Clutch Spring 2013

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the girl’s guide to everything essential

Spring 2013 Complimentary


Live Beautifully

invites you to our

Girls’ Night Out March 21st, 2013 6:00 to 8:00

Designer clothes from Ted Baker London, La Fée Maraboutée, Hoss Intropia, Trina Turk, Henry & Belle & many more. Plus Home Decor, Refreshments, Door Prizes & Special Sales presented by

2711 Rivermont Avenue in Lynchburg - 434 384-4050 - 2


featured From the Hill pg 5 City to the Big Apple Becca McCharen hails from Lynchburg yet is taking the New York fashion world by storm.

clutch Goes Culinary pg 9 Crisp, green ingredients flavor these springtime dishes.


Awaycation pg 20 Whisk your mind away to Paris along with photographer and traveler, Elisa Bricker.

inside this issue Vintage Diaries pg 4 a Virginia woman’s take on life and love


playful parenting pg 8 cherishing our children

the murse pg 13 profiling one of our area’s guys


places, please! pg 14 Mill Mountain Theater reopens

Urbane Folklore pg 18 art, fashion and music through the eyes of a city girl

Mise en Place pg 23 organizing for spring



Backpack Chronicles pg 25


Amour BÉbÉ pg 26

seasonal children’s books for spring

creating a personalized nursery

The Embellished Life pg 29 gleaning while cleaning

DI-Why not? pg 31 craft a colorful wreath

Natural beauty pg 31 a fresh makeover for the season

Bliss & Makeup pg 32 a fresh makeover for the season

Calendar 16 Snap Happy 35


the girl’s guide to everything essential Vendors

Publisher/Editor Jennifer L Prince

Academy Travel

Photo by Sincerely, Liz: Photography

Creative Director Sabrena Deal

Dear Friend,

Editorial Assistants


Joy L Niehaus

clutch Connect

Spring is on the horizon! I love

Michelle Wood

hearing the birds sing and seeing

Design Assistants

the flowers blossom. It’s a refreshing

Grace Bodie

time for renewal. Whether you

Boutique M

beauty routine with mixing your



Gladiola Girls


Stephanie Budd

Liberty Christian Academy

Katlyn Sheppard

Must Have Shoes


Opera on the James


Whitney G Howard

Second Chance Prom


Contributing Writers

State Farm

own natural remedies or your life by

Michelle M Duncan

starting anew in a big city, we hope

Crystal George

that you will find our issue inspiring.

back inside cover


translate that into your cooking by incorporating green veggies, your


inside cover

Steger Creek

Chelanne Green

Telitha 3



28 back cover

Emily Garbee Harris

Timberlake Christian Schools

May you find something to help you

Heather Heppding

Urban Merchant

blossom this spring!

Andrea Hubbell



Meridith de Avila Kahn Rachel Guelzo McLean Joy L Niehaus Jennifer L Prince Suzanne Ramsey Katelyn Rigg Paula Skulina Hilary Sutton Diedre Stone Michelle Wood





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er ap


b m agazin


web issue features

cover photo by Allegra’s Studio

cover arrangement by Love Is In The Air

clutch, the girl’s guide to everything essential is a quarterly publication. To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email or call 434-851-2224

Bliss & Makeup – A local salsa dancer is treated to a fresh makeover for the season

Copyright 2013 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably endorsed by nor can clutch be held responsible for their services. The information contained within is deemed to be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material

Natural Beauty — “Good for you” body treatments can be made in your own kitchen.



has been used in good faith with permission from the advertiser, photographer or source, yet clutch cannot be held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about thought and creativity to its readership.







A LASTING LOVE The story of Louise Green

Vintage Diaries Reflections From Yesteryear

Photo by Joy Niehaus

Advice from Louise

Some couples may see retirement, or the later years in their lives, as a chance to slow down and take time for themselves. However, for Louise Green and her husband,

On being single:

Ralf, the later years of life have been as busy, if not busier, than the early ones.

Write down the qualities you would desire in a husband, and then ask the Lord to bring him into your life.

Louise describes herself as a quiet

and numerous places here in the

child. “I was not real outgoing. I love

states. Sometimes I felt like I needed

music and would sing when my sister

to pinch myself to see if it was real,”

On Dating:

played the piano,” she reminisces.

she explains.

Get to know the person you are dating. If there is no hope of marriage, break it off. Remember you are marrying his family.

Her favorite childhood memories

To young mothers: Teach your children to help at home. Have them help pick up toys and make their beds.

include working in the garden with her seven siblings and riding through the snow in a horse drawn sleigh.

with ministry, and after working in a variety of pastorates across the USA, the Greens have settled in Lynchburg,

Over the years their family has

and have thrown themselves into

grown to include two children,

ministering to young married couples

nine grandchildren and 4 great

in their church. They have also been

grandchildren. By the time Louise

involved with hundreds of middle

To older mothers:

and Ralf were married they only had

and high school students and have

They do not always want advice, but they want a listening ear. Be there to help when asked. Have an open door policy.

one living parent between them, so

influenced untold numbers of lives.

To empty nesters:

made a conscious effort to do the

Stay involved with others. Stay sweet. Become a support to younger couples whose families do not live near them.

they looked to older couples around them to fill those roles in the lives of their children. As a result, they have same for young couples.

For a quiet girl from Pikeville, KY, Louise has had a life full of travel, family, and ministry, and if the past is any indicator of the future, she says, “The best is yet to come.”

For Louise, traveling and raising her family have been the highlights of her life. “In our ministry with Word of Life, we have been able to travel to Bermuda, Ukraine, Italy


The Greens have had a life filled

In addition to writing, Joy enjoys crafting (including her handmade Waldorf dolls!) along with being a creative wife to Josh and mom to her two sweet little girls.

Photos by Lauren Duque

From the Hill City to the Big Apple an inspiring story of fashion Former Lynchburg resident Becca McCharen, 28, now shares something in common with one of her favorite fashion designers: like John Paul Gaultier and his pointy bra, her own fashion design has been worn by Madonna in concert. Since she moved from Lynchburg to New York City nearly three years ago, her signature “cages,” linear structures that use boning to create architectural pieces (mostly meant to be worn over clothing), have been worn by the likes of Tyra Banks, Nicki Minaj and Madonna. But when she talks about it over a cup of tea at the White Hart, it’s with awe and excitement, as if she still hasn’t gotten used to the idea herself.

