics to the

of leaves!

Peaks to see the trees changing.

— Mandy

— Leah

Starting that first fire for the season.

Hunting! Sitting in front of a wood

­— Kimberly

fire with hot chocolate (with LOTS of marshmallows).

Fires, oysters, pumpkins and football!

— Rachel

— Ashley Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day! My in-laws annual fall trip to visit us

— Charissa

where we go apple picking and make apple desserts.

Bonfires, hiking the Blue Ridge

— Tara

and camping. — Erin

Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING! — Jill

A reason to wear a great scarf/hat. — Rhonda

Corn mazes and football (go Dawgs!). — Rachael

Raking leaves and jumping into them. Pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread!

High school football games &

— Linda

breaking out the sweaters. — Leecy

Tiny harvest festivals in small towns that you just happen to find

Pumpkin carving!

when you’re driving along to some-

— Melanie

where else! — Gwen

Driving the parkway every fall when


the leaves are changing; it’s an

Good food, fresh air, cooler tempera-

absolutely beautiful drive!

ture and beautiful views!

— Jenna

— Vivien


Versace • Coach • Prada • Nine West • Kate Spade Lynchburg (239-5323) Forest (385-5870)





thrive Photo by April B Photography

Playful Parenting

RE-EXAMINING THE ORDINARY My almost three year-old daughter woke up one morning insisting that she have rice for breakfast. As she ate, my husband made the comment, “You know, the people who live in China eat a lot of rice.” Naomi said, “Is China near Walmart?” I laughed out loud, immediately called my mom, and then later that evening recorded those words in her baby book to remember that moment forever. There is something truly beautiful about the years when children begin to make sense of the world around them, when everything is fresh, innocent, and full of wonder. Although we all have special moments with our children that stand out in our minds, the busyness of our lives sometimes gets in the way of making more of those every day, magical moments. Of course there will always be dishes to wash, laundry to fold, dinner to cook, sheets to change (all you pottytraining moms are with me on this one), and a million other duties to occupy our time. I want to encourage you to be intentional about using your time to do the most important of your many jobs – to help your child embrace this remarkable world they are discovering. Let’s get on our hands and knees to play with them, read to them, get dirty with them, pretend with them, paint with them, act crazy with them, and use each moment as an opportunity for a teachable experience. It’s a fact that young children learn through play, and one of the greatest things we can do to make

a difference in our sweet children’s


lives is to encourage and take part in

I asked some friends to share some of the sweet,

that. This stage won’t last forever; if anything, it will fly by all too quickly.

funny, and outrageous things their young children have said that have touched their hearts. Here are some responses.

So actively take part in your child’s world while it is still full of wonder,

“Mommy, you’re beautiful. And I’m handsome” – Blake, 4

imagination, and excitement … and maybe, just maybe, you too will be amazed and astonished at what once seemed so ordinary.

“Mommy, I very lucky. I don’t have to hold my body when I use the potty.” – Naomi, 2 (after seeing a boy use the potty) “Looks like poop. Smells like poop. Tastes like poop.” (We didn’t eat much dinner that

Katelyn Rigg is a teacher, wife, and mother of two young children. She loves to encourage targeted learning as kids sing, play, read, and get messy in her mobile pre-k program, Prodigy Playgroup (

night) - Noah, 4 “Mommy why can’t Adam and Eve eat the fruit? They are grown ups.” – Brinley, 4 “Mommy! You burp! It’s okay. Daddy burps all the day long.” – Sophie, 2


Moroccanoil: For frizz control and straightening,

Hair Brush: A 2 inch barrel round brush is perfect for

there is no better product. It is a weightless oil for

straightening curly hair and adding body and lift. The

minimizing frizz and adding shine without weighing

brush pictured is the “Olivia Garden Ceramic + Ion”

hair down. Finish your look with Moroccanoil.

pink brush, which supports breast cancer research.

