Culture Days offers a coast to coast cultural experience By Louise Nunn
We’ve entered a new phase in the country’s Covid recovery, and after months of being cooped up, you may be hungry for a little arts and entertainment. So, if you’re open to anything from driveway steamrollers that paint, to pedestrians conducting the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, look no further than Canada’s annual Culture Days Festival. From September 25 th through October 25 th, Canada’s largest arts and culture event will take place on screens and in-person from coast to coast. As always, the many colourful and free events that make up Culture Days are there for one simple reason: to get every Canadian engaging with their creative side. All you have to do is show up – literally or virtually, depending on your comfort level. Aubrey Reeves, Executive Director, explains. “Not everyone wants to be an artist, but everyone is creative and can benefit by making creativity a part of their lives.” Every year, Culture Days looks for bigger and better ways to enlist the public, artist or not, to be a part of the festival taking place in their region. This year’s event will look different in many ways, but celebrating art in the midst of the pandemic is as important as ever. 42 | the COLLECTION
kel mex folk dance in kelowna, bc, 2019 | photo by glenna turnbull