From Humble Beginnings

Looking back now, she laughs,

Becca said. Soon, Virginia opened

She didn’t grow up drawing designs

almost embarrassed by her early

International Playground, a pop-up

or crafting outfits; instead, her

efforts—but they were an important

fashion store in New York. “That was

parents encouraged architecture, in

step toward today.

pretty much my big break, because

part because, as her mother reminds

VITA took off to great local success,

she sold a few of the cages that I

her, she would craft elaborate Barbie

and the group began producing the

had been doing for that collection

houses, building them from cardboard

show every fall and spring. As a result

at the pop-up, and Chromat got a

and filling them with intricate details.

of her work with VITA, Becca had

lot of notice, got written up in a few

Becca’s family moved to Lynchburg

a serendipitous conversation with

magazines, and people were buying it.”

from Vermont in the 1990s; Becca

Becca’s schedule soon shifted: every

graduated from Jefferson Forest High

evening she would leave City Hall

School and the architecture program at

and head home to Riverviews, where

the University of Virginia.

she worked to fill orders until late in

At the university, she worked in the

the night. After a few months of this

theater costume shop, and it was

pace, she decided to move to New

there she learned to sew—though,

York to experience the fashion world

not with your typical starter projects.

firsthand. She found a tiny Chinatown

She worked on Victorian corsets and

apartment (“like, tiny,” she stressed)

period pieces, skills that later played an

and got to work. “When I first got up

important role in her modern designs.

there, I thought, I’m going to look for a job as soon as I finish this order,”

After college, she found a job

said Becca, noting she was using

working for Lynchburg City Hall

the same home sewing machine she

as a city planner. It was a job she

brought from Lynchburg. “[It’s] crazy

could leave at 5 pm and head home

to think of now, because I have big

to her loft in Riverviews to begin

industrial machines now,” she says.

creating (full disclosure: Becca and I were each tenants of Riverviews for

But the orders kept coming, and three

a year, and we met while working

months passed. “I still hadn’t looked

with downtown arts and cultural

for a job,” she says, laughing. “I guess

projects). It also meant she had time

this is my job.”

to cultivate friendships with other

So, she moved to a bigger place in

creative people downtown.

Brooklyn, hired interns, and started

One afternoon in spring of 2008,

making Chromat history.

in conversation with some of those

Celeb Sightings

friends, they dreamed up the eventual VITA fashion show. Becca wanted

Lynchburg architect Hal Craddock

One day, she got a call from the

to experiment with a clothing line,

whose daughter Virginia is a fashion

owner of a boutique in Los Angeles:

and VITA gave her the framework

designer in New York City. The next

pop star Nicki Minaj had worn a

to create a cohesive collection. Her

time Becca made a supply run to the

Chromat cage on the Jimmy Kimmel

label Chromat was born, though it

city, she sought out Virginia and a

show. “I was like, oh my God! I called

would take some time for the cages to

friendship formed.

my mom right away, and she’s like,

appear. At first, Becca worked mostly

“I would just go and hang out and

with reclaimed fabrics—the Madison

show her whatever I was working

Heights Goodwill store was a favorite

on. Then a few seasons later, I was

resource—using them to create new

showing her … the Cities & Cages

looks, stitching together parts of one

collection [from VITA spring 2010],

look onto another.

and she really liked the pieces,”


‘Who’s Nicki Minaj?’ ” Becca laughs, and her mom joins in. “This was before [Minaj’s career] really blew up … then I worked with her stylist, we got in touch and I did some custom pieces for her summer tour with Britney Spears.”

Then a dream job came her way,

And while the Super Bowl halftime

halftime show, the Wall Street

though it didn’t happen the way

show fell through the first time, in

Journal profiled Chromat.

she expected at first. Becca learned

January, Becca’s agent got a phone

an important lesson when she was

call—a rush order for Beyonce’s

contacted by Madonna’s stylist for

backup dancers. She and her team

the Super Bowl performance: “They

had three days to make and deliver

pulled a ton of stuff…I remember

over 30 cages. This time, Chromat

telling all my friends, which is stupid,

really did appear in the Super Bowl,

to watch the Super Bowl ’cause I did

and Becca’s work had an audience of

these things for Madonna, and she


didn’t end up wearing them and I was

None of this has gone to Becca’s head; if anything, instead it excites her, because her story shows that anything is possible—but also that success doesn’t always happen the way you first expect. To women who are contemplating their own creative pursuits, Becca is encouraging—but

Looking Forward

still cautions, “Don’t quit your day

So what’s next for Chromat? The

job!” She credits the after-hours

spring line is inspired by some of

work she did in Chromat’s early

Becca’s favorite architects. This past

days as vital to her own exploration

summer Chromat branched out

and growth; she calls her time in

into swimwear. She prepared her

Lynchburg an “incubation” period

first Fashion Week presentation,

that gave her freedom to explore

debuting not just the new cages but

fashion design.

during the concert was a surreal

also Chromat’s first shoes, which

And while she loves living in New

experience—“’Human Nature’ –

she describes as “griddy,” fitting

York, for the fashion world and for

that’s what she was wearing my

with the rest of her line. She’s

the $1 slices of pizza, the Hill City

piece for, and we were screaming and

already collaborated with notable

will always have a special place in

so happy and excited, and Virginia

photographers and models (America’s

her heart. This is, after all, where the

[Craddock] was like, ‘She made this!

Next Top Model runner-up Allison

Chromat magic began.

She made this!’ to all of the people

Harvard was one). Good press keeps

around us.”

rolling in—and not just fashion

like, oh, now I look really stupid.” But that led to even bigger possibilities: one of Madonna’s dancers ended up wearing Chromat for a music video, and then Madonna’s team got in touch again: this time, for the Summer 2012 tour. Seeing Madonna in Chromat

blogs, either. After the Super Bowl

Meridith De Avila Khan is the marketing photographer at Sweet Briar College. A Lynchburg transplant, she lives with her husband and children in their 1893 Victorian in College Hill.

CLUTCH CONNECT Join us for our clutch connects for refreshments, door prizes, sales, specials and more. Save the dates!

MARCH 21, 6–8PM

@ at Moyanne’s on Rivermont Avenue in Lynchburg

APRIL 16, 6–8PM


HAVE A DOG? RSVP to our Natural Dog Treat Making Session on Saturday, March 16th with Tanker Tots at the Forest Library at 2pm. Email to save your spot!

in the Boonsboro Shopping Center in Lynchburg 7


Playful Parenting Cherishing Our Children In the midst of an unpredictable

as though I am desperately failing,

world, there seems to be a sense of

there are things that I try to do to

Here are some things you can do with your family this spring to create memories you will cherish forever.

urgency to cherish the things that are

remember what a beautiful and

truly important to us. To many of us

important job I’ve been given.

But what does it mean to cherish

each one is so special, unique, and a

•Plant a garden

our children? We live in a culture

true miracle. We can simply stop in

where work, to-do lists, chores, and

the midst of everything and hug and

schedules seem to quickly inundate

hold our babies. It is so important to

•Visit a local fishing hole

the 24 hours we have each day.

consistently use words and actions

•G o canoeing down the James River

It’s impossible to continually put

to describe to our children how loved

things into a proper perspective

and special they are.

Making Memories —

•Join an organized nature walk

•Bike or rollerblade on local trails

our family, especially our children, tops the list.

and remember what a gift we’ve been given to be a parent. Busyness,

Local events to enjoy this season:

frustrations, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by all that life throws at us (then add in a temper tantrum here and there) makes it quite easy

•Maple Tapping at Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg (March 2nd, 10am) •Sheep Shearing at Ash Lawn-Highland, Charlottesville •Preschool Pufferbellies at the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Roanoke (Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 10am) •All the Buzz about Bees, Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg (April 13th, 11am)

for our parenting priorities to shift.