Bliss & Make-Up Christie As women we all like to look our best, but sometimes we just need a little help along the way. Enter, Bliss & Make-up, our column about beauty, which features a real woman! We love treating our girls to a makeover coupled with beautiful photos along the way. If you have a woman you would like to suggest (or want to nominate yourself), just send a photo and story to We read each and every one! This month we chose Christie Rider, whose daughter, Tiffany, nominated her.

Here is what Tiffany had to say ... I’d like to nominate my mom! She deserves to win this for the extreme selflessness that she shows on a daily basis. She is always putting others first, and NEVER treats herself to anything. She is a supportive wife, loving mother of three, and has an 8 month old granddaughter that she can’t get enough of. She is a passionate bus driver for Bedford County Public Schools. She has spent the last 4 years completely dedicated to being the sole caretaker of her 95 year old grandmother. She showed an extreme amount of love in sacrificing her entire life to allow her grandmother to live out her life as she wished. She is the most caring and loving person that I know and such an inspiration of what true family really is. Her character and servant’s heart are something to be admired. Crystal George and Emily Garbee Harris always have something fun in the works as a creative “dynamic duo,” Whether it is a creative, stylized shoot or having fun with weddings, models or mothers-to-be, these two have hearts for awakening the real beauty inside.


Makeover by Emily Garbee Harris of Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon

Photos by Crystal George of Crystal George Studios




An oil hair treatment was placed over

Two inches was cut off the length,

A Swedish foundation in a soft

her whole head to control frizz and

and a square layering technique was

neutral base was applied as well as an

add shine.

used to create a pleasing fall and

under eye concealer. Spot treatment

For the base hair color Emily used

to maximize curl with a more

for pigmentation was also used.

a combination of neutrals and

youthful shape.

Subtle cheek highlighting was done

deep burgundy tones to create a 3

Christie’s hair is naturally curly,

with a sandy tone.

dimensional auburn look.

and it can be worn both curly and

Her eyes were done in a cat eye

A vibrant, lighter red highlight was

straight. The hair was straightened

technique with a terra cotta, burnt

used to create depth and bring out

with Moroccanoil frizz control

orange, and peach palette. Eye liners

her unique blue-grey eye color and to

product and a 2 inch barreled round

were jade and emerald green.

accentuate Christie’s skin.

brush to add a little bit of bounce in

Her blond brows were also tinted to

the hair.

Lips were treated with a nude brown liner, apricot gloss, and a warm

a deep auburn ... it’s a great reminder

frosted gloss was used on the inside

to not forget to tint your brows if you

to make a fuller lip.

decide to color your hair.


Charlie, Gini Matz

Titus, Caitlin Rigdon

Tigh, Meghan Ely




Snap Happy Passion for Pets No matter what kind of pet you have, they add fun and loyalty to our lives. Enjoy this collection of best friends from our readers.

KJ, Kelsea Baumgarten

Monster, Tammy Keefer

Butters, Kimberly Burke




Liz Burnett

Jamie Venning





Want to get in on next month’s fun? OUR THEME FOR OUR DECEMBER/JANUARY ISSUE IS “ACCESSORIES”. Have a favorite scarf or earrings? Love your go-to winter boots? Snap a picture and then Instagram it. Tag your Instagram photo with #clutchsnaphappy by October 31st to be considered. 48

Central Virginia’s Premier Wedding Blog Your wedding story has started, let us help you along the way!


Sunday, March 3, 2013 1:30PM-5:30PM

$20 until 12/1/12, $25 after Tresca on 8th, Downtown Lynchburg Register online at Spend the day learning creative ideas and practical tips from local experts to help you in your wedding planning journey. photo: Stone Blue Productions

Stop by our booth at:

We would love to see you! October 14, 2012 12PM-4PM Holiday Inn Downtown Lynchburg photo: Stone Blue Productions


Save the Date Christmas Open House & Dept. 56 Sale November 9-11, 2012

Chamilia • Spartina 449 • LUG • Dept. 56 • Byers’ Choice • and more

16890 Forest Road, Forest (434)525-9355 4361 Starkey Road, Roanoke (540)774-0004 50


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