Tuesday Night Heffron Week Ten 11.12.2018

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december 2018

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WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

NERO VLOG OVERLOAD Nero Racing finally got the Tuesday Night

Heffron straight wasn’t wide enough for

Powell found the perfect line through a

long around on the grass which put him out

win they’ve been searching for when Chris packed field sprint to win the final handicap

race for 2018. Last weeks winner Jack Bennett was second with Cru Halliday in his first

race at Heffron nabbing an impressive third. After 10 races with the opening week going to B grade when Adam McCoy won, the

spoils have been evenly spread between 7 A grade winners:

everyone with Tristan Ward forced to go the of contention to finish 4th. Brad Mills was in

the mix again for 5th with Phil Lucas had his best result sneaking home for 6th.

What Fitri Amar lacks in size he certainly

makes up for in speed and positioning and

using his experience from last years visit he stormed home 7th overall to edge out Chris Ball to win the B grade title.

2 wins: Tristan Ward

Faisal and Iskandar in their first race at

1 win: Alex Nazarewicz

double in C grade which was an impressive

1 win: Jack Bennett 1 win: Joel Walsh

1 win: Michael Potter

1 win: Darcy Ellerm-Norton 1 win: Luke Cridland

In the pre Xmas ‘Fantasy Pointscore Se-

Heffron and on Australian soil did the 1,2 and rewarding for the Malaysians.

Brodie Chapman rode a strong race in B

grade and came home even strong to win 1st woman.

ries’, the pointscore when you don’t have


‘won’ the Series on 30pts with Naz finishing

1 Chris POWELL (St George)

only hypothetical. What it does show is the

3 Cru HALLIDAY (Camden)

January will be very exciting.

5 Brad MILLS (Parklife)

a poinstcore, Jack Bennett hypothetically

on 25pts and Tristan on 21pts – but that’s

2 Jack BENNETT (Randwick)

2019 Series which starts on Tuesday 15

4 Tristan WARD (Sutherland)

A somewhat dull afternoon at Heffron with a

barely noticeable light SE wind yet less than

B Grade

to see the return of the Malaysian Junior

2 Chris BALL (Manly)

80 riders were on the start line. It was great

1 Fitri Amar ROSLI (Malaysia)

Development team to add some internation-

3 Peter O’CONNOR (Easts)

Even a final jackpot amount of $1000 wasn’t

C Grade

right win and when A grade hit the front with

2 Iskandar MOHD HISHAM (Malaysia)

al flavour to the race.

enough to spur B or C grades onto an out-

1 Faisal AHMAD JOYO (Malaysia)

3 laps to go it was obvious the jackpot was

3 Andy PORTESS (Randwick)

With no wind to contend with, the sprint


safe for another week.

started early and even the width of the

1 Brodie CHAPMAN (Carneige)

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018

WEEK TEN • 11 December 2018


“Many have said that I ramble on and talk shit. True on both accounts. But hell I’m no King Henry the VIII, I’m Spurge,

The 1st King of Heffron. Now as I said you a young Park Life

rider (there is at least one young one)...Take my advice son, or piss off and ride at West Head”

This week I rate everyone who pinned on a number last week based on this one ride....... 1 I Chris POWELL (St George) A 2 I Jack BENNETT (Randwick) A 3 II Cru HALLIDAY (Camden) A 4 I Tristan WARD (Sutherland) A 5 IIIII Brad MILLS (Parklife) A 6 II Phillip LUCAS (Manly) A 7 IIIII Fitri Amar ROSLI (Malaysia) B 8 I Chris BALL (Manly) B1 9 I Jesse COYLE (Sydney Uni) A 10 I Luke CRIDLAND (St George) A 11 I John PEPPARD (Easts) A 12 IIIII Liam KELLY (Easts) A 13 I Peter O’CONNOR (Easts) B1 14 I Scott LAW (Marconi) A 15 I Jamie DUNN (Manly) B 16 I Nash KENT (Parklife) A 17 I I I I I Dave EVANS (Manly) A 18 III Brodie CHAPMAN (Carneige) B 19 I Peter LIVINGSTONE (Manly) A 20 IIIII Faisal AHMAD JOYO (Malaysia) C 21 II Gina RICARDO (Sydney Uni) B 22 I Sam DWYER (Hawthorn) B 23 IIII Iskandar MOHD HISHAM (Malaysia) C 24 I Angus WILSON (Sydney Uni) A 25 I Sebastian MEYER (Randwick) A 26 I Darren MOORE (Easts) B 27 I Greg RULE (Easts) B 28 I Jason SIMPSON (Easts) B 29 I Luke CRUICKSHANK (Easts) A 30 I Michael POTTER (Northern Sydney) A 31 I William HODGES (Bathurst) A 32 IIIIIIIII Dan BONELLO (St George) A 33 I David GLICK (Day License) B 34 I Andy PORTESS (Randwick) C 35 I John WARD (Manly) B 36 I Chris COLLINS (Rapha) C 37 I Jason MORGAN (Sutherland) B

38 I Allan SMITH (Randwick) B1 39 I Michael SWEEKHORST (Manly) C 40 IIII Daniel IANNAZZO (Easts) B 41 I Ed WHITE (Sydney Uni) A 42 I Alex DURRANT-WHYTE (Sydney Uni) B dnf II Aaron BICKNELL (Manly) A dnf II Chris BARLIN (Parklife) A dnf II Chris MILLER (Sydney Uni) A dnf II Darcy ELLERM-NORTON (Rapha) A dnf II Jake KAUFFMANN (Manly) A dnf II Jonno CRIDLAND (St George) A dnf IIIIIIIII Alexis KALESS (Manly) B dnf II Ben SILBERMAN (Sydney) B dnf II David JACKSON (Randwick) B dnf II Fabian KEGEL (Sydney Uni) B dnf II Jason DOUGLAS (Randwick) B dnf IIIIIIIII John SUNDE (Easts) B dnf II Matt GREGORY (Manning Valley) B dnf II Ryan SCARTH (Rapha) B dnf III Fakhruazam HANIFIAH (Malaysia) B dnf III Abdul Rashid HISHAM (Malaysia) B dnf II Adam SOCHA (Manly) B1 dnf II Antonio SIMONELLI (Rapha) C dnf IIII Darren BYERS (Randwick) C dnf II David GARDNER (Manly) C dnf II Jesse DOWNER (Harlequin) C dnf II Maddison BEEVORS (Sydney Uni) C dnf II Michael BREEN (Parklife) C dnf II Nirut RATTANAPACHARAKORN (Randwick) C dnf II Scott TAYLOR (Dulwich Hill) C dnf II Terry HINDMARSH (Randwick) C dnf II Tony AITCHISON (Southern Cross) C dnf II Fred CARDOZO (Manning Valley) C dnf II Sam CARROLL (Randwick) C dnf II Firdaus SURANA (Malaysia) C


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