As mothers, we can remember and share our children’s birth stories;

Sometimes we must put everything else aside to sit, read, sing, tell stories, teach and play with our kids. These are just some ways we can try to regain the proper perspective when so often it flees from our hearts and minds. So many things in this world

So how do we keep a proper

are temporary, but the lasting impact

perspective and continually cherish

on children who know that they are

our children the way we should?

loved, valued, and cherished will

I don’t have the answer to that

remain for a lifetime.

question, but I do know I have the motivation, as I’m sure many of you do. That motivation, along with constant grace, enables me to try my best to show my children that they are cherished. And when I feel


Photo by Sabrena Deal

Katelyn Rigg is a teacher, wife, and mother of two young children. She loves to encourage targeted learning as kids sing, play, read, and get messy in her mobile pre-k program, Prodigy Playgroup (


A Fresh Start Four green dishes that have us excited for spring

After a few months of too much brown, we’re excited to see every

shade of green popping up in our gardens and markets. These four recipes have us anxious to get back in the kitchen preparing simple recipes that allow the natural flavors of spring’s produce to shine. Enjoy together to celebrate spring, or pair any one of these recipes as a side to your favorite meat dish.



The fresh spring vegetables are accentuated by the brightness of lemon, and the creaminess the mascarpone adds to the dish. Enjoy as an entree or alongside your favorite roasted chicken or grilled pork chop recipe.

Spring Risotto with Asparagus and Peas serves 4 as an entree



Melt the olive oil and butter together in a large, shallow

1-1/2 T extra virgin olive oil

pan over medium heat. Add the leeks and fennel, and saute until translucent and starting to tenderize, about

1-1/2 T butter 3 cups chopped leeks

5 minutes. Add the Arborio rice, and stir continually for one minute.

1 cup chopped fennel

Add the wine to deglaze the pan, stirring for about

1-1/2 cups Arborio rice

30 seconds.

2/3 cup white wine

Add the broth, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring between each

4-5 cups chicken stock, heated

addition until the liquid is fully absorbed. This will take a while and requires constant stirring to keep the rice from

1 lb. asparagus, cut to 1� pieces

clumping and sticking to the pan. Be prepared to stand by

10 oz. frozen, defrosted peas

the stove for about 30 minutes. I find that having a glass of wine handy is helpful to pass the time. The rice is done

1 T fresh lemon zest salt and pepper

when it is tender but still has a little tooth to it. About 15 minutes into the addition of broth, add the

2 T fresh squeezed lemon juice

asparagus so that it will cook in the pan. Just before your

1/3 cup mascarpone cheese

last addition of broth, add the defrosted peas so that they will heat through.

1/2 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano When the rice is tender, stir in the lemon zest, lemon juice, mascarpone cheese, and Parmigiano Reggiano. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately. 10


Potato, Leek, and Asparagus Soup


serves 4

3 T butter, 1 lemon 3 large russet potatoes, peeled and diced to 1” cubes 1 lb. asparagus, cut to 1” pieces, a few of the tips reserved 2 cups of sliced leeks 1 cup white wine 4-5 cups chicken broth salt and pepper

Method Melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the potatoes, asparagus, and leeks. Stir to coat with butter, then cover the pot and let the vegetables ‘sweat’ for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the potatoes are tender but not fully soft, deglaze the pan with the white wine. Add the chicken broth; enough to cover the vegetables. Let the veggies simmer over medium-low heat until the potatoes are soft, an additional 10-15 minutes. Puree the vegetables using a stick blender or a standard blender, until smooth. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, to taste. Serve with one of the reserved asparagus tips in each bowl.



Arugula Salad

Arugula, Pistachio, and Mint Pesto

This is our favorite, go-to salad. I love the combination of bitter greens, tart lemon, and salt. If you’d like to add


sweet to the mix, dried cherries are a

5 cups packed arugula

lovely compliment.

3/4 cup packed fresh mint leaves 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil


1/3 cup shelled pistachios

baby arugula

1/2 cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano

extra-virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves

fresh lemon juice

juice from 1 lemon

Parmigiano Reggiano

salt + pepper

sliced almonds


course sea salt

Method Plate arugula in individual servings. Drizzle olive oil and lemon juice over arugula, to taste. Sprinkle shaved Parmigiano, sliced almonds, and course sea salt over top, to taste. 12

Blend all ingredients together in a Andrea Hubbell is a photographer with a passion for cooking at home. Andrea is the creator of Bella Eats, a food and recipe blog which shares stories from her kitchen.

food processor. Season to taste with salt + pepper. Serve with bread as an appetizer, or toss with pasta for an entree.


The Murse murse (mûrs)

n. a man’s handbag

Name: Michael Brown

When you were in kindergarten, what did

Age: 30

you want to be when you grew up?

Occupation: Good Morning Radio

I always wanted to be a singer/actor

host for Spirit FM, a Christian radio

and make sub sandwiches at a local

station that can be heard across

sub shop.

Virginia and in parts of North Carolina and West Virginia. Status: Married to Heather with three kids, Connor, London and Channing.

What was your first paying job? Besides mowing lawns, I worked as a cashier at the Southern grocery store chain, Piggly Wiggly.

Where can we find you most often?

Thank God I did, because that’s where

At the radio studio, going around

I met my wife!

town to meet listeners, or hanging out with my three kids and wife.

What book is on your nightstand? The Bible. My daughter, London,

Do you have a mantra, motto or life

loves to sit on my bed and have the

philosophy? Some advice you received

story of Noah read to her. [Side note:

that has stuck with you?

She thinks Santa is Noah. I think it’s

Fifteen years ago, I read a saying

the beard.]

on the wall of the prison where my dad was incarcerated. These words stay true to me today: “Character is doing the right thing when no one else is looking.” What might people be surprised to know about you? A hidden talent, for example? I can twist my arm all the way around. Yes, be amazed. When I put my hand on the table, I can turn it 360 degrees, making it rotate. Yes, pretty gross.

Michael’s Five Life Lessons: •Don’t let others steal your joy. •Love your neighbor as yourself. •Be careful what you put into your mind. It becomes a part of who you are. •God gives you one body. Be healthy, exercise, and keep laughing—it tightens your abs. •Have fun. Make people laugh, and enjoy the ride!

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

to local TV anchors wearing it on

You can never go wrong with cake

the news. This priceless item is

batter ice cream!

a rare treasure!

What’s the last big idea you had, and —

What’s your guilty pleasure?

success or failure — what happened?

