Tuesday Night Heffron Week 9 03 December 2018

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WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WOOF, WOOF, WOOF - CRIT DAWGS GO 1, 2, 3 ! Jack Bennett finally made it to the top step of a Tuesday

Night race when he lead his Crit Dawgs teammates Alex

Nazarewicz and Scott Law home to claim a popular win for

the newly formed criterium team. 4th rider Don Bonello was in the mix too as he provided the perfect lead out for his

teammates to take the first ever team trifecta at Heffron. Slightly heavy skies with a very uncommon gusty SE wind greeted a solid field of 80 riders with A grade boasting 26

riders despite the absence of last weeks winner Tristan Ward and the weekends L’Etape winner Darcy Ellerm-Norton.

There was still enough speed in A grade for them to easily account for B grade with 5 laps to spare when the pace of the closing laps then went up a notch to 45kph+ at 2.45s a lap.

Unfortunately with 3 laps to go the unfamiliar SE wind

caught a handful of riders out with 6 riders coming down in the straight. Speedy recovery from the scraps and bruises suffered.

Less than a quarter of the field was left to contest the finale which was perfectly executed by the Crit Dawgs after early moves from Ed White and Luke Cridland.

Aaron Paul seems to have mastered the art of Tuesday

Night racing and rode a strong and smart race to earn his B grade win with Peter O’Connor and Chris Ball finishing just behind.

Sydney and Heffron Park newcomer Ryan Scarth mastered

the art of Heffron in his first race and showed good form and

promise to finish at the back of the main group to claim the C grade win. Andy Portess and David Gardner were in the next group to complete the C grade podium. Also in this group

were Gina Ricardo and Emma Coral Roberts battling it out for 1st woman with Gina Ricardo getting the win

RESULTS 1 Jack Bennett (Randwick) 2 Alex Nazarewicz (Manly) 3 Scott Law (Marconi) 4 Chris Powell (St George) 5 Bradley Mills (Parklife) B Grade 1 Aaron Paul (Sydney Uni) 2 Peter G O’Connor (Easts) 3 Chris BALL (Manly) C Grade 1 Ryan Scarth (Rapha) 2 Andy Portess (Randwick) 3 David J Gardner (Manly) Women 1 Gina Ricardo (Sydney Uni)

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018

WEEK nine • 3 December 2018


“There is a lot to be said about last week’s 1-2-3 victory by the “critdawgs”. And if you find out who knows this information, please pass all details along to John Sunde.”

THE KING rates for us the top place getters of Tuesday Night Heffron Week 9.

1st A: Jack Bennett 2nd A: Alex Nazarewicz 3rd: Scott Law Honestly Greg Hamer, what were you thinking that Friday night last year when after a few hours on the cans you and I came up with the ‘critdawg’ team. The whole idea was to put togther a group of good looking, young and capable racers, who could go out, represent the brand and hopefully win a few races. And look what you gave us? This pack of good for nothing, no hopers, who between them if they are not sucking down another 7-11 sugary drink, photographing or filming every waking moment then posting it on Instagram, they are breathing my valuable oxygen. Granted Jack Bennett is living every fat kids’ dream, but seriously do you want the 2019 Jenny Craig official male spokesperson as your poster boy? And Alex Nazsomething. He’s old enough not only to remember the first space shuttle but the last moon landing. Scott Law, he’s from The Gong. Who do you think is selling all those stolen sets of kit on Ebay? And that other bloke. I can remember Paul Craft asking me about 15 years ago who Dan Bonello was. I knew Dan had been cleaning pools between a few modelling gigs but the rest remains a mystery.

5th A: Bradley Mills Your name rings a bell. Somewhere from my past? 1st B: Aaron Paul Forget those A-Grade time wasters, this guy has all the trademarks of a Heffron Champion. Style, panache, good looks AND a beard worthy of a Ned Kelly movie 2rd B: Peter O’Connor You ride with Easts. What a top bloke, I’d recommend you for anything. 3rd B: Chris BALL Watching you is like watching the movie Highlander. THE greatest movie ever made. Wait. I said that last week. 1st C: Ryan Scarth Moving on up to B grade for you. Just don’t stain that RCC kit with the move up. 2nd Andy Portess Englishman I believe. Must be the only pom in Australia not riding for the RCC?

See - a bunch of nobodies.

3rd C: David Gardner Another surfer from across the harbour, trying your hand at this sport. I hope Mr MWCC caught you on film and made that into the Manly story of the hour last Tuesday?

4th A: Chris Powell Don’t give up. One day it will happen. In the meantime, I’m looking for a bike for my 10yo niece. At the end of this season when it’s time to upgrade, I’ll give you $100 for your ride.

1st Woman: Gina Ricardo I’ve waited so long for you to be back on the top step I cannot remember what I was going to say. My best advise....drink beer.


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