So, I don’t even like to share my

For “Good Morning Radio,”

gummy bears with my kids. I love

I discovered that Linda Armstrong,

gummy bears!

my co-host, wore Christmas sweaters. I think they are hilarious, so I got her to make me one. My sweater went viral—from radio, to Facebook,

When she’s not daydreaming about her next trip to New Mexico, Suzanne Ramsey writes, runs, reads, cooks, gardens, and spends time with husband, John, and cats, Hector and Edna. Photography by Jennifer Prince



Places, Please! Mill Mountain Theatre Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary with First Season in Five Years

with the Roanoke Valley. Now debt-free, the company is resurrecting. Thanks to a booming educational program and grants such as the Taubman

The Roanoke community became

started as a summer stock company

a darker place in 2009 when Mill

employing young actors seasonally.

Mountain Theatre shuttered its

Eventually it moved downtown to

doors after 46 seasons. I was among

Roanoke’s cultural mecca, the Center

the saddened patrons and artists

in the Square. Center in the Square

as I signed my first professional

currently houses no less than eight

Through the painstaking work of

acting contract with them in 2007.

arts companies, and it is home to

its small staff and passionate Board

In productions such as Into the

three performance spaces and three

of Directors, Mill Mountain is back

Woods, The Stinky Cheese Man, and

art galleries.

in the black and is presenting four

Tales from the Arabian Nights, I cut my

Mill Mountain brought countless

professional acting chops on their

entertaining productions to the

stage before I turned 23. Mill Mountain,

Star City for nearly fifty years before

Roanoke’s professional theatre, has

its Board of Directors decided to

served as the region’s premiere

Sustainability Grant, Mill Mountain is able to afford to put on a season of professional productions for the first time since 2008.

productions this season: The Marvelous Wonderettes, Alfred Hitchcock’s The Thirty Nine Steps, and two as yet unnamed holiday productions.

shut down operations in 2009.

The Marvelous Wonderettes will kick off

non-profit professional theatre

The community staple suspended

the season April 24 on the Trinkle

company for the past five decades.

its main stage productions after

Main Stage at Center in the Square.

According to Mill Mountain’s

accruing in excess of $850,000 in

According to show notes, “The

managing director Ginger Poole

debt. Its educational programming

Marvelous Wonderettes takes you to the

Avis, the professional theatre

has been the mainstay of the

1958 Springfield High School prom

company originated in 1964 “up

company in recent years and has

where we meet the Wonderettes,

on the mountain near the zoo.” It 14

served as a continued connection

four girls with hopes and dreams

explore Provided by Mill Mountain Theater

as big as their crinoline skirts!

Hilary’s Picks Spring 2013

As we learn about their lives and loves, we are treated to the girls performing such classic ‘50s and ‘60s songs as ‘Lollipop,’ ‘Dream Lover,’ ‘Stupid Cupid,’ ‘Lipstick on Your Collar,’ ‘Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,’ ‘It’s My Party,’ ‘It’s In His Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song)’ and over 20 other classic hits.” It will be directed by Mill Mountain’s Managing Director

Hilary loves red velvet cake, Broadway, and her fiance Juan Carlos Lagares (but not necessarily in that order). Connect with her on Twitter @HilarySutton.

The Marvelous Wonderettes at Mill Mountain Theatre The Marvelous Wonderettes takes you to the 1958 Springfield High School prom where we meet the Wonderettes, four girls with hopes and dreams as big as their crinoline skirts! As we learn about their lives and loves, we are treated to the girls performing classic ‘50s and ‘60s songs. The Marvelous Wonderettes — a must-take musical trip down memory lane! April 24-May 13.

Ginger Poole Avis.

For more information visit

Alfred Hitchcock’s The Thirty Nine

Julius Caesar at the American Shakespeare Center

Steps will run on the main stage from October 2-13. Its cast of four plays over 140 characters in the fast-paced comedy thriller. The 1935 adventure film by the same name is performed in its entirety by the cast of four making for a hilarious performance. To learn more about Mill Mountain Theatre and for more information about tickets or how to donate,



In this profoundly moving, thrilling, and deeply human play, Shakespeare shows us a world on fire; a world spinning out of control; a world where some of history’s most famous men commit horrific crimes in the name of patriotism and honor. Julius Caesar is a dazzling masterpiece of betrayal, violence, and perhaps most surprisingly-love. Various dates throughout the spring. Tickets at

Magic Flute Mozarts’ Fantasy Opera march 22, 7:30pm & march 24, 3:00pm academy of Fine arts TickeTs sTarT aT $29 for adulTs. $10 tickets for full time students (limited availablity).




Out and About









The History Museum 10am-7pm This Roanoke museum has free admission with special events to enjoy.

Maple Syrup Tapping 10am-12pm Learn how sap is made into syrup at Old City Cemetery.



Ellington Fridays 6pm-9:30pm The Tommy C Blues band plays in Lynchburg at the Ellington.

Indoor Forest Farmers Market 8am-12pm Come visit the locals!






3 S t o ne Bl u

d ro


wedding fair 1-5 pm This annual wedding conference is a day full of learning and fun for all brides.




17 18


Saint Patrick’s Day at Peaks of Otter Winery 12pm-5pm Experience tastings and discounts in Bedford.




Highland County Maple Harvest Festival Visit maple farms, eat maple delights and see crafters at this annual event near Monterey.



All My Sons 7:30pm Come and see a compelling story with heart as put on by Liberty University.

Bliss, a fine




Cirque Ziva 3pm World-renowned acrobats perform feats of breathtaking skill in Roanoke.


Hiawatha Johnson’s FLAVOR Series 7:30pm-10pm Pan-African poetry, prose and dance are performed at Randolph College.

Dog Treat Making with Tanker Tots 2pm-4pm Preregister and join us at the Forest Library for a clutch connect that is FREE and includes you making treats for your canine friend. Register at Spots are limited!

16 Roanoke St. Patrick’s Day Celebration 10am-5pm Come enjoy this family-friendly celebration with marchers and vendors.





The Children’s Hour 7:30pm This 1934 drama is performed at EC Glass High School.

clutch connect 6-8pm Come to boutique m at Interiors by Moyanne on Rivermont Avenue.

The Magic Flute 7:30pm Enjoy one of Mozart’s most memorable music pieces in Lynchburg.

Little Red Riding Hood 3pm In Lynchburg, this family production puts a twist on a classic tale.




30 Easter Egg Hunt 10am-12pm Children ages 0-12 can search for eggs at Red Hill.

Shenandoah Valley Plant Symposium 8am-4pm Learn spring planting tips at this event in Waynesboro.

31 Happy Easter!

For more information check out these websites: 1st: 2nd: 3rd:


5th: 8th: 9th: 10th: 13th: 16th: 17th:

2oth: 21st: 22nd: 23rd: 24th: 27th: 30th:

APRIL Wednesday










Cirque de Soleil “Quidam” 7:30pm Head to Charlottesville for this stunning acrobatic show.

Tarzan 7:30pm Marvel as Liberty University brings the jungle comes to life.

Vita 6pm See locally made pieces at this upbeat fashion show.

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The Long Road Home 8:30am-2pm See a reenactment of the fall of Richmond.

Lynchburg Hillcats 6pm Come for the opening night game!


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Clutch Connect 6-8pm Join us at Must Have Shoes in the Boonsboro Shopping Center for a night of fun, sales and prizes!




Dead Man’s Cell Phone 7:30pm Lynchburg College performs this interesting play.

Blossom to Bottle 5K Race 9am Participate in this benefit race for cancer in Bedford.

a y ph







Avoca Annual Opening 1:30pm-4:30pm Enjoy free admission on their opening day.



CASA Heart and Sole 5pm-9pm This fundraising evening combines shopping and shoes at Phase 2 in Lynchburg.

Living History 10am-5pm Here is an opportunity to learn more about history in Bedford!




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27 Party for the Planet 11am-4pm Celebrate Earth Day with family activities at Mill Mountain Zoo.

S to


Garden Day in Lynchburg 10am-4pm Tour beautiful homes and gardens. e lu


3rd: 5th: 6th: 7th: 9th: 11th:


30 in


Cookbook Signing 9am-2pm Come for a garden party and Food to Live For book signing.



Je n




13th: 16th: 18th: 20th: 21st: 24th:

Annual Vinton Dogwood Festival 8am-4pm Experience some family fun.

27th: 27th: 28th:



Urbane Folklore With the arrival of spring, clothes get more colorful, music gets peppier, and the desire to explore and be outdoors becomes irresistible. It’s always a joy to see crocuses pop out of the ground, hear the birds sing and make a change in your wardrobe.

FASHION: I typically like to stay away from trends, but there is one trend that I absolutely love and can’t seem to escape. Ombre, or gradual color shading, adds such a dimension to anything, and it’s a subtle change that makes a bold statement. The style is most popular with hairstyles and accessories. I have found beautiful accessories that use this technique; scarves, gloves, tights, jewelry, and even in some clothing. Be mindful not to overdo it though. As with most things, less is more. This trend has even escaped fashion to be included with party cakes and interior design, proving that fashion is more than what you put onto your body.


Arms and Sleepers:

Death Cab for Cutie:

Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins:

The Organ Hearts (2011):

Transatlantacism (2003):

Rabbit Fur Coat (2006):

As soon as I heard this Boston duo’s

This album always makes me think

I have always been a fan of Jenny

music, I knew it was something

of the spring time road trips with

Lewis. Not only is her music

special. Their sound is full of

friends, the smell of crisp spring

inspirational to me, but she is an

beautiful, intricate layers that on the

air, and just loving life. The band

indie fashion icon whose style has

surface seem simplistic. But after

enjoyed much deserved commercial

been very influential on mine. She is

several listens, the songs blossom

success with this album, and it

known for being the front woman

and transform to reveal depth and

happens to also be my favorite of

for Rilo Kiley but stepped into a

meaning not first apparent. This

theirs (something that doesn’t often

solo role with help from the Watson

depth reached new levels when I

happen). Each track flows into the

sisters on Rabbit Fur Coat. This album

saw them perform at The White

next and sucks you into the next. As

has a wonderful mixture of slightly

Hart last year. Mesmerizing visuals

you learn the melodies and lyrics,

upbeat and thoughtful tracks that are

and hypnotic beats combined in a

you’ll soon be singing and humming

perfect for a contemplative spring

powerful and moving experience that

along. Roll down your windows, put

time outing.

left me wanting more by the show’s

on this album, and let this be the

end. If the opportunity to see them

soundtrack to future memories.

again ever rises, I will not hesitate to take advantage.


explore CULTURE:

In addition to being versed in all things urban, Deidre Stone enjoys being creative with her line of jewelry and fashion, Storm & Stress. She and her husband, Josh, enjoy their life in the Hill City of Lynchburg.

warm. A trip to Staunton should

The spring is a great time to get out

include a stop at The Pampered Palate,

of the house and enjoy all of the

where you can have such a treat.

beautiful nature and destinations

If you have never been to Natural

around us. We have some wonderful

Bridge, you’re missing out on one

places to visit.

of the Seven Natural Wonders of

The downtown mall in

the World, and it is right in your

Charlottesville has great locally

backyard. Pack up the family with a

owned shops and restaurants. Spring

picnic lunch, and head over to this

is a perfect time to enjoy this area as

beautiful structure as the weather

it’s once major street was closed and

just starts to get pleasant.

bricked to create a lovely walkway

Grab a picnic basket and a towel for

for strolling, eating and window

some fun in the sun at Panther

shopping at places such as Rock,

Falls on those days when spring

Paper, Scissors and Roxie Daisy

feels more like summer.

(both always have windows worth

Of course, those that are in the Hill

salivating over!).

City of Lynchburg love to hit the

Heading out to Roanoke should

Blackwater Creek Trail, which is

include a trip up Mill Mountain to

perfect for walking, running, biking

check out the star, the beautiful view

and exploring.

and the animals that are getting more

So, just get out there and enjoy our

active at the zoo.

beautiful, friendly Virginia. Our

For those days when there is still a

clutch calendars are always full of

chill in the air, head to a local coffee

ideas, so be sure to consult those

shop and enjoy a cup of something

before you head out.

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awaycation Paris in the Spring Paris. Just the name evokes feelings of new beginnings, romance and timelessness … add that to spring, and you have a combination that has captured many hearts since the movie Paris in the Spring debuted in the 1930’s. Following her love for travel, romance and beautiful photography, Elisa Bricker recently packed up her family and headed to Paris for a month (enter jealous pangs!). Join Elisa as she documents some familiar sites in the French capital and introduces us to some worthy spots off the beaten path. So, let your mind wander for a bit, and enjoy your trip to Paris!

Jardin d’Acclimatation Escape the hustle and bustle of central Paris for a day trip focused on the kids. Nestled in between the Bois de Boulogne and the beautiful 16th arrondissement, this small amusement park designed for children is a quintessential Parisian childhood experience. Water parks in the summer time, horseback riding, and an animal farm are highlights of the park. Of course, there is a little stop for the adults at Angelina – a café famous for their hot chocolate. The train (which circles and returns to the park) is a must!


explore Musee de la Vie Romantique Standing in front of the Moulin Rouge, you’d never guess how close you are to the most serene spot in Paris. Better yet, this museum is free! For those who tire easily of endless museum halls, this stop is a perfect delight. One small house, which was the Paris base of the Dutch-born painter Ary Scheffer, houses the permanent collection, which includes various works by French artists from the romantic period. After perusing the house and its contents, stop into the little greenhouse for a cup of tea and enjoy the beautiful paved courtyard. Bring your journal, and soak in the moment.


explore creature comforts Even though France isn’t close to home, some creature comforts are. Going to the beach, catching the ice cream truck, heading out for macaroons and having picnics are all family-friendly pursuits that pass time for Parisians.

Raspail Market The first and largest of Paris’ organic markets, this is the perfect place for people watching. Centered around a love of food, you’ll find some of the most delicious (and most expensive) food in Paris here. The fromager whom we approached supplied us with the best organic Normandy butter I’ve ever tasted as well as demi crème milk that smelled green and fresh and tasted sweet and light. In addition to your staple supplies you can find scarves, face creams, tea blends, and even organic cider. Walk the aisle admiring the beauty and bounty, and then make some delicious decisions about dinner.



Mise en Place: The Well Placed Home

Go Green as You Clean: A Fresh Approach to Spring Cleaning As the days get longer and we open our windows to let in the fresh air and optimism that comes with the season, why not take a fresh approach to cleaning? By choosing green options for cleaning our homes, we can be more health conscious for our families as well as eco-friendly. Keep the “three R’s” in mind as you move through your home: reduce, reuse, and recycle! Go green from attic to basement, and get your home organized and spruced up for the warmer weather. Clean from top to bottom: Tackle one room from top to bottom before moving on. You will feel such an accomplishment when that room is complete. Put a plan into action. Start with light fixtures and ceiling p




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b m agazin

Check our blog on March 15 for a laundry soap recipe!


fans then hit the corners of the room. Work your way down walls, over the furniture, to the baseboards and floors.

Want to redo prom? Come to:



Saturday, April 20 7pm-1am at Phase 2 Tickets $20 each or $35 per couple; VIP $50 each

Photo Courtesy of Rexburg Historical Society

For ticket sales locations call 434-546-6770 or visit


thrive Set realistic goals, and involve the

hardwood floors, mix one cup of

whole family by delegating the

vinegar and a few drops of olive oil to

tasks. Even small children can dust

a gallon of hot water. Since you are

baseboards and wipe surfaces.

only making what you need as you

Add plants Improve oxygen and air

need it, you will be cutting back on

Create your own green

quality in your home while

waste and the worries of toxins in

cleaning products

5 little things you can do to go green!

complementing your décor.

your home.

Canvas bags

When going green, starting with cleaning products is an easy first step.

Keep these tips in mind all year,

Use reusable canvas bags at the

You can effectively clean your home

and plan ahead. Take advantage of

grocery store to cut down on

with common pantry ingredients like

the various seasons to edit, donate,

disposable bags.

white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon or sell goods you no longer need, and you will be ahead of the game come juice. Baking soda is a mild abrasive and takes care of dirt and grime while

next spring.

Simply spray and wipe away! Scour your tub and sinks with a little white vinegar and baking soda paste. Wash your floors with reusable microfiber

Replace old bulbs with ecofriendly ones.

neutralizing odors. Lemon juice or vinegar is great for grease and stains.

Change light bulbs

Pay bills online As a busy wife and mom of three, Heather not only finds time to manage her home well, but she also enjoys running, being crafty, and testing out new recipes for her family.

cloths and a natural solution. For

Save time, and eliminate unnecessary use of paper. Cold water washing There is no need to heat the water for most washings.

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Backyard Chronicles With spring in the air, it is the ideal time to read some books that celebrate the

Spring into reading!

vibrant season and some memorable characters. Other than the traditional “here comes spring” titles, check out books on related topics, such as plants, gardening, insects, Easter, and baby animals. For preschool-aged children, there are many different counting books on these topics. Introduce older ones to selections on the life cycles of plants, animals, and insects. There are many fantastic non-fiction series that are both engaging and educational. A trip to a park, a walk in the woods, or an expedition in the backyard can

by Chelanne Green

accompany these reading opportunities. Encourage kids to draw or journal about what they observe. Then, check out more books based on individual interests. Spring is full of new life and brilliant changes, ripe for fun learning experiences.

“Spring is Here” by Will Hillenbrand


through the mud. Then, he raps on

shifts to an unexpected approach that

Bear’s window—tap, tap, tap. Bear is

works! Children are sure to giggle with

still hibernating, so the only reply

yet another unexpected turn in the

Mole receives is “Snore.” Next, Mole

plot after Bear wakes up! The book may

knock, knock, knocks on Bear’s door.

prompt discussions on the signs of

Again, a resounding “Snore” is Bear’s

spring, animal habits during the season,

his springtime favorite is full of

reply. The narrative continues with

and the qualities of a good friend.

onomatopoeia and repetition,

Mole trying various ways to wake up

The mixed media illustrations,

two favorite literary devices for

Bear, such as a feather on his nose

endearing characters, and engaging

young listeners. Mole awakens from

and a horn noise. Bear’s response does

narrative will win over adult and young

the smells and sounds of spring. As

not change though, allowing young

readers. I highly recommend Spring is

he walks over to his friend Bear’s

listeners to predict and to participate

Here for ages 4-8.

house, he squish, squish, squishes

in Bear’s “Snore” reply. Finally, Mole

“Ten Little Caterpillars” by Bill Martin Jr.

a second caterpillar wriggles up

The illustrations have remarkable

some flowers in the garden. Then, a

texture and vibrant colors.

third one climbs a cabbage head. The

Occasionally, creatures commonly

narrative continues until the number

found in the habitats are included like

10 is reached. The tenth caterpillar

ants, spiders, frogs, birds, and beetles.

is seen transformed into a chrysalis

Each item in the pictures is labeled

and emerging as a tiger swallowtail

to build vocabulary and sight word

butterfly. The final pages revisit each

recognition. Ten Little Caterpillars is

ith warm weather moving in,

caterpillar, offering brief information

ideal for youngsters 2-6. Related topics

creeping caterpillars will be

on the caterpillars’ feeding habits as

include ordinal numbers, counting,

emerging and, soon after, beautiful

well as illustrations on the type of

life cycles, and predators/prey.

butterflies. Ten Little Caterpillars is

butterfly or moth they transform into.

a celebration of spring and new

Lois Ehlert’s watercolor collages focus

life. One little caterpillar crawls up

on the flowers, the vegetation, and,

the stem of a wild rose bush. Next,

most importantly, the caterpillars.


For no hassle teaching opportunities for home or school, check out the posts on the Books4Learning blog by Chelanne Green. 25


Nursery Design on a Dime Soon after I knew we were expecting a boy, I had Pinterest boards bursting with ideas from my favorite design blogs for decorating my son’s nursery, and I just couldn’t wait to get started. It’s no secret that I love everything about design: the beauty of assigning purpose, maximizing a space through organization, and the ability to create a unique style and add ambiance to a room. My desire was to mix elements of childish whimsy with rustic masculinity and a splash of European sophistication. I also wanted to incorporate our families’ heritage and interests meaningful to my husband and me from our childhoods. It became my fun challenge to reuse and repurpose as many items from my home as possible and to shop for items used or on the cheap to make my design dollars stretch. It’s amazing how far a little bit of inspiration, thoughtful repurposing, bargain hunting, creativity, and elbow grease can carry you in achieving designer looks, regardless of budget. By simply removing the top half of the china hutch, I instantly had a beautiful, practical dresser/changing table, and our club chair was the starting point for a nursery glider.


thrive Photography by Rachel McLean

Design Candy Sometimes all it takes to create is a little bit of sugary-sweet inspiration. Here are a few of my favorite nursery and mom-and-baby design sites and blogs to help get your creative wheels turning:

Enlisting the handyman skills of

line of stylish, modern cribs in a

my talented (and cost-conscious)

variety of non-toxic finishes, all

husband, we purchased a tattered-mess

at unbeatable prices. Free-to-store

of a glider off of Craigslist, tore it

shipping sealed the deal, and for $200

apart to retrieve its hardware, and

on the nose, we had our crib.

then reattached the hardware to the bottom of our own club chair, for a mere $50.

While searching the clearance racks at West Elm, I stumbled upon an over-sized wicker lamp shade,

A crib was the next item on my

originally priced at $125 but marked

list. Admittedly, I prefer to shop

down to $15. Filling it with hanging

almost anywhere but Walmart, but I

balls of yarn I’d made using a

discovered that they have a fabulous

Pinterest tutorial and hung with braided twine, it made for the perfect, rustic mobile to hang above the crib. I loved the idea of a wooden toy box in the nursery, and I repurposed my outdated hope chest (which at the time, was merely taking up storage space in the garage) by sanding and staining to a rustic, old-world finish. Wall art -- and its placement -- plays such an important part of a room’s overall look and feel. As a proclaimed Etsy addict, I quickly had my online cart full of adorable art pieces just perfect for Brock’s room. However, my budget and my desire to self-create led me to a compromise: I chose a few key pieces to purchase from Etsy – including a less expensive set of greeting cards and postcard art to frame -- and then set to work at my computer to design a few pieces of art in Photoshop. With a few coats


thrive of spray paint to some old picture frames, I soon had a room full of custom nursery art, all for under $50. Brock’s moss-covered name letters were Anthropologie-inspired, but at only a fraction of the cost after taking advantage of sales and discounts on the raw materials at Michael’s craft store. Brock’s sailcloth drapes were from the clearance bin of Ikea, six dollars for the pair, and his burlap lamp was snagged from a sale aisle at T.J. Maxx. – both of which helped

A lot of love and joy went in to

to complete the look I was going

the design of my son’s room, and

for in his room.

it easily became the coziest in our

With so much of his room repurposed

home. While decoration and design

or purchased on the cheap, there were

may seem intimidating if venturing

two areas where I unapologetically

outside of the box, it’s important

splurged in the nursery: Brock’s

to remember that nursery design

bedding and his crib mattress. I

should be fun and full of your

simply couldn’t find reasonably priced

expression. Nesting is such a special

linens to match my theme, and I

part of motherhood, and designing

ended up indulging on a combination

a special space for your little one is

of bedding from Serena and Lily for

such a beautiful way to greet their

the crib and custom-made changing

miraculous arrival.

pad covers through a shop on Etsy. The infant/toddler mattress we purchased was organic and highly rated for having low toxic emission.

In addition to being a new mom to son, Brock, Rachel also manages her event company, RS Exclusive. She loves spending time with her husband, Chris, and is passionate about green living.

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The Embellished Life Spring Gleaning Photos by KD Burke Photography

By changing a letter, the act of “Spring

thought to what will be trashed as

likely lead to just giving up and the

Cleaning” takes on a much more critical

opposed to being given away?

“I’ll do this tomorrow” thinking that

meaning. “Gleaning” means to gather what is leftover from harvest. It also means to learn, discover, or find out. I find this interesting and quite poignant since when you are in a giving frame–

Here’s how I suggest doing this. There are several approaches to this methodology, but I offer the way I have discovered works best for me.

is often unfulfilled. Given enough preparation, you can also list what you wish to accomplish in that room. For example, clean under bed, mop floor, organize closet, clean out bins

of–mind, you not only give but receive,

Choose the room

behind door, etc. This will not only

therefore discovering and finding out

you will clean first

give you a plan of action but will give

about yourself and others!

Being a person who suffers from not

you a visual sense of accomplishment

only ADD tendencies but also a keen

as you cross things off of the list.

OCD mind, I like to go room–by–

Try hanging your list on the door to

room. If not, there’s little done in

the room, and then you won’t lose it

each room, and you feel you haven’t

among the things you are cleaning.

That, to me, is such a great part of life. I have always loved both being of a generous spirit and learning about others. So, I was thinking, when we are doing our big spring tear up and redo of our things, why not give more

really accomplished much at all. This will not only discourage you but

Make piles. Choose an area for different categories. Either piles on a bed, bins or boxes for separating, or stacks in the next room so that the room doesn’t get overly cluttered. Have a pile for “keep,” one for “give away,” one for “sell,” and maybe one for “store for later.”

Academy Travel Inc. Specializing in creating magical memories for kids both young and old at Disney World, Disneyland, Adventures by Disney and Aulani Disney Resort in Hawaii. Let me take the stress away from planning! Mention that you saw us in clutch to receive a $50 Disney gift card to use on your trip! Magical memories are awaiting your family! Kari O’Dell (888) 578-2798 (469) 343 3345 cell


enjoy Perfect Ideas for gleaning: The Lynchburg Humane Society accepts dog food, old blankets or towels, and pillows for the animals. Blankets and such should be clean but can have stains or mildly ragged edges. For a full list of items they need, visit their website and call them to arrange a drop off. The Salvation Army Thrift Store collects items to sell for their programs and residents. Everything

Do it.


Stick to your plan. Start with the

This is perhaps the most important

closet(s). Then clean out bins, bags,

part! Relaxing allows you to realize

boxes, drawers, or other containers.

the reward of gleaning. I like to do a

Separate them into the piles you

room or two at a time. If I ever tried

made and... don’t look back! Do not

to tackle my entire home at once,

over think your decisions. Go with

I would never get to this step and

The Daily Bread, which offers meals

your first reaction, as usually that’s

would most likely never finish until

to the homeless, has a closet for

when you’re being the most honest

the next Spring!

about whether or not to keep the item. Things that are broken should go in the trash if you haven’t taken them to be fixed in six months or more. Clothes that haven’t been worn in the last season should be sold or given away. Toiletries that remain unopened, tissues, and miscellaneous things that you gathered but never used could go in your give away pile. You get the idea!

from baby clothing to pillows and furniture can be a useful donation. Call first to arrange a pickup or a drop off of items.

those who are in need of something to wear. The closet isn’t very large,

My last bit of advice is for those that

though, so you should call them to

are like my husband (God love him!);

see if they have room before leaving

You keep everything you’ve ever

your donated items.

owned somewhere in a box, bin, pile,

Brentwood Church collects Cards

or drawer, hoping that one day you

for Care, a program that gives gift

will use it again. For those situations,

cards to the needy. They also have a

employ the help of a friend, someone

mission called Mosaic, which supplies

neutral to the territory that doesn’t

local adoption/foster agencies with

have any stake in the items you are

backpacks filled with items for

looking through. That type of person

children. Contact their offices to see

will help you be honest with yourself,

what is needed and for drop off times.

Put it where it belongs.

and because they have no emotional

When the room is finished, pack your

attachment to your things, will make

Central Virginia United Way is an

car, and set aside the things that

the process a lot quicker! Offer them

agency that provides many donation

are going to a charity/church (don’t

lunch or first dibs at the “give away”

opportunities in our area. There are

forget to get a receipt for tax time).

pile after the process is over.

more than 40 member organizations

Put things away that will stay in that

under their “umbrella.” They also Good luck with your projects! I would love to see

have a closet with donations to

your cleaning (and gleaning) in progress.

supply those members. Contact the

So, instagram your photos with

Take your storage bins to the shed,

United Way by calling 2-1-1.

#clutchspringgleaning so we can share in your

attic, or closet where it can be neatly


room. Close the trash bag, and take it to its respective place for pickup.

kept for the future.


When Michelle isn’t planning and creating handbags for her company elle & anne, she enjoys decorating her own home where she spends time with her husband, David, and their three dogs.

enjoy thrive

Crêpe Paper Wreath Spring is here! It’s time to remove cozy winter décor, exchanging it for a lighter look. Is your home in need of a new wreath for spring? An easy to make crêpe paper wreath can be used on your door, over your mantel, or perhaps on a porch wall.


Photography by Paula Skulina


Supplies: 16” or 19” Styrofoam wreath

Fun Ideas for Crêpe Paper Wreaths

2 Rolls of crêpe paper

• Change the paper and ribbon

Coordinating ribbon

color to match any season.

Sewing pins Scissors

• Make one in school colors for a fun teacher or coach gift.

Method: 1. Pin one end of the crêpe paper

• One in team colors would please a dad for Father’s Day.

to the wreath. Wrap the crêpe paper around the wreath to cover the

• Small wreaths can hang on chair

Styrofoam. Pin the finished end,

backs for a dinner party.

and cut off the excess.


2. Pin on a coordinating ribbon

A crêpe paper wreath can easily be a light

for hanging.

and bright part of any spring decor. Enjoy!

3. Cut crêpe paper into 4” sections, and pin to wreath, overlapping each section to make the wreath full.

Paula Skulina is a teacher by day and in free time enjoys biking, decorating and cooking. Visit her blog at

Continue to add crêpe paper sections until the wreath is covered.



natural beauty

spring cleaning your skin Spring is here, and we all know what that means: spring cleaning! Although this phrase normally refers to our homes, our skin needs a tuneup when the weather starts to get warmer. This calls for major detoxing, exfoliating, and cleaning to “reset” our skin, kicking a dry and dull complexion to the curb and achieving that healthy glow we all want. Here are two body scrubs to “spring clean” your skin, giving you a fresh start to this season. These two body scrubs can also be used on your feet. Bring on the sandals!

Coffee and chocolate make life even more enjoyable for Michelle Wood, who loves the beach and is a Southern girl through and through.

Detoxing Sugar Scrub This detoxing sugar scrub will deeply exfoliate and penetrate your skin to seriously hydrate and moisturize.

ingredients ½ Cup of Sugar

body cream scrub

¼ Cup of Sea Salt (draws out toxins)

This scrub will not only gently remove dead skin cells but will hydrate your skin.

1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil 1 Tablespoon of Aloe Vera 1 Tablespoon of Lemon

ingredients ½ Cup of Oatmeal

1 Teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil or Grape Seed Oil

½ Cup of Brown Sugar 2 Tablespoons of Honey 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil Plain Yogurt

DIRECTIONS Mix the oatmeal, brown sugar, honey, and olive oil together in a bowl. Add enough yogurt to turn it Natural body scrubs into a smooth paste. Work this scrub into your skin and masks help to head-to-toe. Rinse off the make our skin look scrub with warm water, and feel smoother, softer, and pat your skin dry. Make and more radiant. sure you moisturize your body to lock in the benefits.

These treatments take off dead skin cells after constantly having our skin wrapped up in layers of clothing. This allows new skin cells to come to the surface, which will give us a radiant glow. Now you can start the warm season with soft and hydrated skin. 32

DIRECTIONS Mix all of these ingredients together to form a thick paste. In circular motions, exfoliate your skin. Rinse this scrub off with warm water, and end with a splash of cold water to close your pores. Pat your skin dry and moisturize.


Bliss & Makeup

Photos by Crystal George of Crystal George Studios

Makeover by Emily Garbee Harris of Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon

Winter to Spring Transitions

Elizabeth What Elizabeth says: I absolutely love my career and what I do in life. I love music and dancing. I love my family (I’m amazingly blessed with them). I love animals (especially dogs). I seriously dislike coffee, salad dressings, horror movies, and when people drive slowly in the left hand lane. I love to travel and try new foods. I’m not afraid of heights, spiders, or snakes, but I’m scared of riding a motorcycle. As quite the science/school/outdoors oriented person, growing up I was never one to spend much time on my hair and makeup through high school and college, in fact my first official makeup lesson ever was with Emily only a few weeks prior to this makeover. I have to admit, one of my concerns hairdo. Combined with my new founded make-up skills, also thanks to Emily, I feel that I have a whole new artistic and adventurous side to my life. When asked what my first reaction was when I saw my new hair, I have to say there were three. First, “oh my gosh I’m blonde”, second, “wow, I look so much more like my sister!” and third “I actually really like this!”. After a day of shocking myself every time turning platinum blonde was my

Outside of my job, my main hobby in life is

I looked in the mirror, I have come to

appearance in the professional work

organizing and running dance events here

absolutely love the change in my hair. Life

world. However, I am pleased to report my

in Lynchburg. Both Lynchburg Salsa and

is all about embracing change, right?

hesitations were unwarranted. Lessons in

Lynchburg Swing are giving me a great

life… don’t let what other’s might think

outlet to discover the fun and slightly

hold you back from trying new things.

more edgy side to this wonderful new

Makeover Process: Elizabeth’s hair was a box color black. Emily did a


enjoy triple process of color lifting. It was done slowly with added moisturizer so the hair would maintain it’s conditioning while lightening the strands. Emily used separate foils to add dimension and a cool toner with a shine treatment. It was a multiple day process. Makeup: Deep purples were used on her eyes and were paired with a dark red lip to contrast the lights in the hair. Red lips and blonde tones in the hair are a fresh, bright combination for spring. Crystal George of Crystal George Studios and Emily Garbee Harris of Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon always have something fun in the works as a creative “dynamic duo”. Whether it is a creative, stylized shoot or having fun with weddings, models or mothersto-be, these two have hearts for awakening the real beauty inside.


“Is the spring coming?” he said. “What is it like?”... “It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...” Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden


Wende Parker

Mary Merat

Kimberly Burke




Snap Happy

Snow Day Our winter was filled with a few days of snow, and we loved seeing you play in it. Next time we want to see your kids! Be sure to tag your photos with #clutchsnaphappy (and get permission if they are not your own children).

Jazmin Antoinette

Tara Cofer

Afton Fischer




Katie Lester

Ashley Atkins

Carrie Johnson






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